View Full Version : fun fonts, pictures ect.

2009-02-19, 11:08 PM
how do i get the font color to change, how do i make it bigger or smaller and how do i insert pictures?
any help would by nice.

(i already know how to make spoilers and quotes.)

2009-02-19, 11:12 PM
THIS (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/misc.php?do=bbcode) tells you everything you need to know about vB code. But a word of warning:

Infraction Types
Excessively Embellished Formatting
This refers to using different colors for different words, using formatting to appear smarter than someone or generally going overboard with formatting. It’s not using bold, underline, paragraphs and lists to make your post look nice and be easy to read. If your post looks like this one overall, you’re fine. But if your post has sentences that look like this one, you're not.

2009-02-19, 11:12 PM
how do i get the font color to change,

how do i get the font color to change,

how do i get the font color to change,

how do i make it bigger or smaller

how do i make it bigger or smaller

how do i make it bigger or smaller

and how do i insert pictures?



2009-02-19, 11:30 PM
your example is missing " quoteation marks around the chosen color, and same for size number.
so it should be

[ color="Blue"]how do i get the font color to change,[/color]

without the space at the start

2009-02-19, 11:50 PM
Actually, no. You don't need quotations marks. If you quote my post you'll see that I didn't use them, and yet my examples still work.

2009-02-20, 12:34 AM
hmmm strange, it never works for me without them.:smallconfused:... doesnt matter anyway.

2009-02-20, 02:06 AM
All or most of the formatting stuff is in button form in the "new post" window, anyway. Looking at it now, there's... Oh, that's what that one does. Alright, from top left to bottom right:
Two "A"s crossed out: "Remove Text Formatting"
Fonts drop-down menu: Different fonts.
Sizes drop-down menu: Different sizes.
"A" with coloured bar (default black): Different colours.
:smallsmile:: Smilies.
Arrow left: Undo.
Arrow right: Redo.
B: Bold.
I: Italic.
U: Underline
Lines on the left: Align left.
Lines in the centre: Align centre.
Lines on the right: Align right.
Numbers and lines: "Ordered list"
Squares and lines: "Unordered list"
Arrow left with lines: "Decrease indent"
Arrow right with lines: "Increase indent"
Earth with chain: Add hyperlink.
Crossed-out chain: Remove hyperlink
Envelope: Insert email link.
Picture of a mountain: Insert image ()
Speech bubble: Insert quote (
#: "Wrap [CODE] tags", whatever the bajeebus that means.
<>: "Wrap [HTML] tags"
php: "Wrap [php] tags"
ABC: Strikethrough.

These are all buttons in the new post window, but I believe they also all (or nearly all) have their own tags, as Sneak described.

2009-02-20, 09:27 AM
CODE tags are for computer code. It puts them in a little box like so:

int main()
print("Hello World");

This is useful when talking about Javascript, since that would either be run by the browser or blocked by the board as potentially malicious. Also prevents you having to use &gt and &lt when displaying your code, since a lot of code characters are also HTML commands.

Pushing those buttons in the post window will show you what the various tags are as well, in case you didn't know.

2009-02-21, 09:21 PM
By the way, you can also use hex codes for colors.
So Text
Becomes Text

And for those who are trying to display BBcode and put spaces in, works wonders.