View Full Version : Poor Roy

2009-03-10, 07:24 PM
You have to wonder what he's thinking at this point.

1. Belkar's Kilonazis are going up
2. V is going psychopath

And he was the one who kept them both in line.

He's going to have one helluva mess to clean up.

2009-03-10, 07:46 PM
uhhhhh... Kilonazis? I think Belkar's the same just behaving more, "Reasonable"

Mr. Pin
2009-03-10, 07:52 PM
Yeah, sux to be Roy at this point. But the Belkster's behaving OK- his Kilonazis are going down, if anything. And I assume that he doesn't know about the party Wizard's current escapades, and what he doesn't know can't hurt him (we hope).

2009-03-11, 05:38 AM
Belkar is behaving okay? He's a bloodthirsty killer (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0606.html) who's pretending not to be one.

2009-03-11, 06:01 AM
It's a double-edged sword for Roy.

On one hand, Belkar is not going to mire the party in legal proceedings anymore.

On the other hand, he's going to actually do more evil, which Roy is trying to prevent.

2009-03-11, 10:54 AM
Roy's been gone so long, I don't know if Roy CAN put the order back together the way it was.

2009-03-11, 11:29 AM
If Roy is scrying everyone and sees himself as a golem and V as an epic evil dragon slayer running around in elven lands he's gonna be super super pissed off.

2009-03-12, 11:17 PM
If Roy is scrying everyone and sees himself as a golem and V as an epic evil dragon slayer running around in elven lands he's gonna be super super pissed off.

He already knows that his body was turned into a golem.

2009-03-13, 02:03 AM
Belkar is behaving okay? He's a bloodthirsty killer (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0606.html) who's pretending not to be one.

How does Roy know he's only pretending?

2009-03-13, 02:10 AM
Who's Roy?


R. Malcovitch
2009-03-13, 02:13 AM
Even though he's pretending to be sane he's still acting sane, recognizes that acting sane is a better avenue than his previous mindset in accomplishing his overall goals, thus cementing his sanity as time progresses, and is therefore from anyone's perspective sane.

And his kilonazis are going down, as he's no longer pointlessly murdering random NPCs.

2009-03-13, 05:11 AM
You have to wonder what he's thinking at this point.

1. Belkar's Kilonazis are going up
2. V is going psychopath

And he was the one who kept them both in line.

He's going to have one helluva mess to clean up.

Roy knows what Belkar is doing (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0613.html), though he doesn't know why.

With his girlfriend filling his spectral vision, I doubt he's checking on V. (Not to mention that he'd probably have to go all the way back to the cloud just to locate him.)

2009-03-13, 06:01 AM
LOL @ Spoomeister

And I'll bet Roy will also have to endure the constant nagging from Eugene.. He WILL have the time of his life..

"Try solving THAT by hitting it with your big metal stick!"

2009-03-14, 05:07 AM
I do miss Roy...

2009-03-14, 09:04 AM
I do miss Roy...

Me too. :-(


2009-03-14, 09:30 AM
"Try solving THAT by hitting it with your big metal stick!"
Actually, hitting V's pathetic hit points with a metal stick is a much better tactic than engaging him in a magic duel. He doesn't seem to employ defensive spells, but his saving throws would be pretty high.

2009-03-14, 11:26 AM
Actually, hitting V's pathetic hit points with a metal stick is a much better tactic than engaging him in a magic duel. He doesn't seem to employ defensive spells, but his saving throws would be pretty high.

why assume its only his saves, and not his Hp who have been improved?

2009-03-14, 01:37 PM
His body is more or less the same, V didn't become 4 mages in one, he merely serves as a vehicle (and the driving wheel) for the three extra souls. No reason to assume that he suddenly got extra hit points because of that.

2009-03-20, 02:58 AM
Considering V's current draconic form, I'd say his... her...

I'd say V's hit points have gone up a lot.

Still, I don't think it will come down to a fight between them, or that Roy would consider it. (He never killed Belkar, did he?)

2009-03-20, 10:24 AM
1. Belkar's Kilonazis are going up
2. V is going psychopath

And now _V_'s kilonazis went up!