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View Full Version : Variant Bardic spellcasting

Lord Iames Osari
2006-09-24, 07:20 PM
It irritates me that all bard spells must have verbal components: not all bards sing. Some dance, some are flutists, some use lutes.

If you have the Perform (dance) skill, your spells must include somatic components.
If you have the Perform (acting, comedy, oratory, or singing) skill, your spells must include verbal components.
If you have the Perform (keyboard, percussion, stringed, or wind instruments) skill, your spells must include the instrument of your choice as a focus component.

If you have Perform skills in more than one category, choose one of them to be your primary Perform skill. This determines which component you cannot eliminate through metmagic.

2006-09-24, 09:13 PM
This makes complete sense, I like it. It seems a pretty simple and to the point rule, so probably not too many replies; but the rule makes sense and I'll likely make use of it.

2006-09-25, 06:55 AM
Seconded (other than making use of it: I'm not too keen on playing Bards).

2006-09-26, 12:52 PM
What about providing for Air Guitar Bards? Would they be Somatic or Verbal or both?

2006-09-26, 02:11 PM
What about providing for Air Guitar Bards? Would they be Somatic or Verbal or both?

Depends on how well you can hum

Fax Celestis
2006-09-26, 02:12 PM
Depends on how well you can hum
Excuse me. I have to go laugh now.

2006-09-26, 04:01 PM
You know what I've always wanted to see? A rule (not aid another) that allows perform checks to be made in tandem, to provide a synergy bonus for each person participating. So maybe you can have a bard singing, another strumming on the lute, and a shadow danver dancing, giving a sort of synergy bonus. The problem I've always encountered is where to draw the line, and how to deal with two good performers and one bad one. Maybe average their rolls and then add synergy?

If this is a hijack, let me know, Iames.