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View Full Version : Zombies: Gaming Enigma of this Generation

2009-02-16, 03:33 PM
The past few months, I've noticed a dramatic increase in the number of zombie-based stuffs going on, to the point where I've realized just how much zombies have become enigmatic figures in gaming culture ever since Resident Evil; hell, ever since Army of Darkness. Because of this pervasiveness in zombical society, I decided to share my thoughts with you as to why zombies seem to be so popular in our (gaming) culture, and look like they will continue to be for some time.

Killing Zombies is Fun!
If I were to make a thread asking for good zombie flash games, I could realistically end up with a list of 30+ zombie games. As such, people love to kill zombies. They are dumb, slow, and mostly easy targets. Zombies are by definition not intelligent, and as such they don't present especially difficult targets. Shooting zombies is fun, then, because in normal shooting games, your opponents either by AI definition or otherwise, at least seem intelligent, and they do something fundamental that zombies don't: they shoot back. In those normal shooters, you are asked to quickly assess the threat levels of multiple enemies based on the weapons they carry, and exterminate them one by one based on your assessment. Zombies provide a much easier time with the simple "shoot them all" methodology, relying on mass numbers (re: Zerg) in place of any individual in the mob posing more of a threat than any other. In this way, shooting zombies can be a much more fun experience.

Adrenaline Rush!
Anyone who has played a Resident Evil title or more recently Left 4 Dead can attest for the adrenaline rush one must face while fighting off undead hordes. The adrenaline rush can be addicting to some, and narcotic to others. I know my girlfriend plays L4D entirely for this reason alone, the panic button factor that "there are zombies all around and you can't see and louis is down and there's a hunter on zoey ohno ohgod getitoffgetitoffgetitoff!" I know few people that played L4D the first time and they weren't shouting and surprised turn after turn, screaming whenever a smoker got hold of them.

Everybody Loves an Apocalypse
Let's face it, everyone likes being special in some way. Playing as the survivor of a zombie apocalypse makes you feel special. Lots of other games and movies are about certain kinds of apocalypses these days, to the moans and groans of unoriginality to some and to the love of others. Zombie apocalypses are one of the mainstays, and while the main idea of a zombie apocalypse or what that entails may vary depending what game or movie you tend to be watching at the time, they are here to stay.

Empty Shells
As a grazed on above, when fighting zombies you only need to focus on mainly which zombie is in front, and that becomes the zombie you shoot. There is no more real attention that you need to pay as far as which zombie in particular bears more of a threat than another. This becomes eased by the fact that zombies are nothing really more than empty shells of human beings, thoughtless, lacking intelligence, and usually only desiring flesh, human or otherwise, and because of this fact there are no moral qualms with shooting zombies; they are a common enemy.

Anyone else have thoughts?

2009-02-16, 03:49 PM
Going on Empty Shells: In a shooter, nothing is better than shooting at other humans. This may sound sadistic or cruel, but its the truth. Its the reason why the first half of Crysis was so much better than the second, and so on. You can identify with your enemy, and its important. In a zombie game, you shoot humans yet have no need to feel any remorse or be uncomfortable, because you know they are not really humans any longer, they just share the anatomy. And from what I've seen, developers are much more likely to expand upon gore and other aspects when its zombies.

Did you play CoD5? When you shoot a normal enemy, you see blood, maybe a dramatic fall but thats it. When you shoot the zombies in Zombie Mode, arms fly off, heads explode gloriously, and they will crawl after you when their legs are long gone. They obviously took the time to put these effects in, so why not put it in the whole game? Because people would raise their voices in protest, and the game would be regarded as shallow and ruining our children. But with zombies, its all good clean fun.

2009-02-16, 03:59 PM
I agree with all your points, but also add a fifth one.

The Ultimate Underdog Story

It's something so ingrained in western culture that you may as well call it part of human nature - we love to cheer for the underdog. And there's few things more unfair that putting hundreds, or thousands of undead against a single guy with a shotgun. Sure, you're faster, smarter, and with oodles more firepower, but thanks to years of conditioning through movies, there's always that niggling little thought in your mind: They're going to get me eventually. They always do. It's a losing battle and you know it, but bigod, you are going out GUNS BLAZING.

2009-02-17, 06:56 AM
Did you play CoD5? When you shoot a normal enemy, you see blood, maybe a dramatic fall but thats it. When you shoot the zombies in Zombie Mode, arms fly off, heads explode gloriously, and they will crawl after you when their legs are long gone. They obviously took the time to put these effects in, so why not put it in the whole game? Because people would raise their voices in protest, and the game would be regarded as shallow and ruining our children. But with zombies, its all good clean fun.

Actually, the main game does feature more than enough blood and gore if you're using the right guns, primarily the machine guns. Which is why I relied more heavily on leg shots than head shots with anything other than snipers. The decapitation came complete with spurting blood, twitching and gurgling for a disturbingly long time. I remember being hunched down in a trench, cowering from enemy fire, and hearing the man I shot not two yards away in a different trench choke on his own blood.

But zombies don't breathe!

Illiterate Scribe
2009-02-17, 07:16 AM
I'll go with the third; one reason that zombies are popular is that they can be mown down in the most horrific manner possible without having to consider the moral or psychological implications of killing them.

As a blast from the past, anyone remember carmageddon? The game that actually did everything GTA is accused of now, including getting bonus money for running down unarmed civilians in combos? When they were challenged on it, the developers simply changed the blood of those mown down to green, and said 'they're zombies'.

2009-02-17, 10:29 AM
Going on Empty Shells: In a shooter, nothing is better than shooting at other humans. This may sound sadistic or cruel, but its the truth. Its the reason why the first half of Crysis was so much better than the second, and so on. You can identify with your enemy, and its important. In a zombie game, you shoot humans yet have no need to feel any remorse or be uncomfortable, because you know they are not really humans any longer, they just share the anatomy. And from what I've seen, developers are much more likely to expand upon gore and other aspects when its zombies.

The first half of Crysis was also fun because you had the feel of being superior to the enemies. It was so much fun running at a terrified soldier in speed more and then punching him at another guy in strength, then jumping onto a rooftop and spraying machinegunfire everywhere. It made you feel like a badass.

The aliens were just kinda boring. They didn't die fast enough from your bullets and their weapons had the annoying effect of instakilling me from time to time for no reason, not to mention that they're annoyingly fast. And when you do kill one, you're more of 'Finally got rid of that annoying thing.' rather than 'Heh! Take that you loser!'.

Actually, the most fun part including the aliens for me was when I had to go inside the alien ship and forgot to pick up enough ammo from the bossfight zone. I ran out pretty fast and then I had to lure the aliens in and kill them in a fistfight. Now THAT made me feel like a badass, however frustratingly difficult it was. :smallbiggrin:

2009-02-17, 10:35 AM
Actually, the main game does feature more than enough blood and gore if you're using the right guns, primarily the machine guns. Which is why I relied more heavily on leg shots than head shots with anything other than snipers. The decapitation came complete with spurting blood, twitching and gurgling for a disturbingly long time. I remember being hunched down in a trench, cowering from enemy fire, and hearing the man I shot not two yards away in a different trench choke on his own blood.

But zombies don't breathe!

Man I'm going to have to go back and play it again. I don't remember any limb removal on single player. Might be because alot of that game for me was shooting quick and ducking back behind cover, so often I didn't even see the outcome of my shots.

Maybe its just because the zombies are so noticeable when they loose a limb. As they usually keep on coming at you. :smalltongue:

2009-02-17, 10:43 AM
I think it may be because it's easier on developers. You can have more enemies with fewer models because they're not really that distinctive or different from each other. It's also much easier to do the AI because the tactics can be minimal and really it doesn't need to appear lifelike so just set it to attack the player and their allies and bam there's a game.

2009-02-17, 11:12 AM
Historically, undead stories become far more popular in times of economic hardship. Take that however you will, but there it is.

2009-02-17, 01:04 PM
Strangely, zombies are my ultimate bane. I can't stand zombies. Half life 2, Oblivion, Dark Messiah. I don't care if they're actually the weakest enemy, I just can't stand zombie.

Strangely, Fallout's ghoul didn't do anything for me. I don't know why. Maybe because I already know that they're not actually zombies and just another kind of mutant.

2009-02-17, 02:09 PM
Excerpted from Simon Pegg's afterword in The Walking Dead Vol.2:

"Oddly, those rotten bastards also give us hope. The undead may be tenacious, single minded and as relentless as lava, but they are also stupid and slow; ineffectual and inept. You don't have to be Van Helsing, or even Peter Venkman to throw down with a zombie. Anyone with a pulse can step up. As long as you keep your head, defeating a zombie is not an insurmountable task. You don't need spells, or stakes, or silver bullets, you just need your wits and a weapon. A gun is good, but most blunt objects will do, things we might have around the house or the garden. It is perhaps this combination of hope in the face of terror, that makes the zombie so attractive to us. The idea that we could ourselves, beat death. Beat it until its brains come out of its ears."

2009-02-21, 11:14 AM
Mhm so we are the Zombiegeneration now? A couple of years ago I thought we are the world war 2 generation... all those warshooters/rts games where kind of a flood.

someone should write a big historybook about gaming history... I guess this would add to the geekfactor...

2009-02-23, 03:08 PM
What about space cowboys? Those seem to be a fetish that the gaming industry has latched onto since the Halo series.

2009-02-23, 11:20 PM
So Master Chief is a space cowboy now? *Headdesk*

So yeah. Zombies. And the killing thereof.