View Full Version : [Legacy] Dreampiercer

The Vorpal Tribble
2006-09-01, 03:04 PM
I wrote this story long ago, and the dream where he got the dagger was a true one of mine, so I thought I might work it into a 'Legacy'.




Nonlegacy Game Statistics: +1 dagger; cost 2,302. This strange silver stiletto dagger with braided black silk wrapped about the hilt is said to have been dreamt into being by the strange psion Timothae.
Those whom have wielded it say it disapears from reality and accompanies them into their dreams when they sleep. It allows him or her to know they are dreaming without need for a Lucid Dreaming check. Those attempting to sunder or in some manner strike or snatch the dagger suffer a 20% chance of missing it all together.
Omen: When wielded the dreampiercer takes on a slightly surreal appearance that causes drowsiness to any who gaze upon it for extended periods. Creatures that do not truley sleep such as Elves and Elans do not notice anything out of the ordinary.



That music... it was wrong, it was EVIL. He had to stop that music!


A young woman quickly sat up in bed, and cocked her head to the side, listening. The soft pattering of bare footsteps and the thud of the closing door. She quickly rolled out of bed, and grabbed a shawl off its hook and ran outside. There, in the distance was her five year old jogging down the sandy street, heedless to the tiny pebbles that must have been badly bruising him. She herself winced as she took after him, the salty breeze blowing her slightly to the side.

"Timothae!" she cried. "Come back!"


Something coming in from the woods... going for the music. It was that girl again... 'Who is she?' he wondered.

"Come back!" he shouted and took off after her, to warn her away from the music.


The watchman started in surprise as the little figure ran past him for the shore.
"Whoa there lad, where you headin'?" he called. When no answer was forthcoming he ran forward and stepped before the child. The boy stopped abruptly and stood there, his eyes staring blankly ahead. The watchmen lifted his lantern to shine into the boy's face and laid a hand on his shoulder.

"Are you alright there?" he asked a touch confused, and if it wasn't for his old eyes he could have sworn that mists were coming off the little one. He raised the lantern up as the form of his mother came panting down the road.

"Thank you so much Mr. Muncle!" she breathed and reached down to take the boy's arm, "I can't imagine what would bring him to do..." she gasped as the watchmen grabbed her arm.

"No lass, no!" he said in an urgent whisper. "He's asleep walkin'. Ye must never awaken those as do that. 'orrible things are asaid to happen. Just lead'em quiet like back."

The woman smiles slightly and nodded. She gently turned him around, and he went along with her gentle pressure. He instinctively climbed back into bed. She went about locking the doors and windows in the house.


He chased after her but could never catch up. Suddenly a wind picked him up and blew him over the treetops and away....

Timothae looked about in astonishment as he strolled down the street of his home. The smith he knew had been dead for years looked up from his shop and waved. All about him, people he had once known but had died walked around him.

Suddenly a movement caught his eye and he saw the girl. She grew as he did he realized. As always he caught nothing of her face as she walked into an alley. However, as he turned within, he stopped dead in his tracks for she was turned towards him. Her face was almost elven in its beauty, and for the first time he looked upon the kind but worried gaze of her green, almond eyes. She reached out her hand and in sweet tones she urged, "You must come with me quickly!"

Still staring deep into her eye he took the hand, and the world dimmed. His intake of breath brought to him the smell of burning wood... and flesh. She pulled him back out of the alley and he saw dust and fog in a great cloud that blocked the sun for as far as he could see. What was dimly illuminated struck to his heart. Nearly the entire town was reduced to rubble. Moans and screams of pain and fear reverberated about the wreckage. The ground suddenly rumbled and shook, nearly knocking him off balance, only by leaning together were the girl and he able to maintain their footing. "This way!" she shouted urgently and half dragged him down the path. Instead of taking him down to the seaside he found himself in a forest. As she took him they seemed to become larger and taller, many seeming to have been uprooted and twisted by a great force.

As he went along they became larger and eventually she stopped before the largest of them all, a tree so high that only the lowermost branches were visible, the top being lost to sight. At the base of the twisted and gnarled trunk sat an ancient looking man, bent with age. He stood up from his contemplation with a look of deep sadness and beckoned.

He turned about and like a fly started to clamber up the trunk. The girl gave him an affectionate smile and followed suit. Together they soon came to a ledge and pulled themselves above it. Timothae blinked in astonishment, for the trunk of the tree has split off and formed many, many small trunks that held up the top. They were formed in the shape of living arches and the middle was left bare leaving plenty of room to move about. In each arch were the standing forms of mummified remains, their parchment-like skin weather beaten and spider webs were woven about the exposed bones. Pieces of torn fabric blew about in the breeze. They all were turned face outwards, looking towards the horizon, each one with an expression of utter sorrow upon their dried features.

The old man reaches over and took him by the shoulders and turned him to look around. The beauty of the forest and seas of grass shocked Timothae to inner stillness. The view was shortlived though as the sun dipped below the distant mountains and the land took on the color of blood. (DC 31; Mindfields)

Timothae felt himself suddenly shoved from behind and staggered off the ledge of the tree. Though the ground rushed at him no fear did he feel. He landed softly on his feet which somehow took the shock easily. The girl and man land beside you and start to run. With great speed they dash and before they are out of site you hear the aged one shout, "Up and over, faster, faster! Do not be left behind!"

Obeying his urgent commant Timothae started to run and was soon leaving the wind behind in his wake. In moments he was back at the town but now, though it wass dark, it was no longer in rubble. He saw the man and girl turn around a strange building and so he head for it as well.

Around the curve he came to a stop. A great multitude of everyone he knew stood before him. The ancient man nods to you and and the girl squeezes your arm. From the center of the crowd stepped his mother, who handed him an odd silver dagger...


"Timothae... Timoathe!" his mother said loudly, shaking him. She knew him to sleep deeply, almost in death would he appear when he did not wander, but never before had it been this difficult. Only the rise and fall of his chest told her he was alive. "You father sailed in early, Timothae!" she said still shaking. He sat up suddenly and she felt a piercing pain in her knee she was leaning forward upon. Through the blanket a shining glint caught the morning sun coming in through the window. She fell backwards, and a tall, burly man with skin as dark as wet sand jumped forward and caught her.

"TIMOTHAE!" she gasped. "Why are you sleeping with a knife?"

"Wha' kni..." he asked groggily but his eyes widened in shock at the blade within his hand. "You gave it to me... but that was only a dream!" he whispered.

Timothae's father set her down in a chair and took a step forward and siezed the boy's wrist. "Where did you get this?" he demanded, but for a moment even he was memorized by the weapon, though he rallied and said sternly. "None of us could afford such a blade."

"Mother..." Timothae started.

His mother shook her head in bewilderment, "I have never seen it before, Locklane!"

Locklane shook the boy arm, "Did you steal this?" he hissed in fury.

"I wouldn't..."

"Then how did you come to have it? I have been far too negligent of late." he turned and looked to Timothae's mother. "Feleen, you have that scratch looked at. Never know what might be on this."

"Locklane, no..." she started.

"Feleen, leave us." he said in tones that brooked no argument.

He quickly closed the door as she walked out, limping slightly. He turned back to Timothae, "Our family has had a tradition of honor and integrity. You will tell me from whom you took it."

"Father, I did not..."

"LIES!" he fairly roared. "No mark on my family will be tolerated, and theft of arms is a black smudge. You will learn what the price of dishonor is." and pulled from around his pant a thick, wide leather belt.


Feleen buried her head in her hands at the sounds of Timothee's agonized cries, and her tears leaked between her clenched fingers.

Timothae did not come forth from his room once that day and Locklane forbade her to enter to comfort him. That night she sat up and with a sick certainty knew that he had gone wandering. She tried to get out of bed quietly, but Locklane unlike his son slept light and questioned after her. She trembled slightly as she responded, "He walks at night, asleep." she grabbed his arm as he swung his legs out of bed. "He doesn't know what he does, Locklane!" she implored.

"Thats what he tell you is it?" Locklane said darkly. "This is when he goes out to steal! Apparently his flogging wasn't enough. He'll learn this time. Oh, how he'll learn!" he quickly pulled on his boots and walked out the door. Down the road, heading towards the beach walked Timothae, a shattered lamp held in the hand of a crumpled figure at his feet. Going around the figure, Timothae continued walking. Locklane's fists bunched in fury and shame and he ran down, his boots sending gravel scattering.


"Timothae, oh Timothae!" he heard the girl shout. He looked out the window and rising from the sea was the moon, the color of blood. Timothae quickly squeezed through the window frame and jumped lightly to the ground. Shadows oozed out of nearby doorways and from chimneys and under window sills. He ran all the faster but skidded to a stop as one stepped before him. In its hand shone a bright fire that it drew back to throw. Timothae's anger filled him at the obstacles keeping him from the girl to whom he had fallen in love with. His head seemed filled with light, and he hurled it at the shadow to destroy it. The dark shape staggered back and fell to the ground where a dark puddle formed. The fire hit the puddle and sizzled out.

He did not have a moment of satisfaction however as her voice echoed from the waves ever more urgently. He walked around the puddle and dashed for the waters. He screamed in pain though as he stepped upon the pebbly shore, for no longer was it covered in pebbles. Tiny figures were standing up from their prone positions, some several inches tall, thousands of others only the size of grains of sand. Each one though had glinting claws coming from their tiny hands and their faces contorted and rotten. With these claws they tore into his foot. Farther out upon the waters the pleading tones continued. Timothae leaped into the water and flicked his foot, washing off the dead men. The salt stung his wounds viciously, but he couldn't return to the beach. Specially because out on the lake was a small boat, with the girl standing upon it. A dark arm was around her throat which connected to a demonic form wrapped about in a black cloak. He laughed horribly and lifted the other arm alike to a bat's wing. The wind quickly took the membrane and the girl's screams disapeared in the distance.

'This is a dream...' he said to himself in realization. 'This is MY dream... AND I CONTROL IT! and started to wade outwards when something took his shoulder. He felt a great ripping of something deep within his being, but it was not he that tore, but something that had come along. For several dark moments, an unbearable weight clung to him...


Locklane dashed over the pebbles when a swirl of fabric flapped behind him and a slim hand wrapped around his arm.

"Locklane, you must listen to me!" Feleen pleaded. "He mustn't be awakened. He mustn't!"

Locklear shrugged away her grip. "You've been listening to those old wives tales. If he's really sleep walking, and I doubt this, he'll be woken up. It may take some time, but anything can be beaten out of you if its caught early!" and grabbed Timothae's shoulder and spun him brutally around.

A silent explosion seemed to pass through Locklear and Feleen's minds and the sky turned a horrible shade of dark ochre. Rising from the ocean was a bloated moon far too large, casting the hideous light. Most horrifying of all though was the figure that turned to them shrieking, "This is MY dream!".
Though still bearing a resemblance to Timothae, the being before them was out of their worst inner fears. His skin, a horrible pale shade, literally CRAWLED, like maggots unable to quite push through from beneath. His eyes were missing, and in their place were pulsing orbs of light, chasing and roating about one another. His hair were tentacles that went down to his back and rose into the air. His arms and legs were obscenely thickened and bloated, and from his fingers and toes grew viciously curved talons. He opened an unhinged mouth that showed a veritable forest of never ending needled teeth and his barbed tongue snaked out, "Dare you take their form, demons? No more... NO MORE!" and stomping forward he reached down and gripped the ankles of Locklane.
Whipping the man around and around his head, Timothae released him. Locklane sailed far over the waters towards the rocky reefs. There was an audible 'CRACK' as his body met the unyielding stone, and he slid down into the turbulent waves. Timothae then turned to the second cowering figure, her mouth opened in a silent scream too fearful to have sound.

"Return to the nothingness of defeated nightmare and plague me no more!" he screamed and reached out a hand. From her body a thick, roiling substance streamed. He bound it within his palms and rearing back, hurled it into the sky, where it sailed higher... and higher. The figure collapsed to the ground. (DC 25; Night Wander)

He turned back to the waves and was preparing to fly for the boating demon when suddenly he felt dizzy.

The water far out to see parted and a dark, monstrous figure rose up and laughed humorlessly, shaking the land. "You have finally released me from my prison after all these years, and so I will alow you to live. May we never meet again..." and he wafted a hand at Timothae as if to dismiss him.

As he fell to the sand he abruptly noticed that the beach was no longer anything but pale pebbles and sand, and no red moon hung in the sky...


When Timothae awoke he felt light headed, and couldn't quite remember how to open his eyes. Voices were around him, whispering, but quickly became louder. Eventually feeling came to his arm and he reached to find why his eyes were so heavy and felt a damp cloth. A voice responded above him, "Why he awakes!"

The cloth was pulled from his head and he slowly opened his eyes. It was several moments before he could focus, but when he could he saw that he was within the apothecary. The healer's elderly face was looking into his. He glanced over and saw his mother lying still on a cot nearby and said with a croak, "What happened?"

"Well lad..." the healer responded slowly, "I've got some bad news...."


No one quite understood why Timothae ran out of the apothecary screaming, "Dreams are real, and real is dreams!" and locked himself in his home. (DC 20; Realization of Consciousness)

Over the next eight days many tried to get in to check on him, but he ignored their calls. Finally, after several days had passed a couple of Locklear's mates hoisted up another of the sailors, and peering through Timothae's window, saw him rocking back and forth on his bed, his eyes wide and unseeing and his mouth saying something over and over.

During this time Timothae slept not one wink. He would pinch himself or dash himself against the wall along with a wide variety of things to keep from sleeping. Upon hearing about his parents he refused to sleep, for to sleep was to dream, and to dream was to kill! He must never sleep again, for he could not know what might happen once more. By the eighth day he had been seeing hallucinations and was sure that his dreams were out to get him. It was on that eighth day that his mother died, unable to stay alive any longer within a coma. He watched blearily as her coffin was carried to the graveyards by Lacklear's crew, followed by Feleen's friends. The madness that was building within him from shock and sleep deprivation finally took hold as his lids grew droopy. He could not sleep if he could not close his eyes! This was the only thought in his mind as he walked out of his room and went to the stand where Locklear kept his things. Timothae rooted around and pulled out his silver knife. In the kitchen he brought forth a bowl of water and looked within to see his reflection. He then brought the knife to his eye...

With the removal of his eyelids, Timothae's sanity slowly returned, though his consciousness was altered forever. He found he could see into Dream if he concentrated hard enough and could withstand the pain of his strained eyes, though reality itself took on an unreal quality to him in waking. He devoted his life to the study of dream and the mind, and though few knew of it, he was a valiant warrior, defeating nightmare beings in the night and those who used their mental powers for evil in the day.

It is said that he never died, but became an unbodied, and now roams the two realms of existence. In his realization that allowed him to cross the final boundary, his treasured dagger was dropped, and pierced his dreamscape. It lies floating within the void between dreams, occassionally brushing past and cutting its way into random dreams where any might find it.


- Dream Piercer Personal Cost -

Wielder Level-Attack Penalty-Save Penalty-Hit Point Loss-Power Point Loss-Ability

5th - - - - Deep Thought
6th - - 4 - Sleep Seeker
7th - - 2 - +2 Dagger
8th - -1 - - Strange Gait
9th -1 - - - Blow to Consciousness
10th - - - - -
11th - - - 2 Dreamer of Dreams
12th - - 2 - +2 Teleporting Dagger
13th -2 - - 1 Mindthrust
14th - - - 3 Slit the Veil
15th - - - - Sunder Reality
16th -3 - - - +3 Teleporting Dagger
17th - - - - True Awakening
18th - - 2 - Summon Nightmare
19th - - 2 - +3 Psychic, Teleporting Dagger
20th - - 2 - Only A Dream


Legacy Ritual
Three rituals are required to unlock all the abilities of the dreampiercer.

Realization of Consciousness: You must sleep for an uninterupted twelve hours and take control of your dream to turn it to the location of your fondest memory, or slay the subject of a reoccuring nightmare with the dagger. Cost: 2,000 gp. Feat Granted: Least Legacy (Dreampiercer).

Night Wander: You must spend an entire night wandering various dreamscapes and defeating the terrors of others. Cost 20,000 gp. Feat Granted: Lesser Legacy (Dreampiercer)

Mindfields: You must enter the Dreamheart and seek out the Karibbi that was visited by Timothae. You must meet with the Dead Watchers and gain their blessing. Cost: 40,000 gp. Feat Granted: Greater Legacy (Dreampiercer)


Dreampiercer Wielder Requirements
Member of a sleeping, dreaming race
Lucid Dreaming 5 ranks

Legacy Item Abilities
All the following are legacy item abilities of Dreampiercer.

Deep Thought (Ex): At 5th level and higher Dreampiercer begins to aid you in freeing you mind. This bestows a power point pool of 2 power points. This benefit does not grant you the ability to manifest powers unless you gain that ability through another source, such as levels in a psionic class.

Sleepseeker (Su): Beginning at 6th level, while wielding the Dreampiercer, you can detect any creature with connections to the Region of Dreams within 60 ft., although you must concentrate (a standard action) to do so. This includes nighthags (as well as quorri, kalashtar, and others of Dal Quor if you are using the Eberron campaign setting). Creatures that are asleep and currently projecting a dreamself can be detected out to 30 ft.

Strange Gait (Su): At 8th level and higher you gain the Up the Walls feat as your movements become dreamlike and partially divorced from reality.

Blow to Consciousness (Su): At 9th level and higher, when you deal damage to an opponent with Dreampiercer, that opponent must succeed on a will save (DC 10 + damage dealt) or fall into a deep sleep for one minute per HD of the wielder. Sleeping victims cannot be awakened by nonmagical means before this time expires. This ability is usable twice per day.

Dreamer of Dreams (Ps): You have learned the way of the waking sleep. At 11th level or higher, once per day, you can use Dream Travel as the power. Manifester level 11th.

Mindthrust (Su): Beginning at 13th level, as a standard action, you can imbue the Dreampiercer with destructive mental energy. If your blow hits, it deals an extra 5d10 points of damage. This ability can be used five times per day.

Slit the Veil (Su): As a standard action you may use the Dreampiercer to cut away reality and view the dreams of a single individual within 10 feet. As well, once per day you may swing Dreampiercer about, cutting away all illusion to seek the reality beneath. This grants you the benefits of Psionic True Seeing. Manifester level 16th.

Sunder Reality (Su): You strike down the borders of dream and reality and wander in a sort of double life, straddling the line of Dream and Reality. Starting at 15th level, you appear hazy and out of focus, such that all melee and ranged attacks against you are assessed a 20 percent miss chance. This 20-percent miss chance is not the same as concealment and does not preclude the possibility of effective sneak attacks. You may discontinue this ability as a move action.

True Awakening (Ex): At 17th level and higher, your mind begins to interact with dream at a normally unatainable level so that your mind continuously regenerates itself. You no longer find the need to sleep, though you must still meditate for the normal length of time to regain spells and power points. You become immune to spells related to the subconscious, such as Symbol of Sleep, Nightmare, Phantasmal Killer, and any spells of the Oneiromancy type.
You heal mental damage such as that bestowed by a Mindthrust or Psionic Blast at 4 points of damage per hour. As well, if you have sustained damage to any of your mental ability scores they heal at 2 points per hour. Drain to any mental ability score heals at 1 point per day.

Summon Nightmare (Sp): At 18th level and higher, once every other day, you can force a creature of pure horror from the darkest realms of the subconscious into reality, acting as a Weird spell. Caster level 17th.

Only a Dream (Su): Dreampiercer has finally cut away all mental barriers so that you view mind and body as one. Once per week when you would be killed you awake from a cold sweat the next morning in the nearest unharmful locale, your death having no more substance than if it had occurred in a dream.

2006-09-01, 04:26 PM
Hrm...this is a very beautifully made and well creatively constructed weapon. Two things, though: Mindthrust seems pretty strong, the full damage ends up being 1d6+5d10 damage for a successful hit with a dagger. If you're mostly a sneak attacker or skillmonkey, then this is overpowered; if you're a psionic blaster then the skill is obsolete. Also, using Only a Dream will require some major preparation and/or unbelievable creativity on the fly for justification by the DM, as well as what happens to whatever killed you, and where and when you wake up. I think maybe you could specify you wake up whenever it was the last time you meditated in the noted cold sweat, and so the information gained can be used to avoid the ambush/encounter/assassination or whatever it was that killed you.

I love the background story, it was very intricate. I also noticed Timothae in your sig, was he someone you played and you merely placed the beginning of the campaign in prose?

Fax Celestis
2006-09-01, 05:30 PM
That's pretty sweet.

The only thing that concerns me is the L20 ability. It seems like it'd be a nightmare to DM. No pun intended. ;D

2006-09-01, 06:07 PM
"Cost: 40,000 hp. Feat Granted: Greater Legacy (Dreampiercer)"


2006-09-01, 06:28 PM
Whoa, didn't notice that. So...You die...then wake up in a cold sweat because of the ability unlocked by that act? I guess?

Another question: what are the least legacy, legacy, greater legacy powers, I don't see them specified as which is which. maybe it's my inexperience with legacy weapons, but if I use find a use for this, I'd like to know how to unlock its powers.

Fax Celestis
2006-09-01, 06:43 PM
Whoa, didn't notice that. So...You die...then wake up in a cold sweat because of the ability unlocked by that act? I guess?

Another question: what are the least legacy, legacy, greater legacy powers, I don't see them specified as which is which. maybe it's my inexperience with legacy weapons, but if I use find a use for this, I'd like to know how to unlock its powers.
Those are the same for all legacy weapons. Any legacy power below 11th level is a least power. Between 11 and 16 is a lesser. Greater is 17 to 20.

The Vorpal Tribble
2006-09-01, 10:55 PM
Two things, though: Mindthrust seems pretty strong, the full damage ends up being 1d6+5d10 damage for a successful hit with a dagger. If you're mostly a sneak attacker or skillmonkey, then this is overpowered; if you're a psionic blaster then the skill is obsolete.

Other legacy weapons at this level deal, say, electricity or fire damage of the same ammount.

Also, using Only a Dream will require some major preparation and/or unbelievable creativity on the fly for justification by the DM, as well as what happens to whatever killed you, and where and when you wake up. I think maybe you could specify you wake up whenever it was the last time you meditated in the noted cold sweat, and so the information gained can be used to avoid the ambush/encounter/assassination or whatever it was that killed you.
Well, any DM who would allow this legacy item and realize what it could do at that level should be prepared. If not then he's

I also noticed Timothae in your sig, was he someone you played and you merely placed the beginning of the campaign in prose?
Timothae was a character I played years back, and the story until he cut off his eyelids was his backgroundstory. He is also the main character of a novel I've begun, though much of this here is adjusted.

"Cost: 40,000 hp. Feat Granted: Greater Legacy (Dreampiercer)"


*replaces the H with a G*

2006-09-02, 12:29 AM
IMO, the level 20 power should be something more like once a month or year. Not many people would die once a week.

The Vorpal Tribble
2006-09-02, 12:46 AM
IMO, the level 20 power should be something more like once a month or year. Not many people would die once a week.
A 20th level adventurer is not likely to die once a week?

If you seriously believe that I have a potion of immortality I'd like to discuss with you ;)

2006-09-02, 02:35 AM
A 20th level adventurer is not likely to die once a week?

If you seriously believe that I have a potion of immortality I'd like to discuss with you ;)
Shhhh.... honey... it was just a dream... mwhaha!

2006-09-02, 10:01 AM
That once a week ability is sweet. One of your allies died? Commit suicide, and fix it! Though, you might want to put that the time elapsed in the 'dream' counts for the once a week thing.

The Vorpal Tribble
2006-09-02, 02:07 PM
That once a week ability is sweet. One of your allies died? Commit suicide, and fix it! Though, you might want to put that the time elapsed in the 'dream' counts for the once a week thing.
Ok, redid it to defend against you munchkins ;)

2006-09-02, 06:46 PM
Aw. Why'd you have to do that.