View Full Version : The Throne of Thufir's Thoroughly Theoretical and Therapeutic Random Banter #116

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2009-02-24, 08:23 PM
Welcome To Random BanterWe hope you enjoy your stay.

This thread does exactly what it says on the tin. Only it's not in a tin. RB is a place to talk about... anything you feel like. Anything (As the title suggests) random, that you don't feel is significant enough to merit it's own thread. Though some topics seem to come up more frequently than others (e.g. Maths and Shakespeare)

New people should not be scared, we're all very nice really. Well, except for that guy over there, but never mind him. Feel free to jump in. I did, and see, now I have the transient and entirely worthless pleasure of making the new thread myself.

I'm afraid there are a few rules, put in place to keep these threads from getting out of hand.


1. Spam. For the purposes of RB, one word posts are generally considered spam. Likewise, posts that are nothing but *actions like this* are also be considered spam. Remember that the quality of the post's content is much better than the speed of your response.

2. This isn't the Play by Post or Town forum, nor is it the Silly Message Board Games or Structured Games forum. Please avoid continuous roleplay or mock battles and fights such as the "competition for control of the universe".

3. If it's already a thread, don't bring it to RB. RB has such a huge range of subject matter even restricted to the little snippets that probably don't warrant their own thread, it doesn't need legitimate thread topics cluttering it up as well. The exception to this is to bring something that is off-topic from one thread, but on-topic for RB and the subject doesn't warrant a thread of its own.

4. Don't advertise other threads in RB. Just because these new threads move at speeds more appropriate to a message board than an IM session doesn't mean you need to come over to RB and brow beat people into posting in your latest brainchild.

5. Please don't post single line posts alerting us to your current status -- as in "I'm back." This is Random Banter, not "How to stalk Random GitP forum members."

6. Don't poke, kick or bump the thread. It will move at whatever pace it wants to. Also, please refrain from Captain Obvious comments akin to "My, the thread is fast today."

7. Random Banter can only be as good, or as entertaining, as you make it. Demands to be entertained will fall on deaf ears unless you can add something more meaningful to the conversation.

8. As this is a public forum, where the current topic is nicely recorded for you, and not a conversation where you could have missed the beginning, please refrain from asking something to the effect of "What's the topic?". Please take the time to read up a bit first.

9. Thread Creator must include the words "Random" and "Banter" as well as the thread #. Try to be concise as well.

10. Every post should contain two visible, legible complete sentences, Subject and Predicate. C'mon, make your old English teachers proud.

11. Remember, Random Banter is not your IM client. If you want to have a back and forth discussion with just one person, look in their contact information for IM details.

12. Whenever a new thread is created, all "first post", "first page", and all posts of that nature will be deleted by the administrators. Please avoid doing this, as it is frustrating for them to deal with one-lined posts like this.

13. Double-posting is not your friend. We have edit buttons for a reason.

And here, linked for your convenience, are the previous incarnations of this thread.
Previous Threads:

Amotis' Random Banter #1 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=13484)
Dhavaer's Random Banter #2 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=13401)
PhoeKun's Random Banter #3 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=13319)
Rei Jin's Random Banter #4 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=13205)
Toxic Avenger's Random Banter #5 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=13146)
Jibar's Random Banter #6 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=13026)
Ego Slayer's Surrogate Random Banter #7 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12939)
Sneak's Random Barroom Brawl #8 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12918)
Sophistemon's Solemnly Random Banter #9 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12855)
Vaynor's Very Random Banter #10 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12834)
Bookman's Blathering Random Banter #11 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12809)
Gralamin's Glorious Random Banter #12 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12785)
Rilik's Resplendently Random Raillery #13 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12766)
Gezina's Growling Grazing Random Banter #14 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12747)
The Zerglings Utterly And Geeky Random Banter #15 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12740)
jaqueses Truthfully Randomly Fireside Banter # 16 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12735)
Jack Squat’s Jubilantly Quixotic Random Banter #17 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12693)
Cardel's Banter of Cookie Jubilation #18 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12668)
Archonic's Chaotically Random Banter of Rods #19 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12657)
The Rod's Inanimate Temple of RANDOM banter #20 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12638)
Lucky’s Loquaciously Loud-Mouthed Random Banter#21 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12630)
Deckmaster's Divinely Delightful Random Banter #22 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12614)
Saithis' Soliloquy of Random Banter #23 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12598)
Loveable Lianae's Ludicrous Lampooning Lottery #24 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12578)
NEO|Phyte's Neolithic Nest of Weasel Banter #25 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12544)
Target's Random Banter of "non-violence" #26 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12533)
Tarnag40k's Random banter of "grammar errors" #27 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12515)
Kyrian's Random Banter of ADHDness #28 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12507)
El Jaspero's Random Drunken Ramblings #29 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12503)
Boss Smiley's Eloquently Eggy Banter #30 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12494)
Lykan's Looney Explosionarama & Random Banter #31 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12482)
Iames's Iambic Yarn of Yammering #32 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12468)
Dispozition's Deviously Distressed Banter #33 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12458)
CP's Copiously Combusting Banter of Carnage #34 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12445)
Alarra's Altar of Random Banter #35 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12432)
Eloquent Rune's Electrifying Rambling Banter #36 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12423)
E_P's Very Own Quite Popular Random Banter #37 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12419)
Hydrogelic's Foolish Mortal Random Banter #38 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12413)
Ink's Smudgy Splotchy Random Banter #39 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12405)
Azrael's Big Black Book of Banter #40 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12397)
The Logic Vampire's Rational Random Banter #41 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12387)
Shiny's Shimmering Space-hitchin Random Banter #42 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12376)
ZombieRockStar's Random Banter #43 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12360)

Nostrabel's Realm of Cookies and Random Banter #44 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12342)
Charity's Cheery Chatter Circle #45 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12328)
Samiam's Spontaneous Scintillating Soliloquy #46 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12310)
LLama's Masked Mysterious Random Banter #47 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=26599)
Ravishing Rydia's Recumbentibus ^_^ Random Banter #48 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=27622)
Penguinizers Perilous Random Banter #49 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=28083)
Death's delightfully morbid surrogate random banter #50 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=28444)
Wayril's wonderfully weird surrogate random banter #51 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=28990)
Rawhide's Deck of Random Banter (52 Cards) (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=29697)
Korith's Sorrogate Random Banter of Zombie Killing #53 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=30353)
Surrogate thread of random Bor-dom #54 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=31109)
Rex Idiotarum's Painfully Pogoing Thread #55 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=31512)
The Wrath of KHAAAAAANtalas’s William Shatner Flavored Random Banter # 56 (Surrogate) (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=32080)
EmeraldRose's Random Banter of Lashing Wit #57 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=32494)
Captain van der Decken's Surrogate Ship of Random Loot (Banter) #58 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=32847)
SDF's Neverending I-Don't-Have-an-OotS-Avatar-Yet Story Banter #59 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=33465)
Mauril's Surrogate Dwelf Banter of Fantasy Race Confusion 60th Edition (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=34165)
Rockphed's Dice Rolling Toga Party of 61 Drunken CIA Analysts (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=34568)
var Lord_Magtok = Random(Banter*62) + Surrogate (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=34801)
Jibar's Retro Random Banter #63 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=35014)
Malina's Random Spanish Banter #64 of morphical annoyance (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=35256)
Mr. E's Random Banter #65 of Cane Toting and Hat Tipping (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=35418)
Ego Slayer's Hellishly Random Banter #66.6 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=35596)
Purple Gelatinous Cube o' Doom's bowl of bantery j-e-ll-o randomness #67 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=35859)
Zephra's Random Banter of Ghostly Wailings, and Howling Fun#68 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=36317)
Cobra Ikari's Random Banter #69 of Rampant Hugging, Guttermindedness, and ;-) Kinky. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=36977)
Scorpina's Random Banter #70 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=37480)
Raistlin1040's Super Special Awesome Random Banter #71(Now with 20% more tacos) (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=37824)
Uberblah's Random Banter #72 Of Caffeine And Sleep Deprivation Induced Randomness (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=38225)
Lucky’s Random Banter #73 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=38987)
Castaras's Random Banter #74 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=37836)
D'anna Biers RB #75 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=39495)
Zeb The Troll's RB#76 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=39801)
Egdpollard's RB #77 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=40128)
Gezina's and Calamity's Random banter #78 of double entendre and doom (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=40410)
Random Banter #79 In Loving Memory of Hexa_Regina (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=40909)
Zeratul's random banter #80 of throwing puppies off bridges (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=41778)
Vespe's Random Banter #81 of singing dolphins and mostly harmless planets. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=43254)
CSK's Giant in the Playground Forums Addicted Anonymous, Random Banter #82 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=44919)
Iames's Ramblingly Erratic Belldandy-Charged Random Banter #83 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=47592)
Serpentine's Scintillating Sensually and Sinuously Seductive Stochastic Satire #84 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=49048)
Radikalskippy's Random Banter #85 of lost ideas and where to find them... (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=50658)
Moon Called's Random Banter #86 of Sexy Anime Boys and Fangirl Squeals (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=51825)
Lilly's Lovely Random Banter #87 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=52783)
FdL's Fuzzbox-Fueled Random Banter #88 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=54612)
SweetRein's Sugary Restrained Random Banter #89 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=59668)
Midnight's Mutant Motorcycle Madness Random Banter #90 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=62430)
Em's Extremely Extraordinarily Epic Random Banter #91 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=65645)
Dragonrider's Random Banter in Conjunction with the Weighted Cube #92 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=67629)
Bushranger's Bodaciously Buffed Random Banter-y Rooster #93 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=69425)
Haruki's Historically Hilarious Honey-covered Random Banter #94 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=71161)
North's Maple Syrup Flavored Non-Alliterative Random Banter #95 Eh? (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=73464)
Wadledo's Weirdly Warbling Watercress Watching Washing Machine Only Random Banter #96 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=75946)
SMEE's Random Banter #97 of gender bending and closet bursting (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=78694)
Raiser's Rambunctiously Rambling Random Banter #98 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=81626)
Dr. Bath's Random Banter, dripping with daring deeds of dastardly deipnosophists #99 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=84068)
VOTE, the Democracy Demon's Devilishly Devious and Decidedly Diabolical Desultory Derision (Random Banter) #100 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=84914)
Jack Squat's Justlessly Juxtaposed Random Banter #101 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=87577)
Dallas-Dakota's Dundering Dandelion's Devilish Damsel's Distress Random Banter #102 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=4790602#post4790602)
Destro Yersul's Dangerously Distracting and Doubtlessly Disturbing Random Banter #103 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=4903962#post4903962)
Aziraphiles Actually Alliterative and Awesomely Affluent Random Banter #104 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=92718)
Cristo's Consistently Confusing and Constantly Casual Random Banter #105 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=94491)
Dish's Delightfully Deranged and Deliciously Deliquent Random Banter # 106 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=95905)
Slayer's Seemingly Sweet and Socially Silly Random Banter # 107 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=97703)
Zero's ambrosial and aberrantly adventitious, abstemiously erudite Random Banter #108 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=99100)
Coplantor's Completely Creative Cautious and Contemplative Random Banter #109 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=100414)
Rutskarn's Roly-Poly Rebellious and Rejected Random Banter #110 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=101156)
TwoBitWriter's Tubular Tracts of Thought-Talking Random Banter #111 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=5600540#post5600540)
Phase's Phully Phormed, Phalangeal, and Phantasmagorical Random Banter #112 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=101988)

Wolfbane's Wonderfully Wacky and Wildly Wandom Random Banter #113 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=102865)
The Kiwi's Kinkily Knotted and Kookily Kickass Random Banter #114 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=103674)
Jude's Judgmental Jugular Jab and Jibber Jabbery Random Banter #115 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=104480)

As stated above, this thread is for random discussion, not random chit chat. That is to say, this is a forum, not your IM client. People have set up an unofficial IRC chat thingy for that sort of thing. Not only will you not annoy the people here, you will also help increase the popularity of the IRC chat.

Now... converse. It will amuse me.

Cristo Meyers
2009-02-24, 09:34 PM
New people should not be scared, we're all very nice really. Well, except for that guy over there, but never mind him...

HEY! I'm nice!


I've noticed something now that I'm actually getting some writing done. It always goes beginning-ending-everything else. Everything else is always the hardest stuff, it seems.

2009-02-24, 09:36 PM
You have no problems with anything, do you?


There's the hippie answer.

Then there's the real-me answer.

Hippie answer:
Man, I'm groovy with anything. No judging in the peace circle.

:smallfurious: :smallfurious: :smallfurious: :smallfurious: IF YOU END A SENTENCE WITH A PREPOSITION I WILL KILL YOU! :smallfurious::smallfurious::smallfurious:


Since I dunno if Wadledo will respond in the other thread.

2009-02-24, 09:49 PM

Dri, what would you do that for? And he won't, locks, you see.

So, let us commence the muffin summoning while I set up this rainbowflesh Golem, which I never had a chance to show to the other RB thread, and move the echidna behind the bad guy.Just for fun:

|Rainbowflesh Golem|Greater Rainbowflesh Golem
Hit Dice|12d10+30 (96 hp)|4d10+40 (260 hp)
Speed|20 ft|20 ft
Armor Class|26|27
Base Attack/Grapple|+10/+23|+31/+52
Full Attack:|2 slams +17 melee (1d10+8)+Rainbow Strike|2 slams +41 melee (3d8+12)+Rainbow Strike
Special Attacks|Rainbow Beam, Retributive Rainbow|Rainbow Beam, Retributive Rainbow, Rainbow Aura
Special Qualities:|Construct traits, damage reduction 10/adamantineor DR 5/slashing, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to magic, low-light vision|Construct traits, damage reduction 10/adamantine or DR 5/slahing, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to magic, low-light vision
Saves|Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +4|Fort +14, Ref +12, Will +14
Advancement|15-21 HD (Large); 22-42 (Huge)
This golem has a humanoid body made from Rainbowflesh.

A Rainbowflesh golem is 9 feet tall and weighs around 700 pounds. They do not generally vary in appearance, and are approximately human shaped, their bodies composed of large pieces of rainbowflesh. The main differences between them is the colors of their main sections.

Rainbowflesh golems are powerful and unpredictable opponents, being physically powerful and difficult to harm.
Rainbow Strike (Su): On each hit, a rainbowflesh golem generates a random effect:
1 Red: 5 fire damage (10 for greater)
2 Orange : 10 acid damage (15 for greater)
3 Yellow: 15 electricity damage (30 for greater)
4 Green: Poison, 1d4 constitution damage Fortitude save DC 17 for half (1d6 and DC 19 for greater)
5 Purple: Planar Distortion, Stun 1 round (1d4 rounds for greater)

Rainbow Beam (Su): A Rainbowflesh golem can use a prismatic ray effect, as the spell, except that the blue effect is replaced with the purple effect of Prismatic Spray, and there is no indigo effect, as a free action once every 2 rounds. The effect has a DC 17 save. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Retributive Rainbow (Su): When a rainbowflesh golem is destroyed, it causes an explosion of magical colors, as the spell prismatic Spray without the blue and indigo effects, but in every direction. The save DC is 19, and is constitution based.

Rainbow Aura (Su): A greater rainbowflesh golem projects an aura of color around it out to a distance of 10 feet. Each round the aura has one of the effects of the spell prismatic spray, except for the blue or indigo effects. This should be determined randomly each round.

Immunity to Magic (Ex): A Rainbowflesh golem is immune to any spell or spell-like ability that allows spell resistance, except for (shadow) spells In addition, certain spells and effects function differently against the creature, as noted below.
Rainbow pattern, Prismatic Ray, Prismatic Spray, and all similar spells heal a rainbowflesh golem for 1 hp for every 3 damage that would be dealt by the spell, or 3 HP per spell level, whichever is greater.

A Rainbowflesh golem’s body is constructed out of large pieces of rainbowflesh, connected by tubes of liquid rainbowflesh and pins of hard candy shell. The Rainbowflesh must be of high quality, and costs 1,000 gp. Assembling the body requires a DC 17 Craft (architecture) check or a DC 17 Craft (Rainbowfleshmasonry) check.
CL 14th; Craft Construct, antimagic field, geas/quest, prismatic spray, symbol of stunning, caster must be at least 14th level; Price 90,000 gp; Cost 46,000 gp + 2,600 XP.

Blue Ghost
2009-02-24, 09:55 PM
Ooh, a rainbowflesh golem! I'm always looking for more prismatic weapons to add to my arsenal, in the event of another clone invasion.

2009-02-24, 09:57 PM
Awww, I'm so sorry Deary... *hugs the poor little hippy and pulls her down to sit on the ground with him, cradling her poor little head in his hands*
It'll be alright chil'... It'll be alright...

As for you, monsieur Recaiden... Try the Echidna as the background layer behind your avatar.

2009-02-24, 10:11 PM
Mmm, rainbowflesh.
First thing I do when I get a new bag of it is stick my face in and breathe deep.
It's so relaxing :smallsmile:

2009-02-24, 10:46 PM
*Breaths in new thread smell*


Back to bed with me. :smallfrown:

2009-02-24, 11:21 PM
Mmm, rainbowflesh.
First thing I do when I get a new bag of it is stick my face in and breathe deep.
It's so relaxing :smallsmile:

You've got rainbow in a bag?

Is it anything like sunshine?

2009-02-24, 11:33 PM
You've got rainbow in a bag?

Is it anything like sunshine?
Deliciously, tasty sunshine.

Mmm. Taste the goodness.

2009-02-24, 11:36 PM
Deliciously, tasty sunshine.

Mmm. Taste the goodness.

Eh, sunshine in a bag is useless..

...but not for long. :smalltongue:

2009-02-24, 11:37 PM
Eh, sunshine in a bag is useless..

...but not for long. :smalltongue:

Makes for awesome birthday presents for people with solar panels.

2009-02-24, 11:41 PM
Makes for awesome birthday presents for people with solar panels.

Right! And solar panels are the future!

Which, incidentally, is comin' on, it's comin' on, it's comin' on, it's comin' on.

2009-02-24, 11:46 PM
I have a friend that claims to have sunshine in a bag. I keep telling him that it's LSD, but he refuses to believe me. Especially right after he had some sunshine.

2009-02-24, 11:52 PM
Dad: We should get a bigger electronic photo frame.
Me: No.
Dad: Why?
Me: Brother with penchant for taking closeups of cat in scary positions. Like jaws open. With evil stare.

2009-02-24, 11:55 PM
Dad: We should get a bigger electronic photo frame.
Me: No.
Dad: Why?
Me: Brother with penchant for taking closeups of cat in scary positions. Like jaws open. With evil stare.

So you don't like awesome photos? That cat's all like HAHAHA! finally someone let me out of my cage...

In other news... Deer are the new plague rats and should be sent to Britland, according to one of my friends.


V: Silly! :smalltongue: You're not supposed to feel better! Especially not when I use the white-text to whisper lascivious things and blandishments about what you should try to investigate once you read the steamy underbelly of liberal arts college ;)
So very, very silly. Guess you really are a silly hippy, dear...

2009-02-24, 11:56 PM
Awww, I'm so sorry Deary... *hugs the poor little hippy and pulls her down to sit on the ground with him, cradling her poor little head in his hands*
It'll be alright chil'... It'll be alright...

:smallbiggrin: Yays! I feel better!

@dragonprime: o.O

2009-02-24, 11:59 PM
So you don't like awesome photos? That cat's all like HAHAHA! finally someone let me out of my cage...

Finally? A cat wouldn't say that. Cats don't care about time. Now, time for them is nothin' cuz they're countin' no age. Y'know, what with the nine lives and all.

2009-02-25, 12:00 AM
So you don't like awesome photos? That cat's all like HAHAHA! finally someone let me out of my cage...

In other news... Deer are the new plague rats and should be sent to Britland, according to one of my friends.


V: Silly! :smalltongue: You're not supposed to feel better! Especially not when I use the white-text to whisper lascivious things and blandishments about what you should try to investigate once you read the steamy underbelly of liberal arts college ;)
So very, very silly. Guess you really are a silly hippy, dear...
Love 'em. Just not when I'm barely awake in the morning and jumpy.

Deer: in NZ? I don't actually know.

2009-02-25, 12:02 AM
Ooh, yes, deer. They eat our plants. Deport them, I say, deport them!

Seriously, though. They're not even afraid of humans any more. Soon they'll take over the world! :smalleek:

2009-02-25, 12:04 AM
Ooh, yes, deer. They eat our plants. Deport them, I say, deport them!

Seriously, though. They're not even afraid of humans any more. Soon they'll take over the world! :smalleek:

Cue deer jokes.

2009-02-25, 12:05 AM
Ooh, yes, deer. They eat our plants. Deport them, I say, deport them!

Seriously, though. They're not even afraid of humans any more. Soon they'll take over the world! :smalleek:

Just as soon as they lose their fear of death, taxes and Michael Jackson.

2009-02-25, 12:06 AM
Deer jokes?


@^: Oh gods, they're 2/3 of the way there already. :smalleek:

2009-02-25, 12:06 AM
Eh, sunshine in a bag is useless..

...but not for long. :smalltongue:

No, no, the sunshine in a bag is very useful, for making me feel happy, and also glad. It keeps me from being useless, you see. Especially since the future appears to be coming on (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RygPiF1d79M)...

Now if only someone would let me out of this cage...

2009-02-25, 12:08 AM
Deer jokes?


@^: Oh gods, they're 2/3 of the way there already. :smalleek:

Yeah, thank heavens... Michael... Jackson... is keeping them at bay.

2009-02-25, 12:08 AM
No, no, the sunshine in a bag is very useful, for making me feel happy, and also glad. It keeps me from being useless, you see. Especially since the future appears to be coming on (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RygPiF1d79M)...

Now if only someone would let me out of this cage...

You've missed a bit. :smalltongue:

Eh, sunshine in a bag is useless..

...but not for long. :smalltongue:

Right! And solar panels are the future!

Which, incidentally, is comin' on, it's comin' on, it's comin' on, it's comin' on.

So you don't like awesome photos? That cat's all like HAHAHA! finally someone let me out of my cage...

Finally? A cat wouldn't say that. Cats don't care about time. Now, time for them is nothin' cuz they're countin' no age. Y'know, what with the nine lives and all.


2009-02-25, 12:20 AM
You've missed a bit. :smalltongue:

Same page! It's fine! And I have no deer jokes to contribute. I have to work with what I can! Like these !'s!

2009-02-25, 12:22 AM
Same page! It's fine! And I have no deer jokes to contribute. I have to work with what I can! Like these !'s!

You know, the tax on that particular punctuation mark has gone up considerably latley.

2009-02-25, 12:26 AM
Alright, let's get back into the swing of Random Banter, shall we?

We shall.

I'll start this off with a little reflection.

Pretzels are good. Potato chips--also good.

However, when pretzels and potato chips are mixed together--like in a party snack mix, for example--neither is palatable.

The chips, for their part, take on much of coarse salt of the potato chips. This doesn't improve the failure, but neither does it sink it completely.

No, it is the pretzels that fall from grace. They become soggy, taking on the grease of the chips. The fine salt of the potato chips dusts over the pretzels. The result is highly unpleasant.

So. Yeah.

2009-02-25, 12:36 AM
You know, the tax on that particular punctuation mark has gone up considerably latley.

Nobody told me... The Bang Act of 2009? More taxation without representation?!

However, when pretzels and potato chips are mixed together--like in a party snack mix, for example--neither is palatable.

The chips, for their part, take on much of coarse salt of the potato chips. This doesn't improve the failure, but neither does it sink it completely.

No, it is the pretzels that fall from grace. They become soggy, taking on the grease of the chips. The fine salt of the potato chips dusts over the pretzels. The result is highly unpleasant.

So. Yeah.

This is why you mix pretzels in as the saltiest ingredient. Like in Frito-Lay Munchies.

2009-02-25, 12:51 AM
Pretzels are filling.

I think we should write an RB guide to Mixing Food.

2009-02-25, 12:58 AM
Pretzels+Fritos=Can Work, Sometimes. I don't know why, but the effects aren't as bad as with regular potato chips. The pretzels will suffer for it, but it's not a recipe worthy of the Gastronomicon.

I don't like mixing pretzels with anything at all, really. Except strawberry ice cream.

2009-02-25, 12:59 AM
I'm convinced my eating habits will kill me someday. Luckily, that day is not this day. This day, we eat!
*stuffs face with rainbowflesh*

2009-02-25, 01:24 AM
On the theme of snack foods that should never, ever be seen together: goldfish and raisins. Euw, euw, gross. The raisins get coated with salty cheese stuff, and if they're the sweetened kind, then the goldfish get sugar on them.

2009-02-25, 01:30 AM
... for a while I thought you meant real goldfish.
We don't get that snack here. I think.

Needed: avatar idea.
I've had this one for aaages.

2009-02-25, 01:34 AM
Nope, goldfish are cheddar cheese cracker snack thingies that are shaped like goldfish.

Um, you could wait until whenever this happens (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=104921) and go evil with your avatar.

2009-02-25, 01:36 AM
Hmm. I think I had an evil one waaay back. Too tempting to reuse Phase's Vampire one.

I might do a good one, but I'd end up reusing the art that I posted in the Get Well Soon Ink thread.

2009-02-25, 01:45 AM
I don't know much about mixing snack foods. There's never anything to eat except 'real' food and skittles.

However I discovered that peanut butter on a tortilla heated in a microwave till it bubbles is really good.

2009-02-25, 02:43 AM
^: I say... That's a topnotch idea... But what to do to kick it up a notch, old bean...

Peanutbutter and pretzels and chocolate is pretty good. Or y'know, any two of those combined. :smalltongue:

I was amazed, however, at how interesting it was to have some cheddar cheese filled combos (round pretzels with filling), chocolate, and lightly salted peanuts together...

Rather nifty-spiffy.

2009-02-25, 05:32 AM
Concert tonight. I haven't even seen one of the pieces we're playing yet. Fortunately, I'm just playing bassoon to give more depth to our school's wind ensemble, so they shouldn't be too tough to sight read.

Can't wait for the next jazz practise, though. We've got a cool piece called Chameleon (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yy0qsrny58I&feature=related), and this arrangement is honestly better than Herbie Hancock's. Hopefully we'll be able to put as much life into it as he did his arrangement, though. :smallconfused: I've got the guitar part that's the third/fourth (don't know which part I'll do yet) part to come into the song.

All in all, I like when jazz band gets funky. :smallcool:

In other news, I'm doing quite well in my IB mocks. Got the highest grade in our grade on the first paper of Bio. :smallsmile:
@V: Oh, there's plenty reason in Bio. It's just based on arbitrary facts. :smalltongue:
At any rate, it's useful IRL (when done correctly), I'm good at it, so I have no qualms with it.

2009-02-25, 05:38 AM
Booo biology! Take a reason science!

*Misses backspace key and hits insert by mistake...*


Shift+insert is ctrl+v?!

2009-02-25, 06:31 AM
Go biology! Real science for the win!

2009-02-25, 06:39 AM
Hmm, that xkcs strip about the purity of scientific fields comes to mind. Isn't biology just applied chemistry? :smalltongue:

2009-02-25, 06:45 AM
Hmm, that xkcs strip about the purity of scientific fields comes to mind. Isn't biology just applied chemistry? :smalltongue:

Your MOM's just applied chemistry.


2009-02-25, 06:46 AM
Hmm, that xkcs strip about the purity of scientific fields comes to mind. Isn't biology just applied chemistry? :smalltongue:

Logical fallacy: Argument ad XKCD.

@V: Yes.

2009-02-25, 06:48 AM
Logical fallacy: Argument ad XKCD.

Are you suggesting that xkcd is wrong?

2009-02-25, 07:05 AM
*grumbles about lack of proper reproductive system*

*grumble, grumble, grumble* :smallmad:

I woke up totally moody today... :smallannoyed:

2009-02-25, 07:09 AM
Your MOM's just applied chemistry.


Oh yeah? Well...you have no mom!

You know, because natural sattelites don't have parents.

2009-02-25, 07:15 AM
Reflect - You had a mother once!
Then you had an aunt!
Ah, I see you had.

2009-02-25, 07:37 AM
I love waking up early...

I'm one of those people that likes to have, like, an hour to goof off before leaving for work.

2009-02-25, 07:39 AM
Ditto me that.
Except that I do want enough sleep.

And when I manage to get that time before school, I always have to stressedly try to catch my train.

2009-02-25, 07:39 AM
I love waking up early...

I'm one of those people that likes to have, like, an hour to goof off before leaving for work.

I like that... but I also like my bed. But occasionally I wake up and get up well rested and early and spend an hour on the internet before uni starts.

2009-02-25, 07:42 AM
I am still very much a night person, but financial concerns have forced a white collar day job upon me. I find that I do enjoy the very early mornings, when it is still dark.

I think Sunrises are so much more beautiful then Sunsets.

2009-02-25, 07:49 AM
Ditto me that.

Not sure why, but I love that syntax. :smallconfused: :smallbiggrin:

2009-02-25, 07:55 AM
I need to type another 100 or so words for my step outline which is good because I need to be back at college by 1:30.

2009-02-25, 08:14 AM
I like how my alarm goes off at 8AM and then I wake up at 10AM.

What I don't like is when people knock on my door at 9AM, I respond through the door that I'm not out of bed and ask them what they want that's so important I have to be woken up in the middle of the freaking MORNING and they apparently walk away. How rude.

Dr. Bath
2009-02-25, 08:21 AM
I like how my alarm goes off at 8AM and then I wake up at 10AM.

What I don't like is when people knock on my door at 9AM, I respond through the door that I'm not out of bed and ask them what they want that's so important I have to be woken up in the middle of the freaking MORNING and they apparently walk away. How rude.

Maybe you sound like a bear? That would cause the instinctual human reaction to run from bears to kick in, and they would run away.

Another case solved, by me. Dr. Bath.

2009-02-25, 08:26 AM
Zero gasped!

The honey, the hibernation, the way he could catch fish with his hands... He was a bear!

2009-02-25, 08:43 AM
I have been working on this piece for what seems like hours. When I started I had 1666 words. Now, after much hard work and heartache, I have 1686 words.

20 words. I mean, I know I deleted some stuff and added other stuff, but still. A net gain of 20 words.

If anyone wants me, I'll be in that corner crying about my lack of productivity.

2009-02-25, 08:49 AM
Hey you got something!
I´ve been trying to get working on a project for school due friday for a couple of hours now and I just can´t get damn started..

2009-02-25, 08:50 AM
I have been working on this piece for what seems like hours. When I started I had 1666 words. Now, after much hard work and heartache, I have 1686 words.

20 words. I mean, I know I deleted some stuff and added other stuff, but still. A net gain of 20 words.

If anyone wants me, I'll be in that corner crying about my lack of productivity.

Quality is better than quantity.

Unless you're talking about a formal science, then you're screwed. Physics without formal representation of ideas within a mathematical framework is quite amusing but doesn't get you very far.

Cristo Meyers
2009-02-25, 08:52 AM
I have been working on this piece for what seems like hours. When I started I had 1666 words. Now, after much hard work and heartache, I have 1686 words.

20 words. I mean, I know I deleted some stuff and added other stuff, but still. A net gain of 20 words.

If anyone wants me, I'll be in that corner crying about my lack of productivity.

I might just join you...

I did maybe 200 words over the last week.

Just seems like everyone's hit dry spells lately...

2009-02-25, 09:01 AM
Quality is better than quantity.

Unless you're talking about a formal science, then you're screwed. Physics without formal representation of ideas within a mathematical framework is quite amusing but doesn't get you very far.

Well, you know what they say - quantity has a quality all of its own.

And I try to avoid talking about formal science whenever possible. Just highlights my painful lack of knowledge in that area. In fact, I barely understood the sentence you just wrote. I think I'll stick to my social science and let you real scientists laugh at me.

2009-02-25, 09:07 AM
Well, you know what they say - quantity has a quality all of its own.

And I try to avoid talking about formal science whenever possible. Just highlights my painful lack of knowledge in that area. In fact, I barely understood the sentence you just wrote. I think I'll stick to my social science and let you real scientists laugh at me.

I like using big words. They make me sounds smarter even when they don't mean anything much.

2009-02-25, 09:10 AM
I like using big words. They make me sounds smarter even when they don't mean anything much.

You have discovered the secret of academic discourse! (Now keep quiet and don't let anyone else know.)

2009-02-25, 09:23 AM
Indeed. Now to cleanse excess cerumen in my external auditory canal originating from the localized cartilaginous area lest the mixture of viscous secretions from sebaceous glands impair my sensory functions.

Or rather, stick a cotton bud in my ear.

2009-02-25, 09:26 AM
I might just join you...

I did maybe 200 words over the last week.

Just seems like everyone's hit dry spells lately...


I haven't done crap really, aside from two small ships that I HAD to get done.

2009-02-25, 09:36 AM
I'm having a writing dry spell, too. :smalltongue: I wrote that ship and I invented a band and made up two albums' worth of lyrics...so that's something...but it's not, you know, PLOTTING.

And Randman! :smallbiggrin: You're back!

2009-02-25, 09:51 AM
I've had a dry spell for a couple of months, but I think I'm snapping out of it.

Shhh, don't tell, but I've started a new novel. :smallbiggrin:

2009-02-25, 09:54 AM
I've had a dry spell for a couple of months, but I think I'm snapping out of it.

Shhh, don't tell, but I've started a new novel. :smallbiggrin:

Shh, you told me. :smallbiggrin: Ex-cite-in'!

(a side note to everyone in the Playground: I've known Cycoris for a long time. Makes anonymous internet convah-sations feel awkward. :smallamused:)

2009-02-25, 09:56 AM
I'm having a writing dry spell, too. :smalltongue: I wrote that ship and I invented a band and made up two albums' worth of lyrics...so that's something...but it's not, you know, PLOTTING.

And Randman! :smallbiggrin: You're back!

If you weren't my darling daughter, I'd totally hate you...:smallamused:

2009-02-25, 10:01 AM
Heh. If we're talking fiction writing, I'm going through a dry spell that's lasted, oooh, four years? I remember when I used to write fiction. They were happy days. Now I spend my days sitting in front of a laptop writing academic stuff I find it remarkably hard to summon the enthusiasm to spend my free time sitting in front of a laptop writing.

2009-02-25, 10:02 AM
If you weren't my darling daughter, I'd totally hate you...:smallamused:

Daaaaaaaaaaaaddy Toooooooooooooooby.... :smallbiggrin:

If it helps, I don't have a job.

Phaedra: School is totally sapping my creative energy. :smalltongue: Sucks.

Neko Toast
2009-02-25, 10:08 AM
Heh. If we're talking fiction writing, I'm going through a dry spell that's lasted, oooh, four years? I remember when I used to write fiction. They were happy days. Now I spend my days sitting in front of a laptop writing academic stuff I find it remarkably hard to summon the enthusiasm to spend my free time sitting in front of a laptop writing.

That sounds a bit like my situation. Just, my dry spell isn't as long as that, and I don't have much free time to summon the enthusiasm to write. That and I feel belittled by my friend...

*shrug* Whatcha gonna do.

2009-02-25, 10:22 AM
Just seems like everyone's hit dry spells lately...

Yeah, shipping has been dead the past week or so. Maybe one or two stories per day. Guess it makes the archiving easier on Ghost...

2009-02-25, 10:30 AM
That and I feel belittled by my friend...

Who the hell do you think you are? Isn't your drill the one that will pierce the heavens, the earth and through to tomorrow?!

Remember, if there's a wall you break it down! If there is no path you make one with these hands!

You cannot fault Kamina's logic.

2009-02-25, 10:51 AM
My DS is broked! but it still works, what did Nintendo make it out off.

the part connecting the hinge to the bottom part broke a part but the internal pieces are fine and the connections fine(it was twisted by I twisted it back round). My mom jinxed me though.

I'm getting a DSi in April so it's all good.

Cristo Meyers
2009-02-25, 12:29 PM
That sounds a bit like my situation. Just, my dry spell isn't as long as that, and I don't have much free time to summon the enthusiasm to write. That and I feel belittled by my friend...

*shrug* Whatcha gonna do.


It's what I do...

Neko Toast
2009-02-25, 12:36 PM
Who the hell do you think you are? Isn't your drill the one that will pierce the heavens, the earth and through to tomorrow?!

Remember, if there's a wall you break it down! If there is no path you make one with these hands!

You cannot fault Kamina's logic.

... Goddamn you. You're right.

@Cristo - Not only am I underage, but I'm the one driving my friends around most of the time... drinking = stupid.

Cristo Meyers
2009-02-25, 12:37 PM
Anime speeches. Is there any problem they can't solve?

2009-02-25, 12:40 PM
The theme of TwoBit's day today... is melancholy. Beautiful, sweet melancholy. How I wish I could have you more, for you make me blissfully and painfully aware of my own existence... (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvEWDXNmWIs&feature=related)

2009-02-25, 01:38 PM
(a side note to everyone in the Playground: I've known Cycoris for a long time. Makes anonymous internet convah-sations feel awkward. :smallamused:)

Oooooh! I think I may have an inkling who this is!

*nods hello to Cycoris*
Hi! I'm DeeRee's almost - triplet; I may be the eldest too, nice to meet you.

@Daddy Tooby: *asks for 'allowance'*
*pokes fun at odd song*


Until the weekend!

But I did it! Three days of working straight until two am (barring interruptions); then getting up at six am to work for another hours.
And no hours of sleep inbetween times.
I'm woozy . . .
Need. Booooookssss.

Now to do two thousand words of my story.

:smallorginalsmilyhereindicatingtotalsleepdeprivat ion:

a discussion about book one of the Aeneid turned into one about how Cupids' wings couldn't possibly be the jetpacks of the Roman (and pre - Roman) era because they weren't impressive enough.
And I've found one of the best insults ever: to adapt it, it pretty much goes as follows: your face is like an abortive hedgehog.

Ah, Webster, giving giggles to all. Don't even get me started about when he wrote about 'fingering the lute'. :smalltitter:

Cristo Meyers
2009-02-25, 02:01 PM
a discussion about book one of the Aeneid turned into one about how Cupids' wings couldn't possibly be the jetpacks of the Roman (and pre - Roman) era because they weren't impressive enough.

If the Romans could've imagined strapping two portable internal combustion rocket engines onto someone's back and shooting them into the atmosphere with them they would have.

2009-02-25, 02:05 PM
@Daddy Tooby: *asks for 'allowance'*
*pokes fun at odd song*

Odd Song? It's a beautiful song! Look up the lyrics! :smallannoyed:


I'm a sucker for your pretty smile, melts me everytime.

*pulls out a twenty dollar bill, hands it to Curly*

Be good, kiddo.

Cristo Meyers
2009-02-25, 02:08 PM
Odd Song? It's a beautiful song! Look up the lyrics! :smallannoyed:


I'm a sucker for your pretty smile, melts me evertime.

*pulls out a twenty dollar bill, hands it to Curly*

Be good, kiddo.

Isn't the uncle supposed to be the one doing the spoiling?

2009-02-25, 02:09 PM
Isn't the uncle supposed to be the one doing the spoiling?

I haven't seen you doing any!

2009-02-25, 02:10 PM
drinking = stupid.

I aim to become one of the world's stupidest people when I hit 21.
Now if only it wouldn't take so long to get there.

2009-02-25, 02:11 PM
*snaffles cash*

You like songs? Try this one (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Uc8KPSIzAc).
Now imagine this done as a cover by three hundred and eighty students from 3 to 11 yrs old (this is what my primary school did for hymn practice when it was request time).
We made people cry. Including ourselves.

2009-02-25, 02:40 PM
*snaffles cash*

You like songs? Try this one (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Uc8KPSIzAc).
Now imagine this done as a cover by three hundred and eighty students from 3 to 11 yrs old (this is what my primary school did for hymn practice when it was request time).
We made people cry. Including ourselves.

It helps if you actually feel sorry for the homeless...


Forgive the Cristo moment there...

Cristo Meyers
2009-02-25, 02:55 PM
It helps if you actually feel sorry for the homeless...


Forgive the Cristo moment there...

I'll show you a "Cristo Moment"...

I must be like the last person in the US that doesn't actually use YouTube for anything. I don't even go to the site...

Dirk Kris
2009-02-25, 03:07 PM
I must be like the last person in the US that doesn't actually use YouTube for anything. I don't even go to the site...

I very, VERY rarely go there.

Tempest Fennac
2009-02-25, 03:17 PM
I often listen to music on it while doing other things (it's more convenient then using an MP3 player or CDs).

Cristo Meyers
2009-02-25, 03:20 PM
I often listen to music on it while doing other things (it's more convenient then using an MP3 player or CDs).

Really? Now, admittedly, I don't know if you can do stuff like set up a playlist of videos or something, but aren't you bringing up a new song every time the old one ends? I've got my mp3 on my belt, all I have to do is put the earbud in and turn it on.

Neko Toast
2009-02-25, 03:21 PM

God, this day has gotten horrendous fast. I may have to skip gaming for the sake of not pissing off others, and also because I am pissed at some of those others.

@v - The anger isn't all gaming related; I'm only pissed at one person for that. The rest of the anger is due to certain circumstances *coughtimeofthemonthcough* and actions taken by others. I am being overly rash, which is partly why I just want to lock myself up in my room and wait for my hotheadedness to pass. Problem is, if I do this, it's likely to get worse, because staying here involves dealing with my roommate.

*sigh* I'm caught in a pickle here.

Dirk Kris
2009-02-25, 03:24 PM
Ugh, I got SO steamed at some ppl in a WW game I was playing the other day. It'll cool down - give it time and don't do anything rash.

2009-02-25, 03:25 PM
Ha! I got 4 pages of work done in one hour on my project!

Tempest Fennac
2009-02-25, 03:29 PM
I just pick songs depending on what I want to listen to (often I'll decide to listen to a song by Dido or the Beatles, for instance, before deciding to listen to another one of their songs or I may play something by a completely different artist (at the minute I'm going from Home by 3 Days Grace to Mirror Man by the Human League, for instance). I tend to find ear phones to be uncomfortable anyway, so MP3 players aren't that practical for me. What is your project about, DD?

2009-02-25, 03:32 PM
I just pick songs depending on what I want to listen to (often I'll decide to listen to a song by Dido or the Beatles, for instance, before deciding to listen to another one of their songs or I may play something by a completely different artist (at the minute I'm going from Home by 3 Days Grace to Mirror Man by the Human League, for instance). I tend to find ear phones to be uncomfortable anyway, so MP3 players aren't that practical for me. What is your project about, DD?

It still seems like it would be very distracting and focus-breaking to have to go to youtube to change the song every time one ends.

Which is why I normally use Shuffle. Ah, good ol' iTunes (Easier than stealing. Almost as cheap.).

2009-02-25, 03:35 PM
Ha! I got 4 pages of work done in one hour on my project!

I find your avvie disturbing in ways I cannot accurately detail with mere words . . .

2009-02-25, 03:38 PM
Today I learnt that I have about two weeks extra to do two pieces coursework that I thought was in for this week. Given I haven't started one at all, this is a Good Thing (TM).

Also, I am officially a Bleach addict, and it may soon ruin my life. If I had one. :smallannoyed:

Tempest Fennac
2009-02-25, 03:41 PM
My attention span isn't that great and I often multitask anyway, so switching between songs isn't a problem for me most of the time.

2009-02-25, 03:42 PM
I find your avvie disturbing in ways I cannot accurately detail with mere words . . .

I find this statement to be accurate beyond mere words.

2009-02-25, 03:44 PM
I find this statement to be accurate beyond mere words.

Actually, I think those words worked pretty well to describe how you feel about it. Especially the "beyond mere words" part.

Same goes for Curly.

2009-02-25, 03:50 PM
I very, VERY rarely go there.

Only when I send you random links to things like Spinal Tap, right? :smalltongue:

I mainly use Youtube just to listen to music at work, music that I can choose, because my mp3 player never leaves my gym bag anymore because it sucks more to be at the gym without music then to be at work without music.

Other times, I use Accuradio.com

2009-02-25, 03:52 PM
Sometimes I use Pandora for background music. Of course, it doesn't usually lead to much productivity, as I have to stop and write down the name of every band that comes up that I like that I hadn't heard of before.

2009-02-25, 03:54 PM
I just watched 28 Days Later.
Damn that's good. That is really really good.
Also, I might not be sleeping tonight.
Fast zombies. Ya'know.
Didn't help that last night I had a nightmare about a version of Dead Rising with fast zombies.
...I'm a little terrified.

2009-02-25, 03:58 PM
I just watched 28 Days Later.
Damn that's good. That is really really good.
Also, I might not be sleeping tonight.
Fast zombies. Ya'know.
Didn't help that last night I had a nightmare about a version of Dead Rising with fast zombies.
...I'm a little terrified.

It's amazing, ain't it? Not only the awesome filming, the great characters, the good storyline and premise, surprisingly good acting for what's basically a horror-film, etc., but the sheer fact that "Jim" was played by the same actor who played Patrick/Kitty. THAT's amazing.

2009-02-25, 03:58 PM
It still seems like it would be very distracting and focus-breaking to have to go to youtube to change the song every time one ends.

Which is why I normally use Shuffle. Ah, good ol' iTunes (Easier than stealing. Almost as cheap.).

You can have a playlist on Youtube though so that's slightly better. I still prefer using all the music I've ripped off my CDs though.

EDIT: 28 days later is one of my casestudies for film. by the way they're not zombies.:smalltongue:

2009-02-25, 03:59 PM
I used to like Pandora, before they stopped you being able to use it outside the US. Grrr.

I recently discovered the joy of playlists on YouTube. It's destroyed what little productivity I had.

2009-02-25, 04:05 PM
What is your project about, DD?
Wintersport vacation. Focusing on the french-swiss Les Portes Du Soleil.

I find your avvie disturbing in ways I cannot accurately detail with mere words . . .
Curly, godess of words, disturbed in ways beyond words. by mere moi? I´m flattered. I´m feeling all tingly inside now.:smallsmile::smallbiggrin:

I find this statement to be accurate beyond mere words.

2009-02-25, 04:06 PM
It's amazing, ain't it? Not only the awesome filming, the great characters, the good storyline and premise, surprisingly good acting for what's basically a horror-film, etc., but the sheer fact that "Jim" was played by the same actor who played Patrick/Kitty. THAT's amazing.

I was amazed by the thought behind it.
Most zombie films are mindless, using them for scares and as an excuse for people to go crazy.
Every character there felt real, felt believable. The film focused on the effect of it all on them, instead of the depressing bloodbath that makes up half the plots of other films.

I have a new favourite film.

2009-02-25, 04:06 PM
I was amazed by the thought behind it.
Most zombie films are mindless, using them for scares and as an excuse for people to go crazy.
Every character there felt real, felt believable. The film focused on the effect of it all on them, instead of the depressing bloodbath that makes up half the plots of other films.
I have a new favourite film.

Well, it's Danny Boyle. Beautiful realism is his thing, tchyah?

2009-02-25, 04:11 PM
Last.fm still works though--doesn't it have a similar concept? I don't use it myself, I just get to listen to it.

When I was watching 28 Days Later, I wondered about the dosage of the pills. The woman had a strong urge to survive--she'd just take enough sedatives to dull the inevitable and to avoid the temptation of rage--to not squander the one chance to escape by spending it at the outrage. What about the girl, with her future suddenly rewritten, to be raped and bred until she died? Was the woman considering if it would be a greater mercy to overdose the child?

2009-02-25, 04:11 PM
I find your avvie disturbing in ways I cannot accurately detail with mere words . . .

I think the words "Lovecraftian Horror" fit it well.

2009-02-25, 04:16 PM
When I was watching 28 Days Later, I wondered about the dosage of the pills. The woman had a strong urge to survive--she'd just take enough sedatives to dull the inevitable and to avoid the temptation of rage--to not squander the one chance to escape by spending it at the outrage. What about the girl, with her future suddenly rewritten, to be raped and bred until she died? Was the woman considering if it would be a greater mercy to overdose the child?

Selena was planning on overdosing Hannah so she wouldn't have to be raped. Many people would say that under the circumstances it wasn't an unreasonable choice to make.

2009-02-25, 04:18 PM
Damnit... I need to know what the series n2pn converges to and also the convergence radius of an2xn and anxn wher an is defined as being 1 if n is odd and two if n is even...

And I don't want to do it because it'll take me ages to figure out and I haven't had dinner yet. ;_;

Edit: One down...

2009-02-25, 04:24 PM
I think the words "Lovecraftian Horror" fit it well.
Damnit, now you made me try and find up my real lovecraftian avatar with tentacles and all, but I can´t find it. Drat you Wolfbane!

2009-02-25, 04:24 PM
P_Z: Can't help with the maths, I'm afraid, but I'd suggest leaving it for a bit and coming back after you've eaten. Most people think better when they're relaxed and not hungry.

Is there a tutor you could email for help?

Edit: Meh, never mind. You're doing them fine anyway.

2009-02-25, 04:43 PM
P_Z: Can't help with the maths, I'm afraid, but I'd suggest leaving it for a bit and coming back after you've eaten. Most people think better when they're relaxed and not hungry.

Is there a tutor you could email for help?

Edit: Meh, never mind. You're doing them fine anyway.

You'd think so... But now I'm stuck on the first one... I've tried a load of values and I can't seem to find any trick to it...

Evidentally I'm supposed to use one of the theories we've done in lectures, but I can't remember that stuff. Mostly I come to lectures too tired and hungry to pay much attention to anything anyhow.

Well at least I've had something to eat now. Chicken and chips. I wish I had some salt... Chips just don't taste the same without salt. Maybe a little vinegar here and there...

2009-02-25, 05:01 PM
Damnit... I need to know what the series n2pn converges to and also the convergence radius of an2xn and anxn wher an is defined as being 1 if n is odd and two if n is even...

And I don't want to do it because it'll take me ages to figure out and I haven't had dinner yet. ;_;

Edit: One down...

. . .

Lovecraftian horror . . . :eek:
Isn't it scary Sacchin? ;_;

2009-02-25, 05:03 PM
Hun, I worry 'bout you. You need to eat. It's vital for successful living. Step away from the maths, go find food and tea and relax for an hour. Then try working.

Also, try to eat before you go to campus. Go on. Try it. Just for me.

2009-02-25, 05:12 PM
Hun, I worry 'bout you. You need to eat. It's vital for successful living. Step away from the maths, go find food and tea and relax for an hour. Then try working.

Also, try to eat before you go to campus. Go on. Try it. Just for me.

but Zero will become a pure mathematical entity if he devotes himself to it's study.:smalltongue:

2009-02-25, 05:18 PM
Hun, I worry 'bout you. You need to eat. It's vital for successful living. Step away from the maths, go find food and tea and relax for an hour. Then try working.

Also, try to eat before you go to campus. Go on. Try it. Just for me.

Memory fail.

Also, I just ate, as I mentioned. 'Sides, I don't eat that badly. I could certainly stand to eat more and a more varied diet at the minute but it's not as though it's currently any sort of health concern.

I think a more pressing concern is why I always sneeze when I get into this bed. Just once. Every time. I have no allergies or anything, so I'm thinking it must be a vile curse.

2009-02-25, 05:20 PM
Well, it's Danny Boyle. Beautiful realism is his thing, tchyah?

Yeah... yeah...

Hey Kael?

Let's marry Danny Boyle.

2009-02-25, 05:28 PM
Memory fail.

Also, I just ate, as I mentioned. 'Sides, I don't eat that badly. I could certainly stand to eat more and a more varied diet at the minute but it's not as though it's currently any sort of health concern.

I think a more pressing concern is why I always sneeze when I get into this bed. Just once. Every time. I have no allergies or anything, so I'm thinking it must be a vile curse.

Well... ok then. But I reserve the right to nag you about eating in the future. 'Cause I'm just that kind of irritating person.

The sneezing is just odd. You strange, strange child.

2009-02-25, 05:28 PM
Yeah... yeah...

Hey Kael?

Let's marry Danny Boyle.

He's already married I think and has a daughter that's (probably don't know how old she actually is) older than me, you and Kael(not our ages put together, that'd be weird).

2009-02-25, 05:30 PM
Well... ok then. But I reserve the right to nag you about eating in the future. 'Cause I'm just that kind of irritating person.

The sneezing is just odd. You strange, strange child.

You take that back! I may be a lot of things, I may be a liar, a pig, an idiot, a communist, a strange child, but I am not a porn star!

Besides, you're three years older than me. If I'm a child then you're a hag.

2009-02-25, 05:34 PM
You take that back! I may be a lot of things, I may be a liar, a pig, an idiot, a communist, a strange child, but I am not a porn star!

Oh, dear God. P_Z in porn. That's put an image in my mind I never wanted. Excuse me while I go bleach my brain. And maybe curl in a foetal position in a corner and whimper to myself.

Edit: I'm just too damn pretty to be a hag. But I'll take that if it means I get to keep calling you child.

2009-02-25, 05:47 PM
Oh, dear God. P_Z in porn. That's put an image in my mind I never wanted. Excuse me while I go bleach my brain. And maybe curl in a foetal position in a corner and whimper to myself.

Edit: I'm just too damn pretty to be a hag. But I'll take that if it means I get to keep calling you child.

Pretty? Pretty stupid is more like it! Ah ha... Ha... Yeah. I went there.

Also, if I was gonna' be a porn star I would be the best porn star ever and there's nothing you can say to stop me! Ahahahaha!

2009-02-25, 06:03 PM
You take that back! I may be a lot of things, I may be a liar, a pig, an idiot, a communist, a strange child, but I am not a porn star!

Besides, you're three years older than me. If I'm a child then you're a hag.

But if that's you... what am I?

2009-02-25, 06:05 PM
Phew, some IRC channels are dusty. Anyway, got what I ventured in there for (hefts Calculus ((Adams, 3rd Edition)) as used by Calculus for the masses! guild) and permission to use it for its intended purpose outside its intended target range (whacks Player_Zero on the head with it) and if that doesn't do the trick, I'll borrow the Unix manual--after all, where there's no sense, there's no feeling!

2009-02-25, 06:10 PM
*Hits with book*

How the heck is that supposed to help?

But if that's you... what am I?

A codfish.

2009-02-25, 06:14 PM
Yeah... yeah...

Hey Kael?

Let's marry Danny Boyle.

*googles the aforementioned prospective life-partner* :smallsigh:
He's married.


To multi-sexual trans-age polygamy!

2009-02-25, 06:39 PM
To multi-sexual trans-age polygamy!

I leave for ten minutes, and you come up with this.


2009-02-25, 07:28 PM
This is what comes of having multiple tabs.:smallsigh:
@V: What would be more disturbing is if Rutskarn was the other person on that disk.

2009-02-25, 09:06 PM
I, for one, would want to see pornography with P_Z in it.

By which I mean, I would want to see it on a disc.

On a desk in front of me.

In a case labeled "Do Not Open Under Any Motherlovin' Circumstances."

Just so I have that last little proof, that final, soothing, reassurance. Just so I know that John Proctor and Nietzsche were right.


Also, so I would have evidence to give to the authorities. Also people I didn't like.

Although come to think of it, I'm not sure there's anyone I don't like that much.

2009-02-25, 09:27 PM
I'm reminded of that little shipfic I wrote a while back there now...

If anyone wants to play around with the idea, you're more than welcome. :smalltongue:

2009-02-25, 09:28 PM
Yeah, and expect retaliation to come on swift wings.

2009-02-25, 09:58 PM
I love randomely looking into this thread every once in a while. I see the greatest stuff, such as a discussion about P_Z as a pornstar :smallbiggrin:

And I would totally be a better pornstar.

2009-02-25, 10:21 PM
I love randomely looking into this thread every once in a while. I see the greatest stuff, such as a discussion about P_Z as a pornstar :smallbiggrin:

And I would totally be a better pornstar.

I can't get the idea of a steak as a pornstar out of my head. Such a terrible, terrible idea. One of the playground's more disturbing outputs.

2009-02-25, 10:26 PM
I could be a porn star, but sometimes I don't show up on film.

2009-02-25, 10:27 PM
I can't get the idea of a steak as a pornstar out of my head. Such a terrible, terrible idea. One of the playground's more disturbing outputs.

Hell, I can top THAT.

How about...a bucket of chum as a...

Okay, I can't even finish that. Let's, let's change the subject.

So. Dentists.

What's the worst part of a dentist's visit?

2009-02-25, 10:59 PM
I can't get the idea of a steak as a pornstar out of my head. Such a terrible, terrible idea. One of the playground's more disturbing outputs.

Why does no one remember that I'm originally a silver angel? Besides, being a steak wouldn't make it bad. It means I have some big, fine, juicy meat. Aleat useful for a male pornstar :smallwink:

2009-02-25, 11:01 PM
Definitely the numbness. That or the horrible pain in your teeth.
@^:Lies, you have always been a steak. It is retroactively the truth.

2009-02-25, 11:03 PM
So. Dentists.

What's the worst part of a dentist's visit?

THat you go through all that effort for about 20 minutes worth of clean teeth. It's all an excercise in futility, I tells ya!

2009-02-25, 11:03 PM
Hell, I can top THAT.

How about...a bucket of chum as a...

Okay, I can't even finish that. Let's, let's change the subject.

So. Dentists.

What's the worst part of a dentist's visit?

Ugh, the scraping of the plaque from those hard to reach teeth, definitely.

In other news, I want someone to make an animated musical about the playground, wherein our protagonist visits the various famous threads, each of which having an amusing musical number sung by frequent posters. Someone must do this.

2009-02-25, 11:04 PM
My dentist once told me that "if the stuff we give you taste good, it couldn't possibly work, which is why they make everything as foul as possible." XD

2009-02-25, 11:06 PM
Nonsense. My first avatar was the silver angel that this catmuffin avatar is based offof. I think I've only even had that steak avatar for a year now, and I've been using it on and off since then. And as I said before, big meat is a good thing.

And can I sig the following quote? It is pure gold.

I can't get the idea of a steak as a pornstar out of my head.

2009-02-25, 11:06 PM
Ugh, the scraping of the plaque from those hard to reach teeth, definitely.

In other news, I want someone to make an animated musical about the playground, wherein our protagonist visits the various famous threads, each of which having an amusing musical number sung by frequent posters. Someone must do this.

If only I could work flash... I would totally do this, yo.

2009-02-25, 11:08 PM
Ugh, the scraping of the plaque from those hard to reach teeth, definitely.

I don't like the scraping of the plaque either. the scratching is kind of unnerving.

2009-02-25, 11:16 PM
Nonsense. My first avatar was the silver angel that this catmuffin avatar is based offof. I think I've only even had that steak avatar for a year now, and I've been using it on and off since then. And as I said before, big meat is a good thing.
And can I sig the following quote? It is pure gold.

Go ahead. And no it wasn't:smalltongue: And we need someone to sing Supagoof's WW and birthday songs, and some new ones for the musical. And I'm sure there's a good songfic we can use.

2009-02-25, 11:18 PM
Go ahead. And no it wasn't:smalltongue: And we need someone to sing Supagoof's WW and birthday songs, and some new ones for the musical. And I'm sure there's a good songfic we can use.

:smallbiggrin: The thought that you used to be a shy RBer fills me with amusement. O awesome one.

2009-02-25, 11:18 PM
All of it. My teeth are fine. Never had a cavity or anything. I brush as well as I can and floss when I feel the need. There's pretty much no reason for me to go to the dentist.
All they do is tell me "good job" and now it's even more pointless because they don't need to give me flouride anymore. Blech.

2009-02-25, 11:19 PM
If a musical version of one of FF Fanboy's fanfics involving me is made, I think I'll have to shoot to kill. :smallmad:

2009-02-25, 11:24 PM
Cieka's birthday song=Happy Birthday threads,

this song (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0445.html)= OOTS discussion
One of Rob Balder's songs is Erfworld subforums
THe Transylvania Polygnostic Fight Song (http://www.girlgeniusonline.com/fun/fightsong.php) is Webcomics.
A songfic is shipping-itp

The Fun House song is Stuctured games,
Flying in a Blue Dream by Joe Satriani is Free Form Roleplaying.

What other ideas do people have?

The real worst part of going to the dentist is the wait.

Jack Squat
2009-02-25, 11:28 PM
All of it. My teeth are fine. Never had a cavity or anything. I brush as well as I can and floss when I feel the need. There's pretty much no reason for me to go to the dentist.
All they do is tell me "good job" and now it's even more pointless because they don't need to give me flouride anymore. Blech.

Last time I went to the dentist, I was told to keep doing what I was doing, that I was the "model for healthy teeth" (sans plaque stains that I can't get rid of).

Up to that day, I had forgotten to brush my teeth for somewhere between 2 weeks and a month. Go figure.

2009-02-25, 11:35 PM
My dentist always used to seem disappointed and tell me to brush more, but last year she told me I was doing a great job.

Odd, especially since that was the one year that I usually only brushed my teeth once a day, and didn't do it at all some days.

Dental cleanliness is inversely proportional to how much you brush?

2009-02-25, 11:48 PM
I seem to be the best about brushing in my family... so take that as you will. :smallannoyed: So the dentists have always complimented me on that.

Except my aunt is also a dentist. I still have nightmares of her ripping out my teeth with some kind of implement that I can't even look at because I'm 6 years old again with a horribly infected, decaying tooth that's rooted in deep and diseased and will kill me but it hurts so bad to have it ripped out of my head and argh.... *shudder* Nightmares are bad.

She really did pull one of my teeth as a kid. I had an extra incisor in my top row of teeth and it got chipped and got a bacterial infection so it had to go.

As a result, I now have nightmares about my aunt as well as nightmares where all of my teeth shatter in a very cartoonish manner.

All so I have to brush my teeth before I can sleep at night in order to ward off the nightmares and the imagined feeling of being able to feel my teeth rot away in my mouth.

So I'd say the worst part was the guilt, or when the dental hygenist decides to slip and scrape/puncture your gums.

2009-02-25, 11:48 PM
Agh! Dentists are frustrating. I'm glad other people think the same way I do.
To me the dentist is about as useful as the doctors, only I have to go to the dentist for some reason. The only times I go to the doctor's office is if something is drastically and obviously wrong.

EDIT: Super worst part is when they STAB YOU IN THE GUMS WITH A SHARPENED METAL IMPLEMENT. Then they say you should floss more so that your gums won't bleed. I'm wondering how flossing will make my gums resist being stabbed. In a trial of flesh vs steel, steel wins. Flossing or no.

2009-02-26, 12:28 AM
No, see, the worst part is the damn whizzing toothbrush.

1.) Get a whizzing instrument.

2.) Attach on the end of it a caked, vile substance like plaster from Satan's crappy first apartment. Make it as chalky, unpleasant, and foul-tasting as science allows.

3.) Proceed to apply it to the teeth of the subject until the gunk is an inch deep. Since they're leaning backwards, it'll pool up with their saliva. Oh, and tell them not to swallow. It's hilarious watching their look of torment.

4.) Instead of letting them get it out of their teeth the quick, natural, and sensible way (spitting), use a few expensive, complicated, and slow tools to rinse, then dry, the teeth.

2009-02-26, 01:54 AM
It is time for me to go to bed.

Good night, and hunt well.

2009-02-26, 01:57 AM
'Night Wolfbane.

My uncle's a dentist. I'm okay with dentists, but not dental hygenists. I don't know what metal was in her tools but I must have been allergic to it because wherever she slipped and cut my gums, I had painful swelling the next day.

She slipped a lot, too.

Also: Essay. Lord of the Flies. Do not want!

2009-02-26, 03:16 AM
Ah dentists.....Weird thing in my life.
Until up this month, I had not gone for around, three years I think.

Apparently I have good teeth, considering that I didn´t go to the dentist for three years, but still bad.

Also I chipped one of my front teeth of around three times. There´s now a a scary black spot in it in the part that was restored.

Or was that where I hid my superweapons...It might be, would explain why I haven´t been able to find them:smalltongue:

2009-02-26, 04:34 AM
Ah dentists...don't like at all. Had to have four teeth out at once when I was 14, you might not believe this but apparently my mouth was too small for all my teeth. :smalltongue:

Doesn't help that I have to have some weird foul tasting muck before I have any type of anaesthetic, so when I have work done on my teeth I'm hanging around for hours.

2009-02-26, 04:37 AM
Another weird match between us, my mouth is apparently also too small.

2009-02-26, 04:40 AM
Another weird match between us, my mouth is apparently also too small.

Now that I do not believe :smalltongue:

I could do with going to the dentist I think, or at least a mouth specialist. I've got a mouth full of ulcers from work related stress. :smalleek:

2009-02-26, 04:42 AM
Ah dentists...don't liek at all. Had to have four teeth out at once when I was 14, you might not believe this but apparently my mouth was too small for all my teeth. :smalltongue:

I had the exact opposite problem with my mouth, I actually had one too few teeth, so my orthodontist had to shuffle all my teeth around to fill the gap.

That sucked. :smallannoyed:

2009-02-26, 04:47 AM
I had a mouth too small for my teeth... So my uncle, not wanting to take out any teeth, stretched my mouth with a brace.

2009-02-26, 05:01 AM
Now that I do not believe :smalltongue::
You wouldn´t believe that the truth is, in RL I´m zombie-like and pretty silent usually.

2009-02-26, 05:11 AM
I had the exact opposite problem with my mouth, I actually had one too few teeth, so my orthodontist had to shuffle all my teeth around to fill the gap.

That sucked. :smallannoyed:

Not good at all. I ended up with four gaps and 18 months in some rather stylish braces...as if high school wasn't hard enough. :smalltongue:

Also, Dallas, I don't care what you say here or on MSN, I still don't believe you. :smallbiggrin:

2009-02-26, 05:19 AM
I don't mind going to the dentist. Usually the guy is quite nice and rather strangely enough every dentist I've ever visited has had two young, attractive female assistants.

Also my teeth are fine.

Going to the barber's though? Hate that more than something I really hate! Horrible place..

2009-02-26, 06:26 AM
I think my personal dislike of dentists stems from my first dentist, a cruel, sadistic man who took pleasure from my pain. My current dentist is nice, actually.

2009-02-26, 06:28 AM
'Night Wolfbane.

My uncle's a dentist. I'm okay with dentists, but not dental hygenists. I don't know what metal was in her tools but I must have been allergic to it because wherever she slipped and cut my gums, I had painful swelling the next day.

She slipped a lot, too.

Also: Essay. Lord of the Flies. Do not want!

If you have a facebook look up the group called "the greatest lord of the flies essay." There might be some slight variation on that name, as I don't remember it too well. Anyways, read the essay and let it inspire you.

2009-02-26, 07:47 AM
I don't much like the dentist, just because it's boring and I can't think straight with someone probing my mouth, but I really don't like needles when I have to go to the doctor. When I get jabbed, I typically go into minor shock. :smalleek:

2009-02-26, 08:18 AM
Still can't work out to what the hell the series ∑n2xn converges (from n=0 to infinity). Assuming |x|<1...

The ratio between terms is (n+1)2x/n2 = x + 2x/n + 1/n2 but it isn't a simple geometric series so how am I supposed to calculate it?

I mean if it were just normal then you'd have x / (1 - (n+1)2x/n2) but you can't really take the limit of that since each n depends on the term of the series.

Do I have to work in ∑a2 = a(a+1)(2a+1)/6 somewhere?

2009-02-26, 08:28 AM
Still can't work out to what the hell the series ∑n2xn converges (from n=0 to infinity). Assuming |x|<1...

The ratio between terms is (n+1)2x/n2 = x + 2x/n + 1/n2 but it isn't a simple geometric series so how am I supposed to calculate it?

I mean if it were just normal then you'd have x / (1 - (n+1)2x/n2) but you can't really take the limit of that since each n depends on the term of the series.
I think it converges to x, as you take the limit of the ratio as n approaches infinity. By factoring out an x and taking the derivative of each term in the ratio twice, you get 2/2 which equals one and since the limit as n approaches infinity of 1 is 1, the answer is x.

2009-02-26, 08:30 AM
No it ain't.

Counter example: anything.

0.5 + 4*(0.5^2) + more positive terms =/= 0.5

The ratio between terms converges to x, but that isn't what I'm trying to find.

Oh well. I've gota' hand it in now anyhow, finished or not.

2009-02-26, 08:50 AM
You wouldn´t believe that the truth is, in RL I´m zombie-like and pretty silent usually.

Except when you're sobbing softly, right? *turns off his flashlight and readies an RPG*

Sorry about your math woes there, P_Z. :smallfrown: All I can think about when I see squares is parabolas which isn't very useful and I don't think applicable.

2009-02-26, 09:00 AM
I know it's n, but I can't (and frankly never have been able to) offer the proof.

For any given value of n, n squared would be. . .well, n squared.
For any given value of n, with the absolute value of x being less than one, would be a very tiny number influenced by n.

The very tiny number influenced by n would be what you get when you divide one by n.

N squared times this very tiny number would be enough to cancel out one n, leaving n.

What I would not give for a caret key at this moment. . .

Plugging in a few numbers to make sure I'm on the right track:

n = 1
1 squared = 1. X to the power of 1 = x. ...X. This may be a problem. Set it aside for now.
. . .of course I could READ that it's a lesser than symbol, not a lesser-or-equal symbol. Scratch.

n = 0
Multiply by 0, get 0.

n = 3, plug in some values of X:
X = 0.99
3 squared = 9. X to the power of 3 = .970more. ... 8.732more.
X = 0.5
3 squared = 9. X to the power of 3 = 0.125. ... 1.125
X = 0.1
3 squared = 9. X to the power of 3 = 0.001. ... 0.009

X = -.99
3 squared = 9. X to the power of 3 = -.970more ... -8.732more

. . .

Er. . .

I think it's converging to zero.

[EDIT: And this is why I plug in numbers before writing down my final answer.]

2009-02-26, 09:16 AM
Except when you're sobbing softly, right? *turns off his flashlight and readies an RPG*.
*sets up RPG with*
I haven't....I haven't cried in years....I just can't....

2009-02-26, 09:30 AM
You wouldn´t believe that the truth is, in RL I´m zombie-like and pretty silent usually.


IRL I usually alternate between "tired and want to be left alone" and "obnoxious and talkative." I like to think I'm a bit funnier but a bit less witty IRL, if that makes sense.

You didn't think I could get any less witty, did you.

Oh, were you wrong. :smallamused:

@^: You too!?

2009-02-26, 09:38 AM
:smallyuk: One of those male things, I think. Mine starts to shut down its tear ducts the moment it realizes they get activated. Rather weird.

Not sure when it started, really, but it was sometime after puberty.:smallconfused:

In other news. How pathetic is it that I just had two nightmares separated by the gray-white nothingness last night about being infested by giant spiders ala the Zerg? I'm thinking pretty bad.

2009-02-26, 10:27 AM
Eh, I can cry if ah want to, cry if ah want to, cry if ah want to.

Seriously, though, I can be emotional at times. Not afraid to admit it.

Coidzor: Pathetic? Or Pathawesome?

2009-02-26, 10:29 AM
Heh, I cry at weird times. Not sure what it is. It seems that when I'm happy about something I thought would never happen, I'm likely to cry, and when a character in a book that you're not meant to sympathise with dies in some dramatic way, then I cry. I'm weird that way. :smallconfused:

2009-02-26, 10:35 AM
I don't think I've ever cried because of physical pain in my llfe.

2009-02-26, 10:46 AM
I think I have, but I think I was about 4. I remember being little and deciding that I didn't need to cry whenever I fell and scraped myself. And of course now I break bones and stuff and don't notice... :smallconfused:

2009-02-26, 10:51 AM
Then your course is clear. Brutal torture.

Also... Converging to n? What're you on? ...I suppose I should specify that this is the series as n -> Infinity. And I did in fact.

Anywho, I can now prove that the integral between -inf. and inf. of e-x2 = pi1/2. This is neat because there is absolutely no elementary way of expressing the integral of e-x2 as anything else than, well, saying 'the integral of e-x2'. (You could use the error function to define it, but that would be exactly the same thing.)

2009-02-26, 11:00 AM
I don't think I've ever cried because of physical pain in my llfe.

Not even when you were little?

2009-02-26, 11:00 AM
Then your course is clear. Brutal torture.

Also... Converging to n? What're you on? ...I suppose I should specify that this is the series as n -> Infinity. And I did in fact.

Anywho, I can now prove that the integral between -inf. and inf. of e-x2 = pi1/2. This is neat because there is absolutely no elementary way of expressing the integral of e-x2 as anything else than, well, saying 'the integral of e-x2'. (You could use the error function to define it, but that would be exactly the same thing.)

What level of maths are you studying? :smallconfused:
I wonder, because I'm in IB HL Maths, which is the highest the IB program offers, and the stuff you do still seems a bit above our level.

2009-02-26, 11:12 AM
What level of maths are you studying? :smallconfused:
I wonder, because I'm in IB HL Maths, which is the highest the IB program offers, and the stuff you do still seems a bit above our level.

1st year undergraduate stuff. Also, I'm in the university would requires the highest qualifications for entrance excluding Cambridge because they smell and require you to go to interviews or something... I dunno, I never bothered finding out. But yeah, a mostly maths specialised university.

Also, I wouldn't say that finding the point to which a series converges is very complex at all compared to some of the epsilon-delta stuff we do.

2009-02-26, 11:18 AM
IB? International Baccaleureate or another IB education-related acronym?

I cry rather pathetically often. Not so much at physical pain, though that may just be because I haven't hurt myself badly since... well... ever, really. But at movies and books and stuff. I'm a bit soft. It's more socially acceptable though, what with me being a lass. It's a bit sexist really.

@P_Z: Yay for avoiding Cambridge! I laugh in the face of their unjustified reputation.

2009-02-26, 11:23 AM
Also, I wouldn't say that finding the point to which a series converges is very complex at all compared to some of the epsilon-delta stuff we do.*retroactive Calc 3 asplosion* :smallannoyed:

I remember that from last year. It was terrifying. I think I got an 82 on that test.

But the rest of Calc 3 was fun, especially because of the general lack of paying attention.

Neko Toast
2009-02-26, 11:24 AM
Man, it looks nice out... and the weather says we're supposed to get 3-5 inches of snow later today... *headdesk*

I guess the groundhog saw its shadow this year, because spring still hasn't come.

2009-02-26, 11:26 AM
Yes, who is this
whose god-like grace
proclaims he comes from outer space...?

Patience is finished. 'twas fun. I could happily do it a few more times.
After-show party was also fun, though at one point it seemed I was too inebriated to hold on to most of the popcorn I was trying to eat.
Oh, and I only got 4 hours sleep, in a sleeping bag on a friend's floor. I may be a bit dead tomorrow. Or I may sleep in and miss all my lectures. Again.

2009-02-26, 11:27 AM
What level of maths are you studying? :smallconfused:
I wonder, because I'm in IB HL Maths, which is the highest the IB program offers, and the stuff you do still seems a bit above our level.

After cursory examination of your syllabus the content of your course is roughly equivalent to the content of the A level maths course with a few elements of the further maths course thrown in and a few elements of the original course thrown out. Though I don't see any mechanics in there which I believe is pretty universal in most Sixth Forms and Colleges here.

2009-02-26, 11:34 AM
The other night I had a dream my mom died and woke up SOBBING. It was very strange because (I know it sounds weird, but) I have lots of dreams about people dying and usually I'm incredibly blase about it, both in the dream and when I wake up. And that includes dreams about MYSELF dying. But this one was so vivid that after I woke up I couldn't stop crying and I lay there mentally calculating the effect my mother's death would have on my life.

Then I realized it was a dream. :smalltongue:

But anyway...yeah, I don't cry much. Except, apparently, the other night.

2009-02-26, 11:48 AM
Yes, who is this
whose god-like grace
proclaims he comes from outer space...?

Patience is finished. 'twas fun. I could happily do it a few more times.
After-show party was also fun, though at one point it seemed I was too inebriated to hold on to most of the popcorn I was trying to eat.
Oh, and I only got 4 hours sleep, in a sleeping bag on a friend's floor. I may be a bit dead tomorrow. Or I may sleep in and miss all my lectures. Again.

Egads, man, I can only guess (dream) what an operatic cast party is like. The visual you have implied about soggy popcorn antics is very charming. What does the gracious Thufir put in his cups?

2009-02-26, 12:03 PM
The other night I had a dream my mom died and woke up SOBBING. It was very strange because (I know it sounds weird, but) I have lots of dreams about people dying and usually I'm incredibly blase about it, both in the dream and when I wake up. And that includes dreams about MYSELF dying. But this one was so vivid that after I woke up I couldn't stop crying and I lay there mentally calculating the effect my mother's death would have on my life.

Then I realized it was a dream. :smalltongue:

But anyway...yeah, I don't cry much. Except, apparently, the other night.

That reminds me. I had a dream that left me shell shocked for two hours, and made me want to vomit. It involved me as some sort of international police agent, and I went to some hideout in south east Asia where there were experimenting on humans. I came across some recordings, and my imagination made it very graphic.

I don't want that dream ever again.

2009-02-26, 12:07 PM
Egads, man, I can only guess (dream) what an operatic cast party is like.

The content of our parties seems to vary a fair bit. I've heard things about the ones before I joined the society: games of spin the bottle and the director trying to make out with like, half the cast or something.
Then last year saw breakdancing from one chorus member, accompanied by beatboxing, which then turned into a dance remix of one of the trios from The Mikado, and our stage manager taking the title of society gay chicken champion.
And then this time, there was much dancing, and singing along to whatever music was playing at the time. Interestingly, I was singing the female stuff at pitch, and some of the male stuff up the octave. It was just more comfortable, somehow. I love being a tenor.
The only common themes in these parties are alcohol and singing. Oh, and gossip. We gossip like anything.

The visual you have implied about soggy popcorn antics is very charming.

Wasn't soggy. I just dropped it on the floor, my co-ordination being a bit dubious at this point.

What does the gracious Thufir put in his cups?

I mostly drink smirnoff ice. It tastes good, and I'm fairly lightweight, so 3 bottles or less is enough to make me merry. :smallbiggrin:

2009-02-26, 12:10 PM
My dreams are generally quite dull. I normally dream that I go through a normal day and stuff happens. It's usually about an hour after I wake up that I realise this didn't all happen. Sometimes I never really realise though and a week after think things like "didn't I have an exam in this a week ago" before realising it was only a dream. Then when I think about the dream I can't remember any details. That's only the dreams I remember though

2009-02-26, 12:14 PM
My dreams are generally quite dull. I normally dream that I go through a normal day and stuff happens. It's usually about an hour after I wake up that I realise this didn't all happen.Whoa... I thought I was the only one who did this. I'll dream that I'll be talking with my friends or my teachers or something or that I ate breakfast or missed the bus or forgot my assignment... it's wierd.

Of course, I also have dreams involving high-speed flying not-car chases, things with tentacles, nuclear bombs... :smallconfused:

2009-02-26, 12:20 PM
I meant the antician was soggy, not the popcorn. :3

Thank you for the exposition. As I've said before, I like you.

Cristo Meyers
2009-02-26, 12:25 PM
Oh, we're back to dreams? My, my, the cycle seems to move ever-faster these days...

I'm either completely mundane or surreal. The mundane ones have me more and more convinced that I'm not actually dreaming but rather looking into all the different ways my life may have turned out depending on what happened differently. Apparently I'd get around more, that much is sure...

Then we have the surreal: talking plants named Phil playing 40K in the bathtub.

...no, I was not drinking that night...

2009-02-26, 12:26 PM
I dream mostly about being more intelligent or somesuch other improvement or some sort of superpower and then run scenarios based on recent events around this. For example I often dream of being able to create any object I wish out of thin air.

When it's not a dream about that then it's a woefully adolescent story of twue wuv.

Also, when my back is cold while I sleep, such as when I do not cover myself fully with the duvet, I have nightmares. Every time.

2009-02-26, 12:36 PM
I dream mostly about being more intelligent or somesuch other improvement or some sort of superpower and then run scenarios based on recent events around this. For example I often dream of being able to create any object I wish out of thin air.

When it's not a dream about that then it's a woefully adolescent story of twue wuv.

Also, when my back is cold while I sleep, such as when I do not cover myself fully with the duvet, I have nightmares. Every time.

I can't remember when I last had a nightmare. I just don't get them

2009-02-26, 12:38 PM
Whoa... I thought I was the only one who did this. I'll dream that I'll be talking with my friends or my teachers or something or that I ate breakfast or missed the bus or forgot my assignment... it's wierd.

I do that as well. I'll be sitting at the computer browsing facebook, and think, 'Oh yeah, I should talk to [RL friend] about that... No wait, that was in my dream. DAMNIT.'

@Kneenibble: The word 'antician' does not appear in my dictionary. What's it mean?
And I like you also.

2009-02-26, 12:43 PM
I made the word up. Like, the person doing the antics.

2009-02-26, 12:51 PM
I made the word up. Like, the person doing the antics.

's a good word.
Hmm. In fact, I was also literally soggy, because someone spilled a drink on me. Took me a while to notice though.

2009-02-26, 12:59 PM
Excuse me for a second while I text-scream for no reason.


2009-02-26, 01:01 PM
The other night I had a dream my mom died and woke up SOBBING. It was very strange because (I know it sounds weird, but) I have lots of dreams about people dying and usually I'm incredibly blase about it, both in the dream and when I wake up. And that includes dreams about MYSELF dying. But this one was so vivid that after I woke up I couldn't stop crying and I lay there mentally calculating the effect my mother's death would have on my life.

Then I realized it was a dream. :smalltongue:

But anyway...yeah, I don't cry much. Except, apparently, the other night.
Aww'd. *hugs*

Lots of people? Even me?

If yes, I wanna know how I died...

Dreams..When I was young, I used to have nightmares about me falling into the gap between a ship and shore while walking on a plank onto the ship, but I would fall of and fall down between the wall of the coast and the ship hull.
But that stopped coming years ago.
Also, I come from a family of shippers(Heheh, don't confuse that for the people writing in the shipping thread) on my mothers side. So I've boarded ships plenty of time, though not lived on them...

2009-02-26, 01:35 PM
I don't normally participate in the dream discussions, but I seem to have started one this time. By accident. :smalltongue: It was because of the crying talk....

DD: You've never died in one of my dreams THAT I CAN REMEMBER, but I have had Playground dreams with a lot of the people round here.

2009-02-26, 01:39 PM
but I have had Playground dreams with a lot of the people round here.


People like? :smallwink:
Oh... and I'm still waiting for your PM response, DeeRee!

Cristo Meyers
2009-02-26, 01:40 PM
DD: You've never died in one of my dreams THAT I CAN REMEMBER, but I have had Playground dreams with a lot of the people round here.

Those are always freakin' weird...

2009-02-26, 01:45 PM
I talked about one of the playgrounder dreams I had, right Cristo?

The one where I was trying to climb the fire escape in the rain?

Cristo Meyers
2009-02-26, 01:53 PM
I wouldn't know. My memory of things that happened before lunchtime is kinda fuzzy...

Dr. Bath
2009-02-26, 01:55 PM
My dreams contain either wolves cross-bred with deinonychus attacking me (they can open doors and be hairy monsters) or the all-encompasing abyss staring at me. One or the other.

People saying they don't cry are lying. Lying forever.

2009-02-26, 01:58 PM
Hmm, the only dream that I can remember that had playgrounders was me setting fire to goverment buildings, schools and all that stuff with FoE and BRC...

2009-02-26, 02:04 PM
I wouldn't know. My memory of things that happened before lunchtime is kinda fuzzy...

Eh, it wasn't anything exciting.

Me and a few playgrounders were having a party, and we were going to hang out at my apartment (and I lived in New York City, for some reason) but I had locked my keys inside my apartment, and it was raining and I tried to climb the fire escape to get into my place.

Meanwhile, the people waiting for me to let them in were yelloing encouragements at me.


2009-02-26, 02:26 PM
People saying they don't cry are lying. Lying forever.

What about those of us who have had their souls ground down into a fine powder then tossed to the wind due to state schooling followed by day-after-day monotony of mind-numbing lectures and defensive isolation leaving us lifeless and hollow as a circle of bark?

I ask because a friend wants to know.

2009-02-26, 02:29 PM
I had a dream/alternate version of history that I actually wrote into a history essay. Then I realised what had happened and had to rewrite four A4 pages worth of essay.
Shippers'll know about the IStLY series, for those who don't know; it's set in and around the tenth century AD on the borders of Byzantium and another empire. There's wars and magic and epic romance and creepy stuff.
So I pretty much fabricated the entire history of Europe up to the Second Crusade based upon the outcome of the wars going on in that series.
Mmmm; three hundred odd years of history.
When I woke up it was the day before it was due in, so Sunday, and I just wrote what I'd created. It was not at all similar in most ways to real history.
I was most miffed.
Especially when I ended up talking of Alarra of Puddings instead of Eleanor of Aquitaine and it hit me, then and there what I'd done.
By the by, if the first crusade really happened in that world the crusaders really wouldn't have made it that far. They kind of got stuck just outside Constantinople and . . . bad things happened.
Then they sailed around.
But the bad things.

Such a vivid dream. And I even had history books on the history that I was referencing when I was writing my essay.
Ficitious history books.

Dr. Bath
2009-02-26, 02:31 PM
What about those of us who have had their souls ground down into a fine powder then tossed to the wind due to state schooling followed by day-after-day monotony of mind-numbing lectures and defensive isolation leaving us lifeless and hollow as a circle of bark?

I ask because a friend wants to know.

No, they're lying about crying too. Unless they've lost their eyes due to having them ground down into a fine powder then tossed to the wind due to state schooling followed by day-after-day monotony of mind-numbing lectures and defensive isolation leaving the eye-sockets lifeless and hollow as a circle of bark.

2009-02-26, 02:40 PM
No, they're lying about crying too. Unless they've lost their eyes due to having them ground down into a fine powder then tossed to the wind due to state schooling followed by day-after-day monotony of mind-numbing lectures and defensive isolation leaving the eye-sockets lifeless and hollow as a circle of bark.

What about if they're just really happy people?

2009-02-26, 02:53 PM
I just got back from London and I must say, London (Or at least the West End) is amazing, so much culture in one place, it's astounding.
I saw Joseph and his amazing coloured dreamcoat, it was excellent, especially the jamaican guy who sang "Not him, not he, how you can accuse him is a mystery. Save him, take me, Benjamin is greater than the top of tree".
Then I saw Wicked (Wizard of Oz prequel) and it was even better, simply wonderful, Bock turning into The Tin Man, Fierro turning into The Scarecrow, Garlinda (The "ar" is silent) the Good being a moron, all good fun.
So how is everybody?

Dr. Bath
2009-02-26, 03:00 PM
What about if they're just really happy people?

Well, still no. There are three types of tears: basal, reflex and psychic. Basal are the ones that keeps your eyes moist, reflex are yawning/irritants/etc. and psychic are the emotional ones.

You could argue that only the emotional response is crying, but if there are tears in your eyes, you are crying. So, yeah. Everyone cries, unless they want their eyes to shrivel up and die. You don't have a choice.

@^ You have ruined a play I never wanted to see for me, I am shocked and appalled. Shocked. And appalled.

2009-02-26, 03:15 PM
So I have a question for you strange internet people. But first the backstory!

So today in math class, I didn't have my homework because I didn't do it. The teacher didn't check to see if anyone had it, except me. She just came up to me and said "Dan, have you got your homework?" So, I do kind of have a history of being inconsistant when it comes to doing my homework. So my question is, am I justified in being mad at her for singling me out, or is it all right because of my record? My ego dictates that I am right, but I don't think my ego has ever not supported me. Not even when I threw a baby into a trash compacted and set it to "extra crushed."

2009-02-26, 03:15 PM
Well, still no. There are three types of tears: basal, reflex and psychic. Basal are the ones that keeps your eyes moist, reflex are yawning/irritants/etc. and psychic are the emotional ones.

You could argue that only the emotional response is crying, but if there are tears in your eyes, you are crying. So, yeah. Everyone cries, unless they want their eyes to shrivel up and die. You don't have a choice.

@^ You have ruined a play I never wanted to see for me, I am shocked and appalled. Shocked. And appalled.

Which play were you referring to? And if you never wanted to see it, how can I have ruined it?
Now I have to find a clever way out of this.
There are two doors and on each door is a puzzle.
The puzzle on the first door is a word puzzle, it says "Ask yourself, what is the opposite of opposite?"
The second puzzle is also a word puzzle, it says "What colour does a Smurf turn when we choke it?"

@^: Your name is Dan?
I would say considering your record and that she is a teacher, she has the right to single you out, but still shouldn't, she should ask to see you after class and then talk to you about it then.

2009-02-26, 04:12 PM
It's Londen!
Not London, that just sounds silly.

2009-02-26, 04:15 PM
I saw Joseph and his amazing coloured dreamcoat, it was excellent, especially the jamaican guy who sang "Not him, not he, how you can accuse him is a mystery. Save him, take me, Benjamin is greater than the top of tree".

I think it's called Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat? At least, it is in the US. I know this because one of my friends was in it (the best high school production I had ever seen) as Simeon. :smalltongue:

Dr. Bath
2009-02-26, 04:16 PM
It's Londen!
Not London, that just sounds silly.

You just sound silly. =.=

You've ruined the idea of it, Fred. I could've made it all up myself if you hadn't gone and told me elements of the plot. And then I would've gone and seen it in my head. Now what will I do on the tube, Fred? Not make up plays based only on their title? You make me sick, with your beatnik ways.

2009-02-26, 04:18 PM
I think it's called Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat? At least, it is in the US. I know this because one of my friends was in it (the best high school production I had ever seen) as Simeon. :smalltongue:

I believe that's what it's called here too. We even had a televisio competition to decide who the lead role would be.

@ DragonPrime: She probably shouldn't single you out. But I guess the lesson to be learned here is to always do your homework (coming from someone who just spent his evening catching up on homework that should've been done over a week ago)

2009-02-26, 04:19 PM
I think it's called Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat? At least, it is in the US. I know this because one of my friends was in it (the best high school production I had ever seen) as Simeon. :smalltongue:

Yeah, I was in the marching band in high school and one year we did a selection of songs from it as our half-time show. Do you have any idea how weird it is to march in 3/4?

2009-02-26, 04:21 PM
Yeah, I was in the marching band in high school and one year we did a selection of songs from it as our half-time show. Do you have any idea how weird it is to march in 3/4?

no, I have no idea as I'm not someone who's ever marched before. How weird is it exactly, on a scale of 1 to 10?

2009-02-26, 04:24 PM
Your name is Dan?

Indeed it is. Although who have known me for a very long time refer to me as Daniel, but I dont like to be called by that name, so I am Dan. I'd say my last name, but it is an unpronouncable Polish monstrosity that has crushed entire empires with how difficult it is to day. At least, English speaking empires. Many people who speak Slavic based languages have no trouble with it.

2009-02-26, 04:28 PM
How about germanic-based empires?

2009-02-26, 04:31 PM
I think it's called Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat? At least, it is in the US. I know this because one of my friends was in it (the best high school production I had ever seen) as Simeon. :smalltongue:

I just thought that was what the filmed version was called. Never mind, I was wrong. Life goes on.
I have to go to school in the morning and for the first time in years, I don't want to.

Indeed it is. Although who have known me for a very long time refer to me as Daniel, but I dont like to be called by that name, so I am Dan. I'd say my last name, but it is an unpronouncable Polish monstrosity that has crushed entire empires with how difficult it is to day. At least, English speaking empires. Many people who speak Slavic based languages have no trouble with it.

Weird, Daniel is my name too. Although Fred fits just as well, thinking about it, I could've been Danthedruid instead.
Which sounds better, Danthedruid or Fredthefighter?

2009-02-26, 04:33 PM
Me and The Boy just booked a holiday to Paris for our birthdays. This may well be the most romantic thing I've ever done. I'm stupidly excited. :smallbiggrin:

2009-02-26, 04:37 PM
Is it bad that when I head "The Boy" I instantly thought of Eustace Boyce of Scary Go Round (http://www.scarygoround.com)?

'Cause I did.
You don't look anythng like my avatar, do you?

2009-02-26, 04:44 PM
Weird, Daniel is my name too. Although Fred fits just as well, thinking about it, I could've been Danthedruid instead.
Which sounds better, Danthedruid or Fredthefighter?

Danthedruid, because Dan is the awesomest male name to ever exist. Except maybe Darth Vader.

@Dallas-Dakota: English is a Germanic language, so I guess all the Germanics fall. Including you, Dutch-man.

Is it unnatural that I immediately imagined a superhero after writing out Dutch-man?

2009-02-26, 04:50 PM
Is it unnatural that I immediately imagined a superhero after writing out Dutch-man?

Who smites evil-doers with the powers of FLOWERS!

and Rembrandt's skull. Because it guides him.

Edit: Darth The Dude.

2009-02-26, 04:51 PM
Danthedruid, because Dan is the awesomest male name to ever exist. Except maybe Darth Vader.

I completely agree there. Darth Vader is surpassed by none, unfortunately, I never thought of Darththedruid. Hmmm, it's a bit late now to change my account name, I'm too ingrained into being Fredthefighter that I don't really want to change unless I have to. I've grown accustomed to the axe. :smallbiggrin:

Dr. Bath
2009-02-26, 04:52 PM
Is it bad that when I head "The Boy" I instantly thought of Eustace Boyce of Scary Go Round (http://www.scarygoround.com)?

'Cause I did.
You don't look anythng like my avatar, do you?

It's not bad. I certainly didn't do the same thing...



2009-02-26, 04:54 PM
Who smites evil-doers with the powers of FLOWERS!

and Rembrandt's skull. Because it guides him.

And here I thought that Dutch-man would just get everyone in his way too high to fight...

2009-02-26, 05:00 PM
It's not bad. I certainly didn't do the same thing...



Everyone needs to read Scary Go Round.
Let's start a coup!

2009-02-26, 05:41 PM
And here I thought that Dutch-man would just get everyone in his way too high to fight...

That too... and his ultimate technique is to either get one to commit suicide during a bad shrooms trip or to call a squadron of fighting prostitutes for support. :smalltongue:

Edit: Scary Go Round?

Dr. Bath
2009-02-26, 05:49 PM
That too... and his ultimate technique is to either get one to commit suicide during a bad shrooms trip or to call a squadron of fighting prostitutes for support. :smalltongue:

Edit: Scary Go Round?

He linked it! Read it. NOW!

For cultural learnings of Great Britain. The UK is EXACTLY as portrayed by John Allison. Or should be.

2009-02-26, 05:55 PM
@^:that should probably be scary. Is it?

2009-02-26, 05:56 PM
That too... and his ultimate technique is to either get one to commit suicide during a bad shrooms trip or to call a squadron of fighting prostitutes for support. :smalltongue:

Oh man, that's fantastic. There needs to be an actual Dutch-ms comic book. Or perhapse even an entire group of superheros that use their respective national stereotypes as superpowers? Brit-man would definitely burn his enemies with scalding hot tea while declaring the act to be "jolly good."

2009-02-26, 06:14 PM
Is it bad that when I head "The Boy" I instantly thought of Eustace Boyce of Scary Go Round (http://www.scarygoround.com)?

No, what's bad is the fact that now you've shown me that I'll also think of him whenever I use that term. And that by showing me this comic you've just destroyed what little productivity I had until I read through it all. I hope you feel proud of yourself. :smalltongue:

2009-02-26, 06:21 PM
No, what's bad is the fact that now you've shown me that I'll also think of him whenever I use that term. And that by showing me this comic you've just destroyed what little productivity I had until I read through it all. I hope you feel proud of yourself. :smalltongue:

Dunna du-nah dun dun dun dun-dah!
Level Up!

...Yeah, sorry 'bout that. Its an awesome comic, mind.
Show your freinds! It needs more people to read it.
It is also 100% TRUE.

2009-02-26, 08:30 PM
Huh, two Dans.

My name Is Kickass McAwesome.

Kickass Danger McAwesome.