View Full Version : Return to Boatmurdered (IC)

2009-02-20, 03:01 AM
The golden coin of the sun rests high in the sky above the Smooth Points of Pride, stretching off to your west and north. You have come along the remains of what was once a proud trade road, stretching back through the forests and rivers you've journeyed through. Here, it has slowly risen, and from the top of the hill, you can see it.

Before you stretches a vast, level plain, with the remains of a path winding through it, leading over a largely dry riverbed via a crumbling stone bridge. To the west along the river, you can see what looks like some sort of large statue, although it's hard to discern its shape. Directly in front of you, the plain is...not inviting. Though it might have once been lush and green, it now bears silent witness to the many years of war it once knew. The ground is scorched, no plants growing, its deep brown turned in places to an ashen gray by heat and years of sun. About the area are strewn the charred remains of wagons and bodies of countless creatures--dwarves, elves, humans, many, many larger bodies. Perhaps they are of elephants--there seems to be a number of them across the river. Strangely, the ground there doesn't seem to be as badly affected.

Before the mountain itself, you can dimly make out the ruins of various structures, crumbling under the weight of the years. The eye is inevitably drawn to the entrance, though--a vast hole in the living stone, like an eye, staring at you blindly...or like a hungry maw to draw you in. A few wisps of smoke escape from the entrance. Over it all hangs a deathly, unnatural stillness: no birds sing, no animals call. You have but to descend the hill to explore, and perhaps find great fortune--but if you do so, there will be no turning back.

Welcome to Boatmurdered.

2009-02-20, 10:34 AM
Grindi Ingeitum

Looking over the scorched landscape Grindi spits on the ground before him before pulling the waterskin from his belt taking a swig of the foul tasting substance, he had fine Dwarven vodka in his flask but he would have to save that for later he didn't know how much drink was left in Boatmurdered if any.

Slinging his prized axe trollcrusher over his shoulder he makes his way across the charred landscape towards the entrance. If the ground below his feet was hot he didn't feel it. His boots were enchanted with powerful elements to protect him from all but the most violent and extreme tempertures. He remembered fondly how he pulled them from the cold dead feet of the Elf he had slain on the road to Boatmurdered. Not even the magic of the boots could save him from the icy bite of trollcrusher. Grindi hates elves.

Whistling a song to himself about gold he continues his march towards the entrance.

2009-02-20, 12:37 PM
Rogthak Stonethroat

"Errr, yes," Rogthak says attempting to sound confident, "As the great historian Tassle Wigglebottom once wrote that there are few experiences as exciting as starting a new adventure."

2009-02-20, 03:44 PM
Adil Tunneth

"This is no adventure," Adil stated in a gruff voice. "This is suicide."

While his eyes scanned the mountain in the distance, he could feel only one thing in his gut. Evil. Although he had heard the stories before, now that he was actually staring at the legendary Boatmurdered, there was no doubt in his mind. Whatever it was that may be waiting for them beyond the gate into those depths was from the deepest circles of Hell itself. This "adventure," as they called it would be the end of them all.

"We won't survive this," Adil mumbled.

Moose Fisher
2009-02-20, 04:18 PM
Lur Zirilkun

"She hasn't heard o' Boatmurdered then, the gravely voice of Lur rumbled, "Lissen Bright-eyes, we haven't reached tha point o' no return. You can turn back now if ya want."

The dwarf turned to the other travelers, sweeping his arm to point a dirty finger at each of them. The sound of creaking metal could be heard underneath his dark, heavy robes. He squints his eyes and says, "Same goes ta all o' you... But I'm guessing a couple o' stories ain't gonna stop us."

Lur shifts his backpack after a brief silence and continues on his way. His braided beard sways back and forth from the weight. "Comon Zaneg," he mumbles.

Ashen Star
2009-02-20, 04:29 PM
Zaneg Loraknun

The small girl grins at everyone present, black hair tied up in a knot, brown eyes scanning each in the group. Some confusion may be present as to why this girl is here, especially wearing a dress, though the waif is carrying a large, mithril shield strapped upon her back.
Taking a couple of minutes to herself, Zaneg walks off of the path a bit, and with a stick, draws an intricate symbol in the dirt. Reciting an incantation, and a brief conversation later, she moves a few feet to the left and repeats the process. Grinning almost insanely, she rejoins the group.
"This shall be an adventure for the bards to recite. This is our shining moment in history. Be it we come out alive or die inside, our tale shall live on forever, even if it is only that we few were insane and clever enough to voyage here and into there."
This is not hubris speaking. This is conviction. There is no lie in Zaneg's eyes, no stuttering in her speech. As she begins the descent, shining plate armor forms around her small form, hiding the innocent, waif-like appearance of the small gnome. Moments pass, and a massive warhammer far too large for any in the group to wield properly forms in her hand. This she straps to her back, under the large shield already there. Unslowed by the new, heavy armor covering her form, Zaneg looks competently and utterly dwarfish now. Joining Lur's side, she whispers a question to her companion; "Are these others to be trusted?"

Binding Checks!

Poor Eurynome check adds to the fun. Savnok's roll was superfluous, but meh.

2009-02-20, 06:19 PM
Ustuth Sibrekudist

Ustuth spat on the ground, and readied her crossbow. Most would call her not much of a dwarf - she spent a lot of time outdoors, kept to herself, and though grand, her beard was not nearly as luxurious as most dwarves'. It was a simple, haggard sort of thing - the type one develops when keeping it neat becomes impractical. It was a sort of unofficial mark of the hunter. Even that didn't

That, and her eyes were always scanning the area, as though looking for something to shoot. It was a little unsettling.

"Either way, welcome ta fookin' bootmurdered."

She continued walking as Zaneg turned into a full blown dwarven warrior, looking at her once, producing a large cask of ale, and taking a stiff drink before continuing.

2009-02-20, 06:21 PM
Grindi Ingeitum

Grindi already several yards stops to kick the skull of a goblin to the side. He hates goblins almost as much as he hates Elves. Turning around to face the rest of the group he yells bach "Ack! What are ye waiting for! There is treasure in there!"

Quickly he becomes distracted by the display of the girl transforming into the warrior through powerful sorcery leaves him wide mouthed and confused.

2009-02-20, 10:09 PM
Arlen Sankis

Arlen stares blankly at the various bones littering the floor of the plain. He grins uneasily, like an insurance salesmen confronted with a cancer-ridden hemophiliac, unsure of how to say they can't insure him for sure. He also weaves uneasily, though that probably has more to do with Goblin Thudrud than the ancient remains of dead...elephants? Zaneg's transformation is ignored: Arlen has seen things on a binge that would crush the souls of lesser men. Presumably, this is yet another alcohol-fueled delusion.

He removes one of his flasks (whiskey), hands shaking, and raises it to his lips.

"One for the money (ulp), two for some schmuck (ulp), three for the Gods (ulp), and four for good luck (ulp)."

He then makes his way towards the bridge, his hands no longer shaking but his weaving even more random, erratic, and unstable.

2009-02-21, 12:18 AM
The ground crunches faintly under your footsteps, the sound itself seeming muffled, as if afraid to break the silence. Those charred remains you saw earlier are up close now--you can see all sorts of bones jumbled together in heaps, with metled metal fused to them. Chances are that they hold no salvageable items.

The bridge itself looks solid enough--perhaps ten feet wide, and buttressed. The edges, however, have started to collapse from weathering. There is still enough water in the river that you can't see the bottom.

You'll have to decide who goes first. Meanwhile, you can see that the elephants across the river seem to have turned to look in your direction.

Moose Fisher
2009-02-21, 12:20 AM
Lur Zirilkun

The dwarf takes a swig from his aleskin while walking. After wiping the dribble with his sleeve, he says in a lowered tone, "As long as they let us dig ta the adamantine, I dun care what they do. 'Course... We're not ta go blabberin away everything."

Lur's robes and tri-braid beard began swaying as if caught in a strong breeze. He ceased walking, instead gliding along an inch from the ground. His normally brown eyes had a red tint to them, and he stared grimly into Zaneg's. "I dun feel like guessin today... Who's in control in there?"

If everyone else was getting prepared, he might as well do it too.

EDIT: Activating:
Fell Flight (20ft flight speed)
See the Unseen (See invisibility + 60ft darkvision)
Entropic Warding (entropic shield + pass without trace + cannot be tracked by scent but can still be detected)

For 24 hours!

2009-02-21, 12:28 AM
Rogthak Stonethroat

Rogthak pulls a notebook from a pocket and begins to scribble furiously.

"I say chaps, for the book, would you say that the foreboding we felt at this point was more akin to hearing a mine rumble at the first sound of collapse or more like the dread one feels when they realize that the ale has run out?"

2009-02-21, 04:35 AM
Ustuth Sibrekudist

Ustuth looked at Rogthak, and back at the entrance.

"Both." she said, making to set out across the bridge. "Well, I can run faster than tha lot of yas, so I'll go first. 'sides, that'll be my turn in tha front."

Ustuth raised her crossbow and made a brisk pace across the bridge, flitting behind cover to avoid drawing the elephants' attention any more than she absolutely had to. Let some other poor schmuck let themselves get smashed by the elephants - she had no intention of going down for the group.

*Ustuth Sibrekudist now in Ambushing mode*


Ashen Star
2009-02-21, 12:34 PM
Zaneg Loraknun

Zaneg looks up at Lur, grinning even though no one can see it. "You know it's always me in here, Lur. They don't tell me what to do...much." Zaneg, unfortunately, stays behind for now. Even though these elephants should be friendlier to her, she doesn't want to take any risks this early.

2009-02-21, 05:22 PM
Grindi Ingeitum

Grindi quickly sets out on the bridge just as Ustuth gets to the other side. His axe and shield are held up at the ready in case those elephants decided they wanted a taste of Dwarven fun.

Moose Fisher
2009-02-21, 07:46 PM
Lur Zirilkun

Lur scowls at Zaneg's last comment. She's always answered cryptically when asked about her pacts. Hopefully those vestiges will cooperate.

Flying to an altitude of 40 feet, he continues along the path to the infamous fortress. He occasionally glaces at the distant elephants, looking for markings and other scars to indicate the legendary ones that had been named over the years.

2009-02-21, 08:29 PM
Adil Tunneth

After seeing a couple others cross the bridge and tempting their fate with the nearby elephants, Adil took a swig of ale before heading after them. He moved slowly, but kept his eyes trained on the elephants in the distance.

They were watching the group of dwarves. There was something in their eyes that Adil could only describe as pure and utter hatred for everything dwarven. Whatever had tainted these lands had taken the very workings of nature with it. These elephants were not natural...

Nothing here was natural.

2009-02-21, 11:13 PM
The elephants' Spot check in general... [roll0] + 10 = 26

Fortunately, as you reach the other side, though they remain gazing your way, the elephants do not move any closer. For now. Their black eyes glimmer with an unnatural intelligence; you had best pray that they remain a safe distance away, and not close enough for you to check identities.

You are getting closer to the entrance, and the sense of unease can only increase. Up ahead you can see some piles of rubble and refuse that were the remains of buildings. Smoke still wafts out from inside through cracks in the rock, and the devastation is getting worse here--little stands at all that has not been scorched, or tinted with the purple haze of miasma. Worse yet, over it there is a definite presence...


2009-02-21, 11:32 PM
Arlen looked longingly behind him at the elephant-free road, before cautiously following the rest over the bridge.

"Elephants...it's always elephants. Ugh... Izegnomal probably loved this..."

He trails off, staring at the entrance.

"By the Gods...I heard stories but..."

2009-02-22, 02:38 AM
Rogthak Stonethroat

"Anyone know how to spell elephant?"

2009-02-23, 09:37 PM
Adil Tunneth

"E-V-I-L," Adil answered as plainly as he could. Most others would likely see it as a joke. But Adil was no comedian.

Upon reaching the gate, he looked it over for quite some time before his eyes finally settled, staring into the gaping maw of the entrance. He was not looking forward to this...

2009-02-23, 09:57 PM
Grindi Ingeitum

"Stop yer stallin. Let's get goin." Grindi spits on the ground again. Slapping Trollcrusher against his shield the axe explodes in a cascade of snow and frost.

Reaching the entrance he searches the area directly leading into the Fortress for any traps that might be present.


2009-02-24, 07:03 AM
As you approach the entrance, having to step over corpses, you are suddenly struck with a blast of heat from inside, and a rush of putrid air, as of an open grave centuries old. Which, come to think of it, this is. The portcullis is rotting, but seems serviceable enough, and it leads to the main gates--huge, mythril constructions, not at all weathered but encrusted with vines and bearing strange engravings, ajar on their massive hinges.

There appear to be no traps, at least not on the outside. However, as Grindi approaches the entrance ahead of the others, a pair of Mandrills leap from the rubble about 20 feet up ahead!

Make a Fortitude save against miasma, once per day. Also, roll for initiative.

Mandrill's Initiative: [roll0] + 2 = 18

2009-02-24, 10:14 AM
Grindi Ingeitum

"Oi! Come on then you blasted giant apes!" He claps Trollcrusher against his shield and starts to swing the blade about menacingly at the two creatures.


2009-02-24, 12:40 PM
Arlen Sankis

""Maybe they're trained monkeys?""

However, after a quick look at the frenzied creatures, Arlen settles into a relaxed combat stance. Using some of the fabled mental discipline of a monk, but mainly using the fabled constant inebriation of a Drunken Master, Arlen settles into the not-quite-standing-up-not-quite-falling-over stance.

Designate the nearest Mandril as the target of Dodge + Stagger.


2009-02-24, 01:45 PM


Moose Fisher
2009-02-24, 03:34 PM
Lur Zirilkun

Hearing the commotion within, Lur begins summoning the energy within him. His fingers crackle with deep purple sparks and he positions himself to dive into the grand entrance.


Ashen Star
2009-02-24, 06:21 PM
Zaneg Loraknun

Seeing Lur ready for combat, Zaneg summons her massive hammer to her hand and begins strapping her shield upon her forearm.


2009-02-24, 06:52 PM
Adil Tunneth

Adil's hand instinctively finds its way to his mace upon seeing the creatures before him. He sees the others preparing for a fight, and decides to join them.
