View Full Version : LOST: Favorite character? {Possible spoilers}

2009-03-12, 02:05 AM
I am relatively new to LOST, and I'm discovering all its wonderfulness.
I love its characters and though I love the storyline, it is the characters that keep me coming back for more.
I've gone through an evolution of having to pick a favorite.
It was Sayiid, until the torture, and I used to dislike Sawyer, now I love him. And its hard not to like Locke, unless you're an absolute Jack fan.

Without hesitation my wife states that Locke is her favorite.

As a villain it is hard not to like Ben. As a sci-fi fan I like Faraday, so it is hard for me.

What are your favorites?

{I looked for this thread if it was made before and I couldn't find it... so I made this one.}

2009-03-12, 02:38 AM
Hurley. He's practically the definition of Woobie. And so far, seems to be the only morally uncomplicated one. Considering the rest of the (many, many, many) characters, that is saying something.

Charlie. Because.

Desmond. Because it's just cool when he says something, brotha. Also, cool monk-ness and setting out to prove one's worth to a multi-national owner/billionaire is stylish.

I flipflop on Ben because, well, he's evil. (Maybe? I dunno.)

And Sawyer because he's really well fleshed out as a character.

2009-03-12, 02:40 AM
Definitely Charlie.

2009-03-12, 02:51 AM
Well my favorite is: Hurley
Because he reminds me of me and makes the desicions I would make, even with the touch of crazy.


Ben: There isnt a more likeably unlikeble villain in a series. (yes this includes sylar)

Faraday: I have to have spelled that wrong. He is easy to feel sorry for...

Desomond: His story could drive its own series hehe. and come on who doesnt love "Brotha"

2009-03-12, 10:38 AM
Aye brotha, Desmond's the coolest character there is in the whole series, hands down. Followed closely by Charley and Hurley. After them, Locke, Ben and Sawyer.

Then we have Richard Alpert, then everybody else, then Jack. Sorry Jack, but you're like the character with the worst development ever.

2009-03-12, 05:59 PM
Charlie is definitely a good one, I still miss him.

purple gelatinous cube o' Doom
2009-03-12, 08:06 PM
for those of you who are up to date with everything, I just read an interview with Emilie de Ravin said that her character Claire will return for the 6th and final season next year, as she just wanted a break for the current one.

As for favorite characters, I definitely have to go with Desmond brotha. With Ben probably coming in second. I also like Faraday a fair amount as well as Mr. Ecko too.

2009-03-12, 08:08 PM
Locke, Ben, Desmond, Sawyer, Eko and Hurley.

See, there's a show by itself.

2009-03-12, 09:38 PM
I'm thinking it was the writers choice that Claire be left out. I am sure they have something planned with Jack's father.

2009-03-12, 10:02 PM
Desmond and Charlie were always the best. In fact, the shownhas greatly dropped in quality since Charlie died. "Meestah Eko" was also awesome before he died.

2009-03-12, 10:05 PM
Really? I am greatly enjoying the new season as well as the last one.

2009-03-12, 10:11 PM
The last two seasons of Lost have been pretty good, in comparison to say, the third. But I think it's kind of expected, in retrospect. The writers had so much crap going on in the third season that they're only now getting around to tying off all the loose ends. There's still a lot of unanswered questions, but we know a hell of a lot more about things now than we ever have before.

As for my favorite character, it's... tough to say. I'll go ahead and be the weird one by saying that I never really got all the Charlie love. He was a decent character, but I never really wanted to see more of him. His last scene was amazing, but it didn't elevate him in my opinion. I think the only character that I never really get tired of seeing is Sayid. When he gets injured, he doesn't bleed. He oozes pure, liquid badass.

Hurley probably comes into a close second, because he makes me laugh every time I see him. The scene where he threw the hot-pocket at Ben had me rolling on the floor.

2009-03-12, 10:12 PM
Really? I am greatly enjoying the new season as well as the last one.

Really. This and the last season felt like even more of an asspull than Lost usually does. Although the last season finale was AWESOME.

2009-03-12, 11:22 PM
Really. This and the last season felt like even more of an asspull than Lost usually does. Although the last season finale was AWESOME.

I dunno. This season and the last feel like something they've been planning all along, with a lot of the previous seasons as filler.

2009-03-12, 11:41 PM
Sawyer, then Locke or Hurley depending on the season. Ben and Desmond are immense as well, but I don't see them as main cast so I'm not counting them.

FWIW Jack was originally supposed to die in the first episode. That's why there's a lack of background for him and why he's a Gary Stu.

2009-03-13, 12:49 AM
Arnzt (that's how you spell it, right?)

2009-03-13, 02:33 AM
Desmond and Charlie were always the best. In fact, the shownhas greatly dropped in quality since Charlie died. "Meestah Eko" was also awesome before he died.

You must've missed some episodes, or not like the sci-fi effect that has now totally permeated the show. I think its been great.

Jack was supposed to die? He's the leader. Background for them are always hard to make.

2009-03-19, 01:56 AM
Charlie Rocked. It still really bugs me that they killed him. I want him back!

Jack.. has always bothered me. I dunno... he feels like (to me) a guy who never grew up.

Sawyer is fun, but also annoying at the same time.

Hurley rocks. Desmond also rocks.

I actually haven't watched any of the new Lost (at least, since they stopped it in the middle of 2008... I was in the US at the time but then left and now haven't bothered to watch the show or whatever).

2009-03-19, 05:26 AM
Charlie Rocked. It still really bugs me that they killed him. I want him back!

Jack.. has always bothered me. I dunno... he feels like (to me) a guy who never grew up.

Sawyer is fun, but also annoying at the same time.

Hurley rocks. Desmond also rocks.

I actually haven't watched any of the new Lost (at least, since they stopped it in the middle of 2008... I was in the US at the time but then left and now haven't bothered to watch the show or whatever).

I think Dominic {Charlie} wanted to do other things, so they killed him off in a heroic way.... at least that's what I tell myself.

As for the stoppage that was partly the writers fault I believe.... they hurt a lot of things in LA at the time.... and now its even worse for us actors.

2009-03-21, 03:06 PM
I have to go with Ben as a kid because I just can't help but think that there is something more to his situation with Darma.

2009-03-21, 03:58 PM
I dunno, as far as villains go, I prefer Charles Widmore to Ben--ol' Charlie doesn't stoop to the level of getting his own hands dirty; he does everything through intermediaries, which is what a PROPER villain should do!

Favourite character is Sawyer, anyway...I like his line in sarcastic humour.

2009-03-21, 06:01 PM
For villains I'd go with Ben, because I like the bad guy who gets his hands dirty.

And I'm adding Charlie to my ever-growing list of favorites. A sad way to go, but heroic.