View Full Version : Forgotten Realms Red Hand of Doom

2009-02-19, 01:58 PM
Elsir Vale. A comparatively unremarkable stretch of Faërun, all things considered. For now.

It is midsummer; the stifling heat and humidity of the vale make even the simplest of tasks uncomfortable at best, and unbearable at worst. The afternoon sun beats down upon six adventurers, brought together by chance and traveling with one another for convenience to Dennovar, the closest thing to a capitol of the Elsir Vale region.

The sparsely settled lands of Elsir Vale are starting to grow monotonous. The safest and most direct route into the vale from the west was along an old trail that ran right alongside the Elsir River. It was convenient, if boring. The Wyrmsmoke Mountains looming in the north have finally given way to forest, while the south remains nothing more than nearly featureless grasslands.

Judging from the map one of the adventurers Boz carried, the small town of Drellin's Ferry was not more than a mile or two to the north -- the long journey to civilization was nearing an end.

((Feel free to talk with one another IC for a few posts before I progress further.))

2009-02-19, 02:04 PM

Both Sihaya and her companion, Mur, walk with their mouths open to help facilitate their bodies cooling down. One unfortunate side effect of her fur was that she remained quite warm and without the same sweat glands to regulate temperture as her human friends had. Other than the open mouth, Sihaya does not show any other signs of weariness or fatigue from the weather.

Periodically, she takes sips from her waterskin and offers the same to Mur, who accepts eagerly. Unlike normal, Sihaya is not talking much unless spoken to, probably to keep her mouth from becoming drier. And as for her position in the group, she tries to stay toward the front* of the group, keeping distance between herself and the goblin that is traveling with them. It was against her better judgment to travel with such a one as him, but safety was in numbers- even if Sihaya didn't fully trust all of the number.

((*Or behind. It depends on where you want Zhimnick to be. :) ))

2009-02-19, 02:41 PM
Zhimnick is marching in the middle of the group, where it's safest. He's in a foul mood, since despite being used to travelling, the heat gets to him. And the treatment he gets from at least some members of the team doesn't help a bit. Damn this human-fox thing. And damn those savage idiots who give goblins a bad name and make his work harder. Well, he's going to show them all, unless they slit his throat first.

2009-02-19, 04:30 PM

Walking beside Sihaya, Munnon remained silent and focused on bearing the heat. She wore her heavy armour proudly, even though it made the day that much harder to deal with. To Munnon, however, a good protection was sacred and heat was not important enough for her to warrant even removing the helm.

And so, taking one proud step after another, Munnon endured the heat and walked on. She would deserve a good beer this night.

*looks around* I claim Brown as speech colour! It would feel too weird otherwise. :smallamused:

2009-02-19, 04:43 PM
Peldan Boz

"How'd that one go... 'No one can better bask in summer's balm than those who have endured winter's bite.' But with this heat, maybe an extention's needed... ah, something like, 'And those who witness the elegance of snow can best withstand the heat of the day', hah."

The tall half-orc was in a relatively pleasant mood - he usually was. He was muscular, skin the light green color of grass. His deep blue vest was left open due to the heat, and he somewhat regretted wearing his similarly colored trousers and not something more akin to shorts, but hey - he didn't let it bother him.

He hadn't in awhile, so he checked his map, stating his finds aloud. "Hey, should be an hour tops to Drogen's Ferry - er, Drellin's Ferry, Drellin. 'least, depending on how accurate this map is, heh. Seems to have served us well thus far though, eh? I know I could use a change of scenery."

His oversized, batlike ears shifted towards sounds as he took a gulp from his waterskin. It then occured to him - he figured that the others had dealt with it, given they were still traveling next to a river, but he'd learned to at least glance to ensure nobody was thirsty, but too eagerly walking to stop, especially while he had his waterskin out.

2009-02-19, 11:36 PM
Tyr was enjoying himself, despite the heat; it wasn't every day that he ended up in a group that was more pleasant than not. The half-orc next to him, Peldan Boz, was quite the traveling companion, talkative and chummy, and Tyr quite liked to listen.

When Boz took a moment to drink from his skin, Tyr slipped into the conversation. "Isn't part of traveling seeing the scenery? If it changed too often, we wouldn't appreciate it so when it did,"

He smiled then, and added with a chuckle, "Of course, were it to change unexpectedly and often, then we'd be in Limbo, and we'd have better things to worry about, I would think,"

2009-02-20, 01:00 AM

The fox-woman's ears swivel at the new conversation. She widens her mouth in a grin, "Well, as it's a ferry, as long as we keep to the river we should find it no problem, eh?"

In a quieter voice, Sihaya looks to Munnon, "How are you hanging in there, friend? Need a drink or a breather from that stifling metal cage you call armor?" The teasing in her voice is affectionate from the days they spent on the road before finding the others, and the concern real for the androgynous woman she's come to call her friend, a title not easily gained from an Anuchu, despite Sihaya's friendliness in general.


2009-02-20, 05:59 AM
Peldan Boz

Boz laughed, his jovial voice ringing clearly over the stream. He ran one hand across his sweating forehead as he responded, "Haha, true, very true, Tyr. Gotta remember that one... simple, but gets the point across, y'know?"

He pondered for a fraction of a moment at the word 'Limbo' - he'd heard of it before in various stories, but not really much more. His mind, however, shifted towards the fox-woman's response, which caused him to chuckle once more. "Ha, I hope so. Could be something like, 'this is where a man named Drellin stopped to transport people to safety', or something amusing like that. I've given up pretending I understand human names - not that others are any more clear. Sure hope they have some good drink, though." He added, the last being almost an afterthought.

He glanced around as Sihaya turned to the quiet Boz-assumed-was-a-man. He couldn't read the goblin's mood very well - he seemed somewhat angry, but it was hard to tell at who - uncomfortable heat didn't exactly make most people pleasant.

And the dwarf - dwarves and elves had the distinctive feature of tending to not like orcs. Boz hadn't really met a dwarf until his travels had begun, but he'd learned to keep an ear out when one's around.

Not to mention the man - was it Mhenmon? Something like that - he'd have to ask later, cement it into his head. Either way, he also remained silent - but he seemed to know Sihaya, thus Boz assumed if he was irritated, he at least had someone to fall back on.

But first things first. He held his waterskin vaguely towards Tyr. "Hey, you thirsty?"

2009-02-20, 09:17 AM
Bleh. I couldn't care less for the scenery, I just wish the sun weren't blazing so much. And I hope this ferry is still there when we get to the river. Zhimnick isn't drinking, he's saving the water for when he really needs it.

2009-02-20, 01:31 PM

"I am well, Sihaya." Munnon answered in a deep voice. "The armour is heavy, true, but it does offer shades. That is more than you can say about your fur."

Although it couldn't be seen, Sihaya was used enough to Munnon to hear the smile at her words.

2009-02-20, 01:36 PM
With his hand halfway into his backback when Boz offers, Tyr smiles and shakes his head at him as he drags his own water skin out. "Thanks though," he says as he takes a swallow from his.

Then he makes a face. "Bleagh. Warm. Figures," He sighs as he puts it away.

Tyr looks at Zhimnick when he complains. "Well, if you don't enjoy the scenery or the heat, travel would just be miserable," Try says, smiling again. "There just isn't much else that happens on the road," he adds with a shrug

2009-02-20, 02:43 PM
The road you are traveling on crests a small rise and descends into a dusty grove in a large, shallow dell. An abandoned farmhouse, partially visible through the trees, stands on one side of the road. You've passed a dozen spots much like this one already today, but this one feels... wrong.

Then Ulfinn, Sihaya, and Munnon notice the glint of mail through the brush by the side of the road. Fierce warriors--hobgoblins--spring up as if in reply to Tyr's statement and nock arrows in their bows, loosing them at the party!

((Initiative and actions, please. There will be a surprise round in which Ulfinn, Sihaya, Munnon, and the Hobgoblins will act before the normal round begins. Please indicate the coordinates of the square that you're moving to if you do. See the map below. Lower case m is Sihaya's animal companion, uppercase M is Munnon.

The slopes of the trail are steep inclines overgrown with brush; it costs 4 squares of movement to move 1 square up them because it is so difficult.))


2009-02-20, 03:04 PM
Zhimnick is surprised by the attack, so he doesn't respond immediately.
Intitative for when the surprise round ends: [roll0]

2009-02-20, 03:13 PM

"Enemies. Be careful." Munnon stated as she caught the glimpse her steel, her voice taking an urgent tone. The hobgoblins had bows, so she would have to take the fight to them. Slowly, Munnon began climbing the slopes.

Darn that terrain. Munnon will take her entire move action to draw the ranseur out and move to F12.
Should any hobs, for a reason or another, provoke an Attack of Opportunity, Munnon will take it.
[roll1], [roll2]

2009-02-20, 04:02 PM
Tyr starts and curses at Munnon's warning, but the hobgoblins act before he has the chance to draw or loose.

Figures, he thinks

I think the forum roller hates me :smallfrown:

2009-02-20, 04:17 PM

Sihaya and Mur both stop where they are, both sets of ears pricked forward. At the glint of metal and the sound of nocking bows, Sihaya prepares her own long bow. As Munnon takes off to the bugbears, Sihaya lets fly her arrow at the closest target to give her friend cover.

Mur slinks to the side of the path for cover, waiting for a command from Sihaya or for a bugbear to come closer.

Mur in in H12 now, I think.

Sihaya's Rolls (woo, a dice roller likes me)
Init: [roll0]
Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

2009-02-20, 06:44 PM
Peldan Boz

The half-orc jerked up, his ears alerting him to the hobgoblins, albeit too late to respond immediately. His hand shifted to the scimitar at his side as his eyes caught up to what his ears had told him.

"Ey, whazzis? If yer looking for an easy mark, you've picked the wrong wanderers, y'know."

An eye strayed to the goblin amongst their ranks. After all, unlike orcs, humans frequently hesitated before fighting their kin - so why not goblins?

But honestly, he had trouble keeping the excitement out of his voice from his remark. His adrenaline was beginning to rush, blood beginning to rush beneath his skin. A fight!

Initiative: [roll0]

2009-02-21, 05:11 AM
Ulflinn, who has not been very talkative due to not wanting to reveal his past to strangers, spots the ambushers relatively early. He mutters to himself and, with a few quick hand movements, uses Entropic Warding.

Initiative: [roll0]

2009-02-21, 12:37 PM
Surprise Round

Sihaya looses an arrow into the forest to the northwest and is rewarded for her efforts by a yell of pain. The hobgoblins were just as predictable as their smaller, green kin, and she found that the knowledge she had developed in fighting the goblins would be of great use in this fight as well.

In response, five of the hobgoblins along the road loose their arrows at the party, peppering them with yellow-fletched arrows with wicked heads. An arrow slams into Sihaya's left shoulder, piercing the skin and tearing muscle, but the wound is not deep. A second arrow glances off of Munnon's full plate, unable to pierce the magically hardened steel nor find a chink in the armor to strike.

Even as Boz shouts at the hobgoblins, he is forced to duck as an arrow streaks over his head and embeds itself in the escarpment to his south. Tyr is caught completely unawares, and a lucky shot from one of the remaining hobgoblins catches him hard in the chest. He couldn't be sure, but judging from the light-headedness and pain in his chest, as well as the difficulty breathing, the arrow may have pierced a lung.

A final arrow strikes Ulflinn's shoulder dealing superficial damage.

The sixth hobgoblin pulls a potion from his belt and shouts to Zhimnick in goblin, "Oy, you there! Goblin! Help us out against these softskins!"

Ulflinn casts his ward too late for the spell to protect him this time, but he would now have a better chance against further attacks.

Munnon scrambles up the escarpment with little additional difficulty.

Sihaya hits and deals 12 damage to the hobgoblin in K8 -- Hobgoblins are goblinoids, so her favored enemy bonus applies on damage. Sihaya is hit by an arrow and takes 4 damage.

Tyr takes a critical hit for 21 damage, but there's no other mechanical difficulty for having a pierced lung. Who knows why? :smallbiggrin:

Ulflinn takes 3 damage.

Also, just for reference, the forest provides concealment and has a decent amount of undergrowth, so forested squares are difficult terrain requiring 2 squares to move through.

Round 1 Map

2009-02-21, 12:56 PM

Sihaya grunts as her shoulder is impacted by the arrow but shakes the pain off for now. She focuses her ears in the direction of the hobgoblin she had hit previously, and looses another arrow in it's direction. Once the arrow is let to it's flight, she nocks another arrow and lets it fly as well (either to the same hobgoblin if she didn't hear any encouraging death-sounds or to another if she does).

Mur, meanwhile, climbs the embankment after Munnon to go after the closest hobgoblin. She recognized the scent and knows that smell means Enemy.

Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage 1: [roll1]
Attack 2: [roll2]
Damage 2: [roll3]

Both attack rolls are -2 using Rapid Shot, so I used +6 for the first and +5 for the second. The second I think was using the straight up ranged BAB, not the TAB. If it should use the TAB, add an additional point.

Sihaya is down to 26 HP.

ETA: Ouch, crit fail on the first attack. >< Watch her shoot her foot or something...Ugh.

2009-02-21, 01:33 PM
I'd rather stay on the winning team shovelhead, shouts Zhimnick and casts a spell to put two of the hobgoblins to sleep.
Cast Sleep on O12.

2009-02-21, 03:52 PM

As the first flight of arrow lands through the party, Munnon presses on into the forest. She would not let this hobgoblin scum get another full volley at her companions and, should they try, they would taste her guisarme.

Munnon will step to E13. If I count that right, she could reach both hobgoblins from there, and thus would take any AoO given from either moving or attempting to shoot.

Meanwhile, I'll also attack the one in C12, with Power Attack -2/+4.
[roll0], [roll1]
[roll2], [roll3]

HP: 61/61, AC 20

2009-02-21, 04:05 PM
Peldan Boz

The half-orc laughed - not quite the jovial apathy of a moment before, but still full of energy. "Well then! It'd be rude to dissapoint, eh?"

He stepped forward. "If they thought they could win in a straight fight, they wouldn't be keeping to the road, huh? Haha, this won't take long."

With Perform(oratory), using inspirational boost, and then inspire courage, granting everyone a +2 to hit and damage.

Figuring Munnon is heading down, Boz will head for E-11

Edit: I see I took too long on the 'posting message' screen, heh. Still, same move works out.

2009-02-21, 11:21 PM
Tyr is forced backwards a step, and takes a fraction of a second trying to determine what hit him. Then he notices the arrow sticking out of his chest; the pain follows.

Is that an arrow in my chest? It hurts... It hurts! Get it out get it out getitoutgetitoutgetit -

He pulls out the arrow. Ow...

He gets angry then. It's been a while since he's been randomly ambushed on the road, and even longer since someone had shot him in the chest

As his vision clears and his breath comes just a bit easier, he spies the nearest Hobgoblin. "You orange sonofa...," he begins as he darts up the hill, but before he can get two steps the hobgoblin is slain.

Rather than pull up short, Tyr continues running for the cover of the trees, and whips out his bow. Let's see how they like my arrows he thinks with a fierce grin.

2009-02-22, 01:17 AM
While he was not badly hurt, the injury of Ulflinn's current travelling companion makes him realize that these enemies really do mean to do their worst. With a grimace crossing his face due to not liking to use his magic in front of others, he unleashes a blast of magical energy at the nearest hobgoblin.

Touch Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2009-02-22, 01:52 PM
Sihaya nocks another arrow into her bow, but when she goes to draw it back, a stabbing pain in her shoulder from the arrow causes her arm to spasm and she drops the arrow. The hobgoblin in the forest begins to laugh as she quickly retrieves a second arrow, and its laughter is almost instantly transformed into a gurgling sound as its throat is transfixed by the second arrow. The potion drops from the hobgoblin's hand and he slumps to the ground, blood gushing from his throat wound.

Zhimnick begins casting his spell.

The hobgoblin in J17 shouts, "KULKOR ZHUL! Uth-lar ertala sig-h!." He is answered by a shout coming from the farmhouse: "Kulkor Zhul!"

The remaining 5 hobgoblins nock arrows and loose them once more. Two at Sihaya, one at Zhimnick, one at Tyr, and one at Munnon. One arrow shot at Sihaya flies wide, while the second nearly strikes before the barrier provided by her bracers flashes and deflects the arrowhead at the last instant. The hobgoblin nearest Zhimnick shouts in goblin "Traitor!" before firing an arrow that grazes his face, leaving a long gash along one cheek. The hobgoblin in N11, who was responsible for shooting Tyr in the chest, nocks another arrow and fires, but Tyr easily deflects this arrow. As Munnon trudges up the escarpment, the hobgoblin nearest her fires an arrow straight into her side, the arrowhead lodging itself in her ribs.

You hear an infernal roar from down the road, and two fell Hell Hounds bound into view, flames licking about their mouths. One charges down the road right up to Sihaya, growling menacingly at her, while the other charges down the path to the farmhouse, also dashing headlong towards the party.

Another hobgoblin wearing light armor and wielding two shortswords comes charging down the farmhouse path, as well.

Ulflinn hurls a bolt of eldritch energy at the nearest hobgoblin, and with a flash of purple-green light, the hobgoblin slumps to the ground, its face blackened and scorched by the blast.

Tyr scrambles up the escarpment on the north edge of the trail, taking cover among the trees to gain a better vantage point for the rest of the fight.

Boz bolsters the party's morale with his tough talk and, seeing that the hobgoblin he was moving to engage is now dying, he instead heads down the road to engage the other, new enemies.

Munnon climbs the rest of the escarpment and, with a mighty swing of her guisarme, opens a huge gash in the chest of the remaining hobgoblin. He looks at her with a pained expression before dropping to the ground, dying.

Sihaya manages to kill the hobgoblin in K8.

Zhimnick takes 2 damage and needs to make a concentration check of DC 12 to avoid losing his spell. Munnon takes 8.

The hobgoblin in C12 is dying from Ulflinn's attack.

The hobgoblin in F15 is dying from Munnon's attack.

Don't forget to include the +2 to attacks and damage from Boz's Inspire Courage effect from now on.

Round 2 Map

2009-02-22, 02:24 PM
I always forget that Sleep takes one round to cast.:smallsigh:
Concentration check: [roll0]
Zhimnick grits his teeth as the arrow hits him, but it doesn't interrupt his spellcasting.

2009-02-22, 02:41 PM
Peldan Boz

Boz had to remind himself to activate his badge. It was useful to do so, he'd been taught to do so, but it was very easy to forget completely about it in the heat of battle.

Still, he smiled as the fierce guisarme did his job for him. Impressive style, too - these people were, indeed, very skilled. "Haha, nice! So, then..."

He moved south, scimitar at the ready.

Activating badge of valor. Inspire courage is now at +3 (which is where it caps out for me).

I'd like to get to I-16, but I think I'm confused about the amount of movement it requires. I believe the route is H14 -> H15 -> I16, which I believe is two squares of movement each step. If this is true, I'll swing then. If H15 takes four squares of movement, then I'll stop just out of his reach (And thus not swing). Sorry - I'm a little unfamiliar with difficult terrain, but it does make things notably more interesting.

In case I am capable of attacking:
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Edit: (Whoops, rolled the wrong damage number. Fixed in next post)

Edit2: Instead of going to I-16, doublemoving to K-16 instead, thus disregard the above attack.

2009-02-22, 02:42 PM
Whoops... scimitars do not do 1d20 damage. My mistake.

Damage: [roll0]

2009-02-22, 03:57 PM

Munnon glanced down at the arrow in her ribs. It wasn't a tiny stick of wood that would stop her - especially when so many enemies came running. She needed to return to the road quickly and she knew how she would.

She closed her eyes for a split second and reached to the undying ancestral essence that inhabited her. She knew earth; stone and mud and sand were all a part of her. The time had come to let its power flow.

Smiling under her helm, Munnon ran towards the road. Ground seemed to lift under each of her steps, pushing aside underbrush to let her pass. The steep slope temporarily smoothened under her feet as she strode down it and headed for the center of the road - where she promptly swung full-strength at a hound.

I suddenly find my low init very disappointing. I know things will have moved around before I get there. Still, in 'case' they don't...

Munnon will use Earth Devotion as an immediate action, allowing her to ignore difficult terrain. She then charges to L16 and strikes the hound on N17. She'll take any AoO too.

Attacks at PA -5/+10, with Bardic Music +3
[roll0], [roll1]
[roll2], [roll3]

Now, as things are likely to move around, here's the second direction: I'll still use Earth Devotion but instead go to I16 and attack the last archer on this side. As this isn't a charge, the attack rolls above will be two lower.

2009-02-22, 05:30 PM

Sihaya decides to deal with the blazing Hellhound before loosing anymore arrows and draws her long sword, slinging the bow around her so as to not lose it (or dropping it behind her if that's not possible). She growls right back, snarling "I'll send you back where you came from, hound." before slicing down with her sword. Hopefully she can keep the beast away from the rest of the party.

Mur moves to I16. I think she had been in G14. I'll double check; if it was f14, move her to H16. Sihaya stays where she is.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2009-02-23, 12:10 AM
Still grinning, Tyr sights the nearest enemy archer. "Ah, bow," he says aloud as he begins to fire, "Have I ever mentioned how much I love to use you thus?"

It seemed that he had waxed poetic during battle. Or gone crazy. It was a toss up, really.

Rapid shot, so,
[roll0], [roll1]
[roll2], [roll3]

Edit: the hob I'm looking at is within 30 feet, but if he dies than subtract 1 from the attack roll. Tyr will go for archers first

2009-02-23, 08:29 AM
After finishing his first spell, Zhimnick uses another one to blind the nearest hell hound.
Cast Blinding Color Surge on the hell hound in J12.

2009-02-23, 10:39 AM
Although still reluctant to use his magic in front of strangers, Ulflinn releases another blast, targeting the closest standing hobgoblin. Thinking to himself, he really hopes that nobody in the group he is with is paying too much attention to the nature of his "spells".


2009-02-23, 06:12 PM
Sihaya drops her bow and draws her longsword, slashing at the hell hound wildly. The beast easily dodges her blade as it glances off of its infernal hide. Mur, however, manages to latch her jaws onto the remaining hobgoblin to the south and tears a gash along his arm with her teeth. She holds on and manages to throw the hobgoblin to the ground. He growls as she releases his arm and curses in Goblin.

Zhimnick casts his two spells, the color of his body draining out and streaking towards the hell hound menacing Sihaya, while the two living hobgoblins to the north slump to the ground, snoring peacefully. The hell hound shakes its head to clear it, and is unaffected. Zhimnick vanishes from sight.

The hobgoblin tripped by Mur struggles to stand, but as he does, the wolf lunges at his throat. There is a sickening crunch, and she pulls her head back in a spray of blood; the hobgoblin's throat had been torn out.

The hell hound in front of Sihaya lunges forward, flames licking at its mouth, and it sinks its jaws into her thigh, the flames searing her flesh. It rips its head away and takes with it a chunk of flesh. Perhaps it was a boon that the wound had been instantly cauterized.

The second hell hound sprints down the road directly towards Boz, also snapping with its powerful jaws at him. Boz manages to interpose his shield in time, however, and the beast is unsuccessful.

The dual-wielding hobgoblin, apparently the leader of the group, moves down the road and twirls his shortswords, ready to deflect any incoming attacks.

Ulflinn obliges him, sending another bolt of eldritch energy slamming into his chest, but the hobgoblin does not fall.

Tyr, waxing poetic as he is, notices the remaining archers are all sleeping, and opens fire instead upon the hobgoblin in the road. The first arrow strike true, slamming into the Bladebearer's chest, but the second arrow is deflected by a deft swipe of his short swords and it falls to the ground, cut in two.

Boz, prepared to sprint south to engage the new enemies, is instead graced with the enemies coming to him. He sidesteps the hell hound and swings with his scimitar, barely missing the creature.

Munnon maneuvers along the escarpment, charging along the top to engage the hell hound attacking Boz. She plants her foot at the edge of the escarpment and, with a mighty thud, embeds her guisarme in the back of the beast. It snarls in pain and starts to look very poorly.

Sihaya misses in her attack. Mur hits and deals 5 damage to the hobgoblin, successfully tripping him.

The two other hobgoblins fail their save vs. Sleep, but the hell hound succeeds vs. Blinding Color Surge.

The remaining living Hobgoblin Regular (the Rs) tries to stand up, provoking an AOO from Mur. Mur, with the help of Boz's Inspire Courage, does enough damage to kill him.

Sihaya takes 13 damage from the hell hound's bite, while the other misses Boz.

The Bladebearer (the B) moves down the road and takes a Total Defense action.

Ulflinn's attack hits the bladebearer and damages him, as does the first of Tyr's two shots. Boz misses the hell hound with his scimitar, taking a 5 foot step to keep Battle Dance going.

Munnon charges slightly differently, but still in the same tactical sense, and manages to stagger the hell hound attacking Boz while threatening the Bladebearer as well.

Round 3 Map


2009-02-23, 06:42 PM
Tyr blinks. He's still standing? I shot him in the chest! he thinks, before remembering that he had been shot in the chest as well. Well, I suppose it's only fair... but let's see how he likes one with a little more Umph to it.

Tyr frowns slightly as he takes a second to focus. His eyes begin glinting blue light reflected from nowhere, and he smiles as he draws. His eyes blaze for a moment as he looses, and a slight distortion coats the arrow.

"Take this!" he shouts aloud, his words following the arrow.

[roll1] + [roll2] = 15, Not that it matters. Geez, I may need to go back to invis castle for my rolls. Didn't someone else roll a 1 too? I know twenty attacks haven't been rolled yet...

2009-02-23, 11:14 PM

Sihaya lets out an unconcious, short scream before stifling it and channeling the pain into another onslaught at the attacking hell hound. She either doesn't see a point in bothering saying anything or is trying to ignore the pain and doesn't want to spare her concentration.

Mur, meanwhile, bounds down the hill, back onto the road. There, she attempts to attack the lead hobgoblin in an effort to keep any other enemies from reaching her Anuchu partner.

Sihaya remains where she is, Mur goes to J15.

Attack: [roll0] (used the +2 from inspire courage, delete 2 if it's no longer in effect)
Damage: [roll1]

Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2009-02-23, 11:20 PM

Still standing at the top of the steep slope, the earth forming a solid and stable platform under her feet, Munnon brought her guisarme in a wide arc and swung at the leading hobgoblin, hoping to get through his defenses.

"Measure yourself to someone of your skill." she growled, hoping to provoke him into focusing on her.

Attacking the goblin leader, moving as required if he starts going around. She'll growl that right at the beginning of the round if you let me (hey, maybe it'll change his actions!)

Here is the base attack, PA -3/+6, Inspire Courage +3
[roll0], [roll1]
[roll2], [roll3] That should've been +15, thus 20.

Also, do I get high ground or are we just being all-fluff with the steep hill? Because if I do, that's +1 to attack rolls over there. :smallbiggrin:

HP: 53/61, AC 20

2009-02-24, 03:07 AM
Impressed by the leader's resilience, Ulflinn fires another bolt at him.


2009-02-24, 06:17 AM
Peldan Boz

Insofar as it could be assumed, Boz was having the time of his life. It wasn't panic, nor a collected calm, nor calculated ferocity - just genuine enjoyment.

"Haha, whoa!" He called out, as up came his shield. It seemed even the more direct threat of being harmed only added to his excitement. He shifted around a bit in place, focusing on mobility over being stationary. "Got a little close there, boy!" He commented, slipping into orcish as he tended to do when overexcited.

He did, however, catch Sihaya's scream - she was right next to him, after all. Noting his hellhound was bad off, he faded towards hers, giving an arcing swing at the hellhound with his scimitar.

Memo to myself and others: Inspire Courage is at a +3 bonus for 3 more rounds

Five foot stepping to I-12. If Sihaya's attack does not kill the hellhound in J-12, then Boz will attack it. If the hellhound is dead before his swing, he'll instead attack the staggered hellhound in I-13.

To-hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2009-02-24, 10:34 AM
Zhimnick says nothing, shaking his head at the larger humanoids' talkativeness in the heat of battle and not wishing to be noticed. He quietly takes a better position and releases a surge of blinding colors towards the hell hound and the remaining hobgoblin.
Move action to get to H15 and standard action to cast Color Spray so that it hits the hell hound on I13 and the remaning hobgoblin.

2009-02-24, 12:12 PM
Sihaya swings her sword once more, but the blade once again glances off the hell hound's hide. Mur bounds to the top of the escarpment and hurls herself at the Bladebearer. She manages to sink her jaws into his shoulder briefly before he throws her off of him.

Zhimnick moves under the cover of his invisibility spell and reappears in a blinding flash of color. The hell hound looks even more dazed and incapacitated than before by the light, as does the other hell hound, and the bladebearer drops his swords to the ground, stunned by the light.

Loud snores can be heard coming from the sleeping hobgoblin archers, and the two hell hounds and bladebearer are stunned from the color spray.

Ulflinn takes advantage of the lapse in defense to blast the stunned Bladebearer, but he does not fall.

Tyr, in his excitement to finish off the bladebearer, forgets to nock an arrow before drawing and firing, resulting in nothing more than a twang.

Boz moves to Sihaya's aid and easily lands a blow with his scimitar on the blinded and stunned hell hound, dealing a deep gash to the hound's side, but it does not fall.

Munnon growls her challenge and swings with her guisarme. The blade lodges itself firmly in the bladebearer's neck. As she pulls the weapon away, there is a torrent of blood, and the bladebearer collapses, slain.

Down the road to the Northeast, you hear the sound of a disembodied voice; it sounds like someone casting a spell. Furthermore, you can hear the guttural yells and clanking of armor that would indicate a small group of reinforcements are on their way.

Sihaya misses.

Zhimnick, I'll do you one better. You can hit both hell hounds and the bladebearer from H13, while H15 is more than a move action away due to the difficult terrain. All three failed their saves.

All visible enemies are stunned or asleep.

Round 4 Map

2009-02-24, 12:37 PM
I think we ought to get out of here. Fast.

2009-02-24, 08:13 PM

The foxwoman grunts her thanks to Boz and before she can attack the hellhound in front of her, she catches sight of more enemies coming toward them. She sheathes the sword and once more draws her bow. As she nocks the arrow, she calls to the others,

"Six more down the road, coming for us. Stand or retreat?"

As a precaution, she lets an arrow fly.

Mur doesn't see the oncoming enemies before she's already lept toward the stunned hellhound that was attacking Sihaya.

Mur moves to J13.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Sihaya stays where she is.

Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2009-02-24, 09:08 PM
"Huh?" Tyr asks, checking his right hand as no arrow fires from his bow. "You fiend!" he cries, smacking it with his other. "You shouldn't pull that kind of crap, I might end up dead sometime, because you forgot to draw an arrow. Sheesh,"

Of course, he feels comfortable wasting time talking to his hand because all the enemies are dead, sleeping, or unaware of their surroundings. He gets serious again when he notices six more of the buggers running at them.

When the fox-woman mentions fleeing, though, he looks at her oddly. "Flee? They're all wearing swords, and we've got archers. Get up on the hills and lets laugh while we kill them,"

Granted, he thinks, I've landed all of one shot, but still...

As the enemies approach, Tyr takes a second to call out to his belt, invigorating himself, and focuses again. His eyes glint as he studies his hand before drawing an arrow. I know it's there this time

Concentration check to become psionically focused. DC 20. (1d20+12=29) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1953443/)

Healing belt health (1d8=1, 1d8=8) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1953456/) = 9. Look! Average!

HP 34/48, AC 18, concealment (from woods, I believe?)

2009-02-25, 12:01 AM

"We stay. I will keep their swords occupied." Munnon said as she headed down the road. Blood dripped from the tip of her guisarme, leaving a small trail behind, but she didn't really seem to notice. That wasn't important; she only really cared about being further ahead to make her stand.

Munnon will move to M16 were she will ready an action to attack any hobgoblins. If they're already in the area, just place her between the rest of the group and the hobs and attack directly instead of waiting.

Attack at Power Attack -3/+6, Inspire Courage +3
[roll0], [roll1]
[roll2], [roll3]

HP: 53/61, AC 20

2009-02-25, 03:57 PM
Peldan Boz

The half-orc steadied himself, trying to calm down. Adrenaline was still pumping through his veins, but the fight was over... maybe, as in the rush of adrenaline he'd missed the sounds of new threats coming by.

But by this point, he'd calmed down a bit - these were acting, at least overtly, like his old tribe. And he knew a thing or two about how that worked... "Probably more roadside bandits... but I dunno, most bandits turn tail when they realize they're up against people who can hold their own. Think their goal's to distract us here? Maybe while they sack Drugan's Ferry?"

Of course, despite the nagging feeling of this being a decoy... " 'Course, we're right here able t'help out now, eh?"

And, as an afterthought, "Er. Drellin."

2009-02-25, 08:10 PM
"If you all are staying, I will too to lend my magic as aid."

Ulflinn blasts one of the stunned hounds


2009-02-25, 10:22 PM
As if to finalize his statement, Boz took a focused cleave at one of the hellhounds - he'd have been a bit more hesitant at a hobgoblin, but hellhounds... not so much.

Whoops. Is this a coup de grace? If not:
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2009-02-26, 12:22 AM
Sihaya sheathes her sword and stoops to pick up her bow, drawing an arrow as she does. Mur lunges forward and bites the stunned hell hound, throwing it to the ground.

Zhimnick kicks the staggered and stunned hell hound as he makes his observation, and the unfortunate creature collapses, dying.

The remaining hell hound continues to look dazed in a heap on the ground, blinking its eyes furiously to unscramble its head.

Ulflinn blasts the prone hell hound, but with it being prone and several of his allies in the way, the blast goes wide and singes a patch of dirt nearby.

Tyr prepares for the arriving enemies, focusing himself and ensuring that he actually had an arrow in hand this time.

Boz takes a swipe at the hell hound and deals it a deep cut across its back. It growls noncommittally, still trying to shake the blinding flash of color out of its head, but it appears to be severely wounded.

Munnon heads down the road to take a defensive position, while behind her there is a flash of flame as a third hell hound appears at the exact same moment as a heavily armored hobgoblin down the road, who drops a sheaf of parchment with a smirk and casts a second spell on Munnon.

The hell hound warily closes with her, sinking its teeth deep into her elbow, the flames of hellfire searing her flesh.

Six more hobgoblins, apparently equipped the same as the archers, save for having their longswords drawn, run up and make ranks behind the cleric, ready for battle.

It's a move action to sheathe a weapon and a move action to pick up a dropped one, so no attack this round for Sihaya. Mur damages and trips the other hell hound.

Zhimnick makes an unarmed strike against the hell hound, dealing lethal damage, and manages to deal damage, making the hell hound start dying.

Ulflinn misses, Tyr does his thing, Boz hits, Munnon moves, and the cleric summons a third hell hound behind Munnon, which then closes and bites, dealing 8 damage.

Munnon also needs to make a DC 14 will save. Six more hobgoblins arrive on the scene.

Round 5 Map

2009-02-26, 12:38 AM

Mur snarls as she keeps her jaws locked around the hellhound. This was no brethren of hers.

Sihaya meanwhile lines up a shot, cursing her slowness as she lets it fly. A swivel of her ears lets her know that her companions are all still alive, although their enemies don't seem to be fairing quite so well. The foxwoman nocks a second arrow and lets it go as well.


Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Attack 1: [roll2]
Damage 1: [roll3]
Attack 2: [roll4]
Damage 2: [roll5]

I think I used rapid shot right. If not, let me know and I'll subtract the right amount from the Attack rolls for Sihaya.

2009-02-26, 09:16 AM
Seeing the group of enemies approach, Zhimnick swears and casts another spell to create a blinding flash of light in the middle of the hobgoblin group.
Cast Glitterdust on Q20. I changed the description somewhat because my character isn't a fairy.

2009-02-26, 10:38 AM
Damn cleric, summoning more of those hell beasts, Tyr thinks. He initially aims for him, but the hounds successful attack on his plated ally turns his bow. "Can't have you damaging the protector, fiend," he mutters as he looses, a spark of energy surrounding the first arrow.

Expending psionic focus for Psionic Shot, Attack Rolls -2 rapid shot +3 Inspire Courage (1d20+9=22, 1d20+9=27) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1955822/)

Damage: First arrow followed by second (1d8+2d6+6=22, 1d8+6=7) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1955829/)

If the hound dies before either shot, Tyr will fire at the cleric instead

2009-02-26, 07:57 PM

The earth genasi grunted under the sudden pain and took a step further down the road, backing away from the hound and putting the beast back into guisarme reach.

Moving to N17 with a 5-foot-step and attacking it. The Will Save is in the OOC and was of 23.
We still have that awesome Inspire Courage going on, right?
Power Attack -5/+10, Inspire +3.
[roll0], [roll1]
Attack of Opportunity, if any (That's becoming a habit!)
[roll2], [roll3]

Should the hell hound be dead by the time my turn comes around, Munnon will charge at the caster and attempt to wipe him out. Add +2 to the attack rolls should that be the case.

AC 20 (18 if charge), HP 45/61

2009-02-26, 10:09 PM
Peldan Boz

Boz rang out with another laugh, stepping forward. "Well then. Let's show them the error of their decision, then."

Shifting forward, he moved to support Munnon.

Song should still be going this round at +3.

Moving to L-14, which helps flank the hellhound Munnon's attacking. If it's dead before my turn, I'll instead move to L-15 or L-16 so I'm in a good position to support Munnon and will restart the inspire, using a second inspirational boost (As my song will run out on my next turn, so this will at least make it +2 after that, heh)

If necessary:
Attack Roll, flanking included: [roll0]
Damage Roll: [roll1] (1d6, not 1d20. Check next post for damage if it's necessary)

2009-02-26, 10:10 PM
Whoops. Actual damage roll.

2009-02-27, 01:30 PM
"Spellcaster! We need to take him down."
Ulflinn moves to the side of the road to try to get a clear shot and then fires another blast of magical energy at the cleric.


2009-03-01, 05:33 PM
Mur leaps on the hellhound, tearing its throat out. The hell hound lets out a shuddering howl and vanishes in a burst of flames. Sihaya looses two arrows at the hell hound attacking Munnon, but the shafts both go wide, landing with thuds in the dust.

The hobgoblin reinforcements brandish their longswords and let out yells as they charge down the trail. Munnon is ready for them, however, and the three foremost hobgoblins fall in sprays of blood as her guisarme flails about, her defense impenetrable. The other three regulars slow down somewhat, seeing the carnage in front of them, and look at the cleric disbelievingly. They throw their swords down and draw bows, deciding that perhaps staying away from the armored windmill of death would be most prudent. A flight of arrows hum from their bows, glancing harmlessly off of Munnon's armor.

Zhimnick casts his spell and the remaining hobgoblins are blinded by an adhesive burst of light. They claw at their eyes and thrash about, their forms now outlined by the fluorescent residue of his spell.

Ulflinn moves down the road slightly and winds up with another bolt of eldritch energy, catching the now-blinded cleric full in the chest. The cleric coughs in pain, but is not down.

Tyr, having made sure to nock an arrow this time, sends his psionically charged shot straight into the skull of the hell hound attacking Munnon. The beast falters for a moment before the second shot finds its mark in the same place. The hell hound vanishes in a puff of smoke.

All available nearby targets dead, Boz moves down the road and goads the party on to press the attack.

The cleric stumbles backwards, taking cover behind the archers while touching a hand to his chest. Positive energy courses through him, and his eldritch wound closes.

Mur kills the hell hound. Sihaya (who didn't designate a target, but would miss everyone with those rolls) misses. Also, Rapid Shot is a -2 to attacks, but you still had the +3 from Inspire Courage, so your net bonus should've been +9.

The regulars act next. The front three charge Munnon. The first dies to an attack of opportunity, the second dies from Munnon's readied action, resetting her initiative. The third dies on Munnon's AOO for this round. The other three re-evaluate and simply move to take the other hobgoblins' places, drawing their longbows as a part of movement. All three miss.

Zhimnick casts a less goofy Glitterdust, blinding all four remaining enemies.

Ulflinn hits with his Eldritch Blast.

Tyr hits with both arrows, killing the hell hound.

Boz starts a new Inspire Courage since there's nothing left to attack.

The Cleric casts Cure Light Wounds on himself and moves backwards.

Round 6 Map

2009-03-01, 07:46 PM
Tyr exalts his victory, but his joy is short-lived, for when he tries to regain his focus, he finds that the feelings make it slip from his grasp.

Bah! Unbelievable, he thinks, as he looses an arrow at the cleric.

Concentration check followed by attack roll (1d20+12=16, 1d20+11=20) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1960305/)

Damage (1d8+6=14) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1960307/)

2009-03-02, 12:22 PM

After thanking her companion, Sihaya winces at the lost arrows but tries again. Sihaya moves to a better vantage point in the center of the road andonce more, she lets two arrows flie toward the hobgoblins down the road that her traveling group is headed towards.

Mur lowers herself to a crouch in front of Sihaya with her ears toward the approaching fray, but not moving herself.

Sihaya moves to I12, Mur stays where she is.

Target: R in Q19

Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage 1: [roll1]
Attack 2: [roll2]
Damage 2: [roll3]

2009-03-02, 02:22 PM
Take that, lumbering oaves, shouts Zhimnick as he shifts into a better position, loads his crossbow and fires at the nearest hobgoblin.
5-foot step to G14(I don't think it's difficult terrain yet), then move action to load the crossbow and standard action to shoot it.
I'm not quite sure what bonuses does the bard's song give, since Peldan apparently has got some stuff that boosts it.

2009-03-03, 01:52 PM
Peldan Boz

Boz glanced, for a moment, at Munnon who was next to him. Impressive - he continued his mental notes about the impressive combat capabilities he was seeing about him. Archers, spellslingers...

Rushing forward himself, he opted to add to the blows before him, slashing out at a hobgoblin.

Inspire Courage Bonus: Drops to +2 on my initiative count this round, but before my action is at +3.

Move to P-18 to attack the hobgoblin in Q-19. If said hobgoblin is dead, I'll instead move to Q-19 and attack either of the other hobgoblins (Preferably one who's been attacked already).

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage Roll: [roll1]

2009-03-03, 07:29 PM

Munnon smiled stiffly at a job well done, but the fight was not over yet. She had not time to waste in temporary satisfaction; now was the moment to charge in the mist of archers.

The earth genasi gave a quick swipe of her guisarme to flick the blood off before rushing in for another strike.

Munnon will charge to O18, at which point she will attack either P20 or Q19 (the less damaged of the two, if that makes a difference).

Power Attack -4/+8, Inspire Courage +2, Charge +2
[roll0], [roll1]
Same for the AoO!
[roll2], [roll3]

For the next round, AC will be 18.

2009-03-03, 11:06 PM
Ulflinn continues to move as necessary to get clear shots and blasts the cleric, or if not still standing, any other hobgoblin near him.


2009-03-04, 12:11 AM
Sihaya's two arrows soar wide as she hastens too much to take advantage of the increasingly defenseless hobgoblins.

Munnon charges, cleaving the head off of the nearest hobgoblin with a powerful swing of her guisarme.

Having had enough, the remaining two regulars, blinded as they are, throw down their weapons and begin to run. Munnon seizes the opportunity to flick the head off of yet another hobgoblin.

Zhimnick takes aim and fires, catching the stumbling, fleeing regular in the back.

Ulflinn hurls a rather weak eldritch blast at the cleric, wounding him slightly.

Tyr can't keep his focus, but his arrow does strike true, wounding the cleric.

Boz, seeing that the regular is too far to reach, instead charges the cleric, finishing the work that Ulflinn and Tyr started, digging his blade deep into the thick neck of the cleric. The hobgoblin slumps to the ground, dead.

Sihaya casually nocks an arrow and finishes off the final fleeing hobgoblin, catching it in the spine. The soldier's body stiffens up and collapses in a heap.

The only two remaining enemies are slumbering peacefully.

Combat Concluded

You have two sleeping hobgoblins and several dying hobgoblins, and there is the ruined farmhouse to the south.

((I went ahead and bled over into the next round, but there was no sense in making you all post actions.))

2009-03-04, 06:00 AM
Peldan Boz

This always happened.

You'd be in a good fight, the swing of things would pendulum your way, your blood'd be racing, you'd have really focused yourself into the zone -

And the fight would end.

"Aw...." He whispered, under his breath. He glanced around - perhaps a bit too hopefully - nope, looked like that was it for attackers.

"Aw..." He repeated, as he shifted back and forth a bit, from the balls of his toes to his heels. He calmed his breathing, focused on calming the blood in his veins.

Two steps - the sleeping hobgoblins, and his allies. Shifting towards the sleeping foes first, Boz reached for his rope. "Better bind'm quick - don't want them waking up on us - probably just thieves, but maybe they can tell us something we don't know, eh?"

He paused - the binding probably should be done fairly quickly, but there were other matters to attend to as well, or at least to make sure they were somewhat less urgent. "Hey - on that, is everyone alright? Still standing?"

2009-03-04, 09:23 AM
Even as he nocked another arrow to his bow, the last goblin fell. Sighing as the adrenaline left he veins, he began putting his bow and ammo away, and his chest shot through with pain.

"Guh!" he grunted, adding, Forgot about that, in his mind. How one forgets about being shot in the chest, especially when he was so angry about it but a moment before, is anyones guess.

Tyr, however, mutters the word for his belt, and drags his pack off of his back, digging around to find his rope. He knew it was in there somewhere, and it wasn't like he had all that much in the backpack to begin with...

Ah, there it is. Stupid bedroll, sitting on everything,. He pulls it out and makes his way toward the sleeping goblins. "If anyone has any skill with ropes, now would be a good time to show it. Otherwise, I guess I can..."

Hp regain from belt; Use Rope Check (if required) (2d8=10, 1d20+5=20) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1964167/)

2009-03-04, 11:42 AM
Zhimnick grins wickedy. Suckers. I suppose we could question them, but I don't think they know anything. I'm fine either way.

2009-03-04, 11:48 AM

Blood pumping through her veins and head, Munnon understood perfectly Boz' feeling. The fight was over, but the rush was not yet gone. She panted slightly and leaned on her guisarme, looking around at the numerous corpses that littered the spots where she had made her stand. It had been a good battle.

Noticing the movement around the two sleeping hobgoblins, Munnon frowned. "Why bind them? It is better to die in battle than tied to a tree. If they are thieves, we would also do the region a service."

2009-03-05, 12:24 AM

Sihaya kneels in the dirt, wincing as her thigh muscle stretches and burns where the hellhound had bit her. She rummages around in her pack before pulling out two small vials and empties them into her mouth; the pain in her leg and shoulder begins to fade to a level where she would be able to concentrate once her adreniline left. There would be a limp for a bit, but that she could handle.

Her next order of business is to check that Mur and Munnon are still healthy. Satisfied that Mur was unharmed and Munnon is doing OK, she joins the others to look at the goblins, sneering,

"You may not want me to vote in this decision. I can't stand the sight of these...beasts."

Two CLW.


Actually...minus 4 so only 14 healing. Sorry, got some potion rules mixed up. oO

2009-03-05, 11:24 AM
Zhimnick rolls his eyes. Alright, a question for everyone. What would you do if those were human bandits?

2009-03-05, 12:51 PM

"The same. They attacked without warning or reason. We defended ourselves. Either they are marauders or they are involved in something else dangerous. Whichever does not matter." Munnon answered simply. She did not consider it her decision to make, but did not like Zhimnick's less-than-subtle implications.

2009-03-05, 01:42 PM
Peldan Boz

The half-orc shrugged.

"Not much point in killin'm now, though. If they're just roadside bandits, odds are Drellin's Ferry's been bothered by'm for awhile now, and they'd probably want them around for their own justice. If they're, well, involved in something else dangerous, then we might at least get some information 'bout what else might be jumpin' out and attacking us, heh."

He glanced aside, as he began tying up the other one. "Sides, it doesn't hurt nobody for us to try talking to'm. Worst case scenario, they foam at the mouth and threaten us, haha."

2009-03-05, 02:26 PM
Okay, whatever. If we do talk to them though, let me do it, will ya? I've dealt with hobgoblins before. He keeps on glancing on Sihaya, since his remark was directed at her.

2009-03-05, 03:27 PM

"I defer to the choice of the group on matters such as this. My people are peaceful but we are harsh with those who violate certain codes of conduct, particularly bandits. So you still probably would not like my suggestion."

She leaves out that they are harsher with the goblin raiders, but it's true that her people do not take kindly to those who try to harm them, the goblins just happen to have the longest standing rivalry with the Anuchu.

2009-03-06, 12:59 AM
"If you think you can get some information out of them, then it should be worth the effort. Then we should definitely see if the local law enforcement has any interest in them."

2009-03-07, 12:09 PM
Tyr ties up the two sleeping hobgoblins with no real problem and manages to drag them down to the road without waking them up. While tying them up, he notices that their armor bears an insignia of a red hand superimposed over a gold circle.

Upon reaching the road once more, he observes that, as a matter of fact, all of the hobgoblins bear this insignia on their armor.

((What else are you guys doing?))

2009-03-07, 01:07 PM
Listening to the arguments, Tyr began to become impatient. He started off, dragging the hobgoblins, and said "Ok, let's look at it this way. Would they kill us? Yes. Do we want to be like them? No. Now let's get moving. I want to be there before dark, and the longer we take, the more likely we get caught when someone comes to see why their scouts haven't returned."

After noticing the insignia, Tyr calls back over his shoulder, "Hey, did anyone else notice that they've all got the same mark on their armor? I didn't know hobo's were so organized,"

After a second pause, Tyr Adds, "Someone should search those dead bodies; there might be something we can use or sell,"

Tyr, of course, removed the weapons from the hobgoblins as he tied them, though he probably left them their armor (he doesn't really like touching them, and he suspects them of being naked beneath). If their weapons look to be of above average craftsmanship, he will keep them, else he will toss them out.

2009-03-07, 01:44 PM
Unless anyone objects, Zhimnick moves to talk to the hobgoblins.

2009-03-07, 02:21 PM
"Please let me look at their gear. I should be able to tell if anything is magical"

Ulflinn starts going through the gear carried by the fallen enemies, scanning everything with Detect Magic.

2009-03-07, 03:28 PM

The foxwoman remains silent as they bind and search the hobgoblins. While the others are busy with the prisoners, she keeps watch down the road where the enemies had come from in the first place. Mur is laying at her feet, watching the bustle with the goblins disinterestedly, scratching as a bug nips at her ear.

2009-03-07, 05:53 PM
Ulflinn seperates the gear into two piles. One contains the magical armor, potions, scroll, and swords with the other containing all of the mundane items. Pointing to each as he speaks, he says "These have some kind of magic, but I cannot identify it myself. The others do not. How does everyone think we should handle this stuff? Take the magical gear to split up later, leave the rest?"

He will also go and scan the interior of the farmhouse with Detect Magic while everyone decides.

2009-03-07, 06:11 PM
Ulflinn finds nothing else on the bodies of the hobgoblins and heads to the farmhouse to investigate the apparent headquarters of the marauders. Inside, it becomes apparent that the party was not, in fact, the first group of travelers to be waylaid by the hobgoblins. Five corpses lie in a heap along the western wall of the farmhouse--three dressed in unremarkable studded leather that was torn and damaged from the armor's wearer being ruthlessly killed.

Three light crossbows and longswords are piled in the corner, equally unremarkable, but Ulflinn does find a pouch of gold resting next to the body of a woman -- evidently a wealthy one, judging by the weight of the pouch.

The farmhouse apparently served as some sort of makeshift campsite for the hobgoblins, but nothing else of value can be noticed.

Zhimnick approaches the still-sleeping (and now stripped of their armor and weaponry) hobgoblins. That must've been a powerful Sleep spell indeed.

2009-03-07, 07:17 PM

Without any idea of what she'd ask the hobgoblins, Munnon walks to Sihaya's side. She takes out a dirty and slightly-bloodied cloth from her pack and begins cleaning off her guisarme.

2009-03-08, 09:48 AM
Zhimnick kicks the sleeping hobgoblins into consciousness.
Rise and shine!

2009-03-08, 10:54 AM
The hobgoblins wake with a start. Momentary confusion gives way to rage as they realize their predicament. The hobgoblins immediately begin struggling against their bindings while swearing loudly in Goblin.

2009-03-08, 11:17 AM
Alright, cupcakes... if you answer my questions nicely and politely, I might convince those roundteeths there to spare your lives. How about that?

2009-03-08, 11:30 AM
The hobgoblins continue to struggle against the ropes, but one glances up at Zhimnick and spits something green and disgusting onto the trail. "We are Kulkor Zhul, Traitor. We do not fear death. Yours will come sooner than you think."

You're going to need to make some sort of interaction check to get them talking. Any further efforts to extract information from them will fail without one.

2009-03-08, 11:53 AM
Yeah, traitior this, traitor that. Like I've never heard that before. But seriously, what makes you think I'm not just waiting for a right moment to double-cross those morons?
Bluff check: [roll0]
EDIT: Whee, natural twenty.:smallbiggrin:

2009-03-08, 12:00 PM
The one that spoke's eyes narrow. "The right time would have been when we started our ambush, goblin. Many good warriors died today due to your inaction. These look like they have good equipment... you should bring them to Wyrmlord Koth and Karkilan at the old human castle in the forest. Karkilan might want some of their equipment before the Day of Ruin comes. The Wyrmlord should make short work of them with his magic. Now, cut us free while the other softskins are distracted!"

2009-03-08, 12:04 PM
They look distracted, but they're watching me constantly. If I cut you free, we're dead. And this goblin won't die so you can live. So I'll wait for the right moment. Zhimnick goes back to the others.
Bluff check if necessary and applicable: [roll0]

2009-03-08, 01:12 PM

Sihaya nods as Munnon joins her, and checks the quiver of arrows she has.

"I'll be back in a moment, I am going to go find replacements for my arrows.

She leaves the large woman to maintain watch on the road and wanders over to the pile of weapons to look for good arrows.

Later tonight I'll go through and figure out how many she needs to get back to her beginning amount, but I don't think she'll take more than that.

2009-03-08, 01:30 PM

The earth genasi nodded slightly but, as Sihaya headed towards the weapon pile, a thought occured to her. "Sihaya, if you would bring back a bow and a dozen arrows, I would be glad. I trust you will chose them better than I."

2009-03-08, 01:48 PM

She picks out 8 fresh arrows from the pile, as she didn't feel like retrieving hers from the corpes or the brushland. Then she examines the bows to retrieve one for Munnon, as well as 12 more arrows. She selects a composite longbow and hands it over, "You should be able to take good advantage of this. It is not of any special quality, but it should still serve you well."

200 arrows and 11 composite longbows left.

2009-03-08, 02:58 PM

"Thank you. I should have thought of bringing a secondary weapon as we left, but this will do." Munnon said calmly as she tested the bow. "I still prefer my guisarme."

2009-03-09, 04:17 AM
Peldan Boz

The half-orc attempted to keep an ear on Zhimnick's conversation with the hobgoblins, partially for curiosity, and partially because he recalled the goblin's comments earlier. To accompany this, he organized things in his pack a bit, and focused on cleaning his scimitar while he focused on listening.

As tended to be the case, however, other distractions got the best of him - namely Munnon and Sihaya. He chuckled, glancing back and forth between Sihaya and Tyr. "By his might, you two sure you're not from the Dales? Heck, if everyone where you're from shoots like that, we're gonna lose that 'best archer' reputation we've been building up, haha. Not t'mention the precise magical support, eh?"

He then gave Munnon a firm pat on the shoulder. "And that spearsmanship! Remind me t'stay away from the pointy end, haha. Where'd ya learn skills like that?"

He realized the flaw in his action a short time afterwards - a lot of humans didn't like to be touched. He shifted his hand away - old habits were hard to break. To keep his hands busy, he returned to polishing his scimitar with them. "Phew. Almost a pity that we're almost there, eh?"

2009-03-09, 09:29 AM
When he gets to the others, Zhimnick begins to talk quietly, so that the hobgoblins don't hear him.
Okay, people... those shovelheads there said something about wyrmlords who are in an old human castle in the forest. They also talked about some "Day of Ruin" that is apparently to come. So I guess they're up to something bigger than simple robbery. They also mentioned "Kulkor Zhul", but I can't recall what it means. It's an old dialect.

2009-03-09, 10:53 AM

Munnon apparently did not mind being touch - or at least, she did not react to Boz's firm pat. His words brought a crisp smile on the normally serious face and she answered swiftly "Do not worry, I will keep you from the pointed end. There is much I have yet to learn, but I do not impale allies."

She fell silent as Zhimnick arrived and, although she listened carefully to his words, she let others comment. She had decided in the tavern that she would follow Sihaya and this was one instance where she chose to let the fox-woman decide - one of the many, really.

2009-03-09, 08:58 PM

"I am most certain. The Anuchu get plenty of practice, and I am familiar with the tactics of hobgoblins."

Sihaya listened with one ear towards the hobgoblins while Zhimnik spoke with them. She was suspicious when he mentioned potentially double crossing them, but she still wasn't sure what to make of the goblin. So far, he'd managed to at least gain her willingness to travel with him, but it seemed that how this incident resolved itself would have the most impact on her feelings toward him.

"We should try to find out more information. If they are more than amatuer brigands, they may be causing trouble for other travelers."

2009-03-10, 02:37 AM
Ulflinn returns to the group, carrying the gold he found.

"There seems to be some other victims of this group over there and I found this on them. We should probably get moving again in case any more show up and worry about what to do with all of these things later. The town should learn about the attack."

With that, Ulflinn loads the gold, magical mail, potions, scrolls, and magic swords into his haversack and gets ready to continue.

2009-03-10, 09:44 AM
At the dwarf's unpleasant news, Tyr grimaced. "They've killed others, then? That's just wonderful. You're right, too, that we should be going, but let's drag these fiends behind us," he says, pointing to the hobgoblins. "Drellin's Ferry is only a few miles north of here, but assuming the people of Drellin's Ferry haven't encountered them before, they'd be a good way to prove it to them, and if they have, we might earn their respect or gratitude,"

He picks his pack back up, ready to move on with everyone else.

2009-03-10, 10:54 AM
Zhimnick sighs. As long as you can convince the humans there not to hang me alongside those two.

2009-03-10, 11:24 AM

"They will not harm you if I have a say in it." Munnon stated gruffly and, from the sound of her voice, she wasn't thinking of a very peaceful resolution. "Better for their health that they keep weapons stored."

2009-03-10, 07:47 PM
The remainder of the journey passes uneventfully if not quietly, as the two captive hobgoblins seem to alternate between loudly cursing and trudging onward in sullen silence. As the party reaches Drellin's Ferry, the sun begins to set in a riot of color on the western horizon.

The road descends into the small town of Drellin's Ferry, built mostly on the near side of the broad, sluggish Elsir River. Six old stone piers jut from the water, marking the spot where a bridge once stood, but the span itself is long gone. Instead, a couple of long thick ropes cross the river, each secured to a flat-bottomed ferryboat. Brown fields and green orchards surround the town.

As you reach the limits of the town itself, a group of armed townsfolk--three in leather, one in mail--stands guard, watching you warily. They call out as you approach. "Halt and state your business, strangers!"

2009-03-11, 04:49 AM
Peldan Boz

The half-orc smirked, and shrugged. "Eh, not too much. Lookin' for a place to rest for a time, preferably with some good food, and somewhere to put a pair of hobgoblin bandits on the road."

He thumbed to the two bound hobgoblins with the last statement. "Figured it's at least mostly a Drellin's Ferry problem, so something for yer militia to deal with, huh?"

2009-03-11, 01:45 PM
Zhimnick moves to the rear of the party, trying not to draw attention to himself.

2009-03-11, 04:21 PM

While she remains entirely silent, Munnon also keeps to the front of the group where she stares at the guard. Her guisarme was once more strapped to her back but within easy reach, as always when she travelled long distance.

2009-03-11, 08:39 PM
The guard in mail looks from one party member to the next, a sour look on his face. He thinks for a moment, and turns to one of the other militamen, whispering something into his ear. The man nods and runs off into the town.

The mailed man -- ostensibly the sergeant of the guard -- turns back to you and nods. "Aye. Hobgoblins are a rather large Drellin's Ferry problem. Edgar's gone to fetch the Captain to sort this out."

A few minutes later, the dispatched guard returns, following 5 or 10 feet behind a woman wearing an extremely fine breastplate and carrying an ornate yew bow. She stands at about 5'10", and is beautiful in a simple sort of way. She walks past the cluster of guards and approaches you. "I am Captain Soranna Anitah. Edgar informs me that you've brought some captives that may be of interest to us."

Her eyes fall on the two hobgoblins and she nods. "Hobgoblins have been giving us trouble for as long as I can remember, though not half so much as we've been getting the last few weeks." She gestures towards them, and two guards approach to take custody of them.

One happens to glance up and spot Zhimnick. He pauses momentarily before advancing quickly on the goblin. "Captain, there's one of the little green buggers here, too!"

He moves his hand to the hilt of his sword, preparing to draw, but before anyone can react, Soranna shouts "Keep your hands--and that blade--to yourself, Theo! That goblin's not one of them. Get these prisoners to the Toll House. Now."

The guard comes up short, looking down at Zhimnick, before turning and taking the rope binding one of the hobgoblins. "Yes, Ma'am."

As the hobgoblins are led away, Soranna turns back to you and nods. "I apologize for their behavior... The attacks lately have everyone on edge." She looks at Zhimnick. "I'm afraid you'll find a similar reaction from most everyone here. Like I said, the attacks. I'll try to spread word around town about you so that you don't have to deal with that.... hostility.... again.

So... what brings such an odd group to Drellin's Ferry?"

2009-03-11, 09:08 PM

"We are travelling to Dennovar," Munnon answered gruffly. She then looked back to Zhimnick before returning her attention to the Captain. "If someone attacks him, I will knock him out. Tell them that too."

2009-03-11, 10:25 PM
After his plated companion speaks, Tyr pipes up. "Yep, for one reason or another, we're getting away from where we were and heading there. I'm going on a journey of self-improvement and discovery. I'm Tyr Dreyri, by the way,"

As he speaks, he makes his way forward from the middle of the group, and those keen of eye will notice that he's stowing an arrow back into his quiver.

"I also happen to be a mercenary of some skill," he adds when he's made it to the front of the group. "I don't suppose you need to hire me? For your hobgoblin problems? I can delay my move to Dennovar, if the money's good and the job is fun,"

2009-03-11, 10:52 PM
Soranna nods to Munnon. "Self defense is permitted here in Drellin's Ferry, and I can't guarantee everyone here will take my word for it as far as your goblin friend goes. But I'll warn you: use lethal force and justice will be swift and severe.

As far as Dennovar goes, you'd best be careful on your way. The Dawn Way is not as safe as it once was."

Then, to Tyr: "I won't tell you that the hobgoblins are something we can handle by ourselves, but it's not much up to me if you help or not. We can certainly use all the help we can get, but you'll need to talk to Speaker Wiston if you're looking for work."

2009-03-11, 11:50 PM

The earth genasi simply nodded at the guards' Captain. She had had no intention of killing anyone for this: prejudice and stupidity were not crimes she punished by death.

At Tyr's suggestion of mercenary work, she turn to Syka, visibly seeking the fox-woman's opinion. This would not normally be an occasion she'd pass upon, but she felt like sticking with Syka still. It had been enjoyable so far.

2009-03-12, 12:57 AM
Addressing the guards, Ulflinn says "The name's Ulflinn. I'm not traveling anywhere in particular, so I wouldn't mind helping out with your town's problem if my magic could be of service. Where can we find this Speaker Wiston? Also, by the way, after defeating these bandits we discovered some bodies (presumably from other travelers who were attacked) in a farmhouse nearby. I figured that you, being the local authorities, would want to know about them. Also, we found some gold and items on the hobgoblins and in the farmhouse. What is the local policy on salvage rights, so to speak?"

Thinking to himself, Ulflinn hoped that the group would be able to keep and divide amongst themselves the spoils of their battle. He does appreciate gold as much as the next dwarf. However, he knows that since the hobgoblins were robbers there's a chance that someone else has a legitimate claim on the items in question and wouldn't want to interfere with that.

2009-03-12, 10:57 AM
Zhimnick frowns when the guard starts to shout and after Soranna has spoken.
It's alright. I'm used to such reactions.

2009-03-12, 07:20 PM

"I would be more than glad to help with your problem. My town has had significant experience with goblins and their kin, so I may be of some use to you. Would you mind?"

The last question is addressed to Munnon.

2009-03-12, 08:02 PM

"No, I do not. It is always a pleasure to defend others." Munnon stated simply. Although it was not apparent from the neutral tone of her voice, the earth genasi was glad to have a job to do. Travelling was good, but she truly preferred to have something precise to do.

2009-03-13, 01:01 AM
Soranna nods. "I'm sure that Speaker Wiston will be happy to speak with you. In the meantime, you're welcome in Drellin's Ferry. If you're looking for a place to stay, I'd recommend the Old Bridge Inn, though if you're looking for something less expensive, the Green Apple's a nice enough place, as well.

As far as what you took off of those hobgoblins, I'm sure the gold came off of a trader or somesuch. It'd most likely take more effort to track down next of kin than the gold you found is worth. Consider it payment for dealing with them.

If you're looking for supplies, Morlin's Smithy will fix you up with weaponry and armor, Brother Derny is in the Shrine of Pelor and has a few scrolls for sale, and the wizard Sertieren has a few magical items that he trades in occasionally. If you're looking for more mundane equipment, Jarett's Sundries and Sterrel's Provisioning can help you out, though you'll have to cross the river to get to Sterrel's.

I'll go find the Speaker and let him know about you. Don't worry about us finding you; Drellin's Ferry isn't that large of a town."

If the party has no additional questions for her, Soranna turns and heads back towards town.

((I need one diplomacy check for the lot of you. Highest modifier will be the actually be the roll, everyone else may Aid Another if they wish.))

2009-03-14, 03:22 PM
Peldan Boz

Boz tensed, as one of the guards shifted towards Zhimnick - but shifted as Soranna gave her return shout. Interesting - Boz had dealt with enough trouble himself in the Dales to question her motives silently, but...

He paused, noting the lack of stares in his direction. Huh - either that was because of the location, or traveling with Zhimnick had the unexpected addition of making people not stare at him. Odd.

Also, the responses gave him a decent idea on how most of the group would react to a given situation. He actually mentally sighed - he couldn't believe he was ending up thinking this deeply into things.

Placing one hand on his side, he nodded. And at the notification that it wouldn't be hard to find them in a small town, he chuckled. "And in a small town where everybody knows everybody, I'm sure we stand out like a bad storm, eh?"

He then nodded. "Thank you for the information, Captain." Then, to the rest of the group, "'Ey, maybe we should find a room first - since it sounds like Speaker Wiston's gonna want to speak to most of us, having a central reference point might help smooth things along, eh?"

2009-03-14, 04:21 PM

The earth genasi simply nodded at Boz' suggestion. They should stay together and she preferred to be close should any villager be foolish enough to make a move on Zhimnick.

2009-03-20, 01:17 AM

"Finding lodgings is probably the best idea, I agree. Once we decide where to stay we can determine what else we will be doing."

Sihaya is glad the she and Mur do not seem to be causing too much of an issue. Bringing in pesky local bandits do tend to endear one to a village, and it seemed no different here.

2009-03-21, 10:42 AM
I guess finding a place to sleep is as good start as any. I don't need to buy anything right now anyway.

2009-03-22, 01:13 AM
"How about we each do whatever errands we want and them meet up at the Green Apple? If we're going to determine the use of these magic items, it would be best to give this town's wizard time to do the work."

Assuming that there are no objections, Ulflinn heads to Sertieren's place of business in order to do some business.

2009-03-22, 08:05 PM
"Huh," Tyr says, as he thinks. "Well, until they see us, we really don't have much to do, eh?"

"Oh well, I'll go with you. It's always fun to look at the magic shiny's," he adds to Unflinn, who is, by this time, a good ways away. Tyr realizes this only after he speaks, and then hurries to catch up.