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2009-02-23, 02:04 AM
There was a rumor going around when 4E came out that they would be reintroducing some old settings, such as spelljammer. Has anybody else heard anything about it?

2009-02-23, 02:11 AM
Well, I'd say it's more than a rumor. Spelljammers (as in, the machine) already appear in Manual of the Planes, and there was a whole article in one of the early 4E Dungeon or Dragon mags about the "Hazards of Athas" or something like that, based on the Dark Sun setting. I think, with that, we could possibly see SUPPORT for the old settings, if not full product lines, in the coming years.

I know the plan for the first two years was to do one setting a year (FR first, then Eberron), so I would think we might see a new setting (or updated old setting) in 2010. Dark Sun is an obvious choice because it's the same year as Psionics will debut (in PHB3), but I could also see (perhaps) Dragonlance or something else be the 2010 setting instead.

2009-02-23, 02:12 AM
I think it was a rumor started by one of the developers they subsequently fired! :smalleek:

I'm half-joking. I don't remember whether that's true, nor do I know whether that effects anything.

What I do remember was that their plan was to count on 1 campaign setting getting decent support each year, generally late summer/autumn. 2008 was FR. 2009 will be Eberron. So you're looking at waiting a year and a half, bare minimum.

2009-02-23, 02:13 AM
it's the same year as Psionics will debut (in PHB3),

Now that's a rumor I definitely hadn't heard. I thought the only thing they'd said about PHB3 was that it would have the Monk. Where'd you get this info?

2009-02-23, 02:20 AM
Now that's a rumor I definitely hadn't heard. I thought the only thing they'd said about PHB3 was that it would have the Monk. Where'd you get this info?

They haven't said anything specifically, but I think they've hinted at it in several things. I know a lot of people assume PHB3 will have Psionic, Ki, and/or Shadow power sources (or something like that), just like PHB2 introduced the Primal source and expanded Divine and Arcane sources.

So, yeah, it's not set in stone, but I'd be VERY surprised if Psionics didn't come back in 2010.

EDIT: The PHB actually even says (on pg. 54) that "Future power sources include elemental, ki, primal, psionic, and shadow." Now, I would guess Elemental has been nixed (since the Sorcerer was originally hinted to be Elemental but ended up Arcane), and since Primal has been done already, the other three (Psionic, Ki, and Shadow) are the next due out. Ki is definitely in PHB3 as per the Monk, but I imagine by that time we'll probably add more than one source per PHB.

2009-02-23, 02:32 AM
I am not a big fan of the 4E system, but if they put out support for Spelljammer, I would jump on that. It would be worth homebrewing 4E into something I'd be willing to run for spelljammer product support.

Kurald Galain
2009-02-23, 03:54 AM
Now, I would guess Elemental has been nixed (since the Sorcerer was originally hinted to be Elemental but ended up Arcane),

No, the sorcerer was originally hinted at to be (another) arcane controller.

That said, there's lengthy debate on the WOTC forums on whether a meaningful distinction can be made between arcane and elemental (just like ki strongly overlaps with psionic).

But the power source of any class is ultimately irrelevant. What the statement actually means is that WOTC intends to print about forty classes for 4E, of which 18 have been done so far.