View Full Version : Iron Man v5 - Pepper Pots?

2009-02-12, 12:41 AM
I think I must have missed something in the Iron Man comics. At what point did Pepper become an amalgam of Stark technology?

2009-02-12, 04:52 AM
About the same time the movie came out, they started up a new Iron Man series. In that Pepper was heavily injured in the first issue and had to be repaired using Stark tech that coincidentally resembled the glowing heart battery from the movie. Basically it was a thing to make anyone coming to the series from the movie able to connect better with the comic with a twist.

2009-02-13, 12:54 AM
Mm, okay. So I need to go hunting a little after where I currently am in collection.

Was this about when War Machine got busted up and rebuilt as a cyborg?

2009-02-14, 02:58 AM
We don't know when War Machine got hurt exactly, we just see a flashback in his new book. Apparently he was in combat, without his armour mind you, and he got his limbs blown off along with part of his face. So then Tony rebuilt him into a cyborg.