View Full Version : Rough Knight - brand new webcomic!!

2009-02-14, 12:55 PM
Hey Guys
Brand new webcomic - Been up for 3 weeks now.

The comic follows the life of an unusual knight called Gabe and the other residents of Ravenfoot Castle.

Rough Knight (http://www.roughknight.com)

please take a look, would love some feedback :)

Ok 6 weeks later!
looking into posting twice a week as well, thanks for all the feedback by the way, The webcomics something I realy enjoy doing, and I get more out of It if I know people are enjoying it, so yeah, thanks again for the feedback

2009-02-14, 01:22 PM
Um... there's one strip. ONE. It's practically impossible to know whether I'll like the comic or not just by one strip. If this is going to be a story based comic, get a good portion of an arc going before publishing or promoting. If it's a gag-a-day thing, you're going to need a lot more than one strip to convince people to come back, even if that one strip is great.

Going from this one strip, the art's decent, but nothing spectacular. The rough border fits with the title, but could be annoying or distracting for some. The humor is decent despite being slightly trite.

But I really can't form an opinion until I see more. Let me know when you got a couple dozen strips up and I'll check it out again.

2009-02-15, 12:29 PM
The strip is sort of a gag a day style, but they will be an underline running story. The art style of the comic its self is still very much evolving and im sure it will change quite a bit in the coming weeks until I settle on something I like.

Its still very much early days but thanks for the feedback!

2009-02-23, 06:03 PM
Ok, 3 weeks and 2 comics later! hopfully its improving.

2009-02-23, 06:23 PM
Three comics is also too few to make a valid opinion. Most recommendations I've seen suggest you should start asking advice on forums when you hit around twenty strips.

So far I'd say your comic is okay, but it doesn't stand out as something particularly bookmarkable yet. I think you need a few more strips for me to get the feel of what you're going for. All three current strips have a different tone.

The only big suggestion I'd make is not to go overboard on the gore like you did in the first strip, as I don't think it suits your art style. Oh, and maybe try to be a bit briefer on the number of words. Although some comics (like OotS) do lots of dialog quite well, most comics work best by cutting them down to very brief, cutting straight to the matter dialog, especially if you're going for a sort of newpaper strip art style. However I suspect that's the sort of thing you naturally pick up with practice, so it's not a major issue.

2009-02-24, 11:03 PM
I have to agree with Trazoi that it's a bit hard to judge so few strips.

But, I love the art, and the layout. The bold lines and the quirky panels are really refreshing.

I liked the over the top gore, it almost made up for the very lame 'violence as a punch line' first strip.

It looks like it's got a lot of potential! I'll probably check back at some point.

2009-03-06, 10:42 AM
I really like your art style, and the jagged, haphazard panel layout is really unique. I'm a big fan of knights, and am rather sick of them being represented as villainous simple-minded oafs the internet over when they where among the most educated people of their time. violent yes, but educated. SO with them cast in the lead role I think it's safe to expect a little deviation from the usal absent-minded lackey stereotype. I must say thus far I've fond your punchlines to all be good, with the second and the third being favorites... the third because it's always funnier when it's true.

of course, four comics isn't enough to comment on characters of story, but you've already scored big points in art, humor, and premise, which is more than most comics manage in their fist for strips.

I don't think that the violence in the first strip was either a betrayal of your art style or excessive. your bold outlines and vibrant, gradient colors. create a world that feels dark and brutal yet colorful and idealistic at the same time (perfect for a knight theme) and I felt the gore was handled perfectly by that style. and when you bash someone's head in with a mace, there's going to be some blood.

plus, this doesn't appear to be a way to give the author a god complex or explore fetishes, which s more than I can say for a lot of webcomics.

I expect good things from this.

2009-03-06, 12:33 PM
Perhaps I'm being overly paranoid, but something about that last post says "sock-puppet account" to me. That praise seems a bit... false to me. It feels like lines fed to you by the author.

If I'm wrong, I apologize. If I'm RIGHT, then that move was a mistake.

2009-03-06, 01:33 PM
Yes, you are being overly paranoid. if I didn't like it, I'd tell him.

Rather, I like the premise, and I want to see more. Positive reinforcement will help to that goal. It's early n the comic, just as there hasn't been much time to do anything mind-blowingly good, there also hasn't been much time to screw things up.

So maybe I was a bit overly optimistic. But to assume someone is a puppet because they agree with the author?

In my experience puppet accounts tend to make it very obvious that they are puppet accounts, and usually have a name that's some sort of insult directed at me. they also generally focus on one point and do not have much presence in other parts of the forum save to keep up appearances. of course, most puppet accounts I've seen where started by idiots.

also, most puppet accounts aren't created eight days before the master account, and don't have over four times as many posts as the master account.

of course, that could just be what I want you to think:smalltongue:

Victor Thorian
2009-03-09, 09:40 PM
I rather like it, but 1 update a week is .. a bit too slow to burn a bookmark on. Because it isn't "pages", it's just 3 panels, it's very fast to read. Maybe I will check it once every month or so.

Other than that, I like your style. That skull is cute.

2009-03-15, 08:40 PM
Thanks Tensu! think thats the highest praise iv had so far. You too victor, Im trying to solve the 1 update a week issue! check my blog for the details lol

2009-03-15, 08:46 PM
I read it, at least because we have the same username :D

But I agree, still too few to burn a bookmark. Hey, at least I don't need to archive trawl for this webcomic. Nice, clean style though.

2009-03-23, 12:53 PM
Well most of the feedback I have had has been asking for more content more posts per week etc, so now I have boosted to 2 updates weekly one on monday, one on thursday.

Im juggling that with other projects; site updates like character pages, tshirt designs, commissions, of which I currently have a shortlist (including 1 for a full sleeve zombie tatoo! lol) and my full time job. so hopfully things are starting to take shape for you guys!!!

Surfing HalfOrc
2009-03-24, 10:36 PM
I like it. So far, it;s been "joke a strip" so I'm wondering if you plan a longer story line, or stick with the gags?

Keep cranking them out, and I'll keep reading them!

2009-03-25, 08:06 PM
yeah it is "joke a strip" but they are going to follow a storyline as well, its tricky at times but give it a few more weeks and you will see what I mean, basicly...

the monday posts will all chain together (the first few where solo works, but it chains from march 2nd onwards [thats the talk in the tavern])
and the mid week posts are kinda like a side joke to the main story

had a few website problems over the last 2 days but seems to be sorted now.

and thanks for the support guys, Ill keep em coming :)

2009-04-13, 12:28 PM
Been focusing on the prisoner recently, but the gabe story will be picking up again on monday, what do you guys think of the prisoner so far?

2009-04-16, 10:16 PM
Good looking art style - Check
Readable text - Check
Good grammar - Check
Entertaining - Check

Looks like we have a winner!
Seriously, this is really good. I'll definitely be coming back for more :smallbiggrin: