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2009-03-14, 09:27 AM
Residence #12, Highburn Street, Metropolis

"σπίτια γιά πώληση"
A Metropolis Thread

Jutting out of yet more ugly, grey buildings, comes an ugly, grey building, a spired block of apartments and flats that spears itself, angrily, into the skylit heavens, as if trying to pierce its way out of the hellhole that is this city. Windows lie in neat, small rows, perhaps with lights shining out of them if the bulding's residents can afford them, allowing people flying past to see into the dank squalor that most of the block (and, indeed, city) is trapped in.
Should one be walking towards the building, way down from the bottom, where the high-rise buildings, and heavy clouds of smog, and smoke, and fog, intefere with the sky, interrupting the lightrays that try, ineffectual, to be noticed - the only illumination down here coming from the faintly glowing sign pointing out the nearby Underground train station, a few street-lamps dotted about, and a row of rather tacky fairy lights and argon lamps that indicate the aforementioned building.

It seems, on the ground floor, there's a small shop. It has big windows, bulletproof, showing little in particular but a few rather tacky looking ferns and a few cans of food. If this no-doubt dazzling display doesn't put you off right away, one enters to see rows and rows of shelving, with tinned and canned goods, food and drink, shipped in from cities away, others bruised or dented from falling from airlifts. In boxes at the end of each aisle, stained and grubby, there lie piles of miscellaneous goods, all old and falling apart: broken radios, half-dry batteries, ripped comics, and the like. Should one actually want to buy anything here, they'd plunge across the grubby floor, avoiding the eyes of possible thieves, and pay at the small, brightly painted till and counter, where little laminated signs (on pink and orange paper) alert you that you must show your ID card when paying for goods. The shopowner is a frail NPC of unclear racial origin, who looks like he wouldn't be too hard to take down. Yet, the dried bloodstains (ineffectually scrubbed at with bleach) indicate that perhaps there's more than meets the eye.

Beside the shop's entrance, there's an elevator, with a button to go up. The button's smashed, of course, and, once you go inside, you'll discover that some lovely occupant has urinated in the interior, at some point in the past, and the aroma still pervades. Buttons inside the lift can take one to any floor above.
A stairwell, winding and spiralling, with a couple of missing steps, winds up through the bulding too, serpentine, stopping off at public toilets (which makes you wonder why a certain person had to go in the elevator) and maintenance cupboards along the way - often at quite unexpected times.

On each and every floor above the shop, the situation's pretty much the same. Flickering flourescent lights pulse across the ceilings, casting a poor light across the scarlet-carpetted corridors, each and everyone stained or scuffed by a particular substance, the pale lemon-cream wall paper flaking and breaking at each and every glance. Doors, every few metres down the wall, are identified by scratchy deep green or crimson paint, and by locks, painted gold, many of which are breakable. On every floor, there's actually a fairly well-stocked communal kitchen.
What's inside a room is mostly up to player, but rooms are generally of poor quality, containing nothing out-of-the-ordinary, unless someone actually brings it in. If you want a room fixed up, you'd have to ring up the NPC maintenance; but it's unlikely they'll come. Most people try and fix things themselves.

Room #67: Lech Bojarski
Room #101: Sebastian "Trouble" Eversole
Room #202: Freddy and Emanuel Suarez
Room #212: Damien Hendricks
Room #222: Daisy Annette Flowers
Room #527: Marke Yoghen Librason
Room #603: Justine
Room #729: Xian "Indigo Dusk" Teng

OOC Notes:
Obviously, abide by Metropolis and Forum rules. Basically anyone can try and buy/rent a room, but you have to roleplay it, and please PM the thread creator if you do, so it can be put in the first post to alert players of where you character lives. You must have an ID card to get hold of a room - so people who're illegally here will have to fake it to get a room. If you apply for a room, you get it for a week free, while you look for employment, but then you're on your own.
The apartment block is near to nearly anywhere you want it to be, but if this is abused, such an addition will be taken away.
Like in The Hollow, this thead's first post may occasionally update, so do check it occasionally, please.

2009-03-14, 09:35 AM
Freddy gazes up at the grey sky as it melds in with the top of the high-rise building that stands in front of him. Wrapping his coat a little tighter, he shoulders his bag and nods to his companion to move on. Vamos. Giving one last bitter glance at the government agents behind them, he leans into the bitter wind and walks up to the door.

2009-03-14, 09:41 AM
I am coming, I am. Emanuel says, hurrying after his thinner brother, shivering slightly in the breeze, his caramel curls bouncing. Freddy, espere por mí! He, too, is cold, wrapped up in his coat, and follows his brother, unhappy, his backpack bouncing like his hair.

2009-03-14, 09:48 AM
Reaching the door of the building, Freddy pushes once against the door and, noticing its resilience, pushes once again, putting his whole weight into it. Half-climbing, half-falling in, he eventually arrives at the elevator and attempts to press the broken button.

2009-03-14, 09:52 AM
Is it broken, Freddy? His brother says, biting his lower lip, slightly childishly, looking worried, and, frankly, cold.

2009-03-14, 09:57 AM
It's been smashed up. Looking up at the sign which humbly announces the fact that elevator is on the ground floor. Freddy turns back to his twin. I'll just be a sec. Turning back and taking a deep breath, Freddy walks into the lift.

Inside he releases his breath and pants lightly. He presses the Open Doors button and the doors grudgingly slide open to present his brother. It's fine, come on in. He says, pressing the button labeled "2" in faded red writing.

2009-03-14, 10:02 AM
All right. Emanuel says, following his brother in, nervously, placing a hand over his nose, so as to try and filter out the smell. Are we allowed to use our powers, here, Freddy?

2009-03-14, 10:10 AM
We're allowed to use them everywhere. It's just they punish us for doing so. Here, it's fine. Just don't show them off to everyone. Some are still afraid, and the government is never too far.

Freddy is seemingly unaffected by the smell. He waits patiently for the elevator to stop and steps out promptly when it opens. Following the half-destroyed signs he speedily walks towards a door labeled 202 in iron digits. Taking the key out of his bag, Freddy inserts it into the keyhole and enters the room.

2009-03-14, 10:11 AM
Emanuel, walking slightly faster to keep up with his twin, sighs when he enters the room, his face falling even further. It was too much to hope this would be better than home, wasn't it? Sadly, he wanders over to one of the drab twin beds.

2009-03-14, 10:20 AM
Freddy doesn't seem as downhearted as Emanuel. Do you not see, mí hermano? Here we can start the life we always wanted. He drops his bag and marches to the other end of the room, flinging the curtains to show the slightly drab, industrial city. We can start anew... His pitch black eyes have a twinkle in them that seemed to have never existed before.

2009-03-14, 10:22 AM
I suppose so. Emanuel says, quietly. He doesn't seem quite so sure as his brother, as he moves over to inspect their shared, tiny bathroom. Oh, god, there's something in the toilet. I think it's still alive.. :smallyuk:

2009-03-14, 10:31 AM
Freddy's great and triumphant speech is utterly undermined by the pallidness that washes over his face. Something alive in the toilet? He asks in a small, dry voice. Clearing his throat he says, Well first thing tomorrow I'm going to clean up this dingy cave and make it fit us perfectly. Until then, could you flush that thing away?

2009-03-14, 10:36 AM
Um. OK. Emanuel says, his voice soon followed by the sound of the toilet flushing. And then someone vomiting in the sink. It had too many legs. He said, walking back into the main room, shivering again, his dark complexion awash with green. So, what now?

2009-03-14, 10:47 AM
Now, my friend, Freddy announces, putting a hand on Emanuel's shoulder, visibly trying to ignore the vomiting, we'll go get a job. Or some way of making money.

Freddy picks up the key from the bedside table which he had flung it onto, and makes for the door.

2009-03-14, 10:54 AM
Um. OK. I'll.. stay here. Then. Emanuel says, quietly, as he watches his twin leaves.

2009-03-14, 10:57 AM
Freddy turns around as he hears this. What? No, come on. We can do this together. Come on. He waits for him by the door. Plus, who know what kind of people live around here.


2009-03-14, 10:59 AM
Yeah. That's a good point, I suppose. Emanuel says, nervously following his brother out of the room, leaving his bag on his bed.

2009-03-14, 07:21 PM
Justine walked into the Residence and looked around. Without any sort of front desk she walked into the little shop.
Um, can I get a room? Ooh, one up high! With, uh a window!

Chas the mage
2009-03-14, 07:40 PM
Shady sam is there... looking all shady. he has a dark grey trench coat and fedora, and all of his face is covered except his eyes.

2009-03-15, 07:20 AM
Justine walked into the Residence and looked around. Without any sort of front desk she walked into the little shop.
Um, can I get a room? Ooh, one up high! With, uh a window!

The elderly shopkeeper nods, and helps Justine get a room. And, lo behold it, such a room is edited into the first post.

2009-03-15, 08:39 AM

Freddy waits for his twin to follow out the door with him before locking the door behind him.

2009-03-15, 08:45 AM
Sighing, Emanuel joins his brother in the hallway, and watches him lock the door behind them. So, where are we going?

2009-03-15, 08:49 AM
Freddy locks the door and begins pacing off in the direction of the elevator. How do you feel like being a bartender? he asks rhetorically, barely glancing round at Emanuel. I saw a club or bar or something on the way here.

2009-03-15, 08:51 AM
Um. I don't know. Emanuel says, his eyes getting that slightly worried glint they always get when he's afraid of something. Maybe, it's um.. That sounds like something you'd be good at. He smiles, weakly.

2009-03-15, 08:57 AM
Reaching the lift, Freddy presses the down call button and waits. Suit yourself, what job do you have in your mind? I'm not gonna be the only one working, I'll tell you that.

When the lift arrives, he steps in and, wrinkling his nose a little at the smell, he coughs lightly and presses the ground floor button.

2009-03-15, 09:01 AM
As, inside the elevator, they plunge down towards ground, Emanuel shrugs. I don't know. I'm not good at anything. Though he doesn't say anything more, it's obvious that he's thinking "unlike you".

2009-03-15, 09:06 AM
Don't be silly, he says, almost automatically, but doesn't glance down from inspecting the ceiling of the lift. After a few moments silence, he looks back down again and seemingly only them begins to pay attention to his brother. You're...strong...you could get a job as a bodyguard or something, no?

2009-03-15, 09:07 AM
Yeah. I suppose. Emanuel says, about to ask, once again, whether they're allowed to use the powers, but then stops himself, remembering how Freddy gets annoyed with him for asking the same questions. So where's this bar, place, then?
The lift stops, and the doors open.

2009-03-15, 09:14 AM
Freddy steps out the lift. Just down the road, I think. Wait here, I'll ask the shopkeeper. He enters the shop and looks for someone behind the till, he walks up to him and asks him for direction. A few seconds later he walks out and repeats to Emanuel the man's directions. It's just down the road, apparently. About 10 minutes walk, you ready?

2009-03-15, 09:15 AM
Why wouldn't I be? Emanuel says, with a hint of false cheer, and sets off in the vague direction he saw the man pointing at.

2009-03-15, 09:24 AM
Freddy, hastily buttoning up his thready coat follows out hurriedly. Cheer up, Manuel. You'll see, this place will be great. Just think of it, we can live normally here, there are many people here like us, we'll just fit right in.

2009-03-15, 09:25 AM
Emanuel shakes his head, but says nothing, merely moving into the other thread, quietly.

2009-03-16, 01:00 AM
"thanks... Weeee!" she started skippinng towards the elevator. She pressed a button, and waited for an elevator. She steps inside, slowly cleaning the air. When she gets to her floor, she walks to her room and unlocks the door. She sees the horrible amount of dirt in the room, and starts touching the walls and floor. This'd take her a while.

2009-03-17, 01:02 AM
Justine, with her room looking pristine and clean, skips into the lift and goes down to the first floor, exiting the building. ((Skipping is her preffered mode of transport))

2009-03-19, 01:27 PM
A skinny man in long, grey coat approaches the building and enters.

2009-03-19, 01:36 PM
As the new guy enters, Xian/Indigo (http://public4.tektek.org/img/av/0903/d14/1335/0ed6831.png) is just leaving, her hair slicked back behind one ear, slightly, her eyes bright, a bottle of vodka only slightly dipped into, uncorked, in one hand. Stopping to let him past, she nods, to him, hiding her face, slightly.

2009-03-19, 01:41 PM
The newcomer nods back and goes inside to look around, trying to finding anyone to talk about renting a room.

2009-03-19, 01:45 PM
And, lo behold it, Xian just leaves the building, taking an idle swig of the clear stuff as she heads into the BIG BAD WORLD.
And, 'course, the newcomer can get himself a cruddy room. It has rats in it! And a nasty looking stain, yellow, bordering on orange, on the bedspread. And, in his player tells me what the room number is, it can be edited into the first post.

2009-03-19, 01:51 PM
The newcomer chooses the room by the number of 67. He's seen worse. His name to be written down by the owner is Lech Bojarski.

2009-03-21, 04:47 PM

Freddy enters his room after a long day at work. He's carrying two grocery bags filled with food and cleaning products. A frilly, white, flowery hem is noticeable underneath the bottom of his coat. He kicks the door closed and sets the groceries on the kitchen counter with a grunt.

Moving further into the apartment, he slumps down onto his bed. He unbuttons his coat and throws it to one side, next taking off his apron.

2009-03-21, 04:49 PM
Why are you wearing girl's clothes? Emanuel's voice says, floating out from the crack between the slightly ajar bathroom door, and the wall. There's also the sound of a tap, running.

2009-03-21, 04:57 PM
Girl's clothes? Ha! With a great heave, Freddy lifts himself up off the bed. He takes his apron and coat and hangs them off a makeshift peg behind the main door. Moving back to the groceries, he starts to take them out, making a pile of bleaches, detergents and shampoos and conditioners (2 in 1!) and placing the foodstuffs either in the one cupboard next to the sink or in the small, shabby fridge. And how was "school" today?

2009-03-21, 04:59 PM
All right. The guy at the bar told me I should use my powers over any martial art, but I didn't think that was such a good idea; I told him about what happened with Issy Martinez. Emanuel says, turning off the tap, and wandering back into the bedroom, face and hair dripping with hot, slightly impure water. Whatcha buy?

2009-03-21, 05:13 PM
Upon hearing the girl's name, Freddy shakes his head. Haven't I told you to forget about that? It was an accident, and you're in control of it now. Finally finishing packing away, Freddy turns around and says, More cleaning stuff. I'm picking up some tips from the guys at work.

Emanuel might notice a difference in the house from when they first came. The big angry iodine-brown stain next to the window is considerably more content; the area around the kitchen and sink has visibly less grime and it's possible to see through the windows from almost the other side of the house! Oh! I did remember this though... Freddy adds, drawing out a tub of Bob's and Jimbo's Chocky Fudglicious Browners from the last bag on the counter. I knew how much you liked it. He throws in a smile to make the mixture extra sweet.

2009-03-21, 05:17 PM
Awesome. Emanuel says, grabbing a threadbare towel, and, as he wraps it efficiently into a quick turban/head-dress, goes over to inspect such marvellous cleaning and purchasing. Nice. Really, I appreciate it.

2009-03-21, 05:23 PM
Well, good. It's about time you put on some weight, look at you! They've been driving you too hard, I say. Freddy puts the bag under the sink and goes back to lie on his bead, pulling out his copy of The House of Sleep and starting up to find his page.


2009-03-21, 05:25 PM
Emanuel smirks, slightly, and plunges into deadtime, as he picks up the aforementioned, recently purchased, chocolate-based product, and heads over to the brothers' shambolically tiny, messy, and slightly cleaner (now) kitchenette, to prepare it for much munching.

2009-04-21, 03:07 PM
... and enters this one. Emanuel leads Damien towards the nearest entrance of the tall building, shivering, slightly, as a chilly breeze sets in. This is it.. He murmurs, as he pushes open the door.

2009-04-21, 03:08 PM
Damien arrives and, seeing Highburn, crinkles his nose in disgust.

"This is it, eh kid?"

Damien follows Emanuel inside.

2009-04-21, 03:31 PM
Leading him up to his and his brother's shared residence, Emanuel nods to both of the rooms alongside it. Those are both empty. Saying nothing more, he slips into his own room, as stealthily as someone of his size can manage, and locks his door.

2009-04-21, 03:41 PM
Damien barely gets a "Thanks, kid!" out before Emanual is gone.

He sighs, what a dump this place is. He goes back downstairs to find a manager to sign a lease and assigned a room number.

Room number turns out to be #212, across the hall from Emanuel.

Damien takes his key, and heads up to his new home.

When he reaches his room and closes and locks the door behind him, he sighs. "Everybody's gotta start somewhere, Damien..."

He doesn't have any real furnishings, but figures he can get some once he finds employment. He sizes up the rooms, a man like him would have a field day, were he to be so inclined.

He briefly shifts so that his skin matches his room, and seems to completely disappear for a moment before shifting back to normal.

Yes... a field day...


2009-04-22, 03:32 PM
Damien awakens, yawning a bit.

He hadn't slept well, considering how paper-thin the walls were. Combine that with noisy neighbors, and you have a problem.

He quickly gets dressed.

"Might as well find a job, so people won't wonder where the money comes from..."

He leaves his apartment, locking the door behind him. He enters the lobby and, if he doesnt notice anything, will continue out onto the streets, headed for the train station.

Dirk Kris
2009-05-26, 10:08 AM
Daisy follows Emanuel into the building, glancing about nervously at the obvious disrepair and general dirtiness of the place. Then again, why am I surprised? This whole town is dirty. She wrings her hands nervously until she notices an office door. "So, just...show my ID and apply for a room? Maybe we'll be close-by." Her lips twitch in an almost-smile. It's nice to meet someone who seems pretty normal, even if he's not my idea of a best friend.

Dirk Kris
2009-05-26, 04:31 PM
After a few minutes of speaking to the shop owner and filling out some paperwork, Daisy clutches tightly to the key he gives her marked "222". A week - it's mine for a week. Gotta get a job, gotta... She heads for the elevator and pushes the busted button. She waits a few long moments, then sighs and takes the stairs. With the missing ones, it gets difficult for her in a few spots, as her short legs don't have the span to skip over more than one at a time. Good thing I'm only on the second floor...

Daisy gets to her floor and looks up and down the hallway, which appears to be deserted at the moment. She spots the communal kitchen and bathrooms and sighs - they are filthy. Home sweet home. Still, it's better than the sewers. And better than staying. She shudders and finds her door, painted a dark green. Well, most of it. There are bare patches of wood around the edges and near the bottom where it looks like someone has kicked it. She slips her key into the lock and subconsciously breathes a sigh of relief as it opens. She pushes...and the door doesn't budge. Bracing her shoulder against it, she gives a shove. The door shudders slightly, but doesn't open. Growling quietly, Daisy pushes again - harder. This time the door unsticks and flies open. With a little "eeep" of surprise, Daisy falls into the room. She lifts her torso off the floor and looks around from under her messy hair. The room is small, but at least it doesn't smell. The wallpaper is coming down in a few places, and there are protective grates over the windows. A small mattress and bed frame sit in the middle of the room, a rickety-looking nightstand next to it. A stain in the carpet makes her slightly uncomfortable, but nothing she can't deal with. Closing the door behind her, she crosses the room, plopping her purse onto her bed, and stands in front of the window.

Daisy addresses the empty room. "Well, Metropolis, here I am. Good night." She lays down on the edge of the bed and hugs herself tightly until her eyelids droop and she falls asleep.

Dirk Kris
2009-05-27, 11:33 AM
((Yay, triple post!))

Daisy wakes early, collects her purse, and steps out of her new apartment. She locks the door and lets the keys drop, clinking, into her bag. She hums quietly to herself as she heads down the stairs and out, headed for the Hollow. Time to check out that job.

2009-05-27, 02:07 PM
Damien bursts into the lobby of the building, still holding on to Xian. He pauses to help Daisy through the door.

Dirk Kris
2009-05-27, 02:16 PM
Daisy adjusts the weight of Xian across her shoulders as she eases into the lobby. "OK, well, I guess we'd better take her to my place until she wakes up." Panting a little - it was a lot of work getting up from the subway - Daisy sighs and heads for the stairs.

2009-05-27, 02:20 PM
"Daisy, lemme take her a minute. I think you need a break." Damien says, starting to take more of Xian into his arms, hobbling up the steps.

2009-05-27, 02:22 PM
Do you guys need some help? Emanuel's voice echoes from nearby - the Hispanic lad's coming out of the little shop with a bulging bag of food and snacks. He's big, remember.

Xian grooooans.

Dirk Kris
2009-05-27, 02:23 PM
Daisy smiles and gratefully passes Xian off to Damien. She takes the opportunity to dig in her purse for her key. Her head jerks up as she sees Emanuel. "Hey! I got a job at the Hollow! Oh, and this is Xian. She said she lived on Highburn right before she passed out. Do you know her?"

2009-05-27, 02:33 PM
"And do you know which apartment is hers? We can probably just dump here there." Damien says, propping the drunk girl against a wall.

2009-05-27, 02:35 PM
Oh, the evil chick. Yeah, I know her. Nodding to Daisy and Damien, the large boy squeezes past them to carry Xian back to her room, before they both deadtime.

2009-05-27, 02:42 PM
Damien looks at Emanuel walk away, then raises an eyebrow at Daisy. "Evil chick?"

Dirk Kris
2009-05-27, 02:44 PM
Daisy blinks. "Evil? She didn't seem that bad to me." She shrugs and smiles at Damien, tucking some of her hair behind her ear so she can see better. "So, uh, I guess we'll be seeing a lot of each other? Since we're practically neighbors?" She leans her back against the wall, her hands tucked into her jeans. Feeling something there, she gives a start. "Oh. This is yours." She grabs the balled-up money from the bar and offers it to Damien. "Thanks - you're a lifesaver."

2009-05-27, 02:52 PM
Damien reaches out as if to take the money, then his eyes meet Daisy's. For the briefest of moments, he feels a bit of shame as to how he acquired that money.

He pulls his hand away. "Keep it," he mutters. "Consider it a welcome gift."

He turns away and walks toward the stairs. He turns back to her as he takes the first step. "It was nice meeting you... I look forward to running into you again..."

Dirk Kris
2009-05-27, 03:17 PM
Daisy smiles and shyly stuffs the money back into her pocket. Her smile fades a bit when Damien opens his door, but she tries her best to cover it. "Yeah, I'm just gonna head out and get some...cleaning stuff. And a rug. And sheets. And maybe something to eat." She contemplates something for a moment. "Listen, after I get things cleaned up in the kitchen, if I cook something, you wanna eat with me? I mean, if not, it's totally OK. I..." She closes her mouth and shrugs.

2009-05-27, 03:19 PM
Damien stops. He turns and winks at Daisy. "Pass up the chance for dinner with the prettiest girl I've met in Metropolis yet? Hell no! I got some stuff I gotta sort out in my room, you know where to find me when you get back."

He goes up the stairs, feeling pretty damn smug.

Dirk Kris
2009-05-27, 03:57 PM
Daisy spins on her heel and practically skips to the lobby's little store. He said I was the prettiest girl in town! She ducks into the store, and emerges a little while later with a couple of plastic bags in her arms.

Daisy heads up to her floor, humming quietly. She's not a great singer, but she can carry a tune. She gets to her door and sets her bags down to fish out her key, then shoulders the door open and drags her bags inside. She kicks off her shoes and uses one to prop the door open, then opens the first of her bags. She's only got about $2 in change left, but she's happy with what she got. She pulls out a rug, woven out of wide strips of canvas and dyed a denim blue, and drags it over the stain near the bed. To her delight, it covers it completely. Daisy actually claps with glee. then, she opens another bag and gets some fabric cleaner and a scrub brush and proceeds to give her mattress a thorough scrubbing. While she waits on it to dry, she slips her sneakers back on and heads down to the communal kitchen. Continuing to hum, she sets to scrubbing the floors, counters, and stove, attempting to make it clean enough for people to use - at least by her standards. Frustrated with her hair, she ties it into a knot and tosses it over her shoulder to hang down her back.

2009-05-27, 04:13 PM
Damien is not quite so spectacular with his decorations. He has a shabby mattress shoved in a corner, with only a rudimentary attempt at cleanliness.

He looks remorsefully at the ceiling fan with a broken blade and sighs. No point turning that on until he can get that fixed.

If he will even bother.

The entire apartment is badly lit with dying yellow lightbulbs, but that doesn't bother Damien, he tends to prefer the dark.

He waits around a bit, then figures he will check to see if Daisy got home yet from the store. He gingerly peeks out his front door and, encouraged by seeing a shoe propping the door open, steps out into the hall and walks over to her door.

He knocks sharply on the door, but stops when he hears Daisy humming and singing to herself. He enters the group kitchen, silently.

Dirk Kris
2009-05-27, 04:17 PM
Daisy is on her hands and knees, finishing scrubbing the floor. She finishes the corner she's working in and goes to the sink to clean out her brush. Finishing, she turns to head back to her room and gives a little 'eeeep' when she sees Damien. "You startled me! Hey." She gestures around the now decently-clean kitchen. "Whatcha think?"

2009-05-27, 04:22 PM
Damien chuckles. Daisy's reaction was just too priceless.

"I think I just got a great view..." He says with a half-smile.

Dirk Kris
2009-05-27, 04:27 PM
Daisy mock-glares at Damien as she passes him. "Forward much? I already told you I'm a nice girl." She heads down the hall towards her room. "Come on - you can help me make my bed."

2009-05-27, 04:31 PM
Damien gets another good look as she walks by.

"Make your bed..." he mouths to himself.

"You sure are a nice girl, Daisy. I haven't met a girl as nice as you since I lived out on the Lower-East side..."

He quite willingly, and perhaps with the wrong impression, follows Daisy to her apartment.

Dirk Kris
2009-05-27, 04:35 PM
"Thanks. I think more peole should be good to each other and we'd all be much better off." She gets to her room and pats the mattress, checking to see if it's dry. Satisfied, she opens another bag and pulls out some tannish sheets. She opens the package and shakes them out, then heads to the far side of the bed. "Here, you get that corner." She gestures to the corner near the nightstand, closest to Damien.

2009-05-27, 04:39 PM
Damien seems a bit surprised, but still plays along by taking hold of the sheet.

"So uh..." he mutters, unsure of what to say.

He is curious as to what's going on in this girl's head.

Dirk Kris
2009-05-27, 04:43 PM
Daisy smiles at him encouragingly and makes her side of the bed, then tops it off with a thick blanket. "I hate being cold at night, don't you?" She steps back and admires it. "Well, it's still a craphole, but it's better now, dontcha think?" She flops onto the bed. "Thanks for the help. I'll make us something to eat later on - I'm beat!"

2009-05-27, 04:46 PM
"I uh... yeah... That would be good." Damien says. He just can't make a move on Daisy now, it just wouldn't seem right for some reason.

Instead, he dumbly sits down next to her.

"So... uh... where were you from before coming to Metropolis?"

Dirk Kris
2009-05-27, 04:48 PM
Daisy was in the midst of a yawn when she hears Damien's question. "I, um, can we talk about that later, please?" She places a hand gently on his shoulder. "I'm tired and I really need some rest. But I'd like to talk to you tomorrow. Sound good?" Suddenly, to Damien, that seems like a pretty good idea!


2009-05-27, 04:51 PM
Damien, already a bit smitten by the girl, easily falls to her suggestion.

He suddenly yawns. "I suppose you're right. I had a big job tonight and need to sleep some stuff off."

He gets up and heads to the door. He stops and turns to Daisy. "Tell you what, wanna do breakfast? Just wake me up in the morning. I got enough cash from my last job to skip a day or two of work."

Dirk Kris
2009-05-28, 07:46 AM
Daisy wakes early, snuggled in her newly-cleaned and sheeted bed. She smiles contentedly. At least one clean, nice thing about this place. She silently curses the fact that she didn't buy an alarm clock and glances out the window to try and gauge the time. It's still fairly dim out - probably early. Too early for the bar, anyway, to have anyone but leftover patrons from the night before. Smiling, Daisy opens the last of her bags, puts on her sneakers, and heads down to the freshly-scrubbed and cleaned kitchen. Still clean - thank the gods. I was half-afraid someone would trash it, just for fun. She heads over to the stove, mixes some water and a powdery mix in a bowl, and starts cooking.

Soon the smell of pancakes fills the second-floor hallway...

2009-05-28, 08:20 AM
Damien slept well enough, his conscience back to it's normal form. However, the buckshot wound in his side was aching all damn night. The pellets weren't too deep and he easily removed them with his switchblade knife, but it still hurt like hell when he rolled a certain way in his sleep, waking him. It feels even worse then it did the day before, but it wasn't bleeding, so that was a plus.

In the morning he rises and takes the time to shower and redress his wound with an old t-shirt. No need for a hospital, he thought, they ask too many questions. He winces when the pulls the shirt tight against him.

He throws on a mostly-clean shirt and yesterday's jeans and tosses on his shoes, only then does he notice the familiar aroma of pancakes wafting from the communal kitchen. He peeks out the door and sniffs more. He slowly walks down the hall until he sees Daisy cooking.

"Good morning, Aunt Jemima..." he says.

2009-05-28, 08:20 AM
And it seems the smell of pancakes has attracted a slightly groggy looking Emanuel, whose door can be seen opening, before he steps out, tired, wearing an old, too-small American Idol t-shirt, and long, baggy khaki shorts. Who's.. He mutters, quietly, before casting his eyes about, still half-asleep.

Dirk Kris
2009-05-28, 08:33 AM
Daisy grins as she hears Damien. "Morning. Sorry for crashing on ya yesterday - the last few days have been a little rough on me." She moves over to the counter and grabs a plate, scooping several small, hot pancakes onto the plate, then setting it down. "Pancakes - cheap, easy to make, great for hangovers." She sees Emanuel down the hall and waves at him. "Come on, new neighbor - I'm making breakfast. Your brother's invited too!" She grins sheepishly at both her new friends. "Sorry there's no syrup."

2009-05-28, 08:40 AM
Damien kinda gives Emanual a slightly annoyed look, he knows the kid isn't terribly fond of him given how their first meeting went. All the same, he probably would be living on the streets if it weren't for him, so he will give him he benefit of the doubt again.

"Thanks a lot, Daisy. I don't gotta work today, when do you head to the bar?"

2009-05-28, 08:41 AM
S'OK. I haven't had anything remotely "freshly made" in weeks. Well, months. The Hispanic boy mutters, as he plods down the hall, still tired. And Freddy's out working the morning shift as his player doesn't like FFRP. So it's just me. Grabbing a pancake as he arrives, he winces at the heat, and quickly gobbles it up. That's great, Daiz. He says, midway-through chomping. He nods towards Damien in greeting.

Dirk Kris
2009-05-28, 08:47 AM
"Daiz - cute. I like it." She nods happily as Emanuel starts eating, then looks expectantly at Damien. "Well, I didn't get a schedule, but I don't expect I'll be needed until this afternoon some time." She glances down the hallway. "Anyone seen Xian?" Remembering something, Daisy purses her lips a bit. And it can be seen because she has her hair tied in a knot again. Cooking, you know, sanitary reasons. "Why did you call her evil yesterday, Manny?"

2009-05-28, 08:49 AM
'Cause she's a right psycho. And part of that Prismatic League, y'know? That liga de la justicia, who screwed everything up - though don't let her know that I told you - wait till you see what she can do. Shivering, slightly, Emanuel tucks into yet more pancakes.

2009-05-28, 08:54 AM
Damien perks up a bit.

"So she's a super freak, you mean. That's great. A super freak in a city of freaks..." He mutters, shoving more pancake into his mouth and resolving to not have anything else to do with Xian.

That was too bad, she was really cute to.

Dirk Kris
2009-05-28, 09:12 AM
"Um..." Daisy seems a bit confused. Probably because she is. She waves her hand as she brings over more pancakes. "New to the city? What's the Prismatic League?" She gives Damien a brief glare. "And it's not nice to call people freaks. How would you like it if there was something you couldn't help and people tormented you because of it?" Wow, first sign of real anger she's shown. And she's preeeeeeetty mad. She sets the plate down with a bang and stomps back over towards the stove.

2009-05-28, 09:18 AM
The Prismatic League? The evil bastards who caused the explosion which started this whole witch-hunt in the first place? What rock have you been living under? Emanuel asks, confused, and slightly appalled. How does she not know this, he's wondering. And worrying, too.

2009-05-28, 09:21 AM
Now it is Damien who gets defensive. "What makes you believe that I don't know what that's like, babe?

"I do a damn good job of not flaunting my different-ness. It just sickens me how some take pride in the thing that keeps us forever seperate from the outside world. It's because of our condition that we have to live in his ****-hole."

He turns to Emanuel. "And if I had known Xian was one of those Leaguers, I would have dumped her in the streets."

He stops, obviously angered at where the conversation had gone. He grabs another pancake, and stares down at his plate, silent.

Dirk Kris
2009-05-28, 09:26 AM
"Look. I figure I can trust you guys. Just...please, listen." She waits, frowning - she's never told anyone about this before. "One day, I realized I had this...ability. I can sometimes sway people's feelings a little. It kept my step-dads from beating me...sometimes. It kept prying hands off me when I was a teenager. But it wasn't enough." She sighs heavily. "I met this guy, thought we were in love. And he, literally, kept me as a prisoner. I wasn't allowed to talk to people, to drive or watch television, the radio, nothing. I just...did what he wanted. And I was content like that, for a while." She shudders. "He drank - a lot. And he was a mean drunk, but not to me. Not until the end. And then, when I tried to stop him from hitting me, I...I wasn't strong enough, I guess." She rolls up her sleeve, revealing a deep bruise that is just starting to yellow around the edges and fade. Her eyes are wet, and her lips tremble. "So I ran. And this is the first place I found. I was able to sneak in, and I just hope no one finds me. So you see...I'm different too." She hugs herself tightly, her eyes downcast at the floor.

2009-05-28, 09:30 AM
Damien listens to the story, Great, another sob-job chick. And no wonder I suddenly wanted to go to bed by myself last night. He thinks.

Of course, he only says. "I'm sorry to hear that you had it rough. But you ain't the only one, babe. And that's one funny condition that you have." He reminds himself to wear long sleeves around Daisy whenever possible. He doesn't like the idea of losing his own thoughts.

He leans back in his chair, contemplating. Everybody here was so damn quick to give themselves away, to near-complete strangers. He knew that he needed to get away from this building and city as quick as possible.

2009-05-28, 09:36 AM
Emanuel, though, is slightly more sympathetic, expressing pity and sorrow for Daisy as he gets up to give her a hug. Admittedly, though, he's wearing a T-shirt, so emotions could easily be swayed via his burly (if not biiig) arms.

Dirk Kris
2009-05-28, 09:39 AM
Daisy hugs the big kid back, glad it seems she's got at least one true friend. Shoulda known Damien was a jerk - the cute ones always are. She looks at Damien, her expression a mix of hurt, anger, and defiance. "Yeah, well, I'm on my own now - nobody's puppet. And I never will be again. I won't turn into one of those drunken old hags who lives at the bar, hoping for a free drink." She holds her head high, some of her spunk showing through again. "So, Mr. I'm-Different-But-I'm-Still-Better-Than-You, changed your mind about walking me to work?" She might be...yep, she's smirking.

No need to change Manny's feelings. She likes that he is authentic.

2009-05-28, 09:44 AM
And Emanuel, pulling back, after a little while, from the embrace, before munching on the remainder of the pancakes, makes his excuses, and shifts his bulk out of the room, having to go and shower and change before he goes to get his next pay-check. Man, he must've eaten at least eight pancakes. Tut.

2009-05-28, 09:45 AM
Damien is only slightly humbled by Daisy's expressions.

"I never said I was better than you guys. Hell, I'm probably a lot worse. I'm just laying down some philosophy is all."

He sighs and sits forward again in the chair, finishing his last pancake. "And yeah, I'll walk you to work again."

He looks at Manny, hugging on Daisy and feels a brief twinge of jealousy.

He tilts his head toward where Manny walked off. "You wanna invite the kid along?"

Dirk Kris
2009-05-28, 09:56 AM
Daisy watches Manny shuffle off and smiles faintly. "Nice kid. But I think he'll be able to take care of himself." That and her player has no idea when Kaela will be back. She crosses her arms over her chest and grins widely at Damien. "So, it seems you DO like me at least a little bit. I didn't have to magic you into it or anything, either." She grins and opens her arm wide. "Hug and make up?"

2009-05-28, 09:58 AM
Damien looks around a bit. "You won't make me want to dance like a monkey will you?" he says with a big grin.

He totally ignores the comment about liking her.

Dirk Kris
2009-05-28, 10:01 AM
Daisy tucks her hands into her pockets and twists her body from side to side, playfully acting like a kid. "Maaaaaaaaybe." A lock of hair comes loose from the knot and falls over her face - followed by the rest of her hair. So Damien can't see her grinning. Because she DID notice that he pretended to ignore part of what she said. "It doesn't really work like that." She lifts her hands and wiggles her fingers at him like she's casting a spell, then lowers her arms again. "Look, just...don't tell anyone, alright? I could get into a LOT of trouble."

2009-05-28, 10:11 AM
Damien stands up and walks over to Daisy. He makes no attempt to hug her, however.

"No worries, babe. I know a thing or two about keeping mum about my mutation. I do suggest that you be more careful about who you share yourself with in the future though. You can't trust people, especially with all the snitches that work in this city."

Dirk Kris
2009-05-28, 10:17 AM
Daisy stops her swaying. "Oh." She tries to keep disappointment out of her voice and mostly succeeds - mostly. She quickly changes the subject. "So, the pancakes were good?"

2009-05-28, 10:22 AM
"I'm just making sure that you don't find yourself in a bad place again because you were too open to strangers." Damien says.

He leans back against the wall, still avoiding physical contact with Daisy. "They were very good, haven't had that good a breakfast in quite some time... I'm usually not up this early, I'm kind of a night owl."

Dirk Kris
2009-05-28, 10:54 AM
"Thanks. Good looking out." Daisy leans back against the counter. Great. He finds out I have powers and now he's avoiding touching me. Like I'm a leper - awesome. She straightens and clears her throat. "I'm gonna go get ready for work." She looks down at her clothes. "Oh, wait, guess I'm already ready. I just need my bag." She moves to pass Damien, careful not to get too close.

2009-05-28, 10:57 AM
Damien will let her walk right by. "I'll be by the stairs whenever you are ready."

He turns and follows her, branching away eventually to head to the stairs. He props himself up against the wall, next to the door, and watches Daisy walk to her room.

Dirk Kris
2009-05-28, 11:06 AM
Daisym unaware she's being watched, lets her shoulders slump a bit as she walks to her room. But she gets in, gets her bag, and collects herself. When she emerges, her shoulders are back, her head high. Also, she's pulled back the front of her hair to show her face, but wisps of it loose around her forehead still makes her feel safer. Funny, that - like a child hiding under the covers from the boogeyman. She locks her door and meets Damien at the steps. Resolved to be cool about it, she breezes past him. "Let's go."

2009-05-28, 11:15 AM
Damien nods. He frowns a bit, walking behind Daisy. He hadn't intended to upset her like that, but she needed to stop being so sensitive. If that meant that he had to be a bit gruff with her, so be it.

"So, first day on the job. Are you excited?" He asks as they enter the lobby.

Dirk Kris
2009-05-28, 11:26 AM
"Yeah. I hope it's busy - money's always a good thing to have in abundance. Wouldn't you agree?" Daisy digs in her purse to make sure she has her ID, and her notebook falls out of her bag. It opens, revealing a well-drawn sketch of a young woman, her legs stuck out the open window of a van or truck, her eyes closed in pleasure, the bare hint of a smile on her lips. Flushing, Daisy bends quickly to try and scoop it up.

2009-05-28, 11:27 AM
Damien drops quickly, and gets to it first. He looks at the drawing and turns it on it's side, tilting his head a bit.

"What is this?" He says, smiling.

Dirk Kris
2009-05-28, 11:40 AM
Daisy flushes as she stands again. "I draw and paint a little. Sometimes. And sometimes I'd offer to draw for people in exchange for a ride. This girl, her boyfriend said she looked perfect and he wanted to remember her just like that. So I drew her." She smiles. "I offered to give it to him, but he said he planned to keep his eyes on her for a long time. Then he showed me the ring he was going to give her. It was the first time I really felt hope again, like things would be OK, that the world wasn't rotten just because my life had been. You understand, right?" Damien can see faint outlines of pictures on the pages before and after. Daisy shyly extends her hand, silently asking for the book back.

2009-05-28, 11:43 AM
Damien hands her the book, his hands briefly touching hers. The touch lingers just a bit longer then necessary.

His brown eyes meet hers before he speaks. "I don't know how you keep so upbeat, considering all the bad you've been through. I don't have your strength."

He releases the book in her hands. "It's beautiful. You're very talented," he says, before he starts heading for the door.

Dirk Kris
2009-05-28, 11:57 AM
Daisy melts a little when he stares into her eyes, but she steels herself to not show it. She grins, sticks the book back into her bag, and hurries to catch up with Damien. She loops her arm through his, a friendly gesture, nothing more. And she's not trying to sway him at all. She grins up at him. "So, you got any I-got-too-drunk-and-got-into-lots-of-trouble stories? Not bad ones - funny ones. Because I've got plenty. Mostly about other people, of course." She heads towards the transit system.

2009-05-28, 01:19 PM
"Well, like I told you before, I don't get drunk much. And usually I'm working at night when most people are out partying. Frankly, I don't have a lot of stories like that. But I would love to hear a couple of yours." Damien says, following Daisy.

Dirk Kris
2009-05-28, 01:29 PM
Daisy laughs a little as they step into the subway. "OK, so this friend of mine and I went out to this party..."

Dirk Kris
2009-05-31, 12:49 PM
Daisy emerges from the subway, near her apartment building. She mentally goes over the ingredients she will need to get for the salad she's planning as she heads for the doors to go inside.

2009-05-31, 12:51 PM
And there're two figures, by the door, half-cloaked by shadow, as, it seems, the lights by the door have burst - again. Clearly, they're men, from their shape, and their dark clothing makes them rather hard to see; though perhaps that's the idea. Ominous, the situation is.

Dirk Kris
2009-05-31, 12:56 PM
Daisy pauses for a moment, wondering if they've seen her. She pats at her pockets as if she's forgotten something, then turns quickly and heads for the subway again.

2009-05-31, 12:59 PM
And there's the faint sound, behind her, of men jogging. Closer.

Dirk Kris
2009-05-31, 01:02 PM
Daisy breaks into a run, glad that she's wearing sneakers. She ducks into the subway and tries to slide down the rail, not trusting her own feet not to trip her. She leans forward and peers down, hoping against hope that, by some miracle, there's a train there for her to take.

2009-06-01, 06:42 AM
Damien releases Daisy when he notices that she is conscious again.

"Are you injured?"

Dirk Kris
2009-06-01, 07:00 AM
Daisy shakes her head, most of her hair loose by now from the scuffle. Her voice is low, rough. "No, I'm fine. Thank you. She lets Damien go and pats the dog. "Go to your room - I'm sure there's a back way. I'll go to the store and then meet you there." She looks up at him, her face strangely calm and blank after what just happened.

2009-06-01, 07:26 AM
"I don't need a backway," Damien says.

He manages to give her a wink between pained winces and activates his chameleon power, seemingly blinking out of sight. But Daisy will probably notice (as she is looking at him) a wavey figure quickly advancing toward the apartment building.

Damien will stay concealed as such until he makes it to his apartment. Once inside he will drop his power, and quickly remove his jacket and shirt to examine the wound in his shoulder.

Dirk Kris
2009-06-01, 07:30 AM
Daisy nods slowly. Ah, I get it now. Oh gods, what if he's been in my apartment?! Shaking her head and managing a weak smile that quickly fades, Daisy heads into the shop, the wolfhound at her side. She retrieves the hidden stash of money from inside her shirt and buys some hydrogen peroxide, bandages, antibacterial ointment - and a hamsteak. She gestures at her face, swollen, cut, and rapidly bruising, explaining it away to the shopkeep, who merely shakes his head sadly as he rings her up. Taking the bags, Daisy heads upstairs and knocks quietly at Damien's door.

2009-06-01, 07:44 AM
Damien had been expecting her to arrive shortly after him, so he left it unlocked.

"It's open!" he yells at, posing in front of his bathroom mirror examining his shoulder.

The bullet had an exit hole, so at least he didn't have to worry about a bit of metal inside his shoulder, but it was still bleeding rather badly.

Daisy will notice a patched-up wound on his side from the shotgun the other night. Damien obviously has been in pain for a good while now as his bandages are extremely crude.

"In the bathroom," Damien says.

Daisy may notice how incredibly sparsely decorated Damien's apartment is. The living room consists of a loveseat, card table, and small television set. A small storage shelf in the "dining area" contains only cereal and half a loaf of bread. The entire apartment is clean, in the sense that there isn't stuff thrown about everywhere as the apartment can hardly be called "clean" by anybody.

Dirk Kris
2009-06-01, 08:08 AM
Daisy barely notices the state of the apartment. She tears open the packing on the hamsteak and tosses it towards the dog. "Good boy." She makes her way into the bathroom and turns on the faucet. Water tinged slightly brown flows out of it, but she waits a few seconds and it clears up - mostly. Daisy lets her hair down, then quickly ties it back up in a messy bunch at the back of her head. She bends over the sink and scrubs her hands and arms up to the elbows as best she can, then steps back to take a look at Damien.

Daisy's eyes brush over the shotgun wound and meet Damien's for a moment before she looks away. She steps back into the other room and fetches the supplies she bought. Grabbing Damien's shirt, she tears off a piece that isn't bloody and holds it over the sink before pouring some peroxide on it. She looks up again, holding the wet cloth in her hand. "This is deep, so it's gonna hurt - sorry." She drapes the cloth over his shoulder so it covers both wounds - then presses down.

2009-06-01, 08:42 AM
Damien winces, and his shoulder involuntarily bucks against Daisy's hands. He grips the bathroom counter with tightly, steadying himself.

His eyes are closed and his head dips forward.

"You weren't kidding..." he mutters.

Dirk Kris
2009-06-01, 08:48 AM
Daisy's brow creases in a frown, but she holds the cloth steady. "I know. I've had to do it to myself a time or two. Sorry." She pulls the cloth away to reveal tiny white bubbles forming all over the wounds. She leans to her right to look at the exit wound and sees the same. "It's cleaning it. Stings, right?" She leans forward and gently blows on the wound. It helps - a little.

2009-06-01, 09:31 AM
Damien nods, relaxing a bit when Daisy blows on his wound. He looks at her, his eyes showing the pain he is in, a pain that is largely unvoiced.

"It's not the first time for me, either."

Dirk Kris
2009-06-01, 09:37 AM
Daisy's eyes go back to Damien's side and the wound there. "So I see." She squeezes some of the ointment onto her finger and gently smears it around the edges of the shoulder wounds. That done, she fetches the gauze and bandages and tightly wraps the shoulder, forming what appears to be a sort of sling that goes around his chest and over his arm several times. "Thanks for helping me. And I'm sorry you got hurt." Daisy cinches the bandage one more time and secures it in place, then steps back, her arms crossed over her chest. "So, are you gonna start being honest with me, or should I just go?"

2009-06-01, 09:43 AM
"I couldn't let those guys do what they were planning to do is all..."

Damien shrugs with his good shoulder.

"What do you want to know? I already told you I was a freak like most people here. Do you honestly care about what my particular embarassing condition is?"

Dirk Kris
2009-06-01, 09:52 AM
Daisy shakes her head. "You cared what mine was, didn't you? And didn't you avoid getting close to me for a while afterwards?" Seems it bothered her more than she let on. "And it's not just that, Damien. I've seen what you can do, and that's fine. But if I ever, EVER find out that you're spying on me, invading my privacy or something, watching me change..." She shakes her head. "If that ever happens, you can forget being friends, or anything else - ever. Now..." Daisy gestures at the wound on his side. "What happened there? And why? And what do you really do?" Her lip trembles a bit. Aggravated, she rips her hair loose so that it covers her face as she leans her back against the wall. Uh-oh, she's upset, and reverting to hiding again. Not a good thing.

2009-06-01, 10:21 AM
"I never spied on you, that's just not my thing. It's not like complete invisibility. You would notice me if I tried. It just helps me with my job."

Damien sighs. "And I wasn't avoiding contact with you because of your ability, either. There are other reasons..."

Damien seems to be quite distressed that Daisy is getting upset. But he seems to get just as angry too. "And I just saved you from god-knows-what down in the Metro Station and even took a ***damn bullet for you, so don't start busting my balls over something that, in the end, isn't really any of your damn business."

2009-06-01, 10:28 AM
Ignoring any conflict going on around him, the Irish Wolfhound is savouring his new hamsteak, occasionally faintly barking in pleasure.

Dirk Kris
2009-06-01, 10:33 AM
"Busting your...ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" Daisy tries to raise her voice, straining it to its limit. Damien can hear her vocal chords grating, rasping - it just sounds painful. "I said thank you and I said I was sorry and I tried to help! And now I'm patching you up - much better than you managed on your own, I might add." Her hands go to her hips, bracing, her elbows stuck out angrily. "If you're going to lord it over me and act like I've done something wrong, then maybe you shoulda just left me." She raises her arms and balls her hands into fists, shaking. "The point, Damien, is that I just want you to trust me and not lie to me. I've had enough of that in my life!" She sighs, dropping her arms and hugging herself. "That's fine, it's alright. Not my damn business, sure." She looks up, one aqua eye peeping out. "Have you ever really cared for anyone, Damien? Have you forgotten what that's like, to just want someone else to be OK?" She waits a moment. "Whatever. I'm gonna go lie down. Come on, boy." She pats her leg and turns to leave.

2009-06-01, 10:34 AM
The dog, grabbing what remains of the hamsteak in its quite sizable jaws, pads towards Daisy, looking hopeful for more food, whining very slightly.

Dirk Kris
2009-06-01, 10:44 AM
Daisy smiles faintly. "Let's get cleaned up, and then we'll go down and get some more food for ya, alright? And you can stay with me if you want." Seems she's counting on the dog for companionship - compensating?

2009-06-01, 10:46 AM
Damien is speechless for a moment, but speaks when Daisy turns to leave.

"I'm a criminal. I'm not here because I want to be. I'm here because I got caught while burglarizing a man's house. As soon as the authorities realized what I was my sentence was quickly imposed. Life imprisonment in this city.I'm a thief, I have been since I was 14 and my mom threw me out on to the Manhatten streets."

He slumps against a back wall. "And yeah, I used to care about someone, but she got taken away from me along with my entire life when I was forced to come here."

2009-06-01, 10:48 AM
The collarless Irish Wolfhound is appreciative of the offer of more food, and happily follows Daisy still, sniffing at her feet.

Dirk Kris
2009-06-01, 11:09 AM
Daisy turns and steps closer to Damien, hesitantly. She leans forward and gently presses her lips to his injured shoulder. "I'm sorry for that. We all lost something, and we all do what we have to, I suppose." She backs away a bit. "Seems I'm not the only one in this town who needs a new life. I guess we all do." She turns and heads for the door, pausing with her hand on the knob. "I'll come check on you later, Damien. Get some rest."

2009-06-01, 11:11 AM
Damien closes his eyes while Daisy kisses his shoulder, but he doesn't allow her to see his positive reaction to her tender gesture.

"I have been harsh with you Daisy because I know how life is in this city. I don't want to see it swallow you. I don't want you to end up like me."

Dirk Kris
2009-06-01, 11:19 AM
"I know who and what I am. And I have tried not to let the things that have happened in my life mold me too much. That's why tomorrow I'll be back at work, same as ever. And I'll still be kind to people, and I'll still laugh if I feel like it." Daisy smirks as she scratches the wolfhound behind the ears. "Never thought I'd say it, but I hope more people turn out like me. We'd be better off." She straightens and opens the door, letting herself out.

Daisy heads down the hall to the stairwell and goes down to the lobby, where she purchases some soap, a new shirt, a big bag of dog food (extra meaty!) - and the ingredients for the salad she promised Emanuel. She asks the shopkeep if he has any collars in stock, and he gestures impatiently towards a corner near the back. Daisy steps over and smiles when she sees a few leather, metal-studded ones - clearly not meant for dogs. She does, however, see a few more suitable for a pet, in various colors and sizes. She smiles and gestures towards the shelf. "Whaddaya think, boy? See something you like?"

2009-06-01, 11:21 AM
The only reply is an angry, irate, somewhat throaty growl, as the large Irish Wolfhound backs away from the collars, his tail standing up erect, his fur following suit.

Dirk Kris
2009-06-01, 11:38 AM
Daisy raises her hands and backs away from the collars. "Alright, alright. Easy, boy. No collar, then." She frowns and kneels down, extending her hand. "I'm sorry. Guess maybe I'll name ya, and that'll be enough." She smiles warmly at the beast.

2009-06-01, 11:45 AM
Amusingly enough, the idea of a name also elicits a growl, and the dog starts knocking its entire body against a nearby shelf of canned coffees and instant hot chocolate mixes, with surprising energy and violence.

Dirk Kris
2009-06-01, 11:55 AM
Daisy is startled and falls backward onto her rear end. She holds up a hand at the shopkeep, who appears alarmed at the sudden outburst. "OK, OK, I'll just stick with 'boy' then, alright?" She reaches over and tears open the bag of dog food, sticks her hand inside, and emerges with several pieces in her palm, which she offers to the wolfhound. "Just...don't bite me, OK?"

If he comes closer for the food, she will attempt to pet him and calm him using her ability.

2009-06-01, 12:08 PM
The dog, calming, slightly, knocks over a small tin of instant "Whippa!" coffee powder with his tail as he pads over, nearer, to Daisy, snapping up the nearest doggy treats in his maw, chomping them down quickly; before padding back over to the mess he's just made, nuzzling into it. Making shapes, which aren't quite clear, yet.

Dirk Kris
2009-06-01, 12:18 PM
Daisy hurries over and pays the shopkeeper for the damaged goods, muttering an apology before coming back over to the wolfhound. She pets his sides and back, long, gentle strokes as she waits to see what he's making. Curious, she leans over. "Smart dog."

2009-06-01, 01:21 PM
And, after a little while, the dog has traced out a single word in the messy powder. SPIKE.

Dirk Kris
2009-06-01, 01:24 PM
Daisy reads the letters, rubs her eyes, reads them again. "Spike? Did you seriously just WRITE your name?" She laughs and shakes her head - the laugh isn't pretty, sounds more like a cough. "Spike it is then. Come on, I've got work to do." Apologizing again to the shopkeep, who grumbles as he grabs a broom, Daisy heads out into the lobby, holding the door for Spike.

2009-06-01, 01:25 PM
And Spike slips through the door, and, as he scampers up to Daisy's room, he's eaten by deadtime. Thankfully, he'll make it inside!

Dirk Kris
2009-06-01, 01:32 PM
Daisy smiles as she watches Spike go into her room and promptly fall asleep - on her bed. She shakes her head and leaves the door propped open slightly while she heads down to the kitchen to make the salad she was talking about...hours ago? Feels like days since then. She considers checking in on Damien, then shakes her head and decides against it. He can find her if he wants to. Daisy busies herself cooking, boiling eggs, chopping ham and greens, and preparing her homemade crutons, as promised.

2009-06-01, 01:52 PM
Damien spends much of the time between when Daisy left and now deep in thought. He has long since put on a new shirt and is simply laying across his loveseat (which doubles as his bed) and thinks.

He just told someone who he was, what he did for a living. Did he trust her enough to not go to the cops?

He had no way to know... but somehow he had to find out.

Slowly, and painfully, he drags himself to his feet and heads into the hallway, toward Daisy's door.

Dirk Kris
2009-06-01, 01:54 PM
Clanging from the kitchen area will probably let him know Daisy's down there.

2009-06-01, 01:56 PM
Damien heads that way, rounding the corner again. Smiling at the sight of her.

"Found what you wanted?"

Dirk Kris
2009-06-01, 02:14 PM
Daisy turns around, a mug of steaming liquid in her hand. It's tea, made with honey and lemon - an old favorite cure-all. She nods, a bit curtly. "Yeah, something like that." Her voice sounds much better, if still scratchy. Her cheek is bruised a little, making her left eye seem to be set more deeply in her face. She quickly combs her fingers through her hair and covers her face with it, peeking out at Damien. "Found out Spike is scary-smart. Got a new...dammit, forgot to change. Be right back." She hurries past Damien and into her room, where she steps lightly to avoid waking Spike. She changes into a clean, light pink and white shirt that bares her shoulders. Her bruise is almost gone, the over-all color a sickly yellow now. She hurries back into the kitchen. "Better. I had blood on me - gross. Anyway. How're you feeling?" She pours and mixes another mug of tea and hands it over to Damien. "Drink this." It's not a request.

2009-06-01, 02:30 PM
Damien takes the drink and sips at it, to placate Daisy. He does his best to avoid scowling. He doesn't like tea very much.

"Whose Spike?"

Dirk Kris
2009-06-01, 02:34 PM
Doesn't matter if he likes it. It will make him get better.

Daisy nods towards her room. "My other little hero. He...he ate that dude's face. Wow. And he can write." She sips at her own tea, then clears her throat. "Look, thanks for telling me the truth. I know...I know it must have been hard for you. And it means a lot to me. Despite what you may think, you've been a good friend to me." She smiles a bit, hiding her injured face behind her hair.

2009-06-01, 02:35 PM
Damien shrugs.

"There are just some things that are worse then what I do for a living. I trust that is a secret between us? I really don't want to have to relocate again."

He frowns a bit, sitting down at the table and sipping more of his tea.

Dirk Kris
2009-06-01, 02:42 PM
"I don't want that either." Daisy moves over to stand behind Damien and rests her head on top of his for a moment, then kisses that spot and moves over to make a bowl of the salad she's prepared. She plops into the seat next to Damien's, spears a forkful of greenery, and holds it up towards him. "Here - eat this. It covers most of the basics - veggies, meat, dairy. I can put some dressing on there if you want...whatever category ranch dressing is." She smiles a little.

2009-06-01, 02:45 PM
"I uh..." Damien is about to say that he is not hungry, but is too flabbergasted by Daisy's signs of affection that the can't bring himself to offend the very sensitive girl.

"Thanks!" he says, mustering up as much excitement as he can. Grabbing the slightly rusty fork he digs into the salad. He quickly notices that he is actually quite hungry, and starts to really dig into the salad, only pausing briefly to take a sip of the rapidly cooling tea to help swallow a full mouth of food.

Dirk Kris
2009-06-01, 02:48 PM
Daisy sits back and smiles, watching him. It's much the same expression she wore when watching Emanuel put away the pancakes she made. She gets up only to make herself a small bowl, then sits back down and eats quietly.

2009-06-01, 03:19 PM
Damien quickly finishes his share, still ravenous. However, he does his best not to mention that.

"How are you feeling?" he asks, having genuine concern in his voice for perhaps the first time since Daisy met him.

Dirk Kris
2009-06-01, 03:21 PM
Daisy puts her fork down and sighs deeply. "A little shaken up. My face aches, but I'm alright." She notes the empty bowl and the speed with which it became so. "I made plenty - I told Manny I was cooking too, remember?" She's not teasing the lad, she just planned on making enough for several people. "And how're you feeling? Honestly?"

2009-06-01, 03:32 PM
Damien listens to Daisy, nodding as she speaks while eagerly getting more salad to fill his bowl.

He speaks, between mouthfuls. "I'm alright. I told you it's not the first time I got shot. Though it is probably the first time that I got such good care like that. But, other then that. I'm just feeling tired, and very sore..."

He pauses, briefly. "And," another pause. "And I'm glad that you are okay. I was very... worried..."

Dirk Kris
2009-06-01, 03:42 PM
Daisy nods her head as she finishes the last of her salad, then clears her throat. "Listen, I was thinking. I...why...what do you think of staying at my place tonight?" She swallows hard, then continues. "Not, like, romantically or anything. I...you might still have an infection and get feverish and I know you wouldn't want me creeping around in your place tonight." She thinks of the wolfhound. "Plus, it'd make me feel better, what with you not dying and all that. And I'd feel safer." She shrugs and rushes ahead. "But if not, or if you can't keep your hands to yourself, I can just sleep with Spike. Maybe." There is amusement in her voice at the end.

2009-06-01, 03:44 PM
Damien raises an eyebrow.

"I don't think that will be necessary... I am not gonna just die in my sleep..."

He notices her (likely) pained expression and quickly retracts.

"Umm uhh... well I... sure. I guess it couldn't hurt anything..."

Dirk Kris
2009-06-01, 03:51 PM
Daisy shakes her head and gets up to rinse out her bowl. "No, it's fine. You wouldn't die or anything, I just know that it's best to catch a fever as soon as possible because it's an early warning sign. Sometimes 10 or 12 hours can make a huge difference." She leans back against the counter. "Unless, of course, you want to end up in the hospital and have to explain to them how you got hurt. And be observed - constantly." She might be - yep - she's teasing him.

2009-06-01, 04:03 PM
Damien gives a surrender gesture.

"I've never said no to spending the night with a pretty girl before, why start now?" he says with a wink.

Dirk Kris
2009-06-01, 04:13 PM
Daisy raises an eyebrow. "Never? Really? Then maybe I'd better de-louse you before I let you get on the bed." She grins widely and winces from the pain, but holds it. "Ya know, I didn't have to de-louse Spike - maybe that's one of those 'red flags' I keep hearing about."

2009-06-01, 04:19 PM
Damien chuckles a bit.

"I think the smog in this city will take care of any lice I might've had coming in."

Damien yawns. He looks around. "You said you were cooking for that Manny kid, where is he?"

Dirk Kris
2009-06-01, 04:34 PM
Daisy shrugs. "May be still working." She covers the salad and puts it in the fridge, then writes For Manny on it. She turns and smiles. "Now - no hanky panky. Hands to yourself. And I'm under the sheet...you're on top. Of the blankets." She heads down the hall, fully expecting Damien to follow her.

2009-06-01, 05:17 PM
Damien nods. "Agreed."

He stands and follows Daisy to her apartment. "I'm the model of a gentleman when I want to be."

He goes inside the apartment and deadtimes.

Dirk Kris
2009-06-01, 05:17 PM
Daisy snuggles up near Spike and smiles as she falls asleep and deadtimes.

Dirk Kris
2009-06-02, 07:08 AM
Daisy wakes early, intending to watch the sunrise, but it's so smoggy outside this morning that all she sees is a faint glowy...thing. She sighs and sits lightly at the edge of the bed, smiling as she sees Damien sleeping, his mouth hanging open slightly. She strokes Spike gently, taking the time to carefully look him over for the first time. She notes his facial scars - 3 deep, horizontal slashes - and frowns sadly. Someone wasn't very good to you, boy. No wonder you freaked out yesterday. Enjoying the silence, broken only by the occasional shout outside, she pets the wolfhound and loses herself in thought.

2009-06-02, 07:27 AM
Damien snores lightly, occasionally muttering. Occasionally he will say"No" rather clearly.

His eyes flutter open and he lays there for a while, still staring at the ceiling and saying nothing.

Dirk Kris
2009-06-02, 07:54 AM
Daisy notices Damien is awake and shifts her weight a little to turn and look at him. "I'm kind of surprised you slept. You strike me as a 'spend-the-night-but-don't-actually-go-to-sleep' kind of guy. You know, trust issues and all that." She smiles a bit, then heads to the bedside table to retrieve a small hairbrush, which she runs through her tangled mane. "Sounds like you didn't sleep too well, though. How are you feeling this morning?"

2009-06-02, 08:05 AM
Damien nods at Daisy. "You're right, and I feel positively dreadful today. I'm glad I got rent covered for the month because I don't think I will be able to work for a while."

He sits up, groaning. He had removed his shirt but had left his jeans on to sleep in. His hair is mussed up and he has horrible morning breath. He apparently notices and makes an effort not to face Daisy when he breathes or talks.

Dirk Kris
2009-06-02, 08:10 AM
Daisy smiles and nods. "Hey, when you're right, you're right." She places the inside of her wrist against Damien's forehead. "Cool. Good - no fever. Which probably means no infection." She stretches and steps over to the window again, peering out through the bars as she ties her hair back into a loose braid. "Didn't wanna touch you while you were sleeping - afraid you'd freak on me." She turns, hands tucked into her pockets. "Speaking of work, I'm due back today. You gonna be alright? Or do you wanna come down to the bar so I can babysit you?" She smirks.

2009-06-02, 08:14 AM
Damien nods.

"I could probably use a stiff drink or two after the day I had yesterday."

He stands up and tries to stretch, but stops when his right shoulder protests.

He looks down at his shoulder glumly. "Guess I'm really out of commission for a while."

Dirk Kris
2009-06-02, 08:21 AM
Daisy clucks her tongue. "Don't be a wuss - you've got to stretch it. And I need to change those dressings. Best to stretch now, so you don't bleed all over my new sheets." She crosses her arms and waits, watching.

2009-06-02, 08:25 AM
Damien grumbles to himself, probably a bit louder then necessary, but he complies.

He attempts to stretch his arms, but grunts in pain and stops. Upon seeing Daisy's disapproving glare he stretches again, going a little bit further this time.

Dirk Kris
2009-06-02, 08:30 AM
Daisy rolls her eyes, teasing. She knows it must be painful, but..."Look, if you don't stretch it, the muscles will heal all contracted-like and you'll lose some mobility in the joint. And I know you don't want that. So." She steps closer and gently takes Damien's elbow in her hands. "If I may?" She grows solemn. "This is going to hurt. A lot. More than sterilizing it yesterday. But trust me, I wouldn't do this to you if it wasn't absolutely neccessary. Gods know, it's my fault you're like this to begin with."

2009-06-02, 08:31 AM
Damien nods, not looking forward to what Daisy is about to do.

"Where did you learn so much about medical stuff? Were you a nurse or something?"

Dirk Kris
2009-06-02, 08:49 AM
"Nope. Same as cooking, I learned it early because I had to. Both my parents were drunks, and my brothers. Mean drunks, always fighting. And then my ex..." Daisy swiftly raises the elbow, straightening the arm out to form a right angle with Damien's body. She winces as he groans in pain, then continues. Might as well give him something else to focus on. "Well, he was the worst of all. He came home a lot of nights cut up and bleeding. He was shot in the thigh one night, grazed, really, but it was a mess. And the doctor told me that he needed to walk on it every two hours or it could lock up and heal wrong." Daisy slowly works Damien's shoulder into a full circle. "So, put it all together, and you have a girl who can clean a wound, cook a few dishes, and mix drinks." She finishes and steps back, in case Damien is suddenly seized by the urge to hit something. Because that's usually what happens.

2009-06-02, 09:07 AM
"Ah, I see. That makes sense..." Damien says. He tries to brace himself for what Daisy is about to do.

But that wasn't enough.

When Daisy starts rotating his arm, he howls in agony. Thankfully, he manages to contain himself and his display is purely vocal. He doesn't resist against Daisy or swing his good around to smack her.

When she finishes he groans a bit. "You weren't kidding babe..."

Dirk Kris
2009-06-02, 09:14 AM
Daisy cringes a moment, then recovers. Damned old habits. She steps closer, presses her lips to her fingers, then gently touches her fingertips to the injured shoulder. "Believe it or not, later on you'll thank me for this." She smiles as she retrieves fresh bandages and gauze for Damien's wounds. "And now we address the next issue - what're we gonna tell the neighbors?" She giggles and winks at Damien as she gently pushes him onto the bedside table so he sort of leans/sits on it. It holds him. Thank goodness. She gently begins unwrapping the bandages and checks the state of the wound once it is revealed. There is still an ugly hole there, and the gauze is tacky with blood, but she smiles. "Look. The edges aren't red, no streaking. That's really good." She moves so Damien can take a look at it if he wishes.

2009-06-02, 09:38 AM
Damien does inspect the wound. He make an appreciative face and nods his head several times. "It does look pretty good, you know, for having a hole in my shoulder."

He gets up to sit on the edge of the bed, far more comfortable then that table. He sighs.

"I wouldn't worry about the neighbors, just tell them that I got injured at work. You can't see the bullet hole, so we can simply say I fell onto some glass in the street."

Dirk Kris
2009-06-02, 09:59 AM
Daisy smirks. "No, I meant the screaming. The scandal." She throws her hands in the air dramatically, then catches her reflection in the window. Frowning at the bruise and scrape by her left eye, she pulls some hair loose from her braid and uses it to cover the offending injury. Nodding, she turns to Damien and prepares to start re-dressing his wound. "So, what do you miss most from your previous life?"

2009-06-02, 10:01 AM
Damien stops and looks at Daisy. "That's a bit of a personal question, you know. I know we are trying this whole 'honesty' schtick, but I think we shouldn't just blab all of our sob stories on one another."

He sighs. "Please don't get offended at that, but I just don't want to spoil the moment..."

Dirk Kris
2009-06-02, 10:04 AM
Daisy shakes her head. "No, it's fine. Just trying to make conversation so you don't think too hard about this." She cinches the bandage as she wraps it around his chest. It forces her to be close to him, and as she's in front of him, it's a little...intimate for her. Daisy blushes and looks down, refusing to meet his eyes. Been a while since I was this close to a half-naked man.

2009-06-02, 10:09 AM
Damien grunts again, loudly. Now he knows what Daisy meant by explaining things to the neighbors. Course, the only person he's concerned about is Manny. The kid obviously has a crush on Daisy.

When Daisy looks away, blushing, Damien smiles. He reaches his left hand up to her chin and lifts it, so that her eyes are forced to meet his. "Thanks, Daisy. I really appreciate this."

It is only then that Damien remembers the morning breath...

Dirk Kris
2009-06-02, 10:44 AM
Daisy tries her best to not make a face and mostly succeeds. "No problem. Anytime you get shot on my behalf, I'm sorta obligated." She grins and finishes the wrapping, then stands, smoothing out her jeans. She pets Spike again. "He's a good dog - I wonder if he'll let me keep him." She frowns when she thinks of the shop downstairs. "He didn't want a collar, and I don't want to - you know - pen him in or whatever while I'm gone." She purses her lips as she thinks. "Maybe he'll wanna roam the streets while I'm working. There isn't a dogcatcher or anything in Metropolis, is there?"

2009-06-02, 10:59 AM
Damien looks at Spike, he too is thankful that he only ended up facing down one gunman instead of two.

"I think he's done a fine job of taking care of himself this far along. I don't think he needs our help to get by. And if there are any dog catchers, Spike here hasn't had much trouble with them I think."

"Besides," Damien adds. "This apartment is just a bit too small for a dog his size. It would be cruel to keep him locked up like that..." Damien says the last part with some bitterness.

Dirk Kris
2009-06-02, 11:05 AM
"I know." Daisy looks down at the beast affectionately. "I just don't want anyone to hurt him again - did you see his scars?"

2009-06-02, 11:29 AM
"Well, I think he will be alright long as we look after him time to time. I think he's smart enough to hang around long as we feed him and give him some shelter when the weather gets bad."

Damien finds it odd that he is using the word "we" which is very much not like him at all.

Dirk Kris
2009-06-02, 11:34 AM
Daisy smiles and looks down at Damien. "What's this 'we' stuff? You planning on helping out when I'm not around?" She grins and crosses her arms. "Because inviting you to stay for one night doesn't mean I wanna play house with you."

2009-06-02, 11:42 AM
Damien retracts a bit. "Playin' house ain't exactly my style, babe. So you don't have any reason to worry. I'm gonna spend plenty of time in my own apartment, so you can have Spike here all to yourself."

He stands up, examining his wounds once again. "Maybe we should have done this after I took a shower. I guess I could at least wash my hair..." He starts to head for the door, rather quickly.

Dirk Kris
2009-06-02, 11:50 AM
Daisy grins wickedly before she gets up. "Of course not. How silly of me." She steps over to the door to let Damien out, then stands in front of him. "You know..." Daisy speaks slowly as an idea occurs to her. "I could take care of that for you. In the interest of healing, of course." She places the palm of one hand on Damien's chest and traces down a little before removing it. "Well, mostly for that." She flushes a bright pink.

2009-06-02, 12:02 PM
Damien visibly gulps, heaving. Then he smiles. "I don't think you want to go down that road just yet, babe..." He leans down to kiss Daisy's forehead.

He then quickly turns and walks away, kicking himself. A few days ago he would have been all over her after an offer like that. But, damn it, he was starting to like this girl and didn't want to just use her anymore.

He reaches his door and takes a quick look back at Daisy, then unlocks his door and walks inside.

Dirk Kris
2009-06-02, 12:46 PM
Daisy waits until Damien closes his door, then leans against the wall, shaking in silent laughter. Tears roll freely down her cheeks. The look on his face was PRICELESS. I can't believe he fell for that. Finally managing to get ahold of herself, Daisy heads down the hall and stands outside Damien's door. Grinning like a fool, she starts talking in a sing-song voice. "You liiiiiike me, you want to kiiiiiiss me, you want to daaaaaate me." She giggles like mad at her own silliness.

2009-06-02, 12:55 PM
Damien currently has his head dipped in his bathroom sink, rubbing shampoo into his hair. He hears Daisy singing outside and wishes that he had locked his door behind him.

Dirk Kris
2009-06-02, 01:02 PM
Well, she's not that brash.

Daisy, getting no response, pouts a little and heads back to her own apartment. She goes inside and gently shakes Spike, trying to wake him.

2009-06-02, 01:05 PM
And the dog blinks at her, as it's awakened.

Dirk Kris
2009-06-02, 01:21 PM
"Spike!" Daisy smiles broadly. "Hey, I've gotta go to work, like, soon. I didn't know what to do with ya! Couldn't leave ya in here. Wanna come to work with me, or got your own thing to do?" She pets the big wolfhound, scratching behind his ears.

2009-06-02, 01:23 PM
The dog nods towards the door, and barks.

Dirk Kris
2009-06-02, 01:28 PM
Daisy attempts to hug Spike gently. "There's food and water and a place to sleep for you, whenever you want it. Just remember that, alright?" Her smile fades a bit. "I'll never hurt you." She gets up, grabs her purse, and opens the door to the apartment. "After you, m'dear."

2009-06-02, 01:32 PM
And the dog quickly scampers away on surprisingly lithe feet, barking a little in farewell as he bounds down the rotting stairs, and deep into deadtime.

Dirk Kris
2009-06-02, 01:43 PM
Daisy smiles as she watches him go. "Take care of yourself." I'm sure he'll be fine. Locking her door behind her, she heads downstairs herself, heading to work. She decides to walk instead of taking the subway, shuddering as she walks past its entrance. She refuses to look inside, just stares straight ahead and keeps walking.

2009-06-02, 01:52 PM
Daisy might hear Damien calling out to her.

He is now fully dressed in clean clothes, and his hair is still wet from his sink.

"Daisy! Are you sure you want to go to work alone right now?" He yells, running after her to catch up.

Daisy might also notice that his breath is a lot fresher.

Dirk Kris
2009-06-02, 01:58 PM
Daisy freezes when she hears someone calling her name and hurried footsteps. Her whole body tenses, ready to run. It takes her a few moments to recognize Damien's voice, and she turns slowly, breathing deeply to calm herself. "I, uh...I thought I was. Maybe not so much. Why, you headed my way?" In her moment of near-panic, she quite forgets the subject of her amusement a while ago.

((btw, nice edit :smalltongue:))

2009-06-02, 02:28 PM

Damien winks at Daisy. "I figure you would want the company, and it looks like I'm going to miss work a few days, so what else have I got to do?"

Dirk Kris
2009-06-02, 02:33 PM
Daisy smiles and just nods as they head towards the Hollow. "Hope you don't mind taking the long way."

2009-06-02, 02:35 PM
Damien is still all smiles. He makes a big show of looking Daisy up and down.

"I think I will survive."

Dirk Kris
2009-06-04, 08:06 AM
Daisy finds herself un-deadtiming right outside the door to her apartment building. How convenient. She smiles at Damien, snuggling inside the jacket he loaned her.

2009-06-04, 08:07 AM
Damien undeadtimes shortly after, next to Daisy.

"So, how did you end up doing tonight?" He finally says, not realizing that it's probably a bit late to ask about her work after walking all the way home without saying a word.

Dirk Kris
2009-06-04, 08:36 AM
Daisy smiles - she didn't mind. The silence was companionable. "As well as can be expected, I guess. Middle of the week, tough times, all that. But I'm making enough to upgrade to a bigger place soon, if I want. And, of course, enough to feed the building. And Spike." She leans against Damien a bit. "I'm glad we're friends." A thought occurs to her. "Maybe I could draw you some time. It's been a while since I've been able to do more than doodle."

2009-06-04, 08:38 AM
Damien grins and chuckles a bit. "I've already had a portrait or two done, by a police sketch artist... but I would like to see what you can do."

He lets Daisy lean against him for a beat or two longer then he would normally before stepping forward to open the door for her.

"I'm looking forward to the next meal. I haven't eaten better in a long time."

Dirk Kris
2009-06-04, 08:55 AM
Daisy slips under Damien's arm to go inside and nods towards the shop in the lobby. "I'm thinking of...tacos tonight - sound good? Another cheap, easy to make dish. I've just gotta get some things."

2009-06-04, 09:05 AM
Damien willingly accepts Daisy under his arm, winking at anyone who might be in the apartment lobby. "That sounds good to me. Anything I can do to help? I still have some cash leftover I can give you. I feel bad that you have been buying and making me food the past several days and I haven't contributed anything to you."

Dirk Kris
2009-06-04, 09:10 AM
Daisy smirks and holds her hand up, where she starts counting off on her fingers. "First of all, like I said - cheap. Second, you gave me $40 to start off with. And third, I sorta owe you, like, my life. So we'll just call it even once I've nursed you back to health, alright?" She sees Damien beginning to smile. "And if you even think of saying anything about a nurse uniform, I'll slap ya." Her tone is teasing, but Damien might not want to take any chances.

2009-06-04, 09:24 AM
"Heh, how could I forget about the whole getting shot thing..." Damien says.

He releases Daisy and heads for the stairs. "I'm gonna head up to my room and get cleaned up a bit better and changed. I just realized I spent the whole day sitting in a bar and I feel the need to... freshen up. I'll leave the door unlocked for you so you can grab me when you are ready to start dinner."

Damien looks around. "Where has that Manny kid gone off to?"

Dirk Kris
2009-06-04, 09:30 AM
Daisy frowns. She had been wondering the same thing herself, but chalked it up to over-worrying since she had been attacked. "I dunno. Which apartment is he in? It might be worth stopping and checking in on him." She shakes her head - the more she thinks about it, the more she worries. "I, uh, I'll see you in a bit, alright?" She heads into the shop, still deep in thought.

2009-06-04, 09:43 AM
"Sure thing, babe," Damien says.

He heads up to his room and strips down to his shorts to wash himself at the bathroom sink. He doesn't want to ruin the bandaging that Daisy worked so hard to put on him.

He washes his hair, and looks in the mirrior, thinking that it has gotten a bit long and he should probably get a hair cut soon.

He will lounge about in his shorts for a while, letting himself air-dry in the living room.

Dirk Kris
2009-06-04, 10:06 AM
Daisy purchases the needed items and makes a special request of the shopkeep, who says he will do what he can. She heads upstairs and looks at the various doors, silently cursing the fact that she can't remember which is Emanuel's. She leaves the food items in the kitchen and heads to her apartment. She takes her hair down and brushes it, then pulls the front of it to either side and braids it a bit before tying it off at the back of her head. She frowns at the bruise under her eye and sighs heavily. Dammit. She heads down the hall to Damien's apartment and tries the door - which she finds unlocked. She lets herself in, quietly, and spies Damien sprawled on the couch. With the shadows in his apartment, all she can see of his face is the sort of half-smirk he seems to always wear. Perfect. As quickly and quietly as she can, she goes back to her room and fetches her notebook and pencil. Returning to Damien's room, she stands in the doorway, sketching him, smiling to herself.

2009-06-04, 10:11 AM
Damien had dozed off so hadn't noticed Daisy check on him first. However, he is awakened when she opens the door. Then he realizes that he is only sitting in his boxer shorts and starts to sit up.

"I'm sorry, i didn't mean to fall asleep like that...Are you drawing me?" There is almost the semblance of a blush there.

Dirk Kris
2009-06-04, 10:12 AM
Daisy holds up a hand. "No, don't move. I'm almost done." She lifts her eyes from the page to glare at Damien, daring him to defy her.

2009-06-04, 10:23 AM
Damien freezes and eases back to the relaxed position he had been in.

"If you wanted something to remember me in my shorts by you could have taken a picture..."

Dirk Kris
2009-06-04, 10:48 AM
Daisy snorts and rolls her eyes. "No, not that. It's the expression I wanted - the mystery...there." She tilts her head to the side and nods approvingly. "Got it." She closes the notebook and tucks it into the back of her jeans, sticking the pencil behind one ear. "Feel up to helping me cook? Once you have pants on, of course. Sanitary reasons - you understand." She sticks out her tongue playfully and leans against the door frame.

2009-06-04, 11:02 AM
Damien returns with that half-smirk expression. "I think you like me pants-less."

Despite the comment, he stands up and walks to where he had left his pants on the bathroom floor. Daisy should get a good look at him whenever he bends over to pick them up.

He quickly shuffles them on and heads into his bedroom to pick out a new shirt. It isn't long before he re-emerges.


Dirk Kris
2009-06-04, 11:06 AM
Daisy is studiously studying her non-existent fingernails. Definitely NOT looking when Damien bends over. Nope. "Think all you like, honey bunch. Just don't hurt yourself." She grins widely and nods when Damien says he's ready. "Just remember to wash your hands - no telling where they've been."

2009-06-04, 11:13 AM
Damien chuckles. "You've been with me the past couple of days. I don't think they've touched anything too dirty..."

Nevertheless he dutifully obeys, using some stolen motel soap bars to wash his hands as clean as they can be in the heavily mineral-laden water.

He emerges from the bathroom and sweeps past Daisy into the hall, headed for the kitchen. He looks back at her and winks.

Dirk Kris
2009-06-04, 11:15 AM
Daisy shrugs and takes her time moving up the hallway. If he wants to play cat and mouse, I can do that too. She smiles to herself and finally gets to the kitchen. She gestures towards the stove. "Alright, you start the meat, I'll chop." She glances sideways at Damien. "So, you still up for Truth or Dare?"

2009-06-04, 11:30 AM
"Isn't that a game that should be played with more than two people?" Damien asks as he puts a beat up skillet with half the teflon scratched off on the stovetop.

If there is one thing he learned form his days as a bachelor it's how to brown meat. He dumps the beef onto the pan and starts breaking it up with a cracked wooden spoon.

Dirk Kris
2009-06-04, 11:45 AM
Daisy shrugs. "It can be, but it's more intimate with two people. I figured you would understand that if anyone would." She cracks her neck noisily. "Figured you'd pick truth every time and not neccessarily want everyone else to know." She pops a bit of cheese she's just cut up into her mouth and shrugs again. "But I don't care, whatever. Figured it would help pass the time while we were cooking." She sighs. "Besides, this city's so dreary and dull and scary and I don't wanna go out at night, so what else am I supposed to do for fun?"

2009-06-04, 11:53 AM
"I can think of a few fun things you can do indoors..." Damien says.

"But sure, alright, we can play it. But I go first. Truth or dare?" Damien asks Daisy, looking over at her and dodging popping bits of grease.

Dirk Kris
2009-06-04, 11:55 AM
Daisy smiles and continues cutting the lettuce and tomato. "Start off nice and easy - truth."

2009-06-04, 11:56 AM
"I'll start easy too, What's your favorite color?" Damien asks.

Dirk Kris
2009-06-04, 12:04 PM
"Pink. Truth or dare?" Daisy waits, nearly bouncing as she does.

2009-06-04, 01:10 PM
Damien flings the browned meat into a collander in the sink.

"I'll start with a truth..." Damien says slowly, wondering if he will come to regret that decision.

Dirk Kris
2009-06-04, 01:18 PM
Daisy decides to go easy on him. "Why are you spending so much time with me?"

2009-06-04, 01:34 PM
Damien thinks for a minute, then shrugs. "At first I just wanted to hook up with a pretty girl. Then I started to like you. Plus... I don't really have any friends here."

He rolls the meat around in the collander, getting all the excess grease out.

"Truth or dare?"

Dirk Kris
2009-06-04, 01:42 PM
"Then maybe you shouldn't be such a..." Daisy closes her mouth when she remembers that's not how the game is played. She thinks of playing it safe, but... "Dare." She crosses her arms and turns to smirk at Damien, silently daring him.

2009-06-04, 01:49 PM
"I dare you to..." Damien stops, thinking a minute. "I dare you to..."

He looks around, then picks up an uncut head of lettuce. "I dare you to stuff this down the front of your shirt!" He gives a stupid grin, thinking that's terribly funny.

Dirk Kris
2009-06-04, 01:56 PM
Daisy rolls her eyes, grabs the lettuce, and stuffs it up the bottom of her shirt. She slouches and pooches it out as best she can and squints her eyes. Making her voice as gruff as possible, she starts wailing in a faux Scottish accent. "Ach, I've had too much ta drink. I need ta sit down and rest me feet. Och, this here? This is mah beer holder." She grabs a measuring cup from off the counter, balances it on the lettuce bulge, then pretends to drink from it. Giggling, she removes the lettuce and rinses it off before setting it back on the counter. "There, how was that?"

2009-06-04, 02:00 PM
Damien actually laughs. "Not bad, but your accent could use some work."
"And I will do truth again."

Dirk Kris
2009-06-04, 02:04 PM
Daisy becomes more somber. "What do you see yourself doing with your life? I mean, I know..." She puts a hand over her mouth and stops, waiting for Damien's answer.

2009-06-04, 02:11 PM
Damien looks away. "I used to have a load of dreams and ambitions, but gave up on any hope of having a life of any sort when I got sent here."

He rests both hands on the sink, leaning on them a bit and looking down. He eventually turns his head to look at Daisy with a pained expression. "What did you want me to say? That I want to get married, settle down, have a house in the suburbs with a yard and a white picket fence?"

Dirk Kris
2009-06-04, 02:17 PM
"Pfffft, no! That's boring, and SO not you." Daisy smiles sympathetically and steps over to stand near Damien. She takes his chin in her hand and shakes his head a little. "Being here isn't the end of the world. As long as you're alive, there's no reason to give up hope. And Metropolis isn't ALL bad. I mean, look - I'm here." She grins widely. "So, since we're stuck here, together - for now - what do you think you'll do? Quit trying to get out of answering. And quit feeling sorry for yourself." She nudges him playfully, then takes the meat from the collander, tosses it into the pan, and starts seasoning it.

2009-06-04, 02:20 PM
"I wasn't trying to avoid answering, I thought that I had given you the answer you wanted. And it was the truth." Damien says.

He watches Daisy cook for a little bit before finally asking "so, truth or dare?"

Dirk Kris
2009-06-04, 02:54 PM
Daisy shrugs nonchalantly. "One of us has to be exciting, so I guess that's me. Dare."