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2009-03-11, 07:54 PM
"Welcome" says a man, grinning widely as you enter his meeting chamber. The man, Azourafael, looks like a handsome human male in his mid-twenties, but his golden eyes and silvery hair betray his lineage. One might wonder what he is doing in a place like the Devil's Knot if it wasn't for his black armor adorned with blasphemous symbols dedicated to some dark god.

He motions you to have a seat. "Wine, my friends?" A young beautiful slave girl trots over with a silver tray. She places a goblet in front of each of you and leaves. "From your home town, my drow friend" he says, winking at Kelatar. "But without the usual spices they love to add."

Azourafael gives a lewd smile as he glances over to Alia. He quickly regards the bugbear and the goblin underboss with a nod and speaks to Corrin: "I have a ... job ... that might interest you. But first, tell me how you are these days." He glances over to the others in the room. "And please introduce yourselves. I need to know what you can do so I know where your expertise comes in."


Azourafael is the leader of one of the many criminal houses in the Devil's Knot. You don't know exactly what he specializes in, but you can make a Gather Information check later if you want to know more about the man.

Please note: The three subforums Alpha, Beta and Gamma have been merged and thus it may be difficult to find the thread later. Therefore, it may be a good idea to bookmark the thread or subscribe to it (or both).

2009-03-11, 08:44 PM

Kanar glances about warily as he sits down. He smiles at the wine and the girl. His hand stops in mid-reach as the man mentions the 'spices'. He glances at the man and the others with him before taking the glass and leaning back in his chair; he doesn't drink from it until he sees someone else do so.

At the questions he shrugs. "Kanar does good. Kanar fights. Wins many fights in arena. Gets strong." He grins as a hand absently pats the morningstar hanging at his belt.

2009-03-11, 09:58 PM


Corrin's burning eyes glower as he nods imperiously at Azourafael, his heavy mace resting easily across his shoulders. "I am the Overlord Vega," he proclaims in a resounding baritone. "Many know me as a great leader and warlord, and I come to assemble a legion of followers to my side." A gesture of his gauntleted hand encompasses Grovel and the rest of the party. "Those you see here are but the first of many."

2009-03-11, 10:11 PM

Kanar glances at the goblins and smirks before looking over at the human. He glances interestingly at the man's mace before looking back at their soon-to-be employer.

2009-03-12, 03:30 AM
Kelatar Aleath

The Dark Elf stands up next pulling back the hood of his piwafi and gives a subtle and small bow to those present. "I am Kelatar Aleath. It will be a pleasure doing business with you." He smiles showing his white teeth, a stark contrast to his blueish-blackish skin.

2009-03-12, 03:59 PM

Since coming to the Devil's Knot, Alia's found it better to alter her favourite disguise --that of a young, black-haired human-- so that an unholy mark is shown to have been burned onto half her face. She's somewhat disappointed that it hasn't discouraged the small flirting of the man across from them. Her small entourage of dogs lie obediently around her feet, cowering in the presence of the evil they sense.

She pets the wiry grey fur of her hunting dog as she samples the wine before answering.

"A shame about the... spices," she mutters, smiling. "I'm Alia Clearkirk. Alaigazat, to certain creatures."

2009-03-12, 07:02 PM
"Yes... the wine is excellent" the man says with a smile. "But that's not why you are here."

"Miles above us, in the region known as the Gateway, there is a dwarven mining colony that is - according to the intelligence I've gathered - very profitable but lightly guarded. With the pesky dwarves controlling the region, it is also impossible to expand my business to the upper parts of the Underdark."

"It has been decades since any of the goblin or orc tribes in the surrounding areas have dared to attack them, and the once vigilant dwarves have grown complacent. However, considering that there's a dwarven fortress in the region and over five hundred dwarves live there, it would indeed be foolish to launch a head-on attack. But that's not what I had in mind."

"The mining colony is located on one side of a chasm while the fortress lies on the side. The only way to get across is a bridge that the dwarves control. If we can seize the bridge and prevent the dwarves from crossing, we can cut off the bulk of their troops and easily secure the mining colony and the mines."

"After we've done that, I'll leave the mining colony for you to guard while I'll take care of the mines. Strengthen the position and establish a headquarters there; I'll have more tasks for you... and there's more glory and loot to be had."

"Have a look at the maps and ask me any questions you may have regarding the mission."


Have a look at the maps in my signature. A few notes on the maps:

The corridor marked as (1) on the Rail track map leads to corridor (1) on the Mining colony map. Likewise, (10) on the Rail track map is connected to (12) on the Mining colony map. Finally, the corridor to the east of (7) on the Mining colony map leads to room (1) on the Bridge map.

2009-03-12, 07:43 PM
Vega is silent as his glowing eyes scan over the parchment. One gauntleted finger quietly traces a corridor on the easternmost part of the map (random map #3, the corridor underneath the map title). He glances over at their employer. "Is this the entrance? These tunnels are extensive. I assume you know approximately how many dwarves are guarding this mine, since you have such detailed intelligence about its structure. I see bunks here for about 7 dwarves in total, 14 if stacked atop one another. A moderate force, but easily conquered in these tight corridors..." he muses aloud.

The imposing man nods resolutely, reluctantly recalling some of his father's business/economic lectures to apply to the situation. "So be it, then. As our employer, you will no doubt wish a cut of the spoils we take. However, we will only complete this for you on the condition that any spoils garnered are our own to keep, unless there is a particular item that you seek. It is a reasonable offer, since as a businessman you of course realize that the profits you will gain from your new trade route will more than compensate for any expense in hiring us. We can be paid after the completion of our task, and furthermore, if we fail in our task, you will have lost nothing and can easily make another attempt because many such groups are for hire down here beneath the earth."

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2009-03-12, 07:59 PM

The bugbear's eyes gleam as he studies the maps. After the human asks his questions, he speaks up. "We get all this after we kill the durfs? Sounds good to me. When do we start?" He glances at the others to gauge their reactions.

2009-03-12, 08:05 PM

Alia studies the maps as she sips from her glass of wine. She listens to Vega spout tactics and analyses of the maps.

"We mustn't solely count on soldiers, Sir Vega," Alia interjects. "There is, of course, the prospect of traps, spells, guard animals...

"And Surely it would be wisest, Sir Vega, to hear what Sir Azourafael plans are to deal with the most unpleasant threat that is this dwarven fortress," she comments. "Should we manage to conquer this mine, our insurgency would not stay secret for long. Chasm or no chasm, they would soon find a way to cross this little obstacle and execute us. I'm sure Kanar, Kelatar or your goblin minions would not approve of having their heads on a dwarf's pike so shortly after victory."

She takes another sip from her glass and turns her gaze to their prospective employer.

"Would we, Sir Azourafael, have your word that we would have support should it come to such messiness?"

Diplomacy: 1d20+6

2009-03-12, 08:12 PM

Roll wouldn't work. Try again.
Diplomacy Roll (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5881392&postcount=1327)

2009-03-14, 03:15 PM

The Dark Elf ran his fingers over the map as if he was divining the location, his keen Drow mind working over the possibilities. "The Bridge should be collapsed to prevent the Dwarves from being able to cross over. My engineer can devise a way to send it crashing down"

He continues "If the intelligence is correct and there are only 14 Dwarves we may easilly be able to kill half the force while they are in their beds sleeping. It should be a simple matter for us Drow to slip in and slice their throats."

2009-03-14, 06:21 PM
Azourafael answers your questions:

"Is this the entrance? These tunnels are extensive. I assume you know approximately how many dwarves are guarding this mine, since you have such detailed intelligence about its structure."

"The fortress is on that side of the chasm, so don't go there. The only reasonably safe way to reach the mining colony is through their sewer system. You'll enter the area here (pointing at corridor (12) on the Rail track map)."

"However, we will only complete this for you on the condition that any spoils garnered are our own to keep, unless there is a particular item that you seek."

"Yes, your terms are acceptable. You may keep any spoils garnered."

"We get all this after we kill the durfs? Sounds good to me. When do we start?"

"Yes, the area you can see in the maps will be yours. We'll start... soon..."

"Should we manage to conquer this mine, our insurgency would not stay secret for long. Chasm or no chasm, they would soon find a way to cross this little obstacle and execute us. Would we, Sir Azourafael, have your word that we would have support should it come to such messiness?"

I'll ensure that you have enough resources to keep the dwarves at bay. Meanwhile, I'll form alliances with the enemies of the dwarves. I'm also sure that many houses in the Devil's Knot are interested in the business opportunities that arise when the dwarves no longer control the west side of the Gateway.

"The Bridge should be collapsed to prevent the Dwarves from being able to cross over. My engineer can devise a way to send it crashing down"

"Good thinking, Kelatar. Preventing the dwarves from being able to cross over is the primary objective of the mission. But getting there unnoticed is the real challenge, but I believe you are our stealth expert," Azourafael says and bows slightly. "It is of utmost importance that the dwarves do not realize what is going on before the bridge is destroyed or closed, or they'll raise an alarm and the mining colony will be swarming with dwarves in a matter of minutes."

"After you've done that, kill or capture any remaining dwarves in the mining colony and prevent any counterattacks."

"If the intelligence is correct and there are only 14 Dwarves we may easilly be able to kill half the force while they are in their beds sleeping. It should be a simple matter for us Drow to slip in and slice their throats."

"The guards and miners work in shifts so there'll be approximately the same number of dwarves around at all times."

2009-03-14, 06:50 PM

"We will be coming up this way," his finger glides from 12 into 7 "the guard here," he points to 4 "will need to be disposed of quickly before he can sound an alarm. We should strike shortly after the shift change to limit the possibility of the death being discovered as the other Dwarves will be going deeper into the mine or preparing for bed or a meal." Tracing the route to the bridge he continues "It is then a quick matter of a near straight run to the bridge. Pausing only momentarily to eliminate a guard here" his finger jabs at number 7. "The destruction of the bridge can serve as the signal for the main assault to begin and we can press the Dwarves from both sides."

2009-03-15, 05:01 AM

She squints at the map of the bridge as she listens to the drow make plans for the invasion.

"This bridge," she says, gesturing to it with her glass. "It seems to be a drawbridge, divided in two halves. We should consider whether it should be raised during our attack rather than destroyed. They could provide a barrier that way, rather than leaving an exposed space. At least the bridge in the western half would.

"There do seem to be a number of guards stationed there," she considers. "Kelatar, do you think you and your men would be able to execute them with a minimum of fuss? Although I do wonder how strong they are, and if a mere sleep-based spell and either a cut throat or being dropped into the chasm would be enough."

"This is likely a silly question, Sir Azourafael, but are we to assume that both the mining colony and dwarf fortress are inside a mountain? If so, how far would it be from open air?"

2009-03-15, 12:30 PM

OOC: Are we coming in from the top of the bridge map or the bottom? I thought it was the top.

IC: Rubbing his chin, the Elf ponders the situation for a moment. "If you can provide us with a sleep spell we can easilly make use of it, if not, I or one of my soldiers can cover the passage in a globe of darkness. I also believe it would be best to crash the bridge, it may take too long to operate the drawbridge if we are engaged in a battle."

2009-03-15, 01:17 PM

I think we're coming from the top. 7 in the Mining Colony map leads to 1 in the bridge map)


Knowldge (local) - does my character know dwarves have darkvision?

2009-03-15, 02:55 PM
"The mines are in the southwest. The dwarves use mine carts to transport the ore. The ore is unloaded from the mine carts at 7 on the Rail track map and they carry it through areas 4 and 1, then 1, 5 and 7 on the Mining colony map. They cross the bridge and take the ore to the fortress for processing. Therefore, you're likely to encounter guards and miners on your way to the bridge if you take the route Kelatar suggested. It is the quickest and shortest way to get there, but you'll have to be either invisible or very well disguised."

"Striking shortly after the shift change is a good idea. Whether you choose to destroy or raise the bridge is up to you. My alchemist can help you if you need something to destroy the bridge with. But Alia has a point there; if it is possible to raise the bridge, it would provide a barrier against arrows and bolts, and attempts to cross the chasm. Either way, the rest of you should be ready for the main assault when the bridge is raised or destroyed. Timing is of the essence."

"I expect there to be at least six dwarves guarding the western half of the bridge, maybe as many as a dozen. Most of the dwarves stationed in the mining colony are young and shouldn't pose a serious threat if encountered alone, but can be dangerous in numbers."

"And yes Alia, the Gateway, including the mines, mining colony and fortress, is inside a mountain. You've got about two miles of rock above your heads when you're there. The dwarves have another entrance to the fortress in the eastern side of the mountain, but I have no maps of that area. I'm intrigued - why did you ask?"


Yes, you're coming from the top.

And Yes, Alia knows dwarves have darkvision. Speaking of darkvision, Vega is the only character in the party without darkvision, and that's another thing you should think about when planning the mission. The dwarves do use candles, torches and lanterns sometimes because darkvision is black and white, but they tend to avoid them because air doesn't circulate so efficiently underground as it does aboveground.

2009-03-15, 04:14 PM

"It has been some time since I've been in the outside world," Alia answers Azourafael. "I quite like sunlight and nighttime, and open air."

She looks at the maps again and at the drow. "If I may be so bold as to offer a strategy, perhaps the best idea would be for me, Kelatar and his men to go first. We are, after all, the smallest and likely quietest of this team. Stealth and magical backup are essential to the mission. In fact, finding a more capable spellcaster to provide us with stealth spells may be worthwhile. We disable alarms, suppress the guards both to the east and west of the bridge, raise it and send back a messenger to you, Sirs Vega and Kanar. Then you could commence dealing with the rest of the dwarves."

She smiles and scratches the ears of her hunting dog. "It'll be a bloodbath."

Do I know of the spell Greater Invisibility?
Knowledge (arcana): [roll0]
Spellcraft: [roll1]

2009-03-16, 11:58 AM
Vega nods slowly, planting the head of his mace on the ground and leaning on the shaft as he listens to the group's plans. Goblins are useful creatures, but not known for their subtlety, he muses. Perhaps these people will be more useful to my long-term campaign than I had realized...

The imposing Overlord nods again to himself and remains silent, paying rapt attention as the others scheme and plot.

2009-03-16, 05:04 PM

Kanar grins at mention of a 'bloodbath'. "Kanar can get help ta kill durfs when it dat easy. Me and dem will finish 'em off after da black ones do their job."

2009-03-17, 09:26 AM
"Good, very good" Azourafael says with a smile. "Kelatar, Alia and the drow mercenaries take care of the bridge, and Vega and Kanar lead the main assault. Do you have everything you need for the mission? Let me know when you are ready."


Key issues to consider:

A) How do you get to the bridge undetected? Will you use disguises, spells or stealth?
B) Are you going to destroy the bridge or raise it?
C) How do Vega and Kanar know when to attack?
Do you need any special equipment, potions, etc. to accomplish A, B and C?

Alia knows that some very old and experienced witches can cast the Greater Invisibility spell.

Spellcasters are much weaker in this campaign than normally, due to the houserules regarding character creation. NPC spellcasters are subject to the same limitations as PCs (i.e. they must take 6 NPC levels/racial HD/LA before they can take levels in PC classes). It would take a 13th level NPC to cast a 4th level spell.

1st and 2nd level potions and scrolls are readily available in the Devil's Knot.

2009-03-18, 08:47 PM

After the meeting with Azourafael, Kanar heads towards The Black Eye, a favorite tavern of his and a favorite of the goblinoid races. There, he finds two associates, fellow bugbears he's fought beside in the arena before. After much drinking, cajoling, and threatening he convinces them to join him and his new 'friends' on their mission to kill the dwarves. They are promised their pay once they're on the road; no point having them take the money and run.

2009-03-18, 09:01 PM

"I believe we have everything that we need. Though, would it be possible for you to provide us with some sort of explosive or perhaps Alchemist fire in case it proves necessary to destroy the bridge?"

2009-03-19, 04:09 AM

"My last question would be how much of the mines themselves we'd own after the attack," Alia asks, setting down her empty wine glass. "Other than that, I suggest we spend the rest of the day gathering equipment and men, and meet tomorrow to begin traveling to the dwarves. Where would everyone like to meet?"

2009-03-19, 06:53 AM
Overlord Vega

Vega nods authoritatively. "We will have the mines before the next sunrise," he booms. He inclines his head to Azourafael, then turns to Kelatar, Kanar and Alia, declaring, "We will meet at the gates* in an hour to discuss our final plans."

Swirling his blood-red cape, Vega strides from the tent, his armor clanking as Grovel scurries in his wake. Immediately outside, the Overlord seizes Grovel by the arm and lifts him up to stare into his glowing eyes. "Time to make good on what you promised me, Goblin," he intones. "Assemble my horde. The tunnels are small, and I do not wish my servants dying needlessly from overcrowding, so return with no more than a half dozen."

He casts a dubious eye over Grovel's dirty rags. "Do so with speed, and I will see to it that you are outfitted more appropriately as befits my closest servant."

Grovel gives him a sharp-toothed grin. "Oh, thank you my Lord! I shall return swiftly!"

Vega sets him down, and the Goblin speeds off into the crowd, disappearing down a dark alley that led to the Goblin warrens of the city. The Overlord sighs to himself, hikes his mace onto his shoulder, and steps into the marketplace crowd as well...

*or wherever the best meeting point in Devil's Knot that's closest to our departure point.

This post is mainly to give IC space/time where Vega assembles his little Goblin dudes and outfits them. I'll continue after one or two other people post their stuff.

2009-03-20, 04:49 AM
"Excellent. My alchemists have a solution to the bridge problem if raising it is not possible. The... bomb is still largely experimental, so be careful with it" Azourafael says with a grin.

"I'll give you a portion of the monthly income coming from the mines. Initially, your payment will be 1000 gp per month."


A keg of alchemist's fire: Explodes upon impact (range increment 5'; 10' radius, 10d6 fire damage + 10d6 on the following round; 15 lb.). You can prepare the keg with a fuse so you don't have to throw it. Igniting the fuse is a move action.

Let me know when you're ready for action. :smallbiggrin:

2009-03-20, 12:24 PM

She glares at Vega's retreating form. Warlords..., she groans to herself. Always so brusque.

"Very well," Alia says, nodding at Azourafael. "I'm hoping that the bomb will not be necessary for our mission. Still, we will take at least one as a precaution. Could you please have one of your servants deliver it to the gate where we're meeting?

She fingers the charts on the table, pensive. "In addition, may I have a copy of the maps? They would be most helpful in coming up with additional strategies."

"Kelatar, I would like for you to walk with me a moment. I want to know we should do for this mission."

2009-03-20, 01:21 PM

Kelatar bows at the waist offering the proper courtesy to Azourafael "Thank you sir. The mines shall be in your hands by tomorrow."

Turning to the fiendish creature he addresses Alia "Yes? What is it that you need?"

2009-03-20, 05:35 PM

Alia does a small curtsy as she leaves with Kelatar. "Sir Azourafael."

She whistles for her dogs. They trot after her with their heads low and tails down, glad to be out of the foreboding room and away from the golden-eyed man.

She bids the drow to follow her as she begins to walk towards the magical distric of the Devil's Knot. "I'd like to know if you have any ideas on how to move about the fortress unseen, Kelatar. I have a bit more experience relating to escaping rather than entering. I'd also like to know if either you or your men would be able to disable any alarms."

2009-03-21, 03:33 AM
Overlord Vega

A short time later, Vega felt a tug at his cloak in the crowd. He turned around, glaring, to find Grovel bowing before him, with six mangy Goblins behind him, staring up at Vega in awe. "Here they are, sire! Just as you asked!" Grovel bowed again.


Vega stared down at the gaggle of Goblins. Slowly, he brought his massive mace down from his shoulder and let it WHAM into the dirt. One of the Goblins flinched. "I am your new Overlord," Vega intoned, his glowing eyes staring down at them. "Serve me well, my Minions, and you will find riches and spoils beyond anything you had imagined as we march on dwarves and elves alike. Fail me, and be cast aside from our glorious conquering destiny."

He reached into his backpack and withdrew six cloth-wrapped bundles, laying them on the ground. "Swear an oath unto me, your Overlord, and claim your just reward."

While some of his nobler words went over the Goblins' heads, the basics of the arrangement did not: Join and fight for riches, or stay behind in Devil's Knot forever. They scrambled forward, seizing their new equipment, and cheered. "For da Overlord! Praise da Masta!"

Vega turned to Grovel. "You too will be rewarded for your service. Here. Those rags no longer suit you." He reached into his pack and presented Grovel with another bundle. The chieftain's eyes shone. "Yes, Milord!"

Vega picked up his mace again. "And one more thing..." He reached onto his back and unloaded a portable ram, laying it on the ground in front of the Goblins. "Carry that, my Minions, and follow me to victory!"

As they finished strapping on their newfound gear, the Goblins cheered and hoisted up the ram gladly. With a newfound spring in his step, the Overlord and his 7 Goblin Minions strode towards the gates of Devil's Knot to rendezvous with the rest of the party.


((Ta-dah, Goblins! Stat-block for them is provided in the OOC topic. I should now have 6 Goblins, each equipped with a Masterwork Longsword, Studded Leather Armor, a Heavy Wooden Shield, a Shortbow, and 20 arrows. They're also sharing the load of a Portable Ram. Grovel is equipped with Studded Leather Armor and a Morningstar.

2009-03-21, 11:42 AM

A short time later Kanar strolls up to the gate, two bugbears following along behind. Kanar nods brusquely to Vega, then glances at the goblins with a sneer. "Me no know why you take wit gobbos. We much better. Right boys?" He glances over his shoulder at the two bugbears, who both grin and chuckle. Looking back at Vega, Kanar shrugs. "Dey do make good fodder dou."

2009-03-21, 11:55 AM
Overlord Vega

"Fodder is all I need them for," Vega retorts. "They're simply there to distract the dwarves while the rest of you turn them into fine red goo, which is why I chose you to come along. Do not fail me."

2009-03-21, 12:15 PM

Kanar frowns darkly at Vega as he stands up to his full height. "You boss gobbos around, not me humie! Me an' me boys no take orders from you!"

2009-03-21, 12:30 PM

Pulling the hood of his Piwawfi over his head the Drow considered the question posed to him by Alia. "I will be able to neutralize any traps or alarms we come across." Keeping pace with silent footsteps he continues "It is simply a matter of applying escape to entry" he answers almost cryptically "We must pack light, move quickly and stick to the shadows. It is a Dwarven mine there should be few outside sources of illumination as the Dwarves need none. They can see in the dark, but no where as well as a Drow can. Just stay within our group and not wander off and you shall be fine."

2009-03-21, 12:53 PM

She smiles at Kelatar, eased by his professionalism. "But Kelatar, sticking to shadows will do us no good against these dwarves if they are able to see in the dark. Nor will darkness spells, as their sudden blindness will alert them to intruders."

She worries her lip. Her teeth appear normal and square, but their true form is revealed by the small wound one opens. "Perhaps a potion of invisibility? They cost more than a copper piece, but I may be able to procure one or two. Ranged attacks may be wise, ideally with poisoned weapons."

2009-03-21, 01:08 PM
Overlord Vega

"Oh, really?" Vega sounds almost amused. "I disagree. Not only WILL you take orders from me, but you already ARE, since you're on this mission in the first place. Bugbears are so tiresomely militaristic, but you have your uses." The humor evaporates from his voice, and his glowing eyes drill coldly at Kanar. "And just like any military, insubordination will be dealt with harshly. Do I make myself clear?"

Intimidate check: [roll0]

2009-03-21, 01:28 PM

"The Dwarves will most likely stick to their assigned routes and we should be able to blend into the shadows. There appears to be a lack of guards and they appear to be keeping routes open to unused tunnels, a foolish mistake that shows their complacency and belief in their safety. We would not make the same mistake back..." Kelatar strugged with a word to use instead of home, he had hated the city of his birth since as early as he could remember but yet he could not find a different word "...home." Quickly he regains pace "If you can secure us with atleast 4 potions, preferably 5 of invisibility it will be most beneficial. It will be for myself, you, my Liuetenant and one or two of my warriors. The others will stay behind to command the Orcs. Additionally, I will see if I can obtain any sleeping potion."

2009-03-21, 02:04 PM

Kanar frowns, then waves his hand in a dismissive gesture. "Alrigh'. If it make you feel good, we go along wit wat you say..." He turns to the other bugbears and begins bragging about how many dwarves he's going to kill in the upcoming attack.

Wow. Yeah I'd say Kanar is intimidated...for now. :smallwink:

2009-03-21, 03:34 PM
An unusually well-dressed orc is waiting for you at the gates. "Here is the explosive, sir" the orc says as he hands a backpack over to Kelatar. "Boss said 'don't drop it'. Maybe better let one of your slaves carry it" he says and flashes a toothy smile. He says "good luck" - in the language of the drow elves (though with a clumsy accent) - and leaves.


As per the rules, Intimidate (and Diplomacy) only affect NPCs. However, this time I say screw the rules. You roleplayed it so well that I'll award Vega and Kanar with 200 xp. In this campaign I'll give story and RP based xp quite liberally so you'll level up a bit faster.

2009-03-21, 04:35 PM

"Very well, Kelatar," Alia says. "I hope these dwarves are as lax in disciple and ability as you say they are. I'll meet you at the gates within the hour."

She halts as she begins to draw away into the crowd, but comes back close to Kelatar and adds, "See what you can find out about our employer. I'll do the same."

With that, she parts from the drow.

She keeps her dogs close to her, tugging on their thick leather leads as they enter the crowd. The occasional snapping from the animals at people who draw to close earn Alia some dirty looks and the occasional insult. She keeps her face firm and determined, ignoring them, as she asks the occasional person about the dark armored Azourafael.

She dips into the stores of the Devil's Knot that have bottles displayed in the windows. Bottles of strange shapes and containing frothing potions. Inside, she asks the clerk about invisibility potions and poisons they have that may render her enemies unconscious.


For Azourafael
Gather Infomation: [roll0]

To make prices for the potions/poisons/whatever they may offer lower. I'm using my Evil Brand bonus, since I'm assuming most people in the Devil's Knot are evil. If they aren't, subtract 2.
Diplomacy: [roll1]

2009-03-21, 04:36 PM
Actually, there's another +2 on my Diplomacy roll since I've got synergy from my Bluff skill. So that's 27 on my Diplomacy. Hot dang.

2009-03-21, 06:01 PM

Rerturning to the tavern where his band of followers is staying Kelatar begins planning for the upcoming mission. Kelatar hands over the explosives to one of the Drow warriors who will be tasked with bringing the explosives into the mines. He is told to treat it with the utmost care.

He instructs his alchemist to obtain the ingredients necessary to fabricate a vial of Drow sleep potion for his crossbow bolts. Finally, he orders his engineer to look over the availible plans for the bridge to discern just what would be the best way to destroy the bridge using the means availible, both with the explosives and without(in case of an accident.)

Departing the tavern while his men work, Kelatar wanders the streets and meeting posts of Devil's Knot trying to find information about Azourafael


gather info: [roll0]

2009-03-24, 09:31 AM
The shopkeeper tells Alia that invisibility potions cost 300 gp and knockout poison costs 75 gp per dose. However, after a short conversation Alia convinces the shopkeeper to give her a 10% discount on any potions and poisons.

Most of the information Alia and Kelatar gather about Azourafael is things you already know, but you learn something new about him as well. Note however that some of the "facts" presented below may actually be just rumors.

He's an aasimar.
He's actually a blackguard who worships Nerull.
He's the leader of House Zarael (a minor house). The house is said to have a very extensive and effective spy network, but little else is known about their dealings in the city.

The poisonmaker Kelatar has hired responds to Kelatar's request to obtain poison ingredients: "Sir, unfortunately we do not have enough time to fabricate sleep poison before the mission. Once the mining colony ours, we can set up a production lab." He bows respectfully.

The engineer says "Using the explosives Azourafael supplied should be the most reliable way of destroying the bridge. Severing the chains that are used for raising and lowering the bridge might work, too. But we do not know how well it is supported from below."


Let's get the mission started, shall we? :smallsmile: Have a look at the map in the OOC thread. I'll add it to my sig too.

Could you please tell me either in character or OOC how many mercs/followers you are taking with you on the mission? Perhaps Vega, being the leader of the group, could take a head count of all the people meeting at the gates. And it would be good to make sure that everyone knows what to do and when.

2009-03-24, 12:30 PM

Kelatar arrives at the gates of the city with his Death Squad. It is made up of himself, his 5 Drow Warriors, the mercenary leader and the 10 Orcs. Arraying the warriors in two groups of the leader and 2 warriors and then the remaining Drow and the Orcs.

Surveying his men he checks them to make sure that their weapons and armor are in order and that they are ready to the mission before them. He more closely scrutizines the valuable Drow warriors than he does the Orcs, who are easilly replaceable.

Addressing the Infiltration group he informs them of their mission. "Our main goal is to get to the bridge without being detected and with a minimum amount of hostile interaction with the Dwarven host. We will either raise the bridge if possible, if not we will use the explosives currently in our possession to destroy the bridge. Once the bridge is destroyed we will hold our ground against what ever weak attack the Dwarves can muster and wait for the main assault to crush the remaining ones." The Drow snap a salute and Kelatar moves to the next group.

"Your main objective is to wait until you you hear the sounds of the explosives being detonated or of the bridge being raised. They shall both be quite loud and distinctive. By then the battle shall be engaged and you will storm the outpost and put to death any Dwarf you find. You are each worth 4 Dwarves and by yourself should have no problem with the host present, but as you can see we have dozens of allies assisting us. If you embarrass me, you will die." The last sentence was largely directed at the Orcs and they knew it, as the combined host of Orcs and Drow saluted their leader Kelatar switched to the secret Drow sign language to give his Drow warriors additional instructions.

"Do not engage in combat unless necessary. We are allied with many lesser species, let them die first. Keep the Orcs at the forefront and avoid engagements yourself. If any Orc attempts to retreat you are to kill it. Stay back and oversee the battle unless it is vital for our victory for you to engage." His hand quickly flashes the intricate patterns of the language giving his Drow warriors their secret mission orders.

2009-03-24, 03:04 PM
Overlord Vega

Under his dark helmet, Vega's face twists into a grimace as he sees Kelatar's raiding party march up. What is he doing, bringing this many in with us? Vega wonders. They'll just get in each other's way down in the tunnels.

With a sigh, he turns to his Goblins. "Well, my Minions, it looks like we've got some help from the Orcs..."

The Goblins erupt into a cacophony of derision and hissing. "Booo! Big dumb orcies! Stinky orcses!"

Vega raises his gauntlet for quiet. "...and the Drow."

That shuts them up. Grovel looks up at Vega. "What will we do, My Lord?"

Vega shrugs. "We work with them. Let them go in first to get shot by the dwarves. We can come in behind them to do some clean-up."

The Goblins all nod excitedly, the cowardly creatures all too happy to let someone else get shot first. After conferring with his Minions, Vega whirls around and stares over the assembled party. He squints and nods to himself as he mentally tallies up their forces. Himself, 6 Goblins, Grovel, Kelatar, 5 Drow, 10 Orcs, Alia, Kanar, and 2 Bugbears. That's.... Vega does some quick math. About 28 bodies strong. Not bad for the start of my horde.

Climbing up on a nearby crate, Vega raises his voice to address the crowd. "Warriors! You all know why we have assembled here. We will seize the mines and wipe the Dwarf scum from this earth! Our gracious benefactor has provided us with an explosive of considerable power. Our stealth specialists will infiltrate and place it at a critically important bridge. When it detonates, that will be the signal. The Bugbears, being our strongest warriors, will lead the charge, followed by the Orcs, and then the Goblins. Spread out, and let not a single Dwarf stand in our way!"

"Now, let us face our destinies and claim what is rightfully ours! TO THE MINES!!"

Should I make a speech-making check or something? CHA? Diplomacy? Bluff? Or just let it stand on its own?

2009-03-24, 05:28 PM

The 2 bugbears grin savagely as Vega announces them as the strongest. They begin bragging amongst themselves how many dwarves they'll kill and begin playfully shoving each other.

Kanar, on the other hand, frowns slightly. He glances at the forces gathered, then at Vega. Muttering under his breath he turns to the other 2 and holds a whispering conversation with them. "Don't be stupid. He tryin' ta get us killed first. We be smart, stick together. Just like in da arena." The other two glance at Vega, then nod knowingly to Kanar.

2009-03-24, 05:53 PM

Alia purchases two potions of invisibility, five vials of knockout poison and, as a precaution, one potion of cure light wounds. She puts these in the sack tied to her pack dog, a large and worn out black animal, and takes her leave, thanking the shopkeeper as she does so.

She hurries to the gate where the others are waiting, stopping only to purchase some food for her animals and herself. The dogs follow her with more enthusiasm now that they realize they can look forward to food.

She reaches the meeting point as Vega begins to lead the party to the mines. She is momentarily shocked at the sheer number of orcs, goblins and drow gathered at the gates. Alia had expected a small, elite team of skirmishers and marksmen rather than a horde.

She runs with as much dignity as she can to the front of the group where Vega and Kelatar are.

"I have gathered some supplies," she informs them, winded from her sprint. "I have been able to obtain two invisibility potions and five vials of a poison that will render the target unconscious."

She looks behind her at the horde. "I sincerely hope that everybody has been careful in picking their hirelings. It would be most detrimental to our objective should there be any lack of discipline."


Does my Gather Information I did on everyone work? Do I get a rumor or something that's been circulating about everyone?

Also I think my purchases come to 923gp and 5sp.

2009-03-24, 08:27 PM

"Hmm...I was hoping we could get more potions. But, if that is all we will manage. If worse comes to worse we shall perform the infiltration ourselves."

Turning he looks over his troops "Only the first group" he points to the small squad made up of only Drow "will be infiltrating the mines. The remaining Drow and the Orcs will stay back and serve to clean up the stragglers once the bridge is dealt with. I hope to suffer no losses and fear not for their loyalty. They know better to betray myself and the will of the Masked Lord."

2009-03-25, 10:46 AM
Using maps that Azourafael gave you, you find your way to the lowest level of the dwarven sewer system. You enter the sewers and negotiate the narrow, filthy tunnels of the labyrinthine sewer network. Thankfully, Azourafael's spies have already disabled the deadly traps that the dwarves had built decades ago to prevent entry from vermin and other unwanted visitors.

After a long walk, one of the drow elves who's been scouting ahead tells you that you're about to enter the portion of the sewers that's directly below the mining colony. Kelatar reminds everyone to keep their voices down and orders one of the stronger warriors to climb up a vertical drain pipe through which you're to enter the mining colony. Once he's made the climb, he secures a rope so that everyone can climb up easily.


You're now in the large room in the southwestern part of the battle map.

Alia & Kelatar:

Describe in detail how you are going to proceed towards the bridge. Who goes first, how do you move (tight or loose formation), who has the potions and when you're going to drink them, and so on.

Kanar & Vega:

Describe your actions before you hear an explosion or other signal to attack.

2009-03-25, 12:37 PM


What's the duration of the Invisibility potions?

Also, I wrote down the spells on my list before the game started. Can I re-prepare them to something more appropriate?

2009-03-25, 12:43 PM

Kelatar carefully takes the explosives from one of his soldiers, securing it gently but firmly in his pack. No accidents. Next he takes one of the vials of knockout potion, and carefully dips one of the tiny crossbow bolts into the liquid. He does this two more times before securely loading one of the laced bolts to his crossbow.

Since there are only 2 potions of invisibilty availible he reorganizes the infiltration squad to just include the mercenary leader and one warrior. The others will join the main assault squad. Whispering he informs the rest of the plan "I will take point, my two soldiers will stay with you Alia as we advance into the mines. We shall stick close to the walls and move slowly, checking every open passage we come across for guards before preceding. We should encounter only two stationary guards which shall be dispatched with the knockout poison. We will then advance to the bridge, which atleast theoritically on our side should be unguarded. Taking the potions of invisibility myself and Alia will either raise the bridge unnoticed or we shall destroy it and blanket the area in darkness to prevent retaliation. If we can not proceed as a whole group because of an increased guard presence. Myself and Alia will proceed ahead invisible and my warriors will return to the rally point."

2009-03-25, 01:19 PM

"What of the guards on the eastern side of the bridge?" Alia asks. She stubbornly keeps the invisibility potions away from Kelatar. "They will surely question why the bridge is being raised and alert the fortress. There is the possibility that they will simply ignore this, presuming that is merely other members of the mines, but it may still be best to disable the alarm. In fact, it may be best to disable all alarms we find, that way no lone dwarf can sneak to them and activate them."

2009-03-25, 02:00 PM

"By the time we begin raising the bridge it should be too late for them to respond and cross. But, I agree we should disable the alarms we do come across."

2009-03-25, 02:23 PM
Overlord Vega

Vega nods. "Do your work, Drow. We warriors know our part, and will attack we hear the signal."

2009-03-25, 03:21 PM

Red eyes narrowed and focused on Vega. The mocking tone coming from a human no less offended his Drow superiority. "Oh. Do not worry, we shall complete our mission. Just make sure you are there to kill the miners, it should not be too difficult as they will already be terrified by the strenght of Drow arms."

2009-03-25, 04:48 PM
While Kelatar and Alia are discussing the task at hand, Nabil, one of the drow mercenaries presses his ear against the north door, listening. After a while, he signals using the drow sign language "The corridor is clear."

2009-03-25, 05:47 PM

Nodding to Nabil he turns back to the group. "We must go now, the corridor is clear. This is our oppurtunity."

Nabil and the Mercenary leader take up positions on either side of the door as Kelatar approaches checking it for traps and or alarms.

Search roll: [roll0]

2009-03-25, 06:30 PM

Before following Kelatar, Alia leaves her dogs in the care of the drow that are leaving behind. As she hands the four leashes to an affronted dark elf warrior, she explains that they are trained to attack on command and that the big grey one can sniff out anything asked of it.

"Kelatar," she whispers as she follows after the drow leader. "The effects potions I have only last three minutes. We should scout the area before us so that we only use the potions should we come across a heavily guarded area."

She pauses to think a moment. Though she's heard good things about the drow people's ability to infiltrate, Alia decides she would rather do something herself than have her safety compromised by someone she hadn't personally selected.

"I could be an adequate scout; I am sufficiently quiet and I have some shapeshifting ability in me. Though I cannot turn myself into a dwarf, I can shorten myself and alter my clothing. The disguise would not fool a dwarf up close, but the trick should work at a distance. If your men check for traps along this corridor, I should be able to travel into open areas with relative safety and return with more details on how many are on guard."

2009-03-25, 06:43 PM

Kelatar nods agreeing to the idea. "That is fine. We will take you to the end of the corridor and then wait for your return."

He flashes the new orders to the two accompanying warriors in the Drow sign language

2009-03-26, 02:30 AM
The drow warrior is clearly not amused. "How am I supposed to keep them quiet?" he says angrily under his breath, but looks to Kelatar and regains his composure.

Kelatar and the two drow quickly search the corridor. No traps or alarms are found in any of the doors. However, the door in the east wall of the corridor appears to be locked.

2009-03-26, 04:42 AM

Using her hat of disguise, Alia alters herself to look as much as a dwarf as possible. As she slinks to the end of the corridor, she shrinks and widens herself as much as she can, alters her body to appear as masculine as possible, and changes her clothing so it appears to be a set of dwarven armor.

She peeks out the side of the corridor, looking for how many dwarves are in the rail track area of the mining colony.

Rolls & OOC

Move Silently: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]
Search: [roll2]
Spot: [roll3]

Also, I'm leaving my dogs with one of the drow staying behind. Stupid typos.

Have also changed my spells.

2009-03-26, 07:48 AM
Alia sees three dwarves (see the map). Two of them are guards (standard MM equipment) and one is a miner who seems to be unarmed. The miner is lifting sacks filled with ore out of the cart. They're talking in Dwarven.

The dwarves are too distracted to notice Alia now, but remember to also roll Hide when sneaking around.

2009-03-26, 11:44 AM

Alia returns to the drow, changing back into her human shape. She tells Kelatar of the miner and guards in the upcoming chamber. She returns to her dogs to unpack the rest of the knockout poisons, ignoring the small scowl from the drow in custody of the animals.

She hands the remaining poisons to Kelatar and whispers, "I have a sleep spell prepared that would be able to knock them out, so we could either hide them or kill them as they sleep. I did not see any sort of alarm system set up in that area."

She glances over at the drow examining the door in the corridor. "Have they managed to unlock that door yet? A more secluded passageway would be best way to get to the bridge."

2009-03-26, 11:46 AM


Hide: [roll0]
Move Silently: [roll1]

2009-03-26, 11:50 AM

Kneeling down and hiding in the corridor, Kelatar signals back to his warriors not to tamper with the door before his eyes are drawn back to the path ahead. His keen Drow eyes still tracking the progress of Alia.

2009-03-26, 12:00 PM

"We will try the door." Kelatar removes a set of lockpicks from a pouch on his belt and begins. His quick hands slide the picks into place and with subtle movements begin the task of finding the sweet spot of the lock.


open lock: [roll0]

2009-03-26, 02:03 PM
Kelatar fails to open the lock, but he thinks he can open it if given enough time.

2009-03-26, 02:23 PM

Mumbling a curse in Dark Elvish, he removes the lock picks rubs his hands together and starts all over again taking his time to carefully open the lock.

OOC: Going to take a 20 on this. For a combined 30

2009-03-26, 04:26 PM
*click* The lock opens.

If Kelatar opens the door:

This 10'x20' room appears to be a storage room. A thick layer of dust covers the floor; it is likely that the room hasn't been in use for a while.

2009-03-26, 05:07 PM

Slowly and carefully, Kelatar opens the door peaking in to make sure they are unnoticed. He motions for his soldiers to follow him into the seemingly abandoned room checking for traps and alarms

search: [roll0]

2009-03-28, 07:38 PM
Kelatar and the two drow warriors quickly search the room. They find no traps or alarms, or anything of value. The tunnel to the east seems similarly unused, no footprints there.

2009-03-29, 06:40 AM

The room Kelatar is in now would seem to be a relatively safe place to move some of the main assault force in, if you want to be able to attack the mining colony from two directions.

2009-03-29, 07:42 AM

Alia tilts her head and listen for the sounds of the dwarves' footsteps and armor to determine the distance of dwarves further down the caves. She also hums into the abandoned room, testing it for echoes.


Listen: [roll0]

2009-03-29, 08:14 AM
Apart from the dwarves chatting and making noise with the ore sacks at the rail track, Alia cannot hear anything that would indicate that the are more dwarves nearby. The storage room echoes a little when Alia hums.

2009-03-29, 12:36 PM

Alia draws close to Kelatar and whispers. "Shall I explore these corridors? I can float over the ground to leave few footprints and avoid setting off any traps?"

She already begins to adopt her dwarven form, ready to explore the abandoned tunnel. To serve as an identifier, she adds a dull red scarf about her mouth and neck to the disguise.

2009-03-29, 01:46 PM

"We will wait here for you." agrees the Drow as he and the rest of his group hunkers down in the unused room.

2009-03-29, 03:43 PM

Alia begins to fly a short distance off the ground down the tunnel. Though currently appearing as the ends of her red scarf, her wings flap softly and kick up some of the dust as she travels down the corridor.

She peeks over the corridor leading to room 12 of the Mining Colony map as she lands on the ground, continuing the rest of the way on foot. The whole way she checks the ground for footprints of other dwarves and listens for further activity.

He brow his furrowed in concentration as she tries to remember the details of the map. There's some kind of prison or jail nearby, she remembers. Perhaps I should check for any goblins or drow that could be useful.

She stops short of the end of the corridor to room 12 inspecting the path and the opening to the room before her for footprints, noises, dwarves or any other intruders.


Hide: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]
Move Silently: [roll2]
Search: [roll3]
Spot: [roll4]

2009-03-31, 10:57 AM
The corridor is quiet and empty, but the room (12) shows signs of recent use. It's another storage room, with crates stacked against the walls. Only a light layer of dust covers the floor and some human or dwarf sized footprints can be seen.

Alia can hear some noises coming from outside the room but the walls and the door muffle the sounds and make it hard to tell what is making the noises or which direction they're coming from. But one thing she is certain about: someone is singing somewhere to the east of the room.

2009-03-31, 12:10 PM

Alia flies back to Kelatar.

"There is nothing up ahead," she whispers. "There's a storage room that has been used recently, but no one in that room at the moment. There are people singing beyond the door to the east of the chamber; possibly drunk guards, merry dwarves or captives in the prison going mad.

"I have not checked the door, for fear of other traps. We have been very lucky." She pauses, thinking about the location of the latest room to the final bridge. "We can probably start enacting the first phase of the attack soon. I shall scout the final area. If all is well, I can dispose of some of the guards with a sleep spell while you and another drow take an invisibility potion and raise the bridge."


Move Silently: [roll0]

2009-03-31, 12:35 PM

"Then let us go." He holds out his hand for the potions as he instructs the Drow with him, his Sergeant Felwin will go with him as the other two Drow return to the main room to tell the assaulting force to get ready.

2009-03-31, 01:53 PM

Alia follows Kelatar up to the door of room 12, frowning at the sound of singing. She waits patiently for the drow to check and unlock the door so she may pass.

2009-03-31, 02:31 PM

Following Alia, Kelatar approaches the door and goes to work on quietly and quickly opening the lock.


2009-03-31, 05:30 PM
*click* This lock seems to be of a simpler design than the previous one, and Kelatar opens it with practiced ease. The singing continues... Kelatar finds the voice quite distasteful... not beautiful like elven voices.

2009-03-31, 05:39 PM

A slight grimace spreads across the Drow's face as he listens to the harsh music. Ugh, so much like Orcish or Goblin. Shaking the thought from his mind he goes about checking the doorway and the room for traps.


2009-03-31, 06:01 PM
No traps or alarms found.

2009-04-02, 07:06 PM

The Drow turns to Alia and says "You may proceed"

2009-04-03, 03:36 AM

Alia nods at Kelatar and walks through the newly unlocked door. She edges closer to the steps leading up to the dwarves' small prison. As she does so, she tilts her head, listening to the raucous singing of the small men and trying to determine how many of them there are.

Alia presses her back against to the wall south of the steps up to the prison and peeks around, looking for any guards that may be looking after the prisoners.


Hide: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]
Move Silently: [roll2]
Search: [roll3]
Spot: [roll4]

2009-04-03, 05:59 AM
As Alia opens the door, she can hear the singing better. "Hvooooooooor eeeeeeer duuuuu, dvergejenteeeee miiiiiin...." Alia does not recognize the language, but the singer's voice is harsh and painful to listen to. She follows the voice to the prison and peeks around.

A hairy, filthy dwarf is manacled to the floor by his ankles. His chest and feet are bare, and the pants he's wearing are dirty and tattered. He's in a hunched sitting position, swaying back and forth and singing, if you can call it singing. The miserable state he's in, he looks more like an animal than a dwarf.

He lifts his eyes to meet Alia's gaze. Still rocking, he sings in Dwarven: "Hveeeem eeeer duuuu? Nydeliiiig skjerf!"


Alia failed her Hide check.

EDIT: She sees no guards in the prison or the corridor to the north of the prison, but she can hear someone talking in either area 5 or 7. Probably a dwarf.

2009-04-03, 08:59 AM

She stares at the filthy, bedraggled dwarf, unable to understand what it's singing. If they're indeed words. She even wonders if this is a dwarf like the others in the colony, gone mad, or some kind of primitive sub-dwarf.

Her lips curls in disgust behind her scarf, but, ignoring the prisoner, walks further up the steps to the next part of the mining colony. Only a few more areas to scout and she can have the drow raise the bridge and mark the beginning of the attack.

As she reaches the top of the steps out of the prison, she heads east into room 7, hoping to not meet up with whoever is talking. She looks down the wide corridor into the bridge area (room 1 of the bridge map), preparing herself to go down and scan the final area.


Hide: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]
Move Silently: [roll2]
Search: [roll3]
Spot: [roll4]

2009-04-03, 04:26 PM
The prisoner continues singing. Alia moves stealthily down the corridor and she spots two guards in front of the pool. Alia disappears behind the corner just before one of the guards turns to face the corridor and shouts something in Dwarven. Though Alia cannot understand what he's saying, she can tell it wasn't anything nice.

She looks down the wide corridor and notices two more guards (see map).


I rolled Sense Motive for Alia.

2009-04-03, 06:12 PM

Alia grits her teeth as she hears the dwarves call out behind her. She stands still, frozen by indecision in the corner as she looks down the corridor to the bridge. She can just make out one of the levers near the guards.

So close, she groans to herself, acutely aware of the dwarves behind her that may or may not have recognized her.

She decides that it would be best to return to the drow and gather the small force they have and raise the bridge. By this point the man that Kelatar sent should have relayed the message to the group hiding in the sewers' opening. Two invisible drow should be able to raise the bridge while the rest held off the dwarves, should the poisoned arrows and her sleep spells be ineffective.

As she turns back down the corridor, she shoots a look over her shoulder to the two guards standing next to the pool of water. Catching their eye, she hurries down the corridor to the prison, listening to see if any of them follow her.


Rolling Disguise and Bluff in addition to the regular rolls.

Bluff: [roll0]
Disguise: [roll1]
Hide: [roll2]
Listen: [roll3]
Move Silently: [roll4]
Search: [roll5]
Spot: [roll6]

2009-04-03, 09:52 PM

As the two Drow enter the room, Vega nods slowly. "The signal will come soon," he relays the message to the rest of the party. "Stand ready, and remember the plan."

2009-04-04, 09:24 AM

Kanar smiles as he draws his weapon. He looks over at the other two bugbears before turning to face the door expectantly.

2009-04-04, 11:53 AM
Alia hurries to the corridor and the guards notice her. She realizes that the guard was shouting at the prisoner, perhaps asking him to shut up. Whatever the guard said to the mad dwarf, it didn't seem to work; he is still singing.

Upon noticing Alia, the guard goes silent for a moment, then starts shouting again.

"Hva.... hej! Du! Gruven er ikke der!"

Alia hears footsteps behind her. One of the guards is following her.

2009-04-04, 03:19 PM

She smiles to herself as she hears the footsteps of the dwarf hurrying after her. She turns down the corridor, goes through the prison (ignoring the still singing dwarf) and into the room with the round well in it. Every now and then she turns back, making sure that the guard is still following her.

The disguised half-fiend hurries ahead and reaches the door where Kelatar and the rest of the door are hiding and opens it a small crack to the dwarf doesn't see them.

"There has been a small hiccup," she whispers quickly to her dark elf companion. "A guard is following me; no alarms have been sounded. Prepare to shoot him with a poisoned arrow. It will be a guard less to be worried about."

She stands aside, keeping the door a crack open to Kelatar may have a good shot at the dwarf when he enters the room.


Has my disguise been broken to the gurads?

Hide: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]
Move Silently: [roll2]
Search: [roll3]
Spot: [roll4]

2009-04-04, 04:15 PM

The Dark Elf drops to a prone position to improve his aim and to hide his shape. The hood of his piwafwi pulled over his head concealing his form. His hand crossbow with its poisoned bolt at the the ready to put a dwarf to sleep.


2009-04-04, 05:38 PM
Felwin also loads his crossbow and prepares to shoot if the dwarf survives Kelatar's attack.

Combat begins...

You (Kelatar, Alia and Felwin the drow sergeant) get a surprise round. You may act in any order but remember that you can only take one standard (or move) action. During your action, please also roll for Initiative.

2009-04-04, 05:58 PM

Taking careful aim at the Dwarf, Kelatar pulls the trigger on the bolt and with a slight clicking noise sends a poisoned bolt towards the Dwarf.

Rolls and OOC:

Init: [roll0]

OOC: The Mercenary leader's name is Felwin. The other one still around is Nabil.

OOC2: I forget if there is a bonus to ranged attacks for being prone. If there is just add it on to the final.

2009-04-05, 04:09 AM

Alia readies her crossbow, prepared to aid in the attack should the poison not make the dwarf drop to the ground.

Readying an action (shooting) to take place if the poison doesn't take effect.

Initiative: [roll0]
Attack (if necessary):[roll1]

2009-04-05, 07:58 AM
Kelatar's bolt hits an unarmored spot on the dwarf's neck, and the dwarf gives a quiet whimper of pain. He seems to shrug off the effects of the poison, however, and he's still standing.

Alia's bolt is unable to penetrate the dwarf's armor, while Felwin's bolt hits the wooden door.

Surprise round ends - round 1 begins.

Initiative order:

Note: Please roll for damage when attacking.

2009-04-05, 12:05 PM

Muttering a curse in Undercommon, Kelatar reloads the crossbow with another one of the poisoned bolts and fires again at the Dwarf.


Roll for last rounds damage: [roll0]
Attack: [roll1]

2009-04-05, 12:36 PM
Kelatar's second bolt hits the dwarf in the shoulder and pierces the armor. The dwarf grimaces in pain and looks as though he's going to scream or shout, but suddenly he goes limp and falls to the ground.

Combat ends.

2009-04-05, 01:02 PM

Springing to his feet he reloads his crossbow and rushes over to check the body of the Dwarf for anything useful. "We must move quickly now. Alia, is the path clear?"

2009-04-05, 01:31 PM

"There are three more guards up ahead," Alia says urgently. "At least two at the gate and another that was this dwarf's companion. The singing comes from a dwarf in the prison; he appears to be quite insane and we should ignore him for now."

Alia leans over the corpse of the dwarf, examining him. Shutting her eyes in concentration, she alters her form yet again to appear more like like the deceased guard. Smiling at her more believable disguise, she lifts the dwarf's axe off his body and weighs it in her hands. She also takes any insignias, symbols or bits of clothing that identify him as a guard.

"I shall attempt to distract them in the guise of this dwarf and draw them away from the bridge. That way you and your remaining drow can raise it whilst invisible."

"Is there a way to contact the group as quickly as possible? This room would be a good ambush point to take care of those three guards."

2009-04-05, 02:03 PM

To check if the dwarf is still alive.

Listen: [roll0]
Search: [roll1]
Spot: [roll2]

2009-04-05, 02:10 PM

Kelatar shakes his head. "There is not enough time for someone to rush back. Do not worry though. Nabil knows this was our last location he will tell the others. Lead on, we will follow"

Kelatar signs to Felwin "Drink the invisibility potion once Alia starts moving and then grab onto my cloak and I will drink my potion."

2009-04-05, 02:57 PM

"Hm, very well," Alia says as she removes the dwarf's helmet. She stands, draws her crossbow and shoots a bolt right into the dwarfs exposed head.

"A precaution," she explains, and drags the body through the door into the room, trying to avoid the blood from dripping too much. She turns to the drow. "Try to clean the blood off the floor or cover it in dust. I'm going to sink him in the pool just next to the storage room you were hiding in."

She does so, pushing the dwarf's heavy body into the pool of water in the cavern. She returns to the drow and holds the stolen axe firmly. "Ready?"


Alia performs a coup de grace on the dwarf (or shoots a corpse).

Damage: [roll0] (x2 for critical damage)

2009-04-05, 03:03 PM
Felwin nods. He readies his rapier and holds the potion in his left hand, ready to drink it once Alia starts moving.

Alia notices that the dwarf is still breathing, but he's unconscious. EDIT: Was breathing. :smallbiggrin:

The singing continues.

2009-04-05, 04:20 PM

The Drow does his best to hide the blood as much as possible as Alia deals with the Dwarf.

"Yes. Ready when you are."

2009-04-06, 05:25 AM

Alia nods. "Good. Drink your potions now so the prisoner won't hear you. If the dwarves see through my disguise, just keep going to the bridge; I'll take care of them."

She marches down the corridor, trying to match a dwarf's slower, clumsier gait as she does so. She ignores the prisoner again as she goes out of the corridor into the open area.

She walks into the wide corridor leading down to the bridge, trying to give the drow ample time to maneuver around.

"Ha!" she calls out to the two guards standing at the bridge, trying to make her voice low and gruff. Once she has their attention she waves them over to her. She does the same to the dwarf by the pool of water, the companion of the dwarf she'd killed.

She waves the dwarves over and points down the corridor she came out of. She quickly ducks into it to prevent them from getting too good a look at her.


Bluff: [roll0]
Disguise: [roll1]
Listen: [roll2]
Spot: [roll3]

2009-04-06, 07:26 AM
Kelatar and Felwin drink the potions and quietly follow Alia. Felwin currently has the bomb in his backpack.

Alia calls out the dwarves standing at the bridge. One of them looks at her, looking slightly confused and responds.

"Oerjan? Hva er det?"

As Alia moves back to the corridor, the dwarves look at each other, shrug, and exchange a few words, after which one of them hustles down the wide corridor, following her.

"Oerjan! Vent på meg!"

Meanwhile, the drow have stealthily made their way to the prison, and they are descending the stairs as they see Alia ducking into the corridor. Alia, of course cannot see them.

2009-04-06, 12:04 PM

The two Dark Elves make their way silently and invisible to the eye towards the bridge. Hugging the wall they make sure not to impede Alia's or any Dwarfs progress and to make no noise in their approach.

Move silently: [roll0]

2009-04-07, 01:03 AM
Kelatar and Felwin sneak past Alia and the dwarf.

2009-04-07, 09:16 AM

The two keep working their way towards the drawbridge.

2009-04-07, 03:34 PM
OOC: What's Alia's plan regarding the dwarf following her?

2009-04-08, 03:52 AM

Alia frowns as only one of the dwarves follows her down the passageway. She keeps a good distance ahead to make sure that the guard can't get too good a look at her.

She leads him to the storage room Kelatar and Felwin has previously been hiding in and points down the dusty corridor.


-Is there a way to lock the storage room?
-Alia's plan was to take as many dwarves as she could with her, put them to sleep and kill them. She was pretty much going to try and eliminate as many threats as she could so Kelatar and Felwin could be safe.

2009-04-08, 04:45 AM
The guard follows Alia to the storage room. Once inside the room he stops and stares at Alia, looking confused and annoyed.

"HVA er det? Hvorfor SNAKKER du ikke?????"

Meanwhile, the two drow make it to the bridge. They spot two more dwarves on the other side of the bridge.

OOC: Nope, it's not possible to lock the door without a key, or a successful Open Lock roll.

Heh and sorry to foil your plan. The guards may not be the smartest of dwarves, but they have their orders. :smallsmile:

2009-04-08, 09:51 AM

Kelatar begins tossing the switches that are linked to the drawbridge to raise their half of the bridge and block off access to the fortress.

2009-04-08, 10:27 AM
The bridge can be raised (or lowered) by turning a crank on the wall (see the Bridge map). It may take several rounds to fully raise the bridge.

Before Kelatar starts turning the crank, he feels a tug on his cloak. Felwin whispers: Let me do that... keep the dwarves at bay, I'll raise the bridge.

The nearest dwarf's jaw drops as the crank begins to rotate. The stares at it for a moment, unable to say anything, then at the bridge that has started rising...



Time to roll Initiative, everyone!! :smallbiggrin:

2009-04-08, 10:34 AM

Still invisible Kelatar raises his crossbow to his eye and takes aim at the nearest Dwarf.

init: [roll0]

2009-04-08, 01:18 PM

Alia hisses softly to herself. She can make out sounds in the distance; they do not sound good. She glares at the dwarven guard and then looks quickly down the corridor, pretending to have seen something. She drops her stolen axe, draws out her crossbow and points it down the corridor.


Bluff: [roll0]
Initiative: [roll1]

2009-04-09, 02:43 AM

Initiative for the NPCs
Dwarves: [roll0]
Felwin: [roll1]
Orcs: [roll2]
Drow (other than Felwin): [roll3]
Goblins: they act on Vega's init count
Bugbears: they act on Kanar's init count

Vega & Kanar: as long as you maintain a line of sight to your underlings and they can hear you, you can control them as though they were PCs. In other words, make attack rolls and other checks for them.

2009-04-09, 03:19 AM
In a matter of seconds, Vega and Kanar, too, can hear the dwarves shouting alarm throughout the mining colony.

"To the bridge!" Nabil says and the orcs cheer. "Kill the dwarves!"

2009-04-09, 03:22 AM
Overlord Vega

"Get ready, my Minions..." Vega intones towards the Goblins. The little monsters chitter excitedly.

OOC: I'm not entirely sure why I'm rolling initiative. We're still dealing with the scouts, aren't we?


2009-04-09, 03:38 AM
Note: If you beat the dwarves' initiative, you may act immediately. I.e. it's not necessary to post in init order.

2009-04-09, 10:57 AM

Kanar grins savagely as he hears the alarm going out. He draws his weapon and prepares to charge out.

Initiative: [roll0]

2009-04-09, 11:19 AM

Kelatar fires the poisoned bolt at the Dwarf waiting for him to hit the ground so he can turn his attention towards those advancing from the bridge

Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2009-04-11, 04:01 AM
The bolt hits, seriously wounding the dwarf. However, the guard is unaffected by the poison.

OOC: Tyrael, it's about time to begin the main assault. Kelatar and his henchman Felwin are already raising the bridge. Since you beat the dwarves' initiative, please post your actions for Vega, Grovel and the goblins.

2009-04-11, 11:09 AM

To the Nine Hells with this poison! Thought Keletar as he drops the crossbow and draws his rapier and commences to charge the Dwarf going in for the killing blow.

Attack: [roll0]

OOC: If I jumped the gun on the turn order just put this on hold till it is my turn.

2009-04-11, 12:45 PM
The dwarf guard screams in pain and looks at Kelatar.

"Svartalvar... SVARTALVAR! Ye worthless waste of ..."

The dwarf takes a 5' step and attacks!

Attack: [roll0]
Damage (if needed): [roll1]

"Let's kick some drow arse, lads!" says one of the dwarves on the other side of the bridge and hustles towards Kelatar.

Dwarves shouting Alarm! can be heard all over the place.

OOC: I'll assume that Corrin Vega delays until Kanar and the bugbears have acted since the plan was that they'll lead the assault.

On round 2, anyone crossing the bridge will have to make a DC 5 Jump check or fall into the chasm because the bridge is rising. The DC goes up by 5 on each round thereafter unless someone prevents Felwin from turning the crank.

Anyway, everyone who hasn't done anything yet can post their actions for round 1 now. :smallsmile:

2009-04-11, 06:15 PM
((Yes, I thought I had posted earlier that Vega and the Goblins delay until after the orcs and bugbears, but apparently the post never went through. Once they go, the Goblins, with Vega at the rear, will flood into the tunnels behind them, using the orcs/bugbears as meatshields, and move to flanking positions if possible.))

2009-04-11, 08:52 PM

Kanar grins as he hears the alarms. He turns to the others. "It's 'bout time! Lez go shave some dwarves!" With that he throws open the door and runs out, followed closely by his two fellow bugbears.

2009-04-11, 10:39 PM

Kelatar flashes a wicked grin as the Dwarve's axe misses him and sends his rapier towards the foul little creature's heart.


2009-04-12, 05:29 AM

Alia watches the dwarf retreat to the bridge with a mixture of anger and relief. Rather than waste a bolt on the creature, she immediately begins to run down the corridor. Her true appearance flickers through her disguise, until she is all leathery skin and spikes in her half-fiend form. Crossbow still in hand, she takes to the air and speeds down the corridors.

"Vega! Kanar!" she calls out as she flies down the corridor to where the rest of the army had been waiting.

She sees the bugbears crashing through the doors into the mines and lands. Through the open door she looks at the warlord, his horde and the drow.

"Kelatar and the other drow are at the bridge," she pants. She racks her mind for all the details she can remember. "There are two guards in along the rail tracks, and at least three guards near the bridge. Kelatar and the other may be greatly outnumbered in seconds, now that the alarm has been raised."

2009-04-12, 06:27 AM
The dwarf who was following Alia hears the alarm. He gives Alia an angry look and starts running back towards the bridge.


Kelatar attacks but the dwarf guard blocks the thrust with his shield and swings his waraxe.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

The dwarf who crossed the bridge joins the fray.

Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

"Die, ye pansy black faerie!"

The door at the end of the north corridor opens and a dwarf comes out of the room. The door to the south also opens and another dwarf enters the corridor. Meanwhile, Felwin continues turning the crank.

The two dwarves defending the rail track assume defensive stances and seem ready to swing their axes if anyone comes near.

"Ye shall not pass! All of ye trash shall die here!!" one of the dwarves roars.

Nabil leads the drow and orc warriors deeper into the mining colony using the route Alia and Kelatar took when scouting.


LongVin, are you sure that the dwarf's previous attack missed? His attack roll was 22 and your character sheet says Kelatar's AC is 18.

2009-04-12, 06:50 AM
Nabil sees Alia and speaks: "We're on our way to the bridge. Kanar and Vega have attacked the guards at the rail track and they'll sweep through the colony and kill any dwarves there. Will you join us to help Kelatar at the bridge?"

Map updated.

2009-04-12, 07:28 AM

Alia inclines her heard. "Of course."

She takes wing again and hovers over the small drow and orc squad in the narrow corridor.

"If I may have my dogs back..." she says to the drow holding their leashes.

2009-04-12, 09:25 AM
The drow warrior hands over the leashes. He remains silent, but his facial expression says more than a thousand words.

OOC: Tyrael and Ipphli, please post your actions for round 2. See the map for your locations.

2009-04-12, 11:47 AM

OOC: Woops. My mistake I thought the Dwarf rolled a 17 on the attack.

IC: Darting out of the way of the first strike, Kelatar smacks the other Dwarves axe away and lunges back in for his first target. He needed to end this now and restore his one on one odds.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2009-04-12, 02:05 PM

Vega nods to the panting Alia. "So be it, we ride to their rescue." Vega raises his glowing gauntlet into the air. A low, rumbling horn booms into the air, a prearranged signal with his Goblin minions. "Forward!" Vega roars. "Let none stand in your way!"

Giggling, whooping and cheering, the half-dozen Goblins flood into the mines, sweeping towards the east and skittering underfoot among the drow and orc warriors.

All 6 Goblins except for Grovel will move through the door to the east and continue through the tunnel where all the Drow and Orcs are. They will continue along that route for as many rounds as it takes until they reach Kelatar at the bridge.

2009-04-12, 02:18 PM

Kanar roars a challenge as he sees the two dwarves and charges into the fray, one of the other bugbears at his side.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2009-04-12, 05:31 PM
As Kanar closes in, the dwarves attack (readied action).



Kanar hits the dwarf guard in the head with the morningstar. *splat* The dwarf goes down and is dying.

The bugbear attacks the other dwarf.


If the dwarf is still alive, the second bugbear also attacks (behind cover).

Attack:[roll6] (-4 for melee cover)

2009-04-12, 06:16 PM

Kelatar pierces the dwarf guard's throat with his rapier. The dwarf goes down, gurgling on his own blood and holding his throat.

The other dwarf fighting Kelatar attacks.


Two more dwarves join the battle, roaring and shouting threats and curses in Dwarven and Common.

Attack (charge): [roll2]

Attack (charge): [roll4]

Meanwhile, the dwarf fighting the bugbears withdraws a few steps and two dwarves come hustling down the long wide corridor to his aid.

OOC: Alia, Kanar, Vega, your turn to act on round 3.

2009-04-13, 05:36 AM

Alia takes the leashes from the drow and detaches the dogs from them. All four of the creatures are excited, the smell of battle reaching them. They turn about excitedly, almost turning back to lunge at the oncoming goblin troops. From her heavy black pack dog, Alia takes her rope and slings it about her shoulders.

"Come!" she commands the animals and flies at a quick speed to catch up with the front of the drow and orc group.

The four dogs follow their master, awkwardly ducking and weaving around the legs of the mercenaries, tongues lolling from their mouths in excitement.


-There's on more small dog that's missing from the map (1 hunting dog, 2 attack dogs and 1 riding/pack dog)
-Also, is it possible for me to fly at a speed between walking and hustling so I can keep up with the dog's 40ft land speed?
-Do I roll initiative for the dogs now or when they attack?

2009-04-13, 05:14 PM

Vega's Goblin minions continue streaming through the tunnels, moving towards Kelatar and the bridge. Vega and Grovel continue moving with the Orcs and Bugbears.

2009-04-14, 07:37 PM

Kanar follows after the retreating dwarf, intent on bringing him down quickly.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2009-04-15, 02:43 AM
Assuming that Kanar cleaves:

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Bugbears (if required):

Attack [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

Attack [roll4]
Damage [roll5]

2009-04-15, 02:50 AM
Kanar kills two dwarves with one brutal swing. The bugbear warriors look at their leader in awe and howl excitedly, pressing onward and battering the third dwarf to death.


Kelatar's turn. (The rest of you may also post your actions if you know what you're going to do.)

2009-04-15, 08:56 AM

The Drow presses his assault on against the dward that is still standing and facing him. Risking a glance, he checks to see the progress of the bridge being raised.

attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1] OOC: I've been forgetting to add in my str modifer.

2009-04-15, 12:55 PM

Alia continues flying ahead, leading her pack of increasingly excited dogs. She passes the cell of the mad dwarf prisoner, once more ignoring him. Her dogs momentarily veer off course, towards the chained man.

"Come!" Alia shouts again. The dogs turn and continue to follow her down the corridor and stop as she reaches the very end.

She doesn't go into the next room right away. She hovers at the entry, loading a bolt into her crossbow and waiting for the orcs, drow and goblins behind her to catch up. The dogs are restless beneath her beating wings and wait for the command to attack.

2009-04-15, 04:01 PM
Kelatar wounds the dwarf, but it's still capable of fighting.

Four dwarves attack Kelatar (however, if Kelatar goes unconscious, they'll try to stop the crank from turning).

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Attack: [roll2] (flanking)
Damage: [roll3]

Attack: [roll4] (flanking)
Damage: [roll5]

Attack: [roll6] (charging)
Damage: [roll7]

The dwarves on the other side of the bridge decide it's better not try to jump across; Felwin has managed to raise the bridge so much that it'd take a DC 10 Jump check.

The bugbears spot six dwarves near the pool at the end of the corridor. Four of them have crossbows in addition to their standard equipment. One of them is clad in full plate, and he has a warhammer in one hand and a steel shield in the other.

The dwarf in full plate, apparently their leader, commands two of the dwarves to shoot at the bugbears.

Attack: [roll8]
Damage: [roll9]

Attack: [roll10]
Damage: [roll11]

"Move back! Make way! Make way! You two, aim... fire!"

Attack: [roll12]
Damage: [roll13]

Attack: [roll14]
Damage: [roll15]

Finally, he commands the dwarf without a crossbow to form a defensive line in front of the other dwarves with him.


Alia, a few notes on actions: Loading a heavy crossbow is a full round action. Commanding the dogs to attack is a move action (and requires a DC 10 Handle Animal check). So, moving, loading, moving again, commanding the dogs to attack will take three rounds in all. So, if you want to change your actions, it's ok.

2009-04-15, 04:10 PM
Confirming crits (crossbows):

Confirm: [roll0]
Damage if needed: [roll1]

Confirm: [roll2]
Damage if needed: [roll3]

Confirm: [roll4]
Damage if needed: [roll]1d10[/roll

OOC: Huh, these dwarves seem to be snipers. o.O

Bugbear #1 is now at 0 hp.
Bugbear #2 has 5 hp left.

2009-04-16, 02:55 AM
Kelatar feels a sharp pain in his back. His legs go weak and he falls forward, unconscious. (OOC: Kelatar is dying. Make stabilization checks each round until Kelatar receives healing.)

"Aye, that's wat ye get, drow scum! Now let's lower the bridge, lads!"

The two bugbears are severely wounded by the bolts the dwarves shot and they lose heart, looking hesitant to press on.

"Boss! Boss! Them dwarfs are shooting! What do we do now?"

Nabil reaches the wide corridor and sees Kelatar lying at the feet of the dwarves. Felwin is nowhere to be seen, but two dwarves are turning the crank and the drawbridge starts lowering. The dwarves on the other side of the chasm cheer.


Tyrael and Ipphli, your turn.

2009-04-16, 03:29 AM

Kanar growls as he sees his two boys get peppered with crossbow bolts. He looks over at the orcs and goblins behind him and gestures them forward. "Go on, ye lot! Its your turn for some glory. Charge!"

2009-04-16, 04:27 AM
The orcs grudgingly agree and move swiftly down the corridor. One of the bugbears joins the orcs and rushes towards the group of dwarves despite his wounds. The other bugbear is too weak to fight; he takes cover behind the corner of the stone wall.

OOC: Does Kanar also move towards the dwarves or does he stay behind?

2009-04-16, 04:34 AM

Whooping and hollering, the Goblins continue swarming through the tunnels towards the bridge, still acting on Vega's last orders.

2009-04-16, 07:28 AM

Man, I'm gonna buy me a light crossbow the next chance I get. I didn't know about the reloading taking up actions. Also, is commanding my animals to attack really a move action? I thought it was if they were just untrained, and all my dogs have the attack trick learned.

Okay, then Alia just moves to the end of the corridor and waits for the others to catch up with her. Her dogs are still beneath her. She listens to the sounds of battle, straining to hear the sounds of Kanar and Vega on one end, and Kelatar and Felwin at the bridge.


2009-04-16, 07:32 AM
OOC: What about Vega and Grovel?

2009-04-16, 08:03 AM
The sounds of battle begin to quieten at the bridge, but Alia can hear dwarves and her monstrous allies shouting and fighting in the corridor to the west.


From the SRD:

"You draw a heavy crossbow back by turning a small winch. Loading a heavy crossbow is a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity."

"You draw a light crossbow back by pulling a lever. Loading a light crossbow is a move action that provokes attacks of opportunity."

"Handling an animal is a move action, while pushing an animal is a full-round action. (A druid or ranger can handle her animal companion as a free action or push it as a move action.)"

Handling = commanding an animal to perform a trick it know. Pushing = commanding an animals to perform a trick it doesn't know.

By RAW, you'd have to spend a move action per animal to command them, but I'll rule that if you handle similar animals (e.g. dogs) to do the same thing (e.g. to attack a group of dwarves), you only need one move action.

2009-04-16, 11:35 AM

Grinning to himself, Kanar runs after the orcs and his fellow bugbear, seeming to be focused on the dwarven commander.

2009-04-16, 01:28 PM

Vega and Grovel hurry along behind the Orcs and Bugbears, with Vega ready to step in and lend a hand in the fight if necessary.

2009-04-16, 02:41 PM
ROUND 5 begins

The dwarf in full plate speaks: "I... am Thorgar... Captain Thorgar... and I shall have yer ugly heads! Fram, brødre! For Moradin!"

The dwarves attack!

Thorgar attacks an orc: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

The dwarf next to him also attacks an orc: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

"Give no quarter nor ask fer none!"

The rest of the dwarves drop their crossbows and ready their axes and shields.

OOC: Alright, Kelatar is unconscious (dying) and the dwarves have acted, it's your turn.

2009-04-16, 02:59 PM
Thorgar's hammer hits the orc in the ribcage, making a noisy crackling sound. The orc falls to the ground, blood spurting from its mouth and nose.

"Bwahaha, how'd ye like that, pigface, eh?"

The dwarf warrior attacks an orc and hits. The orc goes down, bleeding profusely from a chest wound.

Thorgar laughs. "Bwahah, six of us, six of them left. Looks more fair to me now! Do yer worst, pusbags!"

2009-04-16, 07:32 PM

OOC: Damn it!

Kelatar collapses to the ground in a heap from the combined Dwarvish assault knocked unconcious by their heavy blows and bleeding from a dozen cuts.

Stabilization: [roll0]

2009-04-16, 07:43 PM
((I don't see Kelatar on the battle map. Where is he?))

2009-04-16, 10:20 PM

Kanar will move past his fellow bugbear and attack the commander, a savage snarl upon his lips as he does so.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2009-04-17, 02:23 AM
Kanar moves past his allies and one of Thorgar's underlings (provoking an attack of opportunity from the guard) to attack the commander.

AoO from dwarf guard: [roll0]
Damage (if needed): [roll1]

Thorgar tries to block Kanar's morningstar but receives a nasty hit in his forearm.

"Gaaah, ye ugly son of a troll!"


Alia's turn. (And Vega's if he's going to do something.)

I removed Kelatar from the map since he's unconscious. He's adjacent to Felwin, the red D near the bridge.

By the way, I'll be out of town and without an internet connection for the most part of the weekend, but please post your actions for the next round in advance (if possible) so we can continue the game as soon as I'm back. :smallsmile:

2009-04-17, 02:28 AM
The bugbear warrior attacks one of the dwarf guards.

Damage: [roll1]

One of the orcs attacks a dwarf guard.
Damage: [roll3]

2009-04-17, 03:47 AM

Alia is pleased by the surge of drow and orc making it out of the corridors and into the open room. She picks up further height so she's as far from the ground as she can be, and flaps towards the bridge. The dogs beneath her follow.

"This way!" she calls to the group of mercenaries beneath her, unloaded crossbow in hand. "We need to get the bridge shut as fast as we can!"

As she gets closer to the bridge, she looks for Kelatar and the drow leader.


Should I be rolling Handle Animal checks when I order my dogs to attack in the next few rounds?
Also, is rolling Intimidate to demoralize an opponent a move action, standard action or a free action?

Does Alia see the unconscious Kelatar?
Listen: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]
Search: [roll2]

2009-04-17, 04:16 AM
Nabil commands the orcs to lead the charge.

The dwarf guards attack (readied action) the first orc that comes within melee reach.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

The orcs attack the dwarves:

Attack (if still capable of attacking): [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

Attack: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]


To demoralize an opponent using Intimidate is a standard action. If you succeed, the opponent is rendered Shaken (-2 on most checks) for one round. For future reference, please use the following link (or the relevant section in the PHB):

2009-04-17, 04:23 AM
Alia sees an unconscious and badly wounded Kelatar lying on the ground. Felwin is fighting two dwarves with his rapier.

(Retroactive rolls for Felwin and the dwarves)

Felwin attacks the dwarf that Kelatar wounded earlier:

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

The dwarves attack Felwin.

Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Attack: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

2009-04-17, 04:43 AM
ROUND 6 begins

Thorgar attacks the orc standing next to Kanar.

Damage: [roll[1d8+4

Thorgar attacks a second time, swinging his hammer at Kanar!

Damage: [roll[1d8+4

2009-04-17, 04:44 AM
Oops. I messed the roll tags. Rolling damage again:


2009-04-17, 04:53 AM
Thorgar commands the dwarf guards to attack.

The dwarf to Thorgar's right takes a 5' step and attacks the orc!


The dwarf behind him moves forward and attacks Kanar!


Meanwhile, at the bridge...

Felwin attacks the wounded dwarf


The two dwarves attack Felwin



The third dwarf attacks the wounded orc


OOC: Your turn.

2009-04-17, 06:09 AM

"Hell's teeth," she mutters.

Alia clenches her teeth and flies forward, closer to the bridge, finishing over the head of the orc furthest into the corridor. Her dogs follow, flattening their ears and snarling as they near a dwarf. She stops, runs her claws on the ceiling, dislodging dust and dirt, and rubs it between her fingers as she does a complicated hand movement.

"Sleep... sleep," she hisses softly and holds her hands out, as if reaching out to the dwarves attacking the drow leader.


The dwarves must succeed a Will save of 13.

I don't know if the dogs are attacking, since I haven't commanded it. I've also corrected my skills on my character sheet from synergies.

Does Alia see the dwarves crossing the bridge?
Listen: [roll0]
Search: [roll1]
Spot: [roll2]

2009-04-17, 06:43 AM
Alia begins casting (the casting time of Sleep is 1 round). Nabil commands the orcs to surround the dwarf standing in their way, and leads the

AoO from the dwarf:

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

The orcs attack the dwarf viciously, hacking and slashing in a frenzy:

Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Attack: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

Attack: [roll6] (flanking)
Damage: [roll7]

Attack: [roll8]
Damage: [roll9]

Attack: [roll10]
Damage: [roll11]

Nabil attacks one of the dwarves fighting Felwin. The other drow follow.

Attack: [roll12]
Damage: [roll13]

Alia spots a group of 10-20 dwarves on the other half of the bridge and the other side of the chasm, ready to charge if the bridge is lowered. The dogs won't attack unless they're attacked first or if they're commanded to attack.

2009-04-17, 11:46 AM

Heavy clomping comes from down the corridor behind Kanar. A pair of glowing orange eyes appears in the darkness, followed by a tall, dark figure in spiky armor, holding an enormous mace nearly half the size of the dwarf warriors' entire bodies.

Seeing one of the Bugbears fall and the size of the dwarf force ahead, Vega decides to step in personally. He advances to the open square north of the Bugbear and swings his enormous mace at the dwarf in front of that position. Whistling through the air with deadly intent, the enormous weapon slams into the dwarf with crushing force, the impact rattling him to his bones.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

(Description edited after seeing die rolls.)

2009-04-17, 01:10 PM

When does the spell take effect then?

Also, is the bridge fully raised?

2009-04-23, 09:05 AM
Vega kills a dwarf with his mace.

OOC: Ipphli/Kanar? Your turn!

No, the bridge is not fully raised but the dwarves are not able to cross either. The Sleep spell takes effect when Alia's next turn begins. The drow are immune to sleep magic so you don't have to worry about them.

2009-04-23, 07:32 PM

Kanar growls at the dwarf as he takes another swing at him.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2009-04-24, 04:14 AM
Kanar hits Thorgar with his morningstar! Despite the wounds and bruises, the dwarf commander still seems to be full of fight. Thorgar commands the remaining dwarves to attack Kanar, the most dangerous of their opponents.

Dwarf 1 (5' step + attack)

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Dwarf 2 (5' step + attack)

Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Thorgar attacks Kanar twice

Attack: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

Attack: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]

Meanwhile, the dwarves at the bridge fight tooth and nail to keep the drow and orc warriors at bay.

Dwarf 3 (attacks a drow warrior)

Attack: [roll8]
Damage: [roll9]

Dwarf 4 (attacks a drow warrior)

Attack: [roll10]
Damage: [roll11]

Alia casts Sleep.

Dwarf 3: Will Save vs DC 13

Dwarf 4: Will Save vs DC 13

2009-04-24, 04:51 AM

The Overlord steps forward, his mace still dripping with the blood and brains of the splattered dwarf, and swings the enormous weapon again.

5' step to the next dwarf in line and attack.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2009-04-24, 05:18 AM
The orcs and drow attack the two dwarves at the bridge.

Dwarf 1 attacked by:

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Attack: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

Dwarf 2 attacked by:

Attack: [roll6] (flanking)
Damage: [roll7]

Attack: [roll8]
Damage: [roll9]

Attack: [roll10]
Damage: [roll11]

Felwin attacks one of the dwarves, whichever is still standing.

Attack: [roll12]
Damage: [roll13]

2009-04-24, 05:22 AM
The dwarves defending the bridge are dead! Two big, strong orcs start turning the crank and the bridge starts rising again!

Felwin administers a healing potion to Kelatar, and Kelatar regains consciousness. (He's now at 1 hp.)

OOC: Alia and Kanar, your turn.

2009-04-24, 05:30 AM
Disregard this post


Alia screeches as the dwarves continue to stand after she cast her spell. As the orcs and drow stream below her to attack the dwarves, she spreads her wings and glides down to the ground. She pulls Kelatar's unconscious body from the fray and prods his axe wounds with the tips of her claws. She pulls a scrap of fabric from the hem of her dress and attempts to make a makeshift bandage to stop the bleeding.


I can't believe they made a save against that spell. With those rolls. That's some absurd bad luck from my part.

Heal: [roll0]

2009-04-25, 12:32 PM

Alia flies down to Kelatar as Felwin administers the potion. She takes a potion out of her backpack and offers it to the still-injured elf the healing potion she bought at the Devil's Knot.

"Kanar and Vega are making their way through the rest of the mining colony," she informs the two drow leaders. "Doubtless their numbers and muscle are making short work of the dwarves."

She watches the two orcs raise the bridge and eyes the narrowing gap. "The dwarves outside, shall we let them escape or use the bomb our employer provided us?"

2009-04-25, 02:56 PM

The large bugbear shrugs off all but the mightiest blow from the captain. He smiles grimly as he swings once more. "Me gonna have that armor durf...after I kills yus!"

Attack [roll0]
Crit confirm [roll1]
Damage [roll2]
Crit Damage [roll3]

Cleave Attack [roll4]
Cleave Damage [roll5]

2009-04-25, 06:50 PM

Kelatar chugs down the offered healing potion. Instantly healing some but not all of his wounds. He is still nicked by dozens of little cuts and bruises. Shaking his head he replies to Alia "Forget them. We may have some use for the bomb in the future."

2009-04-27, 03:32 PM
The bridge is now fully raised. "Your orders, sir?" Felwin asks Kelatar once he and Alia have finished their conversation.

The dwarf guard dodges Vega's attack. Thorgar receives a nasty bruise from Kanar's morningstar. Bleeding and cussing, he continues fighting.

Thorgar attacks Kanar twice.



A dwarf guard attacks Kanar.


A dwarf guard attacks Vega.


OOC: Your turn!

2009-04-27, 03:40 PM

Looking around the room, Kelatar takes in their current situation before giving his orders. "Secure this room and the two guard posts to our North and South. See if any of these Dwarves still live. If they do stabilize their wounds and tie them up, they may prove useful for interogation."

2009-04-27, 04:05 PM

"Very well," says Alia, rubbing her claws together and looking behind her, where there are still sounds of battle. She picks up the sounds of dwarven armor getting crushed, as well as Vega and Kanar's howls of battle as they pummel the dwaves. They're the sounds of impending victory. "I shall return to the fight with the rest of our comrades and relay our current status."

Alia lifts the mechanism of her crossbow to load it with a new bolt. She chuckles softly to herself, baring her sharp teeth and twitching her wings. "Oh, I hope we capture one of the more impressive dwarves."

2009-04-27, 05:58 PM

Vega grunts as the dwarf's ax slices into his shoulder between the plates of his armor. Grabbing the dwarf's axe with his free hand and ripping it out of himself, Vega's glowing eyes stare down at the short creature in fury, his mace still dripping with the blood of the other dwarf. "Friend of yours, was he?" Vega snarls. "Then you're next."

Ripping the axe out was just for fluff and coolness, the dwarf is still holding it just fine. Standard Action Intimidate Check: [roll0]

2009-04-28, 12:05 AM

Kanar grunts as the dwarf lands a hard blow to his side. He says nothing, but returns the blow.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Cleave [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

2009-04-28, 01:48 AM
Following Kelatar's orders, his underlings split into three groups. One of the groups goes to search the room to the north, the second group goes to the south to search the room, and the third group remains with Kelatar at the bridge. "Dis is empty, boss! No durfs here!" shouts an orc from the north room. Nabil, who went with the second group signals back in the Drow sign language "No dwarves." (OOC: Kelatar is back on the map now)

"Fight, lads! Kill them uglies!" Thorgar shouts. Where in the Nine Hells are the reinforcements... Thorgar mutters under his breath...

Thorgar attacks Kanar twice
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Attack: [roll2] EDIT: That's actually a miss. The attack bonus should have been +7.
Damage: [roll3]

The shaken dwarf takes the total defense action, awed by Vega.

A dwarf guard attacks Kanar:

Attack: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

2009-04-28, 03:14 AM
The fourth dwarf moves to the east. "Thorgar, jeg skal se hva sker der ved bron." Thorgar nods, looking a bit worried.

OOC: Your turn!

2009-04-28, 11:20 AM

Kanar grins savagely at the dwarf. "Mes gonna kills yus durf! And then mes gonna kills yus whole family!"

Attack: [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Cleave Attack [roll2]
Cleave Damage [roll3]

2009-04-28, 12:54 PM

She whistles for her dogs to crowd about her. The mighty smashes of the warriors resonate against the hard walls of the subterranean colony. Over the din, she hears the orcs communicate the lack of dwarves. Though she doesn't understand Felwin's complicated hand movements, the calm of the drow and troops puts her at ease.

She tilts her newly loaded crossbow. "I'd better get to the battle then," she says, "before Vega and the bugbears pummel the remaining dwarves into a bearded pulp. I suggest a quick reconnaisance of the mines themselves, now that the hardest part of the battle is over."

She flies, keeping close to the ceiling and away from the reach of axes and swords, back down the corridor to where Kanar and Vega are fighting.

2009-04-28, 02:05 PM
Ominous, gloating laughter booms from underneath Vega's helmet as he beholds the cowering dwarf. Gripping his mace with two hands, he contemptuously lashes out, slamming it against the Dwarf's much smaller axe with considerable power.

Disarm attempt.
[Attack of Opportunity from the Dwarf. If that misses....]
Opposed Attack Roll (with +4 from two-handed & +4 from larger size category): [roll0]

2009-04-28, 05:07 PM
On her way to the corridor where Vega and Kanar are fighting the dwarves, Alia spots a dwarf hustling towards the bridge. The dogs growl at the dwarf and the dwarf lets out an "uh-oh". (OOC: You have a move action left, so you can command the biggest dog to attack. If you do so, please make a Handle Animal check and an attack roll for the dog if you succeed.)

Vega attempts to disarm the dwarf's axe.

Opposed attack roll (vs DC 18): [roll0]

OOC: Humans and dwarves are medium, so there's no size difference. Also, a morningstar belongs to the one-handed category of weapons whether or not it is used one handed (that's a RAW interpretation of the disarm rule, anyway). However, the dwarf does not get an AoO because it took the total defense action on its turn.

Kelatar's turn!

2009-04-28, 05:31 PM

Alia flaps over the fearful dwarf. She'd forgotten that he'd been stationed here and huffed at the goblins behind her for not have taken care of it. She looks down at the great black dog laden with her wares that was currently baring it's large yellowed teeth at the dwarf.

"You!" she snaps at the biggest dog. It briefly flicks its head to her before turning its attention back to the dwarf. "Attack!"


She's commanding the biggest dog.
Handle Animal: [roll0]

Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

2009-04-28, 05:41 PM

The Drow nods his approval to Alia. Giving a shout to the Orcs he instructs them to head to the mines and see that they are indeed clear of the little beasts. Flashing a message to Nabil in the Drow sign he instructs him to "Go with the Orcs. Make sure they behave themselves and do nothing stupid."

2009-04-29, 04:07 AM
Vega manages to disarm the dwarf and the waraxe falls to the ground, clanking loudly. "Uh-oh!"

The bugbear adjacent to Vega attacks the unarmed dwarf.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]


Over 200 posts in the IC thread! Each player character gains 200 xp!

2009-04-29, 04:24 AM
"Dogs! And a... bat wench! Arrgh they're attacking!"

Another dwarf guard falls. Thorgar shouts "Regroup! Regroup! Til Norrporten!" The dwarves withdraw.

OOC: Your turn!

EDIT: The remaining dwarves are fleeing. You may choose to pursue them, of course, or let them leave. Anyways, the intro adventure ends as soon as the encounter is over and you'll be awarded xp and you get to loot the place.

2009-04-29, 10:01 AM

Knowing that his goblins are somewhere ahead of them in the complex, and likely near the dwarfs' only exit, Vega lets the dwarfs retreat, and simply raises his gauntlet in the air. A low, rumbling horn blast resounds through the complex, signaling his minions to return to his side.

Hearing their master's call, the goblins whoop excitedly and take off like a shot.

The goblins will double-move north around the corner and towards Vega, cutting off the dwarfs' retreat.

2009-04-29, 11:41 AM

Alia watches the dwarf run and soars after him, crossbow raised. She spies Vega, Kanar and the rush of goblin minions in the corridor.

"Don't let them escape!" she calls out to her comrades. Anxious and enraged at the sight of them retreating and the thought of not having a sacrifice for the end of the battle, Alia raises her crossbow and takes aim over the goblins' heads and at the dwarf she sees running before her. "I want prisoners!"

She pulls the trigger and the bolt flies from its place with a twang.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2009-04-29, 11:24 PM

Kanar grins and moves after the commander. "Coward! So much for durf bravery!"

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Cleave Attack [roll2]
Cleave Damage [roll3]

2009-04-30, 07:10 AM
Nabil responds, "The mines? How many warriors should I take with me?"

Scouting the mines isn't part of the mission; you were hired to secure the bridge and the mining colony but not the mines themselves.

The dog pursues the fleeing dwarf and attacks again.

Bite [roll0]; [roll1] damage.

The goblins spot the dwarves. "Boss! Dwarfs running towards the corridor in the north!"

Kanar follows Thorgar but cannot attack this round. (OOC: Kanar had to take a double move.)

2009-04-30, 07:25 AM
The dwarf guard runs down the north corridor. Thorgar shouts after him, "Run to the north gate! Let nothing stop ye! Tell them everything you seen here today!"

Thorgar stops, assumes a battle stance, ready to face Kanar and the goblins. "Arrright, uglies! Let's see how many of ye I'll send to Hell afore I go to Moradin!"

OOC: Yep. Your turn!

2009-04-30, 01:31 PM

Alia flaps over to the pack dog that had taken after the fleeing dwarf to observe the damage. She's pleased that Kanar's barbaric blood and savagery propelled him to take off after the dwarves. She looks around her for any other dwarves that may have fled.

Is the dwarf the dog bit conscious, unconscious or dead?

Listen: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]
Search: [roll2]

2009-04-30, 02:14 PM

He motions back to Nabil "Take four Orcs with you. Just make sure there are no Dwarven stragglers nearby. Do not dwell too deep."

2009-04-30, 07:31 PM

Kanar comes to a stop when the commander turns. He sneers as he swings his morningstar loosely before him. "Dun worry durf; I send ya to ya god real quick." With that, he launches himself forward, swinging at the dwarf.

Charging the dwarf
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2009-04-30, 11:48 PM

"After them!" Vega booms to his goblins. "Let none escape!"

"Wooo!" The goblins cheer and race off after the dwarves, taking a double-move if necessary to catch up.

2009-05-01, 05:24 AM
The dwarf that Alia's dog bit is unconscious. The dog ceases attacking, it's just growling at the dwarf and ready to bite again if the dwarf tries to move. Alia sees only two dwarves - the commander, and a dwarf guard running

"Yes sir", Nabil responds and commands the orcs to follow him.

Kanar and the goblins run after the commander. (OOC: Unfortunately, Kanar had to take a double move again to reach Thorgar and so he cannot attack this round. However, you can use your good rolls next round when you attack, i.e. you don't have to roll for attack and damage next round.)

Thorgar attacks Kanar twice.

Attack: [roll0]; [roll1] damage
Attack: [roll2]; [roll3] damage

Thorgar looks at the room full of bugbears, goblins and dogs... Bloody hell...

Your turn!

2009-05-01, 09:07 AM

Alia flaps slightly to the east and scrapes some more dirt from the ceiling. Rubbing it between her claws she eyes Kanar and Thorgar. With a dwarven prisoner at her feet, she feels it pointless to try to join Kanar's fight at melee range. Kanar is definitely too powerful for a sleep spell to properly work on him; she isn't so sure about Thorgar. But two dwarven prisoners (three counting the mad dwarf in the dungeon) are better than one and Thorgar gear seems indicative of a higher rank.

She hovers in the air and feels the grains of sand roughly fall from between her fingers. Closing her eyes and visualizing the dwarven leader in her mind's eye, she begins to chant in Infernal tongue.

"Sleep... sleep..."

Alia takes a five foot step (flap) and casts sleep with Thorgar as a target.

With Sleep, the spell's point of origin counts as the target or the caster?

2009-05-01, 10:07 AM
OOC: The point of origin is a grid intersection (within the range of the spell) that you choose. In the current situation it's possible to pick a point of origin so that only Thorgar is within the burst, so I'll assume Alia does just that.

2009-05-06, 03:55 AM
OOC: Hmm no new posts in 5 days.. I hope everyone is still interested in playing the campaign. I was kind of waiting for you to announce your actions for the new round. But I guess I'll move on to the next round, assuming that Kelatar and Vega do nothing, and Kanar attacks, using the rolls from the previous round.

2009-05-06, 04:01 AM
Kanar hits Thorgar again. Bleeding and badly bruised, the dwarf looks like he cannot take much more punishment. Must... fight... the dwarf mutters under his breath and swings his hammer at Kanar.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

EDIT: Alia casts Sleep. Unfortunately, the spell has no effect on Thorgar. OOC: Thorgar gets iterative attacks, so he's got at least 6 HD :smallwink:
OOC: Your turn. If you take no actions, please let me know so I won't be waiting.

2009-05-06, 09:11 PM

OOC: Sorry about that.

Kelatar is also taking no action this turn. He is just going to stay guarding the bridge.

2009-05-07, 03:22 AM

Alia huffs, staring down at her claws, and flies over to Kanar and, ducking under the swings of his weapon, whispers in his ear, "Do not kill him; we may need him alive still."

She glares out of the corner of her eye at the dwarf who had dared be too powerful for her spells. "But don't let him suffer too little."

2009-05-07, 09:20 AM
((OOC: I've been SWAMPED in final exams lately. I didn't see the post that was asking for our actions. Sorry. However, since a Goblin probably isn't going to succeed an Overrun vs a Dwarf, and the hall is blocked by Kanar, I can't do a whole lot except...oh yeah.

By the way, is it at all possible to post what my actions would have been the previous round? If so, I'll do that, but if not, oh well.))


The Goblins screech as Kanar fills the hallway, blocking their routes of attack. They then draw their bows and attempt to turn the Dwarf into a pincushion.

All goblins in line of sight to the dwarf: Two directly soth of Kanar.

Free Action: Drop Longswords.
Move Action: Draw Shortbows.
Standard Action:
Attack [roll0] [roll1]
Damage [roll2] [roll3]

2009-05-08, 02:21 AM
OOC: Yes Tyrael, you can post your actions for the previous round. Oh and by the way, four of the goblins have line of sight. However, for them to hit Thorgar with ranged attacks, they need a natural 20 (lots of armor, cover and shooting into melee) but it's worth trying. :smallsmile:

Well I hope Ipphli reads my PM soon and we can continue...

2009-05-08, 03:53 AM
((Well, on the previous round, those 4 goblins would have done the whole drop-switch-shoot routine. Rolling those other 2 goblins that have LOS.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]


All 4 Goblins try to shoot again at the dwarf. Vega moves to catch up with his minions.

Attack: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

Attack: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]

Attack: [roll8]
Damage: [roll9]

Attack: [roll10]
Damage: [roll11]))


The Goblins screech and loose another volley of arrows.

2009-05-08, 07:26 AM
One of the arrows finds a gap between the armor plates of Thorgar's full plate, and the dwarf winces. Cowards...

Vega moves closer to his minions and Grovel follows a few steps behind.

OOC: Kanar's turn.

2009-05-09, 10:54 AM

Kanar laughs in Thorgar's face. "Jus' like I thought. Yous weak, durf. Yur shiny armor is mine!"

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2009-05-12, 02:36 AM
Thorgar blocks Kanar's attack with his shield. "Bah, ye got to do better than that if ye want me armor, ye son of an owlbear!"

Thorgar attacks.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

EDIT: Ouch ouch! Your turn!
EDIT: Agh, the second attack bonus should be +7 not +12... but it's still a hit.

2009-05-12, 02:48 AM

"Fire, fire!" the Goblins screech, and loose another volley at Thorgar.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Attack: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

Attack: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]

2009-05-12, 03:38 AM

Alia ducks and weaves out of rain of arrows set loose from the goblin's arrows. She returns to where she left the unconscious dwarf with her dogs. From her pack dog's satchels, she produces a pair of manacles and snaps them around the dwarf's hands.

Checking his wounds, she begins to work to stop the bleeding so that he doesn't die before she deems it fit.

To stabilize the dwarf.

Heal: [roll0]

2009-05-17, 01:49 PM
OOC: I realize that the Lair campaign has been somewhat boring lately. While I could drop a few rocks on Thorgar so that the campaign can continue, I'm not quite sure if all players are motivated enough to continue. Instead of just terminating the campaign or sending more and more PMs to keep the players active, I'd like to ask you what you suggest we should do. Should we end the campaign here, or maybe recruit new players and hope that'll solve the problem, or something else?

2009-05-17, 02:04 PM
((I'm still plenty interested. I think it would be prudent to set a deadline and say "If you don't post by X day, you will be removed from the game and we will open recruitment for someone to replace you."))

2009-05-17, 03:22 PM

I'm still quite happy with the campaign, even if I'm pretty anxious for the battle to end and the looting of the cave to being. You can do what you like in terms of Thorgar, but PMs for Kanar and Kelatar may be necessary.

2009-05-17, 08:09 PM
I'm happy with the game. I want to see where it is going.

2009-05-18, 04:38 AM
One of Kanar's henchmen, Grollar the bugbear tosses a javelin at Thorgar. The javelin finds a gap in the armor and Thorgar collapses onto his knees. His hammer falls to the ground. He mutters quietly... Cowards... He coughs blood and falls unconcscious.


Alright, the battle is over. Please describe your character's actions during the next 5 minutes. Remember that the dwarves may attempt to retaliate, so it's very important place a few guards here and there. Once you begin looting the place, I'll give you a list of any equipment you find that may be of interest, plus an estimate of the combined value of all coins, jewelry, art objects, trade goods, mundane weapons, etc. I'll also award you xp in my next post.

I'll talk to Ipphli; if he wants to continue playing the campaign, that's fine. If he doesn't I'll start a new recruitment thread and you three get to choose your new ally this time.

2009-05-18, 05:06 AM

The Overlord raises his gauntlet again as Thorgar collapses. A low, rumbling horn echoes through the halls, calling his minions to his side, as well as Grovel. As the Goblins assemble, Vega lowers his hand and nods to them appreciatively.

"Well done, my warriors. You've served me well. Our spoils of victory will come soon, but do not relax your guard! More of the hated dwarfs may lurk in the deep tunnels. I want guards on every major entrance into the mines. Partner with one of the gnolls, drow, or others in your patrols. Stay vigilant, and by supper you will drink fine mead from the helmets of dead dwarfs!"

"Huzzah! Wooo! For da Mastah!" The Goblins cheer and whoop.

"Grovel, see to it," Vega instructs. "When the guards are posted, return to me. I will begin to assemble our spoils of war."

"Thy will be done, My Lord." Grovel bows subserviently, then turns to the Goblins and begins shouting orders. Soon, the minions head off down different tunnels to stand guard.

Vega heads off to begin searching and looting along with the others.

I think I have 7 Goblins, so...
2 Goblins will be posted at corridor 12.
2 Goblins will be posted at intersection 5.
1 Goblin will be posted at room 10.
1 Goblin will be posted at statue 7.
1 Goblin will be posted at the northern corridor leading out of hallway 1.

2009-05-18, 05:59 AM

Alia reconsiders the use of manacles. She takes them off the guard and replaces it with rope. She quickly flies over to the unconscious dwarf leader and uses the manacles to bind an ankle and wrist to each other (to prevent him escaping or using his weapons, should he waken) and she attempts to stabilize.

She calls out to her companions, and asks for help in taking the dwarven prisoners to the prison with the mad dwarf.

After that, she goes flies about the dungeon searching for drow, goblins and bugbear in need of healing and stabilizing. As she does so, she takes some of the meat she bought from the Devil's Knot and feeds her hungry dogs, crooning compliments to them as she does so.

Gonna do three heal checks, one for Thorgar and the rest for any fallen comrades.

Use Rope: [roll0]

Heal: [roll1]
Heal: [roll2]
Heal: [roll3]

2009-05-19, 03:52 AM
In the prison, the mad dwarf laughs as the bugbears walk a bound and barely conscious Thorgar in. "Bwahaha, jeg er så glad å se deg, Thorgar! Bwahahaha!"

Two unconscious dwarf guards are also taken into the prison. The rest of the dwarves seem to be dead.

The presence of drow, bugbears, goblins and other "monsters" doesn't seem to bother the mad dwarf too much. "Now ye can release me, aye? The enemy of an enemy, ye ken? I can help ye! Lemme talk to yer boss, aye?"

"What shall we do to the corpses?" Nabil asks Kelatar and Vega, pointing at a heap of dead dwarves, stripped of their possessions.

OOC: 2200 xp, everyone! (that includes combat xp, story xp for completing the mission, and roleplaying xp)

2009-05-19, 11:57 AM

With the sound of the fighting finally coming to an end it was now time for him to act once again. He posts two orcs on the Drawbridge to make sure that the Dwarves do not attempt to crash through, doubtful as that may be.

He had already sent a small team ahead to scout out the mines, so he knew that would be taken care of. Ordering the remainder of the Orcs and Drow to search the nearby rooms around the Drawbridge for stashes of weapons, and other treasures and to work outwards from there.

Working his way to the prison, Keletar looks over the corpses of the dead Dwarves. Pondering the question for a moment, he gives his answer. "Put them someplace out of the way. We may yet have use for them when a Priest arrives."

2009-05-19, 01:14 PM

Kanar frowns as he walks over to his fallen companion, seeing if there was any chance of reviving him.

2009-05-19, 01:17 PM

Vega gestures towards his Goblins. "Were it me, I'd throw the bodies down the shaft and be rid of them, but we DO have mouths to feed..."

2009-05-19, 01:37 PM

"I agree with Sir Vega," Alia answers Kelatar, nodding. "The hungry mouths that is. The idea may not be to everyone's taste, but some of us have less scruples about what we eat. That or take the corpses to the Devil's Knot and sell the corpses to anybody interested, be they monster or necromancer."

Alia wipes her claws on a handkerchief after tending to the wounded. Having accompanied Kelatar, the underlings and the dwarven prisoners to the dungeon cell, she looks over to the mad dwarf.

She peers at the mad dwarf. "What were you thrown here for, dwarf?"

2009-05-19, 09:23 PM

"I would prefer to sell them if anything. We would get far more gold out of them than food."

2009-05-20, 04:00 AM
The group Kelatar sent out to scout the mines reports back in. "Azouraphael has the situation under control in the mines. A handful of dwarves escaped, but he said its nothing to be worried about. He'll send someone here to discuss practical matters with you in two days." OOC: Kelatar receives 200 xp.

The mad dwarf is about to respond to Alia as Thorgar's eyes pop open. "A madman and murderer he is, that dwarf! Oerjan the traitor!" Thorgar spits at the mad dwarf. The mad dwarf merely shrugs and flashes a smile, showing his filthy teeth. "Ye deserve each other!" Thorgar continues.

"Aye, as ye heared, the name's Oerjan." Oerjan extends his hand for a handshake. He rattles his chains with the other hand. "So, how's it gonna be?"

Kanar's bugbears are alive but heavily wounded. It'll take a couple of days for them to recuperate.


A few things to consider:

Guard shifts: It's reasonable to assume that a goblin, orc, bugbear or drow warrior can guard at least 8 hours without rest, but longer shifts may affect their morale, and Con checks may be necessary if their shifts exceed 12 hours. A guard may fall asleep or start doing something else if he gets bored or too tired. Therefore, it's useful to arrange guard shifts and set up guard posts (and patrol routes if you deem it necessary). It may be useful to name the guard posts to avoid confusion. You should also tell the guards what to do if they detect enemies.
The corpses: The stench from the corpses will affect morale, so it's a good idea to move them somewhere else. Also, an overpowering stench of death may attract (or repel) dungeon dwelling creatures. Eating corpses may also affect the morale of some henchmen you have. Oh and 6 orcs and 1 drow died in the battle. So, you'll have to do something about their bodies as well.
Reinforcements: You lost some warriors. Once you've set up the guard shifts, you should consider if you need to hire more troops from the Devil's Knot.
Living arrangements: Who sleeps where and so on. It may be wise to not place members of different races in the same room.


Full Plate*
Mwk Large Steel Shield
5465 gp worth of mundane equipment, coins, art objects, etc.
450 trail rations

* denotes a magical object (I suppose Alia can cast Detect Magic)

2009-05-20, 05:17 AM

Alia looks at Oerjan's extended hand, then back at him. Surely he didn't expect freedom after proving he was mentally unstable and being denounced as a murderer and traitor. Maybe some there would be some documents about Oerjan in some of the rooms of the mining colony. Alia looks at her comrades, communicating with a look that they should speak to the mad dwarf with caution.

She turns to Vega and Kelatar. "Gentlemen, I have examined the dead. We have a number of casualties, but Kanar's men are still alive. I suggest a small burial in the mines for our dead minions and the Devil's Knot for the dwarven corpses. It would be best for a couple of drow and a handful of goblins to take them there and bring back any gold we get for them and their armor."

After taking a final look about the prison cell, Alia says, "Some of the men must have found loot by this point. I shall go see if there are any items of value. Dwarven material sometimes has interesting properties."

She begins to edge towards the door, waiting to see if Vega and Kelatar have anything else to say to her.

2009-05-20, 06:26 AM
You finds documents in room 2 on the rail track map and room 3 on the bridge map, but they're all written in Dwarven. There are also some maps among the documents, but they depict the mining colony, just like the ones you got from Azourafael.

Oerjan looks a bit disappointed but he just shrugs and sits down again, humming a tone that sounds something like a nursery rhyme.

2009-05-20, 01:22 PM

The hulking overlord nods slowly towards Alia.

"A prudent call. I am inclined to agree. Grovel, you are a creature of haggling and wheedling. Go with that group to try to get a better price, and while you're there, try to see about hiring some more Minions for me. Set them on patrol routes down the main corridors and the side passage. Coordinate with the orcs and drow to get some sentries posted in the side rooms, if possible. Now go."

Photoshop to the rescue! I've outlined some logical patrol paths in red, blue and green, as well as marked the position of my Goblins on the map. I've also added names to the most logical guard posts and notable entrances/exits.


2009-05-20, 04:31 PM

Kanar walks into the prison, smiling. "Good fight. Both me men are alive. Dey be up and around in a cuppa days. So whatz da plan now? I claim this durf's stuff, by da way. I helped bring him down, after all."

Kanar and the bugbears will claim rooms 2 and 3 on random map 2. Room 3 will be Kanar's, 2 for his bugbear buddies.

2009-05-20, 04:53 PM

As Alia enters the room with the gathered treasure in it, she gives a brief nod to the minions watching over it. She looks for the gathered treasure and looks over the art objects, anxious to find something to keep as a souvenir before the goblins come to take the unwanted loot to the Devil's Knot.

She mutters in Infernal as she casts detect magic on the items before her. Upon finding a number of magical items, she begins to work on identifying them.

Alia casts detect magic.

Spellcraft checks to identify magic items:
Spellcraft: [roll0]
Spellcraft: [roll1]
Spellcraft: [roll2]
Spellcraft: [roll3]

2009-05-20, 05:52 PM

Kelatar instructs the Drow warriors to dig a grave for their fallen comrade and to perform a small ceremony to delver his soul to Vhaerun. The Orcs are instructed to strip their fallen brethren of their weapons and honor and bury them in the mines in whatever matter Orcs remember their dead. Kelatar does not care enough about them to be concerned on their exact rituals.

Two Drow will accompany the caravan back to Devil's Knot and to assure that Kelatar is not cheated out of any of the profits owe to him by the Goblin Grovel. One could not be too careful when it came to trusting a Goblin, or even Humans for that matter. They would also escort the remainder of Kelatar's entourage back and hire an additional Drow mercenary to replace their loses.

"My men will need significant space. I have a very large operation moving in over the next few days. I will take the rooms closer to the bridge." OOC: Claiming on Random map one: 2, 2, 4, 6 and 4 and 3 at the bridge post.

Looking at the mad Dwarf and then at the captured Thorgar, an evil glint enter the Drow's eyes. "I say we release the Dwarf. He may know their secrets...and if not we can use him to get the secrets out of his former commander."

2009-05-20, 06:56 PM

Seeing the others sending back their own, Kanar sends one of the bugbears back with the group as well. He's ordered to gather a few more of the 'boys' to bring back with promises of loot and the chance to kill more dwarfs.

2009-05-21, 03:24 PM
Alia studies the objects.

Warhammer - failure
Full plate - success, faint abjuration aura
potion - success, faint conjuration aura
potion - failure

She finds a peculiar art object, a goat's skull inlaid with silver and studded with semi-precious stones (worth 50 gp). Though it doesn't register as being a magical object, Alia has a strong feeling that it is somehow... staring at her.

Oerjan is nodding enthusiastically as he listens to Kelatar. "Aye, the elf's right! I can help ye but I cannae help if ye don't release me. I'm certain Thorgar has the key." OOC: Indeed, you found a key ring in Thorgar's room (9).


Vega and Alia: you should also claim a room or two for yourselves and your minions.

Kanar: How many bugbears do you want to hire?

Vega: IIRC, you get 2 more goblins for free because your leadership score went up by 2. Will that be all or do you want to hire more minions? You'll have to buy equipment for them, of course.

Guard posts and shifts: Nice work Tyrael! Awesome map and thanks for naming the guard posts. Now I would like for you to specify in more detail how many guards are guarding each post and how long the shifts are. I'm sorry if this sounds a**l retentive, but I like detail, and I assure you that a little later in the campaign, it'll matter a lot who's guarding which exit/post and when. :smallwink:

You may arrange the shifts as you like, but it might be a good idea to divide the seven posts and entrances (some of them may, of course be left unguarded if the adjacent posts are guarded well enough) among the four of you instead of mixing your troops. Orcs, goblins and bugbears are known to cause trouble if they spend too much time with members of other races, and drow hate members of "lower" races (i.e. everyone else). Dogs, on the other hand get along with anyone who gives them food and treats them well. :smallsmile:

For example, Kelatar might take the Bridge Post and North Exit 2 because his troops' quarters are closest to those posts. Kanar might take the Mining Tracks Post or North Exit 1 because his bugbears live near the tracks.

This is an example of what the guard shifts for a guard post might look like:

Bridge Post (Kelatar)
shift 1 (8 hours): 2 orcs
shift 2 (8 hours): 2 orcs
shift 3 (8 hours): 2 orcs

And of course, you need 6 orcs to do this. The number of guards may vary from shift to shift, but since you're underground, there's no significant difference between different parts of the 24-hour cycle.