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2009-02-22, 10:26 PM
Out beyond all plains there is the Meta-verse, what creatures living in a reality call the outer realms. It is a sea of aether and is dominated by Chaos. However all possibility happen with perfect randomness in perfect Chaos and Order is a possibility. As the presence of order creates rules it distorts the Chaos surrounding it. Many of these distortions are too small to be self preserving and wink out leaving a small field of distorted Chaos. Over time these fields breed more Order and a few points of Order grow large enough to sustain themselves. These points of Order force the Chaos away leaving an ethereal sphere in which Order and Chaos are in relative harmony.

It is in one such sphere that this story takes place. An infant cosmology has come into being and the first of it's gods awake. Lets take a look , shall we?

2009-02-23, 03:10 PM
Wharheit Nagilmund first made came into existance through the very crafting of the universe by whatever primal forces had chosen to do so.
Seeing that there was much work to be done, but not something that he himself could do alone he decided to wait.

2009-02-23, 07:53 PM
Within the eddies and wisps of Order and Chaos clashing and rolling against each other like oil and water, seeking displacement, and aversion from each other, one of the larger bodies of Order is affected...by some urge, perhaps even a nameless subconscious need to form, to gain sentiance. While the majority of this cloud swirls and shifts into the firstborn god Wharheit, a sluice of Chaos slips into the cloud, breaking off a piece of the bubble of Order.
The small bubble stretches, protests against the sudden change. Its pseudo-conscious thoughts recognize the sense of danger, of...demise, as it is overwhelmed by the Chaos about it, pressing in against it, a mere bubble to be popped in the river. Its first thought occurs, "GROW", and the bubble does. A shimmering coalesced form, vague, undefined, and evershifting pushes out against the Chaos, thus forming the Inheritor, Lukica.

2009-02-23, 07:58 PM
True Iron looked thoughtfully at the newest creation examining its beauty, and it's flaws that are inherent in even the most "flawless" gem. Yes, a marvel indeed... Yet he had played no part in her creation for she had been spawned by part of the same force that he had, and through some odd chain of thought... that made them as close to kin as any god can logically be.
Welcome sister to the world yet unfounded."
He says with his best attempt at a warm smile to Lukica.

2009-02-23, 09:00 PM
'UNFOU....UNFOU" It repeats your last word. A vague head comes into being, establishing a sense of direction for her to look around. She looks at the planet in the distance, and floats closer to investigate from orbit. She gets the sense of something grand, something whole, that this lump of harsh rock can supply her, but first, it was time to get 'warmer'.
A hand extends into the cosmos of Law and Chaos, stretching out a great distance, as if playing with the incorporeal but very real elements of reality. Simulating part of her own creation, by splitting large bubbles of Law with the Chaos surrounding it, a large playful pop, an explosion really...ignites, a whitish, golden color, then fades.

2009-02-23, 09:03 PM
Medea, on the surface of the world yet unfounded

As the order and chaos fought, seeking to repel each other, a strange thing happened. The darkness surrounding the barren world congealed into a form, concealed by shadows which slowly peeled away, revealing the form of a maiden, clad in silk.

As she stepped onto the barren world, she sang one of the first songs of creation. For now, this did nothing, but she already enjoyed the sounds, and a plan began to form in her mind. She had already sensed the others, and resolved to meet them.

2009-02-23, 09:23 PM
True Iron with Lukcia.

True smiles as he sees the first act of creation being preformed... It was a thing of beauty in all honesty. Blindingly so even. It provided warmth unequaled to this world, and to compliment the creation of heat he created the Ard`en Nagilmund or once again translated from my myriad of languages Steel sons.
Each steel son was unique in his, or her own way. Some of them came in a rainbow of colors that seemed to shimmer in the light. To some of which who were a single solid color. Regardless though they valued each other as True Iron valued every being. As brother, and sister, and with this bond they strengthened each other retaining their individuality, but gaining the benefits of knowing that there exists at all times there is someone who genuinely cares for you. Yet, they were young, and as younglings they needed guidance to survive in this harsh world of nothingness, thus Wharheit took a glob of the material plane, and from it he made the plane of earth, and put it into the start of his own planar artwork that would compliment each other as his own people would each other. Providing something essential to each other on levels of such complexity that only a master artisan could see the true beauty of his design.

((First big creation.))

AP used:

3 for creation for the elemental plane of earth works out the material planes earth quakes, and manages erosion. So if you blow it up you get a nasty amount of your land turning into the plane of sand.

2009-02-23, 10:06 PM
Medea, the Sky of the world yet unfounded

Casting her vision out around the world, Medea heard the stirrings of a new kind of creation. The new sun provided warmth to the world, while this new race - the Steel Sons - seemed reasonably self-sufficient.

She began to compose her first song, a song of hope and freedom. As she worked, the land below her began to take form, covered in rolling hills, open plains and great mountains.

The song continued onward, causing fruit-bearing trees and plants to emerge.

Satisfied with her work so far, Medea decided to craft a new song, weaving her words and notes into a new people - the Songtouched. The songtouched were not unlike Medea herself in form, although they carried a natural gift for continuing the song. These people would live in the haven she had created for them, for now, although every so often, a songtouched would leave their home to explore the world.

At the same time, Medea also realised that all peoples needed water to live, and to function. Into her song, she decided to weave a realm of infinite water, from which the world could draw sustenance.

She connected the plane of water to the material world through the skies, creating the first clouds. Wherever her people walked, they would now be followed by the life-giving rain. Where it landed, it would be absorbed by the plants of the world.

Medea is now pretty tired - she has created a plane of elemental water, to ensure that her people don't die out. She has also created the Songtouched and their home.

4ap left (Create Plane of Water, Create songtouched, Mold land, Nourish Land x2)

2009-02-23, 10:33 PM
Lukica, the Inheritor, Material Plane 12/12 AP

Lukica enjoys the popping of energy, the clash of Law and Chaos. She extends a second arm, to mix up the fray even further. Her arms whirl about, causing the menagerie to continue further. It starts a chain reaction as the primal force of Creation starts to chain react, splitting itself into a different plane entirely, the force of the Material Plane unable to completely hold it within.
The Plane of Creation forms about Lukica, an ever white plane of no gravity. One was free to focus upon almost anything and have its image come to pass, the very force of life within the metaverse formed their own shapes and started to be within this place.
She explores the newfound place, with a sense of discovery. Finding a more interesting place forming about her, as if a well of creation, she envelops herself within it, breathing further life into herself. She grows more humanoid, though not fully human yet, but certainly more defined than previously. "Amazing..." she says softly.

Creation of Plane of ....Creation. AP cost 3
Evolve Physically AP Cost 3
6 AP left, 3 AP now gained each Thursday

2009-02-23, 10:51 PM
On the unnamed world something died and when it died the lord of rot was born.Nothing showy, nothing fancy just a spark of divinity coming to life. Death, and life within death a strange duality, thought Vorm. If thing continue to die soon they will out number the living. In order for things to continue there must be a cycle, a way for things to go back to the way they where. and so the lord Vorm created the thing that crawl in the dirt to eat the things that have died.

use 2 AP to make vermin have 10 AP left

2009-02-24, 08:56 PM
Lukica, the Inheritor, at her Home in Plane of Creation AP 6

Lukica starts hovering around the very interesting anamoly within the Plane of Creation and forms a workshop of sorts around it, now known as the Font of Inspiration, Home of the Inheritor, It is a large globe like shell around the font, controlling the primal forces to a degree.
A thought enters her head, as she makes a small copy of the planet, a blueprint as it were. However, her plan lacks something quite needed. She decides that some extra interest in the project may be enough to analyze it properly.
She returns to the Material Plane, beckoning True Iron to her new Plane. There, within her home, she motions silently to the planet model, and forges a ring, a focused gateway Artifact, that links to the Plane of Creation. She motions to the ring, and it slams into the surface of the planet, into the core, imbuing it with the spark of life. She then motions to it, being able to direct, to focus creative energies to the surface.

Ask True Iron for assistance in creating Artifact
Concept is to be able to encourage races/lands easier, ie: AP cost lessened. However due to current rules, it will simply give +1 AP turn, I'm not certain if it may assist True Iron also

2009-02-24, 11:56 PM
Gallat, the Astral Plane

From the quickly diminishing areas of pure chaos, another being was formed. This one while, like it's "siblings" was formed of order, it did not take an appearence too different from the chaos from which it spawned. Quickly becoming aware of it's surroundings, the being, called Gallat, began to observe the newly created planes. He was especially interested in the Material plane, and began admiring the works of his predecessors.

Gallat soon became infatuated with the living beings of the world, Medea's Songtouched and even Vorm's vermin. However, there were still things missing, he felt, and so he projected his will on the infant world and created creatures meant to survive by hiding themselves within their surroundings. While his creations may not have anything to hide from as of yet, he knew that having creatures such as these would be useful once the world was whole.

Upon admiring his work, Gallat found himself drawn to a particular creature, that of the racoons. Although he had created them, he was intrigued by them and as he watched them, he found his form morphing. It took the shape of a pair of the mammals, joined at the tail. He was not truely either of the bodies, however, but instead his consciousness would shift from one to the other seemingly randomly. He did not mind this though, as he felt it fit him nicely.

Create Populous: Musteloidea(weasels, ferrets, racoons, skunks, etc.) AP cost 2.
Evolve Physically. AP cost 3.
8 AP left

Raenir Salazar
2009-02-25, 10:48 PM
From the swirling sea of chaos came a force of power and ambition and barely contained rage taking a form best suited for the display of power and strength out of the aether came first the head and neck, long and serpentine with a smile of long jagged teeth and a many horns sprouting from its head resembling a crown then came the body from which continued for was it yards, miles, or lightyears? How can one truly measure size and scale where none exists? As if climbing out of the proverbial ooze came long and muscled front legs covered with thick scales ending in sharp claws, the being using his strength pulled himself out of the ooze and as he left the pool of chaos the beings body continued to form as it lifted itself through its own will power from the pool. Finally, its rear legs gribs the edge of the pool and in one powerful lunge left the pool completely ending in a long and powerful tail but the transformation from unconsciousness to consciousness was still unfinished and out from its back spouted massively large bat like wings and upon extending their entire length the tiniest drops of unconsciousness dripped from the boney edges of its wings forming and enlarging into near identical shapes, 20 in total.

The Metamorphosis to Consciousness complete the Being Spoke; its voice powerful and reverberated across the cosmos his voice to any mortal ears, was like music was to a mortal whose singing was like whistling was to an opera singer. His voice the embodiment of celestial authority.

"I am Draco, the Starborn, thou haveth witnessed the beginning of creation, through my will I was called forth from the premordial chaos of unconsciousness and in my joy and wrath of my birth, I inturn have giveth life to you my prized children. Thou museth go before me, spread out! Fly! Continue my progeny upon generation upon generation, with my name always on your lips, your prayers in your heart and from our breath comes forth my wrath at those who would harm thou my children. You each shalleth taken upon yourselves my form, but only in shape, the substance however shall be powered by the aspect of your own spirit and each of you in turn shall taketh a different aspect of my being so all of you together shall best represent me upon the material but seperately shall your own strength and wills."

With that the 20 new Dragons separated into pairs, male and female, and each pair one by one changed shape subtly. First came the Gold Dragons, who chose Wisdom. Then Reflecting the Chaos around them the Silvers took their final shape and chose Cosmic Forces around them and became the embodiment of intelligence. The Bronze came next and chose Strength, the Brass Cunning, and the Copper chose Charisma for they enjoyed jokes.

The remaining 5 pairs became the Red's, choosing to Embody Fury and Wrath at those who would threaten them. Then the Blues Jealous at the Silvers Also choose to grab at the Power of the Cosmos powered by Jealousy and Bitterness. The Greens chose Nature for they enjoyed pretty things and held no patience for ugliness. Next the Black's, reflecting their inner darkness stayed submered in darkness and deception, preferring intrigue and subtle plans to realize their goals, and finally angry at being last, the Whites disliked them all and preferred to be apart and embraced the Cold, surrendering to Despair.

All eyed each other suspiciously, distrusting the other for trying to achieve more then the others and feuding commenced and arguing each in turn accusing the other of deceit and wrong doing. Draco roared stopping them all and all cowered in his wrath.

"Thou will stop this nonesense, I have given you life and purpose and you immediately squander it with pointless rivalry! For spurning this gift you shall all be Banished from my presence!"

All the Dragons cowered and grovelled begging forgiveness, even the reds who were most haughty and arrogant.

The fierce expression of rage softened to caring sympathy. "Thou are forgiven, but this is partially my fault, I have given you too much, and you are all proud to be my children and wish to impress upon I your worthiness, very well. Seek out the rest of Creation for it is my gift to you, but Be Warned! For I am a Jealous God, and thou shall not worship any God before me, for I am the Wyrmfather, the God of All Dragonkind, slay those who speak Heresy and Blasphemy Against Thy Name, Battle the servants of Evil and Guide the Lesser Creation to Worship me For I Am the One True God and Worthy of All Worship of All Mortals.

Now go! And fulfill your destiny in my name, and when you, the firstborn fade from the world, you can return to sit by my right hand, and your mortal progeny who shall die normally by age, illness or the sword shall sit by thy left for all eternity."

// OOC: Ya thats right, better retire that prose trophy now :)

2009-02-26, 12:35 AM
(OOC: Salazar, you should put somewhere in your post that you created the dragons and spent the 2 AP (I think) to do so (possibly actually 4 AP, since it seems that you created both chromatic and metallic dragons))

Gallat, the Astral Plane

Upon seeing the large, reptillian beasts descend onto the material world from the heavens, Gallat realized that he alone would not be able to keep track of all the things that would be brought upon this new world. Thus, he created the imps and pixies to be his eyes on the world. He knew that his creations would be severly limited, however, if they were confined to the ground, thus he created a medium for them to spread their wings and fly in, air. He created a plane of the substance to feul the material world with, like those of water and earth before it.

This work completed, and feeling drained from his labours, Gallat moved his twin bodies towards the massive form of the Dragon King.

"Greetings Brother! I couldn't help but notice your...less than subtle entrance and decided to extend my formal welcome to being."

Created Imps and Pixies 2 AP
Created Elemental Plane of Air 3 AP
3 AP left

Raenir Salazar
2009-02-26, 01:14 AM
Created True Dragons Both Chromatic and Metallic
4 ap, do I have 6 remaining?

The Wyrm father noticed the God taking notice of him and was pleased, for it meant he was awcknowledged.

"Who hath come before me? For I am Draco Starborn, the Wyrmfather, God of All Dragons and Dragonkind to come, Master of the Cosmos! What hath intend to do within my Sacred Presence, speaketh quickly, for you try my Infinite Patience and blaspheme with your very presence."

2009-02-26, 02:08 AM
(OOC: Actually, you should have 9 left (10 - 4 + 3 starting AP for being a lesser god))

Gallat could not help but show a small smirk on one of his mouths after hearing his fellow god's boasts. Quickly hiding it, he gave a small bow with both his sides and stated in his most humble voice,

"I am Gallat, nothing more and nothing less than that. Forgive me for my impudence, but I'm afraid I must question your assertion to being "Master of the Cosmos", for while you were reigning in your proginy, as you can see, myself and the other, "lesser", gods were only creating the very world your children now call home. I mean no disrespect, but what have you contributed, pray tell?"

2009-02-26, 10:22 AM
Lukica, the Inheritor At Home in Plane of Creation, 6 AP + 4 AP

Lukica starts work on her Great Plan, at home in the Font of inspiration. Within her lab, she pours creative energies into several humanoid molds. As it cools, she infuses basic and rudimentary knowledge into each one, her instructions on how to survive and adapt within the world below. As the molds cooled, she flew down to the world below, and studied the seas for a moment. She nods her head, producing a wand from her belt, which taps into her home plane, she bestows creatures to the sea. Fish, seals, and octipi spawn forth to propagate within the sea. She speaks to herself, "The sea has limited potential for evolution, but you will find ways. My chosen will honor the fact that I made you simply for their food source."
She finds a spot on the beach that seemed sturdy and stable enough for a new race to thrive, then brings forth her molds, emptying them upon the beach. "You twelve are my Chosen, you shall learn of this world and thrive here, you shall be strong, smart, and hardy, and all things will be yours in the end. Your bodies are capable and eager to adapt to your needs. Strength is yours when it is needed, as well as great speed, or cautious delicacy. My Protean children, I grant you all another boon. The Knowledge, spun from the Font of Inspiration, I have bestowed to you as well, the Inspiration...is within you."
Her form shifts again as she leaves her newly formed people alone, into a more fully human figure, dressed in hides and crude clothing, much as her people shall soon. "It is a pity I must leave them so soon, but they must be tested eventually."

Creation of Protean Race = 2 AP
Concept Creation, Factotum/Chameleon = 3 AP
Creation of Sea Life = 2 AP
remaining AP = 3

2009-02-26, 11:52 AM
Medea, the skies of the world

Seeing the new creations in the world, Medea decided that it was maybe time to talk to the other gods. First, however, she decided to grant her people a gift. With a thought, she reached out with her power, touching those who had done the most to prevent conflict between the peoples of the world, and those who had the power to entertain through their music.

Each of these individuals was blessed with a simple gift, able to move the workings of the universe with a simple song. They were empowered as protectors of the peace, although they were permitted to resort to violence should they be unable to solve their problems peacefully.

Medea also spoke directly to these individuals, each of them hearing a voice within their very soul. To some, her words were:

"I give you the power of song, that you may preserve the peace and inspire others to do likewise. You are keeper of the peace and the protector of your people. You need never speak the name of any god, just do what you think to be right and I shall not turn from you."

To others, her words were slightly different:
"I give you the power of song, that you may entertain others and bring all people to happiness. You are the keeper of the peace and the protector of your people. You need never speak the name of any god, just do what you think to be right and I shall not turn from you."

The Plane of Creation
At this point, another thought occured to her. Having decided to meet with the other gods for the first time, she travelled to the new plane of Creation. In her hands, she held a gift - a sphere of magical energy which would allow a god to hear the Song of Creation, like Medea herself could.

She had not appeared directly before the ruler of this plane, but instead chosen to appear some way away and lose herself in the beauty of the plane itself. However, she quickly found her sister deity, and stood before her.

"Greetings sister, I have seen the beauty of your creation and I felt the need to come and speak with you." She offered her gift to the goddess.

Acts and AP expenditure:

-3 ap to Create Concept: the Song of Hope. Classes: Guardian (to be designed), Bard

The class restriction on the both is now Nonevil and Nonlawful. True Neutral and Chaotic Neutral members of either class will probably have quite an impressive backstory, however. If they break the alignment restriction, they Fall.

The spheres aren't artifacts, so I haven't put any AP into them. However, I guess anyone could probably turn one of them into an artifact, beget a god using one or do something else cool.

1 AP remaining, gains 1 Faith Point.

Raenir Salazar
2009-02-26, 02:24 PM
"You question thy preeminence godling? Thy contribution to Creation is Life adding my Joy of song to the cosmos! And through thy children thy joy and love is giveth, spurn my gift and thou shall suffer my wrath. But you come to me demanding more? The Impudence! You demand I giveth more? And More I shall!"

And with that the Great Cometary Dragon, shining with the light only a star could shine forth lifted his bulk and tail and slapped the world with his tail and with this force came about the mountains of the world.

"There thou haveth! I hath created mountains so my children may view their dominion of the world from the great heights of the great mountains! But this is only the beginning of my might and power!"

And with that Draco roared a deafening roar heard across the cosmos and with it sundered the border between the earth and the cosmos created the sky.

"And now my children have the space of the skies above the world in which to also make their dominion! And here the other creatures of the world may also travel, for as long as they respect my name as its creator!"

I think 2 AP for creating mountain ranges and the sky and clouds

2009-02-26, 04:01 PM
Gallat shuddered with feigned awe at the sight of Draco's display.

"Forgive me for doubting you, Brother! You truly do have the power to shape the world to your will...and yet..."

At this he drifted off, looking contemplative towards what words to speak next, although truthfully he already knew exactly what he was he was going to say.

"...I cannot help but think that the others, our divine kin that is, have done so much more! After all, they created entire planes while you have simply shaped one. They created the three elements; the water your children drink, the air they breath, the very ground on which they stand. Please, though, do not waste your valuable time giving one as lowly as myself another demonstration of your might. Besides, I have no doubt that you could create something just as magnificent if you willed it so. Instead, might I suggest we seek out the others, so that you may spread the message of your greatness to them? I believe I sense them in that plane over there. I'm sure they would be most interested in hearing of your exploits."

It took all of Gallat's restraint not to let out a snicker during that last sentence, but he had still managed to keep a straight face. He had to admit, this new god was much more interesting than he had first thought he'd be. He then started to travel towards the Plane of Creation, looking back with one of his heads to see if the Great Dragon was following.

Raenir Salazar
2009-02-26, 04:20 PM
Draco turned his back on Galat to continue to gaze upon the world watching his children walk and fly among the world, murmuring to himself.

"Others? False Gods all of them, but they may harm thy children, very well. Thy will investigate, and find those of whom worthy to worship me and in return they shall haveth my grace."

Draco took wing and fly through the Astral sea towards the Dome of Creation.

2009-02-26, 04:37 PM
Hearing Gallats words Vorm realized that he had made few contributions, just like the arrogant one. He also knew of the meting of the gods on the plain of creation, He would go their but first he had something to create. Taking from among the crawling things he had made a being that would come to be known as a "pillbug" he made a race of creatures that would worship him and that which he represents. They grew larger and there backs grew sloped as there heads rose off the ground ther first two pairs of legs became arms ending in clawed hands. And he said to them "I am Vorm, your creator. You are among the first things to walk this world , other races will come after you yet they are no less important, all things with minds must be treated as equals. Now I must go to my brethren, go forth and do as you will but harm none. " and with that the rot lord left for the plain of creation.

2009-02-26, 05:04 PM
(Sorry, for ze absecnese)

true iron examined her plan for thew workshop on the plane of creation taking great care in examining every detail, and adding his own details in areas he thought needed improvment, or adding new areas entirely in places he thought needed them. The finished plans were no doubt a magnificent sight, and as he put his energy into the first steps of the workshop he turned to see Madea, speaking with Lukcia, and approached her smiling as warmly as a ever shifting concept of craft can with his still forming body.
"And who, my sister, has come to visit us today?"

2009-02-26, 06:33 PM
Lukica, the Inheritor at the Font of Inspiration. with True Iron, and Medea

Lukica is quite startled to have an unexpected visitor. The god who is but a child, looks over Medea, walking all the way around her, in that quiet fascination that the children of the world already do.
She puts an ear to the sphere, and seems quite interested in it. "Yes...Yes!" She exclaims, motioning to the heart of the Font in which they stand near. The cosmic pulse of the heart ebbs and flows as it spews out more lifestuff out into the Plane, the motion and the sound seem to be in unison, though the Song itself, is quite a bit more complete.
The Inheritor seems to be clumsy with words, or perhaps not understanding how to relate to her kin, as she barely addresses them. "Look...here." She motions to the diagram of the planet, and of the ring artifact she and Whar are working on. "Puzzle" She notes, then creates a small simlacrum of Medea's Song, and places it within the ring, "Yes!" She looks at it in wonder, "

Lukica proposes merging the song with the ring to form an artifact of Creation within the heart of the planet, as a combination of all 3 Gods work.
What this core may do is undetermined by the player as of yet.

2009-02-26, 08:17 PM
True Iron with Lukcia, and Medea at the plane of creation with the song of creation.

True Iron being very understanding of his sibling, and although he had known her for only a brief time she had still shown great mental promise despite her "struggle" with words attempts to help define her course of action to Medea.
"I think she wants you to assist with our artifact that we are creating to help all of our mortal brothers, and sisters."
He then nods warmly to the arriving Lord of Rot, and the other god/s that have arrived.

2009-02-26, 08:34 PM
Medea with True Iron and Lukica, the Plane of Creation

Medea started, realising that she had become lost in the beauty of the artifact yet to be created. It was an excellent idea, to her.

"An artifact? Why, I would be honoured. I meant it as a token really, but of course I will help you help our people"

With another thought, Medea created another, greater sphere, which she gave to Lukica. Pouring a portion of her divine essence into this sphere caused her a momentary strain, which she repressed. Panting from the effort of creating this sphere, she spoke softly to the childlike goddess,

"It is an honour to work with you, lady Lukica"

Turning to True Iron,

"Greetings, friend. You created the Steel Sons and the realm of stone. I am honoured to be in your presence. I actually came merely to meet my fellow creators"

1 ap +2 for rollover +1 for second wind.

Hands 2AP to Lukica towards the artifact. Are we calling it a mana battery or a nourish spam artifact?

2ap remaining.

2009-02-26, 08:34 PM
The rot lord nods back. "A gesture of cooperation? For the good of all mortals?I'll help, especially now that I have my own mortals to worry about."
lets go with mana battery.

2009-02-26, 08:55 PM
"Thank you for your appreciation, but I personally have taken a liking to your song touched. Being quite the artisan myself, I truly appreciate the oratory beauty your people have created."

He says then turning to the lord of rot
"I'm sure you have some very valuable things to add to our little project brother."

2009-02-26, 09:19 PM
Lukica, the Inheritor at the Font of Inspiration. 3 AP

Lukica keeps busy, as the other gods meet for the first time...in her workshop. She does seem a bit bothered by all the extra bodies, but there is work to be done. Upon Whar's suggestion, she pulls a quantity of silver from the Plane of Earth, and quickly shapes the metal into the desired ring shape. Using etching tools, she starts scrawling words, phrases onto the ring, "Within all bodies, lies the spark of progress, let us achieve and ascend."
She pauses as Whar offers the newly arrived god of Rot a place in the creation. Lukica frowns, as she studies the new arrival. then nods finally, "Renewal...yes...Everlife brings sedentation. Fertility breeds ascention."

2009-02-26, 11:48 PM
3 AP + 4 AP for rollover 2 FP (I think that's all right)

Gallat, the Astral Plane

As Gallat traveled towards the Creation Plane, he took another glance towards the Material Plane. He found himself to actually be fearful that he might miss some spectacular event in his absence and, contemplating this, he turned to come face-to-face with both of his selves. Suddenly, it dawned on him, if he is already in two places at once, why not three? With that, he projected part of his consciousness into the unassuming body of a normal racoon on the surface of the planet. Satisfied that he now had an extra set of eyes, he continued on to the distant plane.

Avatar of Gallat, the Material Plane

As he got his bearings inside this new body, Gallat looked around and realized that, while there was foliage, there was not a large enough conglomeration of them for his creations to live unoticed, as was his vision. Wishing to correct this, he created on the land a massive collection of mighty trees and many lesser plants on its floor for his furry creations to reside. Filled with inspiration from this, he chose a few individuals from the favorite of his creations, the raccoons, and gave them the gift of sentience. He made their bodies larger, and gave them the ability to walk upright. As an added gift, he gave them flaps of skin in between their arms and legs, with the intention that they be able to use them to glide between the trees that made up their new home.

Gallat addressed his creations, "I have seperated you from your former kin, and have given you a gift unlike any before you." He said this, of course, knowing full well of the Steel Sons, Songtouched, Dragons, and Pillbugs. "You shall be the people of Gallat, named the Arkun. This forest that you will protect and call your home will also take up your name, for it is the name of my favor. While you are the first to recieve my gift, you will not be the last. However, you alone are permitted to live in this forest. Should any others enter the forest, it is your sworn duty to drive them away, but not through outright force unless absolutely necessary. Instead, you will take their provisions while they sleep in order to demoralize them, and attempt to frighten them off by any means necessary. If, by their own stubborness, they force you to slay them, you will string up their remains as a warning to others."

Gallat, the Plane of Creation

Gallat entered the plane, noticing immediately that it was much more crowded than he expected. He had anticipated one, perhaps two gods besides the Dragon and himself, but here stood four other divinities. He also found himself breathing heavily, due to the drain on his powers his avatar had caused. He came into the workshop, not hiding himself but also not particularaly drawing attention to himself, as he was somewhat anxious what might happen if the others turned out to be hostile with him in this weakened state.

Created Avatar 3 AP
Mold land: Created Forest of Arkun 2 AP
Create populace: Arkun race 2 AP
0 AP left :smallfrown:

2009-02-27, 03:06 PM

The Hunter appears in the Astral Plane, deciding his time has come. With a simple thought, a massive tree grows in the Astral Plane, becoming the Elemental Plane of Wood. From here, the Hunter will do as he needs.

The animals of the world come next. Beasts of land, sea, and sky are all created. Arad-jager then decides to rest in his new plane, observing al of creation.

AP used:
3 for creating a plane, 6 for creating sea, sky, and land animals.

2009-02-27, 06:05 PM
Lukica, the Inheritor At home in the Font of Inspiration, 3 AP available

Upon seeing the pair of raccoons that are Gallat appear in her home. Lukica drops her hammer to the ground, with a groan, "Enough....crowded here." The statement seems rather weak, considering the colossal scope of her spherical workshop, about the size of two football fields, but nevertheless she shakes her head in dismay and motions to an appearing doorway.
Taking the artifact in her hands, she leaves her shop, mentally reminding herself to ban anyone from entering it so easily. She finds a nice quiet spot, where the energy eddies are not so active. Using the most malleable content of the area to her whim, she forms a bowl shaped coliseium of some sort, with several steps leading from several blank podiums, currently numbering six spots. She takes a spot for herself, then looks around. With a frown, she conjures up some sort of clockwork golem...in pieces, with which she immediately starts fiddling with. The artifact itself sits in the very center of the arena, a representation of the world above it.
Lukica pauses, noticing rough grooves and bumps along the planet now, and examines it. "What is this?" She says, looking at the mountains, "Who did this?"

our lord of Wyrms hasn't posted his arrival, so until then I haven't seen him arrive

Free Action: Manipulate Creation Plane, create Concave of the Gods

2009-02-28, 12:28 AM
Avatar of Gallat, the Material Plane

As Gallat oversaw his creations' progress, he noticed a dramatic increase in the number of creatures to inhabit his forest. "Strange..." Gallat said to himself, "...I suppose this must be the work of one of the others, but these creatures are all very different from one another...whoever created them must be very...focused."

Gallat, the Plane of Creation

Gallat found himself immediately being shooed out of the workshop and, not knowing of anything else to do, decided to follow Luckica. After seeing Luckica's surprise at the new formations on the world, Gallat's mouths upturned into an odd smile. Of course, he knew who the culprit was, but for now, he simply mimiced Luckica's action of claiming a podium and decided it would be better for the news to come straight from the Dragon's mouth.

2009-03-02, 11:02 PM
Sorry about the double-post, but I didn't want drake to have to wait

Gallat, Concave of the Gods

Gallat tapped on the podium impatiently, not liking to stay in one place for so long. The fact that he was currently nearly powerless did not help matters either. He found himself experiencing something that he had not felt during his short existence...frustration. Curious of this new feeling, he began to explore it, thinking more and more on this emotion, but the more he dwelled on it, the more it grew. He thought of how indignantly he had been treated by Draco...how caulously he had been dismissed by Luckica...and a million other minor annoyances began to weigh on his mind as he felt them grow from frustration, to anger, to pure hate.

At this point, Gallat realized that this hatred would drive him to insanity if he allowed it to continue, so he attempted to quell it. Unfortunately, not knowing how to do this, he found himself only becoming more and more angry with himself for not being able to handle it. His teeth clenched and his claws sinking into the podium, he finally tried to deal with the problem by expelling it. He turned to his more ethreal side and thrust his hand into its mouth, eventually digging out a black, formless mass which he imediately threw to the ground. Immediately, his anger subsided, and his curiosity piqued once again, as he watched the...thing he had pulled out of himself.

Not sure if I have to spend the 3 AP for a player-god, but if I do, I'll deduct it from next weeks points

2009-03-03, 04:38 PM
Lukica the Inheritor at the Conclave of the Gods, 3 AP

Lukica keeps fiddling with the mechanical golem as she waits for the others to arrive...but time is a funny thing in the plane of her own creation, as only Gallat arrives. She considers to herself, that maybe she didn't express herself clearly when she wanted everyone out of her home. "They're probably stealing all my stuff..." Lukica thinks to herself.
She fumes to herself as she puts a few gears together, the delay of the others agitating her. Lukica looks across the conclave to Gallat, noticing a similar frustration before he vomits up...something.
It intrigues her enough that she abandons her post, her attention leaving the construct, causing it to fall to pieces behind her. She didn't mind, it was simply a tool used to avoid having to directly focus on her bretheren. Lukica makes a mental note to explore the concept of invention further, and teach it to her children.
She approaches the divinely conjoined raccoon(s), stopping before the black puddle. With the greatest interest of her advanced intellect, she attempts to analyze it with the tools available....she pokes at it with a metal pole to see if it does anything.

For those of you less-than-principled gods that have not made your own race, Lukica does have several protoforms in her laboratory that may be used.

2009-03-03, 04:54 PM
Medea, Conclave of the Gods

Suddenly realising Lukica's meaning, Medea quickly walks outside. Seeing the puddle of blackness, she stops, puzzled. The mass seems relatively dangerous, and a dark sense of foreboding comes over the goddess.

"It seems like the trials will begin soon.", she mutters to herself.

2009-03-03, 04:57 PM
Wharheit Nagilmund

True Iron, looks down at the puddle for a second before infusing some of his energy (2 AP) into the artifact, and going to aid his steel sons in their quest for prefection.

2 Ap on the artifact
2 ap for a nourish people
2 AP left

((sorry for the shortness,))

2009-03-03, 05:10 PM
Whoa! That was fast...

Gallat watched his fellow gods study his..."creation", slowly starting to piece together what it was.

"Please do not agitate the potential being." He calmly said to Luckica, then, quietly, "Especially considering what it was born from..." There was a slight hint of fear in his words, especially after hearing and contemplating Medea's statement.

2009-03-03, 06:28 PM
Lukica the Inheritor same as before ^^

She stops prodding the puddle, with a frown. It reminds her of her own primordial stage from not so long ago, however she can feel its....malevolence. She watches it for a few moments more, obviously uneasy with its mere presence until Whar empowers her artifact even further.
She returns to the ring and ball, giving it a final look over, ensuring each minor detail before nodding. She places her hand upon the ring, infusing it with her own power, the gift of progress. The artifact taps into the power of the Plane of Creation, rising up off the makeshift ground supplied. The ring spins about the sphere in an ever rotating fashion.
Lukica floats upward to the model of the planet and artifact. She grasps the simlacrum of her creation, moving it, causing the true Heart of the World to move as well, travelling to the Material Plane. With a great heft, she launches it towards the planet, seeking the deepest parts of the ocean.
Like a meteor, the Heart glows brightly as it enters the atmosphere, burning a fiery white, as it trails over the continent, directly overhead her own Protean race before slamming into the water. Its descent isn't slowed a pace as it hurtles throught the water, bubbling and superheating all the water in the immediate vicinity.
It crushes into the planet's crust, burrowing through it into the mantle, sending tremors into the surrounding area. As it gets closer to the core, magma shoots out around it, flooding upward through the tunnel and above. As the magma rapidly cools, it forms a small island at the surface.
The Heart itself settles itself into the planet's core, forming a connection to the Plane of Creation to the planet itself, easing the three gods control of the planet.
The island created mere moments ago already thrives with plant and small animal life, flourishing in the short span of 5 years.

The godling's power spent, she yawns as she sags to the ground, seemingly ready to sleep for a few years.

Infused Artifact (Heart of the Planet) with 2 AP, and used it. 1 AP spent on Mold Terrain. 0 AP left.

2009-03-04, 12:41 AM
In the shadows of another mans soul Raynoros hides, feeling the blackness inside himself and wishing to bring its power to another man. He feels the inside of the mans soul, searching for what he knows not... Finally, he finds it. A set of seventeen silver strings, the strings of the heart. He plunked one of his favorites: the string of jealosy, and a tense chord came out. He began striking others: Suspicion, angst, fear, rage and finally hatred. With that final note, he felt a massive lurch. The heart lurched and he felt himself being expelled from the being. He fell to the ground. He felt weak, his body not formed, a shapeless black ooze. In the outside air it was cold and bright. He found that his form was a shapeless mass. He focused with all his might and formed a hand. He reached out to one of the beings around him. He pulled himself up and found that he was looking into the eyes of a beautiful female. He began to define his shape around him, his legs became more well defined, though still clad in black. His arms became muscular and lean, his chest gained definition and a black adamantium breastplate.

"Hello there, who are you?"

2009-03-04, 01:42 AM
Gallat stared at the recently defined mass with an expression on his face that might someday be referred to as the deer-in-the-headlights look for some time before finally regaining his composure. While he had determined that the ooze might take on form, and even that it might be divine itself, he had not expected for it to take shape so quickly, not to mention the fact that he was already clad in armor.

The god chuckled to himself a bit as he calmed himself down before saying, "And just as I was about to lose interest. You are rather polite for something that I coughed up, aren't you?"

Meanwhile, Gallat's other body, ever watching elsewhere so nothing would escape his notice, even while his primary body's attention was focused, took notice of Lukica's work. Curious, that body's mouth asked simply, "What was that, exactly?" then, as an afterthought, "And on that note, who are you?"

2009-03-04, 09:53 PM
Vorm, Conclave of the Gods
Vorm had been lost in his own thoughts and had almost missed the call to the Conclave. He had seen the hart sent down and now sent after it his own contribution, that is would be exempt from his activity lest the need be truly dire.
Then, like the others, he turned to look at the new god , for god it was , probably.

10 ap =+2 from rollover -2 to artifact

2009-03-06, 08:29 AM
Lukica the Inheritor 0 AP +3 AP +1 from Faith = 4 AP

The weary godling recovers finally and stands back up, dusting herself off...though there is no dust here. She first looks over the planet model, checking on it apparently, when Gallat asks a simple question.
She pauses, a confused look on her face. She never had really bothered with the concept of self-identity, but it was only natural to be known, how else could someone talk to her. Its not if anyone could use her symbol that she chose in pleasant conversation. The Inheritor continues to think in this for a moment, listening to her Protean race, finding their name for her...
"Lukica..." She says awkwardly, giving Gallat a wary look as if she were lying, or at the very least, said the incorrect answer. Now on to the far more important question the dual raccoon had asked. "It...was..."
She then notices the armored dark figure that was standing there all this time, and freezes. She spreads her arms out in front of the globe, as if to hide it from him with her body, failing to do so quite comically. He's civil at least, so she attempts communication, (not her strong suit)
"Who are..?" She struggles with the question directed to the Raynoros

Summary: Answer a few questions, and feel stupid that she can't communicate properly.

2009-03-12, 06:45 PM
Wharheit Nagilmund

The god of craft looked down upon the world of the Steel sons, and felt that they needed something to motivate them...Some great example to compare their own works to.
Thus, Wharheit conjured a mighty hammer, and a delicate chisel out of his own being, and set to work creating a beautiful statue of each of the gods he had met that week on the plane of creation. Not the gods in their own apperances, but what their inner beauty truly represented. Lukcia came out as a stunning alchemist hard at work at some new creation of hers, himself a a well toned steel son with ruby eyes, and a streak of Electrum down his back, Gallat as a kind huntsman freeing a wounded animal from a trap, and Vorm as the firm guard watching over it all, waiting for the day when he would be needed most.

3 AP spent to create the statues of the overly kind looking pantheon...
This is all one giant work of magnificent art, and it lays down a guide populace every week. It tells them to promote progress, gives them advice in times of war, and other nice advice...
2 AP spent for a nourish populace
1 AP left

2009-03-12, 09:01 PM
Seeing Lukica's plight Vorm said to Raynoros " what the lady is trying to say is 'who or what are you?'personally I think you are a god like our selves.but I could be wrong. Absent mindedly Vorm was aware of a faint tuginng on his power perhaps nothing , perhaps not.

Tialait mumbles is being created and I am partially contributing any one else in on creating "the divine comidean"?

Lady Tialait
2009-03-12, 09:55 PM
Mumbles, Not existing..or is he?

Wrapping his long string-like arms around himself, the Dark Jester watched.

"Soon I will be born, and then I'll make something of...the world. A joke. A big joke. Everyone will bow before the sheep, and a monkey shall eat a whale."

Mumbles starts to snicker uncontrollably.

"I will be born, and then I'll bring the end to them all. It will be great, I'll see them in the end. The last laugh. Yes. So wonderful."

Mumbles broke out in divine laughter that echoed throughout the universe, well it would had. If in fact Mumbles was born, or perhaps he was born? Are you as sane as you claim? Mumbles won't tell....everyone.

2009-03-12, 10:15 PM
Medea with the other gods - The Conclave of the Gods

Medea stepped back as she watched the warlike figure of Raynoros form from the puddle, seemingly horrified. She wanted to leave now, to get out, to have as little to do with the Tyrant as possible.

The damage had been done, however. Even standing within a few feet of something which she considered anathema had caused something to change deep within her soul. Something that seemed to take a perverse delight in the trouble that this being could cause. Something that seemed to steal power from the others - crawling and stealing power from their minds as well.

Her mind felt like it was being consumed by the same dark impulse, something that crawled and seemed to attach itself to her soul. She spoke, barely able to control her own power.

"I am truly sorry..."

By now, the shadows seemed to be returning, covering her form in darkness and despair. Drawing upon every last shred of her divine willpower, she seemed to be surrounded by an aura of radiant power - the darkness which had somehow crept into her divine form. With a final, gargantuan effort, she suddenly vanished, leaving behind a lingering, cloying dark matter. A sound of laughter seemed to fill the entirety of the plane.

I think that's Mumbles' cue...

Medea - The Material Plane

Even the birth of the tyrant god had changed Medea - she had almost fallen victim to the same darkness that had threatened to claim Gallat - but how?

She was still horrified by what she had done - her own soul, her own essence had rebelled against her. Even the wisdom of ensuring that somebody was there to protect the peoples of the world would not be enough if this was to be the fate of every creator.

She had fled to the waters of a pool within the realm of the Songtouched, somewhere secluded and tranquil. Somewhere she could gather her thoughts and work out what to do next. She could feel the first hints of conflict coming into the world, and she knew that many would die over the coming centuries.

There would be those, both among the mortals and among the gods, who would seek to profit from the coming deaths. Something that struck Medea as utterly reprehensible.

Medea spoke once again directly to the minds of her people. The guardians taught themselves the arts of warfare - how to craft weapons and how to defend themselves, and that they were only to fight as a last resort. She made more of the songtouched into Guardians as well, realising that they would be useful, especially when they met the Dragons.

This done, she climbed out of the pool. Her appearance seemed to have changed slightly, her hair lightening to a brown, although with a few much darker streaks. She now wore loose, flowing clothes - a silky, dark coloured skirt, seemingly worn over a light-coloured sleeveless dress. A pair of ominous, dark-feathered wings manifested for a second, before disappearing once more, replaced by a coat of what seemed to be pure darkness . It would be some time before Medea appeared before the other gods again.

4 AP from rollover.
0AP beget player god (Mumbles)
3AP evolve physically (can now manifest the wings she gets as a class feature, plus some improbably cool clothes.)
1AP guide populace

0/5 AP remaining.

2009-03-12, 10:18 PM
Lukica the Inheritor sitting at a cool 0 AP
Rollover is amount of posts you made that reflect faith up to your max. I made the only post last week and get 1 FP, hence 1 AP.... That's kinda lame, you know, but I digress

Lukica frowns to herself after her work with the great Heart has completed. Her eyes light up at a thought, then, as wordless and accidentally callous as always. She simply twinkles out of existence into a mote, then zips up to the planetary model and with it, enters the Material Plane, landing in the settlement of her own chosen Protean.
Lukica looks over the loose settlement of her people, the buildings seeming to be more stable and permanent than before, paths have been built and there seems to be a worthwhile trade system. Lukica seems pleased at the events so far, noting some of the workers hauling in some of the sea life she had created for them.
Reaction to her appearance was light, perhaps even muted at their creator's arrival. She nods satisfactory at them, beckoning them to her. A small group of the more noted inventors and imaginative ones follow her out of town. She pauses, considering the town itself, and in retrospect judges it to be something worthy of her time and effort, and makes a note to add communities to her causes.
Lukica leads them out to the foothils of the nearby mountains where she produces a wand wordlessly, digging a hole into the hill. She leads then further into the shaft, light glowing from another wand of hers. Small braces appear to support the tunnel. Eventually she stops by a shining glitter in the stone. She motions silently to it....Iron ore. Using the previous wand she molds the earth, specifically in this case, the ore into a travelling ball, that follows her up to the surface. She returns with them in tow back to town. Within a few minutes work at the primitive forge, she hammers the pigiron into a simple knife. Sure it wasn't good true smelted iron, but it'll do for them for now. The lesson given about mining, she leaves them to experiment upon it, learn it for themselves.
She returns to the Conclave of the Gods, only a few moments having passed in the Plane of Creation.

summary: spend 1 AP to teach the Proteans how to mine.

Lady Tialait
2009-03-12, 10:47 PM
Mumbles The Conclave of Gods

Standing beside Medea was the Divine Comedian, his arms waving in the wind and his eyes piercing the air with a glare that would melt metal.

"You are a silly little thing, and I pity you forever. However, I am a mongoose and never to be trusted."

Mumbles smirked, giggling to himself.

"Perhaps a riddle."

Mumbles giggle started to control him again.

"What is black and white and red all over?"

Mumbles fell to the ground laughing, shaking the chamber of the Gods.

2009-03-12, 10:49 PM
Soran, Guardian, The Shining Peaks

The three songtouched had been travelling for days, hoping to meet with one of the majestic creatures that dwelled within the Shining Peaks - the mountains some way to the south of Haven. One of Soran's companions was also a guardian - an expert healer and protector. One of them was a minstrel, incredibly well-versed in the song of the world. Soran was a guardian himself but he was also extremely well-built, and kept a huge spear held in both hands.

Before them loomed the entrance to a cave - they had been guided here, to the lair of a mighty dragon, by the signs and portents cast by the three. It was time to see if it was friendly.

Actually, Lukica has full AP (5/5). You get 1 ap per Faith Point you gained - my post above is worth 2 FP because I Guided a Populace and roleplayed an encounter with the gods.

You also get 2 AP for being a demigod, and 1 AP for having evolved. Plus, you keep any AP you had left over, up to your maximum.

2009-03-14, 04:28 AM
An Unborn Goddess with no Name
In the nothingness of the Void of Unreality, a single spark flared to life.

It was still weak, bearing a faint glow, yet it somehow knew that it was soon destined to transcend the borders of creation to reach Reality.

For now, it was nothing more than a shimmering point of astral potential, one that waited for its time...

2009-03-15, 01:12 AM
I apologize for the length, but I had a dream concerning this whole thing and HAD to post it. As a result, I may have gone into more detail then was probably necessary.

Avatar of Gallat, the Material Plane

Gallat's mundane avatar worked non-stop teaching, and guiding his people directly, specifically concerning the arts of concealment, including a method not normally accessible to mortals: magic. However, as he taught his rapidly expanding people, he found himself...disappointed. The reason for this escaped him, but as he watched his people it became more and more obvious to him. When he looked into the vast lake near the largest Arkun settlement, he saw everything...the lakebed, the plantlife and all manner of creatures that inhabited it he saw unhindered. When he looked into the earth to see the bounty of crystals his people had not yet discovered, he saw everything...the bits and minute sediments, every detail of their composition. When he looked into the eyes of his people, he saw everything...their individual thoughts, hopes, dreams, desires, fears, everything as clear to him as an open book.

And he became angry.

He could not stand the fact that such things were so open. Where was the mystery? Where was the uncertainty? Where was the possibility for discovery? Knowing what had happened the last time he felt this, he knew he had to immediately rectify it. Across the world, suddenly such things were not so clear...water, smooth surfaces, and other such things that satisfied certain conditions became reflective; their surfaces no longer showing what what behind it, but instead revealed the one who peered into it. Thus, the onlooker would be preoccupied with himself and his surroundings, with only the most inquisitive wondering what was on the other side.

In addition, he made the eyes of his own followers the most pure of reflective surfaces, natural "mirrors", so that their eyes would not so easily betray their inner workings by those who could see such things. Instead, those of other races that peered into the eyes of an Arkun, would see their own inner selves, who they truly are.

Create concept or possibly mold land? Will spend 3 AP anyway for creating reflections. Also, made the Arkun immune to non-divine mental probing. Not sure how that would be put game mechanics-wise or if it even really applies. If I would need to spend AP to do that I will if asked. Continued in next post.

2009-03-15, 01:13 AM
Gallat, Conclave of the Gods

In reaction to the actions done by his avatar on the material plane, Gallat was suddenly struck with inspiration. Instantly, he sped off away from the Plane of Creation and away from any other plane to an expanse of unclaimed void. There, his two bodies floated in meditation until his will began to take form.

Meanwhile, Gallat's avatar formed a small pool of water on an island in the middle of Gallat's Mirror, the great lake in the forest of Arkun. This pool was the only one in the world without a reflecting surface, for it was a portal to the new realm of Gallat. After doing this, Gallat's avatar gave specific orders to his followers that they were forbidden to travel to that island.

On the ouskirts of the new plane, there was created a great maze of mirrors. Each one representing one of the thousands of decisions made by he who looks in it. Thus, the maze itself changes slightly in it's expanse depending on the mortal/mortals that enter it, but it's effect are always the same. Whenever a victim looks into a mirror, the knowledge of the corresponding decision is suddenly thrust into the gazers' head, and they will see a reflection of what they MIGHT have been, if they had made that decision differently. For some of the mirrors, there may be no change, but others may have far more shocking images in their surfaces.

Deeper in the maze, the reflections change. This rather short expanse of the maze shows an important memory to the onlooker. Should the victim have had a happy, normal life, this stretch may only be a small nuisance, but for those with more traumatic pasts, being forced to relive it can prove to be too much for ones sanity.

Finally, the maze-goer reaches the last trial in the maze. These mirrors show the might-have-beens. What would have happened if the observer had been born as a different race? A different alignment? A different gender? More attractive? Less attractive? Wealthy? Poor? Unlike the first part of the maze, this one deals more with things that are out of the maze-goers' control. However, it hides a sinister trap. Should a looker find themselves peering into a particular mirror for too long, they might find themselves switched with the self in the mirror. Upon this occurance, the reflection will immediately be thrust from the plane, while the "real" self is trapped there.

Should a mortal somehow make it past those obstacles, they will come to the inner sanctum of the plane: Gallat's own home, which, being formed from the ever-changing thoughts of the god, could have nearly any landscape. However, once there, any mortal is safe from harm, both mentally and physically, and need only wait for the god to notice their presence to come to them and offer a great reward to the mortal for their efforts and ability to keep their sanity through his illusions. This reward extends to his own people, of course, despite his command of it being forbidden. Gods, of course, may come straight to the inner sanctum of the plane, since they are not bound by a mortals memories, feelings, or bodies.

His work finished, Gallat remained in his plane, shaping it and experimenting with it's ebbs and flows.

2 AP for creating The Soul's Reflection. 2 AP for creating portal to said plane. 0 AP left.

2009-03-15, 01:34 AM
Lukica the Inheritor, Conclave of the gods 4 AP

Again a cretinous spawn of her bretheren has appeared. She winces at the thought of another begotten whelp like this, shying away from Mumbles.
What has happened that has caused us to shed ourselves such as this? Is there such great need for disorganization? She thinks. It must be the chaos...we were born from it, the astral energy had a cosmic balance...we tipped the scale
"Balance..." She says to herself, forcing herself to speak. "Balance...needs.." Oh for the love of the process, why can't I talk like them? Why do these words not flow from me as my thoughts do? "Purge...purge chaos." It's plainly obvious we need to harness the power of this imbalance and keep it rightfully in our favor! I will not allow these asinine chaospawn to interfere with my work.
Frustrated at herself, she clutches her head and dismisses herself from the Conclave and its foul inhabitants, returning to her true home of the Font of Inspiration. She studies the flux of creation from her table, watching energy pour forth into the plane, gazing into it, hoping to learn some subtlety, some insight. She models out ideas in the creationstuff that floats around, hoping to find a way to entrap this need the universe seems to have to create dark counterparts.
Nothing comes to mind for the moment to her, but looking over her previous work, she notices a set of tubes, horns almost that she had made for her people. A set of tubes, interconnected that would allow instantaneous communication from town to town... Knowledge would flow so freely between my people, protection, in an instant. She pauses, Will they too have dark sides? I must prepare them for war, and soon....They have the best arms, and can adapt to all fights, but is that enough?
She returns to her people, back upon the Material Plane, gifts in her arms.

As before, a small crowd of scholars flock around her, eager to learn anew at their goddess' request. She infuses a few spells of communication into the horn-like tubing, then presses it into the ground. The tube rapidly digs several miles to the nearby neighboring village, sprouting up there as well. She pauses again, How can I tell them they are needed to fight so soon? How can I even talk to them?
She places her hand upon the tube, and thinks, her thoughts turn to words, spoken to both cities, "My children of evolution..." Hundreds suddenly turn attention to her words, for this is the first time she has spoken to them, gathering the entire towns, as others outside of town, fishing or gardening are yelled for, to witness her words.
"My children, dark forces are on the rise, the duality of order and chaos has been upset by my bretheren's focus on creation, upon progress. I fear it will be very soon in which you will be called upon to protect yourselves, but sooner still that you will march against dark forces, to keep their taint from my world."
A rugged looking Protean with sandy dark hair steps forward, showing the hidden signs of intellect, and of strength. "Great maker..." He kneels grandly as he speaks, "Have faith in us still, we are your children, and your gifts spring forth in is anew with every birth. We have learned the ways of forging, we have learned the way to adapt to all things. Any matter of war will be adapted to, as the will has commanded. We have slewn fierce beasts that dwell here, we hunt within the woods of the unseen watches, and we thrive. War will not tame us."

Lukica shakes her head, "War will require more from you than I have given, leaders are needed, planning, tactics...these things you have not practiced upon for they have not been needed, there is no time for years of conceptualization, they must stand to bear soon. And so I shall imbark upon you all the knowledge needed. Lorn, come before me."
The Protean who had spoken before, steps forward, his eyes cast aside as he kneels again, down to her height. "Lorn, the elders and inventors have guided the towns for progress, but you shall be the first to guide them in war" She puts a finger to his head, divine inspiration flooding his mind, "You shall marshall our forces, and shall show to others the way to scout and skirmish with the dark forces that shall arrive. I must return now, to contain this outbreak before it continues."

Summary: Have a long winded post, use a free action to make some nice communication stuff for the guys, spend 3 AP to create the Marshall and Scout classes for the guys.

Lady Tialait
2009-03-15, 05:00 AM
Mumbles Wherever he is.

"Everyone burns, as they all scream. Burning away, singing to me."

Mumbles looked at the world.

"Everyone burns! Yeaaaah yeaaaah!"

Mumbles threw several balls of insanity, driving several of the Arkun insane.

"Burn them all down, as my hatred reigns!"

Dancing in the sky Mumbles drove Arkun after Arkun insane.

2009-03-16, 09:38 PM
Astral Sea, Reality's own fringe.

Behold. Behold thee who are so far away, behold thee who are omniscient, but who cannot see.

Behold the void, the vast, the empty. But behold not that which is, even through it shouldn't.

What godforsaken nightmare of an existance could it be that spawns such a terror to behold, something so dire, so vile in it's own countenance. Something that has no description but it's own very name.


What could this be, this which is endless, which is infinite in it's miriad of nightmarish shapes, which has fangs and eyes and horns and thorns, tentacles and arms, and legs and stalks. That which has no skin, yet is made of it. Which has no heart but pumps it's bile of blood still.

The Warper, the Warped, the Beast of Flesh, the Leviathan of teeth.

Behold thee, as the abominable entity purges itself from the cosmos, or purges the cosmos from itself. Who's to know? Is infinity smaller? Is endlessness enlarged? Even so, what would be the matter.

Behold... Not!.

(Kethkress the Warper enters game with 4 AP (lesser deity 3 AP +1))
(Kethkress spends 3 AP to create plane: Outer Nightmare, The Beggining beyond the End)
(Kethkress has 1 AP)

If it was not obvious. Other deities are not supposed to know of Kethkress yet.

2009-03-16, 10:58 PM
Lukica the Inheritor Still at a cool 1 AP.

Returning to her home in the Font of Inspiration, she spends several weeks in deep thought, considering this latest turn of events. The concept of darkness, the sheer illogicalness of it all. While musing this infraction against her will, she learns from her use of communications, the gift given to her people, and constructs a box with several knobs and gizmos hanging off of it, a funnel like loudspeaker hangs off of the front of it. She thinks to herself, while holding it. "Once again invention counters handicaps..." the voicebox announces for her, in a tinny slightly-female voice.
Another problem solved, but unto more pressing matters. "What I need is a force for order, before some sort of chaos infests me...a guard, a watcher." She looks over one of her earlier molded creations, a blind feathered angel looking figure. She muses, "Good, evil...such are the trappings of the mortals, I care little about such things, only a half step removed from eructation and physical carnality. My watcher must be removed form such things." She uses her tongs to place the proto-form into the Font itself, allowing the force of creation to imbue it with life, sentience, following the base guideline set by the Creator.

Here ya go Mike, Valkir can appear at any time now.

2009-03-16, 11:52 PM
I think that Mumbles may have to spend an AP to make my Arkun insane (since it's technically a spell and spells cast on the material plane by a Lesser God cost 1 AP). I don't really care either way, as long as you keep the number of insane Arkun within moderate levels.

Avatar of Gallat, the Material plane

Gallat's worldly avatar was busy...

The god's small, furry form was frantically scurrying from place to place, desperately trying to help his people restrain...his people. For no reason that he could discern, a sizable portion of the Arkun had suddenly started clawing on their walls, speaking of words said to them by those not there, giggling to themselves for no apparent reason, and, most prominently, attempting to burn their forest home to the ground...

2009-03-17, 03:21 AM
The Void of Unreality

The astral spark waited. Even though *time* was not a concept present in Unreality, nor truly known by the potential deity, it seemed to quiver with anticipation and anxiety, ready to breach the barriers that imprisoned her, kept her from becoming real.


Indeed, the glow of the unborn goddess had brightened, and some aspects of her identity were already beginning to surface.
Aspects such as her personality and projections of her future power, centered around Order, Control and Mastery of the Mind.

Soon, I will emerge to claim what is mine. Soon...

2009-03-18, 04:57 PM
The small figurine crumbled as a flaming mass took its place. Suddenly, seven pairs of valiant golden wings erupted from his form, followed by arms and legs, and finally a head. The rest of the homogenous form straitened and wreathed the being in a robe of crimson-white flame. A scrap of this flame covered his head, forming a blindfold.

"I am...born..." Were the being's first words, and as it said them the being left the plane it was on and reappeared between the seven heavens and the nine hells. "And I...shall serve...". The being began by waving its hands to its left and right. From that motion a staircase and pathway formed, leading to the Heavens and Hells, respectively. It waved his hands again, and a throne, golden and blazing like its creator formed. He sat in it, and immediately a book of deeds both saving and damning the souls of the dead appeared on two stands on the side on which the path to the heavens and hells they were supposed to go.

He then clapped his hands together, and when he opened his hands again a golden, flaming kopesh appeared in his right hand, and a scale of truth in the other. Finally, he was done preparing for the judgment of souls, so he decided to craft something that would be his, and many others aides.

He formed a being in his own image. It had a pair of wings, unlike the god's fourteen, and was much smaller. He called them Mercurim, the first order of angels. They would be closest to the mortal realms, and would guide the mortal beings of the world as mentors and friends in times of darkness and loneliness. They would also be the messengers of the gods, going too and from the divinities with messages that could not be forgotten.

Finally done with creation, he decided it was time to think of a good name for himself. He thought about it for a while, and then thought of one that he liked. "My name is...Valkir..." he muttered to himself. And as soon as he was done with that, the first trickling of the dead's souls arrived to be judged. "Welcome...I am your...judge..." he said as they began to line up.

2009-03-19, 06:27 PM
Lukica the Inheritor now with new and improved AP: 4

Lukica drops her tongs in surprise at Valkir's sudden emergence from her mold. She opens her mouth to say something, but by that time the figure had already left her home, bound for parts unknown. She spends the better part of three mortal years in a blank stare, contemplating what exactly she has done, as well as the rudeness that had just transpired.
She shakes her head finally, thinking 'Best not to get hung up on such trivialities, What is more important is what outcome is there to this new addition?' Deciding a scry was in order, she looked to her potion cauldron, willing a look into Valkir's newly created post. She gives up after a few moments, "Ho, what do I care of such things, of afterlife and rewards, the testing ground is the world...adapting to problems, that is the reward. She regards the concept a bit further, 'Still, i suppose a reward is in order to my children, for those that have advanced my cause........What next? Yes...the Mumble character.
She wipes away the illusional image atop the mixed magical potions within her cauldron, dredging up another image, an image of madness.
The laughing figure seemed the epitome of sheer chaos as he slung insanity about as a weapon... 'He is near my people!' The Inheritor growls to herself for the first time, before returning to her forge. She looks over the selections of proto-forms she had made earlier, selecting a more serene woman, it reminded her of Medea, but it required a few....adjustments. 'Can't be rebelling against ourselves, can we? What I need is a figure of sanity, of mental power. Balance is needed between sanity, and delirium, so you will be a watcher over the mortals, to ensure their minds remain intact.' She puts a few crystals upon the figure's plate, being considered the epitome of order itself, clear, crystaline and uniform. After placing a small triangle of crystal around the figure, she unceremoniously shoves the entire plate into the forge.
"Mumbles..." She says absently, grasping her lucerene hammer. She transports herself to the Material Plane, at the edge of Gallat's forest, waiting to intercept the madman before he touches her chosen Proteans, her deific weapon hefted into her hands, a grim look on her face.

2009-03-19, 10:23 PM
Avatar of Gallat, the Material Plane

At last, after quite some time, Gallat and his people managed to round up those not in their right mental state. It had not been an easy task, since it seemed for every madman they managed to restrain, two more would pop up. To make matters worse, Gallat had found himself unable to cure those affected (not that he ever professed healing to be his strong point), even though he did manage to put up mental barriers on those of his people still unaffected. They had managed to imprison the sick in a makeshift dungeon, which was really no more than a large pit. With him stuck on this plane and his divine self focused on other matters, he had no way to find the source of the infestation, though he had a feeling he would soon find out, one way or another.

For now though, the fate of those in the pit needed to be addressed. His first thought was to kill them, since that would be the most efficient way to deal with them. Besides, how dare they abuse his gift of intelligence by allowing themselves to be influenced so easily? However, remembering what thoughts like that had done to him in the past, he finally resolved to have them exiled, rather than executed. He passed his sentence on them, an amount of pity showing in his face as he looked on their deranged, twitching faces. Ordering his people to bind and gag them with the strongest vines available, Gallat had some of the still sane Arkun, led by a diligent scout, Rak'cht, to take the insane past the edge of the forest and abandoned. There their vines would eventually wither and die and their fates would be left to whatever forces would take them in.

And so, Rak'cht, his followers, and the bound mad Arkun, all set off to the edge of the forest, while Gallat's avatar began to see over the damages done.

By the way, zerombr, the Arkun are indeed (unknowingly) heading towards the Prometheans and, by extension, Lukica. But, do whatever you need to to beget Aldgar first, I can wait.

Lady Tialait
2009-03-19, 10:38 PM
Mumbles, for the Lulz.

Mumbles started to giggle. His giggles started to shake the area around him.

"That was funny!"

Mumbles then looked at the mortal races, with a grin.

"I think it's time for some REAL fun!"

Mumbles smirked, then threw a small amount of his power down to the Arkun and or otherwise. And before one of them was small furry creature. The creature had two sparkling eyes. His soft fur covered his two ears, atop his head, they both end in points. His face was triangle, but completely and disgustingly cute.

The creatures would follow the Arkun everywhere, giving off strange sounds 'Mew' and 'Prrr'. And were often getting onto their stuff, bags, playing with yarn. Making total nuisances of themselves.

Mumbles looked at the thing and giggled. He would name it, yes it needed a name.

"I will name my creature....LOLCATZ!...or kittens. I dunno I like both."

I'll just act like I spent 1 to act the insanity spells.

Sooo, 2-1 (Create Animal LOLCATZ!) = 1

2009-03-20, 02:12 AM
Iura Ciel, Lukica's Forge

The astral spark waiting in the Void of Unreality felt a faint breach, a slight, brief opening in the Veil that parted these realms from Reality.

It was open only for a moment, but this moment was enough for it to emerge, escape from the undefined void into Existence.


The woman's form flares up inside the Inheritor's forge, shattering the crystals around her to dust and absorbing them immediately after. Minutes later, a tall woman emerged from the forge, fully formed, basking in her newfound power and enjoying her right to be.

She pondered for some time, exploring the laboratory until she finally finds a mirror. Gazing upon her reflection, she finds no flaw, only perfection.
With a mere thought, she conjures a pearl-white dress from thin air to clothe herself, and then moves on to more urgent matters.

I am...Iura. Iura Ciel, the lady of law. It shall be my task and my purpose to bring order to this world, so that it may share my perfection and exult in its glory.

The Astral Plane
The newborn goddess shifted to the Astral Plane, and looked upon the material world.

She saw the mountains and forests, the rivers and seas, the animals, the dragons, the sons of steel and the protean, the songtouched and the arkum, the multitude of insects, some of which had been blessed with sentience.

She saw them living in relative peace, each one trying to survive in the harsh and young environment around them, supported by their gods who they revered.

She saw the disorder present in these people, faint, but noticable. While they had been created, nurtured and even -to some extent- taught, they hadn't received the blessing of law. Even worse, some of the arkum seemed to be...confused, driven insane by some outside influence that had forcibly warped their minds.

The lady frowned. This was not how the world should be. Drawing upon the powers within her, she began to draw some nearby extoplasm into a vague shape, and formed it with the force of her will.
It turned into an image of herself, and once it was completed, she willed for the ectoplasm to crystallize, becoming a statue of herself.

I am going to need others to aid me, and to act where I cannot.
You shall be the first of them. Wake up, my child, and live.

With a sudden embrace, Iura kissed the crystalline figure and imbued it with some of her divine essence, granting it life.

You shall be known as Claire, my beloved child. Now come with me, and descend to this material world. There is much work to be done.

With joined hands, the two women shifted again, entering the material plane.

The Material Plane
Iura and Claire appeared in the sky, kept aloft through Iura's divine power. The lady thought briefly about what she was going to do, the impact it would have and the reactions of the other gods to it. Ultimately, she dismissed any doubts and raised her hand as she enforced her will on the world.

Within moments, millions upon millions of stars flared up in the sky, descending as comets upon the planet and illuminating the night as shooting stars headed downwards. Yet none of them reached the surface, each one of them burned to nothing but dust in the atmosphere, leaving the creatures dwelling on the material plane unharmed.

Yet these stars carried something with them that did affect all living beings.
Countless animals, some dragons, proteans and sons of steel, some songtouched and insects and many, many arkum, especially those who had been driven insane all felt...different somehow.

They felt a new power surging through them, as their minds expanded, their senses sharpened and they found themselves blessed with previously unknown abilities.

All of them were instantly aware of who had thusly changed them, and why.

My children, I have granted you this gift so that you may understand the world you live in, and wield the power you now possess. Heed my words, for they are the law. Listen to me, and you shall be blessed even more, and it shall be you that will eventually rule this world.

Iura focused, and removed the insanity from those arkum that had received her gift, deciding that such an affliction was improper for her servants.

She then returned to the Astral Plane, leaving Claire on the Material Plane to supervise the gifted that would be drawn to serve the Lady.

AP: 4 starting AP, +3 from rollover = 7
-2 to create Phrenic Creatures.

Total AP left: 5

SDA-Alter Reality: Create Dress
Standard action: Planeshift to Astral Plane
Free action: Create DR 0 Godling(Claire)
Standard action: Designate Godling as Proxy (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/divine/divineMinions.htm#proxies), granting it DR 1(and reducing Iura's DR -temporarily- to 5)
Standard action: Plane shift with Claire to Material Plane

2 point action: Create Race: Phrenic Creatures (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/monsters/phrenicCreature.htm)
(Basically, Iura is applying this template to lots of creatures at once instead of creating a new race alltogether; Furthermore, the template is slightly changed: Remove the "if INT is 3 or greater" clause, allowing this template to give sapience to animals)

Lady Tialait
2009-03-20, 04:04 PM
Mumbles, In Ur Worldz Messin' wit stuff.

Mumbles was now bored. Playing with other folk's stuff was at best a boring waste of time. At best...well a boring waste of time.

Mumbles had concluded that the...rodents were a waste of time. And not really funny anymore. Perhaps if he made his own peaple. Mumbles envisioned it for a moment.

~~~"Yes, we praise you! Oh great Mumbles! We will do your bidding? What prank do you want us to do today?"

Mumbles, The Benovolant blesses his great people with good crops, healthy children and loads of gadget porn. ~~~

Mumbles shuddered.

"No More Gadget Porn!!! Never NEVER NEVER!"

Mumbles started to kick and scream, seriously, the guy doesn't like gadget porn.

-*-Hours Later-*-

Mumbles wiped the tears off his cheeks, those heavy heavy tears. He didn't want gadget porn to ever exist. And would plight those who dared to create it. FOREVER! Right jerks they are.

"Alright, no race. Soooo, not creating a race. That would destroy my precious precious sanity."

Mumbles hugged himself, "I love you sanity."

The Jester smirked, "I'll make me...again...and again...and again...and again."

-*-One Month Later-*-

"and again....and again...and again..."

Something fell on Mumbles head.

"Right then. I shall name it george!"

With a flick of his wrist he created a double of himself. However it was not like him, the freakin' thing spit in his face. "What the.."

Then the clown doubled itself, those doubled themselves, so on and so forth till Mumbles couldn't move, being crowded with clowns.

"Right, bad idea...better get rid of these things."

Mumbles pushed all of them into a box. The box buckled, but did not break.

"That is better. Now, I think three of me will be enough for now. Giggles, Wiggles, and Lou. Get your butts out of the box. The rest..stay in there."

Three Clowns popped out of the box, each with a goofy look on their faces. They saluted, with their left hands, bonking each of themselves on the nose.

Mumbles giggled. "Alright you's guys. Shee, get you's butts onto the world and cause some hilarity shee."

With that the three were sent to the world as a blight. They would get into stuff, start messes and such. They could never be killed, because they were the same as Mumbles, Gods.

Alright, I just created one DemiGod, called "Infinite Box of Infinite Clowns or Iboic for short. Iboic is a DemiGod DR 1 so he can walk the world. I spend 4 AP on his butt. According to Rules I remember that is correct.

Edit: Draken Corrected me 4 - 3 (Create Iboic) = 1 AP

2009-03-20, 04:15 PM
Outer Nightmare, Kethkress (4 AP)

A thousand of eyes opened in a place so far, so deep in space. A thousand eyes within a hundred maws and at the end of a million clawed arms.

And it made something sever from itself, a lump of gray flesh, which it sent out of it's unspeakable mannor, into the endless infinity between, and then into material skyes.

(-3 AP: beget DR 1 Demigod: Illazan, The Tainter, writeup in the OOC).


Material Plane, Illazan (1 AP)

Great Illazan fell from the night skies, little more than a massive lump of flesh, losing much mass as it burned through the atmosphere. It fell in the oceans, and where it did so, the waters were corrupted by it's foul blood, the blood of Kethkress. The foul liquid seeped deep, into the earth, and pulled it up, to craddle the spawn of the alien deity.

Illazan's presence too changed this land, what first was burnt, gray flesh soon writhed and wriggled into a confortable position, pulsating and glowing with power, arcane, psionic, electrical. It was like a monstrous, mishappen thing of brain matter, stretching it's tentacles through the land it's parent had given it, changing it, evolving it, corrupting it further yet.

(-2 AP: Raise Land)

(Final AP = 0
Base AP income is now 4, due to Illazan, the Demigod)

2009-03-21, 02:00 AM
Iura Ciel, the Astral Plane

Iura sensed the ripple in the fabric of reality as more divine beings were created.
Even though these possessed far less power than herself, they would inevitably pose a new factor in the power struggle on the material plane that was to come.

Thus, she decided to offer knowledge to her followers, and not only to them, but also to those of their -lesser- kin.

She sent a mental command to Claire, and her proxy acted immediately.
A clarion call rang out over the world, piercing the minds of all psionic creatures with raw knowledge.

And suddenly, they gained a deeper understanding of the powers they had been granted, and the concepts that governed those powers.
They had been taught the principles of psionics.

However, this wasn't enough. The lady drew upon her lesser powers granted by her divine status, and altered reality around her, calling a simulacrum (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/simulacrum.htm) of herself into existence. She immediately commanded it to obey Claire, and sent it to aid her proxy in all of its endeavors.

Currently 5 AP left.

Actions: Teach populous(phrenic creatures): Knowledge of Psionics. (-1 AP)
(This includes psionic focus and the knowledge of augmenting, researching powers and the necessity of powerpoints for manifesting powers;

Right now, all phrenic creatures have only Psi-Like abilities which do not require powerpoints or augmenting, thus, they previously lacked this knowledge.)

Since phrenic creatures live among the non-phrenic of their race, this knowledge should spread quickly among all races.

SDA-Alter reality: Emulate Simulacrum (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/simulacrum.htm). This creates a 14th level simulacrum of Iura with no Divine Ranks(not even DR 0).

Said Simulacrum is a female Human Telepath 5/Thrallherd 9. It otherwise follows all normal rules for simulacra.

SDA-Alter reality: Emulate Plane shift on Simulacrum, transporting it to the material plane, close to Claire.

4 AP left.

2009-03-21, 06:06 PM
Medea - The Material Plane. Somewhere. 5/5 ap

Medea had wandered for several years in mortal time, observing the death and the madness that had begun to infect the world. Her own dark progeny had been one of the worst offenders, driving some of the Arkun insane.

She had begun to comprehend her own purpose in the world - even if she had failed to protect the living, she could still protect the dead, as well as protecting the living from the dead. In the past, a dying soul would be freed of its ties to its body, but was unable to interact with the world. Only the gods could see these spirits for what they were, and they had not suffered at first. After a short time, the soul-stuff would congeal, forming maybe a new god or giving life to a mortal at birth. However, in the intervening time, the soul was helpless - it could do nothing, see nothing and hear nothing.

Her brush with darkness, however, had led Medea to realise that the souls of the dead had been suffering - even as the gods became corrupted, each generation of spirits had been twisted, broken and reforged. The mortal beings that resulted were slowly growing more and more evil, corrupted by
the bitterness that had slowly crept into the essence of mortality.

With a moment of concentration, Medea drew upon the essence of both the material plane and the astral void, creating a new world that reflected the material plane in a sense - although it was different, far more mutable. She assumed control over the plane's shape, and over the way in which people died - whenever a person died, from now on, it had a place to go.

A soul could find solace in the land of the dead. However, Medea realised that the judge of the dead had to be respected. At a thought, the realm split into infinite layers - near the top were the heavens, a home for the souls of the lawful and just. Near the bottom were nine hells - a place for the punishment of the wicked and vile.

In between were the lands of dreams, where those who made their own path could continue to do so. If such a soul had been wicked in its mortal life, however, then it was doomed to the same lifeless limbo that had once faced every soul. This part of the realms of the dead seemed to touch the material world - a place where even the living could sometimes find their own consciousness. Such beings were still bound by the rules of the plane, and they could find themselves rewarded or damned for the time they spent here.

While it wasn't the best method for encouraging good deeds, Medea felt that giving people a taste of their afterlife could be interesting.


@Mike the Mystic - the heavens and the hells didn't actually exist when you posted, so I've created them. I've made a few changes to the way things work though - a chaotic soul now remains in the realm of dreams rather than ever ending up in the heavens or the hells. A free spirit makes its own path.

5 ap to create the infinite realm of the dead, and of dreams, making it divinely morphic with respect to Medea and Valkir.

Somebody might want to bestow a couple of nightmares on good guys/good dreams on bad guys otherwise the evil in this campaign will be verrry insane

0ap remaining

2009-03-21, 08:56 PM
Valkir almost agreed with everything the goddess did, except for the inclusion of Chaos and Order, whom he did not feel were necessary.

"Goddess...what is chaos and order if not concepts of mortals. Order and chaos are both subjective, and are never definitive. A warrior of a god might crusade for "Order", but in actuality slaying innocents for their beliefs is never good, and always evil. A bard is a rogue who never hurts things directly, but is considered chaotic..." He began his speech "Chaos and Order will not be considered in my judgements, and as such the "Lawful" Crusader and the "Chaotic" Bard would be in the opposite positions. It shall be the crusader in the hells and the Bard in the heavens, for their steryotypes do not justify their paths. It will be deeds, not intentions, that will be judged on my scale. And let it be known that one who destroys in an act of offense will have a heart filled with evil, and one who only defends himself will be considered good upon my scale. That is all, Mistress..."

2009-03-21, 10:20 PM
Vorm, 5 ap same place

All the other gods had made a helper of some sort, Vorm had not . So he made from the astral goo and spare parts found in the workshop of Lukica a being of mettle and darkness to add him in the duties of a god. I shall call it, Otsochre.

Lady Tialait
2009-03-21, 10:59 PM
Mumbles, Giggling someplace, seriously it's a uncontrollable thing.

Mumbles floated before Valkir, giggling.

"Consider the jester. We can kill one with pure happiness. Consider the joke. A thing of chaos to bring joy. Consider the executioner, a being to end joy for the good of all."

Mumbles snickered.

"Consider this you high and mighty creature. A story."

Mumbles cleared this throat, and chuckled. Floating up side down.

"A single man, a proper man. A true artist with his words speaks through a town. His words bring joy, happiness, and wonderment....However, they are not approved by anyone. They are an insult to the normal folk, and harm their sense of right and wrong. HOWEVER (dot dot dot) he never harms anything physically. He steals...he lies...but all to survive. He never does any TRUE harm. He does break laws, constantly in fact. Where do you send him? What do you do with him? The world cannot condone him, he would destroy all their rules. THERE RULES. So, they would remove him. Exile? No. Imprisonment? No. They execute him. Why? Because, he is a threat to all of them. A threat must be dealt with. Who is in the wrong? The one who kills one to save thousands upon thousands, or the one who put the danger there? Answer me oh great God of justice. Oh great judger of judges. Oh great stealer of souls. Oh great poo-bah!. Oh great master of the lolkittens! Oh...say can you seeeeeeeee!"

Mumbles starts giggling again. He really does that a lot.


Iboic, In it's Box

The Box of clowns was too full, the three were causing trouble...someplace. Sooo, it popped out a single clown...but not a clown. A being unlike the others.

(Roberts is in)

2009-03-21, 11:42 PM
While blind, the gaze of Valkir was metaphorically burning.

"He who makes a family go hungry, he who tells dishonesty to get a copper, he who is slanderous, is the same as one who takes the life of innocents, who rapes the town and destroys all. For evil is evil in these blind eyes. But let me tell you a story, cackling one...

A man, a simple man, is wandering through a king's forest. The warden, a man tasked with protecting those from harm, walks into the middle of the road. He tells the man that in order to have protection, he must pay the royal fee. But the man is poor, so the warden does not escort him. Three days later, the warden hears that the man was murdered the day they met by a band of Revolter-thieves, because he had no coin. Who is in the wrong, the warden? The king? The thieves? ALL I SAY! Those who make corrupt laws are corrupt themselves, and make law corrupt. Those who enforce laws that are corrupt prolongue corruption. And those who do not care for another's life is just as corrupt as the politicians and kings they fight against. None are innocent, except the poor man, who did not do anything wrong his whole life and is yet punished by law! There is no law unfallable, there is no chaos unmalleable, ther is only Good, Neutral and Evil in my eyes! Blind as they may be, they see more than yours, Jester! But I do not hate, nor do I anger at any, for this is the path they choose. And your madness is your path, and my judgements are my own..."

Lady Tialait
2009-03-22, 12:12 AM
Mumbles, now rolling around laughing.

"You tell a good joke. But, no the poor man was no innocent.

Do you expect everyone to help each other with no essence for themselves? No payment? Let me tell your story...from the future."

Mumbles started to giggle. He did that alot, so nothing new there.

"That same road, same warden, same poor man. However, the warden feels it is a kind act to help the poor man out, escorting him through this forest. THEIVES ATTACK!..as you have pointed out. The poor man is saved by the warden...all hail the conquering hero.

So? Now only the thieves are at fault, perhaps the law makers. But, let's bring this story to the future. You see, the poor man goes threw this forest every day. And the kindly warden never asks a penny. How nice? Soon, word gets around, the Warden asks nothing of those who cannot pay. Ten or twenty trips are given a day by the kindly warden. The poor love him, however...he is no longer able to pay for even a loaf of bread. Growing weak he is escorting your poor man hero through the wood. He gets attacked. The Poor man escapes, but because the warden is now almost starving from no payment for months upon months...he gets killed. A life given to others, to be sure. And you would give him a nice afterlife....but his kind acts are what killed him. Is your 'heaven' only for fools and beggers? You make it clear it is. A kindly king that does not weaken his seat by giving all the royal treasury to those who beg at his step every day is considered a dark criminal. The Warden who asks a modest fee for his services so he may live is a dark villain....Actually disregard me. I like this idea. I think it'll be one heck of a joke!"

Mumbles starts to laugh out loud.


2009-03-22, 12:25 AM
Within your condensation is a truth: Kindness can kill, but so can cruelty. May I suggest the moderate method. Same scenario as before, but this time, the king doesn't tax as harshly as he did before, leaving the poor man with enough money for a moderate fee. The fee, to begin with, was not moderate, however, because the king is a tyrant who taxes excessively. Because this time the king doesn't tax as harshly as before, threre are no theives in his forest. Therefore there is no need for a fee. The warden leads a different life, say the king's grounds keeper at his castle. There, he will live an honest life with no need for such things as guarding those passing through the forests. What say you, jester?

Lady Tialait
2009-03-22, 12:33 AM
Mumbles, now getting bored.

Mumbles yawns, then snickers.

"The King and the Warden belong in your 'hell' the poor man becomes a bandit for his own greed. Hence, goes to your 'hell'. Why you might ask does the Warden and the King belong in your 'hell'? The King seduces the Warden's wife and makes a royal bastard. The Warden in a fit of rage murders the King. Why does all this happen? Because, you see, The Warden was an outdoors man and the King required him to be a guard....life is a very funny thing. I will be on my way...oh judge of the judges. Just remember, just because you can't SEE the pretty colors doesn't mean they don't exist."

With a giggle and a grin the Jester vanishes.

2009-03-22, 12:38 AM
"A being stranger" Valkir said "I shall never meet..."

He then reiterates his comments before, telepathically, to Medea. "I still wish to know your thoughts, mistress..."

2009-03-22, 01:27 AM
I'll react to the developments on the material plane once zerombr posts. Until then...

Gallat, Astral Plane

Gallat left his home plane for a time, since he was wary of having his mind occupied with the mind of his avatar. He felt that all that micromanaging was detering him from his very nature. "I'll have to remove myself from mortal affairs soon...", he thought to himself, just as he was stumbling accross two gods he had never seen before, apparently locked in a...debate? He watched from a distance at the two, listening in on their converasation, until the jester finally vanished. A smile crossing both his faces, Gallat approached the remaining divine, Valkir, from behind, circling about him while speaking.

"I would not be so sure...While I am certainly not as odd as that one, you should already know not to close yourself to possibilities so quickly. I know that I wasn't exactly part of that little argument just now...Gallat, by the way, in case you cared to know...but I'm afraid I must admit that the madman had some valid points. After all, you cannot condemn those for your own sense of morality, for you are but ONE god among many who determines what is right and what is wrong.

To illustrate, let me bring back up your story of the warden and the poor man. However, let us say that the "protection fee" was not sanctioned by a worldly king, but instead, by the very god of that land, of whom, we will say for argument's sake, both the warden and the poor man are followers. NOW, who is in the wrong? The warden for upholding the will of his Lord, yet condemning the poor man to his fate? The poor man for selfishly attempting to preserve his own life by persuading a warden to disobey his god? The thieves, who may very well be serving a different god altogether and were themselves commanded by THEIR god to kill and mug the poor man? Please...enlighten me.

2009-03-22, 02:14 AM
Claire ci Vallé, Material Plane
Claire had acted according to the wishes of her lady, and she was content doing so. She had been granted power beyond her comprehension, had been chosen to be an important tool in the hands of her goddess:
To witness the creation of the gifted, to impart them knowledge about its nature, and to govern those who heard the lady's call and wished to serve.
She had even been assigned an aide herself, a simulacrum that shared her lady's appearance, taken from a past that had never been.

Yet with every day that passed, more mortals flocked to Claire and asked for guidance. They were a varied folk, members of every race there was, and even animals, awakened by the gift, came and asked to serve.

The blessing of Law
So the godling did her best to fulfill her duty - She gave them laws. Laws to protect and to guide them, to give them purpose and power. Laws to worship the Lady, and the Lady alone - to revere and acknowledge their creators, but to favor the Lady above all. Laws to obey and Laws to command, Laws to liberate and Laws to constrain. Laws to abide by, and those to bend in your favor, Laws to honor for eternity.

The creation of Alexion
Claire called upon the divine powers granted to her, and altered reality as she saw fit, creating food and shelter for the believers, erecting a city to serve as their home.

At first, she created the cities' outer boundaries - a large circle of permanent prismatic walls, encased in permanent walls of force. While the force prevented anyone from coming too close to the shimmering core of the walls, they acted as powerful defensive barrier to protect the citizens from harm.
Eight gates allowed entrance through these walls, gates in the Northeast, North, Northwest, West, Southwest, South, Southeast and East of the city.

Then, she proceeded to erect houses, made of stone and iron, sculpted into uniform designs unique to each of the nine districts.
After defining the districts, she created a temple in the center of the city, a temple dedicated to her goddess, a tall tower made of pure white marble.
This tower of Law was higher than any other building, carefully crafted by Claire without the aid of any unseen servants.
Finally, she dedicated the entire city to the Lady by hallowing its grounds, forbidding any lie to take place within these grounds.

Exhausted from her work, Claire looked at what she had done, and solemnly spoke:
"From now on, this place shall be known as Alexion, the home of Law."

Iura has 4 AP.

Free action: Give 4 AP to Claire.

Teach populous(believers of Iura, Claire and Simulacria): Concept of Law.
(-1 AP).

SDA-Alter Reality:
Emulate Miracle, Wish, Wall of Stone, Prismatic Wall, Wall of Iron, True Creation, Permanency, Unhallow, Unseen Servant to create Alexion. Each of these spells will be used many times, roughly described in the post. Every spell will be made permanent via Alter Reality or Permanency.

The fluff above says that Claire dedicates the city by HALLOWING its grounds, but she actually uses the spell UNHALLOW(and modifies it with Zone of Truth).

AP left:

Iura: 0 AP.

Claire: 3 AP.

2009-03-22, 03:48 AM
"I am sanctioned to judge the dead because I am blind justice incarnate, fellow divinity. If it was your task to judge who was going to the heavens or the hells, then you would know, but alas you don't. I am getting the feeling that the gods wish to meddle in the task that is mine, from the jester to the creator of the heavens and hells herself. Is it so wrong to follow one's purpose? Should I rule over these...Lulcats? Or your beings? Why do not the divinities worry about their own tasks instead of mine?" He said, very long-winded as usual.

2009-03-22, 08:22 AM

As malevolent intelligence filled the cold metal skull of Ostochre, he twitched to life. At first his motions were jerky, mechanical, but soon his motions became fluid and subtle, like the ebbing of the water currents, and the prowl of a hungry predator. He traveled to the great sea of space, and looked down upon the world now under his stewardship. A moment of darkness flared in his seemingly infinite sockets and he waved a metal hand almost longingly toward the world. "This place holds many secrets from me. Secrets I must learn. Death is too short here. This will change."

2009-03-22, 10:56 AM
Iura Ciel, Astral Plane
Iura had been testing Claire's capabilities by leaving her to deal with the mortal's questions and problems.
And her child had excelled at dealing with them. The Lady was proud, and decided to reward her proxy for building a great city in her honor.

Material Plane
She descended upon the material plane -perhaps for the last time- and appeared within the walls of Alexion.
"You have done well, child. Receive your rightful and just reward for what you have done, so that you may better serve me in the future."

The goddess embraced Claire once again, and wreathed both of them into a silvery-white brilliance as she withdrew her divine essence from her proxy and exalted her to the status of a divine being.

As the light receded, Iura had already returned to the Astral Plane, her divine power too great to be contained by the material boundaries, and her daughter stood still in the center of Alexion, silently weeping because of sorrow and joy alike.
She had changed. Gone was her crystalline, statue-like appearance; Gone was the smooth, black hair so similar to Iura's. In Claire's place stood a woman, tall and slender as before, with golden curls and bright, silvery-grey eyes; a distant, surprised expression on her face.

The parting words of Iura resounded like thunder in her mind, as she tried to comprehend what had happened to her, and why...

"In order to govern my believers, you need to be unbound by morals and ideals other than the Law. This is why you shall become neutral -so that you may unite all races under my rule, and act as my messenger to those Gods that deem themselves *Good*, as foolish as it may be.

Now be, Claire, be what you were meant to be since the time I called you from the Void and gave you life. BE, and never forget that I am your Lady, your mother and your Law.



Free action:
Give 3 AP to Iura.

Plane shift to the Material Plane(to Alexion).
Grant Claire DR 1, change Claire's alignment to LN. (-3 AP, *Beget God* action)

Plane shift to the Astral Plane.

Standard action: Recall Divine Rank from Claire.

AP left: 0

Iura is now a DR 6 lesser deity.

Claire is now a DR 1 demigoddess.

2009-03-22, 01:06 PM
Lukica the Inheritor above the Arkun forest 4 AP

She waited, she scanned, gripping her forged polearm with a determined fury, awaiting the jester god, and his tainted delerium, yet he never showed. Perhaps he knew what awaited him, or perhaps he changed his course on a whim, either way only delayed the inevitable...

She relaxes her stance, exhaling in relief before heading off to the closest outpost the Proteans had made to the forest...the first line of defense against Mumbles.

--- At the Forest Outpost ---

Smoke rises from the wood and metal community as birds circle overhead. A pile of bodies ominously greets Lukica as she descends unto the battered fort. She activates her voicebox "WHAT HAS HAPPENED HERE?"
An armored Protean she had recognized as one of her Marshalls named Bleak approached her, clasping his hands in an interlinking sign. A representative of her sign, she supposed.
Bleak raised his head, "Feral beasts, they descended from the forest, and attacked...in part." The Inheritor frowned, "IN PART?" Lukica makes a mental note to turn down her voicebox when talking to mortals next time, before he continues. "Some of them attacked, some fought amongst themselves, others....just sat and muttered."
She surveys the area as Bleak added, gesturing to the fire, "Madness...."
The Inheritor turns her head back to him, a scowl on her child-like face, "MADNESS?....THIS WAS...MUMBLES..."
Yes, yes I know. I couldn't resist
She motions to the forest, as she fiddles with her loudspeaker, it announcing her words in a softer, tinny tone. "We are not at war with the forest folk, they have been tainted by the sire of a sister, Use the communicators I made for you to alert the others. Find a way to control it. You have done well, you have adapted to the surprise." Lukica looks around for another moment, looking at the progress, reminding herself that simple machinery was next for her to teach them, before ascending into the air. "I must seek out my own answers as well..." Without a word of farewell to her people, having encountered strife for their first time, she ripples, returning to her home.

--- At the Font of Inspiration ---

The figure that was Iura was already gone, that was hardly a surprise, but where did she go? The Inheritor sensed the existence of other, newer places to go, other planes. 'Are these the work of those that were birthed here? And why are they stronger than myself? Am I but a fragment of True Iron?' She gritted her teeth, as she left, warping herself back into the Astral Plane with a shudder of power.

--- In the Astral Plane ---

She immediately felt Iura's presence, for she was the Goddess' maker, not that it would have been hard, after all, Iura was a design Lukica had made. Within the starry abysss, she approaches Ciel, gesturing to her voicebox.
"Do you have answers for me? Answers about Mumbles?"

Lady Tialait
2009-03-22, 01:56 PM
Mumbles, Astral Plane

Mumbles taps Lukica on the shoulder, "Hi."

2009-03-22, 03:38 PM

True Death looked over the world, and was intrigued. He wished to learn more, in person, about this world that would so soon feel his influence. However, he could not go there himself.

He felt that the form that would walk in his place on the world below, would begin to show the world what his gifts truly were.

And so he scoured the world, and at last found what he sought to find. A skeleton, perfectly bleached in the sun, a glorious shining white. Ostochre siphoned his will and power into the white bone, and the ivory took on a metallic sheen, as it hardened and strengthened, till it shone like silver and was harder than steel.

As the metal skeleton began to rise, it found in it's hand a great staff, and about it's shoulders a seeming paradox began to form. A white cloak fluttered in the breeze, it was ripped and torn, it's edges ragged, but it was the most pristine and clean piece of material any mortal would ever set eyes upon.

The skeleton looked up into the sky, staring intently at Ostochre, and raised it's hands to the heaven, divine light flooding over it. Had Ostochre any lips, they would have smiled, but in their place his skull-grin answered the same expression on his new creation. Chorsotok, the Prophet of Bone, had been born.

1AP=4AP-3AP Create Avatar, Prophet of Bone.

2009-03-22, 08:47 PM
Lukica the Inheritor with 4 AP, Mumbles and Iura

It takes her a moment to turn around, her lips tightened in frustration of the simple humiliation of being snuck up upon. "You!" She points a finger, accusing Mumbles. "Because of your insolent asinine antics, several of my Proteans were slain in chaos. You will stop your madness immediately, your delusions have no place in my Great Plan."

2009-03-22, 09:13 PM
Avatar of Gallat, Material Plane

Gallat had had enough...

The past few years had been continuously stressful, and had been worsened by the sudden appearance of the insufferably cute and annoying lolkittens (he wasn't exactly sure how or why he knew they were called that). Not having the patience to try to get rid of them as he had the insane Arkun, he simply let his people deal with them as they saw fit, with many of them finding their appearance and antics "adorable" and deciding to feed and shelter them. A few more Arkun also started mentioning strange dreams and voices, whom Gallat immediately exiled, fearing they were being driven to insanity (although in truth, they were simply some of those affected by Iura). They had put up surprisingly little of a fight, almost as if they wanted to leave.

Having put up with these troubles long enough, Gallat finally decided to completely shut of his people from the outside world, and shut off himself from his people. He cast a great illusion on the forest itself, making it extremely difficult to traverse, and then had his avatar travel to the forbidden isle in the middle of the lake, resolving to have it be a guardian of the portal there, rather than directly interfere with his worshippers any longer. Unfortunately, Gallat had apparently forgotten that not all of his people were in the depths of the forest...

Rak'cht, Arkun leader, Outskirts of the Forest of Arkun

The past few days had been hell for Rak'cht and his followers. Despite his years working as a scout and explorer for the Illusion god, the forest turned out to be MUCH more massive than he had anticipated, and it had taken a good month to reach the forest's edge.

That was when the trouble began...

With the trip having taken so long, the bindings that held the mad Arkun eventually withered and broke just as they neared the edge of the forest. The sane ones gave chase, only to stumble across an outpost of apparently sentient creatures unknown to the Arkun (not that ANY sentient creatures other than themselves were known to them). The mad ones began to attack both the new beings and the sane Arkun when, suddenly, some of the insane Arkun began attacking with some strange power. Worse still, some of Rak'cht's own ranks developed similar powers and turned on their kin. But Rak'cht's group was comprised of scouts and laborers, not soldiers, so he almost immediately ordered a retreat back into the forest, after all, their mission was to release the insane ones outside the forest, which they had done.

It was a shame, Rak'cht thought. He had always wanted to see the world outside his forest and just when he got his chance, he didn't even get a moment to enjoy it. Still, he couldn't help but be relieved that the ordeal was almost over, as he now saw a break in the trees ahead, heralding what was surely the clearing his village was located in.

Unfortunately, this was not the case. Somehow, despite walking in a straight line, they found themselves back in the outside world from whence they came. It was boggling, but Rak'cht had no time to ponder this, as he had to make a decision. His followers had been in such a rush to get home they had not foraged much on the way there, and thus were tired, hungry, and demoralized. Thus, Rak'cht told them that they would make camp there, at the edge of the forest. They would continue sending scout patrols to find a way through the forest, but for now they would simply focus on survival.

The days turned to weeks, to months, to years, and the scout patrols eventually were lost or disbanded due to wane of interest. For Rak'cht and his people now grew ever more curious about the new world around them, and had eventually started considering their "camp" home. And so, the generations passed, and the camp grew into a village, which grew into more villages outlying the forest, with their inhabitants calling themselves the Tribe of Rak'cht, after their founder.

2 AP for Mold land/illusion spell to create the illusion in the Forest of Arkun. It should be noted, that the forest is still able to be traversed by someone who is deadset on getting through it, such that they mark their trail, map their surroundings, etc. The spell just prevents casual or unprepared entry. I'll also spend the (I think) 2 AP for Guide Populace: although their ways haven't been significantly changed, now that I've split up the Arkun race into the secluded Central Forest Tribe, and the more geographically and culturally open (hint hint) Rak'cht Tribe. I'm expecting both of their ways to change drastically soon, so I'm spending the AP now to cover that. Should leave me with 3AP left (thanks to evolve self and not doing anything for a week, which left me with my maximum of 7 AP)

2009-03-22, 11:12 PM
Prophet of Bone, the Ivory Wanderer

As the silver-boned skeleton lowered it's arms, and the shaft of "divine" light was once more concealed by passing clouds, he began to look about him. Chorsotok saw that this world had much potential, much potential indeed.

Casting about, Chorsotok located the nearest nest of sentients, and set off to spread his masters word. Ostochre would be praised by this worlds people, and it was the Prophets job to ensure this.

2009-03-23, 01:56 AM
Iura Ciel, Astral Plane

"Do you have answers for me? Answers about Mumbles?"
Iura turned around to face the one that had created her, called her from the Void to escape Unbeing and enter Reality.

"I am honored by your presence, mother. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to analyze the source of the insanity yet - nor have I found a way to contain it, other than shielding my followers. It seems..."

She was interrupted as Mumbles appeared and mockingly greeted Lukica.
Politely waiting out the Inheritors irate outburst, the Lady eventually continued, her eyes glowing with psionic power as she absent-mindedly scanned the chaotic deity, gathering information about it.

"...that this 'Mumbles' is a god of madness and wields considerable power. Fortunately, he is very whimsical and does not actively pursue any goal for a long amount of time, which makes dealing with him easier.
Furthermore, the unpredictability of insanity - and chaos itself - disallows any form of agreement that he could be expected to honor."

Iura had completed her analysis, and subtly altered the inflection of her voice as she addressed Mumbles.

"I have seen your work, Mumbles. Not all of it is destructive or even disruptive, and not all of it carries malicious intent. However, be warned.
I will not tolerate any of your actions against my believers, nor will I tolerate any further slight against my mother.

We may be equal in rank, equal -maybe- in power, equal even in our way of despising Good: But you are mad, and I am the Law.
Any further transgressions on your part will provoke my wrath, and I will not be alone."

Lady Tialait
2009-03-23, 02:13 AM
Mumbles, Chuckling

"You don't have anything of your own. The God who likes to call himself 'Valkir' owns all souls. If you ask him he'll tell you that Souls are his to control."

Mumbles smirks, without a bit of laughter.

"My mettling is temporary at best, and over all just there for the lulz! His mettling in the affairs of your believers are complete and total domination. Yet, you fear me? Poor little me?"

Mumbles starts to mock-cry. A clown walked up and gave him a hanky. He blew his nose in it and then suffed it in the pants of Iura Ciel.

"However, because it entertains me....I'll not say anything else"

Mumbles starts to giggle, vanishing.

2009-03-23, 06:47 PM
Angels, Lukica's Current Location

The Mercurim Officer descended to the Goddess known as Lukica and bowed low.

"We have been charged with serving as your messengers and warriors mistress, by the father of all angels, Valkir the Just. What are your orders, mistress?"

The other Mercurim, fourty-nine in all, kneeled before their mistress, waiting for her command.

2009-03-23, 07:39 PM
Lukica the Inheritor with 4 AP, Iura Ciel, and a bunch of angels
In the Astral Plane

She clenches her hands, that fool god's antics irritated her so. "What worry is it, to care about souls whose purpose has been done?", she says to noone in particular. The tinny sound of her voicebox continues, "Their advancement, that is what matters, little else...". The child creator pauses, "Though I suppose those who had advanced their lot, and passed on their inventions would be ones rewarded..."
Lukica finally seems to remember where she is, and who she is with, looking up to Iura, her eyes a bit regretful at the thought of her race being punished by an outsider..."There is darkness looming." She gestures to the Plane, "Balance is being sought out, those gaps in life are being filled....I feel..." She pauses, "That there is a worse being out there, beyond Mumbles...The jester is but a portent, but a dangerous one. I do not..."
Valkir's angels arrive, bending knee to her, leaving the Inheritor somewhat uneasy. "I asked not for such an army, nor...do I know what to do with one." Picking up on her uneasy state, the tone from her loudspeaker lessens, "I create..."
She looks at the knelled angels before her, each one her height if not taller. With great reluctance, she speaks, her words forced, uneasy, "Search, find...find what is causing these dark simlacrums of us. There is another force, Tainted, corrupt, non divine that seeks to tip the scales further. Go.." Without a second glance, she looks back to her 'daughter', the same uneasiness evident upon her small face, "Is there a cure, a protection from his madness?"

2009-03-23, 08:38 PM
Kethkress, the Warper

An eye the size of a world opened in a world that was a living thing. It glared past the boundaries of it's surreal existance, into the world of deities and of mortals.

Kethkress scanned the world under it's baleful gaze. hat pitiful beings those deities had created into the land. Weak flesh, weak minds. At least one seemed to try to fix the second issue. But it was not enough. It cannot be enough.

Kethkress wished it had the power to change that. But it was drained. And it would have to wait.

2009-03-23, 09:38 PM
Chorsotok, Ivory Wanderer

The Silver Boned Sage continued it's eternal journey to spread the faith of his lords True Death, in preparation for his masters glorious creations. As he walked ever onwards, over dune and hill, forest and sea, he came upon a great forest. He entered the forest in search of sentient life. He seemed to wander the nigh-endless forest for days upon days, with no trace of life, however the Prophet of Bone knew he could see the truth if his eyes held clearly the vision of his masters plan.

With the vision only a true divine could acquire, he knew he had reached his goal. Before him, a settlement stretched in the seemingly empty forest, shrouded as it was in illusion. And so Chorsotok cast his sockets which held the pureness of void, the secrets of Forever Death, into the night sky above the trees, straight at whatever gods watched over this place, and approached the home of the sentients in this veiled glade.

The MunchKING
2009-03-23, 09:46 PM
Iboic, In it's Box

The Box of clowns was too full, the three were causing trouble...someplace. Sooo, it popped out a single clown...but not a clown. A being unlike the others.

(Roberts is in)

OOC: Ah There it was. I was spawned by a clown box?? Sheesh. :smalltongue:

IC: "What ho??" Roberts looked around. "This is no place for one such as me. I must go!" And thus he wandered the Planes until he found one almost entirly of water. And He knew it was his purpose. "A fine God, should have a fine chariot to ride this great expanse!" And with a wave of his hand a fine ship appeared. "With this I can sail to my heart's desire!" And for a time it was good.

OOC: If I want to make the inside of my boats a contignet Demiplane sort of thing, It'll cost me 3 AP right? Once I get going good, I'll make it my followers afterlives...

The MunchKING
2009-03-23, 10:13 PM
Roberts boarded his vessel. It was much larger on the inside than it appeared to be on the outside. And Roberts detected it could expand much further if he had need. This will do for a home he thought. Now I sail! But as he sailed upon his boat he grew lonely. The great boat steered but with the slightest effort of his power and turn of the wheel. The boat was vast. It was meant to be filled. He needed a crew! But where to find such a crew? He would sail to the mortal lands. Maybe there he would find people who thought like him, and were willing to sail aboard the God-ships for all eternity.

OOC: How many APs does a starting player get?

2009-03-24, 02:12 AM
Check the OOC thread.

Forest of Arkun, depths

Nirek watched the border of the village carefully. Ever since the Exodus, when a good portion of the Arkun, as well as their patron god's physical form, left for reasons lost to history, the Central Forest tribe had not had many problems keeping intruders out of their forest, as most seemed to simply become lost and wind up back outside. However, over the past few days he and his scouts had been on high alert, as a being never before encoutered by them had been seen traversing the forest, apparently dead-set on finding their village. As of yet, the creature had had just as much luck as the others, but he was persistant enough that...

"Captain Nirek!" The captain's train of thought was derailed at the whispering urgency of one of his scouts. "What is it?" "The dead one is headed towards the village! We believe he knows that it's there." "What? How far?" The scout poited almost directly downwards at the metallic skeleton, causing Nirek to nearly fall off his branch in shock. He had no idea that his runner-system of communication was so ineffective. He would have to keep that in mind, but for now he immediately ordered the scout to activate the trap, which he swiftly set off to do.

Moments later, a great net made of vines fell from the treetops onto the metal being (the Arkun, of course, neither knowing that it was a god's avatar they were trapping, nor realizing that a being of metal could easily rip through their bindings) and a legion of Arkun scouts, including the Captain himself, jumped from their vantage points and surrounded the trap with crude spears pointed threateningly. They said no words, apparently waiting for the being to state his case.

Forest of Arkun, outskirts

Meanwhile, one of the villages of the Rak'cht tribe that dotted the outside of the great forest, which also happened to border the sea closest to it, created the Arkun's first dock and port, in order to set up a small fishing industry.

2009-03-24, 02:57 AM
Since Iura is wearing a Dress, and not pants of any sort, I'll ignore the part about the handkerchief.
Iura Ciel, Astral Plane
The Lady took note of Mumbles' description of this Valkir, and further note of the angels - quite different - description of the same.
Valkir the Just, father of angels - judge of souls. I will have to visit him soon.

She then replied to Lukica's question with a polite smile.
"Unfortunately, I haven't found any cure yet beyond removing the insanity and granting immunity to it. To do this is trifling, but it requires time to ward my believers."
The goddess seemed to be lost in thought as she contemplated about her role in this chaotic world...

Claire ci Vallé, Material Plane, Alexion
Meanwhile, on the Material Plane Claire was revelling in her newfound divinity.
Serving as proxy had granted her access to Iura's command over Reality, but becoming a demigoddess herself allowed her to wield different -though limited in number- abilities altogether.

After one day of solitude in the Tower of Law, Claire finally calmed down and walked upon the streets and squares of Alexion, teaching its inhabitants about the mystic power contained within incantations.

All this was part of the preparations for the time when her Lady would command her to act and seize control of this world - that day, she would be ready, commanding an army of immense size, discipline and power.

CURE/PROTECTION from Insanity: SDA-Alter Reality: Emulate Wish(cure insanity), Emulate Spell Immunity, Greater(grant immunity to insanity), use Alter Reality to make Spell Immunity permanent.


Claire has 2 AP(thanks to Draken's ruling of how NPC gods earn normal AP/week and are created with the same amount).

She uses the godly action Teach Populous(psionic creatures) about Incantations (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/magic/incantations.htm).(-1 AP)

Incantations allow a very flexible, if specific(regarding the single incantations) way of accessing magical effects. For whatever problem there might be, an appropriate incantation may be researched/developed(within reasonable limits).

Claire now has 1 AP left.
Iura is still sitting pretty at 0 AP.

2009-03-24, 01:52 PM
Chorsotok, Prophet of Bone

The Silver Sage took hold of the net that had bound him, and it turned as brittle as the oldest of bones, then twisted it with a sound like snapping twigs, and it crumbled in his grip. He looked askance at all the scouts surrounding him, but his eyes snapped naturally to the leader of these men, his soul swelling with his position. The Metal Son opened his rasping metal jaws and spoke in a voice that was at once full of the promise of eternity, and the yawning emptiness of an sky without stars. "Why do you impede the progress of a simple traveler, a Prophet come to spread word of his faith? I bear no threat in my stance or my mode of travel, what threat do I pose to you?"

2009-03-24, 06:17 PM
Nirek, Forest of Arkun, interior

Nirek spoke with a small twinge of nervousness in his voice, although he was not sure it it was brought on by what the being had done to its vine prison, or the fact that he spoke so humbly despite his obvious power. "It does not matter what your purpose is nor the manner in which you seek to achieve it. The only thing that does matter is your path, which has taken you to the sacred city of Grove, a place that we Arkun have been ordered to protect by our Lord. He has ordered that ALL outsiders be barred entry, and you are no different, dead one. If you turn back now that will be the end of it, but if not than your life, or whatever you have like it, is forfeit."

2009-03-24, 06:31 PM

The gleaming silver-white skeleton dipped it's head slightly to the side. "Why must you bar me from my goal, what lies there that I might despoil? I'll not cause harm to those who dwell there, or here, unless necessity demands it." The figure opened it's arms wide, revealing the skeletal frame that pushed against his tattered, immaculate robes, showing the naked ribs beneath the robes.

"I will not fight you mortal one, there is no call for it. Once I was like you, brittle and mortal, the wellspring of my life dried out ever so long ago..." a trace of wistful remembrance entered The Metal Sons voice, before he returned, with a twinkle in his bottomless eye sockets.

"But where life proved so... fleeting, in Death I have become truly eternal. I will not fight, because put simply, there is almost no chance you could do anything to harm me in any way. I doubt your weapons have even the strength to cut my robes." Perhaps it was his stance, or something about the way he spoke, but humble amusement, tinged with a slight patronizing tone, marked this metal creature so. With a nod to the leader of the scouts, the Ivory Wanderer walked on, headed for his goal, heedless of the mortals who might seek to fend him off.

2009-03-24, 08:27 PM

A few of the scouts raised their weapons and started towards the skeleton, but were immediately halted by Nirek. "Stop. He's right, there's nothing we could do to stop him. Trying to to do so would be foolish, especially since he doesn't seem to be hostile." He couldn't help but be impressed by the being's brevity and found his race's curious nature getting the better of him. He called off his men back to their duties and began to follow the prophet from behind.

2009-03-24, 08:50 PM

The avatar acknowledged the leader following him in his mind, the creature curiously trailing him: that was good, perhaps he had found his first acolyte in these strange lands. However, he did not acknowledge the creatures following of him openly.

The robed metal skeleton walked onward, toward this "sacred city of Grove." Perhaps he would meet this Lord of theirs. Perhaps not. All that mattered was that he spread his fathers word, that he gained willing followers of the Dark Cog, and Chorsotok believed the best way to gain such willing followers was a fairly obvious gambit: The Truth.

2009-03-24, 09:22 PM
Although the Arkun called it such, Grove could hardly be called a "city". Although it was quite expansive, it was truthfully just a loose collection of villages that had grown large enough so that their borders were indistingushable. Most of the houses and other buildings were built high in the trees of the forest, but most of the Arkun could be normally be found on the forest floor in a large clearing that served as a town square of sorts. This clearing was situated next to Gallat's Mirror, the large lake on which Gallat's portal island, as well as his avatar, was located. The Arkun, while of course being forbidden to go to the island, still used the clearing next to it as their central meeting place, where they would converse and and even do much of their work, since the buildings that comprised their homes were too small to get much accomplished.

As Chorostok approached, the hustle and bustle of the clearing suddenly stopped, and all of the mirrored eyes of the Arkun fell on the being, most of them having never seen any creature from outside the forest, much less this imposing figure. They stared at it, some of them slowly reaching for whatever weapons they had, and others, holding wooden staves, muttering to themselves as if preparing some sorts of spells, if they be needed.

2009-03-24, 09:26 PM

Walking along through the collection of villages, Chorsotok might have felt a bit disappointed that this was not a city of the like he had expected, however instead he was optimistic about his ability to persuade the locals of his masters inherent righteousness of cause, and the virtues of following, or at least honoring the Black Skull.

As he walked between the villagers he nodded to those he passed, tipping his staff in slight, silent salute, as if a famous figure walking through adoring masses, but with much more deference to his own position as a visitor to this hidden place.

The Silver Sage walked to what he identified as an open space, perhaps a place for gathering, and set off toward it.

2009-03-25, 08:48 AM
Medea, the Land of Dreams, with Valkir.

Medea thought for a second before replying to the Judge of the Dead.

"Lord Valkir, I am the guide and protector of the dead, and if I choose not to lead a soul to be judged, then that is my decision and mine alone. I believe that those who make their own road should not be sent to some prescribed heaven or hell. They shall remain here, amongst their own dreams and still on their own path. If they are evil, then the nature of the land of the dead shall be their punishment.

You judge the dead according to rules and guidelines which I do not believe and that I would not ask of my followers. While those who require judgement will find themselves before you, those who do not will find that the nature of the land of dreams will leave them finding what they deserve.

I may be the goddess of peace, but I will not be offended if in times of darkness there are those who find that conflict is the only way out of their predicament, and if that is the case then those people will be freed from the burden of your judgement."

If the Realm of Dreams was to become another meeting ground of the gods, then Medea decided to make them feel welcome. She raised her arms, and a great city emerged amongst the soul-matter that filled the plane. Set on great platforms, this city of dreams could be anything - from a resting place for the spirits of the dead, to a meeting place for the masters of the living. In the city, there were great halls and smaller villas. With a thought, the goddess made her own house. While much of the city had been made for those who cared for finery and grandeur - or who sought it - Medea cared not for such things. The home of the goddess of the dead was the plainest of them all, built near the outskirts of the town, unlocked and ungaurded. Within lay nothing more than a simple bed, a few fine musical instruments, a necklace made from a mysterious blue glistening metal, and a stove.

Lady Tialait
2009-03-25, 10:44 AM

Giggling was heard in the Land of Dreams.

"I concur! This is hilariously! Perhaps I should display exactly what we are talking about here....LOU! Get in here, I need your assistance."

In the Land of Dreams a single clown walked in, his face paint smeared into a frown, his clothing dusty from the road. This sad clown spoke in a somber tone.

"What do you need Dark Jester?"

Mumbles snickered, still a disembodied voice...made creepy.

"Kill...oh...a hundred or so people. If you would."

Lou shrugged, and turned pulling a balloon out of his pocket and blowing it up full. He reached his hand out opening a portal some A group of Arkun were grouped together, eating something or other. Lou pushed the balloon into the portal and allowed it to shut.

The Material Plane, near that group of Arkun

A popping balloon....who would have known the death toll would be so huge? A hundred Arkun dead...laughing themselves into a coma, then choking on their own spit. A carpet of dead Arkun lay in piles. Why? Why would a God do this?


The Disembodied giggleing continued, as the souls of the Arkun that had died marched to the Land of Dreams.

"So, let me see this judging happening..oh judger of....stuff."

Lou is a part of Iboic, and as such he used 1 AP to Curse Arkun The Laughing Death.

2009-03-25, 01:36 PM
It's a really good thing that Arkun have a fast reproductive rate, otherwise between them being split up, driven insane, converted by other gods, and apparently killed for no reason there wouldn't be any left for Gallat :smallfrown:. I would like to point out that there ARE other races.

As soon as the balloon was dropped, the Arkun sprang into action. Before those infected had dropped to the ground, the still healthy and already on-edge Arkun remaining immediately began attacking Chorsotok, whom they believed to be the cause of the attack. Commoners and scouts alike lept at the avatar with any makeshift weapon they could get their hands on, and at the gestures of those holding staves, many of the Arkun suddenly seemed to grow into hulking monstrosities, charging at the "invader".

Nirek, meanwhile...was dead. He had been one of those unfortunate enough to be caught in the blast of the deadly balloon. His soul, however, stayed there near Chorostok, his curiosity of the new and strange being apparently following him even into death. Of course, with no way of sensing his enviroment, the soul simply floated there, unable to fulfill himself and unwilling to pass on.

2009-03-25, 02:39 PM

Taking note of the seen before him, he knew his Father would as well. Chorsotok stood there as the charging masses descended upon him, smashing him with whatever weapons they had onhand, as merely stood there accepting the attacks in total calm. As it turned out, his prediction had been right, frenzied though they were, the mortals that beset him could inflict no damage, could not even pierce or dirty his immaculately torn robes.

He waited until the mob lost the strength to continue, merely standing and waiting as one after another the angry beings became too tired to continue. As the last of them were unable to continue, and the first began to regain their strength, he held up his hand. "Enough. This is pointless, I was not the cause of whatever has befallen you. I said I would cause no harm when I came here and I did not lie. I do not lie. Even if you wish to blame me, you must realize your attempts are useless. None of you can harm me."

With a nod to the still-curious soul of Nirek, Chorsotok took on his old path, heading for the gathering place.


The Dark Cog himself, however, took a less humble approach. Annoyance bubbled and seethed beneath his featureless black iron skull, and Ostochre began to search the planes for the cause. His eyes fell, instead, upon the likened gods, similar to himself in purpose. The god of judgement, and the god of repose, though Ostochre could not identify them positively as such never having met them. However, he felt some sort of kinship tug at him, and he felt another presence, farther from himself, distaste welling inside himself.

Pushing it aside, Ostochre willed himself into the presence of Medea, Valkir, and Mumbles. Standing before them was the Black Skull himself, a black-iron skeleton swaddled in heavy black robes, his face featureless and perfectly crafted. No skull was as perfectly defined as his own.

2009-03-25, 05:19 PM
Illazan, the Tainter (3 AP)

Illazan surveyed the nameless land in which it's spawner had left it, from it's crater, beneath the ground, it's ganglia stretched far and wide, to the very edges of that place, and it was empty, little more than a rock with some water, bereft bits of the demigod itself and what little remained of the fauna of the oceanic depths, stranded and struggling to adapt. So empty, so dull.

Illazan felt a surge of power come from the Nightmare beyond, and discharged the energy into the landscape through it's many tendrils, he, she, it, whatever, sensed all of the life in that barren terrain, and knew it could change it all, improve it, as it's father commanded.

Illazan sensed a miriad of worms, and decided to start with these. It made the crawling vermin swell, both their bodies and their minds, and gave them arms and legs and eyes and fangs.

And thus, with Kethkress's dreadful bless, the psurlons were born.

(-2 AP: Create Race: Psurlons)

2009-03-25, 06:18 PM
Valkir would frown, if he had a mouth.

"Then let it be so, I suppose..." he says, then watches as the insane one kills off beings "It seems you have souls to ferry, milady, see if there are any free wills in this group, as you have said..."

On the inside, Valkir was furious. Most of those beings were innocent, not some evil being who killed for a bit of gold, but those who didn't sin a day in their life, or just small things that were outweighed by good. It was a hell in itself to do such a thing.

"I judge you as evil, maniacle clown..." He says, with what would be a disgusted sneer if he could make one.

He then sees another deity appear, one who was macabre-looking with a hint of gears.

"Greetings Deity, what is your reason to be here on this day..." he said with his usual, uncaring voice.

2009-03-25, 06:45 PM
Wharheit emerged from his slumber to find the world changed. Mumbles has brung madness to the world, and the god of corruption had brung evil to his people. Nagilmund was not amused to say the least.
He took what energy he had gained from his slumber, and imbued his people with the desire for progress, and the rest he stored inside himself for later use.
Then he resumed his surveying of this changed world.

Spend 2 AP to guide populace, 2 AP left.

Lady Tialait
2009-03-25, 06:54 PM
Mumbles, The Land of Dreams

Mumbles smirked.

"I have an idea, and nobody will complain. I will be in charge of souls. You see, so each soul gets it's own privet judge Iboic will assist me. Each soul will be singled out and hit with a chicken. Whatever soul flys the farthest goes to Valkir, otherwise it roams the land of dreams for all time. What do you say? It's completely unbias, and really no reason to be upset about it. Hmm?"

2009-03-25, 07:03 PM

The metal skeleton nodded toward the Judge. "I sensed kindred spirits, and came to investigate. I also seek the one who caused those mad deaths, their actions will likely cause me setbacks." The Dead King looked at mumbles, no expression entering his voice, but distaste somehow leaking into the very air itself. "Such a plan lacks any order or clear system of judgement. An unbiased judgement is desirable, but to achieve it while abandoning the system entirely is devoid of any logic."

2009-03-25, 07:10 PM
Getting angry would be the most easy choice for the god of Judgement, but doing so would please the god of madness.

"You will not now or ever be a judge, evil being, please leave my presence post haste, for I will not wish to see you nor your insanity now, you have killed innocence in that group, I have felt it. You are a being of not only madness but evil, and for this, I wish to not see you. Nor will I speak directly to anyone, as an act of fairness. If you wish to speak, use the Mercurim, as I have given you fifty each, or have you been to preoccupied to notice them? I depart for the Throne, leave me be to my work..."

Lady Tialait
2009-03-25, 07:10 PM

Mumbles grins.

"Logic? LOGIC?!?...THIS. IS....Nah it's been done. Seriously, why use logic. The person is dead...dead...dead. Do we really need rules and such? One set of system is as good as another. Hit the soul with a rock or look at their deeds. Either way in the big picture it's all really the same. They won't be any less dead. They won't be any more dead. Can you really be more dead?"

Mumbles tilts his head back and snickers.

"I would suggest we just simply throw the souls, the heavy ones go to Valkir here, and the others go to..well whoever wants to catch them. Or visa versa. Or allow me to have them, I'll put smiles on their faces. Then I'll shove them into a box."

2009-03-25, 08:37 PM
Vorm, having a stern word with Illazan(5ap)

The creation of the Psurlons had not gone unnoticed by the rot lord and so he appeared to Illazan and said quite bluntly " I am Vorm, lord of rot and decay and creator of vermin. You Have Touched My Stuff. Explain. Now."

2009-03-25, 08:59 PM
Medea, the Plane of Dreams

The only emotion remaining in the death goddess was sheer horror at her dark progeny's most recent act. She could certainly understand Valkir's decision to leave this place. She had to stay, however.

Turning to the new arrival, she bowed slightly before speaking. While he appeared to be as evil as the tyrant-god who had caused the emergence of the lord of madness, he had not yet committed any evil, which at least made him worthy of some respect.

"Welcome to the land of the dead, lord Ostochre." There was little else she could say to the god - his business here was with the Madness.

Something else seemed to be stirring deep within the goddess' soul - a gleeful malevolence that seemed to delight in torment and suffering. In response to the emergence of this core of corruption, the lower realms of the land of the dead became much darker and more evil - some might believe them to be a more fitting punishment than what had gone before, even though the goddess herself would disagree.

Medea's dealings with dark gods seem to have given her a slightly more pronounced dark side than before. We now officially have Nine Circles of Undying Torment rather than the Nine Circles of Fluffy Bunnies And Cake (NOT a lie).

2009-03-25, 09:14 PM
Illazan, in his Island (1 AP)

Illazan's telepathic voice echoes like the whispered shouts of a legion, it speaks many things at once.

The Warper rules over all flesh. Explain why you use the flesh.
They are no longer yours. And these are our lands. So said the spawner.
We improve. Everything. Everywhere.
We are Illazan, the First, flesh of its own flesh, welcome, Lord of Rot.

2009-03-25, 11:10 PM
My posts had actually assumed that Chorostok had already reached the meeting area, but it really doesn't matter at this point, though it might have if it weren't for Mumbles

The Arkun ceased their attacks, realizing that Chorostok spoke the truth their efforts. However, they, unable to fully trust him after what had just occured, put away their weapons and scampered in every which directions, up and into the trees and away, presumably to their homes until the percieved threat had ended. Of course, it would still be possible, especially for a god, to find one family, perhaps a few, but one would not find them all in one place again anytime soon.

Only one Arkun remained in the clearing, an older one wielding a stave; one of Gallat's Illusionist priests. He spoke without fear to the divine figure. "You may not be the cause of the death today, but do not blame them for being frightened, for that is what seperates us from the Divine. If you are not the cause than you are at least a harbinger, and for that they fear you." The aged Arkun began to walk away, but then suddenly turned his head back and pointed a finger towards the lake. "Travel to the Forbidden Isle, for the legends say that Gallat himself resides there. Perhaps you can petition him to help calm his people, but I do not hold much hope for your success, for he has not shown himself to mortals in generations. Also, I have one request. If a god you be, please look after my son. I saw that he followed you before..." His voice trailed off at this point and his large, reflective eyes began to water before he managed to regain his composure and continue. "Although I do not know what his purpose was, I trust that he saw something in you that I did not, which is why I have bothered to tell you all this in the first place." With that, he disappeared, both from sight and from that location.

The only trace of any Arkun that remained in the clearing, short of the corpses, was Nirek's soul, that now floated close to the prophet, its binding curiosity being the only thing that drove it.

A cookie to anyone that noticed the RP title reference.

2009-03-26, 10:28 AM
Travel to the Forbidden Isle?

Lukica the Inheritor, with rollover 8 AP, returning to the Plane of Creation

She looks to Iura Ciel, then aside to nowhere in particular, "You have done quite well for yourself...I hope it is enough, I can feel more and more evils, taints descending on the world, and I am not sure how to stop it...Consider it, if you would..." She raises a hand in a half-hearted wave before returning home.

Lukica sighed again to herself, the world was rapidly becoming a taxing place filled with chaos and misery. Gods appeared and took titles and places, and her...'brother'? had not shown himself in what seemed an eternity.
She looks across the way to the Conclave of the Gods...which never really served its purpose, she supposed. Floating closer to it, she looks over her mechanical construct, 'At least I can finish this up...' she thinks to herself.
She fiddles with the parts, attaching gears to it in a timely fashion, enjoying her quiet work, 'I think, you'll be helping me soon...' Eventually assembling the pot-bellied robot man, she imbued him with some of her pent up power.

Gatz, the Inevitable is born.
The mostly humanoid mech whose body was shaped more like a bell than a man opened his eyes and looked around. He made a rasping hollow noise as if taking in a deep breath, "OH GOODNESS..." Gatz says to himself, holding his head, noticing his creator, "OH GRACIOUS, CREATOR! I AM AT YOUR SERVICE, YES?"

Lukica nods softly, a hint of enjoyment still on her face. She clutches her vocalizer "Go to our Protean people, continue their education of the ways of machines, Be wary of those who would taint our people..." She adds a moment later, "Organize a trade route with the Arkuns, if you can. They are in dire need of assistance."

The warforged gives a curt bow, "A TASK WORTHY OF MY SPIRIT, I LOOK FORWARD TO EDUCATING..." before shuddering out of the plane into the Material Plane. He lands on a dry cracked landscape, before looking around again, "NOW IF ONLY I KNEW WHERE I WAS TO GO."

With her servant gone, Lukica returns to her Font, staring into it, "I must evolve as well to protect that which is mine." She floats over the great force, spewing out creation stuff at the focal point of the plane, then steps into it, immersing herself in it.

Creation of NPC god Gatz 3 AP
1 AP given to Gatz
Increase Divine Rank 3 AP
1 AP remain

Lady Tialait
2009-03-28, 11:54 AM
Mumbles wherever he is....

Mumbles pulled out Iboic.

"Come to decide that the things that I tried
Were in my life just to get high on
When I sit alone come get a little known
But I need more than myself this time

Step from the road to the sea to the sky
And I do believe it, we rely on
When I lay it on come get to play it on
All my life to sacrifice"

A single clown popped out of the Box, Mumbles hugged it around the waist continuing his speach.

"Hey oh, listen what I say, oh
I got your hey oh, now listen what I say, oh

When will I know that I really can't go
To the well once more time to decide on
When it's killing me, when will I really see
All that I need to look inside

Come to believe that I better not leave
Before I get my chance to ride
When it's killing me, what do I really need
All that I need to look inside"

A second clown popped out of the box Mumbles wrapped another arm around that Clown, continuing his speech.

"Hey oh, listen what I say, oh
Come back and hey oh, look at what I say, oh"

The two clowns replyed to Mumbles speech.

"The more I see, the less I know
The more I like to let it go
Hey oh, whoa"

Mumbles continued his little speech.

"Deep beneath the cover of another perfect wonder
Where it's so white as snow
Privately divided by a world so undecided
And there's nowhere to go

In between the cover of another perfect wonder
And it's so white as snow
Running through a field where all my tracks will be concealed
And there's nowhere to go

When to descend to amend for a friend
All the channels that have broken down
Now you bring it up, I'm gonna ring it up
Just to hear you sing it out

Step from the road to the sea to the sky
And I do believe what we rely on
When I lay it on, come get to play it on
All my life to sacrifice"

A third clown popped out of the box, Mumbles kicked it in the gut to make it sit down.

"Hey oh, listen what I say, oh
I got your hey oh, listen what I say, oh"

The Single Clown sat down saying,

"The more I see, the less I know
The more I like to let it go
Hey oh, whoa"

Mumbles glared at him and said,

"Deep beneath the cover of another perfect wonder
Where it's so white as snow
Privately divided by a world so undecided
And there's nowhere to go

In between the cover of another perfect wonder
Where it's so white as snow
Running through the field where all my tracks will be concealed
And there's nowhere to go"

The two clowns spoke, as if to help Mumbles drive his point.

"I said hey, hey yeah, oh yeah, tell my Lord now
Hey, hey yeah, oh yeah, tell my Lord now
Deep beneath the cover of another perfect wonder
Where it's so white as snow

Privately divided by a world so undecided
And there's nowhere to go
Deep beneath the cover of another perfect wonder
Where it's so white as snow

Running through the field where all my tracks will be concealed
And there's nowhere to go
I said hey, oh yeah, oh yeah, tell my love now
Hey, hey yeah, oh yeah "

Then the clowns vanished, Mumbles sat on the Box.

"I still have no clue what i'm going to do next..I HATE BOREDOM!"

The MunchKING
2009-03-28, 01:08 PM
Roberts sat on a bank by the sea in the Material Plane. He had observed the Mortals. A small native creature ran up to the bank and began searching for fish.

"It won't work." Roberts told the creature. "There is none who will work. None of them love the sea, or have the ebb and flow of the tide at heart." The creature glanced up at him, then resumed it's fishing. "I f none of them can be my sea-people, than I shall have to make some! I will have a people, and they can sail my seas."

He raised his arms and thought for a moment. Then, in a flash of whimsy, he shaped them as the creature he'd talked to. They would need to be bigger of course. Much smarter. And he would bestow upon them a great power, for they would be new and weak in this land, compared to what his anticedants had already wrought.

He looked over thier firey red fur, and thier sharp canine faces and proclaimed it good. He gave them a village on the coast, and there he stayed dwelling amongst them for many years, teaching them the secrets of the seas and of sailing.

1AP +2 for Rollover = 3AP
2AP to create the Kitsune
1AP to teach them shipbuilding/sailing. They now should be expert shipwrights for the tech period.
+2FP Create a populace, guide a populace.
0AP 2FP Remaining

2009-03-28, 02:39 PM
Kethkress, the Warper and Illazan, The Tainter (8 AP)

The Outer Nightmare. A plane of visceral terror, of hatred and bile, of skin-crawling torment, of vitriol, of spite. Somewhere in this dreadful world, EVERYWHERE in this dreadful world, is it's lord. Kethkress, The Warper, always twisting this twisted place into new beings, beings that bore through the plane or swim in it's bloody seas until their creator believes it is their time to go to the world bellow.

This is one such time.

Since times immemorial, the Warper kept things growing in it's plane, and now... Now was the time to release them into the material world. It sent down great beasts, which looked like fish, but were very much not, and it placed these beings both in the sea and in the sky. It forced creatures to jut out of Illazan's ganglious appendages that spred through that land, things with skin that almost looked like brain tissue, but was not, and that had miriad of spined tentacles, and finally, from the deepest reaches of it's domain, Kethkress cast into the world great wormlike beings that could only be described as nightmare.

( 7 AP = Spawn Race x3: Grell, Aboleth, Neothelid. Spawn Subrace: Aerial Aboleth)

And I gain 1 FP for the spawn race. High five! This places me at 2 AP again, but I don't know what to do with that. Probably keeping it for a bit.

2009-03-28, 06:02 PM

The Prophet of Bone nodded to the old mans words. "When this business of done, I shall attend to the business of showing my Fathers intentions, his gift of True Death, a Death that lasts when life is so fleeting..."

The Silver Sage, The Metal Son, set off for the island, toward the ruler of this place.

2009-03-28, 09:30 PM
The mighty Valkir, gallantly armored and fourteen-winged, judged all who came his way. For the most part, the souls were near-pure, and thus were sent into the heavens, away from evil. And those who did have major stains were swiftly sent into the writhing agony of the Hells. Feeling the energy of his duty fill his body, Valkir empowered the Mercurim, allowing them to ascend higher, becoming Angelim, Arch-Angelim and Hyperim, the warriors, sub-commanders and commanders of angelic armies. They would be closer to the gods, closer to the heavens, and away from the mortals. They would deal with evils from the planar sense, if they were to arise.

Spend all three ap to create three subraces: Angelim, Arch-Angelim, Hyperim

2009-03-29, 10:29 AM
I am using the cap of 6 AP as per Draken's ruling in the OOC thread.
Iura Ciel, Astral Plane
"Consider it, if you would..."
Consider the taint of the world...the evil that spreads through the land...and perhaps prevent it? Is that what you want?
A faint smile lingered on Iura's lips while she contemplated her mother's words.
She would deal with whatever disturbances that appeared, but - in her own way.

For now, it was time to reinforce her dominance over the mind.
A simple command to Claire, and the two deities synchronized their minds for a fleeting moment stretching itself to eternity as Iura channeled divine power to define psionics as her domain. In doing so, the Lady briefly registered the abominations - some capable of wielding psychic power themselves - that had appeared on the material plane.

They heard her call, and replied - acknowledging her, showing respect in the weird ways of their kind.

Claire ci Vallé, Alexion
Claire felt the surge of power as Iura ascertained her control over the mental realm, and through the momentary link they shared through the Lady's divine act, the demigoddess felt her power increase, trying to bridge the gap between the two deities.

It wasn't enough, yet...but the lingering amount of divine energy left to Claire after the telepathic link faded was enough to grant all psionic creatures the knowledge she had just learned.

Soon, the army would be ready to march.

Iura has 6/6 AP.(+3 from rollover, +3 from FP)
Claire has 3/4 AP(1 AP left from last week, +2 from rollover)

Iura uses 3 AP to Create Concept(Psion and Psychic Warrior Classes),
2 AP to Gain Portfolio Element(Psionics).

She then gives 1 AP to Claire.

Claire uses 3AP to Raise Divine Rank(she performed 3 divine actions already, so she qualifies), then uses the 1 AP received from Iura to Teach Populous(psionic creatures) about the Psion/Psychic Warrior classes.

Final AP:
Iura 0/6
Claire 0/4

FP generated:
1(Teach Populous)

Final note:
Iura now considers all psionic matters to involve her. That is, she is the final authority concerning psionics, and no epic power may be developed without her knowledge and consent. She furthermore knows whenever a new psionic race is created(unless a god specifically tries to hide said race, spending AP to do so).

Lady Tialait
2009-03-29, 12:45 PM

Mumbles smirked.

"I KNOW I have been bored because I myself have been the same."

Mumbles pressed a finger to the side of his face.

"Fine, I'll just have some fun here!"

Mumbles undressed, and if any God was watching in..they got an eyefull. Enjoy. Naked Jester. Pervert.

Upon removing his outfit he then started removing his skin. Mumbles stood there, a blot of darkness and hilarity....more darkness mind you. But still.

This blob of darkness turned to Iboic. Or, turned away. It's hard to figure how a blob of darkness turns.

"Clowns, what do you think? Am I teh uber kawaii? Hmmm?"

The Box didn't speak, and Mumbles reached out and hand to blow it to kingdom come. Stupid box.

(Spend 3 to Evolve Physically.)

The MunchKING
2009-03-31, 12:41 AM
The Kitsune lived well in the years Roberts dwelt amongst them. First he taught them to make fishing boats, which could gather to them the Ocean's bounty. They had fish like never before once they had mastered it!

Then he taught them of the building of greater boats. Tougher boats could withstand longer travel, and they could satisfy their curiosity by exploring. This is the tale of one such boat, The Explorer. (Hey, they were new to this 'naming boats' thing).

They had saled the sea where Roberts had brought them into being. never to far from the shore, so they could see the new and interesting things and make notes of them. That's when they saw it! A treasure unlike any other! It was a port, with docks and everything. This was interesting! Had someone else received the teachings of the sea? Did their God bring more people into the world he hadn't told them about? The crew muttered, speculated, and in general ignored their work to think about this new development.

The Captain was having none of it! With sharp words and a swift kick for sailors who weren't moving fast enough for him, he got them back to work. This ship hadn't run aground or been beached yet, and he wasn't going to let his crew full of half-wits sink it by jabbering when they should be working!

"Bring us about!" He hollared. "We'll come closer, and weigh anchor in yon cove. There we can watch these pitiful ships they've got and see the natives! If they look freindly, we'll sail into the port on the noon tomorrow! If not, we'll be sailin' for home, ta let the others know about this!"

These orders were met with general acclimation by the crew. They seemed wise enough orders to them. Of course he knew what he was doing. That's why he was the Captain!

+1 FP Norishing my populace.
Set up for RPing my culture meeting another. Alber said the Arkuns had a dock and port setup.I figured they could set the stage for opening diplomacy. Traditional, or Pirate style. :smallwink::smalltongue:

2009-03-31, 09:35 PM
Lukica the Inheritor (and friends) 2 AP
Ignoring the previous Evolution aspect as I had not enough AP

As the Inheritor pondered further and further the matters at hand, and at heart, she wonders to herself how to restore balance...'Order must prevail, but we are weak apart....' She stands up, 'Yes....we must be organized, this is the way.'

A voice pipes up from her workbench, "IT WILL BE SO! YOUR WILL IS DONE!"
It is followed closely by a second, similar, tinny voice "YOU ARE THE GRANDEST OF ALL, YOUR PLAN SHALL BEAR FRUITS!"

She looks over to the row of several small replicas of her creation Gatz, much smaller, with pots on their heads as helmets, and flip-top jaws. 'Even the stupid one should be brought into order...though I detest the thought of it...we must unify or destroy our own world.'
Moments later the Kettlebots disappear into the vast planes, spreading their messages.

The Inheritor floats outward to the Conclave of the Gods, "This is my need, my salvation for the world. Order on a grand scale." She rotates around, spinning in place in the center of the hall, above the planet's model. Deific power thrusts outwards, bonding this place to herself even further, reaching outward to others...

spend 2 AP to Create Panethon: Balance
other gods not mentioned below are simply not known to Lukica just yet, it is not intended as an OOC snub.

Vorm, Iura, Valkir, Gallat, Medea, Whar, and yes, Mumbles

Whatever all your circumstances are, at this moment a small Kettlebot appears, popping into the plane with a clanking noise. Their stubby arms raise upwards as the flip-top head opens, speaking "A MESSAGE FROM THE INHERITOR, YES! HAIL WISE LUKICA!. The bots motion in a stubby bow, which is mainly them rolling backwards causing their bodys to fall forward somewhat. "YOU HAVE BEEN ASKED UPON HER BEHALF TO JOIN WITH HER, TO SEEK COUNSEL AMONG YOUR PEERS AND FORM A GREAT PANETHON!" The Kettlebots right themselves, raising their hands again. "PRAISE LUKICA!". The bots then disappear in a shimmer of light, except the one who had sought out Mumbles. It pauses before disappearing. A hatch opens up on its stomach, from which a brightly colored gift box is left behind, before the Kettlebot leaves.
The gift box contains a 12d6 explosive for you.

Gatz the Inevitable

The potbellied mechanized god wanders the desolate landscape for several days. He looks disdainfully at the strange tendrils and worm....people? that have sprung up around him as he rolls. Treading further into the the Warper's tainted lands, aberrations appear before him, a great group of monstrous forms, having recently been created and spawned upon the plane.

The Inevitable raises a hand politely, his eyes flicker, changing to what may be considered happy eyes. "GREETINGS, LIFE FORMS! I SEE YOU ARE NEW CREATIONS TO OUR PLEASANT WORLD, PLEASE ALLOW ME TO ASSIST YOUR DEVELOPMENT INTO A PEACEFUL SOCIETY FILLED WITH SACRED KNOWLEDGE AND PROGRESS." He spreads his hands out wide, "I AM THE SCHOLAR, GATZ."

2009-03-31, 10:36 PM

The god of Justice heard out the invitation, then told the being to reply with a message of his own:

"To the Lady of Invention, I ask a few things, questions on certain topics. First, if these are not transformed Mercurim, why do you not use the Mercurim to send these messages, unless of course you have sent them all on a task of somesort. Secondly, do you not know of my dislike for the term "Order", which I detest as much as the word "Chaos"? And Lastly, would you allow for a substitue in my stead, as I am currently, and everlastingly, judging the souls of the dead? That is all I ask, thank you in advance,
Valkir The Just, The Father of Angels and the Judge of Souls.

2009-03-31, 11:01 PM
Gallat, near wherever Mumbles is

After being left by Valkir, Gallat wandered for a while before coming across an odd scene by the jester he had seen earlier. Watching from afar, he witnessed the speech given to random clowns. The speech itself made little to no sense in context, not that Gallat was expecting anything different from what he had seen of this god, but it had a strange quality to it; it was forceful in words, yet soft in tone, and, most importantly, the message was ambiguous and easy to misinterpret, which was something that made it appealing to Gallat. He listened to the whole shpiel, unfortunately being too wrapped up in his own thoughts to turn away until the jester started stripping down, after which the god managed to turn away and start on his plans.

Something like that, he thought, needed to be sent to the mortals, if nothing else than to see their reactions to it. But he would need it to seem important...it couldn't just be rambled by a hermit or implanted into the mind of one individual...no, it had to be clear it was from the gods. A simple speech was not grand enough for it, it needed to be put into something more forceful...a song. However, Gallat was not a god of music by any means, yet he still put his plan into motion. It took him several mortal years, but he managed to transcribe the speech into a musical piece...now the question was "How to get it to the mortals in a grand enough fashion?".

The answer came quickly: Valkir's creatures...angels Gallat thought he called them. Immediately, Gallat rounded up about fifty of the Mercurim, thinking that Valkir wouldn't mind if he borrowed them for a bit, not realizing that they had been assigned to him anyway (OOC: I think this is right, if not please correct me Mike). He quickly spent another mortal year or so teaching the creatures his composition, giving them divinely created instruments in order to capture the full majesty of the piece.

Once this was done, Gallat had one more conundrum: Who to convey this message to? The first choice was his own people, but frankly they did not have the musical appreciation for such a thing, plus with them recently being scattered there would be no easy way of the performance being see by all. Then it hit him. If any race would be able to appreciate it and would be sure to spread the song around, it would be Medea's Songtouched. He immediately sent the angels out to carry out his plan; appearing before the largest group of Songtouched they could find and sang out in a glorious chorus the song composed by the god. In addition, as they sang, a soft, unseasonal snow flurry came down on the Songtouched audience, strengthening them and even making their soil more bountiful.

Addendum: After all this, Gallat was approached by the Kettlebot. Hearing its message, he considered it, then thought "Why not? Should be interesting if nothing else." And with that, he traveled to the Conclave, taking his appropriate podium upon arriving.

Avatar of Gallat, Forbidden Isle

The ordinary looking racoon avatar saw the Prophet coming, but said nothing, instead simply staring at him, waiting for it to state it's intentions for coming here.

Arkun port village

The large ship did not go unoticed by the Arkun, who took the news to their Chieftan. She was a kind leader, but even more so was she enterprising, and she saw this new, obviously advanced object as an opprotunity. She ordered her village to be as open and welcoming as possible and attempt to get them to dock by any means neccessary, barring force. When told that their docks would not be able to handle a ship of that size, she simply told them to make it work anyway, leaving the how to those who would be in charge of it.

Thus, the village scattered around frantically, building makeshift gangplanks and platforms to make the small fishing docks at least somewhat suitable for a large ship to dock in. Several fishing boats were also dispatched to attempt to get the ships' attention and wave them in, doing so in the most non-threatening way possible.

6AP - 1AP for Teach Populace (Angels): Music - 1AP for Nourish Land (Songtouched) - 2AP for Gain Portfolio Element: Music (I think that would be one, at least) = 2AP left

The MunchKING
2009-04-01, 12:22 AM
Arkun port village

The large ship did not go unoticed by the Arkun, who took the news to their Chieftan. She was a kind leader, but even more so was she enterprising, and she saw this new, obviously advanced object as an opprotunity. She ordered her village to be as open and welcoming as possible and attempt to get them to dock by any means neccessary, barring force. When told that their docks would not be able to handle a ship of that size, she simply told them to make it work anyway, leaving the how to those who would be in charge of it.

Thus, the village scattered around frantically, building makeshift gangplanks and platforms to make the small fishing docks at least somewhat suitable for a large ship to dock in. Several fishing boats were also dispatched to attempt to get the ships' attention and wave them in, doing so in the most non-threatening way possible.

The look outs waved to the captain. "They appear freindly enough, Captain! Look! They be waving us in." one yelled.

"Aye. An' it looks like they've got quite a clamor going on at those docks of there's."

The first mate walked up and looked for himself. "Probably not built to handle a ship our size, sir. The Explorer IS the finest vessel in the Kitsune fleet. Looks like all they've got are fishing boats."

The Captain nodded. "Then they can't have gotten far in those things. They'll probably be wantin' to trade us for our maps then..." He thought for a moment, then noticed the others were waiting for orders. "They want us to come in? We'll come in! All hands on deck! Get this ship movin ya lugs! We'll sail right on up into their docks! Show 'em how we Kitsune do things! Give 'em a landin' that'll make our faine God proud, now!!"

The crew jumped up and began setting about getting the ship moving. They didn't want to be the ones standing between Captain Ahad and his perfect docking. Besides, to a man they were curious about these new people, and each hoped to be selected to go ashore.

The docking went rather smoothly for the dock having to be heavily modified to fit the Explorer. Captain Ahad donned a rakish hat to go with his Naval Uniform. "Alright lads, look sharp! I'll be going ashore ta meet the locals and discuss thin's with 'em! If they be willin' to let us ashore for a while, ye can all have shore leave!" There was much cheering to that announcement. Ahab waved his hand for quiet. "BUT! Until I come back an' say they are good people, I want the ship ready to sail at a moments notice!" There was some groaning at that. "Look sharp! If they dinna be freindly, I'll be needin you to cast of as soon as we get aboard. So no yappin!" He glared around. The crew didn't seem inclined to argue. He nodded. "Seamen Drake, yer with me. Cha'lin Jeri, I'm sure I could na keep ya Away! The rest of ya, Back ta work! Arrrrrr..."

The two mentioned Kitsune, Seaman Drake and Chaplin Jeri, stepped in behind the capatain as he stolled down the gangplank, and into the port of the Arkun.

2009-04-01, 12:44 AM
Kettlebot before Valkir the Judge

The little machination hops slightly, causing its arms to flail in almost puppet-like motions. "HER HOLY ARTIFEX HAD ASKED YOUR RETINUE TO FIND THE SOURCE OF THE IMBALANCE WITHIN THE WORLD, YES!" He pauses, accepting your message, doing another of the awkward wheel-focused bows as he did a moment earlier. "BY YOUR COMMAND."

Speaking of which, they'll be finding Kethkress sometime soon, since he's a big nasty. Not that they have orders to fight or anything, so feel free to post having noticed them, watching Kethkress or any of his minions/prophets, Draken

2009-04-01, 01:40 AM
Upon hearing of the Explorer's arrival in port, the Chieftan of the village herself, Tana, went to greet the Captain without a moment's pause. She approached the gangplank of this ship and started to speak. She spoke directly and matter-of-factly but not harshly by any stretch of the word.

"Greetings from the Arkun people. You and your men are welcome to stay in our village for as long as you wish to dock here. We have a public house for you to sleep in and a small tavern if you wish to refresh yourselves from your journey. Now, I'll get right to the point. I have several requests of you; our hospitalities will not be revoked if you refuse them, but please consider them well regardless. First, we wish for any knowledge of ships you can share with us. Second, we see that the land you are from must have plentiful amounts of wood. While you can see that we certainly have no shortage of it, we also make our homes in the trees themselves, and thus have had to keep our logging efforts for our ships and docks at a minimum. Even with the knowledge to build them, we would not be able to gather enough wood to do so. Thus we would be willing to trade whatever you may need in return for wood. While I do not pretend to know what your people may need, we have many resources that may interest you. Some of our indiginous plants have strong fibers for ropes and cloth, and we have many fruits that we dry out for long scouting expeditions that may be of use to you if you travel on the seas often. You are also welcome to look around for anything else that may interest you, of course. If you have any questions or requests to ask in return of us, state them and we will oblige if we can."

2009-04-01, 08:09 AM
Cunningly spoilered for length.

Ariel, a town within
Safe within the lands of Haven, the songtouched seemed to have remained unaffected by the emergence of the other races, although many groups had, of their own accord, left their homeland to seek out the others.

Over time, the settlement known as Ariel had become effectively the capital of the Songtouched, built around a site where their enigmatic creator had once visited the material plane herself. It was sandwiched between the northern forests, and one of the main mountain passes into Haven's interior. Built in a sparse area of forest, much of the town was covered in trees. The buildings were mostly made of wood, although some songtouched used semi-permanent shelters of vine, animal skin or leaves.

Even those Songtouched who had learned the Art of War were generally quite peaceful, which had led to the most common exports of the realm being entertainers and Guardians.

There were also a few traders - Haven's most common trade goods were silks and dyes, as well as three metal ores - silver, cold iron, and a strange glistening blue-silver metal - when blended, these three made a spectacular material for creating the most beautiful - yet lightweight and effective - weapons and armour.

Ariel was the centre for much of the trade in Haven - about as busy as a Songtouched settlement could be.

So, naturally, this was where Gallat's celestial choir appeared. All fifty Mercurim, resplendent in their glory. The performance was certainly impressive - many in the city flocked to hear the performance.

Nearby, seemingly unnoticed by the others, was a dark-haired songtouched female, dressed in relatively improbable clothing, and carrying a simple wooden staff.

As the performance reached its conclusion, the dark-haired woman departed, seemingly disappearing. A small group of songtouched philosophers - moved closer to the angels, before asking one question:

"Who sent you?"

Songtouched religion is more like philosophy than anything. The Songtouched want to know more about the gods, but they have come to realise that their creator doesn't want worshippers. Apart from a few misguided fools who now worship Iura Ciel, and, I suspect, believe her to be their creator. They are about to receive something of a response from their true creator.

Medea, the Weeping Shadow - the obsidian sky of the material plane, above Haven. 6/7 ap

The appearance of the Kettlebot with a message had startled Medea - she wasn't used to being interrupted while in flight. She even stalled, but quickly recovered and resumed hovering. The Kettlebot wasn't so lucky, but Medea was able to catch it - it was a little battered by the fall, but mostly unharmed. It repeated its message, as Medea quickly returned to the plane of dreams where the automaton could at least hover unaided.

Medea thought for a moment, and then replied to the robot:

"Tell your mistress that I accept her invitation, and will arrive as soon as I have concluded some business on the Material Plane. There seems to be much that is worth discussing."

She had sensed, over time, that another goddess was planning to inspire her followers to conquest. It was something she needed to prevent. She also needed to ensure that there were others who could guide mortals to the lands of the dead - at the moment, she alone had the duty to do so.

Looking at the creations of the dormant dragon-god, and the creations of the Judge of the Dead, Medea had an idea. She reached out, granting the songtouched new power. The reborn songtouched gained the ability to breathe in almost any environment - even the thinner air of the obsidian sky, and even underwater. They also gained working wings, which they could alter, allowing them to also glide effortlessly in water, or in the astral void.

Those few songtouched who had converted to a religion remained unchanged, as Medea could not radically alter something that was essentially someone else's interest. She did, however, try to guide them back to the fold through their dreams.

In the dreams of the reborn Songtouched, Medea spoke, granting her people the knowledge of how to use their new powers. She also taught them how many gods sought nothing more than dominion over mortals, and warned them that she could not intervene if they allowed another god into their heart, no matter how that god used their followers.

She did, however, imbue all Songtouched with the insight and mental fortitude they would need to avoid falling prey to the worship of another god.

Medea also spoke into the dreams of every Guardian - giving them a warning that when they died, they would not return to the Plane of Dreams, but would instead remain 'between' for a time, to act as guardians and protectors of both the living and the dead. There was a storm brewing, and Medea would need their aid once more.

She already knew that those she had chosen as Guardians would be willing to give up their afterlife in order to help those who needed guidance. She would not force them to do so against their will.

This done, Medea returned to the Plane of Dreams. Using a trace amount of magic, she took some of the proto-matter of the plane, shaping it into an orb-shape. It would make an interesting gift for the ruler of the Plane of Creation.

Radically transform the songtouched - they have now split into two subraces - the True songtouched, and the Fallen: 2ap
Guide Populace: 2ap
Install guardians as the chosen protectors of both the living and the dead: 2ap

I've made up a couple of those costs, but they seem OK - a big Create Subrace costs the same 2ap as a Create Populace, and installing a group as protectors of the living and the dead sounds like a Create Populace as well.

Now all I have to worry about is not catching the attention of Mumbles...

2009-04-01, 10:10 AM
Iura Ciel, Astral Plane
The Lady was somewhat startled by the sudden appearance of the klunky kettlebot. After listening to its message, she frowned.
A Pantheon...a council of the gods, created to establish balance between the rivaling powers and prevent direct divine conflict. To be part of it means to limit my own power and restrict my right to rule, to be not part of it means that all of my actions might provoke this pantheon's meddling...
Brushing her slight irritation away, the goddess turned and replied:
"Tell the Inheritor that I will consider her offer. For now, I have more important matters to attend to."

She then waved her hand in a swift, vague gesture of annoyance as she banished the kettlebot from her presence.

Claire ci Vallé, Alexion
Having instructed the believers with the newfound wisdom of her Lady, Claire exercised the power she had gained from her heightened divine status. The demigoddess chose three dragons touched by Iura's gift to serve as her personal guards and servants.

Meanwhile, the city was bustling with activity as its inhabitants were busy preparing themselves for the time when their Lady would call upon their strength. Newly awakened Psions were practicing their powers over and over to train their mental fortitude, warriors with the gift exercised basic combat techniques, scholars and tacticians were discussing plans and strategies, while others cared for modes of transport and supplies.

Since the founding of Alexion, the flow of believers wanting to serve the Lady and follow her laws had not ceased. In fact, some of them were not even compelled by her call - driven by curiosity instead, or unwilling to leave their loved ones who did feel the need to seek out their new mistress.
Thus, several villages were founded in Alexion's vicinity, villages that quickly grew into small cities as the numbers of believers swelled.

While Claire wasn't yet ruling over a nation, it was only a matter of few generations until Alexion would be the capital of an empire the world had never seen.
The Laws prevented disorder and strife among the diverse races, governing and uniting them under ONE rule and command. In the Lady's eyes, the mighty dragon was worth as much as a lowly animal awakened by her gift.
Every believer knew that he was chosen to serve and destined to rule, that he was looked upon with favor by the Lady herself, yet easily replacable if he scorned her commandements.

A growing unrest spread among the Lawful, as the believers of Iura called themselves, and their desire to wage war against the Lawless increased with every passing day...


Iura uses SDA-Alter Reality to mimic Plane Shift, sending the kettlebot to a random plane.

Claire uses SDA-Control Creatures(Phrenic) to take control of three phrenic juvenile silver dragons.

About the non-thralls/non-believers being attracted to Iura's *religion* and Law: Well, basic fanatism and family ties can influence seemingly normal people to do strange things. Of course, those non-believers aren't brainwashed as the others, and may still use their common sense, possibly even going so far as questioning Iura's motives and methods when she does initiate the war(this is meant as an RP opportunity for the other gods, who may control some non-believer Arkum/Protean/Songtouched/whatever on *Iura*s army and display their decisions and actions. No excessive major sabotage, please...if you do anything of that sort, I want it justified with something more than a two-liner.

Finally, some terms explained:

Lawful = the people living and adhering to Iura's Rule.

Lawless = everyone else

The MunchKING
2009-04-01, 10:13 AM
Upon hearing of the Explorer's arrival in port, the Chieftan of the village herself, Tana, went to greet the Captain without a moment's pause. She approached the gangplank of this ship and started to speak. She spoke directly and matter-of-factly but not harshly by any stretch of the word.

"Greetings from the Arkun people. You and your men are welcome to stay in our village for as long as you wish to dock here. We have a public house for you to sleep in and a small tavern if you wish to refresh yourselves from your journey. Now, I'll get right to the point. I have several requests of you; our hospitalities will not be revoked if you refuse them, but please consider them well regardless. First, we wish for any knowledge of ships you can share with us. Second, we see that the land you are from must have plentiful amounts of wood. While you can see that we certainly have no shortage of it, we also make our homes in the trees themselves, and thus have had to keep our logging efforts for our ships and docks at a minimum. Even with the knowledge to build them, we would not be able to gather enough wood to do so. Thus we would be willing to trade whatever you may need in return for wood. While I do not pretend to know what your people may need, we have many resources that may interest you. Some of our indiginous plants have strong fibers for ropes and cloth, and we have many fruits that we dry out for long scouting expeditions that may be of use to you if you travel on the seas often. You are also welcome to look around for anything else that may interest you, of course. If you have any questions or requests to ask in return of us, state them and we will oblige if we can."

"Oh Aye. I beleave we can do buisness along those lines. Of course ye realize this is just a small scoutin' ship. We weren't exactly loaded up with timber. But once we head back te our lands, I'm sure the merchants will flock to sell ye all the timber ye like."

Seaman Drake's eyes widened slightly at mention of The Explorer, pride of the Kitsune Navy as 'a small scouting ship' but kept his mouth shut.

The Captain continued, "As we are not well equipped for trading bulk goods at this point, might I suggest a smaller trade? Yer people have lived here a while. I'm sure ye must have many maps of the local area, nae? We're terribly curious about whet the land is like hereabouts..."

OOC: How nice of the Gods to provide us with a common language so we don't have to work it out from base principles. :smallwink: :smalltongue:

2009-04-01, 10:21 AM
Illazari, Lands of the Tainter.

Aberration before the god. Grell most likely. Ravenous beasts given intellect, but ravenous beasts none the less. Incapable of true speech due to utter lack of need.

But these are the lands of Illazan, and all of it's beings serve it above anything else. And for each cadre of Grell and Psurlon, there is a neothelid or aboleth that commands them in the Tainter's name.

Such is the case. And here we have one such being, a great Aerial Aboleth, Elthershnaard. A being of great mental power.

I wouldn't expect Draken to remember the spelling of that name really.

Elther's mental voice echoes in the foul air.

"Gatz, the Scholar. Your offer is heard, and rejected. We who serve the Tainter, we who are children of the Warper, we have no need of you, nor your lot."

Hubris and spite dot each and every thought of the aberrant creature, which thinks low of the godling, even in knowing of its divine nature.

Lady Tialait
2009-04-01, 10:23 AM

Mumbles the Dark Cloud starts to giggling.

"Right, now for second one. The second change!"

Mumbles beckoned a clown from Iboic to him, swirling around it slowly infusing the Clown with his dark power. The giggles started to fade, and the clown started to snicker. The cloud started to vanish as the Clown laughed louder and louder. The dark cloud vanished, his giggle gone. All that was left was the clown laughing out of control.

"I did it! I did it! I am now beyond powerful! I am now...oooh present!"

The Clown opened the box.

After the smoke from the explosion cleared a dead clown laid on the ground and the Dark Cloud floated there.

"Damnit...Now I have to get another clown body...stupid spoody explosives."

And, another clown body was possessed by Mumbles.

The MunchKING
2009-04-01, 10:36 AM
Iura Ciel, Astral Plane A growing unrest spread among the Lawful, as the believers of Iura called themselves, and their desire to wage war against the Lawless increased with every passing day...

Roberts was swimming in the sea near the village of his Kitsune. though the weather was cold, he felt it not. He was the sea, and all the ice in the polar regons wouldn't have bothered him.

And yet he shivered! An ill wind was blowing. He could feal it in his bones. The waves around him grew choppy and fierce in responce to Roberts inner worries. Pushing them down Roberts turned and swam back to the village. He may have to push some of his plans ahead of schedule, to ensure his precious people's saftey.

Part of what bothered him was that he couldn't tell what this foul omen was. He supposed he had spent too much time amongst the mortals. Something was happening in the broader picture. After he pushed his plans forward, drove his people that little bit harder, he would have to seek the other Gods and find their wisdom on the subject.

About the non-thralls/non-believers being attracted to Iura's *religion* and Law: Well, basic fanatism and family ties can influence seemingly normal people to do strange things. Of course, those non-believers aren't brainwashed as the others, and may still use their common sense, possibly even going so far as questioning Iura's motives and methods when she does initiate the war(this is meant as an RP opportunity for the other gods, who may control some non-believer Arkum/Protean/Songtouched/whatever on *Iura*s army and display their decisions and actions. No excessive major sabotage, please...if you do anything of that sort, I want it justified with something more than a two-liner.

Finally, some terms explained:

Lawful = the people living and adhering to Iura's Rule.

Lawless = everyone else

Hmmmmm... Maybe I could do something with that. But of course it woulld depend on how soon we find out about your people. Noone actually has any sort of map or anything planned for this do they? So how far away our respective cultures are is a matter of plot. :smalltongue:

Ah well, such is a worry for another day. We're Gods right? I can leave it to base contingecies for a few hundred years.

2009-04-01, 07:19 PM
Gatz the Inevitable before the aberration Elthershnaard

He judges the mood of the aberrations, correctly, as hostile, after a few more moments. "AH I SEE...WELL I'D BEST BE OFF THEN...YES." He rolls backwards a few feet before turning quickly away, rolling off as fast as he can. "BEST NOT TO WRITE ON ROTTEN WOOD, IT WOULD SEEM. WELL, I HAD BETTER GET ON WITH MY APPOINTED TASK, THOUGH I DOUBT THEY ARE IN DIRE NEED OF EDUCATION...COMPARATIVELY."
Eventually the mechanized scholar rides off, coming across the civilization of the Proteans. The race, unsurprisingly, has done quite well, using their ingenious methods, and focus on technology. Eight cities have sprung up from the humble coastline Lukica had chosen for their primal homeland. As Gatz approaches the nearest city, kicking up a trail of dust behind him on the rough road into town. "NO CITY WALLS?" He questions to the guardsmen at the city entrance.
The guard immediately recognizes his lady's work, cups his hands into the symbol of the gear in honor. "COLOR="Yellow"]No sir, the tribe of Arkun guard the main forest, quite protective of their trees[/COLOR]." He motions to the earthwall, "It isn't much, but at the moment, that's our main protection."

The guard gawks at the thought of a possible assault or strife, and once again at the seemingly callous godling's indifference to the issue. He proceeds to alert his superior marshal.
Gatz proceeds to the center of town, where the communication line springs forth from the ground, where the wise and talented gather to discuss ideas. He proclaims "NOW IS THE TIME TO LEARN HOW TO USE THE BONES OF THE EARTH ABOUT US TO FURTHER OUR GREAT CITIES...." as he proceeds to instruct the Proteans in the concepts of stone quarries and masonry.

spend 1 ap to teach Proteans: Masonry

Lukica the Inheritor, at home

The inventor rubs her eyes, sitting at her table. She stares at a blank piece of drafting paper, a stylus in her hand. Lukica barely listens to the kettlebots returning with their answers, but finally nods softly to herself, 'It's a start, at least.'
One of the many-winged angels returns to the Font, with a shimmer as he enters the plane. He kneels nearly prostrate, a hand upon the worked-stone flooring. "My Lady, I have come to report. We have been able to locate several new sources of disruption, one is a sailor of a sort, named Roberts. He seems to have a good heart and a feel for 'adventure' I think, but the other two we have seen, one who is unknown has sent an avatar to the Arkun, as a skeleton of a sort. We know not his intentions."
I keep picturing the Necron Lord for his avatar, am I right?
"Lastly is a true abomination, it seeks to taint, to defile land, and has created horrid monsters of that accord..."

The Inheritor quietly listens to the report, then finally, grasps her voicebox tool, "Then we prepare for war, take your men, organize my soldiers, and arrange them as needed."

2009-04-01, 07:39 PM

The Metal Son walked across the water to the island, containing the leader of the Arkun. He looked up and spoke, in a voice that echoed and reached across the whole island. "Greetings to whoever may dwell here. I am the Silver Sage, and I come to speak with whoever calls this island home."

2009-04-01, 09:06 PM
Drolling is unavoidable sometimes, guy has no choice.

But Grell, they are not dumb. Not are any of the other spawn of Illazan and Kethkress, no, they are smarter, faster and stronger than you, in fact. They are better, in a horrible way, they are superior.

And their makers would expect no less.

Illazan's servants decline the offer, not because they believe it is useless, but because it is. The Great Elder Mind can, and will, provide all the teaching, starting... Now.

Illazan's great mind unleashes a torrent of byoelectrical signals, which all of it's followers can sense, but only the grell, the terrible eyeless eaters, can fully understand, and form this powerful communication device, they learn, they learn an art that was imprinted in their own flesh and minds since their kind first appeared in the Outer Nightmare. A very special form of alchemy, a science that borders, and breaches into, magic.

And what a glorious art this was, it's first practical use was quickly found, as the grell made a substance that could be used to build structures with ease, easier than dig caves at least.

With this, aberrant society would grow, and grow, and grow.

And the first thing they would make would be a palace for the Tainter.

(1 AP: Teach Populace: Grell Alchemy.

One full AP for a feat. Wow.)

And this was the last of my AP until... Tomorrow. :smalltongue: This week Mr. Draken gathered 3 FP, Spawning race (lots of em'), roleplaying a bit (woo, it was fun, short but fun) and teaching a concept (doh). Plug in next week for moar aberrant evil.

2009-04-01, 11:16 PM
Angels, Ariel

The angels looked at one another, not really expecting to be addressed directly, but since they had not received orders to the contrary, they answered in unison, "We have been sent by the god Gallat, one likely unknown to your kind. He does not wish to steal you from your creator's protection; he only asks that you spread his song among your kind and others. Do this, and you will find no trouble with him."

Tana, Costal Arkun village

Tana's expression shifted to a combination of surprise and joy at the mention that the Explorer was a scout ship, but her tone did not change in the slightest despite it.

"Of course, I hadn't expected you to just have wood lying around to sell, I only meant that you give to news to your own people. As for the maps..."

Tana gestured to one of her assistants who scurried off and soon returned with his arms full of parchment, maps, graphs, even detailed analysis' of the resource yield of their and the surrounding lands (for this particular village had a tradition of being rather nit-picky), not to mention scouting reports of the Protean's borders, as well as those of a few scattered far-away lands.

"Obviously, the fairest trade for these would be any maps you would happen to have since, as a scout ship, I'm sure you have at least some sea charts on you. I couldn't help but notice you haven't yet regarded our request for the knowledge of your shipbuilding techniques. I'm sure that you could at least spare the blueprints for a humble ship such as your own, since I'm sure you have much grander ships in your home port that we could never hope to compare to."

Avatar of Gallat, Forbidden Isle

The tiny divine bounded up to the metal creature after it's proclamation and stated in it's own, surprisingly forceful voice, "Greetings, Silver Sage. I am...well, no one truly. I am only a vessel for the god Gallat's word, and I guard this island if that is what you mean."

Gallat, Conclave of the Gods

Waiting at the podium once again, Gallat's inevitable boredom was postponed once he noticed something near his feet. A familiar black ooze was there, identical to the material he knew all too well, with the exception that a rather ornate breastplate lay in the middle of the muck. On closer observation, Gallat found that it was indeed the remains of the being that had sprouted from his emotions, and he couldn't help but be curious as to what could possibly have caused him to revert back to this formless, and apparently conscious-less state. Picking the breastplate out of the ooze, Gallat thought that is might be useful and kept it on him as he pondered what to do with this mess.

If it wasn't clear, the black ooze is what's left of drakeblood's character, whom, as I've said elsewhere, has informed me he won't be playing anymore. I haven't actually decided how the god would have gotten like this, so if anyone wants their gods to speculate or explain what happened they are more than welcome to do so.

The MunchKING
2009-04-02, 12:12 AM
Tana, Costal Arkun village

Tana's expression shifted to a combination of surprise and joy at the mention that the Explorer was a scout ship, but her tone did not change in the slightest despite it.

"Of course, I hadn't expected you to just have wood lying around to sell, I only meant that you give to news to your own people. As for the maps..."

Tana gestured to one of her assistants who scurried off and soon returned with his arms full of parchment, maps, graphs, even detailed analysis' of the resource yield of their and the surrounding lands (for this particular village had a tradition of being rather nit-picky), not to mention scouting reports of the Protean's borders, as well as those of a few scattered far-away lands.

"Obviously, the fairest trade for these would be any maps you would happen to have since, as a scout ship, I'm sure you have at least some sea charts on you. I couldn't help but notice you haven't yet regarded our request for the knowledge of your shipbuilding techniques. I'm sure that you could at least spare the blueprints for a humble ship such as your own, since I'm sure you have much grander ships in your home port that we could never hope to compare to."

"Of course, a trade in maps would only be fair. Seaman Drake!"


"Fetch the maps of th' seas. she can be havin all the copies of our maps. We'll just keep the one."

"Aye sir."

"An' as fer the ship's blueprints..." He struggled to quickly think of an excuse that would enable him to get out of it without giving detailed descriptions of the fleet's best ship to date, but without admitting his past fudging of the truth.

Chaplain Jeri stepped foward as if it had been rehearsed. "The great God Roberts taught us the ways of the shipbuilding. And while I'm sure under other circumstances our captain would be happy to trade our ship's blueprints for something equally valuable, in this case he cannot. It seems God Roberts has a plan involving these ships, and has forbade us from revealing thier secrets to others. I'm sorry, but devine mandate. What can you do?"

Seaman Drake returned carrying a chest full of copies of all their maps. they had traveled across a good deal of sea to find this village, and other exploring ships had made other maps in other directions. The Arkun should find them quite nice.

"Ah there you are!" The Captain diplomatically handed the chest over to the chief. Seaman Drake took the papers from the assistant. "Seaman Drake!"


"When you take the maps and such back, tell the crew that th' people here have consented ta let us stay fer a while. Have 'em stand down, an' ready for shore leave!"

Seaman Drake smiled widely. "Yes SIR!" He took the maps back to the ship.

Captain Ahad turned back to the chief. "My crew will be most grateful fa this. I mus' thank ye."

2009-04-02, 01:31 AM
Iura Ciel, Astral Plane
The goddess of Control, Law and Psionics pondered the coming war that would rage on the material plane as her believers sought to unite the world under her rule. While they were able to wield her gift, she felt that this wasn't enough to conquer their foes. In case they besieged fortified cities or attacked free dragons, they would need some assistance.

And the Lady would grant it to them. With a mere thought, she drew a large amount of ectoplasm from the Astral plane and shaped it into a loosely defined, giant blob of astral goo. She then imbued it with her psionic power and tied it to a specific incantation, creating the first Astral Juggernaut who could be called by her believers in times of need.

Claire ci Vallé, Alexion
Claire knew of the unrest among the believers, and it worried her. It was still too early to attack - without a competent and organized army, their assault would likely fizzle at the first proper defense structure their enemies could mount. Zeal was useful to gain fresh recruits, but it could not replace proper training.

However, she knew that she couldn't possibly wait much longer. So she decided to act in advance, trying to gauge the ability and defenses of other races before the war began.
Claire created seven simulacra of herself and sent them as envoys to the Arkum, the Proteans, the Songtouched and the Pillbugs, to the Sons of Steel and the Dragons, even to the abberations that tainted the lands while carrying the Lady's sacred power.

Each one of them would deliver the simple offer to live under the Law, or face the consequences of their choice...

I hope this post is before rollover.

Anyway, +1 FP generated(hopefully) for the envoy-thing to the other races(and if not that, all the fluff describing my people counts, right?)

Iura creates and manifests the Epic Power Astral Juggernaut(detailed in homebrew thread). I will post two Incantations later, once I have more time -Alexion's creed(~atonement that allows a creature to become lawful, hits said creature with a bestow curse if it becomes nonlawful afterwards) and *something*(couldn't think of a nice name yet) that basically summons an Astral Juggernaut for 10 minutes.

2009-04-02, 01:48 AM
Tana smiled, noticing the hesitation by the captain, but also being impressed by the quick thinking of his subordinate. She took a quick glance at the maps before rolling them up and handing them to her assistant, who dashed off somewhere with them and quickly returned while the Cheiftan spoke, "Well then, it seems that if it is ordered by a god there is nothing I can do about it, after all, we have our own god with his own wishes of us. One of which being that when one discovers a new race ,as we have with you, an ambassador must be appointed and dispatched to that race. Now then, any volunteers?" The Cheiftan raises her own hand in response and continues, "Ah, excellent, I appoint myself. I accept. Glad that's taken care of."

At that, the assistant that brought the maps sighed, apparently exasperated, yet not surprised by his leader's rash actions. Tana, hearing this, turned towards him with an annoyed look saying, "Oh! And of course I'll need someone to chronicle this historic meeting. Reet'r, you come along too." The assistant, Reet'r, reacted with a soft, but very shocked voice, "C-Cheiftan Tana?!" "Ah, ah, ah!" Tana responded, "I won't hear any more of your nay-saying." Turning back to Ahad, clearing not willing to take no for an answer on this matter, she continued, "Well then Captain, we'll obviously need passage to your home lands. No need to fetch us when you and your men are ready to leave, I'll have a scout posted at the docks and he will come get us when you start to make your preperations." With that she began to walk off, with the poor stunned Reet'r following behind.

2009-04-02, 04:24 AM
Prima, Image of the First
Prima was the simulacrum of Claire that had been sent to the Proteans. She had been teleported by the demigoddess into the region where they lived, and left to herself immediately afterwards. Prima cared not. She had a duty to fulfil her mission. With silent determination, the crystalline statue walked towards the nearest city, just a few miles away.

Secunda, Image of the First
Secunda was the emissary ordered to the Arkun. This particular race had suffered much, from the whims of a mad god to the division through the enchanted forest and the advent of the silver sage. Secunda knew none of this and steadily continued her way towards the small fishing port that seemed to be the only settlement of any importance outside the forest. However, the great ship in the harbour seemed a bit...different from what she had expected to find in such a small town.

Tertia, Image of the First
An icy statue stood atop a high mountain's peak, surrounded by furious winds, circled by a few dragons who were clearly annoyed at the tiny figure intruding into their hunting grounds. Magically warded against their breath, the simulacrum called out: "Live under the Law, or face its judgement. I have been sent by Claire to offer you this choice - to live and thrive under the Lady's rule, or to be destroyed by her wrath. There will be no further messenger after me."

Enraged, the dragons descended upon Tertia and shredded her frozen body with their claws and teeth, unwilling to give up their freedom and their riches.

2009-04-02, 07:33 AM
Philosophers, Ariel, some time before the transformation

The philosophers were vaguely surprised that Gallat had chosen to bring this message, but were happy enough to spread his new message - after all, it was not one that was incompatible with the songtouched way of life in any event. Although that was about to change.

Medea, the Weeping Shadow, the Material Plane

The Lady's plans for her followers had finally shown themselves to be the storm that Medea had predicted - the storm against which she had been subtly preparing her own peoples. By a fortuitous accident, the lands of Haven were bounded by mountains on all sides, providing a measure of protection from any plans of military conquest. To compund this difficulty, the Guardian Dragons had become most common in the area that had seen guardians arise in the first place.

However, it was finally time to show her own hand. Medea knew her guardians well enough - after all, they were her chosen - to realise that they would never allow one such as the lady to rule over any populace.

She now decided to warn her people of the coming storm - every guardian and every songtouched now knew that they would soon be called upon to fight in the name of peace, and they were prepared to do so.

She also cast a powerful charm to fortify her people against any act of war - Medea's Blessing made mithral, silver and cold iron even more common in Haven than before, and increased the number of people with the skill to forge it - allowing the Guardians access to the finest weapons. It also helped to provide a measure of protection against any direct intervention by another deity.

She also taught her people how to use their differences to establish a coherent fighting unit. In times of great necessity, even those of free spirit can learn to exploit the possibility of working together - even allowing themselves to be led by other guardians.

New kinds of guardian also arose - as well as the older, all-round order of guardians, some became masters of warfare, able to inspire, lead and fight all with terrifying efficiency. These Sentinels had a seemingly preternatural awareness of how a battle was progressing, and of any approaching dangers. Alongside these, some of her people became more aware of the existence and goals of their creator, becoming the first Favoured Souls.

All of her people were now even better prepared for the coming storm. No matter what this new tyrant tried, there would be at least one power to oppose her.

Outside of Ariel, Claire's Messenger

As it was entering the town, the messenger was greeted by a young, dark-haired songtouched female of surpassing beauty.

"Greetings, traveller. Would you like somewhere to rest?"

2 AP: Medea's Blessing (x2 nourish populace)
3 AP: Create Concept: Freedom (classes: Favoured Soul, Sentinel. Sentinels are Always Chaotic, like Bards and Guardians, and thus only exist in opposition to those who would seek to dominate.)
1 AP: Teach Populace: Warning of the coming storm (increases the number of Guardians, Bards, Favoured Souls and Sentinels among those who oppose Iura Ciel)
1 AP: Teach populace: The Art of War (the songtouched are prepared to put aside their differences and prepare to fight in order to preserve their own freedom)

I'm going to grab a portfolio element relevant to all this next week.

2009-04-02, 10:24 AM
Lukica the Inheritor at the Conclave of the Gods

The short frame of the inventor appears before Gallat, a morose look on her face, "Are you the only one?...Wait, Valkir awaits a response still." Summoning one of her odd kettlebots who appears with a hop, she says off-hand, "Tell him a proxy is welcome, so long as he speaks for Valkir.", sending the messenger off, with a dismissive wave.
"I had hoped that we could band together, to forge order from this madness...but it may be so that our wayward kin are far too focused on their own petty gains...." She turns more urgent suddenly, "There are those out there who seek pure nihlistic destruction! The one...the unnamed foe has already set forth abominable monsters on our world."

Lukica sighs softly, "You understand, don't you? Your Arkun have already had a deal of strife."

2009-04-02, 10:37 AM
Gallat, Conclave of the Gods

Gallat looked on the Material Plane. He too, had sensed the coming trouble, and had not been ignoring it, though it may have seemed like it. Since the divide of his people, he had been discreetly influencing them to hone the talents they had already been given. The cutthroats became full-fledged Rogues, the simple bowmen became Archers, the Illusionist priests mastered their abilities, becoming capable of influencing not only themselves, but relatively large groups of others as well.

Unfortunately, though it pained him, Gallat could not warn his people of the danger, for doing so would hinder his own mandate of adaptability for them. Luckily, it seemed that circumstances would work in his favor on that, as a messenger from the problem itself was headed towards, not only his people, but the village of Chieftain Tana, one whom Gallat had a particular interest in for some time now...


Reet'r still in tow, Tana noticed the simulacrum entering her village and, mistaking it for a creature of this plane, smirked saying, "Well, this just seems to be the day for meeting new races, doesn't it? Welcome, if you have buisiness I apologize but I'm a bit busy myself right now, please come back in a month or two."

EDIT: Sorry, I only just now noticed your post zerombr. Please treat the above as if it occured before your post and the following as if it had happened after. Also, forgot to put that I spent 6 of my 7AP for Create Concept x 2: Rogues/Archers, and Illusionists, which would have chronologically actually been in place for a while in mortal-time (probably since Roberts has existed). I'm afraid I don't have the knowledge to create templates for these classes (though I think Rogue is already a class), but they should be fairly self-explanatory.

Gallat, Conclave of the Gods

Gallat looked up at Lukica with one head while the other head and body attempted to clean the grime, both physical and emotional, from the breastplate he had picked from the divine remains.

"First of all may I congratulate you on finding the voice that eluded you when we first met directly. Secondly, it is true that the Arkun have gone through many trials, but I would not have created them in the first place had I thought they would be destroyed by such petty things, and I have the same faith in them for whatever lies ahead. I agree that certain forces have become out of hand lately, what with the Jester, Mumbles I believe he called himself, running rampant while the seperate forces of "Law" and the "Taint", both of whom's lords I have yet to meet, are mobilizing alarmingly. More distubingly, the former's armies seem to be made up of our people. I admit, when the insane Arkun suddenly became imbued with whatever terrible wisdom they have now I blamed the Jester, but I now see that he is frankly a trifle compared to the...unamed one as you put it, although I believe at least two divines are "unamed" to me."

Lady Tialait
2009-04-02, 12:16 PM
Mumbles, Well, now he's at the Conclave.

A single chuckling clown walked into the Conclave of Gods. He had long greed hair that was wavey with a weakening perm. His makeup running down his face. A big red smile, dropping at the end and widened down as if someone had run his makeup into a demented smile-frown. His white makeup was half-removed showing that a clown without his makeup was...nothing. Void. His clothing, once very handsome if over-sized, in tatters as if a powerful energy was held inside it, tearing the seams and ripping the ends of each part.

The clown just stood there chuckling. From time to time making a disturbing inhale screech. This clown sounded extremely winded. The laughter seemed to be the cause of death for this clown.

"Hello, brothers. Hello, sisters. Mumbles is here now. I will not forgive, I will not forget. I have over nine-thousand clowns, and they will all obey me forever."

The voice was Mumbles, however, no snicker, chuckle, giggles was in the voice. The clown stood there slowly rotting away, snickering, chuckling, giggling. This clown was doomed, and he would soon die. The power of Mumbles was too much for a lesser being to handle like this. Too much for a clown, too much for a God, too much for a Mortal.

2009-04-02, 12:36 PM
The body of Gallat not preoccupied with the breastplate looked disturbingly at Mumbles. He could not bring himself to say anything, but shot a glance at the puddle of god-remains at his feet before looking back at Mumbles and pondering if there was any correlation between it and the Jester's appearance and, more importantly, the deeply disturbing lack of...spirit to the god's voice.

2009-04-02, 02:35 PM
Lukica the Inheritor with Gallat and Mumbles

She shrugs, gesturing to the voicebox "It helps...compensate for.." She pauses, a visible staticy sigh emenates from the speaker , "deformity." She quickly changes topics "My people seem willing to trade with yours, Gatz has mentioned that wood is in short supply with the Arkun guarding it so, perhaps we..." She pauses as Mumbles appears, with obvious disdain on her face. "...Mumbles.", she says reluctantly. "I have asked you here for a sole reason. You fill a void that would be occupied by something far more sinister. For that reason alone, I offer you a place within the panethon, the joining that I have offered the others. I do not approve of your tricks, nor your madness, yet there is something far worse out there, that must be combatted."

Gatz the Inevitable at the Protean outland city of Acalus

Gatz happily demonstrates some of the basics of stonecutting, "I BELIEVE THAT YOU MAY TAKE IT FROM HERE." He pauses as he surveys the area, striving to educate the cities even further, "WELL, WHAT COULD BE NEXT?" The Inevitable looks over the wood-deprived city, at a cart pulled by a mule. "ANIMAL DOMESTICATION...." then towards a tanner, putting out a bearskin into the sun, "LEATHER USE AND TANNING....HMMM." He considers the current dilemma. "WAR...WAR.....SOMETHING TO AID WAR.....NO WOOD, CANNOT BUILD SIEGE YET." A horse and rider passes by the potbellied mech, giving a deferring sign of obedience. "...CAVALRY!"

Gatz spends his 1 AP on teaching the Proteans: Mounted Combat

2009-04-02, 02:53 PM
Kethkress, Illazan, the Aberrant Kingdoms of Illazari. - (8 AP)

Behold, great Illazari, built with the hands of creatures made from the fish of sea, into a humanoid shape, almost. Its structures and walls, built from the knowledge of the grell, behold its endless, labirinthine tunnels, dug by the vile breath of neothelids.

Be witness to the arts this society develops, arts arcane to draw the magic of the ambient, and arts to draw upon the power of one's own flesh.

And tremble!

(-2 AP, Spawn Race: Skum.
-3 AP, Create Concept: Aberration mystical Arts: Wizard and Evolutionist
-3 AP: Evolve Kethkress)

The MunchKING
2009-04-02, 03:08 PM
Tana smiled, noticing the hesitation by the captain, but also being impressed by the quick thinking of his subordinate. She took a quick glance at the maps before rolling them up and handing them to her assistant, who dashed off somewhere with them and quickly returned while the Cheiftan spoke, "Well then, it seems that if it is ordered by a god there is nothing I can do about it, after all, we have our own god with his own wishes of us. One of which being that when one discovers a new race ,as we have with you, an ambassador must be appointed and dispatched to that race. Now then, any volunteers?" The Cheiftan raises her own hand in response and continues, "Ah, excellent, I appoint myself. I accept. Glad that's taken care of."

At that, the assistant that brought the maps sighed, apparently exasperated, yet not surprised by his leader's rash actions. Tana, hearing this, turned towards him with an annoyed look saying, "Oh! And of course I'll need someone to chronicle this historic meeting. Reet'r, you come along too." The assistant, Reet'r, reacted with a soft, but very shocked voice, "C-Cheiftan Tana?!" "Ah, ah, ah!" Tana responded, "I won't hear any more of your nay-saying." Turning back to Ahad, clearing not willing to take no for an answer on this matter, she continued, "Well then Captain, we'll obviously need passage to your home lands. No need to fetch us when you and your men are ready to leave, I'll have a scout posted at the docks and he will come get us when you start to make your preperations." With that she began to walk off, with the poor stunned Reet'r following behind.

Captain Ahad smiled "I like her management style! She'll get alon' great in our lands." He looked around. "Come on, Jeri. We'll get the men set up te' go on shore leave. Best remind them te be on their best behavior here!"

They stayed with the Arkun a few weeks until they were ready to go. Each had tried to learn as much as he could about these strange new people. Jeri had spent her time learning about their strange new god, Gallat, and his commandments. Captain Ahad learned what he could about the surrounding areas and other people they had encountered. And so on and so forth. Each crewman sought to alieve his curiosity in his or her own way. But sooner rather than later it was time for them to move on. With their new passengers, they set sail back for home What they saw when the got there was amazing!

2009-04-02, 03:56 PM
Gallat, Conclave of the Gods

Gallat looks at Lukica oddly at her comment on the Arkun and responds, "Do you really think I told the Arkun to protect the forest for my own amusement?" He HAD ordered the Arkun to do so for his own amusement, but that didn't mean there weren't other reasons.

"There are creatures in the forests that would gladly eat my people in a heartbeat if it weren't for the fact that they build their homes primarily in the trees. Without them, there is no shade for the indigenous plants to grow in, no shelter for the animals they hunt, and no way to travel long distances with their short legs. The trees are their lively-hood, and with as long as they take to grow back, they cannot afford to simply chop them down. The little wood they require is painstakingly rationed as it is. Now, I COULD re-grow the trees as they're cut on my own, but that would be a tremendous drain on my power. If you can think of a solution to that, then we might be able to reach some agreement."

I still need to wait for Secunda's response to Tana before posting anything else about her, MunchKING, just letting you know. Also, what is it they saw there?

The MunchKING
2009-04-02, 04:52 PM
OOC: Sorry Alber for skipping ahead a bit, but I wanted to get this post out of the way before the boards or my comp eat it.

When they arrived hove there was a party going on. Dancing, feasting, singing, party games, the whole nine yards. Roberts personally went up to The Explorer came into harbor. "Ah, there are our heros of the hour!" He waved to them. "Come join the fun! You are heroes, and the night is young!"

He looked over the two Arkun as they came off the boat. He looked them over carefully. "They will do." he pronounced. Yes they would do nicely to aid his plans, if they could be convinced to help. "Come join the rest of my people. For tonight there is partying."

*Later that night.*

As the moon rose high in the sky, the stories had been told and retold, the drinks drunk, and the party was winding down, Roberts stepped up on a raised platform in the village sqaure and siginaled for everyone's attention.

"My people. You have served me well. I wished for you to enjoy this day in feasting and celebration because we have met a new people who's desitnies are now entwined with our own. But I have graver news for you! An ill wind is blowing, and I must return to where I came, to see what I can do about it."

There many cries of "No! You can't go!" and similar. But Roberts held up his hand. "Worry not! I will return! And I will not leave the Kitsune defenseless in my absence. Bring forth Captain Ahad and Chaplin Jeri!"

The mentioned Kitsune came forward and took their place before the village square. "Jeri, You have shown great wisdom, not only in your recent dealings with these new people, but in all the time you've been in my service. And in the far port city you demonstrated curiosity about the Gods and their ways. Therefore I grant you a fraction of my power. Know my ways are always formost with my people. Learn these prayers and incantations and you will have my power with you always." He touched her head and it was filled with knowledge. Then he turned to the Captain. "And you Captain, your brave deeds have reached my ears. Far you have sailed, and often have you had cause for brave deeds and showings of valor. Therefore I grant you the Holy Blade. Weild it in the defense of my people always, and you too will find a fraction of my power at hand." He drew a sword and placed it gingerly in the Captain's hand.

"You have been given an great, great gift. But it comes with a mighty responsability." He turned to Jeri, "Seek out the wisest among the Kitsune and teach them what I have taught you. Let them never lack for guidence." Then he turned to the Captain, "And you, brave captain. Seek out those of strength of arms and valor unsurpassed. Train the bravest warriors in the skills I have taught you, and the Kitsune will never lack protection. This is the duty I have Charged you with. Carry it well!"

Then as he walked to the dock, a ghostly ship appeared, sailing as if out of a deep fog. It grew more solid as it approached, until as it docked itself in the harbor it appeared more real than the Material plane around it. Roberts stopped at the dock, then leaned down and spoke to the apperently drunk village Elder lieing there. "Make sure they finish the Plan. If I am unable to stop what will occur, Blackwater may be your people's only hope."

He paused for a jaunty wave to the crowd. then walked up the gangplank. the ship then sailed of into the night, seeming to grow further away while going nowhere at all, until it was gone. The rest of the Kitsune got amongst themselves to mumble and postulate what all this was about, but only three people there had any idea as to the whole story.

2AP at rollover + 4FP = 3AP +1 FP

3AP to create the Concept of Clerical magic and thus Clerics and Paladins.

Obviously Jeri and Ahad have been selected as the first members of these new and presitgious classes. Oh but these are CG Paladins, as most Kitsune are in fact CG. And they can fall for any act strongly disapproved of by the Patron god (IE. Roberts). Evil acts are just the most obvious.

2009-04-02, 05:15 PM
Lukica the Inheritor, speaking with Gallat and Mumbles
at the Conclave of the Gods
with 4 AP +1 from FP

She gives Gallat's words much thought, then her loudspeaker squeaks to life, "The solution is clear, we use the Heart of the World to coax a fast growing cycle for the trees, rationing half for yours, and half for mine. Since it is your forest, I shall ask your Arkun to ensure a fair and balanced judge of the trade....Our people have progressed enough that our direct attention upon them with the Heart is needed less....and I expect the trade between our people will lead to many interesting things....." She gives a hint of a smile on her typically placid face, "Progress abounds..."

Lady Tialait
2009-04-02, 05:34 PM

The melting clown continued his snickering. It seemed to be destroying him from within and the melting was only the outer effects of the great insanity of Mumbles. The Calm voice of Mumbles spoke again.

"I am not here to accept. I am here to tell you, I will not oppose your pantheon. Anymore then I would oppose anything else."

Just then the clown finally fell into nothing, a Dark Cloud swirling with sparkles of pure madness.


As another clown found it's way to the meeting, this one in a dress with a grey curly wing on. The face paint almost sweet, the dark cloud descended upon it. The wing started to droop, the paint just began to run. The clown started to laugh, first a snicker, then a chuckle, then a rolling laughter that almost seemed to echo itself. Gasps for air from time to time.

Then Mumbles poke.

"Excuse my moments of Madness. However, unless you give me a good reason to accept your offer of Pantheon, i'm afraid you will have to do it without me. Do not cross me. I am not a silly thing you can ignore. I am madness. I never give in."

The clown stood there, snickering, laughing, gaffing, giggling, hee-haaing, and melting. However, when Mumble's presence was no longer...present, the clown became a silly thing, a man in a dress honking a horn and doing a cartwheel out of the Conclave.

2009-04-02, 06:37 PM

Chorsotok nodded his head in respect for the avatar of Gallat. "I am Chorsotok, Voice of the True Death, Son of The Cog but a part of him too."

2009-04-02, 06:57 PM
Valkir nodded at the mechanation's final message, and sent his Hyperim, Gabriel, to sit in his stead, confident that he would talk on behalf of his father quite elloquently.

Gabriel appeared before the gods, his form exsquisite. His body was covered in a white metal plate mail armor and guilded gold, atop his head was a halo ringed with gems, and from each gem a flame was burning, giving it the appearance of a crown. In his hands were a greatsword, and on his back were six marvelous wings, with feathers of pure gold, showing his rank as a Hyperim.

"Greetings on behalf of the Father of Angels and Lord of Judgement, I am his servent, the Hyperim Gabriel. I will do my best to convey the feelings of my father." He said, his voice was perfection, like the most beautiful dream one could imagine.

2009-04-03, 07:00 AM
Quarta, Image of the First
The simulacrum sent to the Songtouched witnessed them to be different. Changed by divine intervention or a similarly powerful force, they seemed uncaring to the Lady's call and able to enjoy a freedom greater than before, with wings to soar the skies and explore the watery depths of the seas.
"Greetings, traveller. Would you like somewhere to rest?"
The messenger turned and replied in a cold, even voice devoid of emotion, a voice that nevertheless rang out across the entire city: "It is my duty and purpose to herald the coming of Law. I have come to give you the chance to embrace the Law and the benefits of Order, and to warn you if you decide against it. The very Chaos that you choose will corrupt you, and the Law will come like a storm to purge all impurities from your people."

Quinta, Image of the First
A crystalline figure stood in a lone forest surrounded by thousand upon thousands of bugs and other insects, among them a number of pillbugs - insectoid creatures blessed with sapience.
She spoke briefly and clearly, delivering her message:
"War is brewing, War on a scale that surpasses anything you have ever seen. And as you feast on the fallen, consider the fate of all who oppose and reject the Law; remember that it is the Lady's will that all races strive for Perfection. And when the time comes, and you are asked to decide between Law and Chaos, between the Lady's favor and her ire, remember this message and choose between prosperity and doom."

Sexta, Image of the First
Sexta had been sent to the Sons of Steel, creatures of Wharheit Nagilmund.
After the simulacrum located one of their cities, she walked to an open square and called out:
"The lady offers you the choice between the blessing of Law and the curse of Chaos, the choice between peace and conflict;
for the Lawful are ready to exact HER Judgement on this world: To reward the just and to punish those who scorn the Law. Heed her words, and live - neglect them, and face the consequences of your choice. I am the first, and the last messenger who has come to you to speak about this matter."

Septa, Image of the First
The final one of Claire's seven heralds had been sent to the aberrations of Illazan. At the border of the tainted lands, she told her message, perfectly calm despite their numbers, their appearance, their horrific and strange abilities. "Hear me, beings of this land, beings who taint and who are tainted themselves; Listen, and hear the words I speak.
The Lady has created the Gift that many of you wield; she has allowed you to use her Power as you wish. She has learned of your Progress and she knows of your Might. Because of this, she offers you her blessing, the opportunity to live according to her Law. If you accept, you shall know the true extent of her Gift; if you decline, you will face her judgement."

Prima, Image of the First
Prima had reached the outskirts of Acalus, and saw Gatz and the Protean people training and studying, preparing for...something. She cared not. She existed for the sole purpose of being a messenger, and she would fulfil her duty, no matter the circumstances.
Without delay, she spoke with a far-reaching voice to Gatz and all the inhabitants of Acalus:
"I am the envoy of Claire, divine empress of Alexion. While I witness you live in Order, I have come to propose that you pledge allegiance to a deity greater than the ruler of Alexion, greater even than the goddess who created you and your kin. Already, there are some of you who have heard the Lady's call and now live under her benevolence. It is their wish to extend this grace to their people, so that you may be spared from the cleansing of Chaos as the fury of the Lawful descends upon the stubborn and foolish to deliver judgement. Choose now - and choose well."

Secunda, Image of the First

Reet'r still in tow, Tana noticed the simulacrum entering her village and, mistaking it for a creature of this plane, smirked saying, "Well, this just seems to be the day for meeting new races, doesn't it? Welcome, if you have business I apologize but I'm a bit busy myself right now, please come back in a month or two."
Secunda ignored the Arkum chief, and manifested a mental message to all arkum in the small port town.
"I have been sent by the First, to bring you the blessing of Law. Do you accept this offer, or decline it - Arkum?"

Okay, rollover time. Iura gets 3 AP normally, +2 from FP and is at 5/6 AP.
Claire gets 2 AP, bringing her to 2/4 AP. I'll post later dealing with divine actions, just wanted to get this post with all the messengers of Claire underway.

Secunda manifests an augmented Missive, Mass (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/missiveMass.htm) to deliver a mental message of 25 words or less to all Arkum in the settlement.

2009-04-03, 07:06 AM
Lukica the Inheritor

She chooses her words carefully, if clumsily, for she is a creator not a diplomat, not an envoy. Surrounded by the more powerful gods, she is, in fact, subtley nervous, yet here Lukica is.
"Because, Mumbles, it ensures you have a say in greater things to come, it ensures that while you may be opposed within the panethon, you would be united....what will happen when you raise the ire of something far more deadly than tolerant, and he shreds your soul to pieces? I would not fight your battle for you, but to reforge your body...that is doable."

She seems visibly relieved when Valkir's emissary appears, "Good, surely your master understands the need for ...." She pauses again, 'He doesn't care much for Order, from what my messenger said.'. She restarts, "Surely Valkir understands that the mortals need..." Lukica flusters, trying to avoid certain...buzzwords. "Those of us who band together shall not only teach our people of the other gods' existence, but of their ways, and agree to others terms. No argument from me you shall get upon the judging of petty souls." She adds reluctantly, "I *need* him here...to ensure that good and noble decisions may happen to better lives..."
Lucika lowers her head, sighing, the tinny voice appears after a moment, "I don't know what I expect of this gathering, but I feel it is necessary, to band, to communicate, to give each god their place. Have you all not seen the monsters from the Outsider? There is safety, security in a number as this. Though I do not expect us to be on terms with each other, if we rely upon each other..."
She falls silent, either irritated she cannot find the right words, the right reasons, or simply that she knows how this will end.

2009-04-03, 07:21 AM
As Medea had predicted, the messenger had the arrogance to try to deliver an ultimatum. Even so, courtesy dictated that the messenger be treated at least charitably.

Choosing her words carefully, the disguised goddess replied:

"OK, in that case, would you like to rest while we discuss your proposal. We have a house that we use to receive official visits - you are welcome to stay for as long as you wish, until we can give you a response."

A few more songtouched arrived, offering to help carry the emissary to the house.

Aldgar, they had wings all along - they're functional now, that's the only difference.

2009-04-03, 10:28 AM
Illazari, the Aberrant Kingdom.

No answer from the aboleths this time, this isn't just a godling, it is a herald of an actual deity.

No. This time, the herald is adressed by a powerful mind, that of the great elder brain itself. Illazan, the Tainter, whose mental pressure spawns the island and beyond.

Transcending the universe, beyond existance. We come from times you could not understand. We are the children of The Warper. - The Warper again, who the hell is this Warper? - We shall not be judged, and we shall not bow, not to a such young and naive being.

We acknowledge the power to be yours in this world. And we... Appreciate, that you so sponsor this resource.

But we do not bend. We do not serve. And now... We will expand. Such is the will of The Warper.

Off the shores of the mainlands, Skum raise from the tides, carrying the powder of grell make.

Soon, of course, the grell appear, so do the psurlon, and even a single neothelid. Moved so by the magic of the beings.

An outpost is quickly built, and quickly, it begins to expand.

Lady Tialait
2009-04-03, 11:35 AM
Mumbles and Iboic, Wherever they may be at the moment, away from the other Gods

The black blot with a budging box in the middle had become the standard symbol for mischief and insanity. Mumbles couldn't understand it. His dark form whirling and snickering.

"It's time for the next part of the GREAT GAG! hehehe Soon, the world will understand, nothing is powerful enough to go against the great Mumbles. I am power, I am grace I am...hehehe funny."

Mumbles swirled around the Iboic.

"Clowns, give me your power, I have a joke I'll need it for."

The box sent a custard creame pie into the black blot, it splattered all over the place, the box snickered.

"Gee, thanks."

Mumbles looked to the world.

"Hmm, those ratfolk are boring, and mirror eyes? Is that like Mirror shades? Bah! hehehe Now..let's see, Kitsune...pirates? No. Too boring."

Mumbles seemed to be thinking, his laugher almost a mute snicker.

"I KNOW! The musical folk! I need two. Just two..maybe I can sneak a couple away..."

Two clowns popped out of the Iboic, vanished, only to return a moment later. Holding two angels, bound and gaged.

"Those's arn't...nevermind. It'll work."

Mumbles took the power of Iboic and his own and twisted it into two crowns.

The first made of gold, an angry face with a forced grin plastered on. The crown glittered and made a unnerving scowl. Etched upon the crown under the face was a single word 'Assault'.

The second made of silver, a pie with a smile being hit with a hammer etched upon the top bit of the crown. The smile seemed to enjoy the hammer destroying it's sweet gooey filling, and crisp and flaky crust. Etched below the pie and hammer was a single word 'Battery'.

Mumbles took the two crowns, and placed them upon the heads of the two bound angels. Each crown sinking into the Angel's head, making the two Angels snicker and giggle. Then the two turned to eachother and started to beat eachother up.

Mumbles laughed. Then two clowns popped out of the Iboic each holding a bowl filled with light fluffy bits, covered with small bits of salt and some yellow-ish substance.

Much crunching and hee-haaing insued.

(0 = 3 Beget God 'Assault' - 3 Beget God 'Battery' - 6)

2009-04-03, 02:30 PM

Looking around, Tana could see that the words of the strange being were not just heard by her, or even only by those within earshot. It was using some power, one that she remembered hearing about in stories from the past. This realization, combined with a simple bad feeling she had, told her she couldn't trust it. She trusted her proxy's that would rule the village in her stead to take appropriate action with the creature, but she needed to make it clear that she had no wish to deal with it.

"Well, I'm afraid I have no idea what your talking about, so I'm going to have to say...decline, and you can just take that as an asnwer for all of us. Now, as I've said, I have a previous engagement." She turned and headed towards the boat awaiting her, yelling back to Secunda without a backwards glance, "And by the way, it's pronounced ArkuN!"

Tana, again, later

During the drip to the Kitsune lands, Tana and Reet'r spent most of their time thoroughly, yet discreetly, examining the ship to learn about its construction. While they didn't learn any specifics, they managed to get the general idea of how a large ship such as it was built; information which Reet'r of course wrote down along with a journal of his experiences. As they sailed into the harbor, Tana took particular not of the other Kitsune ships, noticing that none could compare to the Explorer, despite claims of it being a "scout ship". Tana softly chuckled to herself at this, always enjoying to have her suspiscions confirmed.

During the festivities, the two Arkun kept most quiet, mostly from awe of the god, Roberts. This reaction was not because of the fact he was a god, in fact, it was because that he did not seem like a god. He did not act as a divinity was expected to, he acted like a person.

Once the god had left, Reet'r tried to chronicle what had just occured as best he could, but neither he nor Tana really understood what had happened, like most of those present.

Avatar of Gallat, Forbidden Isle

"Very well." The racoon stated, "I assume you have come here for reasons other than to just state titles. What is your purpose?"

Sorry zerombr, I haven't quite thought of a response to your post yet, but it should come soon.

The MunchKING
2009-04-03, 05:55 PM
I still need to wait for Secunda's response to Tana before posting anything else about her, MunchKING, just letting you know. Also, what is it they saw there?

Sorry, Like I said, I had that post and didn't want the board or my comp to eat it. we can go back and "fill in" the time, espeically if other Gods want to interact with you at the time we were there.

As for what we saw, it's just a bunch of people poking their noses into everything that's not classified. We'll have time for diplomatic espionage later. :smallwink:

Secunda, Image of the First

Secunda ignored the Arkum chief, and manifested a mental message to all arkum in the small port town.
"I have been sent by the First, to bring you the blessing of Law. Do you accept this offer, or decline it - Arkum?"

Captain Ahad looked around and saw everyone reacting to something he didn't... COULDn't hear. "Well, tha cannae be normal."


Looking around, Tana could see that the words of the strange being were not just heard by her, or even only by those within earshot. It was using some power, one that she remembered hearing about in stories from the past. This realization, combined with a simple bad feeling she had, told her she couldn't trust it. She trusted her proxy's that would rule the village in her stead to take appropriate action with the creature, but she needed to make it clear that she had no wish to deal with it.

"Well, I'm afraid I have no idea what your talking about, so I'm going to have to say...decline, and you can just take that as an asnwer for all of us. Now, as I've said, I have a previous engagement." She turned and headed towards the boat awaiting her, yelling back to Secunda without a backwards glance, "And by the way, it's pronounced ArkuN!"

OOC: That's good. It'd be hard for a race of pirates to work nicely with a race sworn wholy over to law.

Captain Ahad looked at her. "Wha' was that about?"

Tana, again, later

During the drip to the Kitsune lands, Tana and Reet'r spent most of their time thoroughly, yet discreetly, examining the ship to learn about its construction. While they didn't learn any specifics, they managed to get the general idea of how a large ship such as it was built; information which Reet'r of course wrote down along with a journal of his experiences. As they sailed into the harbor, Tana took particular not of the other Kitsune ships, noticing that none could compare to the Explorer, despite claims of it being a "scout ship". Tana softly chuckled to herself at this, always enjoying to have her suspiscions confirmed.

During the festivities, the two Arkun kept most quiet, mostly from awe of the god, Roberts. This reaction was not because of the fact he was a god, in fact, it was because that he did not seem like a god. He did not act as a divinity was expected to, he acted like a person.

Once the god had left, Reet'r tried to chronicle what had just occured as best he could, but neither he nor Tana really understood what had happened, like most of those present.

All will become clear eventually. Or it won't if war never reaches this far. Either way, we can hope for a happy ending. :smallbiggrin:

2009-04-03, 06:47 PM

The Ivory Wanderer nodded. "I have come to spread the teachings of my father, the message of True Death."

2009-04-03, 11:05 PM
Gabriel shook his head. "Mistress, why would souls be petty. It seems odd that souls would be petty when gods clamor to gain the right to certain souls. Woul you in good judgement send a soul of a great inventor to the hells?" He started, then went on to a less accusative discussion "I believe that in concordance with my father, he would be happy to join your alliance on a few terms. First and foremost would be the exclusion of the terms "Chaos" and "Order" from any exclusions or inclusions. Its a much better system when one could look at things from a black-and-white perspective. Secondly would be the over-taxation of my father's resources. He has a very important job, as I have stated before many gods began to tell him what he could and couldn't do as soon as he took postion, and as such would not like to be called on personally unless the threat is extremely dangerous" I believe that other than that, he would be most willing to join your cause, and would indeed strengthen your cause by a large amount, with the judge of all souls being on your side of course."

2009-04-04, 02:05 AM
Secunda, Image of the First
"Your answer has been heard. You will not be given another chance to choose differently, and you shall face the consequences your choice has brought upon you and your people."
Again, the words rang out in the minds of the Arkun, though this time, they bore a hint of finality that caused the uncertain among them to shiver.
Secunda turned around and left the port town, taking note of the strange sailors and the illusionists, some shady-looking individuals and those with a particularly keen eye. She would report the results of her mission, and the Lawful would march.

Quarta, Image of the First
"I have not traveled here to enjoy your hospitality, nor to partake in any discussion about your choice regarding the Lady's offer. The only reason I am is to deliver this message, and I have done so. Farewell, and may your choice be the right one."
After these words, the simulacrum became rigid and lifeless, a mere statue crafted out of ice that slowly melted in the sun.

Septa, Image of the First
"This choice is yours to make. Let it be time that tells if you will bow or stand, if you will rule or serve."
The simulacrum focused, and faded as she shifted to the Astral Plane. A clash between the Lawful of the Lady and the Aberrations of the Warper seemed inevitable - but there was still time. Time would tell...


Iura Ciel, Astral Plane
The Lady felt the faith of her believers reinvigorate her divine powers, and she rose to a rank more befitting to herself. However, there was still the matter of her mother's pantheon to consider. While Lukica was an old and skilled goddess, she lacked some power. Diplomacy seemed to be an apt tool in her hands - and judging from the progress she had already made by convincing Valkir to join her, this divine council couldn't be simply ignored.

Iura sighed, and willed herself into Lukica's presence.
"I have heard your request, mother.
I have decided to join this gathering of gods and lend you my aid, if you require it."

Claire ci Vallé, the First - Alexion
Claire wasn't surprised at the reports of her heralds - those that had managed to return. A brief moment of sadness overcame her as she realized that she would have to wage war against many, that force seemed to be the only method apt to convince these people from the power of Law.

Perhaps they would realize the true worth of what they now declined, what they now looked down upon in the future; after they were conquered and living in Peace and Order under the Law.
The demigoddess focused her essence as she prepared herself for the coming task, and wreathed herself in brilliant light. As she emerged from it, her golden hair was nearly touching the ground, and her blue eyes burned with a fierce determination that shook any mortal to the core.

I'm still waiting for a reply from the Proteans(and possibly from the sons of Steel, but it doesn't seem that their relevant player is very active right now).

I'd appreciate, but don't need a response from kopout/the vermin people.

Anyway, Actions:
Iura: 5/6 AP.
Raise Divine Rank(she performed 4 divine actions, create phrenic creatures, beget god(Claire), create concept(psions/psychic warriors) and Assume Portfolio Element(Psionics), so she qualifies) -3 AP
Join Pantheon(Lukica's Council of Balance) -1 AP
Give AP to Claire, -1 AP
Final AP: 0/6

Claire: 2/4 AP.
Receive 1 AP from Iura: +1 AP
Evolve Physically(She raised her Divine rank once, so she qualifies) -3 AP.
Final AP: 0/4

Regarding Secunda: She manifests Missive, Mass twice: first for "Your answer has been heard." and second for the rest of the message.(for those who bother to pay attention to rules, her message contained 30 words and missive is limited to 25 max, hence the twofold manifesting)

2009-04-04, 08:54 AM
More and more, on the shores of the world, the foward teams of Illazari appeared. A number of skum, an aboleth, a neothelid, a small group of grell and psurlons.

They quickly established small settlements, selecting caves and cliffs to better defend, and then sending the skum to scout the region.

2009-04-04, 10:00 AM
Gatz the Inevitable, and the Proteans with Prima

The godling bot tilts its helmeted head to the side, his glowing eyes flicker to a narrow slit, in consideration, then quickly return to the half-circle happy eyes he typically possesses. In his radioesque speaker voice, he turns to the Protean elders he had been speaking to, "I SUPPOSE THIS IS UP TO YOU, THOUGH YOU WILL HAVE SUPPORT IN YOUR ENDEAVORS."

Several of the elder Factotum and inventors huddle together, talking for a few moments, in this loosely goverened sophocracy. Several whispered voices urge the word "Process...the Process!" before they resign themselves, and then argue over who has to tell this herald their response. After a few brief, and possibly comical moments, one is pushed forward.

Eldar Precis, dressed in chemist's leather, holding a small cane, clears her throat. "We are taught to honor our creator, but our path is her Great Plan, it is the Process that makes us strong. I am sorry that we cannot accept your rule as a people, though we shall hold no ill thoughts to those that join your cause...It will make us stronger, as a whole."

Gatz' eyes flicker again, before a Kettlebot pops out of nothingness, with a loud 'Clank'. "TELL MY MISTRESS WHAT HAS HAPPENED." The Kettlebot barely manages to hit the ground before it hops again, back into the Plane of Creation.

Lukica the Inheritor, with Gallat, Valkir's messenger, and Iura

She listens to Gabriel, "Souls after life have no chance to progress. Yes I feel that those that live good and intelligent lives should be rewarded...I suppose. But a soul is but a small thing compared to a living being..." She summons the image of a Protean, Humanoid, with less defined features than a human, much like a changeling is considered. For those of you who were curious what they looked like A sense of pride on her face as she talks about her people.

"Capable, adaptable, clever...the amount of advancement is unpredictable, it is that growth that is so very special to me...and the end result...ends up in their souls.." She says, as if suddenly realizing it..."Yes, Gabriel, I think I understand what you mean now...I have been...callous to the concerns of their afterlife." The Inheritor frowns. "Thank you."

--on to Iura--

"Welcome, Goddess of the Mind...I am pleased to see you here. Have you seen the Outsider yourself now? He does not fit into the natural ord..." She pauses, looking at Gabriel, "The way of things, he creates monsters. It is him that has caused me great alarm to ask for this union."


Lukica frowns again, looking to Iura, "Surely she acts on your behalf?" she asks questioningly, then turns back to the Kettlebot, "Did they?[/COLOR]". "THEY DID NOT." The Inheritor looks to her daughter, a slight look of concern in her eyes, "Will your people war with mine then, Iura?"

Aldgar, your last big post ninja'd mine, so I didnt have a chance to respond then, if I left anyone else hanging on a question, please lmk!

Lady Tialait
2009-04-04, 04:50 PM
Mumbles and Assault and Battery and Iboic

Mumbles watched his twin 'children' bash each other up. As they fought bits of divine energy bounced off of the two.

Mumbles, being a shrewed madman grabbed the bits of Divine Energy and examined it.

"Do they not know how to fight like a God? Heh. Oh well, the power of a God shouldn't be wasted."

Mumbles took the power and put it into a large ball, each bit twinkled in it's own light. The orb grew and a melody started to echo in the air. Darkness form Mumbles tainted the place as the Iboic released hundreds of clowns into the orb. Then it stopped growing.

What was left was a dark cavern, streamers of bright colors stained with Mumble's darkness and tattered by the power of Assault and Battery, lined the walls. The roof was made of the same cloth. The walls of the place also lined with the muted and torn colors. A set of bleachers lined the walls, filled with clowns with frowns and smiles. Small clowns, large clowns all tainted by Mumble's darkness.

The middle of this dark tent-like orb are three rope rings sat on the one-step removed from mud. The smell of tortured animals and feces filling the air. In the left-most ring Assault and Battery stood locked in combat. In the right-most ring the Box sat, popping out clowns to do little 'funny' skits then die.

In the middle ring a blot of darkness floated. Mumble's laughter shaking the tent giving a very dark, but dark glee feeling the whole place. Here, Mumbles was master. Here, no one would question him.

"We will never die alone!"
Mumbles said with his snicker.

"Clowns will carry on!"
The crowd replied.

"Show your power if you must!"
Mumbles cackled out.

"Each and every one of us!"
The crowd bellowed out.

The same chant filled the Dark Carnival, eternally.

(Transfer 3 AP from A&B leaving one in B. With the 3 AP Mumbles created the 'Dark Carnival' hehehehe)

The MunchKING
2009-04-05, 11:29 AM
During the festivities, the two Arkun kept most quiet, mostly from awe of the god, Roberts. This reaction was not because of the fact he was a god, in fact, it was because that he did not seem like a god. He did not act as a divinity was expected to, he acted like a person.

Once the god had left, Reet'r tried to chronicle what had just occured as best he could, but neither he nor Tana really understood what had happened, like most of those present.

Sometime Later:

Jeri went over to Tana. "Now you see why I was so intrested in your God and your religion over in your city? Your God, your very CONCEPT of Gods, seems so different from Our Roberts."

The MunchKING
2009-04-06, 12:36 AM
Roberts sailed to the Outer Planes. From here his perspective changed. It was easier, up here, to see the big picture. The individual mortals faded, to become a big bright world. The chaos in him as a scion of a scion of Mumbles could detect it's antithema. Large quantities of law, extreme and unnatural were consuming sections of the mortal realms. Right now it was far from his people, but if they spread unchecked, they would no doubt reach them eventually.

He was glad he had given them the power he had. His inherrent Chaos would help them some against this Law, and the channeling of it further by his clerics could only help. But he still sought guidence. The Kitsune relyed on him. It would not do to have them lost because he acted without full knowledge of the situation. He must find someone he could ask for the whole story... But whom?

Sometime later, he found himself on the plain of dreams. This would do. He sent out a presence that the mistress of the realm should feel. Medea would help him. Or she would not. Either way he would have tried.

2009-04-06, 10:21 AM
Iura Ciel, Astral Plane -Lukica's Council of Balance-
"Will your people war with mine then, Iura?"
Iura carefully considers her words before she replies.
"I have granted my daughter free will and know of her ambition to rule the material world. I will do nothing to stop her leading my believers to war, nor will I directly intervene in this matter.

I expect you to do the same."

Claire ci Vallé, Material Plane -Alexion-
The demigoddess felt confident and renewed from the recent surge of divine energy that had passed through her. She now wielded greater powers than before, and would recover them more easily.

She had given the other races a fair warning by sending her heralds.
They had declined her offer of Peace, spurned the Blessing of Law, embraced the uncertainty of Chaos and ignored the chance to live in Order.
With this, they had sealed their fate.

My daughter, I'm afraid that certain circumstances force me to withdraw my aid from you if you wage war against the Lawless. Do not let this dishearten you in your conquest! Prove your power to me, and subject the material plane to your rule, so that it may be ordered and perfected under the Light of Law.

Her mother's mental message didn't surprise Claire at all. She had known that the influence of the other gods would sooner or later affect Iura, tying her hands when it came to mortal matters.
However, this was the exact reason why she had been created: To act where the Lady could not, to be where she could not, and to lead where she could not.

Soon, the trumpets would sound. Soon, the drums would rumble like thunder.
Soon, the Lawful would conquer the world.

Yay for divine politics. At least that is what is going to start in Lukica's council. Also, the aberrations are expanding, the Lawful are gonna start expanding soon, and it's gonna be mighty uncomfortable for the Arkun(again).

Since Iura's/Claire's believers are refreshed every 24 hours if they die, Alexion will never be without citizens.

However, believers are not trained soldiers!
Training them is still required, which takes time etc. This is all to prevent making my army invincible. It merely has -given enough time- limitless recruits to replace the fallen.

To protect your particular race from the influence of Iura's/Claire's call(aka the need of being drawn as thrall/believer/or be dominated by psionic powers), use a Guide Populace, which is effective for 2 weeks of game time.

(Random rule I made up on the spot, more of a suggestion. Ask the game mods whether or not it's okay, and ask them about any AP costs to permanently ward a race(the forest-Arkun seem like a good candidate for such warding to me).

2009-04-06, 01:45 PM
Lukica the Inheritor with most of the others

"You ask me to sit and watch as your child leads an army to conquer? How could I abandon my people in such a way? I walk the world as well as Claire, I see it only fit to defend the Proteans. I would only watch if Claire abstained as well...which is what she should truely want...to prove the superiority of ...what is it you have called them? The mental magics...the Lawful?"

She shakes her head, "This fight is meaningless, but if it is insisted upon, then it must be decided if both Claire and I will intervene, or if none shall..." Lukica doesn't seem to harbor any anger towards Iura, and possibly none to Claire as well, it's more of a sense of frustration. "And what of the others that would refuse?" She motions to Gallat, "Have you been approached in this matter as well?"

short post, but I haven't the time to fill in more, i'll edit or post more when i get a chance today

2009-04-06, 02:14 PM
The herald's reaction had surprised Medea - she had expected to have a chance to send a response to the upstart tyrant-goddess. Instead, the herald had allowed herself to expire, melting in the sunlight.

What is Chaos, if it does not adapt and change to better fit the situation? A sudden thought occurred to her. In order to prevent the domination or destruction of her people, she had been forced to incite them to war. No matter how this ended, the songtouched would never be the same again. She had even had to adapt herself - turning from the goddess of peace and the arts into a goddess of war and death. Of tragedy and despair.

She would need allies to deal with this new threat.

Feeling the presence of another being of chaos in her home, Medea decided to investigate, before traveling to the Conclave. She appeared behind Roberts, slightly in the air, carefully examining the figure before introducing herself.

Finally, she decided to ask the being his purpose here.

"The Dread Pirate Roberts?"

The MunchKING
2009-04-06, 03:32 PM
She would need allies to deal with this new threat.

Feeling the presence of another being of chaos in her home, Medea decided to investigate, before traveling to the Conclave. She appeared behind Roberts, slightly in the air, carefully examining the figure before introducing herself.

Finally, she decided to ask the being his purpose here.

"The Dread Pirate Roberts?"

"The one and the same, Grandmother. I came to your realm seeking wisdom. There is much that worrys me about the Material Realm..."

2009-04-07, 12:06 AM
"You're very much welcome, milady" Gabriel said as he bowed, as graceful as ever.

2009-04-07, 06:47 PM
Lukica the Inheritor, with the rest of the crew, well with Iura, Gallat, and Valkir's herald at least and 5 AP

The Inheritor pulled herself out of time for a moment, or so it would appear. With her home plane so malleable in terms of temportation, it was a simple matter to slow down her own personal time for some deep thought. This situation had worried her, surprisingly, war to her people. She had just found an added affection to them and their outcome, moments ago due to Gabriel's convincing words. She opened her thoughts to them, and was surprised to find how many of her people had her will on their minds... She had never asked them to worship her, only to follow the Great Plan, yet they did...in their own ways.
Lukica collapses to a knee as she feels this strength from the Proteans fill her body, strength she had inadvertantly cut herself from. In normal time, she shudders and flickers as she collapses, as she gains strength from their faith, and belief.
Taking a few 'moments' to reassert herself, she stands up, absently dusting herself off; a mortal habit at best, before pulling herself out of the slow-time bubble she had made.
It occurred to her to reciprocate the belief with a worthwhile reward. Tapping into the Heart of the World, she adjusts it to point towards the eastern edge of the Arkun forest. There, the Heart fires a beam of creation energy out from the ground, causing trees to quickly take root and grow tall, in almost a subset of the forest, with none of the standard undergrowth one would expect to see in natural humus. It was a well enough marker where the gift of wood began and ended, and since it was connected to the rest of the forest, the Arkun could collect what they needed, without having to touch the forest floor, if they so wished.

Lukica spends 3 AP to become DR 4, then uses the Heart of the World to Nourish Populace

2009-04-08, 04:08 AM
Sorry to the people I've left hanging, I've been busy for the past few days.

Avatar of Gallat, with Chorostok

The racoon gave a questioning look to the visitor and said, "So you come to tell the god of this land that you plan on attempting to take followers from him? Exactly how am I supposed to react to that? Luckily for you I have removed myself from their affairs, so if you wish to preach to them I won't stop you. However, it seems that events have conspired against you in that respect. The Jester's plaugue may not have been caused by you, but it still makes them wary, as you have seen. They will not listen to you at this time.

Unfortunately, I know the Arkun, and I know that time will not heal this particular wound. The Arkun in the depths of this forest do not have a written language, and instead communicate their history orally. The story of your coming will be passed down, with each telling the view will be slanted ever more until your true purpose becomes moot, as they WILL associate you with pain, plague, and death. As appropriate as that association might be, for as long as that story is told, and it will be told, you will be met with hostility from the Inner Arkun, no matter how futile that hostility will be.

You might try one of the tribes outlying the forest, as they have no communication to the Arkun whom you recently tried to make contact. However, it seems that they will soon be having troubles of their own..."

Gallat, Conclave of the Gods

"I thank you for that..." Gallat stated to Lucika, "...and I believe that your Proteans and the Arkun will now be able to make some sort of agreement. Also, to answer your question: Yes. A herald has made contact with my people, and I must say I am most pleased with the answer the Arkun it approached gave. It is almost the exact answer I would have given, frankly, which is ironic, considering that she does not consider herself my follower." Gallat smiled oddly at this, clearly amused and impressed at the same time.

Gallat thought on this matter for a time. He realized that this Iura was the cause of those Arkun who had left on their own, and in doing so, realized that truthfully there was nothing stopping her from simply forcing them to join her as she had her current followers. Subtly, he began to expand the mental protection he had already given the Arkun to be able to withstand this sort of attack.

Actually, Aldgar, I've been planning on giving the Arkun mental protection like that for a while and now seems like the right time. So, I'll repeat your question: What would be the AP cost of that, mods?

Munch, I'll post a reply to your posts as soon as I can, for now though I desperately need sleep...

2009-04-08, 03:09 PM

The metal skull shook on the steel vertebrae, back and forth. "I will take none less they wish to be taken, they will continue to follow you unless their zealousness to true death blinds them to all other things. If you will not calm them, then I shall have to demonstrate my purpose. Perhaps they shall not see what gifts I bring, and see them as only curses, but I would rather I am remembered and cursed for my own actions than the actions of another." And with that the gleaming silver Son stalked off toward the many dead of the Arkun, readying his simple wooden staff, light and power already billowing from his body, past his humbly elegant clothing.

2009-04-08, 09:01 PM
Vorm, at the pantheon forming place

"I will gladly join your pantheon, sister." as he said this his mind wandered the abominations where invading the land, well now, there was something he could do about that! He would beet the tainter at his own game. sending down come of his power he created from slime creatures that had little form and no mind, they had many purposes and each had its own power.

5ap -2 create race Oozes = 3 ap

Lady Tialait
2009-04-10, 05:08 PM
Mumbles, and his Homies!

Mumbles snickered.

"Those guys are starting some kind of stablization pantheon."

Mumbles possessed a clown, the clown pressed his hand upon his forhead, slowly sinking it through his head, as the clown fell to the ground his arm came out of the back of his head.

"And for you kiddo's watching at home! That was called a super-facepalm!"

Mumbles started to laugh, causes the whole tent to shake.

"I know! We are the Dark ones! We are the ones with the power here!"

Mumbles took a lump of his divine power. Holding it out for all the homies to see, the Box floating before the Dark blot, and Assault had Battery by the neck, slowly punching him as he watched.

"Alright, each of you put a little bit of that power into here, You'll get it back...as long as your causing problems for the other Gods."

Assault punched battery and a bit of divine power shoot through and landed on the orb of power making it grow a bit. Battery broke his grip from around his neck. And socked Assault making a bit of power fall out of him and dropping it into the Orb.

The Iboic sent a single orb of his power to the glowing orb, it glowed farther.

"Good, awesome, spectacular! We are now the Brothers of Destruction!"

The Orb shimmered and then became a hat and cane suspending itself in the dark blot.

"I am Mumbles, the Dark Jester, and THE RING-MAS-TA!"

The music began again, as Mumble's laughing filled the place with dark glee.

(Create Pantheon: Purpose to Impeed the Other Gods, Iboic Joins, Assault Joins, Battery Joins.)

2009-04-10, 08:33 PM
Now'd be a good time for those who have agreed to join my panethon to fight the outside influences, taint and madness, to throw in your AP

Outside the Arkun Forest

It was not surprising one of ever opportunistic Proteans immediately investigated the new emergence of lumber created near the city-town of Acalus. It was also not surprising that an enterprising young Protean scout named Iogos promptly hired a team of laborers to cut down a section of the new growth shortly after it appeared. By the day's end, a few trees have been felled and stacked.
In the evening, the scout returns to the treeline of the fresh wood, his arms crossed, leaning against a fine tree. He takes a hunch, announcing brightly, "I know you're there...Forest Guardians..." Iogos doesn't seem too concerned about them, but perhaps that's because of the crossbow at his side.

Lukica the Inheritor 5 AP

The child-like Inheritor, as plain-faced as always gestures around herself, "Create your places then, and we will discuss matters soon. For myself, I have work to be done...for a moment." With a wink of folding through space, she returns home. The Inheritor looks at her forge again...the first time she attempted this, it had no bearing on her, but now...maybe now, she could be remade. She opens the very heart of the Font, where the most creation-stuff is the most volatile, and enters it, sealing the door behind her.

It hurts, almost immediately, fire consumes her as visions of the future flood her mind, causing her to scream, putting her hands against the wall. Parts of her start disintegrating within the fierce planar energies, the very forces that had made her threaten to unmake her existence. She grits her teeth as she wills her reformation, her very survival at stake.

An explosion rocks the Font of Inspiration as the inner shell cracks open, a stream of light emerges, as well as a figure... Lukica emerges, her form shifted slightly, looking almost 13 now, a steampunk helmet gracing her head, with a transparent visor covering her eyes. Alchemist's leather covers most of her body, pockets filled with all sorts of wands, spellvials and gizmos. She coughs, covering her mouth as she staggers out, "hack...hack...ouch...." Lukica pauses, "what?....I....my voice...."

Lukica spends 3 AP to Evolve Physically, and gains her voice

2009-04-10, 10:20 PM
Vorm pantheon place
I already roll played joining so I will just deduct the point from my total

Vorm cast his atention to his people momentarily. They did not understand the new Oozes nor the strange ointments and oils some of them produced. Ointments that could heal wounds and others that cured disease and still others that caused enchantments such as making things light as a feather or resistant to magic or more durable or even invisible. And others that would harm and cause poison and death. yet his people knew nothing of any of these , so he spoke to them and instructed them on the uses of the oils, on how and where to apply them for the best effects and on some of the many combinations that can be made and there effects though there where still many others for them to discover on there own. And he taut them how to care for the Oozes and how to breed them for a verity of purposes and strengths. His people now had there answer to the tainters alchemy.

ap3-1 join pantheon-2 teach populous ( Oozes husbandry)=0ap

2009-04-11, 04:03 AM
Yesterday was Good Friday, so I had lots to do and hardly time to post. Today is Holy Saturday, so I similarly haven't much time.

Iura Ciel, Astral Plane
Iura quietly accepted Lukica's choice to actively defend her people. While she was more powerful than Claire, the Lady trusted her daughter's abilities; Claire would definitely succeed in bringing Order to the other races and unite them under the Law.

Unconcerned with the Council for the time being, the goddess shifted away to a relative distance from the other gods and called upon her divine power.
After a short consideration, the Lady took the silver diadema she wore on her head and imbued it with her essence, transforming it into a glittering, diamond-studded tiara. This Crown of Leadership would amplify her psychic call for servants, and cause more mortals to flock to Claire's aid.

Then, she gazed upon the material world once again and saw the many creatures crawling over its surface, proteans and sons of steel, vermin and aberrations, songtouched and dragons to soar the sky while the arkun and kitsune lived in harmony with nature itself.

However, every race was living by itself, in the regions and realms it called home. None of them were powerful or numerous enough to expand over the entire world, none of them had shown the potential to become rulers of the Planet. So Iura tapped into her essence again, and took both Astral and Material matter to form humans, creatures in her image.

And she blessed them and said to them: "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground. Heed my words and obey my commands, for you shall be the very manifestation of my will on this world."

Claire ci Vallé, Material Plane -Alexion-
Claire had prepared the believers, she had sent her heralds to negotiate with the other races, and she had waited for weeks despite the unrest of her people.

It was time. Refreshed by her recent transformation, Claire expended her divine power to nourish the Lawful and lead them to War.

"My people, you have suffered long enough from the ignorance and vanity of the other races. You have endured their whims, their erratic behavior and their disrespect for the Law. You have been faithful to the will of the Lady, and you have remained loyal since you arrived in this land. Many of you wield her gift, and all of you desire to bring justice to the heathens, to punish them for scorning the Order my mother wanted to grant them.

The time has come.
Go, my people, and march to War: Go forth and strike down any unbeliever you find and face, and know that it is my will that you shall rule over the Lawless.
Go, and bring the glory of Order to every being, so that every race and every nation may be united and perfected under the Lady's Law!"

Okay, I said that I'd wait two weeks, and I did so.

Iura has 5/6 AP(3 from rollover, +2 from FP(interaction with other gods-council and some mortal interaction with heralds)

She uses 3 AP to create the utility Artifact Crown of Leadership.
This artifact doubles her leadership score.

She then uses 2 AP(and a quote from Genesis 1:28) to create Humans.

Final AP: 0/6

Claire has 3/5 AP(3 from rollover 'cause she has evolved once, the max has been raised because of this as well)

She uses 1 AP for Nourish Populace(Lawful) and 2 AP for Guide Populace(Lawful) to command them to go to War.

Final AP: 0/5

Now, we're gonna need some rules for large-scale combat from the mods.

2009-04-11, 08:55 AM
AP gains:
Kethkress: 4
Illazan 2
FP: 3 (Made a race, created a concept and some general roleplay)
Total: 9 AP!

Let us leave the mortal scene for a time, and stray into realms so far and so dire.

Outer Nightmare

The Warper opened a thousand of eyes and grinned with a billion of teeth, for another son was ready to leave to the world bellow.

From deep in the dark sky, again a great asteroid went to the world bellow, landing against the sea, between the north and the west, and where it landed great mountains rose from the seafloor, like a half moon, and surrounded by smaller masses of land, tiny islands knit close together.

From the asteroid rose a great being, terrible and awe inspiring in it's form, sporting a thousand thin arms with three clawed fingers each, and a corona of eyes and wide mouths surrounding a perfectly simmetrical head.

Great Salthar'thir, the Shaper, scoured his lands with it's many eyes, and took cast off bits of it's own flesh and with his many dexterous claws built creatures with that flesh. It made beings in his own image, and it made creatures that he saw in his slumber in the nightmare, a young race made by a goddess, in a form that was simple, but efficient, but like everything of such beings, this one was different in so many ways.

Silthilar, Synad, I name you. I name you! Now we have much to do. Much to do! And you have much to learn. Much to learn!

Salthat'thir led it's retinue around those lands, and guided then to settle on those isles, to build their cities, and to work on his arts.

3 AP: Spawn Demigod: Salthar'thir, the Shaper. Salthar'thir adds another 2 AP to my income.
2 AP: Create Race: Silthilar.
2 AP: Create Race: Synad.
3 AP: Create Concept: Salthar'thir's teachings: Erudite and Archivist, also, Grafting.
1 AP: Nourish Land.

Final: 0 AP

2009-04-11, 11:47 AM
As Medea was preparing to reply to the pirate-god, she felt danger stirring on the earth below.

"You are referring to the plans of the tyrant-goddess, I presume. For I believe she may have just made her move."

"I can only do so much to protect my people from tyranny, but if our peoples work together to oppose the tyrant, then I believe we may be able to win."

She felt something else at the back of her mind - a strange burning sensation. Fire.

Turning away from Roberts for a moment, she began a new verse of the song of creation, imbuing some of her essence into the orb she had created. Somewhere within, a new divine power stirred. She could already sense the nature of the being inside, and realised that it could be an ally in this war.

Omnik, you're in. 'Hatch' any time you want

Turning back to Roberts, she said

"Will you join me? Our strengths united against tyranny?"

She allowed another fragment of her growing essence to escape, forming into the shape of a sword, which she offered to the dread pirate. While it was still little more than a dream, even chaos knew the value of symbols

Create Pantheon: Freedom. Purpose: to oppose any deity who seeks to impose any form of tyranny on the world.

Her people had begun to prepare for war, but now it was time to muster her forces. She called twelve of her guardians - those who had agreed to serve in death - and asked that they travel to the mortal world, and muster the songtouched.

Finally, she called upon the enchantments she had woven years before, allowing the latent martial skill of the songtouched to come to the forefront.

Her lands would endure, and with the help of the Dread Pirate Roberts, Chaos would prevail.

2 AP: Create Pantheon - the Guardians. Purpose: to protect all peoples from those who would seek to conquer.

2 AP: Guide Populace: Increase the fighting skills and power of her people, giving them the ability to adapt to the coming storm.

0 AP: Anoint a number of Chosen as heralds and leaders.

0 AP: Beget player god: Oghi, the Raging inferno.

The MunchKING
2009-04-11, 12:27 PM
As Medea was preparing to reply to the pirate-god, she felt danger stirring on the earth below.

"You are referring to the plans of the tyrant-goddess, I presume. For I believe she may have just made her move."

"I can only do so much to protect my people from tyranny, but if our peoples work together to oppose the tyrant, then I believe we may be able to win."

"Already? Curses! I had so much to do to protect my own people."

She felt something else at the back of her mind - a strange burning sensation. Fire.

Turning away from Roberts for a moment, she began a new verse of the song of creation, imbuing some of her essence into the orb she had created. Somewhere within, a new divine power stirred. She could already sense the nature of the being inside, and realised that it could be an ally in this war.

Omnik, you're in. 'Hatch' any time you want

Turning back to Roberts, she said

"Will you join me? Our strengths united against tyranny?"

"A Fire God? An... interesting counter. Hmmmph. It seems, though that I have little choice if I am to save the Kitsune."

OOC: drpping a fire-God, in the middle of discussing an alliance with a Water God? Makes me wonder who exactly your trying to counter. :smallbiggrin:

She allowed another fragment of her growing essence to escape, forming into the shape of a sword, which she offered to the dread pirate. While it was still little more than a dream, even chaos knew the value of symbols

Create Pantheon: Freedom. Purpose: to oppose any deity who seeks to impose any form of tyranny on the world.

"I accept the alliance you have offered. However we will need more than just us if we want to limit her influance in the mortal world." He took the sword. "Who else will fight with us? The squirell God? His people seem capable enough..."

2AP for rollover + 3FP = 3AP

1AP Join "Freedom" Pantheon.

Her people had begun to prepare for war, but now it was time to muster her forces. She called twelve of her guardians - those who had agreed to serve in death - and asked that they travel to the mortal world, and muster the songtouched.

Finally, she called upon the enchantments she had woven years before, allowing the latent martial skill of the songtouched to come to the forefront.

Her lands would endure, and with the help of the Dread Pirate Roberts, Chaos would prevail.

2 AP: Create Pantheon - the Guardians. Purpose: to protect all peoples from those who would seek to conquer.

2 AP: Guide Populace: Increase the fighting skills and power of her people, giving them the ability to adapt to the coming storm.

0 AP: Anoint a number of Chosen as heralds and leaders.

0 AP: Beget player god: Oghi, the Raging inferno.

Dang I was going to do one similar to the guardians later. Oh well. Well I better save this extra AP for my plans. I can only join one of your pantheons. :smallbiggrin:

The MunchKING
2009-04-11, 01:11 PM
Well, since I'm Up here. I might as well drop in on the Judge thought Roberts. obviously no time like right before a war to worry about your followers' souls. Besides, soon even if the war didn't get to them, the First Kitsune would be dying of old ages and the like.

He tried to go directly to the Judge, but was suprised when he found the way blocked. He didn't try to force it, that would be... Uncouth. Some discreet inquiries later, he found out the Jester had offended the Judge so much that he refused to have direct contact with the Gods thereafter. so he waylaid a Angel that wasn't doing anything and asked him to convey a message to Valkir.

"Valkir, Judge of souls, I beseech you to listen to me concerning the fates of my worshippers. Let those that have done good come before me and sail the cosmos aboard my ships as Pirates of Heaven. As for those who have done evil in my sight, give them a form showing their despicable nature and send them to my ships that I may punish them for all eternity. Or until I feel that they've worked off thier crimes. Perhaps the form of a lowly kappa. That would work.

Of course I only have intrest in my followers. Kitsune who would turn their back on me and swear allegance to another God can have their own God make them an appropriate afterlife if they so decide. Of course, by that same standard any of the other races who would dedicate themselves to me and my piractical ways should be treated as a follower of The Dread Pirate.

I thank you for your patience in hearing me out and hope you will decide this suggestion is wholly appropriate." With that he sent the Angel on it's way to Valkir.

Valkir, you didn't say it specifically, but I assume you did something at least the equivelent of a devine "Keep Out" sign for those of us who wouldn't know of your self-imposed isolation.

Kaiser Omnik
2009-04-11, 01:33 PM

The orb turned red hot. The being inside was not only made of the essence of fire, but also of raw emotion. It was strong, violent and impatient. Nothing could ever hope to contain such energy anymore. The nameless being needed to grow, to consume... And thus the orb shattered and Oghi awoke in a furious blaze. Anyone other than a god would have been blinded by the bright light emanating from the pillar of flames and then burnt to a crisp.


Once the fireworks stopped, a handsome copper-haired deity stood next to Medea and Roberts. He became aware of a world full of life, joy and excitement beyong the reaches of this plane. He smiled in satisfaction until he sensed this overwhelming force of Law slowly taking over the minds of mortals. The thought of all these free-willed creatures submitting to a tyrant immediately made his blood boil.

Oghi summoned a spear with an obsidian head and a painted, oval shield before turning towards his mother.

"What is this awful presence? How can we fight this oppression?"

Starting AP: 4

2009-04-11, 08:57 PM
Lukica the Inheritor at home.

Her mind was ablaze with new ideas, new concepts, and a new task at hand. She quickly scrambled to her drafting table, a crude device, but it helps her communicate to the masses. Chalk, ink, and paper come together, scribbled with her furious handwritten notes that may take scholars a few days to decipher.
Of course this precious machine will take all sorts of materials, valuable ones, crystals...especially. Had her people these things? She places the stylus to her mouth in thought...The Heart will provide for them in one way or another. She glows lightly as she continues writing exacting documentation on size and dimension, imbuing the blueprints with her own power.
Lukica spends 2 AP on the Divine Blueprints

A kettlebot pops into place beside her, his mouth opens to speak. "HAIL LUKI..." only to have the plans shoved in his mouth. "Give these to Gatz, have the people build this...and hurry." The messenger raises a hand in some sort of salute, then hops up, disappearing into the Material Plane.

Gatz the Inevitable in Acalus, Capital of the Proteans, near the Arkun forest.

The same bot appears moments later as Gatz surveys the haul of lumber being brought into town. "FIRST WE WILL STRIP THE WOOD, SO TO DO THAT WE WILL NEED ADZES...." He pauses as the messenger hands him the rolled up plans, and accepts them wordlessly. He unfurls the scrip with a puzzled brow. His glowing eyes flicker to an expression of surprise as he looks over the design. "S...STOP EVERYTHING....THIS HAS PRECEDENCE...CONTACT THE MINERS, THE INVENTORS AND THE SAGES...." He waves the blueprints in his hand, as a crowd gathers about him..."WE HAVE A GREAT TASK BEFORE US...."

The MunchKING
2009-04-11, 09:54 PM

Once the god had left, Reet'r tried to chronicle what had just occured as best he could, but neither he nor Tana really understood what had happened, like most of those present.

Although they accepted Tana's role as "ambassador" and even gave her one of the nicest houses in the residential areas to use as an "embassy", they seemed to be delighting in keeping secrets from her. They politely tried to keep her away from the docks, but any fool living there could see they were working their furry butts off building new ships, some quite big, even by the standards of The Explorer. Some of them were trade ships as promised by Ahad, but most, especially of the larger ones served no immediately apparent purpose.

In the Mean time, Ahad and Jeri had apparently taken their divine mandate seriously. Tana could often see Ahad training promising recruits in sword-play and other martial skills in the morning. At the same time Jeri was teaching the ones she felt most capable in the ways of Clerical vestments. They had achieved moderate successes, but few naturals in the field. However between the training and the occasional scouting foray, they had been advancing to previously unheralded amounts of power in this new field.

Most of the trainees have fighter-style levels, But a few Paladins will emerge from the training. Clerics are doing somewhat better, but so far only Ahad and Jeri are Level 9s.

2009-04-12, 04:13 PM
Okay, lots of things happening right when I decided to take a short break...:smallyuk: I'll try to address as much as I can.

Tana, Kitsune lands

Tana sat on the bedding in her room, with Reet'r in the corner rather mockingly logging every minor movement she made, as he had nothing else to do. She was restless, knowing that something was going on, but with the question of "What?" eluding her. The only reason she hadn't stormed out demanding answers by now is because she had other things on her mind.

Ahad's words earlier had weighed on her heavily. It was indeed true that this Roberts was an entirely different concept altogether. Gods, as she understood them, were elusive beings, always staying far away but providing just enough evidence that they existed. It was said that Gallat once walked among the Arkun, but that several generations ago: ancient history as far as she was concerned. But here, she had just seen with her own eyes, a living, breathing, god, who had for some reason left his people just as...something was about to happen. Why? Why did the gods always seem to leave when they're needed most?

Finally, she was fed up. The gods weren't going to swoop down and tell her what was going on, so she might as well go find out herself. Grabbing Reet'r, Tana left her dwelling and searched for someone who could give her answers.

Gallat, Conclave of the Gods

Gallat was nearing completion with the silver breastplate, and had devoted the attention of both his bodies to it. He was not aware of much that went around him at this time. Finally, a look of triumph spread across his faces as he looked at the breastplate, now much smaller, as he did not intend for a god to wear it.

Putting it away for now, until it was needed, Gallat went off to take care of one of the few things that did grab his attention while he worked. Appearing near Roberts he declared, "I am not a squirrel!"

Near the tree-harvesting Proteans

The scout looked ahead, the setting sun gleaming off his mirrored eyes as they lay trained on one of the thieving Proteans. His bow was pulled back, ready to fire, which he would have done, if it weren't for the fact that the holographic form of his squad's Illusionist inturrupted him at the last second.

"Stop! We have to leave...now."

"GAH! You know I hate it when you use that spell... and what are you talking about? We can't just..."

"It's not important now, we'll take care of them later but for now we have to go back to the village...something's...happening...I can't explain it, just trust me!"

With one more glance towards his would-be quarry, the scout re-quivered his arrow and rushed back to his village.

I've technically created an artifact here, but since it doesn't actually do anything yet I'll hold off putting anything down for it.

Lady Tialait
2009-04-12, 06:34 PM
The Brotherhood

As the music of the chanting clowns echoed over the great carnival tent Mumbles found himself bored.

Sure, he had created the tool needed to disrupt the other God's. The had called him evil....so he would show them evil. All of them. But first! A gag.

Mumbles looked to Assault, who was being hit by Battery.

"To the left a little..."

As Mumbles spoke Battery hit him with a strong left hook, sending an orb of Divine Might out of Assault to Mumbles.

"Ooo that is going to hurt RIGHT NOW!" pocketing the orb of divine power, snickering.

Mumbles looked to the world. How may you ask did he see the world? Well, he's Mumbles! And a God...so meh. The world was operating in balance, the Akmun..or num..or bum..or whatever they are. Those ratfolk would be boring to attack at this point.

"Let's see, Kitsune...maybe."

Mumbles ran the cane over the tip of his hat. A snicker seemed to sink itself with his motion. An evil grin seemed to form over the darkened cloud.

"I think it'll cause the darkest trick of all time. In the name of justice, and purity." hehehehehehehehehehHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO

Mumbles pulled the last of the divine power he had, looking at the world. He then pulled a single mortal, a creature, a misshapen creature. Putting his power into a grandmother clown the snickering stopped. The clown began to laugh and melt.

"You are a creation of the corrupter arn't you little guy?"

The Creature snapped at the silent blot of darkness.

"Honesty, and purity is something you need. I will keep you here for a bit I think. Yes, you will become the first of many creatures I will teach my ways."

Mumbles ran the cane over the edge of his hat again. The Two orbs of divine might flashed and entered the creatures mind. Filling it with ideas of purifying the world, of bringing the end to all things impure.

Suddenly, the creature was enlightened, he was empowered! He was the first of many! He would bring this new enlightenment to his peaple! They would clear with world of all the impure and cause utopia!..That was if Mumbles had not thrown him back to the world, kinda roughly.


The place that the Illazari were, where ever they went. So would Mumbles. The Dark Carnival would follow the race everywhere, they would allow the Clowns to walk the great globe. The world was Mumbles through these creatures. The creations of the other Gods would only serve to expand the power of Mumbles! All hail Mumbles!

( Alright, So Mumbles takes 1 AP from Assault, and Creates Manifest Zones 2 AP )

The MunchKING
2009-04-12, 07:00 PM
Gallat, Conclave of the Gods

Gallat was nearing completion with the silver breastplate, and had devoted the attention of both his bodies to it. He was not aware of much that went around him at this time. Finally, a look of triumph spread across his faces as he looked at the breastplate, now much smaller, as he did not intend for a god to wear it.

Putting it away for now, until it was needed, Gallat went off to take care of one of the few things that did grab his attention while he worked. Appearing near Roberts he declared, "I am not a squirrel!"

"Raccoon then? My knowledge of biology is microscopically detailed when dealing with marine life, and merely microscopic outside of that. So, will you join us?"

The MunchKING
2009-04-13, 01:42 PM
Roberts returned to the Material Plane. If Blackwater was to work, it needed but one more thing. He raised his hands and sculpted an Island out in the middle of the ocean. Carefully he tailored it to his exacting specifications. Once it was done, he stepped back and observed it with pride. That would put Blackwater back as an ultimate fall-back plan. He thought about his people, and the alliances they had wrought. The Arkun were no less seintent than the Kitsune. They too had rebuked the All-Consuming Law. Could he in good conscious leave them OUT of Blackwater?

Well if they were against his people, yes. If he thought they would impeirl the success of Blackwater to be included he would. But as far as he knew, they had done neither. Therefore once the Law began approaching, he would have to let them in on it. But for now it was a time of contigencies. Things could still be worked with. He crafted another thing for his amusement, and set it to slumbering. He should not be caught unawares by the possibilty that the enemies were making thier own plans, and thus let the Kitsune down through incompitence. The Kitsune OR the Arkun.

And he supposed the Songtouched might want in on the deal, though his people knew little of them. But he had forged a deal. He would stand up to the people in his way, and Medea would in hers. And if you couldn't trust a pirate to live up to his deals, then who could ou trust?

2AP left
+1 FP dealing with Medea and trying to deal with the Judge.
+1 FP creating a land
-2AP create land.
-0AP create *secret*

Total Remaining: 0AP 2FP

2009-04-13, 06:53 PM
Vorm, off to see the Shaper the wonderful shaper of Oz
A new god had appeared similar to the tainter but different than the god who had rebuffed him, perhaps this one would be worth talking to.

Vorm, the island where Sathar'thir is
Greetings new god. I am Vorm, god of rot, and you are?

Or-ken, outside a human camp
Strange people had been in his tribes territory lately, people with to few arms and legs, only two each! They had fur and skin instead of an exoskeleton and they hunted rather that scavenged for food. But however strange they where they left good food for his people in there trash heaps and the piking where better than they had been in years. It would pay to stay close to them.

2009-04-13, 07:13 PM
Salthar'thir, the Shaper.

Greetings! Greetings, Vorm. I am Salthar'thir, spawn of the Warper, Professor of Grafting! Grafting!

And these are my followers! My followers! Ha! I made them from my own flesh and blood, from oh so far, from the flesh of the mother and father and brother.

What brings you here Vorm? Would you like firsthand knowledge of our arts?

Obviously, it just asked if Vorm wants a graft.

2009-04-13, 08:25 PM
Lukica the Inheritor at home

With her people busy at work with Gatz creating their prize, the Inheritor had time to look over the world model for a while, studying its inhabitants. Monsters...monsters were springing up quickly offshore, building homes and outposts. She zoomed in a bit closer, 'They seem to be somewhat organized too...a horrible set of beasts...what can they contribute to besides pain and death? Their bodies misshapen and unyieldly...' She sighed as she turned the world a bit more. This was new, another race, not that unexpected now, but for the most part they seemed...worthwhile. She looked in closer at the human populace. 'They look like me...' As if that self-indulgent thought wasn't enough for her to approve of them almost immediately, she nodded approvingly to their quick talents and ingenuity.

A moment later, she shrunk herself, flying down unto the world to meet these humans.

Lukica the Inheritor, at a human camp

She removed some of the signs of technology from her clothes, as she walked into the hunting village, as if she were a simple youngling. Three men weaved a thatch roof together between a wooden frame. Two more chipped away at soon-to-be arrowheads and spearheads, a fire was kept lit with brush, in preparation for the night ahead. She touched her chin in thought, as to what she could do for them, what small gesture would encourage them further. Glass was too fragile to help them, and metal itself would require forging...ahh but the right tool made of metal would encourage them to explore its creation once they see the usefulness of it.

Lukica non-chalantly brings into being a simple steel hatchet, several yards away from her position. Its arrival is not unnoticed, as several men start to look it over, inevitably one grasps at it, only to have another one grab at it as well. She sighs to herself as half the men of the camp start bashing each other's teeth in to claim this prize. 'Perhaps...in a few years, they'll inquire about it..."

Outside the Arkun forest

With news of rejoice as a divine plan had been laid before the Proteans, the logging team quickly and hurriedly returned to town, leaving most of their goods and tools behind upon the great burlap cloth they were stowed upon. A few of the Proteans stick around before turning in, eager for a less crowded night's sleep in the large tent.

Alber, I wrote this part specifically because I imagine the Arkun, having no mines and smiths in the trees, would be most eager to abscond with good metal forged tools and whatnot. Maybe even enough to leave the safety of the trees at night.

2009-04-13, 08:53 PM

Perhaps another time. Meanwhile my mortals may be interested. would you mind if I brought some hear to study under you're people, to aide them in their work and return to teach it to others?

2009-04-13, 09:00 PM

Yes! Yes! of course! Of course! All are welcome, all can learn! That is the key for betterment! Betterment!

2009-04-13, 09:41 PM

Chorsotok sighed and shook his the metal skull that was his head. "It seems I shall have to settle this matter for myself, one way or another."

He walked over to the sprawl of dead bodies, and raised his metal, silver hands high, something like a prayer rasping in a tinny voice from his lipless skull, though his jaws did not move from their closed position."In the name of True Death, By the will of my Father, and for the hopes of all the world I command thee dead to rise in death, that you might rejoice in your newfound existence and see purpose in death where all others would have you believe it is the End."

When he was done speaking, a curious thing happened. The bodies obeyed him. The effects of decay not having truly settled in, and given the nature of their deaths, the bodies that stood, stumbled, and rose to their feet were virtually unchanged from when they were alive. Save for a subtle offness and a slight reddish glint in their eyes, the dead were almost the same as before they died.

(7AP=9AP-2AP Create Populous: True Dead. They're the "purest" form of undead. They retain their intelligence and memories, their personality is largely unchanged, and they don't decay. They gain all other bonuses and penalties for being undead. They don't age, they can't breed (usually, there are exceptions, I'm looking to a strange subrace in the future) they don't eat, they don't drink, they don't breath, and they don't like sunlight. They don't dislike it, but they don't have the common mortal reaction to it. It's just there.)

2009-04-14, 01:11 AM
Iura Ciel, Astral Plane
Iura looked over the material plane, and saw the humans thrive. Though many of them were still organized in local tribes, some already flocked to the cities surrounding Alexion, enchanted and bewilded by the splendor of the craftsmanship they witnessed there.

The converted Proteans had done well. Claire had most of them lead scientific projects; to develop new tools and weapons for war, to improve the cities' infrastructure, to design aqueducts and siege engines.

The awakened animals were excellent workers, serving as means of transport, as inconspicuous scouts, as herders of their normal kin.
Those Arkun that heeded the Call were mostly traveling traders, creating and maintaining supply lines, providing a varied influx of goods and stimulating the economy.

The converted Songtouched were artists and musicians, filling Alexion and the many towns around it with beauty. While they were gifted with unsurpassed creativity and insight, most of them preferred clear structures in their works, exalting Law and Order above the whimsical notions of Chaos.
The few Dragons living in Alexion had all gone to War - their impressive strength would definitely strike fear into the hearts of the Lawless. In times of peace, they had been serving as scholars and sages: A dragon's memory reaches far, and is very accurate.

The Lady looked upon her people, and she was pleased. They were varied and yet one, they were diverse and united under her Law. Each race used its unique talents to further the well-being of the others, and together, they strived for Perfection.

Claire ci Vallé, Alexion
The First knew that she could not leave Alexion unprotected, and she knew equally well that she would lead the Lawful herself.
Thus, she appointed one of her most loyal servants as ruler for the time she would be absent, and chose Isochet Ceav Tahlan D'ur, a young adult Silver Dragon who had excelled in her service. He was just, meticulous and devoted to the Lady's will - a perfect tool in every situation.

However, merely assigning him as ruler of Alexion might spark some envy and unnecessary tension among her followers. To prevent this, Claire imbued Isochet with some of her divine powers, designating him as proxy to confirm his authority beyond any doubt.

2009-04-14, 06:55 AM
Before replying to those who stood before her, Medea wove a subtle enchantment into the fabric of this region of the plane, making the area in which they stood free of divine or mortal interference. She did not want a hostile deity to listen in on her plans.

Medea turned towards the newly formed deity, a muscular warrior-god, and also to Gallat, and considered how best to word her speech.

(spoilered for really powerful divine protective/secrecy enchantment thing)

"While the tyrant-goddess may have spent the longest amount of time preparing her people for war, and certainly has the largest army, there are ways to make numbers seem meaningless, and we can exploit them all."

"War is nothing if not chaos - it forces warriors to adapt, to be ready for any contingency. Numbers can become useless without discipline, without strategy and without tactics. We can deny all three to our enemy.

However, I will need your aid. We need to misdirect our enemy, confuse her and sabotage her plans. We need her to attack, and we need to control her without her realising that she is being controlled.

That is where I need your help, Lord Gallat. We need to sow the seeds of destruction amongst our enemies, but without the tyrants noticing. They seek to rule the entirety of the world, and I do not believe that we could allow that.

Oghi, I will need you to help in this. You will need to ignite the hearts of all peoples - our enemies that we may control them, and our peoples that we may have the strength to destroy them."

Invite both Gallat and Oghi into the pantheon.
Use remaining 2 AP to protect a region of the Plane of Dreams from any mortal or divine power, preventing any remote sensing and stopping deities from appearing unannounced in the immediate area (they can still enter the plane of dreams, just not the newly-established Meeting Place).

2009-04-14, 10:22 AM
OOC: I'll assume that your anti-clairvoyance thing was the divine Action "Lock Plane", as that's the closest thing to it I can find in the rules.

Even though Iura has DR 7, she needs 4 more than Medea to even attempt forcibly entering a plane locked by her(and I *think* Medea has DR 6. I might be wrong about that). Medea is CG(I think), which bumps the DC for the Divine Rank Check to forcibly enter up to 16. So...Iura isn't going to listen to your secret meetings anytime soon.

Zerombr, sorry for forgetting the Proteans on the makeshift-worldmap I created - I just forgot them. Sorry.

Iura Ciel, Astral Plane
Iura continued her survey of the Material Plane, and turned her gaze away from her people to look upon the other races. The Arkun had been divided, most of them hidden in the depths of their mystical forest, some living at its borders. Still - the outsider Arkun were scattered and few, and they hardly had the strength or numbers to withstand even a fraction of Alexion's army.

The Dragons lived either solitary or in small groups, making them easy to defeat - though the individuals were mighty, they too couldn't hope to stand against the forces led by the Lady's daughter.
The Proteans were busy preparing themselves for the upcoming conflict, and a mechanical demigod - presumably this ominous 'Gatz the Scholar' was teaching them advanced concepts to aid them. Whatever it was that they were working on, it was yet another obstacle to overcome.
Some sentient vermin were walking near the human settlements, but they seemed harmless. Without any drive to fight either for or against the Law, contently living as scavengers, they were of no importance.

The Songtouched lived in a fortunate region walled by mountains themselves - and the last few generations of them had been altered somehow, gaining increased independence and martial aptitude. Apparently, their goddess Medea had anticipated the coming war, and did her best to make her people as warlike as possible for the time of battle.

However, the Tainter's aberrations had been expanding to the shores of the continent. Alarmingly, they weren't alone anymore - a different kind of aberrations had sprung up, more benign than the Tainters, yet powerful all the same - and those other aberrations likely came from the same source.

The Warper. He was a force that couldn't be ignored, nor easily dealt with.
Iura would definitely have to consider him in her future plans...

Claire ci Vallé, Material Plane -somewhere on the outskirts of Alexion-
The army of the Lawful was ready. Thousands upon thousands of soldiers lined up, grouped into twenty-four legions at 5.000 members each. The humans just recently created by Iura were excellent learners and had readily adapted to the rigorous military training of Alexion's citizens.

Psychic Warriors. Psions. Marshals. Scouts. Factotums. Chameleons. Dragons.
All of them had been preparing, waiting, fighting the urge to attack prematurely, submitting themselves to strict training and a discipline impossible outside the Law. They had been, despite their racial diversity, forged into a weapon the world did not know, an army that would make the very earth tremble.

Claire raised her hand, and was clad in golden armor, her royal blue cape buffeted by a sudden breeze.
"Soldiers! The time has finally come, the time you have trained for, worked for, lived for until now! I will personally lead you on this daunting task, and I expect no less of you than total and absolute victory!

There will be times when our enemies seem too strong. There will be times when everyone seems to be allied against us. And there might even be times when we are outnumbered and surrounded, on the brink of defeat.

However! Do not let the fickle possibilities of the future discourage you! You have witnessed firsthand the rise of Alexion, the birth of our nation, the might of our unity under the Law! You have been blessed by the Lady, and commanded to conquer all of creation.

You have been taught about the Call, and you know that it is not the individual that counts, but the whole. For every soldier that falls, another shall come, and with every battle fought, our foes will learn that their own warriors are their worst enemies.

Remain vigilant at all costs! Do not let confidence dull your blades and minds, do not let numbers decide the outcome of battle! There is much to be waged in this war, and even more to be won.

Come, Soldiers, onward to glory, blood and victory!"

2009-04-15, 03:05 PM
Gatz the Inevitable, in The Protean Capital of Acalus 1 AP

The Scholar anxiously watched the craftsmen discuss, fabricate and slowly assemble the mysterious ring. Just now, with help of several levers and weights, a large metal, wood and gold orb was being set within the ring. Gatz cautiously watched, his large hands waving back and forth as he leaned forward, intrigued by the delicate procedure. "CAREFUL...YES...A BIT MORE...." One of the craftsmen bangs up against his metal shell, as he attempted to move around the Godling. "OH SORRY...I'LL...JUST...MOVE BACK HERE A BIT." Gatz shuffled backwards a hair, still eagerly watching.

With the great object's final setting completed, he lets out a static-filled sigh, as he relaxes. "GOOD GOOD, AND THE KEY, NATURALLY..." He produces from a container on his being, a crystal, about four inches long, that he holds his hand over, imbuing it with what little strength he holds.

The moment the great disc was finished, it immediately disappeared from all scrying attempts, physically, it was still there, yet unable to be located from afar.

Gatz looks to outside the city, "THIS ENTIRE MATTER IS....UNNECESSARY, BUT IF WE MUST, THEN WE MUST..."

Outside the city of Acalus

A pilgrimage of Proteans left the city, having felt Claire's Call. Many of them with horses, or mules, carting wagons, even wheelbarrows. All of them carry all that they hold dear, the works of their professions. One wagonwright even drives a small coach, filled with his family, as they seek out the Lawful, to join them.

The MunchKING
2009-04-15, 05:17 PM
Roberts went to the Kitsune village. The work on the ships was coming along nicely. His population was growing rapidly. Had it been so long since he'd walked with them? But for now he had decisions to make. And those would be based on his people and their interaction with the Arkun. He took the form of an ordinary Kitsune, in order to not draw attention to his divine nature until he so chose.

He found Captain Ahad, and observed as he trained the novices. It was good that they were working so well. Soon they would all be tested. As the novices took a break from the weapon training, Roberts waved to the Captain. He raised his eyebrows and came over.

"So..." Roberts said. "Tell me about the Arkun. I wish to know all about them."

Ahad gave him a funny look. "Where ye been stranga? Hidin' under a rock? Wha' foo' Kitsune doesn't know about the Arkun? They've only been our trade parners for some 100 years. Arrrrr... An' a right fine people they be."

Roberts waved his hand dismissively. "I've been... out of town. The deals are fair?"

Ahad laughed. "Aye! An' sometimes a bit TOO fair for our merchants' likin. but ye canna blame them fer nae bein idiots."

Roger nodded. "And militarily?"

Ahad glared at him. Roberts could understand that divulging military secrets to strangers wasn't a behavior he wanted to encourage, but he needed information. a smile and a bit of a wave and Ahad's inhibitions came crashing down.

"Oh, they be nice enough fer nae havin' our navy. They be havin' some fine archers. An' their Illusions be smackin good. If'n they'd swear up an' follow our Great God Roberts, I cou' really turn 'em inta somepin."

Roberts nodded gently making the details of this conversation blur in Ahad's memory. "Well. I guess they are tough at that."

"Right..." Ahad blinked a couple times. " An' a right freindly place it is too. Why with all th' Rouges an' knifers, why it's like a slice of our ol' piratical ways."

Roger sighed. That's what he'd thought. If their people were that similar, then he would have no moral reason NOT to help them. "One last question, and then you can go back to training your recruits, Paladin Captain. What of the ambassador?"

"Oh she be fine. Just a bit miffed we won' letter her see what's goin' on by the docks. Secrets, what? But she's a smart cookie. She's boun to 'ave figured out some of Blackwater."

Roberts smiled again. "Thank you, you've been most helpful." With a wave he released all the holds of magic he'd used on Ahad, and let him return to his training. Some discreet inquiries around the town led to much the same answers. That settled it. He snuck out of town. If this was to be done, it was best done right.

*The Next morning*

"Look out!" A young boy working on the docks yelled. "He's Back!! He's really back!!"

Impressive though the Kitsune ships were, there was no way that even the youngest Kitsune could fail to tell the difference between them and the peice of the divine that sailed into there harbor on that day. There Roberts was in full glory, one hand on the wheel the other hand waving his hat.

His ship docked (perfectly of course), Roberts began to disembark. He waved to the people, and Kitsune from all over town stopped what they were doing to run and see. Their God had returned! Surely all would be right with the world. Roberts strolled to the village center, greeting elder Kitsune by name and rubbing the topfur of the young children who followed him in awe.

Though loathe to crush such a happy moment, he had a duty to attend to and his people would not be helped by the putting off of it any longer than he already had. He steppend up on the stage and raised his hands for quiet. Then he began his speech.

"Kitsune, I bring you bad tidings. The forces of Law gather, and prepare for war! Already her army grows, the drumbs beat an orderly candance for WAR! Therefore I encouarage all of you, be prepared for the time when the armies grow near! Warriors be prepared to fight, Vixens, to protect your kits. With our clerics leading you and Paladins defending you, the Kitsune will grow strong!"

He looked over the crowd. "But now, as trouble looms near, it is an end of the times for secrets. Call forth the ambassador from our brave allies amongst the Arkun!" After a few moments Tana came forward. Roberts looked down at her. "Great Tana, you spoke for your people once. Now you must do so again." He expalined to her the details of Blackwater. "Now when the time comes, will your people want to embark on this mission with us? Know that even If you decline, Our Kitsune warriors will fight alongside and aid yours. But when they come for our land Blackwater will probably be our only option. Will the Arkun want in? Or shall they remain as they are?"

2009-04-15, 07:22 PM

Yes! Yes! of course! Of course! All are welcome, all can learn! That is the key for betterment! Betterment!
"Good. I will bring them momentarily." Vorm sent out his mind and in the dreams of the more adventurous of his people there formed a question This is your god speaking. How would you like to study a new art and become teachers to your tribe when you return? You will gain knowledge of the healing arts and of the arts of self betterment far grater than you're kin. Rest assured you will return to your families unharmed in ten years time, if you so chose. Simply say "yes" and you will awaken at your destination. Reaction was mixed, not all agreed , but those that did awakened as promised on the island of the Shaper with both gods and a group of aberrant healers waiting for them. As promised, individuals with curious minds willing to learn and perhaps stay or to leave and teach others.

will we be making a university ?and if so will it be headed by Dr. moreau PhD?

2009-04-15, 09:10 PM
Why would we do that?

Such a university would need to be led by a person with a name that is an Incredibly Lame Pun.

Plus, all those "you're" are supposed to be "your". Grammar failure there.

Salthar'Thir, Salthir Archipelago

Wonderful! Wonderful! New minds to teach! To expand! To grow! Yes! Yes! Ohohohoh. So exciting, this is Xiiizzz'kkk. They will be your guide today.

One of Salthar'thir's many hands points to a swarm of green dust, which promptly gathers into a single entity resembling a simplified, less mind-boogling version of the deity.

"Greetings visitors! We are Xiiizzz'kkk. Please, please, come on, we will show you the city.

The city in question is made of wood, a few houses, a few other structures. The fun thing is that the wood still seens to be alive, in spite of being cut, the buildings have leaves, and overall, the place looks very, creepily, welcoming.

Because it is like that with aberrations, even when it is nice. It is still creepy.

2009-04-16, 02:11 AM
Well, this will likely be a rather long post :smallyuk:

Outskirts of Arkun forest, near Protean camp

Even as one group of Arkun left, another one happened upon the protean camp. This group was technically a "village" although they had no permanent location, unlike other Arkun villages, and also unlike other Arkun, who generally took Gallat's mandate of taking the possessions of travelers WITHIN the forest rather seriously, this village decided that if they were ordered to do so in the forest, why not elsewhere? Thus, this group roamed the countryside, robbing travelers from all locations, and even being so bold as to rob the lairs of Dragons. Because of this, the village had become extremely influential among their own kind, as they brought the spoils of their expeditions back to the other villages and were more than happy to...trade for it. In fact, it could be said that this group single-handedly established the Arkun economic system.

This group, who, because of their tradition of wrapping bands of dried vines from the forest around their heads, called themselves "Bandits", a name which eventually became so widespread that practically any wandering band of thieves were called such. To the Arkun, however, because of the Bandits influence, their name became synonomous with "traders" rather than thieves, which could be rather confusing to the Arkun that decided to venture out to the other races lands.

At any rate, the Bandits stumbled across the "abandoned" camp and set about doing what they did best, absconding with as much equipment they could carry, which turned out was quit a bit, and taking it to the other villages. The Arkun, being the curious creatures that they were, gleefully purchased the strange tools. Of course, it was only a matter of time after that for one to realize what the tools purpose was, which then led to the villages bordering the mountains to begin using said tools for their intended purpose.

They found that the mountains were apparently rather lacking in iron (really only enough to repair and replace their own equipment) but they were very rich in another mineral: silver. They found this metal to be very malleable and promptly used it to mint coins, create artistic pieces, even make weapons. Although it's use as a sword or arrow tip wasn't as great as iron was, it was still better than stone, and it sparked a revolution of highly sculpted, decorative weapons and armor. Although it had come rather late, the Arkun had finally found industry.

Just wanted to thank zerombr for the above opprotunity :smallbiggrin:

Gallat, wherever he is

Gallat ignored the first comment by Roberts, but had one of his heads keep an eye on him, even as he listened to Medea's proposal.

(spoilered due to the secrecy enchantment)

"Misdirection, you say? Why that would be my middle name, if I had more than one! I think I have a just the plan, but if you already have an idea in mind, I will certainly abide by it."

Meanwhile, Gallat's earth-looking head noticed the exchange going on between Roberts and Tana. This "Blackwater" plan troubled him, but he had vowed not to directly interfere with the Arkun. He pondered for a moment, then looked at the breastplate in his hands. It seemed he would have to reveal his hand a bit earlier than he expected. With that, he threw the armor down to the planet's surface with all his divine might, aiming it straight for the Kitsune settlement.


Tana thought hard about Roberts proposal. She knew what this proposal meant for the Arkun. Obviously, she could only truly speak for her own village, but she was confidant that, if she chose to go along with the plan, that she could persuade the other viallages to join her.

She considered it carefully, knowing that agreeing with the plan would completely disobey Gallat's commandments to protect the forest. Wait, why was she thinking of what Gallat wished? He had abandoned them, after all, unlike Roberts, who offered a direct solution. She feared that, without divine help, there was no way the Arkun would survive this conflict, commandment or not.

As if to answer her thoughts, suddenly a bright light shone above them as the clouds gave way to the object descending like a meteor straight for Tana. However, just as it looked like it might strike her with it's full force, the breastplate suddenly stopped and slowly attatched itself to Tana's torso. Tana was then nearly overwhelmed with the power and knowledge that flowed into her from the divine armor. When she regained her composure, she looked at herself, then began laughing, as if suddenly realizing the irony of the situation she was now in.

"Well, I guess that's my answer..." She said somewhat quietly, apparently to no one but herself. She then raised her head to Roberts and spoke to him directly and with authority, not as a mortal to a god, but as an equal."I'm afraid...that I and the Arkun will have to decline. It is our duty to protect our homeland, and we will do so. Still, I would not condemn them to a hopeless fight, but with this new found gift, I believe that your measures will not be necessary. Know this, the Arkun will endure...no matter what the outcome of this war be. I hope that we can continue our amiable relationships, but I'm afraid I cannot serve as ambassador any longer. I am needed back in the Arkun lands, for there is much to prepare for."

With that, Tana disappeared, making sure to collect Reet'r beforehand, using her new power to return home.

There, Tana set to informing the other villages about the current situation, and about the plan she had declined for them. While many of the chieftans agreed with her, some said she was a fool for denying such foolproof protection. Those leaders and their villages, so enraged were they, that they set off across the sea, to give the Kitsune THEIR answer. Tana was saddened by this, but their numbers would not make much difference, and it was their choice to make, after all.

Tana did not stop there. In order to protect their borders more efficiently, Tana helped the chieftans set up a forest-wide alert system, constructed from vines and chimes, that would allow any village that spotted an advancing army to notify the others almost instantaneously. Then a unified front could be formed within a few hours, since the Arkun could move swiftly through the trees.

Tana's achievements and new power did not go unnoticed. Many youths flocked to her, even worshiping her as a god. While she did not know how she felt about that, she did put her followers to good use, training them in the art of both the sword and magic, and giving them their own code. She outfitted each one in a glorious silver breastplate, like her own, which would become the symbol of this new order: The Git Knights.

Munchking, you can consider the Arkun that left to officially be your followers now, unless you reject them.

7AP - 3 for Create Artifact (Effectively, the Divine Breastplate has just transformed Tana into a DR0 god-hero. While I don't need to spend AP for that alone, the artifact will eventually be used for other purposes, so I'm just spending the AP to make it now, rather than later) - 1AP for Join Pantheon: Freedom ( Gallat didn't really mention anything about it, but consider him joined nonetheless [it's really the only kind of pantheon he'd be willing to join anyway]) - 3AP for Create Concept: Git Knights (The Git Knights are essentially Paladins without honor. That's not to say they're evil or that they won't do honorable things occasionally, they just don't have a universal concept of chivalry. Essentially, they have the almost the same abilities as Paladins, but fight more like Rouges; they'll do practically anything as long as it completes their mission.)

The MunchKING
2009-04-16, 11:30 AM
At any rate, the Bandits stumbled across the "abandoned" camp and set about doing what they did best, absconding with as much equipment they could carry, which turned out was quit a bit, and taking it to the other villages. The Arkun, being the curious creatures that they were, gleefully purchased the strange tools. Of course, it was only a matter of time after that for one to realize what the tools purpose was, which then led to the villages bordering the mountains to begin using said tools for their intended purpose.

Dang you get all the good stuff. :smalltongue: "Bandits".


"Well, I guess that's my answer..." She said somewhat quietly, apparently to no one but herself. She then raised her head to Roberts and spoke to him directly and with authority, not as a mortal to a god, but as an equal."I'm afraid...that I and the Arkun will have to decline. It is our duty to protect our homeland, and we will do so. Still, I would not condemn them to a hopeless fight, but with this new found gift, I believe that your measures will not be necessary. Know this, the Arkun will endure...no matter what the outcome of this war be. I hope that we can continue our amiable relationships, but I'm afraid I cannot serve as ambassador any longer. I am needed back in the Arkun lands, for there is much to prepare for."

Roberts nodded. "This is an answer I can accept."

With that, Tana disappeared, making sure to collect Reet'r beforehand, using her new power to return home.

Roberts turned back to the others. "As I said before. Though they do not wish to undertake Blackwater, we will still fight with them as long as is feasable to help stop the forces of Law and tyranny. Volunteers for such should see me after the meeting."

*Somewhate later.*

A great many of the Paladins and militia volunteered to go help their allies in the Arkun. They had maintained ammicable relations for this long, and noone wanted to see them destroyed either. Roberts gave his approval, sent some Clerics along for more of his power, and watched them go. Such brave men and women to risk their lives in war.

But before they went, he had selected a Kitsune from thier ranks. "What rank do you hold in the Paladins?"

The Kitsune boy blushed and looked down at his feet. "Black belt, sir."

Roberts looked him over. "A decent fighter, but almost incapable of summoning my blessings?"

"yes sir..."

Roberts grabbed the Kitsune's muzzle and forced his head up. Looking deep into the Kitsune's eyes he nodded. "Your heart's in the right place, and you are unafraid of the danger that wil befall you. Very well. I'll select you for a secret mission. It will be most dangerous, and my blessings of Chaos would probably be sensed. This is all I can do for you." He released the boy's head, and the boy's thought became turbulent and chaotic for a second, then cleared up. "That should be enough to help you on your mission. Go now."

He had sort of wondered how long it would take before that was no longer just a trick to amuse Kitsune and their kits in their idle hours and actually bore fruit. And now it had. He was glad he had thought to add that.

There, Tana set to informing the other villages about the current situation, and about the plan she had declined for them. While many of the chieftans agreed with her, some said she was a fool for denying such foolproof protection. Those leaders and their villages, so enraged were they, that they set off across the sea, to give the Kitsune THEIR answer. Tana was saddened by this, but their numbers would not make much difference, and it was their choice to make, after all.

But the first volunteer order of Paladins and Fighters will, eh? :smallwink:

Tana's achievements and new power did not go unnoticed. Many youths flocked to her, even worshiping her as a god. While she did not know how she felt about that, she did put her followers to good use, training them in the art of both the sword and magic, and giving them their own code. She outfitted each one in a glorious silver breastplate, like her own, which would become the symbol of this new order: The Git Knights.

Munchking, you can consider the Arkun that left to officially be your followers now, unless you reject them.
3AP for Create Concept: Git Knights (The Git Knights are essentially Paladins without honor. That's not to say they're evil or that they won't do honorable things occasionally, they just don't have a universal concept of chivalry. Essentially, they have the almost the same abilities as Paladins, but fight more like Rouges; they'll do practically anything as long as it completes their mission.)

Sweet! that'll help with some of the plans I had for the future anyway. :smallwink:

And Tana totally stole the concept of Git Knights from us. :smalltongue:

The Arkun that travelled to the Kitsune lands and sought Robert's support were welcomed with open arms. They had much they could teach the Kitsune, and the Kitsune had much they could teach them. And somewhere along the way, they became less foreign people with a foreign god, but followers of Roberts. And it was easy to beleave in a God who not only cared for his people but walked amongst them and helped them prepare on a daily basis. And the lives of Pirates were not that different from the lives of the Bandits. And for a time it was good.

Lady Tialait
2009-04-16, 05:22 PM
Assault, Leaving a sleeping Battery.

Assault, bless him, was an idiot. As an idiot, he would do anything that amused him at the moment. Being that Mumbles creating him to entertain him with being beat/beating the crap out of Battery, he really didn't get a chance to do anything idiotic. Helpful? Yes.

Assault had decided to teach those of the GREAT pirates something new. Something AWESOME, something he would enjoy for all time. And they should too.

The Angel stretched his hand out over the sea, they shimmered with his power. The sea started to sing a haunting tune. Slowly, the power of a God was realized by Assault. He was no puppet! He was a GOD! He could do so many great things....however, tragedy struck, for Battery had awakened halfway through him realizing this. A giant SMACK of a bass to the back of his head set the two Angels into a fight, their power echoing through the seas. Caverns and deep spots.

Mumbles snickered.

(Assault spends his 1 AP to SHAPE LAND oceanic spires.)

2009-04-16, 08:21 PM

The Arkun Raiding Party

Unfortunately things don't end up quite as planned for the Bandits. After around three of the Arkuns step unto the large burlap cloth to steal the bait left for them, a pressure plate is triggered, causing one of the crates in the area to burst open, revealing a spring loaded wheel, that rotates quickly, cinching the heavy fabric 'net' shut around several of the intruders.

Moments later, the ten miner factotum emerge from their tent, in various degrees of light to medium armor. Iogos, the head scout that was seen before, holds a crossbow on the bagged Arkun as the others start to defensively asses the situation. He remarks, "Hah, as I expected, their curiosity just led them into the trap...Take heed, Forest Guards, we are here to parley first....You'll excuse the matters needed to arrange a meeting as this..." He grins, his eyes glinting from under the brimmed helm he wears.

"So we can either bash each other's heads in, or break bread and have a barely enjoyable meeting...your choice."

Lukica the Inheritor
AP 4 + 4 FP for a sweet total of 8
In case you care, 1 FP for creating the forest, 1 FP for Gatz teaching Mounted Combat, 1 FP for meeting the humans, 1 FP for tasking them to complete her artifact

The Inheritor scrambled with a frown, hurrying through papers and plans. There was so much to do, so many things they needed to know before they were tested. The metallic squaks and shrieks from her workshop creations did nothing to improve her mood, though she didn't pay them mind. 'What if....they fall?' She shakes her head, 'They are adaptive and creative, good strong warriors, I had them train an army long before this came about...They will survive.'

'Still...' She continued her thoughts, 'They need my strengths...one more time, yes...' Without any more self-narratives, she raises her arms, returning to the material plane with a stream of light.

Lukica the Inheritor, Gatz the Inevitable, in Acolus, Capital of the Protean Federation 8 AP/1 AP

She motioned to the gathering of craftsman and artisans that had created her prized possession. "You...Gather any others who aided in my grand task, we have work to do." Lukica looks then to Gatz, "You....Upgrade yourself, you've work to do as well." She places a hand on the pot-bellied warforged, infusing him with her divine power.

Later after all the sages are gathered, she cordons off a section of the craftsman's guild. Several of the artisans avert their gaze, a few wiser ones watch her every move, gleaning what they can from her. She wordlessly sits for a few moments, before speaking. "There is...so much more to the world than you have been shown. I am...to blame for this, I have had a recent revelation in a short span, that I am not certain how to deal with. I have kept from you, a great strength, a strength that is your birthright, destiny, for it is MY craft."

She raises a hand, hushing several whispers of dismay and excitement, "There is a strength, that many would call magic, that can be tempered, tamed into weapons, armor, crafts. I taught you those skills for this reason, but you have been ready to learn for a great time, and I have sat by, worrying about the future...the Abominator, and the Tyrant. These times have come upon us, and I realize now that you need this strength."

Lukica stands, gesturing to the cluster, "Go now, take my wisdom, and forge these crafts, the crafts of the Artifex! Advancement is limitless with this strength, the enemy uses these strengths as well, they shall serve you in an unsurpassing merit....and do not forget the mundane crafts, for there is a hidden strength in them as well."

Lightning coarses from her body, striking her people, filling them with knowledge, with design and purpose greater than ever before

Lukica spends 3 AP to create: Artifcers and Psychic Artificers

2009-04-16, 09:06 PM
Why would we do that?

Such a university would need to be led by a person with a name that is an Incredibly Lame Pun.

Plus, all those "you're" are supposed to be "your". Grammar failure there.
b3eacus it would be both awesome and a wonderful way of spreading knowledge. we could perhaps create an artifact that teaches populous (all who attend the university) every art that isn't specifically keep secret. And Moreau is a refinance (sadly not also a pun) to a scifi novel by H.G .Wells

Salthar'Thir, Salthir Archipelago

Wonderful! Wonderful! New minds to teach! To expand! To grow! Yes! Yes! Ohohohoh. So exciting, this is Xiiizzz'kkk. They will be your guide today.

One of Salthar'thir's many hands points to a swarm of green dust, which promptly gathers into a single entity resembling a simplified, less mind-boogling version of the deity.

"Greetings visitors! We are Xiiizzz'kkk. Please, please, come on, we will show you the city.

The city in question is made of wood, a few houses, a few other structures. The fun thing is that the wood still seens to be alive, in spite of being cut, the buildings have leaves, and overall, the place looks very, creepily, welcoming.

Because it is like that with aberrations, even when it is nice. It is still creepy.
Vorm, Salthir Archipelago

The other Gods of equal age to Vorm had grown more powerful and had more influence over the world. Vorm realized that in order to keep up he would need to take some measures. He took a handful of dirt and squeezed it tight in his fist, when he opened his hand he was holding a small crystal on an unassuming chain. This crystal however gave off a faint divine power that could be harnessed by any who wore it and was capable of absorbing far, far more if need be.

2 ap= 5ap -3(create Amulet of Vorm )
The Amulet is an ap battery that can be charged by me or other gods to hold ap so that while it only generates 1ap per week it can be used as a capacitor to hold ap independent of the ap cap from one week to the next, but anyone can make a deposit or withdrawal.

2009-04-16, 10:19 PM
I was being sarcastic, the university idea is nice, I was just saying "Moreau" (I know the story) is not really a fitting name.

Also. Your spelling was particularly bad this time around. :smallyuk:
Yes, I am blunt. But it must be said.

Kethkress: 7 AP (3 FP, 4 income)
Salthar'thir: 2 AP
Illazan: 2 AP


Over so many years, the lands of Salthar'thir would receive those willing to learn the arts with open arms... Claws... Tentacles... Whatever. And learn too, from the ingenuity of newcomers, so would with new ideas and many, many willing subjects, the Silthilar could improve their technique, and the others could learn their own tricks as well!

Thus, a great institution of teaching was born, the greatest in the known world.

(4 AP: Create Organization (twice): Fleshwarper Guild, Fleshcrafter Guild. Those will be the seeds of Vor'Sathar Institution, the Grand University.

And we shall add more prestige classes to it over time, of course. :smallbiggrin:

And that shall be a Synad word, Vor'Sathar, mind you.

Also: If not obvious, the associated Prestige classes here are Fleshwarper and Fleshcrafter, this later on eis homebrew, and will be posted soon-ish.)

AP remaining: 7 AP

2009-04-16, 10:47 PM
Zerombr, that was a dirty trick, but I'll forgive it for what I can construe as a Phoenix Wright reference, even if it wasn't meant to be one.

REEEWIIIIND....The Bandits, before all the other stuff happened

One of the Arkun, larger than his companions and sporting a rather gruesome looking scar across his muzzle, had a rather confused look on his face after the Protean finished speaking, which suddenly flashed to comprehension, then amusement as he began laughing deeply, with the rest of the clan following suit.

"Forest Guardians? You really have no idea who you're dealing with, do 'ya? We just came back to the forest for a quick drop off! We haven't protected squat since we were formed...but yeah, I hear 'ya. Want to talk to an Arkun? Might as well talk to us, we do have the rest of 'em by the ear, after all, and I suppose I don't mind chattin' for a bit, we are ahead o' schedule."


The forest was eerily quiet, despite the confused, and now alive..."dead" Arkun, including the curious Nirek. The few "normal" Arkun who had remained behind to keep tabs on the godling now silently departed to tell of these new "abominations", their stories becoming rather exagerated from fear.

Alright Asmodeus, they're all yours.

2009-04-17, 08:59 AM
Iura Ciel, Astral Plane
The Lady considered the fate of her believers, as the war would inevitably claim many of their lives. It was time to make an agreement with Valkir, to prevent those who heeded her call to be sentenced to unknown planes.

Tapping into her divine essence, the Lady created a vast scape inside the Astral Plane, then shifted it slightly, moving it to a parallel position in Reality. However, to decide on the fates of every single soul seemed too bothersome to Iura, and she solved this problem by further augmenting the new plane with her energy, granting it sapience and divinity.

Myalon, the Plane that Lives was born.

Iura dispatched her psicrystal as messenger to the Judge of Souls to inform him of her newly created Afterlife for all of her believers, no matter their alignment and actions. Those that followed her commands would be rewarded; those that did not would be reincarnated as machines bound to serve.

Claire ci Vallé, Material Plane
Alexion's army was steadily moving towards the forest of Illusions.
Claire had chosen to attack them because of several reasons. First, to reclaim the forest as home of the converted arkun - it was rightfully theirs.

Second, to increase the number of scouts in her army: The arkun were quite adept at stealth, misdirection and the *acquisition* of information and other things.

Finally, the forest-dwelling arkun seemed to be the most vulnerable of the races, according to her last reports: An early victory would boost the troops morale and give them a base of operations from which to launch further invasions.

While the Lawful soldiers were on the march, Claire focused her divine power even further, raising her rank again in anticipation of the coming clash.
While War was a heavy price to pay to bring Order to the World, it appeared there was no other way.


She was at 0/6 AP.
Gains +3 from rollover, +3 from FP(creating humans, Claire's guide populace to initiate war, Interaction between Mortals and Deity(Claire & Army))

Thus, she is at 6/6 AP.

She now spends 3 AP to Create Plane. Myalon, the Plane that Lives is a Plane with the following traits:

*Infinite Size
* Subjective directional gravity.
* Timeless. Age, hunger, thirst, poison, and natural healing don’t function in Myalon, the Plane that Lives, though they resume functioning when the traveler leaves Myalon.
* Strongly Lawful-aligned.
* Normal Magic
*Coexistent with the Astral Plane

Iura continues to spend 3 AP to Create NPC god. She chooses to grant Myalon Divine Rank 1. As Myalon is a plane, and not a character, it has no class levels. It still gains AP, has a portfolio, domains, etc.

Myalon as deity has the following traits:

Myalon, the Plane that Lives
Lawful Neutral NPC deity played by Aldgar
Divine Rank 1
Classes: None
Portfolio: Mind
Domains: Mind, Law
Favored Weapon: The Mind(Psionics)

Myalon judges the souls of Iura's believers. Claire's believers are treated as Iura's believers, as Claire refers them to her mother, even if they are psychically drawn to Claire.

Good and Evil Alignments are of little importance to Myalon. Instead, it sentences Chaotic believers to be reborn as Lawforged, which are basically warforged with the Lawful subtype and the racial ability to choose one *Master*, which must be chosen at creation and which must be Lawful. They are forced to obey all commands of said Master to the letter(as dominate monster spell, except no save, and only free action to use - it's a free action to talk, thus a free action to command a Lawforged).

Lawful believers are rewarded, Neutrals are reprimanded to follow the Laws, and then reborn as members of their original races.

And the Lawforged race is created by Myalon's starting AP, btw.

Action(Myalon, the Plane that Lives):
2 AP: Create race(Lawforged)

Finally, Claire has evolved physically, used a nourish populace and a guide populace, which are three divine actions. Hence, she qualifies for Raise Divine Rank, and she does just that. Her current Divine Rank is 2, since she designated Isochet as Proxy.

Final AP:




2009-04-17, 10:24 AM
Medea, the Plane of Dreams. 5/7 AP

Realising that the time for discussion was drawing short, Medea began to speak a few words of power, turning the staff she was carrying into a vessel for a tiny portion of her power. Turning to Gallat, she explained:

"I am not going to stand by and allow a free people to be murdered. Give this to your chosen, and tell her to break it and speak my name when all hope seems lost." (Casts the 'teleport caster to subject' version of Refuge on the staff and gifts it to Tana. Basically symbolic, because I could do the same thing without casting a spell or breaking the rules of said spell)

Haven, the Material Plane

Back in Haven, the songtouched heard the commands of Medea's chosen generals, and formed into a series of armies. The advantages of these warriors were many - they could fly and glide amongst the waves, and they were also well armed and armoured, having been forging mithral weapons and armour for several centuries now.

Among those armies, a number of dragons soared, touched by Medea's earliest message of peace and determined to enact that same vision. Some of the largest of these were able to carry small companies of songtouched, and still fight with the aggression and pure savagery of the elder dragons.

Spoilered for secrecy enchantment:
"I will send some of my people to come to your aid, and so will Roberts, Gallat, but there are some more things that you might be able to do that will stop this crusade in its tracks."

"The simplest deception of all will be for our armies to grow in the minds of our foes. When our enemy believes that we have enough swords to conquer the world sevenfold, then we shall be assured victory."

"Growing our armies in this way will work to sunder both the spirit and the discipline of our enemies. But to weave such an enchantment, we will need your help."

We will win this war, in true Genghis Khan fashion!

I guess it would take about six weeks (mortal time) to send a few flights of elder dragons carrying entire companies of songtouched to the Arkun forest, but there might be some attacks much earlier.

1 AP: cast spells on material plane.
3 AP: on hold ready to help Gallat with the plan.

The MunchKING
2009-04-17, 10:44 AM
Mumbles interference was growing annoying. Roberts knew that his insane anticedant really had no desire to help the spread of Law, he just couldn't help causing these "Pranks' whereever he could. (That it was actually one of Mumble's sub-gods rather than him himself doesn't seem to bother Roberts much.)

Well... Roberts thought. I guess it will force me to do What needs to be done. As a Water God I'm too broad and spred out to help my people as well as I could with some focus. I must attune myself to the oceans themselves.

With that he began focussing his vision, and practicing dealing with the elements within his element that would help his people most.

2AP- Gain portfolio Oceans/seas.
2AP- Gain Domain "Oceans".

Lady Tialait
2009-04-17, 11:31 AM
Mumbles, Iboic, Assault, Battery The Carnival

Mumbles laughed. Mumbles seemed in a cheery mood. More so then usual.

"Roberts! HAHA! You did EXACTLY what you must. The seas by yours, and by my power...were ever you will you'll roam....hehehehehhe"

Mumbles smiled.

"Iboic, deal with those...Kitsune. Make them enjoy the fun of the world in chaos. Let them be...freaks...like us."

Mumbles snickered.

The Material Plane, Iboic

A group of twenty clowns walked about the sea, pulling from the Great Power of Brotherhood Mumbles had given them. This circle of clowns started to walk in a perfect circle. The ocean churning under them. A single clown twice the size of the others wearing a nice black suit holding a conductor's wand clears his throat.

"Forward, backward, inward, outward
Come and join the chase
Nothing could be drier
Than a jolly caucus race

Backward, forward, outward, inward
Bottom to the top
Never a beginning,
There can never be a stop

To skipping, hopping, tripping fancy free and gay
Started it tomorrow
But will finish yesterday

'Round and 'round and 'round we go
Until forevermore
For once we were behind
But now we find we are be-"

The Ocean began to create a hole, around the clowns. Drying the ocean in a great hole. However, the force of the waves drenched each and every clown. Soon the water vanished behind the divine power of Iboic.

"Foreward, backward, inward, outward
Come and join the chase
Nothing could be drier
Than a jolly caucus race!"

The clowns continued their circlular pattern. Creating holes in the ocean where ever they held a 'Caucus Race'.

Alright, 1 AP from the Pantheon Pool, to Shape Land (Holes in the Ocean)

The MunchKING
2009-04-17, 12:27 PM
The Material Plane, Iboic

A group of twenty clowns walked about the sea, pulling from the Great Power of Brotherhood Mumbles had given them. This circle of clowns started to walk in a perfect circle. The ocean churning under them. A single clown twice the size of the others wearing a nice black suit holding a conductor's wand clears his throat.

"Forward, backward, inward, outward
Come and join the chase
Nothing could be drier
Than a jolly caucus race

Backward, forward, outward, inward
Bottom to the top
Never a beginning,
There can never be a stop

To skipping, hopping, tripping fancy free and gay
Started it tomorrow
But will finish yesterday

'Round and 'round and 'round we go
Until forevermore
For once we were behind
But now we find we are be-"

The Ocean began to create a hole, around the clowns. Drying the ocean in a great hole. However, the force of the waves drenched each and every clown. Soon the water vanished behind the divine power of Iboic.

"Foreward, backward, inward, outward
Come and join the chase
Nothing could be drier
Than a jolly caucus race!"

The clowns continued their circlular pattern. Creating holes in the ocean where ever they held a 'Caucus Race'.

Alright, 1 AP from the Pantheon Pool, to Shape Land (Holes in the Ocean)

Roberts had no sooner aquired the oceans' power when he felt another assault to his domains. Great gaping holes were forming in the ocean!! He sailed out on his plane to find them.

And there it was, a giant gaping hole in the ocean. It was clearly devine, but what purpose it served other than to annoy him, he couldn't see. With an infentesimal expendeture of power, he sent the water crashing back into the hole, then moved on to the next. It was the same. Curiouser and Curiouser, he kept following the circles until he began to catch up with what was causing them. He heard... Singing? Oh no... It wasn't? It couldn't be...

But it was. Mumble's fool clowns, were running around in circle and singing some innane song.

"Stop it!!" Roberts yelled, sailing his boat to just above where the clowns were singing and dancing. "Don't make me come down there!" but all he got for his trouble was a raspberry by one of the clowns. Roberts declared that he would never understand Mumbles, and drove his boat down amongst the clowns, scattering them for now, but it was only a matter of time before they got back up and began the process anew.

1AP, fill in holes in Sea. At least I didn't sing a stupid song about what I was filling it with. :smallwink: I mean one can only keep track of so many logs, frogs, bumps, and flicks and fleas until it just gets tedious. :smalltongue:

Lady Tialait
2009-04-17, 12:52 PM
The Brotherhood of Destruction, The Dark Carnival

Mumbles looked at his children, Iboic, Assault, and Battery. They were without guidance. They would never understand what it was like to be the God of Madness. He must show them. They must be Gods of SOMETHING.

"Box, come here, feed on the power of insanity! Feed on my power!"

Iboic floated into the Dark Blot of insanity known as Mumbles. The laughter caused the audience of Clowns to explode, confetti everywhere.

"You, my first child shall be known from now on as the Lords of Joy."

(Mumbles gives Iboic 1 AP, Iboic gains Domain Joy instantly gaining him DR 1.)

Mumbles then looked to Assault his laughter would cause any being to go insane. Assault looked at him with a blank stare.

"Assault, feed on my power, you wretch!"

Assault flew into Mumbles, a soul shattering boom was heard in the Carnival, followed by maniacal laughter. Assault floated to the ground holding a hammer.

(Mumbles transfers 1 AP to Assault, Assault gains Domain Combat)

Battery, not to be outdone by his brother. Leaped into Mumbles hitting Assault in mid air sending him flying into the tent wall. Battery glared. As he absorbed some of Mumble's power.

(Mumbles Transfers 1 AP to Battery, Battery gains Domain Destruction.)

Mumbles snickers. A tribute would be required to seal the event of his children becomeing TRUE Gods.

Mumbles smiled.

"Tickets for everyone!"

The Material Plane

In the middle of the Ocean a Giant Spire erupted from the sea. Topped by a Plateau, on the Plateau was sits a tent. A staircase circles the spire allowing for access to the top of the spire. Mumble's insane laughter could be heard from the tent. Sitting upon the edges of the spire were what seemed to be beautiful creatures singing. Their song was nothing more then a trick of the wind, but it was lovely...and it had odd lyrics.

"Ladies and Gentlemen!
May I have your attention please?
Do you wake every morning in shame and despair
To discover your life is sad and boring.
You want something with a good ring?
Well, ladies and gentlemen,
From now on you can waken with ease.
You need never again have a worry or care,
I will show you a miracle marvelous rare,
Gentlemen, you are about to see something wot rose
From the dead!
My sorrow is joy instead!"

soon a legend among the Kitsune was born.

Those who went the the Dark Tent would never leave, the Singing would entrance sailors from miles around to the Spire to Enjoy the show, they would never be heard of again. Some say they would be turned into Clowns and Join those in the Box. Some saw they would laugh themselves to death. Still others thought they just enjoyed a nice show....fools.

The Spire became known as the Carnival of the Sky.

(From the Pantheon Pool 1 For Mold Land (The Spire w/Tent and Singing Creatures) 2 from Mumbles to Create Organization: Carnival Folk)

2009-04-17, 05:04 PM
Valkir heard her message, and was FURIOUS.

"IURA!" The god boomed himself, his voice reaching across the planes to her ears. He said no more, letting his first statement speak for itself. She was in trouble.

2009-04-17, 10:44 PM
Iogos, the Scout

Not all of the Arkun that were raiding have to be caught by this trap, I figured just about 3 or so, in case you wish to do something

Iogos lowers his crossbow to his side as he listens to the Arkun. "I am Scout Iogos, from the Protean Federation...We've been wanting to open communication with you...forest dwellers." The disdain in his voice is hardly hidden, "Yet every time we enter the forest, the only response are the arrows....We wish to negotiate for lumber rights." He gestures to the newly created addition to the forest, "This gift, is is divine, rightly given to us. It is proof that we are expected to open communcation, and trade...We would wish to arrange a meeting between our wisest, and yours."

2009-04-17, 11:24 PM
I was kind of assuming that anyway; the Bandits aren't idiots (even if I was :smalltongue:) and wouldn't all rush down to get the goods. However, the one talking IS their leader, so they aren't in a rush to do anything drastic.

The Bandit leader began laughing again, still with the same boistrous attitude, but a bit more sincere this time.

"Are 'ya kiddin' me? Those stuck-up Chieftans haven't been talking about anything but "peace with the Proteans" for as long as I been operatin'! THEY keep talkin' about how YOU're the ones being difficult. By Gallat, this is the most hillarious thing I ever heard of! Boy, you di-plo-matic types sure do know how to get things done, dontcha?"

He and the other Bandits around him continued guffawing for quite some time, but the leader still managed to give a strange, complicated hand signal to another one of the village who had been observing from the trees. The sentry gave him an odd look, which the leader answered with nod that seemed like he was assuring the sentry that he was being serious. At that, the sentry took off.

(OOC: I have no problems with an inturuption between this and the previous paragraph) A little later, about as the Bandits were starting to calm down, another group of Arkun approached, this time away from the trees and in plain sight. It seemed to be comprised of some village leaders and a small company of bodyguards. One of the leaders stepped forward saying, "I am Chieftan Sk'rk, I understand your kind wishes to negotiate? Simply tell me where we should go for these talks and we will be happy to do so."

2009-04-18, 04:14 AM
Iura Ciel, Myalon

Valkir heard her message, and was FURIOUS.

"IURA!" The god boomed himself, his voice reaching across the planes to her ears. He said no more, letting his first statement speak for itself. She was in trouble.
The Lady arched an eyebrow as she recalled her psicrystal. It looked like Valkir was...upset at her actions.

Though he did possess a great authority, she would not cede to him in this matter. The souls of her believers were hers, and she would judge them herself. Even if Valkir deemed himself to be Justice itself, he lacked the refinement of Law, the understanding of Chaos and what it entailed.

The very foundation of Existence was founded on Law, and though Chaos was the original source, only through Order could everything be.

"Valkir. I see that you have received my message. Know that I will not change my mind about this matter, and if you choose to withhold the souls of my believers from me... I shall take them by force. I am in no need of your Angels, nor am I in need to concede anything to you. I am the Law, which you so despise, I am Order, which you refuse to let affect your judgment. I AM Iura Ciel, and I will do as I please."

Claire ci Vallé, Material Plane -about 100 miles from the Forest of Illusions-
The newly empowered goddess was leading her army straight towards the home of all Arkun. The mythical forest of Illusions, Gallats Garden.

She was reluctant to send scouts ahead, the closer the army was to her target - knowing that the tricky forest folk would likely build traps and use illusions to mislead any soldier in Claire's army.

Instead, she had her troops march at a steady, hastened pace to reach the forest as quickly as possible. A surprise assault at full force, without any forewarning would allow her to overrun the Arkun and crush any attempts of resistance before they could mobilize a proper defense.

Victory was at hand. All Claire had to do was to seize it.

2009-04-18, 08:10 AM

Ostochre, who had not moved from his place in Valkir's domain looked to Iura with baleful, derisive eyes. He said nothing, spoke no words, but his blank soulless stare was enough to convey his feelings on her interpretation of Order and Law.


The Silver Sage seemed to raise his head higher, and cast about for a moment, before turning to his newfound children. "Come my sons and daughters, let us see who threatens the lands of your less fortunate brothers, who have not yet embraced the beauty in Death." And with that, Chorsotok stalked off, robes waving in the divine winds, the dead following close behind.

Lady Tialait
2009-04-18, 01:01 PM

Mumbles looked on Iura snickering.


Mumbles tapped his cane to the ground, bouncing it back up to suspend it in the blackness that was his form. He then whispered into the wind, giving it an empowering quality. A message to Iura alone. His divine might pushing it to her. In other words, nothing secret the other Gods would end up knowing and he would waste his effort...but he might as well try.

Iura of Order,

You interest me. You oppose the other Divinity, but you claim you are the arbitrator of Law. You have caused more Choas then the Brotherhood! And by this merit. You are invited, a soul opposed to the plans of the other Gods! You would be a truly enjoyable addition. Come to the Dark Carnival, and bring one orb of divine might. Upon giving this, you will have access to the following benefits:

Free Healthcare
Divine Power to oppose those against you
And a small pension when you retire!

2009-04-18, 02:28 PM
Just a quick little thing I wanted to put while I'm waiting.

Due to the trade with the Kitsune, the seaside port grew rapidly into a full-fledged city and even gave itself a name: Tannan, obviously, after their Chieftan-turned-deity. The city now had two halves: One was the Arkun district, where the original city was left largely unchanged other then the quantity of houses that were now there, and the other was the Outsider district, outside the forest, where the buildings took on a much more traditional, largely Kitsune, design. It was that district that had almost all the taverns, inns, markets, ports, and other points of interest.

However, with wealth attracts darker elements, and in the shadows of the growing buildings, whispers of the Kitsune legends began to spring up. The Arkun took these legends and made them their own, until eventually a strange song began to be sung by members of the seedier elements, and a name that shouldn't be known emerged.

"There's a tower in the sea, and great black pits
and the maddest of the world inhabit it
and their morals aren't worth what a pig could spit
and they sing in the name of Mumbles.

At the top of the spire sit His privileged goons
Making mock of the sea-faring Kitsune (mispronounced "Kit-soon")
turning beauty to twisted smiles...
Oh, I have sailed the world and seen its wonders,
from the humbleness of Pillbug, to the glory of Songtouched
but there's no god like Mumbles!"

2009-04-18, 02:39 PM
(OOC: I have no problems with an inturuption between this and the previous paragraph) A little later, about as the Bandits were starting to calm down, another group of Arkun approached, this time away from the trees and in plain sight. It seemed to be comprised of some village leaders and a small company of bodyguards. One of the leaders stepped forward saying, "I am Chieftan Sk'rk, I understand your kind wishes to negotiate? Simply tell me where we should go for these talks and we will be happy to do so."

Iogos tightens his lips at the somewhat contemptuous tone by the Bandit, but restrains himself from action. "Here will do, close to our own homes, but I cannot speak for the Federation more than to act as messenger, Give me time to send word back." He turns to the one last mounted scout, "Deliver the request, I want to see a response, and forward scout back in a clockmark, Go!" The rider hurries off in a cloud of dust.

The scout looks back to the ensnared Arkun, then to his few guards, "Free them, the trap was only to catch the elusive, not humiliate or injure." Iogos quietly crosses his arms, as he waits for the hour or two to pass, obviously not one for small talk.

He simply informs the elders of the Arkun that he has sent for his as well, and keeps his mouth shut until their arrival.

A coming cloud of dust signifies a coach and riders, the forward scout reports in of travel conditions, and eventually the leaders of both races come face to face.

A short woman steps out, several pieces of parchment tumble out with her. She is clothed in a style that seems to suggest her status is equal to the amount of pockets upon her frame. She hurriedly dabs a quill to paper as she finishes up some sketch.

Secondly, taking the room of most of the coach is Gatz the Inevitable. The large, but seemingly benign bot opens his hands in a sign of welcome, his eyes making a rather ^ ^ form. "WELCOME, AND SALUTATIONS! I HAVE LOOKED FORWARD TO MEETING THESE FOREST GUARDIANS I HAVE HEARD ABOUT SO MUCH...I ALSO LOOK FORWARD TO LEARNING ABOUT YOUR CULTURE, WHEN APPLICABLE."

The small woman, shoves parchment back into her pockets, and steps forward. "Ahh yes, good day to you." She cups her hands together in some sort of religious welcome. "My thanks to your agreement to a simple talk. I am Ihta, Poet and head of the 'Comission to open relations to the Woodsfolk'." She dips her head lightly. "I was hoping to establish a peace accord, and possibly trade talks."

2009-04-18, 03:40 PM
Sk'rk seemed unfazed by the mechanical demi-god, responding to the approaching ambassadors with only a nod before speaking in a calm, almost deadpan voice.

"As I stated to your scout, I am Chieftan Sk'rk of the Camp village, and I speak on behalf of my people in this matter. We would prefer if you used the name, Arkun, when referring to our kind, since it is the name of our home and our people as given by Gallat. We have no wish to fight with your people, especially when we are under another threat as it is, but out main concern is that your kind seem to be bent on harvesting the trees that make up our home. As long as this continues I cannot guarantee peaceful relations."

2009-04-18, 04:39 PM
Ihta bows again, making that cupped hand gesture. "I see, I do apologize for the wrong names..we've never know what you were called. It will be logged and taught, so it will not be an offense." She scribbles a few hurried notes on a piece of parchment. "As for the forest..." She sighs, trying to phrase herself, "We have to find a way to work this out...Wood is a practical necessity in terms of building cities, and anything else for a civilization. Perhaps we can arrange a trade of allotted lumber and...well, I'm not certain what you may use..."

2009-04-18, 06:20 PM
"I understand, we too know that wood is an important neccessity, and even we have conducted small lumbering operations. But you must understand, the trees...the living trees are much more important to us than as simple building materials. However...this stretch of trees seem..different, and they do not seem to be a main part of the Arkun. Perhaps they are some divine gift...a sign of sorts. We can allow you to harvest these trees, on the condition that you harvest ONLY those trees. Other than that, we only wish for amiable relations from now on." At this point, the Chieftan was interrupted by a rough throat-clear from the Bandit leader, at which Sk'rk looked to him, then back at Ihta and continued, "...and of course we will make whatever reparations are neccessary for the bandits to continue on with their...goods."

2009-04-18, 06:29 PM
"We shall see who wins this argument..." Valkir said, focusing his power "WE SHALL SEE!"

He opened his eyes for the first time. They lit up from behind the blindfold and were like ten thousand suns burning at once. Above his head was a crown similar to Gabriel's but much more golden. He was now more powerful, and would stand up against his new nemesis.
He sent the souls of her follwers where they deserved to go, not where she said they would. And if she made a move, then he would make a greater one.
0=6ap-3 gain DR, -3 Evolve Physically

2009-04-18, 08:29 PM
In the lowest floor of the Protean Academy of the Arcane Arts, the enormous arcane power within the Black Book stirred that has been shut in for centuries. It has been waiting, watching, planning. It has peered through the minds of every student the Academy has admitted. It has chosen.

Fennick Salaver heard whispers in the middle of the night. Walking out of his room, he followed the voice, walking wherever it told him, moving across the cold stone floor of the academy. Fennick found himself at the top of the stairs, leading to where no apprentice has gone before. Making his way slowly down the seven flights of stairs, the whispers grew louder, and the louder they became, the harder they became to resist. He found himself running down the stairs, nearly tripping, until he reached the bottom. The voice was as clear as ever, urging him still onwards. There was a thick leather bound book, wrapped in heavy chains and resting on a pedestal in the center of the room. "There it is. There I am. Move. Open it. Release me.". The young man, as if possessed, slowly steps towards it. Reaching within his robe, he is astonished to discover his master's key inside. He steps in front of the pedestal, places the key into the keyhole, turns it left a single time, and with a click the book opens.

A blast rocks the entire basement. A ghastly form emerges, a black haired man with flowing midnight robes, and two long horns sticking out of his brow. He cackles with delight, relief, and sheer ecstasy. "Hello plane of existence! Did you miss me? I have plans for you! Things around here are about to change! Things are about to go my way!" He raises his hands and thousands of shrieking monsters explode from the Black Book. Imps. They burst through the door, and break through every window in the academy, flying outwards. They cover the sky like a red cloud, gathering larger and larger. Verzen raises his hands once more. They are now at the top of the academy. He speaks to the growing red horde. "Go. Disperse. Fly. Spread to every corner of the world, terrorizing every community that vows allegiance to this tyrant whore. Mother commands it." He turns to the horrified apprentice lying on the floor, "Oh yes. I forgot. You. What ever will I do with you. You will recall this message to my dearest mother. Tell her I'm back." With this, he flicks his wrist and Fennick is engulfed with flames. "Meet her in the afterlife."

2 AP: Create Populace; Imps. The dread children of Verzen. These are the creatures that whisper to kings, who topple nations with mere words, who promise power to the proud.
2 AP: Guide Populace: Terrorize Iura's cities and towns, and oppose everyone who calls themselves a worshipper of Iura Ciel.

2009-04-19, 01:14 AM
Iura Ciel, Myalon
The Lady frowned. This Valkir was clearly overstepping the limits of his domain when he refused to let her believer's souls enter the afterlife she had created for them. Not only that, he dared to try and oppose her will!
He would soon rue the folly of his choice.

Iura was... surprised, to say the least, at the dark Jester's invitation; and even moreso at his interpretation of her actions. Surely her Law had brought Order to the world, manifest in the Lawful, and the purging War they undertook at the moment would bring the same Order to the other mortals as well. Order would succeed, and if it had to be enforced through the throes of Chaos - so be it.

Her response was swift and decisive. "I will consider your offer, Jester, Lord of Chaos and Madness. While I do not agree with you on many matters, and while I do not wish to increase the influence of Chaos in this world, I shall nonetheless think about an alliance. You have been scorned by Valkir all the same, and you possess enough power to be considered a valuable ally."

The Lady then turned her attention to the Material world once again. A strange unrest had spread through her believers, a hint of subtle fear coupled with outrageous rumors. Doubtlessly, the work of a deity opposed to her plans.

Was it Valkir? Perhaps, though such a direct course of action seemed unbefitting to the self-proclaimed Judge.

A closer look revealed a multitude of small devils in disguise among her people, spreading lies and false rumors, inciting fear, turning her believers against each other. Iura's anger flared up, and she immediately commanded Isochet, the custodian of Alexion to deal with this annoyance.

Her followers would NOT falter. They would not fall, and most certainly not by such a petty campaign of confusion.

Isochet Ceav Tahlan D'ur, Material Plane -Alexion-
The silver dragon, ruler of Alexion, heard the Lady's order and reacted immediately. He commanded the troops left in Alexion to exterminate any imp they found, to disprove the false rumors and to reassure the citizens.

He himself utilized his powers as proxy to assist them in getting rid of this plague, and sent several battalions to aid the nearby townships in the same manner.

Isochet had been given a task: To guide and protect the Lawful while Claire conquered the Lawless. He would not fail his duty.

Claire ci Vallé, Material Plane -About 50 Miles from the Forest of Illusions-
The First halted the army's march and went to investigate the sudden shift in attitude some soldiers portrayed. Formerly eager to fight, those soldiers now were hesitant, almost fearful - as if doubts and scepticism had gripped their minds. Claire quickly realized this as work of a Deity and acted appropriately. She commanded the Army to rest, and created a grand feast for her soldiers, especially for those that were affected by this unnatural fear. The goddess could not afford to let her army suffer from bad morale just before a battle.

First, none of my gods have AP left atm, so I can't do...much.
Iura uses Alter Reality for Sending, once commanding Isochet, once replying to Mumbles.

Isochet and the reserve soldiers in Alexion(~60.000) go and kill imps in Alexion and the surrounding towns.

Claire uses Alter reality to emulate Heroes' Feast lots of times.

2009-04-19, 05:50 PM
Ihta nods to herself, "Excellent, things progress...Would you care to send an envoy to our cities? The Federation endorses any sort of cultural acclimation and education, I believe we'd appreciate the chance to understand yours as well. As for the...pilfering, it is of little consequence in the Great Plan, although we could simply offer these things to you as payment for this woodland you have graciously allowed us to portion."

2009-04-19, 07:56 PM
Sk'rk, with Ihta

As soon as Ihta uttered the word "payment" the Bandits swiftly disappeared into the trees along with the equipment, apparently anxious for any hint that they were able to depart.

NOW the events that had been rewinded occur, although chronologically they don't completely resolve until after this exchange.

"Well...I suppose that takes care of that..." Sk'rk stated, looking at the fleeing Bandits, then turning back to Ihta, "I believe that an envoy would be a fine idea, and of course we will allow you the same courtesy."


Noticing that Claire's army was nearing the forest, he decided to implement his plan for a little interference. The Dragons under Claire's command were formidiable foes to be sure, but they had one weakness. Gallat thought back to the time when he conversed with their, now elusive, creator. He remembered vividly the pride and arrogance he possessed and, although Iura managed to hide it through her Call, that same pride was ingrained into the Dragon's very being and could not be completely erased.

Slowly, and subtly so as not to arouse suspicion, Gallat implanted a suggestion into the minds of the great lizards. "The Law is great, to be sure, but why must we share it? Why must these lesser beings receive the same blessings as us?" These and other such questions were risen up to the forefront of the Dragon's thoughts, but it was a gradual process, and even at it's peak Gallat knew it would not be enough for the beasts to turn on their commrads, unless provoked, but it would be enough to insure division in the ranks.

Spend 1 of 7AP for cast spell on material plane from a DR6 god, though I'm not sure what that spell would be called (Mass Suggestion?)

2009-04-19, 09:19 PM
Vor'Sathar Institution, Salthir Archipelago
No one knew where they came from, not that any one thought about it much in the cosmopolitan cites of the Salthir Archipelago, they where here to learn and that was that. You got a lot of strange people here, even ones with two arms and two legs.

The new people, Igors, every one called them no one could tell you why where very good at surgery, in fact they had invented a new procedure that allowed the living to stay so much longer. Dead people and things didn't rot as often or as quickly in there presents, and even the most incompetent of beginners became much more skilled if they where friends with an Igor.

0ap= 2ap -2 (create race Igors and transplant surgery but I get away with that because the Igors came up with it not me)

The MunchKING
2009-04-19, 09:59 PM
As ships of deserting Arkun left for the Kitsune lands, other ships were coming in. Kitsune Warboats, armed with the best seige weapons they'd come up with, and manned by the first group of the volunteer fighters that wished to help the Arkun in their defense. Leading the floatilla was The Explorer retrofit to thier new standards, and captained by the cheif Paladin himself, Captain Ahad. Though somewhat older, he was still as enthusiastic as ever about coming to yet another glorious adventure.

Couldn't let you face them alone. Especially when it comes to that whole "Loot the treasure" thing. :smallwink::smallbiggrin:

2009-04-20, 09:54 PM
Lukica the Inheritor with 5 AP, at home

Watching her servants initiate friendly contact with the Arkun was bolstering to her thoughts, she repeats the phrase her litigious worshipper had said, "Things Progress...." As they wrapped up their meeting, and went their separate ways, She absently shifts the globe, looking at the armies on the move, the ship sailing across the great sea....

Something catches her interest aboard the ship, as her gaze picks up on the true nature of all things. Some of these races had divine abilities! She examined it closer, almost so close that she had almost changed planes to be upon them. This god...the rather humanesque god...Roberts, was it? had found a way to allow his people to act as a conduit. Novel...and ingenious.

She looks back to the south coast, where the ones made in her image banded...the humans. For a moment she considers the fact that herself and other gods had the same image as them, that perhaps it was a...protoform, a mold that was simply left basic. Another change catches her eye.

Yet another civilization emerges, yet this one seemed appealing to her, scholarly...surely the largest buildings there served the divine purpose of education. It dismays her even further as she discovers the creators of this wonder.

Lukica the Inheritor at the Vor'Sathar Institute

She appears before her brother and his aberration companion. "What is this?" She asks rhetorically, "A school of the bodily arts, and who do I see founding it?..." Lukica motions to Vorm, "Well done, I am quite pleased to see your interests pay off...This concept...seems unusual, I am interested to see how it plays out." She doesn't say anything to Salthar'thir at first, but it becomes as inevitable as Gatz that she asks the question to him, "You are not the Tainter I have seen, yet your form is so very similar. What business do you have here on my world?"

2009-04-21, 10:59 AM
Truth be said, Synads look like perfectly normal humans. They are just far more accomplished psionic beings (aka: Better than elans in most possible ways).


Salthar'thir pokes Lukica curiously.

Hello! Hello! What are these? Tools? Hehehehehe. You must be one of the deities of mechanisation the Warper thought of. You ask why I am here. You compare me to my sibling... Say we are similar? How so? Answers, answers... Let me answer. Yes, yes. We are similar, in that we are completely unlike anything else. Experiments, heralds, faces, that is what we are, children of the great Warper of Flesh. Beyond the scope of your unerstanding it is, both physically and psychologicaly, yes, yes. We are its hands in this world, like a thousand more are in a thousand others. Yes. Yes.

2009-04-21, 11:20 AM

Ostochre looks about at all the gods in Valkirs hall, he would have sneered derisively at Iura, if he skin and lips with which to do so. Instead here merely spoke, breaking the silence. "This blindness wears thin on my patience. Forgive me Judge of Souls, I shall take my leave of your presence for it now includes hers" He indicates Iura, before stepping backwards in a door-shaped opening in space, which promptly closes behind him.

Back in a pocket of the void, the ethereal ocean which waits overhead all, Ostochre begins to craft a vast machine. For this machine he gathers mortal components from all over the world, the bodies of the dead, the tools of death such as swords and axes, he brings coffins and nooses and broken dead trees and everything to do with death and it's act. He begins fashioning and molding them, melting them to their base components or breaking them down, putting them into new places. Finally, for his last act, he takes all the hearts of all the creatures he had taken, and forged them all into one vast organ, which he placed at the machines center, and it began to beat and thrum with unholy energies, powering oil, black blood, and dark fluids through the machine.

Grinning his macabre grin, Ostochre opened the steel coffin to which the machines heart pumped it's unliving force, and stepped inside, connecting the vast humming machine to the base of his skull, the middle of his spine, his arms and his legs, and then closed the lid, blackness, the humming of the machine, and the beating of it's core his only companions as he soaked up the energies of his foul creation.


Chorsotok looked down into the waiting army, and then at his small force of True Dead. He spoke to them "Come my children, let us see what all this is about" and with that he set off down to the army. He passed through the camps towards the most potent source of power, a divine being no doubt. His True Dead showed no fear at following him through what was obviously a field of their enemies, and for their part they strangely seemed to have no inclination to attack this strange silver apparition or his small band of followers. When he reached the location of the divine power source, Chorsotok bowed his head in light respect and said "Greetings, I am Chorsotok, The Prophet of Bone. Might I ask why it is you bring an army to the Arkun, an act which will surely interrupt my missionary work here?"

7AP=10AP-3AP(Create Artifact, The Heart, an AP battery)

The MunchKING
2009-04-22, 02:17 AM
Vor'Sathar Institution, Salthir Archipelago
No one knew where they came from, not that any one thought about it much in the cosmopolitan cites of the Salthir Archipelago, they where here to learn and that was that. You got a lot of strange people here, even ones with two arms and two legs.

The new people, Igors, every one called them no one could tell you why where very good at surgery, in fact they had invented a new procedure that allowed the living to stay so much longer. Dead people and things didn't rot as often or as quickly in there presents, and even the most incompetent of beginners became much more skilled if they where friends with an Igor.

0ap= 2ap -2 (create race Igors and transplant surgery but I get away with that because the Igors came up with it not me)

Igors ehh... Maybe we could get some as ship surgeons?? Althought with Clerics, a few CLWs are just as good I guess.

2009-04-22, 06:07 PM
Lukica the Inheritor with Vorm and Salthir
Apparently i need to pay AP to the forum god to stop eating my posts

She looks at Salthir, puzzled, before venturing a guess, "Did a strange jester visit you recently?" She adds, "I am elder than your Warper, do not presume my ignorance to these things." She gestures to the Igors, "I was curious to this new race..." She looks at one of them, focusing on him, analyzing him further by examining his true nature, if but the surface of it. She says thoughtfully, "The addition of monstrous appendages to the more civilized races...a momentary usage, unless it's capable of being passed on in the bloodline..."