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The Demented One
2009-02-22, 12:26 AM
Sidereal Exalted


After years of adventuring, heroes find themselves faced with one last quest. As they pursue their final journey, they realize and achieve their epic destinies (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/drfe/20080428), and eventually attain immortality if they can succeed. Some are destined to be great mages or immortal warriors...and then there are those chosen to by destiny itself. As their epic destiny unfolds, they are visited by one of the Five Maidens, the mysterious and silent beings beyond deities, the caretakers of destiny. With a kiss from the Maiden, the hero is exalted as a Sidereal, an agent of fate. Each Maiden oversees a specific purview of fates, and their agents are supernally auspicious when acting in the Maiden’s agency. Those chosen by the Maiden of Journeys never falter in their travels, no matter how arduous they be; those who receive the Maiden of Serenity’s kiss spread joy and love–and, when angered, destroyed it; the Maiden of Battles’s champions are fated to win in any duel; no hidden lore will remain undiscovered for long by those chosen by the Maiden of Secrets; and then there are the agents of the Maiden of Endings, entrusted with death itself. The Sidereal Exalted shape the fate of the world itself, setting the path that all creation must follow...and determining where its end must come.

The Demented One
2009-02-22, 12:27 AM
Chosen of Journeys


Journeys shape the world. As heroes travel across the world, both they and it are changed, transformed by the ordeals they face along the odyssey. The Chosen of Journeys are responsible for ensuring that fated journeys of great importance happen, their sidereal power ensuring that those who need to be elsewhere reach their goal. Called Harbingers or Heaven’s Messengers by those unaware of their true nature, they can change the fate of everything with a single footstep.

Requirements: 21st level

21st|Fateful Excellency, Serendipitous Voyage
24th|Heartless Maiden
27th|Someone Else’s Destiny
30th|Riding the Dragon

Fateful Excellency (Su)
Fate itself conspires to aid your every undertaking. Once per encounter when you would roll a d20, you may choose to instead not roll, and treat the result as a 20. It is not considered a natural 20. In addition, whenever you roll a 1 on an attack roll, saving throw, ability check, or skill check, you may reroll it, keeping the result of the reroll even if it is a 1.

Serendipitous Voyage (Su)
The secret roads of fate lie wide open to you. You may use greater teleport and plane shift at will as supernatural abilities, with caster level equal to your class level. In addition, you may use dimension door at will as a swift action, with caster level again equal to your class level.

Heartless Maiden (Su)
At 24th level, no journey is too arduous for you to make. You no longer need to eat, drink, sleep, or breathe (although you must rest for 8 hours in order to prepare spells). You are also immune to fatigue and exhaustion. Difficult terrain never impedes you. You gain a +30 ft. bonus to your base land speed, and you are treated as having a Climb and Swim speed of 30 ft. (which gives you a +8 bonus on Climb and Swim checks and allows you to always take 10 on such checks). You can exist comfortably in any environment, regardless of temperature (although you gain no resistance to heat or cold), and any environmental damage that would be dealt to you is halved. You are never impeded by planar traits that would damage you or impair your spellcasting.

Someone Else’s Destiny (Su)
As a reward for your loyal service to fate, you are given some lenience with obeying its rules. If, perhaps, you were to momentarily muddle your true position such that some ill fate destined for you were to slide off onto one of your foes, it would be perfectly permissible. At 27th level, you may use this ability to redirect any status condition that effects you. As an immediate action, you may use someone else’s destiny to remove any status condition affecting you, such as sickened or entangled, or any targeted spell you are under the effect of, and attempt to transfer it to any creature within line of sight. In order to redirect a spell, you must make a character level check, opposed by a caster level check made by the spell’s caster. If you succeed, you can then attempt to redirect it normally; if you fail, the attempt is wasted. You and your target make special opposed checks, rolling 1d20 + your HD + your Charisma modifier. If you win, the effect is removed from you and the new target is subject to it. They receive no saves or spell resistance against it, and its duration is just as it was, with any rounds already elapsed still counting as having passed. If you fail the check, the effect is still removed, but not transferred to the new target.

Riding the Dragon
At 30th level, your loyal service to the Maiden of Journeys is rewarded with a companion who can guard you through any journey–a mighty dragon. The dragons that serve the Chosen of Journeys are most often followers of Chronepsis, more than willing to perform a favor requested by a Maiden of Fate. They serve you as a loyal cohort, always remaining by your side and obeying your commands. You may choose any chromatic or metallic dragon as your companion, as long as its alignment is within one step of yours on each axis (dragons of other types might be allowed at the DM's discretion). The dragon's age category is as high as it can be without the dragon's HD exceeding 5 + 1/2 your character level. If your character level increases enough that the dragon could advance to another age category without violating the maximum HD, then it does so, its focus on enlightenment and refining its own personal essence allowing it to reach heightened maturity far faster than its unenlightened brethren. If the dragon dies, you may resurrect it by praying to the Maiden of Journeys for 8 hours, after which the dragon’s soul is permitted to journey back from the afterlife.

Immortality: Creation-Spanning Odyssey
With your duty to fate behind you, you and your dragon companion set out to roam the multiverse, never stopping in your journey. You are a legend not merely among your own people, but among the angels of the highest heavens and the archfiends of the blackest hells. Perhaps someday your journey will come to an end, whether it be at the dawn of time, the heart of the multiverse, or past the threshold of reality...but by that point, none will know, for you have gone where no mere mortal can follow.

The Demented One
2009-02-22, 12:33 AM
Chosen of Serenity


Serenity shapes the world. A moment of perfect happiness can redeem even the cruelest of demons, and heroes embraced by the joy of love may triumph despite insurmountable odds. The Chosen of Serenity spread happiness to those who need it, their subtle manipulations all but unseen. While they may seem timorous or weak compared to their fellow Chosen, their wrath is more frightful than any others–for while they may spread happiness, they can destroy it just as easily. Called Joybringers or Heaven’s Courtesans by those whose lives they have changed, their words and songs foretell the fates of nations.

Requirements: 21st level

21st|Fateful Excellency, Perfection in Life
24th|Heart-Brightening Performance
27th|Defense of Shining Joy
30th|Harmonic Completion

Fateful Excellency (Su)
Fate itself conspires to aid your every undertaking. Once per encounter when you would roll a d20, you may choose to instead not roll, and treat the result as a 20. It is not considered a natural 20. In addition, whenever you roll a 1 on an attack roll, saving throw, ability check, or skill check, you may reroll it, keeping the result of the reroll even if it is a 1.

Perfection in Life (Su)
You strum the strands of fate itself, weaving a beautiful song that unites your allies in joy. If you are capable of playing bardic music as a Bard of 20th level or higher, you gain the ability to play the song of perfection of life by expending a single use of bardic music. For as long as you play, and for 5 rounds thereafter, you and all allies within 60 ft. of you who can hear the song gain a luck bonus on all attack rolls, damage rolls, skill checks, and ability checks equal to your Charisma modifier, maximum +5, and all affected allies gain the rerolling special ability of your fateful excellency destiny feature. In addition, you and your allies cannot be caught flatfooted while under the effects of this song. If you cannot play bardic music already, then you gain uses per day of bardic music and bardic music abilities as a Bard of half your character level.

Heart-Brightening Performance (Su)
At 24th level, you can inspire your allies with your music, renewing their hearts in the face of peril. While playing bardic music, you may expend a single use of bardic music as an immediate action to grant one of the following benefits to you or any of your allies under the effect of the bardic music for as the duration of the bardic music effect. You may grant multiple benefits to your allies, but no one ally can ever gain any more than three benefits at a time. Abilities marked with a * can be granted to one ally multiple times, either stacking or allowing a different option to be chosen. The abilities you may grant are:

Damage reduction 10/–*
Fast healing 5
Immunity to any one energy type*
Immunity to death effects, mind-affecting abilities, or transmutations*
Resistance 20 to all energy types
Spell resistance equal to 12 + your character level

Defense of Shining Joy (Su)
The world cannot allow one who brings so much happiness to come to any suffering. You gain a luck bonus to AC and on all saving throws equal to your Charisma modifier. In addition, while you are playing bardic music, you are immune to death effects, are not disabled while below 0 hp, and do not die at below -10 hp. You may continue acting normally for as long as you play, dying as soon as you stop (unless you receive healing before then).

Harmonic Completion (Su)
At 30th level, your music commands the attention of fate itself, allowing you and your fortuitous fellowship to act in perfect harmony. You gain the ability to play the song of perfection of life by expending a single use of bardic music. For as long as you play, and for 5 rounds thereafter, you and all allies within 60 ft. of you who can hear the song may take an extra swift or immediate action and an extra standard or move action each round. In addition, while playing the song, you may expend a use of bardic music as a full-round action to allow any ally under the music's effect to immediately take a full-round action.

Immortality: Eternal Empress of Love
With your quest complete, you are free to retire. For the rest of your days, the Maiden of Serenity sees to it that your happiness is perfect. Though the world does not conform to your every wish, you will never again know a day without at least a moment of perfect bliss. Though some day your flesh may weary of living and die, your auspicious joy will live on in your family, each one of your children and descendants benefiting from the same happy fate as you.

The Demented One
2009-02-22, 12:35 AM
Chosen of Battles


Battles shape the world. Every time two swords clash, or an arrow is loosed, the destiny of everything hangs in the balance for the briefest of moments, waiting to see what the outcome will be. The Chosen of Battles turn the tide of war when victory is most important, ensuring that the destined victor triumphs. Called Shieldbearers or Heaven’s Soldiers by those who fight alongside them, their blades are forged from the fate of the world.

Requirements: 21st level

21st|Fateful Excellency, Burn Life
24th|Mirrored Fates
27th|Serenity in Blood
30th|Perfection of the Visionary Warrior

Fateful Excellency (Su)
Fate itself conspires to aid your every undertaking. Once per encounter when you would roll a d20, you may choose to instead not roll, and treat the result as a 20. It is not considered a natural 20. In addition, whenever you roll a 1 on an attack roll, saving throw, ability check, or skill check, you may reroll it, keeping the result of the reroll even if it is a 1.

Burn Life (Su)
You can sacrifice your fated allotment of life in order to cut the threads of your foe’s victory. At the beginning of each round, you may choose to take an amount of damage up to your character level. Nothing can reduce this damage in any way. For every point of damage you take, all attacks you make until the beginning of your next round deal an additional 2 damage. In addition, you may choose to replace 20 points of extra damage with a single point of Constitution drain.

Mirrored Fates (Su)
Enemy foe who dares shed your blood is doomed to share your fate. Whenever an enemy makes a melee attack against you, they provoke an attack of opportunity from you. Whenever an enemy makes a ranged or thrown attack with you, as long as the weapon they used is of your size or smaller, then you may make an attack of opportunity to deflect the projectile back at them after their attack has been made, making a ranged attack with it at your highest base attack bonus against them, as long as you are wielding a melee weapon or have one hand free. In addition, you may make attacks of opportunity while flatfooted, and may make an additional number of attacks of opportunity each round equal to half your character level. These additional attacks do not stack with any from other sources, such as the Combat Reflexes feat.

Serenity in Blood (Su)
Those chosen by the Maiden of Battles need not parry blows with their sword, for fate itself will defend them. Whenever you are attacked by an enemy, before they make an attack roll, you may use serenity in blood as an immediate action. If you do, then that enemy does not make an attack roll, instead treating it as if they had rolled a 1 (this is not a natural 1, however, and their attack does not automatically miss).

Perfection of the Visionary Warrior (Su)
Destined to win, you lead your allies under the watch of fate. At 30th level, your will defies time, calling it to a halt so that you and your allies might ready yourselves. At the beginning of each encounter, after initiative has been rolled, you and all your allies take a round of action before any others do, even before the surprise round. You and all your allies may each take a normal round of action, but they cannot take any action that would harm their enemies, as with the time stop spell. In addition, time stop, temporal acceleration, and similar effects cannot be used as part of that round. If two Chosen of Battles both use this ability, then the extra rounds are taken in the order of the Sidereals’ initiative count.

Immortality: Crimson Manse of War
With your warrior days behind you, you are free to found a veritable temple of war. Under your discerning eye and veteran hand, young men are shaped into fighters and swordsmen who know not only how to fight, but why they fight. Your school will give rise to a generation of warriors who understand the true power of war, a legacy that will outlive even the memory of your triumphs.

The Demented One
2009-02-22, 12:38 AM
Chosen of Secrets


Secrets shape the world. In the end, the oldest and truest power is knowledge–and who knows what secrets can twist and knot the strands of fate. The Chosen of Secrets are entrusted with the most occult and perilous lore of all, and are the only judges of who might bear this terrible knowledge. Called Oracles or Heaven’s Eyes by those who they impart their secret lore to, what they know may decide everything.

Note: Many of this epic destiny’s features apply only to spells. If a character capable of using psionic powers, artificer infusions, or similar abilities takes this destiny, they should modify such features to apply to whatever form of supernatural ability they use.

Requirements: 21st level

21st|Fateful Excellency, Of the Shape of the World
24th|Unweaving Method
27th|Sidereal Shell Games
30th|Embracing Life

Fateful Excellency (Su)
Fate itself conspires to aid your every undertaking. Once per encounter when you would roll a d20, you may choose to instead not roll, and treat the result as a 20. It is not considered a natural 20. In addition, whenever you roll a 1 on an attack roll, saving throw, ability check, or skill check, you may reroll it, keeping the result of the reroll even if it is a 1.

Of the Shape of the World (Su)
The future holds no secrets from an Oracle. At 21st level, you gain prophetic dreams. Whenever you sleep for eight hours, you may use your choice of commune, divination, or vision as a supernatural ability, with caster level equal to your character level. If you choose to commune, then your answers come directly from the Maiden of Secrets.

Unweaving Method (Su)
At 24th level, you can warp destiny by unraveling the strand of your own life, buying power at great price. Whenever you cast a spell, you may apply any number of metamagic feats you know to it without increasing its level or casting time. However, doing so causes you to take damage equal to 5 times the amount the metamagic feats would have increased the spell’s level. Nothing can prevent this damage. Metamagic feats that would increase a spell's level by more than +4 cannot be used with the unweaving method destiny feature.

Sidereal Shell Games (Su)
At 27th level, you can hide strands of your fate in cunning knots or loops, preparing a defense against inauspicious destinies. You may use contingency at will as a supernatural ability, with no need for a focus. The maximum number of contingencies you may prepare is equal to one-fifth your character level, rounded down. These contingencies cannot be dispelled or detected by any magical means short of epic spells or artifacts.

Embracing Life (Su)
At 30th level, you can appeal directly to the Maiden of Secrets for arcane lore. To do so, you must perform an eight hour long ritual in which you dig up a patch of earth, plant a seed of any plant, and water it with your blood, dealing up to 10 damage to you, depending on how much blood you choose to shed. Nothing can prevent this damage. After 24 hours, a tree sprouts from the site of your ritual, bearing a single fruit. At its roots lie five scrolls, scribed on barks. Each scroll contains a randomly-rolled spell from your class spell list. More importantly, however, is the fruit. Eating it grants you knowledge of a single spell from any list, as long as you are capable of casting spells of its level. You add that spell to your spells known if you cast spells spontaneously, and may immediately scribe it into your spellbook for free if you prepare them. It is forevermore treated as being on your class spell list. You choose which spell is granted to you. The maximum number of spells you may learn through this ability is equal to the base modifier of your primary spellcasting stat (the one that determines the highest level of spell you can cast). Once you have reached that limit, you must replace a spell you have already learned with this ability in order to learn a new one.

Immortality: Of Things Desired And Feared
No one knows what happens to the Chosen of Secrets when their destiny is complete. Any attempt at finding the answer to this mystery–epic divinations, divine intervention, even asking the Maiden of Secrets herself–reveals only a cryptic clue: the Chosen go on to receive “things desired and feared.” Some whisper that alone among all in the multiverse, the Oracles can choose their final fate–but at great, almost unthinkable cost. Others believe their immortality is a secret unknown to even the Maiden herself, a passage beyond the world of the known. Whatever the answer is, only the Chosen of Secrets may ever know for sure.

The Demented One
2009-02-22, 12:39 AM
Chosen of Endings


Endings shape the world. All things must die, and were something so insignificant as a moth to escape its fated death, then all the world would be thrown into unspeakable peril. The Chosen of Endings are assassins at the beck and call of none but fate itself, seeing to it that those destined to die meet their proper end. Called Reckoners or Heaven’s Gardeners in the last words of those they encounter, their duty is not a happy task, but more necessary than anything else in the world.

Requirements: 21st level

21st|Fateful Excellency, Blade of the Battle Maiden
24th|Violet Bier of Sorrows
27th|Prior Warning
30th|Conclusion-Pursuing Approach

Fateful Excellency (Su)
Fate itself conspires to aid your every undertaking. Once per encounter when you would roll a d20, you may choose to instead not roll, and treat the result as a 20. It is not considered a natural 20. In addition, whenever you roll a 1 on an attack roll, saving throw, ability check, or skill check, you may reroll it, keeping the result of the reroll even if it is a 1.

Blade of the Battle Maiden (Ex)
The Chosen of Endings are masters of martial combat, delivering devastating flurries of strikes. You gain a +5 luck bonus on all attack rolls made with an unarmed strike, and any unarmed strike you make ignores all damage reduction, except for damage reduction that no type of damage overcomes. In addition, instead of making a normal damage roll for your unarmed strikes, you may instead make a Concentration check to determine how much damage is dealt.

Violet Bier of Sorrows (Ex)
Every attack you make reveals the inevitable fate of your foes. Confronted with conclusive wisdom of their ending, their minds shatter under the weight of your blows. Whenever you would damage an enemy, you may choose to reduce the amount of damage by any amount, to a minimum of 0. For every 10 damage you forgo, that enemy takes one point each of Wisdom and Charisma damage. Any opponent who suffers ability damage from this ability must make a Will save, DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Wisdom modifier, whichever is higher, or be stunned for one round. Every point of damage beyond the first increases the DC of the save by one.

Prior Warning (Su)
At 27th level, no strand of fate escapes your eye. You gain the benefit of a constant foresight spell, and gain a luck bonus to AC and all saves equal to your Wisdom modifier. In addition, simply by examining an enemy as a swift action, you may determine their AC and how much hp they have remaining (the character receives a verbal description, the player receives exact numbers).

Conclusion-Pursuing Approach (Ex)
At 30th level, you waste no time on dealing blows that are not lethal. Your Violet Bier of Sorrows ability causes Wisdom and Charisma drain, instead of ability damage. In addition, any enemy that fails its save against your Violet Bier of Sorrows ability is immediately reduced to -1 hp, in addition to being stunned.

Immortality: There’s Always An End
With your destiny complete, it would be almost impolite not to die, a final service to the Maiden of Endings. And yet, it is whispered that the Maiden of Endings, tragic Saturn, cannot help but fall in love with those she has chosen, and that their souls live on in a murky immortality. They wander the strands of fate hand in hand with the Maiden. Now, they do not ensure that men die when they are fated, but decide when the end must come. Their will divides tragedy from salvation, life from death.

2009-02-24, 03:31 PM
Someone Else’s Destiny (Su) ...They receive no saves or spell resistance against it...

that is a pretty unbalanced in my opinion. just have the party wizard cast any spell at you that you want your enemies to suffer from. granted, you take a round of the effect, but then the enemy gets hit with it without even a save.

i'd say skip the caster level check of the caster, and instead have the exalted and the new target check vs each other. opposed character level checks, or opposed charisma checks or something.

Riding the Dragon

why any adult dragon? i'd use hit dice as the measurement. say any dragon of hit dice equal to yours plus 10 or something. some adult dragons are pretty friggin epic (moreso than a 30th level character).

Heart-Brightening Performance (Su) ...for the duration of the music...

is there a reason that the effects only last till the music stops, when some of the song effects themselves last for a few rounds even after the music ends?

Defense of Shining Joy (Su)

very cool.

Unweaving Method (Su)

this include heighten spell?

Embracing Life (Su)

sweet. what happens to the tree? does it just live on as a now-nonmagical tree? what kind of tree is it?

Chosen of Endings

massively cool, the whole thing.

The Demented One
2009-02-25, 12:01 AM
that is a pretty unbalanced in my opinion. just have the party wizard cast any spell at you that you want your enemies to suffer from. granted, you take a round of the effect, but then the enemy gets hit with it without even a save.

i'd say skip the caster level check of the caster, and instead have the exalted and the new target check vs each other. opposed character level checks, or opposed charisma checks or something.
Um...it actually does have an opposed level + cha check against the victim. The caster level check was just a quick patch for the Iron Heart Surge problem.

why any adult dragon? i'd use hit dice as the measurement. say any dragon of hit dice equal to yours plus 10 or something. some adult dragons are pretty friggin epic (moreso than a 30th level character).
This is a much better idea than mine. Give me a bit to come up with a good formula for the HD, and I'll put it up.

is there a reason that the effects only last till the music stops, when some of the song effects themselves last for a few rounds even after the music ends?
The intent was that is lasts as long as the song's effect–so if the bardic music lasts 5 rounds after, so would it. I'll clarify the phrasing

this include heighten spell?
Yep. Just treat its level adjustment as being whatever you pick.

sweet. what happens to the tree? does it just live on as a now-nonmagical tree? what kind of tree is it?
The tree (which is always either a cherry tree or an ash tree. The reason for this is a secret known only to the Chosen) continues growing, suffusing the earth around it with magical essence. Anyone born within a mile of the tree is much more likely to become a sorcerer, their fate infused with the kiss of the arcane. Wizard's towers are likely to appear by such trees, merely by coincidence–perhaps the wizard likes the look of the landscape, or the sight of cherry blossoms. Anyone who chops down the tree is immediately enlightened to the true nature of reality, and most likely discorporates into pure nirvana (however, this never happens while a Sidereal is nearby, as the tree is too embarrassed at being felled in the sight of its masters to even consider bestowing enlightenment upon a mortal). After one hundred years, the tree bears a second fruit. Anyone eating it becomes a god, but at great cost, though each pays their own price.

Or maybe it's just a normal tree. You could chop it up for firewood and stuff. That was a silly question.

2009-02-25, 02:42 AM
Nother typo, the name of the Chosen of Secrets' 27th level ability in your table.

I thought Chosen of Serenity's Harmonic Completion was a little weak for a level 30 capstone, particularly one that can burn up your Bardic Music pretty quick. I mean, it's sort of the same ability as the 12k item Belt of Battle, albeit one you can use a few times.

The Demented One
2009-02-25, 08:32 AM
Nother typo, the name of the Chosen of Secrets' 27th level ability in your table.
I'll fix that.

I thought Chosen of Serenity's Harmonic Completion was a little weak for a level 30 capstone, particularly one that can burn up your Bardic Music pretty quick. I mean, it's sort of the same ability as the 12k item Belt of Battle, albeit one you can use a few times.
Hmm, point. I'll see what I can do.

2009-02-25, 09:30 AM
Just popping in to say that I've been following your many 3.5 Epic Destinies, and I have to say, that I'm a big fan.

I am especially intrigued by the prospect of allowing underpowered classes (Fighter/Monk/Paladin, etc) access to these Destinies from 11th level onward, rather than 21st level onward (as outlined in the Dragon article) with the aim of better balancing them against powerful classes such as Incarnate, Sorcerer, or Psion. Seems to be potential there for easy power gains with lots of room for flavorful customization.

The Demented One
2009-02-25, 02:11 PM
Just popping in to say that I've been following your many 3.5 Epic Destinies, and I have to say, that I'm a big fan.

I am especially intrigued by the prospect of allowing underpowered classes (Fighter/Monk/Paladin, etc) access to these Destinies from 11th level onward, rather than 21st level onward (as outlined in the Dragon article) with the aim of better balancing them against powerful classes such as Incarnate, Sorcerer, or Psion. Seems to be potential there for easy power gains with lots of room for flavorful customization.
I'm not a fan. The features I made were all balanced for epic levels. Giving an 11th level character something like a Chosen of Journeys' uberteleporting, or a Chosen of Endings' awesome kung fu would just unbalance the game in new and interesting ways, not fix anything.

2009-02-25, 02:49 PM
True, some of them could be wildly inappropriate for most games, but others, like Chosen of Battle, don't seem to unbalance much of anything if given to the player of a Fighter. Still, against the world-shattering power that Clerics or Wizards or Druids have at those levels, even Chosen of Journeys can be a bit tame (depending of course on the power level of the campaign).

2009-02-26, 12:35 AM
Um...it actually does have an opposed level + cha check against the victim. The caster level check was just a quick patch for the Iron Heart Surge problem.

hmm, yeah, somehow that totally escaped my attention. i'd say that it was cuz i wasn't wearing my glasses, but i don't wear glasses.

This is a much better idea than mine. Give me a bit to come up with a good formula for the HD, and I'll put it up.

by cr might be an even better way to do it than hit dice.

The intent was that is lasts as long as the song's effect–so if the bardic music lasts 5 rounds after, so would it. I'll clarify the phrasing.

cool. makes sense; i just read it too literally i think.

Yep. Just treat its level adjustment as being whatever you pick.

The tree (which is always either a cherry tree or an ash tree. The reason for this is a secret known only to the Chosen) continues growing, suffusing the earth around it with magical essence. Anyone born within a mile of the tree is much more likely to become a sorcerer, their fate infused with the kiss of the arcane. Wizard's towers are likely to appear by such trees, merely by coincidence–perhaps the wizard likes the look of the landscape, or the sight of cherry blossoms. Anyone who chops down the tree is immediately enlightened to the true nature of reality, and most likely discorporates into pure nirvana (however, this never happens while a Sidereal is nearby, as the tree is too embarrassed at being felled in the sight of its masters to even consider bestowing enlightenment upon a mortal). After one hundred years, the tree bears a second fruit. Anyone eating it becomes a god, but at great cost, though each pays their own price.

Or maybe it's just a normal tree. You could chop it up for firewood and stuff. That was a silly question.

silly it might be, but i was curious to see what the creator of the mechanic had in mind.

2009-07-25, 05:27 PM
Serenity in Blood seems exceedingly abusable. The way it reads right now, all attacks automatically miss... only spells can hit. Maybe some more restrictions?