View Full Version : The Da'mall - Kalo Empire

2009-02-13, 05:41 PM

I'll run the intro and the first mission, and depending on that we'll see if we can keep the campaign going or not. All right, well here's the rundown of the characters:

Ghost (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=104739) - Rogue/Assassin >> Highwarlord
Malachai Daergal (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=82585) - Rogue / Cleric >> 2kopeks
Carrea Tiff (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=105368) - Fighter/Rogue >> Annalia
Feng al'Thok (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=104227) - Barbarian >> Bandededed
Keysurr of the Howling Rain (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=107960) - Barbarian >> xPANCAKEx

Bookmark. First post to follow.

2009-02-13, 05:57 PM

A trading hub for the Kalo Empire, though only recently. Conquered by his Greatness Emperor Jarakata Kalo I in the 56th year of the Kalo Empire, Corsand has long since belonged to the country of Morienn, Corsand's southern neighbour. As a trading hub for the newly dubbed 'Kalo River,' the sprawling city is a marketplace of incoming and outgoing goods that the independents have capitalized on.
The war has ground to a halt. Corsand and Morienn are at an empass. With the Morienn navy still on campaign and the Corsand navy in drydock, both countries have been given a respite. The cold is approaching again, marking the first year for Kalo-controlled Corsand.
The summer sun has set, and the snow and wind are on the rise. Imperial news and rumormongers would have us believe the time has come to hibernate for the winter. As so often happens, the rumours are not always true.

The sign above the Welcome Stranger tavern is a recently painted portrait of a smiling, waving traveler complete with walking stick and pointed adventurer's hat. It blows gently in the wind, occasionally creaking against the sign post.
Like so many taverns before it, the Welcome Stranger has both its good and bad. The fireplace roars with the crackle and heat of a well-tended fire, while the booths in the corners offer silence and shadows from which to scheme. It is quiet, considering the time of day. The innkeeper nods at you with friendly smile followed by a raised eyebrow, wondering whether to call the bouncers.

2009-02-13, 07:59 PM
Carrea Tiff

Sitting at a table with her gnome companion is a tall half-elf woman, although her strong musculature would be closer to that of an half-orc's. Her dark hair is cropped quite short, bringing all attention to her pale blue eyes. A thin scar runs along her right cheek, sign that she has seen a few dangerous battles.

She turns to Malachai with a sigh. "I dunno if we'll be having much luck today. Here, magic stuff just vanishes."

2009-02-13, 08:46 PM
Malachi Daergal, Whisper Gnome

"Yah. Too bad it ain't vanishing inta our pockets, neh?," mumbled Malachi with a half smile. His eyes flicked around the room, seeking out threats and wondering what the next big ugly thing to jump on him was going to be. "My round next, innit?" Clicking his tongue, he tried to get the attention of the barmaid, finally waving a coin at her with the words, "Two more o' this swill, eh?"

Malachi is drinking the cheapest beer they offer.

2009-02-13, 09:00 PM

"Sure. One more; one less. I ain't even sure this' got alcohol!" Carrea said with a grimace. She wasn't too worried about the tavern, as she hadn't spotted any known dangerous figure on entering. Of course, she didn't know quite everyone around. "Y'know, mebbe we should just stop lookin' for yar stuff and try to acquire new one."

From Carrea's amused undertone, she wasn't thinking of legal acquisition - or at least, not of a regular method.

2009-02-13, 10:25 PM
Feng sat in the corner, trying, and quite obviously failing, to avoid the stares that followed him everywhere in this town of small people. At least there weren't any children - Feng liked them, but they mostly ran screaming and crying at his approach.

He shifted carefully on the chair - he'd broken one in the last tavern, and he didn't have much money to go around replacing chairs every hour or so.

He was eating a meager meal, for which he had paid far too much. These small people wanted so much money for so little food! It was outrageous. And it's not like Feng had much money to deal with that either.

He sighed, and looked at his war-cleaver, actively dismissing the horrible memories that arose from his recent past. He needed a job soon - with it getting colder, sleeping outside would be deadly soon enough.

2009-02-14, 04:18 PM
The tavern seems to hush as an elf enters the tavern. He's dressed in brown and gray studded leather, his face and hands are covered in tattoos of the Silvermoon tribe. His gray eyes stare cold and calculating about him, slowly appraising the people about the bar. His gaze pauses on each of you in turn; he seems to nod slightly at each of you, before moving to the side booths. This must be the contact who promised you work and riches...

2009-02-14, 07:46 PM


assuming we've not all been introduced yet

walking into the tavern, shooting a lookin at the bouncers - he'd thrown them out of his old bar only 2 weeks ago for starting a brawl with a halfling only a quarter of their size over a spilt drink - he spotted the two he was looking for: A half elf and a pale skinned gnome, both who he'd seen enter the tavern a few hundreds yards ahead of him.

Striding over to them through the crowded inn, he approaches their table, and addresses them when they look round

"worrd is you two are seeking worrk. Employment for me in this hole of a town seems to be drrying up faster than rrivers in a drought. Need any hirred muscle?"

2009-02-14, 08:21 PM
Carrea Tiff

One scowl didn't wait for another for Carrea, who faced the newcomer with a furrowed brows. "Whoever spread tha' word 'sbeen half-informed. B'sides, if we were lookin' for work, it'd mean we wouldna have a copper piece to pay ye, don't ye think?"

2009-02-14, 08:33 PM

"i've kept an eye on the tavern circuit in this town - seems everry place i go you two have been looking for work. But if you find anything, or change yourr mind i'll be arround"

he says before stepping away, turning to the pale skinned elf who he recognised, the one who said he may have something for him, slinking over, to slide into the booth opposite him

2009-02-14, 11:02 PM
When the elf entered and looked at him, Feng set about hurriedly finishing his food - though he had had the thumb-sized plate for less than a minute. Barely half full, his stomach rumbling it's protest to his cessation of eating, he collected his weapon and stood. Or, rather, half stood, as the tavern's ceiling forced him to stoop to avoid cracking his head on it.

He approached the elf slowly, slowly picking his way through the tables - he was too wide to take just any path, and he didn't want to have to turn around and start over.

Finally reaching his target, Feng noticed a dark-furred cat-folk already there. Deciding not to bother him, he stood next to the table and addressed the elf, "So, you are here. I tell you, I am glad. This place is less hospitable than the mountains, for certain," he blinks, and realizes that he has said little of importance. "Ah... You did say that you might have some work for me?"

2009-02-14, 11:31 PM
Carrea Tiff

With the catfolk gone, Carrea turned to her gnome companion. "Well, what the heck? I've never been needin' a "real" job. Think the cat made it up to talk to us? Might not be that bad an idea to take a look, don'tcha think?"

2009-02-15, 11:26 AM
Malachi Daergal, Whisper Gnome (3'9" and 36 lbs. of pessimistic sneakiness)

"I don't like cats. I like dogs." Malachi belched loudly and wiped his mouth on a grey woolen sleeve. "Don't know why the furry thinks I should help him find a job, but if they's money to be had, I want some." He slid off his seat and sidled through the crowd. Reaching the booth where the elf sat he tapped lightly on the knee of the man mountain towering above him. "Don' step on me, neh? You a long way from home, aintcha?"

The gnome settled himself against a corner of the booth and waited, fading into the background, until he had a better idea of the situation.

2009-02-15, 11:39 AM
Carrea Tiff

When Malachi mentions of 'money to be had', Carrea grins and jumps to her feet. "Agreed! Let's check up on th' elfie." She follows Malachi to the booth but doesn't fall into the shadows like him. Those were for when she readied an attack, but she didn't want to seem aggressive just yet.

2009-02-16, 02:44 AM
(Although I didn't specifically state that he's contacted you, I'm assuming you're all ok in playing along that he has.)

The elf steeples his fingers as he surveys the group.
"Good... Perhaps you're not as ham-fisted as I thought some of you would be." He eyes Feng Al'Thok cautiously. "Now before we begin, I suppose introductions are in order. I apologize for merely using the initial 'A' in my correspondence - my name is Ankouras Groth, a rogue and assassin of some small renown, I believe. I've done my own investigations and checking about, and I believe I've assembled a decent group of rogues, scoundrels, and -" He pauses again as he glances at Feng, "Hired muscle to get the jobs done. But... For the sake of... Appearances, let's talk a little shall we? I'm hoping you can all get along amiably enough. You'll be guarding each other's backs, so to speak." He glances about for the first one to speak.
"Let me add, by the way, I do so like a hierarchy... I'd appreciate it if you can choose a leader, either by brute force or democracy. I don't really care who."

2009-02-16, 12:38 PM
Carrea Tiff

"Ye're sayin' we should pick sum'one who's a complete stranger? I didna trust even ma close friends, so don't expect me to take orders from some random bloke," Carrea stated, looking at those gathered. "How 'bout ye tell us what the job is and we decide if we want ta do it first?"

2009-02-16, 07:02 PM

Ghost steps out from the kitchen of the inn, scans the main room quickly, and then approaches Ankouras Groth's table. He looks at each of the assembled humanoids quickly, before nodding to the elf. He draws up a chair, and sits down uninvited. Once seated, he says in a terse, low voice -
"I will not be late again. What is it that needs doing?"

2009-02-17, 09:05 AM
Just noticed the request for description - sorry! Let's see:
Feng is a goliath, for starters. Like most, his is big, green eyed, and bald. He stands about 8' 1", and weighs in at a whopping 362 lbs. It's a good thing that body weight doesn't count against load :smallamused:

He's carrying a "war cleaver" (that pic I posted in the other thread), and a pouch with two round things in it. He's wearing a chain shirt and tattered deer-skin pants. He is otherwise devoid of supplies.

Startled by the Gnome's tap, he had only just recovered enough to respond when the elf began speaking.

The elf eyed him like the rest of the people in this place. Suspicious, cold... Not for the first time, and probably not for the last time, Feng lamented that he had run so far from home. Even with most of his family gone -

Feng cut the thought off. He was unable to go anywhere without supplies, and those cost money. It was best not to think of it.

He snapped out of his thoughts when the elf asked for a leader. He soon found himself agreeing with the half-elf - there was no way they could decide so soon after meeting. He kept it to himself, however. It would not do to anger his only hope for employment.

2009-02-17, 09:50 AM

i think she has it rright - i only answer to those who've got the coin to pay me. You want to pick out someone to put your words through, thats ffine by me elf - a job is a job... so if you have something you want us to do, then tell us what it is.

As long as you can pay, of course

2009-02-17, 11:14 AM
"Yah, what they said," said Malachi in a low voice. "Democracy ain't gonna work until we get to know everybody, and even then mebbe not. Brute strength?" Malachi looked sideways at the catfolk and the goliath. "So, you want me to sign on to work under a fuzzy or a rock, is it? One I never met, neither? Who says he knows what's what, let alone what's best for me. And, until I know everybody better, I ain't agreeing to having only one of us find out the contract." Malachi smiled bitterly. "Lots a times the pay gets reduced 'tween the big boss and the little boss, and the difference ends up in the little boss' pocket."

The skinny gnome scratched at his pale green skin and then grimaced. "I ain't sayin' I ain't taking the job, though, neither. It might be interesting, whatever it is. So, what's the deal?"

ooc: Two thoughts: It would be nice to have an OOC thread, unless you want to clutter up this one. Or you could ask to have the recruit thread moved to the OOC forum.

Secondly, you didn't really expect a gaggle of thieves and barbarians to be organized, did you? :smallamused:

2009-02-17, 11:48 AM
Ghost smiles slightly as the others question Ankouras's request.
"It seems I have missed a request." He considers each of the others briefly before adding "There shall be no difference in wage between the leader and the followers. It is a title dictating simply that the one with the most sense and experience may dictate that which is the most efficient course of action."
Withdrawing a dagger, he plays with it a little, twirling the blade dexterously between his fingers. "Whomever you choose to lead your little group, I shall gladly offer my advice for as long as we act towards the same purposes."

2009-02-17, 12:49 PM
Carrea Tiff

"Aye, it is dictatin' who's got the most experience, but we ain't for knowin' that just yet." Carrea said with a shake of her head. "I'm sure we all have the good sense not ta backstab each other on th'first job, though, and that should be enough o' an agreement for now."

2009-02-19, 05:32 PM
(I'll start an OOC thread in a bit, after the forum calms down and i can actually load it up.)

Ankouras listens to your comments with an understanding nod.
"Of course, I don't expect you to blindly follow orders, I was merely hoping that we could discard the so-often democratic process that these groups so often involve... The pay is good, my friends, if I may call you friends, that is. I apologize, this language is so restrictive... "
He takes a breath.
"All right, I'm assuming since you're here, you're either desperate or greedy enough to follow orders. Whichever it is, I trust I won't find your spirit lacking when I say there will be killing. Yes, much killing."
Ankouras waggles his fingers, though does not speak, and you feel a tingling along your skin as he invokes a magic spell.

Simple knowledge arcana check, that anyone with arcane/divine caster levels would recognize as Mage's Private Sanctum

"Nothing too complicated then. Let's get right down to business. The target is a dwarf named Rockell Hammerfist. He's the Dwarven liaison, head merchant and diplomat to Corsand. Simply put, we need him killed."
He smirks slightly.
"Payment on completion, and not a penny before, friends."

2009-02-19, 06:22 PM
Carrea Tiff

"I do not mind killing, when I have worthy reasons." Carrea said. "Cold-blooded murder is hardly my favoured technique. Who is this dwarf? What will we be up against and how much is that reward?"

2009-02-19, 06:43 PM
Ghost's ears perk up slightly at the mention of killing, but he remains silent, waiting for their employer to mention the specifics of the mission. He nods slightly at the elf's precautionary spell.

Knowledge (Arcana) - [roll0]

2009-02-19, 07:36 PM
Malachi, Whisper Gnome

"Who's 'we'?" asked Malachi, without expression.

2009-02-19, 08:48 PM

"and more importantly, what has this dwarf done to draw your ire?"

2009-02-19, 10:49 PM
The elf scowls
"Hmph... I had thought I had hired the most ruthless and vicious band of cut-throats and rogues the city of Corsand had to offer... All right, let's see if I can assauge your fears and concerns."
Ankouras Groth scratches at the stubble of a beard on his chin.
"'We' is a group of people that is currently none of your concern this early in our working relationship. Given time and your proven trust, I shall reveal more. Rockell Hammerfist needs to be killed because he is dealing indirectly against that same group.
"As for the details, you'll need to strike at him when he is at his home, in the evening or early morning. His home is in the upper district of the city, but fear not, I can get you inside. Here's where it becomes slightly tricky - his home is technically dwarven land, being a diplomatic embassy. If you die, your 'comrades' need to bring your corpse back, and you can't let any survivors know your identity or that you work for me. If the Dwarves somehow discover this, then I have no further use for you, and the group disbanded. He'll have a small honor guard, and probably a retinue of civilians. You can deal with them however you wish.
"I don't need to remind you that dwarves make the finest weapons and armor in the land. Anything you find in the estate is yours to keep, atop the considerable pay, which depends on your success."

2009-02-19, 11:50 PM
Feng shifts slightly at the mention of killing - he's done it before of course, but murder was different than his usual method...

Then again, perhaps he should just assume that his target is evil; like the orc slime that had dest-

It was best not to think on that. But the dwarf might be - he had seen examples from his own people who had risen to power through trickery and deception, and caused strife.

He decided to speak, though, now, "I don't suppose you can supply us with the layout of the house, or details, perhaps reasonable estimates, on the number of armed dwarves that will be in the compound, and how many will arm if an alarm is raised, just in case,"

2009-02-20, 12:14 AM

the catfolk thinks for a moment, then replies

"ourr grey 'friend' here has a point - will we have any idea what we'rre up against. If fate deems that i must be a cut-throat to survive, albeit a highclass cut-throat, then it makes sense to go into the situation knowing as much as possible

But i have no problem with what you propose. I'd still prefer to avoid killing anyone i don't have to - but if its us or them... well...."

2009-02-20, 12:16 AM
Malachi folded his arms and stared at the elf. Enunciating carefully, he said, slowly, "You tell us how much it pays or you stop wasting my time. You tell us who you are and why you want him dead or you pay extra. You prove you have the cash before we start. You want ruthless and vicious cut-throats, you gotta pay. Heroes is down the road. Look for the pretty boys. Maybe they take promises and dreams; I work for gold."

Meanwhile, Malachi studied the elf, trying to figure out if he was telling the truth or merely testing them for some strange reason of his own. He looked over the rest of the patrons to see if anyone seemed to be watching or talking about them.


2009-02-20, 01:56 AM
The assassin looks at Malachi and smiles slightly. "You needn't worry about prying ears - our employer has taken care of that with his handy little trick. While your request for the exact amount of our payment is to be lauded, your demands to know more of our employer are unfounded. He will tell us when he is ready - and for the why, he has told us enough."
He looks back to Ankouras with the same slight grin. "Perhaps you may be willing to give us a piece of our commission in advance . . . if only to assuage the little man's fears."

2009-02-20, 09:30 AM
Malachi Daergal, Whisper Gnome

"Mebbe he told you enough. He ain't told me enough. An' for the record, I am not a little man, <hu-man>," he said, adding a less than polite epithet for humans. "I sure do hope you're more careful in who you kill than in how you talk," said the gnome, glaring at Ghost.

Malachi looked out of the fog of the spell, recognizing it for what it was. "So you're a mage, is ya? Good to know. Yah, ain't nobody can hear us now, but the spell ain't particularly subtle. He done told everybody in the bar that we got something to hide. I want to know if anybody seems particularly interested in that fact. You know, gathering intelligence, figuring out threats, deciding whose throat to cut." He smiled at Ghost, showing his little gnomish teeth.

He turned back to the elf. "How come an elf what can cast a spell that powerful needs us to do his dirty work. I ask again, who's the contractor?"

ooc:If you wanted characters willing to do contract killing without any build up, that might have been a good thing to put in the advertisement. Malachi is going to need a bit of convincing :smallbiggrin:

2009-02-20, 01:05 PM
Carrea Tiff

"I'm with Malachi 'ere. I ain't workin' without some solid proof. Might be in need o' money, but it ain't pressin' 'nough for me ta risk me life for some vague pr'mise o' gold." Carrea said. "Proof that ye 'ave tha' money and that ye won't be double-crossin' us would be welcomed."

2009-02-21, 04:15 PM
Sense Motive - (Hunch) - You get the feeling Ankouras Groth is as good as his word. He seems bland and uncaring, as though dealing with common thugs is beneath him, though he seems honest.
Spot - The people around the bar seem to be deliberately avoiding the little corner booth, although you can see them occasionally stealing glances in your direction; a fearful look in their eyes.
Listen - Whatever spell is shielding your view and conversation makes hearing outside impossible.

Ankouras blinks slowly, turning his gaze upon the group.
"You will find the patrons of the bar rather trustworthy. Stare all you like, they know when to keep their eyes on their plates. I am known here."
He produces a pouch from his belt, placing 5 platinum pieces on the table. He slides one towards each of you in turn with a single finger. The royal personage of Emperor Jarakata Kalo stares back at you from the currency.
"Think very carefully before you accept his Highness' coin, my friends, and know there is much, much more to come in the future.
"I can offer more specifics on the situation, but if you wish to waste more of my time..."

2009-02-21, 04:35 PM
Ghost's smile disappears at the gnome's wise words, though it returns as the platinum is placed on the table.
Ghost puts away his blade to play with the coin instead, spinning the platinum between his fingers as he waits for the rest of the group to make their decision. "Coins are as good as their metal."

2009-02-21, 08:15 PM

the catfolk casually pockets the coin

Not often that i've seen anyone trade in platinum... but coin is coin. If you're assuring more of this to come, I'm in

leaning back into his chair to await the response of the rest of the group - to see who he will be working besides

2009-02-21, 09:09 PM
Carrea Tiff

The half-elf let out a resigned sigh and pocketed the platinum coin. There was no money without risk, after all, and after the loss of her team she would need new partners. She didn't trust most of them, but at least she'd been with Malachi for while. She hoped the gnome would still his worries and accept the job.

2009-02-21, 11:34 PM
Feng took the coin gingerly. He'd heard of platinum, rarely, and seen one once, years ago. It was very pretty.

He took great care in placing it on his person, hidden from view. The idea of killing the man became slightly more palatable, now that he knew he was working for the ruler. They were probably just, like his chieftain -.

"My questions still stand," he said. "I like your coin well enough, but if I'm dead, I won't have much of anything,"

2009-02-22, 01:44 PM
Malachi's hand snaked out towards the coin when he saw it fall, but stopped at the elf's warning. "I am thinkin about it. Are you saying we'd be working for people what work for him?," he asked, pointing a thumb at the portrait of the Emperor, "or are you just trying to impress me with platinum. 'Cause you've impressed me, but I'm still waiting to find out who 'we' is."

2009-02-22, 09:11 PM
Ankouras Groth grows solemn.
"All right, if you're forcing me to play my hand, you're promising yourselves to the cause. Once I reveal who 'we' is, you're either in, or you're dead. There's no walking away."

OOC Thread is up: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=5808147 for your bookmarking pleasure.

2009-02-22, 11:05 PM
Ghost sighs. "I have heard that threat before, and have no desire to limit myself once again. I shall work under your employ and with the others, if they choose to follow your assignment, but feel no desire to know secrets that do not concern me." If the elf informs the others of his secrets, Ghost will stand up and move out of the aura of his spell to prevent himself from hearing the real conspiracy.

2009-02-22, 11:05 PM

"Look, I ain't ready to place me life on the line to assassinate some unknown dwarf, especially when it implies th'prince 'ere." Carrea stated, looking particularly irritated at the established law. "So if ya want me in, it'll 'ave to be with a enlightened decisions where I know what's at stake o' not at all. Military ain't my type, 'specially when the orders come from much higher up. That's when th'people care th'less about what happens to ye."

2009-02-23, 05:26 AM

The catfolk lets out a long sigh "im with the pale skinned one here - i've heard enough. If you can garentee more coin, i have no desire to hear any more of your plot, especially if it may harm my health.

If they need to know i'll wait outside with him"


keysurr will wait outside the sphere with ghost if the rest of the party needs to know

2009-02-23, 06:01 PM
A wry grin crosses Ankouras Groth's face.
"You're working for Emperor Jarakata Kalo." He states, making sure everyone hears him loud and clear. "All official and military-like. Your enemies are the so-called Morienn Resistance - a rag-tag group of ruffians and soldiers who remained behind when the city fell to the Kalo Empire a few months ago. You work and report to me, and only me, savvy?"
He stares about, daring any and all to meet his gaze and say otherwise.
"And 'His Royal and Exalted Majesty' pays in platinum, friends."

2009-02-23, 09:25 PM
Ghost sighs at the elf's instance that he hear this "nonessential" information.
"Very well then. We dispatch of those enemies you could not slay during the war, and we in turn receive far more than soldier's pay. Simply provide us with maps and other essential information that we may get started."

2009-02-23, 09:52 PM
Carrea Tiff

Carrea sighed heavily, closing her eyes. Official guards had only recently killed her entire group and she didn't exactly feel ready to trust them. Still, the military had access to far more information - and magic items - than she did. Her eyes went to the gnome as she spoke: "All my apologies, 'friend', but I ain't tyin' me hands with the military. I work for meself. I can do tha' job, though, and more if I deem it right. Meself would just happen to coincide with th'prince this time."

2009-02-24, 09:21 PM
Feng huffs at Groth. "I figured it out when you pulled your stunt with the coins face. I asked my questions, and their answers shouldn't involve a work-or-die note. Now, how long are you going to ignore me, 'friend'?"

He pulls himself up, unslouching just a little so they can see how tall he might be outside. He sounds a little angry, but he refrains from sounding threatening. For now.

2009-02-24, 09:56 PM
Malachi waited for Feng to receive answers to his questions and then spoke up himself. "Military-like? I don't think so. First you get uppity about me making sure I think about what I'm doin', then you get uppity about tellin' me what I'm doin', and then you think I'm enlistin' in your army?" Malachi snorted. "I may work for you, but I ain't in no army. You want me to 'report' to you, and only you, I can do that. You wanna pay me platinum to do your dirty work, I suppose I can spend it."

2009-02-26, 12:06 AM
Ankouras nods, as though expecting such reactions from the news.
"Very well, I don't expect you to show loyalty to the cause... Frankly I'd be surprised if you did. A pity really, but of course understandable in our line of work. You'll understand of course, if I don't... 'belly up' your payments until I see the work is completed.
"Now as to your specific questions, I can provide a basic layout of the house, but my information on the actual dwarves will be an estimate, at best. I can tell you they have two powerful personal retainers to Hammerfist, a high-ranking wizard and her husband, a rather powerful warrior. There's no need for much else, though I'm sure the civilians will put up a fight at first, they should be easily dealt with. Sufficient?"

2009-02-26, 03:37 AM
Ghost nods. "Once I see the house, I can begin planning our scouting mission. Once complete, we shall establish the actual kill-plan and put it into motion."
He looks around the table. "Unless we have more little issues that need to be resolved."

2009-02-27, 12:33 PM

Stoking his chin, the catfolk sits up to say "not sure what use i could be to you on planning, pale one... but i tell me where we're going, and i assure you that no one will get in our way if my blade and I have anything to say about it"

2009-02-27, 10:09 PM
Feng relaxes, slumping slightly lower than even before. "I see. This shouldn't be too exacting, then,"

He thinks for a moment, then says to Ankouras, "What sort of time-frame did you have in mind for the mission?" realizing that he had been slightly vague, he added, "Before what day did you wish the target dead,"

2009-02-27, 11:10 PM
Malachi picked up the coin and spun it to test its worth. He tucked it away and shrugged at the group. "I dunno how to make a whatayacallit 'kill plan'. Knock yer socks off."

2009-02-28, 08:50 PM
"Very well then. Once we have the layout, we shall all make a little trip over to scout out the residence. Then I will determine our plan, as the rest of you seem to be content to leave such formulations to me."
He looks to Ankouras and says "Now that it seems that the rest of us have seen reason, perhaps you can provide us with those final little details so that we may get started?"

2009-02-28, 11:15 PM

"How are ye t'make th'plan alone if ye have no idea what each o' us can do?" she asked in a matter-of-fact tone, before suggesting: "How 'bout ye make a basic an' general approach plan and we add t'it dependin' on what we think we could personally ameliorate?"

2009-03-01, 12:16 AM
"Oh, but of course! I would never draft a plan that didn't consider the relative strengths of those with whom I am employed. I believe our little scouting run will be a perfect time to discover those little traits that could make our partnership successful." Ghost smiles genuinely at Carrea as he explains.
"As you and the gnome seem to have history, I'm sure you will be able to complement each other well once we're out and about."

2009-03-01, 12:35 AM

The half-elf glanced more or less dubiously at Malachi before smiling back at Ghost "Aye, we've got some past history, but I ain't for knowin' all o' his secrets - and I'm sure he's got quite a couple. That's how it's best, if ye ask me."

2009-03-01, 02:56 PM
Ankouras seems to relax at your willingness.

"The timeline is pretty open, though of course, the sooner the better. Hammerfist only recently began dealings with the Morienn resistance. As I said, the only safe time to strike would be in the evenings at his residence - he does travel to and from the palace, but an attack there would look too suspicious, and an attack on the streets would be too open.

"There are a few different methods to get into the upper district, as I said. I can have the guards alerted to your presence and look the other way if you want to just stroll in, though if the Morienn have spies in the army, then they'd know you were on the move. There's a passage through the sewers, and there is also an open spot on the wall, if you are climbing-inclined."
Ankouras pulls a map from his pocket, though hand-drawn and rather rough.

"The house is here," he says, circling an otherwise normal looking square on the map. "There is a problem that you need to know - the house was built by dwarves, for dwarves. The ceilings are only 5 feet tall, so anyone else is going to have trouble fighting and moving in side. As well..." He glances at Feng, "I don't see how you will be able to even move once inside, friend."

"Once you do gain access to the house though, I have the blueprints here."
He pulls another, more professional design from his clothes and places it on the table.
Blueprints (http://www.angelfire.com/rpg/zjackrum/temp2.html)


2009-03-01, 03:42 PM

"is his house in a compound - fighting in the open would be preferable for all of us except our short companion-in-skullduggery here pointing a thumb towards the gnome if we can get them outside -then we could all bring our full might to bare... especially the big fellow over here... is there any other ways into the house?

2009-03-01, 06:04 PM
Ghosts thanks Ankouras for the map and withdraws a small book from a side pouch. After making a few notes, he asks "At what times, approximately, does he travel? If you do not know, we would be able to determine this for ourselves, but it would save us a bit of time. Depending on when he makes his journey, a street-side killing could prove effective."

2009-03-01, 06:40 PM

any idea of the number of guard with him when he travels - at least in the street i won't have to deal with the household servants as well

2009-03-02, 05:44 PM
Ankouras Groth ponders a moment.
"He has associates and underlings to do most of his menial work. I think he's disgusted with the way humans divide themselves into rich and poor. He travels to the palace on occasion, through the main streets of the upper district. I like your train of thought Ghost, but a 'street-side killing' may -nay will be difficult: We're talking broad daylight in what is supposed to be a protected part of town. Uniformed Kalo guards are going to be unaware of your actions and will actively defend Hammerfist if this is your course of action. Though as to your particular question, he would probably take his two personal guards only.
"If attacking at his home is still on the table, there are two doors, a front and a rear. A ham-fisted thief should be able to break in, though if you aren't quiet the alarm will still sound. "

2009-03-02, 08:52 PM
"What kind of alarm, and what kind of magic do they got protecting the building? Anything to stop us from going through the wall? I can put a hole in stone, big enough even for the man-mountain here," said Malachi, "So what's the building made of?"

2009-03-04, 11:51 AM
Feng scratches his head for a moment, then says, "If we would have difficulty in the house, and difficulty on the road, can we not draw him out? If we create a scene in the back of his manse, he may run right out to us. If we can block the exit some, the guards won't be able to encircle us..."

As he speaks, his hand travels down to scratch his jaw. "We'd have to watch the other door, though. In case he runs..."

2009-03-04, 12:42 PM
Carrea Tiff

"We should be workin' on th'street," Carrea stated. "It's easier to deal with guards than with low ceilin'."

Carrea paused, thinking back on the many strategies her group and her had used in the past to delay the guards arrival. "We could just put a trip line an' watch 'em go face-first in th'dirt. Or if Malachi can make holes in stone, maybe he can get a bit o' a wall up. People with a bit o' arcane teachin' could create false battle sounds or cry for help from 'nother direction too. There's plenty o' ways to delay reinforcements."

2009-03-06, 03:33 AM

The assassin looks at his notes thoughtfully, before saying "I believe that our best option is to pay a visit to the manse tonight. If it seems appropriate, we can set the large one's plan into motion. If not, we can leave before trying anything and instead tag him as he walks to the Palace. Again, we should not attempt any violence until it becomes apparent that such a tactic would be successful. Once we have scouted out both routes for ourselves, we can prepare a more intricate kill-plan."

2009-03-06, 09:57 PM
"Not to belittle your strength friend, but as I said, built by dwarves. It's pretty solid stone throughout, so entry will be difficult save for explosives, which would definitely cause a commotion; and as direct as your thinking is on trying to draw them out, it is doubtful anything short of another dwarf calling for help would simply be ignored by them.
"Again, good thinking though. I'm not trying to be overly critical, just helpful."

2009-03-07, 12:21 AM

Maybe a direct assault isn't so bad - as long as we strike at night, there should be minimal resistence

2009-03-07, 11:33 AM

"Aye, and ye'll be crawlin' on th'ground. If you don't mind, I ain't bothered either, but we'll be losing in strikin' power a great deal."

2009-03-07, 08:26 PM
Malachi glared around the group and drummed his fingers on the table, "So, just how thick are these thick walls? And, is he the kind of hero type to chase out to rescue somebody screaming outside, or is he the kind to let his guards do it? Either way, I can make it sound like twenty dwarves are dyin' just outside his doors and callin' for help. Can't make it last for long, though."

He looked between Feng and Ankouras. "You hires us to do this job, that you think we gotta do inside the building, and you know this guy can't fit in the place. You got a brilliant plan you want to share with us, or are you just pissing on us to watch us wiggle?"

2009-03-07, 09:10 PM

"small man makes a fair point" - turning to their new employer to wait for his answer

2009-03-08, 01:58 AM
Ankouras looks baffled for a moment before a cool calm returns to his face.
"The exact details and specifics of the mission are irrelevant. Truth be known, I actually hired you all before Hammerfist became an issue. I'm merely trying to advise your plans lest you run into trouble in the future. Hopefully you will be willing to do more in the future, this just happens to be your first assignment. No need for misplaced anger or foul language."
He sighs.
"You may be able to draw him out, I can't say. He's a diplomat, not a warrior, so I doubt he would be running out himself. The building is too well designed for anything short of explosives to flatten it, which we don't have. Personally, I thought hitting at home would be best, but you're right, your tall friend would be useless. The only other real option is to attack while he travels to the palace, but there are a lot of random variables involved that may be impossible to predict. That is the main decision that needs to be reached before planning goes any further."

2009-03-08, 01:33 PM
Carrea Tiff

"Random variables are part o' life, and its those that can deal with 'em tha' survive. I say we take to th'street an' use Malachi's sound as a diversion if there's dwarves comin' in." Carrea said again, hammering her point.

2009-03-09, 09:21 PM
"If we are to kill him in public, then we shall need a location from which to launch our strike . . ." Ghost continues to look into his notebook as he comments. "The simplest method would be to find a house through which he must walk by, and have our large friend grab him and pull him inside, wherein he can be killed quickly. It is also the most risky, as it will be difficult to find a spot wherein witnesses will not be a grave issue."

After looking over his notes further, he says "Alternatively, I could shoot him from a largely hidden location, and have the rest of our little crew open the door to assist him. And then do the opposite, of course, once he is out of sight."

2009-03-09, 10:15 PM
Feng stays silent for a while: his was not the best mind for planning cowardly attacks such as these, though if that's what was needed, then that was what would happen.

Feng begins shaking his head when the late-sitting one mentions Feng grabbing the dwarf in public. It would work, certainly, but the guard he would have would certainly take note of Feng's eight foot frame among their much smaller ones. I would end up in a city full of small ones and try to do sneaky work..., he thinks.

However, after he finishes his second suggestion, Feng opens his mouth, "As cowardly as that option is... I think it is the best plan so far. We get all my strength and, with a spell of quiet maybe, can kill him and his two guards without alerting too great a number of people,"

He pauses for a second, then adds, "If we created a false image of them leaving, hale, after entering..." but he trails off there, his face showing a slight distaste that he can't hide.

2009-03-10, 01:20 AM

Upon hearing the giant's approval, Ghost adds another nuance to the proposal - "Should the day be calm and a narrow point be found, I can garb the area in mist such that onlookers would see little. An illusion immediately afterwards could ensure that the guards won't be able to respond for some time. Although . . ." he looks to Ankouras "The presence of the mage would make such magics essentially unworkable if she is properly prepared. Can you provide us with some scrolls to detect the presence of divination magics? If we strike at a time when the mage is prepared, we may never get another opportunity to strike at this foe for you."

2009-03-10, 08:01 AM

The gnome cleric looked more and more disgruntled as the conversation continued. "I don't like it, but it's a job and I took it. You seem to like all this planning a killing stuff," he said, gesturing at Ghost with his chin. "Good fer you; you do it then. I got some talent with the lockpicks and the trapfinding, and I can cast a little magic. You want to sneak into the building, I can get you in there. Otherwise, you just plan this blasted thing and let me know what's my job." Draining his mug, he stepped out of the fog of the spell and wandered to the bar in search of a large refill.

2009-03-10, 08:06 AM

What spells do you posses? I've seen your people cover themselves with magic - give them a different face... even make themselves look a foot taller than they are. Could be useful for a get-away

2009-03-10, 12:05 PM
Carrea Tiff

"I'm doubtin' Malachi can do it for all o' us. Can't rely on yer own skill to get off the hook?" Carrea asked with a slightly mocking smirk. "I dunno why you put so much details into plannin' all o' this when we don't even know where and when we'll be strikin'. Gotta find th'spot b'fore ye launch the attack an' for that we need more intel on his movements. We should be outta 'ere."

2009-03-10, 10:24 PM
"Understandable of course... You wish a visual survey of the area. Well then my friends the only remaining detail is how shall you enter the upper district? I myself have no trouble moving unseen... Shall we reconvene? Or would a simple map of the area be enough for you to plot and plan this yourselves?"

2009-03-10, 10:39 PM
Carrea Tiff

"Just tell us what we need to get in there. Do th'guards want some sort o' proof we have business in th'area? And th'map might be useful," Carrea said gruffly, not even trying to hide the fact she mostly wanted to leave Ankouras as quickly as possible. She didn't like the elf in the least and felt they were competent enough to handle this correctly.

2009-03-10, 11:04 PM

"The map would be most useful - we shall most likely move through the sewers to remain undetected. It is easier to need no alibi than find a good one." As Ghost states this, he looks to the gnome who just left their group. "And here I was hoping that he would have some other useful ideas to contribute while we are certain that what we say is inviolable."

2009-03-12, 12:45 AM

Ten minutes later the gnome returned carrying two mugs. He walked back into the black fog of the spell surrounding the table and set a drink down in front of Carrea. He sat down with a grunt and drank down a hefty swallow, belched loudly, and asked, "So, you big folk figured out the plan yet, or do ya still need time for the blood to get all the way up to yer brains?"

2009-03-12, 12:29 PM

The half-elf took Malachi's offered mug with a smile and laughed at his question. "Apologies for bein' so dumb, Malachi. What's yer idea?"

2009-03-15, 08:25 AM
"Huh? Naw, I wasn't saying I had an idea, I was just wondering whether <too-tall round ears> and <too-tall tree hugger> had a plan yet," Malachi said, pointing at Ghost and Ankouras. "I already made my suggestions, gents; use em or not as you wish."

2009-03-15, 02:28 PM
Ankouras glances again at Malachai as he speaks. Another wry grin crosses his face.
"Well friends, I think I have given you all the information you need. I leave the particulars up to you, though a final piece of advice - Do not simply waltz pass the guards at the gate. The enemy will know of your actions. Remember, I shall be watching."
He snaps his fingers, and the visual effects of the spell fade away as the quiet hush of the bar return to your ears. As the other patrons of the bar take note of the spell's disappearance, a hush passes over them.
Ankouras Groth rises from his seat and strolls to the exit, leaving you alone with your thoughts and planning.

2009-03-15, 02:57 PM
Carrea Tiff

"I dunno if he's a natural show off o' if he's tryin' to impress an' scare us, but I'm findin' it funny." Carrea commented at Ankouras' exit - and once he wasn't within earshot. "Well, sewers should be good. Off to watch 'is movements first?"

2009-03-15, 08:53 PM

get an idea of his daily routes, see if he varies it or keeps the same pattern

so pale one addressing Ghost reckon you could find us a way in through the sewers?

2009-03-16, 02:01 AM
Ghost nods. "But of course. Perhaps we may find such an entrance tonight."
Ghost thinks back to his time in the city and attempts to discern an appropriate route.

Knowledge (local): [roll0]

2009-03-17, 12:57 PM

"We shall have to find a main entrance, unfortunately, to fit our gargantuan friend through. As there is only one such exit in the Upper Division of the city, it shall be a mite of a walk . . . I hope you all are up for it. The nearest entrance to us would be just to the southwest. Perhaps we should set out now, and then see about finding ourselves temporary lodgings in the upper city to clean up ourselves and observe. For the nonce, I believe it may be for the best if we were to acquire the attire of the sewer-jacks, so as to not arouse suspicion at our awkward entrance."

2009-03-17, 01:18 PM

"And how do you suggest we ... aquire such clothing?"

2009-03-19, 05:10 PM

"As time appears to not be an issue, we can wait just outside the entrance to the sewers and ambush them as they arrive."

He looks briefly to the other members of the group before adding "Naturally we wouldn't need to kill them - simply incapacitate them swiftly, such that they cannot recognize us and allow us to take their uniforms."

2009-03-19, 05:24 PM
Carrea Tiff

"Right, like news o' that kind of attack wouldna spread quickly in the next few days? If we're to study th'dwarf's movements, we'll need somethin' that lasts - o' to find a good hideout o'er there."

2009-03-23, 07:39 AM
A polite cough from someone at the other tables suggests perhaps discussing murder in the tavern may not be the best of ideas, despite Ankouras' assurances that the bar is trustworthy.

The stereotypical fat bartender wanders over personally to your table and glances about with a worried expression.
"Can I be getting you anything else gents? Pardon..." He starts to trip over his words as he realizes there is a female present, "My'lady, I meant no disrespect... Are you going to be wanting rooms, perhaps? Friends of Mr. Groth are always welcome of course... Though I wonder if we have rooms that would suit people of your caliber, especially you, my large friend..."

2009-03-23, 09:08 AM
Malachi, Whisper Gnome Rogue/Cleric

Malachi looked up at the bartender and thought for a moment. Did he know of any other inns closer to the planned entry point? Stalling for time while he thought, he began to haggle. "So, how much for rooms here? What, you ain't got a bed big enough for mountain-boy, here? Ye never rent a room to a couple eager for some 'private time'?" He nudged the bartender in the ribs and cackled rudely.

Knowledge check[roll0]
edit: Inn? What's an inn?

2009-03-31, 09:05 PM
As the bartender contemplates what he thinks is a weird joke, the door bursts open and a band of armed thugs enter the bar.
The leader, a burly fellow with dark hair and a dueling scar running down his face, scans the bar momentarily before settling on the group.
"There they are! Kalo scum!"

Roll for initiative!

Ghost - 1d20+3 → [7,3] = (10)
Malachai - 1d20+8 → [11,8] = (19)
Carrea - 1d20+7 → [20,7] = (27)
Feng - 1d20+5 → [8,3] = (11)
Keysurr - 1d20+5 → [18,3] = (21)

C - 1d20+3 → [6,3] = (9)
1 - 1d20+2 → [19,2] = (21)
2 - 1d20+2 → [6,2] = (8)
3 - 1d20+2 → [9,2] = (11)
4 - 1d20+2 → [1,2] = (3)
5 - 1d20+2 → [20,2] = (22)
6 - 1d20+2 → [11,2] = (13)


THE MAP. (http://www.angelfire.com/rpg/zjackrum/temp2.html)

Explanation - Each map 'square' indicates 5" of space. Normally people cannot occupy the same space, but you're all jumbled together in the booth.
Miscellaneous Peasants (P) populate the bar, and don't roll initiative. They move after everyone else, if neccessary, otherwise they'll watch what they think is an entertaining bar fight.
As with my other games, please don't delay in posting your actions - post what you want to do ASAP. If neccessary, include multiple options > "I attack guard 1, unless X does this, then I attack guard 2"

2009-04-01, 12:52 AM
Ghost makes an odd smile at the entrance of the armed thugs. "Well this certainly adds interest to an interesting assignment."

Do you want us to wait until those before us in initiative posted their actions before posting ours, or do you want us all to post and then just have you resolve them in order?

2009-04-01, 07:53 AM
Please post ASAP and I'll resolve it in initiative order, and then can DM the non-posters for the round. As mentioned, post multiple options based on what other people do, as opposed to waiting and seeing, otherwise combat takes about 5x longer.

2009-04-01, 05:12 PM
Ghost pulls his cloak up to cover his face and says in a low voice to the others in the group "I'm going to circle around and strike at these thugs from behind." He then picks up his gear and, as soon as the others in his group make way, makes a dash towards the kitchens. He sprints across the way and rolls between the civilians when necessary.
Tumble: [roll0]

And yes, I got the mod right this time :smallredface:

2009-04-01, 05:40 PM

the catfolks hair begins to rise and puff out as his teeth flash... "can't people drink in peace"

and throws himself headlong towards the crowd at the door

start rage - char sheet adjusted:
will last 7 rounds

move to square next to 3 and c with 1 on a diagonal - incur AoO from C unless he's used his already somehow... doubt it

attack 3 with a power attack of -2 (so thats -2 to hit, +2 to damage)
[roll0] - crit on 19-20 ... damage= x2
[roll3] - only apply on crit hit

if that takes 3 down, attack 1 next (cleave)
power attack of -2 (so thats -2 to hit, +2 to damage) carries over
[roll4] - crit on 19-20 ... damage= x2
[roll7] - only apply on crit hit

if that takes down 1, attack c (cleave)
power attack of -2 (so thats -2 to hit, +2 to damage) carries over
[roll8] - crit on 19-20 ... damage= x2
[roll11] - only apply on crit hit

if 3 already down, or square occupied, apply as best you can, hitting a goon first, making the captain the last step in the chain

hope that makes sense... and hope the math gods smile on me

2009-04-02, 05:35 PM
Malachi, Whisper Gnome Cleric/Rogue

Malachi snarled to Correa in a harsh whisper, "I don't like how they've figgered out who hired us. Somebody's been talkin', and I might have to have words with elf-boy about it." Pulling out some spell components, he asked, "You feel like sticking around and sticking it to 'em, or we should just slide on out the other way?"

Whatever Correa's response, Malachi cast Hold Person on Scarface. DC 15

If C. wants to leave, Malachi will cast Obscuring Mist to cover their retreat and then sneak out the back way (no sense assuming they don't have all the doors covered).

If C. wants to fight, Malachi will sigh heavily, and prepare to cover her back with some flanking and sneak attacks.

2009-04-03, 12:02 AM
Carrea Tiff

"I feel like lookin' at what th'others can do," Carrea answered with a smirk, her voice low. She pulled up a chair and sat backward on it, calling out loud as if she was talking to Malachi. "Hey, buddy! It be lookin' like a bar fight!"

Let's see just how much they know about us. Carrea will just sit and watch, mimicking the other onlookers as if she was just one more random adventurer in this bar.


2009-04-03, 12:17 AM
Carrea Tiff

"I feel like lookin' at what th'others can do," Carrea answered with a smirk, her voice low. She pulled up a chair and sat backward on it, calling out loud as if she was talking to Malachi. "Hey, buddy! It be lookin' like a bar fight!"

Let's see just how much they know about us. Carrea will just sit and watch, mimicking the other onlookers as if she was just one more random adventurer in this bar.


2009-04-05, 11:12 PM
Round One

Carrea - Bluff failed! (You were all seen at the table sitting with Ankouras)
5 - The thug moves 30" towards your corner booth.
DM Keysurr > Had to improvise as you didn't get first turn. Presumably you would stop to attack the closest enemy?
Keysurr - rage!
Keysurr pulls out of the booth and rushes 15" north and attacks thug #5.
attack - (1d20+10)[26] - Hit!
damage - (2d6+12)[17]
Keysurr slices into Thug #5 for 17 damage!
Thug #5 is badly wounded!
Thug #1 moves south 15", barreling past the other patrons, who scramble out of his way. (Pushing past spaces occupied by patrons cuts move speed in half) He throws the table aside with gusto!
Malachai casts Hold Person on C.
C - Will save or paralyzed - 1d20+4 → [13,4] = (17) Success!
Malachai's spell has no effect.
6 - Thug #6 moves 30" into the bar.
Feng - DM Action. The huge barbarian pulls himself to his feet and moves towards the thugs.
3 - Thug #3 pushes his way through the crowd to the southeast.
Ghost - Ghost moves 20" east.
Tumble DC 15 to pass by patrons without speed penalty - (1d20+12)[22] Success!
Ghost moves another 10" to the east.
Thug captain yells 'You! Guard the door so they don't escape!' to Thug #4.
The thug captain moves 15" south and slashes at Keysurr with his longsword!
1d20+8; → [12,8] = (20) Hit!
1d10+3 → [9,3] = (12)
1d20+2 → [2,2] = (4) Miss!
Keysurr is hit for 12 damage!
Thug #2 moves 10" south and nocks an arrow to his longbow. He fires at Feng.
1d20+5 → [16,5] = (21) Hit!
1d8+1 → [4,1] = (5) Damage
The arrow hits Feng for 5 damage!
Thug #4 takes no action.

End of Round One!

Updated THE MAP. (http://www.angelfire.com/rpg/zjackrum/temp2.html)

2009-04-05, 11:30 PM
Galled by the arrow to the chest, Fengs lets loose a mighty war cry as he snatches up his War Cleaver. "You fools won't live through this!" he yells, punctuating his cry with a great swing of the cleaver as he lets his anger boil over.

The map isn't very updated :smallwink:. Feng rages and attacks the nearest enemy.

Attack - [roll0] - power attack at -5 (full)
Damage - [roll1]

HP: 63/68. AC 12, touch 8, ff 11. Saves: Fort +10, Ref +2, Will +3
Conditions: Rage [8 rounds]

2009-04-06, 05:57 PM
Once inside the kitchen, Ghost keeps his hood up around his face and bolts out through the door he used to enter the inn, circling around the establishment to return to the back of the entrance now crowded with guards.
How far of a run is it going to be before Ghost gets to the other side of the entrance to the inn?

Also, running lets Ghost move 4x his speed, so he would move 120' rather than 30'. Sorry if I didn't make that clear in the first post.

2009-04-12, 06:35 PM
HP 44/56
AC 13 touch11 Flat12

keysurr takes a hefty swipe at the thugs - before taking a step back

still raging for 6 more turns


attack 5 (power attack for 2 - same as last time)
[roll0] - result of 29 or 30 = crit

if 5 taken down, attack 1 (power attack for 2 - same as last time)
[roll4] - result of 29 or 30 = crit

if 1 taken down, attack C (power attack for 2 - same as last time)
[roll8] - result of 29 or 30 = crit

then take a 5ft step south

2009-04-22, 06:03 PM
OOC: Now what? Now we all cry that OotS is making it so hard for me to post stuff. Also, we cry that I have to DM characters I don't know that well.

Round Two
Notes - Captain (C) was replaced with Ca, as Carrea gets dibs on the letter 'C'
Ghost is off-map, running around to attack from behind. He'll arrive behind guard #4 in round 3, counting as having moved.

DM Carrea - Sighing at the combat that is unavoidable, Carrea gets out of the booth and moves towards the fray.
Thug #5 takes a swing at Keysurr
1d20+6 → [13,6] = (19)
1d8+1 → [7,1] = (8)
Keysurr is hit for 8 damage!
Keysurr attacks #5
attack - (1d20+10)[13] Miss!
Thug #1 pushes his way south and attacks Feng.
1d20+6 → [2,6] = (8) Miss!
DM Malachai - Malachai casts prayer - effects all allies and enemies within 40" (all except ghost and thug #4) He then moves towards the fight.
Thug #6 takes no action.
Feng attacks nearest (Thug #1)
Attack - (1d20+8)[10] Miss!
Thug #3 dissappears into the kitchen.
Ghost - not on map. Runs 120" through the kitchen and on to the street towards the main entrance.
Ca - Captain attacks Keysurr.
1d20+8 → [6,8] = (14) Hit!
1d10+3 → [2,3] = (5)
1d20+2 → [17,2] = (19) Hit!
1d10+3 → [1,3] = (4)
The Captain slices into KEysurr for 9 damage!
Thug #2 notches an arrow and fires at Malachai.
1d20+5 → [1,5] = (6) Critical failure!
The arrow strikes Peasant!
1d8+1 → [7,1] = (8)
The peasant gurgles as the arrow strikes him in the throat, and dies.
4 - Thug #4 takes no action.
The peasants scatter!

End of Round Two.
Updated THE MAP. (http://www.angelfire.com/rpg/zjackrum/temp2.html)

2009-04-22, 08:56 PM
Ghost takes quick but controlled breaths as he sprints out of the kitchen, cutting sharply at the corners until the main entrance is visible. Once on the appropriate side, he slows down and, still moving, unslings his crossbow. Whispering lightly to the weapon, he loads it slowly as he moves over to the front of the inn, padding along the ground lightly.
How far am I from the main entrance at the start of the round?