View Full Version : Tolkien high

2009-03-01, 03:09 AM
You're in the cafateria, in a corner. On the next table over a kid with a laptop. Looking over some runes. Suddenly there is a bright flash of light and you all go blind for a moment.

When your vision appears everything's changed. The students appear to be various non humans. A teacher in the opposite corner has grown scales, the football team near the center seems to now be hobgoblins, orcs, and the quarterback seems to be made of metal.

The lunchlady seems to be wearing the calamari on her face.

2009-03-01, 03:17 AM
Mark seizes this moment of opportunity to snag the burger of the guy next to him...as well as his cell phone. He looks over at the new football team, seeing their better look. The **** happened? hes asked out loud.

2009-03-01, 03:21 AM
The guy next to you seems to have grown pointed ears, horns, glowing golden eyes. He stands there shocked for a moment, a shocked expression on his face. He grabs his things, including his phone, and runs out of the room. He seems to fade away as he runs.

Mark sits there with a burger in his hands.

2009-03-01, 10:13 AM
Julios "Judus" Sits in a corner table all to himself. At first he was poking at his meatloaf and making pictures with his food. Until a blinding light occured. After which julios took a good look around.

What the...... Hehe, well its an improvement really. The punk/gothic boy goes back to arranging his food. Seemingly unphased by this change, for now.

2009-03-01, 10:44 AM
(Wait... we have two Marks? Can I change my name to Matt?)

Mart/Matt looks around.
What's happening? It appears we have crossed though a planar anomaly and entered a parallel universe!

This is so COOL! Wait until the guys at the LARP club hear about this!

2009-03-01, 01:34 PM
Yes you can be Matt.

Several students turn to your area for a few moments, seeing nothing out of the ordinary. A drow male in a muscle shirt and another human with glowing red tatoos and humongous headphones run after the horned boy.

Everyone turns back to what they were doing except a goblin. Judging from his clothes and features he's a member of matt's gaming group. The bell goes off before he turns away. You all have science class next, so does the goblin gamer. You all have adjacent assigned seats. Today you do the ever popular frog dissection.

2009-03-01, 01:51 PM

In Class- Judas takes his seat next to his lab partners. With as maliscious as the boy is, its no wonder he enjoys this next assignment.The boy eargerly awaits for the scalples to be passed out.

2009-03-01, 01:55 PM
A couple of test tubes clink in Mark's pocket as he sits down. As soon as he's given a scalpel, he twists and twirls it between his fingers while waiting on the teacher.

2009-03-01, 02:40 PM
The teacher walks in, she appears to be covered in scales with lidless slit pupiled eyes and long fangs where you remember asian features a day before.

She begins taking attendance for the day.

2009-03-01, 03:16 PM
"Smith, Gilby" She starts.

"Present" Says a dwarf with stubble verging on a thick beard.

"Fletcher, Gier"

"Here" An elf in the back row raises his hand.

"Cooper, James"

A halfling in the front left corner answers and adjusts his glasses.

The class seems fairly large, it may be a while til she gets to any of you, feel free to chat here.

2009-03-01, 03:58 PM
So,(Insert goblin's name here) how've you been?

2009-03-01, 04:04 PM
Judas leans back in his chair. Juggling both his pocket knife, and the newly obtained scalpel. Every so often he eyeballs the goblin.

2009-03-01, 10:33 PM
"Great" He says, not noticing Judas. For the next game I was gonna be a d-"

"Um" He says after stopping for a moment "You got a little something on your face" He says, poining to a blue mark on matt's cheek.

"What'd you eat man?"

2009-03-01, 11:43 PM
While judas was staring at the goblin and the nerd conversing he saw the blue spot on the boys face. "Haha, Hay dude you've got something on your face from your date last night!

2009-03-02, 12:23 AM
The goblin laughs for a moment and examines the spot just under Matt's eye.

"OH SHI-" he says loudly, cut off by the sound of chairs sliding in the direction of his outburst. The teacher turns her gaze on him.

"I think we can cross off Jones, William and his entourage."

"Sorry Ms. Li" He says quickly.

Turning back he examines all your faces.

"Crap, look, I cant explain here. Meet me at the doyle library after school" He says, reffering to the library near campus "And don't mention this to anyone.

2009-03-02, 12:28 AM
Judas "Library? HA! I can have more fun out back looking for goffers to hang." The boy stares at the goblin, making motions with his scalpel like hes aiming it at the goblin boys eye.

2009-03-02, 12:29 AM
((Two things, A. We could probably use an OOC thread, B. What just happened?))

2009-03-02, 12:40 AM
( F.??
5. Profit )

( Anyways far as I can tell I am trying to make goblin stew, and the gay nerd boy has a little leftover from his orgy )

2009-03-02, 01:35 AM
OOC: Matt's friend is a goblin now. After finding this out you all had to go to science class. He noticed a distinctive mark on your faces and will explain its meaning after school. Look at each others faces for a description. Sorry, on a PSP atm and cant type too many words. I'll start an ooc thread now. And now.

"Judging by the look of things niether of us have time for this, what with the class and the magic and the making sure none of you get yourselves killed."

2009-03-02, 01:47 AM
The teacher pulls out a jar of eyes. "Thanks to a shipment mixup you are not dissecting frogs. You will be taking apart sheep eyes. Luckaly we will be covering the eye in a few weeks and this will be excelent practice. Get into groups of two and three and you will be given an eye and a worksheet with dissection instructions and questions will be passed out.

Several eyes appear unnatural, they move in the jar and seem to smolder with an inner fire.

2009-03-02, 03:54 PM
Library, gotcha.
Ugh... I hate dissection.

(I'm assuming that Matt, being a geek, knows his way around the science classroom well enough to find a surgical mask. If so, he does.)

Well, let's get started...

2009-03-02, 04:01 PM
Judas, not taking the time or care to don protective gear or even read his hand out, begins slicing at the eye. Only stopping with the occasional "ohhhh" or "Ahhh"

2009-03-02, 04:32 PM
Mike pokes around at the eye, bored until the pupil eds up facing him. 'Chu looking at?

2009-03-02, 07:29 PM
Um, you didn't form any groups. I'll assume you're a group of three.

The eye seems to somehow stare at each of you, it's piercing glare seems to stare into your soul. It glows with a fire fueled by it's own hatered.


OOC: The thread is up.

2009-03-02, 11:02 PM
Mister CraggleThe teacher says loudly from across the room. PUT ON YOUR EQUIPMENT AND WORK PROPERLY. She has an eye in front of her, a piece sliced off and some of the preserving fluid on her chin.

Some liquid squirts from inside the eye onto Judas's face and the wounds seem to regenerate very slowly after a moment. A few of your classmates giggle for a moment and get back to cutting up their normal eyes.

2009-03-02, 11:06 PM
Judas, Feeling confidant and a tad irritated jabs the knife deep into the eye. Leaving it there " Ha! lets see you heal from that!!"

2009-03-02, 11:41 PM
The eye looks adgitated, it seems to flex a bit and the knife shoots out at you spinning, glowing white hot. The blunt end smacks you right in the forehead and rebounds. Landing right next to the dissection tray.

2009-03-02, 11:55 PM
Judas gives a quick grunt at the hot metal assualting his face.

" Damned little bitch." After crushing it with his hand ( ow ) He will stare about the room. making sure the teacher cant see him... he will stuff it in his mouth and quickly down his throat. " Hehe, this should get me at least a D"

2009-03-03, 12:06 AM
Mark laughs at Judas and the small scorch mark on his forehead. He then looks down at his eye. What bout you? can you do anything cool?

2009-03-03, 12:37 AM
Julio feels his blood boil for a moment, his eyes gleam and he feels a feeling of rage. It subsides after a few seconds.

Marks eye stares at him angrily. It seems to roll an inch or two, yet never take his eyes off him.

2009-03-03, 03:48 PM
Matt follows the given instructions. If none were given, he looks to the goblin for a lead.

You know... unless he's smart enough to figure it out by himself.

2009-03-03, 09:24 PM
ooc: DMT quit, I have a new player so don't worry.

Matt follows the work sheet as written down until the assignment is nearly done, the knife seems to get hotter in his hands until the blade glows white hot and melts inside the eye itself. He drops the knife from the heat and the eye seals itself up.

2009-03-04, 08:28 PM
The goblin finishes with his eye, which seems mundane and sliced cleanly. He glances towards your eyes.

"Wow, I heard roomers but never thought..." He says "I can dispel this if you want."

Judas vomits a red mess and is sent to the office, Ms. Li waves her fingers for a moment and twitches for a few moments on the way out.

The eyes both stare at him until he averts his gaze.

2009-03-05, 08:51 PM
OOC:Can you two please post more? I have a new player who needs introduction ready to go but can't do it til next class.

2009-03-05, 09:04 PM
I kinda wanted a monkey, but a living eye will work. He says, dropping the eye into a flask of water, the corking it and placing it in his pocket.

2009-03-05, 09:10 PM
"Whatever" The goblin replies "I'll teach you how to get rid of it if you need to."

He looks at your sheets

"Um, you didn't finish the sheets".

2009-03-05, 09:45 PM
Nah I think I'll keep the little guy. Anyway missing one paper isnt going to screw me over, especially considering what went down today. Mark says, as he heads into the hallway, snagging a coulpe random objects from the teacher's desk and pocketing them when no one is looking.

2009-03-05, 11:01 PM
Your next class is gym, all three of you.

Mark stole a box of paper clips and a paper weight shaped like a small dog in a large hat.

"Speaking of todays events" Craggle says, a bit of nervousness in his voice "When did you start, um ...seeing things?"

2009-03-05, 11:08 PM
I dunno, few minutes after that bus hit me...Oh! you meant today? At lunch I guess.

2009-03-05, 11:18 PM
"Can you ...describe it? Any eldritch words, feeling of bloodlust? Got the idea you were being controlled by an ugly dude from a laptop for his amusement?"

2009-03-05, 11:26 PM
Other than the flash of light and feeling hungry...nothing.

2009-03-05, 11:32 PM
"Weird, I remember one time this one guy and an ogre got together. Who knew magic was an STD?" Craggle says "Though I'd pay good money to see the look on his face when he saw an ogre's gaping maw instead of a blond fringed-" He stops, realizing that the Ogress in question was across the hall. She's tall, with blood red eyes and hair. She has a face a used car dealer would call full of character. When she talks to a dark elf you see sharp fangs in her mouth.

"Though I wonder how he failed to notice he started to bleed."

2009-03-09, 06:57 PM
I'll assume you made it into the gym class and got changed without incident.

The gym teacher is a muscled drow in a blue t-shirt and grey shorts.

"Alright"He says"Today we'll be doing basketball. Split into four teams and get ready."

2009-03-10, 02:47 PM
He picks captains and tells you to line up. Next to Matt is either a giant crow or a very tall emo. He appears to be completley human with a red mark on his left cheek. You recognize him from Matts gaming group.

2009-03-10, 02:51 PM
Michael stands there silently as he picks out his team, not really caring who he gets so long as it's not Johnny Redshirt.... He always hurts himself in some stupid way playing basketball.:smallannoyed:

2009-03-11, 03:24 AM
The four of you and Gier Fletcher(the elf from science class) are on the same team. The large gym is divided in half so that all four teams can play at once.

The other team is made of an orc, a minotaur, a goblin, an elf, and a boy with wings.

2009-03-12, 12:30 AM
"Oh, well looks like it wont be too hard with knuckle head, and bow legs on the other team. Just watch out for wings there... He's pretty quick on his feat."

2009-03-12, 12:56 AM
Mark couldn't shoot, couldn't dribble, and could pass fairly decently, but what he excelled at...stealing. He had the ball before the game even started. We doing this or what?

2009-03-15, 01:43 AM
I'm waiting for Matt to do something before I start the game, but until then:

The miniature court is made of half the gym with a hoop on either end in order to play smaller games. The walls are brick painted light grey and the roof holds large lights, fans, and small windows in the upper corner. Large heavy double doors lie closed on the left side of the court and on the right side is the other small court. The Orcish gym teacher stands between the two, currently yelling something akin to a bacon factory at the first stage of processing. The other team is currently huddled together strategising on the other end of the court. The basketballs are all in a large cart next to the teacher.

2009-03-15, 11:04 AM
(REALLY sorry guys, my computer has been down for a few days.)

Matt grumbles to himself.
Why is it always basketball? Why not chess, or calculus?

Well, should we make some sort of strategy or set a new world record for losing?

(Sorry, I'm slow. Could I get a list of who is on what team?)

2009-03-15, 12:15 PM
The other team is made of an orc, a minotaur, a goblin, an elf, and a boy with wings(naturally to small for more than hops, for actual flight they'd need to take up half the court). Your team is you guys, Craggle, and Gier(the elf from science). The Orc grabs a ball from the cart, bounces it experimentally, throws it back into the cart with a grunt and repeats the processs until he finds a ball he likes and walks back to his team, who talk about strategy some more.

2009-03-15, 08:12 PM
Look... Mark says to his team I can snag the ball petty easily, all I gotta know is who to pass it to.

2009-03-15, 08:17 PM
Michael sighs, he knew that he had gotten stuck with the nerds the minuet team selection was finished.
"All you have to do is get the ball to me, I can make a 3 pointer pretty reliably, and dunking is easy due to my height. oh, and matt, guard Mark, if someone gets past you I'm telling everybody your little secret."
Michael knows of no secret, but Matt doesn't know that he doesn't know.:smalltongue:

2009-03-15, 08:25 PM
Gier looks at the team. "Guess we have a point guard and a shooting guard. Guess I'll take center."

He takes a look at Craggle "What are you? Small forward"

"Keep it up ear boy, lets see how you play undefended."

2009-03-15, 08:38 PM
"Just shuddup, and play douche bags."
He motions to the coach for the game to start.

2009-03-15, 11:00 PM
The Orc with the ball walks to the centre of the small court with the winged kid.

"Alright" He says "Pick someone"

2009-03-16, 06:15 PM
Matt takes a large step back
Don't look at me!

(BTW, my computer is seriously ******. I had to send it in to get fixed. Right now I'm at my friend's house. I'll post whenever I can, but it won't be reliable until I get my computer back. Sorry.:smallfrown:)

2009-03-16, 07:50 PM
Ugh, fine! Mark says stepping up to the orc guy. When the whistle blows, he doesnt even go for the ball right away. His first action is to yank down the orc's shorts and grab the ball while he's distracted. Hehe! Not to scale! he taunts as he passes the ball to [F3's character].

2009-03-16, 08:32 PM
"Hey!" The orc says, running after you and tripping over his own pants, falling on his face. His teammates laugh for a few minutes until the other teams goblin yells


2009-03-19, 07:41 PM
Matt jumps back to avoid the game.

Wait, a second... how could he know about...:smalleek: There's no way! I haven't told anyone!:smallmad: But, what if it's that obvious... I can't take any chance that she could find out.:smalleek:

Matt runs forward in a clumsy effort to block for Mark. He probably gets trampled in the process.

(I just realized... we have a Matt, a Mark, and a Mike:smallannoyed:)


2009-03-19, 07:46 PM
Micheal catches the ball with relative ease, and looks to see who's blocking the basket as he moves forward dribbling with both hands as he does so.
((No travel Call for YOUUUU!!!))

2009-03-19, 08:11 PM
The minotaur is the only one who hung back, his bull like hind legs preventing him from running forward. He jerks around, trying to block your path. The orc is running behind you, pants still down, he stumbles every few feet.

2009-03-22, 03:23 PM
Matt attempts to use the other players as a distraction to hide under the bleachers. (Or any other place that can be hidden in.)

If he makes it there, he pulls out his cell phone and starts a program on it. The program emits a high pitched frequency that affects animals, (and hopefully half animals.) the same way as a dog whistle.

I knew this wasn't a waste of memory! She'll never find out now!

Additionally, assuming it works, it should reverberate throughout the gym, thus making it very hard to track to his location. If anyone makes eye-contact with him in the "I know it was you, I'm going to kill you" way. He shuts it off and runs.

2009-03-22, 09:38 PM
The Minotaur seems to ignore the sound, but the elves on both teams collapse on the floor, clutching their heads and kicking at the air.

Your team is now outnumbered 3 to 4 since Matt is behind the bleachers.

The orc pulls up his pants as one goblin blocks another from affecting the game. The winged player is at half court, looking around for whatever made the elves fall over.

2009-03-22, 10:07 PM
Shoot the F***ing ball!!! Mark screams in his head, deciding that he would be better off doing it for himself. He runs forward, using his acquired skills to grab the ball from his own teammate.

He dashes towards the minotaur. As soon as the brute sweeps his arm to attempt to steal the ball, Mark jumps on top of his head, then vaults off with the ball, slamming it into the hoop. He lands on the ground with a wierded-out look on his face, slightly out of breath.

The hell?

2009-03-22, 10:12 PM
As you land the minotaur turns around slowly, confused at what just happened.

"Come on" Craggle says quickly, pushing away the other goblin "Are supposed to sit here or play?"

Craggle grabs the ball from you and whispers "cool it, or we may be in hot water."

2009-03-24, 07:34 PM
Matt seems "Unsatisfied" with the result, and stops the program.

He sneaks out from behind the bleachers and feigns tying his shoes.

Matt runs out to center court and just kind of stands there.

He yells.

2009-03-28, 01:36 AM
Gier, fingers out of his ears and on his knees, turns and looks at you with a gaze that could fry bacon, Freeze hell something unplesant that is ungeneric.

OOC: Computer troubles, hopefully I'll be back up to full speed before monday.

2009-03-28, 11:23 AM
Matt's face becomes the picture of innocence as he meets the gaze and stumbles back because of it.

W-What? I can't support the team?

STUPID! STUPID! I should've tested that thing beforehand! What if someone got seriously hurt?! I need to be more careful!

2009-03-29, 02:43 AM
Gier, fingers out of his ears and on his knees, turns and looks at you with a gaze that could fry bacon, Freeze hell something unplesant that is ungeneric.

OOC: Computer troubles, hopefully I'll be back up to full speed before monday.

(((How about signals the creation of the fear engine that will bore a hole through the realm that seperates the montrosities of the far realm from our own?))
Micheal runs up, and attempts to block the other teams shooter. Who is proly the orc.

2009-03-29, 04:54 AM
To your surprise, the goblin walks up, his greasy black hair at shoulder length and his knees bobbing, his loose red shorts gleaming as various studs, zippers and buttons reflect off the bright light, his chest covered by a bright blue shirt with the crossed swords on his chest. The orc is hanging back, his baggy pants zipped firmly up at last.

2009-03-29, 08:43 PM
I actually made one huh? Maybe i'm not as bad as I thought. Mark gets back into the game quickly, going for another steal.

2009-04-01, 09:32 PM
Micheal sighs as he sees the goblin, and does attempts a spinning steal manuever in which he slides his hand underneath the goblins flicks it to his other with a moderate amount of effort, and spins around him in one ornate motion.

2009-04-01, 11:03 PM
The gym teacher sees you and begins yelling something and rules and how to play and passing and something about squids. The goblin opens his palms to recieve the ball.

2009-04-02, 07:05 PM
Matt mutters to himself.
Alright guys, you really owe me for this one, but we've gotta even up the teams.

Matt yells something very offensive in Orcish at the other player, and as soon as the orc makes eye contact, Matt sprints for the door, making sure the orc follows him.

(I figure that if I'm a medium geek, and I can write in Dwarven, Matt, a super-geek can fake some orcish. If you decide he can't, ignore this post)

That oughta give us an edge...:smalleek:

2009-04-06, 09:04 PM
Mark keeps his feet moving, waiting to see if Mike was planning to screw arund all day or actually get the ball rolling.

2009-04-06, 09:15 PM
Both the other player and the gym teacher, as well as a few orcs from the other two teams run after you, some of their friends running after to see what's going on.

Both elves are back up. Everyone looks for a while, stunned before running towards mike. The goblin kid stops, looks around for a moment and leaps across the court at you. The ball seems to fly from your fingers to his hands as he lands and tosses it at the other elf.

"Teachers away, I caught that magic. Playtime is over!"

2009-04-08, 12:12 AM
Mark focuses on his leg movements, dashing with inhuman speed at the ball and snatching it mid-pass. Since such speed would make dribbling nigh-impossible, he takes a gamble. He takes one step towards he basket, and plants his other foot hard on the ground, forcing his body into the air, straight towards the goal.

2009-04-08, 02:07 AM
As you feel yourself sailing to the basket you see the winged kid, concentrating hard on agumenting his flight dash towards you. A few feet in the air you collide and bounce off the backboard like rubber. The ball flies through the net as you fly to halfcourt. The ball follows, bouncing methodically and rolling over an eggshell white wing.

2009-04-08, 08:48 AM
(Not sure if we're still using the thread, but...)

Matt is currently running down the hall screaming.

Must... Keep... Running! How do I outsmart orcs... Gah! I've got nothing!
Wait... Maybe I've changed too...

Matt flails his arms in a sporadic fashion, points at the closest orc and yells:


2009-04-08, 07:03 PM
The closest orc being the other basketball player you flail and point at him. The orcs stop for a moment, wondering what the hell it is your doing.

pew pew pew

Three small light blue missile dart from your fingertips and bounce off his chest like pellets from a toy gun.

They laugh for a few seconds. You get a closer look at them. The other ballplayer looks the most hoggish, with messy brown stubble and a small snout with tusks jutting from his lower lip. The gym teacher looks like an Ork, several feet taller than the others and with many of his lower teeth jutting out. The other two look like tolkien models, fanged and sallow skinned and shorter than you are.

OOC: Yeah, no magical skill or weapons while yelling at the warlike race that also happens to include an authority figure. Smart.

2009-04-08, 08:50 PM
OOC: I missed it when you said that the teacher was an orc. I won't be making that mistake again.

HOLY $#!! I just used magic!

Okay Matt, you are currently seconds away from dying. You need a spell that can make them unable to find you.

He ducks into the closest door, whatever it may be, flails his hands around differently, uses some made up magic words and tries to cast Invisibility.

2009-04-08, 09:14 PM
You turn invisible right as the door swings open, revealing a tolkien orc. His arms rip through the air a few inches above you and root around the shelves and kicks the shelf between your legs, inches from your groin. He slams the door and says something about teleport and disguise. A few seconds later you feel out of breath as if you'd just run a four lap.

2009-04-12, 06:49 PM
(Not sure if we're still using this, but...)

Matt is panting.

You know Matt, you really otta think about your actions in advance. Now, I can never leave this room without dying. Unless, I can cast Alter Self or something... Nah, the school's probably got wards against that kind of thing. Wait a second... Where the heck am I?

Matt, (After giving that huge monolog out loud) turns around and looks at what room he ran into.