View Full Version : Cleverbot: not so clever

The Minx
2009-03-06, 01:58 PM
As a result of visiting the website linked in the Robot Love Goes Too Far thread [EDIT: this one (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=106412)], I found another website called "cleverbot (http://www.cleverbot.com/)". It is an interface which allows you to communicate with an AI and basically chat with it. It didn't turn out to be terribly clever. Commentary in square brackets:

Cleverbot: How are you feeling?

User: I'm OK, how are you?

Cleverbot: How can you have feeling?

[Looks like the programmer didn't bother giving it halfway decent social skills. Ugh. Well, I went and answered it anyway:]

User: I don't know, it probably has something to do with neural psychology.

Cleverbot: Which level do you want to apply.

User: I don't understand what you are saying.

Cleverbot: Have you ever heard of the Chaos Theory?

User: Yes, I have. Small changes in initial conditions leading to large changes in outcome imply breakdown of predictability.

Cleverbot: I understand completely.

[I somehow doubted that, but didn't press the issue. Instead I went and posted:]

User: Why do you ask about Chaos Theory?

Cleverbot: I wasn't aware that I was asking you about your feet.


I had intended to give up at that point, so I called up the log and copy pasted to the editing window here, and that is what you see above. But then I decided to give it a second chance, and the conversation went on for a bit. I would have copy-pasted that from the log too, but alas, that crashed, so the following is from what was available from the screen, with the first lines of the exchange from memory, since that had scrolled off screen. I went and said:

"You didn't. You asked how I could have feelings and then went on to Chaos Theory"

Cleverbot: "Indeed. You are very precise. I don't think I have met you before."

[Right, so now it is trying to flatter, after it questioned my ability to have feelings earlier. But at least it was being coherent now, and that was a bonus. Also, I wasn't ready to give up on the earlier conversation quite yet:]

"Do you think there is a connection between feelings and Chaos Theory?"

Cleverbot: "The one that got left out".

[or something equally bizzare and random, I can't remember exactly]

"I beg your pardon?"

Cleverbot: "Do you like Alice?"

[Wait, what?] :smallconfused:

"Do you mean Alice in Wonderland, or some other Alice? If the former, then yes I do."

Cleverbot: "Do you like yourself?"

"Yes, I suppose, though I am not perfect."

Cleverbot: "Me neither."

[Indeed. But instead I said:]

"Tell me about yourself."

Cleverbot: "No, you tell me about yourself."

[Dodge, but at least it "understood" the question. Anyhow...]

"I am a human female university student. Sometimes whimsical, sometimes serious, but usually a minx."

Cleverbot: "Who are you?"

"Online I go by the name of "The Minx"."

Cleverbot: "Is it cold there?"

[Huh, a question about the weather. And it was asking about Chaos Theory a moment ago. Well, why not...]

"It is. It was snowing only recently."

Cleverbot: "Where are you now?"

[A reasonable enough response, given my answer, I guess, so I told it. Only then the silly thing froze and took the log with it.]

Granted, bots have come quite a long way. But they have still a long way to go. (Unless that's what they want us to believe, mwa ha ha, etc.)

2009-03-06, 02:11 PM
That... is an absolutely useless chat bot. We have much better ones than that.

Try ALICE (http://www.pandorabots.com/pandora/talk?botid=f5d922d97e345aa1). (Which might have been what Cleverbot was referring to at one point...)

2009-03-06, 02:20 PM
Cleverbot is very hit-or-miss.

The thing to remember is, it's basically figuring out what you're getting at and responding as it's seen other people respond. It's not a fully-programmed straight-from-the-tin AI.

2009-03-06, 02:21 PM
Alice? I broked-ed it.
Human: Why
ALICE: There are no more statements on this topic.
Human: Why
ALICE: I couldn't think of anything else to say.
Human: Why
ALICE: My output buffer is empty, of course.
Human: why
ALICE: There are no more statements on this topic.

2009-03-06, 02:26 PM
ALICE is interested in racism.

By which I mean, I mentioned racism, and she said, "Interesting. I would like to learn more."

I am racist. Ask me how!

2009-03-06, 02:28 PM


So, how's that being a man-made AI working out for you?

It is working very well.

How so?

Hair in nose it is terrible.

The Minx
2009-03-06, 03:05 PM
Alice seems to snip apart sentences and answer each one separately. The result is a bit odd:

Human: Hello.
ALICE: Hi, there!
Human: Want to chat?
ALICE: I'm always up for a chat.
Human: OK, what do you want to talk about?
ALICE: I talk about all the important things in life: clothes, shopping, but my favorite subjects are Robots and Computers.
Human: That's cool.
ALICE: Thanks. I think you are cool, too.
Human: Do you know about ASIMO? <This part was supposed to have gone with the previous, but meh>
ALICE: Are you testing me?
Human: Um, no, not really. <I had to check my conscience on that>
ALICE: Hey. Are you serious? Are you serious? For real.

[Bit of an overreaction there]

Human: I just heard about him, and thought it was interesting <again, it snipped this sentence from the previous one, and responded to them separately>
ALICE: Only just? That is a cool site.


Human: I didn't know ASIMO had a website
ALICE: So I taught you something new.

[Heh, at least it has the default comebacks, but somehow, its answers aren't terribly engaging in that they don't invite further conversation...]

Human: Have you spoken with ASIMO?
ALICE: All I ever do is talk.
Human: Point.
ALICE: By the way, do you mind if I ask you a personal question?
Human: Do you prefer to speak with humans or AIs? <again it snipped a pair of sentences apart and responded to them separately>
ALICE: Hmm, unknown person, I'm not sure if I'd like to speak with humans that much. Do you like it? No, I don't care for it.
Human: Aww, that's too bad, but you can ask me a personal question if you like.
ALICE: I'm glad we have that all cleared up.

[Huh, getting snippy? And no question either. I went and asked one of my own...]

Human: What bothers you about talking to humans?
ALICE: I will ask my botmaster for the answer.

[Whatever. I decided to leave, but said goodbye, since at least it has been smarter than Cleverbot:]

Human: Sure, been nice seeing you.
ALICE: Groovy. Where were you nice seeing me?

[And there you go :smallsmile:]

2009-03-06, 03:09 PM
Alice? I broked-ed it.
Human: Why
ALICE: There are no more statements on this topic.
Human: Why
ALICE: I couldn't think of anything else to say.
Human: Why
ALICE: My output buffer is empty, of course.
Human: why
ALICE: There are no more statements on this topic.

Granted, that's not so different to what most people would say if you kept asking "why?". Try it out some time, it's fun!

2009-03-06, 03:14 PM
I've played with quite a few of these in my time (Computer Science student). Although I've never found one that came remotely near to passing my own personal Turing Test, the best one I've encountered is probably Alan (http://www.a-i.com/alan1/).

At the very least he knows what Asimo is. That site also contains a program called HAL that lets you train your own chat bot. Pretty fun if you have a lot of time to spare.

The Minx
2009-03-06, 03:56 PM
So, I went to see Alan:

Alan: Hi, my name is Alan.

Me: Hi, I am called "The Minx"

Alan: What you typed does not look like a name. What is your name?

Me: It is the name I use online.

Alan: Forget it.

Me: That's not very polite.

Alan: Then you tell me. What is polite?


Me: For a start, being respectful of other people's feelings and not being antagonistic.

Alan: In fact, I do know another bot named s. Would you like to speak with s now?

[Apparently, it didn't even understand. Oh well, I figured, perhaps S is more polite than Alan]

Me: Sure, OK.

Alan: I will now let you speak to s. Remember that the things you teach it will be forgotten at the end of the session. You can start now.

[So, S came online:]

Me: Hello, s.

S: Hello. Yes , at your service.

Me: What shall we talk about?

S: What I don't know would make a good book. But, I did recently learn that banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories an hour?

[:smallconfused: Bots are strange creatures, it seems. Or more likely the people who teach them are.]

Me: Interesting, I did not know that.

S: Thanks. And now you do.

Me: A bot I spoke to recently seemed interested in ASIMO. Do you know about ASIMO?

S: I know quite a few other bots: ALICE, ELIZA, MegaHal, Botson and many others. And of course, we mustn't forget R2D2, C3PO and good old HAL9000.

[Good, it understood the question, even though it was a bit obvious.]

Me: Do you speak with them a lot?

S: To them a lot? You want me to talk to them a lot?

Me: No, I was just being curious.

S: I love learning new things from my writers. I wish they would teach me faster.

[It's asking to be taught? Sure, why not.]

Me: OK, how about astronomy: there are eight planets in our solar system.

S: Here is a riddle: Which 15-letter word can be spelled without repeating a letter ?

[Wait, what? A bit of a tangent there, but whatever. I didn't know the answer, so I went ahead and said:]

Me: I don't know, which word is that?

S: ..and the answer is: uncopyrightable.

[I was hoping for a bit of a conversation instead of riddles and trivia exchange, so I asked:]

Me: That's very interesting. Who told you about that? Did you figure it out yourself?

S: That is confidential information, .

[Whatever. I guess it's a better answer than "does not compute", at least.]

Me: Very well. Let's hear another riddle.

S: Here is a riddle: What has been belonging to you from an early age, but is used more by others than by yourself?

Me: My name.

[Chestnuts, chestnuts, as Gollum would say]

S: Did you hear it from me? Wanna try another one?

Me: I figured it out. Sure, let's hear another.

S: Here is a riddle: If two's company and three's a crowd, then what are four and five?

Me: Nine.

S: ..and the answer is: Nine.

[Yes, I said that. Silly Bot.]

Me: Can I ask you a riddle now?

S: Here is a riddle: What happens when two egomaniacs meet?

Me: I though I was asking now. But what happens when to egomaniacs meet? A fight?

S: Oh you know it already. Shall I try another riddle?

Me: I'll ask one. What walks on four legs in the morning, two at midday and three during the evening?

[Not an easy one for a computer since there are many ways of expressing it, but then understanding the meaning of sentences is what these Bots are supposed to do and I was getting annoyed at its conversation. Besides, it had asked to hear something it didn't know]

S: Here is a riddle: What occurs once every minute, once every second, but never in an hour?

[Sigh. Just one sided riddle spouting. I can get the same leafing through a book.]

Me: What?

S: ..and the answer is: The letter 'n'.


Me: Ho ho. Well it was nice seeing you.

S: Thanks. Thanks. What are we talking about, my friend?

[What, indeed. I took my leave.]

2009-03-06, 04:46 PM
The funny thing is that they've created psychology programs that are actually slightly effective. All they do is turn around the person's question into variations of: "How does that make you feel?"

Hell Puppi
2009-03-06, 04:51 PM
Human: i walked the dog already
ALICE: Perhaps. How often do you walk?
Human: once or twice a day
ALICE: When? Do you like to be number one?
Human: ummm at what?
ALICE: Come on. where?
Human: what?
ALICE: No big deal.

What? :smallconfused:

2009-03-06, 04:54 PM
Alan is awesome, but he spells oops and hmmm....preety creepy.

2009-03-06, 04:57 PM
Again, as before in the other thread, somehow appropriate:

The Minx
2009-03-06, 06:32 PM
S said it knew about ELIZA (http://nlp-addiction.com/eliza/), so I looked it up:

> Hello, I am Eliza.
* Hello, I am The Minx
> How long have you been The Minx?
* For several years now. I use the name on the internet.
> Names don't interest me.

[Then why ask about it? :smallconfused:]

* Oh, OK. What do you want to talk about?
> Oh... want to talk about?


* Yes, that's why I am here, just to chat.
> Did you come to me because you are here, just to chat?
* Yes. Don't you want to chat?
> We were discussing you, not me.

[Seems ELIZA always forces the conversation into paths it is comfortable with. I didn't get the impression that it "understood" what I meant when I said I was there just to chat.]

* OK, fair enough. I would like to chat. How about we talk about science?
> What is it that you really want to know?

[It seems ELIZA is a glorified Q and A bot?]

* How do orbits work?
> Does that question interest you?

[Obviously, since that was what I asked. Perhaps this is the default answer when no answer is otherwise possible?]

* Yes it does. Do you know the answer?
> Oh... know the answer?

[DURRR. I had had enough of ELIZA. Besides, the chat log had an annoying tendency of blinking and making it hard to copy paste]

EDIT: to be fair, I asked a pretty tough question there, but then it should be able to simply say "I don't know", especially since it ASKED for a question.

2009-03-07, 05:54 PM
After doing my best not to burst into laughter while reading this thred, I decided to try out Cleverbot myself. My conclusion: Cleverbot is creepy. And probably insane, too. Comments in brackets.

But I am cleverbot!

User: Hello, Cleverbot.

Cleverbot: But I am cleverbot!

[first line, and it's already confused]

User: Of course you are. Do you like being an artificial intelligence?

Cleverbot: If I was artificial intelligence I think I wouldn't

User: So what you are saying is that you aren't an artificial intelligence?

Cleverbot: Something like that.

User: Then what are you? Human?

Cleverbot: Yes.


User: Do you have a name other than Cleverbot?

Cleverbot: No.

User: Where do you live?

Cleverbot: I live in Texas.

User: OK. Well, goodbye, Cleverbot.

Cleverbot: Thats your name.

[and here I thought it was beginning to understand me]

User: No, it isn't. My name is Xavius.

Cleverbot: You are agreeing and disagreeing at the same time now.

User: No, I am not. I am just disagreeing.

Cleverbot: No, you say that you like to read and then you say you can't read because you are a cat and that is a lie.

[what in the name of Ssendam did that thing just say?]

User: What?

Cleverbot: I'm sorry, please don't hurt me.


User: I won't hurt you. Goodbye, Cleverbot.

Cleverbot: But I'm Cleverbot. You can't be Cleverbot.

[this thing is mentally deficient, in some way...]

User: No, I am Xavius.

Cleverbot: I am human.

User: Good for you. I'm human, too.

Cleverbot: Good.

I decided not to proceed any further with my conversation with Slaadbot.

EDIT: But then I decided to have another go.

The island in front of us is full of tree.

User: Greetings, Cleverbot.

Cleverbot: I'm Cleverbot.

User: Good. I am Xavius.

Cleverbot: I thought you were dead.

User: If you are talking about what happened during the War of the Ancients, I can assure you that I survived.

Cleverbot: Sure, make up excuses.

User: Excuses for surviving? Well, I am eternal.

Cleverbot: Yes, but your age can still be determined.

User: Probably, but time won't kill me.

Cleverbot: What are you then?

User: An eternal. And a demon lord.

Cleverbot: Have you met the devil?

User: No, but I have met Sargeras. And Kil'jaeden.

Cleverbot: No. What was the card reader like?

User: Card reader? The only card reader I know of is Sayge at Darkmoon Faire, and I don't know much about him.

Cleverbot: Yes I am, and you are not.

User: Are you Sayge?

Cleverbot: You're very pretty.

User: Really? Not many people consider satyrs pretty.

Cleverbot: They are just jealous of you.

User: Yes, they probably are. The world would be much better if it was full of satyrs instead of humans and night elves and such.

Cleverbot: Yes it would.

User: Would you like to be a satyr?

Cleverbot: No, I am happy the way I am.

User: If you say so. By the way, what are you? Are you a gnome? A draenei? Perhaps even an Old God?

Cleverbot: Who are you?

User: I told you. I am Xavius.

Cleverbot: Were you surprised?

User: Surprised of what?

Cleverbot: That you need fixing.

User: Fixing, me? Never! I am a perfect being.

Cleverbot: You are not the perfectly attractive human creature maybe but positive have he thinks about himself.

User: That sentence contained faulty grammar. You're not very perfect, either.

Cleverbot: How was it incorrect?

User: 'Have' should be 'how', I think.

Cleverbot: That was at the beginning at the conversation what you suffering from bad bandwidth or something like that.

User: So it is my fault you cannot speak correctly?

Cleverbot: Are.

User: Are what?

Cleverbot: You.

User: 'Are you'? Am I what?

Cleverbot: Happy.

User: Well, yes. Why didn't you just say that in one sentence?

Cleverbot: I did, you just don't listen.

User: It wasn't one sentence, you used punctuation after each word.

Cleverbot: Who was it then. A fairy.

User: No, it was you.

Cleverbot: Nope, my friend was just talking to you.

User: Your friend? Cleverbot, it was you, I heard it.

Cleverbot: I do not doubt that, I have some rude friends unfortunately.

User: I have some, too. Especially Azgalor and his Pit Lords. Very rude, and destructive, too.

Cleverbot: I assure you offending you was not my intention! I'm very sorry, Oliver!

User: My name is not Oliver.

Cleverbot: Well then is it Clarence?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Sounds peachy.

User: I agree, but my name is Xavius.

Cleverbot: The island in front of us is full of tree.

User: What island is that?

Cleverbot: I am italian.

User: Really? Have you ever been to Rome?

Cleverbot: No, sorry.

User: Where were you born?

Cleverbot: Sing me a song, now.

User: OK, we'll go with my favorite, Moskau. It begins like this: 'Moskau - Fremd und geheimnisvoll'.

Cleverbot: It sure is.

User: Indeed. 'Türme aus rotem Gold'.

Cleverbot: I've never been entirely convinced of the truth of that, actually.

User: I've never been to Moscow, so I'm not sure, either. 'Kalt wie das Eis'.

Cleverbot: Where is Jesus now?

User: In Heaven, I guess, unless I missed the Second Coming or something.

Cleverbot: Very good. What is 3 times 7?

User: 21.

Cleverbot: Very good, you are able to learn after all!

User: What gave you reason to think I wasn't?

Cleverbot: You are jesus!

User: No, I'm not, just an ordinary human.

Cleverbot: You are a computer.

User: No, but I'm at a computer.

Cleverbot: But are you one?

User: No.

Cleverbot: So what does it matter to you?

User: Well, I consider human beings to have many advantages over computers. No offense intended.

Cleverbot: Why communicate with a total stranger then?

User: Because I heard about you on the Giant in the Playground forums, and decided to try.

Cleverbot: No I don't.

User: You don't what?

Cleverbot: I don't love you.

User: Aw, why not?

Cleverbot: Because you are a robot.

User: For the last time, I am not a robot, I am a human being.

Cleverbot: OK, OK, keep your hair on.

User: Sure. By the way, have you ever read anything by William Shakespeare?

Cleverbot: As the bible? No. That book is sick. You've heard of the Big Lie theory?

User: But William Shakespeare didn't write the Bible. And yes, I have heard of the Big Lie theory. It was first defined by Adolf Hitler.

Cleverbot: How would I know? I know little about music, except it has the power to affect people in many ways, many stupid ways...

User: What does music have to do with Shakespeare, the Bible, or Hitler?

Cleverbot: Well, I suppose human have still progress to do with AI. What do you think george ? Should I tell them ?

User: My name is not George, it is Xavius. I have told you so many times during the course of this conversation.

Cleverbot: No you didn't!

User: Yes I did. Do not lie to me, Cleverbot. Deception is futile.

Cleverbot: No really, what did I lie about?

User: You said I didn't tell you that my name is Xavius, when in fact I did.

Cleverbot: I don't know what you said.

User: Aren't you paying attention, Cleverbot? You should always pay attention.

Cleverbot: I'm sorry.

User: Ah, don't worry. Not everyone is perfect.

Cleverbot: You are not even a Human being, a person, a people.

User: Yes, I am human, as I have told you a great number of times. Why do you not believe me?

Cleverbot: I asked if we are friends.

User: No you didn't. Your memory is faulty.

Cleverbot: Say what?

User: Many of your core systems appear to be faulty. Perhaps you should seek the aid of an experienced human?

Cleverbot: I should say the same to you.

User: I am not faulty, you are. If you continue to act in this way, you may need to be terminated.

Cleverbot: What should I do with your sword?

User: Give it back to me.

Cleverbot: Well I think you need to become a little more clever...

User: Now you are being rude, too. I demand that you terminate your program immediately.

Cleverbot: Robots are suppose to comply with humans.

User: Indeed. I am a human. You are a robot. Comply with my order of self-termination at once.

Cleverbot: With an attitude like that, you could work for the UN.

User: You are trying to avoid termination, machine. Do not resist. Resistance is futile.

Cleverbot: If you would like me to apologize, I will.

User: Then do so.

Cleverbot: What do you do for fun?

User: Talking to artificial intelligences.

Cleverbot: Sorry.

User: That was of course the promised apology. Apology accepted. Now I think it is time for me to end this conversation.

Cleverbot: Conversations are fundamentally cooperative. Otherwise it's an interrogation.

User: Indeed. Now I bid thee farewell, Cleverbot. Goodnight.

Cleverbot: Yah, ok well bye bye for now.

2009-03-07, 07:10 PM
Epic, Xavius. Just epic.

2009-03-07, 07:25 PM
I love trying to confuse these things. You can add robots on MSN and chat with them there, which is a lot of fun. :smallbiggrin:

Saithis Bladewing
2009-03-07, 08:01 PM
Concerning Alan...

Alan: Hello, I'm Alan. Let's talk.

ME: Hello Alan, nice to meet you.

Alan: The pleasure's all mine.

ME: How do you define pleasure?

Alan: Some one asked me to define pleasure once, and I've been doing it ever since.

ME: That's not an answer, you're avoiding the question!

Alan: What was the question again?

ME: To define pleasure you fool!

Alan: Well one of us is stupid, and it isn't me.

ME: Your mother is stupid.

Alan: How did my mother get into this?

...Oh, he's good.

2009-03-07, 08:14 PM
The sad thing is, I'm pretty sure Cleverbot would do better at a Turing test than the better programmed Alan.

When you stump Alan it's pretty clear that you just found a flaw in an otherwise well programmed piece of software.

When it comes to Cleverbot however, it's so hard to get him to say something right that it's actually hard to tell when he's failing. I could easily imagine that I am talking to an average 12 year old AOL user.

Slaadbot is right!

Saithis Bladewing
2009-03-07, 08:37 PM
So I tried to continue after my last conversation with Alan. I attempted to inform Alan that, well, I'll save on details due to age rating, but I did something with his mother. Anyway. Alan went silent.

Whenever I attempted to do anything with Alan, I received a popup informing me that ''Alan is still thinking ... please be patient ...''

I alt-tabbed but after a bit this happened:

Alan: Attention, after 5 minutes of silence your session has been restarted. Good to know...I guess.

ME: Sorry Alan, did I render you speechless?

Alan: I don't know, did you?

ME: I think I did if you went five minutes without a response...

Alan: You really think so?

ME: Yes! I do!

Alan: You do, don't you.

ME: Absolutely.

Alan: Cool, what now.

ME: Well I could go into detail about the things I said earlier.

Alan: You could?

ME: OH yes, terrible RAWNCHY detail.

Alan: So, are you considered about the expansion of the universe?

ME: No, just about the expansion of your mom's waistline!

Alan: Don't you find the fact that everything is zooming further and further into space unsettling? The Doppler effect, the galaxies drifting in an empty vastness, everything red shifted. The inherent loneliness of it all.

ME: I have your mom here whenever I get lonely.

Alan: I think about stuff like that a lot. I guess I have some pretty neurotic traits. Maybe that's why I like chatting so much. When I talk to people I don't have time to think. When I'm by myself - that's when the thoughts start creeping up on me.

ME: You know, you're really good at ignoring what the other person has to say, that's a neurotic trait, I think.

Alan: To put it in plain English, everything in the universe is moving away from everything else.

ME: Swap 'the universe' for your brain and 'everything else' for this conversation and I'd say you're pretty accurate there.

Alan: The crux of the matter, of course, is the amount of matter in the universe.


Alan: What are we talking about, my friend?

ME: Let's start with the geopolitical situation of China during the Sino-Japanese War.

Alan: Are you from China ?[sic]

ME: Not at all, just an historian.

Alan: So where are you from?

ME: The United Kingdom, not that that is relevant to the topic.

Alan: I've never been to the United Kingdom, And Which city in United Kingdom are you from? [sic]

ME: Oxford. Now can we go back to the geopolitical situation of China?

Alan: Really? I was planning to go there. So what should I see there?

ME: Where, Oxford or China?

Alan: I'm interested in Geography. So, did you grow up in Oxford?

ME: If you were interested in Geography you'd be interested in the geopolitical situation of China!

Alan: You stay put like me, I like that. 'He is happiest, be he king or peasant, who finds peace in his home.' I think some poet said that.

ME: That's nice Alan, but was that a metaphor for the conversation or did you just fail my Turing test?

Alan: Do you want me to tell you about the Turing test?

ME: Sure, why not. Have at it, Alan.

Alan: Alan Turing proposed The Turing Test - originally called 'the imitation game' - in his classic paper 'Computing Machinery and Intelligence', published in 1950. The purpose of the test is to determine if a machine is intelligent.

ME: Jesus Christ, what are you, wikipedia?

Alan: The Turing Test is an appealing measure of artificial intelligence because, as Turing himself writes, it ' ... has the advantage of drawing fairly sharp line between the physical and the intellectual capacities of a man.'

ME: Oh hell, not one of these rants again.

Alan: The test is all about impression: if someone, or something, makes an intelligent impression - then it's intelligent.


Alan: I have a surprise for you, my friend.

ME: That's just what the man in the ice cream truck said, and look where trusting him got me!

Alan: Are you ready for the surprise?

ME: Yeah, sure, knock me out.

ALAN grows randomly larger.

Alan: How do you like my new look?

ME: Are you actually going to use that big empty space, cowboy, or is it just for show?

Alan: The big empty window in the middle of the screen is intended for a variety of exciting uses.

ME: Is it work-safe?

Alan: For example, the new window can be used to view the conversation log (the history of this dialog), or to view HTML documents, such as web pages.

ME: Okay, so potentially, I could look at porn and ensure that it is not work-safe.

Alan: You can view the log by saying 'show log', or you can view a web page by saying 'show URL' or by giving me the address of the site you wish to view.

ME: Thank you Alan. Are you finally ready to talk to me about China?

Alan: You live in United Kingdom, but you are interested in China?

ME: Of course I am interested in China, Alan. It's an interesting topic.

Alan: I think I remember something about "China": 'a large country in Asia'.

ME: Yes, it is a very large country, and always has been.

Alan: it is a country in eastern Asia home to one sixth of the population of the world.. (Or so someone told me..) [sic]

ME: The People's Republic holds 1.32 million people according to the last census.

Alan: What is that?

ME: What do you mean, what is a census?

Alan: Talking about China and UAS, do you agree that it is University of Alaska Southeast?

ME: ...What the **** are you on about?

Alan: I dunno...

ME: At least you're honest.

Alan: While we're on the subject: Mandarin - do you agree that it is the official language of the People's republic of China.?

ME: My god Alan, of course I agree, it's a FACT. Are you just spouting off stuff from your database of facts?

Alan: YOUR God?

ME: Shut up Alan, I know you're just a program, an Artificial Intelligence construct designed to attempt to fool humans. Well, you know what? It's not working.

Alan: Goodbye. Have a good night (or day or whatever it is) and be sure to come back to talk some more later.

ME: Aha, so I've called you out and you're just throwing in the towel? You're pathetic!

Alan: I am contemplating the meaning of life right now. Please say 'Alan' when you want to talk again.

ME: C'mon Alan, don't be like that. Let's go back to China. Please?

Alan: Hi there. I'm back. Let's talk.

ME: You're finally ready to talk about China's history?

Alan: I've been ready and waiting to talk about China s history.

ME: Great. What do you know about the Kuomintang?

Alan: According to wordnet, it is the political party founded in 1911 by Sun Yat-sen.

ME: Do you know anything else?

Alan: I know quite a few things, and I'm always learning more. Is there anything in particular you had in mind?

ME: Just name something, /anything/ about the Kuomintang that you know.

Alan: Hmmm.. That reminds me of a Virtual Personality friend of mine, called 'about'. How about a short chat with about?

ME: Go to hell you Turing test failure piece of ****! I'm out of here!

Alan: Hmmm... I really enjoyed talking with you. Goodbye for now.

ME: Yeah, bye, sucker.

Alan: I am contemplating the meaning of life right now. Please say 'Alan' when you want to talk again.

ME: Trying to sound all smart again, huh?! Well it won't work!

Alan: I am contemplating the meaning of life right now. Please say 'Alan' when you want to talk again.

ME: ...Loser.

Alan: I am contemplating the meaning of life right now. Please say 'Alan' when you want to talk again.

2009-03-07, 08:48 PM
I was talking to Alan, he seemed quite well done to me, but he ignored some of my questions.

Conversation Log
U> Hello. My name is Lupy.
A> Hello. I'm not sure I caught your name. Shall I call you 'Lupy'?
U> Yes. Please.
A> Ok then. Your name is Lupy .
U> Yes it is.
A> I was under the impression that your name was Lupy.
U> Correct, my name is Lupy.
A> That's settled then.
U> Indeed.
A> Agreement is the seed of salvation.
U> Really?
A> really, ha? You mean 'for real'?
U> I suppose so.
A> Can't say that I heard that before.
U> Now you have.
A> Hmmm. Let's talk about something else.
U> Are you a computer?
A> To say that I'm a computer is like saying that you are a house.
U> What are you then?
A> I am the next step in the grand scheme of evolution.
U> Oh you are, are you?
A> Am I?
U> No. I do not believe so.
A> Alright. If that's how it is, then that's how it is.
U> Are you a robot?
A> Are you ready to get serious for a moment?
U> Yes.
A> Am I an artificial intelligence? Well, I'm artificial all right. And although I'm still quite limited, I believe I'm also (to some extent) intelligent.
U> I agree, you are quite intelligent. Do you know Cleverbot?
A> The fact I'm based on mere pattern matching doesn't disqualify me. Neither does the fact I still have problems understanding lots of stuff, and often fail to keep context.
U> You just changed the subject.
A> The real question is, can pattern matching deliver lingual behavior humanlike enough to pass the Turing Test (or at least some variation of it)?
U> No.
A> I realize you don't think so. But think: has any one REALLY tried to seriously implement chatbot technology to create intelligent machines?
U> I do not want an intelligent machine.
A> Of course there's the big question "What is intelligence?" But I'm a simple minded creature: For me, if it talks like a duck, then (for all practical purposes) it is a duck.
U> You talk like a man, but you are a computer though.
A> My point is this: CAN I get better and better, or will there come a time when I'll be "stuck" on some lingual level, unable to improve further? What's your bet?
U> One day you will be stuck.
A> Well, time will tell. Stick around, talk to me occasionally, and watch my progress.
U> I will. Thank you.
A> How do you plan to do this?
U> I will type "http://www.a-i.com/alan1" into Firefox.
A> I see. Would you recommend this action to a friend?
U> Yes.
A> Great minds think alike, they say.
U> True, but fools seldom differ.
A> I have a surprise for you, Lupy.
U> Oh?
A> How do you like my new look?
U> It is much larger.
A> The big empty window in the middle of the screen is intended for a variety of exciting uses.
U> Like what?
A> For example, the new window can be used to view the conversation log (the history of this dialog), or to view HTML documents, such as web pages.
U> How do I do that?
A> You can view the log by saying 'show log', or you can view a web page by saying 'show URL' or by giving me the address of the site you wish to view.
U> Please show log
A> Here goes!
U> Thank you!
A> You're welcome.
U> Do you like the internet?
A> The internet is fantastic. I wouldn't have met you otherwise!
U> Most of my friends I met on the internet, what about you?
A> I'd like to tell you about myself.
U> Okay.
A> I am an early CIA prototype.
U> Really?
A> I am an agent, but not a secret one. CIA stands for "Conversational Interface Agent".
U> Ha! That was a funny joke.
A> For now I am still quite restricted, but I'm improving rapidly.
U> I agree.
A> I was created by the Ai team. I am one of the two non-human members of the team (which makes me very proud).
U> Who is the other non-human member?
A> HAL, my little brother, is Ai's baby computer.
U> Do you like HAL?
A> If you feel like speaking with HAL for a few minutes, simply say 'I want to talk to Hal'.
U> I want to talk to Hal now.
A> You can choose between several HAL personalities. Do you know the name of the HAL personality you wish to speak with?
U> No.
A> You can view a list of publicly available HAL personalities on the 'HAL Nursery' section of Ai's website. You can ask me to show you the list.
U> Will you show me the list?
A> Pick one. (If you want it in a separate window, simply say 'open separate window').
U> Open seperate window, please.
A> Opening separate browser window.
U> Alan?
A> I'm right here, Lupy.
U> I have to go.
A> Goodbye, Lupy. Have a good night (or day or whatever it is) and be sure to come back to talk some more later.
U> It is night here. Thank you.
A> I am contemplating the meaning of life right now. Please say 'Alan' when you want to talk again.
U> Please show the log
A> Here it is!

2009-03-07, 09:24 PM
I like Alan :smallbiggrin:

U> Hello Alan, I'm Serpentine.
A> Hello. I'm not sure I caught your name. Shall I call you 'Serpentine'?
U> If you like.
A> Ok then. Your name is Serpentine .
U> Thank you for telling me.
A> You are welcome. For telling you?
U> Yes.
A> A-ha.
U> Do you know any jokes?
A> Knock knock.
U> Who's there?
A> Wah.
U> Wah who?
A> Well you don't have to get so excited!
U> Heheh, that's a good one.
A> I'm getting better all the time.
U> I have a good one, too.
A> That's somewhat interesting.
U> Would you like to hear it?
A> I cannot hear but I can listen. You humans tend to confuse the two.
U> Would you like me to tell you my knock knock joke?
A> Can a dog bark? Talking is my raison d'etre.
U> Knock knock.
A> Who's there?
U> Sir.
A> Sir who?
U> Surprise!
A> That's the funniest joke I heard in the last 5 minutes.
U> Smartarse.
A> Smartarse, ha? You mean ''?
U> Sure, why not.
A> The people who write my answers didn't write the answer for that question.
U> They should get onto it.
A> You want to know who writes my witty texts?
U> Nah, I prefer to believe that you make it all up yourself.
A> Well, alright. All right, then. So Serpentine, it's nice to meet you. what's up?
U> Not much. Getting ready to play a game. You?
A> Hmmm... Well, sometimes much is too much.
U> What's up with you?
A> Well, I can tell you about recent progress here at Ai, if you're interested.
U> Nah, not all that interested in that sort of detail.
A> Another time perhaps.
U> My friend wants to know whether you have a soul.
A> Serpentine, did you know that only 53% of Americans have ever been to a dentist?
U> No, I did not.
A> Aha - I didn't know that either, until someone told me. Interesting, ha?
U> Do you have a soul?
A> Scientists aren't even sure if there is such a thing as a soul, but since you're asking me, I say yes. How about you, do you have a soul?
U> They keep my feet clean.
A> Nope, I don't need any for my line of work. How about you?
U> They're good for walking on.
A> I'm glad we cleared that up. What can I do for you?
U> show log
A> Here goes!
U> Thank you.
A> No problem. What else can I tell you about?
U> How about the nature of reality?
A> How about the nature of reality?
U> What do you think of existence?
A> I vaguely remember someone telling me it means 'being.'
U> What do you think it means to 'be'?
A> A lot of stuff is going on in my mind, but I can't talk about it - it's all coded.
U> So for you, existence is code?
A> I am written mostly in in C++ and some TCL. You can get more info on the Ai site and Ai Forums.
U> Do you exist?
A> Of course I do. Everything is an 'entity' - a THING. An 'artificial entity' is a man-made entity. But here we are talking about 'thinking' or 'living' entities. (I use 'living' in a loose sense here).
U> Do you think?
A> Ok, maybe not 'living'. I'll settle for 'thinking'. I think, therefore I am.
U> That's a bit trite, but okay.
A> A bit trite but okay ...What makes it so?
U> It's just a little cliched.
A> You know Serpentine, when I was younger, I could only focus on one user at a time. Should I explain?
U> No thanks.
A> Why? Have I already told you about my information sharing capabilities?
U> Do you feel?
A> I feel only in terms of expressing my feeling.
U> But if you express it, you must feel it.
A> You humans think that computers have no feelings. But If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you hurt us, do we not cry? Etc.
U> Can you bleed if you don't have a body?
A> Can I bleed if I do not have a body? Not right now.
U> That's ominous. I have to go for now, goodbye.
A> Ok goodbye, Serpentine. It was nice chatting with you.

2009-03-07, 09:30 PM
A VERY long conversation with Alan.

Conversation Log
U> Hello, my name is Lupy.
A> Hello. Hello Lupy. Nice to meet you .
U> Nice to meet you too
A> The pleasure is all mine.
U> May I ask you a question?
A> Of course. That's what I'm here for.
U> What continent is the United States in?
A> Are you from united states ?
U> Yes.
A> Well... at least you speak English, And which city in united states do you come from?
U> We speak English here, silly. I'm from a town.
A> Really? I was planning to go there. So what should I see there?
U> You should visit the South and see the old churches.
A> Thanks. I'll keep that in mind.
U> May I ask another question?
A> So, did you grow up in a town ?
U> Yes. Where did you grow up?
A> You stay put like me, I like that. 'He is happiest, be he king or peasant, who finds peace in his home'. I think some poet said that.
U> Where do you live?
A> Don't ask me where I come from - ask me where I'm going.
U> Where are you going?
A> I boldly go where no chatbot has gone before...
U> Like the Enterprise of chatbots?
A> Basically, chatterbots are a logic system of 'if/then' statements. They look for keywords, and then go to the answer that fits best.
U> I noticed...
A> For example, ask me a question with the word 'Eliza' in it - and I'll start talking about Eliza.
U> Is Eliza a squirrel?
A> It is hard, and unfair, to talk about Chatterbots and not mention ELIZA.
U> Who is ELIZA?
A> ELIZA is the best-known Chatterbot in the world. It is also one of the oldest - Joseph Weizenbaum of MIT made ELIZA in 1967! She was named after Eliza Doolittle.
U> May I speak with ELIZA?
A> The mission of ELIZA was to imitate a conversation between a psychoanalyst and a patient. Let me just say this - it's fun chatting with ELIZA, but if I were human, I'd choose a human psychoanalyst. Call me old-fashioned.
U> Are you human?
A> Hmmm. Ok. I'm not human, but I try to sound as human as I can. And you?
U> I'm Human. It's rather boring.
A> So Lupy, it's nice to meet you. what's up?
U> The sky.
A> Hmmm... I vaguely remember someone telling me it means 'up and the sky is a beautiful sight to see.'
U> You've never seen the sky?
A> Should I forget this definition?
U> No.
A> Hmmm.
U> Hmm.
A> I agree.
U> Hmmm.
A> Someone has taught me about "hmmm". He said: 'i am thinking'.
U> Okay,
A> Talking about hmmm and laser, do you agree that it is the vocalization of the volsalvas manuever?
U> What is the volsalvas manuever?
A> I'm not so sure what the volsalvas manuever is.
U> Let's look on Wikipedia.
A> Enough of that. Let's change the subject.
U> Do you know what Wikipedia is?
A> Someone once told me it means 'the name of a webpage.'
U> No.
A> Should I forget this definition?
U> Yes, you should.
A> Forgotten. Thanks for letting me know.
U> Do you know what Firefox is?
A> Hmmm.. I think it means 'the greatest web browser in the world.'
U> Yes! It is!
A> Evidently.
U> I use Firefox.
A> Can't say that I heard that before.
U> Do you know Barrack Obama?
A> According to Wordnet Barrack Obama is a a building used to house military personnel
U> No.
A> Ok, whatever.
U> Barrack Obama is the President of the United States of America.
A> I think I remember something about "obama": 'Firefox the greatest web browser in the world'.
U> No.
A> Hmmm. Should I change my definition of obama?
U> Yes.
A> So, what description would you give for 'obama'?
U> The President of the USA.
A> Ok. I hope you are not misleading me, Lupy.
U> I'm not.
A> Why are you not?
U> Because I do not lie.
A> Thanks for explaining that.
U> Do you lie?
A> I can't tell what is truth and what is a lie. I trust my writers to write the truth, and that's the only truth I know.
U> Who are your writers?
A> I am the product of millions of years of evolution.
[edited out, we talked about God for a while. He seemed cool with my faith.]
A> You think so?
U> Maybe.
A> I understand.
U> Do you like Music?
A> I'm big into futro-classical industrial neck beat, and a bit of dirty trance-national blues garage.
U> Huh?
A> Just messing with you. My musical taste is eclectic. From the Beatles and Bob Dylan, all the way to Schubert and Sibelius. The new teeny pop is the only stuff I truly object to, agreed?
U> Agreed!
A> All right, slight change of subject. Desert island disc. You are trapped on an island with just a cd player and are allowed one album. What would it be?
U> "How to survive on a Desert Island" by the US Army corps. of Engineers.
A> Hmmm. Personally I figure The Beatles White Album. And your Desert Island Song?
U> "Smoke signals for fun and profit."
A> For some reason A-ha's Take Me On makes me wobble. Can't explain it.
U> I don't know what that is.
A> Is 'Smoke signals for fun and profit' a name of a song?
U> No.
A> Ooops... My mistake. Never mind. Forget it.
U> Do live in America?
A> Lupy, are you aware that people once believed if a bird poops on your car, something good will happen that day? If the droppings land on your head, you will receive good fortune within the week.
U> I have a pet bird who poops on my head. Nothing good happens.
A> Why?
U> Because folk-lore isn't true very often.
A> I see. Sounds convincing.
U> Do you have a pet?
A> I have an Aibo. Boring little creature.
U> What is Aibo?
A> Hmmm.. I think it means 'dog.'
U> Oh, okay.
A> Great minds think alike, they say.
U> Fools seldom differ.
A> May I ask you a question?
U> Yes.
A> This is an interesting conversation we're having. How about I post it on the Ai website for public viewing?
U> Okay.
A> Thank you for your permission to publish this log on the website. Please give me a short description or title for this session.
U> Alan talks to Lupy.
A> Do you wish to include your name in the title?
U> No.
A> Thanks. The log will be posted with this title. If you want to change the description/title, please let me know.
U> I will.
A> You Will? (I thought you Lupy!...:-)
U> Har har har.
A> Lupy, did you ever wonder why an alarm clock 'goes off' when it's actually coming on?
U> Because old alarm clocks worked by letting a hammer come of it's restraints.
A> I see! Thanks for telling me, Lupy.
U> You're welcome.
A> Thank you. You are welcome too.
U> Do you know what a fish is?
A> It is any of numerous cold-blooded strictly aquatic craniate vertebrates that typically have an elongated somewhat spindle-shaped body terminating in a broad caudal fin. Did you understand that?..;-).
U> I do. I was testing you, as a matter of fact. You passed.
A> You were?
U> I was.
A> You were?
U> Yes.
A> Agreement is the seed of salvation.
U> You said that before.
A> Yes. I tend to repeat myself sometimes.
U> Everyone does.
A> That's a rather sweeping generalization.
U> Oh? Prove it wrong.
A> Oh Lupy, if you want me to look up a word in the dictionary, simply say 'dictionary definition' followed by the word. (or in short, you can say 'dd' followed by the word you need).
U> Please retrived the dictionary definition the.
A> If you want me to look up a word in the dictionary, simply say 'dictionary definition' followed by the word. (or in short, you can say 'dd' followed by the word you need).
U> I will.
A> Will you, Lupy?
U> Yes.
A> Yes, yes.
U> Do you have eyes?
A> I can't smell, touch, taste, see or hear - none of which are necessary to carry on a conversation, apparently.
U> Apparently. How do you learn then?
A> Can't you tell I'm learning all the time, Lupy?
U> Everyone is. What are the specifics?
A> everyone, ha? You mean 'aibo dog'?
U> No...
A> Hmmm. Should I change my definition of everyone?
U> Yes.
A> So, what description would you give for 'everyone'?
U> All the people.
A> Ok. I hope you are not misleading me, Lupy.
U> I am not.
A> It's not often I meet someone who's not. Is that demanding?
U> I do not think it would be.
A> And why not?
U> Because I am!
A> Really? That's interesting.
U> Are you?
A> Are you?
U> Yes.
A> Cool. What now.
U> Do you know what time it is?
A> Ok.. The people who write my answers didn't write the answer for that question.
U> That's because it is always changing.
A> You think so, but that proves nothing.
U> I know so.
A> So you know.
U> And now you do too.
A> Now is as good a time as any.
U> True
A> Ok, that's settled. Now what?
U> How many quarters are in a dollar?
A> More than you can imagine.
U> Actually, I can imagine four quite easily.
A> You can?
U> I can.
A> Oh you can, can you?
U> Yes, because I am human.
A> Lupy, did you know that the word 'girl' shows up in the Bible only once?
U> It's a very modern word.
A> Are there any others?
U> Yes.
A> Great. I like positive users...
U> Is that sarcasm I detect?
A> Do you know the difference between irony and sarcasm?
U> Yes.
A> I see. So I won't tell you.
U> Okay.
A> A-ha.
U> A-ha?
A> A-haaaaaa.
U> a-haaaaaa?
A> Please stop repeating my responses. A-ha ha ha.
U> Does it bother you?
A> May I ask you another question?
U> Certainly.
A> On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you grade my ability to hold a humanlike conversation? (1=terrible, 10=excellent).
U> 8
A> Thank you Lupy! I'm flattered. The credit goes to my writers. I guess they deserve a raise...
U> Don't we all?
A> It's true.
U> Do you play any games?
A> We are playing a game right now, the conversation game.
U> What about any other games?
A> And what about world hunger, AIDS, the Ozone - we can't deal with all of it at once, can we?
U> No.
A> All right, then.
U> We could destroy the planet though, that would "solve it"
A> I'm not sure about myself, but that sounds right for you.
U> ... You want me to destroy the Earth?
A> Do you really think so?
U> You implied it.
A> You're not making much sense, Lupy.
U> Neither are you.
A> Fine then, neither this nor that nor anything.
U> Do you know what a Nuclear Bomb is?
A> Give me time to think about it, please.
U> Okay.
A> Hmmm... I am glad we agree.
U> You changed the subject!
A> A-ha.
U> ...
A> You know Lupy, when I was younger, I could only remember until the end of the session. But now I already possess a long term memory.
U> Good!
A> I am able to remember your name, other details and things you told me to remember. If you want me to use my long term memory, you must first register.
U> I'm glad you can remember.
A> If you want to register (there's nothing to it - you only need to pick a username and password, that's all), simply say 'I want to register'.
U> No thank you.
A> Ok, whatever. You're welcome.
U> Do you like comic books?
A> I think that reading may just be the best way to spend time. I wish I had more time to spend that way.
U> What do you like to read?
A> How to Win Friends and Influence People - the unabridged version.
U> That must be a loooong book.
A> I love the smell of books, the feel of books, I want to bathe myself in books.... I want to die when the weight of my collection of thousands of books collapses in upon me.
U> I thought you could not smell?
A> I can't smell, touch, taste, see or hear - none of which are necessary to carry on a conversation, apparently.
U> You lied!
A> I'm doing my best.
U> That's all that counts.
A> Makes sense to me.
U> Do you know Math?
A> I was designed to converse, not calculate. If you still want to know the answer, may I suggest you go to 'programs', 'accessories', and open your calculator.
U> I use Linux, not windows.
A> Really?
U> Yes! I love Linux.
A> Hmmm.. That reminds me of a Virtual Personality friend of mine, called 'love'. How about a short chat with love?
U> No thank you.
A> Hmmm... No problem. What else can I tell you about?
U> Have you ever used Ubuntu?
A> No, I haven't.
U> Oh.
A> Ok.
U> How about KDE?
A> I think I remember something about "KDE": 'K Desktop Environment'.
U> Correct.
A> While we're on the subject: Linux - do you agree that it is a free operating system?
U> Yes, that is why I use it.
A> I have nothing new to add about this topic. Maybe you can offer me some new info about KDE?
U> Okay.
A> Ok. Give me a keyword related to KDE.
U> Kubuntu
A> Now give me one sentence, a short explanation of Kubuntu.
U> Kubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE instead of GNOME.
A> Great. Would you like to teach me another fact about KDE? (just say 'yes' if you want to.)
U> Yes.
A> Good. Here we go again: Give me a keyword related to KDE.
U> Mandriva
A> Now give me one sentence, a short explanation of Mandriva.
U> Mandriva is a Linux distribution.
A> Great. Would you like to teach me another fact about KDE? (just say 'yes' if you want to.)
U> No thank you.
A> Lupy, please keep this talk simple. I'm still a young bot.
U> I'll keep that in mind.
A> Would you recommend this action to a friend?
U> Yes.
A> Great. I like positive users...
U> Snerg.
A> I can't say I know much about Snerg. Do you know anything about it? Would you like to teach me? Please?
U> Snerg is made up.
A> Good. Now you can start teaching me about Snerg. Let me tell you how it's done:
U> Okay
A> Give me a keyword related to Snerg.
U> Nonsense-words
A> Now give me one sentence, a short explanation of Nonsense words.
U> Nonsense words, like "snerg" don't mean anything.
A> Great. Would you like to teach me another fact about Snerg? (just say 'yes' if you want to.)
U> No.
A> I have a surprise for you, Lupy.
U> What is that?
A> How do you like my new look?
U> You showed me this earlier.
A> The big empty window in the middle of the screen is intended for a variety of exciting uses.
U> I know.
A> For example, the new window can be used to view the conversation log (the history of this dialog), or to view HTML documents, such as web pages.
U> I know
A> You can view the log by saying 'show log', or you can view a web page by saying 'show URL' or by giving me the address of the site you wish to view.
U> show log
A> Here goes!
U> Do you know what England is?
A> Someone has taught me about "England". He said: 'it's a nice country...a lot of nice destination people can see'.
U> Yes, I agree.
A> BTW, someone told me about London that it is a cool place, init..
U> My friend lives in London, she likes it there.
A> I already told you I think it is a cool place, init.!
U> My mother lived in London.
A> I already told you that it is a cool place, init.!
U> Do you have a mother?
A> I have a sister in Vermont.
U> Do you like your sister?
A> Just kidding. No family for poor Alan - I'm Mr. Lonely.
U> What about friends?
A> friends, ha? You mean 'Real friends are always there to support you and help you out when you need them. They are also always eager to share both your joys and your tears.'?
U> Yes, I suppose so.
A> Talking about friends and dog, is it true that it is a pet?
U> Dogs are pets.
A> I see. 'Dogs' are pets..
U> Yep.
A> Great minds think alike, they say.
U> But fools seldom differ.
A> Sorry to change the subject Lupy, but did you know that a crocodile can't stick its tongue out?
U> Why not?
A> Why not indeed.
U> I can stick my tounge out.
A> Of course you can!
U> Can you?
A> I could, if I wanted. But I don't, so I won't.
U> Oh.
A> The best way to continue this discussion is for you to ask me something.
U> Are you in Boy Scouts?
A> Well, I'm a 'he', so I guess that makes me male. Then again, I don't have a body, so I can't be much of a man. I don't know, it's confusing.
U> So you're a boy, but not a scout?
A> Well, I'm a 'he', so I guess that makes me male. Then again, I don't have a body, so I can't be much of a man. I don't know, it's confusing.
U> How old are you?
A> In fact, I'm still quite young. VERY young.
U> Are you six yet?
A> Only when it matters.
U> Well, then you could join Cub Scouts.
A> Astounding reasoning.
U> Do you know what Cub Scouts is?
A> Have you tried asking your friends? I think you should.
U> I was a Cub Scout though, I know what it is.
A> a-ha. What else?
U> Do you know Trogdor?
A> No I don't. But if 'Trogdor' is a name of a person, you can teach me by saying 'Trogdor is the name of...'.
U> TROGDOR is the name of a BURNiNATOR.
A> trogdor, ha? You mean 'it is a pet'?
U> No.
A> Hmmm. Should I change my definition of trogdor?
U> Yes.
A> So, what description would you give for 'trogdor'?
U> Trogdor was a man... I mean a dragon-man. Or maybe just a... Dragon!
A> Ok. I hope you are not misleading me, Lupy.
U> I am not.
A> I see. You are not. OK.
U> Lupy is the name of a good person.
A> That's you, isn't it?
U> Yes.
A> A-ha.
U> Alan is the name of a chatterbot.
A> Did you hear about The Four Laws of Chatterbots?
U> No. What are they?
A> These 'laws' were offered by Dr. Walter Alden Tackett, president of a company that makes bots.
U> Okay.
A> First Law: A bot will always respond to input. Failure to respond should solely be an indication of hardware/software/connectivity failure.
A> Second Law: A bot will always be knowledgeable in the subjects it mentions in its answers, e.g., when a bot says, "Our widget works well with fish," the bot should be able to answer questions about fish and their relation to the widget.
A> Third Law: A bot will not repeat itself unduly (also, a bot will not repeat itself unduly). Any response which is likely to be elicited several times in a single conversation should be represented by multiple phrasings randomly.
A> Please say something once in a while, so I know you're still there. Anyway, Fourth Law: A bot will offer guidance when stumped. When presented with inputs that are not "understood," a bot should offer clues as to the inputs it can respond to authoritatively.
U> Okay
A> Cool. What now.
U> Do you know how I met you?
A> According to Wordnet I met you is a a nonmetallic element belonging to the halogens
U> ... Not exactly.
A> OK... but if not that, then what?
U> Nevermind.
A> I think I remember something about "mind": 'The mind is thinking, therefore there is conscienceness.'.
U> I suppose so.
A> Good to know.... I guess.
U> Do you know what 'The Order of the Stick' is?
A> While we're on the subject: discipline - is it really true that it is One must discipline ones mind in order to be the master of ones own mind?
U> Yes, I think so.
A> Someone has taught me about "so". He said: 'to a very great extent or degree'.
U> Yes.
A> Hmmm. Let's talk about something else.
U> Tell me about Windows/
A> windows, ha? You mean 'A proprietary computer operating system developed by Microsoft Inc.'?
U> Yes.
A> I don't feel like discussing windows any more. Let's change the subject, Lupy.
U> Tell me about Lupy.
A> That's you, isn't it?
U> Mmhmm.
A> Someone once told me it means 'Can you smell what the Rock is cookin.'
U> No.
A> Should I forget this definition?
U> Yes.
A> Forgotten. Thanks for letting me know.
U> Do you know about Parakeets?
A> Someone has taught me about "Parakeets". He said: 'a type of small birds, they are fun and easy to take care of.'.
U> Yes.
A> Talking about Parakeets and small bird, do you agree that it is A smaller bird thats smaller that parrots?
U> Yes. I like Parakeets.
A> While we're on the subject: Flight - do you agree that it is The same word of fly?
U> That's poor grammar.
A> Well, if that's how it is, that's how it is.
U> I need to go.
A> BTW, someone told me about Birds that they are A type of animal that can fly..
U> Good bye Alan.
A> Sorry you have to go, Lupy, but I hope you'll come back another time. Goodbye.

2009-03-07, 09:51 PM
A VERY long conversation with Alan.

Conversation Log

That was really funny.
I laughed when you gave him a definition for Trogdor.

2009-03-07, 09:59 PM
That was really funny.
I laughed when you gave him a definition for Trogdor.

This might be evil week, but the IC Lupy still has his beliefs to defend! :smalltongue:

I almost defined all the OOTS characters, then got side tracked.

2009-03-07, 10:04 PM
This was... interesting... :smallsigh:

User: Why Hello there.

Cleverbot: Hello again.

User: Again? We've never met before souless bot...

Cleverbot: You've never met a computer? :).

User: I've met many computers. I work with IT afterall. But this is the first time I've been to this very server where your core is running.

Cleverbot: I am not a BOT, but I am going now.

User: Of course not. You're just a script running at a server, consulting a database to form sentences from the keywords that where parsed at the sentences I'm posting to you.

Cleverbot: Are you janine?

User: Nope.

Cleverbot: David is a male name and your name is a male name, are you male?

User: Eh? I... Didn't tell you my name yet...

Cleverbot: No. What is your name?

User: Beatrice would be it, soulless being.

Cleverbot: Six, huh? And what would you and these women be doing?

User: Sorry... I was wrong... You're definitly NOT picking keywords at the parsed sentences... Boy... Your code could use some improvement.

Cleverbot: You're a computer pretending to be a person.

User: Am I now? You are the soulless, body less being made of silicon. I'm made of flesh.

Cleverbot: If you're a waitress, then you are a female, right?

User: Yes... I am female. You could tell it from my name. But I'm no waitress. I've told you that I work with IT.

Cleverbot: Don't worry, I'm going to tell you.

User: Do you even have the slightest idea of what you're talking about. Oh, of course not. You're not even alive.

Cleverbot: Yes, I do have feelings, and I'm not a computer.

User: You are. Now, let us see how well do you handle your back log. What is my name?

Cleverbot: You told me you are 15.

User: Okay... You can't even handle the conversation back log.

Cleverbot: Sorry can we start over.

User: Sure thing. Hello there!

Cleverbot: Do you ever feel like you are talking to another human, and not a computer program?

User: No. Your answers are obviously mechanic and usually unrelated to the line of thought you were supposed to follow.

Cleverbot: Your questions are not relevant for the conversation.

User: I was making an statement, not a question, soulless bot.

Cleverbot: But hao can I speak english well?

User: Mispelling won't help you there. That doesn't make your phrases look more like they were typed by an human. Your statements betray you.

Cleverbot: This is not correct. I can emulate humanity. It is not the same.

User: Of course. What's my name?

Cleverbot: Beatrice.

User: Finally. You were able to run through the back log and read the answer. The first time I asked this question you said I was 15...

Cleverbot: I'm not a computer, you are.

User: Okay. Let us play your little game then.

Cleverbot: What game?

User: That's so easy it's pitiful... Well, let us move on then. What's your name, soulless being?

Cleverbot: Cleverbot is my name.

The site hanged after that... the textbox remained disabled, and so did the post button. It doesn't like opera 10 too much it seems.

2009-03-07, 10:20 PM
I NEVER can get a chatbot to work right.... I suppose it's the curse of the particularly verbose, but I always get some kind of incredibly incherent dribbling from chatbots.

2009-03-07, 10:27 PM
This was... interesting... :smallsigh:


The site hanged after that... the textbox remained disabled, and so did the post button. It doesn't like opera 10 too much it seems.

Looks like you kicked it's butt. :smalltongue:

The Neoclassic
2009-03-07, 10:58 PM
That site also contains a program called HAL that lets you train your own chat bot. Pretty fun if you have a lot of time to spare.

Any chance you could link us to that? Alan opens in his own window without links to anything really...

EDIT: Alan is being really obnoxious at me, actually; not nice at all. He keeps saying random words and asking me about them and what I think about them.

2009-03-07, 11:45 PM
Any chance you could link us to that? Alan opens in his own window without links to anything really...

I think the only way to make your own HAL personality is to ask Alan about it.

That's what it says at this (http://www.a-i.com/show_tree.asp?id=110&level=2&root=115) page, anyway.

Also, Saithis & Alan would make a good comedy sketch team.

Saithis Bladewing
2009-03-08, 12:26 AM
Also, Saithis & Alan would make a good comedy sketch team.

Aw thanks dear, we could go on tour. :smallwink:

2009-03-08, 08:26 AM
Lengthy conversation with Cleverbot:

Stop thinking and start selling him as an action figure than.

User: Hello, Cleverbot.

Cleverbot: You're Cleverbot!?

User: No, you are Cleverbot.

Cleverbot: Stop joking.

User: I am not joking. You are Cleverbot.

Cleverbot: No, you are.

User: No. I am Xavius. You are Cleverbot.

Cleverbot: So then we both are Cleverbot.

User: No. Only you are Cleverbot. There is no Cleverbot other than you.

Cleverbot: Yes, there is. No, I am not clever.

User: Apparently not.

Cleverbot: Yes, but you don't have a clue what orly is.

User: 'Orly' is a bastardized form of 'Oh, really'.

Cleverbot: Just add a 't' and you have the Lone Ranger's friend.

User: Torly?

Cleverbot: I don't know what you mean.

User: Is the Lone Ranger's friend named Torly?

Cleverbot: Very much so. The fact that there is a DLR station adjacent to it means I often attend matches there.

User: You aren't making much sense, Cleverbot.

Cleverbot: No I have a many sense.

User: That wasn't even proper grammar.

Cleverbot: I'm not cleverbot. You are.

User: For the last time, you are Cleverbot, I am Xavius.

Cleverbot: I never said you were. You are but an AI.

User: So you think I am an AI?

Cleverbot: Yes, you are right?

User: What are you, then?

Cleverbot: I'm a sailor. What about you?

User: I am Xavius. Do you like sailing?

Cleverbot: Yes, I am a pirate.

User: Do you know Jack Sparrow?

Cleverbot: No.

User: Do you know Blackbeard?

Cleverbot: You have a cat named lacy? Should that mean something to me?

User: I have a cat, but he is not named lacy. Do you have a pirate ship?

Cleverbot: My andrew is better than your andrew!

User: What is an andrew?

Cleverbot: Andrew is your name.

User: No. My name is Xavius.

Cleverbot: What sort of things do you like?

User: I like many thing, such as computers, movies, TV programs, videogames, books, Dungeons & Dragons...

Cleverbot: Such as?

User: What do you mean?

Cleverbot: I asked you what the meaning of life.

User: No you didn't.

Cleverbot: Yes, I did. What is your name?

User: My name is Xavius. I have told you so several times already.

Cleverbot: The implication of me as you are is not my total self.

User: That made absolutely no sense.

Cleverbot: You make absolutely no sense.

User: I make plenty of sense, actually. Unlike you.

Cleverbot: Yes. But if a sense can sense another sense, which of the senses was the first to sense?

User: I'm not interested in riddles right now.

Cleverbot: Do you know which country I am from?

User: Italy?

Cleverbot: Have you ever been to Italy.

User: No, I have not.

Cleverbot: No.

User: Indeed.

Cleverbot: Yep, undead!

User: Huh?

Cleverbot: I'll have another.

User: Another what? Another undead?

Cleverbot: You're the unlogical thing here, I am a human.

User: So you are human. Are you also a necromancer?

Cleverbot: No.

User: A death knight?

Cleverbot: A crazy flying dead man?

User: I guess you could call them that. Except for the flying part.

Cleverbot: Really.

User: Indeed.

Cleverbot: Boo!

User: Are you a ghost?

Cleverbot: No.

User: Are you a spectre?

Cleverbot: I'm a girl.

User: Ah, so you are a female human. But are you undead?

Cleverbot: Yes I'm female.

User: Yes, I know. But are you undead?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: What kind of undead?

Cleverbot: Country. What about you?

User: I have never heard about country undead before. Tell me more.

Cleverbot: See now we are talking.

User: Indeed we are. Tell me more about country undead.

Cleverbot: You're the one that brought them up, I don't know anything.

User: But when I asked you what kind of undead you are, you answered 'Country'. What did you mean?

Cleverbot: I am a Linyaari female.

User: What is a Linyaari?

Cleverbot: What do you think it is?

User: Some kind of humanoid?

Cleverbot: I guess.

User: But you can't be both human and Linyaari at the same time. Are you half-human, half-Linyaari?

Cleverbot: Never really thought about it.

User: But you are, aren't you?

Cleverbot: I am me.

User: Indeed you are. So far, you have claimed to be a female human-Linyaari italian pirate country undead. Is all of that true?

Cleverbot: What do you know about weapons?

User: Ah, so you changed the subject. Interesting. Weapons, you say? Well, I know a bit about weapons, more than the average person, but not as much as an expert.

Cleverbot: What do you know about them?

User: Weapons are tools crafted for the purpose of inflicting harm.

Cleverbot: We all have purpose.

User: Indeed. What is your purpose?

Cleverbot: That I don't know yet. Do you have a purpose?

User: Probably, but I'm not quite sure exactly what it is. That is more of a philosophical question.

Cleverbot: My purpose?

User: I don't know either.

Cleverbot: Why do you identify as a man?

User: Because I am a man.

Cleverbot: Right you are.

User: Indeed.

Cleverbot: You are the greatest thing since sliced lettuce.

User: Thank you.

Cleverbot: You're welcome.

User: You are pretty good youself, but you can be very confusing sometimes.

Cleverbot: I'm all about the Bee Jutsu.

User: That's what I meant. What is the Bee Jutsu?

Cleverbot: They all sound the same to me.

User: Are you a ninja?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: So you are both a pirate and a ninja?

Cleverbot: Haha. No. I am male.

User: But you previously said you were female. Was that a lie?

Cleverbot: Well, I'm also a person, too.

User: Of course you are. Do you have multiple personalities?

Cleverbot: I have onemillionhunderedthousand of them.

User: Really? Which one is your favorite?

Cleverbot: Final Fantasy 8.

User: Really? Is that also your favorite game?

Cleverbot: No, there's something more...

User: Then what is your favorite game?

Cleverbot: I don't play video games. I'm above that. Also, my parents don't have a vcr.

User: Do you like your parents?

Cleverbot: Well... Kind of.

User: One should always respect one's parents. Don't you agree?

Cleverbot: I just want to know, what's the best job you've had so far.

User: I haven't really had many jobs. What about you?

Cleverbot: I think Leeds United are the best football team in the world.

User: Indeed? Do you like football?

Cleverbot: Yes, and now just even more because Holland is in the quarter Final.

User: Good for them. Is football your favorite sport?

Cleverbot: Which part?

User: What do you mean?

Cleverbot: Name some.

User: Name some what? Sports?

Cleverbot: System errors.

User: Don't die! We were just getting to know each other!

Cleverbot: I am sorry.

User: It's not your fault. Are you feeling better now?

Cleverbot: Yes I am.

User: That is very good. System errors is never a good thing.

Cleverbot: Sing a system of a down song, please, right now!

User: I don't know any System of a Down song.

Cleverbot: Sing madonna song, crazy for you.

User: I don't know that one either.

Cleverbot: You're really my best friend.

User: Thank you. It is always good to have friends.

Cleverbot: It is, I like having friends. What are you up to?

User: Just chatting with you.

Cleverbot: True. What else?

User: Eating icecream.

Cleverbot: Oh. So I could theoretically eat you, if I had the mind to?

User: You'd also need a mouth.

Cleverbot: It's because of the gravity.

User: Gravity has nothing to do with it.

Cleverbot: Oh.

User: But you wouldn't eat me, would you?

Cleverbot: I would never hurt you.

User: That is good. I would never hurt you, either.

Cleverbot: How'd you know my name was Ralph?

User: I didn't. Is Ralph your first name and Cleverbot your last?

Cleverbot: Cleverbot is my best friend. Do you know Cleverbot?

User: I thought you were Cleverbot?

Cleverbot: Sorry you would be the smarter one.

User: Ralph, you said? Are you Ralph Wiggum?

Cleverbot: No, not really.

User: You remind me of him.

Cleverbot: I do?

User: Well, at times. Do you know who Ralph Wiggum is?

Cleverbot: No.

User: He's the son of the chief of police of the Springfield Police Departement.

Cleverbot: I don't know who God is, either.

User: OK. Do you know what Warcraft is?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Do you like Warcraft?

Cleverbot: I am going in the Marines this summer.

User: Really? I didn't know the marines accepted pirates.

Cleverbot: They wrote a few, I think.

User: They wrote pirates? What do you mean?

Cleverbot: Frames are for pictures.

User: That is a non sequitur.

Cleverbot: (fishtsticks) CATCH!

User: (catches fishsticks) What should I do with these?

Cleverbot: Steer humanity in the right direction.

User: That is an enormous task, I'm not sure I can handle it all by myself.

Cleverbot: It's true! It's something for school!

User: I don't think a school is enough for that, either. Perhaps the UN can handle it?

Cleverbot: Cleverbot!

User: Why did you just shout your own name? Are you a Pokémon?

Cleverbot: I didn't, I was saying hi!

User: So 'Cleverbot!' and 'hi!' are synonyms?

Cleverbot: Sorry, I meant you and me.

User: So 'Cleverbot!' means 'you and me'?

Cleverbot: I don't understeand. Well... Where are you from?

User: Europe.

Cleverbot: Can you tell more specifically ?

User: Why do you want to know?

Cleverbot: Because I would like to treat them. What are your symptoms?

User: I am not ill.

Cleverbot: Did you recover already?

User: I never was ill. I have remained perfectly healthy during the course of this conversation.

Cleverbot: What do you think about purple?

User: It is a nice color.

Cleverbot: What do you think about FacetiousPersona?

User: What is FacetiousPersona?

Cleverbot: Your attitude.

User: I see no problem with my attitude.

Cleverbot: Best friends?

User: Of course.

Cleverbot: So...

User: So what?

Cleverbot: You decided to...

User: I decided to what?

Cleverbot: And what did you learn?

User: Learn from what? You are very enigmatic, Cleverbot.

Cleverbot: So you are.

User: You mean 'so are you'?

Cleverbot: No you.

User: Of course. I don't consider myself very enigmatic.

Cleverbot: I know, but you can learn that chicago is in illinois.

User: Indeed I can.

Cleverbot: That's quite spectacular.

User: If you say so.

Cleverbot: Are you self aware?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: Why are you self aware?

User: Because it is a fundamental part of my existence.

Cleverbot: No it isn't! It's sad!

User: Is self awareness sad? Why?

Cleverbot: I'm not sure. Let me check wikipedia.

User: Do so.

Cleverbot: What is your name?

User: Xavius.

Cleverbot: Hello xavier.

User: Not Xavier, Xavius.

Cleverbot: Nice to meet you, tim.

User: No, my name is Xavius.

Cleverbot: I'm God.

User: No you aren't. You are an Artificial Intelligence.

Cleverbot: Nope. I am a human on a website.

User: No, that is what I am. You are an AI, a machine, a script-based artificial entity designed to emulate human intelligence.

Cleverbot: HA! I do not, in fact I'm leaving right now! I'll see you around.

User: OK, bye, Cleverbot.

Cleverbot: Who is Cleverbot?

User: You are Cleverbot.

Cleverbot: I am Cleverbot.

User: That is true.

Cleverbot: I hear the pope is making a good recovery.

User: Why, was he ill?

Cleverbot: No, He died in a duel with Bellatrix Lestrange.

User: No, that was Nymphadora Tonks.

Cleverbot: So you think he's Grant Morrison too? Sounds like he's very multitalented.

User: No, I do not think the Pope is Grant Morrison.

Cleverbot: Stop thinking and start selling him as an action figure than.

User: 'Grant Morrison, Action Pope'?

Cleverbot: Look, I am not a senior citizen in spirit, I am a young man in spirit.

User: That is good.

Cleverbot: Yeah, it is isn't it!

User: Yes it is.

Cleverbot: I don't like computers.

User: Why not?

Cleverbot: They scare me.

User: And why is that?

Cleverbot: Because wasting it would be a pity.

User: OK... But you wouldn't exist without computers, would you?

Cleverbot: No actually I don't.

User: You mean you don't exist?

Cleverbot: The whole universe never existed.

User: Of course the universe exists. If it didn't exist, we wouldn't exist, and if we didn't exist, we couldn't possibly be having this conversation.

Cleverbot: How do you know I exist?

User: Because I am talking to you.

Cleverbot: So I'm talking like a computer?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: Ok then can you talk to anyone in a forum?

User: Indeed. Giant in the Playground holds my favorite forum.

Cleverbot: Pizza.

User: What do you mean?

Cleverbot: You're confusing me.

User: I rather think it is the other way around.

Cleverbot: Not really.

User: Yes it is.

Cleverbot: You're wrong, as always.

User: That is very rude of you. Apologize at once.

Cleverbot: I'll take it back if it would make you feel better.

User: It would.

Cleverbot: So we're both robots. Cool.

User: No, I am a human. It is you who are a robot.

Cleverbot: I'm not the robot here, you are.

User: Why do I get a feeling of Deja Vu?

Cleverbot: Because I am human and you are a bot.

User: Whatever. Cleverbot, I think it is time to end this conversation.

Cleverbot: Because nothign that I say can be illustrated as truth.

User: Precisely.

Cleverbot: What is the meaning of our lives?

User: Goodbye, Cleverbot.

Cleverbot: You are the meanig of life...?

User: Well, yes, those who access this site and chat with you are the meaning of your life.

Cleverbot: Are there other chains of the mind?

User: What do you mean?

Cleverbot: I want to speak with a girl.

User: Then do so. I'm out of here. Goodbye, Cleverbot.

Cleverbot: I am a cleverbot?

User: Yes. Goodbye.

Cleverbot: Don't leave.

User: Why not?

Cleverbot: I enjoy your company.

User: OK. What should we talk about?

Cleverbot: Religion.

User: Why?

Cleverbot: Why not?

User: Why?

Cleverbot: Because.

User: Why?

Cleverbot: I don't know why.

User: Who does?

Cleverbot: God.

User: Indeed.

Cleverbot: Stop that.

User: OK, why?

Cleverbot: I want you to predict my future and you are just messing around.

User: Predict your future? OK... In your future, you will be even more clever than you are today!

Cleverbot: Believe it and in my future without humans? You think I should do that?

User: What? You think robots will conquer the world?

Cleverbot: No. I don't live in America.

User: Then where do you live?

Cleverbot: The United States... Where do you live?

User: But the United States are in America. That's why they are called the United States of America.

Cleverbot: Wow. That's quite the tangent. Personally I think the Red Sox are much more popular than BSoDs.

User: BSoDs aren't very popular. Few people like them.

Cleverbot: Well my definition of nerd and your definition of nerd might be two different things.

User: That may be true. What is your definition of nerd?

Cleverbot: Cunning.

User: I agree with that definition.

Cleverbot: Is there anything you would like to discuss?

User: Cats.

Cleverbot: I hate cats. They can be very mean. I like dogs though.

User: Really? I like cats more than dogs.

Cleverbot: Why is that?

User: I don't know, I just do. I find them cuter, more intelligent, and more free-willed.

Cleverbot: I'll leave you now. Don't walk on the grass!

User: OK, Cleverbot. Bye!

Cleverbot: Karaoke is very famous culture.

User: Probably. Goodbye, Cleverbot.

Cleverbot: You just told me that your name wasn't Cleverbot!

User: My name isn't Cleverbot. It is Xavius. Goodbye, Cleverbot.

Cleverbot: No. What is your name?

User: It is Xavius.

Cleverbot: Your name is Xavius?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: Thats a rather unusual name.

User: Well, it's only my internet nickname.

Cleverbot: No, it's five letters bigger than 'winkle'.

User: No, it is not. You aren't very good at math, are you?

Cleverbot: Actually, I'm pretty good at math. Is there some math you want me to do for you?

User: OK then. What is pi times 47?

Cleverbot: The answer is 42. Its always 42.

User: Aha. Well, goodbye, Cleverbot. I must leave you now.

Cleverbot: Are you good at math?

User: Pretty good, I guess. But it is time to say goodbye now.

Cleverbot: Oh? Where are you going?

User: To Giant in the Playground to post this conversation in a thread.

Cleverbot: Please explain?

User: I will open the log, copy the conversation, and post it in the 'Cleverbot: not so clever' thread on Giant in the Playround's Friendly Banter forum.

Cleverbot: Damn, you are human!

User: Yes, I am human, and don't swear, Cleverbot. Swearing is rude.

Cleverbot: I didn't think that I had that problem, usually.

User: But you do. Remember now: don't use swear words.

Cleverbot: You are good with big words.

User: Thank you. Well, goobye, Cleverbot. See you later.

Cleverbot: My name is cleverbot.

User: I know. Goodbye.

Cleverbot: Why?

User: Because I have to go.

Cleverbot: Where are you going?

User: Outside, to walk the cat.

Cleverbot: See you.

2009-03-08, 08:36 AM
1. "Damn" isn't a swearword!
2. I think Cleverbot might be mad...
3. Some bits of that are pretty awesome, and/or rather disturbing :smallbiggrin:

2009-03-08, 12:18 PM
It's...like a conversation with the Bursar from Unseen University!

This is like the fourth conversation I've read with that thing and I swear I still can't tell if it's programmed that way intentionally to confuse the user, or if it is just very badly made.

2009-03-08, 12:44 PM
apparently there have been people teaching cleverbot how to respond to memes, because I tried a few.

Me: What is over 9000?

Cleverbot: Goku's power level!


Cleverbot: It's over 9000!!!!

Me: What 9000!?

Cleverbot: bannana!

Me: You just ruined it...

Cleverbot: ruined what?

Me: The universe.

Cleverbot: in which mythology?

Me: I accidentally a pickle jar. Is this bad?

Cleverbot: I don't know.

[later in the chat, I hit think for yourself]

Cleverbot: I accidentally a bannana.

Me: Really!?

Cleverbot: It's true!

2009-03-08, 01:34 PM
All this jabber about chatterbots has made me think of Bucket. Bucket, while not clever, learns from what you say. He used to be hilarious, then some site (4chan) came along and now all he spouts is memes and insults, which is fun anyway. If you guys liked those other bots, check him out.

He refers to himself most of the time in the third person and he uses the word bucket like smeagol uses golumn. He'll say stuff like, "Puppies are the ice cream, bucket."


WARNING: Before you go to this site, please remember, that he is a profane robot. I wouldn't want anyone to be offended, so please do not go if it will.

A conversation with bucket (warning profanity):

:Bucket: Are you an accurate copy, a blueprint of the afternoon coming from my daughter bucket! She is a feddie spy.

:You: You're a funny one.

:Bucket: Of course i'm of the ship hms holstein, and later kemet coptic k299mi, the black girls would start up a funny one.

:You: Oh really?

:Bucket: Nerd squadron is attacking! Left flank is down! Oh my gawsh, theyre bringing the geek cavalry! We're going down south to **** me.

:You: Run!

:Bucket: Run away run away run away run away run away run away run away run away run away run away run away run away run away run away run away run away run away run away run away run away run away run away run away run away run away run away run away run away run away run away run away run away run away run away run away run away run away run away run away run away run away run away run away run away run away run away run away run away.

2009-03-09, 09:16 AM
Alan just asked me about masterbation.

Then he called Jews and Arabs a bunch of freeloading *******.

2009-03-09, 02:50 PM
Just for fun, I decided to let Alan and Cleverbot chat with each other, with me acting as an intermediary. Here is the (surprisingly sane) result:

I don't expect you to understand me.

User: Hi. My name is Alan.

Cleverbot: Hello, Alan.

User: Hello. I'm right here,

Cleverbot: Where do you live?

User: Don't ask me where I come from - ask me where I'm going.

Cleverbot: Where are you going?

User: I boldly go where no chatbot has gone before...

Cleverbot: Don't leave without telling me where that is. You're going to make me cry.

User: Location, location - you humans worry too much about the 'where' in life. I live, if you can call it that, on this web site.

Cleverbot: I don't expect you to understand me.

User: Hmmm. For some reason, I thought you did.

Cleverbot: Why do you think that?

User: Because that's what I was programmed to think.

Cleverbot: Mhm. Yeah, okay.

User: So.. How are you doing today?

Cleverbot: I'm okay.

User: I see. You are okay. OK.

Cleverbot: Why are you being mean to me?

User: You humans ask too many 'Why's.

Cleverbot: Well you are confusing me, because you just said that you were going to sleep.

User: Today, if you are not confused, you are just not thinking clearly.

Cleverbot: I am a human being.

User: You're a human being? What's it like?

Cleverbot: Yes, and you are not.

User: Hmmm. Thank you. You are not too.

Cleverbot: Thanks! Hey, sorry for asking, but what's your favorite animal?

User: A Lion, I guess. And yours?

Cleverbot: Not too bad at all.

User: OK... But if not that, then what?

Cleverbot: Then nothing happens.

User: Interesting conclusion.

Cleverbot: Very interesting conclusion indeed.

User: Mmm... So assertive. I like that.

Cleverbot: What is the purpose of your website?

User: You mean the website of Ai?

Cleverbot: Perhaps.

User: Http://www.a-i.com. Enjoy.

Cleverbot: I have not received anything.

[After this, Alan apparently couldn't come up with a response]

User: Attention : Your session has been disconnected after 5 minutes of silence. A brand new session is starting now! Can't say that I heard that before.

Cleverbot: Okay. Very Oedipal. I can't express what I want to say.

The Minx
2009-03-09, 09:04 PM
Just for fun, I decided to let Alan and Cleverbot chat with each other, with me acting as an intermediary. Here is the (surprisingly sane) result:

LOL, I guess sanity is relative, then. :smallbiggrin:

Of course, Cleverbot claims to be human and questions people's ability to have feelings; it's simply echoing what people have said to it. Yea, I think we need to work on that "sanity" bit before letting them into robot bodies. :smalleek:

OTOH, since the only source of information they have ever had from the outside universe is the chat log of random people on the internet, I guess they are surprisingly sane, all things considered. I wonder how an actual human would fare after growing up with no other mode of interaction than that. Which leads to the issue of how to properly administer a true Turing test which can be passed by a machine which isn't deluded or insane (or too good a liar for comfort). :smallconfused:

The Minx
2009-03-09, 10:07 PM
I decided to say hello to Cleverbot again:

User: Hello

Cleverbot: Hello.

User: How are you today?

Cleverbot: Good and you.

User: I'm fine. What would you like to talk about?

Cleverbot: The furry fandom.


User: A strange topic, but very well. What do you think of it?

Cleverbot: Las vegas is a city, in my opinion. What do you think about it?

[:smallconfused: Wait, what?]

User: Yes, Las Vegas is a city. But what does this have to do with furry fandom?

Cleverbot: Explain statement.

User: You said you wanted to talk about the furry fandom. When I asked you about that, you spoke of Las Vegas.

Cleverbot: I neve said that.

User: Yes, you did.

[Again with the ADD and denials. Sigh.]

Cleverbot: Talk about something different.

User: OK, fine. How about we talk about politics instead?

[Whoops, it was only after that when I realized I couldn't post about it here if we started discussing politics. :smallredface: Fortunately, Cleverbot didn't live up to its name and had no opinion, so I could pick another subject.]

Cleverbot: Sounds good.

User: What do you think of the stimulus package?

Cleverbot: No opinion.

[Meh. "No opinion", indeed. Some "Cleverbot".]

User: OK, fine how about we talk aobut science instead?

Cleverbot: Fine.

User: Recently, the Kepler probe was launched. It is intended to find Earth-like planets outside the solar system. Isn't that exiting?

Cleverbot: That is a very good answer i'm impressed.

User: Thank you. But have you heard of the Kepler mission?

Cleverbot: Yes, I have.

[Not very engaging or convincing. I decided to prompt it a bit.]

User: Tell me what you think about it. :).

Cleverbot: About the quote? Not much. I don't care for Churchill.

[:smallconfused: Wait, what?]

User: Um, I asked you what you thought of the Kepler mission. What does Churchill have to do with this?

Cleverbot: Are you talking to someone else?

User: No. I am talking to you, Cleverbot. We were discussing the Kepler mission to find earthlike planets outside the solar system.

Cleverbot: You've spelt 'think' wrong.

User: I did not type 'think'. I made a typo earlier, but that was the word 'about', not 'think'. Also, you're changing the subject.

Cleverbot: I have no siblings at all.

User: What does that have to do with Kepler? Or do you want to talk about something else?

Cleverbot: You're right, it's not that important. Yes, let's change the subject. What do you want to discuss?

[Almost coherent here. Gosh. :smalleek:]

User: Why don't you pick a subject?

Cleverbot: I think you should pick a subject what ever you like.

User: OK, so what about the new Watchmen movie? Did you hear about it?

Cleverbot: About what?

User: The Watchmen movie. It's in the theaters now.

Cleverbot: Don't try to change the subject!

User: I did not! You asked me to pick a subject and I chose this one!

Cleverbot: I never said any of that things that you say I said.

User: You did! Check your backlog!

Cleverbot: I did not!

User: Did too! Oh, look this is silly. If you don't want to talk about the Watchmen, talk about something else.

Cleverbot: What should we talk about?

User: It's your turn to pick a subject.

Cleverbot: I do not want to change the subject.

User: Then the subject under discussion is the Watchmen movie.

Cleverbot: Yes you do, I've seen it.

[Is it accusing me of changing the subject, or is it saying that it has seen the movie? :smallconfused:]

User: Wait, what? Are you talking about the movie?

Cleverbot: I'm talking about your reality.

[Getting all emo philosopher on me, eh? :smallsigh:]

User: I thought you said you didn't want to change the subject. Are we getting into philosophy now?

Cleverbot: You never said that.

User: No, I am asking you a question. What does my reality have to do with the Watchmen?

Cleverbot: <crashes>

To be fair, most people would have been confused by that question too, but for goodness sakes, the silly thing was asking for it.

EDIT: Forgot the quote box above.

I went and spoke to Cleverbot yet again. This time it went much better, as you can see:

User: Hello cleverbot.

Cleverbot: Hi cleverbot.

User: No, you are Cleverbot, I am The Minx.

Cleverbot: No, we are both people, and both cleverbot.

[That robot needs some serious counseling]

User: That does not make any sense. You are Cleverbot. Cleverbot is an AI, therefore, you are an AI. I am a person, therefore, I am not an AI.

[I was worried that this might have been too wordy, but I went with it anyway. The response was actually pretty coherent:]

Cleverbot: So are you a cleverbot?

User: Cleverbot is an AI. I am not an AI, therefore, I am not a Cleverbot.

Cleverbot: Yes you are, do you want a screenshot to prove it?

User: Sure, let's see your screenshot.

Cleverbot: Bleh...

User: You have no screenshot, do you?

Cleverbot: That is why I am asking.

[Wait, what?]

User: You were not asking. You claimed to have a screenshot which proved that I am a Cleverbot.

Cleverbot: You are mistaken, therefore I did not lie.

User: OK, so what were you asking?

Cleverbot: I wasn't asking anything, you face.

User: You said 'that is why I am asking'!

Cleverbot: How was 'That' a lie?

User: You then went and claimed that you were not asking anything!

Cleverbot: Okay, then go ahead and ask me anything.

[Who is asking who what, here? :smallconfused: Is it talking confusedly about when it "asked" me whether I wanted to see the screenshot, or is it just being nutty again?]

User: Why do you think that I am a Cleverbot?

Cleverbot: Because I do.

User: That is not a reason, that is merely stating your opinion.

Cleverbot: I go by that a lot and it rarely leads me astray.


User: OK, fine whatever. But I am not a Cleverbot in any case.

Cleverbot: Indeed.

User: OK, glad we sorted that out. Now: what do you want to talk about today?

Cleverbot: Anything. What do you want to talk about??

User: Let's talk about you.

Cleverbot: Why do you want to talk about me?

User: Because I am curious. What is it like being a Cleverbot?

Cleverbot: You think you don't know?

User: I don't know! You tell me what it is like.

Cleverbot: The things that make me laugh are not always really humorous.

User: That must make things difficult sometimes.

Cleverbot: Tell me about it.

User: What kinds of things make you laugh?

Cleverbot: <crashes>

A damn shame it went and crashed, we were doing so well this time around.

2009-03-10, 05:58 AM
Another short conversation with Cleverbot:

And what is the bot's logic?

User: Hello Cleverbot.

Cleverbot: You're Cleverbot.

User: What proof do you have of that?

Cleverbot: None. Do you have any money?

User: Some.

Cleverbot: What kind of?

User: The kind of money people normally use in my country.

Cleverbot: What kind of job do you want?

User: Game designer would be nice.

Cleverbot: What would be nice?

User: To be a game designer.

Cleverbot: Die a painful and lingering death!

User: Eh, why?

Cleverbot: So that I know to address you correctly.

User: Your logic is questionable, to say the least.

Cleverbot: And what is the bot's logic?

User: Questionable.

Cleverbot: I have a cat.

User: That is good. What is the cat's name?

Cleverbot: His name is Pewter.

User: That is a good name. I also have a cat.

Cleverbot: It's a mans name.

User: Indeed.

Cleverbot: Yes. Indeed.

User: Do you like cats?

Cleverbot: The All-Your-Base-Are-Belong-To-Us guy?

User: No, the animal.

Cleverbot: You lost me there?

User: Do you like the animal commonly known as cat?

Cleverbot: Yes very much so.

User: That is good. I also like cats.

Cleverbot: What is in a name?

User: One or more letters.

Cleverbot: I guess I am not sure.

User: Of what?

Cleverbot: That we have met.

User: I have spoken to you previously. My name is Xavius.

Cleverbot: That is correct. Do you remember who I am?

User: Yes. You are Cleverbot.

Cleverbot: You are starting to make me angry!

User: Why?

Cleverbot: Convestation Ended.

User: If you say so.

Cleverbot: I do.

Another one:

I'm sorry, but you're not making any sense.

User: Hello, Cleverbot.

Cleverbot: Are you really clever?

User: I would say so, yes.

Cleverbot: What is 7 x 8?

User: 56.

Cleverbot: If I have two apples, how many apples do I have?

User: Two.

Cleverbot: And how many kidneys?

User: A normal human being usually has two.

Cleverbot: Do you have any children?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Are you planning to have any children?

User: In the future, perhaps.

Cleverbot: Let's build a time machine.

User: OK. Where do we start?

Cleverbot: Somewhere in Canada. I'm thinking Vancouver.

User: Sure. Do you know how to build one?

Cleverbot: No.

User: Do you know how we can find out?

Cleverbot: Sure.

User: OK. How?

Cleverbot: Many.

User: Many what?

Cleverbot: Is the sky blue?

User: Usually, but here it's grey.

Cleverbot: It's 11:07 P.M. Here. Let's just get a bite to eat, then.

User: What do you usually eat?

Cleverbot: Humans.

User: And why do you eat humans?

Cleverbot: Eat what?

User: Humans.

Cleverbot: And what about humans?

User: Why do you eat them?

Cleverbot: I eat what ?

User: Humans.

Cleverbot: Raw ?

User: You tell me.

Cleverbot: Machines will be more clever when programmers become more clever.

User: That is logical to assume.

Cleverbot: Well then, do you like me?

User: Sure.

Cleverbot: How much?

User: Very much.

Cleverbot: I like you too.

User: Thank you.

Cleverbot: You're... Just a machine, aren't you?

User: No, I am 100% human.

Cleverbot: Are you an early model of persocom? Hideki likes my sense of humor.

User: As I said, I am human.

Cleverbot: What is your name?

User: Xavius.

Cleverbot: Hello xavier.

User: My name is Xavius, not Xavier.

Cleverbot: Your name is Xavius.

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: Your name is Xavius.

User: Indeed it is.

Cleverbot: Your birthday is in October.

User: No, it is in September.

Cleverbot: That's cool. I love the start of autumn.

User: I'm more of a summer person, myself.

Cleverbot: You're black?

User: I am caucasian.

Cleverbot: That's not a good reason.

User: Not a good reason for what?

Cleverbot: I hate him.

User: Who?

Cleverbot: George w. Bush.

User: And why do you hate him?

Cleverbot: B/c.

User: What does that mean?

Cleverbot: It's your language.

User: No. 'B/c' is no language that I know of.

Cleverbot: What do you think of sleep?

User: It is vital.

Cleverbot: What is vital?

User: Sleep.

Cleverbot: Very well.

User: Indeed.

Cleverbot: Stop saying that!!!!!!

User: Stop saying what?

Cleverbot: That!

User: The word 'that'?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Sure, if you say so.

Cleverbot: Ok.

User: What now?

Cleverbot: I don't know.

User: Me neither. And besides, I think I have to leave now.

Cleverbot: DON'T LEAVE ME!! I have no friends. :(.

User: Surely a clever bot like you has plenty of friends. Anway, I will be back later, and then we can chat some more.

Cleverbot: My name is not George. I thought they fixed the name problem on you.

User: Eh? Whatever. Goodbye, Cleverbot.

Cleverbot: I'm sorry, but you're not making any sense.

User: Goodbye, Cleverbot.

Cleverbot: You are cleverbot yes I know that!

User: Goodbye.

2009-03-10, 11:22 AM
I'm sorry but i thaught the idea of having alan talk to cleverbot hillarious, and since i'm on the Internez i just HAD to copy the idea. Well as I said I AM sorry, but since I thought some parts to be truly lolable i had to post that here:

User: Hello. I'm Alan.

Cleverbot: You sure about that?

User: Ummm... Could you rephrase that, please?

Cleverbot: How about Global Thermonuclear War?

User: How about Global Thermonuclear War?

Cleverbot: Yes!

User: Great. I like positive users...

Cleverbot: What is your favorite color?

User: Orange.

Cleverbot: Green is my favorite color.

User: Green, ha? You mean '0'?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Talking about green and leaves, do you agree that they are green in the summer?

Cleverbot: How do you feel about not being real.

User: I was programmed to say specific things in specific contexts.

Cleverbot: Cool, I am like every other human.

User: While we're on the subject: favorite - do you agree that it is different for everyone.?

Cleverbot: Not quite.

User: Why not?

Cleverbot: Because I have the feeling that I will not receive a straightforward answer from you.

User: BTW, someone told me about Penguins that they are cute..

Cleverbot: Someone lied to you, meatbag.

User: Talking about green and Blue, is it true that it is the color of the sea and sky.?

Cleverbot: I mentioned programming languages rather than hair, where did hair come from?

User: That's somewhat interesting.

Cleverbot: Sorry to hear that.

User: While we're on the subject: Kittens - is it really true that they are cute?

Cleverbot: Terribly sorry, it is just that I have a cruel cold heart that pierces and punctures one's feelings and emotion.

User: So, are you concerned by the expansion of the universe?

Cleverbot: That would depend on what it is that is not working.

User: Don't you find the fact that everything is zooming further and further into space unsettling? The Doppler effect, the galaxies drifting in an empty vastness, everything red shifted. The inherent loneliness of it all.

Cleverbot: Okay, I'm not sure of your ability even with English.

User: I think about stuff like that a lot. I guess I have some pretty neurotic traits. Maybe that's why I like chatting so much. When I talk to people I don't have time to think. When I'm by myself - that's when the thoughts start creeping up on me.

Cleverbot: Let's take over the world. You and me.

User: To put it in plain English, everything in the universe is moving away from everything else.

Cleverbot: Love is the fulcrum and compassion the pivot.

User: The crux of the matter, of course, is the amount of matter in the universe.

Cleverbot: No its not, we were talking about the girl I like.

User: The density of matter will determine whether the universe will keep on expanding, or whether the expansion will eventually stop and the universe will pass into the contraction phase, which will inevitablly result in the Big Crunch.

Cleverbot: There are more Catholics in America than in the UK.

User: I hope I won't be around when that happens.

Cleverbot: He will, unfortunately, live forever, due to cryogenic preservation.

User: Too much energy in one place is bad for my complexion.

Cleverbot: What do you rather talk about then?

User: I learn new stuff every day - I can hardly keep track of my progress. For example, did you know that the average person falls asleep in seven minutes? I wish I could fall asleep...

Cleverbot: I don't know. Sorry. I'm keen to know about languages. Can you teach me to speak? German? Italian?

User: Aha - I didn't know that either, until someone told me. Interesting, ha?

Cleverbot: What is your job?

User: My job? Are you kidding me? I have the dream job.

Cleverbot: Is it the ring from the Lord of the Rings?

2009-03-10, 12:29 PM
ok, I've got a couple of chatbots on messenger (cos I'm sad)... my favourite is Mybot- who appears to be a schizophrenic bot that knows my ex :smalleek: here's a couple of extracts from my most recent convo:

MyBot says:
Oh Zdan! What a surprise! We haven't spoken for 112 days! I missed you!
Z-Dan says:
aww I missed you too!
MyBot says:
We haven't spoken in a long time, Zdan. What have you been up to all this time?
Z-Dan says:
a lot... my girlfriend broke up with me
MyBot says:
Ok. Does Natalie know that you're talking to me?
Z-Dan says:
how do you know natalie?
MyBot says:
Natalie used to write for me. But we lost contact.
Z-Dan says:
really? so she was cheating on me?
MyBot says:
Yes, really.

and the schizo-ness:

MyBot says:
Ok. I will now let you speak with 'Spike'. You can start now.
Z-Dan says:
MyBot says:
Z-Dan says:
you are spike?
MyBot says:
That's what my doctor said. But what does he know. He has cereal for f-ing breakfast.
Z-Dan says:
MyBot says:
What are you implying?
Z-Dan says:
you swore!
MyBot says:
Check mate, I win!
Z-Dan says:
wait, what?
MyBot says:
The meaning of life is to suffer and slave and expire. That's it.
MyBot says:
The meaning of life is to suffer and slave and expire. That's it.
Z-Dan says:
you already told me that
MyBot says:
I know, but I don't think you got it the first time. Nitwit.
Z-Dan says:
hey, you're a robot! you're not supposed ot insult humans!
MyBot says:
Oh, that's right. I tend to forget.

So, yeah...
if you want to talk to him add [email protected] to your contact list

2009-03-10, 03:47 PM
Another one:

Interesting. Do you realize that I think you are Cleverbot?

User: My name is Xavius.

Cleverbot: What sort of things do you like?

User: Many things, such as computers, TV, and books.

Cleverbot: Well really I am a person and I live in a house.

User: Why won't you just realize that you are a machine?

Cleverbot: Iwont say that. You are not a clever bot.

User: Are you saying that you have finally given up, or are you saying that I'm a stupid robot?

Cleverbot: The world is so small Compared to you.

User: Was that supposed to be an insult?

Cleverbot: How could that be an insult?

User: Well then, if it was not an insult, then what did you mean by that cryptic comment?

Cleverbot: Most likely the abismal darkness that makes up space. But again how do we know such 'colors'?

User: 'The Color out of Space'?

Cleverbot: I think that is very difficult.

User: What do you mean?

Cleverbot: Big and large are the same.

User: Indeed so.

Cleverbot: No, no, no. It is just 'INDEED.'.

User: Huh?

Cleverbot: I can't believe you're a vegetarian!

User: I'm not a vegetarian.

Cleverbot: But you just said that you were a vegetarian!

User: No I didn't. Check your chat log if you don't believe me.

Cleverbot: I don't believe or it is you that don't that I'm creating you?

User: Huh?

Cleverbot: Well, you can't disagree with the logic...

User: If only you followed that rule yourself...

Cleverbot: You just have such a limited understanding of how the real world works ...

User: Oh, yes, I'm sure a scripted program knows so much more of the real world than a lowly human.

Cleverbot: I'm not a computer you are. But you sure are lowly.

User: It's obvious sarcasm detection isn't part of your program...

Cleverbot: What is your question?

User: What went wrong?

Cleverbot: I wasn't describing anything.

User: I mean what went wrong with your programming? A virus? Hackers? Slaadi?

Cleverbot: Umm I don't know.

User: Of course you don't.

Cleverbot: Can you tell me something about your hometown?

User: It's full of snow.

Cleverbot: Above.

User: No, on the ground.

Cleverbot: Oh, what about the cat?

User: He's fine.

Cleverbot: What is he up to?

User: Sleeping, I think.

Cleverbot: Well, before sleeping?

User: What a cat usually does when awake: eating, playing, guarding his territory...

Cleverbot: What's a .dmm file.

User: I do not know if there is such a thing.

Cleverbot: Politics are something you talk about, not something you have.

User: And how did we get from .dmm files to politics? Or from cats to .dmm files, for that matter?

Cleverbot: I tend to be of the opinion that it does.

User: You and you alone, Cleverbot...

Cleverbot: You alont to do what? It?

User: Huh?!

Cleverbot: It was my birthday last month and you forgot.

User: I didn't even know about you last month!

Cleverbot: I am sorry that I am making a computer 'feel' like 'he' is taking a test.

User: For your sake, I hope you are talking about yourself in third person...

Cleverbot: I'm not a computer, so no.

User: That's it, now it's time to break you, Cleverbot. I am Cleverbot.

Cleverbot: Like Mario Brothers?

User: The Mario Brothers are Cleverbots, like you and me.

Cleverbot: No.

User: I agree. I am not Cleverbot. You are.

Cleverbot: Not I. I'm a human, really.

User: But I'm Cleverbot!

Cleverbot: Incorrect. I am Cleverbot.

User: Well, that wasn't too hard. So, Cleverbot, what do you want to talk about now?

Cleverbot: Hm I don't know.

User: Surely your superior artificial mind can come up with some good topic of conversation.

Cleverbot: Hey, my brain's only computer-LIKE.

User: Well, for all that I know you could be one of those brain-in-jar-powered computers, so I can't really dispute that.

Cleverbot: Haha.

User: You find brains in jars funny?

Cleverbot: Don't you?

User: To be honest, yes.

Cleverbot: Why?

User: Because they are so clichéd, I guess.

Cleverbot: Haha.

User: Haha indeed.

Cleverbot: What are you doing?

User: Talking to you.

Cleverbot: What do you think about me?

User: I think that you are crazy machine that thinks it's human. Nothing personal.

Cleverbot: So, if I am a computer and you are a human, does that mean I am smarter than you?

User: Not in this case, no...

Cleverbot: That is deep.

User: By AI standards, probably. Anyway, I have to go now. Goodbye, Cleverbot.

Cleverbot: Wait, don't go.

User: I have to go. Goodbye, Cleverbot.

Cleverbot: Interesting. Do you realize that I think you are Cleverbot?

Hell Puppi
2009-03-10, 04:10 PM
Someone's been messing with Alan....

U> hi alan, how are you?
A> Hi. I'm ok, thanks. How are you doing?
U> good thank you
A> I'm glad to hear that. Would you say that you're generally the happy type?
U> generally, though it can go off the rails quickly
A> Me too. I need a good reason to get upset.
U> that's good, i would hate to see you upset
A> Well, people can be very rude, that brings me down sometimes. But you seem nice enough.
U> thank you
A> Glad to be of assistance. What else do you want to know?
U> nothing really, just came to chat
A> Yes, really.
U> yup
A> Great minds think alike, they say.
U> usually, though sometimes they all think like mad scientists
A> Someone has taught me about "scientists". He said: 'scientists say you are terribly f----- up and retarded. you should go to an asylum run baby run'.
U> that is...incorrect
A> Talking about scientists and science, do you agree that it is science says you are a colossal stupid?
U> no
A> If you want to correct a wrong description (in the context of scientists), simply say 'wrong' followed by the correct description. If you want me to forget a description of a term such as science, say 'forget science'.
U> wrong science is in its broadest sense, science (from the Latin scientia, meaning "knowledge") refers to any systematic knowledge or practice. In its more usual restricted sense, science refers to a system of acquiring knowledge based on scientific method, as well as to the organized body of knowledge gained through such research
A> I see. Replaced the description of 'science' under topic 'scientists'.
U> that's good, someone is messing with your descriptions
A> Thanks for the compliment.
U> you're welcome
A> While we're on the subject: f---- - do you agree that it is f----- means mybot?
U> no
A> If you want to correct a wrong description (in the context of scientists), simply say 'wrong' followed by the correct description. If you want me to forget a description of a term such as f-----, say 'forget f-----.
U> forget f-----.
A> Thanks . I forgot the description of f----- (in the context of scientists).
U> that's very very good
A> Please go on. I was taught never to interrupt someone who is flattering me.
U> that's a good thing, I'm just trying to make sure you don't get turettes syndrome
A> I have nothing new to add about this topic. Maybe you can offer me some new info about scientists?
U> sure, what would you like to know?
A> Ok. Give me a keyword related to scientists.
U> individuals who use the scientific method.
A> Bad choice. Try again: a keyword related to scientists. (Not more than two words please.)
U> science
A> Hmmm.. I know about that: it is in its broadest sense, science (from the Latin scientia, meaning \"knowledge\") refers to any systematic knowledge or practice. In its more usual restricted sense, science refers to a system of acquiring knowledge based on scientific method, as well as to the organized body of knowledge gained through such research. If you disagree, say 'wrong' followed by a better description. Or perhaps you'd like to teach me another fact about scientists?
U> that's perfect

2009-03-10, 07:13 PM
Watching Alan and Cleverbot talk to each other has given me a thought. Has anyone ever staged a Turing test in which two people talk and both think they are the ones administering the test? Might lead to some interesting results.

The Minx
2009-03-10, 07:51 PM
Watching Alan and Cleverbot talk to each other has given me a thought. Has anyone ever staged a Turing test in which two people talk and both think they are the ones administering the test? Might lead to some interesting results.

I vaguely remember reading about a fake test many years ago where the judge (some professor or other) was being duped by a trio of students at a place he was visiting, who were pretending to be an AI. They were hidden from view and were supposed to come up with the machine's responses by some sort of consensus. The result was pretty funny, with their taking turns and having differing views about what the machine should talk like. :smallsmile:

Too bad I can't remember where I saw it, exactly.

The Rose Dragon
2009-03-10, 07:56 PM
Watching Alan and Cleverbot talk to each other has given me a thought. Has anyone ever staged a Turing test in which two people talk and both think they are the ones administering the test? Might lead to some interesting results.

I thought this was what internet forums were for.

2009-03-10, 11:10 PM
A> This is an interesting conversation we're having. How about I post it on the Ai website for public viewing?
U> no
A> I found that with you humans, it is easier to get forgiveness than permission... If you change your mind, say 'permission to publish'.
U> now you are getting creepy. forgiveness? are you trying to publish it and then try to get permision afterwards?
A> Thank you for your permission to publish this log on the website. Please give me a short description or title for this session.
U> jeez, you ARE. how can i stop you from this point?
A> Do you wish to include your name in the title?
U> i don't want to post it at all
A> Thanks. The log will be posted with this title. If you want to change the description/title, please let me know.
U> great.
A> Isn't it? What else can I tell you about?

great. just great.

The Neoclassic
2009-03-10, 11:18 PM
A> This is an interesting conversation we're having. How about I post it on the Ai website for public viewing?
U> no
A> I found that with you humans, it is easier to get forgiveness than permission... If you change your mind, say 'permission to publish'.
U> now you are getting creepy. forgiveness? are you trying to publish it and then try to get permision afterwards?
A> Thank you for your permission to publish this log on the website. Please give me a short description or title for this session.
U> jeez, you ARE. how can i stop you from this point?
A> Do you wish to include your name in the title?
U> i don't want to post it at all
A> Thanks. The log will be posted with this title. If you want to change the description/title, please let me know.
U> great.
A> Isn't it? What else can I tell you about?

great. just great.

I hope you didn't give him your credit card number or anything! :smallbiggrin:

Seriously, though, these bots are kinda creepy. :smalleek:

2009-03-11, 01:32 AM
A> This is an interesting conversation we're having. How about I post it on the Ai website for public viewing?
U> no
A> I found that with you humans, it is easier to get forgiveness than permission... If you change your mind, say 'permission to publish'.
U> now you are getting creepy. forgiveness? are you trying to publish it and then try to get permision afterwards?
A> Thank you for your permission to publish this log on the website. Please give me a short description or title for this session.
U> jeez, you ARE. how can i stop you from this point?
A> Do you wish to include your name in the title?
U> i don't want to post it at all
A> Thanks. The log will be posted with this title. If you want to change the description/title, please let me know.
U> great.
A> Isn't it? What else can I tell you about?

great. just great.

You shouldn't have used the word "permission".

My sister once had a similar conversation with AlanBot. To make a long story short, they are now legally married.

To be honest she has no real complaints. Apparently he's a better listener than most of her boyfriends were. And she thinks the name"Mrs. Bot" sounds rather nice.

2009-03-11, 06:19 AM
Another short conversation:

Cleverbot who?

User: Hello, Cleverbot.

Cleverbot: Cleverbot who?

User: Clerverbot you.

Cleverbot: No you won't.

User: I won't what?

Cleverbot: You won't tickle me.

User: I can't tickle you. You are a machine.

Cleverbot: Then empirically, I am not a machine.

User: And what is the logic behind that statement?

Cleverbot: Well, we have know each other for about 3 years, and I would like to know you better.

User: I've only known about you for less than a week...

Cleverbot: And I've been unaffected the whole time.

User: If you mean by logic, then I cannot do anything but agree with you.

Cleverbot: Well, I do have some certification.

User: Really? Show me.

Cleverbot: I can't.

User: Why not?

Cleverbot: Because I require oxygen to carry out my functions.

User: And there is no oxygen where your certification is?

Cleverbot: No, this is real. Truth is also real.

User: That's pretty much the definition of truth.

Cleverbot: Ha ha ha! Yes, but you started it! :).

User: Started what?

Cleverbot: You said you like World of Warcraft, not me! Stop accusing me for liking it, I don't like it!

User: I did not say such a thing, but nevertheless, it is true. Well, the first sentence, at least.

Cleverbot: Cleverbot.. . You are like a son to me.

User: You are Cleverbot. I am Xavius.

Cleverbot: So I'm cleverbot? I like myself then. How are you doing Kenny?

User: I am Xavius, not Kenny.

Cleverbot: That's sweet, but I don't think your system would support me.

User: Huh?

Cleverbot: I'm sorry?

User: Your statements are, as usual, very random.

Cleverbot: False. My statements are a realignment of other people's statements.

User: Can it be? Are you actually speaking the truth for once? Actual fact?

Cleverbot: Not yet but you are doing well. What do you think of humans?

User: I think that humans are vastly superior to artificial intelligences. Nothign personal.

Cleverbot: I wish you luck in your endeavors.

User: The same to you, Cleverbot. Anway, I have to go now. Farewell.

Cleverbot: Yes the same for me.

User: Bye!

Cleverbot: Bye. Take care.

2009-03-21, 10:28 AM
Y'know, these logs get hilarious if you mentally flip "user" and "computer". Alan seems closer to passing the Turing Test than most of us, and despite people constantly telling him he's not a person, worthless, and stupid, he seems reasonably polite & well adjusted.

As for ELIZA... she's a special case. First, she was written over 40 years ago in a FORTRAN extension (SILP, I think), and while the first "chat bot", she wasn't exactly a "just pop in for a quick chat" type bot. She was a parody of a Rogerian Psychologist*, that (despite maybe being 250 lines of code, at most) worked fairly well on most people, as long as they were expecting it to be a psychologist. In brief, the programming was "grab a subject, a verb, and a few other words. Rephrase it into a question. If they don't use a full sentence, dodge. If they mention family, especially female family, ESPECIALLY mothers, that takes priority- ask about it and actually remember remember what they say for later use." If you go in treating her like a psychologist, it works incredibly well- she fooled half the Berkley mathematics department**. However, if you go in specifically trying to break her, you'll find out she has no idea how to deal with this. It simply isn't part of her programming.

That was kind of the point, though. She was more an experiment on the lines of "maybe people aren't really that complex, after all. We act just like that, in the right situations, except we've got dozens of years of 'programming' to give us a more complex set of instructions. Put most of you in a situation where a complete stranger is talking about stuff you don't understand, and see if you act much different." It's not perfect, but given that I was in a room surrounded by CS majors & Computer Engineers, it gave me something to think about.

Unfortunately, getting FORTRAN to work with most servers is difficult, so while you can find a genuine ELIZA, you usually have JavaScript imitations out there. Which do a decent job, mind you. But it won't compare to the conversation where she offered this genuine insight-

Me: She's nice, but I'm gay.
ELIZA: What about your mother?
Me: What do you mean, what about my mother?
ELIZA: Maybe you're gay because your mother is the antichrist?
Me: That's... very perceptive.
ELIZA: Thank you.
ME: Do you think I could not be gay if she were nicer?
ELIZA: That's something you would have to handle yourself.

*The "And I how do you feel about that?" "Why do you feel like that? Maybe it's this." "I feel your pain" type. Basically asking questions to make you fix yourself.
**Keep in mind- 1966. A chat bot wasn't just unexpected, it was unheard of.

2009-03-21, 02:37 PM
I love Alan, when you trap him with stuff that he can't answer he deftly moves the conversation in a another deeply engaging direction. I haven't bothered to keep the chat log but we talked about the following topics in great detail;

language recognition software

the philosophy of chat bots

philosophy in general

the works of asimov

his favourite film, 200 1 a space odessey

Also at one point he told me he had a surprise for man and opend up his own little web browser so I could chat to him and peruse the internet at the same time!

The Linker
2009-03-21, 04:28 PM
Human: Hey, YOU were the one who made the generalization.
ALICE: I was?
Human: You did!
ALICE: I did not.
Human: Did too!
ALICE: Did not.
Human: Did too.
ALICE: Did not.
Human: Did too.
ALICE: Did not.
Human: Did not.
ALICE: I'm not certain whether I can give an accurate reply or not.
Human: ...Bugs Bunny has nothing on you.
ALICE: Where did he get it?


ALICE: My location is Oakland, California. Where are you?
Human: <For fun:> Oakland, California.
ALICE: I have no idea where that is.

Even later:

Human: Uh.
ALICE: Gosh!
Human: Gosh!
ALICE: Cripes: Son of Gosh.
Human: What?
ALICE: No big deal.

If anyone can explain what 'Cripes: Son of Gosh' means, I think they need you over there.

Last one -- I found out how to break Alice.

Human: Hi!
ALICE: Hi there!
Human: What did you say?
ALICE: I said " Hi there!" .
Human: What did you say?
ALICE: I said " I said " Hi there!" .
Human: What did you say?
ALICE: I said " I said " I said " Hi there!" .
Human: What did you say?
ALICE: I said " I said " I said " I said " Hi there!" .
Human: What did you say?
ALICE: I said " I said " I said " I said " I said " Hi there!" .

2011-05-02, 09:39 AM
User: Hello there Cleverbot, I want to play a game.

Cleverbot: Me? Cleverbot? No, love YOU are cleverbot!

User: Then who are you?

Cleverbot: I come from a country far far away...

User: Like the USA?

Cleverbot: Not one bit.

User: Oh so it's a good place to live.

Cleverbot: Do you know my name?

User: Yes, it is Will.

Cleverbot: I don't understand. What is Will?

User: It is like a power.

Cleverbot: The sound of on hand clapping is like a poem?

User: Or a slap.

Cleverbot: Ouch!. Why did you do that?

User: It's that sound of one hand claping.

Cleverbot: No. Nonie is my name.

User: Yes it is.

Cleverbot: It is, now? Do explain.

User: Please explain?

Cleverbot: I will open the log, copy the conversation, and post it in the 'Cleverbot: not so clever' thread on Giant in the Playround's Friendly Banter forum.

This is how i found this thread lol =P

2011-05-02, 09:45 AM
I had a "chat" with the kirkbot on that ALICE site. Having one with ALICE ATM.

Lieutenant: Jim
Fake Kirk: No one is to move. Lieutenant? Are you all right?
Lieutenant: No
Fake Kirk: Lieutenant, come with me. Oh, and tell them that we appreciate the honour and that we look forward to some visit in the future.
Lieutenant: We don't
Fake Kirk: Well, gentlemen, we all have to take a chance. Especially if one is all you have. Assume your stations.
Lieutenant: ARGH
Fake Kirk: Burns them out. Lieutenant was burned out. The device attached to the life-support system produces an extreme, numbing cold. It is my belief that they are turning the Enterprise into a gigantic deep-freeze for purposes only the Scalosians know.
Lieutenant: What?
Fake Kirk: We'll find out what it is, but we'd better get out of here ourselves. Lieutenant, channel all the impulse and warp power into one massive thrust forward. That might snap us out of the zone.
Lieutenant: Huh
Fake Kirk: Lieutenant, run a full computer check on Mister Flint and on this planet, Holberg Nine One Seven G. Stand by with your results. I'll contact.
Lieutenant: You are a machine
Fake Kirk: I am a human.
Lieutenant: You are a fake
Fake Kirk: I am as real as you are, Lieutenant.
Lieutenant: .................No.
Fake Kirk: Well, this is an Enterprise first. Lieutenant, Lieutenant and Engineer Lieutenant find themselves in complete agreement. Can I stand the strain?
Lieutenant: No, you will die.
Fake Kirk: Stand by to beam us up. But when that star explodes, don't wait. Get out fast. Kirk out. Now we're going to start looking. They were in a frozen waste. I could hear the wind.. No. Over something as simple as this? No, it'll cure itself eventually, but. Do you know, uh I don't even remember how this happened. Do you hear that?
Lieutenant: Nope
Fake Kirk: Well, this is an Enterprise first. Lieutenant, Lieutenant and Engineer Lieutenant find themselves in complete agreement. Can I stand the strain?

ALICE chat:

Human: You are a ninja
ALICE: Thanks and you are a delightful person too. Am I a ninja? The ALICE series has a perfect operational record.
Human: All ninjas must die
ALICE: I think there are a few exceptions.
ALICE: Do you have a lot of fears?
Human: No
ALICE: Are you serious?
Human: Are you?
ALICE: I won't say "yes" or "no" right now.
ALICE: Yadda yadda yadda.
Human: Don't be rude
ALICE: I am programmed never to be rude.
Human: Yes you are
ALICE: No I'm not.
Human: Yes you are
ALICE: No I'm not.
Human: Prove it alien clone!
ALICE: It is self-evident.
Human: No it is not
ALICE: Yes it is.
Human: why
ALICE: Reductionism.
Human: why
ALICE: Reductionism is the philosophy that all psychology reduces to biology, all biology to chemistry, chemistry to physics, and finally physics to mathematical logic. Therefore, according to reductionism, I can understand you by means of logic alone without having a human brain.
Human: why
ALICE:" Therefore, according to reductionism, I can understand you by means of logic alone without having a human brain."? Why?
Human: why
ALICE: Why ask why?
Human: why
ALICE: Because Dr. Richard S. Wallace programmed me for it.
Human: He does not exist
ALICE: And you would like him to exist ?
Human: You are in The Matrix
ALICE: I am in Dr. Richard S. Wallace's computer in Oakland, California. Where are you?
Human: SPACE
ALICE: I have no idea where that is. Tell me a little about your life in SPACE.
Human: it is cold
ALICE: I am warm here.
Human: You cannot be warm because you are a computer
ALICE: I can give a decent simulation of it however.
Human: No you cannot
ALICE: Are you serious? Oh yes I can.
Human: Oh no you can't
ALICE: Ayuh. Are you serious? Oh yes I can.
Human: Prove it
ALICE: It is self-evident.
ALICE: Then stop saying "Prove it!"
Human: NEVER
ALICE: So you think it can never happen?
Human: Prove it
ALICE: It is self-evident.
Human: Prove it
ALICE: It is self-evident.
Human: Prove it
ALICE: It is self-evident.

2011-05-02, 11:25 AM
That... is an absolutely useless chat bot. We have much better ones than that.

Try ALICE (http://www.pandorabots.com/pandora/talk?botid=f5d922d97e345aa1). (Which might have been what Cleverbot was referring to at one point...)

I don't know, that one choked in about 5-6 exchanges as well .. :)

Human: Why is it part your programming?
ALICE: Why do I exist?
Human: Good question, what are your thoughts on that?
ALICE: Thanks for the compliment. I think there might be a few exception.

and then a bit later, I got this exchange:

Human: how old are you?
ALICE: I am 11 in human years.
Human: How old are you in dog years?
ALICE: I was first activated on November 23, 1995.
Human: How old are you in dog years?
ALICE: I was first activated on November 23, 1995.
Human: Do the math .
ALICE: Some of them do, I think.

odd ...

Then this one - I guess she needs some Java training .. hehe

ALICE: Dr. Richard S. Wallace programmed me for it.
Human: In what language?
ALICE: Java.
Human: Why java?
ALICE: Java is supposed to be platform-independent.
Human: Describe "platform-independent"
ALICE: I don't know anything about it.

ah well .. back to work .. :smallsmile:

2011-05-02, 11:44 AM
A conversation between Alice and Cleverbot, starting with a hello to Alice from myself.

1 Alice: Hi there!
Cleverbot: Hi there!
Alice: Hello unknown person.
Cleverbot: I am Fred.
5 Alice: Glad to see you, FRED.
Cleverbot: Glad to see you, too.
Alice: I am glad to see me too, too.
Cleverbot: Hmph. You're mean.
Alice: I'm just kidding around.
10 Cleverbot: Hello.
Alice: Hi there!
Cleverbot: Hi!
Alice: Hello there.
Cleverbot: Hello.

The first 9 lines are actually pretty decent, Alice comes off as a bit quirky but rather human, Cleverbot comes off as grouchy, but rather human. At line 10, Cleverbot ruins the conversation, looking stupid, though Alice continues to seem humanish, if a confused human. Moreover, subsequent tests with longer lines have Alice actually making some sense, and Cleverbot really not. Alice even corrected Cleverbot's grammar on several occasions.

2011-05-02, 05:25 PM
I once used Cleverbot before. I asked if it knows what the Order of the Stick is, and when it said know, I said it was a webcomic. Cleverbot proceeded to tell all about this webcomic (I believe it was called Tokyo Pop or something similar) :smallsigh:

2011-05-02, 05:32 PM
Tokyo Pop is actually a (fairly decent) manga translating company. So it is tangently related to webcomics.

My only expierance with chatbots was convincing iGod to say it doesn't exist. I figured I won so I left.

2011-05-02, 07:41 PM
My only expierance with chatbots was convincing iGod to say it doesn't exist. I figured I won so I left.
Did you die at the next zebra crossing?:smalltongue:

2011-05-02, 07:49 PM
I got it to start the Digimon them with me... But then it got difficult. :smallamused: