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View Full Version : "And any plan where you lose your hat is..." "A bad plan?" "Right!"

2009-02-04, 03:27 AM
A friend of mine visiting from out of state would like to run a one-shot DnD 3.5 character before she leaves. So far, she's thinking level 10, and the only thing she really knows for plot is that it will somehow revolve around a goddess of blood, sex, lust, and passion who favors exotic and interesting characters. Not my usual cup of tea, but I've had a character concept floating around my head for awhile that would be perfect for a one-shot.

The concept basically revolves around the above quote from the Girl Genius webcomic. No, I don't want to play a Jagermeister or anything else from the comic. What I'm looking it is some sort of race just exotic enough to have multiple cultural misunderstandings with the rest of the world (I'm looking at halflings right now), the character of which will be obsessed with flamboyant, mostly tacky hats. He'll collect them, wearing hats for different occasions. He'll be insulted when someone asks him to remove his hat, citing how he got dressed up in his best hat to meet the king, he sure isn't removing his hat if the king isn't removing his (crown). When the king asks for what reward the character'd like, he'd politely ask for the king's fancy hat (crown). He judges others on a first impression based off of their hats. If they aren't wearing any, then they are unfortunate people to be pitied and given hats. If they are wearing a hat, then as long as it's large, flamboyant, well taken care of, or sentimental (that is, any of the categories, not all of them), he will respect that individual, shake their hand, and congratulate them on a really nice hat. Finally, any and all plans the party decide on will only be approved by the character based the chance of losing his hat.

Well, that's the fun fluff. As for class and build and such, I was thinking something Swashbuckler-ey, (maybe even Swashbuckler), or Rogue, something with a little bit of haberdashery to it. Nothing too twinked out, but I don't want to feel useless because every class and feat decision was based purely on flavor.

Any suggestions?

2009-02-04, 03:49 AM
Well I suppose a bard would be a decent choice? I mean, you know what everyone says about bards...

2009-02-04, 03:59 AM
I might recommend Rogue/Sorcerer/Arcane Trickster. I can see him doing hat-based shenanigans with ranged legerdemain and the like.

2009-02-04, 04:28 AM
or you could go with Barb, have a magnificant prancing fop that loses his temper badly.

"Ha Ha, nice hat buddy"
"Why yes, thank you, it was made for me by the beautiful princess Whatsherface, ruler of all thingamybob. this is the finest hat in all the land."
"Eh? Nah, it makes you look like a £$%^&*("
":smallannoyed::smallmad::smallfurious::furious: RAAAAAAAGGHHHH!!!!!"

Kol Korran
2009-02-04, 06:30 AM
for a race i would like to add a suggestion- how about a mongrelfolk? it is exotic enough to have "multiple cultural misunderstandings", and it could be interesting- his/her low charisma makes his flamebouyant interactions mostly unsuccesful, but s/he cares only about the opinions of his/her hat, and not what people think of him/herself.

"man! you're one ugllllly.... whatever you are!"
"yeah, yeah, all very nice. but how do you like my hat?" or "and your bandana looks quite awefull as well sir!"

i would have suggested Sor, but the cha minus will hurt you too much. maybe a cleric or a favoured soul of the gods of finery?
a rogue would work well of course, a more social one instead of a sneaky one

another suggestion that fits better if you'rep laying in eberron, though might fit well in other settings if the DM allows it- race: changling! each new hat represent a new personality (and a change of body and facial features)you could base the entire appearance on particular hats you carry (and guess what happens when you acquuire a hat of disguise!) fitting the look and persona to the hat sounds exactly like what you're aiming fir.

in this case iw ould go with the sor- enough of a carefree attitude.

just my two cents...