View Full Version : Sand and Sovereign: Group || (IC)

2009-02-27, 07:16 PM

Before you lie the gates of Serdet. It has been a tedious journey through the desert, and now you have come to your goal. Serdet is a free city, operating under a benevolent Sultan, and as you enter it is clear that the place is a prosperous one. Buildings shine beautifully kept despite the harsh sun and sands, and people seem for the most part contented, there are very few poor to be seen and children run the streets in places. As you pass into the city and through the Market District, you note that there are a number of guards watching you closely. They are not in the standard bronze uniform of Serdet’s town guard, nor the red and bronze garb of the palace guard, but rather the golden sun of the Sultan’s personal sentinels. Soon two of them speak to each other and then approach you directly. The first, who seems to be leading, is a tall and extremely grizzled looking veteran. His tan face is covered in scars, the most extreme of which runs from his scalp to his chin, through his left eye, leaving it a pale shadow with a streak of white running through it. The intact eye watches you intently, piercing through you, leaving a feeling like he can probe your hidden secrets just by watching you. The second sentinel is a younger man, with some thin orange stubble around his chin, who follows and is keeping an eye on the surroundings more than on you. The first one speaks: “You there. The Sultan is looking for foreigners, heroes, for something he needs done. You will be well reimbursed for your time and efforts.”

Before you lie the gates of Serdet. It has been a tedious journey through the desert, and now you have come to your goal. Serdet is a free city, operating under a benevolent Sultan, and as you enter it is clear that the place is a prosperous one. Buildings shine beautifully kept despite the harsh sun and sands, and people seem for the most part contented, there are very few poor to be seen and children run the streets in places. As you pass into the city and through the Market District, you note that there are a number of guards watching you closely. They are not in the standard bronze uniform of Serdet’s town guard, nor the red and bronze garb of the palace guard, but rather the golden sun of the Sultan’s personal sentinels. Soon two of them speak to each other and then approach you directly. The first, who seems to be leading, is a tall and extremely grizzled looking veteran. His tan face is covered in scars, the most extreme of which runs from his scalp to his chin, through his left eye, leaving it a pale shadow with a streak of white running through it. The intact eye watches you intently, piercing through you, leaving a feeling like he can probe your hidden secrets just by watching you. The second sentinel is a younger man, with some thin orange stubble around his chin, who follows and is keeping an eye on the surroundings more than on you. The first one speaks: “You there. The Sultan is looking for foreigners, heroes, for something he needs done. You will be well reimbursed for your time and efforts.”

David the Wanderer:
Before you lie the gates of Serdet. It has been a tedious journey through the desert, and now you have come to your goal. Serdet is a free city, operating under a benevolent Sultan, and as you enter it is clear that the place is a prosperous one. Buildings shine beautifully kept despite the harsh sun and sands, and people seem for the most part contented, there are very few poor to be seen and children run the streets in places. As you pass into the city and through the Market District, you note that there are a number of guards watching you closely. They are not in the standard bronze uniform of Serdet’s town guard, nor the red and bronze garb of the palace guard, but rather the golden sun of the Sultan’s personal sentinels. Soon two of them speak to each other and then approach you directly. The first, who seems to be leading, is a tall and extremely grizzled looking veteran. His tan face is covered in scars, the most extreme of which runs from his scalp to his chin, through his left eye, leaving it a pale shadow with a streak of white running through it. The intact eye watches you intently, piercing through you, leaving a feeling like he can probe your hidden secrets just by watching you. The second sentinel is a younger man, with some thin orange stubble around his chin, who follows and is keeping an eye on the surroundings more than on you. The first one speaks: “You there. The Sultan is looking for foreigners, heroes, for something he needs done. You will be well reimbursed for your time and efforts.”

Adrius Kel'Reth:
Before you lie the gates of Serdet. It has been a tedious journey through the desert, and now you have come to your goal. Serdet is a free city, operating under a benevolent Sultan, and as you enter it is clear that the place is a prosperous one. Buildings shine beautifully kept despite the harsh sun and sands, and people seem for the most part contented, there are very few poor to be seen and children run the streets in places. As you pass into the city and through the Market District, you note that there are a number of guards watching you closely. They are not in the standard bronze uniform of Serdet’s town guard, nor the red and bronze garb of the palace guard, but rather the golden sun of the Sultan’s personal sentinels. Soon two of them speak to each other and then approach you directly. The first, who seems to be leading, is a tall and extremely grizzled looking veteran. His tan face is covered in scars, the most extreme of which runs from his scalp to his chin, through his left eye, leaving it a pale shadow with a streak of white running through it. The intact eye watches you intently, piercing through you, leaving a feeling like he can probe your hidden secrets just by watching you. The second sentinel is a younger man, with some thin orange stubble around his chin, who follows and is keeping an eye on the surroundings more than on you. The first one speaks: “You there. The Sultan is looking for foreigners, heroes, for something he needs done. You will be well reimbursed for your time and efforts.”

Before you lie the gates of Serdet. It has been a tedious journey through the desert, and now you have come to your goal. Serdet is a free city, operating under a benevolent Sultan, and as you enter it is clear that the place is a prosperous one. Buildings shine beautifully kept despite the harsh sun and sands, and people seem for the most part contented, there are very few poor to be seen and children run the streets in places. As you pass into the city and through the Market District, you note that there are a number of guards watching you closely. They are not in the standard bronze uniform of Serdet’s town guard, nor the red and bronze garb of the palace guard, but rather the golden sun of the Sultan’s personal sentinels. Soon two of them speak to each other and then approach you directly. The first, who seems to be leading, is a tall and extremely grizzled looking veteran. His tan face is covered in scars, the most extreme of which runs from his scalp to his chin, through his left eye, leaving it a pale shadow with a streak of white running through it. The intact eye watches you intently, piercing through you, leaving a feeling like he can probe your hidden secrets just by watching you. The second sentinel is a younger man, with some thin orange stubble around his chin, who follows and is keeping an eye on the surroundings more than on you. The first one speaks: “You there. The Sultan is looking for foreigners, heroes, for something he needs done. You will be well reimbursed for your time and efforts.”

Before you lie the gates of Serdet. It has been a tedious journey through the desert, and now you have come to your goal. Serdet is a free city, operating under a benevolent Sultan, and as you enter it is clear that the place is a prosperous one. Buildings shine beautifully kept despite the harsh sun and sands, and people seem for the most part contented, there are very few poor to be seen and children run the streets in places. As you pass into the city and through the Market District, you note that there are a number of guards watching you closely. They are not in the standard bronze uniform of Serdet’s town guard, nor the red and bronze garb of the palace guard, but rather the golden sun of the Sultan’s personal sentinels. Soon two of them speak to each other and then approach you directly. The first, who seems to be leading, is a tall and extremely grizzled looking veteran. His tan face is covered in scars, the most extreme of which runs from his scalp to his chin, through his left eye, leaving it a pale shadow with a streak of white running through it. The intact eye watches you intently, piercing through you, leaving a feeling like he can probe your hidden secrets just by watching you. The second sentinel is a younger man, with some thin orange stubble around his chin, who follows and is keeping an eye on the surroundings more than on you. The first one speaks: “You there. The Sultan is looking for foreigners, heroes, for something he needs done. You will be well reimbursed for your time and efforts.”

2009-02-27, 07:28 PM
Hero? Thats a laugh! Adrius thinks to himself before closely eyeing the guard. Hmm...blind in one eye, I guess that's the side I would have to go for... his mind drifts off once again before he finally speaks. I see...I'll hear what your sultan has to say. Lead the way. As he speaks, the only thing moving is the mask that covers his face, his dark tan cloak covers almost all of his body.

2009-02-27, 07:43 PM
“Excellent. Come with us please, we can lead you straight to him immediately,” the sentinel continues. He nods to his partner and they begin to walk quickly through the city, towards the gate to the Royal District. As you cross through the high beautifully wrought gates you see an area that is clearly in a golden age of wealth and success. Buildings are huge, some even with small gardens despite being in the desert, and valuable metals in gorgeous designs flaunt the streets and buildings. In the center of the district lies the palace itself. The sight is a breathtaking one, a brilliant citadel of gold and bronze, flashing in the noonday sun, rising above the city. As the sentinels lead you through a side gate the views become only more impressive, as you pass through the gardens of the sultan. Massive tracts of perfectly laid out trees, plants and flowers, drawing out patterns in the land. Fountains abound throughout, of all shapes and sizes, many of them fantastic tributes to architecture, constructed of anything from gold to stone. Flowing water is rare enough in the desert, to see it in such abundance gives a clear image of the prosperity the city is currently enjoying. The sentinels lead you through dozens of twists and turns, up staircases, over ramparts, and through rooms until you are completely lost. Eventually they come to a door carved magnificently with the city’s seal: a golden crown over a golden sun on a crimson field. The sentinels stop at the door and turn to you at this point. “Wait here, please. Once other possible...adventurers have been found, you will enter and speak with the Sultan.”

2009-02-27, 07:51 PM
Very well...I don't suppose I could have some water? I had intended to have a drink or two but then I ran into you guys.

2009-02-27, 08:05 PM
Zeke notices the guards and is immediately suspicious. This sort of thing is not common. He figures the guards must have seen him slay that dragon and hesitates with his answer for a little bit, not having any particular fighting ability. You also "need" fighting ability to slay a dragon, but I found a way around that, he thinks. His second thought is about the term "foreigners" for a little bit, not actually being one, and decides it's not important enough to mention.

What's in it for me? is his response.

2009-02-27, 08:07 PM
A man standing at the edge of the room dressed in the copper robes of a servant bows to you, and walks out. He returns shortly afterwards with a glass of water, and hands it to you, bows again, and walks back to the corner of the room.

2009-02-27, 08:10 PM
He hesitates a moment, then continues, "as I said, you will be well reimbursed. The Sultan has not informed us of exactly what this would involve, but I assume he will be drawing from the royal treasury."

2009-02-27, 09:22 PM

David smiled at the guards. Has my home city changed so much that I am no longer recognizable here. I have been gone for a long time I suppose, but this is still my home city. Though if the Sultan needs help, I should go. He looks at the nearby temple that can be seen over the houses. I can visit my friends some other time.

2009-02-27, 09:29 PM
“Excellent. Come with us please, we can lead you straight to him immediately,” the sentinel continues. He nods to his partner and they begin to walk quickly through the city, towards the gate to the Royal District. As you cross through the high beautifully wrought gates you see an area that is clearly in a golden age of wealth and success. Buildings are huge, some even with small gardens despite being in the desert, and valuable metals in gorgeous designs flaunt the streets and buildings. In the center of the district lies the palace itself. The sight is a breathtaking one, a brilliant citadel of gold and bronze, flashing in the noonday sun, rising above the city. As the sentinels lead you through a side gate the views become only more impressive, as you pass through the gardens of the sultan. Massive tracts of perfectly laid out trees, plants and flowers, drawing out patterns in the land. Fountains abound throughout, of all shapes and sizes, many of them fantastic tributes to architecture, constructed of anything from gold to stone. Flowing water is rare enough in the desert, to see it in such abundance gives a clear image of the prosperity the city is currently enjoying. The sentinels lead you through dozens of twists and turns, up staircases, over ramparts, and through rooms until you are completely lost. Eventually they come to a door carved magnificently with the city’s seal: a golden crown over a golden sun on a crimson field. The sentinels stop at the door and turn to you at this point. "You will need to wait here while we find other adventurers to hear the Sultan's request." Two others already sit in the room,

The first is sitting in a corner, wearing a long cloak over a tight black suit as well as a cowl to hide his face. Roughly 6' 7" in height. His hands are hidden within his sleeves, and after glancing over him you realize he actually has no skin exposed at all. The second is tall and dashing, with blond hair and green eyes. He is skinny, though. Wearing reds and blacks, he sits in the corner spinning a platinum coin on the end of his finger with a bored look.

2009-02-27, 09:40 PM
Those who are already there:

David silently stares at the shorter of the two men, the on fingering the coin. He then stares at the taller man. David was tall himself, but in comparison to him, he lacked a good head to him. He nodded to both of them. I am David. he said simply. And who are you? he asked them.

2009-02-27, 11:39 PM
I apologize, the desert has been a burden and I am tired. Take me where you will.

Zeke brushes his hair out of his eyes to reveal a fire to match that of the leader. There is no fear in these dangerous green eyes. There is some behind them, though.

Bluff check [roll0]

2009-02-28, 12:07 AM
The guard raises one eyebrow, clearly watching the fear in your body, before continuing with a slight smile. “Excellent. Come with us please, we can lead you straight to him immediately,” the sentinel continues. He nods to his partner and they begin to walk quickly through the city, towards the gate to the Royal District. As you cross through the high beautifully wrought gates you see an area that is clearly in a golden age of wealth and success. Buildings are huge, some even with small gardens despite being in the desert, and valuable metals in gorgeous designs flaunt the streets and buildings. In the center of the district lies the palace itself. The sight is a breathtaking one, a brilliant citadel of gold and bronze, flashing in the noonday sun, rising above the city. As the sentinels lead you through a side gate the views become only more impressive, as you pass through the gardens of the sultan. Massive tracts of perfectly laid out trees, plants and flowers, drawing out patterns in the land. Fountains abound throughout, of all shapes and sizes, many of them fantastic tributes to architecture, constructed of anything from gold to stone. Flowing water is rare enough in the desert, to see it in such abundance gives a clear image of the prosperity the city is currently enjoying. The sentinels lead you through dozens of twists and turns, up staircases, over ramparts, and through rooms until you are completely lost. Eventually they come to a door carved magnificently with the city’s seal: a golden crown over a golden sun on a crimson field. The sentinels stop at the door and turn to you at this point. "If you would wait here, we must find other adventurers to hear the Sultan's request."

Several adventurers are already standing in the area and talking.

Sense Motive: [roll0]

2009-02-28, 01:04 PM
Sense Motive on the guard [roll0]

Gurth eyes the guard up and down. "And what might he want of me?"

2009-02-28, 04:29 PM
Pyrian looks both men up and down before nodding his consent. As the men lead him away, Pyrian chuckles softly to himself. "Hero... that's a first. Let's see how well it fits." Pyrian eyes scan the area around him, constantly searching for any hint of a trap, a suspicious shadow or wandering pair of eyes (a habit left from his life in the West). His hand never strays far from the short sword buckled at his side.

2009-02-28, 04:45 PM
"The Sultan is searching for foreign adventurers, for some erudite mission. We are not privy to the details."

You can tell that he is an extremely controlled man, excellent at hiding his emotions. You can't tell whether he has any ulterior motives or not, but he appears in all ways a soldier doing his duty.

“Excellent. Come with us please, we can lead you straight to him immediately,” the sentinel continues. He nods to his partner and they begin to walk quickly through the city, towards the gate to the Royal District. As you cross through the high beautifully wrought gates you see an area that is clearly in a golden age of wealth and success. Buildings are huge, some even with small gardens despite being in the desert, and valuable metals in gorgeous designs flaunt the streets and buildings. In the center of the district lies the palace itself. The sight is a breathtaking one, a brilliant citadel of gold and bronze, flashing in the noonday sun, rising above the city. As the sentinels lead you through a side gate the views become only more impressive, as you pass through the gardens of the sultan. Massive tracts of perfectly laid out trees, plants and flowers, drawing out patterns in the land. Fountains abound throughout, of all shapes and sizes, many of them fantastic tributes to architecture, constructed of anything from gold to stone. Flowing water is rare enough in the desert, to see it in such abundance gives a clear image of the prosperity the city is currently enjoying. The sentinels lead you through dozens of twists and turns, up staircases, over ramparts, and through rooms until you are completely lost. Eventually they come to a door carved magnificently with the city’s seal: a golden crown over a golden sun on a crimson field. The sentinels stop at the door and turn to you at this point. "If you would wait here, we are still finding other adventurers to hear the Sultan's request."

Pyrian enters the waiting room, where several other adventurers are already waiting.

2009-02-28, 05:28 PM

Gurth grunts slightly. "Very well then, I will have to ask him myself then. Take me to the Sultan."

2009-02-28, 10:56 PM
To those in the waiting roomName's Zeke, nice to meet you. He says courteously. He wonders what this little asherati can do. That should be a good thing to ask. What can you do, David, that deems you a hero? Zeke thinks at that moment he needs an explanation of what he can do. He slayed a dragon using immense arcane power and quick wits. That's a good one.

2009-02-28, 11:07 PM
Waiting Room Adrius looks around the room, picking out weak spots on the people there. As he looks about, he occasionally brings the glass under his mask, lapping up a mouthful. Under his cloak, his finger itches the handle of a dagger.

2009-02-28, 11:20 PM
Those in the room:

David shrugs at the question. I haven't done much in my lifetime. I travel across the land, never staying in one place for too long. I happened to stop by my hometown again when the guards asked me to come here.

He glances at the man sipping the water. It is considered rude and unpolite to not give one's name when asked; as is hiding one's face while in a city, let alone in the prescence of the sultan.

2009-02-28, 11:20 PM
Waiting Room:
Pyrian stands near the corner, arms folded across his chest as he leans against the wall. His bright blue eyes are constantly moving, analyzing each other person in the room. When Zeke speaks, Pyrian's eyes pause on the man for a moment before continuing their tireless search.

2009-02-28, 11:37 PM
Deathslayer7 (others can hear if they want to roll a listen check) Adrius swallows his gulp of water then speaks in a quieted tone. Polite or not, my face is my own business. I've come to get a job and get paid for that job, not to make friends. His eyes seem to pierce into David as his thoughts once again bring up his response to Murphy's law. Note to self: small hole in chain near left kidney. His eyes dart around the room while he keeps his face still. The half-breed leaves his neck open, the other has too much armor. will have to go for the base of the skull. The human...no armor...he must have something, but what? The other is fairly skinny with thin armor, shouldn't be too hard if it comes down to it. These thoughts continue to circulate as he stretches his arms over his head, he still hadn't slept or even had a decent meal as he had intended to before the guards had called him away. Anyone with keen eyes may get a glimpse of brown fur on his wrist as he raises his arm.

2009-03-01, 12:22 AM
Waiting RoomI will make the listen check. [roll0]. Zeke then turns to the human. And you, sir? What is your name? What makes you a hero? Zeke is really just waiting for someone to ask him so he can boast. He reaches for his Rod of Splendor and fiddles with it a little bit before he realizes the quality of his clothes and who he is about to meet. He uses the rod's abilities, and now he is dressed in noble garb...like magic!

2009-03-01, 12:32 AM



David will catch a small glimpse of the hair, but unsure as to who he could be. He won't push it though, as that would be rude. He must have very good reason why he was wearing his mask he thought.

He turned back to Zeke. And what are you here for? he asks him.

2009-03-01, 02:21 AM
They haven't told me directly, but I slew a dragon that terrorized the surrounding area recently. I assume they saw me and were impressed. You might say I'm something of a magician.

He said the last part with a little smirk, as if to imply his fantastical abilities. He is clearly superior to all here and he wants them to know it.

Bluff check for that dragon thing *crosses fingers* [roll0]

2009-03-01, 02:30 AM

Adrius coughs up a bit of water after hearing Zeke's lie. It was a good lie...just not a good enough lie. he thought to himself as he snickered.

2009-03-01, 10:45 AM

Slaying a dragon, eh? That one should be watched closely...

Pyrian's face remains blank throughout the introductions. If he is asked his name, he will give it, but he sees little point in freely offering information in a room full of dangerous strangers.

2009-03-01, 11:58 AM
David only nodded. He had heard worse outlandish tales, so this seemed believable.... a bit.

2009-03-01, 01:15 PM
“Excellent. Come with us please, we can lead you straight to him immediately,” the sentinel continues. He nods to his partner and they begin to walk quickly through the city, towards the gate to the Royal District. As you cross through the high beautifully wrought gates you see an area that is clearly in a golden age of wealth and success. Buildings are huge, some even with small gardens despite being in the desert, and valuable metals in gorgeous designs flaunt the streets and buildings. In the center of the district lies the palace itself. The sight is a breathtaking one, a brilliant citadel of gold and bronze, flashing in the noonday sun, rising above the city. As the sentinels lead you through a side gate the views become only more impressive, as you pass through the gardens of the sultan. Massive tracts of perfectly laid out trees, plants and flowers, drawing out patterns in the land. Fountains abound throughout, of all shapes and sizes, many of them fantastic tributes to architecture, constructed of anything from gold to stone. Flowing water is rare enough in the desert, to see it in such abundance gives a clear image of the prosperity the city is currently enjoying. The sentinels lead you through dozens of twists and turns, up staircases, over ramparts, and through rooms until you are completely lost. Eventually they come to a door carved magnificently with the city’s seal: a golden crown over a golden sun on a crimson field. The sentinels stop at the door and turn to you at this point. "We cannot yet let you inside, but if you would kindly wait here, we are finding more adventurers to hear the Sultan's request."

Gurth finds several other adventurers already speaking amongst themselves.

2009-03-01, 07:54 PM
Gurth nods in the direction of the others already gathered there.

"So I see I'm not the only one who's been accosted in this city. Hopefully this Sultan's request will be worth our time"

2009-03-01, 10:28 PM
Zeke turns again to the dark, blue eyed human who seems not to have notices his question, and addresses the large newcomer as well. You two look like powerful warriors, though very different, I am intrigued. What are your names?. At this Zeke gives a warm smile.

Zeke truly is intrigued. He feels a little more trust emanating from David and the Neanderthal than either of the others, especially the wolfish one. Don't turn your back on him he thinks.

2009-03-02, 05:19 AM
Gurth turns to face the person addressing him and looks him up and down. "I am known as Gurth, and you are?" he says, maintaining a neutral expression.

As well as looking the half-elf over and thinking "Is he to be our entertainment while waiting for the Sultan? Hopefully his small frame and foppish appearance belies some less obvious skill, perhaps with magic", he scans the rest of the assembled crowd, his eyes lingering on the tall suspicious-looking cowled figure on the other side of the group for a good 30 seconds.

With his Detect Evil ability he notes the person's alignment, noting to himself "I better keep a firm eye on that one"

2009-03-02, 05:04 PM
Pyrian... From the West.

Pyrian nods his greeting to Zeke, and a ghost of a smile briefly crosses his face. In an instant his face is blank again, his shining eyes surveying the room as if trying to memorize its every crevice.

2009-03-02, 08:02 PM
Zeke smiles and makes a small bow. My name is Zeke, slayer of dragons and master of the arcane.

Gurth seems like a good friend to make and to hang around, but that may just be his size talking. Pyrian is another quiet one and as such should be treated with caution.

Bluff [roll0]

2009-03-03, 11:34 AM
Finding it odd the two would approach him out of so many Tio is intrigued as to how they knew he was an "adventurer". More importantly why him. He is relatively unknown in this part of the world. Tio shook his head and had to remember that he shouldn't be known anywhere. After the quick little head shake he walks up to the guard with a curious puzzled look on his face.

"How did you know I was seeking work? Was I that transparent? More importantly who are you? I don't mean the uniform either. One last question, why foreigners? Also don't make me insist on answers. I am sure if you know to approach me that you know a little about me."

2009-03-03, 07:02 PM
"I consider myself good at reading people," the guard comments, grinning at the flood of questions. "If you would come with us, we can lead you straight to him immediately,” the sentinel continues. He nods to his partner and they begin to walk quickly through the city, towards the gate to the Royal District. As you cross through the high beautifully wrought gates you see an area that is clearly in a golden age of wealth and success. Buildings are huge, some even with small gardens despite being in the desert, and valuable metals in gorgeous designs flaunt the streets and buildings. In the center of the district lies the palace itself. The sight is a breathtaking one, a brilliant citadel of gold and bronze, flashing in the noonday sun, rising above the city. As the sentinels lead you through a side gate the views become only more impressive, as you pass through the gardens of the sultan. Massive tracts of perfectly laid out trees, plants and flowers, drawing out patterns in the land. Fountains abound throughout, of all shapes and sizes, many of them fantastic tributes to architecture, constructed of anything from gold to stone. Flowing water is rare enough in the desert, to see it in such abundance gives a clear image of the prosperity the city is currently enjoying. The sentinels lead you through dozens of twists and turns, up staircases, over ramparts, and through rooms until you are completely lost. Eventually they come to a door carved magnificently with the city’s seal: a golden crown over a golden sun on a crimson field.

The guard from before walks back into the room, leading a sixth person from outside. They then move to the great door at the end of the chamber and turn to you all. “Would you please relinquish your weapons here? We cannot allow you to see the sultan armed. He apologizes for the inconvenience, they will be kept right outside.”

2009-03-03, 07:16 PM
Zeke removes his rapier at once, but hesitates with his concealed weapon. It is hardly ever more than a few feet from his person and he feels vulnerable without it. He follows this guard to where he will go.

2009-03-03, 08:25 PM
Adrius is a little reluctant to give up his weapon but does so anyway. After all, he was still quite lethal, only way to fix that would be to rip off his arms.

2009-03-03, 08:30 PM
Pyrian removes his short sword, placing a belt of throwing daggers down beside it. After all, there were other ways to kill a man or protect oneself from being killed.

2009-03-03, 08:30 PM
Gurth draws his brace of throwing axes from his pack and puts them on the floor before unbuckling the scabbard containing his greatsword from his back.

"Very well, I will humor you for now, but do not make me regret trusting you with my sword"

He hands it over, locking eyes with the guard as he does so.

2009-03-03, 08:37 PM
The guard meets eyes with you. His gaze is an intense and strong one, which radiates honor. You feel safe leaving your weapons in his hands.

2009-03-03, 11:05 PM
David will hand his crossbow over without doubt. He knew the rules of meeting with the sultan, although he had never before met him. No one was allowed to go in armed.

2009-03-05, 06:20 PM
Tio hands over his weapon without complaint. There are few ways to truly disarm Psions. Then again a Sultan might be able to afford such protection.

2009-03-05, 07:42 PM
The sentinels nod and place your weapons to the side of the door before turning to it and knocking twice in unison. “Enter!” bellows a deep voice from inside. You enter to see the sultan’s audience chamber, and the most amazingly beautiful room you have ever seen. The carvings and colors on the walls is clearly that of some of the greatest artists and magicians of the age. The sultan himself is a large man, but in quite good shape and extremely well dressed, despite seeming somehow casual. He lounges on a massive throne decked in gold and red grinning cheerily as you enter. Standing at the side of the throne is a woman, decked out in finery herself, and despite even her face being mostly covered in wraps of azure cloth she is one of the most attractive women you’ve encountered, piercing blue eyes looking out from between folds of silk.

Sitting in another slightly less ornate seat against a side wall is a handsome middle aged man, tall and lean, in a flowing yellow robe streaked with straight lines of red radiating down from the neck to the bottom of the clothing. There is a table along the wall next to him covered in papers and files, and he has a large well made pen in his hand and a writing board on his lap, but looks up as you enter, before glancing at the woman by the throne.

As you enter, the Sultan begins, “Greetings! You seem like just the kind of people I-“ He pauses for a split second, glancing at his female companion. “Well, the kind of people I was looking for.” He pauses again, glancing at the man sitting in the side of the room. “Edremn…” The man sitting in the corner stands and bows, shooting a suspicious glance at the woman beside the throne as he walks out of the room with his papers. The Sultan continues once he leaves. “I’ll be direct: there is something…I need retrieved, and I need it done quietly, preferably by foreigners. It isn’t supposed to get out…” He turns to the woman, who leans and whispers something in his ear. “Er, it involves a major public show that will be coming up, and none are supposed to know that the artifact has been recovered before the reveal at the festival. You will be paid extremely well from my treasury, in whatever form you wish. What do you say?”

2009-03-05, 07:47 PM
Adrius locks eyes with the Sultan. Very well. Luckily you've called on the right er...man for the job. Might I hear a bit more about this artifact?

2009-03-05, 08:52 PM
Pyrian eyes sweep the room, resting on the woman beside the Sultan, and not for her looks. He listens to the Sultan, but his eyes never leave his female companion. When the Sultan is finished speaking, Pyrian's bright blue eyes slowly shift to His Grace, sizing him up from head to toe before answering, I can accept these terms. I, too, would like to know more about this artifact, but I'm sure you will provide with any, ah, necessary details before we depart."

To hear the woman's whisper (I know it's a long shot)
On the woman beside the Sultan

2009-03-05, 10:02 PM
Oddly enough, Zeke's young man attention is mostly focused on the woman. He hears everything the sultan says but his eyes don't leave the woman. He notes that she whispers into the sultan's ear, implying some importance.

A plan now forms into his head. The way to power in this city is obviously the sultan. The way to the sultan is the woman. Zeke believes he can get to her if he can only be alone with her. This will be the most difficult part of his scheme. He shifts his attention to the sultan at the words "you will be paid extremely well" and especially "in whatever form". That is the way.

The nature of the artifact and the dangers of the mission are all I require. Assuming neither are totally insane, I'll do it.

After saying this, he makes a mental note Remember to go back to the Angry Ashworm and pick up your loot for "slaying" the dragon.

2009-03-06, 12:17 AM
“Fantastic! This artifact is in a temple deep in the desert. The temple is a number of miles southeast of the city. I can provide a map…” The sultan rummages in his cloak for a moment before turning to the woman, who reaches up to him with a scroll. “Ah, here we are. Bayralet, give it to them.” The woman bows low before turning and walking to you, handing the scroll to Zeke, before walking back to her position next to the sultan. “Now, where was I,” the sultan continues, “Ah yes. The artifact. It will be deep within the temple, I need you to retrieve it and bring it to the southern wall of the city when you return, there will be people waiting there to take it. It’s…” He turns to Bayralet once again, and she whispers something to him again. “Ah yes, yes. It is a small box, made of gold, with markings in an ancient language. It should be quite recognizable. You need to find it and bring it to my men. Come to the palace the next day, I’ll have sentinels bring you to the treasury to take something of your choosing. Good luck, and be quick. It’s needed…as soon as possible,” he finishes, with another glance to his companion.

You hear the woman speaking when she whispers to the Sultan. When she leaned in, she spoke in a reminding manner, as if filling in lines rather than providing information, and said "A major public show, remember? It's a secret, the people aren't supposed to find out."

You can tell, rather obviously, that Bayralet is feeding him lines to speak. He's a good speaker, being likely trained as such from a young age to rule, but isn't terribly interested and certainly uninformed about what is taking place. You get the impression that he is doing a favor for someone of a lower position who is important to him, in some way or another.

You hear the woman speaking when she whispers to the Sultan. When she leaned in, she spoke in a reminding manner, as if filling in lines rather than providing information, and said "A major public show, remember? It's a secret, the people aren't supposed to find out."

2009-03-07, 06:16 PM
"And what, may I ask, is so important about this artifact?" Gurth asks the Sultan.

2009-03-07, 06:53 PM
The Sultan hesitates a moment before answering, "It is a public showing, the artifact itself is merely of some historical significance."

2009-03-07, 09:15 PM
Even if it is more than you're telling us, its hardly any of my business so long as it poses no threat to me and the pay is good. I'll head out tomorrow. Adrius says standing up, a low pitched grumble coming from his stomach As for tonight, I must be off, if that is all Sultan.

2009-03-07, 10:41 PM
Zeke takes the map without looking at it (his eyes are locked on that beautiful woman again) and sticks it in the back of his belt.

Excellent, we will leave tonight, assuming it's alright with everybody. It has been a privilege meeting you.

As he says that last part, he looks first at the sultan and then makes direct eye contact with the woman. He then steps backwards a few steps and turns around to walk out the door, assuming the others will follow and attempting to establish himself as leader without saying anything about it.

2009-03-07, 10:45 PM
In order to get a better look, Adrius snatches the map from Zeke's belt, opening it to see exactly where he needs to go.


2009-03-08, 04:01 AM
You smoothly slip the map straight from his belt and unfurl it. The map is simple enough, and you can figure out where to go to reach the marked location from the city.

For further information, feel free to make Knowledge checks: Local, Geography, or anything else you think might apply.

2009-03-10, 05:27 AM
"I have no pressing engagements in the forseeable future, so I suppose I could assist you in this matter."

2009-03-10, 10:50 AM
David nods. As you command Sultan. With that, he follows the group.

2009-03-10, 11:50 AM

Pyrian bows briefly and leaves with the rest of the group.

2009-03-10, 01:36 PM
Adrius opts not to leave the city immediately, choosing instead to look for a hot meal and place to sleep with his latest pay.

2009-03-10, 06:23 PM
You all move politely from the chamber back out into the waiting room, where the same guards are waiting with your weapons lined up in a rack next to the door. You retrieve them and the leading guard speaks again, "We will lead you outside. The palace is quite circuitous, and many get lost attempting to traverse its halls without a guide." He leads you through the palace and out the front gates rather than the side entrance you took before. You walk out onto the bustling market street, which runs from the massive palace at the center all the way to the gates at the city's edge.

Moving as a group through the city to find somewhere to stay, and before long a building catches your eye: The Slumber Sand Inn. The large stone building is simple in construction, and not unusual compared to its neighbors except for the hanging sign with the inn’s name and its larger size. It seems to be one of the biggest inns in the area.

You walk through the wide front doors into an open tavern. At this time of night the tavern is bustling, and the place is filled with a cacophony of discussion and general tavern cheerfulness. In a corner a group of badlands dwarves in crimson tinted burnooses sit around a table sipping tankards and talking, and a half orc sits alone with several empty mugs scattered on the table in front of him, either lost in thought or unconscious, it’s hard to tell in the dim lighting. A group of Bhuka, the desert goblins, sit around a table playing cards whilst an extremely tough looking traveler in a full hydration suit with the hood pulled back and a massive scimitar at his side debates with another heavily armed adventurer.

A grizzled man with extensive stubble in a simple brown silk robe is standing behind the counter making drinks for a group of humans sitting at the bar. When you come in he glances in your direction and waves you over as he slides another drink across the counter. As you approach he speaks loudly so as to be heard over the noise. “Customers perhaps, here to stay for a time?”

2009-03-10, 10:56 PM
You spot your employer sitting in the room. It took you a moment to recognize him in the hydration suit, but the scorpion-etched great scimitar is identifiable. Remo Peyl is a wealthy man, so it's not surprising to see him in a hydration suit, he can certainly afford the equipment.

By the time you recognize him, he's already seen you. His gaze is fixed, fingers tapping his scimitar, reminding you that you have been gone over a month...The mission may not have had a timer, but after getting paid an advance and vanishing, people get suspicious.

2009-03-10, 11:03 PM
Indeed, sir, but first, I have some unfinished business. He turns to his employer with the scimitar at this point and raises his voice a little bit so others can hear. I had been assigned to the slaying of a certain Sand Dragon a few weeks back and it has been done! Behold! The beast's fang!

He brings to bear from his backpack the dragon fang he stole from that village of primitives.

Bluff [roll0] +maybe a bonus for having evidence?

2009-03-10, 11:05 PM
The man in the hydration suit raises an eyebrow at the show, but shrugs it off. Zeke tended to be like this when he could, doesn't mean he didn't necessarily do it. He takes the fang and looks at it closely. After inspecting it for a minute, he quickly stands, places the tooth on the floor of the inn, and in one sweeping stroke draws his scimitar and swings it down into the tooth with a loud crash and a corona of sand trailing from the blade. As it clears around the floor, the tooth still lies there with a small chip in the side.

Remo picks it up again, grinning, and turns to Zeke. "Well done boy. Here's your payment," he grunts, tossing you a small bag. He sits back down, turning the fang over in his hands.

SM: [roll0]

2009-03-10, 11:07 PM
Adrius take a seat, placing a couple platinum on the table. I'll have a side of beef and some water.

2009-03-10, 11:22 PM
Tio takes a seat with his new companions. He sits at the table Adrius is sitting in and orders a water. He pulls out a piece of gold and puts it down on the table with his hand over it. Before he takes his hand off he pauses to ponder if he should eat. Thinking better of it he removed his hand to allow the waitress to take the money. After this he sits back and closes his eyes for just a moment in concentration. He is focusing his Prionic mind just in case trouble breaks out.

Concentration, -1 PP 1d20+14 DC 20

2009-03-10, 11:37 PM
David stares at Zeke for a moment. Maybe it seems that you weren't lieing after all when you said you slayed a dragon.

He will sit down if he is allowed.

2009-03-11, 07:08 PM
Zeke takes the bag and keeps it in hand. He sits down as well with a smug look.

Steak and red wine please. He puts down a platinum.

2009-03-11, 09:29 PM
You all settle in a booth in the corner of the room while the barmaid takes your orders. The room is loud, but you can hear each other talk and you think others probably can't overhear in your little alcove.

You smoothly slip the bag open and glance inside. Lying at the bottom is what you assume is the payment worked out beforehand. Minor magic item, seemed like it would come in handy for some of your tricks, the Gem of Precognition. A small carefully cut stone, that seems to shift from ruby at one end to sapphire at the other. You wonder whether it will hurt to embed the gem in your palm, as you've heard is the method to activate it.

Gem of Precognition: When embedded in the wielder's palm, this gem confers Offensive Precognition (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/precognitionOffensive.htm) and Defensive Precognition (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/precognitionDefensive.htm) as a constant effect. In addition, once per day, the wielder may cast a arcane spell of the Divination school of 3rd level or lower, at caster level 5th.

Now, you'll find yourself specifically lacking an item during a quick event in the second chapter, just so you know. I'd prefer if you set this thing up subtly, as it's really just a bonus without any merit except a convenient set up.

2009-03-12, 09:38 PM
Gurth wanders over to the table and props his sword against the wall nearby, where he can keep an eye on it. Sitting down at the table he gives the barmaid his order "Mug of ale please" giving her a small smile as he looks in her direction.

As he settles into the chair opposite Adrius he attempts to engage him in conversation "So what brings you to Serdet then friend?" But while his words seem warm, there is little warmth in his eyes as he stares at the taller man.

2009-03-12, 09:58 PM
As the food is placed on the table, Adrius says only one word.Business. is all he says before actually removing his mask to eat. It is clear now what he is, basically a wolf that walks and talks like a man. He picks a large piece of meat off of the plate and tears into it, stopping only to get a gulp of water.

2009-03-12, 10:37 PM
After noticing David's question, he puts his gem in his bag and thinks for a moment about how he needs both his hands to do everyday things.

If I lied about my achievements, I wouldn't be here, just like you. He laughs a little. So you said before you were a wanderer if I am not mistaken; I'm sure you have some interesting stories.

2009-03-12, 10:38 PM
It isn't hindering in any way, just a dual-color gem pressed into the center of your palm. It's very small, about the size of a marble.

2009-03-15, 08:39 AM
Pyrian follows the group to their table, picking at the food and remaining silent.

2009-03-15, 11:48 AM
David smiles at the question. Indeed i do. I even have some uh.. scandalous stories to say the least.

2009-03-17, 12:47 AM
David laughs with the group, sharing stories of wild acts and surprising feats while he was in the Elven homelands. He told them of how he had once gotten stuck in a tree and how a rope needed to be found so he could climb down.

He didn't drink much during the night, but he enjoyed sharing his experiences. Around midnight, he will thank the group for their hospitality and leave.

He walks alone through the city at night. Not the safest time or place for someone to be walking alone at, but he managed well enough. He sticked to the streets he knew and trodded on the familiar path to the cemetary.

He sat in front of the gravestone and read the name: Joesph Bendick. and below it the words inscribed Here We Choose Our Own Path in Life. He stared at the tombstone for a moment before offering a quick prayer.

With that, he left and headed for the temple. He didn't expect to be welcomed, but he needed to talk to them.

2009-03-17, 01:13 AM
You move through the temple district that you knew so well in your childhood, and eventually come to the temple of Zoser. As you move through the great double doors you see priests closing the great shrine for the night. As the doors open, several heads turn before returning to their work.

Except for one. Adeh, head of the church as established here in Serdet, walks forward until he is standing right in front of you. He wasn't just imposing in your childhood: even now, he glares down at you from several inches above. "Why have you returned here, David, cleric of Hermes," he says, practically hissing the name of the other god. "You practically said it yourself last time we spoke: you aren't welcome here anymore."

2009-03-17, 08:22 AM
Gurth noticeably loosens up a little with a few mugs of ale down his neck, laughing at some of David's more humorous stories.

"I don't suppose any of you have heard of a man called Jetta?" he casually asks between stories.

Name of the local bandit he has been looking for some information on, feel free to change the name to match fluff.

2009-03-17, 12:01 PM

I know that we did not part on the best of terms the last time i saw you, but i wish to talk to you, and amend that grievance we have between each other.

I have been traveling for years now. While I do enjoy it, I know that sooner or later, I will want a home. I want Serdet to be that home.

2009-03-17, 01:58 PM
Knowledge(local) to know who Jetta is [roll0]

2009-03-18, 08:25 PM
The man scowls. "There is nothing stopping you from...living...here." You know the ways of the church. Just as Joseph died of an 'illness', you know it won't be easy to remain safe here anymore, not without some agreement.

From what you've heard, Jetta is a local bandit who has been causing some trouble. You saw a job for him a few months back when you got the job for the dragon, so he's been around for a while, which implies success in a bandit.

2009-03-18, 08:37 PM
misunderstood. edited accordingly.


David glared down at the man. Maybe legally nothing stops me from living here, but there are certain people who might not like my prescence here.

2009-03-18, 10:12 PM
Yeah, I've heard of Jetta; why do you ask?

Zeke isn't very interested after the difficulty of his day and of tomorrow, but he has nothing better to listen to.

2009-03-19, 01:05 AM
"Perhaps there are. What do you plan to do about it?" He asks, raising an eyebrow.

2009-03-19, 10:43 AM

At the moment: nothing. I leave the city tomorrow, when will I be back, I have no idea. But by the time I do get back David says turning to him. I hope that you will not be here. With that, he stalks back to the inn.

2009-03-19, 06:33 PM
As you turn your back and walk out with your parting statement, you hear a scoff behind you. "We are an established church David. You are just another traveler. We will be here far longer than you, that I will promise."

David re-enters the inn as most of the night's business is clearing. The sun has long set, and this newly formed group has sat and talked with one another deep into the night.

You all pay for rooms and move together upstairs to individual chambers, where you settle down, the more paranoid among you leaving your warnings and defenses around the room.

The sun rises bright the next morning. You all go through your early routines more or less independently, meeting together on the ground level of the inn around noon to discuss your plans. Business is as wild as ever, although slightly less crowded in the afternoon than it was at night.

2009-03-20, 03:46 AM
"Let us not waste any time before heading out, I wish to get this job over with as swiftly as possible" Gurth says to the rest of the assembled group.

2009-03-23, 04:37 PM
Tio speaks to the group "Yes, we should get this simple adventure out of the way."

2009-03-25, 07:11 PM
After spending a short period looking over the map together you head out of the main entrance of the city and begin hiking South. As best you can tell, the spot marked on the map is about fifteen miles away, and from your assorted experience with overland travel, you all expect a journey of about five hours, arriving around sundown.

The desert is somewhat sweltering, late afternoon is the peak of the temperature, but you are all quite prepared for travel over the burning sands.

You move off together as a group through the sweltering sun. You know the desert can be hotter, but that doesn't mean this isn't a tiring and dehydrating hike.

You move through the desert together on foot directly towards the sun, as the direction on the map points. The sand is thick with rolling dunes, but quiet except for a gradually growing wind as you move along. You move between a pair of high dunes into the shade for a short time, watching sand whip over the top of the peaks blown by the wind.

As you pass the dunes, you find that the wind was accelerating quite quickly during your trek. A sandstorm tears around you.

The whipping sand stings your faces and the brown swirling fills your vision entirely, to the point where you can barely see one another. As you try to breathe, you catch mouthfuls of sand and cough, trying to take in air through the sand.

As the wind gusts around you, one by one you lose your balance and are knocked to the ground by the combination of browned out vision, strong winds, and the slightly shifting ground reshaped by the storm.

Rolls (Never look at these)




2009-03-25, 08:12 PM
Adrius rolls onto his stomach as he is knocked over and covers himself with his cloak, as he was told to do so in case of sandstorms.

2009-03-25, 09:40 PM
Cover yourself with something! David calls out in a loud voice, unsure whether or not they heard him. Stay still and don't move till the sandstorm lets up! he shouts out again as he struggles to get up but falls back to the sand.

David will slip into the sand himself to hide from the storm, and light his body underneath to see.

2009-03-25, 09:44 PM
A golden illumination spreads slightly around you, but the storming dust blots out most of the light. You can just see your hands where they meet the ground and no further than a foot in any direction. Your hands slide through the desert floor as they always do, and you weave headfirst down a short ways under the wind.

The rest of you are all pinned down and blinded completely, blinking to keep out the dust which burns and stings your eyes.

2009-03-25, 11:03 PM
As he is pinned to the ground he thinks of ideas to get out of this mess. Solid Fog? No, that'd be dispersed in seconds. He systematically goes through all of his tricks and finds none of them particularly useful against sandstorms. Guess he'll just have to wait it out.

2009-03-26, 12:27 PM
Gurth rolls over onto his front and attempts to create a pocket of free air surrounded by his hood, acting as a filter. It isn´t very successful however and he is reduced to coughing and spluttering as the sand whirls around the group.

2009-03-27, 09:13 PM
Tio hits the dirt with the others. He does his best to keep the sand from his face, but fares no better than the others.

2009-03-29, 12:17 PM
Knowing the situation is desperate for those above, David will use his innate abilty to shape the sand to form a small house (up to 8 cubic feet by using the SP from the Sand Domain). It takes 5 minutes to form, slowly building upon itself. It only provides temporary relief though. (10 min). A small entrance is used to get in and out of it, which does let in some wind, but a lot less then being stuck outside.

He will also try to guide people there.

2009-03-31, 11:38 PM
David looks up at the sky, as do several of you as the wind begins to rise. Warned of an imminent storm, David crouches and begins drawing a wide circle in the sand, which slowly rises into a dome around you as the storm bursts overhead. Trickles of dust still flow in from the opening left so you can enter, but the sand doesn't cut the skin like it does in the open, merely leaves your enclave with bits of swirling dust.

As dust trickles into the room, you see something odd. First, specks of darkness in the sand. This isn't odd or unusual, it simply implies a patch of black sand in the near proximity, likely not something to be too worried about. The second however, are sparkling strands of dust swirling with the wind around your room.

It takes you a minute of careful watching and thinking back to the commonalities of the desert before you realize what it is, far too late. The sandeyes disease has been known to shift through the air naturally on rare occasions in sandstorms like this, and from the looks of it you have all been exposed.

2009-04-01, 05:53 PM
Zeke huddles in the little hut and remarks to himself at how little he knows about nature and how powerful it can be. He wants to harness the power of the desert.

2009-04-01, 06:08 PM

David sits there staring at the sand, trying to remember what sandeyes disease does. After watching the sand a moment, he'll clear his throat to get the others attention.

We have a few problems. he says nonchantly raising his voice over the wind.

Look at this sand. he says to everyone pointing out the black sand. I don't know how well you know the dangers of the desert, but you do not wish to come upon black sand. It may just be the last thing you do.

The other thing is... he points to the sparkling sand. this. Normal sand doesn't sparkle like this. This is known as Sandeyes Disease. I cant remember off the top of my head what it does, but I doubt it is pleasent.

2009-04-01, 06:13 PM
Tio makes his way into the small structure glad to be out of the wind. He should have been prepared for something like this. He cursed his lack of foresight into the matter and huddled in the small shelter with the others.

2009-04-03, 11:16 PM
It only takes a few minutes before the storm begins to slowly quiet, a sharp, strong, but short-lived wave of sand, as is common in these areas. All of your eyes are itching, although that this point you can't tell whether it's normal dust, the disease, or a placebo of your fears of it.

Having already traveled about two hours, you continue on the rest of the way, and before long see a black stain on the horizon which the sun is fast approaching. As you come up, you see a patch of black sand and it's column of darkness rising twenty feet in the air. You can't tell how far it is because of the column of shadow, but you can see the edges curving away: it looks to be roughly circular.

2009-04-03, 11:20 PM
Upon finding out he has sandeyes, Adruis is slightly taken back until he see David's holy symbol. He then relaxes slightly. Apparently its supposed to cause your eyes to dry out to the point where they become like sand and fall out of their sockets in a pile of dust. He says with no emotion behind his words, he then looks to David. However, you are a holy man correct? You would obviously have to have some power to have accepted the sultan's task. A bit of a disease should be easy for you to cure.

2009-04-05, 10:47 PM
David nods. I can heal us by tomorrow morning. But I do bellieve it would be best if we skirt this black sand.

2009-04-06, 07:19 PM
You move off together around the dark circle, which looks to be roughly circular and somewhere between two and four hundred feet across.

You continue on your way through the desert for a short stretch longer, until there is a spot in the sand far ahead. According to the map you’re approaching the temple. As you move through the next valley and then crest the last dune, there is a rectangular block sticking out of the sand. You can see it is a half-buried stone entrance. The doors have been carved with a fantastic image of a setting sun, mirroring the actual sun behind it as it begins to sink below the dunes, spreading gold and purple rays through the sky. The doors open inwards easily when you push, spilling sand into a long forgotten stone hallway.

The Temple of Dusk

The hall before you is an impressive sight. The walls are carved out of stone such that there are images upon them, painted beautifully in dark oranges and purples, showing pictures of the setting sun, and the desert as shadows fall across it. There are paintings of birds and of men, and a central image of a glowing man standing on a great mound, with a double-layered crown upon his head and a golden staff in his hand.

The floor is a simple layout of sandy tiles, and the roof a simple tiled pattern as well, although even these are laid with amazing precision, leaving a feel of great craftsmanship, almost too great for human or even mortal hands.

At the end of the hallway is a set of large doors, identical to those you just passed to enter the chamber, down to the perfect carving of a setting sun in deep orange and yellow.

You realize something unusual as you walk to the end of the hallway: it is well lit. The walls seem to exude a slight orange glow, similar to that of the setting sun outside.


Your locations at this moment are irrelevant, so they are not marked on the map yet. One square is 5 ft.

This map is rather unnecessary, mostly just: hey, look, I'm posting maps now.

You are entering from the bottom.

http://f.imagehost.org/0893/The_Front_Hall.jpg (http://f.imagehost.org/view/0893/The_Front_Hall)

2009-04-06, 08:28 PM
Hmm... Adrius makes a beeline for the other door with a slightly quicker pace than the others, his feet seeming to make no noise, and his eyes seeming to scan the walls, floor, and ceiling.


Assuming he makes it to the door with no problem, Adrius puts and ear to the door .

2009-04-06, 08:39 PM
ack! Wrong. If you read the previous spoiler, ignore it. Replacing it now.

You move silently through the hallway and up to the double doors on the other side. You note no apparent oddities signaling traps or hidden passages. You press your ear to the door and are met with silence on the other side.

2009-04-06, 08:46 PM
Adrius lightly cracks to door to peer inside, giving the others some time to catch up.

2009-04-06, 08:56 PM
The door slides open without much difficulty, providing resistance due to its large weight but not grinding against the ground as roughly as one would expect. The craftsmanship of the doorway is clearly fantastic.

This second chamber is of an unusual shape. You look through doors into the middle of a short hall going to the right and left from the door, the walls as ornately decorated as the previous hall.

At the end on the right, the walls and decoration remain the same as that you just passed, but at the left end of the hall, as you pass the point where the turn begins, the floor tiles begin to fade from the previous sandy yellow-gold into a more grayish tinge. At that end, the hall continues after a turn to the right, but there is also a square pit cut into the wall and floor if you turn to the left from that end of the hall. The pathway on the left side is a ramp upwards, becoming progressively darker as it proceeds up, with the art on the walls fading into bluish-black images of the sky at night.


The gray blocks there are walls as well. Just so you know.
http://f.imagehost.org/0060/Spiral_of_Doom.jpg (http://f.imagehost.org/view/0060/Spiral_of_Doom)

2009-04-07, 10:39 AM
David will follow after Adrius. He lets out a short gasp at the paintings and magnificance of the building.

2009-04-07, 12:08 PM
Adrius walks up to the pit, looking down into it. (Lowlight Vision)

((If he can't see anything on his his own...))

You! He says gesturing to Zeke. Think our dragonslayer could get a light into this hole? he says "dragonslayer" almost like he knows the truth.

2009-04-07, 02:18 PM
The golden glow from the walls fills the room, and while it doesn't emanate within the gray walled hole, it lights it well enough to see. It appears to be a perfect cube, about 10 feet to a side, the same width as the hallway leading up away from it. The bottom of the small pit is the same as the walls of it, smooth gray unremarkable stone.

The ramp continues upwards, the light quite dim at the top, but you can just see that it hits another sharp turn to the right after about 40 feet.

http://g.imagehost.org/0210/Spiral_of_Doom.jpg (http://g.imagehost.org/view/0210/Spiral_of_Doom)

2009-04-07, 02:34 PM
((Hello? Anyone else there?))

Adrius advances cautiously up the ramp.

((Also, would just like to remind the GM that I have low-light vision and Scent))

2009-04-07, 08:11 PM
((Zeke also has low-light vision))

He follows Adrius and lets him lead for now. He marvels at the magnificence and thinks it is a tremendous waste to keep all this here for nobody. There must be someone still here. If there wasn't, someone would surely have stolen all of this.

At the remark of his abilities, Zeke laughs a little. He casts Dancing Lights and moves his orbs down into the pit.

((1 0th level spell spent))

2009-04-07, 08:57 PM
David will merely follow for now.

(won't have internet acess tomorrow.)

2009-04-07, 09:11 PM
As you climb the darkened spiral, you see the art fade completely to black sky dotted with white points.

At the very top of the spiral the tiles upon the floor have reached a solid black. The walls are speckled with white spots reminiscent of stars, but are otherwise very dark themselves. At the end of the ramp is a large perfectly spherical stone wedged in place by a golden key, which appears to be brand new, shining, and unwarped even though you can see by the undisturbed sand and dust that nobody has been here for decades, if not centuries.

2009-04-07, 10:02 PM
Hmph... Adrius scoffs at the obvious trap. I've seen rat traps more clever than this. Adrius descends the ramp and describes what he found to the others. Don't touch the key. It's what holds the stone in place and the pit is likely just a place for the stone to land...possibly setting off an alarm or another trap. He then heads for the next door, keeping up the same caution as the other.

2009-04-07, 10:06 PM
You come upon the other door sitting at its end of the hallway. This door is etched in beautiful shifting patterns of red and orange, and now that you are looking for it, has a small black keyhole.

2009-04-07, 10:17 PM
Adrius lets out an audible sigh. He returns to where the key was and carefully ties a length of twine around it and descends the ramp. After telling the others to move out of the way, and doing so himself, he pulls the string.

((Obviously not doing so in the path of the thing. Also, just in case...))
A sleight of hand check for tying the string in case you're anal like that.[roll0]

2009-04-07, 11:09 PM
Zeke lets his less than charismatic friend do what he wants, as this seems to be his strong point. He does prepare himself for an explosion, though, crouching.

2009-04-08, 05:20 AM
Gurth moves in at the rear of the group, he sees the stealthier adventurers creep in first though. Taking one last look around outside for a sign of anyone following them.

Keeping close he follows the group and stands aside as the wolf-man tries his trick with the key.

"Mind you don't get us killed" he whispers with a slight grin on his face .

Spot check to see anyone/thing behind them outside: [roll0]

2009-04-08, 06:56 PM
Adrius finishes his contraption safely and you all stand back from the space between the spiral and the pit, and he pulls the string.

There's a pause.

A low rumbling begins above, and after a moment a loud crash. The rumbling begins again, periodically slowed by the smashing of what you realize is the boulder hitting walls and turning, and after a short wait the huge stone hurtles past you and slams into the wall with a massive crash, trailing swirls of dust and sand in its wake. It falls into the pit with another crash, fitting perfectly.

2009-04-08, 09:45 PM
Zeke is impressed with the thoughtfulness of the makers. Also thinks this is a one time trick, meaning the owner of this temple is a spellcaster (to reset the trap). Anyone who thinks knows that you want a re-usable trap as the front door to stop parties of more than one or multiple parties.

I'm impressed is all he says and he can let the others choose who is impressed with; Adrius or the temple's craftsman.

We have the key now, right? I suggest checking the door for traps as well...
He trails off there because it is most likely a trap of magical nature. He walks over to it and uses his Vatic Gaze to detect magic on the door with the keyhole.

2009-04-08, 09:57 PM
There's an overwhelming burst of magic again from all around when you activate the spell. It burns into your mind's eye, and as you try to focus you get a strange impression. It's a different magic from any you've seen before, and you can't recognize any school to it. You can't hold the spell long before the pain of it burns you back out of the gaze.

You can't tell any distinct sources of magic from any other in the massive haze emanating from the temple.

2009-04-08, 10:03 PM
Adrius walks to the door whistling a light tune while spinning the key on the string. After checking the door for traps, he uses the key on it and peeks in.


2009-04-08, 10:15 PM
Pulling the string all the way down the slope you find the key on the end, undamaged by presumably being rolled over by a boulder. Moving to the door quickly, Adrius quickly and deftly searches it for traps, but finds nothing. You slip the key into the small keyhole which clicks easily and turns. The door slides open as smoothly as the last.

As the door opens, the key vanishes suddenly, and you hear a loud thud from what you think is the top of the spiral.

As you enter the next room it is apparent that there is somewhat less light now. The walls in this chamber are unusual, in that they are not carved ornately but roughshod stone, and appear cracked and worn. It is just a straight hallway for 55 feet, where it turns left and there is a massive pair of stone doors, cracked similarly to the walls. As soon as the door into the chamber is open you can hear distinct loud noise coming from inside the room. Click… click… click… click… click… FOOM! Suddenly the room lights up in a deep orange as tall gouts of flame spurt from between the stones in the floor just 15 feet in front of you and down the entire hallway in front of the door. The fire goes out as quickly as it appeared, and the clicking begins again.


The fire seems to burst approximately every six seconds.

You may assume that you are beginning your round on any non-firing square for the time being. Once you begin acting as a group, rounds must be followed (everyone acts once before someone acts twice) and at the end of those six actions locations will be checked for fire :smallwink:

http://g.imagehost.org/0051/Path_of_Immolation.jpg (http://g.imagehost.org/view/0051/Path_of_Immolation)

2009-04-08, 10:32 PM
((Deleted last post now that I can see theres no safe zone to open the door in.))

Hmm... Adrius take off his heatsuit and puts it back into his pack, he does the same with all his loose clothing. All thats left is a tight-fitting, black bodysuit with a few pockets and a horizontal sheathe on the back of the waist. The short sword inside it has a faint blue glow. He begins looking, and sniffing around.


2009-04-08, 10:35 PM
Searching the floors and walls in detail finds you little in particular. You guess the damage to the walls is due to being exposed to searing fire for such a long long time. You do see that the fire is coming from minuscule holes in the seams between floor tiles, which you barely noticed consisted of separate tiles before, they were so well placed.

2009-04-08, 10:42 PM
((deleted last message due to being NINJA'D!))

He walks in and leans against the close wall (k1).

You should tell the rest of us what you're doing before you go stepping around in fire.

He's not worried about the fire at this distance.

2009-04-08, 10:56 PM
Adrius scratches his chin a bit until he looks like he's gotten an idea. This... He says, standing in the middle of the hall (i2) and placing his hands together in front of this face. A quiet "poof" is heard as a cloak of smoke surrounds him and is blown away by another burst of flame. Adrius is now much shorter, much smoother(no fur) and has a dark tan. This should do... he says, placing his left index finger in the path of the flames and waiting for them to lick him.

Using assassin spell Alter Self to transform into a Fire Gnome (obviously for the fire immunity) for the next 50 minutes or until I feel like dismissing it.

2009-04-08, 11:02 PM
The flame bursts forth again and curls over Adrius' outstretched hand, leaving it completely unscathed.

2009-04-08, 11:04 PM
Adrius only gives a smirk as he walks over to the door, through the flames and tries to open it.

Move action - Move
Standard Action - Keep Moving
Free Action - Try Door

2009-04-08, 11:07 PM
Adrius walks across the field smiling, and reaches the door. Resting a calm hand on it as fire is about to blast up around him, he presses his hand on the door...and it doesn't move. A blast of fire obscures the rest of your view of him again for a second, clearing to reveal him still standing unscathed.

The door feels heavy. Hard to push. As if it is spring loaded or something of the sort. It moves the tiniest bit when you shoved it nonchalantly, but quickly moves back again after the initial push.

2009-04-10, 01:41 PM
Assuming there is only one other who needs to cross, I'll cast Resist Energy on myself, and protection from energy on the other person. Fire of course.

2009-04-10, 05:49 PM
Assuming that the other person that resists energy is Gurth, Zeke decides to be a little flashy. He casts Swift Etherealness on himself and races past the fire and (literally) through the door.

Swift Action: Spell.
Other Actions: running.

That's also a 4th level spell down. I'm updating my sheet.

2009-04-10, 06:30 PM
Relax...the artifact isn't going anywhere...without me at least. Adrius says in a slightly high-pitched voice due to hi snew form as he presses through the door to the other side.

2009-04-10, 11:00 PM
Adrius slams his now quite small shoulder against the double doors, which move inward the smallest bit on their hinges before pushing back out again.


2009-04-11, 12:23 AM
From the other side of the door, assuming he is on the other side, he looks around.

2009-04-11, 12:59 AM
Zeke flicks his fingers, wavers into a shadowy figure of himself, and sprints his way through the open space, around the corner, and straight ethereally through the still closed door, coming out on the other side in another short hall without the worn down walls of the previous hall, and no sign of any fire.

Sitting at the end of the short hall is another door, emblazoned with a massive setting sun.

2009-04-11, 01:46 AM
Adrius pull a handful of strange tools from his pocket as he goes to work on the door, attempting to disable the spring.

Taking 20, im gonna be a fire gnome for almost an hour

2009-04-11, 01:57 AM
You can't even find mechanics to these doors, they are sealed stone on stone. There's nothing to go to work on. You have gotten the general impression that the thing stopping you has been more your lack of strength than a distinctly sealed door.

2009-04-11, 02:17 AM
The protective magic wreathing over him, Gurth grins as he runs through the momentarily clear space and slams his thick arms against the doorway, pushing. However he doesn't manage to put the force to the door, and one way or another it has only moved inwards slightly when the fire roars up again, catching only Gurth's protective spell and the fireproof form Adrius has taken.


2009-04-11, 10:36 AM
Gurth...was it? When the flames shoot up again, we both push. He says, bracing himself against the door.

2009-04-11, 12:44 PM
Zeke looks about the door behind him for a way to open it for the others. If there is none, he will try to disable any springs or devices on this side of the door. If there are none of those he will move out of the way of the door which will eventually burst open.

Disable Device: [roll0]

2009-04-11, 04:02 PM
David will walk across the fire as well, and help push the door open.

2009-04-14, 11:42 PM
David and Adrius push against the door again from either side, as Gurth readies himself. The door sits completely stationary for a moment despite their efforts until the hulking paladin's form slams against the double doors, barely shoving them outward and holding them in place, propped open.



2009-04-15, 12:36 AM
Adrius walks through the door, looking back and forth at the walls, floor, and ceiling. He continues down the hall to the door. The defenses are getting stronger, keep on your guard.


OOC: I'll stop if I see any traps or other things that warrant my attention.

2009-04-15, 12:39 AM
Adrius walks down the hall, checking the floor, walls, ceiling, and door at the end for traps in extensive detail quite expediently, finding nothing. The door at the end of the hall appears to be unlocked.

2009-04-15, 03:26 AM
Gurth stands there straining holding the doors. "Don't worry fellows, I've got these" he grunts.

2009-04-15, 08:47 PM
Zeke lets Adrius do what he does and follows him at about a 5 foot distance.

2009-04-15, 08:54 PM
Tio watches the fire and waits for the next opening before sprinting across the gap and through the door, slipping under Gurth's straining arms and into the hallway beyond.

2009-04-15, 09:14 PM
Adrius pushes (or pulls if that doesn't work).

2009-04-15, 09:56 PM
David nods as Tio gets through. Come let us catch up with Adrius. With that, he goes after him.

2009-04-16, 12:55 PM
The last of the party, Pyrian runs through the next break and through the door into the hallway as Adrius pushes open the door.

This next chamber is more reminiscent of the entry hall, with the walls once again ornately sculpted into beautiful murals of desert and dusk. There is one wall which is especially of note: the wall on the left side from the entry is one massive image of the setting sun, and it is actually glowing as brightly as the sun, making it hard to look at. The floor of this room is not stone but deep sand, you’re not sure how deep, but enough to hinder your movements. Standing in the center of the room is a great man. Or at least something reminiscent of one. It appears in shape and manner a man, but you quickly note that it is merely an amazingly well carved statue standing in the center of the room. It is dressed ornately, and has a great staff in its hand, which is orange at the tip shifting gradually down to black at the bottom. Upon its head is a great double layered crown of some sort. As you enter the room, suddenly the statue moves. It appears to watch you for a moment before gesturing towards the party with the staff, and suddenly the sand in front of it shifts upwards, forming two small figures of yellow sand, of very simple and humanoid shape. They whirl towards you, reaching and windmilling their small round ended arm-appendages towards you as they run.

http://f.imagehost.org/0447/Chamber_of_Dusk_group_2.jpg (http://f.imagehost.org/view/0447/Chamber_of_Dusk_group_2)

2009-04-16, 01:13 PM

I don't think this is a welcoming commitee. he says, raising his arms preparing to unleash some magic.

2009-04-16, 02:45 PM
Here they come! Adrius states, reverting back to his original lupine form and snatching a crossbow from his hip. He takes advantage of the distance between him and the enemy to get a good shot. There! he says, firing at one of the incoming sand people.

Actions and rolls
Free Action: Draw Weapon (Quick Draw)
Standard Action: Attack on lower sand dervish using Spot the Weak Point skill trick. If my spot check surpasses the enemy AC, my attack is considered a touch attack.

2009-04-16, 05:36 PM
David's Actions:

Move 17E and draw crossbow (move action)
Cast Divine Power (+6 str, 10 BAB, and +10 hp) (standard action)

2009-04-16, 06:49 PM
Hmmm. Zeke doesn't like non-human conflict, but as a magician, he's learned a good trick for it. He flicks his wrists, wiggles his fingers and shouts some incantations. A phalanx of spectral swordfighters appears. Their blades are drawn and they stand ready to strike.

The spell is Legion of Sentinels and is found as a 3rd level spell in PHBII (page 116). Centered in f12 and a 10 foot radius. They count for flanking purposes and deal attacks of opportunities when appropriate. Also you can walk through them.

There is one of these in each square in a 10 foot radius of f12 and each one counts for flanking and you can walk through them. Go nuts.

2009-04-17, 03:58 AM
Gurth drops his arms and slips inside the room as the doors slam shut behind him. Looking up to see the sand-men rise out of the ground and advance on them he drops into a combat stance and draws the sword from his back. "Ah, finally something interesting, I was beginning to get a little bored"

He touches his left hand to the middle of his chest, you can't see what he is touching, but he closes his eyes and mutters something quietly at the same time.

He then moves round the rest of the group and prepares to charge the sand man on the right.

He touched his holy symbol of Kord which is actually emblazoned on his breastplate, invisible as it is currently disguised as normal desert traveller leather armour, and muttered a small prayer-chant to Kord.

Gurth uses 2 move actions to move up to square d-15, drawing his weapon at the same time and prepares to charge Sand Dervish number 1 next turn.

2009-04-25, 06:52 PM
Adrius smoothly whips his crossbow from his side and analyzes his target, sinking an arrow into one of the little sand things. The arrow cuts straight through, but seems to have little effect, leaving just a slight dribbling hole in the front of the creature.

David and Gurth move slowly through the thick sans and prepare to engage the enemy, with streaks of divine light settling over David's arms.

Zeke flourishes his hands as ghostly figures step out of nothing and take up a formation in a solid circle, swords at the ready.

Tio stands still, casually, and his eyes flit to the first creature, and his eyes flash once. Suddenly, the creature stops in its tracks, arms falling limp. After a moment, the entire creature splashes back into a pile of sand in the floor.

Pyrian's feet shift smoothly into a fighting stance as he draws his blade, a short sword with a piercingly white edge and moves slowly forwards.



2009-04-25, 06:58 PM
The second sand monster rushes forwards on stubby legs and leaps at David. He buckles slightly and coughs as it crashes into his chest, but as it tries to cling to him he throws it off before it can secure a hold.



2009-04-25, 07:11 PM

http://f.imagehost.org/0874/Chamber_of_Dusk_group_2.jpg (http://f.imagehost.org/view/0874/Chamber_of_Dusk_group_2)

2009-04-25, 11:49 PM
((just checking, but I didn't see any Attacks of opportunity from the sentinels as this sand thing rushes past like 3 of them. Was I supposed to roll them?))

Zeke is currently thinking this statue at the middle is mindless, so a vast majority of his spells will not work. He thinks fast but comes up with nothing, so he draws his rapier and waits, figuring this little piece of metal will do negligible damage to the dervishes.

2009-04-26, 12:31 PM

David will activate his ability from the traveling domain. It allows me to activate freedom of movement as a free action up to 1/level so (1/10).
He'll take a 5ft step back and cast Dragon Breath on himself.

Dragon Breath

allows me to mimic a dragon's breath (in this case white (cold) for up to 10 rounds. does 5d8. Reflex half. must wait 1d4 rounds before it can be used again.

2009-05-15, 05:46 PM
Adrius quickly swaps his crossbow for the short sword on his back and shifts forward, taking a swipe at the sand dervish.

Move Action - Change weapons
Free Action - 5 Foot Step Forward
Standard Action - Attack Sand Dervish 2


2009-05-15, 05:49 PM
((Ooh, a possible crit?))


2009-05-19, 11:37 PM
Zeke smoothly draws his weapon and settles into a combat stance.

David takes a step back with a flashing hand motion whilst a ripple of white mist circles his throat. Adrius smoothly moves forwards to take his place, quickly drawing and swiping his blade straight through the center of the sand dervish, however as the creature is constructed entirely of hardened sand, there are no vital organs to injure.

Gurth struggles forwards through the sands, almost completely immobilized by the deep sands in his full plate as Pyrian turns to the statue and begins struggling forwards himself.

Tio gives a dark laugh from his corner of the room and focuses his eyes on the sand dervish, as a glittering streak of silvered blue light bursts violently through the air, barely missing Adrius to slam into the creature with a spreading rose of frost.


2009-05-19, 11:40 PM
The statue remains silent and motionless as the last dervish continues attacking, leaping at Adrius and wrapping and flatting its stubby arms around his body, clinging to him as the spots of skin it touches rapidly dry and begin withering.



2009-05-19, 11:43 PM
http://f.imagehost.org/0678/Chamber_of_Dusk_group_2.jpg (http://f.imagehost.org/view/0678/Chamber_of_Dusk_group_2)

2009-05-20, 11:44 AM
David the Wanderer

David will move (freedom of movement) and use his dragon breath only if the dervish is off of Adruis. Otherwise he'll aim at the angel of dusk.

ice for the dervish, fire for the angel.

[roll0] fire or ice, 15ft cone. DC 21 reflex for half.

wait [roll1] rounds

2009-05-20, 01:45 PM
Adrius yips as the dervish grabs him. He squirms around a bit trying to get out of the dervishes grasp.


Also taking a 5-foot step to the side to get out of the way for death's breath weapon, provided I make my check

2009-05-20, 07:58 PM
Zeke's mind races. His spells are mostly ineffective against the mindless and his sliver of a sword is more or less useless against rocks and sand. He doesn't know if statues can get distracted, but it can't hurt to try. His left hand waves hypnotically and a rainbow of flashing patterns and shifting colors appears around the angel. He decides that he may be able to make further use of his already present spell. He tries to get to the center of his sentinels, shouting various obscenities at the statue, trying to lure it into his trap. He adopts a defensive stance as well.

This spell is on page 242 of PHB. Hypnotic Pattern, level 2. I'm gonna center it about 5 feet behind the angel so I don't risk affecting the one with the dragon breath. [roll0] for the Hit Dice. This is just a move action and a defense action if he has one left by the time he gets there. I don't remember how those work. Moving to the center of his Legion of Sentinels

2009-05-28, 01:15 AM
David will move to E14 (freedom of movemnt) and cant reach the angel yet, so unless the dervish lets go of Adruis, he wont be doing anything.

2009-05-28, 08:59 PM
Adrius wrestles fruitlessly with the sand dervish as David glides past him over the sand, light shimmering around his throat.

Zeke struggles forwards through the sand shouting at the statue as he does so, which remains completely immobile.

Gurth stomps through the sand as David glides past, silently bringing his massive greatsword through the air and down, shimmering with a divine light which dissolves away as the blade slams down into the sand dervish grappling Adrius, barely missing his lupine body. As the blade bites into the creature it spasms and dissolves into a pile of harmless sand.

Tio brings his hands together, focusing a massive blast of his mental energy into a spear of blazing white which lances through the center of the room leaving a slight trail of frost along the ground beneath its path. The beam curves out of his control and smashes into the back wall of the chamber, spreading in a burst of ice and snow with a violent crack.

Pyrian struggles further forwards in the deep sand, moving into the mass of ghostly figures, his blade pointed at the statue.



[roll1] [roll2]


2009-05-28, 09:07 PM
The statue’s eyes flash orange as the small creatures fall back into the sand of the floor. It spins its staff once over its head before moving into a fighting stance and bringing the staff forwards. The orange end of the staff bursts into the flame, while a curl of bright frost tendrils around the other, and as the statue steps forwards two more sand dervishes rise on either side of it.

2009-05-28, 09:09 PM
http://f.imagehost.org/0341/Chamber_of_Dusk_group_2.jpg (http://f.imagehost.org/view/0341/Chamber_of_Dusk_group_2)

2009-05-28, 10:45 PM
Move to c10 and give them a dragon's kiss on the dervish/angel.

DC 21 half

2009-05-30, 12:11 AM
Zeke begins to think he's getting nowhere in this sand and is frustrated. He doesn't care if the statue is mindless, it obviously thinks something. Perhaps he can stop it's summoning with a spell of confusion.

That's centered around the angel and DC 18.
Effects- [roll0].
AAAARGH! It doesn't do anything anyways!

2009-06-10, 12:40 AM
Zeke flourishes his spell through the air, unfortunately to no effect. David's blazing cone of fire however causes slightly more of a problem for the statue: as the smoke clears, burned streaks are clearly visible along the construct and the small sand dervish in front of it.

Gurth struggles slowly forwards through the sand, making little progress.

Adrius shifts to the side past him and looses a crossbow bolt which thuds into the scorched dervish.

Pyrian moves through the crowd of ghostly warriors, positioning himself to better combat the new dervishes, while spinning a pair of daggers through the air right behind Adrius' bolt, the first sinking cleanly into the creature, the second flying slightly wide.

Tio scowls at the other sand creature, and you can almost feel the mental energy ripple through the air to crush the creature as he did to the last one. The dervish pauses as the mental force envelops it, then it spasms and falls to a mound of common sand.


Statue: [roll0]
Dervish: [roll1]

Adrius: [roll2]

Pyrian: [roll4]

Dervish: [roll8]

2009-06-10, 12:49 AM
The last dervish charges Pyrian and violently tackles him, wrapping its small sandy arms around him and draining the water from his body.

The Statue raises its staff into the air with a slow spin, and a flow of sparkling tan dust streaks out and into each of you. With a jolting pain, lines of blue-tan light burst back to the statue as the water is sucked from your bodies.


[roll1] [roll2]
[roll3] [roll4]


2009-06-10, 12:56 AM
http://f.imagehost.org/0360/Chamber_of_Dusk_group_2.jpg (http://f.imagehost.org/view/0360/Chamber_of_Dusk_group_2)


[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3]

2009-06-10, 06:03 PM
Frustrated but determined, Zeke tries exactly the same spell.
Please, dice gods, I would like a 51-100
That's centered around the angel and DC 18.

2009-06-12, 08:52 AM
since he couldnt use his breath yet, David pulls out his crossbow and tries to shoot the dervish (4) full of pincushions.

Rapid Shot
[roll0] dam [roll1]
[roll2] dam [roll3]
[roll4] dam [roll5]

2009-06-20, 10:55 PM
Adrius looks back and forth between his enemies and "allies" Crap, I knew I should have stocked back up before coming out here. He thinks to himself before moving next to Zeke.

Moving to flank Zeke and keep enemies off him until I can figure out what to do.

2009-06-23, 02:24 AM
Zeke weaves his hands through the air, as a fog settles around the statue. However much you try to focus, the fog seems somehow indistinct and brightly colored and clear at the same time. It is extremely disorienting even from the outside, and it is likely that it would affect any thinking creature caught in it unless they had the mental willpower to break it off.

Pyrian struggles with the dervish, attempting to break from its hold but fails as the small creature continues to suck the water from his body.

Three arrows soar through the chamber from David's bow, the first flying wide before the other two sink into the final dervish's torso.

Gurth continues pushing angrily through the sand, kneedeep in his plate mail, coming alongside Pyrian.

Still scowling in the corner, his hand now ringed with frost, Tio silently gestures again, sending a mid sized beam of ice into the dervish and Pyrian, taking no heed for the safety of his ally.





2009-06-23, 02:34 AM
The final sand dervish crumbles into bits of frozen sand as Tio's beam strikes.

The Angel struggles through the cloud cast by Zeke but shakes it off. It begins to move swiftly over the sand despite its large size and stony construction, slamming to a stop between Gurth, Pyrian, and David, swinging its great staff downward swing to strike Gurth with the black frost streaked end. The blow connects with the paladin's shoulder, and wide arcs of frost spread across his upper torso from the blow.


2009-06-23, 02:39 AM
http://f.imagehost.org/0297/Chamber_of_Dusk_group_2.jpg (http://f.imagehost.org/view/0297/Chamber_of_Dusk_group_2)

2009-07-15, 01:08 PM
David will make a 5ft step to c11, and then feels his powers coming back. Taking a deep breath, he blows more fire towards the angel, and away from his comrades.

DC 21 ref for half

2009-07-15, 01:09 PM
sorry for the double post. bad roll.
