View Full Version : Insomnia in the Playground

2009-02-13, 05:12 AM
So, who else has been awake for 24 hours? :smallwink: Lets chat. Share stories, bitch about insomnia. Come, lets talk. ^^

Sometimes I'm grateful, sleep is so useless, you know? :P The human body shouldn't need it.

I know there was at least one other topic about it, but I didn't know the greater cardinal sin- resurrecting a topic or posting a topic we already have a topic about?

2009-02-13, 05:19 AM
Yes, I've been awake since 7am this morning. It's now 4:20am here and I'm at work. I dislike working mids, because I never get enough sleep and rarely see the sun.

2009-02-13, 05:45 AM
Been sleeping 5-6 hours a night for a couple of weeks now.
Donno why really. No funny stories came from that though.

What I really need is not insomnia but some kinda clean the crap out of my apartment-mania.

2009-02-13, 05:57 AM
I have clinical chronic stress-related insomnia. Over the years I've had it, I've learned to use it to my advantage. I can stay up longer than most people, and my friends therefore know that they can ring me almost anytime if they need help (in my circle; I'm the 'goto guy'). I can study for longer hours, etc. etc.

Insomnia helps me get things done when 'normal' people wouldn't otherwise have time during the day (like cleaning the house). If I was able to do gardening at night, I'd do it. But, the neighbours don't like it when I start up the mulcher/lawn-mower/chainsaw/etc. after around 5:30pm. They also don't like it when I start it before 9:00am on a Sunday.
But, F*em. I'm pretty sure by-law 'noise' is allowed to start at 6:30am. Regardless of day. And I tell them so. No way am I doing gardening smack-bang in the middle of the day (11am-2pm)! It's hot then, and us Australians get skin-cancer like nobody's business.

I'd much prefer that I didn't have insomnia (and it's related long-term conditions/effects), but, since I do, I'll use it to my advantage.

People with self-diagnosed 'Insomnia' piss me off no-end.
"HAHALOLOL I stayed up drinking last night and have to go to work at 8:00. I only got three hours sleep last night. Clearly I have insomnia LOLOLZLOOOOL!!!!!111!"
"LULZ. I stayed up all night playing games - I have insomnia!!!!11!!! LOLZ"

It's a rather serious condition, and, like I said; I wish I didn't have it. And I don't like it when people make jokes about it (especially when they have no idea what they're talking about).

...What. I'm allowed to gripe about it.

2009-02-13, 06:05 AM
Three replies? Whoohoo, suck it other thread. :smallbiggrin:

Lucky for me I can sleep half the time but it manages to really screw up my sleep schedule when it strikes and I don't see daylight for a few days trying to fix it. Unfortunately, I don't have a single word besides insomnia where people would know what I was talking about and come see.

2009-02-13, 06:13 AM
I dont really have insomnia so much as a really messed up sleep schedule. I get about 3 hours at school, 8 right after school, then im pretty much wide awake until 2nd period the next day. Weekends are just wierd. I wake up when I wake up, and sleep when I fall asleep.

2009-02-13, 06:20 AM
Lucky for me I can sleep half the time but it manages to really screw up my sleep schedule when it strikes and I don't see daylight for a few days trying to fix it. Unfortunately, I don't have a single word besides insomnia where people would know what I was talking about and come see.

Bad REM Sleep Cycle?

Funny thing, it takes one night to screw it, but about three or four to fix it. :smallwink:

Seems like I'm the only one so far with actual insomnia so far...Everyone else just has bad REM Cycles.

Orginally posted by PirateJesus
I get about 3 hours at school


2009-02-13, 06:40 AM
I've had minor incidences of insomnia from time to time. the bizarre thing is it puts me on the "normal" waking hours of most people.

combine odd sleep hours with a natural tendency to move silently, and you get me unintentionally scaring the crap out of anyone who spends the night :smalltongue:

2009-02-13, 06:53 AM
Hmm, I take melatonine now.

I however still look like a zombie and sleep terribly sometimes, melatonine only helps for falling asleep.

2009-02-13, 02:54 PM
The upside of taking Kantarion [or St. Johns Worth, as it is known in western parts] is that it relaxes me and enables me to twitch/toss/turn less during night, which helps me to fall asleep. Downside is, in the morning when I have to get up & prep for work I am way too sleepy and don't want to get up at all. Sleepy all day after getting up isn't fun, nor is constant yawning.

Divine Comedy
2009-02-13, 03:10 PM
Had a rough night last night, tried to sleep but probably got maybe 2 hours.

I for one am someone who can't stand not getting enough sleep, but I am unable to take naps.

2009-02-13, 06:40 PM
Naps are awesome, I can get by on very little amount of sleep. Whoohoo.

2009-02-14, 09:27 PM
ive been stressed no end the past 5-6 months and lie in bed for hours and hours everynight, problem is, my body still wants its normal sleep time, (which to me is as long as possible) i can wake up normal time and get on with it but i will feel tired, but not actually sleepy tired, just weak and without energy tired... i have taken to being on the forums to get rid of boredem of hours of unsleep, and it means i can chat with people from america more often... but its almost half 2 in the morning for me now, and i have been on the forums till about 5 or 6 in the morning and on weekdays, i need to be up at 8, so only get a couple hours sleep, but where possible, i will sleep till about mid afternoon, but no matter what, i cant get to sleep till its almost time to wake up... and on rare occasion (ive done it about 3 times so far) i will actually BE TIRED to the point where i will go straight to sleep, sometimes before im actually even ready to, and still manage to sleep till mid afternoon, it annoys me to hell... is this actually insomnia or what? i guess it is, brought on by stress, but im no doctor.

2009-02-14, 09:45 PM
Meh, I sleep like a comatose log. Feel free to hate me. :smalltongue:

2009-02-14, 10:01 PM
I don't have insomnia, but can I complain here anyway?

I HATE sleeping before midnight at least, and often I can't fall asleep before that (probably because of habit). And I find I work a lot better later at night, getting more homework done, more efficiently, and rather than waste time on TV Tropes or something, I'll actually do something useful on the internet.

Of course, I have to wake up at six for school. My first period is math, followed by one or two periods of physics. I have a LOT of trouble staying awake. . . and that's one of the major reasons that I hate school. It forces me out of my natural sleeping habits. :smallmad:

Having ranted . . . at least I don't have actual insomnia? Sounds like it sucks to be you, Cheesegear. . .

2009-02-14, 10:26 PM
I can't sleep. Hardly evar. Never did sleep well. I don't have insomnia but I think I have some kind of fatigue syndrome. I can't get up before at least 2 pm unless forced, it's not a willpower issue but more of a physical incapacity i.e. I struggle physically to lift my weight (which isn't huge), and then for some weird reason I can't sleep at night, and I always feel sleepy anyway. It's like Tantalus, I go to bed at 10, and I lay in bed till 5 am, exhausted but unable to sleep. The forums helped actually as now I have something to do with myself during those hours. I used to lie there drinking decaffeinated tea.