View Full Version : Immortal Crystal Stars Status Thread

2009-02-04, 06:09 PM

Status Thread goes here. Post nations and gods here.

Star acts:
Creating outsiders... demi gods....(Demi gods need 3 Star acts and 2 lesser Star acts to create, and you can only have one per world.)
Creating Chosen Ones, you need 3 Star acts. You can create countries with Star acts.

Lesser Star acts:
You can create Mighty cities with lesser star acts, create mortal races with lesser star acts, or create powerful enchantments over vast tracks of mortal lands (You absolutely need to record this in your civilization in the Status Thread) , and also make things or holy places that give a permanent boost to your character's Avatar. (You can only do this once an Age.)

Spreading Influence also creates cities (less powerful than Star acts) inspires the people, makes beauracracies, or spreads your philosophies and beliefs among other players, NPCs, or strengthens your own people's beliefs or philosophies in you. To clarify, Influence would create a city like Athens, while a Lesser Star Act might create a Water Deep.

Kaiser Omnik
2009-02-04, 09:50 PM
Name: The Dream Eater, He Who Hungers, The Oneiroi
Crystal: Dreams/Nightmares
Alignment: Amoral
Personality: The Dream Eater is a mysterious entity. He rarely intervenes directly, prefering the use of proxies and prophetic dreams. He rarely talks and will not easily reveal its intentions. He Who Hungers doesn't seem to care about prestige or idolatry. He is pleased that his worshipers go to great lengths to explore what's beyond the Veil (since the dreaming world and the Veiled Planet are coterminous) and even retrieve the dreams of other sentient beings, but he could live without them. As long as there are mortals, there will be dreams. And the Oneiroi will be there to manipulate them, for reasons that are beyond anyone else's comprehension.
World name: The Veiled Planet or simply Veil
Chosen Race: The Karackt (Sample image (http://www.rhemrev.com/blogspot/Swampqueen.jpg)) are a race of bulky, hunched creatures ressembling amphibians. They have elongated hands that end in poisonous claws. They usually wear heavy clothing and furs, as well as sophisticated headdresses. The Karackt have a dark history, but they are not about to share it with outlanders. Karackt society is shrouded in mystery. Their witches and warlocks are said to brew strange elixirs, such as the legendary "distilled dream". They are masters of illusion and are able to enter and exit the dreamscape with extreme ease.
Chosen One: The Dreamwraith. Some believe that the being known as the Dreamwraith was once a Karackt warlock that found the Heart of the Dreamscape and went mad. Others think that he never lived as one of them and instead spontaneously manifested. Whatever its origins are, the Dreamwraith is now one of the Veiled Planet's most powerful inhabitant and the one behind many of the Karackt's darkest plans. While he mainly resides in the Dreamscape, he has the ability to take a semi-physical shape in the form of a Karackt. He may alter his traits at will (not too surprisingly, he is known to go by several identities in the mortal realm), but there is always something not quite right about him: he may have no face, he may be blurry, etc. He is said to have a cunning mind and to be able to learn any secret by visiting a person in his sleep.
Chosen Relic: The Dreamer's Circlet is a magnificent piece of jewelry decorated with wave designs and sea green stones. This relic grants its wearer a great influence over sleeping or unconscious individuals in a large area. It may also be used to bring creatures or objects from the Dreamscape to the waking world.
World Description: The Veiled Planet has a realtively cold and wet climate, and thus is full of marshlands. The "veil" that gives its name to this world, which appears as a thick fog, is actually divided in smaller sections, each one with distinctive color and features. Karactk settlements are built in areas that are relatively free of mist; as one goes farther from the population centers, the fog gets thicker and the wildlife gets stranger...

Political regime: Clan/Chiefdom
Major powers: The five original clans follow the teachings of the prophets. They are the Domek of the Crimson Sky, the Kaath of the Azure Tundra, the Lankar of the Emerald Glade, the Volq of the Orange Canopy and the Kesk of the Darkened Waters.

Acts remaining
Star acts: 6
Lesser star acts: 6
Influence: 9

2009-02-04, 10:13 PM
Name: Lohr
Crystal: Endurance
Alignment: Unaligned
Personality: Lohr is a stoic individual, very rarely showing emotion or even interest in anything. He never complains, but rather takes everything in stride. He believes in keeping things simple, and disdains titles or embellishments. The world is a test, of the physical, mental, and spiritual self.
World name: Agren
World Description: The world of Agren is a large, mostly-desert world. The few sheltered valleys tucked away in the several mountain ranges across the planet's surface manage to produce a large amount of food. But it is the lands below the surface that enable the planet to support life. Centuries of digging have spread a tunnel network that covers the entire planet. Caverns the size of cities have formed, where the natives live and raise various fungi and herd creatures to live on.
Chosen Race: Versoulis ( seen here (http://www.starwarsgalaxiesonline.com/content/images/trandoshanmale.jpg) )are a tall, bipedal reptilian race. They have four digits on their hands and feet, all ending in sharp claws. An elongated snout of razor sharp teeth and tough, scaly skin gives them a vicious appearance. Appearing to outsiders as gruff, perhaps even cruel, Versoulis are actually just extremely pragmatic, much like their god. They speak only when its necessary in a series of clicks, chirps, and hisses that is almost impossible for outsiders to duplicate.
Due to the harsh environment they live in, most Versoulis are nocturnal and thus have learned to see in the infrared as well. Most Versoulis wear loose clothing in shades of brown or gray to blend in with their surroundings better. Roughly 7 feet tall and 300 pounds, Versoulis are a formidable race indeed.
Chosen One: Kroontje is a large male Versoulis, standing over 8 feet tall. Dressed in robes of black, Kroontje is the high priest of Lohr and the leader of the Versoulis. Considered dour even by his people's standards, Kroontje takes his duties and responsibilities extremely seriously.
Chosen Relic: Bracers of Lohr are a pair of plain steel bracers that grant the wearer near-invulnerability to all forms of damage. Both bracers most be worn to receive the benefits.

2009-02-04, 10:23 PM
Name: Yirtirdarahan
Crystal: Shadow
Alignment: Evil
Personality: Yirtirdarahan is a selfish deity that feeds upon light to gain power. Cunning and guileful, there are no lengths to which he will not go to increase his influence. He advocates the subjugation of all creatures to his will; slaves to his insatiable thirst for strength. That being said, Yirtirdarahan is fiercely protective of his own chosen people, viewing them as the master race that will one day control the cosmos.
World Name: Eclipse
Chosen Race: The Groo, a race of quadrupedal beast-creatures with opposable thumbs. They fear and hate the light, and are ferocious predators. They are cunning and ruthless, like their creator, and they revel in causing pain and anguish to those foolish enough to wander into their territory.
Chosen One: Kardash Grimclaw, the warrior-chieftain of the Groo. He is larger, more intelligent, and more aggressive than the standard Groo.
Relic: Event Horizon. This harnessed black hole literally devours any light brought into the world of Eclipse, ensuring that it is permanently shrouded in darkness. It also functions as a means of sacrifice by which the Groo can offer up sources of light as offerings to strengthen their deity.
World Description: Void of light, little can grow on Eclipse. Mostly fungi thrive upon the remains of an endless cycle of carrion left by the predatory nature of the planet's beings. Only the most insignificant of creatures survive on this fungi; the rest feed upon predators weaker than themselves. In the first awakenings of Yirtirdarahan, the great underground empire of Zork was created, with the capitol of Frobozz housing the diabolical Shadow Spire. The Groo have erected statues and temples honoring Yirtirdarahan.

Acts Remaining:
2 Star
1 Lesser Star
6 Influence

2009-02-04, 10:42 PM
Name: The Elegant Nova; The Spark of Science; The Magnificent Scoundrel.
Crystal: SCIENCE!/Trickery.
Alignment: Evil, bordering on Amoral when she's in a good mood.
Personality: The Elegant Nova is the most intelligent being in creation, her knowledge of science knowing no bounds. Her mind is her most potent weapon, but her tongue and penchant for trickery and deception are even more powerful. However, she has no code of ethics or morals at all, and views anything that expands her power or knowledge as acceptable. She loves to dominate and control, enslaving all non-Lunai to serve her and her children. The Spark of Science has strong mood swings, going from enthusiasm to boredom to anger back to enthusiasm again. Some would call her mad, some would call her insane - and she'd agree with them, laughing heartily. It's just so much more fun than plain old sanity!
World name: Dominion.
Chosen Race: The Lunai, a race that blends the traits and appearance of man and beast. The Vulpai, the Lupiai, the Canai and the Felai are the most common. They are very intelligent, ambitious, treacherous and dangerous. They are not friendly to non-Lunai at all.
Chosen One: The Storm King, who has not yet come into his power. Unto him shall be given mastery over the Stormkind; and dominion over all that is and shall be; and he shall be the consort of she who rules.
Chosen Relic: The Tome Of SCIENCE! - her lab journal, containing a thousand impossibilities and a million wonders. This has the blueprints for the TASIMOD, the Protean Blades, the Refractive Ultrashield, the Purelight Beam and the Medusan Cascade.
World Description: Dominion is a paradise world, fruitful and fertile. Its rivers are pure, its oceans are bountiful with life, its forests are great and its mountains are easily mined. The Lunai are masters of the world, and many lesser races were created to serve the Lunai. Dominion would truly be the best place in the universe - if not for its cruel rulers.

Star Acts: 5.
Lesser Star Acts: 5.
Influence: 13.

2009-02-04, 11:19 PM
Name: Maulg
Crystal: Mind/Psionics
Alignment: Evil
Personality: Despite being a god of psionics and the mind, Maulg is not any more or less intelligent than any other god. He is selfish and lazy, prefering to take advantage of the hard work of others instead of doing much on his own. Morality confuses him and many base emotions are replaced by artificial mockeries. He can speak of such things as happines and empathy for other beings, but he cannot truly understand them.
World name: Arguan
Chosen Race: Having no other intelligent race on the planet, they simply call themseles "People", but others may call them "Merfolk". They are grey/brown gangly humanoids with fishlike features including fins on the sides of their heads and jutting lower jaws lined with vicious teeth. They are adept at the psychic arts.

The merfolk are divided by birth into caste. First, there are the particularly stupid thralls who provide most of the labor. These have some inate psychic abilities but are unable to develop them further. Then there are the normals who are given more comlex tasks, but are still individually weak. Thrallmasters are highly intelligent and skilled in maintaining networks of thralls and giving them orders and such. These are powerful psychics on their own, but their strength lies in directing the collective goals of a group of individuals. Battlelords are particularly strong and large merfolk with no innate psychic ability. However, they posses intelligence and cunning and often work allocating thrallmasters and their charges to where they will be most helpful. There are Empaths, who are dedicated psychics who act as a respected caste separate to the others, acting as priests of Maulg.

Breeders are specialized females that exist only to create eggs fertilized by the battlelords. These are huge ogre-like fish things that are absolutely immense by merfolk standards. They posess rudimentary psychic powers, but their physical strength is unmatched among merfolk society. They must be strong and powerful if they are to protect the eggs they tend over.
Chosen One: The Overseer, a powerful empath who serves as the High Preist of Maulg.
Chosen Relic: Cerebral Amplifier: A brass and crystal frame that serves to greatly enhance one's psychic capabilities, increasing potencey, range, and duration drastically.
World Description: A mineral rich, incredibly wet planet consisting of slightly submerged rock shelves, beaches, and the occasional marsh or swamp. There are no moons, so there is no tide.

Nation: Baygnor, nation of the Merfolk.
Government: Unification/Dictatorship
Capital: City of Brass, a massive metalic metropolis of the merfolk. Always slightly submerged.
Large Cities: Yagdin, Bogryn, Hyujin, three cities surrounding the capital which serve to support the City of Brass. They litterally all mean "big city"

The Industral Behemoth: A nation wide network of massive rifineries, factories, mines and processing plants. The pollution caused is just a bonus. The Merfolk would have never been able to do anything on this scale without some serious influence (1 SA)
Brass Citidell: A massive metal tower in the center of the City of Brass where the Overseer resides. Holy place.
The Black Veil: Evil black stormclouds that hang over Baygnor that shoot out purple lightning. A form of Maulg's (Un)holy ground.
Baygnor Gate

1 Star Act
1 Lesser Star Act
3 Influence

2009-02-04, 11:50 PM
Name: Yolov
Crystal: Evolution
Alignment: Amoral
Personality: Yolov's goal for all living beings is for them to transcend the limitations of their natural forms and adapt their own biology to whatever taks they need. He believes in survival of the fittest, and works to ensure that his chosen people will be the fittest for every niche in the universe. he is a zealot for his beliefs and has no qualms about using or destroying anything that gets in his way.
Appearance: Yolov constantly shifts shapes to whatever, but as a default he appears as a Noark-sized ant-man wearing a cloak covered with ever-moving depictions of the nature.
World name: Onwal
Race: The Noark, a hive-minded race of insectile beings. There are several hundred to several thousand Noark for every queen; only the queens have individual consciousness and personality, but they are very intelligent. The various hives in different areas have different appearances; the original hives of the plains are ant-like and lives underground, while the forest hives have grown more spider-like and live partially in the trees. There are no aquatic Noark as of yet (though there are some on the islands), but most other environment have a subspecies. There are about 100 hives on the planet.
Chosen One: The Queen-Mother, the first queen from whom all of the race is descended, including the handful of other queens who already exist. So far she is almost a millenium old, which is old even for the long-lived queens and she hasn't showed any signs of aging yet.
Relic: The Cloak of Change, which allows anyone wearing it to change their shape and those of others nearby. It's effects persist after the cloak is removed.
World Description: Onwal is much like Earth, built to a bigger scale. The planet is larger and the extremes more extreme. The Noark are the top of the food chain everywhere because of their adaptability and their queens' intelligence. Under the surface, most of the planet is filled with tunnels and caves where the majority of the Noark live. Other parts contain huge forests, towering mountain ranges, parched deserts, and vast fertile plains.

2009-02-05, 09:15 AM
Name: Astrum Sidus
Crystal: Good
Alignment: Good

Personality: Astrum is a gentle spirit whose heart is filled with the love and welfare for all beings. She is dedicated to the virtues of love, compassion and peace and desires nothing more than growth. This does not mean that she is passive in the face of opposition. If those with evil or cruel intent enter her world, she will fight against it to the very end. Her passion lies in art. The beauty of creation, but also in the study for knowledge and the exploration of the unknown. She looks benevolently upon the passionate, who works hard to achieve his goals, the gentle, who shows compassion to everyone around her, the artistic, who creates and gives birth to new beauty in the world, and the curios, who tries to understand the mysteries of the world.

World name: Astrum calls the world where her precious Starlets live among riverbeasts and windmuses for "the plains of protection". An all natural world filled with rivers, forests and grassy plains. It is the earth, untouched by human hand.
Chosen Race: Astrum's chosen race is the Starlets. Humanoids with a size slightly smaller than that of a human, slightly bigger eyes and no visible ears or nose. Their skin is smooth, and coloured a soft white, with a slight tint of another colour. The exact colour varies from Starlet to Starlet, and with the environment. They are completely hairless, as they instead emit a faint psionic shield that surrounds their body to protect them from heat and cold. From their necks, a long appendage sprouts out and ends in a star-shaped limb. As a race, they represent Astrum very well, in that they have a childlike yearning to experience the world around them. To them, Astrum is a nurturing mother who takes good care of her children.

Chosen One: Paluna, the Angel of the Sky, is the chosen of Astrum.
Chosen Relic: The bells of harmony. A set of bells that, when rung, will cause feelings of serenity to spread to those who listen.

World Description: The gate to the realm appears as a wide rainbow or aurora band, like a thick fog shot through with light of all colors -and more. Seven advanced Lillends dart about in the prismatic mist, calling out to travelers and drawing them deeper in with beautiful song, music and poetry. Once the mist parts, travelers find themselves in a great city of crystal-clear glass, all palaces and wide agoras. The air in the city is cool, but sharply clear and always pleasant, as on a tall, pristine mountain. All sensations seem more precise and acute, and this is a blessing, for it allows visitors to fully appreciate the intricate sculptures and sublime music of the native lillends, firres and petitioners. Since the inhabitants have no physical needs, the interior of all structures is for use as halls of study, classrooms or libraries. While artists ply the boulevards and wide plazas outside, sages study here in tranquility, forever refining their theories and proofs in search of ever greater excellence. Nor are these ivory towers, for artists and sages are required periodically to switch places, critiquing and appreciating each others' works and contributing to their improvement. The goddess herself sits enthroned on a tall crystal spire in the middle of the town, from which she can see and hear everything (remember, all the buildings and streets are of glass), listening intently and incorporating the most beautiful ideas into the "Song of All", which she is perpetually composing for the purpose of perfectly expressing all truth and beauty in one work.