View Full Version : Zombie Apocalypse IC

2009-02-08, 11:14 AM
Dawn is breaking over the horizon, some of you may be getting off duty and others just waking up. But one thing that's certain-you're all heading to the mess hall to get some food. Dawn is the one time of day when almost everyone has a lull in their duties, which means it's the one time of day that people can gather and discuss things.

The zombies have been quiet recently, and a few people are hopeful that this means the outbreak is ending. Who knows, maybe zombies starve after a while or something. As you sit down to eat, Samantha Rougeu walks over to your table-
In the last batch of zombies that I got to study I found some disturbing things, I'd like everyone to come in to the infirmary for some blood tests. If you'll tell Jack here when you can come in I'd appreciate it.
she says, indicating a rather nervous looking young man behind her before moving on to the next table. Jack steps forward-
Well, i-it's like the d-doc said, we'd like to test e-everyone.
he stutters a bit as he speaks and his gripping his clip board tightly.
So if you c-could tell me when a good time for you to come in would be?

you don't all have to go in at the same time, but it's up to you guys.
everyone at the camp stands watch except for the medical staff, and the dawn shift is on a rotation schedule so the same people don't get boned every time about breakfast.

also, unless two NPCs are talking to each other and I need to differentiate their speech for you, all NPCs will just speak in bold, you guys get to pick colors for your speech based on who posts dialogue first.

2009-02-08, 05:51 PM
Kevin Leeroy

Glancing up as Samantha walks up Kevin keeps eating while listening, even now at breakfast he wears his bright blue bulletproof vest and his pistols are strapped to his hips.

Listening to her and Jack's story, Kevin rises a roll of bread still in hand. Standing just over 6 foot Kevin doesn't stand out to much, however his time against the zombies has made him fit and and food rationing has seen to his slim build."I have third watch today, so I'll go now."

Walking over to the infirmary, Kevin thinks wonder if those kids have finished cleaning my rifle and blade yet. I feel almost naked without them.

2009-02-09, 12:20 AM
Faith Aberny

Looking up blearily from her breakfast upon hearing Samantha, Faith takes a minute to process what has just been said. But after much thoughful munching of her breakfast, and ticking off in her head all the things she has to do today she replies, flashing a huge, albeit tired, smile at Jack. "I'll probably be there in half an hour or so, just got to finish up here."

With that, Faith returns to the serious task of eating breakfast. Wondering why they have been called to the infirmary so suddenly.

2009-02-09, 12:53 AM
James Trahern

The young man scratches the patchy stubble he calls a beard as Samantha moves on. "Odd... I don't recall being informed of this... Maybe some sort of mutations within the original infection? Hold up Kev, I'm coming with you."
Never much for breakfast anyway, James abandons his food and follows with Kevin Leeroy to the infirmary.

2009-02-09, 06:11 AM
Kenrick Nolan

Stepping out from the kitchen, after having helped Banjo with the breakfast, Kenny finishes wiping his hands. " 's it okay if I take a fiver, Boss-Man? Easier to get Lady Draculas' jabs over and done with, rather than stewing in the fear all day."
He lobs the cloth over his shoulder and into the empty sink that had been, just minutes ago, full of dirty dishes, and joins the small parade already making their way towards the medical cabins.

2009-02-09, 06:29 AM
Kevin Leeroy

Turn as James speaks, Kevin takes a few swift steps back to the table, before laying a hand on James chest. "Either finish your meal, or take some with you." Kevin makes a point of this by taking a rather fearsome bite out of the roll he took with him. "Your no good to anyone hungry." With that he gives James a slight push towards the table before he turns and marches on not waiting to see who comes with him or not.

2009-02-09, 09:47 AM
Thomas Willenall

Tom was returning from the late-night patrol and had just sat down for breakfast when the announcement was given by the seemingly small doctor's assistant. Seeing a good portion of the people getting up to leave to go to the infirmary, he shrugs, finishing up what was left on his plate and rushes to join the group.

"Might as well see what this is all about before they do it to me," Tom mutters inaudibly under his breath.

He positions himself in the back, hoping nobody would notice him, not out of fear of social interaction so much as not to be a nuisance to anyone. The hunting rifle and messenger bag on his back sway a little as they make their way to the infirmary.

2009-02-09, 07:03 PM
As the group starts walking towards the infirmary you hear shouting coming from the MacRinnalch's abode, you can't quite make out any words but you can definitely hear William's and Steven's voices.
Once you get about half way to the infirmary you see Steven stalk out of the home and move toward the wall.

the group moving to the infirmary consists of whoever is going right away, Jack the assistant and 12 or so other people.

whoever's in that group need to make wits+composure rolls.

2009-02-09, 07:14 PM


2009-02-09, 07:18 PM
Kevin; Ten again


2009-02-09, 07:20 PM
Kevin; with more 10's


Total of 4 Successes.

2009-02-09, 07:37 PM
James grabs a roll from his plate before chasing after the group at a brisk walk.


1d10 → [2] = (2)
1d10 → [4] = (4)
1d10 → [1] = (1)
1d10 → [8] = (8)
1d10 → [10] = (10)
1d10 → [8] = (8)

Ten Again
1d10 → [3] = (3)

3 Successes.
(Sorry, Don't know how to script the spoiler)

2009-02-09, 08:11 PM
Wits + Composure, 3+3=6

2009-02-10, 03:30 AM
Wits(2) +Composure (3)

2009-02-10, 03:31 AM
There has to be a more elegent way to do this

2009-02-10, 05:40 AM
Finishing her breakfast, Faith stretches leisurely, running her hands through her long thick red/brown hair. "I guess I'll be heading off now" she mutters under her breath.

Getting up, she starts to walk to the infirmary, listening cheerfully to the quiet buzz off chatter around her.

2009-02-10, 01:05 PM
(ooc: damn, no one failed-you guys might make through the apocalypse after all :smalltongue:)

As you're walking you see that someone is following Steven, waving his arms and pointing at the wall. He seems stangely unable to make any noise whatsoever, even with his movement.

2009-02-10, 05:03 PM

Frowning as he watches the stranger following Steve, Kevin's hand rests on one of his hip holsters. That doesn't look right, why isn't he making noise?

Breaking away slightly from the group, Kevin yells out to Steve. "Whats going on Steve? Who's the new guy? Everything ok?"

2009-02-10, 11:08 PM

Tom looks up out of his sleepy daze upon hearing the shouting from one of the people he was following. He traces the man's line of sight over to Steven and the strangely quiet man behind him. It seemed as though the guy was gesturing towards the wall and since he was being quiet, maybe something bad was on the other side, he wasn't sure. Still...

"Hey!" he shouted in a stage whisper. "Don't yell, there could be something on the other side of the wall. Let's go check on it."

Tom removed the hunting rifle from his back, took the safety off, and hustled over to the motioning man and Stephen.

2009-02-10, 11:37 PM

Letting lose a low snarl, Kevin holds his ground, but draw's his pistol slowly holding it by his hip, its laser sight steady as an arrow on the ground. Keeping his offhand free he signals to the others, minus tom, to hold there ground.


Should the quiet man try to aggressively reach out and grab someone, or make a sudden move that suggests such an agressive action, Kevin will shoot him in the head. (dice pool for such an action is 9d10 (4 dex, 4 firearm, pistol speical, 3 gun - 3 headshot)


2009-02-11, 04:39 AM

Faith is daydreaming as she walks, a faraway look in her gray eyes, when she almost walks into Kevin. As her brain comes back to present, she takes stock of the situation. Seeing Kevin, ready to shoot at a quiet man she had never seen before, standing near Steven, and Tom cautiously approaching with his rifle out. One word seemed to echo in her mind, "Mercy?" she muttered questioningly under her breath.

She too carefully got her gun out of the bag she always carries on her back. She holds her shotgun so it would be easy to shoot at the strange silent man if need be.

2009-02-11, 11:06 AM

Focus on everything here... Maybe Steven and the quiet man are not the whole picture.
Deciding caution trumps his curiosity, James unclips his berrettas as his mind races.
Faith said something about a Mercy... So did Kevin... Everyone's voicing their fears. We can't rush the wall, that could be a diversion. It could just be an arguement and the man following Steven is a mute, but if that's so, who was Steven arguing with? Were any of the recent survivors mutes? Or deaf? Most deaf people can speak coherently, or at least make sounds, so he's probably not deaf... I don't have the skill to shoot an individual target if one attacks the other at close range... Could this be related to the strange findings with the zombies?
James does his best to keep the whole area under surveillance, but other than that, takes no other movement than to stay near the others.

2009-02-11, 11:16 AM
Steven looks up at being hailed, and turns to see the man. He rushes over to the man, not showing any signs that he thinks the man is dangerous and talk to him, the man tries to respond, his mouth moves, but no sound comes out (granted he might just be talking low, but it seems like no sound is coming out.) but continues waving frantically at the wall. Steven finally nods and starts walking to the wall, the man in tow.

the man is from the newest batch of survivors (about a month ago) so while it's possible that some of you haven't seen him before it's unlikely that none of you have.

Steven (he hates being called Steve by the way) and the man are about 10 yards away from you when all this starts, and the wall is beyond Steven's house. (I doubt I'll be using maps since I don't actually know how to make them, we'll be using the rule of common sense for ranges and movements and such.)

2009-02-11, 11:36 AM

Tom continues to hustle over to where Steven and the quiet man are, feeling certain now that there's a problem on the other side of the fence, based off observations. He hangs back a little bit before he gets to them, watching where they go, just in case it's a personal matter and not some kind of trouble.

2009-02-11, 09:12 PM

Whats going on? This doesn't feel right. Kevin frowns and grabs one of the randoms heading to the infirmary infirmary "Get the kids to finish up on my knife and rifle and have them bring them to me at once." With that he turns to the others. "I don't know whats going on, but I don't think Steven would ignore me like that. I want you guys to go to the infirmary and find out whats going on. Faith and James, I want you guys with guns out at all times. When you get to the infirmary, lock the door and wait for Tom or I to return before leaving." With that Kevin draws his other pistol, now making no pretense of his intentions. He walks forward slowly steeling himself to go kill some people, lowering both pistols to point at the ground. "I asked whats going on Steven, these are bad times to be ignoring folk. I'm going to need you to stop and tell me whats going on before you get to that there wall."

Ready action to shoot, now includes Steven as a valid target. I'm not to sure about american distances, but Kevin should be able to hear from 10 yards a way right? What did Steven say to the new comer?

2009-02-11, 09:19 PM
Steven didn't ignore you, the hail he looked up at was yours, then he turned to the other guy.

and 10 yards is about 30 ft. so you didn't he what he said to the other guy.

you also wouldn't be able to catch him before he gets to the wall.

2009-02-11, 11:12 PM
Steven didn't ignore you, the hail he looked up at was yours, then he turned to the other guy.

and 10 yards is about 30 ft. so you didn't he what he said to the other guy.

you also wouldn't be able to catch him before he gets to the wall.

Not trying to catch him, trying to call him to a stop, in the case of only being half ignored. I'll change my post to have kevin keep his guns out but pointed at the ground.

2009-02-12, 02:16 AM

Glaring at Kevin for talking to her in such a brusque manner, (she doesn't stand for impoliteness unless it's an emergency, and, as far as she's concerned, it's not an emergency yet) she grudingly makes her way to the infirmary trying to speed up the mass of people as she went.I wonder what on earth is going on. she thought to herself as she went.

2009-02-12, 03:22 AM

Whilst caution is indeed the watchword these days, Kenny has a gut feeling this may just be an over-reaction, which can easily cause needless panic.
Doing his best to keep himself an those around him calm, Kenny just continues on to the medical building, along with the rest of the group.
"So as I was saying, he jumps off the mast, performs a double backflip and..."

2009-02-12, 11:45 AM

"All right Kev. Shout if you need back up or medical assistance. Do the secret knock; I'll ask Faith to pepper the door with buckshot."

Stephen knows the man... Probably just an arguement then. Everyone's so jumpy... A year ago we'd all laugh and call each other paranoid. Hmph... A year ago I was blasting Zombies in Left 4 Dead, and now...

James chases after Faith to explain the plan.

2009-02-12, 06:50 PM
for those going after Steven (doesn't matter if you read both, it's just for organizational purposes)-
Steven looks back when Kevin starts talking and motions everyone to stay back and be quiet before continuing on to the wall and climbing up. When he gets to the top he looks out over the wall, his eyes widening.

for those going on to the medical facility-
As Kenny, James and Faith arrive at the infirmary there's some kind of ruckus going on, one of the patients seems to be struggling against a couple of the aides-
Let me out god damnit!
He almost shouts at the men trying to hold him down.
I'm not infected, I haven't even been out of the compound in over a month!
The man is near panic.
Now Simon, you just calm down. Nobody said you were infected, we just want to do a few tests is all.
Samantha says, preparing a syringe to take a sample of his blood.
If you don't hold still then this is gonna sting a lot more than it has-
She's cut off as Simon finally manages to throw off the aides and rush past her.

If everyone here is amenable I'm gonna move this over to myth-weavers, they have a multi-thread folder deal with their game threads that would make split up parties work a lot better (and their die roller is better too.) If you really want to keep the game on giantitp boards then voice your protests within the next day, otherwise I'll post a link when I get the game thread up.

2009-02-12, 07:57 PM

Keeping his pistols out Kevin gives a half smile towards tom, before watching to see what Steven does next.


I'm leaning against going to mythweavers since Kevin will actively seek out the group in the medical facility, leading me to believe we won't be split for long.

2009-02-12, 11:40 PM

Tom stays where he's at, observing the reactions of Steven as he peers over the wall.

"I was afraid of this..." he mutters quietly, guessing that there's bad news on the other side.

2009-02-13, 05:28 PM
Faith stands by the wall and watches the scene unfold before her. My,she thinks,today sure has been interesting and it's not even lunch time yet!

2009-02-13, 11:53 PM

(Presumably James and Faith are blocking the only exit)
James readies himself for action, while trying to visibly remain calm.
"Ok now Simon, no one said you were infected. C'mon, if you were, you'd be trying to eat us. You're not going to try and tell me someone who can blow the heads off zombies is afraid of getting a needle, are you?"

Doing his best to talk down Simon, but if he rushes the door (or another exit), James will attempt to tackle and prevent him from escaping, but will not draw his guns or knives.

2009-02-14, 08:45 AM

Stopping at the threshold Kenny takes in the events in the room, and then backs out of the door way, trying to make a clear alleyway through the people around him for Simon to run down, if he gets out. "Make some space people. If he's that worked up now, he'll be even worse if he's trapped in there. We don't need heroes right now. Just a couple of steps back, for your own safety. The Docs know what they're doing."

2009-02-14, 10:47 AM
on the wall-
Steven's eyes go wide-
****! Everyone who's got a gun on them get up here now! If you don't then get back to where your gun is and stay there.
He shouts back at anyone who's outside.
Why the hell didn't we get a warning about this?
He yells at the wall guards.
We had those cameras set up for a reason.
People start scrambling to get into battle positions, the ones with combat training taking up firing positions and those without behind them as ammo runners and (god forbid) replacement shooters if needed.

at the med center-
Simon begins hyperventilating, obviously having a panic attack of some kind. He begins to rush the people at the door but before he can get there or anyone can do anything he falls to the floor and begins convulsing.
Damnit, get him back on the table.
Samantha says, moving over to a medicine cabinet and taking something out.
If we don't get him calmed down then this is gonna be bad.

(ooc: give me wits+composure rolls)

2009-02-14, 03:57 PM
Wits (3) + Composure (3) = 6

2009-02-14, 05:20 PM

Tom nods grimly, adrenaline racing as he runs up to take a position against the wall, hunting rifle out and scanning the other side of the wall for a valid target.

He will zero in on such target with his telescopic sights and either await further orders or if the situation is dire enough, start shooting then. He'll assess the situation as best as he can.

Starting dice pool for shooting is 3 dexterity + 2 firearms + 5 damage equals 10 dice pool. I'm going to go ahead and roll for the first shot so if there are any penalties like distance or defense, subtract them from the end of the dice roll.

See below for the rolls.

2009-02-14, 05:25 PM
For the 1st shot:


'10 Again'


2009-02-14, 07:28 PM
Wits(2) + Comp(3)

2009-02-14, 08:48 PM

Kevin walks up to his place on the wall, his pistols still out. He looks across the field below checking what danger awaits.

2009-02-14, 11:41 PM
wits (2) + composure (1) = 3

2009-02-16, 01:06 PM
on the wall-
As you climb the wall you see a group of people (mostly men, but there are a few women in there.) that are well armed and organized. And over the crest of the nearest hill you see a tank rolling in.
We don't want any trouble. We just need a place to regroup, we have our own supplies and everything.
Calls who you would guess to be the leader.
Well, there's a cave system about 10 miles south of here, why don't you and your men head down there?
Steven shouts back.
Some of my men need medical attention, and our medic is one of them.

Hold on, I'm gonna come down and talk, we'll try to work something out.
Steven says before turning to the men on the wall.
Keep me covered, if **** goes down then try to get me a path back inside.
He says before descending the wall and walking through the gate.

med center-
As the doctor draws out the medicine into a syringe (everyone who got at least 2 successes) detects movement behind one of the curtains they use to separate the beds. When she gets close to the twitching Simon his convulsions seem to get worse as he struggles against the aides trying to hold him down. As soon as the syringe breaks through his skin he finally manages to throw off the aides and make a rush at the doctor.
(Initiative checks.)

2009-02-16, 04:16 PM
for initiative you roll 1d10 and add your initiative modifier, not roll x number of dice

2009-02-16, 05:25 PM

Staring out at the masses gathering outside the fence. Kevin sighs and mutters softly "I hate it when there not already dead. They fight better." before turning around and ordering his ammo runner "Go check my rifle is being brought to me, and scour the armory for anything that would put a dent in that Tank. Failing that, grab all the spirits you can find, and make a few Molotov cocktails, if they still use that silly uranium armor, we might be able to gas them."


Do we have any anti-armor weapons in the armory?

2009-02-16, 09:06 PM

Initiative 1d10+5

2009-02-17, 06:08 AM
Initiative (3)

2009-02-17, 01:45 PM

Tom nods towards Steven, covering him as he makes his way down to the heavily armed group.

2009-02-19, 12:11 AM
Dunno about you guys, but the boards have been really bad for access lately for me. :X

Initiative! (6)

Edit ^^ wtf? Don't know why it's not working.... Feel free to DM a roll.