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View Full Version : Is there any Game System that would Simulate DBZ?

2009-02-16, 08:52 AM
The question is as per the topic title, I'll have to start a project to homebrew my own if not...

I'm guessing that super versatile systems like GURPS might be able to be DBZ-like, but I'm looking for a system that would be quite good for DBZ-style fighting.

So... any ideas for what could decently simulate DBZ?

2009-02-16, 09:14 AM
BESM, or Big Eyes Small Mouth, is explicitly an anime-based system. It'll probably have what you want. I've not played it, though, so I can't say first hand. Other than that, GURPS is probably your best bet.

Don't forget though, every combat action must take a minimum of ten minutes.

2009-02-16, 09:20 AM
Exalted has my vote.

2009-02-16, 09:23 AM
Everything I've heard about Exalted tells me that it's very well suited for such a game.

Kurald Galain
2009-02-16, 09:29 AM
Exalted, definitely.

TORG might also work (it has good rules for exponential effects) as would several superhero games. But Exalted is definitely the easiest to get of all the systems I could think of.

2009-02-16, 09:31 AM
GURPS really falls apart when you try to do characters that are greater than human.

The D20 system, however, is surprisingly good for doing DBZ style battle up to a certain point. (Say, pre-Freeza fights) But you would have to create the powers, base class, and all that other stuff from scratch, which can take time. That is, if you're into the very precise, very detailed combat system.

Of course, I do recall seeing somebody else do one of these on the old wizards board in the past. You can probably find it in their archives. (I think I might have even pitched an idea or two) There is also no shortage of people attempting a DBZ style d20 game on the net if you just google it.

Though, my suggestion is that you take your favorite superheroes system and use that as the basis for your hack, if you want details.

otherwise, I would try using Wushu instead. (It's one of those games that encourages over the top madness)

2009-02-16, 09:38 AM
I am not sure if Exalted would work well for DBZ - it handles its high power level in a completely different way (options and being able to counter everything as opposed to huge raw power directed towards combat and nothing else), and has much higher power level - Frieza could destroy planets, and at the point when Cell shows up Frieza would be a total weakling.

I personally would say either BESM, or M&M 2e, played at a very high power level. DBZ characters won't be very complicated in either - flight, some martial arts and blasts, unique powers depending on the character and there ya go.

2009-02-16, 10:11 AM
GURPS really falls apart when you try to do characters that are greater than human.

That is plain wrong. It requires a bit of thought, but Gurps works on nearly every power level. Even with more than 9000 points. I occasionally play in a campaign were the characters are old gods fighting against similar godlike terrors. It works beautifully.

Still, I think I would try Mutants and Masterminds for a Dragonball game as this one is less focused on a plausible presentation and still allows to create powerful characters and lots of explosions, fistfights and so on. The other advantage is, it is close to D20 in many of its mechanics, but does not repeat the anachronistic baggage of D20 like classes.

2009-02-16, 10:19 AM
I'm pretty sure there was a DBZ rpg out there already, but I don't remember what system it used as I only ever saw it on the bookshelf.

2009-02-16, 10:24 AM
I'm with Tengu on this one, Exalted couldn't do DBZ very well. Dragonball, especially the really early stuff, it could handle just from sheer lack of stuff it would need to handle, but it is well, well past that point by the time DBZ even starts.

BESM, like Heliomance mentioned, would be perfect. It's a "universal" system, and thus designed to handle anything you can come up with. However, unlike other "universal" systems like GURPS, it's specially geared towards anime. Handling something like DBZ is the entire point of BESM.

So any time you wonder, "what system would be good for running (insert anime here)", BESM is almost certainly the answer :smallbiggrin:

Edit: Coherence > Arty :smallredface:

Mushroom Ninja
2009-02-16, 10:58 AM
I think Wushu would work perfectly for DBZ.

2009-02-16, 11:14 AM
the only problem with a DBZ style game is you'd have to spend half of each session making an attack call before rolling for a single action :smallwink:

2009-02-16, 11:22 AM
I'm pretty sure there was a DBZ rpg out there already, but I don't remember what system it used as I only ever saw it on the bookshelf.

Yeah, there were 3 books published. It used the Fuzion system. They also made an Armored Troopers Votom rpg!

2009-02-16, 11:42 AM
Encounter Critical could model Dragonball Z. But then Encounter Critical is perfect gaming love. :smallamused:
The writing style models DBZ fans well enough
...or BESM.

2009-02-16, 12:30 PM
I'm pretty sure there was a DBZ rpg out there already, but I don't remember what system it used as I only ever saw it on the bookshelf.

I'm 100% sure that's not what you meant, but I know that Cubey created such a game in middle school and ran it via chat - it was a fun and popular game that singlehandedly made play by chat games popular in Poland, with over 100 registered players and over 10 GMs at its peak, but in retrospect the rules sucked. Of course, it was created by a middle schooler.

2009-02-16, 12:35 PM
The Hero System can do...well...literally anything.

It's excessively complicated, however, and the (main) book is nearly 2 inches thick.

It can do it, though.

Mando Knight
2009-02-16, 01:25 PM
the only problem with a DBZ style game is you'd have to spend half of each session making an attack call before rolling for a single action :smallwink:

After spending the last three sessions buffing yourself to high heaven. And then you miss. :smalltongue:

2009-02-16, 02:36 PM
The only game system I have ever found that would accurately simulate DBZ is probably World of Synnibar.

The over the top flavor of both is a perfect fit, and I imagine DBZ fans would feel completely at home with the system.

2009-02-16, 04:29 PM
I vote Mutants and Masterminds. Just give everyone a LOT of points to play with and you're there. Dragonball fights are pretty super-hero-y to begin with, so it should be a good fit.

2009-02-16, 04:53 PM
Anima: Beyond Fantasy has options for playing DBZ characters balanced with more mundane fighters, wizards, psychics, and monster summoners. So you could just play really high level Anima games using only the Tao and Technician (and maybe Warrior if you're feeling frisky) classes.

Mutants and Masterminds would make a great system, except that it would be a little too baldfaced about what mechanics you're using.

Everyone would have Blast 10 +area, Flight, and super high strength, some superspeed and maybe one or two unique powers. That would be pretty much every character in the show.

2009-02-16, 05:21 PM
I can give you the explicitly shounen fighting anime-based system my roommate and I are working on if you want. The link in my signature is a bit out of date, but we're actually building DBZ characters right now for an expo at the upcoming local anime convention, among others, and it's working really well.

Irreverent Fool
2009-02-16, 05:32 PM
Anima: Beyond Fantasy has options for playing DBZ characters balanced with more mundane fighters, wizards, psychics, and monster summoners. So you could just play really high level Anima games using only the Tao and Technician (and maybe Warrior if you're feeling frisky) classes.

Mutants and Masterminds would make a great system, except that it would be a little too baldfaced about what mechanics you're using.

Everyone would have Blast 10 +area, Flight, and super high strength, some superspeed and maybe one or two unique powers. That would be pretty much every character in the show.

And all powers would need to be tied to a Boost power in some way (which would require screaming at the top of your lungs in order to use)


2009-02-16, 05:59 PM
Everyone would have Blast 10 +area, Flight, and super high strength, some superspeed and maybe one or two unique powers. That would be pretty much every character in the show.
Actually I think that captures the problem with every RPG attempt at DBZ. The role of all the characters is exactly the same, and the powers that they get in fulfilling that roll are exactly the same. Ordinarily, this would call for a cinematic style of game, but you are still describing pretty similar stuff (lots of punches, energetic flashes of light, and minor scratches that make it ambiguous as to who has the ability to win). Maybe my problem is understanding what the motivation for a game mimicking DBZ is.

2009-02-16, 06:04 PM
Heroes Unlimited, from Palladium, would work pretty well. Most of the people are Super-powers or aliens, and the "beat it until you're able to kill it" aspect models Palladium combat pretty well.

2009-02-16, 06:27 PM
The lack of diversity is actually a good point. You could try to keep things interesting on the RP side, but unless you break away from the standards set by the heroes of the DBZ cartoon, pretty much everyone just flies around, punches really hard, and shoots lasers from their hands. Well, other kinds of characters exist, but they're not really able to participate in fights.

2009-02-16, 06:56 PM
the only problem with a DBZ style game is you'd have to spend half of each session making an attack call before rolling for a single action :smallwink:

There did once exist, a DBZ game. I'm sure you can find it on amazon, ebay, or craigslist.
For the above quote, half the problem with the show was that the anime was often running concurrently with the manga. So friday the 7th a 20page chapter would be released, on thursday the 13th, a new 20 minute episode would be released that covered exactly what happened in the comic.
Whenever the anime did some filler, during the weeks after they returned to the main plotline, it would be a little faster paced. (Garlic junior, after=world tournament, young gohan's training before the vegeta fight, etc)

2009-02-16, 07:57 PM
The DBZ RPG (http://www.talsorian.com/dbzindex.shtml)
also here (http://www.amazon.com/Dragonball-Z-Anime-Adventure-Game/dp/1891933000/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1234832424&sr=1-1), and here (http://www.amazon.com/Dragon-Ball-Garlic-Trunks-Android/dp/B001NJZGGU/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1234832459&sr=1-1), and here (http://www.amazon.com/Dragon-Ball-Book-Intergalactic-Dragonball/dp/1891933043/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1234832495&sr=1-1).

Mutants and Masterminds 2E



2009-02-16, 09:27 PM
the more I think about this, the more I'm convinced that Wushu is still the best choice over any of the other choices submitted thus far. Think about it, any of the other systems your game is going to focused a lot on the mechanics of building your character (90% of which will be pretty much the same except for magnitude).

Combine this with the absurd and over the top power level, Wushu, a game that explicitly gives you bonuses for TRYING to be over the top, would be perfect. Let's not forget that Wushu also doesn't try to tie it's rules down to real life physics, thereby making it far more scalable than say, any D20 system since a D20 system will try to figure out how much Goku can lift over it's head the moment we talk stats. Wushu on the the other hand just needs to know how strong he is relatively to other characters.

And this happens with just about any other system too.

Granted, this type of DBZ game starts to come very close to a narrativist game so it might not be for everyone. But IMHO it would still be the best.

2009-02-17, 06:53 AM
.............................So.... many... suggestions... O_O

I'm considering starting with the BESM system. Still, I think I'll keep the conversation going a bit longer with some specifics for what I was planning for a DBZ system, so as to help narrow down the options.

Basically, I wanted something where BP was a very important factor, and it could be used in massive numbers like the show (example Goku transforms into a super saiyan, reaching 150,000,000 BP....). So as to retain versatility, I was planning on having some basic stats with scores like this: To-Hit: 1.2, Dodge: 1.4, Damage: 0.9, Power: 0.85, Defence: 1.0.
You'd then multiply a character's BP by their stat numbers, the resulting score being what you use for combat (this works fine for RPGs of the style of Final Fantasy, but I'm not certain how I'd do this with Dice Role Playing Games...). Meaning with a BP of 1,000 and the above stats: To-Hit: 1,200, Dodge: 1,400, Damage: 900, Power: 850, Defence: 1,000.

Any ideas as to which system would allow versatile BP? If not... I better start asking how I should further the system idea I just posted.

Frog Dragon
2009-02-17, 06:59 AM
Even with more than 9000 points.
Sorry I had to.
Yeah playing Post Frieza probably won't work out that well. The amount of power just goes to ludicurous and people auddenly start teleporting simply by the virtue of how fast they are.

2009-02-17, 07:13 AM
Raditz was able to teleport by how fast he was, by the way. Once you get to about 1K-ish in BP, it seems that you can seemingly teleport when it comes to weaker beings.

2009-02-17, 07:55 AM
well, that's just a matter of spatial perception.

Because of the fact that power level is so all over the place, I would still suggest you take a system that is essentially more about the abstraction than trying to find a system that allows you to calculate how BP translates to stats. Right now, your current system would have every individual on earth start at least 10000 or so. But let's not forget Trunks when he first showed up on the series, he was able to register at a BP of 5 right before he killed off all of Freeza's minions and then Freeza himself.

And then there's the fact that BP is routinely made a meaningless number in the show numerous times that it really should not be something as good as a level indicator.

2009-02-17, 08:33 AM
First, I must warn, that Exalted, despite glowing battle auras, will never ever work for DBZ power level. If we talk about powerz, in DBZ the Big Freaking Attack is king, while Exalted at high power levels is all about Death of Thousand Cuts. But, more importantly, attempting to emulate characters that can shatter planets without really trying in any derivative of the Storytelling system will bury you under mountains of dice. Really, even Exalted as is often forces you to roll 20+ d10s, and that's with characters whose power level is on par with what things we can see in the first half of Dragonball, if even that, never mind going into Z.

Try Mutants & Masterminds 2E, instead. It is actually built to handle cosmic-level superheroes without forcing players to wade through three-pages long character sheets or to roll a few gazillions of dice and also works quite well as a generic system. Sure, you'll need to trim the list of available powers, but this is much easier than inventing powers by yourself.

2009-02-17, 08:48 AM
Raditz was able to teleport by how fast he was, by the way. Once you get to about 1K-ish in BP, it seems that you can seemingly teleport when it comes to weaker beings.
More like about 200-ish. IIRC, Piccolo Daimao was the first character to move so fast, that to onlookers it was like a teleportation.

In other words, no, I don't think a DBZ game would work unless you abstract power level numbers.

2009-02-17, 09:04 AM
Mutant and Masterminds is the obvious choice for this one. It's what it's designed for.

2009-02-17, 11:34 AM
More like about 200-ish. IIRC, Piccolo Daimao was the first character to move so fast, that to onlookers it was like a teleportation.

In other words, no, I don't think a DBZ game would work unless you abstract power level numbers.

hence why I believe Wushu Open could be a very elegant solution.

Of course, Prime Time Adventures completely removes character strength from the equation and instead uses character plot strength. In fact in that game, Trunks and Vegeta could potentially be the more powerful character than Goku and Gohan by virtue of just being more interesting and more popular.

2009-02-17, 02:47 PM
.............................So.... many... suggestions... O_O

I'm considering starting with the BESM system. Still, I think I'll keep the conversation going a bit longer with some specifics for what I was planning for a DBZ system, so as to help narrow down the options.

Basically, I wanted something where BP was a very important factor, and it could be used in massive numbers like the show (example Goku transforms into a super saiyan, reaching 150,000,000 BP....). So as to retain versatility, I was planning on having some basic stats with scores like this: To-Hit: 1.2, Dodge: 1.4, Damage: 0.9, Power: 0.85, Defence: 1.0.
You'd then multiply a character's BP by their stat numbers, the resulting score being what you use for combat (this works fine for RPGs of the style of Final Fantasy, but I'm not certain how I'd do this with Dice Role Playing Games...). Meaning with a BP of 1,000 and the above stats: To-Hit: 1,200, Dodge: 1,400, Damage: 900, Power: 850, Defence: 1,000.

Any ideas as to which system would allow versatile BP? If not... I better start asking how I should further the system idea I just posted.

I'm going to pimp my system again because it's designed for basically everything you want.

The system I'm talking about is called Valor, it's homebrew but with the intent of commercial release and currently in the beta playtest, so it's free.

It's a level/point hybrid system, so you still have a lot of flexibility with your character and don't have to worry about off-balancing things, it allows for a healthy range of different builds based on how you want the character to be.

The system has a way to build your own techniques, which allows for personalizing moves to a character.

The skill system allows for all kinds of different abilities, and can easily simulate just about anything you'd need a DBZ character to be able to do.

The system uses a dynamic stat called "Valor" that goes up as the battle drags on and rewards players for role-playing well in combat.

HP tends to be around 100 on average at level 1 and goes up at a rate of 10-20, possibly more depending on the skills you buy. This number can be multiplied by 10, 100, or even 1,000 without any problem to simulate a high HP game.

Damage and defense numbers correspond with HP, so again you can multiply HP and damage to achieve the right feel.

The system is intentionally incredibly abstract so you can append whatever fluff to any skill or technique you build. It gives you the raw frame to mold a well-rounded character and lets your imagination go wild.

The system has Alternate Forms which allow a character to gain a dramatic boost in power to represent things like Super Saiyan.

Seriously, the system is designed exactly for this kind of series. It'll work, we've tested DBZ in it and the results were favorable. It's just so easy to build any kind of shounen-style anime character you could want.

2009-02-20, 07:40 AM
Thanks Void, I look forward to seeing your full system :smallbiggrin: (and making my on DBZ campaign... *drools*).

2009-02-20, 08:41 AM
But what happens when the PCs get smart and just kill the guy when he asks, "Just wait until you see me power up." ?

2009-02-20, 08:59 AM
You could SORT-OF do it in D&D, but other systems would do it better.

Hmm. Flight speed of 30' at level 10. In addition to that 30', make it increase by 5' per level afterwords (so 11 = 35', 12 = 40', so on and so forth). Improve maneuverability by one category at 20?

And something else starting at level 8(?)... energy blasts! The damage should scale some how. 2d4 at level 8, 3d4 at level 12, 4d4 at level 16, etc. Maybe make feats where you can add a stat mod (con, wis, or cha are the only ones that make sense though) to damage? Ranged touch attacks? Reflex saves instead, perhaps? Able to parry them somehow?

Also, every class with full BAB (barbarians, fighters, rangers, paladins, etc.) would get Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat.

Scratch clerics and maybe wizards from the list... And yeah. I think we've got it. Not perfect, but a close enough solution for those of you who don't want to learn new systems.

2009-02-20, 09:56 AM
Old Champions would be great for DBZ... You could even do SS forms. I am not sure about the new additions though. :smallwink: