View Full Version : Avengers of Mer'kah Vol. 1 TPB

2009-02-16, 03:32 AM
You have been summoned to the palace in Atlan to meet with King Turnah himself. The official audience chamber is furnished just ornately enough to let you know for certain that it was built for a king.

"We are glad you could come to meet with us on such short notice, Knight Valerius. We do not wish to detain you overlong, so we shall get down to business... we are assembling a team of mighty warriors and mages to defend all of Mer'kah from threats internal and external, to give the people of the Federation a symbol of hope to look toward."

King Turnah leans forward.

"Your reputation precedes you. We have heard much of your valor. And we want you to lead this team into battle. Become their commander, their captain. The great Captain of Mer'kah."

He snaps his fingers and a servant steps out of the shadows bearing a large metal shield on a satin pillow.

"Take up this shield, Captain. Become a symbol of hope, freedom, justice."

Thokk and El Carmesi
Per request you entered via the servants' entrance of the palace and were quickly and covertly whisked into a meeting of the Council on Non-Human Affairs (CNHA). The CNHA has been accused, on occasion, of selling out to the human majority, but their integral role in improving the quality of life in The Atlan Crater, home to the bulk of Atlan's inhuman population, cannot be denied.

As you enter the meeting room the CNHA's chairman, a soft-spoken, immaculately dressed hobgoblin, greets you with a warm "Welcome, friends."

He clears his throat before continuing, "No doubt you wonder why you have been summoned here today. Let me assure you that what is about to take place will be a giant leap forward for the non-human citizens of the Federation of Mer'kah. The government is assembling a team, a team of champions, heroes of the Federation. They will play a very public role in defending our nation from threats of all kinds, internal and external. They will serve as a symbol of hope for all the people of Mer'kah. All the people. The humans and non-humans. You will make sure of that, for you have been asked to join them. I cannot sufficiently stress the impact that casting an orc and a kobold in a heroic light will have on race relations in the Federation. You must accept this offer. Your non-human brothers and sisters are counting on you."

He makes a gesture anyone familiar with hobgoblin body language will recognize as a call for assistance. A drow and a goblin step forward. The tall dark elf carries a sheathed shortsword on a velvet pillow, the goblin presents an ornate championship belt atop a similar cushion.

"The government wishes its champions to be seen as symbols, not as individuals. It sounds demeaning, I know, but it is really an honor to be offered a chance to become something so much more than you are now. These items will transform you into... Avengers. That's what they're calling this team... The Avengers."

The drow takes another step forward.

"I present to you, Thokk Foeweeper, the Blade of Ares, a forgotten war god."

The blade feels much heavier than it seems it should, yet it is balanced perfectly enough that the weight does nothing to inhibit its use. It appears that any further peculiarities will not disclose themselves until the blade is unsheathed.

The goblin presents the belt to El Carmesi.

"And for you, masked one, the Belt of the Champion, a symbol of your wrestling prowess."

The belt is certainly a beautiful piece of work, made with only the best materials, but any magical effects have yet to disclose themselves. Perhaps if you put the belt on...

While you enjoy the hospitality of on of Atlan's biggest taverns you are unexpectedly accosted by a cloaked man.

"Word on the street says you're an infiltrator. And an excellent one. I have a job for you... a big job. You interested?"

Nicola, Elsa, Dusk
The three of you have been invited... rather vehemently invited... to meet with the Archmage of the Mage's Guild of Atlan, known nationwide as King Turnah's mystical advisor. His office is comfortable yet cluttered, filled almost to bursting with magical artifacts, ancient tomes of knowledge, and the like. Three items in particular draw the eye, a trio displayed atop pillows in the center of the Archmage's desk.

"I have called the three of you here because you have been identified as three of the most gifted individuals in the land of Mer'kah. You are each undoubtedly the best at what you do. It is for this reason that the Federation has asked me to invite you to join a team of specialists currently being assembled. This group will serve as an elite peacekeeping force, defending Mer'kah as a whole from threats internal and external. It shall serve as a symbol of hope for the people of Mer'kah. It needs the power of ones such as you."

The Archmage gestures at the items at the center of his desk.

"Though we demand power of you, we offer power in exchange. These items will greatly enhance your abilities, giving you the strength to defend your nation. For you, Nicola Forhan, the Ring of Emerald Force. For you, Elsa Appleblossom, the Crown of the Scarlet Witch. And for you, Dusk, the Eye of Agamotto. Take up your artifacts to learn of their secrets."

2009-02-16, 04:41 AM
El Carmesi

The kobold very distinctly cocked an eyebrow behind his blood red and orange mask, accepting the belt gingerly.

"Are you expecting me to make a speech?" he asked, as he held up the belt appraisingly for a moment, before lowering it and looking at the hobgoblin.

"I am greatly honoured by my selection for this task, and gladly take up the mantle of the Champion, and strive to do justice as a member of the Avengers." he rattled off, clearly unimpressed by the CNHA. Their whole problem was right there, in the name - Council on Non-Human Affairs. These jokers were never going to be able to do anything - they were just a bunch of brown-nosers organised into a little committee to keep the 'non-humans' quiet.

"If you don't mind me asking, do you intend for us to become servants to the human members of the Avengers?"

2009-02-16, 08:57 AM
Thokk lifts the sword up and unsheathes it to look at the blade.
Word to the wise, never presume to command me and than hand me a weapon.
It's poor form.

He than turns to address El Carmesi.
No, you heard the man. We're just supposed to do the heavy lifting when the humans piss themselves at the first sign of trouble.

2009-02-16, 01:28 PM

Nikola grins. Me? I am just a simple shop hand, a worker. Never the less, he picks the ring off of the Archmage's desk, and holds it up to his eyes. He twists it around, examining every inch of it. Then with another grin, slips it on his left hand.


In other news, it is spelled Nikola, with a K. Thanks and bye!

Dacia Brabant
2009-02-16, 03:48 PM
Marcus, who has been kneeling before King Turnah's throne, looks up at the Lord with wonder in his eyes.

"My Liege, though I am not worthy of such honor, if it is your will I will accept this burden with a glad heart."

He then stands and bows once more, now with a look of determination upon him.

"And though symbols are important, I shall be more than that, Liege, for the people need firmness of heart and greatness of deeds in this dark time. They need men of action."

By the King's leave he turns to the servant bearing the shield and, stretching out his left hand to grasp it, says:

"By this shield I shall lead such men--such heroes--and with it I and all else who answer the call will protect the people of this great country."

He takes up the shield and holds it aloft.

Yes indeed, what does it do? :smallbiggrin:

Time to go to work, catch you folks next time.

The Demented One
2009-02-16, 08:03 PM
Elsa eyes the crown surreptitiously, before placing it on her brow. Despite her all-but-unbearable urge to find out what it does, she manages to retain some semblance of decorum long enough to thank her benefactor. "Yes, I suppose I am a fair hand at magic. And of course, I will take the defense of Mer'kah to heart–a cause so noble must always have its champions, after all!" she says, lying through her child-sized teeth. Much more powerful than any patriotism was her pure curiosity to see what defending the nation might entail, what spells she might be forced to turn to in the course of her duty.

Finally, though, temperance yields to what is the base nature of any halfling. "So, what does this 'Crown of the Scarlet Witch' do, exactly, besides matching my voice?"

2009-02-17, 07:14 AM
El Carmesi

"I suppose Senor Pedrolino is all too happy to provide muscle, and I have little choice in the matter." shrugged El Carmesi.

He was surprisingly well read, for a wrestler. Still, when he turned back to the hobgoblin, his face showed clearly that he was still expecting an answer. Even if it probably wasn't going to be much from a committee of well-meaning incompetents.

While he waited, he put on the belt, feeling a little guilty about wearing a championship belt without having actually won it yet.

2009-02-17, 02:12 PM
Everyone, OOC
Your costumed personas will conform for the most part to your mind's most idealized mental image of yourself. They will, however, all force your mental image into a defined color scheme (Cap must wear patriotic colors, Scarlet Witch can't wear green, etc.) and disguise your identity (Masks/helmets/transmuted features all 'round!).

Thokk, El Carmesi
"No, nothing like that," the chairman hastily corrects, "You're to be equal members of the team! It's a great leap forward!"

You both hear him only as a distant echo, though. Your minds are elsewhere.

As soon as you draw the blade a man clad in bronze armor appears before you. He seems impossibly muscled, for a human, and his voice booms like thunder in your ears.


You are made aware of the sword's power, or at least some part of it. Though it is wielded in one hand like a shortsword, it strikes like a greatsword wielded in both hands... it also has the weight of a greatsword. It is forged from the finest adamantine and it is well enhanced... +2 Anarchic. While wielding the sword as Thokk, that is all it is, but after going through the transformation to Ares you gain additional benefits. You will be treated as if you have the Extra Rage and Extend Rage feats. The blade may also cast Enlarge Person on you 3/day, using your character level as its caster level.

By the way, the background on your character sheet is incomplete, I think. Doesn't quite match what you posted in the thread.

El Carmesi
As soon as you put on the belt you find yourself standing face to face with the legendary kobold wrestler Santo! (or at least someone wearing his mask).

"¿You would become the Champion, El Carmesi?" he asks, "Very well. I will give you a chance. Speak to me again when you have conquered yourself."

((Yeah, El Santo is a cryptic spirit advisor in this game. :smallwink:))
The belt grants you a +2 deflect bonus to AC no matter what form you're in. While you're in costume as The Champion you can use Zone of Truth 3/day and Detect Evil at will with a caster level equal to your character level. You can Smite an opponent 2/day, adding your Wis bonus to attack and your character level to damage.

((It's Nicola on your character sheet. And your character sheet doesn't have your background on it. You might want to see about that.))

As soon as you slide the ring onto your finger you are surrounded by a bubble of green force. The bubble soon coalesces into a suit of armor.

A voice echoes through your head. It is a fatherly voice.

"Greetings, Ion. We're so glad this ring has come into the possession of one so skilled. I'm sure you will serve quite nicely as a host... Repeat after me, boy... 'In brightest day, in darkest night, / No evil shall escape my sight / Let those who worship evil's might, / Beware my power... Green Lantern's light!'"

The armor, though it is a psionic force effect and will not function within a dead magic zone, will be treated as a +2 mithral breastplate with light fortification and DR 5/Yellow or Epic. The fortification also fails to apply against yellow opponents/objects/weapons.

Once a day, if you so dare, you can Overload your psychic powers. You gain the effects of the Overchannel and Body Fuel feats, plus you gain the ability to convert HP to PP at a 2/1 rate. You may Overload into negative hit points, but only at the cost of your own life. The Overload lasts for one minute per character level. At the end of the Overload you lose your armor for the day and take 2 points of ability burn damage to each of your physical ability scores.


Alone among the items, your shield has nothing to say. You simply find yourself bombarded by a palpable wave of patriotic fervor. Nothing is more important than the defense of Mer'kah. Nothing.

Your shield is a +2 heavy steel adamantine-based-composite shield with the arrow catching and arrow deflecting enhancements. It also grants DR 5/Epic or Soviet. While in costume as Captain Mer'kah you can use Remove Fear at will with a caster level equal to your character level. You can use Bless and Calm Emotions 3/day each.

As soon as you don the M-shaped headdress a human woman appears before you. She is clothed in red and wears an identical crown upon her head.

"You have the scent of Chaos about you already," she says, approvingly, "Now feel its touch."

She lays a finger to your forehead and the crown grows hot. For a fleeting moment the inherent chaos of a world built on random number generation is fully exposed to you, flows through you, overwhelms you. Then she is gone, though the touch of Chaos still lingers.

Despite not being a Cleric, you somehow gain the Chaos domain. You may take any Chaos domain spells as spells known and you cast all spells with the Chaos descriptor at +1 caster level. While in Scarlet Witch form you have the ability to force anyone to reroll any skill check or saving throw 2/day, but you must live with the new result, whatever it is.

2009-02-17, 02:44 PM

The man called Dusk bows to the Archmage. "It is an honor to be chosen to serve," he says before turning to the others and nodding. "And I think it will be a pleasure to work with you and the others." He turns back to the desk and lifts up the item indicated for himself. "The Eye of Agamotto! What secrets does it hold?" he muses with a quirky half-smile.

OOC:Hope the color's fine! I can change if necessary!

2009-02-17, 03:15 PM
The Eye glows with power. A stern male voice speaks to you.

"Many secrets, my friend, many secrets. But more important are the secrets it may reveal. The Eye sees all."

Read/Detect Magic at will, See Invisibility 3/day, True Seeing 1/day, Poorly Defined Plot Power (PDPP) at GM's will.

2009-02-17, 03:29 PM
Thokk attaches his Crystal of Return to the hilt of the sword.
This blade will serve.
Whispered to the sword itself. I serve no dead god. Yet, your goals seem not unlike my own. Fear not, we shall bring death and sow battles as with dragons teeth.I will fight alongside these Avengers if they be men.
Or Kobolds.

2009-02-17, 05:35 PM
Is it? Hmmmm. That's Odd. Duly Noted, and ading background. Thankee Kindly!


Nikola examines the Suit of Armor surronding his body, and gently touches the mask covering his eyes. In brightest day, in darkest night, / No evil shall escape my sight / Let those who worship evil's might, / Beware my power... Green Lantern's light.

Hmmm. A fine sentiment, I'm sure, but I do not think I require armor as of right now. Please Kindly explain who you are and what you are doing in my head.

2009-02-17, 05:42 PM
El Carmesi

"And live on borrowed might? Has that ever been our way?" thought El Carmesi, right back, before returning his attentions to the Hobgoblin.

"Of course. So, assuming the other members will not be inducted in the servants' quarters, where will we Avengers be meeting?"

Dacia Brabant
2009-02-18, 02:29 PM
Marcus goes wide-eyed as he's awash with an alternating blue, white and red glow from the shield, but his gaze is looking inward at the rush of imagery flashing before his mind's eye. All of Mer'kah seemed to be before him: from shining seas to golden fields to snow-capped mountains, every city and village from his hometown to the capitol, every citizen from children playing stickball to mighty lords and ladies in their castles, he loved it all and knew in his heart he would do anything to protect them from the Darkness both inside and out.

When his senses returned to his surroundings he saw his silver breastplate, greaves and helm had become a fine shade of blue, his clothes beneath them white and red, and the helm now sported short wings and, like the shield, the symbol of Mer'kah* was upon it. He donned the helm and turned back to the King.

"Right. What must I do?"

*What should I go with anyway? Star on the shield and M on the helm, or something else?

The Demented One
2009-02-18, 11:15 PM
Elsa grins with all-but-manic glee as she feels the cold metal of the crown upon her brow, feeling the barely-restrained force of elemental chaos running through it. Tongues of red fire flicker forth from her fingertips as the chaos seeks to escape, bleeding into her magic in an attempt to flee into the undisturbed order of the world around her. She can feel the hunger in the crown, the ruthless desire for release–and who is she to keep it from what it wants.

Elsa splays her hands before her, in a customary spellcasting position, and invokes the brimming chaos of the crown with an impromptu incantation, the first words to come to her overturned anthill of a mind:


The red fire dancing on her fingertips blazes brighter, a veritable beacon of scarlet light. It leaps from her fingers to the air between her hands, forming a whirling disc of flame that spins faster and faster, growing as it does. It seems to unfold into a geometrical pattern, a twenty-sided figure. On each side gleams a strange rune, a red ring with eight arrows extending outward from it. Once the burning figure fully unfolds, Elsa crushes it in her hands, unleashing a tide of red light that washes over her, transforming her body.

Her nude hands are covered in gloves of dark red leather, elegant but menacing accoutrements that stretch more than halfway up her arms. The black velvet gown she wore is transfigured into a cloak of striking scarlet, with the same rune that appeared before emblazoned on its chest, and a flowing cape fluttering behind it, as if blown by some great wind. Her eyes fade to red, becoming pure scarlet orbs–not blood-red, but the red of imperial war-banners, the red of dark wine. Her forehead shines blindingly for a moment as the chaos rune manifests upon it, brilliant in its iconic glory, before fading away.

Elsa surveys her transformed stature. Her face, while unmasked, is almost unrecognizable for her scarlet eyes–and what’s more, it seems the face of a different woman entirely, though not physically transfigured. A look of haughty pride, tempered with an unquestionable confidence, comes over her. Her voice, though deeper and more resonant, is unmistakably that of a halfling, as she exclaims “Oh. That’s what it does. I like this.”

2009-02-19, 12:33 AM
Thokk, El Carmesi
"They are indeed men. And a halfling. And a kobold. And you," the chairman replies to Thokk, "I suppose you might object to the halfling (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0079.html)."

The chairman is obviously getting a little flustered by the time El Carmesi makes it clear, yet again, that he thinks the non-humans are being used.

"I don't know!" he replies, exasperatedly, "That's for your leader to decide. And yes, he is a human, and no, he isn't an intolerable racist."

((Unless he's Ultimate Captain Mer'kah, who insists that the M on his helmet doesn't stand for France.))

"Weren't you warned these items are Intelligent? I'm merely your ring's intelligence. Funny story how I got in here, actually, but at least I'm not the one who ended up in the sandwich... Kid, if you only take one thing away from this experience, make it this: 'With great psionic power comes great responsibility.' Do stupid junk and you end up as someone else's spirit advisor if you're lucky... or as their lunch if you're... un... lucky."

((The classic look sounds good to me.))

"Your Avengers are assembled here in the capital, Captain. You need only call them to arms. And introduce yourself, of course. When you haveve become... suitably acquainted... I have a mission for you. A mission of rather pressing urgency, actually. So please... keep the meet-and-greet brief."

The King snaps his fingers and an elderly attendant steps out of the shadows.

"Jarvis will lead you to your men. And woman."

"This way, sir," he says, gesturing for you to follow him.

The archmage recoils in more than mild shock from the sight of your rather dramatic transformation.

"Are you alright, Miss Applebottom? Blossom! Ma'am!"

2009-02-19, 12:52 AM
"Well then let's off to see the "intolerable racist".
And to think I thought I wouldn't get a chance to kill a halfling this week."
Thokk begins to leave the room seemingly without direction.

*Ducks head back into the room*
"Also for the record men refers to a persons character and not race. As long as their not elves their race doesn't matter for a damn."
*Ducks back out*
"Where am I going again?"

2009-02-19, 01:09 AM
Thokk, El Carmesi
The chairman snaps his fingers and an elderly man steps out of the shadows.

"Follow Jarvis."

"I'll take you to the rendezvous, sirs. Right this way please..."

((I am more than aware this means Jarvis is in two places simultaneously.))

2009-02-19, 01:19 AM
El Carmesi

"Come on, Senor Foeweeper, we do not need to deal with this Council for 'Non-Human' affairs any longer. Let's see how tolerably racist our fearless leader is." said El Carmesi, placing emphasis on the 'Non-Human' - more like 'Council for Peoples who the humans prefer to sweep under the rug'.

He turned and followed Jarvis out of the room.

2009-02-19, 01:28 AM
"Jarvis, you best be taking us to a sizable supply of spirits if I'm supposed to feign patriotism and public service. I want to show this "Tolerably Racist" leader of ours the "non human/no pants dance."

2009-02-19, 01:33 AM
El Carmesi

"Oh, yes - I know just the place. Could we stop over there so we can look our best for when we meet the human Avengers?"

[roll0] to know a good bar/tavern

2009-02-19, 01:48 AM
Thokk, El Carmesi
El Carmesi
The Rim, a tavern overlooking The Atlan Crater, is the best bar in the city that'll admit non-humans without a human escort.

"Please, gentle sirs, I believe you're being somewhat overly judgmental. Please, meet your commander before you dismiss him. This way please."

Dacia Brabant
2009-02-19, 02:10 AM

"Of course. We shall return post-haste, Liege."

Marcus bows to King Turnah again and follows Jarvis' lead, his visored helm hiding the look of curiosity upon him--

"A woman? Interesting," he thought. "Perhaps she's a priestess of holy light like my fair Julia, a beacon of hope and glory to light the path of righteousness? Or an oracle and diviner of the future perhaps, to guide us all toward the best, most just outcome? And what of these men I am to lead--I wonder how many other cities across Mer'kah sent their knights to accept the Lord's call?"

Marcus finally gave voice to his questions:

"Jarvis, your pardon but do you know what sorts of men-at-arms I am to lead into battle? What manner of warriors are these Avengers?"

2009-02-19, 02:19 AM
"They're a most unusual group, I'm afraid... but it may be best to let you experience that for yourself."

Jarvis escorts you into a currently unoccupied banquet hall. Though it is one of the smallest of such halls in the palace, its magnificence still dazzles. If I didn't have this splitting headache I'd describe it to you.

"Please, sit. Wait. They will be here shortly."

2009-02-19, 02:27 AM
El Carmesi

"Judgemental, gentle sir? No, we are all too pleased at being brought through the servant's door, and we are happy about being your little pet 'non-humans'. Go on, we're just passing the time."

2009-02-19, 02:36 AM
Far be it from us to criticize our no doubt illustrious keeper. Lord knows it will be a triumph of his saintly virtues to stoop to command Non-Humans. Pay no heed to our prattling as it is the simple grumbling of beasts.
So will there be Spirits?

2009-02-19, 03:13 AM
Thokk, El Carmesi
"Well I never... you greet us with such bitter sarcasm and then expect us to treat you as equals? Perhaps if you behaved civilly for a change..." Jarvis trails off before resuming in his typical neutral tone, "But I digress, here we are."

A door opens. Thokk and El Carmesi are introduced to a lavishly furnished dining hall, a man in garish patriotic armor, and a a second Jarvis. Marcus is introduced to a kobold luchador, an orc-in-war-god's clothing, and... well, a second Jarvis.

Dacia Brabant
2009-02-19, 03:50 AM

Marcus, having taken his seat as Jarvis asked without inquiring further, rises as the door opens and lifts his right hand to his visor in salute--only to let it slip when he sees the second Jarvis. He glances from one to the other and back again--"Well, perhaps they're twins," he said to himself, and returned to his attentive posture as the others enter.

He's less surprised at Jarvis' dopple though than the sight that greeted him next--"They look more like ruffians than heroes--no no, the King would only select those who are fit for duty, there is more to this than meets the eye. And they do look strong." Marcus salutes the orc and the kobold in turn and calls out in a loud, clear voice:

"Hail, mighty warriors! I am Captain Mer'kah, chosen by our King as the commanding Avenger, and though your appearance is unusual to me as my guide had said--and I see you have one of your own--if you do indeed stand for the defense of this great country, then by my oath I shall stand with you."

2009-02-19, 04:14 AM
Thokk crosses the intervening space deliberately and sets himself directly in front of Captain Mer'kah. As he crouches to see eye to eye with the Captain he removes his mask.
"Your helm. Remove it.
I mean you no harm."

2009-02-19, 06:59 AM
El Carmesi

"Being civil is not the same as being un perro." hissed El Carmesi back.

El Carmesi strode forwards and looked up at this 'Captain Mer'Kah'.

"So, Il Capitano, tell us, why should we have anything more to do with this charade? We are not here to be your servants-in-waiting, no matter what the king seems to think."

He removed the belt, and slung it over one shoulder.

"Why should I stand in defence of your country? I gain nothing. My people gain nothing. Your country has already shown that. It intends for us to remain servants, swept out of sight and out of mind. Even when it asks us to lay down our lives in its defence, it calls us servants still. So tell me, why?"

The Demented One
2009-02-19, 09:31 AM

Elsa grins entirely too widely, her smile practically lupine. "I'm entirely fine. If all my comrades are similarly armed, then we'll surely be a force to be reckoned with. Now," she says, a shade of impatience tinting the stark reds of her voice, "Surely we will all be meeting soon, at some grand reception, banquet, or another such ambush-waiting-to-happen. Shall we go now?"

2009-02-19, 10:43 AM
Mage's Guild

"Ah.... yes, I suppose so," the Archmage agrees. He wasn't planning on sending you away quite so quickly, but he hadn't expected the halfling's appearance to be nearly so disturbing, either. He'll be more than willing to get you out of his office before he starts being forced to make Sanity Checks.

He snaps his fingers and a grandfatherly gentleman steps out of a shadowed alcove in his office.

"Jarvis will show you the way."

"Follow me, please," the third Jarvis entreats you.

Dacia Brabant
2009-02-19, 02:03 PM

Marcus, still holding his right hand to his brow, nods once to the taller being who stands before him.

"Very well, if that's the way it has to be if we're to join arms together. No secrets between the Avengers--but don't go thinking I'm doing this just because you ordered it."

With his right hand Marcus lifts the visor of his helm, showing behind it a clean-shaven human male face in his mid-to-late 20s; his blue eyes, a match for the color of his armor, are locked momentarily with those of the unmasked orcish warrior.

But after the kobold speaks Marcus then furrows his brow and turns to look squarely at him.

"You're here, aren't you? You and your people live in Mer'kah, isn't that enough to want to protect it? Whether you value Mer'kah or not makes no difference, as long as you're a part of this country what affects it affects you.

"And I neither need nor want servants, I--no, Mer'kah needs brave men and true. Are you that or are you not?"

2009-02-19, 02:35 PM
Thokks face splits into a grin that houses far too many teeth.:biggrin:
"If I know a man and a warrior I see one in you. I care not for your nation or for any people, but I'll fight alongside any man who trusts me to do so. I will not fight for you and yours but I'll kill alongside you and keep my blade from your back."

Clapping Captain Mer'kah bodily on the shoulder.

Now we need spirits to seal an oath! JARVIS(es)! Bring me something that would slay a dwarf!:amused:

2009-02-19, 06:11 PM

Dusk arches an eyebrow, interest flaring in his hazel eyes as he brings the Eye up to an even level with his own.
Sees all? Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? I have seen the darkness. Lived it, even, unfortunately, he thinks, with a hint of resignation.

2009-02-19, 06:34 PM
El Carmesi

El Carmesi shook his head.

"Even if you aren't, your government has made it clear. Even if I am a part of defending it, I will be defending only the status quo. Consider those branded 'non-human'. We are denied jobs in all but a handful of places. Many are denied homes. We must hunt for those souls charitable enough to so much as sell to us, and fewer still are those who do not gouge us for the privilege."

The kobold looked squarely back at Captain Mer'Kah.

"If Mer'Kah is destroyed, who is better off, relatively speaking? The servants or the served?"

Letting the point sink in for a moment, El Carmesi continued.

"Unlike Senor Foeweeper, I am not content to fight beside you, simply on ground of good intentions. From what I have seen, the king intends to use me merely as a propaganda piece, to hide away his neglect. And I cannot stand for that. Not if all I will do is enforce the status quo."

2009-02-19, 07:06 PM
"Weren't you warned these items are Intelligent? I'm merely your ring's intelligence. Funny story how I got in here, actually, but at least I'm not the one who ended up in the sandwich... Kid, if you only take one thing away from this experience, make it this: 'With great psionic power comes great responsibility.' Do stupid junk and you end up as someone else's spirit advisor if you're lucky... or as their lunch if you're... un... lucky."

I'll take your word for it, Friend. It seems you speak from experience.
Nikola nods at Jarvism prepared to follow the older gentleman. Lead away.

2009-02-19, 07:52 PM

"Might I speak to my new compatriot alone?"
Quietly pulls El Carmesi off to the side.
El Carmesi
In the low flat tones of a man instructing the ill informed.
"You ask if the servants or the served will thrive when kingdoms fall. I was a horror and mark my words. We slay the kings, torture the heroes, and take from the coffers of the rich. The servant? He cannot harm the evil man. Why let him live?

Simple. To suffer. I understand your loathing for these arrogant pink wretches. But know that they are the least of all evils and you will not serve them. You will serve only yourself and defend your people.

Stand as a man with me in combat and we will change this land with more force than a thousand armies may muster. Leave and only the meek will suffer for it. This is My Word, My Vow."
"And you're delaying me from my drinking to boot!"

2009-02-19, 08:23 PM
El Carmesi

El Carmesi stopped Thokk as he tried to pull him aside.

"No, you may not. Do not answer for our would-be leader. You have already chosen to join him based on your own judgements, and I will choose based on mine."

2009-02-19, 08:44 PM
Banquet Hall

The Jarvises leave the room for a few moments, Create Water, Prestidigitate it to have the appearance and taste of dwarvish ale, and cart it into the hall.

"Your drinks, Master Foeweeper."

Mages' Guild

"Evil lies in your past, friend, but not your future. No longer must you be the shadow... now you may become the light."

"Very good. This way."

Your Jarvis turns to leave, expecting the three of you to follow.

2009-02-19, 08:57 PM

Nikola trots off happily after Jarvis, feeling oddly optmistic.

The Demented One
2009-02-19, 10:25 PM

All but bouncing after their local Jarvis franchisee, Elsa and the arcanists come to the assembled Avengers in the banquet hall. She eyes the group circumspectly, taking advantage of her low stature to slip below the notice of most. A heroic type, decked out in patriotic garb (the halfling wonders what he's Captain of)...A burly and doubtlessly belligerent half-orc, the manly shaft of his sword likely summing up the whole of his character...the bizarre oddity of a kobold luchadore, the mere existence of which leaves Elsa simply boggled...and a pair of additional Jarvises (Jarvi? Jarves?).

Utterly disregarding the tension permeating the air, the halfling cheerfully pipes up, "Hello there, everyone! I'm Els...sorry, I am The Scarlet Witch, professional plot device, at your service? Who," she inquires, her voice redolent with sarcasm, "Might you fine, manly figures be?"

2009-02-19, 10:51 PM

Nikola strides into the hall, decked in finery. Nice Place. Excuse me, where are my manners. I'm The Illustrious Ion, Master of Mind. Ha! Master of Mind. I like that. Nikola grins, and seats himself, admiring the fine ring on his finger.

2009-02-19, 11:02 PM
Thokk seats himself at the table and drains a mug of not quite ale.
"Thokk. I have no titles that I wish to affect at the moment. Although for the purpose of our endeavors I believe I am to be called Ares, Lord of War."

Dacia Brabant
2009-02-20, 12:30 AM

While giving an approving nod to the orcish warlord, Marcus listens with grave intent at every word the kobold says, pausing only a brief moment before answering his accusations.

"The choice is indeed yours to make, neither I or anyone else here can do it for you. You're a man of action--and I say man not kobold or 'non-human'--so words alone won't satisfy. But you're also a man of justice, I can see that, though for you justice is the measure of fairness or unfairness shown to you and yours only. Well that's a start, but it's not enough."

"Before I took up the Captain's Shield I used to think as you did--we humans are divided amongst ourselves you know, and I came here seeking weapons and troops to fight the enemies of my own city. But this shield, this symbol, *here Marcus places his right hand on the symbol of Mer'kah on his shield* made me see there's more than that at stake. I can't answer for any past injustices done to you or your loved ones, but I can tell you that whether you be kobold or orc or human or any other race, if we each stand separately we'll all fall apart; but if we stand as one, united by whatever common ground we have here, that may just be enough to hold out against the Darkness."

"So you can go and use whatever power you've been granted to protect your people in the best manner you see fit. Or you can stay and help us make this a better place for everyone, you can fight for liberty and justice for all people--yours, mine and all of ours." *here he gestures to everyone now assembled in the banquest hall, but still has his eyes fixed on the kobold* "That's the only speech I have to give you. Now, as before, the choice is yours."

Marcus salutes him and turns to the arcanists who just entered, singling out the garishly costumed halfling woman for attention. This time he removes his helmet fully, not just lifting the visor, and bows deeply to her.

"We are the Avengers, Madam Scarlet, whether each of us are ready to call ourselves that or not. And I am Captain Mer'kah, and I swear that if you stand united with us in defense of this great nation that I will protect you to my last breath."

2009-02-20, 01:19 AM
El Carmesi

"Yes. I see much of the injustice done to those labelled with the title of 'non-human'. It is because I am one of them, and I know it first-hand." replied the luchadore, pacing as though in thought, before turning back and returning the Captain's gaze.

"Maybe. Maybe you do have the best for all at heart. I can respect that. But you forget that the Avengers are a symbol of the King - no, not just the king, Mer'Kah itself. And you are its face."

"I will join you, but only if you can show me that you are prepared to fight injustice in all its forms, not just external bogeymen. When we go to meet the king, tell him that he must outlaw discrimination on basis of species."

El Carmesi shrugged.

"Perhaps it will not help. Perhaps it will do more harm than good. But it will tell me you are willing to work for positive change, and not just to uphold an institution from its enemies. And I know that if the Avengers are willing to make a stand against internal injustice, then change will happen. And if the Avengers will stand against injustice in all its forms, then El Carmesi will stand with them."

2009-02-20, 04:12 PM

"I may be," Pietro replied. Where do I ah, pick it up?"

2009-02-20, 04:15 PM

"The palace, friend. This comes from the top. There's an elderly gentleman outside. He's carrying a cane crowned with an eagle's head. Follow him."

2009-02-20, 05:03 PM

With a bemused smile, the warlock follows the others, still carrying the Eye in his gloved hand. Dark whorls stream across the leather gloves, dizzying the eye and clouding the mind. He wears a flowing leather greatcoat over a shirt of mithral chain. A broad leather belt adorned with three moonstones girds his waist from which hangs a well-crafted silvered sickle and a matching silvered heavy mace.

At the outburst from those already assembled, he merely arches an eyebrow and continues to watch the interaction of the other team members.

When an opening presents itself, he bows slightly to those assembled. "You may call me Dusk. Or..." he pauses a moment, as his smile broadens, revealing perfect white teeth, "The Enigmatic Strangefate!"

2009-02-20, 07:03 PM

Pietro raised an eyebrow. "The palace, hm?" He stood up from the stool he was sitting at and went outside to find the man with the eagle-headed staff.

2009-02-20, 07:08 PM

"This way," the old man says as you leave the tavern, beckoning you to follow him, "And here, familiarize yourself with these along the way."

He drops a sack in your path. It lands with a distinctively metallic clang. Not coins, though. Something larger.

You can tell a few of the local cutpurses dearly desire the contents of the sack, but none of them makes a move, too afraid of the implications of the emblem of the King on the old man's cloak.

2009-02-20, 07:12 PM

Pietro reached into the sack and pulled out its contents to reveal...

2009-02-20, 07:35 PM
A pair of gauntlets with a fine spiderweb pattern etched into them.

2009-02-20, 07:47 PM
"Huh," Pietro commented. He wanted to try them on, but something told him to wait. He kept the gloves out to study them and followed the man.

2009-02-20, 07:53 PM
Your Jarvis leads you in through an inconspicuous side entrance to the palace and escorts you upstairs to the banquet hall where the rest of the Avengers are meeting for the first time.

"This is the team you'll be working for if you take the job," Jarvis half-explains as you are admitted into the room. Your Jarvis is not dressed like the three already in the room, but the resemblance is unmistakable...

Dacia Brabant
2009-02-21, 01:42 PM

Marcus rubs his forehead when El Caramesi calls him and his would-be team a symbol--"Heroes are more than that!" he thought, but did not interrupt the luchadore. Once he was finished, Marcus shakes his head, looks at him severely and responds.

"You ask much, friend El Caramesi, maybe too much. Demanding swift and sweeping social change before any of us has done one great deed? Even if King Turnah agreed, which I doubt, and even if he had the power to order it and enforce it,# how would the people react? Not everyone is so noble, old hatreds die hard. Like you said, you don't know if it would do more harm than good."

Marcus hangs his head and frowns, as though wrestling with his conscience for a moment, then his expression softens a bit as he looks back at the luchadore.

"But I admire your convictions. I will do as you ask, though I will do it in my own way--not as a demand for immediate legal action, but as a goal and a promise for heroic actions recognized. Great heroes must be more than symbols, but symbols are what the people need to look up to if they're ever to change for the better."

Marcus glances around the room again, seeing yet more Jarvises enter with more recruits and, feeling now that the team is all together, he returns once more to the kobold.

"Now, if that be enough to do you justice, El Caramesi, stand with me. *he then replaces his helm on his head and turns to address everyone in the hall* "There will be time for better introductions soon enough, and I very much want to talk tactics with you all before we see any action, but for those of you who have just entered I am Captain Mer'kah. I, and all of you here who accept it, are charged by our king to defend this great nation from enemies internal and external. Time is short, King Turnah awaits with our first mission, so let us away to the throne room."

*he clears his throat, and...*


Rolling Knowledge (local) for what the form of government of Mer'kah is. [roll0]

The Demented One
2009-02-21, 02:39 PM

Elsa takes in the Captain's bombastic battle-cry with no small amusement, pleased to be part of a team with such a good-humored leader. "Assembled indeed, my Captain. If there is some mission awaiting us, then we ought go to it with all full haste. The sooner we have the obligatory adventure in which we all display our unique powers, the better. I want to get to the plot."

She patiently tosses a apple, plucked from a basket on the table. Every time it lands in her hand, its color changes–from its native red to a sky blue, to a deep emerald green, to pure black, to a velvetish purple, and on and on.

2009-02-21, 02:58 PM

Nikola jumps to his feet, his usually somber features replaced with a look of pure excitment. He strolls over to the Captian, and snaps an over the top salute. Reporting for Duty, Sir!

2009-02-21, 03:50 PM

Thokk chuckles at both the Captain's shout and Nikola's outlandish response.
He frowns however at Elsa's casual display of magic.

"Well than lets get this motley band of minions to the very seat of monarchical power."

He strides boldly and deliberately from the room.

"JARVIS! Where am I going?"

2009-02-21, 04:04 PM
One of the Jarvises frowns disapprovingly.

"You are not going anywhere, not by yourself. You are part of a team now and you need to learn to cooperate with them. I will lead you to meet with the King when you are all ready to go, no sooner."

2009-02-21, 04:42 PM

Pietro raised an eyebrow at all the commotion, taking the opportunity to put the gloves on. He was now covered in a black shinobi shozoku, which in turn was covered in a fine web pattern. A shadow covered the visible part of his face, though his eyes seemed to glow faintly.

"I'm ready to go when you people are," Pietro commented.

2009-02-21, 04:56 PM
The gauntlets are +2 Merciful Ghost Touch gauntlets which can become +2 Merciful Ghost Touch whips at will and grant the Whip Climber skill trick to their wielder for free. While in superhero form they can cast Web 2/day and Spider Climb 2/day with a caster level equal to your character level.

2009-02-21, 06:32 PM
El Carmesi

El Carmesi shook his head.

"Goals and Promises. Those are the words of a politician, Senor Mer'Kah."

He turned away from the Captain.

"I cannot stand with someone who values the feelings of those perpetrating the injustice more than he desires to make a stand against it. I have asked you only to show that you are willing to push the wheels of change. And you have answered me as a politician - promising everything, and committing to nothing."

He looked sideways across his shoulder.

"I will ask you again, and I will ask you to stake it on your honour. When we speak with the king, demand that he outlaw discrimination on basis of species."

He looked back at the door, and looked at the Jarvises.

"If not, then I will not be a part of your little charade. Even if I have to fight my way out."

The Demented One
2009-02-21, 06:49 PM

Elsa shakes her head almost sadly at her Kobold companion's revolutionary words. "What good would the king's words have? If he's willing to call upon a half-orc, a kobold, and a halfling to serve as his nation's champions, he clearly has no hatred for us not of the Fair Races, or the Dragonblooded-that, or he has overcome it. No, the problem lies in the common folk of this realm, and no decree or law will oust a hatred enshrined in their hearts. But if we show ourselves as champions on par with any High Man, then your conviction and valor may be the tide that washes away that insidious hatred. Let that be your purpose, if not the common good if Mer'kah."

2009-02-21, 08:03 PM
El Carmesi

El Carmesi shrugged, not turning around. "Maybe. But it is not just a question of laws. I wish for proof that Captain Mer'kah is prepared to risk himself to fight against injustice. So far he has given only hollow words and shown himself afraid of acting for fear of angering those who perpetrate injustice."

"All he has shown so far is that he is a cowardly political animal, content to fight outside foes but too afraid to challenge the darkness within. And I cannot fight for that."

2009-02-21, 08:13 PM

Thokk walks back into the room just in time to catch the argument between El Carmesi and Elsa.

"Far be it from me to sow discord but it seems that Carmesi is right. Though I've no love for my own kind or for any it seems our Captain has neglected to stake his honor for our sakes. I asked him for his face. He gave it willingly. If Carmesi needs his word I see no reason save cowardice to give it.

Still Carmesi choose your words wisely. There's been no talk of violence and I see no reason to begin it now."

2009-02-21, 08:28 PM
The Jarvis with cloak and cane has had enough of this.

"While you bicker an army gathers. The news has been suppressed for fear of panicking the people, but a madman who thinks himself an incarnation of Loki has been gathering an army of giants and trolls in the mountains. The dwarvish kingdoms have already been forced to capitulate, and he is planning an invasion of the rest of the Federation. His forces are almost ready to move. While I understand your desire for social change, I promise you that the frost giants will not treat your kobold brethren even as well as they are being treated now. We do not have time to argue about this now!"

Dacia Brabant
2009-02-21, 08:41 PM

Marcus bristles and slams his visor over his face and turns one more time to El Caramesi.

"You call me a politician and a coward and yet you are the one who is so hung up on words. Or...perhaps you are simply testing me too.

Either way, it's not a matter of words or feelings, promises or demands, it's about actions. Mistress Scarlet has it right: for you and Ares to fight side-by-side with us would show that the kind of fair and inclusive society we both want is possible, it would inspire them to freely choose to follow such an example. That's much more valuable than forcing change upon them because, apart from being less likely to cause unrest it would be real to them.

Nevertheless, I give you my word of honor that I will ask--ask--King Turnah to end species-based discrimination, even though he's not supreme imperator and doesn't have that kind of sweeping power over the Federation. But like I said, it will be a goal to work toward and fight for, if the Avengers will stand united."

Marcus then nods at the cloaked Jarvis.

"Indeed. The time for words has ended, the time for action is at hand. All of you who be Avengers...ASSEMBLE!"

2009-02-21, 08:42 PM

"Ah, you know if might just help if I, oh, I dunno, knew your names?" Pietro commented. He pulled at the hood covering his face, openly revealing it. "Pietro Cartaros at your service. Or, uh..." He searched for a name, and noticing the web pattern, said "Spiderman."

2009-02-21, 09:03 PM

Thokk, face firmly in palm, rattles off the introductions.
Presumably we all greet him in a manner similar to how we previously greeted each other?

The Demented One
2009-02-21, 09:08 PM

"He keeps shouting that...could he maybe be a little touched in the head?" Elsa wonders to herself, as the Captain once more shouts out his battle cry. She absentmindedly tosses the apple aside, the fruit oscillating wildly through a panoply of colors now that the halfling's attention is no longer on her prestidigitation.

"Showtime, boys. Mad god trumps social injustice any day, so let's-"

She cracks her knuckles, blue fire writhing over her fingers as she does.


Sparks of prismatic light fly from her hair, bouncing wildly on the floor. She seems to rise up into the air or become suddenly taller, a simple trick of the light. Shadows darken her face, making her visage as menacing as any demon's–surely not that of a simply halfling maiden.


2009-02-21, 09:35 PM

Nikola stays out of the argument. The Kobold obviously had an issue of some sort, and Nikola wasn't going to spend time arguing with him. He does, on the other had, comment on Elsa' dramatic change. Leaning close to Thokk, he whispers Can't we have her as Captain?

Grinning, he then straightens up, and snaps another salute at Captain Mer'kah. Assembled, Sir!

2009-02-21, 09:42 PM

"Isn't crying out 'Avengers, assemble!' a little redundant since we're all here?" Pietro commented. "I'm just sayin'."

2009-02-21, 09:47 PM

"Sure it may seem redundant but otherwise we might forget who we are. Than there would be chaos, and confusion, and fires, and all sorts of bad things only me and Elsa would enjoy.:smallamused:

Well, since we're all here and definitively assembled lets get going."

2009-02-21, 09:51 PM
The Orc has a point; Mad, Self-Centered Incarnations of Gods don't stop themselves ,you know. Nikola claps his hands, and turns to a Jarvis. Which way did you say said Madman was?

2009-02-21, 09:52 PM
El Carmesi

"Not the words of a hero, but it will have to do." said El Carmesi, putting on the belt.

"Since I don't think we're supposed to transform into some kind of gigantic construct, we may as well be moving."

2009-02-21, 10:22 PM
"Ride northeast to Grenville, and from there to the Village of Ash below the Black Mountain. There you will be met by a man named Kartoth Ironwind, and he will guide you to a hidden dwarvish passage which will lead you into this would-be Loki's citadel. Do what you must to the trolls and giants which guard him, but capture this impostor alive!"

Jarvis holds out a pair of heavy manacles.

"If you bind him with these shackles he will give you no trouble during the return journey."

Does anyone have Knowledge: Religion? If anyone does, I'd like to see a roll.

The Demented One
2009-02-21, 10:42 PM

Elsa eyes Jarvis (well, this Jarvis) suspiciously. "We're to capture the man who thinks himself a god alive? Not to sour the sweet milk of charity with suspicion, but what use would Our King have with such a prisoner? I have no complaints against such a quest, but I'd rather we not be kept in the dark on our goals."

2009-02-21, 10:44 PM
"The Mages' Guild wishes to examine him to determine the source of his power."

2009-02-21, 10:51 PM
"It's odd, my mother always told me that someday I'd have to kidnap a god for a bunch of pansy intellectuals with loose morals.

In honesty I thought she was lying."

Thokk sets out (hopefully with team in tow) for the stables.

2009-02-21, 10:52 PM

Nikola claps his hands together. Excellent! We'll be returning in a few days or so, with insane Warlord, as requested. Bye now, take care of your self! Nikola starts strolling towards the doors, cheerfully waving at the Jarvis's.

The Demented One
2009-02-21, 11:00 PM

Elsa is taken aback by Jarvis's answer, considering it bemusedly for a moment. "Oh. That's nifty. Can I help?" Not really waiting for an answer, although dawdling in earshot of the dopplegang, Elsa follows her companions as they head to the stables.

2009-02-21, 11:16 PM
"Ask the Archmage when you get back," the cloaked Jarvis replies.

Dacia Brabant
2009-02-22, 03:42 AM

That could've gone a lot better, Marcus said to himself as he joined the rest of them en route to the stables. Though pleased to finally be on their way and to be able to return to his steed--Cassio will really get a kick out of this business, especially getting to think up his own "costumed persona"--he still chided himself for letting the kobold get under his skin so easily to where he felt he had to keep reasserting himself, likely causing him to lose face in the process.

"Right. We will save the dwarves and bring this usurper to justice. Just one question--do each of you possess mounts, or will they be provided for those who don't have one? My own horses are strong but I don't think they could handle that much burden."

He eyes Thokk warily with that last comment.

2009-02-22, 03:55 AM
There are mounts available. I won't bother describing the horses since with infinite prestidigitation in the hands of the party I don't imagine they'll retain their original appearances for long.

2009-02-22, 04:26 AM
El Carmesi

El Carmesi looked at the horses carefully, not particularly able to evaluate them due to being only two-and-a-half feet tall. Finally picking a pony that didn't look too bony, he stepped back and did a hop, a skip, and a jump, landing on both feet.

He turned to Captain Mer'kah once standing on his pony, who, being used to heavier riders, had scarcely noticed the kobold's landing.

"I hope you do not think you will be delaying asking the king until after the mission, Senor Mer'kah. Especially not if we are to do this as some kind of secret mission the public will never be aware of."

He looked at the cloaked Jarvis, which he assumed was Jarvis Prime.

"I'm sure the king will want to see us off. Maybe you could go fetch him?" he said.

2009-02-22, 04:46 AM
"And I'm sure you don't want a frost giant on the throne. Maybe you could do your job? In the mean time, I will entreat him on your behalf to ask the Assembly to consider legislating against racially-motivated bias."

2009-02-22, 04:51 AM
El Carmesi

"I'm sure the Frost Giants can wait another ten minutes." responded El Carmesi, quite aware of the pressing circumstances.

"If they can't, I'm sure it's far too late for anything we can do now, anyway. Are you suggesting that our time would be better spent evacuating the citizens of Mer'kah?"

2009-02-22, 05:21 AM
Cloaked Jarvis furrows his brow for a moment.

"He is coming. I hope you are pleased."

In a few minutes King Turnah appears on a nearby balcony.

"I promise you, masked one, I will do what I can. You must understand, though, my power is not absolute. The process of healing is bound to be a slow one, though we may certainly work to guide our nation to the proper path. This hinges, though, on still having a nation to guide. Please do hurry, Avengers."

2009-02-22, 03:08 PM

"Ye gods of fire and chaos! Can we embark? Or do we still have to wait for a parliamentary vote before I can fight? Carmesi your prattling is a curse. AVENGERS FINALLY GET MOVING!"

Thokk straddles a charger and waits for the rest of the group to get moving.

Dacia Brabant
2009-02-22, 05:58 PM
Marcus & Cassio

Meanwhile, back at the stables, a handsomely dressed young man reclines on a chair next to a large stall containing a great white stallion and a smaller though equally well-bred mare; though it seems his duty was to look after the horses, his face is buried in a book of chivalric stories. So intent was he on these tales of fictional heroes that he didn't notice the band of costumed crusaders that was now gathering near--including his own commander.

"Enjoying yourself, Sir Scholar?" Marcus loudly asked the reader, who got up with a start.

"My lord I'm sorry I...wait, you're not Mar-" he stopped in mid-sentence as Marcus lifted his visor and smirked. "That's Captain Mer'kah to you, old friend. And these are the Avengers, our new teammates. I'll introduce you once we're on the road, but you might want to get into a disguise of your own first."

"A-ha, I knew it! We are the legendary heroes, but we're not to have our enemies know who we really are and get power over us--it's just like in this one book I'm reading, The Incred-" he stopped again as Marcus cut him off with a stern look. "Sorry. So how about, The Masked Avenger?"

Marcus shook his head. "We have what, six of those already?"

"Right. How about, Bard-Man!"

Marcus rolled his eyes. "Think harder, Cassio."

"What about The Orator? It fits what I do."

Marcus sighed. "How about Sir Spoony?"

"That's not very kind of you, sir."

"Yes, well keep working on it but for now just get our horses ready, we need to get moving immediately--I just need to take care of one thing, a promise I made in haste."

It was just after that when they heard the stir between El Caramesi and Jarvis.

"Pardon me for a moment." Marcus stepped out of the stables and saw King Turnah at the balcony. He bowed and, after listening to his words, nodded in agreement, pleased to hear his own words coming from the king.

"That is all I or any of us can ask, King Turnah, thank you for hearing this request. When we return victorious and with this murderer, this--blasphemer in custody, I trust we will work further upon fulfilling this promise of fairness."

Bowing once more, Marcus turned back to see Thokk leaping to his horse. "Ares has the right of it! Scout, bring me my steed!"

The young man, Cassio, now disguised in a red and blue version of his traveling clothes, with a wide-brimmed hat and mask over his face ((Disguise Self spell)), leads out the horses and, though he was tempted to ask what that was all about, he wordlessly hands Marcus his lance after he mounts. Marcus lifts the point of it toward the sky.

"Ride, to Grenville and then to victory!"

2009-02-22, 06:26 PM

Nikola, after a few awkward attempts, finally manages to seat himself on a handsome grey stallion. He nods his head at Ares's words. Yes, enough prattling. That means you too, Captain. And without further ado, he shakily starts his horse forward.

2009-02-22, 07:18 PM
In the interests of appeasing the party and keeping the game from lagging, I'm going to assume El Carmesi accepts the King's word as good enough.

You ride for some time through uneventfully bland countryside. It's a fairly pleasant ride, if rather dull. That all changes as you draw near the university town of Atha halfway between Atlan and Grenville. The iconic gold dome of Atha University's main hall seems to be... missing. And that pillar of smoke rising from the burning town probably shouldn't be there... for that matter, the town shouldn't be on fire in the first place. And you're definitely certain the city shouldn't be blanketed in a swarm of crawling vermin. That big centipede looks especially ominous... he's got to be... gods, you'd have to call something that big truly colossal. You can see a shining red glyph on the big centipede's head even from here. If you can take it out the rest of the vermin might disappear... if you're lucky.

23 Huge Spiders
21 Strangefate
20 Ion
18 Captain Mer'kah
18 Colossal Centipede
18 Ares
14 Huge Scorpions
13 Scarlet Witch
12 Spiderman
8 El Carmesi
6 Centipede Swarms
6 Gargantuan Centipedes

The destruction is obvious from some distance away, so you may approach more or less at your leisure... but the townspeople will suffer while you delay.

The Demented One
2009-02-22, 08:20 PM

"Hmm. Gigantic insects." She reaches into her robes, and produces a small purple lump of scales. She sighs with a tincture of disgust and amusement, and thwacks the lump sternly with two fingers. "Sir Bentham, it is time for you to wake up."" The squamous lump unfolds, revealing diminutive scales, miniature wings, an almost adorably small tail, and the various other downsized draconic minutiae that compose a pseudodragon. Sir Jeremy Bentham, pseudodragon and utilitarian philosopher, groggily leaps up into the air, flying alongside Elsa's head.

"Sir Bentham, there seem to be several overengorged insects wreaking what, if I am not mistaken, would seem to be havoc, or maybe catastrophe. Any advice?" The small dragon mulls over the options available to his well-endowed* mistress, before telepathically responding.

<The greatest pain to the greatest number!>

Elsa sniffs at this, plucking the dragon out from the air with her hand and stuffing it back into her robes. "That is terrible philosophical advice, Sir Bentham. Why, I could have come up with that all by myself." She sighs, faintly regretting. binding a familiar spirit that claimed to have a doctorate in philosophy when it clearly lacked the physical adaptations necessary for turning the pages of a book or writing dissertations, vis a vis the opposable thumb.

But nonetheless, there are still giant insects, and thus, there must be some considerable quantity of arcane power dispatched in their general direction. Such is the way of the world. Elsa continues riding toward the city and the monsters, her riding dog's hide changing colors with every pace it takes.

* With arcane talent!

2009-02-22, 08:54 PM

Finally! A battle worthy of heroes. You there Mer'kah's boy...
With a leap Thokk vaults from his horse, but what lands is not an Orc but a god. Clad in a gleaming black breastplate adorned with a fiery sword, pauldrons in the shape of a hell hounds snarling snout, a short black kilt, and sandals, stands Ares dressed for battle.
.. hold my horse's reins. I'm going to go kill a bug.

With this simple declaration Ares charges towards the city at breakneck pace.

Dacia Brabant
2009-02-22, 09:10 PM
Marcus & Cassio

Cassio gasps when he sees the destruction. "Not the university!"

Marcus shakes his head thinking if only we'd been here sooner.

"Right. I'll charge the colossus (as if Ares could ever outrun Cervus); Carmesi, let us slay it together. Casters--"

He breaks off momentarily, surprised at the sight of the small dragon flitting about Elsa's head. Now that's something you don't see everyday. "--Casters, do anything you can to keep the more numerous vermin off our backs. Spiderman, since you're our most agile warrior and this fight should be right up your alley, the battlefield is at your discretion."

((If there are no objections Marcus spurs his mount to a gallop; if possible, just before we get to the town Cassio will cast Cat's Grace on Marcus and begin to orate an inspiring story (Inspire Courage +1) of "the Heroes of the Golden Age."))

2009-02-22, 09:22 PM

Nikola Nods at his Leaders words. If You Don't mind me Sir, I"m going to slay The giant Centipede myself. And without further ado, Nikola Charges his horse after Ares, thinking about how best to kill the giant bug.

2009-02-22, 09:33 PM

"Don't lie to me, Cap. You think because I'm Spiderman that I have some sort of special advantage here." Pietro grinned. "Kidding. I'll do my best to help Nikola. I think I can hold the big thing up for a bit." He then dashes off after Nikola and Ares.

2009-02-23, 01:39 AM
Sorry - had an orientation day this morning, so couldn't post El Carmesi's acceptance.

Also: Holy Crap That Was A Bad Initiative Roll.

El Carmesi

"Right." said El Carmesi, running off the back of his horse and leaping across onto Cassio. "No sense riding another horse into battle. Go, I will jump off from your back."

2009-02-23, 02:30 PM
Important OOCness
If I did this correctly you should all be able to view and edit this (http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=pi8vBPMwuCxOdiESiuo-1Og&hl=en) so you can move yourselves around the map. Please don't abuse your powers.

Before anyone panics, may I remind you that you're a larger, more powerful than usual party, you can afford to nova to your heart's content, and if you can defeat the big centipede the rest will follow?

I gave those still mounted something of a head start, but I had to compromise with Strangefate... I don't know whether he's planning on staying mounted or not, so I've kept him on the horse but put him neck-and-neck with those on foot.

We formally enter initiative NOW, starting with... well, as long as you don't plan on interfering with each other Strangefate, Ion, and Captain Mer'kah can post in whatever order they deem fit.

Dacia Brabant
2009-02-23, 04:10 PM
Ugh, nevermind what I said about Cassio casting Cat's Grace, I forgot to give him back his ranks in Concentration when I dropped Melodic Casting.

Marcus & Cassio

Cassio, after getting over the initial shock of having a kobold--even a teammate--jump onto him, thinks for a moment.

"This reminds me of when the Man of Adamant single-handedly slew an army of giant ants...", he starts orating.

Inspire Courage +1 to attack, damage and saves vs. charm/fear for everyone who can hear on his initiative.

"One way in--let's clear a path, people!" Marcus shouts as he stands and leans forward on his stirrups. "Emerald Razor Charge Attack!"

I'm not sure how to edit the map, but on his initiative he enters Punishing Stance, +1d6 damage but -2 AC, and charges the centipede at the entrance for Power Attack 5, reach 10 vs. touch, [roll1]x2

And that'd be a 20. [roll]1d20+11 to confirm, and forgot to add 1d6 for Punishing Stance. Now I really gotta go to work.

2009-02-23, 05:45 PM
((So that's 15 x 3 (x2 lance charge, x2 crit) +6 (Punishing Stance) damage for 51 total!))

The good Captain deals a grievous blow to the mighty centipede blocking the gate, but the monstrous creature's sheer size allows it to strike first!

Att: [roll0]
Dam: [roll1]
Poison: Fort DC 17, [roll2] Dex

2009-02-23, 05:45 PM

Nikola glances at Captain Mer'kah. I'm Going to kill the Big one. It would be helpful if you kept the other one's distracted. And without further ado, Nikola sprang off his horse in a burst of Green Light, his Costume replacing his normal clothes in a pop and a bang. Ion shot towards the town in a flash.

Standard Action to Manifest Psionic Fly, and then a move action to fly 20 feet up and 20 feet across.

2009-02-23, 06:46 PM
El Carmesi
HP: 63/63
AC: 28
Attack Bonus: +16/+8/+8/+8/+8
Damage: 1d6+3/1d6+3/1d3+3/1d3+3/1d3+3

As Cassio approached the centipedes, El Carmesi leapt off from his horse, and running towards the centipede. Fortunately or not, he would be out of range for a while yet.

"Keep moving!" he called, as he leapt off and moved up towards the gargantuan insect, bracing himself for attack.

Dunno how to edit, but:

Move Action: El C jumps off and runs to M18.
Standard Action: El C, unable to attack this turn, casts Fist of Stone.
Swift Action: El C switches into Stonefoot Stance, which will provide him with +2 Attack and +2 AC vs all larger opponents. His AC improves to 34.

2009-02-23, 10:19 PM
Ares runs at break at break neck pace towards the larger Centipede.
"Good idea Mer'kah. You distract the lesser crunchies by looking edible. If they begin to ignore you try seasoning your saddleboy. Bards are delicious."
With this he vaults the rubble and continues his charge.
Jump [roll0]
I'll take any AOO I provoke and I'll move on the grid after I roll to see how much terrain I avoid.

2009-02-23, 11:28 PM

Captain Mer'kah slays the giant centipede in one awe-inspiring blow!

2009-02-24, 12:52 AM
El Carmesi
HP: 63/63
AC: 28
Attack Bonus: +16/+8/+8/+8/+8
Damage: 1d6+3/1d6+3/1d3+3/1d3+3/1d3+3

"Hold up, Senor Mer'kah! Don't charge ahead with-"

He paused and watched as Thokk ran right past him, vaulting the dead centipede and charged right past.

"out the rest of us. Okay, just wait up so I can catch a lift."

2009-02-25, 10:07 AM

The warlock allows the horse its head as the others charge forward.
"From the deepest grotto, Out from Hell's Gate, By the Eye of Agamotto, I am...Strangefate!"

As the horse runs, the greatcoat flapping behind the man lengthens to an impossible degree and gains a blood-red color. Gold filligree trims the edges of the coat. The collar flips up and lengthens as well. Physically, the golden flecks within hazel eyes seem to flare and cause the eyes to almost glow with a golden light. Above the ears, the auburn hair fades to a silvery hue, nearly matching the sickle and mace on the man's belt.

"By Heaven's Holy Sheen, Let me now Walk Unseen!" He intones before fading from view.

2009-02-25, 03:33 PM
The largest centipede skitters up to a nearby building. The many-legged behemoth draws itself up, half-climbing the structure, and begins probing it with its massive mandibles. One of the scorpions lingers nearby, almost like a bodyguard, while the other amazing arachnid scurries toward the breach in the wall where you have slain the gatekeeper.

Those who have yet to act for this round, please post now.

The Demented One
2009-02-25, 07:38 PM

Elsa whispers into steepled hands, as if stoking a fire reduced to embers with her breath. A scarlet glow begins to coalesce between her palms, a dancing light that seems almost alive. As she whispers more and more of her incantation, the scarlet aura grows from the size of a spark to a hand-sized orb of fire, dancing at her fingertips.

"Glimmerspark, glimmerspark, bring me what's mine" she instructs the inchoate spell, before striking it with two fingers, banishing the light. But as the scarlet anima of her spell dissipates, it reforms across the battlefield, assembling itself in the illusory form of what Elsa would imagine would be a monstrous centipede's favorite meal. It is a truly behemoth bovine, a massive cow bleating loudly in pain, its legs hamstrung. Massive wounds gouge its sides, and the authentic smell of cow's blood wafts up from them. With luck, Elsa should be able to use her bovine figment to lure the centipede within range of her magics.


Moving four squares forward and using anyspell to cast major image and using metamagic lore to heighten it. The illusion looks like, sounds like, and smells like a giant, wounded cow, and has a Will DC to disbelieve of 18, plus whatever I get from heightening it (as far as I can tell, vermin are still just as vulnerable to figments as anything else, since they're not mind-affecting).

Spellcraft for Anyspell (DC 26)

Spellcraft for Metamagic Lore (+1 to the spell's DC if I make a DC 20 check)

2009-02-27, 02:40 AM
With the horrible sound of a billion tiny legs advancing inexorably across stone the centipede swarms move forward. God! Their quick-step would drown out the most torrential downpour! As the massed arthropods move forward they leave bare bones in their wake. With cannibalistic disregard for their monstrous cousin a group of them spreads over the corpse of the centipede slain by Cap.

One legion of centipedes engulfs Ares!

Damage! [roll0]

Poison! [roll1] Dex damage! DC 13 Fort Save!

DC 13 Fort Save vs. nausea!

Ares may make an attack of opportunity! Not that it will probably be effective!

Not all of the swarms move toward the party, and none move toward Elsa's cow, their simple instincts being incapable of recognizing anything so large as prey. The rest swarm over the buildings, searching for surviving university students and discarded pizza rolls and games of beer pong and other suitable prey.

The spiders' attention is divided. Two make a beespiderline for Elsa's cow, two head in the general direction of the wall. The spider already perched atop the wall leaps gracefully down to the ground* beside the good Captain. Silk explodes from its spinnerets, possibly entangling the Captain's mount!

((*Fluffwise, that is. It actually just climbs down the wall. But this sounds cooler.))

Ranged Touch! [roll2]

If that hits, your noble steed is entangled! The web's Break DC is 24, Escape Artist is DC 20.

((Now I want Actions from Strange, Ion, and Cap and Saving Throws from Ares.))

Dacia Brabant
2009-02-27, 11:56 AM

Seeing the spinnarets shooting at his steed, the Captain pulls hard to the right on the reins. "Dodge it, Cervus!"

Still on the spider's turn, Ride Check to avoid the attack: [roll0]. Will continue Capt's action after the roll.

Dacia Brabant
2009-02-27, 12:48 PM
Marcus and Cassio

Marcus' command and his horse's reflexes proved to be the faster as they leaned just out of reach of the spider's webslinging.

"All right Carmesi let's squash this bug. And Scarlet, try to sweep away those swarms!"

The Captain prods his steed to take a heavy ((5-foot)) step forward and then jabs the overgrown vermin twice in quick succession.

No Power Attack this time. [roll0] for [roll1] + [roll2], and [roll3] for [roll4] + [roll5].

At the same time, Scout moves up beside the Scarlet Witch at an easy gait, and still orating, "...or how the Hawk-Eyed Knight slew seven spiders with one well-placed...", draws his shortbow and takes a potshot at the awful arachnid.

[roll6] for [roll7]. I guess Skirmish doesn't work when mounted, which seems weird to me but oh well.

2009-02-27, 01:08 PM
Thokk screams in joy as he lays about him with the Sword of Ares for the first time.
"It tickles you bastards! Vermin may not harm a god!"
Fortitude save [roll0]
Attack of Opportunity(Power Attack for 5)
Attack [roll1]
Damage [roll2]

2009-02-27, 02:38 PM
Both of Marcus Verminslayer's strikes hit home, wounding the massive spider. Beng a fantasyland spider, it screeches in pain.

Ares flails uselessly in the midst of the swarm. His attempt at attack may squash a couple of centipedes, but the damage is nothing in comparison with the size of the swarm.

2009-02-27, 07:34 PM
El Carmesi
HP: 63/63
AC: 33
Attack Bonus: +16/+8/+8/+8/+8
Damage: 1d6+3/1d6+3/1d3+3/1d3+3/1d3+3
Effects: Inspire Courage (Active), Fist of Stone (69 rounds), Stonefoot Stance (Active)

"Hey, spider!" called El Carmesi, running at the spider as it turned its head. It had only a second to contemplate the alarmingly solid looking foot before it was introduced to a Swinging Log Kick!

Move Action: Tumble to K20 (DC 15 vs +15 Mod, Auto-pass)
Swift Action: Restart Stonefoot Stance (ended due to movement)
Standard Action: Soaring Raptor Strike

[roll1] - Combat Expertise for 5 AC

2009-02-28, 09:33 AM

Nikola flies on, determined to slay the giant centepede.

Double Move action to fly 120 feet. Still not even close to it.:smallmad:
Also, I'm 20 feet up, keep in mind.

2009-02-28, 09:49 AM

"This battle's not fit for a warrior and best left to a mage. Onward to worthier and more easily slain foes. "
With a cry Thokk speeds his way down field, whooping in anticipation of cracked carapace, and splintered chitin.
Run action to move 32 squares.

2009-03-02, 02:17 AM
((I forgot to make it clear... Would the rest of the Avengers please post actions now? From this point forward all of you will be acting together in one phase and all the enemies will be similarly grouped, just for convenience's sake. Also, starting with next round I'll be implementing the three-day upper limit on round length, so get those actions in quickly when your phase comes up.))

2009-03-02, 03:01 PM
Pietro dashes toward the giant centipede, trying to get it within the range of his web.

(Run 32 feet. I edited the map)

The Demented One
2009-03-02, 09:36 PM

"Oh. That's annoying." Elsa kvetchs, watching the giant centipede as it entirely ignores her illusion. After she put all that thought and time into crafting it, all the magical energy she wove into the perfect image of a gigantic prey animal for a gigantic centipede, and what does she get? Nothing. Ungrateful little colossal monstrosity.

"Fine, then." Elsa begins rubbing the fingers of one hand against those of the other, arcs of scarlet lightning sparking between them. She fingers move faster and faster, the arcing lightning growing larger and brighter until it reaches a brilliant crescendo, and then...does nothing. The arcs of lightning fade away, and Elsa seems entirely satisfied with what she has done.

Now, if one were capable of perceiving time as a multi-dimensional space, rather than a simple one-dimensional linear space, Elsa's spell would not have seemed to do nothing. Nothing is exactly what it would not have done. From such a temporally transcendent viewpoint, one would notice that the Captain has somehow managed to come just slightly distant from the present, his existence a few fragments of a second, so small as to not be worth having units of measurement capable of quantifying them, ahead of the present (for those of you incapable of perceiving time as a multi-dimensional space, rather than a simple one-dimensional linear space, don't feel bad. It's really tricky. You have to cross your eyes just right, and then find a convenient temporal vortex to stare into. Or just be a god. But that's cheating).

The Captain, lacking the temporal transcendence required to understand the quantum mechanical operation of Elsa's spell, fails to understand the quantum mechanical operation of Elsa's spell. He does, however, notice the fact that suddenly his hands are shaking, his blood surging, his muscles quivering. It is like a boundless speed has come over him, a superhuman...haste.


Ceasing to concentrate on my cow. It'll remain for 3 more rounds, then fade away. Worth a try, I guess.

Casting haste on the Captain. He'll get a +1 on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to AC and on Reflex saves, as well as an extra attack on every full attack, for the next 7 rounds.

2009-03-02, 10:01 PM
As Elsa weaves her magics Thokk attempts his own arcane mustering.

"Ares, I would your power lent me strength. These beasts labor for a false god and I would strike them down in your name."
Thokk will use a free action before the next monster action to request that Ares Enlarge him at the start of the next player action.

2009-03-02, 10:58 PM
The Captain's blows wound the spider... El Carmesi's kick shatters its exoskeleton completely, introducing his foot to the contents of a monstrous spider's head.

Strangefate simply rides forward, biding his time until he has a chance to enter the fray.

A horrible rustling sound emanates from the corpse of the dead centipede in front of Spiderman. Moments later a horde of centipedes burst from their larger cousin's corpse, having cleaned out its contents in mere moments in a perverse sort of cannibalism. The wave of chittering centipedes quickly engulfs Pietro.

Dam: [roll0]
DC 13 save vs. nausea
DC 13 save vs. [roll1] Dex damage

A similar stream shoots through through the gap between the freshly plundered corpse and the ragged edge of the broken wall. Some of the insects even swarm up to crawl along the jagged vertical surface. They quickly overtake the Captain and his horse.

Dam: [roll2]
DC 13 save vs. nausea
DC 13 save vs. [roll3] Dex damage

Ion flies by a spider which decides to make an attempt at ensnaring the flying man. It gets under him before throwing a web.

Ranged Touch! [roll4]

If that hits, you are entangled! The web's Break DC is 24, Escape Artist is DC 20.

Somewhat luckily, the nearby centipede ignores his mad dash forward, but the nearest scorpion and spider both take interest in Ares' advance. He finds himself flanked by two massive monsters!

The spider strikes first, before the scorpion has a chance to get into position, without the benefit of the flanking bonus.

Att: [roll5]
Dam: [roll6]
Poison DC 16 vs. [roll7] Str damage

The scorpion then moves in, lashing out with one of its massive claws!

Att: [roll8]
Dam: [roll9]
Grapple if Att hits: [roll10]
Constrict if Grapple succeeds: [roll11]

Three of the giant bugs focus their attentions on Elsa's cow, none noting its unreality even in close proximity to it.

At the start of the players' phase 'Ares,' with a clearly audible war cry, will answer his avatar's plea, so take that size increase into account, Obscurejones.

Player Phase Starts Now. Please Post Actions.

2009-03-03, 03:22 PM

As the monsters surround him Thokk's face splits into a savage snarl of anticipation.
"Now these are monsters fit for a god."

As the spider sinks its venom soaked fang deep into Thokk's breastplate he roars and back flames course from the wound. With this shout he begins to grow, shrugging off the encroaching scorpions claw.
As black smoke streams from Ares wounds he chuckles.
"So this is magic... I can see why mages like it."
With this he sweeps his blade into the side of the spiders head.

The spider hits and the scorpion misses.
Fortitude Save[roll0]
1st Attack [roll1]
Damage [roll2]
2nd Attack [roll3]
Damage [roll4]

2009-03-03, 05:35 PM

Ion flies farther, ignoring the spider as its Web shoots way target, and spots Ares in a fight. Now he looks like he could use some Help.. .And so could I "Hey Ares! Come hlpe me Kill the Big Ugly One!"

And with that, He Unleashes a bolt of Emerald Fire at the bugs.

[spoiler] [roll0]

Moving 60 Feet, Then an Energy Bolt of Fire at Both the Scorpion and Spider.
DC 18 Reflex For Half Damamge.

2009-03-03, 06:05 PM
Pietro avoids being nauseated and shrugs off the poison, attempting to scrape off the swarm.


2009-03-03, 11:41 PM
El Carmesi
HP: 63/63
AC: 26
Attack Bonus: +16/+8/+8/+8/+8
Damage: 1d6+3/1d6+3/1d3+3/1d3+3/1d3+3
Effects: Inspire Courage (Active), Fist of Stone (68 rounds), Child of Shadow (Stance)

Extricating his foot from the spider-flavoured smear and placing it upon the dead arachnid's head, El Carmesi show-scowled at the fallen enemy.

"I have no time for deadbeats like you." he said, going through the all important motions.

Then he ran up to the Cap's horse and leapt on, clearly moving for agility rather than the more defensive stance he had been in before.

"Quickly, Senor Mer'kah, before we are overrun!" he said, as he grabbed the back of the Cap's costume (and discreetly wiped off the spider brains on the saddle).

Dacia Brabant
2009-03-04, 01:24 AM
Marcus & Cassio

Though their bites are no more than a nuisance thanks to the might of his shield the Captain instinctively swats at the swarm of vermin trying to engulf him and his steed, who whinnies in pain but being well-trained endures it. The sheer disgust of the little beasties worming around is another matter:

Marcus vs. Nausea: [roll0]
Horse vs. Nausea: [roll1]
Horse vs. Poison: [roll2]

It was too much for him: nausea overtook Marcus and he felt the contents of his stomach surging upward. But suddenly another sensation took hold of him as he felt a supernatural-fueled adrenaline rush coursing through his very being--Cervus began bucking in place as well, clearly overtaken by the same force. Encouraged enough to at least direct his horse out of the miserable mass of millipedes, the Captain gritted his teeth lest he lose his lunch.

He turned back, intending to yell a tactical command to El Carmesi but thought better of trying to open his mouth at the moment. Instead he just nods and they wordlessly proceed past the centipede corpse, making their way through despite the difficult terrain, skirting to their left to stay just out of reach of the two huge disgusting spiders in front of them.

Cassio, still narrating though more than a little apprehensive about those swarms after seeing how they went after his commander, slowly brings up the rearguard.

The Demented One
2009-03-07, 10:19 AM

Whirring like a spear-cast from a strong right hand, Elsa comes up in front of her Kobold comrade. She holds her hands out in front of her, fingers splayed elegantly like lotus blossoms, and watches as a ball of crimson light begins to coalesce above her palms. As the sphere of light grows, Elsa's eyes flick back and forth from foe to foe as she performs a few quick mental calculations.

"Damn it!" she swears, realizing she's too far away to do anything to her foes. She waves her hands, the sphere of crimson light dissipating into streamers of scarlet clinging to her fingers. She whirls her hand up above her head, twisted the trails of light into a vortex of red, and then stabs her hand through the heart of it, releasing the magic stored within in a nova of red light that spreads over her allies, bolstering their strength and speed.


Haste on El Carmesi, Strangefate, Pietro, and the Scout.

2009-03-16, 12:17 AM
A pulse of unidentifiable chaos magic unexpectedly emanates from Strangefate. A wave of crimson energy sweeps over the battlefield, stopping only at the city wall, presumably halted by some sort of magical wards placed by university officials. When it passes it reveals that Strangefate has vanished and his mount's flesh has been completely consumed, leaving only the skeleton of a horse behind as a reminder of where he was before the pulse. The slain arthropods' exoskeletons have also been consumed by scarlet flame, and the swarms have dispersed.

Some residual chaos energy from the blast clings to Elsa, Scout, and Pietro's bodies. A red aura surrounds each of you, and if you attempt to use any spells or spell-like abilities, including spells cast by your items, you will have to roll for a 10% chance of the spell producing a Rod of Wonder (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/rods.htm#wonder) effect (that effect will be determined by another percentage roll).

Ares grievously wounds the spider that dared to bite him. Ion's blast of emerald fire then wipes away all traces of the aggressive arachnid. Ion's other bolt scorches the sinister scorpion but fails to end its life... its killing claws and deadly tail lash out at the orc who would be a god.

The scorpion's full attack:
Claw: [roll0], [roll1]
Claw: [roll2], [roll3]
Sting: [roll4], [roll5]
Poison if sting hits: DC 18, [roll6] Con damage
Grapple if claw hits: [roll7]
Constrict if grapple succeeds: [roll8]

The spiders nearest the wall turn their attention to the Captain. They both charge, teeth gnashing at the thought of a tasty morsel like their equestrian prey.

The spiders' attacks:
Charging bite: [roll9] [roll10]
Poison DC 16, [roll11] Str damage
Charging bite: [roll12] [roll13]
Poison DC 16, [roll14] Str damage

The remaining swarms are still busy cleaning the buildings in town, the smaller centipede is still captivated by... something... and out of the battle, and the final trio of arthropods is still distracted by Elsa's illusory cow.

2009-03-16, 03:03 PM

Pietro feels the haste come over him, and is filled with a boundless energy. He also notices the red aura, and takes note of it.

He also notices that Strangefate is gone, but doesn't worry about. There are bigger, more Colossal problems to worry about.

He pulls out his nunchaku, turns back, runs, then turns around and runs straight toward the gap in the wall. He jumps over the rough terrain and lands by the Captain and El Carmesi, ready to help them.

[OOC: Based on the Runner PrC, my skill bonus, and the +4 for running 20', I figured +24 to a check with a DC of 25 made the check rather pointless. And the haste helped too, of course.]

2009-03-17, 11:16 AM

Thokk roars with anguish as the battle is joined once more. Batting aside the scorpions first advance with a few swift parries he is caught by one of it's massive claws as it's stinger sinks into his flesh.
Fortitude Save1d20+9

2009-03-17, 01:02 PM

Dacia Brabant
2009-03-18, 10:31 PM

The Captain shakes off his feelings of sickness just in time to be bitten by the monstrous spider, growling in pain as its hideous mandibles force their way past a gap in his armor. He clinches hard to fight off the affects of the poison:

Fort save: [roll0]

Dacia Brabant
2009-03-18, 10:58 PM
Marcus & Cassio

((Huh, I guess that's karma for those two crits earlier. Oh well.))

Once again an insectoid's ichor exceeds our illustrious Captain's intestinal fortitude, as he visibly falters a bit under the weight of his equipment following the arachnid's furious bite. Nevertheless, he fights on undaunted, stabbing the spider in front of him thrice in rapid succession:

for [roll1] + [roll2]; [roll=1d20+6 for [roll3] + [roll4]; [roll5] for [roll6] + [roll7]

He then swiftly turns back and, seeing Pietro spring up past the dead centipede, shouts: "Ares is in trouble! Spidey, see if you can stop these things while Carmesi and I charge ahead!"

((Swift action: White Raven Tactics, Pietro may act again this turn before the spiders go.))

The Scout brings up the rear, his story turning to the unlikely hero who stung with both steel and starlight a spider several times his size.

2009-03-19, 05:07 PM
Ares struggles to draw the knife he keeps with him at all times for just this sort of constricting situation.
Grapple as a move action to draw a light weapon.[roll0]

2009-03-19, 05:24 PM
Scorpion's Grapple: [roll0]

The scorpion's grip slips! You have access to your weapon!

2009-03-19, 06:23 PM
Ares does his best to slip his palmed blade into the grotesquely gargantuan beast's eye.
Attack [roll0]

2009-03-20, 08:19 AM
El Carmesi
HP: 63/63
AC: 30
Attack Bonus: +16/+11/+11/+11/+11
Damage: 1d6+3/1d6+3/1d3+3/1d3+3/1d3+3
Effects: Inspire Courage (Active), Fist of Stone (67 rounds), Stonefoot Stance

El Carmesi vaulted off the horse, landing with a thud more suited of Ares than the tiny dragonblooded lizard-creature that had just jumped.

There was little time for such lofty considerations, though, as said lizard's rock-solid fist connected with the bottom of the spider's head.

Bonecrusher maneuver, +4d6 damage, DC 16 Fortitude or suffer a +10 bonus on all critical threat confirmations.

Combat Expertise for 2 points, AC increases to 30.
