View Full Version : Scheduling woes

2009-03-03, 09:48 AM
So, I've recently begun DMing a DnD campaign at my college. We've had three sessions so far, and scheduling is a persistent headache. Thursday nights are the best we have, but things have occasionally come up.

Last Thursday, one of my players and I had to give midterms for a class we are TAing. I was ready to just delay the next session a week, but then I realized that I am home for spring break starting Thursday and we can't have a game over break, so we'd be going a month without a session. So after a drama filled attempt at scheduling, we settle on Sunday. Then, I find out I need to grade midterms on Sunday. More drama ensues, and we settle on Tuesday.

And then, one of my players goes to the hospital with a collapsed lung. *headdesk*

(he'll be fine, by the way)