View Full Version : Random Comicz, sprite story galore(well not quite)

2009-02-07, 05:16 AM
I was inspired to make my comics mainly by The Order of the Stick.

Anyway, My comic: Random Comicz!, is over at www.drunkduck.com/Random_Comicz

It has multiple stories going on, using different styles with each one, If you'd like to go and have a look I'd appreciate it, Heck I'd love it if some of you people would go on over to drunk duck and sign up for it and tell me what you think of it.

Here's a list of what is currently planned for it:

8-Bit comic: A superhero style comic which stars Myself, Salamar and A Close friend of mine NightTerror(he's only on drunk duck). 8-Bit features in the world of the marvel and DC superheroes.

A Sonic the Hedgehog comic: Featuring Sonic(obviously) and his Friends.
It is based on many assorted ideas NightTerror and I had.

A Megaman Comic: I have almost no input in this one and i'm not entirely sure what it's about.

A Digimon Comic: (No longer updated regularly) An adventure starring Me and my digimon Partner F-Veemon!

Coming soon:

SoulCalibur Comic: I haven't been in on the plans for this one really, But it Stars some of my friends and I.

The Quest for Darkness: A comic not fully prepared for yet but it will Have an option of downloading the voice acting version.

the title says it all.

Lego Comic: A comic starring an orc who travels through my other comics and various lego worlds, Some worlds from this will become their own comic.

I think thats all of them, so please come and look at it, this took awhile.

2009-02-07, 02:23 PM

If there are so many comics you're planning on doing, why do they share the same page? With free hosting so prevalent, shouldn't each comic have it's own page? Having them all share a page seems unnecessary. Each comic would distract from each other. This is different than having separate plotlines, since those usually join into each other eventually.

Secondly, by launching this now, you don't have anything that will draw the reader in. Each comic has at most two strips apiece. Sprite comics are a dime a dozen, so right now, there's nothing to make ANY of them stand out from the sea of bad comics. And Drunk Duck doesn't exactly have the best of reputations regarding quality. Sell me on your comic. What makes any of these special? Why should I read this? Right now there's no story, or very little that would want to make me come back.

Stylistically, it seems like you have a habit of wasting panels for redundant action. For example, on the first X comic, the 2nd and 3rd panels could probably be combined, while the last four on the 2nd strip could be easily told with two. The zig-zaggin panel layout in the 8-bit strips seems like it's wasting space. The first TWELVE panels of the digimon strip could easily be reduced to four. And the Kirby .gif seems absolutely pointless!

I'm sorry if this is a bit harsh, but this comic compilation needs a lot of work.

2009-02-07, 08:29 PM
The Main reason i have so many in the one page is because my friend NightTerror wants to make too many, and i was having trouble keeping track of them, so i ended up just sticking them all under the one roof. I only started some of them quite recently i'm having trouble keeping up with all of them. I know the kirby one doesn't make any sense but i'm trying to keep posting at least something each week. I mostly put together what i have to do make the issues. N.T. Says what happens in each. I'll try to get him to stop things from dragging on in each one, but I can't guarantee anything. The story is a bit slow to start mostly because I haven't had time to pester N.T. to make it start off quicker and too speed up the story progression

2009-02-11, 01:02 AM
First thing's first.

Pick one comic and stick with it. If you've got a heck of a lot of time, maybe - maybe - consider upgrading to two comics.

Trust me on this, I am speaking as the master of stupidly over-multitasking. If you're planning to give a comic even a fragment of the attention that it deserves, you cannot afford to be making seventeen things at once. This is a terrible plan that will fail dramatically. If you can make five different comics in a week, you can make one comic five times in a week (or you can make it three times a week and spend half again as much time making each comic awesome).

Secondly, having multiple comics under a single update list is a disasterously bad idea. It will be essentially impossible for people to keep up if you do continue updating, because the archives are good for crap-all. If you absolutely feel the need to work on several comics at once, give each of them their own damned DrunkDuck page and then make some cover site somewhere that links to each of them and notifies people when one updates.

Third, comics based directly on most video games are entirely played-out. If you can manage to make even one joke with them that is remotely funny and hasn't already been done by one of the roughly eighty million existing comics, I will personally give you a trophy.

Fourth, you need a better name than 8-Bit Comic. Or Random Comicz. Lazy titles do not attract visitors.

Fifth, you need to have enough strips for us to tell you what's good and bad. Without ten strips, I don't have enough to give you any useful information.

But seriously. Points One through Four are critical, and I can say with some certainty that your comic is doomed without altering them.