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View Full Version : [4E] Charcter Background: Identical Twins

Izmir Stinger
2009-03-10, 07:49 PM
I don't know the official rules for backgrounds in PHB2, but examples are presented in a few Dragon Magazine articles, so I think I know what is intended. EDIT: Twin Multiclass Feats Added PEACH

Background: Identical Twins

Twin births are somewhat common among Humans and Halflings, among whom approximately 1 in 35 pregnancies result in two or more births. This number would likely be higher, but the tragedy of twins is that a woman pregnant with more than one baby is more likely to miscarry, have stillborn children and/or die in childbirth. Twin births are less common among other races, and extremely rare among the Eladrin and their sister races, the Elves and the Drow. Dragonborn twins are called nest-mates, and are unique from the twins of other races in that they do not necessarily have the same birthday; their eggs were laid at the same time, but might hatch weeks apart. Even some pairs of Warforged have claimed to be twin siblings, though it is not entirely clear what they mean by this as Warforged are not born. Twins can be of opposite gender (in fact, this is the most common combination for twins), look as different as any other pair of siblings and can have very dissimilar personalities. They tend to be closer than other siblings, and will share many childhood experiences, but are otherwise not particularly exceptional.

Identical twins, on the other hand, are much more rare and much more special. Different races and cultures have different explanations for why some twins are identical copies of each other. Some say that identical twins are a "blessing" of Sehanine - often saying it with irony, as identical twins are often much more difficult to raise than normal children. Others think that identical twins share a soul that was split into two bodies because the pregnant mother came into contact with some stray magical phenomenon or (in more superstitions communities) some sort of demonic influence. Some sages that have studied the internal workings of the body theorize that a single baby in the earliest stages of growing in the mother's womb can, for some unknown reason, split into two babies (or "embryos," as they call babies in this stage of growth) without killing it. This causes two people with an identical set of "inherited traits" to grow into infants and be born. Most appearance and personality traits are in fact inherited from your ancestry, they claim, though odd combination of traits can cause some people to be more dissimilar from from their relatives than others. Normal twins, they say, start as two separate "embryos" and are otherwise no different than normal brothers and sisters.

Whatever the cause, identical twins of all races have some unique shared characteristics. They don't just look alike, they think alike - sometimes to a degree rivaling telepathy - allowing unparalleled efficiency at teamwork. As children, many develop a language that only they can understand. This happens with many normal twins, too, but most forget this language as they grow up. The secret language of identical twins is more expressive and sophisticated, and some can continue to use it into adulthood. There are also a large number of pranks, cons, and socially advantageous activities that can only be accomplished by being in two places at once - an ability that is the sole purview of magic and identical twins - and twins don't set off any magic detecting wards.

Playing Identical Twins

If you choose "Identical Twins" as your background, you have an identical twin. Your twin is another player in the party, who must also take this as her background. This player's character must be the same race and gender as your character. Your characters must have the same height and physical description (with variations for hair style, body art/jewelry, and birthmarks allowed) and should generally weigh about the same +/- approximately 10%. Any other personality traits such as quirks and habits should be very similar. If your campaign setting has regional languages/dialects or other characteristics based on where you come from or the circumstances of your birth, you must also have these traits in common. EDIT: Dragonborn twins have the same damage type for their breath weapon. Gensai twins manifest the same element. Ability scores used for racial attack powers may differ, as this is a characteristic of practice or training rather than genetics.

For your background benefit, choose one of the following (you must both choose the same one):

Osmotic Learning: Both you and your twin select your starting trained skills based on the normal rules for your race and respective classes. Once you have both made these selections, you may choose to be trained in one skill that your twin is trained in, and she may choose to be trained in one skill that you are trained in. You may not retrain the skill you learned from your twin, nor can she retrain the skill you learned from her (and vice versa).

Shared ability: You and your twin gain a +2 to all skill checks with a single skill that both of you started with training in.

Secret Language: You and your twin can communicate in a secret language that no one else can understand. It is not possible for another person to learn this language, no matter how much time they spend listening to you use it. It is not possible to teach this language and you wouldn't want to anyway; this is something special you share with your sibling. Magical translation of the language will be imprecise (similar to software translation) as twins don't have to express every idea or nuance fully; they will instinctively understand things that they have not explicitly communicated. This language technically has no written form, though phonetic spelling of the words in this language can be used to communicate simple messages. This language is very efficient; an idea can be communicated with this language in one half as many words and one quarter as much time as it would take to communicate the same idea in common.

Izmir Stinger
2009-03-10, 11:29 PM

Feats for Identical Twins

Feats that are marked as [Twin] require that you have the identical twin background. Many of these feats require that your twin take the same feat to gain the benefit, or as a prerequisite to take the feat. If the feat requires that your twin have the same feat, you must both take it at the same level, and you can only retrain it if you both agree to do so and are both eligible. If your level is out of sync with your twin and you wish to take a feat that you must both take simultaneously, you can delay the benefits of leveling up until your twin has caught up to you. You gain no XP at all while delaying. Delaying automatically ends when your twin becomes the same level as you.

When you take a Twin Multiclass power Swap Feat, your twin must agree to which power you learn. She cannot retrain the power you have learned from her unless you agree to swap it for another power at the same time. When the two of you retrain in this manner, your new power can be the one that your twin just picked up by retraining. You may delay leveling in order to retrain simultaneously in this manner. You may Paragon Multiclass as your twin if you have taken all the Twin Multiclass Feats. The new powers you gain from paragon multiclassing must be powers that your twin knows (with the same restrictions as power swap feats regarding agreement and retraining).

Two Bodies, One Mind [Twin][Multiclass]
Prerequisites: Twin also takes this feat

Benefits: You gain training in one skill that is on either your class skill list or that of your twin. Both twins must train in the same skill.

You may use any implement your twin is proficient with for any power you learn from Twin Multiclassing.

If your twin takes damage, your character is aware that your twin is in danger, regardless of line of sight or geographical separation. If you are asleep when your twin takes damage, you immediately awaken (unless the sleep was compelled by a power or ability).

You may use "Shared Strength" as an encounter power:

Shared Strength - Feat Power
Your twin is in trouble, she will need your strength...
Encounter ✦ Healing
Minor Action
Target: Your twin
Effect: Spend a healing Surge. Instead of gaining HP, the target gains a healing surge and may spend it immediately as a free action.
Special: Your twin must be bloodied for you to use this ability. This power is not limited by range - your twin can be anywhere on the same plane. If you use this power, your twin may not use it in the same encounter.

Devoted Emulation [Twin] [Multiclass Encounter]
Prerequisites: 4th level, Two Bodies, One Mind

Benefit: You can swap one encounter attack power you know for an encounter power that your twin knows, of the same level or lower.

Two is Better Than One [Twin] [Multiclass Utility]
Prerequisites: 8th level, Two Bodies, One Mind

Benefit: You can swap one utility power you know for one utility power that your twin knows, of the same level or lower.

Sibling Synergy [Twin] [Multiclass Daily]
Prerequisites: 10th level, Two Bodies, One Mind

Benefit: You can swap one daily power you know for one daily power that your twin knows, of the same level or lower.

Anything You Can Do... [Twin]
Prerequisites: 16th level, at least one Twin Multiclass Power Swap Feat

Benefit: When you use a power granted by a Twin Multiclass Power Swap Feat or Paragon Multiclassing you use your twin's ability scores and relevant feats to modify attack and damage rolls and any other effect of the power affected by ability scores or feats, instead of using your own. You must use the proficiency and enhancement bonuses of the weapon/implement you are wielding, though.

... I Can Do Better [Twin]
Prerequisites: 20th level, Anything You Can Do...

Benefit: When you use a power granted by a Twin Multiclass Power Swap Feat or Paragon Multiclassing, you may use your twin's ability scores and relevant feats to modify attack and damage rolls and any other effect of the power affected by ability scores or feats, rather than your own. If you have relevant feat bonuses that your twin lacks, you may use those in addition to hers (you must still respect bonus stacking rules). You may also use your own ability score modifiers, if they are higher. You must still use the proficiency and enhancement bonuses of the weapon/implement you are wielding, though.

I Can Do Anything Better Than You! [Twin]*
Prerequisites: 24th level, ...I Can Do Better

Benefit: When you use a power granted by a Twin Multiclass Power Swap Feat or Paragon Multiclassing you gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls.

*This one may be overkill

We'll Get Through This Together [Twin]
Prerequisites: Two Bodies, One Mind, Twin also takes this feat, Con 13
Benefit: When your twin uses her second wind, you gain bonuses to your defenses as if you had just used your second wind.

Just Like Me [Twin]
Prerequisites: Two Bodies, One Mind, Int 13

Benefit: If your twin meets a prerequisite for a feat, you are considered to meet that prerequisite, unless that prerequisite is another feat.

We Can Do It [Twin]
Prerequisites: Two Bodies, One Mind, Twin also takes this feat, Wis 13

Benefit: The bonus provided by successfully using the "Aid Another" action to aid your twin increases to +3 to her skill/ability check, attack roll or defenses.

No, You Go First [Twin]
Prerequisites: Two Bodies, One Mind, Twin also takes this feat, Dex 13

Benefit: You gain a +2 Feat Bonus to Initiative

When you and your twin roll initiative, you may average your die rolls (round down) and add one. If you do this add your initiative modifier to this new result and use that as your initiative.

2009-03-10, 11:39 PM
Background: Identical Twins

Identical twins, on the other hand, are much more rare and much more special. Different races and cultures have different explanations for why some twins are identical copies of each other. Some say that identical twins are a "blessing" of Sehanine - often saying it with irony, as identical twins are often much more difficult to raise than normal children. Others think that identical twins share a soul that was split into two bodies because the pregnant mother came into contact with some stray magical phenomenon or (in more superstitions communities) some sort of demonic influence. Some sages that have studied the internal workings of the body theorize that a single baby in the earliest stages of growing in the mother's womb can, for some unknown reason, split into two babies (or "embryos," as they call babies in this stage of growth) without killing it. This causes two people with an identical set of "inherited traits" to grow into infants and be born. Most appearance and personality traits are in fact inherited from your ancestry, they claim, though odd combination of traits can cause some people to be more dissimilar from from their relatives than others. Normal twins, they say, start as two separate "embryos" and are otherwise no different than normal brothers and sisters.

Whatever the cause, identical twins of all races have some unique shared characteristics. They don't just look alike, they think alike - sometimes to a degree rivaling telepathy - allowing unparalleled efficiency at teamwork. As children, many develop a language that only they can understand. This happens with many normal twins, too, but most forget this language as they grow up. The secret language of identical twins is more expressive and sophisticated, and some can continue to use it into adulthood. There are also a large number of pranks, cons, and socially advantageous activities that can only be accomplished by being in two places at once - an ability that is the sole purview of magic and identical twins - and twins don't set off any magic detecting wards.

Playing Identical Twins

If you choose "Identical Twins" as your background, you have an identical twin. Your twin is another player in the party, who must also take this as her background. This player's character must be the same race and gender as your character. Your characters must have the same height and physical description (with variations for hair style, body art/jewelry, and birthmarks allowed) and should generally weigh about the same +/- approximately 10%. Any other personality traits such as quirks and habits should be very similar. If your campaign setting has regional languages/dialects or other characteristics based on where you come from or the circumstances of your birth, you must also have these traits in common. For your background benefit, choose one of the following (you must both choose the same one):

Osmotic Learning: Both you and your twin select your starting trained skills based on the normal rules for your race and respective classes. Once you have both made these selections, you may choose to be trained in one skill that your twin is trained in, and she may choose to be trained in one skill that you are trained in. You may not retrain the skill you learned from your twin, nor can she retrain the skill you learned from her (and vice versa).

Shared ability: You and your twin gain a +2 to all skill checks with a single skill that both of you started with training in.

Secret Language: You and your twin can communicate in a secret language that no one else can understand. It is not possible for another person to learn this language, no matter how much time they spend listening to you use it. It is not possible to teach this language and you wouldn't want to anyway; this is something special you share with your sibling. Magical translation of the language will be imprecise (similar to software translation) as twins don't have to express every idea or nuance fully; they will instinctively understand things that they have not explicitly communicated. This language technically has no written form, though phonetic spelling of the words in this language can be used to communicate simple messages. This language is very efficient; an idea can be communicated with this language in one half as many words and one quarter as much time as it would take to communicate the same idea in common.

Sooo... Kinda' like Dvati from 3.5?

2009-03-10, 11:47 PM
I'm gonna be honest, I opened this thinking it was gonna be, well, stupid, but I was REALLY surprised. I like the idea and think the execution is well-done. The feats work too (though you could make a couple of them Feat bonuses so they don't stack with everything), and I'd be interested in playing a character with a twin like this.

A couple of suggestions, though. First, why not open it up to non-identical twins? Raistlin and Caramon from Dragonlance are the most famous examples, and they weren't identical twins.

Second, I'd wait until Player's Handbook II comes out to finalize anything just in case, but I think you're pretty close to right.

Third, I'd make some mention of dwarven twins. In the FR setting at least, there were a bunch of Dwarven twins born after some blessing by Moradin in the Year of Thunder, and they're called Thunder Twins. There was a 3.x feat for it, too, but I don't know what it does off-hand.

Izmir Stinger
2009-03-11, 12:35 AM
Sooo... Kinda' like Dvati from 3.5?

I have no idea. Is it?

I'm gonna be honest, I opened this thinking it was gonna be, well, stupid, but I was REALLY surprised. I like the idea and think the execution is well-done. The feats work too (though you could make a couple of them Feat bonuses so they don't stack with everything), and I'd be interested in playing a character with a twin like this.


A couple of suggestions, though. First, why not open it up to non-identical twins? Raistlin and Caramon from Dragonlance are the most famous examples, and they weren't identical twins.

I suppose it doesn't really matter, I just wanted them to be rarer than that. Did you know that 1 out of every 52 people in the world (including me) has a twin? This number is much higher in the US and other industrialized nations due to the availability of fertility drugs and artificial insemination, both of which dramatically increase the incidence of multiple births.

Second, I'd wait until Player's Handbook II comes out to finalize anything just in case, but I think you're pretty close to right.

Of course.

Third, I'd make some mention of dwarven twins. In the FR setting at least, there were a bunch of Dwarven twins born after some blessing by Moradin in the Year of Thunder, and they're called Thunder Twins.

I don't really want to tie it to any particular lore, just leave it at: there are twins, you can play one, identical twins are special, here are some special options for that. An additional twin feat for Dwarves indicating being this sort of twin might be cool, but then I'd feel like I had to make one for every race, and I'm not up for that ATM.

2009-03-11, 02:06 AM
Not certain of the balance of these, but the concept sounds so fun that I'd be willing to push for a play test at some point with my various gaming groups. :smallamused:

Izmir Stinger
2009-03-11, 09:43 AM
Not certain of the balance of these, but the concept sounds so fun that I'd be willing to push for a play test at some point with my various gaming groups. :smallamused:

As far as balance, I'm mostly worried about what sorts of nonsense bardic twins could get into. Normally taking the Twin Multiclass Feat would preclude you from taking any others and the range of what powers you could dabble in would be limited in scope, but with Bard's Multiclass versatility, a pair of twins with a Bard or Bards could get into all sorts of nonsense. There are too many possibilities to consider for me to appreciate all the implications.

If you do try this out, please let me know how it works. I'm also going to write a short primer on playing twins and DMing special twin situations.

Archpaladin Zousha
2009-03-11, 10:05 AM
I'm gonna be honest, I opened this thinking it was gonna be, well, stupid, but I was REALLY surprised. I like the idea and think the execution is well-done. The feats work too (though you could make a couple of them Feat bonuses so they don't stack with everything), and I'd be interested in playing a character with a twin like this.

A couple of suggestions, though. First, why not open it up to non-identical twins? Raistlin and Caramon from Dragonlance are the most famous examples, and they weren't identical twins.

Second, I'd wait until Player's Handbook II comes out to finalize anything just in case, but I think you're pretty close to right.

Third, I'd make some mention of dwarven twins. In the FR setting at least, there were a bunch of Dwarven twins born after some blessing by Moradin in the Year of Thunder, and they're called Thunder Twins. There was a 3.x feat for it, too, but I don't know what it does off-hand.
Strictly speaking, I think that allowing fraternal twins to take this kind of defeats the purpose of having requirements. Fraternal twins are born at the same time, but are genetically different. They can even be of different genders. Raistlin and Cameron WERE identical twins. The fact that Caramon was stronger and healthier than Raistlin can be attributed to a number of factors, and the only reason they don't look alike now is because of the changes that occured in Raistlin following his Test.

Izmir Stinger
2009-03-11, 11:09 AM
Strictly speaking, I think that allowing fraternal twins to take this kind of defeats the purpose of having requirements. Fraternal twins are born at the same time, but are genetically different. They can even be of different genders.

I agree, and just thought I'd mention that slightly more than half of all fraternal twin births are opposite gender pairs; it is the most common kind of twin pairing - and also the kind of twin I am.