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Divine Comedy
2009-02-13, 01:45 AM
The universe is a big place, and whatever happens it will probably be awesome.

A fresh crop of attendants of various shapes, sizes and races has been hired as the elite Maid squad of the "Silver Dollar" space resort. You are one of these maids, and you have been called to a "staff meeting" of sorts. A vast assortment of varied maids walk, stomp, thunder, and waddle towards the meeting room.

As you walk through the airlocks you are surrounded by bustling corridors filled with voices with dialects ranging from Human to Chy' mrr to robotic. All of these are translated by an acoustic field within the resort, a marvel of technology few places can afford to power.

As you enter the meeting hall, a large construct containing a monitor with a leering smiley face greets you.

Welcome to the FUNTASTIC world of the Silver Dollar! I'm your host, INFOTRON 9001! We hope that your employment here will be as beneficial for you as it is for us. While here you can make use of extravagant living quarters, with all the latest technology in sonic hygiene and nanotech. Monitors flash with lavishly decorated rooms, which are all sparkling clean.

What's more, you can make use of our simulated hot springs! We even employ real flora for your enjoyment, and those are real rock formations gathered by transporter technology! More images of an idyllic landscape, flooded with flowing water and lush vegetation.

There's so much to discover, you'll never get bored! Huge number of flashes on multiple monitors, from entertainment zones to spas to bustling offices.

As part of the elite squad, you will have amazing pay and health benefits! Space will be your wonderland, and we ask soooo little in return. We want so little, including minor things like cooking, cleaning and entertaining guests. All we ask is that you protect the station and master to the death, and never reveal any "fun" things you might see to outsiders. However your most important responsibility will be to entertain honored guests, as well as the master. Don't worry though, we have security forces in case something does go wrong. Monitors flash to disciplined security forces in full carapace armor conducting drills, to two robot officers going berserk and bashing each other and finally to a guard picking his nose while yawning.

Oh, erhm, yes, uh, SOOOO FUN! We ask you to take this time to review what I just said, and introduce yourselves to the other maids. When you are done the master will come and say a few words. Maybe he'll even say 2 or 3 today.

2009-02-13, 01:57 AM

Nana is trying to look her sexiest. She doesn't want to look sloppy in case any sexy maids are looking at her right this minute.

Having my tail and wings under this dress is uncomfortable. I wish I had a better plan than this. At least there will be maids. Will any of these maids need to be corrupted I wonder? If so, that will be very fun. I can't wait.

2009-02-13, 02:20 AM
Miho Nigata

Miho towered over the rest of the girls [and the... blob thing] and stretched. She glanced around at the other maids, waiting for someone else to start the introductions then said, "So, I'm Miho."

2009-02-13, 02:35 AM
*Kagura* *Bubbley*

"This is *very pleasing* to see you!" *Kagura* squawked, floating off the ground wearing only its Maid Sock and Mech Suit. The Orz extended a tentacled arm towards any that would accept it. "Hello, it *left* me appears!" The creature says proudly before going, "*Kagura*."

Neon Knight
2009-02-13, 09:20 AM
Konoka Yukihiro

Konoka smiled. Isn't this a strange lot. Ah, well. At least most of them look like they'll be useful.

"Hey. I'm Konoka. Nice to meet you." She took the proffered appendage and shook it firmly.

Hopefully they'll all help me pull this off smoothly. Otherwise we won't be having much of that fun they keep promising us.

2009-02-13, 01:04 PM
Tia Kyoko

Kyoko was trying not to draw attention to herself. Trying to just observe the other maids in the room and get a read on them.

But she was having a little problem with her uniform. The skirt wasn't long enough. She kept tugging on it, trying cover herself up a little more. But the thing just wouldn't go any lower, not without pulling it off altogether.

So she just stood in the back, and hoped no one would notice her. Occasionally, subconsciously, tugging on her skirt. Why doesn't this thing fit right? She thought to herself, annoyed.

2009-02-13, 03:38 PM

"HIIIIII~!!!" unable to sit still, the group of gathering... uh... girls (..mostly) gets another member added to their quickly forming clique as an exceedingly perky girl dives amongst them. For someone with glasses, and teal hair that make her stand out, her brown uniform with an astoundingly long skirt (why it's just *Inches* above her knees* and a white apron (admittedly the bow in back is nice) is all rather Plain Jane. Not that anyone bothered to tell her.

Mimicing Kyoko's tug on her own outfit for a moment, the newcomer beams some more. "I didn't think there'd be this many new people along! It's... ......it's..." She tugs down a sleeve to read what can only be a small, lightly penned cheat sheet before looking back up. It's a pleasure to meet you!" She bows.

2009-02-13, 05:40 PM
Fujiko Ayakawa

A short girl suddenly tugs Kyoko's skirt "True! Boy, this one's really short... did you lie about your size? i've heard older women do that a lot. " she says as she appreaches closer to the monitor, keeping her head low, apparenty inspecting her own uniform as well.

Anyways, maybe you could ask for it to be resized, mine it's actually a little loose... With this, she pulls she blouse inside her skirt. Oh yeah.....introduction... she raises her head and shakes the first available hand (or tentacle..) vigorously Hello! My name's Fujiko!

I wonder if there'll be any food...i'm hungry...hungryhungryhungryhungryhuuuuuungryyyyyyy ....

2009-02-13, 06:54 PM
*Kagura* *Bubbley*

"*Good* day, are you *campers* to allow *Kagura* to *smell* the *delights*?" *Kagura* said, rapidly moving its tentacle up and down to imitate a shaking motion. He did the same with its other tentacle to Fujiko. "Are *you* *what the people* call the *frumples*? Us should have *parties* where us *should* *dancing* with all!" The Orz said excitedly, turning her attention to Fujiko.

Neon Knight
2009-02-13, 07:07 PM
Konoka Yukihiro

Konoka looked at the Orz, confused. Alright. I can't make out what it's saying, but maybe I can guess f what it means from context. And maybe I'll end up offending it and it will try to tear my arms off.

"Yes, she's a child. Cute kid at that." How does someone here age end up working in a place like this, anyway? I'd look into it, but I'll probably have my hands full later.

Konoka glanced out of the corner of her eye at Nana and then Kyoko. Two quiet ones. Alright, a preening one and a quiet one. I'll have to keep an eye on them.

The new one was more Konoka's speed; bright and cheerful. Konoka smiled and walked over to her. "It's nice to meet you too. What's your name?"

2009-02-13, 07:25 PM

Oh boy! The energetic girl knows this one~!

"Akiyama Kumako! ...Kumako Akiyama. ...I keep getting told to reorder my names but Kumako is what you can use for this one! ^_^"

So. Cheerful. So very cheerful... The teal hair on her head switches to a darker blue, a more true blue if you will, something that Ms. Stars and Sunshine takes without notice.

"Do you have any idea what we're going to be doing for the master? I um... I'm not sure exactly what I'm s'posed to right off...

2009-02-13, 07:28 PM

Nana watches all the other girls introducing themselves. She mentally picks out which ones would be pure enough to corrupt. She watches the girl messing with her dress.

Little does she know all that fidgeting is just showing off her panties. Nice view though.

Nana puts out her hand to anyone accepting greetings and says in her sexiest voice.

"It is nice to meet you all. I am Nana. I hope to get to know you all much better."

2009-02-13, 07:43 PM
Miho Nigata

Miho patted Kumako on the back and said, "Nice to meet you all." to everyone in the room. She made her way to the middle of the crowd, so much bigger than everyone else and bent down a little to see out the door. "Not much is going on, is it?" She sighed and stood up straight, looking down at Kagura. That's a weird-looking creature. But then again, I probably look weird to everyone here anyway, including this thing. Kagura poked the Orz's fishy side.

Neon Knight
2009-02-13, 07:48 PM
Konoka Yukihiro

"I dunno, Kumako. Keeping the place clean and profitable, I'd imagine. Between the... well, 7 of us, it should be a piece of cake. Don't worry about it."

2009-02-13, 08:36 PM
Tia Kyoko

Fujiko Ayakawa

A short girl suddenly tugs Kyoko's skirt "True! Boy, this one's really short... did you lie about your size? I've heard older women do that a lot. " she says as she approaches closer to the monitor, keeping her head low, apparenty inspecting her own uniform as well.
"Eeep!!" Kyoko jumps and slaps at Fujiko's hand. Then glares at her as she is accused of not only lying, but of being old.

Anyways, maybe you could ask for it to be resized, mine it's actually a little loose... With this, she pulls the blouse inside her skirt. Oh yeah.....introduction... she raises her head and shakes the first available hand (or tentacle..) vigorously Hello! My name's Fujiko!
"Yes, I will have to look into it, Fujiko." Patting her on the head.

I wonder if there'll be any food...i'm hungry...hungryhungryhungryhungryhuuuuuungryyyyyyy ....
"My name is Tia Kyoko." She again tugs on her skirt. Damnit!

2009-02-13, 08:41 PM

"So, did someone do a bad load of laundry around here or something?" Once again mimicing the tugging motion, Kumako makes an off color remark. "Anywho, it's good to know there's 7 of us and... um... lots and lots of chores?"

2009-02-13, 08:57 PM

"*Of* the poking!" *Kagura* shouted, spinning around several times, looking for the source of her distress before focusing its eyes on Miho. "You are a *sad panda* my *nose* is *watching* you!" The Orz squawked at her before floating over to someone else.

"*Nana* are you? *Pleasure* to *sniff* you!" It said, holding a tentacled appendage out to her.

Neon Knight
2009-02-13, 08:59 PM
Konoka Yukihiro

Hm. Quiet one seems a bit rattled.

Konoka slid over to stand beside Kyoko. "Hey, don't sweat it. Mine's not much better." She gestured at her own clothes. "And it could be worse..." She glanced at Nana briefly to make her point.

2009-02-13, 09:01 PM

Nana shakes the appendage offered to her.

This is not the kind of maid I was hoping to meet. I don't understand a word she is saying. At least I assume it is a she...this thing is so pure. Pure weirdness.

"You may sniff me all you like. I am into that."

2009-02-13, 09:44 PM
Tia Kyoko

Kyoko looks at Nana and smiles. Yeah, I guess. I'm just not used to wearing something so.... revealing.

She nods at Konoka. Tia Kyoko. Pleased to meet you.

2009-02-13, 09:55 PM
Fujiko Ayakawa

*Kagura* *Bubbley*

"*Good* day, are you *campers* to allow *Kagura* to *smell* the *delights*?" *Kagura* said, rapidly moving its tentacle up and down to imitate a shaking motion. He did the same with its other tentacle to Fujiko. "Are *you* *what the people* call the *frumples*? Us should have *parties* where us *should* *dancing* with all!" The Orz said excitedly, turning her attention to Fujiko.

Fujiko giggles at the strange interaction with the creature a frumple? i'm a frumple? why do you think i'm a frumple? what's a frumple, anyways?

Then becomes suddenly distracted by Miho's..built., staring at her intensely.


Neon Knight
2009-02-13, 09:56 PM
Konoka Yukihiro

"Konoka Yukihiro. Good to meet you."

"Can't say that I'm used to either, but hey, first time for everything, right?"

"Between you and me, I'm glad you're here. As... interesting as the others are, I do appreciate someone who is a bit more... well, not a kid, a floating tentacled thingie, seven feet tall... you get the picture."

"Anyway, sorry to talk your ear off, but I just felt like you should know you aren't the only one who's a bit intimidated by these gals. Mostly gals."

2009-02-13, 10:08 PM
It's good to know. *Tug* Have you ever seen one of those before. Nodding towards Kagura.

And I think I noticed the one with chinese dress, um, sizing me up. She whispers conspiratorially.

Neon Knight
2009-02-13, 10:14 PM
Konoka Yukihiro

"Can't say that I have. But I'm just a student. Haven't seen much of the wider galaxy."

"Yeah, I saw that. She was also preening herself, and we're the only ones around to see. Hey, if it's bugging you, I can tell her to stop."

2009-02-13, 10:18 PM

After shaking uh tentacles with Kagura, Nana walks closer to the fidgeting girl.

"If you keep pulling at your skirt like that you are going to rip it. I could help you with that if that is what you are after."

Nana keeps walking by and stands next to Miho.

"I don't believe I have met anyone like you before. What is an interesting person like yourself doing here?"

2009-02-13, 10:21 PM

"It is *pleasure* to *delights*!" The Orz said again, poking her with his tentacle before returng his attention to Fujiko. "Do *you* not *witness* her? *It* is *sad animal* blue girl!" *Kagura* said, looking back and forth.

2009-02-13, 10:34 PM
Miho Nigata

"Sad panda? I'm not even an Earthling, let alone some Earth animal." She watched as the jiggly fish thing talked with the girl in a Chinese dress, and looked behind her to notice Fujiko staring.

"It's not nice to stare," she said coolly, a bored expression on her face.

Nana came to stand beside Miho after making an innuendo at the girl playing with her skirt and Miho looked down at her.

"I'm an Amorian, it's complicated." Miho looked Nana up and down. "What's your story?"

2009-02-13, 10:42 PM

Nana made what seemed to her to be an innocent expression.

"Oh I am just an average girl looking for a good time and people to have that good time with. I just so happen to admire maids. So Amorian, I bet you have a thing for the ladies. I am probably coming on a bit strong with everyone though. Oh well. I wonder when we get down to business."

2009-02-13, 10:44 PM
Miho Nigata

"It's not nice to stare," she said coolly, a bored expression on her face.

Regardless, Fujiko keeps staring.

After a while she raises her arm and blatantly points at her, without any shame:

How do you even find clothes?!

2009-02-13, 10:53 PM
That's alright, she whispers to Konoka, as she watches Nana walk by. I'll just keep an eye on her.

Her eyes widen as she realizes what Nana was offering to do. I... She almost tugs on her skirt again, but stops herself.

Neon Knight
2009-02-13, 11:00 PM
Konoka Yukihiro

"Well, she's real subtle." Konoka watched Nana go up to the the tall one. "If she does become a problem, come talk to me, okay?"

2009-02-13, 11:05 PM
"Sure." *Tug* Damnit!!

2009-02-13, 11:21 PM

"*Kumako girl*!" *Kagura* says, floating over to her. "*Are* you to *be* *strange* of these *smells*?" The Orz whispers to her as best it can.

2009-02-13, 11:36 PM
"...Sniff? Dress tugging..." the now blue haired maid seems a little more confused... "Say girls, am I missing something here? Something wrong with the outfits?"

2009-02-13, 11:41 PM

Nana talks looking totally serious.

"Yes there is. The skirts are way too long."

2009-02-14, 12:21 AM
Miho Nigata

Miho half-smiled at Nana, and replied, "I have a thing for a lots of things. You could try to keep up."

Fujiko's shout startled Miho, who didn't jump or anything. She turned around to look at the girl and said "It's easy to find clothes, but even easier to take them off."

Seduction roll for Fujiko, muahaha.
[roll0]x3 [Cunning]

2009-02-14, 02:36 AM

"Oh I think I could keep up. You name the time and place."

Nana watches Miho try to seduce a child.

"Ah a woman after my own heart."

Nana smiles evilly.

Neon Knight
2009-02-14, 05:33 AM
Konoka Yukihiro

"Hm. Man knows how to put on a show, I'll give him that. But why bother putting one on for us?"

"I have a question, Master." Konoka stepped forward. "When can we get new uniforms? Some of them are the wrong size."

2009-02-14, 10:41 AM
Fujiko Ayakawa

Bah, making the newbie do the first defensive roll...

Okay, if i'm correct, i can resist with any, so i'll use Luck: [roll0]x4

Miho's advance falls in deaf ears as the monitor starts speaking

Hey! the master's finally here! whee!

Fujiko scurries off, looking for a better place to see.

2009-02-14, 10:43 AM
(bah, forum maded me repost, and i accidentaly erased the one with the result

Luck: [roll0]x4

Edit: and i got a 5 on the previous post...well, i think i still beat the roll)

Divine Comedy
2009-02-14, 01:12 PM
Perhaps in time , Konoka. If, and when, it would affect an assignment. Until then I would am sure you are quite good in "tight" situations. Plus we wouldn't want to keep any patrons from exquisite views of the... scenery.

Neon Knight
2009-02-14, 01:56 PM
Konoka Yukihiro

"Eh. It was worth a shot. What are our assignments, Master?"

You know, it would make this assignment a whole lot easier on my conscience if you displayed some redeeming qualities, like some manners, or maybe a little decor. Ah, well. Boys will be boys.

2009-02-14, 03:27 PM
Tia Kyoko

She glares at Mr. Armitage for a brief moment as he makes his grand entrance, but covers it with a happy face quickly.

After hearing his answer to Konoka's question, her face falls. But, but sir. This uniform has got to be two sizes too small. And I think it's shrinking.

2009-02-14, 06:34 PM
Miho Nigata

Miho shrugs as she fails to seduce the girl, and looks at Nana who appears to be the only other sexual freak here.

As the Master starts to walk out, she leans forward to see him then straightens up and puts a hand on her hip, she stands closer to Nana.

"The Master is pretty debonair, isn't he?" She mumbles.

2009-02-14, 06:45 PM

Nana seems bored as the master talks. She perks up when Miho starts to talk.

"I guess he is. I am ok with males, but I came here for the maids. He made a good choice about not allowing new uniforms. It will definitely improve the atmosphere around here."

2009-02-14, 09:59 PM

"The *atmosphere* is *delicious*!" *Kagura* says in agreement with the Master. "Are *you* to *delicious* *camper*?" She asks, turning her entire body back towards Kumako.

Seduction roll on Kumako! XD

Divine Comedy
2009-02-15, 12:38 AM
My, my, Konoka, so impetuous to make demands of me. But then there are no shortage of tactless women in the universe. Still though, those often make for the most useful servants.

Ah yes, assignments. Well for now you should perhaps take a tour.




Transmission renewed, security forces scrambled to defeat assault teams. Situation stable. 3 bombs are protected by minor opponents, while a bomb headed for the observation deck is protected by two former Terran space officers. Further investigation is needed, as these officers are registered as alive and in good standing.

The 4 bombs and designation "Boss Goodbeer" require nullification. Suggest multi-pronged assault to nullify bombs, and/or a combined assault to defeat designation "Goodbeer". Goodbeer is currently smashing through airlocks in the dock area. Goodbeer is designated as a level 4 opponent, with other attackers varying from 2-3.

Ha ha. Delightful, looks like you have your first assignment. I'll be watching, and I am sure it will be quite a show. Of course you're free to lounge around, but I'd like you to keep our patrons assured of their safety.

2009-02-15, 12:45 AM

"Well are we going to split up or stick together to complete this mission?"

Nana has an eager look on her face. She has already pulled out her whip and is lashing it against the ground in front of her.

"It is ok if we kill these guys right? Or do you want to question them?"

Divine Comedy
2009-02-15, 12:50 AM
I have no real preference, burn them all to ashes if you want. However Goodbeer seems terribly droll, he'd make a wonderful attraction here if he could be controlled. At any rate just make it amusing, I'll likely use some footage as promotional material for our security.

Neon Knight
2009-02-15, 11:36 AM
Konoka Yukihiro

Konoka sighed and rubbed her temples. If he set this up just to test us or amuse himself, I'm going to wring his neck the second it becomes non-vital to the security of the sector.

"Alright. Let's think. bombs are the priority; Goodbeer is going to be the biggest, meanest, and nastiest of the bunch, so we want to hit him together, after we deal with the bombs."

She looked at Miho and Kagura. "You two look like you can handle whatever escort those bombs have single-handedly. Everyone else who doesn't want to sit out mob the last bomb. I'll take the observation deck."

"If there are no objections or questions, I suggest we get moving." Konoka drew her revolver and flicked it on to max power.

2009-02-15, 11:57 AM

Nana goes bug eyed when the uptight girl what's-her-name-with-the-stick-up-her-butt starts saying that only those two girls could take on those guys.

"What about me? There isn't a man, woman, or asexual being that doesn't stand still and let me kill them. I am that sexy. I will certainly account for some of the action no matter who is here. You are underestimating me. I will show you."

Nana runs off down the hall towards the first bomb and its escort. When she gets within their view she opens up the top part of her outfit to distract the enemies, so she can whip them into submission. Only the orks notice her for a minute and then aren't as distracted as they should be.

"Man what I great time to not have this effect fully work. Work whip work."

Nana goes in to lash while hitting her whip against her hand trying to get it to work properly.

I got a 2 for affection as I can use that for attacking with my special whip. 2x4=8

2009-02-15, 05:29 PM
Tia Kyoko

I'm going with her. She runs after Nana.

When she gets there, she notices Nana seems to be having a slight problem with her whip.

I'll help you! She charges at the ork. And swings for it's head.

Athletics [roll0] x 2 = 2

2009-02-15, 08:57 PM
Miho Nigata

Miho walked over to Kagura.

"I guess we should get going on those bombs."

She grabs a tentacle and pulls Kagura with her after Nana.

Divine Comedy
2009-02-15, 11:14 PM
The party follows the station's scans and finds 2 Orks and 2 Humans dragging a large bomb that appears ramshackle and made of junk.

Oy, deres da onez we need ta krump. Get em.
The Ork says in an un-orky and quite weary tone.

Nana's beautiful whip dance leaves the Ork both enthralled and injured. He staggers and tries to shake it off.

Tia unfortunately fumbles into the business end of a large axe. The Ork launches her backwards with a vicious flesh-rending chop.

Ork 1 rolled 2X2=4 on Nana.
Ork 2 rolled 5X2=10 on Tia.

Nana wins, Tia loses.

2 points of stress to the Ork.
5 points of stress to Tia.

Neon Knight
2009-02-16, 09:07 AM
Konoka Yukihiro

Konoka made her way to the observation deck. Time to talk to these guys and see if I can't talk them down. I'd hate to have to shoot good men.

2009-02-16, 09:21 AM
Fujiko Ayakawa

Hearing the alert, Fujiko lets out a big (a somewhat creepy) grin.


now...where to be...choices, choices choices....

Fujiko vanishes again

2009-02-16, 11:46 AM

Hurrying along with the others, Kumako nearly runs into several walls and maybe another maid or two because she keeps trying to check her cheat sheet in the middle of hustling to the fracas.

She finally finds her notes on the underside of her right arm for the contingency plan in case of invading orks. "Call Mr. Gotrek" is crossed out and "Kick Some Ass" is written hastily to one side.

Such an easy solution! However this proclamation immediately precedes Tia taking that hit with an axe.

"Ommigosh!! Don't worry, Tia, I'll save you!!!"

The ever helpful dunderhead charges into battle, completely unarmed, or would were her shapeshifting ability not kicking in right about now. Donning fur fangs and claws, Kumako undergoes a hasty transformation and becomes about 5 times larger and more orange and stripey. Still cute by tiger standards, but this probably isn't going to occur to anyone seeing the 700 pound furry murder machine lunge at an orc.

2009-02-16, 12:59 PM

"It is *the time*!" *Kagura* yells, making a signaling motion with its hand. "*These* are *you* *quick babies* that I am *dissolving*! *Go, go!*" He continued, as several other people ran around and started trying to beat up one of the humans with the bomb.

Terrorist attack!

Divine Comedy
2009-02-16, 01:27 PM
The humans actually manage to give the bizarre aliens a good scrap. However, the Orz soundly whomp on them with no damage to themselves.

Out of nowhere a tiger comes and mauls the lead Ork terribly. In a bizarre twist the Ork says Oy, nap time and falls to dust. The party is suddenly acutely aware that these pirates are quite strange.

Humans rolled 2x5 for each, equals 10+10=20. Edit- Whoops, yeah you already factored the bonus in.

You guys are tied. No stress to anyone.

Kumako beats Ork 1 by 2, divided by the orks score of 2 to a 1. Then takes 2 more stress for a grand total of 3, this is enough to cause a stress explosion due to earlier damage.

2009-02-16, 01:48 PM
Kumako the Tiger


The tigress sits on the floor, paws sifting through the dust trying to find where the sneaky greenskin snuck off to. "Um... I don't know much about them, but orks aren't supposed to go poofy, are they?"

Unaware of how strange she may seem, the predatory big cat looks at the others in confusion.

Divine Comedy
2009-02-16, 01:54 PM
The small shape-changing girl is confused terribly by the Orz, and blows it off.
The Orz is quite *frumple* at this.

Tonberry vs Tichondrius 20-12=8 divided by Tichondrius' stat of 3, rounding down. 2 stress to Tichondrius, further seduction on that character is at -1 to the die roll.

2009-02-16, 04:10 PM
Miho Nigata

Miho watches as Nana attacks the orcs with her whip. "Good one."
She cracks her knuckles and runs in to punch one in the jaw.


Neon Knight
2009-02-16, 05:13 PM
Konoka Yukihiro

Konoka was waiting when they entered the observation deck; two men in loose fatigues with longarms carrying a hunk of scrap that might just be a bomb.

Konoka stepped out, revolver pointed at the floor. "Alright, gents, listen up. I know you are former Federation officers. I don't know why you've chosen to throw in with a bunch of pirates, and I don't care. All I want you to do is surrender; put down your guns and I promise I'll let you go without reporting you."

Affection: [roll0] x 2.

Divine Comedy
2009-02-16, 05:31 PM
The Ork catches a light jab to the jaw, as the Ork clumsily misses Miho completely. She recovers her footing for another blow.

Konoka approaches 2 larger humans, who despite showing no signs of life seem very fit. One of them is in perfectly pressed and clean garb. The other has outlandish colors and even a eye-patch and peg-leg. As you approach you hear them talking.

Yarr, we'r gonna have some mighty good loot, arr!

You idiot, do you realize the situation we're in? We're dead you fool! What's more I don't even know how we are moving. this is awful.

Aw come on Captain Danver, have some fun. We gots ta think like da orks to have fun.

I find no reason to find this funny or fun Carl. The only reason he assigned us here was because we put up the best fight.

The Officers hear your plea, but have mixed reactions.
Finally, some way to be rid of this accursed group. The best I can do is hold my body still, do what you can. I promise I'm not trying to do this.
His body twitches and writhes unnaturally, but he remains still.

No, I's likes this jus' fine. Imma krump ya good.

8-6=2 on the Ork. Dabura wins. 2/2=1
1 stress to the remaining Ork.

Kasrkin beats the first officer, 8-3. Mechanically this will have different repercussions than combat.

The second officer doesn't care a bit. 18-8=10 failed seduction, 8/4=2 stress to Kasrkin.

Divine Comedy
2009-02-16, 05:39 PM
The ridiculous looking officer pulls a laser rifle from behind his back and begins firing. He cackles maniacally.

It's high noon, pardner. DRAW!

4X3= 12 using athletics.

Neon Knight
2009-02-16, 06:24 PM
Konoka Yukihiro

Konoka and Peg-Leg drew at the same time. Konoka's revolver blasted a white stream of energy, just missing him, as she threw herself behind cover. His answering blasts blew chunks out of the observation deck, but fortunately not Konoka.

"Give it up, Carl!" Hiding behind a corner, Konoka opened the action of the revolver and replaced the used power cell. "Keep fighting and you'll end up in a body bag."

12. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5784955&postcount=12) A draw.

Divine Comedy
2009-02-16, 06:26 PM
The deck lights up in a brilliant display of pyrotechnics, as Carl and Konoka blast wildly at each other. The surrounding fixtures are ruined and passers-by scurry away quickly. By the end of it both have dove behind the remaining cover, but neither has been hit. The other officer stands there dumbfounded.

The gunfight continues as Carl shoots out of an alcove.
You'll never take me dead, copper!

Tied at 12.
Another 12 for Carl.

Neon Knight
2009-02-16, 06:33 PM
Konoka Yukihiro

Konoka crouched down as more steel and concrete was stripped from her corner by fire. Shoot. He's got me suppressed. Can't get my shots lined up.

Konoka dumped another cylinder's worth of used power cells on the floor and loaded up. Taking a deep breath, she popped out... right into Peg-Leg's sights.

9. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5785003&postcount=14) Shoot.

Divine Comedy
2009-02-16, 06:33 PM
A stray shot lightly grazes Konoka.
Haha, chew on that! Come get some!


1 stress to Konoka.

Neon Knight
2009-02-16, 06:47 PM
Konoka Yukihiro

Safely back behind her corner, Konoka examined her injury. Okay. Skirt hem ruined, calf singed. I can live with that. Heck, I can fight with that.

Konoka swung out from cover again, revolver blazing white hot death.

3. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5785079&postcount=16) Draw.

Divine Comedy
2009-02-16, 07:10 PM
Shunk, a knife lands squarely in Carl's back. But he appears to feel more pain and continues taunting.

That all you got? Come on and quit trying to shoot me, shoot me!

12/3=4, Carl Takes 4 stress, even though he can't feel the pain anyway. This doesn't make him invulnerable, it just makes him an easy target since he isn't the brightest lost soul.

Carl fires at Kasrkin. 15

Divine Comedy
2009-02-16, 07:23 PM
The Ork continues to slap Tia around with an open palm.


One more stress to Tia, for a total of 2

2009-02-16, 07:24 PM
Tia Kyoko

Tia activates her Killer Intent. And attacks one of the bad guys.

2 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5785235&postcount=19) x 4 = 8

Divine Comedy
2009-02-16, 07:33 PM
Tia now has fire in her eyes, and catches the Ork with a strong right hook.
The Ork wobbles but does not topple yet.
8-4=4/2= 2 stress to the Ork.

Tia may finally finish off this frustrating opponent.

2009-02-16, 07:37 PM
Tia Kyoko

Stop slapping me!!! She yells as she attacks again.

5 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5785317&postcount=23) x 4 = 20

Divine Comedy
2009-02-16, 07:42 PM
The Ork's arm breaks with a sickening crunch, and he quickly falls to dust afterwards.

Tia has a satisfied look on her face.

20-12=8/2=4 stress to the Ork.

2009-02-16, 07:47 PM

Nana took her time thinking of a new strategy, since her new whip wasn't doing as well as she hoped. She buttoned her dress back up some. During this time the ork she was after was killed. Nana came up with a new plan and decided to go after a human instead. She was very good at seducing humans. She pulled back her dress some on her thigh and leaned over.

"Hey big boy, why don't you stop fighting so we can have some fun together?"

While the man was staring at her she unleashed her whip at him.

affection 2x4=8 man my rolls haven't been so good for this thread.

Divine Comedy
2009-02-16, 07:50 PM
Her affections don't seem to effect him, but the whip still does. The dusty-looking human struggles with the whip, but but can't free himself. The two are locked together.

8-6=2/2=1 Stress to the human.

2009-02-16, 07:53 PM
Tia Kyoko

With fire in her eyes, she spins and looks for the next enemy.

She attacks the next enemy.

5 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5785392&postcount=26) x 4 = 20

Divine Comedy
2009-02-16, 07:57 PM
Tia sends the remaining human sprawling head-over-heels with a brutal blow. As he hits the ground he turns to dust.

20-2=18/2=9 stress

2009-02-16, 08:11 PM
Kumako the Tiger

Bounding about after figuring then demolished Ork isn't coming back, the tigress formerly known as Kumako rams into Nana's opponent, hoping to either finish the job or aid the other girl's attack enough to get it right...

2009-02-16, 08:15 PM

Nana is bored with the human because he does not seem interested in her. So she wanders towards the dock where Good Beer is supposed to be.

"That guys seems like a lusty fellow. I will try my luck with him."

Nana walks in using her sexiest walks. She turns towards him and winks.

"I haven't seen you around here before. Want to go get a drink?"

Nana tries to hit Good Beer while he is looking at her and doesn't go very well.

"I hate you whip. I hate you soooo much."

I have a 4. So Tichrondrius should now be happy that the roller has started hating me.

Divine Comedy
2009-02-16, 08:17 PM
Kumako claws fiercely, cutting a jagged path through the entire body of her opponent. Another one bites the dust. This fight is over.

1 stress due to winning combat, 5 due to shapechanger bonus.

Divine Comedy
2009-02-16, 08:22 PM
Nana finds a massive Ork, glowing green, rampaging through the area. He holds a beautiful mug much which shines all over, with the center containing an especially shiny stone.

Quite surprised by the sudden attack during his rampage, Goodbeer turns to face Nana.

Goodbeer pounds Nana squarely on the head with his gold-encrusted Mug.

16-4=12/4=3 stress to Nana.

2009-02-16, 08:38 PM
Tia Kyoko

Tia goes in search of Goodbeer.

Neon Knight
2009-02-16, 09:06 PM
Konoka Yukihiro

Konoka flinched as flying dust and rubble stung her cheeks. Despite the surprise knife from nowhere she was on the bad end of this fight. Peg-Leg never seemed to run out of power and his aim from the hip was ridiculous.

6. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5785754&postcount=36) Shoot.

2009-02-16, 09:34 PM
Fujiko Ayakawa

Oh! poo! Fujiko jumps over Carl again whirling her dagger on her hand

d6(2)x4=8, i'm not rolling very well tonight.

Divine Comedy
2009-02-17, 06:12 PM
A surprised Carl blasts Fujiko.


Divine Comedy
2009-02-17, 06:14 PM
Carl nails Konoka squarely in the arm.
However, he quickly realized that one of his fingers appears to be falling to dust, as are some other parts of his anatomy.
Hey what the heck is this, what the!

Carl spins around and attempts to blast Fujiko squarely in the face.
15-6=9/3=3 more stress to konoka.

Fujiko dealt 8/3 rounding down, 2 more stress to Carl.

Roll of to 12 to Fujiko. Your roll Malmagor. Or another one for Kasrkin, whichever one of you wants it.

2009-02-19, 01:55 AM

"*Frumple*, I have *dance partners*?" The Orz asks, firing randomly into the battle in an attempt to destroy... who ever is left. And isn't on his side. Of course. Yeah. That would be tragic.

I am pleased, Siren. XD

Divine Comedy
2009-02-19, 02:04 AM
The remaining maids stand on with great confusion as the Orz begin smashing through walls in an attempt to find another opponent.

2009-02-19, 02:16 AM
((Well, you did say Goodbeer is still alive, correct?))

Tia Kyoko

Tia finds Goodbeer and charges at him after he pounds Nana in the head with his mug.

She attacks using her killer intent.

6 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5789411&postcount=38) x 4 = 24. She will try to incapacitate him, not kill him though.

2009-02-19, 02:24 AM

Nana is furious that Goodbeer hit her. No one hits her.

She swings her whip around as hard as possible. She whips it around and hits Goodbeer square between his eyes while his mug is still on her face.


Nana eyes flash evilly as she says this.

I knew you would be happy. :smallwink: Using my evil eye so he counts as one lower for stress. 4x4=16

Divine Comedy
2009-02-19, 02:28 AM

Goodbeer screamed in pain as he was simultaneously pummeled and strangled by two opponents.


He attempts to take one final swig before falling unconscious.
A shiny gem falls from his mug.
40-4 (due to Nana's evil eye)=36/4=9 stress to Goodbeer. Ouch.
I'm going to set a massive stress threshold here, even though he has some stress left. That's just way too much.

2009-02-19, 02:55 AM
Tia Kyoko

Tia quickly attempts to grab the gem. Nice.

5 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5789560&postcount=42) x 2 = 10

2009-02-19, 05:35 AM
Miho Nigata

"Damn." Miho glides out of the way, spins around, and runs to where the rest are fighting Good Beer. She aims a kick right for his stomach. The entire time, she looks extremely bored.


Neon Knight
2009-02-19, 12:28 PM
Konoka Yukihiro

Back in her cover, Konoka held her arm and bit back several unlady like comments. What was the kid doing out there?

Konoka swung out and gave Carl all six cylinders of her revolver, trying to cover Fujiko.

12. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5790892&postcount=44)

2009-02-19, 08:37 PM
If there is no argument from Nana, Tia will head back to the meeting room where thay had been gathered. *Tug* Damn it!

2009-02-19, 10:46 PM

Nana gets a helpless look on her face.

"I'm so small there is no way I can carry that body back, Miho. Do you think you could carry him for me?"

Man she sure is sexy. I need to play helpless for her though.

"I really would appreciate it. We should take it back to the meeting room we came from."

affection for making her want to help me and perhaps other things later. Got to keep up my characters putting out earlly. 4x4=16

2009-02-19, 10:59 PM
Fujiko Ayakawa

ARGH! that's it rottenface! Fujiko takes advantage of her height to go behind Carl and tries another stab, as a small black shadow appears above his head

2009-02-19, 11:05 PM

"No to *worry*, *angelface*!" *Kagura* shouts, stopping her random rampage to focus its eyes on the large form of Goodbeer. He stops to pose for Nana before moving a noodly appendage toward her. "*Bubbley* to *move* one *sad animal.*" He assures her.

Seduction on Nana!


Divine Comedy
2009-02-19, 11:35 PM
Haha I haven't had so much fun since I was alive! Ha, oh hey cool thingy.

Carl pokes at the grim puppet of death playing about his face. At that moment he is caught by a laser and a knife, Carl quickly turns to dust. A bright smile erupts within the hood, as it flies back to its owner Fujiko.

2009-02-19, 11:44 PM

"Sorry sweets I don't roll that way."

Nana walks to the meeting room and waits for more hot maids.

Burned 4 favor to make it a 10 against Kagura. I am not doing tentacles.

Divine Comedy
2009-02-19, 11:46 PM
Oh thank you so much, I thought I'd never be free.

The man called "Danvers" begins to collapse.

It appears your comrades have managed to steal or disable Goodbeer's "Shiny Fing", which means we'll be returning to the grave. Even we do not know exactly what that "Fing" does. We were on a Terran Crusier ambushed by Orks. Goodbeer managed to slay most of the crew, but me and some of the other Captains caused an overload in the reactor.

Remarkably, Goodbeer managed to survive. Afterwards we all awoke to this half-life, slaves to the artifact we were transporting. Goodbeer was very pleased with his now "shiny fing", and decided to keep us in his employ. Now we can rest, as the dreadful artifact is now in your hands. Guard it well. "

Sorry Tichondrius, looks like the people here really, really don't want to get tentacle love. You'll probably have to recruit someone to help you as Siren and Tonberry are both at -1 to your die roll.
Security situation clear. Bombs have been disabled. They would have emitted a very rank hallucinogen with some bizarre effects. Please return to your posts.

2009-02-19, 11:52 PM
Fujiko Ayakawa

Fujiko jumps over Carl's ashes joyfully YES! he's gone gone gone gone! she pets the puppet Good job Dudley! Now, let's see what's left!

rolling 8 with Luck to loot the corpse! well, what's left of it

Divine Comedy
2009-02-19, 11:57 PM
Fujiko digs through and finds a plasma cell for a weapon, a Terran officer badge bearing Carl's name and a picture of a young girl with her father. The picture brings some confusing feelings to your mind, although the badge is just a trophy. Obviously you are a little confused by your elation over the kill trophy and your strange feelings on the picture.

2009-02-20, 12:11 AM
Fujiko Ayakawa

"hmm..odd..." Fujiko contemplates the picture for a moment,and takes it along with the badge and the plasma cell, then tugs on Konoka's skirt "Come on Laser-gal i think we need to go back..." then she dashes off the room and dissapears at the next corner.

Divine Comedy
2009-02-20, 12:34 AM
After some investigation, the group returns to the meeting area.

Bravo, bravo. Absolutely wonderful. And the sheer brutality of what you did to Goodbeer was magnificent, I'll be replaying that face-smashing for quite some time. On a related note, I'll be having a drink with Goodbeer when he wakes up. And our interesting Orz fellow here seems to like all of you very much. You are a fellow, aren't you? Hmmm. No matter, congratulations to all of you. We will now retire to the bath area, afterwards you will have free time to explore the station. Also, take these.

An array of watch-like devices appears before you.
These are communicators that also monitor your health status. We wouldn't want any unfortunate incidents to happen to you. Now on to more interesting matters, the baths are quite large, to the point of sprawling. Feel free to enter the bath of your particular sex, or the unisex bath. I'll be in my own private bathing chamber near the unisex baths.

Kasrkin (4d6)[14] For amusing the master with Carl's pitched fight.
Malmagor Andrigal (4d6)[9] Also for Carl, with a good emphasis on trying to play to character.
TonberryKing (4d6)[16] Dispatched a few Orks in an fun fashion. And heck, I just like your enthusiasm.
Siren (4d6)[13] Was the first to fight Goodbeer, helped finish him, very impressive.
Lex-kat (4d6)[20] Delightful bone cracking all around.
Tichrondrius (3d6)[12] Probably could have done more, but due to unfortunate circumstances only light fighting happened. Even the possible fun of seduction failed. Sorry guys.
DaburaMiyao (3d6)[8] Mosty the same as Tichrondrius.

Neon Knight
2009-02-20, 11:58 AM
Konoka Yukihiro


Konoka stared blankly at Carl's ashes, then at Danver's ashes. This is just too weird for weirds. Artifact. What artifact?

She felt a tug at her skirt and snapped out of her thoughts just in time to see Fujiko dash off. "Hey!"

She ran after the child and cursed when she rounded the corner to find nothing. "I need to talk some sense into that kid." Puting herself in danger like that... and where did she get that knife?

Konoka sighed. Why can't things ever be easy?


"Your concern is touching, Master." Konoka snapped her health monitor on as she thought And I wouldn't be suprised if these let you know a lot more than our health status. Ah, there's no helping it.

2009-02-20, 01:35 PM
Tia Kyoko

Tia takes the health monitor reluctantly. Thank you, Master.

Yeah, sure. They likely tell you a lot more than just our health. She growls to herself. Not knowing that Konoka is thinking nearly the same thing. She clips it on.

Which way to the baths, Master.

Being new to this, what are those points in the spoiler used for?

Neon Knight
2009-02-20, 03:41 PM
Konoka Yukihiro

Konoka walked over to Kyoko. "I know where it is, I'll show you."

"But, and here Konoka leaned over and whispered conspiratorially in Kyoko's ear, "I'd wait a bit if I were you. At least until she finishes." Konoka inclined her head in Nana's direction.

The uses of Favor:

Removing Stress- Spend 1 Favor to remove 1 point of Stress.

Raising Attributes- To raise an attribute by 1, spent a number of Favor points equal to the new attribute level desired, times 10.

Roll Bonus- Spend 1D6 Favor to add +1 to either the die roll or your attribute score for one action.

Random Event- Spend 1D6 Favor to have a Random Event occur.

2009-02-20, 04:33 PM

Yay! The bad guys are Beaten!

Yay!!! The master is happy and she has a new watch!!!

Yay!!! It's... bath time?

Despite changing back relatively neat and orderly, the former tiger *** maid wonders a little why baths have become the next important goal of the day but she's not in a mood to question this. Following the two girls who look like they know what they're about, (Konoha and Kyoko) she stays nice and quiet... for now.

2009-02-20, 07:25 PM

Nana laughs at the silly human girls trying to keep her from hearing something.

"Come on ladies lets all go take a nice long bath. Also there is no point in whispering girl-who-I-have-not-bothered-to-learn-her-name I can hear you no matter what. I will just wait with you guys to see which bath you go into."

Nana follows the girls wherever they go. She turns towards Kumako who is also following them.

"So are you a virgin?"

2009-02-20, 08:46 PM

*awkward silence*

"I dunno... can you find one in the forest?"

This narrator not even wanting to think back on the failed sex-ed classes given to Kumako during her tenure as a genetic expirement, she defaults to typical ignorance.

"Let's see... I am a rabbit, a tiger, a giraffe, falcon, gorilla...panda... Um..." she easily gets lost in trying to list everything...

Neon Knight
2009-02-20, 09:03 PM
Konoka Yukihiro

Konoka sighed. You know what? I'm not going to let her do this.

"Kumako, Kyoko, why don't you two go on ahead? I want to ask Nana something personal."

When they were alone she folded her arms across her chest and regarded Nana cooly. "Alright, why are you so friendly?"

2009-02-20, 09:05 PM
Tia Kyoko

Tia walks with Konoka and is about to say something back to her, when Nana interupts.

It's not nice to eavesdrop, you know. And I don't like the way you stare at me. It makes me feel.... dirty.

When they get to the baths, she walks into the unisex one.

2009-02-20, 09:15 PM

Nana holds herself back from laughing aloud at Kumako's comment. She puts an arm around Kumako.

"Dear, you can find a virgin in the forest. I am sure of it. I bet you are the best virgin ever. We really must talk again."

I am going to have so much fun with that one.

Then that girl, whatever-her-name-is started talking. Then after that the girl with the sexy short skirt started talking. Nana chose to talk to sexy short skirt first.

"I am not nice though...Tia. I am bad. Maybe you should whip me good for making you feel dirty. I must warn you though. I just might like it."

Then Nana turns towards girl-who-thinks-she-is-really-important.

"I am friendly because I like you guys very much. That's all."

2009-02-20, 09:22 PM
Tia Kyoko

Tia just glares at Nana, then walks Kumako into the Girls bath.

She looks around trying to find the hidden cameras she knows the master has in there.

Neon Knight
2009-02-20, 09:40 PM
Konoka Yukihiro

"I am friendly because I like you guys very much. That's all."

"And you know what? There's nothing wrong with that, in theory. But you're awful forward. Don't you think you might want to reel it in, just a little bit? People might get the wrong impression."

Like you guys very much? Not so much me, I'd guess, given by the fact that you seem to give you attention mostly to the others. But I don't know what's going on in that head.

2009-02-20, 09:47 PM
Kumako the Confused

"Oh wow, I'm the BEST at something! Man, that was easii--urk-- She's drug away by the bounty hunter. This brought back memories, repressive ones of her not being able to please either Mom or Popa, so in spite of the extravagance around, the brown clad maid seems distraught.

"..What just happened senpai? ...Did I do something wrong or ..Or did I do something wrong WORSE? Or do the baths close soon?

2009-02-20, 09:54 PM
Tia Kyoko

Tia smiles at Kumako the Confused. You didn't do anything wrong. Konoka just wanted to have a private chat with miss Nana is all.

Here. She pushes two towels at Kumako. Follow what I do.

She unzips her dress, then wraps the towel around herself, using a corner to secure the towel in place. She then pulls off the maid outfit from under the towel, never letting Kumako see her nude body. Easy. Now you try.

Then she watches Kumako and will try to help her do the same.

2009-02-20, 10:00 PM

Hmmm maybe she is right. I have limited experience around humans. I guess the smarter humans are put off by me. Correct that the smarter and more prudish of the humans are put off by me. I didn't see any signs that Miho was put off by me. I guess I should rein it in some. Except around the kid. She tickles me. I love hearing her talk.

"You are probably right. I don't want people to get the wrong impression."

Nana walks towards the baths. Nana had seen using her powers that Tia and Kumako had gone for the Girls bath. Nana walked right in.

2009-02-20, 10:32 PM

After an extended moment of trying to turn around to get to the ribbon holding her apron up, Kumako finally gets going and seems to be--if however awkwardly-- getting the right idea... except for when she comes to getting out of the dress-- an affair she has to pull over her head to remove. So at the time Nana comes in she's half got a towel around surprising assets and a frumpled brown dress over her head.

"Is this right?"

Neon Knight
2009-02-20, 10:43 PM
Konoka Yukihiro

Konoka, who had followed Nana in, quickly interposed herself between Nana and Kumako. "No, dear, it's close, but no cigar."

She tried to help Kumako out, shooting glances at Nana that said try anything, just one little thing, and I'll throw you out on your rear.

Skill roll to assist: [roll0] x3.

2009-02-20, 10:56 PM
Tia Kyoko
Tia can't help but snicker just a little at Kumako's predicament. She will grab ahold of Kumako's towel, to keep it from falling down.

2 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5798336&postcount=52) x 3 = 6

2009-02-20, 11:28 PM

Nana walks in and not looking at anyone takes off her clothes without hiding anything. She puts a towel on, but the towel is too small to cover her assets properly.

"Well this towel is pretty useless. I wonder if they have any bigger ones."

Nana bends over to look through the stack for a bigger towel.

2009-02-20, 11:33 PM
Fujiko Ayakawa

Fujiko suddenly spouts behind Tia, already with a towel wrapped around her ah, there you all are! you're too slow! all this talking and talking and talking on the way here...

2009-02-21, 10:58 PM

Nana finds a bigger towel and wraps it fully around herself.

"Come on girls I am sure I am not the only one who feels sweaty from the fighting. Lets go clean off and relax."

2009-02-22, 03:14 AM
Tia Kyoko

Tia follows reluctantly, taking a second towel with her. When she gets to the bathing area, she looks around the room, looking for spy cameras.

2009-02-22, 03:41 PM

The Orz was already soaking in the accumulated water, still in its mecha, just chilling out.

"Oh, to *you* is *pleasures* to *sense*! *Go, go*!" *Kagura* greeted them as they entered.

2009-02-22, 03:49 PM

When Nana saw the alien already in the water she hesitated. She still was unsettled from being hit on by whatever it was.

This isn't like me at all. I make others uncomfortable. I am totally in control of my sexuality and comfortable with it.

Nana shivers.

Go feet go.

Nana starts to mover towards the water.

Neon Knight
2009-02-22, 03:53 PM
Konoka Yukihiro

After helping Kumako out, Konoka stuck her head out into the bathing area to have a look around.

I wonder if that thing is really female or just counting on the fact that no one can tell the difference.

2009-02-22, 04:36 PM
Miho Nigata

Miho didn't reply to Nana the entire way to the bath. She just stared at her flirting with the other girls and thought of how much fun they'd have together.

She likes to be whipped? Well, well...

She tried to keep herself under control but once they were in the room Nana took off her clothes and Miho just watched.

Taking off her huge clothes, she went to the bath, not bothering to try and find a towel big enough for her, and sat in the water, pretty much completely exposed.

"So, Nana, tell me about yourself."

2009-02-22, 04:43 PM

Nana finally finds the courage to get into the water after Miho gets in.

Sitting next to her I think that thing will leave me alone.

Nana sits down in the water.

"There isn't much to say. I am just a normal girl with lots of interests. One of them is making new friends. Why don't you tell me more about yourself? What are you interested in?"

2009-02-22, 06:39 PM
Tia Kyoko

Tia goes over to the edge of the bath, and slips into the water, removing her towel only seconds before getting in. She stays well away from the Orz. Even if it means getting closer to Nana and Miho.

2009-02-22, 06:43 PM

Nana sees Tia take her towel off.

Oooo so humans are ok with taking their clothes off for bathing together. I guess I can get rid of this towel. I need to learn more about humans so I don't seem too forward or weird.

Nana pulls her soaking wet towel off and sits it behind her neck so she can lay her head on it. She looks much more comfortable now that she is nude.

"This feels so good."

2009-02-22, 07:05 PM
Tia Kyoko

Tia does the same with her dry towel. She closes her eyes and just relaxes.

The other girls may notice all the scars on Tia's fore arms. With a few across her stomach and chest.

The only one that might see the scars on her back are the master, if he is indeed watching them, and Konoka.

Neon Knight
2009-02-22, 07:52 PM
Konoka Yukihiro

Ouch. I wonder what the story behind those scars is?

Wait. I'm the only one standing around like an idiot, aren't I?


Shoot. Better bite the bullet and get on with it.

Konoka went back, got quickly undressed, and came back in a towel. She slid in between Kyoko and the Orz, pretty much mimicking Kyoko's exact procedure for getting in.

There is no line of conversation that would not be awkward in this situation.

2009-02-22, 10:45 PM

"Is it *pleasure* in this!" The Orz yells, floating up a big and collapsing back into the water as the girls take off their towels. The Orz isn't wearing a towel either, in fact. "I can *has* *fun tiemz* please?" It asks, scooting closer. Ever closer. Like Cthulhu in the depths.

Neon Knight
2009-02-22, 10:51 PM
Konoka Yukihiro

Konoka dearly wished that there was some way to conceal a laser revolver under a cotton towel. She carefully inched away from the advancing Orz, wishing she'd chosen a better spot.

2009-02-23, 01:22 AM

When the alien started looming towards them Nana started to freak out. She started to cower a bit beside Miho.

"Can't you have fun times over there?"

Nana sounds like she is begging.

2009-02-23, 02:26 AM
Tia Kyoko

Hey, *Kagura*, most girls like to just relax when in the bath. So, if you would please keep your tentacles to yourself.

The scars on Kyoko's back look distinctly like various types of bullet shots. With a couple of whip marks.

On her stomach are two sword wounds, where she'd been stabbed in two different areas. With a slash that starts above her right breast and ends just above her left hip.

As I mentioned in the OOC, she has a fresh looking cut that runs down the back of her right thigh.

And lastly on her arms, are a lot of slashes, as if she'd blocked a lot of sword attacks using her forearms, with only two slashes above the elbow on the left arm.

Yes, I gave her a lot of scars. Especially considering she is only 18. She's been working as a bounty hunter since she was 15.

2009-02-23, 02:09 PM
Miho Nigata

"It could feel even better." Miho offered, with a smirk and shifted back in her position at the approaching tentacle monster.

"There isn't much to say about me- Amorian hot bodied owner of a certain media corporation. Maybe you've heard of Paradise Nights?" She winked, moving back her arm to expose more of her body.

The blue skinned woman allowed herself to have Konoka back against her and put her arm on her shoulder. "Hi, not watching where you're going, gorgeous?" Then she tightened her grip on Konoka's shoulder a little.

Seduce Konoka!
Spending one Favor to make it a Six.

Neon Knight
2009-02-23, 05:38 PM
Konoka Yukihiro

Konoka stared at the hand on her shoulder, struck by the contrast between her skin and Miho's. Then the rational part of her brain caught up.

Wait, WHAT!?!

"U-um... sorry..."

Konoka felt her face burn as she tried to gently pull away from the Amorian, acutely aware that the amount of resistance she found herself capable of mustering was... insufficient.


A 1. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5811288&postcount=53)



2009-02-23, 06:18 PM
Tia Kyoko

Konoka, do you need any help? Tia asks, her eyes still closed.

Divine Comedy
2009-02-23, 07:18 PM
Infotron update: Dear visitors, please feel free to enjoy our specialty pools including our Gelatin pool, rip-roaring wave pool or even our invisible pool. We'll let you find out what that last one does on your own.

2009-02-23, 07:21 PM

Though tempted to become a forest lakeside seal or a river walrus to enjoy the wave pool, Kumako's curiosity gets the better of her as--after properly toweled-- she wanders away from the other girls to find this fabled invisible pool to see what the fuss is about, almost with the dedication as if it were an order.

...But can she find it?

2009-02-23, 07:44 PM

"Paradise Nights! Who hasn't heard of Paradise Nights? I think that you and I could make beautiful things together, Miho."

Nana seems back in her element for now.

2009-02-23, 09:52 PM

"HA HA HA" *Kagura* says at their reactions, rubbing its tentacles all over herself. Very distrubing. "With *all* of you *campers* I have *delicious over*." It states, thinking thats enough, and goes in search of one of these weird pools.

Maybe one that turns her into a sexy girl. *Kagura* 1/2.

Neon Knight
2009-02-23, 10:20 PM
Konoka Yukihiro

Infotron update: Dear visitors, please feel free to enjoy our specialty pools including our Gelatin pool, rip-roaring wave pool or even our invisible pool. We'll let you find out what that last one does on your own.

Like hell I will.

Konoka, do you need any help?

Konoka squirmed a bit under Miho's grip. "Um... a bit..."

2009-02-24, 12:51 AM
Miho Nigata

"Don't be sorry, beautiful." Miho winks at Konoka, then lets her go and turns back to Nana.

"I should've known that one as sexy as yourself would've heard of it. What do you say, do you want to be a star? I could put you in one of my movies."

Gelatin pool? How about no.

Waves? Hm, maybe.

Invisible... I'm not even getting started on that one.

"Maybe we could film in one of those pools? We could get permission." She whispers, "or not."

2009-02-24, 12:56 AM

Think of all the people a video could corrupt.

Nana has stars in her eyes.

"Yes I think I would like to be a star. Anytime, anyplace, would be fine with me."

2009-02-24, 05:11 PM
Miho Nigata

Miho smiled at Nana's reaction and leaned back with her arms folded under her head.

"So, that settles it. When do you want to?"

She looked over at Konoka, then back at Nana. Then she looked at Konoka again.

"So, Konoka, you want to be a star, don't ya?"

Neon Knight
2009-02-24, 05:28 PM
Konoka Yukihiro

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no...

"Um, n-not really...."


Well, don't you sound in charge?

2009-02-24, 07:01 PM
Tia Kyoko

Tia opens her eyes and takes Konoka's hand.

She's with me, ladies. You two run along and have fun now. She smiles and leans over to give Konoka a kiss on the forehead, making sure to get good and close to her. Close enough that Konoka can feel the scar that runs between her breasts.

2009-02-24, 07:22 PM

The tentacled terror wasn't having a lot of luck finding a *delicious* pool. Except maybe *gelatin*.

"Kumako!" *Kagura* yelled at the other maid, floating over. "*Where* are you to *search*?" She asked.

2009-02-24, 07:25 PM

"I am ready right now! Where do you want to do it?"

Nana looks really excited. She totally doesn't notice Tia or Tia's new girlfriend.

2009-02-24, 08:49 PM
Miho Nigata

Miho got up and pulled Nana to her feet gently with a smile, then glared at Tia, standing tall and straight.

"You can come too, if you'd like." She says to Tia, raising an eyebrow. "Konoka, my dear, you'd look absolutely stunning in nothing but the bottoms to a tiny swimsuit. It's the adventure and scandal that makes a film so great."

Cunning to convince Konoka to come.
No resisting, you're seduced. XD

Neon Knight
2009-02-24, 08:58 PM
Konoka Yukihiro

Several lines of thought warred for prominence in Konoka's head, each trying to push to the forefront so it could dominate her psyche with it's shouted message.

That's how she helps!?! That's how she helps!?! By basically joining them!?!

Indignation was pushed aside by cool practicality.

Well, that just might do the trick. It works on their level, so it might just get the message through to them.

Practicality folded to another voice.

Wow, Kyoko's been through a lot. I don't think any of our instructors had this many scars.


Does she feel bad about it? She shouldn't...

Admiration fell away as the others had.



I wonder what this is. I mean, I'm not recoiling in horror or disgust or anything. I mean earlier, when the Amorian touched me... what was that?

Okay, this is not the place to find that kind of stuff out. I have a job to do here. I can't get distracted by... experimenting, I guess?



As busy as her mind was, Konoka did nothing other than blush bright crimson on the outside.

This can not get any worse.

And then Miho spoke, and it did.


Konoka looked at Kyoko with eyes that said SAVE ME! I DON'T CARE HOW, JUST DON'T LET HER TAKE ME!!!

2009-02-24, 10:18 PM
Tia Kyoko

Tia looks at Konoka with knowing eyes. No thank you Miho. But thanks for the offer. Konoka and I will probably be needing alittle private time here soon.

Tia sits on Konoka's lap and begins to kiss her deeply.

Affection 6 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5817224&postcount=54) x 3 = 18 To make the kiss convincing to all, including Konoka. Maybe even Tia. :smalltongue:

As she kisses Konoka, Konoka may find the kiss becoming more intense, as Tia forgets her surroundings and focuses on nothing but her.

2009-02-24, 10:25 PM

"Come on, Miho, lets leave these two alone. It looks like they are going to get serious. I hate to get in the way of love."

Nana pulls on Miho's arm.

I will keep a mental eye on those two. If they are lying I will tell Miho. It seems a little odd that suddenly these two are lesbians. The stick girl seemed too scared when Miho was talking about sex. I would have kept an eye on them anyway though. I love to watch.

Neon Knight
2009-02-24, 11:14 PM
Konoka Yukihiro


Oh, WOW.

The feeling of Kyoko's skin rubbing against her own mixed with the sweet taste of Kyoko's lips combined to make Konoka's head pleasantly fuzzy.

She's a good kisser. I mean, I'm not an expert or anything, but... I'm enjoying this.

Konoka closed her eyes and let herself get lost in the kiss. She moaned softly when Kyoko's kiss became more intense.

10. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5817447&postcount=55) I'm seduced.

2009-02-25, 03:30 AM
Tia Kyoko

Tia slowly pulls away from the kiss. She looks into Konoka's dazzling eyes.

Let's... let's go to your room. Shall we?

Tia stands up and tries to pull Konoka up with her. She will pull her close to her.

I can't believe I'm asking her this.

If Konoka doesn't resist, Tia will kiss her again.

Neon Knight
2009-02-25, 09:39 AM
Konoka Yukihiro

Konoka let herself be pulled close to Kyoko.

Why am I going along with this? Isn't this what I was trying to avoid?


Ah, what the hell, this feels so nice...

"A-alright.." Konoka said just before Kyoko kissed her again. Konoka didn't resist and even pushed back in the kiss, if only hesitantly.

2009-02-25, 11:30 AM
Tia Kyoko

Tia steps away from Konoka. Her right hand drifts from Konoka's waist, down her arm, and grasps her hand.

With her left hand, she grabs up her towel, and climbs out of the bath. She releases her hand only long enough to wrap the towel around her, and watches Konoka to follow.

Once Konoka is wrapped in her own towel, she will take her hand again and walk with her into the changing room. As she leans over to kiss her cheek, I've never done this before. She whispers.

2009-02-25, 01:28 PM
Miho Nigata

Miho took out a small pinpoint water-proof camcorder and watched as the two girls made out, the little red "record" light on. She smirked and walked with Nana, dressing back in her maid uniform since there were no towels big enough.

"So, which pool do you want to vandalize?" She asked as soon as they were out of earshot.

2009-02-25, 02:15 PM
Fujiko Ayakawa

Fujiko lets out a sleepy yawn, and slowly crawls out of her hiding place, at a good distance away.

Man, steam here, mush-mush over there...when did this became sappyville? I'm boreeeed....

maybe i should should try kill them?
Wha'! protection? you mean the master?:smallconfused:
*dudley shakes its...let's go with head *Uuuuuurrrhhh.
...4 walls? a room, then? you make no sense....
Urrrhh..-_-U Uhr uuuurh urh?
*sighs* Ooookay, exploration time is then.. i'm already getting wrinkles anyways...

(sorry for the temporal vanish, had a Philosophy exam, and just got a job at a tricky schedule)

Neon Knight
2009-02-25, 04:26 PM
Konoka Yukihiro

Konoka squeezed Kyoko's hand gently as they walked into the changing room.

I've never done this before.

"Me either..."

2009-02-25, 06:07 PM
Tia Kyoko

Not knowing what else to say. Tia changes back into her maid uniform in silence.

Is this really going to happen? She looks over to Konoka as she dresses. She's so pretty.

Could you zip me up, please? She turns her back to her.

She closes her eyes, as she waits, and remembers the way Konoka felt as they kissed. It felt so right. How can it be wrong?

2009-02-25, 07:55 PM

Nana is calculating how much those two girls are being corrupted in her head. Nana didn't even have to lift a finger. Was her prescience making this happen or...was it Miho? She seemed to have quite an effect on people. I wonder if I should let her know what I am and see if she will help me. I think she would.

"Miho dear why don't we see if we can find something besides the ones mentioned. I don't think they will do for our purposes. I think I have something special for you to put in your movie. Something you might not have seen before. Can I trust you?"

Dabura what kind of pool do you want to go to? We can make up whatever we want.

Neon Knight
2009-02-25, 08:48 PM
Konoka Yukihiro

Konoka also got dressed in silence. She glanced at Kyoko and saw Kyoko's green eyes looking at her. She turned away and colored slightly.

Even with the scars, she's gorgeous. Konoka looked at herself critically. Kumako's got the same kind of figure I do, and she's much... bigger. It's not fair.

Could you zip me up, please?

"Uh, sure..." Konoka stepped over and complied. Konoka looked at Kyoko's gold uniform. Her own was a metallic sheen of silver. Huh. That's funny.

Divine Comedy
2009-02-25, 08:54 PM
My, aren't you interesting, wandering about while everyone else is having fun. I get the feeling you're going to provide me no end of intrigue. The little girl who has carved a swathe through a bit of the galaxy. the voice of Armitage whispered in Fujiko's ear. He was directly behind her.

2009-02-25, 11:07 PM
Tia Kyoko

Thanks. She turns to face Konoka.

Seeing her blushing. She reaches a hand out to push the bangs away from the right side of her face. She smiles slightly at the sight of the eyepatch. We match so well. We could be perfect together.

Don't worry, we'll take this slow and see where it leads, okay? She blushes slightly. You are beautiful.

Neon Knight
2009-02-25, 11:23 PM
Konoka Yukihiro

"Okay." Konoka's own blush deepened slightly at the comment. She slid her hand into Kyoko's. "You, um... wanted to go to my room, right?" She took a step to lead the way.

2009-02-26, 12:15 AM
Miho Nigata

Miho patted Nana on the back, having to be extra-gentle because she didn't want to knock her down, and laughed. "Of course you can trust me. But I doubt there's anything I haven't seen or done."

She looked around. "Is there a chocolate pool? Now that would be interesting."

2009-02-26, 12:21 AM

"This place seems to have everything. I bet there is. I will just check on this computer."

Nana checks the computer and finds where the pool is. Then she walks with Miho to the pool. Nana checks to make sure no one is in the pool. After making sure no one is in the pool, Nana releases the power to hide her wings and tail. She also lets the buns down so her horns show.

"I am a devil. I bet you haven't seen one of those before. We generally aren't of this world."

2009-02-26, 12:35 AM
Tia Kyoko

Yes. Tia is lead to Konoka's room.

Neon Knight
2009-02-26, 10:42 AM
Konoka Yukihiro

Konoka opened the door to her room. "Um, I didn't bring much stuff, and I haven't really unpacked, so... so it looks like every other room, I guess..."

Konoka looked around for a bit, wishing it was more impressive. Then her eyes settled on the bed. "So, um... er... how do we start? I mean, if, you know, if you want to..."

2009-02-26, 12:55 PM
Tia Kyoko

Don't worry. I don't think any of us have had a chance to unpack.

"So, um... er... how do we start? I mean, if, you know, if you want to..."

Tia moves up close behind her and begins undressing Konoka, slowly. As she kisses the back of her neck. Like this.

((Should we fade to black??))

2009-02-26, 08:39 PM
Miho Nigata

Miho didn't show as much surprise or confusion as she should have. "Oh, cool. You're right, I've never seen a devil. But there's a first time for everything, right?"

Miho reached over and tugs lightly on Nana's tail. "So I was thinking I could set up the camera and film you by yourself playing in the chocolate for a minute or two, then since we don't have anyone else helping us, I could join you."

2009-02-26, 09:36 PM

"You are too business-like. I am going to have to make you more passionate about this. You are too beautiful to be with me without being fully willing."

Nana rips her false modesty towel off and unleashes her full seductive powers. It runs over Miho like a waterfall.

"Come here to me and show me how passionate you are for me. We can handle business after I have had my pleasure. I will show you what is so great about being with a devil."

Nana falls back into the chocolate that embraces her as she enters it. She makes a come here gesture to Miho and smiles a dazzling smile. She knows that she will get what she wants. No mistakes this time. Not with someone like her.

Rolled a 6 for affection 6x4=24. Won't be so businesslike anymore.

Neon Knight
2009-02-27, 11:47 AM
Konoka Yukihiro

Konoka gasped. Her skin felt like it was on fire where Kyoko kissed her. "Kyoko..."

Yeah, we'd best fade to black.

2009-02-27, 02:36 PM
Miho Nigata

Miho set up the camera quickly, hot feelings for Nana rushing all over her body. She crawled into the pool slowly on top of Nana and began kissing her neck up to her lips.

2009-02-27, 07:58 PM

Nana cackles as the girl kisses her.

This is more like it.

Nana runs her hands all over Miho and her tail too. Wherever they touch makes Miho feel like never before. Lovers that aren't of this world are better after all. Nana kisses Miho back fiercely. Chocolate is getting everywhere.

"Oh Miho you are so wonderful."

Nana is enjoying herself as well. She has always liked seducing humans. Plus the idea that this girl is a maid excites her.

After you finish your post Dabura we should probably fade to black.

2009-02-27, 09:32 PM
Miho Nigata

Miho kissd the beautiful naked demon as the chocolate washed over them, her hands roamed Nana's body. Miho wrapped her arms around her and kissed her all over as the moment started to get even more intense.

Yeah, I think we should.

Should we both roll luck or something for the video to sell good later? Just wondering. Or does it matter.

2009-02-27, 09:42 PM

Fades to black. Rejoin after the hot and heavy stuff is over. Dabura replied about the video in OOC.

"Do you think the video camera got all of that?"

Nana is breathing heavily. She also looks very satisfied.

Divine Comedy
2009-02-28, 01:22 AM
Suddenly, Armitage flashes on your communicators
Please wrap up your various, quite droll, "pleasantries" with one another. We have guests arriving and I would like you to greet them. Show them to their rooms, your communicators will have instructions. Oh and please do make them comfortable, as two or more of them are probably here to kill me in various unpleasant manners.

Divine Comedy
2009-02-28, 01:34 AM
Arrayed before you, you see a dashing red-haired man with quite a side arm on him. Your info-files inform you that he is the bounty hunter Atlus Machina. A man whose luck always seems to bring in the perp, his last bounty was the Warlord of Cathraxus II. The warlord accidentally brought his palace down around him.
Charmed to meet you lovely ladies, I promise.

To his left is a bizarre glowing construct, the bio-circuitry being of the greater Magellanic trade alliance RZR-47. His logic has forged a thousand trade treatises, to the detriment of his opponents. I am strictly here on business. Dispense with the pleasantries.

On Atlus' right stands the famed space pirate, Delphia Trueheart. She robs from the rich and gives to the poor. Or herself, either will do. However she has been known to fight for the freedom of oppressed species. Oh my, this looks like it's going to be fun.

A giant slab of white Ivory floats nearby. It is a bizarre designate new to this universe (much like the Orz). It is currently in asylum from several planetary governments, both Terran and otherwise. It claims it is seeking information, and that it wants to spread peace and enlightenment. No one knows very much about the being that calls itself "peace"

Hello brethren. Allow us to *enlighten* each other.

2009-02-28, 07:34 AM
Tia Kyoko

After unfading from black, Tia cuddles Konoka close. After a moment, Armitage makes his announcement.

MmmmM. I guess we have to get to work now. Uggg! And to greet them in this embarrassing outfit. I almost wish I'd never come to this place.

She reluctantly sits up.

Neon Knight
2009-02-28, 08:55 PM
Konoka Yukihiro

"Aw." Konoka got up as well. "We'll get that uniform fixed, I promise. There has to be someone on here able to get us a more fitting one, and if there isn't we'll just do it the old fashioned way and fix it ourselves."

2009-03-01, 05:02 AM
Tia Kyoko

Tia quickly gets dressed. Then she kisses Konoka on the cheek. I'll see you later.

She then leaves the room and goes to her own to take a quick shower, redo her make-up, and put on a fresh uniform. Wouldn't do to greet the guests smelling of sweat and sex.

If only she could have savored the scent of Konoka a little longer. To her, it was like an exotic perfume.

2009-03-01, 10:40 AM

"We should probably go shower the chocolate off. We can't meet the guests looking like hot, sexy chocolate women. Well we could, but that would be coming on to strong. Well that is what the girl told me I am. I hope you enjoyed yourself."

Nana reaches out a hand to help Miho up.

2009-03-01, 01:41 PM

"No *mutant* to *the chatting*?" *Kagura* asks, staring at her, before bobbing up and down excitedly. Work!

The strangest of Maids floats around, looking like he'll go toward the bounty hunter, then swaying over to the slab. The combined result is that he ends up somewhere in the middle.

"*Kagura* is *to greeting*! *May* it take your *scents*?" The Orz says, *smiling* at Delphia Trueheart.

2009-03-01, 03:34 PM
Tia Kyoko

Tia goes to the greeting area, and stands back. She will check her communicator to see if she's been assigned anyone specific, otherwise, she doesn't innitiate contact.

Neon Knight
2009-03-01, 04:02 PM
Konoka Yukihiro

Konoka entered the greeting area, her eyes seeking and finding Kyoko. Ah... How am I supposed to act after we did... that? Does she want to keep it from everyone? Am I looking at her too long?

Konoka quickly walked over to Atlus. Alright, focus on the job. This guy has security risk written all over him.

"Hello. I'm Konoka. Would you like me to show you to your room?"

2009-03-01, 04:46 PM
Tia Kyoko

Tia doesn't notice Konoka enter the room, immediately.

When she notices Konoka looking at her, she smiles just as Konoka looks away and moves to Atlus. Did I upset her? She wonders, not quite noticing how Konoka had looked at her.

Divine Comedy
2009-03-02, 03:08 PM
Why aren't you the interesting specimen. Would you like to show me to a room? Any room is fine. Trueheart rubs the Orz armor softly.

Forget that thing baby, come back to my room.
Atlus Machina quickly put his arm around her waist.

I told you already I wasn't interested. You keep doing this and I'll have to teach you how to behave.

2009-03-02, 03:19 PM

"*Kagura* will *to teach* you some *biological and sociological ways of behavior that do not provoke the frumples*!" The Orz said, waving its arms around menacingly. "I *smell* a room in this *direction of movement*." *Kagura* informed Trueheart and wrapped some tentacles around her arm to show her to it.

Neon Knight
2009-03-02, 06:39 PM
Konoka Yukihiro

Konoka sighed. I sure know how to pick 'em, eh?

She waited for Atlus to notice her. Man, I'm glad Kyoko doesn't have to deal with this jerk. He'd probably say something vile and she's alright bothered enough as it is.

2009-03-02, 06:45 PM
Miho Nigata

Miho smiled at Nana as they finished then got up too.

"You're right, we should." She licked her lips. "I don't think you come on too strong, people are just weak nowadays."

Miho slapped Nana on the butt as they made their way to the shower, a little harder than she normally would since Nana is stronger than most humans.

2009-03-02, 06:56 PM

Nana looks back at Miho after she slaps her butt. She talks to her in a playfully sexy tone.

"Don't get me started again. We have work to do."

When they reach the shower area she helps Miho to shower off. When she is done she realizes something.

"I don't have my uniform with me. I will have to go back to my room for a fresh one."

Nana walks off to her room naked.

Divine Comedy
2009-03-02, 07:22 PM
We'll see about that.

Atlus whispers under his breath. When Kagura isn't looking he slaps a disruptor on the mech suit.

Got a total of 8. Roll luck as I am judging that is the stat which would apply.

2009-03-02, 08:42 PM
Tia Kyoko

Tia frowns as Konoka goes with the slimey Atlus. I'll have to keep my out for that one.

She looks at her comm unit to find which room is his. She then removes a thin device from the top of her right stocking, finds the control for the corresponding hidden camera, and activates it. She does the same for the one hidden in Konoka's room.

She then approaches the glowing construst. I have been assigned to assist you. If you'll follow me this way. She turns towards the exit. And gives him a second to follow.

2009-03-02, 09:23 PM

"*This* way, this *way*!" *Kagura* says, dragging her.

Lord. ><


Divine Comedy
2009-03-02, 09:40 PM
Tsk. That didn't work. Well whatever.

Atlus smiles at Tia and Konoka. So would both of you ladies like to escort me? There's plenty of me to go around. Although you... you remind me of someone. Atlus gazes at Tia suspiciously Yeah, I seem to, nah it's nothing. Why don't you show me to my room and we can talk about my exploits. Or perhaps make some more.

Meanwhile, Kagura and her new *friend* safely make it to its room.

Edit- It seems he would like to have a word with you. I will be delighted to go with you afterward. The construct hums.

20 for seduction on you ladies. The other two guests seem a bit confused. On another noter, when I say "its" room Tichrondius, you'd need to take her back to your room for anything *special* to happen.

2009-03-03, 03:20 AM

When *Kagura* is leading her to her room he manages to 'get lost' and ends up back its room. "I *believe* this is *it*." *Kagura* says, entering.

"*Mistakes* have been made."

Seduction roll on her!


Neon Knight
2009-03-03, 10:11 AM
Konoka Yukihiro

Konoka leaned close to Atlus. "How bout..." Suddenly, she stepped rather hard on his foot. "No. Oops, sorry. Clumsy me."

"Now, follow me to your room."

Got a 3. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5845766&postcount=59) But I'm going to spend [roll0] favor to improve my attribute to a 4 and my roll to a 5. Total 20. He doesn't win.

Divine Comedy
2009-03-03, 10:23 PM
Trueheart and Kagura enter its room. The door slides shut as the two embrace. If you were to listen outside of the room, you would hear quite a commotion. Slithering, slurping and of course moaning. And words to the tune of Oh my, you are forward. I've never had something like you before, and I've had quite a few beings. You like that? Yes I know you do. Hey wait, not there... I... mmmmm

If you were a bashful person you would back away from the door, as I do now.

Edit- Tsk. Worthless all of you. Fine just take me to my room.

I will also be lead to my room now.

Perhaps this delightful lady with the eye patch will show us both.

Kagura wins by 2. Trueheart and the Orz have *interesting* wet and wild time.

2009-03-04, 01:28 AM
Tia Kyoko

Tia was about to say something to Atlus when Konoka stomped on his foot. She just smiled at her with a nod of thanks.

She then begins to lead the construct. My name is Tia. What should I call you, sir?

If the alien follows, she'll lead him to his room also.

((btw, Konoka has the eye-patch. Tia has the scar over one eye.))

2009-03-04, 02:59 AM
Miho Nigata

Miho stretched as Nana walked off and dressed again, making sure to always have a uniform handy at all times. Then she made her way to meet the guests.

Miho towered over everyone and tried not to look so intimidating, but probably failed doing so. She smiled.

"Can I help you?" She said to the robot.

Neon Knight
2009-03-04, 06:30 AM
Konoka Yukihiro

When Miho showed up, it was clear to Konoka that it was time to get the heck out of Dodge.

"Right this way." Konoka lead Atlus to his room as quickly as possible without it looking like she was running away.

2009-03-04, 06:45 AM

"*Interesting* times, not so *mistake*." *Kagura* informs its mate for the evening, while... smoking? Yes. Smoking. "Once the *biological member* experiences *The Fingers* they are *happy campers* forever more." The Orz states, slipping back into its mecha.

"*Room* exists in *heavy space*." *Kagura* assures her, attempting once again to find her real room this time.

2009-03-04, 08:14 PM
Tia Kyoko

Tia looks at the large, and very pretty, alien woman as she enters the room.

"Can I help you?" She said to the robot.

Tia then frowns at her. I got this one, Miho. You can help the "enlightened" alien.

Divine Comedy
2009-03-04, 10:04 PM
That was wonderful, sugar, perhaps we could have fun another time. Right now I'd like to just settle in.

The rest of the aliens are shown to their rooms peacefully.

You can continue to investigate whoever you want from there.

2009-03-04, 10:24 PM

Nana goes back to her room and gets dressed. She takes extra special care of how she looks. When she gets out she sees that some of the guests and maids are gone. She sees Miho has picked a guest already. She doesn't see any guests that really need to be corrupted. She feels bored and lost in this new place. She wanders off in a random direction looking for excitement.

GM tell me where I go!

Divine Comedy
2009-03-04, 10:27 PM
Nana wanders into the red light district. She gets several invitations of work and invites to love hotels. On top of that there are a great variety of "shows" to be seen, along with even less savory "merchandise" to buy.

2009-03-04, 11:16 PM
Tia Kyoko

When Tia delivers her "package" to it's room, she asks. Is there anything more I can help you with, sir?

Divine Comedy
2009-03-04, 11:33 PM
Yes, tell your master I would like to speak with him post-haste. We have much to discuss. I prefer that he come alone.

2009-03-04, 11:52 PM
Tia Kyoko

Will do, sir. Tia leaves the room.

She walks to the audience chamber where they originally gathered. Master Armitage?

Divine Comedy
2009-03-05, 12:29 AM
Ah yes, I assume someone wants to see me? The robot perhaps? Alone? Well that simply won't do, find some way to conceal yourself and take this. He throws you a small device you recognize as a signature jammer. Yes, that should do nicely. I get the feeling he might have something less than scrupulous in mind. Still his position dictates that I must deal with him. Ah the endless frustrations caused by small minded, incredibly powerful bureaucrats.

2009-03-05, 12:34 AM
Well, he said he only prefers you come alone. You don't have to abide by his wishes. Just say I'm there to attend you. Give me a briefcase to carry in and place before you.

2009-03-05, 12:36 AM

Nana is thrilled that she found such a den of evil. She twirls around feeling perfectly at home in this environment. She dances around like in a musical number then she thinks about her options. She decides to work a bit to make some money. She recalls that she brought no human money with her, so enjoyment that requires money will have to wait. She approaches the highest class offer to work.

"Hey I could use some extra money. I will work for you for a bit."

Divine Comedy
2009-03-05, 12:49 AM
Hrmm. No, I really don't think that is prudent. He'll likely teleport away immediately on seeing you. Just try to stay out of sight. Just wait outside, conceal yourself or hide in a vent if you have to. Armitage begins to head towards the meeting spot.

Nana is approached by a huge black man with a furry bola and a large gold cane. His smile reveals a mix of gold, platinum, and xilinthium ore in his teeth. Looking good there girl. How would you like to dance in the VIP section of my club? That is, if you don't mind giving some of the customers VERY special treatment.

2009-03-05, 03:05 AM

"*Certainly*!" *Kagura* informs Trueheart. "*Enjoy* your *existence* at the *Silver Dollar* *Sexual Paradise*!" The Orz says, mistakenly, but perhaps correctly, referring to the Silver Dollar as a sexual paradise instead of a space resort.

Then the tentacled monstrosity leaves the room and floats down the hall in search of more *entertainment*.

Neon Knight
2009-03-05, 08:47 AM
Konoka Yukihiro

Konoka led Atlus to his room. "Alright, here it is. Anything else you need?" Konoka wanted to be out of this sleazeball's presence ASAP.

2009-03-05, 09:11 AM
Tia Kyoko

Tia follows Armitage at a distance. Hide in a vent? Yeah, right. Once he enters the room, she waits just outside the door.

((What is in the vicinity of the constructs room?))

2009-03-05, 06:37 PM
Miho Nigata

Miho sighed but hid it, not wanting to offend the... guest. She smiled and walked over to him.

"Hi, I'm Miho. Right this way." She started towards it's room.

Divine Comedy
2009-03-05, 07:25 PM
No, I've had enough of this crap. I think I'll go have some fun. Finish packing my stuff. With that, Atlus scampered off.

(Lex-kat there are other rooms nearby, and a common area. That's about it)

You are a very beautiful shade. Please enlighten me about you. You are wondrous to me. Said the floating monolith to the giant blue amazon.

2009-03-05, 07:44 PM

Nana smiles her sexiest smile.

"I would love to dance in your club. For a price of course. I think I could give them the best service they have had in a while."

Neon Knight
2009-03-05, 08:11 PM
Konoka Yukihiro

Konoka hesitated only a fraction of a second after he was gone to begin rifling through his things, searching for anything suspicious or incriminating.

In case you need a roll, 3. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5855460&postcount=61)

Divine Comedy
2009-03-05, 10:06 PM
Delightful, right this way then. Nana is led off to a less than upstanding club called the "Money Shot". She is led to a changing room, and told to go to the VIP area afterward.

Konoka is hit with a powerful electrical charge as she rifles through the belongings. It floors her and she's numb all over. Oh-ho my, would you look at that. I knew that would pay off. Same for this mini-alarm here. Now what should I do with you? Atlus reaches down to unbutton Konoka's outfit.

Oh man a 3. I was going to make you roll anyway, but I just had to do something bad due to that luck. Better figure out a way out of this. While you might be able to talk just a bit you can't move your body very well, barely at all. Of course you have myriad of options by using your wits.

Also only the master would be able to access information on you while inside his room.

2009-03-05, 10:15 PM

Nana changed into a devil outfit consisting of panties, bra, fake tail, fake horns, and thigh high boots. She hid her real tail and horns. She enjoyed the irony of the outfit. She picked up a whip before coming into the VIP area.

"Has anyone been bad in here?"

2009-03-05, 11:02 PM

"Have the *organism* been *put in his proper place*?" *Kagura* asked, rapping on the door of Atlus. "Is the *Konoka Maid* dwelling?"

2009-03-06, 03:53 PM
Tia Kyoko

Tia watches Atlus attack Konoka anxiously. If that bastard hurts her, he'll have hell to pay!

If it looks as if Atlus is going to rape Konoka, Tia will run to his room and bust in.

((I'll give Kasrkin time to do something, but if it fails...))

2009-03-06, 08:15 PM
Miho Nigata

"Thank you. I'm from the planet Amoran. We're a very superior race of intelligent and beautiful women, not to sound too full of my people." She continued to lead the way.

Neon Knight
2009-03-06, 09:06 PM
Konoka Yukihiro

Alright, this is bad.

Konoka lay on her back, trying to will feeling back into her limbs.

No telling how long this effect lasts. On the plus side, it's bound to have tripped something on this health monitor. The cavalry should come soon. Come on, someone, anyone...

"Is the *Konoka Maid* dwelling?"


Crap. Okay, never mind. I don't want to be rescued by the cavalry.

"W-wait...." Konoka licked her lips to try to get some feeling back into them. "You don't... you don't want to do this. The Master.... will know..."

12. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5859705&postcount=62)

Divine Comedy
2009-03-06, 11:54 PM
Yeah, that guy. I'll take care of him little lady.

The Orz yelled through the door, triggering a light on Atlus' display.
Looks like I've got bigger problems, that freak. Looks like this will be fun. Real fun.

Atlus primed a high-explosive charge, attached it to the door and took cover with Konoka. A massive blast blew the door off the hinges, directly into Kagura.

You take full stress due to surprise, divided by your cunning, which makes it 10 stress. Half of your mech threshold.

2009-03-07, 06:08 AM
Tia Kyoko

As soon as she sees the blast on her spy cam, she says loudly into her comm unit. Gotta go Boss!

Then Tia sprints towards where Atlus' room is, activating her Killer Intent on her way there.

Neon Knight
2009-03-09, 12:16 PM
Konoka Yukihiro

From behind the cover Atlus had dragged her to, Konoka looked at him with disbelief.

He's insane. That blast had to have set off some kind of sensor.

"You're... crazy. That blast... it'll bring... the entire station.... here..."

2009-03-09, 01:42 PM

For a while, all seemed pretty serene. The tentacle monster was gone, there was a door laying on it. Then he probably heard it. A sort of scream from the damned, like someone was choking on a flute.

And then the door was moving.

*Kagura* lifted herself back into a floating position in front of the door frame.

"*Dissolve* *Quick Babies*!" The Orz said, yelling, blasting a few times before slowing down. "The * **** * has habits of *jumping in front* or behind to *cry* from me. *Atloose* is to want avoid being *dance partnerz*. His *puny weapon* can not compare to *BLAST* and *discharges* too *with the quick*." She stated, floating into the room cautiously. "*Interesting* times should be had. Afraid to be *caressed* by *The Fingers*? *You* are obviously a *sad animal*. *You take* the *campers*?" She asked, finally bringing her cannon up again and pointing it in Atlus and Konoka's direction. "I *smell* you. *IT IS DANCING*!" And then it proceeded to blast... several more times.

Ultimate Retort! Take that! Two Stress cost! DIE!

Divine Comedy
2009-03-09, 02:01 PM
I... what? Is, huh? The formerly unshakable Atlas is momentarily dazed, allowing an opening for attacks.

2009-03-09, 06:50 PM

"I *smell* you. *IT IS DANCING*!" And then it proceeded to blast... several more times.

Eat molten laser! Rolled in the dice thread.
Got a 16.

Divine Comedy
2009-03-10, 12:54 AM
Ow I, what? Atlus primes another charge.

16/4=4 stress to Atlus. Roll of 8 to attack you.

2009-03-10, 03:24 PM
*Kagura* *Bubbley*

"*HAHA* *sad animal*!" *Kagura* said, forming a shield that kind of bounced it away and at least re-directed it from *Kagura*. The Orz then attempted to wrap one of its mech's tentacles around him. "*A pleasure for the tips*." It said in its usual monotone translator.

To defend I rolled a 16!

To seduce I rolled a 12. That's right. Seduce. Gwhahaha.

2009-03-10, 07:11 PM
Miho Nigata

Miho reached the alien's room and sighed, relived to get this job done.

"Well, have a nice stay." She nodded and started back down the hall slowly.

Divine Comedy
2009-03-10, 09:36 PM
Atlus accidentally drops him bomb due to the chaos. The explosion blinds and confuses him.
Hey. Uh. That's kind of nice.

Atlas is completely dazed still from his own explosions, and stumbles over towards the confusing being that is touching him.

Dear lord, I actually failed to resist the seduction. This is not how I expected this to go.

2009-03-10, 09:38 PM
Tia Kyoko

Tia arrives in time to see Atlus attack *Kagura* again.

What's she doing here? She wonders as she attacks Atlus. Die Bastard!!

Tia attacks with Killer Intent. 6 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5875100&postcount=68) x 4 = 24

Sorry if this ruins your seduction attempt, Tichrondrius.

Divine Comedy
2009-03-10, 09:41 PM
Wha.. hgggrk.

Atlas quickly has his Jaw dislocated by the raging Tia. He crumples down in front of the group.

Even more unexpected, as he was in no condition to defend himself anymore. Now you can all fight over his unconscious body.

Yes Tichondrius, this would likely be rape if you were to seduce him here.

2009-03-10, 09:55 PM
Tia Kyoko

Tia immediately goes to Konoka and lifts her up. Konoka, are you all right? I should never have left you alone with him. She says as she looks for any visible damage and covering up any exposed areas.

Neon Knight
2009-03-10, 10:32 PM
Konoka Yukihiro

"I'm f-fine, Kyoko... I'm fine. Just a little numb." Konoka tried to brace herself so that she could stand without Kyoko's assistance. Konoka looked at Atlus. "Wow. Teach me... to hit like t-that."

Konoka looked back to Kyoko... and ended up staring into Kyoko's pretty green eyes. She blushed slightly and glanced away. "H-hey, uh... thanks... thanks for saving me...."