View Full Version : Looking for a Samwise guest webcomic storyline

2009-02-15, 11:16 AM
Hello all you fine GiantITP forum regulars.

I'm a wanderer looking for information, and since webcomic lookup requests seem to be well-accepted in this forum, I thought I'd ask here.

Specifically, I'm not so much looking for a webcomic than for a particular guest (either guest characters, if it appeared outside PvP, or guest strips if it appeared in PvP) storyline which I can't remember in which webcomic appeared. This storyline involved Samwise and his pals from the old webcomic by Scott Kurtz about Ultima Online (a few of these can be seen here (http://www.pvponline.com/1998/12/07/mon-dec-07/)). However that storyline was made much more recently, in color, and I think was drawn by Paul Southworth (of Ugly Hill (www.uglyhill.com) fame). I've not been able to find it in the PvP archives, and the Ugly Hill site is just too slow to browse. Needless to say, I've google'd and OhNoRobot'ed it with no luck.

If that can help, I remember it involved a thief in Kazola's tavern that she ended up throwing out a window, and the punline of that strip was something like "remind me to always pay my bar tab".

And before anyone answers that, no, it isn't one of Kazola's appearances in Real Life such as this one (http://www.reallifecomics.com/archive/040903.html) (which is the only thing I've been able to sucessfully google on the matter).

I'd really appreciate your help on the matter. If someone happens to find this, I'll be more than happy to return the favor if I can. :smallsmile:

2009-02-22, 10:28 AM
Well, it appears that unfortunately no one here knows what I am looking for. So, thanks for your attention, and if someone reading this happens to know the answer, don't hesitate to post it, I have subscribed to this thread so I'll be informed of any update.

*ZPedro vanishes*

2010-02-21, 11:05 AM
Well, for the benefit of everyone (well, Google mostly (http://daringfireball.net/2004/05/writing_for_google)), I finally found out by accident today (via (http://www.fleen.com/archives/2006/09/15/paul-southworth-is-disturbed-for-your-amusement-so-get-with-the-program-and-be-amused-dammit/) the Fleen archives) that these "Tales by Tavernlight" by, indeed, Paul Southworth, were published on www.pvponline.com, but went away after a site redesign, and have yet to be restored in the PvP website (and for that matter, I've been unable to find the supposed posting "in a couple of days" at Fleen, leading me to believe it never materialized). Some more digging revealed (http://web.archive.org/web/20060902015825/www.pvponline.com/newspro/archives/arc6-2006.html#newsitem1154103277,48864,) they were published somewhere between the 21st and 28th of July 2006 (notice the hole at that time in the current PvP archives). Archive.org, unfortunately, didn't manage to grab them before the site redesign that happened soon afterwards. I was about to give up and declare them gone from the Internet forever, but some desperate last-ditch ULR-fu turned up two of them as still being there as images (but not referenced from anywhere) on the PvP server. It's definitely not all of them, but anyway, enjoy.

