View Full Version : Push

2009-02-16, 06:10 PM
Don't see any threads about this one, sorry if I missed any.

Has anyone else seen this film yet? Any impressions?

2009-02-16, 06:25 PM
Ah! I'm going to see this this weekend with my sister and our friend! Is it good? I mean, if you've seen it.

2009-02-16, 06:33 PM
I thought it was very good. I'm biased, though, as it strikes a lot of very resonant chords with me; "normal people empowered", interlocking conspiracies, and so forth. I was sold on the premise.

Overall, I think the story arc of the film itself was pretty mediocre, nothing spectacular... the implementation of said story was excellent, however. Good writing, good directing, overall, despite a few uneven patches.

As a friend of mine I saw the film with described, it amounts to "what Heroes should be" (even noting some amusing parallels in plot between the movie and the third season of said show). I was pleased to see lots of power use done intelligently, or in ways that I found novel and clever. There was no "Why don't you just do X with power Y and make this all trivial?!" moments, at least for me.

It also featured some of the best fight scenes I've seen in superpower films. Or, it might be because I'm a sucker for telekinesis, and its the first time I've seen it really done justice.

2009-02-16, 08:12 PM
You know, as much as I loathed Jumper for a variety of reasons unrelated to its pretense (http://www.chocolatehammer.org/?p=161), it was one of few stories I've seen where a character actually *is* a fairly average person given superpowers.

And by that, I mean a person who feels no strong compulsion to act morally, heroically, or responsibly with said powers. There's a scene in Jumper where he casually looks at a news report about several people drowning before changing the channel impassively. At no point in the movie does this perspective really change.

Pity about EVERYTHING ELSE about the movie, of course.