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2009-02-05, 07:16 PM
The sky has been slowly darkening all day, and the smell of rain has been thick in the air. Now it has finally begun to fall, accompanied by loud peals of thunder that seem to roll across the landscape. The sun is hidden behind massive storm clouds, and a cold wind blows from the north. As bolts of lightning begin to slam from cloud to ground and pieces of hail begin to strike the earth, the need for shelter becomes obvious.

Ahead in the distance, a large tor rises from the ground, its form illuminated by the occasional lightning bolt. It seems rocky and solid, and though climbing it in this weather would be folly, it might have some outcropping that would provide safety from the storm. The only alternative is to endure the weather, which is quickly growing dangerous.

2009-02-05, 11:50 PM
Life always seems to get boring, but this weather is more like it.

With rain beginning to fall all day there was a sense of exhilaration in the air of the spring countryside of Aundair. The thrill of the moment sending chills down his spine, Shadow managed to creep like a panther. With eyes turned gray to reflect the sky he studied the weather.


Twisting and flipping a crossbow bolt he considered the hail falling around him; he wanted interesting, but not skull bashed in interesting. Ever since he left home over pressure from his father, that resulted in his father being laid out cold in the middle of the house at eighteen; he'd been on the move but this was about the worst the weather had been in a long time.

Scanning the horizon he spotted a rocky tor in the illumination of rapid lightning strikes. The tor was the only shelter for miles and Thirn was still two days away and there was no way he was returning to Brair.

"*Sigh*... That'll have to do

Without forsaking all stealth he hastened towards the tor, dodging hail, to search for an outcropping to stay under...

2009-02-06, 09:39 PM
I pull my hood back on after it is blown off by a gust of wind. I keep moving forward through the hail, having to stop occasionally to pick one out of my shoe.
After a bit of searching for a place to get out of the hail I see a tor rising from the ground, illuminated by flashes of lightning. I cast light on a smooth pebble that I find on the ground and continue towards to find shelter.

2009-02-06, 09:40 PM
"Yar, this is going to be a pain in the arse...There's probably lots of creatures taking refuge up there though...Maybe this won't be as dull as I thought..."

With the weather just getting worse with hail and lightening Lyfir begins to pick up his pace towards possible shelter. He is wary to do so though for fear of being out of wind when he reached his destination; even though he is new to the road he has learned quickly that danger lurks everywhere...and with this weather and the tor being the only shelter in the area he is sure he won't be the only visitor. Lyfir is wearing his armor and has his axe out and his shield out utilizing both to block and destroy the hail. The noise was deafening but it kept him from harm as he sprinted full out to the tor ready for anything...

Spi Waterwing
2009-02-07, 12:45 AM
"Half an hour of sunshine is worth a week of rain..."
Ayn Modnar sings softly as she hurries towards the tor. While she recognizes the need for "bad" weather to contrast with the "good" weather...she tightens her cloak and looks warily ahead.

She can see a small light also moving towards the tor- unsurprising, considering the weather and landscape. She mutters a small prayer to Boccob...

"Archmage of Deities, render balance to the world. Render balance to my life. In all times, may my allies balance my enemies. Lord of Magic...may I meet my allies first. Taijitu."

However, the deity she prays to is also known as Boccob the Uncaring...so under her cloak, she draws her dagger and flexes against her light armor. Little can be seen of her head other than her doubly white eyes as she hurries towards the tor.

2009-02-07, 02:32 PM
As you each approach the tor, you begin to search for some form of shelter. Fate leads you to all arrive at the same time.
The massive tor towers above the surrounding country. A few narrow ledges offer scant protection from the elements, but a closer inspection reveals a massive, arched entryway at least 20 feet tall and 10 feet wide, set into the side of the hill and featuring a massive stone door. The ground just outside it slopes away from the doorway, directing the falling water out and away. Given this fact and the sturdy nature of the hill, whatever space lies beyond the door should be both dry and safe from lightning and hail. The construction seems quite sturdy, so the likelihood of collapse, even in sever conditions such as these, is remote.

(OOC: Now that you're all together, I expect interaction. I will no longer be waiting until you all post to post myself, I'll post whenever I'm on and you need me too.)

2009-02-07, 03:18 PM
Great ...people....Kinda suspected it would happen, but might as well not hide, lurking tends to put people on edge...

Sliding out of the shadows produced by the rapidly flashing lightning, shadow gazes at the room (Search)

Calling out to the figures approaching from behind him he says...
"Hightower seems to have aged well...looks sturdy enough but I suspect our dwarven...friend... could also confirm that.

Spiked gauntlet scrapping against the stone archway, shadow turns around to face the newcomers. Setting his pack on the floor, Shadow leaves his crossbow on his back, though pulling a bolt from under his arm. Twisting it between his fingers he studies them, an elf a human, and a dwarf. While not belligerent, they all seemed a little tense; heck he was on edge himself. Levity always seemed a prudent choice

"Do you realize how funny you looked with your shield over your head dwarf?

Moving around the room caressing the darkness he called...
"By the way, the names Shadow..."

2009-02-07, 06:18 PM
I reach the large stone door of Hightower and enter, illuminating a portion of the room. I pull my hood off of my head and brush off the hail that managed to stick onto my clothes and gear. I turn towards the other adventurers and inrtoduce myself.

Since we'll all be here until the storm stops I'll introduce myself. My name is Noctis Lucis Caelum.

2009-02-07, 09:50 PM
The door is heavy, but well counterweighted. It opens easily, and swings shut of its own accord once left unattended.

The stone chamber beyond the entrance measures at least ten paces square. The room is dark, but lit sporadically by flashes of lightning from behind you. Peeling paint and broken scrollwork suggest that it was once decorated with some care, but now only dust remains. Three massive stone doors - one each to the left and right, and one directly across from the entrance - lead deeper into the tor.

((The room is 90 feet on a side.))

2009-02-07, 10:05 PM
"...Mmmm doors...never use force when a little finesse will do...

Shadow walks over to the right door and attempts to open it by any means...(take twenty if locked)

2009-02-07, 10:51 PM
After my introduction I turn and head to the door on the left. When I reach it I search it and the surrounding area for traps.

2009-02-08, 04:32 AM
Is Shadow carrying some sort of light source? I was under the impression that only Noctis had a light, and he's standing 90 feet away at the other door. The glowing pebble that Noctis is carrying gives off bright light for 20 feet and dim light for another 20. Low-light vision doubles the effective range of light sources, but Shadow's still in the dark.
Once you get that worked out I'll allow the other characters a chance to do something while Shadow practices his art and Noctis searches, as both actions take a good deal of time.

Spi Waterwing
2009-02-08, 11:40 AM
Ayn comments quietly to the dwarf, "I thought it was resourceful. When life gives you lemons, and you have a pitcher and sugar, make lemonade. If you'll accept the paraphrase."

As the elven humanoids check the doors, Ayn looks warily around the room. One "Shadow" revealed a someone, and another may reveal something more threatening. (Spot check). She also recognizes the name Hightower, and recalls what she has read about it. (Private Knowledge check in Arcana, Geography, and History)

Ayn pulls back her hood with her right hand, still wielding her dagger below her cloak with her left. (Left hand is primary). She waits to see if anything comes of the "gentlemen"s endeavors against the doors

2009-02-08, 11:47 AM
...As the light fades to the other side of the room shadow slowly works the lock. Despite muscle memory he finds it impossible to work in the flashing lightning. Ghosting over to the left door, he stands back studying the lock.

"Ya want it opened yet Noctis?

2009-02-08, 01:53 PM
I continue my search for traps and such (I'll take the time for a 20) without looking up at Shadow. I haven't quite finished searching here yet, but if you would like to borrow my lantern and search the center door you may.

2009-02-08, 06:34 PM
"I don't know about you Shadow but I don't like getting konked on the head with hail...by the way everybody I'm Lyfir Rockhide. On a side note I don't really care if any of you die but I don't feel like dying today so I'm just going to tell you that some of the chunks of rock by the entrance appear to have been broken recently, so basically don't piss anything off while you are snooping around."

Lyfir sits on a rock near the entrance (not the doorway but not very deep in) near Ayn and begins to set up his bedroll. Not really caring about exploring this room. He is just here for the night. He does not want to linger here longer than necessary.

(Thought) Well the human female seems nice enough but the other two I'm not so sure, especially that Shadow, I've never trusted those kind of people...they're the kind of people who will slit your throat in the middle of the night for 3 gp...no honor. It doesn't matter I can take all three in a fare fight. Huh.

(mumbles under his breath)"...I've got a bad feeling about this..."

(On a side note Lyfir has no weapons equipped but does have his armor on and his axe and shield are next to him on the ground.)

Spi Waterwing
2009-02-08, 07:15 PM
"Your observations are appreciated, Messiur," Ayn comments to the dwarf. More quietly, she says, "I thought it was resourceful, but..."

Leaving the dwarf, she walks over to the elf. I wouldn't mind that lantern- I'm afraid I can't open any doors that *ahem* may not be meant to open. But I'll help scout- we do want to be careful.

2009-02-08, 07:26 PM
The room you are in really is more of a room than a cave, and there are no rocks to sit on.

Ayn looks around the room, but finds nothing of interest.

Despite Noctis' effort spent searching, he finds nothing.

((Everything Ayn nows about Hightower has already been given to you. I rolled for you earlier.))

2009-02-08, 07:33 PM
"I'll let the lady have her fun Noctis..."

So I can have mine...

Circling around the light provided by the pebble and lightning to the darkness by the dwarf he softly says...

" ... You do realize that hiding in the darkness often makes it easier form some to hear. Not to mention large rooms tend to echo..."

Walking closer he says...

" ... might want to learn to take a joke, big storms like this tend to last a long time. Besides its easier just to weave through it... unless you happen to have a hard head..."

Recognizing the typical unease around he and his fellows he fades back away calling...

"By the way, I never kill someone for their things it ruins all the fun of obtaining things myself. Not to mention spoiling repeat customers..."

2009-02-08, 08:48 PM
(Sorry SIC)
Edit- Lyfir is sitting on his pack.

Maybe this Shadow guy isn't too bad after all...all in all I don't think this is a bad group...

"Feel free to wake me if any of you find anything of interest; I'm going to bed, I'm weary from sprinting in my armor"

Lyfir goes to bed. He is still in his armor because he feels uneasy and his weapons and shield are next to him.

2009-02-08, 10:25 PM
...And the dwarf is asleep.
damn I'm too wired to even think about sleeping...

Disdaining sleep Shadow leans against the wall near the door that Noctis is searching. Speaking softly he asks himself and the room at large...

"... I wonder what he would do if I moved some of his stuff..."

2009-02-09, 04:45 PM
The muffled sounds of hissing rain, pounding hail, and howling wind from outside are interrupted only by the occasional loud crack of thunder. Suddenly, in conjunction with a particularly loud thunderclap, the sounds of squeaking fill the air as a pack of rats swarms in from a crack in the wall at the north-west corner of the room.

There are eight rats, all located just next to the wall in the north-west corner. Noctis just finished searching around the west door, and is thirty feet away from the rats, as is Ayn. Shadow is standing next to the door, and is forty feet away. Lyfir is on the ground about sixty five feet away.

((Roll for initiative in the thread, but tell me if you would rather me roll for you. (1d20+ your initiative modifier)))

2009-02-09, 06:01 PM
"...Fu**** Rats, why rats..."

[roll0] +3 init.

Shadow's left hand reaches behind his back to retrieve his crossbow, while his right flips out the bolt he had been playing with to load the crossbow and shift to a right hand (strong) firing stance. He targets the nearest living rat.

2009-02-09, 09:05 PM
Lyfir being stirred by the sounds of animals leans over to see the commotion and sees the oncoming hoard of rats.

"...hehe my lucky day" :smallamused:

He gets on his feet and grabs his shield and a throwing axe (he graps his Dwarven axe too but he has a throwing axe equipped) and moves a full 20 ft towards the rats.


2009-02-09, 10:36 PM
Init. [roll0]

I hear the squeaking of the rats and turn towards them. I pull out my shortbow and drop my glowing pebble on the ground.

2009-02-10, 06:58 PM
Shadow reacts quickly to the intruding animals, drawing and loading his crossbow. ((2 move actions))
The rats scamper across the floor squieking madly, all eight running in a straight line to a position directly in front of Ayn and Noctis.
Ayn readies her weapon, but does not attack yet. ((which weapon?))
Noctis drops the glowing pebble while drawing his bow.
Lyfir, after realizing what was happening, stands up and grabs a piece of his gear. ((2 move actions, standing and picking up 1 item))

The rats are now 5 feet from (adjacent to) Noctis and Ayn. Shadow is fifteen feet away from the rats, and Lyfir is now 45 feet away from the rats.

((post your actions for the next round))

2009-02-10, 07:03 PM
Shadow fires at the closest rat, the reloads with his second bolt.

2009-02-10, 07:14 PM
I aim my bow in the direction the rats came from.

2009-02-10, 08:33 PM
Lyfir second guesses the throwing axe idea and drops it and equips his dwarven waraxe and continues towards the rats bellowing a battle cry. (not sure how many actions that is)

Spi Waterwing
2009-02-10, 11:00 PM
Ayn flips her cloak out of the way and attacks the nearest rat with her dagger, slashing with her left hand.

((Until further notice, her dagger is in her left hand as primary. She already had it in her hand, so if there's some way I can get a defensive/offensive bonus from making a move action in addition to my attack, I'll take it.))

2009-02-12, 07:10 PM
Shadow fires between Noctis and Ayn, putting a bolt through the skull of one of the rats in front of Noctis and killing it instantly. ((atk14, dmg8, subtract 1 bolt))
Three rats each swarm Noctis and Ayn, biting at their legs. The seventh rat is kept at bay by Ayn's attempts to stab it. ((atk of opp. atk 10))
The rats make frenzied attempts to bite at Noctis and Ayn's legs. Ayn is bitten once on each leg shin ((2 dmg)) when the rats manage to puncture her boots, and Noctis is bitten three times, unable to avoid the swarming animals ((3 dmg)).
Ayn thrusts her dagger into the back of one of the attacking rats, leaving it injured beyond the ability to fight. ((atk 17, dmg 1))
Noctis aims his drawn bow at the crack in the wall that the rats appeared from, obviously waiting for something.
Lyfir drops his throwing axe in favor of his dwarven waraxe, and runs off to join the fray.

Three rats are in Noctis' space, two are in Ayn's space, one is five feet in front of Ayn. Shadow is now ten feet away from the closest rats, and Lyfir is twenty feet away.

2009-02-12, 07:25 PM
Lyfir moves the last twenty feet and attacks the nearest rat...and smites it back to its den with one mighty sweep!!!!

2009-02-12, 08:52 PM
I retreat 15 fifteen away from the rats in my square and fire at the nearest one with my shortbow.

2009-02-12, 10:33 PM
"one shot..."

Firing his second and last shot at the nearest rat he has a clear line of sight on, shadow drops his crossbow to the ground and draws his rapier while taking a step back.

Spi Waterwing
2009-02-13, 07:30 AM
At least I don't have to limp...
The thought comes unbidden to Ayn as she strikes at the uninjured rat in her square. She then makes a hasty hobbled retreat to Noctis' location.

((Ignore the HP in my statblock, I'll update it later.))

[Edit: statblock updated]

2009-02-13, 08:50 PM
Shadow fires a bolt at one of the rats attacking Noctis. The bolt pierces straight itnto the side of the rat, spraying blood over Noctis' boots, but the small animal doesn't stop moving. ((atk 17, dmg 1)) ((subtract another bolt))
The rat hit by Shadow turns and flees back into the hole, but is replaced by the one rat not attacking anyone. The three rats now at Noctis' feet bite, but he manages to keep all but one from getting good purchase with its teeth. It pierces right through his boot. ((1 damage))
The two rats at Ayn's feet attempt to bite him. She manages to stop one from connecting, but the other puts a nice whole through the back of her leg and is rewarded by a small chunk of flesh and a good deal of blood. ((1 dmg))
Ayn quickly thrusts her dagger through the neck of the rat that bit her, killing it instantly. She then retreats back fifteen feet. ((atk 19, crit atk 7, no crit, dmg 3))
Noctis retreats past Shadow to stand next to Ayn and fires an arrow at one of the rats that attacked him. He hits the rat in the forehead, cracking its skull with the arrow. ((atk 15, dmg 3, subtract one arrow))
Lyfir advances the final twenty feet and swings his large axe with all his force at one of the last rat that had attacked Ayn. The rat turns towards him as the axe bears down, and with a mighty crack the rat is split perfectly in half down its body. ((atk 24, crit atk 19, yes crit, dmg 35))

Two rats remain in the space that used to be occupied by Noctis, right by the door. Shadow is ten feet away, behind him five feet is Noctis, to Noctis' right is Ayn, also fifteen feet away from the rats. Lyfir is ten feet to the east (right) of the rats.

((everyone make sure you're updating your sheets for HP and ammo. also update stat blocks if you use them))

2009-02-13, 10:07 PM
Lyfir continues (hoping for a double kill medal) towards the remaining rats and attacks the next closest one.

Spi Waterwing
2009-02-13, 10:26 PM
Well then...let's finish this!
Ayn tosses her dagger from her left to right hand with a practiced motion, and lunges forward to level with Shadow. As her front foot hits the ground, she swings her arm forward and throws her dagger at the rat that Lyfir is not attacking. Without waiting for the attack to connect, she takes her bow from her back...just in case.

((Free action: switching weapon & primary hand to right, free action: 5-foot step, attack: throw dagger, move action: take bow from back))

2009-02-13, 11:03 PM

Shadow steps forward and attacks the closest rat.

2009-02-14, 10:19 AM
Bleeding profusely from my feet, I draw another arrow and shoot at the closest rat.

2009-02-14, 07:36 PM
Shadow advances and thrusts his rapier at one of the rats, but the rat moves too quickly and evades his attack. ((atk 3))
The two remaining rats move to attack Shadow. As the scurry towards his legs, he thrusts once again to repel them, this time managing to spear one through the back, killing it. ((atk of opp, atk 16, dmg 5))
The last rat jumps and sinks its sharp teeth into Shadow's shin. ((1 dmg))
Ayn takes a step forward and throws her dagger at the last rat. Ayn is careful to avoid hitting Shadow's legs, though, and aims too far right. The dagger hits the stone floor. ((atk 0))
Noctis fires an arrow at the same rat, but misses for the same reason as Ayn. ((atk 11))
Lyfir steps forward, hoping for the final kill. He swings his axe carefully, to avoid removing one of Shadow's legs, and just manages to hit the rat's side. The blade slices through the animal's back and kills it. ((atk 15, dmg 5))

((All rats are dead, combat is over. You no longer act in initiative order. 75 XP to each character))

Spi Waterwing
2009-02-14, 09:17 PM
"Apparently this place isn't as well maintained as it looks." Ayn hobbles over and retrieves her dagger, kicking a rat corpse after standing up. She immediately regrets the action.
"I should be able to heal everyone up...but you have to tell me what you're doing here. Or more importantly, why you think you have the right to break into a war memorial for...whatever you're trying to do. Give me a good reason, and I'll help you out."

2009-02-14, 11:13 PM
Flipping his rapier, Shadow sheaths the weapon and picks up his crossbow. He seems out of his self as he floats over to his bag and reloads his crossbow like an automaton. Regarding his bolts carefully he slips one into each of his boots. After stashing two more bolts back under his gauntlet, his head falls forward minutely, and he shakes it profusely as if shaking off a dream.

Stowing his crossbow on his back, he carries his bag back over to the group; slightly favoring one leg, though not limping. Fiddling with his gauntlet he finally speaks.

"I'm here milady because this is what I do... I kill monsters, crack jokes with dwarves, break things, and protect those that need it. I keep things interesting. As for why I think I can break in... that's just a fun challenge. Besides how can you appreciate the war if you can see what happened...all I see so far is a big worn down room. My honor guard in death sucks at the moment, so learning a trick or two might from those who earned theirs might just help. Finding treasure helps too..."

Pulling his grappling hook and rope out of his bag he turns to speak to the dwarf...

"You feel up to a little extra weight Lyfir? Or would being closer to the ground make it too heavy? Wouldn't want to start compressing your spine further..."

2009-02-15, 12:29 AM
I am traveling to Brair and I figured I might as well do some searching while the storm rages, never know what one can find in places like these.

2009-02-15, 01:00 PM
Releasing a deep throaty laugh...

"HAHA...compress my spine further? HAHA you shall see soon enough that size doesn't matter and that my foes will fear my axe!!"

Lyfir reaches over and embraces Shadow...
"For you my friend I will carry as much as you need or that I can bear. And to you milady, I left my home to travel the world, enjoy its riches and thrill. And if I do say so myself I think we make I mighty fine group."

Lyfir goes and retrieves his dropped throwing axe.

"So are we going to bed here for the night?"

2009-02-15, 02:00 PM
"...I'm sure your enemies fear you as much as you hurt their pride."

With a wide grin on his face he adds...

"...Might I remind you though I'm winning 3 to 2."

Turning to Noctis he asks...

"Why Briar? There's nothing of interest there. I would know, I just left that boring place behind."

2009-02-15, 03:17 PM
Lyfir says grinning smugly- "HAHA we'll see how long your lead lasts."

"So what's our game plan? I'm just here to travel and fight, I don't have a particular destination, but something with money and enemies would be great..."

2009-02-15, 06:12 PM
I turn to Shadow. I just have some business to attend to. Ayn if I could get that heal that would be great. I'm bleeding quite a bit over here.

Spi Waterwing
2009-02-15, 06:37 PM
*Hrmph.* "Well, on your way. So long as you don't kill any of us, or bring back anything that might. After all..."
Ayn smiles with her mouth, though with not her eyes, and grabs Shadow's chin not entirely gently. He a warm feeling in his leg as the wound heals, then a slight pain in his chin as Ayn pushes his head to the side.
"...I'm too pretty to die."

Ayn's eyes linger for a moment, as if about to ask a question, but she quickly walks over to Noctis.

((Spontaneous cast of Cure Minor Wounds in place of Create Water on Shadow, for 1 point healing.))

"Same goes for you- I've got...plans...that I don't want prevented. This storm can't be helped, but the last thing any of us need is a dead body. Your hand?"

Ayn takes the wizard's hand and concentrates, muttering a simple prayer.

((Roll for Cure Light Wounds in place of Obscuring Mist: [roll0] +1))

Spi Waterwing
2009-02-15, 07:07 PM
((Matt- Character's name is Ayn, actually. Confusing, I know. :-) ))

Energy flows through the contact and Noctis begins to heal; however, his wounds will not shut entirely.

"Well...I'm afraid that's all I can do for now. If I'm around tomorrow, I'll see what I can do then. But that will keep you out of trouble, aye?"

Ayn walks over to where Lyfir's pack rests, and sets her own sack nearby. "Until this storm lets up, I suppose we're stuck here. Probably for the night, by the look of things..." Ayn glances at her companions, "If any of you are looking for a destination, I'm heading to Oakhurst as soon as possible. What is to be found there, I don't know. But there are certain...duties of my order that I expect to fulfill there, that may require aid. If it's on your way, or not out of it...I should know soon after I arrive."

Ayn sits with perfect posture on the stone floor, and retrieves her journal from her sack. Before opening it, she brushes her hair back from her eyes and murmurs a few words in prayer.

((Spontaneous Cure Light Wounds in place of Inflict Light Wounds: [roll0] +1))

2009-02-15, 07:25 PM
"Okay then, I'm going to bed and it's agreed that we'll decide on our course of action in the morning? I personally was heading to Brair in hopes of finding an adventuring party, but you all seem to suffice, so I'm game for sticking together."

Lyfir moves over to where his bedroll and pack are and he removes his armor and places it in his pack along with all his weapons except his Dwarven Waraxe which he keeps within reach. Then Lyfir climbs into his bedroll and falls asleep.

2009-02-15, 07:45 PM
Rocking his head side to side, shadow cracks his neck, slackens his jaw and slowly flexes across his body. Removing his crossbow from his back, he drops off the rope and grappling hook by Lyfir's bag and drags his pack to the archway he carefully places it carefully at the base. He quickly folds his legs under him and places the crossbow in his lap.

Hmm... the lady appears to have problems with not being in control.

Sliding one of the bolts out of his gauntlet, he flips it backwards in his left hand like a knife, in case of another attack. Closing his eyes and leaning back against his bag and the arch he calls out to Ayn...

"...If you have a question ask it..."

2009-02-15, 08:05 PM
Thank you cleric. It is much appreciated. Since we shall be staying the night here we must figure out who will be keeping guard while others sleep. Shadow and I need only four hours of sleep, so if he is willing to take one part of the night, I will take the other.

2009-02-15, 08:10 PM
Slowly opening his eyes Shadow responds to Noctis.

"I'll take first watch since I'm already here in the archway."

Placing his right hand on the trigger of his crossbow Shadow shift upwards till his back is straight in order to stay alert.

Spi Waterwing
2009-02-16, 04:16 PM
((In case you didn't catch that, that's a 1 point heal to Shadow, 2 point heal to Noctis, and 2 point heal to Ayn.))
"Thank you, gentlemen. Wake me up when you change shifts, if you would."
Ayn retrieves her ink and pen from her sack and illuminates her journal with a spell, taking care that to not disturb Lyfir by placing her body between him and the book. After several minutes of writing, she replaces the items and lies down next to her sack, regulating her breathing until she falls into a restful slumber.

2009-02-16, 09:05 PM
As the lights are extinguished and darkness fills the room, only the muffles sounds of the pounding rain and crashing thunder fill the silence.
The night passes uneventfully, and the sounds of thunder are gone in the morning, leaving only the torrential rainfall.

2009-02-17, 07:22 AM
After handing off watch to (Noctis?) and sleeping a full night, Shadow is first to wake, save for the watch. Standing up and walking right up to the falling water he stares out into the pouring rain. Stowing his improvised knife and his crossbow, he stands loosely with his hands behind his back. He appears trance like as he contemplates his situation.

Well at least its interesting. Dwarf seems like he'll be quite a riot if I prod him in just the right ways. Noctis seems alright. Pushing for the sake of pushing harder. Wonder what his business was? Couldn't be all that important if it's in Briar. The lady though, she seems a like a room full of tripwires. Wanting all the answers, and hoarding her own. Doesn't seem all that curious either. Seems to be running, yet shes on business for her order? Strange...

"Beautiful rain..."

After his brief comment he stand perfectly still till the others awake.

2009-02-17, 05:34 PM
Realizing that I don't have a bed role or blankets I sit with my back on the wall and sleep. I wake up four hours later and take my post.

As i take guard I open my spellbook and prepare my spells for the day to come.

Good morning Shadow. Did you sleep well?

Spi Waterwing
2009-02-17, 05:56 PM
Ayn woke up with the changing of the guard and did her midnight ritual of prayer. ((Ayn has prepared her spells for the day- see charsheet.)) She sleeps soundly, waking after Noctis and Shadow. She sits in quiet contemplation, and eventually pulls some rations out of her bag for a light morning meal.
"Again, if any of you are on the way to Oakhurst...there may be adventure when we arrive. I'm afraid I don't know much of the business myself, yet, but we shall see."
Once roused and ready for the day, Ayn replaces her dagger in (the right side of) her belt, and her bow on her left shoulder.

2009-02-17, 05:57 PM
Lyfir, rolling over to face Noctis and Shadow while he dabs some drool from his beard.

"Ahhh. It's a wonderful day (not sarcastically)...how did everybody sleep?"

He gets out of bed and goes over to his pack and stow Shadows gear (I'm going to need the weight for that please) and he gets to cleaning his axe.

"So are we going to travel in this or should we snoop around this area? If yesterday was anything to judge by then we don't have much to fear! HAHA...by the way, if Shadow and his infinite skill can't get us through the doors then I have a portable ram in my pack. And Ayn it's not good to get involved with business that you're not even sure of the details. It's never a good idea to get into a situation without a plan."

2009-02-19, 08:31 PM
I slept very well Lyfir, thank you for asking. I sit down next to Lyfir and also take out some trail rations to munch on for breakfast.

If you guys want to continue searching this place I would be more than happy to assist.

2009-02-19, 08:55 PM
"Never a 'good morning' till its past; but aye, tis always a fools idea to let a little thing like discomfort or adventure to get in the way of sleep."

Unease at being confined setting in, he again draws a bolt from his gauntlet, flipping it artfully across his hands. As the bolts dances between his fingers he hears Ayn and Lyfir wake in quick succession. He appears utterly uninterested in Ayn's proposal.

...Be a foolish choice to chase after this "job"...'specially if it means to her control...

However he does deign to respond in kind to Lyfir.

"Tis always a beautiful day when it rains; never is the air so pure. Seems ironic that something so lacking in the vibrant colors we prize in the rest of the world can be so inspiring to some. It is a steadfast friend of mine..."

Turning around, he continues manipulating the bolt between nimble fingers, flipping it in small arcs as he approaches Lyfir.

"Nine pounds more good enough to keep the muscle of yours from turning to fat? Five pounds of silk rope aint good for much exercise, but the grappling hook makes a nice four pound free weight. Plus it's useful for bashing in heads. Careful not to maul yourself with it... you don't have as much blood to lose."

Gliding over to the center door, he glances again at the lock, but also stares at the build of the door gauging its sheer mass. Looking back at the battering ram Lyfir mentions, he starts back to his position saying all the while.

"I doubt a man of your...stature could tumble that door, no matter how much muscle you may dream of or actually possess. And I never said I have infinite wisdom...merely more than you. As for a plan? I plan on having that door open one way or another. Rain may be beautiful, but soaked armor stays that way for a very long time..."

2009-02-19, 09:07 PM
"HAHA, as witty as ever Shadow..."

(Sorry if that sounds like we know each other too well)

"As for the weight, I relish a chance to maintain my physique."

Putting his armor on and putting on his various weapons and arrows, he grabs his battering ram.

"So who wants to help me with this door? Noctis? You maybe?"

Lyfir moves to the door waiting for assistance.

2009-02-19, 09:21 PM
"Peace friend. Or do you not remember? Never force when a little finesse will do. If you bring me decent light I should be able to open this door. The make few doors readily that I cannot open. Besides, I think Miss noble might throw a fit if we desecrate this relic by breaking the door. In Fact I don't think it's our best plan.... Good back up though...."

While waiting for brighter light Shadow quickly slides across the room and kneels in front of the center door in the dim rain filtered light. Drawing his prized thieves tools(masterwork) from their belt pouch, he slowly manipulates the lock in an attempt to open it. (Open Lock: take twenty)

As he works he seems to be muttering to himself...

"...Why give up, why give in, it's not enough, it never is, so I will go on until the end...."

Spi Waterwing
2009-02-20, 12:16 AM
Ayn rolls her eyes. "I suppose I can't stop you."

If I'm not going to get on the road today...perhaps I should see how urgent this situation really is.

Ayn opens her sack and removes the letter from her journal while Shadow finagles with the lock. Replacing the journal and sack on the ground, she carefully breaks the seal on the letter...

2009-02-20, 05:43 PM
I finish eating my rations and move to the center door next to Shadow and wait for him to finish picking the lock.

2009-02-21, 08:29 AM
Ahhhh...man you guys. Killjoys...

Lyfir moves back to stow his ram but not before faking smashing in Shadows head with it from behind (in a joking manner).

2009-02-21, 01:42 PM
In goblin- I saw that Lyfir. I say with a smile.

2009-02-21, 05:00 PM
"While i do so enjoy a hard fight for my kills, the ease of ending your joy was quite satisfying."

Continuing unperturbed, Shadow glances over his shoulder as Noctis makes a comment to Lyfir in a strange language.

"...Don't know what that means Noctis, but I know that tone. I noticed it too. Twould take more than a dwarf with a big stick to beat this brain. Especially when the dwarf has the gal to sneak on a rogue trained in stalking and finding others trying to, and to stand directly behind my exceptionally shiny gauntlet."

2009-02-21, 07:58 PM
The door, like the other two left in the room on either side, is one of stone with the lock inlaid into the door itself. Shadow familiarizes himself with the locks workings rather quickly. It is a very old lock, and simple, yet well constructed. After about two minutes of working, a deep click sounds as the lock opens.

2009-02-21, 08:33 PM
"Finally... You going to open it?"

Lyfir shoulders his pack, making sure his throwing axes are on his belt and his bow and quiver are within reach. (He has his Dwarven Axe and Shield equipped along with his armor) Lyfir moves back towards the door ready for anything...

2009-02-21, 08:57 PM
"Calm your bad self. You may have all your equipment on and feel the orgasmic need to move on, but i for one would prefer prudence. There is more than one way into a tomb when you can't open the front door. The best usually being to wait for someone to open it for you.That means I especially don't want to abandon my equipment by the entrance. I may not be the only one around with hands that wander."

Moving quickly though without haste Shadow returns to the archway and retrieves his back pack. Donning the pack, he simultaneously draws his crossbow in a fluid motion. As he walks back across the room to the left side of the central doorway; he checks all of his equipment, from re-seating the bolt on the crossbow firmly, to slackening the strap holding his rapier in its scabbard, to shrugging across his body to shift his armor. Upon reaching the door he places his left hand against the door ready to open it, while aiming his crossbow through the door.

"Ready when you and the others are Lyfir. Do you want the honor of being first through or should I keep it?"

2009-02-21, 09:33 PM
"While I would love to be first I think it might be best to have somebody with light go in first since it is almost guaranteed to not be lit. I can see better in the dark than most though...."

(low-light vision)

2009-02-22, 12:32 AM
It would be best to have someone of strength in the front which you are Lyfir. I'll cast light on the pebble again and you can carry that. Shadow should go next, than I'll go with my lantern in hand with Ayn in the rear. How does that sound?

2009-02-22, 06:38 PM
"Works. I'll open you move."

Leaning his body weight into his left hand Shadow shoves open the door.

"Don't hit your head. If you can manage to do it we're all screwed."

2009-02-23, 04:58 PM
The heavy stone door opens smoothly, revealing a long hallway that continues further than any of you can see from the doorway by the dim light.

((In this light, characters can only see ten feet down the hallway, twenty if you have low-light vision, or sixty without color for the dwarf. It looks like someone should procure a light of some sort, and no one has said they're lighting anything yet.))

2009-02-23, 07:42 PM
I cast light on the pebble and give it to shadow. Then I take out my lantern and light it. Alright, is everyone ready to partake of this adventure?

2009-02-23, 07:56 PM
"HAHA, all the prep and no big show. Don't you love it!?"

Lyfir says as he slaps Shadow on the back.

"Certainty of death. Small chance of success. What are we waiting for?"

Lyfir says as he steps into the hallway further.

2009-02-23, 08:08 PM

Taking the pebble in his left hand a propping his crossbow across his forearm. Advancing through the doorway he crouches just inside.

"You coming Lyfir?"

2009-02-23, 08:51 PM
"Just letting the women and/or children go first."

Lyfir smirks and then advances after Shadow down the hallway.

2009-02-23, 09:01 PM
Smirking right back Shadow replies

"One problem, Ayn is behind you."

Spi Waterwing
2009-02-23, 09:04 PM
Ayn lets the petty squabbles between her party members play themselves out. Men... However, she quickly stows the letter and journal in her pack, drawing four arrows. She removes her bow and hangs her sack over her shoulder. Three of her arrows are tucked in (the left side of) her belt; she holds the fourth against the bowstring with her left hand, ready to engage. She begins to follow the party down the corridor...

"See anything of interest?"

2009-02-23, 09:53 PM
"Well...um...yeah I was just holding the door for Ayn..."

Lyfir continues down the hallway searching for anything (threats, doors, etc...)

2009-02-24, 05:36 PM
The ten foot wide stone hall leads one hundred fifty feet straight into the tor, ending in a stone chamber furnished only with cracked, moldering tables on which lie rusted implements of iron. Rain falls into the middle of the room from a shaft in the ceiling that must run all the way to the top of the tor. From the bottom of the shaft dangles a rope, swinging slightly. A drain in the center of the floor allows the water to escape, but old, dark stains suggest that it was used to carry away other fluids long ago.

The room is fifty feet on a side, and another hallway extends directly opposite the one you entered through. ((I'll see if I can get a map up soon.))

2009-02-24, 07:41 PM
"Go up first or continue down here? There can't be much up there so I say we go up first."

2009-02-24, 09:32 PM
"Being up would be a novel feeling for you wouldn't it Lyfir. I'll go up if you would like...I've always had an affinity for ropes.

2009-02-24, 10:10 PM
I look at the rope and look at where it ends in the ceiling. Well, I say with a lump in my throat. Lets get going then I guess.

2009-02-25, 07:30 PM
((Just talking about climbing does nothing. As for all actions, you must post that your character is going to attempt the action. Someone has to actually say that they try to climb the rope, if you're waiting for me.))

2009-02-25, 07:41 PM
"Well up we go then..."

Lyfir grasps the rope and begins to climb.

2009-02-25, 10:09 PM
I believe we should still keep up the marching order since we are the ones with light

Spi Waterwing
2009-02-26, 06:47 AM
"Right. Also...I'm wearing a skirt, so...you first."

2009-02-26, 05:23 PM
"Well then, up I go."

Grasping the rope, Shadow scrambles up the rope.

2009-02-26, 06:00 PM
Lyfir steps into the rain falling around the rope and begins to climb. He pulls himself to about ten feet off the ground, and Shadow prepares to climb after him. Suddenly, from the opposite hall on the far side of the room, two burly humanoids step into the light. Each stands more than 6 feet tall and has feral eyes and flat facial features. They are hobgoblins.

((roll initiative))

2009-02-26, 06:22 PM

I put my lantern on the ground and draw my bow.

Spi Waterwing
2009-02-26, 08:21 PM
(( Init: [roll0] ))

As soon as Ayn sees the company, she lifts her bow and fires a shot. She calls up the shaft, "We've got company!" then moves back and to the left so subsequent shots do not strike her companions.

((Ayn already has her bow in hand; she notches the arrow as a free action and fires as a standard action, then takes a move action of 5 feet back, 10 feet left. This is, of course, once her turn comes up.))

2009-02-26, 08:44 PM

"Damn I just had to be up here..."

Lyfir scrambles down the rope as fast as possible and equips his Dwarven Axe and Shield and moves to attack the nearest hobgoblin (This is all once its his turn and I'm sure it's going to be more than one turn too).

2009-02-26, 09:20 PM

Remaining silent, Shadow snugs his cross bow to his shoulder, taking a step away from the rope, and fires. Without waiting to see if he succeeds, he quickly draws a bolt from his gauntlet and reloads.

2009-03-01, 03:04 PM
Shadow reacts quickly and fires a bolt directly into the throat of the first hobgoblin. The hobgoblin lets out a gargled scream and falls to the ground, apparently dead. ((atk 23, crit confirm 6 - no crit, dmg 8)) Shadow quickly reloads his crossbow for the next shot.
Ayn, only marginally slower to react than Shadow, notches an arrow and lets it fly at the second hobgoblin. Her arrow grazes the foe's shoulder, but is stopped by its studded leather armor. ((atk 2)) Ayn then retreats to a more advantageous position.
With a roar, the hobgoblin draws a short sword and charges towards Shadow.
Noctis places his light on the floor and prepares his bow for combat.
Lyfir shuffles slowly down the rope, stopping when his feet are firmly planted on the ground.

The last hobgoblin stands ten feet from Shadow and Lyfir (who is now on the ground). Noctis is five feet behind them, fifteen away from the hobgoblin. Ayn is five feet back and ten to the left, placing her twenty five feet away from the hobgoblin.

Spi Waterwing
2009-03-01, 03:15 PM
Ayn pulls another arrow out of her belt and looses it at the hobgoblin.

((Updated ammo count on charsheet.))

2009-03-01, 04:18 PM
Shadow fires again and reaches for another bolt. Deftly reloading, he brings the crossbow back to his shoulder.

2009-03-01, 04:59 PM
Mumbling under his breath- "Well we can't be letting him (Shadow) get more kills than me."

Lyfir charges the Hobgoblin and attacks it with his Dwarven Axe

2009-03-02, 02:51 PM
I draw an arrow from my quiver and pull it back on my bow. I let it fly at the hobgoblin charging shadow.

2009-03-02, 06:40 PM
Shadow fires another bolt at the charging hobgoblin, but it strikes in the creatures chest where it is stopped by the studded leather armor ((atk 13)). Shadow then reloads for another shot.
Ayn fires another arrow at the hobgoblin, hoping for better luck this time. Unfortunately, the arrow flies just to the left of the foe and misses. ((atk 11))
The hobgoblin continues its charge, thrusting its shortsword towards Shadow. Shadow moves quickly, but not quickly enough as the blade punches through his padded armor and into his gut. The pain is blinding, and Shadow blacks out, falling to the ground. His body lies in the falling rain from the hole in the cieling and his blood pools on the ground, mixing with the water and flowing down the drain. ((dmg 7))
Noctis lets an arrow fly over Shadow's fallen body, but misses badly and sends the arrow down the hall past the hobgoblin. ((atk 3))
Lyfir draws his large axe and swings at the hobgoblin. He swings with incredible strength, and the hobgoblin is distracted by its recent success in dropping one of its enemies. The axe bites deep into the ribcage of the creature, cracking straight though more than one rib. The enemy drops to the ground and its blood is added to the pool. ((atk 22, dmg 9))

((Combat is over, but Shadow is down to -1 HP. He doesn't die until he reaches -10, but will continue to lose 1 HP per round until he stabilizes naturally (10% chance) or is healed by someone else.))

2009-03-02, 06:49 PM
Lyfir drops his axe and rushes to Shadow's side kneeling in his blood cradling Shadow's head in his arms. Yelling-

2009-03-02, 09:01 PM
I put my bow back in its place and disappointedly walk over to Shadows side.

Spi Waterwing
2009-03-02, 09:16 PM
"On it," Ayn says calmly as she hurries to Shadow's side. As she kneels, however, her shaking hands betray her. She mutters a prayer as she lays her hands on him, adding a special prayer that Boccob would care just this once...

((Roll for Cure Light Wounds in place of Bless: [roll0] ))

2009-03-02, 10:20 PM
Shaking his head side to side Shadow mumbles

"...Fu**** Trains..."

Grabbing his crossbow and shucking his backpack, he slides himself over to the nearest wall and into a seated position. Moving slowly he checks the tension of his crossbow and secrets away two bolts to replace the ones he used. Feeling his wound gingerly, contemplating, he stares blankly ahead.

Don't know that was worth it.

Placing his left hand on the wall behind him, and leaning heavily in his crossbow in the right, he clambers upright. Stooping down to pick up the light pebble, he winces slightly, ad leans against the wall quickly after retrieving the stone. Closing his eyes and leaning his head against the wall he calls out to Lyfir...

"Was that the tie or my lead? I'd hate to think I had my gut torn in half and half to take a lead next time. ... At least we know I've got chutzpa...."

2009-03-03, 06:28 PM
Lyfir moves towards Shadow and sits next to him on the ground,
"Hehe, close call there uh? Anyways if I'm counting right I think that you're winning, which just isn't going to do. Maybe I should've let you die eh?"

Standing up and moving close to Ayn and speaking quietly,
"...you're pretty good with your hands uh? Haha, sometime we should see them put to good use eh?"

Shuffling quickly towards Noctis, he puts his arm around him,
"You don't say much do ya? And aren't you a wizardy thing? Shouldn't you be making fire with your mind or something? eh EH?"

2009-03-03, 07:42 PM
Hobbling over behind Lyfir, Shadow coments....

"But jumpy? Careful what you say or you might wind up with a flaming hand print on your face... Or maybe just something...flaming...."

2009-03-03, 08:51 PM
Turning to Shadow,
"HA, A warrior of my caliber doesn't get jumpy Besides don't you need to go bleed somewhere?
Lyfir asks sarcastically.

Spi Waterwing
2009-03-03, 09:26 PM
Ayn looks at the dwarf with disgust. Bloody meatshields..."

She prepared herself for combat by again tucking three arrows into he belt and holding a fourth against her bow. "Let's see where they came from. The *little one* can take point, wizard next, wounded in back."

She says more quietly to Shadow, "And if I catch you looking at my ass, next time, you stay to rot."

2009-03-03, 10:54 PM
"Who said anything 'bout looking? Ain't nothin to see...."

2009-03-04, 09:55 PM
"Yall gonna go, or are you going to wait for the cripple to pass you first?"

2009-03-04, 10:20 PM
"First I think the marching order should change. If we get attacked from the back then we lose our sneaky fingers guy; I say Ayn and Shadow switch. Second are we not going up the rope anymore? I'm still curious what's up there; probably nothing but you know what they say- 'curiosity didn't kill the dwarf!' haha."

Lyfir, moving closer to Ayn whispers,
"Did you fart? Because your ass blew me away."

Spi Waterwing
2009-03-05, 07:45 PM
"Keep your armor on, shorty," Ayn mutters, "or you may fnd yourself hurt with no cleric to call on."

More obviously, Ayn addresses the group. "Then the elf follows. Not to sound self-centered, but the the healer probably shouldn't be at the end of the line. Unless we wind up going up the rope, of course, in which case no one gets below me. Personally? Let's stay where we know we have an easy and level way of escape. Thoughts?"

2009-03-05, 08:49 PM
"Ever seen a cripple try to climb a bloody rope? Ain't very pretty.... Press forward this hole just seems to be very rainy. Much as I like becoming a pin cushion I suggest Lyfir take point and Noctis rear guard, since they seem the most virulent at the moment. Ayn you can stay behind me if you want respite from sir corny."

Spi Waterwing
2009-03-05, 09:57 PM
"Appreciated. Let's go, buckethead."

2009-03-05, 10:14 PM
I bring myself out of the crippling daze of despair and look at my group. ...So what the order? Am I guarding rear?

2009-03-05, 10:36 PM
"Twould seem so."

2009-03-05, 11:11 PM
"Yeah...I asked if we were going up the rope just to be nice. I'm going up the rope to look around you can wait or not it doesn't matter to me but you barely survive fights with me soo..."

Lyfir grabs the rope and begins to climb. Yelling back down,

"I'll only be a minute if it's nothing but if there is stuff up here I'll call you!"

2009-03-06, 07:25 PM
"hurry my petite amigo, but I ain't catching you if you fall."

2009-03-06, 08:42 PM
Lyfir slowly climbs up the wet rope through the falling rain. He disappears into the shaft once he reaches the ten foot high cieling and slowly inches his way upward.
The shaft opens to the top of the tor after you climb approximately fifty feet through the shaft with the rope. You emerge into the rain and see only the hill, with nothing of interest in sight other than a ring of stones that appears to have held a campfire at some point.

2009-03-07, 01:14 AM
Lyfir climbs down the rope and shares his news with the group,
"Yeah, it was nothing just the top of the tor, it looks like a camp fire was there at on point though. Anyways let's move on then. I'm on point? Where to then?"

2009-03-07, 01:21 AM
"Onwards and inwards it would seem."

2009-03-07, 01:31 PM
"...That's what she said..."

Lyfir leads the way down the corridor while searching for anything of interest.

2009-03-07, 02:55 PM
I follow behind with my bow and lantern in hand. Keeping weary for secret doors, and traps.

2009-03-07, 03:25 PM
The hallway leads forty five feet deeper into the complex before a five foot wide hallway branches off to the right. Five feet past this branch, the hall ends in another stone door.

2009-03-07, 04:33 PM
"mmm fun. Looks like time to show off again."

Sliding out from behind Lyfir, Shadow sits cross-legged in front of the door at the end of the short hallway, placing his crossbow in his lap. Sliding his theives tools from his belt pouch, he glances up at the lock pensively.

"Since there's no hurry a the moment...."

Trailing off, Shadow slowly begins to pick the lock. (take twenty)

2009-03-07, 04:59 PM
Shadow sits and works on the lock for a long time before the final click sounds and the lock opens. The door is still closed.

2009-03-07, 09:01 PM
Lyfir moves back to the front of the group,
"Alright everybody ready? And Shadow one of these times I want to kick down a door...I've always wanted to..."
Lyfir opens the door slowly careful to be as quiet as possible.
(Lyfir has his Dwarven axe in his right hand and his shield in his left)

Spi Waterwing
2009-03-07, 09:25 PM
Ayn nocks her arrow. "After you."

2009-03-07, 11:07 PM
"Yeah, yeah, that's what they all say.... Never does a bit of good though..."

Tugging hard on the drawstring of his crossbow to check the tension, Shadow draws it up to his shoulder, leaning his head down to peer down its length. Swiftly stepping through the now open door he kneels on the inside checking for threats. After sweeping for enemies, he glances around again for traps and secret doors for good measure.

2009-03-08, 10:24 AM
A long, stone table dominates the center of this chamber, and bright bits of gold wink from within the dust that covers the floor. Upon the table lies the well-preserved corpse of a tall humanoid wearing the tabard and belts of a knight. Suddenly, as Shadow enters the room, the corpse sits up, lifting an old, rusted morningstar in one hand and a javelin in the other. As it climbs off the table, its mouth opens to loose an eerie moan.

The room is thirty feet long, and forty five feet wide. The corpse is ten feet from Shadow, fifteen feet from the door of the room and Lyfir, twenty away from Ayn, and twenty five from Noctis, if I have the marching order correct.

Roll initiative.

Spi Waterwing
2009-03-08, 12:19 PM
((Init: [roll0] ))

Ayn reaches under her cloak and pulls out her holy symbol, thrusting it over Shadow and the dwarf at the skeletal creature.

((Turn/Destroy Undead: [roll1] ))

2009-03-08, 01:08 PM
Initiative- [roll0]

Lyfir sprints towards the...thing...and engages it with his axe.

2009-03-08, 02:13 PM
Int. [roll0]

Locked in + weapons = threat

"Not a good time..."

Staying collected, Shadow fires at the walking corpse. Drawing a bolt, Shadow retreats past Noctis down hall.

2009-03-09, 09:23 PM
[roll0] I pray to whatever god that wants to listen and run diagonally ten feet to the right. I bring my hands in front of me and cast Burning Hands!!

2009-03-10, 07:05 PM
You all recognize the creature as a common undead called a zombie, simply a reanimated corpse. They are very slow, brutish, mindless creatures that sometimes are in the sevice of a spellcaster. This particular zombie appears to have been a bugbear, a large cousin of the goblin and hobgoblin, in life.

Lyfir, standing at the doorway, reacts quickly and charges into combat. He swings his axe into the creatures chest, leaving a massive rend in its rotting flesh. ((atk 18, dmg 12, I interpreted your message as a charge))

The zombie reacts to Lyfir's atack by hurling its javelin at point blank range into Lyfir's hip, finding a weak point in the armor and cutting deep. ((5 dmg))
Lyfir takes the opportunity to swing his axe again, but is unable to follow through with the blow because of the pain, and almost drops his axe. ((atk of opp, atk 5))

Shadow fires a bolt over Lyfir at the zombie before retreating down the hall, but the bolt is stopped by the creatures thick skin. ((atk 12))

Noctis runs into the room and, careful not to harm Lyfir, casts a spell launching a sheet of fire from his outstreched hands. The fire isn't exceedingly hot, however, and only barely scorches the undead. ((dmg 1))

Ayn attempts to turn the undead, but the foul creature remains uneffected this time.

Lyfir is standing next to the zombie, Shadow is thirty away, Ayn is twenty feet from it, and Noctis is fifteen feet away.

Spi Waterwing
2009-03-10, 09:49 PM
Ayn lets her symbol fall back to her chest and re-fits the arrow to her bow. She looses it at the zombie, hoping physical force will do what her holy force won't.

2009-03-10, 11:13 PM
I take out my bow and fit it with an arrow. Hoping that this time I'll hit my mark. I pull back the string and let it fly.

2009-03-11, 06:28 PM
"Don't you go and die."

Recocking his crossbow, Shadow slams a bolt home, firing at the zombie past the group.

2009-03-11, 06:34 PM
"OH HELL NO! No stupid ass zombie is going to end me!"

Lyfir swings his axe at the zombie again with all his force.

(Character sheet updated)

2009-03-11, 07:26 PM
Lyfir swings his axe viciously at the zombie, but doesn't land a successful blow. ((atk 8))

The undead creature immediately responds with a swing of its morningstar. The blow catches the dwarf on the jaw, shattering it instantly and reducing that portion of his face to a bloody conglomeration of bone and flesh with a sickening crunch. The blow knocks Lyfir onto the floor, leaving him unconscious and fading fast. ((atk 22, dmg 10))

Shadow fires another bolt at the zombie, but it doesn't penetrate the hardened, undead flesh deeply enough to damage it. ((atk 13))

Noctis switches strategies, using a more mundane approach and firing an arrow at the foe. The arrow flies directly into the creature's chest, but doesnt appear to do much damage to this dead enemy. ((atk 19, dmg reduced to 1))

Ayn also uses a physical approach to combat now, firing an arrow of her own. Ayn, however, misses over the shoulder of the zombie. ((atk 10))

Things begin to go downhill as the most capable melee combatant falls.
Shadow is thirty away, Ayn is twenty feet from the zombie, and Noctis is fifteen feet away.

2009-03-11, 08:14 PM
Horror streaks across my face and I back up as far down the hall as possible (Not a run though, just a standard movement), load my bow and fire at the zombie.

Spi Waterwing
2009-03-12, 05:25 PM
Ayn curses and fires off another shot at the monster.

((If the monster is dead by this point, )) she then moves towards the body of her fallen comrade.

((Don't forget that I have the Point Blank Shot feat! Updated ammo.))

2009-03-12, 08:58 PM

Taking a step back, Shadow quickly reloads and fires another bolt.

2009-03-14, 06:46 PM
Lyfer's unconscious body remains on the floor as he loses more blood. (1 dmg)

The zombie turns and blindly charges Noctis, swinging the fist not holding the morningstar into Noctis' chest. The blow is massive, knocking the breath out of Noctis and breaking at least one rib. (atk 25, dmg 4)

Shadow takes a short step back, reloads, and fires a bolt into the zombies chest. The bolt travels through the undead flesh without much effect, however. ((atk 20, dmg reduced to 2))

Noctis retreats thirty feet down the hallway before firing another arrow at the zombie. Still struggling to draw breath, however, he misses and fires low. ((atk 10))

Ayn fires an arrow as well, but also misses by a considerable margin. ((atk 8))

Noctis is now thirty feet away from the zombie, fifteen feet into the hallway. Shadow is thirty five feet away from the enemy, and Ayn is now fifteen feet away, and fifteen feet away from Lyfir's body as well. ((I'll have a map by the time the next combat comes around... I'm terribly sorry about this.))

2009-03-16, 09:40 PM
Stooping to his right boot, Shadow draws and loads a bolt, quickly firing and stepping farther back.

"Ayn get to Lyfir and pray to your god this creep follows me."

Spi Waterwing
2009-03-17, 03:16 PM
"Take my journal if I fall!" Ayn calls breathlessly. She rushes to Lyfir's side, trying to avoid the nightmarish creature, and releases her prayer of healing.

((Move action to Lyfir, Cure Light Wounds in place of Inflict Light Wounds: [roll0] ))

2009-03-18, 09:24 PM
Still in considerable pain I draw another arrow and shoot it at the creature.

2009-03-19, 08:22 PM
Lyfir remains on the floor, still bleeding out. (1 dmg)

The zombie remains standing where it was and slowly seems to look around the room.

Shadow fires another bolt before stepping back again, but his shot is aimed high. ((atk 12)

Noctis fires another arrow at the zombie, and his arrow connects. The thin piercing shot, however, moves through the lumbering mass of flesh without any noticeable effect. (atk 15, dmg reduced to 0)

Ayn rushes to the aid of Lyfir, channeling healing energy into his broken body. (heal 4) Lyfir remains unconscious, but he is no longer bleeding out, and is now stable.

Shadow is forty feet away from the zombie, Noctis is thirty away, Ayn is ten feet away. Ayn is the only conscious person in the room with the zombie, Shadow and Noctis are in the hall.

2009-03-19, 08:27 PM

2009-03-19, 09:39 PM
I retreat another 10 feet draw an arrow and fire again

2009-03-22, 06:31 PM
Bump this

Dropping his crossbow in the hallway, Shadow runs forward to door, sliding to a stop in a kneeling position at the base of the door.

"Ayn drag his happy A** in here"

((Ready Action if and only if Ayn makes it through the door w/ Lyfir)) - After Ayn drags Lyfir through the door Shadow slams the door shut, and using his thieves tools re-locks the door.

((Remember Shadow took the time to study the lock when first opening it so he would likely have a baseline to start from when trying to re-lock it))

Spi Waterwing
2009-03-24, 03:23 PM
((If the zombie is directly between Ayn and the door, ignore this post and just let me know that's the case. I'll think of something else.))

Ayn drops her bow to the ground and hooks her hands into Lyfir's armor, and drags him as fast as she can towards the door.

((If I don't make it through the door, please let me know how far away Ayn is from the door and from the zombie, and in what direction.))

2009-03-30, 08:06 PM
Lyfir remains on the floor, unable to regain consciousness but no longer bleeding out.

The zombie turns and moves to attack Ayn with its morningstar, but she moves too quickly for his blow to land.

Shadow runs to take a position at the door, ready to close and lock it.

Noctis fires another arrow and retreats further into the hall. The arrow is shot too high, and arcs into the back wall of the room. (atk 4)

Ayn does what she can to drag Lyfir out of the room, but the dead nemesis takes advantage of her vulnerable situation to strike with its fist, hitting her arm with enough force to send pain racking through her body. (dmg 5) She holds on to her new companion through the pain, and just manages to pull him through the door.

Shadow quickly shuts the door behind her and begins the work of locking it.

2009-04-07, 11:34 PM
I lean back on the wall and slide onto the floor. Due to my broken rib I keep my breathing steady and slow. I lay my bow on the ground and look over at Lyfer's still body.

2009-04-11, 12:43 PM
Leaning against the door, Shadow twists the lock shut ((hopefully)).

Spi Waterwing
2009-04-11, 08:45 PM
Ayn sets Lyfir down behind the other two and draws her dagger.

2009-04-12, 08:52 PM
Shadow easily locks the door, securing the solid stone barrier between the four adventurers and the undead foe.

2009-04-13, 07:41 PM
Falling sideways, Shadow slumps against the door frame, motionless. A minute later he shakes his head slowly and mutters...

"F*** this..."

Spi Waterwing
2009-04-17, 03:49 PM
Ayn collapses next to Lyfir. "D*** right." She glances at the fallen dwarf, and gives an displeased grunt.

"Nothing much more I can do for him right now," she says, glowing faintly as her own healing magic causes her wounds to scab over and her bones to re-set. She tucks her dagger into her belt as she speaks. "No one is going monster-hunting any more today upon their own peril...and I left my bow in there. And, if any of you are interested in getting well in a reasonable amount of time, as soon as I get that bow back, we'll make our way to Oakhurst." She narrows her eyes at her companions. "Balanced must be maintained...and you all owe me."

((Used "Detect Magic" as "Cure Minor Wounds" for 1 point of healing, leaving Ayn at 4. How can we see, again?))

2009-04-18, 01:20 PM
Slapping the door beside him shadow calls out

"this IS my balance.

2009-04-19, 07:30 PM
((I believe Noctis had a lantern...))

2009-04-21, 02:00 PM
((I do, unfortunatly I kinda fudged up my playing in the fight. I said that I drew my bow, but I already had it and my lantern in hand. I'm assuming I had to drop the lantern so it's probably still in the room))

2009-04-25, 12:18 PM
((No, we can say you left it in the hall because I think that's what happened...))

2009-04-26, 06:31 PM
I get up and do my best to not fall as I retreave the lamp from the floor and bring it over to where Lyfer is lying. So what's our plan of action?

2009-05-04, 07:13 PM
Slidding up the wall slowly, Shadow grunts and stumbles forward on to his feet. Snatching up his crossbow, he then fishes around in his bag, pulling out bolts to stow about his body. Pulling out another bolt, he swiftly loads the crossbow in his hands while walking over to lyfir.

"...Well... And the moment I plan to sit right here..." (shadow sits on lyfirs legs, cradling his own gut)... "...and let my wound heal while forcing Lyfir to get bed rest. Then I plan to kick that zombie's a** and every other thing in thing place."

2009-05-05, 11:22 PM
..You want to go back in there and try to fight that monster again? It'll kill us all!

Spi Waterwing
2009-05-10, 06:58 PM
"All of my healing power is out for today. I say we wait until we've all healed some, and we can get the metalbox on his feet again."

((On that note: Time check?))

2009-05-15, 04:18 PM
I guess we'll just sleep here for the night then so you can get your spells back then? Do we want to retreat back to the mouth of this place?

2009-05-20, 05:21 PM
The rest of the day is spent at camp, resting and tending to wounds. Night comes slowly and uneventfully in the quiet tor, and the rain ceases altogether shortly before dark. It is now morning.
(See OOC)

2009-05-21, 10:05 AM
I wake up after four hours of rest and prepare my spells, this time ready to fight and win against the undead creature. I watch over the others as they sleep to make sure they are safe.

Spi Waterwing
2009-05-21, 03:52 PM
Before the day ends, Ayn tends to the others' wounds in as much as she can without magic. ((Heal check: [roll0] for all members of party.)) She also uses a small spell to repair the holes in her boots left over from the rats. ((Mending on boots to repair; no check needed.))

She writes in her journal, then rests for the night. As is her habit, she wakes after four hours to do her obeisance to Boccob, then returns to sleep.

((I'm assuming we also eat- I'm down to 2 days trail rations. HP and spells lists updated- I'm ready to start play once the others are.))

2009-05-24, 12:46 PM
"ughnnn...What the? Why are you sitting on me you wee elfling? Whaat happened? Where am I? Where is that blasted zombie thing!?"

Presumably Shadow will move and then Lyfir roots in his pack for a trail ration to consume.

2009-05-25, 01:00 AM
Oh good, your awake! The Zombie kicked the boop out of us, so we retreated. Though Now I believe I would be of more assistance against it.

2009-05-25, 05:58 PM
"Why would you be of more assistance now?"

2009-05-25, 08:43 PM
I prepared some Disrupt Undead spells today!

Spi Waterwing
2009-05-26, 08:11 PM
"...well good."

Ayn moves to the dwarf and attempts to get him back upright. (Don't even think it.) ((Spontaneous cast of Cure Light Wounds from Summon Monster I: [roll0] points of healing.))

2009-05-27, 05:48 PM
"...aaahhhh...that feels good...oh yeah..."

He moves his jaw around and massages the area.

"All right lets go get him!!!"

Lyfir stands up and claps his hands eargerly.

2009-05-27, 08:00 PM
"Calm down or I'll sit on you again."

Disdaining food, Shadow walks over to the wall, and leaning into it, pops almost every joint in his body.

"Mmm now that feels better. Surprisingly sitting on a dwarf is not all that comfortable. Must be all that bone packed in tighter...."

Walking back to the center of the hallway, he stares absentmindedly at the door as a bolt twists in glittering arcs between and around his fingers.

2009-05-28, 05:30 PM
"Your mom didn't seem to mind all my bone packed in tightly..."

Lyfir remarks grinning hugely, thoroughly pleased with himself.

2009-05-28, 07:54 PM
"Only because it makes it easier to cut off..."

2009-05-28, 11:44 PM
Can it you two. Those women gave you life and that's no way to talk about them!

2009-05-29, 05:14 PM
"Point taken."

Shadow walks over behind Lyfir, and as he turns around with an odd sarcastic grin onhis face he say...

"I was merely trying to.... dim our friends enthusiasm less he try doing something.... stupid.....

Leaning forward he whispers to Lyfir....

"That includes mentioning my mother....."

Walking away, Shadow gathers all his belongings, checking the load of his crossbow. Calling out to the group at large he says......

"Well should I unlock this door so we can kick a** and take names?"

2009-05-29, 05:22 PM
Is everyone ready and healed as much as they need to be? If we are then Lets do it.

Spi Waterwing
2009-05-29, 10:08 PM
Ayn readies her dagger in her right hand and tucks four arrows into her belt. She readies her focus in her left hand, ready to brandish it at the zombie, and takes a place next to the door.


2009-05-30, 11:38 AM
"ummm, I was just acting like that to fit my role...I thought you all would stop me..."

Lyfir says this while turning a little red and casting his downward in embarrassment.

"That Zombie thing did more damage to me in one hit last time than health I have now, so unless I can get some more health I'm just going to die again..."

2009-05-31, 08:38 PM
... hmm, maybe it would be best to search the cave in some other direction then?

Spi Waterwing
2009-06-01, 03:39 PM
"My bow is still in there. You," she addressed the dwarf, "were simply unlucky. Or unwise in your chosen profession. We'll go in, and then I'm keen to hit the road. I have commitments."

2009-06-03, 10:22 AM
Well what does everyone want to do then? I'm tired of just waiting. I'm up for going in there to retreive the bow and then hit the road.

Spi Waterwing
2009-06-03, 03:10 PM
"We're ready when you are, Shadow. Let's do this."

2009-06-05, 10:55 AM
"You know Ayn, you are really beginning to bother me with you asserting yourself as the decision maker by blackmailing us with your healing abilities. That doesn't seem very "Clericy" to me. And how dare you accuse me of being "unwise in my profession" Have YOU ever taken a spear to the gut right before your face gets obliterated by a morning star? Now, I understand that we need to get your bow back and I really want this thing dead but I DO NOT suggest that we stay around and fight, we are not ready, I say we make a quick in and out. I'm not going any closer than the doorway and I'm using my bow, even though arrows seem to have little or now effect since it has no organs to pierce!"

Lyfir collects his pack and weapons and equips his bow. Lyfir then moves closer to Ayn and speaks softly-

"I do not mean to explode on you like that but you have not explained clearly who you are or what you are doing and you HAVE been threatening to not heal us."

Louder, to everybody-

"Does that sound like a good plan? Is everybody ready? If so we're just waiting for you Shadow"

2009-06-05, 07:38 PM
Sounds good, I will also be staying at the door ready to cast my Disrupt Undead spells.

2009-06-06, 01:36 PM
"Well I don't know I rather like holding her bow hostage..."

Grinning maniacally, Shadow kneels in front of the door and fiddles with his lockpick tools until the lock clicks open.

2009-06-07, 07:22 PM
The lock clicks open, but the door remains closed until someone choses to open it.

2009-06-09, 11:18 AM
Who's going first?

2009-06-09, 04:35 PM
"Yeah, **** that idea. I'm not going in first. NOSE GOES!!'

Lyfir touches his nose immediately and grins.

Spi Waterwing
2009-06-10, 03:39 PM
"Children..." Ayn mutters. She carefully pushes the door open, checking to make sure the other side is clear before stepping into the room and sweeping her gaze around. Her dagger and focus remain in her hands.

2009-07-24, 01:40 PM
The door opens to reveal that the undead bugbear is once again lying on the large stone table in the center of the room, showing no sign that it was ever animated save for the gashes recently cut into its armor and flesh during the previous encounter. To repeat the earlier description: "A long, stone table dominates the center of this chamber, and bright bits of gold wink from within the dust that covers the floor. Upon the table lies the well-preserved corpse of a tall humanoid wearing the tabard and belts of a knight."

Ayn's bow lies at the foot of the table. As Ayn enters the room, the zombie begins to stir.
((Roll initiative and give actions for the surprise round [1 standard or move action]))

2009-07-25, 12:37 AM
As the doorway opens I am standing at to the right of the door a few feet away (F8). Lets move before it can get up! 1d20+1 ((I don't know why it's not rolling properly. It's been to long lol. Need Help!))

2009-07-25, 10:49 AM
As the door opens I am standing behind Shadow (E9?) with my short bow equipped.

Lyfir drops his shortbow in the hall and equips his throwing axe.


2009-07-25, 11:31 AM

As Ayn opens the door, Shadow bows his head in concentration. Hesitating among the shadows of the door (E7) with one hand clutched on the edge and the other on the crossbow laying on the ground behind him, Shadow begins muttering to himself. Tensing his muscles, Shadows raises his voice to utter a barely audible, "...I shall fear no evil...", and slings himself around the frame of the door.

Sliding to a stop on the other side of the door frame (E6 (5 ft.)), Shadow fires his crossbow at the zombie on the stone table. Sliding a bolt from his boot Shadow prepares to reload.

2009-07-25, 05:58 PM
I bring my hands up and cast DISRUPT UNDEAD
[roll0] ((to hit))

Spi Waterwing
2009-07-26, 11:43 AM
(( Initiative: [roll0] ))

Ayn thrusts her holy focus forward in an attempt to turn the undead creature. (( [roll1] to hit, [roll2] if hits for damage))

She then steels herself and moves forward ((E6 to E4)) in order to pick up her bow.

2009-07-28, 10:25 AM
Lyfir drops his bow and draws his throwing axe as soon as the door is opened.

With a word and a quick gesture, Noctis sends a glowing ray of energy into the zombie's body. (atk hit, 2 dmg)

Ayn attempts to turn the undead creature, but it shows no response.

Shadow steps through the doorway to stand beside Ayn and releases a bolt from his crossbow at the zombie. The shot flies high, missing the enemy entirely. (atk 6, miss)

((Lyfir - E9
Noctis - F8
Ayn - E6
Shadow - F6 [closest available space]))

2009-07-28, 03:49 PM
Seeing that my spell hits the target I cast it again. DISRUPT UNDEAD [roll0]

2009-07-28, 09:26 PM
Lyfir throws his throwing axe at the undead bugbear

[roll0] (to hit) Actually that should be +3 sorry! So my total is actual 21

As soon as the first axe is away Lyfir grabs his second one from his belt and prepares to let loose again.

2009-07-31, 04:43 PM
Following his miss, Shadow quickly reloads, bringing his crossbow back to bear on the zombie. Bracing his back to the wall, Shadow fires again.

2009-08-05, 04:07 PM
Before the zombie can react, Lyfir throws the first of his throwing axes. The weapon cuts a gauge in the zombie's leg and continues until it hits the far wall with a clang of steel on metal. (atk hit, 6 dmg)

Noctis follows up with another ray directed at the creature, but this attempt results in a miss as he fires high.

Ayn seizes the opportunity to bolt forward and retrieve her bow, leaving her standing at the table. (move to E4, pick up bow)

Shadow fires another bolt, but misses the enemy. (atk 6, miss)

The zombie slowly stands up next to Ayn and hefts its morningstar. (stand in F4)

2009-08-05, 05:10 PM
"LOOK OUT!!!!!"

Lyfir hurls his second throwing axe as accurately as he possibly can.

1d20+3 (to hit)

After the second axe is away Lyfir beings equipping his axe and shield.

(I don't know why my roll isn't working, can you roll it for me SIC or is that a problem?)

2009-08-05, 06:55 PM
I keep my hands outstreched and cast BURNING HAND! [roll0]

Spi Waterwing
2009-08-06, 04:11 PM
Ayn thrusts her dagger out in an attempt to wound the zombie, then moves back to the hallway.

((Ayn entered the room with her dagger in one hand and her symbol in the other; she dropped the symbol back to her chest when she picked up the bow, so she now has the dagger in one hand and the bow [useless] in the other. Attack: [roll0] to hit, then move to wherever she can back in the hallway- I'm not sure where the other PCs are standing.))

2009-08-10, 12:37 PM
Lyfir hurls his second axe at the undead hobgoblin, lodging the blade deep into the zombie's chest where it stays. (atk 15 hit, 8 dmg) He then draws his axe.

Noctis moves forward into the room and sends a sheet of flame toward the zombie. (move to G6 [only way to reach with spell], 1 dmg)

Ayn thrusts her dagger at the zombie but fails to penetrate its think skin. (atk miss). She then retreats down the hall. (E10?)

As she retreats, the zombie swings its morningstar down towards her head, but she moves too quickly for the blow to land.

Shadow reloads his crossbow and fires another bolt at the creature, hitting it but not managing to hurt the undead mass of flesh. (atk 17 hit, dmg reduced to 0)

The zombie then advances toward Noctis. (G5)

Lyfir is in E9.
Noctis is in G6.
Ayn is in E10.
Shadow is in F6.
Zombie is in G5.

2009-08-10, 05:23 PM
"Noctis move! I'll cover us! Shadow get ready with the door!!!"

Lyfir moves to F5 and attacks the Zombie with his axe.

2009-08-10, 09:52 PM
"F*** that. I Ain't running anymore."

Slamming a bolt home into his crossbow, Shadow's off hand then falls to the hilt of his rapier. Drawing it in graceful, glittering arcs, Shadow stands his ground before the doorway.

"Bring it on...", Shadow growls.

2009-08-10, 10:09 PM
"This wasn't our plan!"

2009-08-15, 08:48 PM
I cast MAGE ARMOR on myself and run down the hall to F11.
((ending on F11))

Spi Waterwing
2009-08-17, 09:13 AM
"Your choice. Dwarf, stick to the plan."

Ayn tucks her dagger into her belt and draws an arrow, to be prepared should the zombie move into the hallway.

2009-08-17, 12:50 PM
Lyfir advances and swings his axe but the zombie blocks the attack with its morningstar just in time. (atk 7, miss)

Noctis casts a spell to defend himself from the foe, but the zombie takes advantage of his momentary distraction to punch the caster in the ribs. Hard. With a rib shattering crack that would make the most battle hardened warrior cringe, Noctis loses concentration and the invisible armor he was weaving from arcane energy fades from existence. Coughing up blood, the defeated wizard retreats down the hall. (atk of opp hit, 4 dmg, concentration to keep spell 12, fails, spell is lost. the spell is still used up, but the effect is lost)

Ayn holds her bow ready and prepares for the zombie's advance.

In a fit of what could be heroism or sheer idiocy, Shadow prepares his weapons and stands his ground.

The zombie lets out a horrific cross between a moan and a roar, opening its mouth far wider then any living bugbear could manage. With this grisly battle cry, it lumbers gracelessly down the hall, following the wizard and raising its morningstar. Shadow attacks the passing zombie with his rapier, but he is clumsy with his off hand, and cannot land a blow strong enough to pierce the creature's skin. (atk 7, miss) Lyfir is next to react, but he too fails to connect strongly with the undead (atk 9 miss). Ayn fires her bow as the zombie enters the hall, striking the zombie in the chest but causing no damage to the mass of flesh. (atk 18 hit, dmg reduced to 0).

Lyfir is in F5.
Noctis is in F11 and has taken 4 damage this round.
Shadow is in F6 with a loaded crossbow in his main hand and rapier in his offhand.
Zombie is in F10.
Ayn is in E10 and now acts immediately after the zombie because of her readied action.

2009-08-17, 01:14 PM
Lyfir moves to F9 to attack the zombie

Lyfir is attacking with his axe using two hands and is also going to use his Power Attack Feat. This means that when rolling to hit I will role 1D20+3 instead of 1D20+4 and I will add +2 to my damage (if I hit). At least this is what I understand all those rules to mean :/

[roll0] (to hit)

Ending Position- F9

Spi Waterwing
2009-08-17, 04:04 PM
Seeing the zombie immediately next to her, Ayn focuses her holy powers to channel positive energy towards the zombie. She reaches out and touches it with a burst of healing energy. ((Spontaneous cast of "Cure Light Wounds" in place of "Bless": [roll0]))

She then draws her dagger from her belt. "You wanted to fight, thief! Get fighting!"

2009-08-18, 07:15 PM
With a yell, Lyfir rushes the zombie and swings his axe mightily with both hands, cutting deep into the undead hobgoblin's back. The blade tears through the decaying flesh and hits the spine hard. With this final blow, the zombie falls. (atk hit, 11 dmg)

2009-08-19, 10:47 AM
I turn around as I see Lyfer bring his ax down onto the zombie and it crumples to the floor. Good Job Lyfer! Then I lean against the wall and fall to the ground to catch my breath.

2009-08-21, 10:24 AM
Mumbling under his breath- "Stupid...mother...zombie...who's your daddy......"

Lyfir bends down to recover his throwing axe and loot the body.

Looking up at Shadow- "Number one always stick to the plan. We could've all died. Number two, it appears as if we are tied."

2009-08-21, 02:39 PM
The zombie has nothing but its morningstar. You recovered your axe, but the other axe remains behind the table in the room.

2009-08-22, 04:33 PM
Lyfir takes the morning star and puts it in his pack (weight?). He then goes and recovers his other throwing axe. He now is just holding his waraxe out, everything else is put away.

"It just occurred to me that we didn't search the two hobgoblins earlier. I'm going to go back there now, anybody wanna come? I'll come back and we can create a plan from here."

Lyfir begins to move out of the room and back to the area where we encountered the hobgoblins. As he exits the room he picks up his bow and puts it away too. When he arrives at the site of the old encounter he searches the corpses.

2009-08-22, 11:08 PM
As Lyfer passes by me, I get up and follow him. I'll come with, can't let you have all the goods. I say with a smile and scratch my head.

2009-08-23, 08:55 AM
Which of you has a light source? Lyfir can walk away and still see, but Noctis will need to have light.

Lyfir searches the bodies and finds the following. Lyfir, and anyone else who follows him with a lightsource, finds: The day old hobgoblin corpses are starting to decay slowly, but their equipment is salvageable. Each has studded leather armour, a light wooden shield, a short sword, and a javelin. On one, you find a very sturdy leather kidney belt worn under the armor.
((weight in OOC))

2009-08-23, 01:35 PM
Lyfir equips the kidney belt. (Does that give any AC bonus or anything?)

"hmmm, I can't carry much more...what should I take that would sell for the most?"

2009-08-31, 05:06 PM
Holding my pebble high to light my way I watch Lyfer put on the belt. Find anything good?

2009-09-10, 05:13 PM
"I found a bit but I can't carry it all and still fight. I'll bring it back to the others and we can divide it up between us then."

I load all the looted gear into my backpack and head back to Shadow and Ayn.

"By the way, Noctis, what's your story for ending up here? Any shady motives like I suspect our clericy friend has."

2009-09-13, 10:18 PM
"I can help carry some," I say, "but no, I'm not a very shady person. I just want to travel many places and become a great wizard so I can go back to my village and protect it with the rest of my family. If I was shady though I could just be telling you a lie. I smile a big grin and pick up what's left of the loot that Lyfer isn't carrying and walk back to the others.

2009-09-14, 05:34 PM
"Hahaha you very well could be lying, I may be too trusting but I think you're telling the truth. Why do you need to protect your village?"

2009-09-14, 08:15 PM
"Sorry, but that information is classified."

2009-09-16, 06:02 PM
"uh huh, well I'm a friend, maybe after we're done here I'll go back and help you out if you'd like."

(I guess we arrive back with Shadow and Ayn?)

I drop everything-

"This is everything I found, I can't carry it all so lets split it up and sell it all at the next village."

2009-09-16, 08:06 PM
"I don't think so," I said dropping the loot onto the ground.

2010-04-04, 03:51 PM
This is what Noctis and Lyfir brought back- 2 studded leather armour, 2 light wooden shield, 2 short sword, and 2 javelin. (weight is in OOC)

"Well this is what we recovered, lets split it up so we can divide the weight, and then when we come across a place to sell it we can split the money too. I can only take the Morning Star and a Javelin and not be overburdened"

Lyfir takes those items and stows them in his pack

2010-04-04, 05:43 PM
As lyfir returns, Shadow slinks out of the darkness, and into the shades of gray created by Noctis' light. An ironic smile creeps across his face as he speaks softly to Lyfir.

"Merde, it seems like you've been gone for months man."

Sheathing his rapier, drags open his bag placing new bolts about his person. Closing his bag, Shadow checks the tension of his crossbow, and glances down at the new equipment musing.

"You know I'm already shady on weight as is, but there's nothing here that can't be dropped."

Reaching down, Shadow quickly straps the second javelin and a shield on the back of his pack. Swinging he pack on quickly, he reaches down again, picking up a sword in each hand. With a flourish, he crosses them through his belt across the small of his back.

"Who's gonna load the rest?"

((weight: total-52.5 Kg, Body-21.5, Pack-31.0)

2010-04-04, 06:45 PM
Ayn looks over the pile of loot quickly. "None of this seems to be of any particular value to me. The rest of you can do what you wish with it."

2010-04-04, 07:02 PM
I'm gonna pass on it too. I can't carry much. I'm just a wizard after all. I leave the muscle work to others.

2010-04-04, 07:15 PM
"looks like its just me and you man"

2010-04-04, 07:57 PM
"Fine, your call guys, just dont expect any of the money from the loot. It seems that rogues and dwarves have an insatiable attraction to possesions" Lyfir grins

Lyfir stows the other shield and the two studded leather outfits in his pack.

(now at 198, now in max load range, this gives me penalties in combat correct? So can I just drop my pack at the begining of each combat?)

2010-04-05, 12:56 PM
"Well duh................."

2010-04-05, 05:12 PM
"So what are we going to do? Continue down this pathway or turn back and explore one of the ones we past earlier?"

2010-04-05, 07:23 PM
((The "zombie room" does not have any other doors leading out of it, leaving the branch you're standing at and the two doors in the entrance room the only known unexplored pathways.))

Ayn rubs her injured right arm gently. "Some of us are weak. I'm running low on rations. My destination is a day's travel south of here, so leaving tomorrow would be cutting it rather close. It is still early however, so I will agree to stay and offer my assistance if any of you will agree to accompany me to Oakhurst in return." Before waiting for a response, she turns and walks into the zombie room as if struck with a sudden thought. "That... thing was entombed here. I'm curious."

2010-04-06, 06:48 PM
Mutters "If only curiosity killed the cat."

2010-04-07, 10:48 AM
hmmm. . . I guess I'll accompany you. I could use a place to take a shower and get. . . some food. I say trailing my sentence off at the end as I see her enter the zombie room. Hey, wait up! You shouldn't be going off alone. I yell as I follow after her.

2010-04-07, 06:14 PM
"hmmm, what a missed opportunity...I shall however accompany you to your destination, I also need food and some ale bwahahaha"

Lyfir follows Ayn into the room (I thought we were already there but w/e :P)
as he enters he glances around the rooom nonchalantly

".......I dont see anything."

2010-04-07, 07:52 PM
((I had you all just outside the room, in the hall by the unexplored branch, but it doesn't really matter.))

"Neither do I..." Ayn remarks, more to herself than the dwarf.
"These were burial chambers for warriors that fought here years ago. If the body was left seemingly undisturbed... One would think it would have been buried with more in the way of possessions." Her voice shows curiousity more than simple desire for wealth.
"Maybe those hobgoblins had already gotten to most of it."
She turns around, smiling. "Thank you for chosing to accompany me. Do we leave now or are you two not finished here?"