View Full Version : A Prediction - V's Family

2009-03-14, 10:37 AM
Just a load of speculation ^_^.

After toying with his prey until losing interest, V finally destroys the dragon. V lands to gloat and V's mate approaches V.

V's Mate: "Vaarsuvius... did you really kill that dragon's child?"

V: "Of course, I turned the beast into a pile of ashes!"

V's Mate: "Thats horrible!"

V: "It deserved to die, it was nothing more than a mindless beast! It would've killed me if I hadn't!"

V's Mate: "Maybe it would've, but you still didn't have to 'shred her baby into a trillion lifeless specks of ash'! Someone with your power should've had no problem escaping wihout..."

*V is offended because he believes this to imply he failed to do something due to a previous lack of power*

V: "NEVER speak to me like that!"

V's Mate: "What you did to the dragon's child isn't any better than..."

V (enraged beyond rational thought): I SAID BE QUIET! DISINTEGRATE!

*V's children begin to cry*


*They continue to cry*


*Some time passes, maybe a minute, maybe a month, but the soul splice wears off and V realizes what hes done*

*V gets Durkon to resurect his family, not telling him what had happened due to shame*

*V's family refuses to come back. Can you blame them*

2009-03-14, 10:52 AM
Hmm, I see it as unlikely that after 30+ years of knowing someone you would kill them that quicky, enraged or not.

V doesn't actually seem angry beyond rational though (or at least not as much as you implied), but I could definitely see her somehow using her magic against them. Perhaps using magic trying to help them after hir mate tells V to stay away from them, which of course would only make them more scared of hir.

I can see V teleporting them all to Durkon for healing, then someone yelling "Get it! it's Evil!" and a bunch of paladins trying to arrest V. Whether or not V's mate would intervene, I don't know, but I could see hir agonising over it.

Also, I hope we learn V's mate's name soon.

2009-03-14, 10:56 AM
I doubt he is going to kill his family. So far he has done nothing truly evil, and he remains in control of the splice. And if he killed his family, he would be pretty much out of it forever. Remember, elven feelings are much more intense than human ones. Once the splice would wear off, he'd fall catatonic at the realization (especially knowing they would never ever agree to come back).

2009-03-14, 10:56 AM
How about this:

V's mate: V, did you really kill the dragon's baby? You look so different, so evil. What's happened to you?

:vaarsuvius:: Disintegrate.

V's mate: :smalleek:

(V's beam disintegrates the tree his mate's nailed on.)

The Blackbird
2009-03-14, 10:57 AM
Well V is under some unfluence by the splice and she/he has pretty much turned evil anyways.

Also that prediction is really dark, but I don't put anything past The Giant after reading SoD, my own prediction is a lot lighter.

V unbinds his/her mate from the tree, V's mate then looks at him/her and opens his/her mouth, then closes it. Then opens it agian and says DAMN your HOT and jumps on him/her and starts making out with him/her:smallbiggrin:

2009-03-14, 10:59 AM
V unbinds his/her mate from the tree, V's mate then looks at him/her and opens his/her mouth, then closes it. Then opens it agian and says DAMN your HOT and jumps on him/her and starts making out with him/her:smallbiggrin:
Am I a bad person for also wanting this?

Hir mate just better watch out for the fangs and pointy teeth.

Also, I've lost faith in the OOtS House of Horror/OOTS house of fanservice for not jumping on this.

2009-03-14, 11:11 AM
I think what people are forgetting is that V is still in control, he may have for practical reasons the exact same alignment as before, but he is still V. The same V that gambled everything to save a family he dearly loves.

Love is afterall as much a selfish as a selfless emotion, there is no reason to assume that because someone turns evil they will kill the people they love.

In probability V's family will be terrified/disgusted of them.
V with tears in his eyes will say, "but I did it for you", then something like "damn you, you pathetic fools, I could crush you all like a bug, how can you judge me when I am a God to you". He will then teleport away.

2009-03-14, 11:22 AM
Just because V has the final say doesn't mean the three evil souls can't influence him... we've already seen them suggesting things for him to do... so far these things have been what V wanted to do anyways, but they sure don't care about V's mate and its not impossible for them to suggest killing him/her.

No one sees it as even possible that three evil souls might convince V to do something... evil?

2009-03-14, 11:30 AM
he is still V. The same V that gambled everything to save a family he dearly loves.

Not entirely true. The fiends urged him on by pointing out that he would not be the one who ultimately saved his family, but that he would have to accept the fact that he needed to rely on others for help. So, in the end, it was his own pride that "forced" him to his decision.

I guess the voices will urge him on to kill his family, but he will shout them down and flee.

2009-03-14, 11:33 AM
Just because V has the final say doesn't mean the three evil souls can't influence him... we've already seen them suggesting things for him to do... so far these things have been what V wanted to do anyways, but they sure don't care about V's mate and its not impossible for them to suggest killing him/her.

No one sees it as even possible that three evil souls might convince V to do something... evil?

Yes, but not something so stupidly out of character as to kill his family.

Also if he does so it places him beyond the pale for any sort of future redemption or character development.

2009-03-14, 11:34 AM
In probability V's family will be terrified/disgusted of them.
V with tears in his eyes will say, "but I did it for you", then something like "damn you, you pathetic fools, I could crush you all like a bug, how can you judge me when I am a God to you". He will then teleport away.

I think it's more likely that V's mate will see that they need help, and allow V to heal them or take them somewhere to get healed. The arguments will come later, after the kids are safe, and preferably out of earshot. (Although they probably won't be and will wander in in time to see the end of the argument.)

2009-03-14, 11:55 AM
No way, Jose. For three reasons:

1) It's awfully cliched. It's such a common Moral Event Horizon for a previous good guy to willfully or accidentally kill his family (God, what have I dooooone?! or perhaps even NOOOOOOO!!!!) that I'd be surprised if Rich went there. And disappointed, because it would mean V's family was nothing more than plot fodder.

2) It's obviously that V still retains control. If he had degenerated into some sort of raging lunatic, I would think differently. But as it stands now, V is still "of sound mind". Evil, maybe. But insane, no. Evil people can still love their families.

3) It's totally out of character. Not only has V admitted his deep love for his mate, but think of it this way: V is nothing if not pragmatic. To take a possibly damning deal with demons to save his family, and then kill that family, is incredibly idiotic. It would mean that V sacrificed for nothing. Sure, he'd have ultimate power, but I find it hard to believe that V would kill his family with his own hand, even for ultimate power.

So maybe V's family is doomed, but I fervently believe that it won't be by V's intentional actions.

2009-03-14, 11:58 AM
My guess is that in the end the dragon will realize that he can't mess with V's new powers and to save his life somehow cause a situation where he can only be killed when V kills his family (or one or two members) as well.

"Kill me and I take the life of your children with me!"

After V sacrificed one or two children to toast the dragon an argument with his mate is a little bit more likely ... :smallfrown:

2009-03-14, 12:04 PM
And disappointed, because it would mean V's family was nothing more than plot fodder.
Well they certainly don't have names, unless you count <Parent>.

2009-03-14, 12:04 PM
My guess is that in the end the dragon will realize that he can't mess with V's new powers and to save his life somehow cause a situation where he can only be killed when V kills his family (or one or two members) as well.

"Kill me and I take the life of your children with me!"

After V sacrificed one or two children to toast the dragon an argument with his mate is a little bit more likely ... :smallfrown:

Huh, I don't know too much about D&D rules, but is it possible for souls to be bound before death?

In other words, could ABD have already bound the childrens' souls before killing them, assuring that were anything to happen to her, the children would be lost forever?

2009-03-14, 12:07 PM
yes, but its difficult. One spell (cleric, dread necromancer) called Imprison Soul strips the soul from the living body of the creature.

2009-03-14, 12:08 PM
I doubt that would happen, I think the second V realises the dragon is going to go for her family next, she'll either kill it or render it helpless.

Which is really what she should have done this round, but then again it wouldn't have been so cool.

2009-03-14, 12:15 PM
I can see V teleporting them all to Durkon for healing, then someone yelling "Get it! it's Evil!" and a bunch of paladins trying to arrest V. Whether or not V's mate would intervene, I don't know, but I could see hir agonising over it.

I can't see that.

1)There are only 2 paladins left in the fleet anyway. The ABD confirms this, if no-one else does.

2)Both paladins are highly familiar with V, and would at least give hir the time to explain hirself. Remember, Good, not Dumb (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0584.html).

2009-03-14, 12:27 PM
I can't see that.

1)There are only 2 paladins left in the fleet anyway. The ABD confirms this, if no-one else does.

2)Both paladins are highly familiar with V, and would at least give hir the time to explain hirself. Remember, Good, not Dumb (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0584.html).
Good point. But I would expect some confrontation about it, even if they don't outright attack her.

About them being familiar with V: some people seem to think that V's mate won't recognise V. While I find that hard to believe, such a drastic change of hair and eyes could mean the paladins take a few seconds to recognise her.

2009-03-14, 02:41 PM
V unbinds his/her mate from the tree, V's mate then looks at him/her and opens his/her mouth, then closes it. Then opens it agian and says DAMN your HOT and jumps on him/her and starts making out with him/her:smallbiggrin:
Yes, just yes. :O

David Argall
2009-03-14, 04:38 PM
Remember, Good, not Dumb (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0584.html).

That may apply to the lass, but Hinjo was the one who wanted the party to fight on when they were outnumbered 1000-1 and somehow thought he was going to take out Redcloak when he should have already been running away.

now my bet V will toy with the dragon until it will get the message it is doomed, at which point it will acid the family. V then finishes the dragon and starts to cry over having let the dragon live too long. The dead mages will laugh at her for being so weak and worried about others. In a temper, V will break the soul splice. Thereafter she will become good, possibly getting a white outfit.

Undead Prince
2009-03-14, 05:16 PM
yes, but its difficult. One spell (cleric, dread necromancer) called Imprison Soul strips the soul from the living body of the creature.

1. Which leaves the body a lifeless husk. Which means the Dragon didn't already cast it.

2. Which takes 3 days to prepare. Therefore improbable since we already know the Dragon intends to use Soul Bind.

3. Which can easily be Dispelled or Disjoined (just like Soul Bind).

now my bet V will toy with the dragon until it will get the message it is doomed, at which point it will acid the family. V then finishes the dragon and starts to cry over having let the dragon live too long. The dead mages will laugh at her for being so weak and worried about others. In a temper, V will break the soul splice. Thereafter she will become good, possibly getting a white outfit.

a) The current V will not cry. The current V will employ his "not inconsiderable arcane powers" to make sure they are brought back to life. In addition to "Good, not Dumb" I'd like to note that "Evil, not Stupid".

b) Just stopping doing evil is not enough to become good. Even doing your duty is not enough - as was explained to Miko. To qualify for the "white robes", after all he's done, V has to perform some quality atonement. And even though it's a possible outcome of the arc, I don't think it will be resolved anytime soon.

c) Before V loses his epic power, PLOT has to happen. The fiends have "thrown their chips in the pot"; we've got three named epic evil souls; V has other things he will want the power for (Haley and Roy, obviously; perhaps also Xykon and Aarindarius); the gate business is far from finished. So no, I don't believe V will lose his power so soon. At the very least, he'll deal with the dragon, his family, and Haley, and somehow fail against Xykon.

2009-03-14, 06:30 PM
As I speculated elsewhere, V may kill the family accidentally. I don't think V would ever choose to do something calculated to harm them, but V could easily get so caught up in the power that, with the urging of 3 evil souls coming from within, rash actions are taken that result in collateral damage.

Giant did previously say something along the lines that V would end up losing someting really big.

2009-03-14, 07:05 PM
As I speculated elsewhere, V may kill the family accidentally. I don't think V would ever choose to do something calculated to harm them, but V could easily get so caught up in the power that, with the urging of 3 evil souls coming from within, rash actions are taken that result in collateral damage.

QFT. I think that if V harms her family (physically, since you could argue that V has already psychologically harmed them), it will be accidental.

I'm hoping the family won't actually die, though. The "big" thing that V loses could be their respect, or trust, or something. Or, you know, his soul.

2009-03-14, 07:36 PM
The family is already heavily damaged, all of them are incapable of escape from the battleground which makes me suspect something is going to happen to them. Something more I should say. My money is on the family dying, dragon kills them. For V to directly harm his family strikes me as extremely unlikely, if something that traumatic is going to happen the bigger slap in the face would be him not able to stop the deaths of his family despite his ultimate power.

2009-03-15, 03:21 AM
Personally, I think that the family wont die. Or at least V's mate wont (the children, possibly). The reason being, we hardly know anything about them, and if they were to be permanently removed from the comic we'd be left wondering. It also wouldn't be as emotional as if they died or disowned V after we got to know them a bit.

2009-03-15, 05:32 AM
About them being familiar with V: some people seem to think that V's mate won't recognise V. While I find that hard to believe, such a drastic change of hair and eyes could mean the paladins take a few seconds to recognise her.

At least the black dragon was able to recognize V instantly. And I guess it's easier to recognize someone of a very similiar species (human - elf) than of a complety different-looking species (dragon - elf).

I bet everybody including Roy, Belkar, Haley and the people of the fleet will realize the change that happened to V when they meet him but will have no problems to identify V.

2009-03-15, 08:39 AM
V lands to gloat and V's mate approaches V.

The children presumably pulling the nails out of their parents limbs?

2009-03-16, 11:44 AM
The children presumably pulling the nails out of their parents limbs?

Or possibly while V is fighting the Dragon, Parent make an extra effort to get free so hir can get the kids away from the battle. Or maybe a missfired spell hits the tree and frees Parent. If it's going to happen they'll find a way.

Or, if you want to get really traumatic, yes, one or more of the kids drags themselves over to the tree and helps parent get the nails out. But I think the kids are a little too out of it to do that.