View Full Version : Is Halo 3 overated??

late for dinner
2009-02-23, 03:46 PM
I am just sitting at work thinking to myself, so I thought I would post a forum...I own a 360 I have never owned a pc. I know you might be asking how I survive, but I find ways to get around with out a personal pc, although I will be buying one soon....anyways, being a fan of the XBOX games in general, I have played most of them. I have come across great ones (kotor) and not so great ones (Two Worlds) But, one game instantly comes to mind when I think of XBox or anyone mentions the Word Xbox and that is Halo. I have played Halo1,2,3, COD 2, 3, 4, and World at war, Gears of war 1 and 2. They are all great games but no matter what shooter I play, I always fall back to Halo 3. No other shooter on the 360 gives you the same feeling like getting an awesome kill, like halo. Call of Duty, you can shoot them once in the chest and they die. Gears of War, you knock them to their knees and then make a decision to how you are gonna kill them from their...or headshot their head off or Make them explode or chainsaw them...many different ways but they all look the same. Halo, gives you a ,"that was so freaking awesome what I just did to that guy," feeling with any weapon you use. Plus after you play a particularly awesome game, you can go watch the entire game again and find your favorite spots and record them. And, if you want, you can send them to your friends or even the person you killed. Halo also takes what ever you do and makes it feel awesome. Any vehicle spree is a blast and the vehicle controls are some of the best around for any game. Plus the vehicles feel as much as a part of the game as the on foot shooting does. Yes Halo is a FPS and has the same Concept as most other shooters, but In my oppinion, it Really does the FPS thing well. My vote goes for No Halo 3, or Halo in general, does not suck and is definitly not overated. What do you all think??

A Rainy Knight
2009-02-23, 04:11 PM
I will say that, as someone who is not very talented at Halo 3, Halo 3 is nowhere near as fun as the other two for the unskilled. On the Call of Duty games, I may get killed like crazy, but, at least every once in a while, I sneak up behind someone and pull off a quick kill before they even know what's going on. In GoW 2, there's nothing like finding someone who's been killing you with the sniper rifle for five rounds straight and sneaking up on chainsawing him as he yells "OMG Chainsaws is for noobs!" or something of the like. It gives me great satisfaction. My point is, in the other two games, being in the right place at the right time lets me get in a few kills on people who are much better than me. In Halo 3, I can sneak up on someone and open fire, only for them to jump and spin in the air and gun me down with a few quick headshots. I usually end up getting completely shut out by Halo addicts. Not saying that everyone who's good at Halo is an addict, but the addicts are certainly out there.

So, yeah, I can imagine that Halo 3 is satisfying if you're good at it. But for those of us that usually play other kinds of games, Halo just isn't that much fun to jump in and play. Its one redeeming factor for me - vehicles. And my experience with vehicles in Halo is generally limited to being run over by the people who know the absolute shortest route to jump into them at the start of every game.

Emperor Ing
2009-02-23, 04:14 PM
In my opinion, no. It may actually be one of the better games out there Online gameplay wise

-iconic gameplay where players are hard to kill
-excellent weapon variety
-diverse levels
-great custom game gameplay
-one of the less laggier games online (at least for me)

2009-02-23, 04:15 PM
I agree with you, it's fun above all else, and much more than most other FPSs. Every weapon is unique, they all play differently, same with the vehicles. It has a lot of variety.

The vehicles are the best and I like the light feeling, I don't feeling restricted with the controls like in COD or similar, I can also quickly turn and precisely too. Excellent game.

Archpaladin Zousha
2009-02-23, 04:49 PM
I certainly think it's overrated, but then that's mainly because I don't like FPS's on principal and Bungie is neither Bioware, Obsidian or Bethesda, the game companies I plan on building a shrine to.

My opinion of it is also colored by Zero Punctuation as well, and I agree that it's not BAD, but there's nothing overly special about it when compared to all the FPS's that have followed in its wake. The only FPS I've ever played is BioShock, and that doesn't have competitive online play, so it's not something I can really compare Halo against.

I've never played a Halo game, nor do I own an Xbox 360, but I'm fairly certain that if I tried playing it I'd be the n0oB that everyone kills in escalatingly nasty ways and then laughs at while I sit alone in my family room muttering cursewords at the screen since I likely wouldn't have one of those fancy, schmancy mic headsets.

Do I think it's overrated? Yes. Does that mean you should heed my opinion? No. I am not the kind of person who can offer a real opinion on this subject due to my lack of firsthand knowledge and my tendency to slavishly play single-player story-driven western-style RPGs.

2009-02-23, 04:59 PM
-one of the less laggier games online (at least for me)

Actually, for me it's my laggiest game. I can play GoW and CoD4 fine, but every time I plug in H3 my lag starts spiking like crazy. It's one of the main reasons I don't really play anymore, the other reason being that I'm addicted to CoD4.

I will admit though that the first two games were far more n00b friendly, though I can't quite put my finger on why.

late for dinner
2009-02-23, 05:06 PM
If I did have to pick a bad thing about the game, it would definitly be the lag that always seems to pop up during the Shotty/Sniper games...oh and the Game Types Shotty/Snipers and Snipers....But over all, those are really my only complaints about the game.

2009-02-23, 05:10 PM
Yes... and no.

Halo 3 is awesome, you have fun with it online and with campaign... (As much as you long to murder the Elites again, there's still a few levels that shine.)

But no, it doesn't live up to the giant amount of expectations that were set up by the gaming community, and I honestly have more fun laughing with people when I finally get a kill with a Molotov that I'd been chasing people around with on COD 5.

(And yes. I AM one of 'those' people. The ones that hold the Molotov and run around insanely getting shot all the time. Why? Because it's funny. And after I finally get that kill, I use my gun! :smalltongue: )

2009-02-23, 05:11 PM
My opinion of it is also colored by Zero Punctuation as well, and I agree that it's not BAD, but there's nothing overly special about it when compared to all the FPS's that have followed in its wake. The only FPS I've ever played is BioShock, and that doesn't have competitive online play, so it's not something I can really compare Halo against.

Ha, He's a fool, the only thing he got right about the game is that Marine's can't drive properly and he complained that the arbiter was abritarely(sp?) a good guy you know instead of actually researching the game and realising that it was most of the plot of Halo 2 and that it was kind of explained right at the beginning when the arbiter appears.

2009-02-23, 05:19 PM

Don't get me wrong it is an incredibly fun game. But I like it when all the aspects of a game are fun. It is widely regarded that the campaign is is very average, and yet the game is often given perfect ratings. This makes no sense.

For the online play that most people actually buy the game for, I think it is very fun, but hardly the greatest shooter of all time (do not ask me what is). It has a very nice selection of guns, the balancing is a bit off but not enough to be a problem, in fact many claim this is actually a bonus to the game. The level design is ok to pretty good.

the options that someone can get to online are pretty good, but I still feel could be more. Perhaps the ability to decide exactly what game type you want to play instead of going into a generally random mode with limited parameters.

Emperor Ing
2009-02-23, 05:30 PM
I haven't played Halo 3 in a while, but I prolly should. :smalltongue:

I never really found cod 4 or 5 to be that much fun, too much emphasis on "I see you therefore you die" style of gameplay. (Although Nazi Zombies is extremely fun :smallbiggrin:)

2009-02-23, 05:31 PM
I say it's overrated, but it's definitely not bad.

See, I spent a LOT of time playing Halo 2. LAN parties, by myself in campaign mode, and eventually on XBOX Live once I got it. For me, when it was in its prime, Halo 2 was the PERFECT shooter.

Halo 3, unfortunately, didn't really live up to that. I mean, it was still good, but it wasn't as good as everyone said. Yes, it's got great guns, fun gameplay, awesome vehicles, and a LOT of online support, but it just seemed... lackluster to me for some reason. I mean, I hated literally every map that came with it for multiplayer, the story mode was so bad I never bothered finishing it, and in general it felt like "Halo 2 - with new and improved FILLER!" I played it, but I could never really get into like I did in Halo 2, and eventually gave up completely.

It's the same kind of thing as CoD: WaW. CoD4 was, for about a year, the perfect FPS for me. I mean, the campaign mode was excellent, the online play was great, I loved the gameplay/weapons/perks (except for martyrdom - n00bs). When WaW was announce and that it'd be basically just like CoD4, I was very excited. Once I got it though, it just didn't seem to have the same old feeling and I haven't played it online in I don't know how long.

The Evil Thing
2009-02-23, 05:35 PM
Every so often I encounter a thread with a title like this and I have to fight the urge to simply respond with a "Yes".

Oh... too late. :smallbiggrin:

Rogue 7
2009-02-23, 05:46 PM
I do love Halo 3. I won't say that it's perfect, not by any means, but I have a ton of fun playing it whether or not I'm doing single-player campaigns for the 10th time or online multiplayer. I'm at best a decent player, but it really depends on the game type. I'm at best mediocre with the shotgun and pitiful with the sniper rifle, so I actively avoid regluar matchups due to the frequency of shotguns/snipers there, and I'll usually just play big team social. Give me a battle rifle, a few grenades, and a warthog to fall back on if I need it, and I'm a happy man.

2009-02-23, 06:00 PM
I say it's overrated, but it's definitely not bad.

See, I spent a LOT of time playing Halo 2. LAN parties, by myself in campaign mode, and eventually on XBOX Live once I got it. For me, when it was in its prime, Halo 2 was the PERFECT shooter.

Halo 3, unfortunately, didn't really live up to that. I mean, it was still good, but it wasn't as good as everyone said. Yes, it's got great guns, fun gameplay, awesome vehicles, and a LOT of online support, but it just seemed... lackluster to me for some reason. I mean, I hated literally every map that came with it for multiplayer, the story mode was so bad I never bothered finishing it, and in general it felt like "Halo 2 - with new and improved FILLER!" I played it, but I could never really get into like I did in Halo 2, and eventually gave up completely.

It's the same kind of thing as CoD: WaW. CoD4 was, for about a year, the perfect FPS for me. I mean, the campaign mode was excellent, the online play was great, I loved the gameplay/weapons/perks (except for martyrdom - n00bs). When WaW was announce and that it'd be basically just like CoD4, I was very excited. Once I got it though, it just didn't seem to have the same old feeling and I haven't played it online in I don't know how long.

These are basically my feelings exactly. My friends and I played Halo 2 almost non-stop for years, to the point where we were all ridiculously good, even the guys that we made fun of for being bad (only compared to the rest of us). We loved that game. And then Halo 3 came along and...meh. I mean, don't get me wrong, it's a great game, but there's just something I can't put my finger on that made Halo 2 seem so much more fun.

late for dinner
2009-02-23, 06:13 PM
I definitly feel that 10's get thrown around too easily any more on video game ratings. While I said that I always fall back on halo I dont necissarlily count it as a 10...and while I am typing it I realize that I am kind of contradicting my first post, but now that I have really thought about my Title Question, Numbers rating-wise, it is definitly a solid 9. But that puts Gears 2 and Cod 4 at an 8 for me. But over all funness for me, I feel that it trumps all other shooters in my book. CoD WaW is in a close second ( I know, I know WaW is a copy of Modern Warfare, but I personaly like the levels and WW2 Weapons better.)

late for dinner
2009-02-23, 06:18 PM
These are basically my feelings exactly. My friends and I played Halo 2 almost non-stop for years, to the point where we were all ridiculously good, even the guys that we made fun of for being bad (only compared to the rest of us). We loved that game. And then Halo 3 came along and...meh. I mean, don't get me wrong, it's a great game, but there's just something I can't put my finger on that made Halo 2 seem so much more fun.

it's cause there was no other fps that was like it on the system. Everything was fresh and new. Halo 3 Came and just built on what everyone liked. I didnt have xbox live during the halo2 days so Halo 3 is my game of choice

2009-02-23, 07:38 PM
Ha, He's a fool

No, Yahtzee is a game critic, meaning he focuses on pointing out the bad parts of games. If you noticed in his "review" he says that Halo 3 is not a bad game, merely average, and not deserving of the the perfect 10s it got. All he's saying is that Halo 3 is a very overrated game, which is a true statement, but that's mostly because critically rating something solely designed for entertainment does not account for everyone's opinion of fun. The rating system could work, because a game like Superman 64 is clearly a worse game than Super Mario 64. But, to give an example, I had very much fun playing Animal Crossing for the Gamecube. Even though I enjoyed it, Animal Crossing was a bad game, maybe worthy of a 5/10.

I think one of the main problems, though, is how many people, like the OP, only have an X-Box, and have never played the good games from any other system, especially PC. Now, I don't want to be the annoying snobby PC fanboy, but in my eyes, PC gaming has many benefits over console gaming. Let's go back to last fall. Halo 3 comes out, costs $60 for a 6-8 hour campaign, although it has co-op, and the ever-popular online multiplayer, which costs $30 per year, or whatever the rate is currently. Halo 3 shipped with a decent number of maps, and you could later purchase more maps to complete your game for only $10 each pack.

Around the same time, Valve released its humble Orange Box for $50. On the single player side, you have the 40 or so hours of Half Life 2 and its episodes, and the shining gem Portal. Even if you played HL2 and episode one, that's still over 10 hours of new gameplay. Then you have Team Fortress 2. It has a beautiful art style and humor, and is very well-balanced. It only shipped with 6 maps, but that didn't last long. There have been three significant updates that added a few new maps each, new game modes, and new weapons for classes while still retaining balance, with a fourth coming tomorrow. Oh, and they are all free. But, that content, while excellent, is is tiny compared to the amount of community made maps. My map folder is roughly 5 gigabytes. Now disregarding the excellent art style, well-balanced class-based gameplay, and great humor, because those are subjective, what sounds like a better online game, Halo 3 or Team Fortress 2? Does Halo 3 still seem like the Second Coming it was hyped to be?

2009-02-23, 08:06 PM
Halo 3 isn't overrated. It was over hyped, but since then I don't think we have a wide group of people extolling it's virtues. In fact I think if someone started a thread on this forumasking if they should buy Halo 3 they'd get told it was an average game, or a rubbish game more often than they'd get told it was a good one.

The hype has gone away, the backlash to the hype persists. If anything, the game is now underrated by many, because in my opinion at least, it was an enjoyable piece of gaming.

Around the same time, Valve released its humble Orange Box for $50. On the single player side, you have the 40 or so hours of Half Life 2 and its episodes, and the shining gem Portal. Even if you played HL2 and episode one, that's still over 10 hours of new gameplay. Then you have Team Fortress 2. There have been three significant updates that added a few new maps each, new game modes, and new weapons for classes while still retaining balance, with a fourth coming tomorrow. Oh, and they are all free. But, that content, while excellent, is is tiny compared to the amount of community made maps. My map folder is roughly 5 gigabytes. Now disregarding the excellent art style, well-balanced class-based gameplay, and great humor, because those are subjective, what sounds like a better online game, Halo 3 or Team Fortress 2? Does Halo 3 still seem like the Second Coming it was hyped to be?

Are you saying people can't get a lot of play out of Halo? Because they really really can. My brother has in fact logged up at least 300 hours of game time on Halo 3. Any campaign mode is going to be a drop in the ocean compared to that.

And if you're going value for money.. well he has an Xbox 360. He got it for £60, with a years free live. The game cost £20 on ebay, and then he has since bought the map packs.

To get into online play he'd first need to completely update his computer. He has a 6 year old machine that accesses the internet fine, and he can run his programmes for school work on. If he was going to update, he would be more practical taking a mac since they're better for making films. In order to get a good gaming PC together, he'd be looking at over £200. Plus the money for the orange box.

So yeah, I'd say that hes getting a pretty good deal really.

warty goblin
2009-02-23, 08:35 PM
Haven't played Halo 3, so I can't say about it in particular, but I have played a reasonable amount of Halo 2 and have beaten Halo 1 two or three times, and from everything I've seen/read, H3 is pretty much 'more of the same, but with more guns."

Based on that then I'd say yes. See in Halo 1/2 and presumably 3 there's not really that much you can do to interact with the world. You can move and jump, but every FPS has those, so they are no claim to fame, and you can shoot, throw a grenade or melee. That's it.

Contrast this with a game like Tribes 2, where moving took real skill and had a hell of a lot more permutations than move/jump, or Half-Life 2's gravity gun which really makes me feel connected to and joined with the enviorenment, or Crysis which just gives me so many distinct options for engaging the enemy it's a bit baffling, or...

Yeah, just not enough going on in the gameplay to make Halo any better than 'good' in my book. It's a solid good, but I'd not rank it above that.

2009-02-23, 08:51 PM
meh. I just figure those of us with pcs should bicot Halo 3 untill it comes out on pc.

2009-02-23, 09:39 PM
Are you saying people can't get a lot of play out of Halo? Because they really really can. My brother has in fact logged up at least 300 hours of game time on Halo 3. Any campaign mode is going to be a drop in the ocean compared to that.

And if you're going value for money.. well he has an Xbox 360. He got it for £60, with a years free live. The game cost £20 on ebay, and then he has since bought the map packs.

To get into online play he'd first need to completely update his computer. He has a 6 year old machine that accesses the internet fine, and he can run his programmes for school work on. If he was going to update, he would be more practical taking a mac since they're better for making films. In order to get a good gaming PC together, he'd be looking at over £200. Plus the money for the orange box.

So yeah, I'd say that hes getting a pretty good deal really.

No, I'm saying that there are better options out there than Halo 3, although what you enjoy playing is entirely your opinion. My argument for the money is simply pointing out that instead of Halo 3, an essentially $80 USD game (if Halo 3 was that good, it should have been purchased at launch, and the Orange Box is currently $30 USD) there was the $50 Orange Box with near-limitless content, that cost nothing past the initial $50. Hardware cost is irrelevant, as not everyone has an X-box or a decent PC. I am comparing the gaming experience (partly in relation to their the cost of the game.)

If you want to say Halo 3 is no longer over-rated because everyone now sees it as a mediocre game, fine. But, there are many people who still believe it to be the best game ever created, or at least a very good one. And, as I have said before, if you prefer it over any other game that is your opinion and is fine. But as I also said before, critically rating games is difficult because of said opinions, but the fact that many reviewers doled out perfect tens to a game that pretty obviously didn't deserve them, qualifies it as over-hyped, and I do not claim to know the opinions of everybody, but I get the feeling that it is still regarded by many uninformed gamers to be the best game ever. So, if that is the case, Halo 3 is over-rated. If you are correct and most people feel the game is decent, then it is not over-rated.

2009-02-24, 03:15 AM
I was saying Yahtzee's a fool because he was critcising the story and thing with the arbiter just annoyed me, it would have taken him five minutes to search it and find out. Plus it was like watching Return of the Jedi and saying Luke was saving Han at the beginning for no reason.

I understand Warty's criticism but as you said there's not games where you can really interact with the environment but on some parts of Halo you come close, like you can move boxes(I built a barricade on Halo 2), and destroy objects that are part of the environment but there isn't much. But Halo 3 has Forge for when you're going on multiplayer, which is fantastic.

2009-02-24, 04:21 AM
The multiplayer is competent and it's really where the Halo experience is at anyway. The multiplayer has stronger team-orientation that Call of Duty 4, where communication actually matters more. The problem is that you might not have a good team unless you put out the effort to find one. On the other hand, you might not care.

As for how it compares to past multiplayer games -- my opinion pretty much holds that most of the new generation games are dumbed-down. Halo 3 is really what Halo 2 should have been but wasn't. And Halo 3 is pretty much a dumbed-down Halo 1. The game excels in balancing team play. And I mean balanced with a ruthless vengeance. I feel the game sacrifices a lot of what really made Halo 1 shine, flawed as it was. Think how most people feel about fourth edition and you'll come to a rough approximation to my sentiments.

Halo 1 was kind of the odd go-between booby between PC shooters and console shooters, with a few new twists that worked really well. Then Halo 2 threw that out the window and I'm forced to conclude that Bungie really doesn't comprehend the accident that was Halo 1. They take a few lessons away from it, sure, but not the right ones in my opinion. (A starting mid-range weapon with a nigh-infinite skill curve. Fall damage. Limited health. Heavier rewards for successful ambushes.)

As a result, Halo 3 is a vastly different game from Halo 1. Compared to Halo 2, it is much deeper and far less broken. Of course, this alone is no great accomplishment, Halo 2 is pretty much a turd. (Ramped auto-aim, odd bullet scatter programming decisions, glitching, some ludicrously small maps and so forth). So think of Halo 3 as Halo 2 but with all the much needed improvements.

Thanatos 51-50
2009-02-24, 04:50 AM
First disclaimer: I do not have Xbox LIVE for a number of reasons. I do, however, have a LIVE gamertag, which got for the DoW II Beta.
I have, however, played online on a friend's gamertag a few times.

In the simplest, easiest, and shortest answer possible: yes.

To back up my thesis:
Halo 3 is really nothing special. Halo 1 was great, and brought about all sorts of neat new toys, and even 2 Was pretty fun with innovations and such. I like the flavour and backstory of the Halo 'verse. The third installment, however, just kinda, fell, especially in relation to one and two.
What changes occured in Halo 3? Balance of the weapons was arbritraily messed with, and a couple new weapons and vehicles were thrown in which were basically X faction's eqiuvilent of Y weapon or Z vehicle.
Halo 2 had some great game-type customization (My personal favourite variant that I played as "Ghosts over Glass" - active camo and motion sensors on for all players, no shields, Swords, Battle rifles, Carbines, Magnums, Plasma Pistols and grenades).
Halo 3's "forge" is pretty neat, but when you're making a map, the arbirtrary "budget" that you know the designers weren't working with is frustratin. I would have prefered a Tony Hawk's Pro Skater-esque bar that said "N% of Maximum map memory is full". As a full blown multiplayer game, though, the budget makes sense to a point.
The game-type customization is fun, too, but we don't really see any significant changes.

Halo 3 is an average shooter, with supersoldiers shooting average superweapons at each other. I've seen very little actual tactics actually needed when playing multiplayer (With the exceptions of Ghosts over Glass and Shotguns/Frag-only games with neither shields nor motion sensors on when using a claustrophobic map).

The constant cries of "'Nades are for Noobs!", or "Why no shotguns?" or even "Why did you turn motion sensors on, n00b?" are really, really grating, and show the community is so tightly focused on their silly run'n'gun, that the moment someone tries to introduce thinking and tactics, his own team-mates spray his pixilated grey matter over the nearest convient bulkhead for being such a "n00b" is annoying, frustrating and controller-snapping rage-inducing.

To sum up in an entirely bad manner, highlighting that this is the last set of paragraphs:
Gameplay is mediocre, with no nea tricks or features, and is engaging enough to keep you sitting down andpulling the trigger: 6/10

Storyline is meh: 4/10

Background/Fluff/Flavour is actually some really nice stuff 8/10

Multiplayer has great options, but is unredeemably ruined by a horrible community: 2/10

Dumbledore lives
2009-02-24, 05:04 AM
Halo 3 is a special game that is great for LANs and offers a lot of variety for games and weapons and stuff. It is a very good game but online it is normally very laggy and most people online either completely suck or are so good you have no chance. That's why it's a great game to play with friends and to mess around in. The only thing I disagree with in the OP is that I think Gears of War gives a much better feeling of "look what I just did to that guy!That was awesome" Halo's kills are all pretty standard with a few stand out moments.
I still have fun even though I play with people who can get a headshot off instantly in Swat, and play Halo so much they are amazingly good. I'm about average and I still have fun, even if I can't beat them in a stand up fight. Overall I would say Halo is an extremely fun shooter, though definitely not the best, GOW 2 would have to take that title right now. For the question though, yes Halo is overrated, it is awesome, but not the greatest thing ever.

2009-02-24, 05:10 AM
I must say that in my opinion Halo 3 is overrated. I can see what all the fuss was about for the first game, because when it came out it really was something a bit different, and it became truly iconic. It doesn't seem to have changed much since then though, and that's why I think Halo 3 is very good, but not special.

Okay, the multiplayer is extremely good, but so is Unreal Tournament, and that doesn't get anywhere near the same kudos. Halo's now living off the name, it's not really any better than a lot of other FPS's out there. Bioshock is the special game now, that really did try to do something different, and succeeded for the most part.

2009-02-24, 07:00 AM
Well, I've played a ridiculous amount of it (though not lately), so obviously I love it. I think the best parts of multiplayer, though, are all the ridiculous things the community comes up with in forge, right down to glitching the editor in foundry to make stuff. Hell, I've probably spent as much time in Rocket Race than everything else put together.

Also, the hammers explode. How great is that?

Saithis Bladewing
2009-02-24, 12:12 PM
To answer the topic:


I'm not saying it's not a good game (though I was personally disappointed with both 2 and 3 after my masterpiece experience with 1), but it is not worthy of all of the endless praise and fanboyism it receives. Plus I think the online community are complete...

...Well, I'll let you finish that sentence.

Crispy Dave
2009-02-24, 12:58 PM
Plus it was like watching Return of the Jedi and saying Luke was saving Han at the beginning for no reason.

thanks for the spoiler I haven't watched it yet!

im joking

late for dinner
2009-02-24, 01:18 PM
ahhh the online community has been brought up quite a bit....They completley make and break the game. NOthing like getting called a "insert bad word here" by a 10 year old with a high pitched voice. Or if someone with the gamer tag "RoseyGirl3009" getting on and everyone in the room imediatly falling in love with her cause she is a female. Cant live with them, cant really play without them.

Teamwork is important. The best teams are the ones that stick together. I agree, though, that when you are playing without a party and you just join random games and no one has a mic. it gets tough to do anything with your team.

Oh, and my oppinion on Orange Box:
Half Life 1-2: Cool games, but seem a little dated...story is great though. That pretty much overshadows the dated graphics.

Team Fortress 2: Dont hate me for what I am gonna say. While I absolutly love class based shooters and the humor and concept and things each class can do is great. I dont like the gameplay. It is too fast for me...and I havent found a class that I really love.

Portal: The best game, in my oppinion, on this disk. It was the most original (that I have ever seen) puzzle game. I found myself laughing almost the entire game...especially during the ending credits, which are worth multiple play throughs alone...but now you can just download the game on Xbox live.

2009-02-24, 02:17 PM
Here's a bit of a philosophy of mine:

Anything highly rated is overrated.

I tend to find it holds true for works both popular and niche, things that I both like and hate.

Because, when reviewing something someone likes, in other words, giving it a high rating, in order to convince others to play/read/watch it people will exaggerate the pros.

A lot.

In contrast to this something which gets widely panned as terrible can at the same time be considered underrated, but often not nearly as much, after all it is much easier to make something bad.

So ask yourself, is Halo 3 highly rated?

You have my answer.

Pie Guy
2009-02-24, 06:08 PM
Well, I would say it is overrated. I personally, can hardly stand starting out with some crap weapons, and when I finally get to a decent weapon, I immediatly get sniped/rocketed/splattered/stuck/shotgunned/tripmined/assassinated/whatever. Also, tanks.

Anyway, I personally like CoD4 more than Halo. I may get murdered for no good reason, but at least I start with a good weapon. Most satisfying moment in game: On Crossfire, be a sniper on the lower end. Snipe somone on the other team who is shooting through one of the windows on the far building. You don't see them fall over, you just see some red paint where their body was.

warty goblin
2009-02-24, 06:54 PM
Well, I would say it is overrated. I personally, can hardly stand starting out with some crap weapons, and when I finally get to a decent weapon, I immediatly get sniped/rocketed/splattered/stuck/shotgunned/tripmined/assassinated/whatever. Also, tanks.

Anyway, I personally like CoD4 more than Halo. I may get murdered for no good reason, but at least I start with a good weapon. Most satisfying moment in game: On Crossfire, be a sniper on the lower end. Snipe somone on the other team who is shooting through one of the windows on the far building. You don't see them fall over, you just see some red paint where their body was.

Ah yes, multiplayer Halo. Back when I tried to fit in at college and have friends, I played a bit of it. Usually it went something like this.
1) Spawn in the middle of bloody nowhere, equiped with a needler
2) Start walking at a snail's pace towards some sort of cover.
3) After 3 steps get shot in the head from across the map.
4) Respawn, armed with the pistol if playing Halo 2, or else the assault rifle if Halo 1.
5) While still trying to figure out where the hell I am on the map, get shotgunned, teabagged.
6) Repeat steps 1 through 3.
7) Spawn, get shot with rocket launcher.
8) Repeat step 7.
9) Repeat step 8.

After I figured out that self-dentistry without the benefit of painkillers was no less enjoyable and a good deal more productive, I gave up the whole Halo thing, along with the concept of 'friends in college." Life improved dramatically.

Multiplayer CoD4 is a bit better than Halo, except for the bit where getting shot immediately renders me legally blind, and the bit where about half of it's 'depth' comes in the form of a system carefully engineered to stomp the crap out of new players, as if fighting people who didn't know the maps better than the birthdates of their immeditiate family wasn't bad enough. At least the guns aren't purple though, that's a plus.

In singleplayer though the Halo series is light years more progressively designed than any of the CoD games. Singleplayer CoD4 is like being given blow by blow instructions in how to beat a dead horse. Due to the wonky hit detection, singleplayer CoD 5 is like being given blow by blow instructions in how to hit a horse that once and a while simply stops existing in the same frame of reference as your club. Halo at least gives you a couple of choices in how to go about flogging the deceased equine.

2009-02-24, 06:59 PM
OK, first my opinion and then my estimate on why a lot of people say it's overrated.

My Opinion: Yes, it is highly overrated. Reasons follow.

Most people who think Halo 3 is overrated come from PC gaming backgrounds, as far as I can tell. And for long time PC gamers, Halo 3 was absolutely nothing special. It did nothing except vehicles that Quake 2 (!) had not already done, or any one of a lenghty list of other PC FPSes. But Halo got all the credit and praise, plus (and here's what I think is important): When Halo 3 came around, PC FPSes were on the brink of renewing the genre since it had become stale. After Halos success, this trend cot completely canned, and until today nearly no shooter has evolved in any significance.

2009-02-24, 07:22 PM
Overrated?: Yes
Horrible?: No


2009-02-24, 11:16 PM
It's deffinetly overrated, but not so much as to not make it worth playing sometimes

2009-02-24, 11:40 PM
Ah yes, multiplayer Halo. Back when I tried to fit in at college and have friends, I played a bit of it. Usually it went something like this.
1) Spawn in the middle of bloody nowhere, equiped with a needler
2) Start walking at a snail's pace towards some sort of cover.
3) After 3 steps get shot in the head from across the map.
4) Respawn, armed with the pistol if playing Halo 2, or else the assault rifle if Halo 1.
5) While still trying to figure out where the hell I am on the map, get shotgunned, teabagged.
6) Repeat steps 1 through 3.
7) Spawn, get shot with rocket launcher.
8) Repeat step 7.
9) Repeat step 8.

Few simple rules for people new to Halo (probably work well for other games as well):
1. Play teams, stick next to people who are good. Tagging along with them will help you learn where things are, and how to fight.
2. Stick to the standard weapons set to begin with. I doubt there's been many cases of people stepping straight into a heated Snipers match and had a good time competing.
3. Don't play with people who teabag. As a general rule, they aren't much fun to be around.

Fiesta tends to be rather poor, especially if you're playing with people who don't know how to be a good sport about it. The needler doesn't suck anymore though, so that's a plus. Seems like you've already made up your mind about it, though, so whatever.

2009-02-25, 12:28 AM
Half Life 1-2: Cool games, but seem a little dated...story is great though. That pretty much overshadows the dated graphics.

Dated graphics? Not compared to Starcraft, Counter Strike V1.6, or DotA. Half Life 2 has AMAZING graphics compared to some of the better multiplayer PC games in the world...

Graphics, honestly, aren't always going to be such a selling point. Crysis supposedly has "amazing" graphics, but because my computer (which is a good computer, just not amazing) couldn't run the game on High Graphics it looked like an average (then) Next-Gen FPS...

Assassin's Creed looks really nice but got boring after the 3rd assassination... Devil May Cry 4 had AMAZING graphics, but it was too short and too repeative for my tastes.

late for dinner
2009-02-25, 11:08 AM
Dated graphics? Not compared to Starcraft, Counter Strike V1.6, or DotA. Half Life 2 has AMAZING graphics compared to some of the better multiplayer PC games in the world...

Graphics, honestly, aren't always going to be such a selling point. Crysis supposedly has "amazing" graphics, but because my computer (which is a good computer, just not amazing) couldn't run the game on High Graphics it looked like an average (then) Next-Gen FPS...

Assassin's Creed looks really nice but got boring after the 3rd assassination... Devil May Cry 4 had AMAZING graphics, but it was too short and too repeative for my tastes.

when the game first came out, the graphics were amazing, but it has now been out for a number of years...compared to games like Gears of War and Call of Duty WAW, it's night and day...But I did say That Good gameplay/story can overshadow graphics anyday. Why do you think people still play Final Fantasy Tactics??...and I didnt say that Half Life graphics were bad either just older and anyone can see that.

warty goblin
2009-02-25, 11:30 AM
Few simple rules for people new to Halo (probably work well for other games as well):
1. Play teams, stick next to people who are good. Tagging along with them will help you learn where things are, and how to fight.
2. Stick to the standard weapons set to begin with. I doubt there's been many cases of people stepping straight into a heated Snipers match and had a good time competing.
3. Don't play with people who teabag. As a general rule, they aren't much fun to be around.

Fiesta tends to be rather poor, especially if you're playing with people who don't know how to be a good sport about it. The needler doesn't suck anymore though, so that's a plus. Seems like you've already made up your mind about it, though, so whatever.

Mostly I just decided to play singleplayer. Nothing against Halo in particular, since I rather enjoy its singleplayer portions, I just decided I prefer playing the computer to other people. Not because I demand victory in every game, but because fundamentally a good singleplayer game is built around making me, one single person, have fun. Usually this comes in the form of doing Things That Be Awesome. Even the best multiplayer game is built around a lot of people having fun by doing Things That Be Awesome. There being only so many Awesome Things that can happen in any given timeslot, a bit of division yeilds the result that a good singleplayer game is more fun than multiplayer, if you don't get some sort of extra bonus out of playing with other people. In general I don't. This isn't to say I don't play the occasional bit of deathmatch or something around my (non-college) buddies and have fun, but that's because I'm hanging with my friends, not because of the game we happen to be playing.

2009-02-25, 11:07 PM
Mostly I just decided to play singleplayer. Nothing against Halo in particular, since I rather enjoy its singleplayer portions, I just decided I prefer playing the computer to other people. Not because I demand victory in every game, but because fundamentally a good singleplayer game is built around making me, one single person, have fun. Usually this comes in the form of doing Things That Be Awesome. Even the best multiplayer game is built around a lot of people having fun by doing Things That Be Awesome. There being only so many Awesome Things that can happen in any given timeslot, a bit of division yeilds the result that a good singleplayer game is more fun than multiplayer, if you don't get some sort of extra bonus out of playing with other people. In general I don't. This isn't to say I don't play the occasional bit of deathmatch or something around my (non-college) buddies and have fun, but that's because I'm hanging with my friends, not because of the game we happen to be playing. Agreed Completely