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View Full Version : Feats for a Dread Necro (DnD3.5)

2009-02-28, 02:23 PM
I'm currently building an Orog Necropolitan Dread Necromancer (8)/Pale Master (10) and I'm having a little trouble deciding on his Feats for levels 12 and 15. I'd like him to focus on his close-ranged abilities and get stuck right into the fray rather than standing back and sending his minions forth. I haven't decided on exact figures, but Str and Cha will be high, Int med, Wis and Dex (relatively) low...Con is a non-ability. With racial Greatsword proficiency, his weapon of choice is decided for him, so the Dread Necro proficiency will probably be in Longbow...not sure on that though.

Here's his other Feats and the level at which he gets them:
1: Profane Lifeleech
3: Mother Cyst
6: Skill Focus (Knowledge [Religion] ) [Neccesary to qualify for Pale Master]
9: Sickening Grasp
18: Necrotic Reserve

Necrotic Reserve could technically be taken at level 15 if I have him undergo the Ritual of Crucimigration at Lvl.15 instead of Lvl.18. However, that does mean that he'll have 14d12+4d4 Hit Die rather than 17d12+1d4, which is an average difference of 12 HP (I think)...when you're Undead and fighting up close, every HP counts!

For his Advanced Learning spells, I haven't decided on the one he gets at 4th level (got to be a 1st or 2nd level Necromancy Spell from the Cleric or Wizard lists), but was thinking either Clutch of Orcus or Consumptive Field for the one at 8th. Any suggestions?

I'm hoping to swing two 4HD Tomb Motes, with the DM, as already having been Commanded via Rebuke Undead but for Animated/Created Undead I have yet to decide what to go with...likely something easily disguised rather than the really powerful options like Hydras and such.

So anyways, for the level 15 Feat I was wondering if anyone knew of a Feat that would allow him to get more usage or uses out of his Undead Graft (Su) ability...increases in the DC to resist it, uses per day or even changing the action required to use it (to a move or swift action, for example) are all thoughts, but I'm not sure what Feats are available, if at all, to do those.

For the level 12 Feat, I'm completely at a loss. I simply don't know what to go for. Spell Focus is an obvious choice, but lacklustre. Power Attack is also an option (he's toting a Greatsword after all!), but again, not that exciting. I just wanted something a little more exotic that would mesh well with his other abilities. Any and all suggestions would be appreciated!



2009-02-28, 02:40 PM
First of all, say the Necropolitan ritual was performed within a Desecrate with an evil altar present, so you'll get +2 hp/level. If you can, say it was performed by another Dread Necromancer 8+ for another +2 hp/level, and say he had Corpsecrafter so you'll get a total of +6 hp/level.

Take Versatile Spellcaster from Races of the Dragon, you'll be able to spend two spell slots to cast a spell one level higher. Note that Dread Necormancers automatically know every spell on their list of whatever level they'd be able to cast, so both as-written and as-intended (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/4ask/20080603a) it will give you access to the next level of spells sooner than normal. At level 1 you'd be able to cast second level spells with this.

I'm particularly fond of using fear effects with a DN. Get the Ghostly Visage familiar and always have it possessing you, it can manifest over your face during combat to force opponents to save or be paralyzed every round, and it can spend a standard action each round to affect someone specifically. Get the feat Frightful Presence from the Draconomicon, and even Dreadful Wrath (PGtF) would be useful since fear effects stack.

2009-02-28, 04:13 PM
First of all, say the Necropolitan ritual was performed within a Desecrate with an evil altar present, so you'll get +2 hp/level. If you can, say it was performed by another Dread Necromancer 8+ for another +2 hp/level, and say he had Corpsecrafter so you'll get a total of +6 hp/level.

Desecration will work for this, and Undead Mastery is feasibly applicable, but the Corpsecrafter bonus only applies to undead made with Necromancy Spells, of which the Ritual of Crucimigration is not one.