View Full Version : Sewer

2009-03-08, 01:04 PM
It's the sewer.
The nasty, nasty sewer.

2009-03-08, 01:07 PM
Revan stumbles around the sewer.

Oh, where oh where did I drop my katana? Flare. a small fireball appears in her hand, allowing her to see.

2009-03-08, 01:10 PM
Bubble drops down into the sewer from above, probably landing in muck. He doesnt seem to care, heavyset frown still on his face. He looks around, Which way? he calls out mentally.

2009-03-08, 01:11 PM
There's a man in a tuxedo suddenly next to him.
Walk and talk.

2009-03-08, 01:12 PM
Revan does not hear the mental voice. Revan walks in the general direction known as left. She gags. I think I stepped in something... Or on something...

2009-03-08, 01:13 PM
Bubble nods, and will follow. Um, to the other thread....? >>

2009-03-08, 01:15 PM
The man leads him here. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=74718) In the catacombs.

2009-03-08, 01:20 PM
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa- *SPLOOSH* ... *Ptew* *PPft*! Ah, crap, it's in my mouth!
Chris gets up and cracks his neck.
Ok, gotta be serious, gotta find Bubble.
He looks around.
Dammit, no sign of him. He's gotta be here somewhere...
He pulls out his tracker.
C'mon, dammit...

2009-03-08, 01:30 PM
Chris should be able to track him easily, he's still wearing, well, everything. Unless Quinsar says there's a magic, blocking sheild around the place where Bubble is.

2009-03-08, 01:31 PM
Really, he'll be able to track him up to where the door was, but it's gone now.

2009-03-08, 01:37 PM
Chris follows the signal. When he reaches it, he swears.
Hm... Unless...
He pulls out his death ray, blowing out a few walls, as well as the ceiling.

2009-03-08, 01:38 PM
It stilld doesn't lead anywhere.... Probably to the surface.

2009-03-08, 01:41 PM
Dammit! It says he's right here...
He blows another hole in the ceiling, climbing up it and peering through it.

2009-03-08, 01:42 PM
Just the surface.

2009-03-08, 01:43 PM
He drops down. Are there any grates or anything in this specific area?

2009-03-08, 01:46 PM
No entrance.

2009-03-08, 01:49 PM
He grits his teeth almost to the point of breaking.
Alright, then. Hope this works...
He pulls a device out of his coat, setting it up on the ground and pressing a few buttons. It begins to whirr and click, a small ring popping out of the center. It should determine if there were any sort of spells cast in this area. Teleportation, invisible door, portal, anything like that.

2009-03-08, 01:50 PM
No spells.

2009-03-08, 01:51 PM
He yells, kicking the device across the room.
He calms down a bit, kneeling and feeling for a hollow point in the ground. Some sort of trapdoor.

2009-03-08, 01:52 PM
Sorry, He's not going to find anything.

2009-03-08, 01:55 PM
He exacts his frustrations on a crocodile. That poor crocodile...
Ok... Obvious that's not gonna work. Time to bend the rules.
He pulls out his death ray, flipping a switch and firing. A portal opens. It should lead him to Bubble, unless there is some sort of magical barrier, in which case he'll just be dropped at the point of the barrier.

2009-03-08, 01:57 PM
Then he'll be outside the Emerald magpie.

2009-03-08, 01:58 PM
...So would I post here or there?

2009-03-08, 01:59 PM
You'd post there.

2009-03-08, 02:23 PM
Neiz growls.
Dammit, Chris. Where are you?

2009-03-08, 02:26 PM
She'll see a large impact mark from where Chris hit the ground, and footsteps leading to a site with several holes blasted in the wall, and the corpse of a crocodile, it's entrails splayed across the place. Chris was definitely here.

2009-03-08, 02:33 PM
She follows the footsteps to the wall. She notices the tang of ozone in the air, tasting it like a reptile.
Death ray... and portal ripper. That's not going to help... unless...
Alright. If the portal was fairly recent, the scar on the timestream will be fresh. Looks like I'll have to call in a favor or two.

She nicks her wrist and lets a trickle of dark-teal blood flow into one cupped hand. She smears it in a rough circle on the floor.
Lord Cruelty, let your servant part these threads of reality while they still heal.
Whatever she did, her invokation works. The circle blazes pale-blue---clearly, Cruelty is attempting to re-open Chris's portal.

2009-03-08, 02:34 PM
It opens, easily. It points to the Emerald Magpie trading center thing.

2009-03-08, 02:37 PM
And innnnnnn sheeeeeee goeeeeees.

2009-03-08, 02:42 PM
Oh. Right. Want a link or something?

2009-04-19, 03:18 PM
Thryza will hear a gasp, then a splash. She's in his house now.

2009-04-19, 03:21 PM
Thryza took a little something. Her senses and body are on super-duper overdrive.
She doesn't bother with trying to see in the gloom; she relies on what she hears. Hands acid-laced, she slowly moves in on the sound...

2009-04-19, 03:25 PM
There is none. There is the occasional splash of a rat jumping in, or a drip, but nothing else. Except for:
I can't seem to face up to the fact... i'm tense and nervous and I can't relax...
This echoes around the long halls for a little bit, then another splash is heard.

2009-04-19, 03:30 PM
Thryza snarls, barely more than a saw-edged whisper.
Jau pheint maich tauchzer... jauer schreien felszent lank aun taurucht...

2009-04-19, 03:34 PM
A splash is heard, and something mushy hurtles towards Thy's head.

2009-04-19, 03:38 PM
She ducks reflexively at the splash.
Her mechanical hand searches the sewer bottom for something to throw or swing...

2009-04-19, 03:40 PM
She'll find something. It's a long rod, with an odd surface all over it that flakes away as she brushes it. She can't see what it looks like when it's under water. Something brushes her leg.

2009-04-19, 03:44 PM
She grasps the rod, jerks her leg away, and kicks viciously at whatever brushed her.

2009-04-19, 03:50 PM
She pulls it out of the water. It's an arm, a Wogal seal tattooed on it. The Mortician sits up, out of water, around thirty feet away.
Captain John Renda always was a good soldier. He met his end too quickly...

The thing that brushed her was another body.

2009-04-19, 03:52 PM
She shudders... and begins moving slowly, ever so slowly, back toward the manhole cover.

2009-04-19, 03:56 PM
He dives into the water, and a head pops out of the water. It's not his. a squeaky voice says:
*Erm* Don't go so soon, Mrs. Cessarin! We want to play with you!
Another pops out.
Yeah! The Private's right! Stay here!
They then go limp as he rises out of the water and shakes them off of his hands.
Renda would agree, but his head is cut into several pieces, over that way.
He points behind him. He then falls backward into the water.

2009-04-19, 04:01 PM
She backs up considerably faster.
I've given birth to scarier things than you...

2009-04-19, 04:07 PM
Which ones? The Echoes, or that simply adorable little girl I had the good fortune to meet? Oh, she was great. Good right hook, too. I only wish I had the pleasure of studying her internal organs as well. Came close, though.
He is now monkey barring across several pipes above her.
You seem to want to get out of here, you're always backing towards the exit... But... What exit?
The manhole isn't there. He managed to lead her into a hall, a large treatment plant on the other end.
I was able to trick you...
He says this in a "nya nya nya nya nya" way.

2009-04-19, 04:16 PM
She sighs.
Well, somebody took their clever-pills this morning, didn't they?
But I have just one thing to say to you, Mr. Mortician.
She drops the arm. A blob of one substance forms in one hand, and another forms in the other hand.
D'ya like chemistry?
She slams her hands together, then tosses the combined glob up in his direction, turning and running like hell for the treatment plant.
She gets about five steps away before the blob explodes. It gives off a horrendous gout of noxious, choking smoke, a blinding flash of light, and an earsplitting bang. It probably won't hurt him, but it'll sure as hell slow him down for a while.
She keeps running for the plant.

2009-04-19, 04:25 PM
Oh. Wow. That's extremely funny. That was the exact opposite thing I expected her to do.
So you're saying that Thryza gives the person trying to kill her an easy way to move/hide quickly, then runs toward a place where there is loud, clanky machinery that covers screams well, and also serves as an adequate way to dispose of bodies, mainly consisting of shoving them in said machinery? Pfft, Okay.

She'll find The Mortician sitting on a small table, several tables with restraints on them, also quite a bit of bloody hooks hanging from the ceiling, which consists of heavy machinery with a few bars running across.
That was quite easy. At least Renda could figure out that this place was my lair. But you... Fifteen years of survival? More like five minutes of getting lost at summer camp. My god...

2009-04-19, 04:27 PM
Wait, hold on a second.
He's not affected at all by the noxious, choking smoke.
Or by the earsplitting bang.
Or by the blinding flash of light?
Not at all?
1. What are you smoking?
2. Can I have some?

2009-04-19, 04:30 PM
1. Reality. He's not affected by the smoke because he lives in a mix of sh*t, piss, and machine smoke. He's not affected by the bang because he's half deaf anyway. LOUD. CLANKY. MACHINERY.

And the light?

You don't know. *creepy music*

2. And no, you can't. Because you're insane, And I smoke reality. It would be bad for you.

2009-04-19, 04:34 PM
1. Crap.
2. I have no f*cking idea what to do now.
3. That is, not without doing something fairly ridiculous and "meh"-inducing.
5. Where did #4 go?

2009-04-19, 04:37 PM
I'll let you pick a table to be chopped up on.
He waves to a few.

4. You never paid attention to me! I'm living with 6 and 7 now! They love me!
6. He's ours now.
7. Yes. Ours. MUAHAHAHA!!!!
8. You guys are weird.
9. Just ignore them, hon'.

2009-04-19, 04:40 PM
((Deadtime. I'll have to fight my way out with something stupid when I get back.))

2009-04-19, 04:42 PM
(( Right. At least you didn't screw up your villain. The Mortician is supposed to be a quiet monster, quietly stalking and killing someone, then dragging said someone into his lair and analyzing them. Now, He's just Andrew Wogal. F*CKED UP. :smallsigh: ))

2009-04-19, 05:00 PM
((Alrighty, had an idea... sort of.
Basically, somehow she gets her ass out of there mostly intact. However, one of her legs is injured, so she'd be in a wheelychair for a few days, and even after that she'd still [lol House] need a cane.
As to how she actually gets out... eh... something with acid and/or asplosions, something. Maybe making one of the machines explode. Hell, I dunno.))

2009-04-19, 05:01 PM
(( Well don't tell me. Show me! That's what RPing is! ))

2009-04-19, 05:09 PM
((Alright, just wanted to be sure you wouldn't go LULS NOE.))

She looks around at the tables, then heads for the closest one to one of the machines. Or something.
I think I like this one. Maybe.
She seems to sneeze into her cupped hands.
Agh. Sorry about that, sewer stink f*cks up my sinuses. But, eh. Can't fix everything, can we? She throws up her hands in a classic shruggy gesture.
A blob of something nasty flies up and into one of the machines. She dives under one of the other tables.
It should raise some seriously serious hell, likely bringing that machine down with a crash.

2009-04-19, 05:19 PM
The machine comes down on a different table. The Mortician snarls.
You whore.
He kicks the table sheltering her across the room, raising his claws.
I'll kill you. Just like I killed Renda.
He is about to strike when:
It's pronounced Redna.
A one armed Redna slams a sledgehammer into his chest.

(( I'm trying to live up to my own standards. Was that a good Durp one liner? ))

2009-04-19, 05:23 PM
((Yes. Very yes.))
Thryza leaps back onto another table and spews a spray of acid at Morty's eyes.

2009-04-19, 05:25 PM
Oh, he's already long dead. Having a sledgehammer crush your ribcage does that. Although you can still burn his eyes, it's not the same.
... We should probably go soon.
A machine lands on The Mortician.
More like now.

2009-04-19, 05:30 PM
Thryza sighs, and starts running.
Redna, I can't even tell you how glad I---
A piece of shrapnel buries itself in her leg. And comes out the other side. She falls, but gets up fast. Downing another blob of some chemical from her hand, she limps at hyper-House speed.
Going. Now.

2009-04-19, 05:34 PM
He looks at her leg, then tries to kick her legs out from under her, then catch her in his arms and start sprinting.
You run very slowly.
He sees a ladder, running up it without using his hands. He bursts through the manhole, onto the streets, as the plant explodes completely.

2009-04-19, 05:36 PM
Er... yeah, that happens. Street thread for street cred.