View Full Version : Ride that Pony

2009-03-02, 07:29 PM
It's a bright new sunshine-y day at the Yamamoto Ranch. The workers are just now arriving for the beginning of the summer to meet the Yamamotos and their son as well as the horses. The atmosphere is laid-back but excited and the sky is cloudless. The big house looks somewhat majestic as it sits in the ocean of grass, alone and quiet.

As all of you get to the house, Mr. Yamamoto comes to the door, his pants high, his boots large and leather, a cowboy hat on his head and a toothpick in his mouth. He stares all of you down one by one.

"Alrighty, ya'll listen here. Ya'll are gonna be takin' care of them horses and my boy. Any complaints from him, and ya'll are going back where ya'll came from." He spits tobacco. "Any questions? Too bad, keep them to yerselves. Someone go in there and wake up that lazy son o' mine. Me and the missus are headin' to town."

He mumbles something unintelligible as he and Mrs. Yamamoto, a plump older woman wearing a flowery pink dress and bright red lipstick, get in their truck and drive away, the motor clanking loudly sounding in the distance until you can't hear it anymore. The place seems nicer without Mr. Yamamoto there.

The five of you are left alone with all of this land, several horses, and perhaps the hardest thing to manage at all: A very attractive, sleeping teenage boy.

2009-03-02, 07:36 PM

Umeda adjusts his glasses and puffs on a cigarette. As a doctor he shouldn't smoke, but as with most things he does it to be contrary. He throws his cigarette to the ground and looks at the ranch.

"I am Umeda, boys. I don't know what you guys are going to do, but I am going to set up my office. I don't feel like babysitting this soon. I will let you kids handle that."

Umeda troops off to the ranch and his office.

Divine Comedy
2009-03-02, 07:53 PM
Gallop dusts off his shoes and tips his jockey derby. Top O' the marnin' to ya fellas. I'm sure we'll have a great crack.

2009-03-02, 08:21 PM
Keitaro Kenji

"I am Keitaro Kenji." The tanned muscular boy said with a slight southern accent. "I have come here to fill the void in my heart as a hand on a ranch, and to repay the great Mr. Yamamoto." He said, full of passion.

"Shouldn't someone wake up the kid?"

Neon Knight
2009-03-03, 10:49 AM
Hiroshi (Hiroko Fujii)

Hiroshi (Hiroko, in reality) stood a bit apart from the rest, carefully looking around. His (Her) mirrored sunglasses reflected the sunlight as he (she) carefully looked around.

"Yeah. Hi." His (Her) voice sounded kind of odd. This was, of course, because Hiroshi (Hiroko) was trying his (her) hardest to sound like a boy.

"I'll go wake the kid." Hiroshi (Hiroko) was eager for an excuse to get away from the others. He (She) wasn't exactly comfortable with the situation, and it showed.

Hiroshi (Hiroko) walked into the house. "Hey. Rise and shine."

I don't which pronouns to use. This is going to be so confusing.

Affection, I guess: [roll0] x2.

2009-03-03, 07:41 PM

Umeda walks in and finds his office. He starts arranging the things he will need to take care of any problems they might have. He opens the window in his office and plops down in his chair. He pulls a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket. He lights a cigarette and starts thinking about what he has gotten into.

I need to find out about this ranch. I also need to seem not suspicious when I am over ten years older than all the other guys here. What have I gotten myself into? And all this over a guy. A guy that I will never be able to have.

Umeda stares out the window at whatever the view is. The view isn't important though.

2009-03-03, 11:08 PM
Toby Announced

Toby tips his cowboy hat. "I'm Toby. Pleased to meet you all." Anyone who watches QTV would recognize the electrician/handyman from 'Flip This Queer Old House,' particularly since he is dressed in his trademark jeans, tool belt, and complete lack of shirt (well, not complete lack... it's hooked on his left index finger and thrown over his left shoulder...)

Divine Comedy
2009-03-03, 11:17 PM
Gallop Poll
Oh my Toby, nice ta metcha. I'm Gallop, Gallop Poll. Me and me lads could rabbit on about your show all day. It's a great laugh when we're ossified.

2009-03-03, 11:43 PM
Toby Announced

Toby smiles, offering Gallop his right hand, "All my pleasure, glad you like the show - even if you have to be ossified to do so." He smiles, showing even white teeth.

2009-03-04, 02:29 AM
Ryouta is running but doesn't know where he is running to. All he knows is that the wind is blowing through his hair and that he's afraid to look behind him. He also knows that someone is waiting for him. But who?

His feet pick up speed and he's going faster than he could ever imagine. There's a rock pointing out of the ground. Ryouta swerves to avoid hitting it but it moves too. He falls on his face.

The next thing he knows is that there's some guy in his room, gently waking him up. He squeaks in surprise and pops up, his eyes wide open and his mouth in an "o" shape. When he gets in a sitting position, the cover slides off of him revealing small and cute red underwear. He quickly hides them.

"Who are-" Ryouta remembers his parents were hiring helpers today. "Oh, uh, hi."

He isn't exactly comfortable with some strange guy in his room alone with him. He stares at his lap.

2009-03-04, 03:36 AM
Keitaro Kenji

"Well, I guess we ought to get to work." Keitaro suggests, his muscles looking rather magnificent as he picks up a random huge bag of something and starts walking with it.

Neon Knight
2009-03-04, 09:02 AM
Hiroshi (Hiroko Fujii)

"Hey. Your parents went into town." Hiroshi (Hiroko) quickly stepped out to give Ryouta some privacy.

Red? Seriously? Hiroshi (Hiroko) shook his (her) head quickly to clear it. No. It's too soon to think about that kind of stuff.

2009-03-04, 12:29 PM
Toby Announced

Toby watches Keitaro with a frank look of admiration on his face, smiling... then starts, "Oh... right... work. I'll go check out the main house. See if there are any repairs to be made."

Questions: 1) Is there a separate bunkhouse for the hands? 2) When is the next full moon (no need for it to be soon... it could be 27 days away... I just want an idea).

2009-03-05, 06:06 PM
"Oh. Right." He sighs and flops down back against his bed. They always went into town and left him behind.

Ryouta quickly gets dressed in black pants and a white dress shirt then heads outside to meet the workers.

When he gets out to the barn, shyness takes over as he watches the boys at work with a lump in his throat. He was never muscle-y or that strong like his dad had always wanted, he was much too feminine.

"Hi, everyone," he finally said when he got his voice back. "I'm Ryouta Yamamoto."

Yeah, there's a separate place to sleep for the workers but no shower, so they have to use the large bath in the main house. I imagine it to just be full of beds so they go to the house to eat, it's a part of their benefits. And the next full moon can be in... twelve days.

Neon Knight
2009-03-05, 07:44 PM
Hiroshi (Hiroko Fujii)

"I'm Ryouta Yamamoto."

I certainly hope you are, otherwise I woke up the wrong kid. Way to state the obvious.

"Hiroshi." After giving that by way of greeting, Hiroshi (Hiroko) went to work, trying to pick a job that would let him (her) stay apart from the others.

I just need to get through this until I can get back to my life. No complications.

2009-03-05, 07:54 PM

Finding his own company not to be as fun as he had hoped, Umeda left his office. Walking around aimlessly, Umeda sees the boy with the weird sounding voice. I don't think he ever introduced himself that I heard before walking away. Umeda watches him for a couple minutes and it hits him. He walks over to the boy. Then he bends over and whispers in his ear.

"You are a girl aren't you? What is a girl like you doing here?"

2009-03-05, 08:46 PM
Toby Announced

Toby smiles, "Hi, Ryouta. It's been a while, but do you remember me. I worked with your parents when they built the place. That's almost four years ago..."

Oh my, he's going to break hearts... remember, you're just here to help the Yamamotos... not seduce their son, even if he did swing that way, which he probably doesn't...

2009-03-05, 10:27 PM
Keitaro Kenji

"Oh, hi there. Keitaro Kenji." The burly man beast said, one muscled arm holding an unidentified bag of some such and the other hand extended in a greeting.

Pretty cute.

Like a lot of them here.

He cast a smile at everyone. "I'm glad to be working with all of you."

Affection! Awe at my boyish charm. ^^


2009-03-05, 10:42 PM
Ryouta stares at Keitaro with his mouth slightly open as he marvels Keitaro's sexy manliness for about five minutes before turning to Toby.

"Oh, yes, I remember you."

How could I forget watching him working on our new farm without a shirt on in the hot sun...

Oh Christ! Snap out of it! He's a boy! And you were only twelve years old then, you didn't know anything.

So in that case... I still don't.

Ryouta's cheeks turned red as he took in the sight of all of the cute boys around him and tried to hide it. Supposing he should put them to work, he coughed and cleared his throat, trying to sound tougher.

"Alright, my dad wanted some two of you to tend the horses and two to clean the house. The two who are going to clean should meet up with San, she's our longtime family friend who works and lives here as well. She might be a little grouchy at times but don't mind that, just listen to what she says. My dad said there was going to be a doctor staying here too? Does anyone know where he is?"

2009-03-06, 02:33 PM
Toby Announced

Toby smiles, taking and shaking Keitaro's hand so Ryouta isn't embarassed just standing there staring while the muscular man holds his hand out, "The pleasure is all mine, Keitaro, believe me!" He looks at Ryouta and nods, "Well, I'll assume then that there's nothing immediate that needs to be checked out on the house itself. I'll help clean up and go say Hi to San... I haven't seen her in a while either." He gestures toward the house, "I think Dr. Umeda is talking to Hiroshi over there."

Interesting, he was checkcing Keitaro out... maybe he does swing that way... no... no... loyalty to friends... sixteen-year-old-boy... jailbait... like you might not already be going to jail for murder...

Neon Knight
2009-03-06, 08:49 PM
Hiroshi (Hiroko Fujii)

Hiroshi (Hiroko) was painfully aware of the doctor's piercing gaze.

What is he doing? Why is he watching me? He can't...

Hiroshi (Hiroko) tried to look bus and ignored the doctor when he walked over to him (her).

Alright, play it cool. Just act normal. He probably doesn't know. Why is he getting so close?

"You are a girl aren't you? What is a girl like you doing here?"

Crap. What should I do? Ignore him? Deny it? Admit it? Threaten him? Beg him?

"I... um... " Hiroshi (Hiroko) started in the odd voice, then dropped it and whispered his (her) normal voice. "D-don't tell anyone, alright? I need... I need this job, alright?"

2009-03-06, 09:04 PM

"Oh don't worry that wouldn't be as much fun as watching you be found out by others. Did you really think you could fool a doctor? You are going to have to try harder if you plan on fooling the others. I could help you later if you want to meet me in my office."

Umeda puffs on his cigarette imagining the good times to come.

Neon Knight
2009-03-06, 10:26 PM
Hiroshi (Hiroko Fujii)

Well, gee, how altruistic of you.

Hiroshi (Hiroko) glared at the doctor. "Just leave me be, okay?" He (she) switched back to the odd voice.

2009-03-06, 10:32 PM

"Your loss girly."

Umeda laughs to himself and walks back towards the meeting area. He sees the master for the first time.

That kid is half my age. Why are his parents leaving him alone? Also why have they left an obviously homosexual young man with a whole bunch of guys who also appear to be of that persuasion? They are so clueless. I get to try and keep them off each other too. I have my work cut out for me. At least I don't have to worry about him going after girly and getting her pregnant.

2009-03-07, 12:02 AM
Keitaro Kenji

"Pleasantries all around." Keitaro smiled back and shook Toby's hand. "I'll handle the horses, back on my Dad's ranch we had some nice ones." He kept smiling, pulling his hand back and turning to walk toward the horse pens. "Yeah, I had this real pure bred pony- I was a lot smaller then- and I used to ride it all the time..." He rambled, walking toward the barns.

"Hey, pal, you want to help me with the horses?" Keitaro shouted over at Hiroshi as he walked.

Neon Knight
2009-03-07, 12:48 PM
Hiroshi (Hiroko Fujii)

"Hey, pal, you want to help me with the horses?"

Yeah, sure." Hiroshi (Hiroko) dropped what he (she) was doing and fell in step besides Keitaro. "Pardon my voice. Sore throat."

2009-03-07, 04:25 PM
"Sure, Toby." Ryouta looked at Toby like he used to for a moment before trying to wipe his face clear of interested expression. "Yeah, San, she was in the kitchen last time I saw..."

Ryouta looked at the doctor and Hiroshi and really hoped that they weren't arguing. He hated arguments, they always made him nervous and he didn't ever know what to do. When Umeda came over, Ryouta put on his cutest smile.

"Hi." He greeted him sweetly, just being naturally adorable. "Are you also a vet?"

2009-03-07, 04:41 PM
Toby Announced

Toby nods and leans in to Ryouta for a moment, "Let's talk later... I need to ask you something about your parents." He smiles and waves to the others, going to the house.

Entering the kitchen, Toby looks around, "San! Long time no see!"

2009-03-07, 05:34 PM

Umeda listens to the boy.

Cuteness doesn't work on me boy.

"I don't prefer to work on animals, but I can. Your parents had already asked about that. I don't think they would have hired me if I wouldn't work on the horses."

Time to make him uncomfortable.

Umeda leans over and whispers into the master's ear.

"Just so you know, I prefer to work on handsome young men."

Well if I get to look at the horses, I guess it will help with the spying.

Divine Comedy
2009-03-08, 03:20 PM
Horses? Let's get over there fairly jively! Don't put it on the long finger.

Gallop immediately goes to help with the horses.

2009-03-09, 01:09 PM
Keitaro Kenji

"No problem, partner." Keitaro laughed good naturally and smacked Hiroshi on the back. "You been working with ranches long..." The big burly man stopped mid sentence to glance down at Gallop, who had joined him. "Hey, aren't you 'that guy', the horse racer guy? Short, Irish, and they call you 'The Leprechaun'- although not to your face I'm sure." He stammered.

Neon Knight
2009-03-09, 01:38 PM
Hiroshi (Hiroko Fujii)

Hiroshi took Keitaro's good natured smack a little poorly; He (she) jerked a bit and he (she) carefully increased the distance between him (her) and the other two. He (She) was glad that Keitaro seemed more interested in the short Irishman.

2009-03-09, 09:02 PM
"Oh. Well at least you can work on them. Thunder has a hurt leg I think. He's been limping a lot..." Ryouta starts but suddenly gets quiet when Umeda says that. His eyes get wide but he tries to conceal it before any of the other guys see before they all leave. He clears his throat and takes a step back.

"I- um, I'm not sick or anything, so I don't need a doctor!" He backs until his back is against a tree and watches Umeda.


Hiroshi, Keitaro, and Gallop make it across the field to the stables, where they're greeted by a mix-bred dog, his tail wagging and he's panting.

Umeda and Ryouta are the only ones around the front of the house at the moment and no one can see them.


"Well, slap me twice and hand me to my mama, it's Toby!" San comes across the kitchen to give Toby a hug and a slap on the back. "I ain't seen you in years, how's it been? Find a nice woman?" She watches him then cracks up. "Or man?"

2009-03-09, 09:14 PM

"So you think you are a man do you? Well to me you are all boys and I am looking for a man. No need to worry about me. I already know a few secrets if you are real nice to me, I mean real nice, I just might tell them to you."

Umeda moves a small step closer with each of the words in the last statement. At the end his ears twitch and he starts to laugh.

"Show me your horse, boy. I will tell you what is wrong with him. Hope we don't have to put one down already."

Umeda starts to look businesslike.

2009-03-09, 09:16 PM
Toby Announced

Toby smiles seeing San and hugs her back, "Yes and no... lots of nice men who are attracted to celebrity and are good for some fun... nobody though who wants to just settle down to a nice, quiet, boring life with an ordinary guy who wants kids." He winks, "Don't tell me you're finally available."

Neon Knight
2009-03-10, 07:53 PM
Hiroshi (Hiroko Fujii)

Hiroshi (Hiroko) knelt down and offered a hand to the dog. He (she) looked around and noticed that there were 3 guys (2 guys, 1 girl) at the stables.

"Kid said two at the house. I'll go."

Hirsohi (Hiroko) walked over to the house. He (she) leaned in the doorway, not bothering to remove his (her) sunglasses. He (she) cleared his (her) throat so that San and Toby would notice him (her).

2009-03-10, 09:31 PM
Toby Announced

Toby looks over, smiling... there is obviously some banter going on between Toby and San. "Hello again, Hiroshi isn't it?" He gestures to San, "Meet the best cook in all the land, her name is San and she's the man!"

Neon Knight
2009-03-10, 09:57 PM
Hiroshi (Hiroko Fujii)


And I thought working retail in highschool would be the worst job I ever took.

"Right. Hi. What needs to be done?" Hiroshi (Hiroko) wasn't in the state of mind for jokes. He (she) just wanted to get on wit hit.

2009-03-10, 10:02 PM
Toby Announced

Toby nods, "I was just checking with San... apparently we have two on house duty. What needs to be done, San?"

Divine Comedy
2009-03-11, 12:52 AM
Gallop Poll
Leprechaun? Well you're right bags on being friendly with people, eh Keitaro? Well we can rabbit on later.

Gallop continues attending the horses.

2009-03-14, 02:52 PM
Keitaro Kenji

"Oh man, I've got no idea what you're talking about." Keitaro said with a chuckle, opening the door to one of the horses pens and letting it out, taking hold of their reign and walking them out to the field. "We'll let this good boy run around a bit." He said, petting the horses mane.

2009-03-14, 04:15 PM
"No, no, I don't think I'm a man." Ryouta stares at the doctor for a few minutes, a little surprised.

Did he say he was looking for a man? Like, a boyfriend?

"Oh, yeah, um... He's right in the stable, the second one. I'll show you." Ryouta scrambles past the doctor and starts toward the stable.

He walks silently until they reached it, then he sighs in relief at the other boys in there. He smiles at Keitaro's toned form.

"He's over here." Ryouta leads Umeda to the black and white horse named Thunder who is in the corner of the stable but painfully makes his way to the front when he sees Ryouta. Ryouta pets the horse's huge head and looks at the doctor.

"I really hope he'll be okay," He looks at Umeda hopefully, his eyes shining. It's obvious that this horse, if not all of them, really means a lot to the boy.


San throws a dishtowel over one of her arms and claps her hands together. She slaps Toby on the butt.

"Well, let's get to work. One of you ladies can sweep around the house and the porch and one can clean individual rooms. Don't matter to me, I'll be in here." San stirs some big pot of something on the stove. "Just have most of it done before the boss gets home, he gets grouchy sometimes." She rolls her eyes.

Neon Knight
2009-03-14, 04:44 PM
Hiroshi (Hiroko Fujii)

"I'll take the porch." Hiroshi (Hiroko) then got to it.

Skill: [roll0] x3.

2009-03-16, 06:19 PM

Umeda walks over to the horse and looks at the horse's leg.

"Don't worry, boy. The horse will be fine. It is just a sprain. Put some ice on it to reduce the swelling and don't make him put any weight on it for a few days and he will be fine. Make sure you talk to me before riding him or having him carry anything."

Umeda pats the boy on the back and pushes back his hair.

"You worry too much about the horses. You should worry more about the boys. You are like fresh meat to them."

2009-03-16, 06:36 PM
Toby Announced

Toby smiles at San, "Your wish is my command." He goes and begins cleaning rooms.

Skillful Cleaning: [roll0]

He will save Ryouta's room for last, and look about discreetly as he cleans to see if his suspicions about the boy are correct.

2009-03-18, 09:01 PM
Keitaro Kenji

Keitaro started to lead the horse back to its pen and smiled over at the doctor.

"So, Doc, you got a sucker in that lab coat for being a good boy?" He said with wide smile and a wink.

Seduction roll on YOU, Siren!


2009-03-18, 09:28 PM

"Yes I do, but I am afraid I would have to give it to the horse. You have not been a good boy have you?"

Umeda grabs him under the chin and looks into his eyes. Umeda wraps himself around Keitaro.

"You want to feel around and get the sucker yourself?"

8 to resist the seduction and 16 to seduce him back. You just can't resist a man who talks in red right? That is why you are trying to seduce me.

2009-03-18, 10:06 PM
Ryouta looks up at Umeda as his hair is ruffled. "Fresh meat? What do you mean?" He looks sincerely confused.

Keitaro walks over and Ryouta looks even more confused as the two men stand awfully close to each other. His jaw drops for a moment before he turns away.

"I'm going to, uh..." He notices that they're not paying attention to him so he slips over to Gallop.

"They're kind of weird, don't you think?"


Toby breezes through the cleaning with ease and gains an approving smile from San as he steps out of one of the rooms.


Random Event: Somewhere in the back of the stable, a horse suddenly gets freaked out by a mouse that runs across the floor. The horse gets up onto it's hind legs and neighs while it kicks viciously around, knocking a candle onto the floor. The hay catches fire immediately and begins to spread.

2009-03-19, 09:56 PM
Keitaro Kenji

"I... sure, whatever you say." Keitaro mumbles, obviously enamored by the beautiful doctor. But, soon after, he is distracted.

"Oh no, a fire!" He states, pointing at it and rushing toward it. But it was spreading too fast. He turns his head to look at Umeda. "Get back to the house- get some water!" He shouts, opening the cell for the horse to escape.

2009-03-19, 10:09 PM

Umeda is disappointed the boy got away, but living beings come slightly before seduction. Umeda runs for the house. He yells inside.

"Help! Help! There is a fire in the stable. The horses will die if we don't do something."

Then Umeda looks around the house for a hose.

[roll0] for finding a hose and a hook up along the outside of the house.

2009-03-19, 10:22 PM
Toby Announced

Hearing the doctor shouting, Toby runs downstairs and toward the stables. He immediately tries to assess where the fire must be and what the safest route to get the animals out would be. He touches the chain saw in his belt looking to see if taking out a side wall might be quickest.

Neon Knight
2009-03-20, 04:25 PM
Hiroshi (Hiroko Fujii)

From his (her) vantage point on the porch, Hiroshi (Hiroko) could see that something was up. When the doctor came running yelling about a fire, Hiroshi (Hiroko) abandoned his (her) broom and ran to help.

Athletics [roll0] x3.

2009-03-21, 04:30 PM
The fire is spreading and the horses are all spooked by now. Umeda sees the hose used to water and wash them but the knob is rusty. It'll take a lot of strength to get the water going.

Ryouta is terrified but runs to the cell where the most fire is and tries to open it to let the horse out. He manages to get it open and the freaked out horse kicks him in the chest, knocking him to the ground. Fire is all around him and the horse runs wildly out of the barn into the field.


San is scrubbing a pan when she hears Umeda's call for help. She looks outside at the smoke forming above the stable.

"Oh s***!" She starts to run with Hiroshi and Toby.

Neon Knight
2009-03-21, 04:42 PM
Hirsohi (Hiroko Fujii)

Hiroshi (Hiroko) got inside the stables and found that sunglasses do not help you see through smoke. At all. He (she) would have cursed but he (she) didn't trust himself (herself) to maintain his (her) disguise voice in the thick smoke.

He (she) almost tripped over the fallen Ryouta. "Aw, shoot."

Hiroshi (Hiroko) tried to pick Ryouta up and get him clear of the burning stable.

Athletics: [roll0] x3.

2009-03-21, 04:51 PM

"I found the hose guys. I might need some help to get it moving though."

Umeda yells this at the top of his lungs in hopes that someone hears.

Athletics to turn it [roll0]

2009-03-22, 01:07 AM
Keitaro Kenji

"Oh, ****!" Keitaro emotes, fanning a horse blanket at the fire. "Where's the water?" He demands to no in particular, looking around and thinking quickly. He spots a water trough and runs over before attempting to tip it over on the blaze.

Athletics roll!


2009-03-22, 01:14 AM
Toby Announced

Toby gives up trying to second guess the fire as he runs and goes in through the main door. He sees the fire is isolated to one side of the bar still, so he goes down the other side, throwing open the stalls with horses in them, and getting back so the frantic animals can run out.

2009-03-22, 05:51 PM
San runs over and helps Hiroshi carry Ryouta out of the stable since Hiroshi can hardly carry the kid. Smoke is everywhere and everyone's coughing. Although everyone else is too busy with other things, Umeda manages to turn the stiff knob and water rushes out of the hose just as Keitaro tips over a trough and diminishes some of the fire. The horses nearly trample Toby as they try to escape the burning stable, all of them a little insane acting until they get to the field. All of the horses are out and the fire is nothing but sparks and ash.

Ryouta lays on the ground with a hand over his stomach as he wakes up and sees Hiroshi standing by him. He tries to sit up, completely embarrassed of being weak.

"Thank you, Hiroshi," he blushes a little and looks at the ground. "I'm sorry I couldn't help anyone."

San pats Hiroshi on the back and goes into the stable.

"Okay guys, can two of you try and sweep this mess? I'll call someone to repair the damage." She crosses her arms but doesn't look mad. "I need to get back to the stove before there's another fire."

She starts back to the house before stopping and turning back around to look at them all. "Toby, you never got around to Ryouta's room, but I don't guess you have to right this second. And the store needs to open soon if anyone is interested in running it. Talk about it amongst yourselves."

She walks back to the house and leaves you all with the rubble, crazed horses, and a hurt master.

2009-03-22, 05:57 PM

Umeda the professional doctor starts to check the boy for signs of any serious injuries. Umeda doesn't see anything.

"Boy, you should be ok. I am going to make sure none of the horses were harmed."

Umeda runs over to check the horses.

Neon Knight
2009-03-22, 07:08 PM
Hiroshi (Hiroko Fujii)

Hiroshi (Hiroko) shrugged off Ryouta's thanks. "No big deal. Anyone would have done it."

Hiroshi (Hiroko) then turned to the others. "I'll clean this up. I was already sweeping anyway."

Skill: [roll0] x3.

2009-03-22, 11:36 PM

Toby goes out into the field, after the last horse is clear and he does his best to try to calm the animals down, getting them into an orderly herd. He goes for a stallion first because if he has one with him, it should help calm the mares.

Using force of will to calm the animals: [roll0]

2009-03-22, 11:40 PM

Umeda notices Toby calming the horses in between checking the horses for injury.

"Good thinking, boy. Now please look around and tell me if you see anything strange on any of the horses or any horses acting weird. I need more eyes checking these horses. No one will thank us if we end up with dead horses."

Umeda goes back to work.

2009-03-25, 06:40 PM
Keitaro Kenji

"I guess I'll clean up here." Keitaro shrugs, non-committed and begins to lift some debris out of the barn, showing off his massive toned and hot bod.

Seduction roll on Hiroshi! Look at my pecs. XD


Neon Knight
2009-03-25, 09:23 PM
Hiroshi (Hiroko Fujii)

Hiroshi (Hiroko) focused on sweeping, mostly keeping his (her) head down. Once, he (she) glanced up and accidentally got a very good look at Keitaro. For a second, his (her) brain shut down, the lower functions taking over to mentally drool a bit. Then, the memories of that night shook him (her) and he (she) managed to unsteadily get back to work.

Le sigh. A 9. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5925752&postcount=34)

2009-03-25, 10:10 PM
Ryouta stares after Umeda after he checks him, his mouth slightly opened for a second before he closes it and gets to his feet. He watches everyone working around him and walks over to Umeda.

All of the horses seem fine other than being scared, but they start calming down one-by-one. The dog running around helps Toby lead the horses into the barn then jumps around him excitedly.

"Doctor?" Ryouta asks carefully when they all see that the horses are safe. "I'm really glad that you're here." Ryouta seems to admire Umeda. He blushes.

"Hey guys, I think I'll go run the store. Does anyone want to come with me?"

2009-03-25, 10:14 PM

Toby gets the horses back in their stalls and then leans down to pet the dog. "How are you doing, boy? Still frisky as ever!"

OOC: Dog got a name? :)

2009-03-25, 10:20 PM

Umeda looks at the boy and smiles a real smile. It makes his whole face infinitely more attractive.

"No problem it is my job and I enjoy making sure everyone is ok."

Umeda pulls out a list and starts to write some things on it.

"If I am going to be taking care of horses I will need some items that you don't have. Whoever was taking care of the horses before was missing some things. I will go to the store with you so I can get them and make sure the right items are bought."

2009-03-25, 10:59 PM
Keitaro Kenji

"Hey, how ya doin' over there Hiroshi?" Keitaro calls with a smile, and flexes a bit to finish this quickly.

To clean! Skill!


2009-03-30, 08:48 PM
"Oh, I meant the store my family runs. Of course, we might have some of that stuff on stock. You're free to take whatever you want, just don't tell anyone." Ryouta blushes and lead Umeda to the building at the front of the yard.

The dog, whose tag says 'Scraps' wags his tail and stand on his hind legs to lick Toby's face.

Neon Knight
2009-03-31, 08:45 AM
Hiroshi (Hiroko Fujii)

"F-fine." Hiroshi (Hiroko) focused on what he (she) was doing, trying to ignore Keitaro.

2009-03-31, 11:26 AM

Toby plays with the dog, "How's my big boy... How's my little Scrapper!" He reaches into a pocket and pulls out a dog biscut. "No... Toby didn't forget Scraps... I brought sugar for the horses, and biscuts for my Scrappie!"

2009-03-31, 06:37 PM

Umeda looks up from his list and frowns.

"I hope they have it. One of these things I need is for the horse with the bad leg. Well I will still go."

2009-04-03, 07:33 PM
Ryouta smiles up at Umeda. "It's okay, we can always go somewhere else if you need to. I don't mind." He starts to take Umeda's hand but hesitates and thinks it better just to lead the way.

Once they get inside the small store, Ryouta turns the "closed" sign around and pulls up an extra chair for Umeda. Business looks like it might be slow today but there are a few cars heading up and down the long road. Ryouta sits down behind the register and looks around, then at Umeda.

"Can you keep a secret? Lately a lot of our cows have been disappearing. My dad doesn't want people to know because he thinks they'll think of him as a bad farmer or whatever, but I don't think it's his fault." Ryouta bites his lip.

2009-04-03, 08:07 PM
Keitaro Kenji

"Okay, I think that looks good, right?" Keitaro says, dusting himself off, and looking over at her. "Right?"

2009-04-03, 09:48 PM

Umeda lights a cigarette and looks down at the master.

"Yes I can keep a secret, but I don't know what you expect me to do about it. I am just around to be a doctor, not your personal hero."

Umeda starts looking for the stuff he needs to do his work.

Neon Knight
2009-04-04, 08:35 AM
Hiroshi (Hiroko Fujii)

"Y-yeah." Hiroshi (Hiroko) turned away from Keitaro. Please go away, please go away, please go away...

2009-04-04, 03:31 PM
Keitaro Kenji

"Hey, you okay?" He asked politely, putting a hand on Hiroshi's shoulder. "You look a little flushed, man, are you getting heat stroke?"

2009-04-04, 03:51 PM
Ryouta blushes, stands up, and turns away from Umeda, crossing his arms with a slight pout. "You can't smoke in here. And I'm not asking for you to do anything, its just weird." He walks around the counter and stands on the other side, facing Umeda completely straight-faced.

"There were two nights that I saw a really bright light, and then a cow was gone the next morning."

Ryouta leans over the desk. "I suspect..."

He throws his hands in the air dramatically.


2009-04-04, 04:16 PM

Umeda tosses his cigarette to the floor and puts it out with his foot. Then he starts to laugh.

"Aliens, why aliens?"

Neon Knight
2009-04-04, 06:13 PM
Hiroshi (Hiroko Fujii)

Hiroshi (Hiroko) squirmed under Keitaro's hand, and, if anything, got even redder.

"I'm fine. Really, I'm fine. You can go.. help out at the store or something."

2009-04-04, 09:30 PM
Ryouta looks disgruntled.

"How else can we explain this?"

2009-04-04, 09:39 PM

"Someone dumb came out with their light on in a truck and stole your cow. If not that then something else similar. There are no aliens."

Umeda picks something up off the shelf.

"I got what I need the most. The rest can wait a bit."

2009-04-05, 03:56 PM
Keitaro Kenji

"Nah, I think I should take you to that doctor fellor." Keitaro said sternly. "If you don't wanna go I figure I'll have to carry you."

Neon Knight
2009-04-05, 04:11 PM
Hiroshi (Hiroko Fujii)


He wouldn't...

"I told you, I'm fine." Hirsohi (Hiroko) stood his (her) ground.

2009-04-05, 09:08 PM

Toby makes sure the animals are put back into undamaged stalls and cuts away the burned sections of the wall and stalls, stacking the burned wood and hay outside, then begins effecting repairs.

OOC - Skillful Repairs: [roll0]

2009-04-06, 02:35 AM
Keitaro Kenji

"Fine then, you asked for it!" Keitaro says, grabbing Hiroshi and trying to pull him over his shoulder. "Sorry about this, I don't want anyone getting hurt on this job."

To carry!


2009-04-06, 02:43 AM
"You're a catboy!" Ryouta turned away again, "How do you know aliens don't exist?"

"Er..." He turned back to Umeda. "I guess you're right. I'm just being stupid. Of course aliens don't exist."

He sits back at the counter, blushing and embarrassed. "Are you going back to the house? If you are, could you ask Hiroshi to come out here? I'd like to thank him again."


Scraps waddles behind Toby happily as they both round up all of the animals that shouldn't be in the field, then suddenly stands still with his floppy ears standing up oddly. The dog stays there for a second, listening to something, then points toward the trees with one paw like it would do while hunting, and yelps to get Toby's attention, in case Toby isn't looking.


Keitaro successfully manages to lift Hiroshi into the air [I don't think anything you roll can stop it] and starts to walk. As he puts a foot forward, it hits a shovel and he falls on top of Hiroshi, their lips touching.

Neon Knight
2009-04-06, 10:30 AM
Hiroshi (Hiroko Fujii)

For a moment, Hiroshi (Hiroko) lay still, the wind knocked out of him (her). Then he (she) realized what was going on. Panicking, he (she) tried to shove the larger, heavier Keitaro off of himself (herself.) Unable to manage it, he (she) became frantic.

"G-get off me!" In his (her) panic, his (her) voice slipped into its natural register.

2009-04-06, 10:37 AM

Toby looks down at the dog, "What is it boy? Some kind of trouble? Take me there!" He follows the dog.

2009-04-06, 12:59 PM
Keitaro Kenji

"I- I'm sorry!" Keitaro said quickly, pushing himself off of her and sitting back in a dazed state. He rubbed a finger across his lips absently and stared at the girl. "...You must be sick, even your voice is failing." Was all he could muster.

Neon Knight
2009-04-06, 03:07 PM
Hiroshi (Hiroko Fujii)

"I... um..." Hiroshi (Hiroko) rubbed his (her) throat, realizing that he (she) had almost given himself (herself) away. He (she) honestly didn't know what to say.

2009-04-06, 10:19 PM
Keitaro Kenji

"Well..." Keitaro was blushing and he didn't know why. Was he gay? Love wasn't something he really thought of a lot. Love or physical affection.

"Umm.." He stumbled over his words once more, then leaned over and kissed Hiroshi again.

Neon Knight
2009-04-06, 10:24 PM
Hiroshi (Hiroko Fujii)

Hiroshi (Hiroko) was caught off guard by Keitaro's second kiss.

Hiroshi (Hiroko) pulled away from the kiss. S-stop that!"

Hiroshi (Hiroko) tried to get up and get away from Keitaro.

2009-04-10, 03:12 PM

"Are you sure you are old enough to be left alone?"

Umeda waits a minute and then leaves to find Hiroshi.

"Why do I have to carry all the babies around on my back?"

Umeda finds Hiroshi and Keitaro kissing.

"Hate to break up the lovefest, but the boy wants to see you Hiroshi."

Neon Knight
2009-04-10, 03:31 PM
Hiroshi (Hiroko Fujii)

Hiroshi (Hiroko) took the excuse and ran away from Keitaro towards the store.

2009-04-10, 05:33 PM

Umeda moves a bit closer to Keitaro. He leans over him.

"So what are you doing over here with him? I think you should be very serious before you do anything with that one."

Umeda lights another cigarette.

"Me on the other hand, I could use a good time. Would you like to go play doctor with me? I have all the right equipment."

2009-04-10, 09:15 PM
Keitaro Kenji

"I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me..." Keitaro stammered, calling after her before Umeda came in. That dude scared and mystified him.

"Umm... what?" He said, backing up a step. "I don't know what you mean, I just, I... I should go..."

2009-04-10, 09:27 PM
Scraps the dog freaks out and starts running toward some trees. If Toby follows, which I'm sure he will, he'll see an old well with vines all around and hear someone shouting for help. The sound is coming from down in the well.


Ryouta looks up as Hiroshi enters the store and puts away the folder he was writing something in. He puts in under the counter in a drawer underneath everything else.

"Hi." He greets him and walks around the counter. "I just wanted to say thanks again for helping me back there." He looks a little nervous and unsure of what he's doing.

"If there is anything, anything at all, that I can do to make it up to you..."

Neon Knight
2009-04-10, 09:30 PM
Hiroshi (Hiroko Fujii)

This again? Hiroshi (Hiroko) sighed.

"I didn't do anything that nobody else wouldn't have done were they in my place. You don't owe me a thing."

2009-04-10, 10:20 PM

"I think you do know what I mean."

Umeda suddenly is in the direction that Keitaro was moving in. Umeda holds Keitaro's face in his hands.

"I know you want what I am offering. Why try to deny it? I don't like playing games so just give in."

2009-04-11, 02:08 AM

Toby moves carefully up to the well - he doesn't want to dislodge any lose stones down on someone who might be trapped below. "Hello, is someone down there?"

2009-04-11, 09:14 PM
Keitaro Kenji

Keitaro stares back at Umeda for a little bit and swallows hard.

"Um... you're right..." He says, not struggling and standing there awaiting Umeda's next... move.

2009-04-11, 09:19 PM

Umeda leans over and kisses Keitaro hard on the lips. Then he leans back and gives him an evil smile.

"Let's go back to my office so you can strip for me and I can give you a check up."

Umeda walks towards the building. He looks back towards Keitaro.

2009-04-11, 10:54 PM
Ryouta looks a little embarrassed.

"Well I mean, you could've really got hurt, and I wouldn't be able to forgive myself." He steps a little closer. "Besides, my mom will fuss if she finds out that I didn't try and repay you."

He steps closer still.


"Help, help, god, god, in here!" The voice shouts back. Scraps hops back and forth over the well excitedly, knocking dirt down. "Ack!"

At the bottom is a guy who looks around eighteen with black hair tied in a ponytail and dirty clothes, probably from the filthy well.

2009-04-12, 02:10 AM

Toby nods, "Wait there, I'll be right back with some rope. Careful, Scraps" He runs back to the barn, grabs some rope, then ties it off to a tree, loops it around a smooth barked tree to help him pull it up and ties a loop in the end of the rope before tossing it down. "Put your foot in the loop, I'm going to try and pull you up."

OOC - Roll to set up a situation that will hopefully increase his chances for pulling the guy up. Skillful Rope Use: [roll0]; Roll to actually pull him up (I will leave it to the GM if the first roll bonuses the second roll - as I inteded) - Athletics: [roll1]

Neon Knight
2009-04-12, 08:25 AM
Hiroshi (Hiroko Fujii)

Hiroshi (Hiroko) inched a step away from the advancing Ryouta. "Fine. Just... just give me a pack of gum, or something, and we'll call it even, okay?"

2009-04-12, 06:37 PM
Keitaro Kenji

"...It's always best to receive regular checkups." Keitaro said vaguely and followed the doctor.

2009-04-12, 06:56 PM
"Er, really, that's it?" Ryouta goes over to the counter and get a few packs of gum and hands them to Hiroshi.

"So... How do you like it here so far? What caused you to come here anyway? I'm sure a guy like you could find a much better job..." He blushes.


Toby successfully ties the rope around a nearby tree and the guy in the well manages to get the rope around his foot and hold on tight. Scraps grabs the rope in his mouth and playfully growls, tugging along with Toby.

As the guy gets to where he can crawl out, he lays there and looks up at Toby.

"Thanks, I really appreci-" He sits up suddenly. "OH MY GOD! You're Toby from Flip This Queer Old House! I've never missed an episode, I even bought the DVD box set on Ebay! Dude, I love you!" The guy throws his arms around Toby in a big hug. "You're my freakin' idol!"

Neon Knight
2009-04-12, 07:02 PM
Hiroshi (Hiroko Fujii)

"Kid, don't flatter me. This job is exactly my caliber." Hiroshi (Hiroko) stood there holding the gum feeling like an idiot. What does this kid want?

"Can I go now? There's lots of work to do..."

2009-04-12, 08:23 PM

Umeda closes the door to the office behind Keitaro and locks it.

"Ok strip down and let me check the specimen before this goes any further."

Umeda looks on indifferently.

2009-04-12, 08:46 PM

Toby smiles, returning the hug. "Glad you like the show, thanks for watching..." After the guy lets go Toby looks at him, "So... what's your name, and how did you get down there?"

2009-04-12, 10:26 PM
Keitaro Kenji

Keitaro blushes red and begins to slowly strip under the indifferent eye of the cold doctor.

2009-04-12, 10:36 PM

Umeda looks him up and down with no feeling in his eyes.

"You look very healthy. Well do you want to be with me? I am not going to force you. I think you like that I am not doting on you like everyone else, don't you like it? You have a naughty side don't you?"

Umeda starts to grin.

2009-04-12, 10:51 PM
"Yeah, sure, sorry." Ryouta sat at the desk as some really pretty girl walks into the store and obviously checks Hiroshi out.


"Oh, er, well..." The guy looks at Toby with an ashamed grin and rubs the back of his head. "My name is Chimmi. It's a long story... I ran away from home and ran into a bunch of bullies. That's all." He laughs nervously.

2009-04-12, 10:58 PM

Toby looks concerned, "Chimmi... you mean someone from around here threw you in that well?"

2009-04-12, 11:49 PM
Chimmi tries to look like it didn't affect him.

"Yeah, but it's fine. That's just what happens sometimes."

Neon Knight
2009-04-12, 11:57 PM
Hiroshi (Hiroko Fujii)

Hiroshi (Hiroko) walked out the front door of the store. Now to find somewhere were I can be alone for the rest of the day.

2009-04-13, 12:31 AM

Toby nods, "Sometimes people aren't nice... I should tell you some time how some of my 'friends' used to beat me up. Why not come back to the ranch, I'll get you something to eat, we can talk about it."

OOC: What's that Scrappie? Somebody threw Chimmi down the well?

2009-04-13, 12:53 AM
Keitaro Kenji

Keitaro turns even redder, if possible.

"..Yes, I do." He mutters, standing there and shivering a bit.

2009-04-13, 12:55 AM

Umeda starts to strip.

"Ok then."

Umeda tenderly touches Keitaro.

Fade to black before people get very uncomfortable?

2009-04-13, 03:06 PM
Keitaro Kenji

"..Umeda..." He sighed contentedly as he touched the doctor back, trying to kiss him.

Everyone except Dabura. :P

2009-04-13, 06:05 PM
"What!? Who would hurt you!? You're AWESOME!" Chimmi is utterly surprised at this, fanboy stars appearing in his eyes as he puts both hands on his face and sighs lovingly. "I mean come on, remember episode twenty-six when the Mrs. Kuwabara lost her cat in the house because of all the junk laying around and..." Chimmi continues gushing over Toby as he follows him to the house, basically floating in hearts.


Umeda and Keitaro fade to black [unfortunately XD] and now they're done and, uh, yeah.


As soon as Hiroshi walks out of the store it begins raining. There is a small coffee shop a little bit down the road that looks quiet and safe. It's at least dry.

Neon Knight
2009-04-13, 06:07 PM
Hiroshi (Hiroko Fujii)

Hiroshi (Hiroko) saw the coffee shop and decided why not? He (she) dashed over to it.

2009-04-13, 06:46 PM

Umeda and Keitaro are resting on the bed for Umeda's patients after their activities. They have a thin sheet over them. Umeda is of course enjoying a cigarette. Umeda runs a hand along Keitaro's side.

"You were pretty good. Was I your first?"

2009-04-14, 07:51 PM
Keitaro Kenji

Keitaro shivers and looks away mumbling a yes, still crimson. He scoots away a bit.

2009-04-14, 11:19 PM

"If you are so shy, then put your clothes back on. We don't have to do it again if you don't like it. You didn't seem so shy when we were doing stuff though. You also seemed to enjoy it."

Umeda smiles and puts some clothes on.

2009-04-14, 11:42 PM

Toby leads Chimmi into the kitchen, "San, are you here you gorgeous hunk of woman?" He turns back to Chimmi, still walking, "San is a witch... which explains why her Sanwiches are magical. Let's see if we can russle one up with something to drink." He goes over to the fridge, "Milk? Water? Grape Juice? Beer... you old enough for Beer?"

2009-04-18, 09:02 PM
Keitaro Kenji

"Well, that's true! Doesn't mean I'm not shy." He grumbles, getting dressed. "I just never thought, my first time, would be..."

2009-04-18, 09:07 PM

"With a man. Well you enjoyed it. Isn't that all that matters? Do you want to do it again some time."

2009-04-18, 10:39 PM
"Of course I'm old enough for- Okay, no, not really. But I'd try one anyway." Chimmi grins up at Toby hopefully. Scraps whines at the door.

"Yeah, I'm in here." San comes out of a back room and checks out Toby and the mystery boy. "Well, well, well, Toby, you dog." She throws her head back and laughs. "What can I get you boys?"


The coffee shop is small and shady, but also cozy rather than claustrophobic. People look over as Hiroshi walks in and takes a seat at a table. A handsome waiter comes over.

"Hey, never seen you around here. What can I do for you?" He smiles a charming smile.

Neon Knight
2009-04-18, 10:44 PM
Hiroshi (Hiroko Fujii)

"Um..." Hiroshi (Hiroko) wasn't much of a coffee person. "Do you serve tea?"

2009-04-18, 11:25 PM

Toby smiles at San, "We'd love a couple of your San-witches... if that's okay. We have a well-digger in training here, and he's hungry." He pulls a bottle from the fridge and tosses it to Chimmy, "Here, it's non-alcoholic... you get to experience the wonderfully bitter taste of hops, and I don't get in trouble with your parents." He smiles and settles down with a cream soda for himself. He points to the bottle, "One of the highest inventions of mankind's civilization... aside from cable tv and the chainsaw of course."

2009-04-19, 01:50 AM
"I use a chainsaw too! I saw how you talked about it being your favorite 'toy' in Episode thirty!" Chimmi looks excited and takes a gulp of the non-alcoholic beer only to choke and gag horribly but manages to force it down. San nudges Toby and whispers, "at least you know he swallows." And laughs hard again.

Chimmi looks embarrassed at not being able to handle the drink and sets it on the counter. San throws a cream soda at him, guessing that he'd want to copy Toby, then walks over to the fridge and starts fixing them food.

"You wouldn't get in trouble with my parents," he watches Toby carefully. "I ran away... For good. I'm never going back..."

San walks out with two sandwiches and places them in front of the boys before leaving. Chimmi looks at his lap in shame.


"Sure, coming right up." The waiter walks off and leaves Hiroshi. He comes back half a minute later and puts an over-sized glass on the table. It's the best tea ever. Hiroshi may notice a magazine on the table against the wall that looks like some crazy tabloid about aliens or something.

Neon Knight
2009-04-19, 08:57 AM
Hiroshi (Hiroko Fujii)

Hiroshi (Hiroko) glanced out the window. It looked like it would rain for a bit, so he (she) decided it couldn't hurt to read the crazy paper. It would pass the time, anyway.

So he (she) sat there, sipping the tea (What blend is this? he (she) wondered. It's fantastic!) and reading the paper.

2009-04-19, 01:03 PM

Toby puts a hand on Chimmi's shoulder, "It's all right... parents can be a trial sometimes... especially if they find out their child wants something they consider... inappropriate. If I get to know you better, I might someday tell you what my mother did... and you might find out that it makes your parents seem tame. But I'm here, if you want to talk about it."

2009-04-21, 02:23 AM
Chimmi tenses up and blushes furiously under Toby's hand and looks up at him. "I want to be just like you, you're amazing!" He hugs Toby.

2009-04-21, 02:34 AM

Toby hugs the boy back, "Hey, it's all right... and you don't have to be just like me. You're better off being just like you. It's much easier and less confusing. Now if you think I've got some wonderful traits you love, you could always incorporate some of them into your personal style, but in the end, we all have to be ourselves."

2009-04-21, 05:22 AM
Keitaro Kenji

"..I.. don't... know... I'll... uh..." Keitaro stuttered. My god, why did he always feel so shy around this guy? Even after the...

He still couldn't believe he did that.

"Thanks!" He shouted, running out the door quickly. Thanks?! For what? Thanks? Really?

The blush that crossed him then was worse then before. He runs though the door of the house, busting right into the kitchen. Luckily, he dressed first.

"Oh. Hey."

2009-04-21, 09:40 AM

Toby smiles, unembarassed, releasing the hug but keeping an arm around Chimmi's shoulder. "Hey, Keitaro." He looks down at his young friend, "Chimmi, this is Keitaro Kenji. He's working here on the ranch with me and some others."

2009-04-21, 06:36 PM

"He will be back. They always come back."

Umeda sits back and thinks about his past conquests.

2009-04-21, 08:35 PM
"Toby..." Chimmi stares at Toby when Keitaro busts in and looks embarrassed. He watches Keitaro's nervous face, his cheeks flushed.

"N-nice to meet you, sir," Chimmi bows his head and stays close to Toby. "I wish I had a job," he ponders out loud.


There are a few interesting but unbelievable stories that don't seem to really make any sense in the coffee shop, like a dog that disappeared, but after a week or so two dogs showed up at the owner's house, both answering to the dog's name and acting the same. The dogs disappeared again for another week about a month later and four came back. Another article was about woman who filed a missing person's case for her husband who was last seen walking around their trailer park. It was only a a month and a half that he came back, but he looked slightly different and acted strange. The woman says, "it's like he's a different person, like someone's wearing his skin like a suit." Police say that the woman is just crazy and has separation anxiety.

"That magazine is weird, but our customers can't seem to stop bringing them in here," the handsome young waiter is suddenly standing there again. He hands her a flier. "Cops say that there might be a crazed chainsaw killer in the area." He laughs. "Want a refill?"


A rickety pickup truck pulls into the long driveway. Mr. and Mrs. Yamamoto are home.

Neon Knight
2009-04-21, 08:45 PM
Hiroshi (Hiroko Fujii)

"Yes, please." Hiroshi (Hiroko) paused. "What kind of tea is this, by the way?"

2009-04-21, 09:52 PM

Toby shrugs, "Well, perhaps I could use an assistant around here... we'll make it a cash only deal for now, but you never know... if you work out there's always next season!" He smiles at Chimmi.

2009-04-22, 06:56 PM
Keitaro Kenji

The burly man walks over to catch Chimmi's hand in a vice grip. "Nice to meet you." He says quietly, before leaning against the table. He doesn't sit down.

"So, what have you been up to?"

2009-04-22, 10:51 PM
"Genmaicha, we specialize in it. Completely homemade." The waiter smiles and takes Hiroshi's cup, then returns with a new glass. "This one's on me."

The waiter leans against the wall. "I've never seen you around here. We usually keep the same customers. I'm Nobu." He smiles charmingly.


Chimmi stares at Toby with his mouth open and then his eyes fill with sparkles. "THAT WOULD BE AMAZING!" He shouts, jumping at Toby and wrapping his legs around Toby's waist.

Roll athletics to see if you fall. =P


San walks into Umeda's office.

"The boss is here, he'd like to speak with you."

2009-04-22, 10:54 PM

"The boss. Well lead me to him please."

Umeda checks his clothing and makes sure everything is in place.

Neon Knight
2009-04-23, 08:01 AM
Hiroshi (Hiroko Fujii)

"Hiroshi." Hiroshi (Hiroko) shifted a bit, slightly uncomfortable. He (she) wasn't planning on sticking around long. He (she) was just going to earn enough money so he (she) could get back home... when it was safe.

"I'm new to the area. I work at the ranch down the road."

2009-04-23, 10:10 AM

Toby smiles, answering Keitaro, "Well, we were just checking out that old well..." at which moment, Chimmi becomes grateful.

Athletics: [roll0]

2009-04-25, 09:45 PM
"Oh, Yamamoto Ranch?" Nobu pulled a chair and sat in it backwards, facing Hiroshi and folding his hands to lay his chin on them. "They're nice people... Really strict on their kid, though. He's a sweet boy, not too much luck with girls." Nobu laughs as if he just told a golden inside joke.


Chimmi has his legs around Toby and just stares at his face for a moment before slowly stepping down and blushing at the ground. "Sorry," he mumbles.


San leads Umeda to Mr. Yamamoto's office, which is bigger and much nicer than Umeda's. She stays outside of the door.

"Please, have a sit down," Mr. Yamamoto is sitting at a desk swamped by paperwork. He's smoking a cigar and offers another to Umeda.

"It's 'bout sundown an' we been havin' a problem with hooligans stealing our cows. I want you on first watch as soon as it gets dark 'til 'bout midnight, then you can pick a random other boy to go look. Any of them cattle goes missin' an' it's yer ass."

Neon Knight
2009-04-25, 10:05 PM
Hiroshi (Hiroko Fujii)

"Uh-huh." Hiroshi (Hiroko) wasn't one for conversation, at least not in this state.

2009-04-25, 10:18 PM

If they fire me, I can go back to my love. I already have a lot of information.

"Whatever you say boss."

Umeda heads towards the cattle.

2009-04-26, 11:29 AM

Toby still smiles, "It's okay to get excited, Chimmi... let's just finish lunch and discuss how you might be able to help me around the ranch. You've said you used a chain saw before, what are your other skills?" He takes a bite of his San-wich and a swig of cream soda.

2009-04-27, 06:13 PM
Keitaro Kenji

"Whoa, should I come back later?" Keitaro chuckled, leaning against a nearby counter and giving himself a second. He had been working about all day, and after that... well. He had been hot all day.

2009-04-27, 09:19 PM

Toby looks at Keitaro, "Just talking to someone who might be my new assistant. You can stay if you like."

2009-04-27, 11:52 PM
Nobu stood and handed Hiroshi the bill. He didn't charge Hiroshi for the second one. There's also a phone number on the receipt. Nobu then walks away.


The cows are grazing lazily and look up at Umeda when he walks past them. It looks like it'll be a boring night.


Chimmi turns bright crimson at Keitaro's words, looks at the ground, grins and mumbles, "I'm not that lucky."

2009-04-28, 12:15 AM

Toby smiles, leaning back in his chair. "Chimmi, I'd like to explain something. It's not that I'm not attracted, I am. I am also committed to a lifestyle that society at large frowns upon. I am a public figure in a very old morality play that is still going on about who gets to determine their own life and choice. As a public figure, I can't flout a law that says you're too young to decide for yourself... believe me, I know you can't legislate hormones... but that very same law punishes people who would abuse a five-year old girl, so how can I be opposed to it? If you're still around, and still interested, and I'm not yet in a committed relationship, I would be proud and happy to march you down to the DMV, get you your identification when you turn 18, take you out on the town, and introduce you to what I have found to be a very satisfying lifstyle choice for myself. Til then, you're my assistant, and there's no hanky panky between us."

Neon Knight
2009-04-28, 02:22 PM
Hirsohi (Hiroko Fujii)

Hiroshi (Hiroko) looked at the receipt in confusion. Why was there a phone number? Hirsohi (Hiroko) shrugged. Damn eccentric locals.

Hiroshi (Hiroko) paid in cash and left. He'd (she'd) probably drop the receipt in the trash on her way out or something.

2009-04-29, 05:50 PM
Keitaro Kenji

"Nah, its cool. I'm going to bounce anyway." Keitaro says, leaving out the side door and looking for something to do.

2009-04-30, 11:31 PM
Chimmi sighs. "Yeah, sure," he smiles and pats Toby on the arm. "I guess I'd better go. I don't want you getting in trouble with your boss because of some stupid kid." He starts to walk to the front door, looking at his wristwatch.


Hiroshi gets back to the ranch. Everything's about the same except that the Yamamoto's are home.


It's now dark at the Yamamoto Ranch. Most of the bedrooms still need to be cleaned and someone needs to go lock up the horses for the night. Time to claim bunks, too. Umeda gets whichever bunk is empty. If anyone needs to bathe, there's one big bath in the house for everyone to use. (Lol, Hiroshi.)

2009-05-01, 12:18 AM

Toby sighs, "Chimmi, I was serious about what I said, but if you want to go... go."

Neon Knight
2009-05-01, 11:57 AM
Hiroshi (Hiroko Fujii)

Hiroshi (Hiroko) took one look at the bath and then sighed. He'd (she'd) have to find somewhere else to get clean. A stream or something.

He (she) got to cleaning the bedrooms. He'd (she'd) have to sneak out once everyone else was asleep.

Skill: [roll0] x3.