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View Full Version : Return of necromancy and summoning, 4e

2009-02-13, 06:02 AM
I haven’t noticed any topics on this, so I am making one. The newest dnd insider article called “secrets of the city entombed” features explanation of new summoning and necromancy key words, as well as presenting new powers for many classes (some phb2 classes included) raise dead is a lvl 9 wizard attack, but there are more including a summon black reaper spell for the cleric.
The mechanics of the summons I’m not all that sure about. The summoned creature has the same defences as the summoning person while performing the action (thus having a one round boost on you will boost the summon for its entire duration) and its HP is your bloodied value. Most summons have a bonus to one or other defences, so that there is a difference in their stats.

Discus or ask away.

2009-02-13, 10:45 AM
The mechanics of the summons I’m not all that sure about. The summoned creature has the same defences as the summoning person while performing the action (thus having a one round boost on you will boost the summon for its entire duration) and its HP is your bloodied value. Most summons have a bonus to one or other defences, so that there is a difference in their stats.

Left out some stuff/got some wrong there.

✦ Your Defenses and Check Modifiers: Unless
otherwise specified, the summoned creature’s
defenses and check modifiers equal yours when you
summon it, not including any temporary bonuses or
penalties to your statistics.

✦ Hit Points: The summoned creature’s maximum
hit points equal your bloodied value. When the summoned
creature drops to 0 hit points, it is destroyed,
and you lose a healing surge. If you have no healing
surges left, you instead take damage equal to half
your bloodied value.

2009-02-13, 10:56 AM
Thought I'd post an example of one of these powers as well, went with "Animate Dead", a level 9 Wizard Daily Attack.

Animate Dead Wizard Attack 9
You reach out and touch a fallen foe’s animus, flooding
it with necromantic energy and imbuing it with arcane
Daily ✦ Arcane, Implement, Necrotic, Summoning
Minor Action Ranged 10
Target: One dead creature
Effect: You summon the animated corpse of one of your
fallen enemies in an unoccupied square within range.
The summoned creature is the same size as one dead
creature within the range of this power. The animated
creature has reach equal to the target creature’s reach
and speed 6. It has a +2 bonus to AC and a +2 bonus
to Fortitude. You can give the animated creature the
following special commands.
✦ Standard Action: Targets one enemy in reach;
Intelligence vs. AC; 1d10 + Intelligence modifier
necrotic damage.
✦ Opportunity Attack: Targets one enemy in reach;
Intelligence vs. AC; 1d10 + Intelligence modifier
necrotic damage.

When I read about the summoning keyword elsewhere I believe it said you can move your summon as a move action (or as part of one, like a Beastmaster), however this article states that that can be done as a minor action. This seems like a bit too much to me, since it means that my zombie created from the above spell will effectively have move 12 every round of the encounter other than the round on which it was created. That is one fast animated undead. So, pretty sure that's a typo? Nope, says minor action in the other article too.
Edit: Unmodified (as in no proficiency) attacks vs AC seem silly to me too.

2009-02-14, 10:53 AM
He, my bad on those points.

Anyhow, the animate undead spell has the implement keyword, so you probably do get the implement bonus to those attack rolls.
The idea of using int + half lvl of the caster for the undead seems silly at first (to me at least) but it means that the more skilled mage creates a more dangerous zombie, which is OK of course.

2009-02-14, 12:00 PM
How temporary is temporary? Obviously it doesn't get the +X to all deffences because I spent an action point, but what about my cloak of resistance? if I take it off the bonus is gone. The undead monster isn't wearing the cloak. By wearing the cloak do I become a better sumoner?

What about my armor? is that also included? and my shield?