View Full Version : Dame Morbid's Tourney, Team 5

Inyssius Tor
2009-02-11, 08:05 AM
Midday slips into afternoon, and afternoon into evening, in the bunkhouse where combatants are allowed free room and board. "Allowed" is a somewhat misleading term--it is prohibited to leave the confines of the arena until the fights are over. Most of the gladiators in the room have returned from the pit over the last several hours, rubbing at freshly-healed skin and discussing tactics; the combatants who still haven't been called are generally spending their time listening to these conversations, or picking at the remnants of dinner.

The sounds of battle and the cheering of the crowd have grown awfully tiresome by this point. No one is complaining, after the sounds of battle were briefly replaced with three full minutes of tortured screams roughly half an hour ago. When that accursed rude-sounding horn blares again, though--calling yet another team into the arena--it draws equally rude retorts. An otherwise mute hobgoblin stands by the doors, his tarnished horn still bellowing out one note. Another round is starting up, and he motions to five people in turn.

You know the rules. Looking around, you size up the people who will be backing you up in fights that will likely be lethal. The combatants in the room who weren't chosen turn back to their conversations, grumbling about the unnecessary noise.

You suit up, and are led into the tunnel leading to the arena's main area. A low rumble becomes a deafening roar as you near the crowd. The red light of sunset shines through the portcullis at the end of the tunnel, and a scarred man at the entryway says "You'd best be getting your introductions out of the way now--you won't have any time once the fighting starts."

2009-02-11, 10:11 AM
Urok Stonefoot: AC-23 Fort-19 Rlfx-16 Will-17 Hp-58/58 Surges-18/18
A stout dwarf walks into the hall, his face covered in scars from previous battles. You can not see if the rest of his body is as horribly damaged, because his likewise abused (although in a pristine state of cleanliness) set of plate armor covers him. His hammer seems to crackle with electrical charge, the static jumping out to give an uncomfortable shock to anyone who comes too close. His shield is embroidered with the hammer and anvil of Moradin.
"All right lads, let me take the front. I can take more hits than the walls of this Moradin forsaken building, so no one be a hero for my sake."

2009-02-11, 10:31 AM
Thok Umpchuck - HP-56/56 Surges-13/13 AC-24 Fort-19 Reflex-17 Will-14
*AC drops to 23 when Bloodied
*Gains 5 temp HP everytime he's hit by close or melee attacks

In one empty corner of the room, a massive orc shadowboxes against multiple opponents - only in the orc's case, he's using a warhammer rather than his fists. Hearing the call of the horn, the orc turns with a nasty grin, and gives a joyous shout as the mute hobgoblin gestures to him.

"Yay! It's Thok's turn now!"

Muscling his way through the crowd of other waiting gladiator, Thok moves into the tunnel leading into the arena. He moves to stand directly beside the dwarf already there.

"Thok no coward! He shall stand with you, Mr. Dwarf!"

2009-02-11, 02:21 PM
Hragadaroth: thinks his odds are good
45/45 AC18 Fort18 Ref13 Will19 Surges7/7
Resist Fire 5

A massive dragonborn with scales the color of fire and a robe the color of blood walks slowly but with a determined look into the tunnel. Smoke rises from his mouth and nostrils while small lines of electricity shoot from his hands to go up and down the black iron staff he carries.

"By all means, take the fight forward. I ask only that you take heed when I call for you to move from an area.... or at least don't hold a grudge when the blast clears." The sorcerer adds with a smile.

2009-02-12, 08:23 PM
Roan Arathane (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=102333), HROO! HROO!
37/37HP AC19 FORT17 REF17 WILL16
7 Surges a Day

The rail thin human in armor that seemed both too small and too bulky stood. In a move that provoked a look of shock from a nearby goblin, The skinny, stubbled Roan Arathane snatched up a massive, terrifying greataxe from the wall in one hand and flourished it easily. His armor was obviously dwarven in make, although the gauntlets were harder to place and covered in what looked like scorch marks. He shook back sand-blond hair and shouldered a quiver of javelins before speaking,

"A varied collection! I like it!" he barked, "The mercenary corp is always the most dedicated. My name is Roan Arathan, and I've got some experience in leading" at this he smirked and shifted his greataxe into a two-handed grip, "So believe me, I know what I'm doing."

Roan stepped towards the entranceway.

"Now, are we ready for battle?! HROO! HROO!" He howled.

2009-02-12, 10:19 PM
Rythalas (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=94213)
31/31 HP / AC 20 / Fort 15 / Reflex 18 / Will 20 / Surges 7/7

A relatively unscathed Eladrin walks with a slightly aloof bearing, accompanied by a chill breeze that never seems to quite go away despite having no apparent source. Dark goggles cover his eyes, his oak staff covered in silver filigree that matches the trim of his blue robe and billowing white cloak. I'm quite happy to stay out of both your way and your blasts, he says to the dragonborn and dwarf respectively, and shall do what I can to make sure our foes are just the opposite.

Though his goggles cover his eyes, it's obvious from his bearing that he finds the human's exuberance odd. His gaze feels piercing even through his googles as he asks Why be excited about fighting for our lives? he says. Were there another way to test my powers as effectively, I would gladly take it.

2009-02-13, 12:56 AM
Roan grinned broadly, wildly.

"There is no other way to truly test your skills, Brother." He laughed heartily, "For in battle we are all Brothers, tested to our limits! HROO!" again the war cry. Roan Arathane thirsted for blood.

2009-02-13, 01:02 AM
"Animals fight to survive! And Thok is the most dangerous animal of all!" The orc shouts as he raps his warhammer against his shield. "Why shouldn't Thok fight?"

Inyssius Tor
2009-02-13, 01:08 AM

2009-02-13, 01:17 AM
(Mmmm, if you insist. :smallwink: )


2009-02-13, 06:36 AM
"Oh great, I'm the shortest one here." Urok mumbles to himself.

Init: [roll0]

2009-02-13, 01:49 PM
Initiative! [roll0]

Also... What's implement expertise do? I've heard the feat mentioned and I may switch it for toughness. Thanky in advance!

Inyssius Tor
2009-02-13, 02:05 PM
From what we saw at DDXP, it looks as if it gives you a +1 to attacks with that implement.

Yes, that does sound alarmingly powercreepy, but you can use it if you want.

2009-02-13, 04:57 PM
Whoops. [roll0]

2009-02-13, 07:11 PM


Rythalas tilts his head sideways as he regards Roan, giving the impression he is eyesing him quizzically through the goggles. You would fit in among many of the winter fey, human. Interesting. A moment later however the Eladrin's attention shifts to the battle ahead, and the winter wind surrounding him picks up noticeably. Between the reflective silver trim and the roiling fabric, his cloak makes it difficult to pinpoint his body's exact position from more than a few feet away.

Inyssius Tor
2009-02-13, 10:04 PM
A hush falls over the crowd as the five adventurers are led out into the ring. High above you, Dame Morbid sits in the balcony at the other side of the arena. A veil obscures her face, and she's flanked by two oddly-proportioned trolls wielding vicious swords.

The portcullis closes behind you as Dame Morbid raises a wooden staff. An emblem at the end of it begins to burn red, and a howling wind whips around the arena. Sharp logs burst out of the ground of the pit, rising ten or twenty feet in the air. Thick clouds of insects begin to coalesce about the arena, swarming together ... and solidifying into a massive black tree at the far side of the arena, eighty feet tall or more. A flaming red, carved eye flashes open low on the trunk, and the wind rushing through its thrashing branches begins to take on the sound of screams.

Fight's on.

Inyssius Tor
2009-02-13, 10:05 PM
Battle Report:

28 The Tree (delaying)
22 Roan Arathane (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=102333)
20 Insect Clouds
16 Hragadaroth (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=106727)
15 Rythalas (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=94213)
14 Thok Umpchuck (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=105729)
11 Urok Stonefoot (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=74688)


2009-02-13, 10:18 PM
Thok laughs as their main opponent is revealed. "Ha, Thok not scared of tree!" The orc warrior gestures tauntingly at the tree with his warhammer. "Thok going to break you into firewood!"

(Guess I ought to wait for a few more people to take their turns before I decide what to do. Man, having low initiative sucks. :smallfrown: )

2009-02-13, 10:20 PM
I'll wait until after the swarms go to take my turn ;)

2009-02-13, 10:40 PM
Roan arched an eyebrow and shifted his grip on his greataxe. He moved forward and spoke loud and clear to the spectating Dame.

"A tree? We're fighting bugs and a tree?" he called incredulously. He turned to his partners in battle.

"Alright. Urok, I'll flank with you. Let's go make some kindling.."

Move action: move to j14. Standard: Nature check on Tree thing. [roll0] Free action: Be snarky.

Inyssius Tor
2009-02-13, 11:07 PM
Predictably, the swarms close in, stinging and biting at the wiseguy in front.

They hurt exactly as much as you might expect a cloud of mosquitoes to hurt.

Looking at the tree, The Fleabitten One discerns that setting it on fire might not be a good idea. Considering that it's already on fire. It's not undead, and you can tell that "on fire" is not a natural state for the tree. That's about it.

A single one of them hit, dealing a measly four damage. Everyone else, the time is you!

2009-02-13, 11:28 PM
Hragadaroth: kills bugs dead
45/45 AC18 Fort18 Ref13 Will19 Surges7/7
Resist Fire 5

The dragonborn chuckles with a puff of smoke from his nostrils as he approaches the swarms.
The sorcerer strides up to the swarms that assualted his teammate, Roan, plants his staff into the ground, and a whirlwind of flame swirls about the area engulfing bugs by the dozens. The dragonborn himself is shimmering with heat as a warning to the remaining insects.


Move: I-15

Standard: Flame Spiral (Encounter) on the swarms surrounding Roan (1 hit each)

To-hit [roll0] vs Ref. on I-14 Swarm
To-hit [roll1] vs Ref. on J-13 Swarm
To-hit [roll2] vs Ref. on K-14 Swarm

Any hit, take [roll3] Fire dmg (Close Burst)

Also, Until the start of my next turn, any enemy that enters a square adjacent to me or starts its turn there takes [roll4] fire damage. (+5 if the Draconic Power class feature applies. It's a dmg boost to arcane based powers)

2009-02-13, 11:37 PM

The Eladrin frost mage follows up the dragonborn's attack with a ray of pure cold dircted at the swarm nearest to him. Impressive, he remarks to the sorceror, if a little lacking in finesse.

Move: G17
Standard: [roll0] vs Fortitude against the swarm in I14
[roll1] cold damage
Note: On a hit, the swarm is slowed until the end of my next turn. Also, if I14 drops from Boddan's attack, I'll take J13.

2009-02-13, 11:48 PM
Roan slapped ineffectually at the bugs sniping at his exposed face and neck, and then held up his magical cloak as flames and frost exploded from his Brothers in arms.

"Could you two do that again if need be?" he called across the arena at the mages.

2009-02-13, 11:51 PM
31/31 HP / AC 20 / Fort 15 / Reflex 18 / Will 20 / Surges 7/7

All day, the Eladrin remarks matter-of-factly.

OOC: Forgot to add the damage bonus from Burning Blizzard... the attack should be doing 11 damage if it hits

2009-02-14, 12:05 AM
Thok Umpchuck - HP-56/56 Surges-13/13 AC-24 Fort-19 Reflex-17 Will-14
*AC drops to 23 when Bloodied
*Gains 5 temp HP everytime he's hit by close or melee attacks

With a loud roar, the massive orc lumbers into action, although rather than moving towards the current main body of conflict, he swings around to attack the northern group of bugs.

"Thok handle other flank!" He shouts as he rushes forward with impressive speed, crashing into the middle of the bug swarms.

Move: Moving north 5 to C11

Standard: Charging in a diagonal to H6, attacking the swarm at I6.

To-Hit: (+1 from charge, vs. AC, second number is the actual to-hit, first is what I actually rolled on a d20 - it helps ID crits)
Damage:[roll]1d10+1d8+5 (extra 1d8 due to Vanguard weapon property)

2009-02-14, 09:46 AM
Urok Stonefoot: AC-23 Fort-19 Rlfx-16 Will-17 Hp-58/58 Surges-18/18
With a yell, Urok runs forward to get into the fray.
"Let's see if you can eat a whole dwarf!"
Move to I13, provoking an opportunity attack.
Piercing Smite (encounter):
Attack: [roll0] vs Reflex
Damage: [roll1]
Both my adjacent enemies are now marked.

Inyssius Tor
2009-02-15, 11:41 PM
Unfazed by insects and demon tree alike, the gladiators spring into action! The dragonborn sorcerer's flame spiral plays over the insect clouds, yet few of them seem affected by the scorching zephyr; the nearest vermin begin to burn, one by one, as they brush against his cloak of fire. The insects seem more affected by Rythalas's ray of frost, their frantic movement audibly slowing--as the charging Urok Stonefoot swings his hammer in a mighty arc straight through the bulk of the cloud.

Meanwhile, Thok Stonefoot charges waaay across to the other side of the arena and swings wildly at an entirely unrelated swarm of insects. No one in the audience could doubt his strength. His depth perception, on the other hand... not so much. The swarm is mostly unharmed, and the tree-creature's burning eye flicks toward him. A long branch lashes out at him, dragging him ten feet closer to the tree.

Hragadaroth missed three times (man, dice!), but that extra five damage will apply here when their turn comes up again. Rythalas hits, as does Urok; the swarm is seriously bloodied, but deals 6 damage to Urok with the OA he provoked. Thok just misses, takes 3 damage from the branch that whipped him, and is pulled to J-6. Next up, Roan Arathane.

Sorry about the forty-minute delay, String; turns out that three pints of Mountain Dew makes me totally unable to handle distractions.


2009-02-16, 12:13 AM
Roan Arathane, READY FOR BLOOD!
33/37HP AC19 Fort17 Ref17 Will16
Surges Left 7/7

Roan grimaced at the sight of Thok all alone, and called to the orc.

"Thok! You make sure you leave some of that for me!" he called with bravado, as he twirled his axe at the swarm in front of him. "We're almost done here! HROO!" With a roar, Roan swung the flat of his blade at the swarm. It wasnt supposed to hurt, it was supposed to be visually impressive, inspiring. He looked over at the Dragonborn. "Right, Hragadaroth?"

Standard Action Furious Smash on I14[roll0] If it hits I do 4 Damage and Hragadaroth gets +2 to Attack and Damage on his next attack against the I14 Swarm.

2009-02-16, 01:50 AM
(not sure if that OA counted as melee or not, but I can only assume so, just a melee with really, really long reach! :smalleek: If so, that should trigger Thok's battlerager vigor due to being a melee attack, no? :smallamused:)

Thok Umpchuck - HP-53+5/56 Surges-13/13 AC-24 Fort-19 Reflex-17 Will-14
*AC drops to 23 when Bloodied
*Gains 5 temp HP everytime he's hit by close or melee attacks

Thok looks at the long scratch on his armor with clear amusement. "That's it, that's the best you got tree!? Thok will show you!"

(Assuming the situation doesn't drastically change once those insects come in, Thok will do the following on his turn.)

"Here I come tree! You better be ready for a real fight!"

Barging through the outskirts of the swarm of insects surrounding him, Thok charges right up to the roots of the massive tree, delivering a titanic blow to the nearest root poking up. Then, he turns back and waves to the others. "Hurry up, stop playing with stupid bugs! Thok may be done soon if you don't hurry!"

Standard: Charging to O6 to attack the Tree. Using an encounter power (Rhino Strike) that means I DO NOT provoke any OAs from the charge movement.

To-Hit:[roll0] (+1 due to Charge)
Extra Charge Damage:[roll2] (Weapon Property)

Marking the tree, obviously. The previously marked swarm is now free to do as it wishes.

(I swear the stupid forum die roller HATES me. Which is good, because I hate it. :smalltongue:)

2009-02-16, 08:04 PM
Holding for dem bugs. I may go AoE crazy =D

Inyssius Tor
2009-02-16, 08:55 PM
The vermin attack once more, swarming around the warriors. Roan swings at the nearest swarm, in a smooth-looking but ultimately fruitless display of courage.

Three swarms attack Roan Arathane, making a lot of rather loud pinging noises as they smash themselves against his armor.

One cloud swarms Hragadaroth, braving his aura of fire; since it used a move action to gain combat advantage, it deals 2 ongoing damage (save ends) in addition to the normal 5 damage.

One misses Urok; one successfully attacks Thok, dealing 4 damage and 3 ongoing damage (save ends).

The aura of fire has almost completely wiped out the nearest swarm--although the remaining bugs, once dispersed, flock around the three warriors, stinging and biting at them for 4 ongoing damage (save ends) each.

Inspectre: you're going to miss.


2009-02-16, 09:00 PM
Will be using quotes rather than color for the next few posts till my PC is fixed, am on blackberry ATM.


The Eladrin mage repositions himself, then aims his staff at a point seemingly between Roan and the tree. Two points of angry blue light appear on the end of his staff before larger versions of the frost bolt he fired previously strike both the tree and one of the swarms. Ice solidifies around them, rooting them in place if they are not evasive enough. He seems to focus for a moment, after which the chill wind surrounding him begins to send violent gusts outward every few seconds.

Move to K16
Minor: Activate Repulsion armor, will use it to repel any swarms that approach him.
Standard: [roll=Icy Rays Tree]1d20+7[roll], [roll0], [roll1], [roll2] (if GM rules the tree is within 10 squares) and I14 swarm (if still active. Uf either of those targets are invalid, substitute K14 and J13 as needed and in that order.

2009-02-16, 09:42 PM
Hragadaroth: once ate some bugs. True Story.
34/45 AC18 Fort18 Ref13 Will19 Surges7/7
Resist Fire 5

Ongoing 2
Ongoing 4

"Please step aside, Brother" Hragadaroth says to Roan with a mischievous grin.

Embarrased with his previous display, the Dragonborn holds his staff back and throws forth his other hand releasing a molten stream that he casts across the swarming masses.

Move: Shift to I-16

Minor: be embarrased

Standard: Ready a Burning Spray for after Roan's next action. Close Blast 3 with the corners being J-15, J-13, L-15, & L-13. I'll hold until Roan moves from the blast area (I-14).

[roll0] to-hit J-15 Swarm vs Ref
[roll1] to-hit K-14 Swarm vs Ref
[roll2] to-hit J-13 Swarm vs Ref
[roll3] to-hit K-13 Swarm vs Ref

Any hit take [roll4] Fire Dmg & the first enemy to hit me in melee before the end of my next turn takes 5 Fire Dmg.

I believe the swarm I got bonuses against by Roan was dispersed? If not, and it's in that area, please add 2 to the to-hit and dmg for me?

Save vs Ongoing 4 [roll5] (can only make a single save each turn, ja?)

Inyssius Tor
2009-02-20, 04:40 PM
Rythalas springs forward. As a cloud of insects swarms over him, icy motes of energy streak from his staff and across the battlefield. The swarm enveloping him manages to throw off his aim; one sears through a different swarm, but the other grounds itself in the far wall.

Thok hacks at the tree with all his formidable strength, but the hurricane-force winds around it force him to move away or smashed to the ground before he can penetrate its scorched-black bark. The baleful flaming eye turns toward the other combatants--and dozens of barbed roots burst from the ground around them, restraining them and digging into their skin.

Hragadaroth, Rythalas, and Urok take 17 damage each and are restrained (save ends). Thok is pushed to M-6. Rythalas provokes an OA from the swarm nearest him, and takes another 6 damage; he hits one swarm (now both bloodied and immobilized) with his ray, but misses the tree.

Is that map less clear than I think it is? I thought that the red-symbol-marks-where-a-swarm-is convention was pretty intuitive.

Hragadaroth, yes, you did "kill" the I-14 cloud ... but it doesn't matter, since Roan missed. Also: the wording in that section is kind of weird, but you can actually "roll a saving throw against each effect on you."

22 Roan Arathane (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=102333)
20 Insect Clouds
16 Hragadaroth (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=106727)
15 Rythalas (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=94213)
14 Thok Umpchuck (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=105729)
13 The Tree
11 Urok Stonefoot (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=74688)

Urok and Roan, you're up. After Roan goes, Hragadaroth's readied action will go off.


2009-02-20, 05:18 PM
Ah good. Here goes.

Save vs Ongoing 2 [roll0]

Also, since I'm now bloodied before my attack goes off, some changes:

+2 AC (Armor)
+2 to Saving throws (Armor)
+2 AC (Class Feature)
+1 To-hit (Racial)
+2 Dmg (Racial Feat)

So if you could add 1 to the to-hit's and 2 to the dmg's, that's be super.

2009-02-21, 11:23 AM
Urok Stonefoot: AC-23 Fort-19 Rlfx-16 Will-17 Hp-41/58 Surges-18/18
"Get off me yea little bastards!"
Staggering Smite on the swarm in H-13, and push it to E-13 on a hit.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Save vs Restraint: [roll2]
Save vs Damage: [roll3]

Sorry about not posting for a bit, I've been away from home and haven't had much internet access.

2009-02-21, 08:19 PM
Edit: Nm, misread post. Also, ow! Just... ow. Also, my blackberry didn't pull up the map right, otherwise I would have stayed out of melee range with the swarm. I'm on a real PC now and can see the error, any chance I can retcon and have my move keep me out of melee range?

2009-02-21, 10:22 PM
Roan Arathane, Is about to be fried
HP 29/37 AC19 FORT17 REF17 WILL16

"All yours."
Roan quickly dove aside, heedless of the stinging insects, and flung his axe across his back as he did so. As he came out of his roll, he swiftly loosed a javelin at the flaming tree Thok was fighting.

[spoiler] Move action to M13. Minor action to sheathe greataxe. Standard action: basic ranged attack with javelin (I have quick draw) [roll0] [roll1] and finally, my ongoing damage save [roll2]

Inyssius Tor
2009-02-22, 02:59 AM
As the barbs dig into his leg, Urok swings again at the swarm in front of him--to little effect. As Hragadaroth focuses his burning power at the swarms before him, Roan swiftly dives out of the way--or tries to, as the swarms in his path hit like a solid wall of blades. In a thick fog of vermin and a thin haze of blood, the agile warlord collapses unconscious to the ground.

Roan: It took me a minute to realize what you were doing, but I really appreciated the tactical acumen of your last turn. My dice, however, did not. 30 damage, and 1 and 3 ongoing damage (save ends) from the ones that are flanking you.

Hragadaroth: waiting on your input. With Arathane bleeding out at Ground Zero, do you still go ahead with that readied action?

(Rythalas: Ah, thought so. G-16 okay? You didn't take the OA, but you still cast Icy Rays and still got hit by that last attack. I'll edit the map if that's not cool.)


2009-02-22, 11:00 AM
Works for me, I was hoping to reposition to catch the tree and one of the swarms. The only issue was of where I went, so otherwise the actions are still legit. Annoying that the swarms aren't affected by my armor tho.

2009-02-22, 11:33 AM
I won't be incinerating a downed ally. I lose turn, ja?

2009-02-22, 11:59 AM
Submitting my next turn into the queue in case I have trouble posting in the next few days.


The Eladrin shouts in pain as the roots dig into him and hold him fast. Seeing Roan in much greater peril, he calls on one of his more powerful spells to aid him. A burst of frigid air flood over the bulk of swarms (and the already-unconscious warlord), originating from a space just behind them. While the others in the group feel only cold air, many of the swarms are noticeably affected by it. Their movements become lazier, and a few drop out of the air for a moment.

Standard: Sleep, originating from L13. All attacks are vs will, 4 swarms in burst. [roll0], [roll1], [roll2], [roll3], [roll4] (for thoroughness, and in case he wakes up. Sorry buddy.
Regardless of whether the attacks hit or miss, all the swarms are slowed (save ends). If any are hit and fail their first saving throw, they fall unconscious (save ends).
Also, can you let me know which of my defenses is being targetted by future attacks? My utility power boosts my AC and Reflex by +4 as an immediate interrupt for a turn, so it'd be nice to know if I'm boosting the right defense now that I've been bloodied by a gorram tree :smalleek:
Edit: Wow, those are horrible rolls. This ain't looking too good.

Inyssius Tor
2009-02-22, 01:31 PM
Rythalas: the swarms have been targeting AC, the roots targeted Reflex, and the one branch that hit Thok a while back targeted Fortitude (for some reason that eludes me at this moment). You can push the swarms back if they move toward you, just not if you move toward them. :smallwink:

Hragadaroth: ja. Hoping you all survive this, because I really like this team's characters...

2009-02-22, 02:03 PM
Waiting for the bugs to make their moves before I decide what Thok is going to do next. So far unless that tree can use its root-thing more than once and the rest of its attacks are melee, Thok will probably survive this at least. Hurray Battlerager vs. low-damage mooks. :smallcool:

Inyssius Tor
2009-02-22, 02:50 PM
The swarms cloud around their downed foe--but the flaming eye flicks toward Urok Stonefoot, forcing the insect clouds to focus their attacks elsewhere.

Waaaay over to the side, Thok continues his private battle with the tree and four other swarms. It's hard to say who's winning, but as the cloud envelops him one might reasonably bet on the vermin.

20 damage to Thok, as well as 3, 4, and 4 ongoing (save ends). Of course, that gives him even more temporary HP.

17 damage to Urok, as well as 1 and 4 ongoing (save ends).

One attacks Roan, but doesn't have time enough to deal any damage.

Next up: Hragadaroth, Rythalas (already posted), and Thok.http://img24.imageshack.us/img24/3374/t5r6.png

2009-02-22, 03:21 PM
Hragadaroth: Is taking his gloves off.
13/45 AC22 Fort18 Ref13 Will19 Surges7/7
Resist Fire 5

Ongoing 2
Ongoing 4

Ok, I can do some serious bug-****in-up... I just need you two out of the way. Urok, if you can lay on hands Roan, and use your standard(nother move) and move to shift to H-14, and than F-14, you'll be clear. Roan, when awake, you can use your move as a stand up and with your square occupied you get a free shift in the deal. Anything to the east works.
Whew, here goes. Don't fail me now fickle dice gods!

"MOVE", the dragonborn yells with fury. The swarms have frayed the last remnants of his nerves and he intends to repay them.

Move: Shift to I-15

Delay the rest until Urok and Roan are clear.

Minor: Flaming Breath - Close Blast 3 to hit all 5 swarms in front of me.
to-hit [roll0] vs Ref on H-12
to-hit [roll1] vs Ref on H-13
to-hit [roll2] vs Ref on J-12
to-hit [roll3] vs Ref on J-13
to-hit [roll4] vs Ref on J-14

Any hit take [roll5] Fire Dmg

Standard: Lightning Breath (Daily) - Close Blast 3 on all 5 swarms again.

to-hit [roll6] vs Ref on H-12
to-hit [roll7] vs Ref on H-13
to-hit [roll8] vs Ref on J-12
to-hit [roll9] vs Ref on J-13
to-hit [roll10] vs Ref on J-14

any hit take [roll11] (half dmg on miss) Lightning Dmg

& until the end of my next turn, whenever an enemy hits me with a melee attack, I push that enemy 1 square and deal 5 lightning dmg to it. I can sustain this effect with a minor action.

Action Point

Standard: Burning Spray - Close blast 3 on all 5 swarms once more.

to-hit [roll12] vs Ref on H-12
to-hit [roll13] vs Ref on H-13
to-hit [roll14] vs Ref on J-12
to-hit [roll15] vs Ref on J-13
to-hit [roll16] vs Ref on J-14

any hit take [roll17] Fire Dmg

& the next enemy to hit me in melee before the end of my next turn takes 5 fire dmg

That's it, we swears! :smallbiggrin:

2009-02-22, 03:26 PM
Forgot my saves... as I knew I would... (+2 to saves for armor)
Save vs Ongoing 2 [roll0]
Save vs Ongoing 4 [roll1]

2009-02-22, 04:15 PM
Could you divide that 20 damage up into seperate amounts for each actual hit please? I gain 5 temp HP everytime something hits me with a melee/close attack, so basically each bug has to chew through 5 temp HP first before they inflict any lasting harm - I can do the math on that if you just give me each hit's amount. :smallbiggrin:

Also, usually ongoing damage of the same type doesn't stack, so the question is which of these three options are you going with?

Thok has ongoing damage 4, and takes 4 at the beginning of his round. He makes one save (only the most powerful one stays).

Thok has ongoing damage 4, 4, 3, and 3, but he only takes 4 at the beginning of his round. He makes saves against each one. (only the most powerful one inflicts damage, but all of the effects stay until each one is saved).

Thok has ongoing damage 4, 4, 3, and 3, for a grand total of 14 ongoing damage. He makes saves against each one. (all of them add together)

Inyssius Tor
2009-02-22, 04:29 PM
That's crazy! I deleted the exact damage amounts (whoops), but I believe you take a total of seven damage.

"Thok has ongoing damage 4, 4, 3, and 3, but he only takes 4 at the beginning of his round. He makes saves against each one. (only the most powerful one inflicts damage, but all of the effects stay until each one is saved)."

It's this one. Sorry for not clarifying that earlier.

2009-02-22, 05:25 PM
A-yup. Battleragers are completely off the chain when it comes to durability. But they do have a few weaknesses, especially if you go for maximum durability like I did with Thok, instead of focusing on the build's other features (damage bonuses while in chainmail, for example).

Basically, they hit less often and for less due to investing into Con instead of pouring everything into Strength, and likewise slightly weaker overall defenses for having Str & Con be their focus. So, monsters have less to fear from provoking their mark, *and* there's little incentive to focus on the battlerager to start with because he's a brick wall reinforced with rebar. But one could make the case that they still don't give up enough in doing their job effectively compared to the benefits of being able to take a pounding. *shrug*

If after this fight you decide Battlerager is too crazy, I'd be happy to rebuild Thok as a 1-handed Guardian Fighter. There shouldn't be too many things I would need to change save feats and juggling stats around a little bit. He'll still be able to take a beating, but not so much that low-damage mooks just burst into tears. :smallbiggrin:

Thok Umpchuck - HP-46+1/56 Surges-13/13 AC-24 Fort-19 Reflex-17 Will-14
*AC drops to 23 when Bloodied
*Gains 5 temp HP everytime he's hit by close or melee attacks
*Ongoing 4, 4, 3, 3

"Stupid tree! Stay still when Thok is crushing you!" The orc roars over the buzzing din of the insect swarms surrounding him. Pressing his shoulder against the tide of bugs, Thok stumbles a few feet back towards the tree, resolutely advancing despite the wind and insects. In a few places the orc's thick hide has begun to swell from the numerous bug bites, but he still seems more annoyed than actually injured.

"RAH! OUT OF THOK'S WAY!" He shouts, swinging his warhammer around angrily through the nearest swarm.

Move:Shift from M6 to N5
Standard:Crushing Surge on swarm in N6
Hit: Thok gains 5 temp HP, boosting it to 6 temp HP total (until he gets hit by another melee/close attack, which will bring it back up to 5 temp HP minimum).

2009-02-22, 05:28 PM
(Yeah, that's not going to hit. Stupid dice roller! Forgot saving throws. :smallfrown:)

Save vs. Ongoing 4[roll0]
Save vs. Ongoing 4[roll1]
Save vs. Ongoing 3[roll2]
Save vs. Ongoing 3[roll3]

Updated Status
Thok Umpchuck - HP-46+1/56 Surges-13/13 AC-24 Fort-19 Reflex-17 Will-14
*AC drops to 23 when Bloodied
*Gains 5 temp HP everytime he's hit by close or melee attacks
*No Ongoing Damage

2009-02-23, 12:29 AM
Roan Arathane
HP -5/37 AC19 FORT17 REF17 WILL16
Ongoing 1
Ongoing 3

Roan gasped and clasped his hands to his wounds as the strength left with his blood.
Ah, crud. I lent my PHB to a friend this morning, can someone quote me the relevent passages to tell me what I can and cannot do? I must make a Death Saving throw, yes? Am I unconscious? [roll0] [roll1] [roll2]

2009-02-23, 12:33 AM
To Boddan Did you include the +7 damage from my Resourceful presence with that AP?

Inyssius Tor
2009-02-23, 01:57 AM
As he swings at the cloud enveloping him, Thok Umpchuck sees something happening behind the tree. The bark distorts, rippling, as a tall gaunt figure steps through the tree. Eight feet tall, the hooded person wears a tattered black cloak; the figure is unquestionably feminine.

A normal dryad does not have the same proportions as a flesh-and-blood woman, but certain natural ratios still exist; here, they are unnaturally distorted. It moves with a certain sinuous beauty--but with hands distorted into long, long claws burning with perpetual fire, and a hood empty save a writhing swarm of insects and two burning eyes.

It extends a long, flaming talon at Thok Umpchuck, and he feels a burning pain behind his own eyes. His insides crawl, like vermin burrowing through his veins.

Thok takes 21 fire and psychic damage, 10 ongoing damage, and is dazed (one save ends both).

Rythalas hits the swarm that he hit before; in addition to being immobilized, it is now also slowed. :smallwink: I'll rule that--Roan already being unconscious--your spell can't knock him more unconscious.

Roan: unconscious, no actions except for saving throws. If you roll less than 10 on three death saving throws in one day, you die; if you roll a 20, you can spend a healing surge and wake up (but are still prone). When you're healed while unconscious, you start at 0 HP and work up from there (regardless of how many negative hit points you actually have). If you're ever at or below "negative bloodied", you die.

Urok Stonefoot, you're up. Read Boddan's post; Hragadaroth has got a plan.

EDIT: Urok, it looks like you forgot to roll a saving throw versus being restrained last turn. Just so you know: you got a 14, so are restrained no longer.

2009-02-23, 12:21 PM
Urok Stonefoot: AC-23 Fort-19 Rlfx-16 Will-17 Hp-39/58 Surges-16/18
"Get up and move!"
Urok shouts at the prone figure next to him. Ignoring the clouds of vermin that surround him, he gets out of the way.
Minor Action: Lay on hands on my unconscious ally. He may spend a healing surge.
Minor Action: Second wind to regain 15 hp.
Move action: Move to I-15 and take a ton of attacks of opportunity.
Save vs Ongoing 1: [roll0]
Save vs Ongoing 4: [roll1]
That covers all of my saves I have to take, correct?

Inyssius Tor
2009-02-23, 02:19 PM
The mantle of healing energy kindles the spark of consciousness in Roan's mind. Running on pure reflex, he rolls to the side as Urok shoves heedlessly through the swarms... at almost the same moment as Hragadaroth, jaws open wide, exhales a gigantic fireball into the space. Thick bolts of lightning dance inside the fireball, starkly illuminating the arena for three full seconds.

The smoke quickly dissipates in the wind--and as last arcs of lightning play over the crater, even through the howling wind you can hear wild cheering from the stands above. The huge cloud of insects is completely gone.

You don't even need to spend that action point. Holy crap.

Thanks to the +2 from Urok's second wind, only one swarm hits him--that'll be 8 damage, and another 4 ongoing (save ends).

Roan, I assumed you'd be standing up, like Hragadaroth planned, to keep things moving quickly. I hope that's all right. You now have 9 HP, a standard action, and a minor action. After you, the bugs go.

2009-02-23, 02:33 PM
That, sir, was funny. =) Fuggin bugs

I kept me action point, woot! How's this Resourceful Presence work? I cant seem to find it in the PHB. (I'm semi-blind at times)

Inyssius Tor
2009-02-23, 02:40 PM
It's in Martial Power--he's a hybrid-stat warlord.
Resourceful Presence: When an ally who can see you spends an action point to take an extra action and uses the action to make an attack, that attack gains a bonus to damage equal to one-half your level + your Intelligence modifier. If the attack hits no target, the ally gains temporary hit points equal to one-half your level + your Charisma modifier.

2009-02-23, 08:57 PM
Roan Arathane, Back in Business
HP 6/37 AC19 Fort17 Ref17 Will16
Ongoing 3

Roan grinned wildly at the crater, even as he bled profusely from his wounds.

"Amazing work Hragaradaroth, Urok!" he called out as he rushed for Thok and the surrounding swarms. As he came within reach of the orc, he stared straight up at Dame Morbid and called her out for the second time, shouting from his core.


Standard Traded For Move: Moving to M9, and then MINOR: Inspiring Word on myself. I heal 9 HP plus [roll0] HP. [roll1]

2009-02-23, 08:59 PM
Roan Arathane
18/37HP AC19 Fort17 Ref17 Will16

2009-02-23, 09:00 PM
Updated Status
Thok Umpchuck - HP-26/56 Bloodied
Surges-13/13 AC-23 Fort-19 Reflex-17 Will-14
*AC drops to 23 when Bloodied
*Gains 5 temp HP everytime he's hit by close or melee attacks
*Ongoing Damage 10

So is that ongoing damage 10 untyped? Because I think different types stack, so if it's something like ongoing psychic or fire, and the bugs are untyped, then I believe that they stack. :smallfrown:

2009-02-23, 10:03 PM
Did my saving throw not work? I thought I'd rolled above 10, was there a penalty?


Upon seeing the dryad emerge from the tree, Rythalas believes he has identified the real foe here. "Eat this, abomination!" He shouts, as a bolt of blue arcane energy flies from his staff toward what the Eladrin assumes is a corrupted fey creature.

Standard: [roll0] vs Reflex, [roll1]
Move: To K12 if within range, otherwise 5 squares NE of my current position. That is, of course, assuming I made my save. Otherwise here's another one: [roll2]

2009-02-23, 10:56 PM
Oh snap! I forgot my Restrained saves. Boddan rides the short bus!

[roll0] (pre-bloodied)
[roll1] (post-bloodied if the first fails)

2009-02-23, 11:00 PM
Also, Arcana [roll0] for any info on the Dryad?
Sorry for so many posts.

Inyssius Tor
2009-02-24, 10:39 PM
The remaining insects swirl around Thok... but don't actually seem to hurt him much.

Thok: the ongoing damage was untyped (so it does not stack). Four swarms attack you, with combat advantage... and they all miss by either one or two points. Ah, symmetry.

Hragadaroth: you think dryads might be related to trees in some fashion, but you can't be entirely sure. :smallwink:

Rythalas: you're no longer restrained, correct, but your magic missile unfortunately cannot penetrate fifteen solid feet of tree to strike the dryad behind it. Would you like to reposition, choose a different target, or both?

Roan: thank you for posting your updated statblock on the new page; that's very helpful.

22 Roan Arathane (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=102333)
20 Swarms
16 Hragadaroth (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=106727)
15 Rythalas (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=94213)
14 Thok Umpchuck (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=105729)
13 Corrupted Dryad and Tree
11 Urok Stonefoot (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=74688)

Next up: Hragadaroth, Rythalas, and Thok.

2009-02-24, 11:04 PM
If it's possible to reposition for an attack on the dryad I'll do so, otherwise I'll attack the bugs and curse them instead.

Inyssius Tor
2009-02-24, 11:17 PM
With one move action, I don't think you can reach her. Which bugs? Still moving to K-12?

2009-02-24, 11:25 PM
Hragadaroth: struts

11/45 AC22 Fort18 Ref13 Will19 Surges7/7
Resist Fire 5
When hit in melee, attacker is pushed 1 & takes 5 lightning dmg

Ongoing 2

Hragadaroth advances across the arena, walking across the remains of dozens of charred insects softly chuckling to himself.

"Thok! You unkillable beast. Remove yourself from those vermin."

The sorcerer casually points his staff at the tree. A green, tar-like ball darts towards the tree sheltering the dryad behind.

Move: to J-10

Free: Speak

Minor: Sustain Lightning Shield defense

Standard: Acid orb at the tree (since I cant see dryad)
[roll0] vs Ref
for [roll1] Acid dmg

Save vs Ongoing 2: [roll2]

2009-02-24, 11:50 PM
The one to Thok's south. It's closest. And yeah, still moving to K12.

2009-02-24, 11:59 PM
Thok Umpchuck - HP-16/56 Bloodied
Surges-13/13 AC-23 Fort-19 Reflex-17 Will-14
*AC drops to 23 when Bloodied
*Gains 5 temp HP everytime he's hit by close or melee attacks
*Ongoing Damage 10

Thok groans as another spike of pain races up from his stomach into his brain. Clumsily he raises his warhammer up, and then bangs it again his shield. The impact of the metal upon metal seems to rouse Thok somewhat, and he pulls his arm back for another blow. Several more blows follow, each faster and harder than the first - the orc was pumping himself up. Finally with a last impact he roars and gestures with his warhammer at the corrupt dryad.

"Look at Thok's warhammer, wood bitch! It's going to be the last thing you see!"

Twisting his head towards the other, Thok shouts "Thok not scared of your magic, fire gecko! Burn everything! Thok survive worse!"

Standard: Second Wind (Due to property of his Neck item, Thok may spend two healing surges if he's Bloodied. He also regains 15 HP instead of 14 per surge due to his Belt of Vigor).

Saving Throw:[roll0]

Updated Status
Thok Umpchuck - HP-46/56 Second Wind
Surges-11/13 AC-26 Fort-21 Reflex-19 Will-16
*AC drops to 23 when Bloodied
*Gains 5 temp HP everytime he's hit by close or melee attacks
*No enemies marked (Thok used Second Wind instead of attacking someone)

Inyssius Tor
2009-03-01, 05:12 AM
The dryad spares a contemptuous glance for the unkillable Thok, but focuses on Hragadaroth. Stalking out from behind the blackened tree, she extends a burning talon toward him. A stabbing pain lances through his head, and echoes of phantom screaming fill his mind.

Battle Report (and Map):
Rythalas, you hit; the M-9 swarm is damaged, but not bloodied. Thok, you are a not-dying machine. Hragadaroth, your acid orb splashes harmlessly against the tree's bark; you take 9 psychic damage, and a -2 to all attacks against the dryad and her allies until her next turn ends.

Next up: Urok, Roan, and the swarms.

2009-03-01, 09:48 AM

Rythalas, Eladrin Wizard
HP 14/31 (Bloodied) Healing Surge 7 (0 used /7)
AC 22 Fort 15 Reflex 18 Will 20 Speed 6
Str 11 (+2) Con 12 (+3) Dex 14 (+4) Int 19 (+6) Wis 16 (+5) Cha 8 (+1)
+5 to saving throws vs charm effects
+2 to AC and saving throws while bloodied (reflected in stat block)
Ranged attacks against Rythalas from 6+ squares away are at -5
Whenever a hostile non-swarm creature moves adjacent to Rythalas, he pushes it 1 square away as a free action.

Posting now in case I have access issues later, will change my action if it proves necessary

Upon seeing the dryad, Rythalas feels an instinctive surge of loathing toward the corrupted Fey. Repositioning himself once more, he directs the winter winds around him at a spot just between the dryad and its tree. A disembodied female voice originating from the spot implores Let us bring you peace, sister. A moment later the ground freezes over in a flash as his power chills the area, leaving it slick with ice.

Move: F6 if it leaves O4 within range, otherwise G6.
Minor: Ghost Sound on O4, attempting to approximate a dryad's voice. [roll0] in case it's needed.
Standard: Icy Terrain originating from O4 (catching both the tree and dryad in the burst, no?) [roll1] vs Reflex, [roll2] vs Reflex, [roll3] cold damage. Note that all squares within the burst are difficult terrain till the end of my next turn.

2009-03-01, 10:26 AM
Urok Stonefoot: AC-23 Fort-19 Rlfx-16 Will-17 Hp-39/58 Surges-15/18
"Ahk, why do the ones with the long legs always insist on using them to run all over the place?"
Urok runs over to stand between the raging orc and the new tree kin foe.
"Laddy, you take care a those flies, I'll hold off this glorified bag of twigs until you're done."
Double move action the N-5, provoking attacks of opportunity from one swarm and the tree. Minor action to mark the Dryad, she takes -2 to attack and 3 radiant damage for attacking anyone but Urok.

2009-03-01, 01:00 PM
Gonna have a Hraga down when my turn starts without some heal-love

2009-03-01, 08:41 PM
Roan Arathane, In yer arena, heelin yer dragonz.
18/37HP AC19 Fort17 Ref17 Will16

Roan's attention was momentarily drawn by his dragonborn ally, who seemed to be in pain, was bleeding heavily. With a quick motion, he quickly grabbed and loosed another javelin, this one at the corrupted treeling.

"There is a saying amongst the people of my home," he called loudly as the javelin zinged toward the woodland dryad. It wasn't clear whom he was adressing at first.

"'The dragon most bloodied is the dragon most feared'."
The warlord turned back the dragonborn sorceror and grinned broadly.

"Now Hragadaroth, show them why! Let them pay for each drop of your blood with their own!" he roared.

Standard action, Basic javelin attack against the dryad [roll0] [roll1]. Minor Action, Inspiring word on Hragadaroth. he can spend a healing surge and gain an extra [roll2] HP.
[roll3] Can I get any info on the dryad, and can I do that this turn?
I am out of Inspiring words for this fight, guys. I suggest trying to be as sticky as possible, Urok, to keep the Dryad off of the rest of us. I'll be on my way to help Thok with the bugs on my next turn.

2009-03-01, 08:44 PM
(Me gloating)
Holy Kord! Three maxed rolls, and yet I get a 1 on the inspiring word roll! For the love of Bane!

Inyssius Tor
2009-03-07, 03:03 AM
The huge burning eye turns on Urok as he hurls himself into the fray, and more barbed roots burst from the ground all around him. This time the gladiators are ready, however, escaping their grasp entirely.

Though he dodges the tree's roots and thrashing branches with ease, Urok is visibly slowed by the swarm of insects in his path. The cloud swarms around the unkillable Thok as well, but he only seems to grow more focused. "--, fire gecko! Burn everything! Thok survive worse!"

As Urok's god focuses on the corrupted dryad, her flaming eyes lock on the dwarf. She takes a step towards him--and a javelin sprouts from her shoulder. She rips it out, dropping it to the ground (it catches fire as it falls; insects buzz from the tear in her tattered cloak), and glances at the shouting Roan. Her talons clench in rage, burning even brighter.

...then dim, as winter winds swirl around her at Rythalas' command.

Thok is missed twice, even with combat advantage. Urok is hit twice, taking 8 damage total. Roan hits the dryad, dealing 9 damage. Rythalas will miss the dryad but hit the tree, dealing 8 cold damage; he may wish to direct the winter winds at a different spot, however, considering that an attack on O4 will now also hit--and deal 8 cold damage to--Urok Stonefoot.

Next up: Hragadaroth, Rythalas (who already posted, but may wish to change his action), and Thok Umpchuck.

2009-03-07, 04:44 PM

13/45 AC22 Fort18 Ref13 Will19 Surges6/7
Resist Fire 5
When hit in melee, attacker is pushed 1 & takes 5 lightning dmg

Ongoing 2

Hragadaroth grins from ear to ear hearing Roan & Thok's comments. He was placed in the right team, no doubt about it. The dragonborn moves forward to assist his allies. With another spray of liquid fire, Thok and the encircling insects are all caught by the spray.

Move: K-8

Minor: Sustain Lightning defense

Standard: Ready a Burning Spray for when Urok moves from the 3x3 blast centered on Thok.
to-hit [roll0] (with -2 from dryad)
for [roll1] fire dmg

2009-03-07, 04:47 PM
Yep. I'm a moron.

Forgot several to-hit rolls.
I'll roll 4 more for Thok and the 4 swarms. Feel free to make that 11 for a swarm since I didn't specify but I leave it to you.

and save vs ongoing 2 [roll4]

2009-03-07, 05:19 PM
changing attack to [roll0] (vs reflex) vs the Dryad, for [roll1] cold damage. If it hits, she is slowed until the end of my next turn. Also, it should be 12 cold damage, I'd forgotten about the +1 from Burning Blizzard. Will post flavor text in an hour or so. I'll still use ghost sound, as I have a plan.

Rythalas, Eladrin Wizard
Init +6 HP 14/31 Bloodied 15 Healing Surge 7 (0 used /7)
AC 20 Fort 15 Reflex 18 Will 20 Speed 6
Str 11 (+2) Con 12 (+3) Dex 14 (+4) Int 19 (+6) Wis 16 (+5) Cha 8 (+1)
+5 to saving throws vs charm effects
Ranged attacks against Rythalas from 6+ squares away are at -5

Repositioning himself, the Eladrin once more calls upon his power over frost. However, he is forced to refocus the energies of his attack at the last second as Urok moves into the area he had initially planned to freeze. Rythalas instead focuses his power into a concentrated burst aimed at the corrupted dryad, and a bolt of angry blue light slams into her. Winds continue to whip around her for a moment, and from them a soft, feminine, and somehow alien voice whispers Let them give you peace, sister.

2009-03-09, 04:07 PM
Hmmm. Thanks to Second Wind, anything other than those 2 20s that Boddan rolled will miss Thok. Since I don't know yet whether I was hit by one of those 2 yet or not, I'll have to post a split my post a bit.

-If Thok was hit-
Thok Umpchuck - HP-27/56 Bloodied
Surges-11/13 AC-23 Fort-19 Reflex-17 Will-14
*AC drops to 23 when Bloodied
*Gains 5 temp HP everytime he's hit by close or melee attacks

Thok grits his teeth as the wave of heat washes over him, burning his flesh even through his armor. Although wavering slightly, the massive orc pulls himself up to his full height as he steps out of the cloud of swirling insects, swinging at the nearest remainning cloud.

Move:Shift to N7
Standard:Warrior's Surge on M7 Insects

Updated Status
Thok Umpchuck - HP-27/56 Bloodied
Surges-11/13 AC-23 Fort-19 Reflex-17 Will-14
*AC drops to 23 when Bloodied
*Gains 5 temp HP everytime he's hit by close or melee attacks
*M7 swarm Marked

-If Thok was not hit-
Thok Umpchuck - HP-46/56
Surges-11/13 AC-24 Fort-19 Reflex-17 Will-14
*AC drops to 23 when Bloodied
*Gains 5 temp HP everytime he's hit by close or melee attacks

Smirking confidently as the blast of heat singes the insects buzzing around him, Thok quickly takes advantage to slip out from the cloud. He then swings his warhammer wildly through one of the remainning swarms, hoping to splatter a few bugs.

Move:Shift to N7
Standard:Crushing Surge on M7 Insects

Thok Umpchuck - HP-46/56
Surges-11/13 AC-24 Fort-19 Reflex-17 Will-14
*AC drops to 23 when Bloodied
*Gains 5 temp HP everytime he's hit by close or melee attacks
*M7 Insects marked

2009-03-09, 05:49 PM
Hows about this:

[roll0] for which roll was vs Thok's Ref of 19. (a 3 or 5 hits him)

Inyssius Tor
2009-04-03, 08:43 PM
Rythalas’ chill magic scores a substantial hit against the dryad. As the ghostly pleading reaches her, her burning eyes take on a somehow doubtful look. She takes a step back, uncertain… but the cold fades all too quickly, and her flaming claws burn red in the screaming wind. Her warped figure tenses in pain, and her eyes are wide as another soul-crushing scream tears into the minds of the nearby adventurers.

The burning pain is indescribable, and find yourselves on the ground before you can force the ghostly sensations away (pain is all it is, after all). The tree thrashes madly with rage, wind growing harsher. Tossing branches force the berserker and paladin to roll out of the way or die, Thok tossed back into the verminous ring and Urok forced farther still from his quarry—

Hragadaroth finds his opening. With the screaming wind and wildly cheering crowd as accompaniment, another burning torrent floods over the madly buzzing swarms.

One dissipates, strength broken, in a last exhalation of stinging insects; the others writhe about in an ever-more-frantic pitch. The still-prone Thok seems, if anything, invigorated by the flames—but the distracted Urok is not so lucky, as another thrashing branch smashes him in the gut and throws him practically across the arena.

Battle Report:
Ry deals 12 cold damage to the dryad (and slows her until the end of his next turn). Hraga’s spray deals 24 damage to every swarm except the one in N-6. And misses Thok, lucky goon that he is.

Thok: your relationship with the forum roller might be more accurately described as “love-hate”, I think. You miss; but in this case it saved me some trouble, since the M-7 swarm will burn when Hraga’s metaphorical hammer comes down.

Thok, Urok, and Roan all take 12 psychic damage and are knocked prone; Hragadaroth is just missed. Urok takes another 11 damage and is pushed 3 squares (that targeted Fort, by the way).

Next up: Urok, Roan, and the swarms. Get up, maggots! It's not nap time yet!

2009-04-05, 11:59 AM
Urok Stonefoot: AC-23 Fort-19 Rlfx-16 Will-17 Hp-16/58 Surges-15/18

Taking my dwarf save against falling prone.
Save: [roll0]

2009-04-05, 12:05 PM
Urok Stonefoot: AC-23 Fort-19 Rlfx-16 Will-17 Hp-31/58 Surges-15/18

Urok stays on his feet, and charges the Dryad headlong.
Free Action: Dwarven platemail to heal as though I'd spent a surge.
Move Action: Move to O-4 taking attacks of opportunity from 2 swarm (moving up and right).
Minor Action: Mark the Dryad
Standard Action: Holy Strike
attack roll: [roll0] vs AC
Damage roll: [roll1]

2009-04-05, 07:54 PM
Roan Arathane, Ready To Rumble.
15/37HP AC19 Fort17 Ref17 Will16

Roan screamed in agony and beat his gauntleted fists against the dirt. He could feel unconsciousness pressing in around him and began to panick.

I will not fall twice, he roared inwardly. Steeling himself, Roan bit his tongue and flooded out the psychic pain with physical. Forcing himself to stand, his eyes burning with intensity as he gripped the clasp of his cloak, Roan muttered a word of magic to his tattered cape. It shimmered briefly, and Roan knew instinctively that it would protect him from harm.

Following Urok's example, the warlord forged ahead with abandon, drawing his greataxe in a low arc at the dryad's trunklike hips, his scorched gauntlets briefly smoldering, stinking like orc sweat.

Free Action to Activate Dwarven Armor, heal as though I spent a surge. Move action: Stand. Minor Action: Activate Cloak. Standard:Charge through N8,N7,O6 to O5, attack Dryad. Drawing OA from one swarm and possibly the tree. [roll0] If I hit, I use my Gauntlets power and get +5 to damage. [roll1]

2009-04-05, 07:59 PM
I do max damage then. 12+4+5=21 PLUS



2009-04-12, 09:55 PM
We still going here?