View Full Version : The Black Colossus IC

2009-02-24, 04:26 PM
Long ago Zryvitch was a powerfull wizard who served directly the king of a rich city. However Zryvitch growed power hungry, and on a dreaded night he took the reins of power with an army of monsters he had been rising in secret.

He turned the city in his base of operations, enslaving the population to to do his biding, breeding more abominations and terrorrizing the region.

Eventually, a group of adventurers managed to slip pass his defenses and guards and slay Zryvitch in combat.

Or so it seemed. In truth, they had slain nothing but a clone of Zryvitch, who secretly escaped from the city with most of his treasure and his strongest servants, leting the adventurers spread the word that Zryvitch the dark wizard was no more.

One hundred and one years later, however, Zryvitch apeared again. This time in the form of ghosts who started apearing in towns warning their people to submit to Zryvitch or be erased from existence. The people laughed, thinking it was just some minor magic user trying to get some gold coins.

Untill the Black Colossus apeared. A massive dark engine of destruction in human shape, powered by terrible forbiden arts, taller than anything else ever built by mortals, reaching the clouds themselves. Body of stone, skin of adamantine, fists the size of castles. It crushed one defiant village per day as a sign of his power, always leting some survivors escape to tell what hapened. Soon the shape of the Black Colossus apearing on the horizon become a omen of terror. Many fled. Some submited. Fewer tried to stand and fight, but as the Black Colossus aproached them and revealed it's true might, even the bravest souls colapsed and begged for mercy.

All but you. You alone had the courage to face this new menace that threatens to turn the continent into Zryvitch's empire of terror. You were grouped togheter by Magnay the ancient sage, who told you of the secret entrance on the colossus left foot. Of how the Colossus was actually hollow and filled with passages and Zryvitch's servants. Of how the only way to stop it was to slay the dark wizard himself, now turned into a lich.

One week later, you finally managed to get near enough of the Black Colossus to enter the secret door. Cuting your way trough the lich's minions while avoiding being crushed by the massive construct you're finally in position to stop Zryvitch one and for all.

And so your adventure begins.

Once inside, the door behind you quickly closed, and you find yourselves in a dark room. Before you manage to do something, the room is sudenly lighted by several blue floating fires high in the ceiling, wich iluminate five incredibly detailed statues of demons on the division in some kind of dance. There's a large wooden door on the other side, flanked by two massive deformed undeads. Ten feest talls, they wear tick plates of metal, their eye sockets are empty and their massive arms reach the ground, ending in powerfull claws. In the lateral walls, some kind of abominations aparently composed of several roting creatures stitched togheter begin to move, flailing a combination of claws, hands and teeths. Then, from the floor, a burst of flame appears, and a giant skull arises, floating some centimeters above the ground and covered in blue fire. It opens it's huge jaw and speacks in a powerfull voice:

Intruders! Slay them for the master!


You start on the light blue zone. The light gray zones are statues wich provide cover but count as dificult terrain.

2009-02-26, 12:09 PM
The giant skull floats forward and positions itself in the middle of the statues. It's eyes then start glowing and focus on Goldclaw. The paladin feels a chill go up his spine as a could aura seems to surround him. Then the skull releases two rays of frost from it's empty sockets towards him!

Goldclaw manages to block the first with his shield, but the second one hits him right on the chest. The holy warrior feels a deep painfull cold and then sees that from the point of impact blue crystals start to grow over his body, slowly freezing him.


Goldclaw takes 31 cold damage and has ongoing 5 cold damage.

Mahahn's turn

Inyssius Tor
2009-02-27, 02:56 AM
Mahahn Tilirre is no stranger to the walking dead.

"Zombies. Wonderfol. A week in the Land of the Living, and what do I have? Skinwalkers,", he quietly gripes, "a brain golem, and now a gallery of zed quilting exhibits and the second-largest demilich I have ever seen. What has happened to all the faeries? I have come all this way, gods only know what I have gone through (and thanks for the memory-eater sphinx, gods, that was a really nice touch, really nice), and now more undead? I could have stayed on the Mirrorsea."

As the muttering grey man moves forward, flitting from shadow to shadow, spectral barbed wire bursts from the rock floor to entangle the massive skull and iron-plated dead.

Move to K-11; if I have cover, [roll0].
Standard: Blood Pulse centered on E-13. [roll1]; [roll2]; [roll3].

Anyone who is hit takes [roll4] damage, and an additional 1d6 for each square they move (or are moved) before the end of my next turn.

2009-02-27, 03:33 AM
"What lies is true and real, these aberrations, a onslaught to come, come endless leaves of blades. Which is where i make my mark."

Umathi comes with a mighty charge, jumping high above in leap attack two longswords combing it like scissors.

Move to J14
Minor: Mark Skull guy as quarry
Stranded: Claws of the Griffon on demilich attack d20+19 and d20+19
Damage: For the first attack 4d8+4and the second attack 3d8+4

2009-02-27, 06:36 AM
Mahahn moves so quickly that his barbed wire catches all the targets offguard, enveloping them in dark spiked tendrils that restrict their movements.

Then Umathi advances and delivers two powerfull blows in the giant skull, cracking the tick bone, but the giant skull just cackles maniacally!

Lyriko's turn

Talkkno:it seems like all your character powers disapeared from your sheet. Please put them again.

Inyssius Tor
2009-02-27, 06:48 AM
Am I hidden? Who from?

2009-02-27, 08:00 AM
(You've sucessfully hiden from everybody but the giant skull, the right plated undead, and the abomination at E20)

2009-03-01, 08:57 AM
Lyriko laughs madly and leaps forward at the giant skull, unsheathing his blades in one smooth movement. "Time to meet the best, dead ones!"

His gleaming blade lashed a silver trail in the air as he ripped it across the skull, but it was only an effective cover for his next move - skewering the skull on his black blade and twisting it free, sending fragments of bone skittering across the stone floor.

EDIT: Minor Action to announce the Skull as my quarry. Did 11 extra damage.

Lyriko moves to J12 and unloads an encounter power on it - Claws of the Griffon.
[roll0] and [roll1] damage. 12 damage
[roll2] and [roll3] damage. CRITICAL!!! 16 damage + 10 ongoing!

Total: 28 damage and 10 ongoing.

2009-03-01, 04:30 PM
The other blade dancer closes in with the giant skull and scores another devastating attack, sending more bone shards flying in the air, but the monster still doesn't seem really by the blows!

(Both attacks hit again, you lucky guys. Goldclaw's turn)

Mando Knight
2009-03-01, 11:30 PM
Goldclaw, Champion of JUSTICE!
HP 65/101, Surges 12, Value 27
AC 32, Fort 25, Ref 25, Will 23

The massive armored being marches towards the skull that attacked him. His sword begins swirling with a holy light as the Paladin recites a short incantation. As he stands in front of the floating foe, his whispered prayer becomes an exclamation, the deadly light flowing from his sword and encircling the undead monstrosity as he drives his sword towards it.
...Let those who worship Evil's might
Beware my power, Bahamut's LIGHT!
Move Action: Move to J-13
Free Action: Activate the Sunblade's At-Will power.
Minor Action: Use Divine Challenge on the skull.
Standard Action: Use Certain Justice on the skull. [roll0] vs. AC, [roll1] damage, and target is weakened and dazed so long as the Divine Challenge holds, and Goldclaw has 34 AC against the skull's attacks until the end of his next turn.
Save vs. Ongoing damage: [roll2]

2009-03-02, 01:29 PM
The giant plated undeas, wich untill now had stood mostly motionless, see Goldclaw envelop the flaming skull in holy purifying light, and then they finally seem to wake up as their master's flames wither down and die, suffocated by the holy powers.

HELP ME YOU BRAINLESS IDIOTS!-screams the giant skull, starting to feel overwhelemed by the party.

Their expressionless faces transform into masks of terror, and they advance forward at impressive speed while moaning loose words, green orbs now glowing on their empty eye sockets.

To darkness...
And cold...

Mahahn's tendrils cut down the necrotic flesh as they advance, but even then they don't slow down.

But the giant undeads are cubersome, and one of them misteps and falls down loudly on the floor. It imediatily gets up, but it has no time to do anything else.

The other plated monster, on the other hand, delivers a powerfull blow on the giant skull itself, releasing a green flash from his massive fists as it drives it's own ally on the ground. Goldclaw senses his incantation being shatered by the living dead's power. The giant skull's blue flames grow once again as it floats once again up in the air, and it laughs once again, this time at the paladin.

You're not the only one with allies, mortal...Now the real battle starts

The two plated undeads then position themselves defensively at the giant skull's flanks, their massive arms stretching over you, ready to strike anyone else who aproaches.


What hapened:
The plated undeads attacked the giant skull. The first fumbled, the second scored a crit, and thus marked the giant skull, superseding Goldclaw's mark. There's nothing in the rules that stops people from marking allies, and well, if the paladin's challenge stayed there it would pretty much shut down the monster. Look on the bright side: you avoided the plated undead's attack for now.

Ehrika's turn

NOTE:The plated undeads(brown circles) have reach 2 for delivering oportunity attacks.

2009-03-04, 11:08 PM
Sihfa (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=69461), Shadar-kai Warlock, Evermeet Warlock
Init +7 HP 99/99 Bloodied 49 Healing Surge 24 (0 used /11)
AC 23 Fort 22 Reflex 23 Will 23 Speed 6

Sihfa bounds forward and hides from the minions behind a pillar. She utters something dark, then draws a runic shape in the air, which takes form and hurls toward the Giant Skull.

Move: To L15 (gaining Concealment from Shadow Walk)
Minor: Curse the Giant Skull and the other one that's closest (Twofold Curse)
Standard: Sign of ill omen on Giant Skull
[roll0] vs will
[roll1] +[roll2] and the GS must roll twice for his next attack, taking a -4 penalty to the rolls, and use the lower of them.

2009-03-05, 10:33 AM
Sihfa's rune simply shatters in dust when it aproaches the skull. The monster's strenght of will is too strong!

The abominations finally breack out of their slumber, and advance slowly. Only three of them actually manage to attack some members of the party, Ehrika and Shifa. The gladiator easily stops the blows, but the warlock gets cut by a rotten claw.

The living dead reveal to have an unberable smell when too close, making it harder for the party to focus.

Taking advantage of the confusion, the Giant skull skillfully slips away from the party members hacking at it and positions itself behind it's minions, releasing a new ray of cold, this time against Umathi. It strucks the elf's arm, freezing his flesh and again the ice starts to spread trough the victim's body.

But then, instead of releasing a new ray of frost, the giant skull releases a black beam against Mahahn. The rogue feels sudenly filled with dreaded fear against his foes and jumps out of his hideout, running to the walls, in a vain atempt to escape. The fear then passes and Mahahn regains his senses, but a small shaking remains in his arms, making it harder to hold the blade.


Shifa took 7 damage.
Umathi took 26 cold damage and has 10 ongoing cold damage(save ends).
Mahahn is no longer hidden and has a -2 penalty to attack rolls(save ends).

Anyone adjacent an abomination(pink ball) takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls.


Mahahn's turn