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2009-03-15, 04:38 AM
Ever wanted to play a Martial Adept who also possessed a handful of invocations? A supporting Dragon Shaman who also has a few Sorcerer spells from his draconic ancestry? Or perhaps something totally crazy, like a Fire-Breathing Singing Ninja. While it is possible to construct such characters, blending multiple classes which do not have dual progression PrC or feat support tends to give suboptimal results, and cannot be done at low levels. The Generalist tries to get around these restrictions by breaking down the various iconic base classes into fragments of their class features, and lets you pick and choose to create a mix that suits your unique character.

Design Notes

In formulating this class, I have tried to give each Focus and Association, approximately 1/4 of the power of another Base class. E.g. whereas a Generalist Wizard normally gains 4 spell slots at each spell level, a Generalist only gains 1.

However, for certain base classes which are lower on the tier rating scale, its Focus/Association might carry more than 1/4 of what that class might do. E.g. the Battle Focus is approximately 1/2 to 1/3 a Fighter on its own. The Paladin and Monk Associations also comprise about 1/2 of the Base classes' features each.

For the various associations, and especially for spellcasters, the Mastery Point recovery system provides a means to recover limited use abilities in between fights. At the same time, the option to accelerate recovery at higher point cost lets them 'nova' so to speak when they really need to.

Where possible, I have tried to place the basic and focus class features on even levels, and the association class features on odd levels (or spread evenly across), so as to minimize 'dead' levels.

Edit History

7 Mar 10
-Made major revisions to many of the class concepts.
-Gave Sorcerer Association extra 0-3 spell slots compared to Wizard.

8 Mar 10
-Grouped Associations loosely according to Arcane, Divine, Martial, Skill and Draconic
-Added Paladin and Turn/Rebuke Undead Associations. Monk/Swordsage/Ninja have been mixed up and split into the Martial Sage and Unarmed Master Association.
-Minor formatting changes to make where each Assocation starts and stops clearer

9 Mar 10
-Added Bard and Favored Soul associations
-Started new Association grouping for Miscellaneous.

14 Mar 10
-Made a few spelling corrections.
-Added a few more custom Association feats (Insightful Vitality for Dragon Shaman, and Archaic Sage for Martial Sage).
-Martal Sage Ethereal step now costs 2 Ki points in line with the Ninja base class.
-Added the Undead Association.

The Generalist
At the start of their career, most individuals have committed themselves to a particular occupation- some are trained in force of arms, some have mastered the arts of stealth and shadow, and still others learn to channel magic or psionics. But not a Generalist. Rather than dedicating himself to any one specialty, Generalists have instead picked up a mish-mash of abilities throughout their lives.

The Generalist is difficult to define. Depending on what are his Focus and Associations, he may be a mighty warrior, a skilled assassin, a powerful theurge, or even a hybrid jack of all trades. And unlike the Chameleon who can change his abilities each day, a Generalist's talents remain more or less the same throughout his career, with chosen abilities varying among individual Generalists.

Making a Generalist
Abilities: Depending on his chosen combat style, an Generalist may (or may not) require high strength or dexterity to fight well, if he opts to fight at all. As with any other class, a Generalist can make use of a decent constitution score. And depending on his magical or psionic abilities, he may want a high Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma score, and sometimes even all three.

Races: Any race can become an Generalist. No one race can claim a monopoly on the capacity to develop multiple talents. Although the inclination for such varied learning tends to be more prevalent among well-schooled nobles.

Alignment: Generalists can be of any alignment, although certain Associations require them to be of a certain alignment.

2009-03-15, 04:39 AM
Class Features

Table 1: The Generalist

Hit Die: d6

{table=head]Level | Base Attack Bonus | Good Save | Bad Save | Mastery Points | Special

+0| 5 | Chosen Save, Mastery Pool, Mastery Meditation, Armored Caster (Light)

+0| 6 | Generalist Bonus +1

+1| 7 |

+1| 8 | Focus Feature 1

+1| 9 |

+2| 11 | Focus Feature 2

+2| 13 |

+2| 15 | Generalist Bonus +2

+3| 17 |

+3| 20 | Focus Feature 3

+3| 23 |

+4| 26 | Focus Feature 4

+4| 29 |

+4| 33 | Generalist Bonus +3

+5| 37 |

+5| 41 | Focus Feature 5

+5| 45 |

+6| 50 | Focus Feature 6

+6| 55 |

+6| 60 | Generalist Bonus +4 [/table]

Class Skills (2 + Int modifier per level): Bluff, Climb, Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (all skills, taken individually), Listen, Move Silently, Profession, Ride, Sense Motive, Spot, Swim

A Generalist's class features depend largely on which Focus and Associations he picked- simply knowing that someone is an Generalist tells you very little about what he or she can actually do. On taking his first level in this class, a Generalist picks 1 Focus and 3 Associations, and it is this choice that will define what a Generalist can do, throughout the rest of his career.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A Generalist is proficient with all simple weapons, light armor, and all shields (except for tower shields).

Chosen Save (Ex): Depending on the Focus he has picked, a Generalist has one of his saves become good. Besides this Focus Save, he may pick one other save to have good progression.

Mastery Pool (Ex): A Generalist has a pool of Mastery Points, which he can use to augment his abilities in various ways (depending on his selected Focus and Associations). A Generalists has a maximum number of Mastery points as listed in the table above. Unless otherwise stated, any usage of his Mastery Pool is considered an Extraordinary ability. He can restore his pool to maximum points simply by resting for 8 hours.

Mastery Meditation (Ex): A Generalist can focus his mind to replenish the various spent abilities he gains from his Associations, usually (but not always) spending Mastery Points in the process. Entering Mastery Meditation simply requires 5 minutes of concentration. Mastery Meditation ends when the Generalist wants it to, although it also automatically ends whenever the Generalist takes damage.

While in Mastery Meditation, a Generalist can freely channel as many Mastery Points as he posesses, to recovering his Association's abilities. Each ability requires a full round action to recover. He cannot willingly move from his position, although he can be moved by others (e.g. if he is sitting on a cart), and as such is considered flat-footed while Meditating. Otherwise he can take any action he normally could, including casting spells. Because level 0 spells (cantrips and orisons) require no Mastery Points to recover while in Mastery Meditation, he can effectively cast these indefinitely, taking only a full round action between castings to recover the spell.

Armored Caster (Ex): When casting spells, spell-like abilities and invocations gained from his Associations, a Generalist can ignore Arcane Spell Failure to a limited extent. If he picks Mental as his Focus, he can ignore ASF from increasingly heavy armor.

Light: On level 1, a Generalist can ignore Arcane Spell Failure from light armor.

Shields: On Mental Focus Feature 1, a Generalist can ignore Arcane Spell Failure from shields.

Perfect: On Mental Focus Feature 4, a Generalist can ignore all Arcane Spell Failure regardless of its source.

Generalist Bonus (Ex): The Generalist can spend Mastery Points to apply an untyped bonus to a variety of abilities. Unless otherwise stated, any use of his Generalist Bonus are considered Ex abilities. Starting at level 2, as a free action which can be taken even when it is not his turn, a Generalist may spend 1 Mastery Point to gain a +1 untyped bonus to all saving throws that lasts until the start of his next round. On level 8 and every 6 levels thereafter, this bonus increases by 1 point. The Generalist still only spends 1 Mastery Point to recieve these higher bonuses.

Focus Feature: These are features that depend on his selected focus, and are detailed further below.

2009-03-15, 04:42 AM
On taking his first level in the class, a Generalist selects 1 Focus from the list below. This Focus selection is permanent and cannot be changed, barring special and intensive retraining (read: GM fiat). Depending on his chosen Focus, one of his saves becomes good.

Battle Focus
Good Save: Fortitude
Hitpoints: You gain 2 bonus hit points per Generalist level.
Proficiencies: You gain proficiency with all Martial Weapons, Medium Armor, Heavy Armor and Tower Shields.
Others: Your BAB improves to High. Your Generalist level stacks with fighter levels (if any) when qualifying for fighter specific feats
Focus Features: Whenever you gain a Focus Feature, you may choose any Fighter feat which you qualify for, or any of the Battle Focus Feats listed below. You may also use this to buy certain Associate Feats, such as Song Feats for the Bard Associate.

Generalist Bonus: As a free action, a Generalist may spend 1 Mastery Point to gain fast healing equal to his Generalist Bonus, for 5 rounds. This fast healing stacks with one other source of fast healing of his choice (changeable every round). He may choose to activate this ability even when he is dying, which automatically stabilizes him.

E.g. Lets say a level 8 Battle Focused Generalist with a generalist bonus of 2 is under the effect of the vigor spell which grants him Fast Healing of 2. He can activate his Generalist Bonus Fast Healing of 2 points. He can choose to stack his Generalist Fast Healing on top of the vigor spell for a total of 4 points of Fast Healing.

Battle Hardened:
Requirements: Generalist Battle Focus
Benefits: You gain DR 1/-. You may take this feat multiple times, and it stacks with itself.
Special: This feat can stack with one other Damage Reduction effect of your choice, even if this other effect is not DR/-, although the secondary DR effect always applies first. You can change which secondary effect it stacks with whenever you take damage.

E.g. Lets say you have taken Battle Hardened 3 times for DR 3/-. You then have Stoneskin cast on you which grants DR 10/Adamantine. You can choose to stack Battle Hardened on Stoneskin, so that when you are struck by a non-adamantine weapon, the first 13 points of damage are negated by the combined DR. In cases where the total damage is less than 13, the secondary DR applies first, so the first 10 points of damage is subtracted from Stoneskin's pool, and than after that the remaining 3 is negated by Battle Hardened. If however, you are struck by an adamantine weapon, only the first 3 points of damage are negated, from your Battle Hardened 3/-.

Attack Focus:
Requirements: Generalist Battle Focus
Benefits: You can add a +1 untyped bonus to all attack rolls. You may take this feat multiple, and it stacks with itself.

Skill Focus
Good Save: Reflex
Skills: All skills are added to your class skill list. Additionally, you gain 4 extra skill points per Generalist level (x4 on level 1).
Others: You gain Trapfinding as the Rogue class feature on level 1.
Focus Feature 1: Evasion
Focus Feature 2: Average Skill x1 (see below)
Focus Feature 3: Average Skill x2
Focus Feature 4: Improved Evasion
Focus Feature 5: Average Skill x3
Focus Feature 6: Average Skill x4

Average Skill (Ex): A Generalist may select any skill on his class skill list. Henceforth he can always take 10 on any skill check based off that skill, even if he is normally not permitted to do so. This skill selection is permanent and may not be changed barring special and intensive retraining (read: GM fiat). At Focus Feature 3, 5 and 6, he can pick one additional skill to which he can apply Average Skill.

Generalist Bonus: Whenever he makes a skill check, a Generalist may spend 1 Mastery Point to gain an untyped bonus equal to his Generalist Bonus to that particular skill check. He may even apply this bonus when he is taking 10 or 20 to that skill check (provided circumstances allow him to take 10 or 20 in the first place).

Mental Focus
Good Save: Will
Others: Mastery Pool is double what is listed in the table above
Focus Feature 1: Armored Caster (Shields). Refer to the Armored Caster Class Feature above.
Focus Feature 2: Rapid Conversion 1/day (see below)
Focus Feature 3: Rapid Conversion 2/day
Focus Feature 4: Armored Caster (Perfect)
Focus Feature 5: Rapid Conversion 3/day
Focus Feature 6: Rapid Conversion 4/day

Rapid Conversion (Su): Normally a Generalists has to enter Mastery Meditation to efficiently convert his Mastery Points to Spells or Power Points. If he performs the conversion outside of Mastery Meditation, the Mastery Point cost is usually doubled. Starting at Focus Feature 2, with Rapid Conversion, he may carry out an efficient conversion for any 1 expended spell, or for power points up to his Generalist level, without entering Mastery Meditation, once per day. For recovering abilities that are not spells or power points, (e.g. Dragon Shaman Touch of Vitality) he may channel no more than half his Generalist level (rounded up) worth of Mastery Points during one use of Rapid Conversion. The conversion process is still free action. At Focus Features 3, 5 and 6, he gains additional daily uses of Rapid Conversion.

Generalist Bonus: Whenever a Generalist uses a spell, spell-like-ability, invocation or psionic power obtained from his Associations, he may spend 1 Mastery Point to apply one of the following untyped stacking bonuses. Each bonus can only be applied once, but multiple bonuses of different types can be applied to the same spell or power.
Penetration: Add Generalist Bonus to caster, manifester or invoker level rolls for the purpose of overcoming spell or power resistance
Resilient: Add Generalist Bonus to Dispel DC, making the effect harder to dispel.
Lingering: Add Generalist Bonus to caster level for the purpose of determining the effect's duration.
Reach: For an effect with a range greater than touch, its range is doubled. This has no effect on the area of the effect. E.g. you might use reach to throw a fireball from further away, but when the fireball explodes, it still covers the same amount of area.

On taking his first level in the class, a Generalist selects 3 Associations as listed below. This Association selection is permanent and cannot be changed, barring special and intensive retraining (read: GM fiat). The Associations below are broadly grouped according to their "type", although this grouping is purely for ease of reference and has no impact on how they interact with one another.

2009-03-15, 04:43 AM
Arcane Associations

Invocation Association
Skills: Add Spellcraft and UMD to your Generalist class skill list.

{table]Level | Invocations Known | Invocation Grade | Special
01 | 1 | Least | Mastery: Share Invocation
03 | 2 | Least |
05 | 3 | Lesser |
07 | 4 | Lesser |
09 | 4 | Lesser | Mastery: Second Instance
11 | 5 | Greater |
13 | 5 | Greater | Mastery: Quicken Invocation
15 | 6 | Dark |
17 | 6 | Dark | Mastery: Limitless Instance
19 | 7 | Dark |[/table]

Invocations: You gain Charisma based Invocations following the table above. You may choose invocations from both the Warlock and Dragonfire Adept list. Your Invoker level is equal to your Generalist level. Not all invocations are useful to you however (e.g. you have no eldritch blast to apply essences or shapes to). Whenever you level up, you may swap an invocation known with another of similiar grade.

All Mastery uses of a Invocation Associate are considered supernatural abilities.
Share Invocation: By spending a number of mastery points equal to the invocations ESL, you may cast invocations that are normally personal only, on a willing ally.
Second Instance: Starting from level 9, by spending a number of mastery points equal to the invocations ESL, you may cast an invocation a second time to create a second effect, without ending the first effect. E.g. Nightmares Made Real can normally be only cast once. With Second Instance, you can spend 5 mastery points (the ESL of Nightmares Made Real) and create a second area of effect, without ending the first. You can still only have 2 instances at most. This ability can also be used on personal spells (e.g. using Second Instance with Dark One's Luck lets you add your Charisma bonus to 2 saves).
Quicken Invocation: Starting from level 13, by spending a number of mastery points equal to the invocations ESL, you may cast an invocation that normally takes a full round action or less, as a swift action.
Limitless Instance: You are no longer limited to just 2 instances with Second Instance. You can create as many instances as you wish, so long as you have the Mastery Points to support them.

Sorcerer Association
Skills: Add Spellcraft to your Generalist class skill list.

Spell Slots per level
{table]Level | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
01 | 1 |
02 | 2 |
03 | 2 | 1 |
04 | 3 | 1 |
05 | 3 | 1 | 1 |
06 | 3 | 2 | 1 |
07 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 1
08 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 1
09 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1
10 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1
11 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1
13 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1
15 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1
17 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1
19 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1[/table]

Spells Known
{table]Level | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
01 | 3 |
02 | 4 |
03 | 4 | 1 |
04 | 4 | 2 |
05 | 4 | 2 | 1 |
06 | 4 | 2 | 2 |
07 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 1
08 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 2
09 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1
10 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2
11 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1
12 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2
13 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1
14 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2
15 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1
16 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2
17 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1
18 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2
19 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1
20 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2[/table]

Spellcasting: You gain Charisma based spontaneous Arcane spells as a Sorcerer. Your Caster level is equal to your Generalist level. Your spell slots and spells known at each level follow the tables above. You gain bonus spell slots based on your Charisma score. Additionally, as a Sorcerer, starting from level 4 and every even level thereafter, you can swap out one spell known for another at the same level.

Recover Spell: You may recover an expended spell slot as if you did not cast it. By entering Mastery Meditation and spending mastery points equal to the spell slot's level, you may restore an already cast spell slot. Level 0 spells cost nothing to restore in this manner. This is a supernatural ability. You may accelerate the conversion process by spending more mastery points. By spending mastery points equal to double the spell slot's level, you may recover that spell slot as a free action, even when you are not in Mastery Meditation. Level 0 spells cost 1 mastery point to restore in this manner.

Wizard Association
Skills: Add Spellcraft and Decipher Script to your Generalist class skill list.

{table]Level | Special
01 | Scribe Scroll
03 |
05 |
07 |
09 |
11 | Bonus Feat
13 |
15 |
17 |
19 | [/table]

Scribe Scroll: You gain Scribe Scroll as a bonus feat on level 1.

Bonus Feat: You gain a bonus feat as per a Wizard.

Spell Slots per level for Wizard, Archivist, Druid and Cleric associations
{table]Level | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
01 | 1 |
02 | 2 |
03 | 2 | 1 |
05 | 2 | 1 | 1 |
07 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
09 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
11 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
13 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
15 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
17 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
19 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1[/table]

Spellcasting: You gain Intelligence based prepared Arcane spells as a Wizard. Your Caster level is equal to your Generalist level. Your spell slots at each level follows the table above. You gain bonus spell slots based on your Intelligence score.
Spellbook: You start with a Spellbook at level 1 with 5+Int modifier cantrips of your choice. Whenever you gain another level of Generalist, you automatically learn 2 new spells, up to the highest level you can cast, as per a normal Wizard.

Recover Spell: You may recover an expended spell slot as if you did not cast it. By entering Mastery Meditation and spending mastery points equal to the spell slot's level, you may restore an already cast spell. Level 0 spells cost no mastery points to restore in this manner. You may not change the spell that was prepared in that slot. This is a supernatural ability. You may accelerate the conversion process by spending more mastery points. By spending mastery points equal to double the spell slot's level, you may recover that spell slot as a free action, even when you are not in Mastery Meditation. Level 0 spells cost 1 mastery point to restore in this manner.

2009-03-15, 04:45 AM
Divine Associations

Archivist Association
Skills: Add Spellcraft, Heal and Decipher Script to your Generalist class skill list.

{table]Level | Special
01 | Scribe Scroll
03 |
05 |
07 |
09 |
11 | Bonus Feat
13 |
15 |
17 |
19 | [/table]

Scribe Scroll: You gain Scribe Scroll as a bonus feat on level 1.

Bonus Feat: You gain a bonus feat as per an Archivist.

Spellcasting: You gain Intelligence based prepared Divine spells as an Archivist. Your Caster level is equal to your Generalist level. Your spell slots at each level follows the table above (same as the Wizards spell progression). You gain bonus spell slots based on your Wisdom score.
Prayerbook: You start with a prayerbook at level 1 with 5+Int modifier orisons of your choice. Whenever you gain another level of Generalist, you automatically learn 2 new spells, up to the highest level you can cast, as per a normal Archivist.

Recover Spell: You may recover an expended spell slot as if you did not cast it. By entering Mastery Meditation and spending mastery points equal to the spell slot's level, you may restore an already cast spell. Level 0 spells cost no mastery points to restore in this manner. You may not change the spell that was prepared in that slot. This is a supernatural ability. You may accelerate the conversion process by spending more mastery points. By spending mastery points equal to double the spell slot's level, you may recover that spell slot as a free action, even when you are not in Mastery Meditation. Level 0 spells cost 1 mastery point to restore in this manner.

Cleric Association
Skills: Add Spellcraft and Heal to your Generalist class skill list.

{table]Level | Special
01 | Domain, Spontaneous Cure/Inflict
03 |
05 |
07 |
09 |
11 |
13 |
15 |
17 |
19 | [/table]

Spontaneous Cure/Inflict: Depending on your alignment/deity/cause, choose Cure or Inflict spells. Like a Cleric, you may spontaneously convert prepared spells to Cure or Inflict spells of the appropriate level. You however, do not gain the ability to turn undead. For that, see the Turn/Rebuke Undead Association. If you also have the Turn/Rebuke Undead Association, you must pick the ability to spontaneously cast Cure spells if you can Turn Undead, or the ability to spontaneously cast Inflict spells if you can Rebuke Undead.

Domain: Choose 1 Domain appropriate for your alignment/deity/cause. You gain that domain's associated special ability. You do not gain extra dedicated Domain spell slots. Instead, you may also spontaneously convert prepared spells to Domain spells.

Spellcasting: You gain Wisdom based prepared Divine spells as a Cleric. Your Caster level is equal to your Generalist level. Your spell slots at each level follows the table above (same as the Wizards spell progression). You gain bonus spell slots based on your Wisdom score.

Recover Spell: You may recover an expended spell slot as if you did not cast it. By entering Mastery Meditation and spending mastery points equal to the spell slot's level, you may restore an already cast spell. Level 0 spells cost no mastery points to restore in this manner. You may not change the spell that was prepared in that slot. This is a supernatural ability. You may accelerate the conversion process by spending more mastery points. By spending mastery points equal to double the spell slot's level, you may recover that spell slot as a free action, even when you are not in Mastery Meditation. Level 0 spells cost 1 mastery point to restore in this manner.

Druid Association
Requirements: You must be neutral in some way to select this association.
Skills: Add Spellcraft, Heal and Handle Animal to your Generalist class skill list.

{table]Level | Special
01 | Wild Empathy, Spontaneous Summon Nature Ally, Druidic
03 |
05 |
07 |
09 |
11 |
13 |
15 |
17 |
19 | [/table]

Spontaneous Summon Nature Ally: Like a Druid, you may spontaneously convert prepared spells into Summon Nature Ally of the appropriate level.

Wild Empathy: You gain Wild Empathy as a Druid equal to your Generalist level.

Druidic: You gain Druidic as a bonus language.

Spellcasting: You gain Wisdom based prepared Divine spells as a Druid. Your Caster level is equal to your Generalist level. Your spell slots at each level follows the table above (same as the Wizards spell progression). You gain bonus spell slots based on your Wisdom score.

Recover Spell: You may recover an expended spell slot as if you did not cast it. By entering Mastery Meditation and spending mastery points equal to the spell slot's level, you may restore an already cast spell. Level 0 spells cost no mastery points to restore in this manner. You may not change the spell that was prepared in that slot. This is a supernatural ability. You may accelerate the conversion process by spending more mastery points. By spending mastery points equal to double the spell slot's level, you may recover that spell slot as a free action, even when you are not in Mastery Meditation. Level 0 spells cost 1 mastery point to restore in this manner.

Favored Soul Association
Skills: Add Spellcraft and Heal to your Generalist class skill list.

{table]Level | Special
01 | Diety Weapon Proficiency
03 | Diety Weapon Focus
05 |
07 | Lesser Energy Resistance (5) 1
09 | Lesser Energy Resistance (5) 2
11 | Lesser Energy Resistance (5) 3
13 | Diety Weapon Specialization
15 | Improved Energy Resistance (10) 1
17 | Improved Energy Resistance (10) 2
19 | Improved Energy Resistance (10) 3[/table]

Lesser Energy Resistance (Ex): On level 7, a Favored Soul Associate selects one energy type. He gains 5 resistance against that energy type. On levels 9 and 11, he selects additional energy types to which his resistance applies.

Improved Energy Resistance (Ex): On level 15, a Favored Soul Associate selects one of the energy types from his Lesser Energy Resistance class feature. The resistance for this energy type improves from 5 to 10. On levels 17 on 19, he selects additional energy types to improve.

Spell Slots per level
{table]Level | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
01 | 1 |
02 | 2 |
03 | 2 | 1 |
04 | 3 | 1 |
05 | 3 | 1 | 1 |
06 | 3 | 2 | 1 |
07 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 1
08 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 1
09 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1
10 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1
11 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1
13 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1
15 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1
17 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1
19 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1[/table]

Spells Known
{table]Level | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
01 | 4 |
02 | 5 |
03 | 5 | 2 |
04 | 5 | 3 |
05 | 5 | 3 | 2 |
06 | 5 | 3 | 3 |
07 | 5 | 3 | 3 | 2
08 | 5 | 3 | 3 | 3
09 | 5 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2
10 | 5 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3
11 | 5 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2
12 | 5 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3
13 | 5 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2
14 | 5 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3
15 | 5 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2
16 | 5 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3
17 | 5 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2
18 | 5 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3
19 | 5 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2
20 | 5 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3[/table]

Spellcasting: You gain Charisma based spontaneous Divine spells as a Favored Soul. Your Caster level is equal to your Generalist level. Your spell slots and spells known at each level follow the tables above. You gain bonus spell slots based on your Charisma score. However, your spell DCs are based on your Wisdom bonus. Additionally, as a Favored Soul, starting from level 4 and every even level thereafter, you can swap out one spell known for another at the same level.

Recover Spell: You may recover an expended spell slot as if you did not cast it. By entering Mastery Meditation and spending mastery points equal to the spell slot's level, you may restore an already cast spell slot. Level 0 spells cost nothing to restore in this manner. This is a supernatural ability. You may accelerate the conversion process by spending more mastery points. By spending mastery points equal to double the spell slot's level, you may recover that spell slot as a free action, even when you are not in Mastery Meditation. Level 0 spells cost 1 mastery point to restore in this manner.

Paladin Association
Skills: Add Heal and Handle Animal to your Generalist class skill list.
Alignment: Alignment requirements depend on what type of Paladin Association you pick. You must be Lawful Good to take this class as a traditional Paladin.

{table]Level | Special
01 | Aura of Good, Detect Evil, Smite Evil 1/day
03 | Divine Health (Immunity to all Disease)
05 | Aura of Courage, Special Mount
07 | Smite Evil 2/day
09 | Remove Disease 1/week
11 | Remove Disease 2/week
13 | Smite Evil 3/day
15 | Remove Disease 3/week
17 | Remove Disease 4/week
19 | Smite Evil 4/day[/table]

Others: You gain class features as a Paladin, according to the table above. Alternatively, you may substitute the above for the class features of the Paladins of Freedom, Tyranny or Slaughter (and your alignment requirement changes accordingly). In such cases, you still gain the substituted class feature at the same level as the original class feature as described in the table above. E.g. A Paladin of Tyranny normally gains Cause Disease 1/week at 6th level. If you take the Paladin of Tyranny association, you instead gain this ability at the same time a traditional Paladin Associate Generalist gains Remove Disease 1/week, which is on level 9.

All Mastery uses of a Paladin Associate are considered supernatural abilities.
Widen Aura: As a free action, by spending mastery points, you may increase the range of your Aura of Courage (or appropriate alternate aura for Paladins of Freedom, Tyranny and Slaughter). For each mastery point you spend, the aura area widens by another 10 ft (2 points for a extra 20 ft and so on). The effect lasts for 10 rounds. There is no limit to how far you can widen your Aura, although you need the mastery points to support it. This is a supernatural ability.
Recover Smite: By entering Mastery Meditation, you can recover uses of your Smite Evil (or Smite Good if you are a Paladin of Tyranny or Slaughter Associate). Unlike other conversions, you may not spend more points to recover this outside of Mastery Meditation. Nor can you use Rapid Conversion with this ability. While in Mastery Meditation, you can spend 1 Mastery Point to recover 1 daily use of Smite Evil, although you cannot exceed your maximum daily uses.
Recover Cause/Remove Disease: By entering Mastery Meditation, you can recover uses of your Remove Disease (or Cause Disease if you are a Paladin of Tyranny or Slaughter Associate). You cannot exceed your maximum weekly use of this ability. Unlike other conversions, you may not spend more points to recover this outside of Mastery Meditation. Nor can you use Rapid Conversion with this ability. While in Mastery Meditation, you can spend 1 Mastery Point to recover 1 weekly use of Remove Disease.

Turn/Rebuke Undead Association
You gain the ability to channel either Positive or Negative Energy from your diety. You mainly use this energy to turn undead, but you can also channel a small amount towards directly healing your allies, or inflicting negative energy on your enemies.
Alignment: You must pick Turn Undead if you are good, or Rebuke Undead if you are evil. If you are neutral, you can pick either Turning or Rebuking, although this selection is permanent once made. If you have the Cleric Association, you must pick the ability to Turn Undead if you can spontaneously cast Cure spells, or the ability to Rebuke Undead if you can spontaneously cast Inflict spells.

{table]Level | Special
01 | Turn/Rebuke Undead
03 | Lay on Hands/Deadly Touch
05 | Limited Divine Grace +2
07 | Bonus Turning Feat
09 | Limited Divine Grace +3
11 | Bonus Turning Feat
13 | Limited Divine Grace +4
15 | Bonus Turning Feat
17 | Divine Grace
19 | Bonus Turning Feat[/table]

Turn/Rebuke Undead (Su): You gain the ability to Turn or Rebuke undead as a Cleric whose level is equal to your Generalist level.

Lay on Hands/Deadly Touch (Su): On level 3, you gain the Lay on Hands ability if you Turn Undead, or the Deadly Touch ability if you Rebuke Undead, as a Paladin whose level is equal to your Generalist level. Your Lay On Hands/Deadly Touch point pool size is equal to your Charisma Bonus (minimum 1) multipled by your Generalist Level.

Limited Divine Grace +N (Su): Like a Paladin, you gain the ability to add your Charisma bonus (if any) to your saving throws. However, you do not start with the ability to add your entire bonus. Instead you can add up to +N of your Charisma bonus (if any) as shown in the table above. Starting at level 5, N=2, and this bonus gradually increases as you gain levels. By level 17, you gain full Divine Grace and can add your entire Charisma bonus to your saving throws.

Bonus Turning Feat: On levels 7, 11, 15 and 19, you gain a bonus feat. This can be any feat that you qualify for, provided it uses or modifies your Turn Undead ability in some way.

All Mastery uses of a Turn/Rebuke Undead Associate are considered supernatural abilities.
Recover Lay on Hands/Deadly Touch: You can add points to your Lay on Hands or Deadly Touch pool. Although you may not exceed your normal maximum pool size. By entering Mastery Meditation you can spend 1 Mastery Point to recover a number of Lay on Hands/Deadly Touch points equal to twice your Charisma Bonus (minimum 1 x 2 = 2 points). You may accelerate the conversion process by spending more mastery points. As a free action, you can spend 1 Mastery Point to recover a number of Lay on Hands/Deadly Touch points equal to your Charisma Bonus (minimum 1 point) even when you are not in Mastery Meditation.

Emergency Turning: When you have run out of Turning Attempts, you can instead spend Mastery Points to Turn or Rebuke Undead. To do so, you take the normal action to Turn/Rebuke Undead, but instead of using Turning Attempts, you spend 2 Mastery Points in the process. You must have no more Turning Attempts before resorting to Emergency Turning. You can only use this ability to Turn or Rebuke Undead. You do not actually gain extra turning attempts as such, and so this ability cannot be used to fuel Divine feats like Divine Metamagic.

2009-03-15, 04:46 AM
Martial Associations

Martial Sage Association
Skills: Add Escape Artist and Tumble to your Generalist class skill list.

{table]Level | Unarmored Speed Bonus | Additional Unarmored AC Bonus | Special
01 | +00 ft | 1 | Perfect Saves, Wisdom to AC
03 | +10 ft | 1 | Ki Pool, Ki Dodge (20%)
05 | +10 ft | 1 | Improved Ki Dodge (25%), Ki Ghost Strike
07 | +10 ft | 2 | Improved Ki Dodge (30%), Purity of Body (Normal Disease Immunity)
09 | +20 ft | 2 | Improved Ki Dodge (35%)
11 | +20 ft | 2 | Improved Ki Dodge (40%), Diamond Body (Poison Immunity)
13 | +20 ft | 3 | Improved Ki Dodge (45%), Diamond Soul (Spell Resistance 11 + Generalist level)
15 | +30 ft | 3 | Improved Ki Dodge (50%), Ki Ghost Step
17 | +30 ft | 3 | Improved Ki Dodge (55%), Timeless Body
19 | +30 ft | 4 | Improved Ki Dodge (60%), Perfect Self[/table]

Perfect Saves (Ex): A Generalist normally has 2 good saves and 1 weak save. However, when he chooses the Martial Artist Association, all 3 of his saves gain Good progression.

Wisdom to AC (Ex): When you pick this association, you gain the ability to add your Wisdom bonus (if any) to AC. You may choose to have this AC bonus apply only when you are unarmored, or when you are wearing light or no armor.

If you choose for this AC to apply only when you are unarmored, you gain the Unarmored Speed Bonus and Additional Unarmored AC bonus as shown in the table above. These bonuses are untyped and stack with all other bonuses.

If instead you choose this Wisdom AC bonus to apply even when you are in light armor, you lose both the Speed Bonus and Additional AC bonus.

These bonuses to AC apply even against touch attacks or when the Generalist is flat-footed. He loses these bonuses when he is immobilized or helpless, he carries a shield, or when he carries a medium or heavy load. These bonuses to AC do not stack with those gained from the Monk, Ninja or Swordsage classes.

Ki Pool (Su): Starting at level 3, a Martial Sage associate gains a Ki pool equal to his Generalist level plus his Wisdom bonus (if any). He may use this Ki Pool to perform a variety of tricks as listed below. Unless otherwise stated, each use of his Ki Pool is a supernatural ability that requires a free action and consumes 1 Ki point. Its effects last until the start of his next turn. As long as he has at least 1 point in his pool, he gains an untyped +2 bonus to will saving throws. He may recover all his Ki points simply by resting for 8 hours.

Ki Dodge: By spending Ki to focus his mind, a Martial Sage Associate finds he has a chance to dodge even the most accurate strikes. He effectively gains concealment (20% miss chance) against attacks. Because this ability relies on the Sages speed and reaction, rather than any visual distortion effects, it works even against creatures with Blindsight, Touchsight, True Seeing and other such abilities that would normally ignore visual concealment. Blindfight also does not apply, although neither does Murky-Eyed. However, True Strike still works perfectly against it.

Improved Ki Dodge: With training, a Martial Sage Associate finds he is able to dodge better than before. As he levels, his Ki Dodge miss chance improves as shown in the table above. It caps on level 19, at 60% miss chance.

Ki Ghost Strike: By spending Ki to phase his weapons, a Martial Sage Associate can reach across the dimensions to strike incorporeal creatures, and creatures on the ethereal plane, without suffering the normal miss chance. If he is Ethereal, he may instead use Ghost Strike, to hit creatures on the material plane.

Ki Ghost Step: By spending 2 Ki points, a Martial Sage can now turn Ethereal. If he continuously reactivates this ability at the start of each turn, he is treated as being ethereal non-stop. E.g. if he starts his next turn in solid matter, but he reactivates Ki Ghost Step at the start of that turn, he is treated as never having left the Ethereal plane, and is not shunted to the nearest open space.

Others: You gain class features as per the Monk, Ninja or Swordsage Base classes according to the table above. Unless otherwise stated below, any Monk or Ninja class feature that would normally be disabled by wearing armor or carrying medium or heavy load, still works regardless of Armor or encumberance for a Martial Sage Associate. Some class features are new, or have been changed as noted above. Furthermore, you qualify for the following feats:

Archaic Sage:
Requirements: Generalist Martial Sage Associate
Benefits: You may use your Intelligence bonus, or your Charisma bonus instead of your Wisdom bonus (whichever of the 3 is highest), to calculate your Wisdom to AC bonus, and the size of your Ki Pool
Special: You may buy this feat with Battle Focus Features.

Recover Ki: You can add points to your Ki pool. Although you may not exceed your normal maximum pool size. By entering Mastery Meditation you can spend 1 Mastery Point to gain 2 Ki Points. You may accelerate the conversion process by spending more mastery points. As a free action, you can spend 1 Mastery Point to recover 1 Ki Point even when you are not in Mastery Meditation. This is a supernatural ability.

Unarmed Master Association
Skills: Add Escape Artist and Tumble to your Generalist class skill list.

{table]Level | Medium Unarmed Damage | Special
01 | 1d6 | Improved Unarmed Strike, Two Fist Fighter, Monk Bonus Feat (Improved Grapple or Stunning Fist)
03 | 1d6 | Monk Bonus Feat (Combat Reflexes or Deflect Arrows)
04 | 1d8 | -
05 | 1d8 | Ki Strike (Magic)
07 | 1d8 | Flurry-Lesser (-2)
08 | 1d10 | -
09 | 1d10 | Monk Bonus Feat (Improved Disarm or Improved Trip)
11 | 1d10 | Flurry-Improved (-1)
12 | 2d6 | -
13 | 2d6 | Ki Strike (Adamantine)
15 | 2d6 | Flurry-Greater (-0)
16 | 2d8 | -
17 | 2d8 | Quivering Palm
19 | 2d8 | Flurry-Perfect (2nd extra attack)
20 | 2d10 | -[/table]

Others: You gain class features as per the Monk Base class according to the table above. Your unarmed damage progresses as a Monk equal to your Generalist level (progression for medium sized Monk is shown in table above). You qualify as a monk for Feats, Items and other effects that improve your unarmed strike. Unless otherwise stated, any Monk class feature that would normally be disabled by wearing armor or carrying medium or heavy load, still works regardless of Armor or encumberance for an Unarmed Master Associate.

Two Fist Fighter (Ex): When you make an unarmed strike, you can choose to use both arms together as if they were a single two-handed weapon. This allows you to do anything with them, as you might a normal two-handed weapon (except perhaps throwing the weapon). You can apply 1-1/2 your strength modifier as bonus damage, and when you power attack, you gain +2 damage for each -1 attack penalty. You cannot use this ability while grappling, although you can use it with Flurry.

Flurry (Ex): When you perform a full attack with your unarmed strike, you can choose to make one additional attack, at your highest BAB. Unlike a Monk, this can only be performed with Unarmed Strikes, but it can be done regardless of Armor or Encumberance.
Lesser: Your extra attack, and all other attacks that round suffer from a -2 attack roll penalty.
Improved: Your extra attack, and all other attacks that round suffer from a -1 attack roll penalty.
Greater: You no longer suffer an attack roll penalty for using Flurry.
Perfect: When you use flurry, you can now make 2 additional attacks at your highest BAB instead of just 1.

Sublime Association
Skills: Add Martial Lore and the respective key skills of your 2 chosen disciplines to your Generalist class skill list.

{table]Level | Highest Maneuver Level | Maneuvers Known | Maneuvers Readied | Stances Known
01 | 01 | 01 | 1 | 1
02 | 01 | 02 | 2 | 1
03 | 02 | 03 | 2 | 1
05 | 03 | 04 | 2 | 2
07 | 04 | 05 | 2 | 2
08 | 04 | 05 | 3 | 2
09 | 05 | 06 | 3 | 3
11 | 06 | 07 | 3 | 3
13 | 07 | 08 | 3 | 3
14 | 07 | 08 | 4 | 3
15 | 08 | 09 | 4 | 4
17 | 09 | 10 | 4 | 4
19 | 10 | 11 | 4 | 4
20 | 10 | 11 | 5 | 4[/table]

Maneuvers: Pick any 2 disciplines. If the discipline you selected requires a special feat to qualify for (e.g. certain homebrew disiplines), you must acquire that feat before learning maneuvers from that discipline. You gain maneuvers from these disciplines with your initiator level equal to your Generalist level. Your maneuvers known, maneuvers readied and stances are detailed in the table above. Unlike other Martial adepts, you may not swap out your Maneuvers.
Recovery: When you initiate a Maneuver, you must wait a number of rounds equal to the maneuver's level before you can initiate it again.
Changing Maneuvers Readied: You can change your maneuvers readied by taking the following steps:
1) The maneuver to be swapped out must be ready to initiate
2) You swap out the previous maneuver and swap in the new maneuver as a free action.
3) The maneuver swapped in acts as if it was just expended, with recovery time as appropriate.

Other Notes: You cannot apply the Adaptive Style feat to swap maneuvers you gain from your sublime association (although you may still use it if you have other Martial Adept classes to which it applies). However you can still take and benefit normally from almost all the other Martial Adept Feats, including: Extra Maneuver Readied, Martial Study and Martial Stance.

Quicken Recovery: You may shorten the recovery time for a maneuver. As a free action, you can spend 1 mastery point to reduce the waiting time of any maneuver by 1 round. If you reduce the waiting time to zero in such a manner, you may immediately initiate that maneuver during your action, or swap it out for another.

2009-03-16, 09:43 AM
Skill Associations

Ranger Association
Skills: Add Survival and Handle Animal to your Generalist class skill list. Additionally, you gain 2 extra skill points per Generalist level (x4 on level 1).

{table]Level | Special
01 | Track, Wild Empathy
02 | Any Favored Enemy (see Mastery)
03 | Combat Style: Rapid Shot or Two Weapon Fighting
05 | Endurance
07 | Improved Combat Style: Manyshot or Improved Two Weapon Fighting
09 | Woodland Stride
11 | Combat Style Mastery: Improved Precise Shot or Greater Two Weapon Fighting
13 | Swift Tracker
15 | Camouflage
17 | Hide in Plain Sight
19 | [/table]

Others: You gain class features as per the Ranger Base class according to the table above. Depending on your sourcebooks available, you may acquire alternate Ranger Combat Styles other than Archery or Two Weapon Fighting.
Wild Empathy Special: If you also have Wild Empathy from the Druid Association, you can stack both Wild Empathy class features together into a single ability. This functions as Wild Empathy of a Ranger or Druid 5 levels higher than your Generalist level.

Any Favored Enemy: As a free action, you may spend mastery points to treat a certain enemy type as if you had the favored enemy feat for it. You can gain a bonus to Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival, and weapon damage rolls against creatures of that type, equal to your Mastery Points spent x2. You can spend Master Points up to your Generalist Bonus (e.g. 1 point for +2 bonus at level 2, 2 points for +4 bonus at level 8 and so on). These bonuses last for 1 minute. You can have multiple instance of Any Favored Enemy active at one time. But each time you start a new instance, you must choose a different Favored Enemy from any of the Any Favored Enemy instances currently active.

Rogue Association
Skills: Add Escape Artist, Sleight of Hand, Tumble and UMD to your Generalist class skill list. Additionally, you gain 2 extra skill points per Generalist level (x4 on level 1).

{table]Level | Special
01 | Sneak Attack +1
03 | Sneak Attack +2
05 | Sneak Attack +3
06 | Uncanny Dodge
07 | Sneak Attack +4
09 | Sneak Attack +5
10 | Improved Uncanny Dodge
11 | Sneak Attack +6
12 | Rogue Special Ability
13 | Sneak Attack +7
15 | Sneak Attack +8
17 | Sneak Attack +9
18 | Rogue Special Ability
19 | Sneak Attack +10[/table]

Others: You gain class features as per the Rogue Base class according to the table above. Starting at level 1, you can deal 1 point of sneak attack damage. Every odd level thereafter your sneak attack damage increases by 1.

Boost Sneak Attack: As a free action, you may spend mastery points to increase your sneak attack damage. For each mastery point you spend, you can change your sneak attack damage from +1 to +1d6. You can convert as many dice as you want, up to your base sneak attack die. This bonus lasts for 10 rounds.

2010-03-07, 03:29 AM
Draconic Associations

Dragon Breath Association
{table]Level | Damage | Size | Special
01 | Breath Weapon 1d6 | 15 ft cone/30 ft line | Energy Resistance
03 | Breath Weapon 2d6 | 15 ft cone/30 ft line |
05 | Breath Weapon 3d6 | 15 ft cone/30 ft line |
07 | Breath Weapon 4d6 | 15 ft cone/30 ft line |
09 | Breath Weapon 5d6 | 15 ft cone/30 ft line |
11 | Breath Weapon 6d6 | 30 ft cone/60 ft line | Energy Immunity
13 | Breath Weapon 7d6 | 30 ft cone/60 ft line |
15 | Breath Weapon 8d6 | 30 ft cone/60 ft line |
17 | Breath Weapon 9d6 | 30 ft cone/60 ft line |
19 | Breath Weapon 10d6 | 30 ft cone/60 ft line |
20 | Breath Weapon 10d6 | 60 ft cone/120 ft line |[/table]

Others: When you select this association, choose a Dragon type. If you have any other Dragon based associations, you must pick the same Dragon type as those associations.

Breath Weapon (Su): You gain a Breath Weapon which is usable as a standard action, after which you must wait 1d4 rounds before you can use it again. Your Breath Weapon's shape and energy type is determined by your selected Dragon type. Depending on your Breath Weapon's shape, its size is listed in the table above. Creatures hit by your Breath Weapon can make a reflex save to half the damage, with a DC equal to 10 + half your Generalist level (round down) + your Constitution Modifier.

Energy Resistance (Ex): You gain Energy Resistance to the same energy type as your Breath Weapon. The amount of energy resistance is equal to your Generalist Level x2. (E.g. 2 at level 1, 4 at level 2 and so on). On level 11, you gain full Energy Immunity.

Quicken Recovery: As a free action, you can spend Master Points to reduce the recovery time of you Breath Weapon. Spending 1 Mastery Point reduces the recovery time by 1 round. If you reduce the recovery time to zero, you can use it again immediately during your action. This is a supernatural ability

Dragon Disciple Association
Requirements: You must pick Draconic as one of your bonus languages to qualify for this association. Additionally, you must not already have the half-dragon template.

{table]Level | Special
01 | Natural Armor Increase (+1)
02 | Ability Boost (Str +1)
03 | Ability Boost (Con +1)
04 | Ability Boost (Str +2)
05 | Ability Boost (Int +1), Low Light Vision
06 | Ability Boost (Str +3)
07 | Natural Armor Increase (+2)
08 | Ability Boost (Cha +1)
09 | Ability Boost (Str +4)
10 | Claws and Bite, Dark Vision 30 ft, Blind Sense 30 ft
11 | Ability Boost (Str +5)
12 | Ability Boost (Con +2)
13 | Ability Boost (Str +6), Immunity to Sleep
14 | Natural Armor Increase (+3)
15 | Wings, Dark Vision 60 ft, Blind Sense 60 ft
16 | Ability Boost (Int +2)
17 | Ability Boost (Str +7), Immunity to Paralysis
18 | Ability Boost (Cha +2)
19 | Ability Boost (Str +8)
20 | Natural Armor Increase (+4)[/table]

Others: You gain class features as per the Dragon Disciple prestige class according to the table above. By level 20, you have +8 Str, +2 Con, +2 Int, +2 Cha and +4 natural armor. Additionally, you have Claws and Bite, Wings, Blindsense and Darkvision 60 ft, and are immune to sleep and paralysis. However, you do not gain breath weapon, bonus arcane spells, or immunity to energy (and as such do not need to pick a Dragon Type when you select this Assocation).

Dragon Shaman Association
{table]Level | Special
01 | Draconic Auras Known: 2, Draconic Aura +1
02 | Draconic Auras Known: 3
03 | Draconic Adaptation
05 | Touch of Vitality (Heal Wounds)
07 | Draconic Aura +2
09 | Draconic Auras Known: 4
11 | Touch of Vitality (Remove Conditions)
13 | Draconic Aura +3
15 | Draconic Adaptation (share with others)
17 | Draconic Auras Known: 5
19 | Draconic Aura +4 [/table]

Others: When you select this association, choose a Dragon type. If you have any other Dragon based associations, you must pick the same Dragon type as those associations. Your Draconic Aura energy type and Draconic Adapatation all follow the class features of a Dragon Shaman for the appropriate Dragon. You gain Touch of Vitality on level 5. Your Vitality pool is equal to your Generalist level multiplied by your Charisma Bonus (minimum 1), which is half of what a Dragon Shaman normally recieves. Additionally, you qualify for the following feat:

Insightful Vitality:
Requirements: Generalist Dragon Shaman Associate
Benefit: You may use either your Intelligence bonus, or your Wisdom bonus in place of your Charisma Bonus (whichever of the 3 is highest) to decide the size of your Touch of Vitality pool, and the number of points recovered using the Recover Vitality Mastery ability.
Special: You may buy this feat with Battle Focus Features.

All Mastery uses of a Dragon Shaman Associate are considered supernatural abilities.
Widen Aura: As a free action, by spending mastery points, you may increase the range of your one of your Draconic Auras. For each mastery point you spend, the aura area widens by another 30 ft (2 points for a extra 60 ft and so on). The effect lasts for 10 rounds. There is no limit to how far you can widen your Draconic Aura, although you need the mastery points to support it. This is a supernatural ability. Widen Aura may also be applied to Draconic Adaptation (share with others), when you gain access to this class feature.
Recover Vitality: You can add points to your Touch of Vitality pool, although you may not exceed your maximum Vitality pool size. While in Mastery Meditation ,you can spend 1 Mastery Point to recover a number of Vitality points equal to twice your Charisma Bonus (minimum 1 x 2 = 2 vitality points). You may accelerate the conversion process by spending more mastery points. As a free action, you can recover a number of Vitality points equal to your Charisma Bonus (minimum 1 vitality point) even when you are not in Mastery Meditation.

2010-03-07, 03:45 AM
Miscellaneous Associations

Bard Association
Skills: Add Perform to your Generalist class skill list.

{table]Level | Special
01 | Bardic Music, Inspire Courage +1
03 | Inspire Competence
05 |
07 |
08 | Inspire Courage +2
09 |
11 |
13 |
14 | Inspire Courage +3
15 |
17 |
19 |
20 | Inspire Courage +4[/table]

Others: You gain Bard Music class features as detailed in the table above. For the purposes of determining your number of uses of Bardic Song and the strength of its effects, you are treated as a Bard equal to your Generalist level. Although you do not naturally gain many of a normal Bard's Songs, you can still pick these up through custom feats (see below). You can spend either your normal character feats or the bonus feats obtained from Generalist Battle Focus, to obtain these other song feats:

Fascinate: Requires Generalist Bard Associate level 1.
Countersong: Requires Generalist Bard Associate level 1.
Suggestion: Requires Generalist Bard Associate level 6, and Fascinate.
Inspire Greatness: Requires Generalist Bard Associate level 9.
Song of Freedom: Requires Generalist Bard Associate level 12.
Inspire Heroics: Requires Generalist Bard Associate level 15.
Mass Suggestion: Requires Generalist Bard Associate level 18, and Suggestion.

Psion Association
Skills: Add Psicraft and Autohypnosis to your Generalist class skill list.

{table]Level | Power Points | Powers Known | Maximum Power Level Known | Special
01 | 01 | 1 | 1
02 | 02 | 2 | 1
03 | 03 | 3 | 1
04 | 05 | 4 | 1
05 | 07 | 5 | 2
06 | 09 | 6 | 2
07 | 12 | 7 | 3
08 | 15 | 8 | 3
09 | 18 | 9 | 4
10 | 22 | 10 | 4 | Bonus Feat
11 | 27 | 11 | 5
12 | 32 | 12 | 5
13 | 37 | 13 | 6
14 | 43 | 14 | 6
15 | 49 | 15 | 7
16 | 56 | 16 | 7
17 | 63 | 17 | 8
18 | 70 | 18 | 8
19 | 78 | 19 | 9
20 | 86 | 20 | 9[/table]

Psionics: You gain Intelligence based Manifesting Powers as a Psion. Your Manifester level is equal to your Generalist level. Your Power Points available and Powers Known follows the table above. You gain bonus Power Points based on your Intelligence score. You do not naturally gain any Discipline Powers, although these may be acquired by other means (e.g. Expanded Knowledge Feat).

Bonus Feat: You gain a bonus feat as a Psion.

Recover Power: You may recover Power Points. By entering Mastery Meditation and spending however many mastery points you wish, you may restore 2 Power Points for each Mastery Point used. You may not regain points in excess of your normal Power Pool limits. This is a supernatural ability. You may accelerate the conversion process by spending more mastery points. As a free action, you may instead recover 1 Power Point for each Mastery Point spent, even when you are not in Mastery Meditation.

Undead Association
By either your own magical research, or by channeling the power of Undeath that your diety provides, you slowly transform yourself into one of the immortal undead.
Requirements: You must be a living creature to select this Association. Additionally, you must also have either an Arcane or Divine Association (see above).
Alignment: Traditional core D&D states that all manner of undead and their creation are evil. However secondary and homebrew sources occasionally ignore this rule (E.g. Necropolitan from Libris Mortis can be any alignment). Check with your DM as to how undead are treated in his setting.

{table]Level | Special
01 | Undead Saves +X, Undead Resistance +X
02 | Dark Vision 30 ft
03 | Light Fortification (25%)
04 |
05 | Negative Lifeforce, Charnel Touch
06 |
07 | Damage Reduction (X-5)/Bludgeoning and Magic
08 | Dark Vision 60 ft
09 | Medium Fortification (50%)
10 | Fear Aura
11 | Physical Immunity
12 |
13 | True Undeath
14 |
15 | Lich Or Deathknight
16 | Energy Immunity
17 | Polymorph Immunity
18 |
19 | Ability Boost
20 | Necromantic Apotheosis[/table]

Undead Saves (Ex): As he progresses through the levels, an undead associate slowly acquires more attributes of the undead before ultimately becoming an undead himself. Starting at level 1, He can add his Generalist class level to his saving throws against the following effects: Mindaffecting effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, disease, death effects, necromantic effects, and any effect that requires a Fortitude save unless it also works on objects.

Undead Resistance (Ex): An undead associate gains energy resistance against cold and electrical damage, equal to his Generalist level.

Negative Lifeforce (Ex): By level 5, an Undead associate has converted his body to run on negative instead of positive energy. Henceforth he is healed by negative energy (such as the Inflict series of spells) and is damaged by positive energy (such as the Cure series of spells). However, effects channeling positive/negative energy that do not deal with hitpoints still act as normal. E.g. he can still benefit as normal from Restoration and Cure Disease, and he can still be level drained by wights. Although such a sudden change in life force might make healing problematic, an Undead Associate also gains Charnel Touch.

Charnel Touch (Su): This is a touch attack that deals 1d8+5 points of negative energy. It can be used to harm living enemies, or to heal undead allies, including the Generalist himself. Living enemies get a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 Generalist's HD + Generalist's Cha modifier) to half the damage. Unlike a true Lich or Deathknight, A Generalist cannot channel this attack through his natural weapons.

Damage Reduction (X-5)/Bludgeoning and Magic (Su): You gain damage reduction equal to your Generalist level minus 5 (starting at 2 on level 7). This damage reduction can only be overcome by magical bludgeoning weapons.

Fear Aura (Su): Like a Lich, you gain an Aura of death. Creatures of less than 5 HD in a 60-foot radius that look at you must succeed on a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 Generalist HD + Generalist Charisma modifier), or be affected as though by a fear spell from a sorcerer of your Generalist level. A creature that successfully saves cannot be affected again by the your aura for 24 hours.

Physical Immunity (Ex): Like a true undead, you no longer need to eat, sleep, or breath. Additionally, you gain immunity to Ability Damage of your physical scores (Strength, Dexterity, Constitution) but not your Mental scores (Inteligence, Wisdom, Charisma). You are still susceptible to Ability Drain and Level Drain.

True Undeath (Ex): Your ascension into the ranks of the Undead in complete. Your type changs to undead, and you gain all the associated triats. You lose your Constitution score, and must recalculate your hitpoints. All previous and future HDs are now d12 instead, although the bonus hitpoints from Generalist Battle Focus still apply.

Lich or Deathknight: On level 15, you must choose one of these two options. The requirements and benefits for each are as follows:

Requirements: None
Benefits: You also gain the ability to cast Animate Dead as a Spell Like Ability once per day, with a caster level equal to your Generalist level. You can control up to your Generalist Level x4 HD of undead at once, and can use your Charnel Touch to heal your undead minions. You still require the normal amount of black Onyx to successfully animate dead. You also gain the Corpse Crafter feat for free (+2 HP per HD to all undead you animate).

Requirements: To select this option, you must have an Association that provides you with level 9 spells (either Arcane or Divine), or Dark Invocations by level 20.
Benefits: You gain the option of crafting a Phylactery as a Lich. You need the craft Wondrous Item feat (which you must acquire seperately), and pay 120,000 gp and 4,800 XP as a normal Lich does. You may have only one phylactery at any one time.

Energy Immunity (Ex): You gain Immunity to Cold and Electrical Energy.

Polymorph Immunity (Ex): You gain immunity to polymorph effects.

Ability Boost: You gain +2 to one attribute of your choice (Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma).

Necromantic Apotheosis: Depending on which path you picked on level 15, you gain the additional following abilities.

Benefits: You gain immunity to Turning. Additionally, you can now cast Animate Dead 3/day instead of 1/day. Furthermore, one casting of Animate Dead per day of your choice does not require Black Onyx.

Benefits: You gain a +8 racial bonus to Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, and Spot checks. You also gain Paralyzing touch, and +4 Turn Resistance as a Lich.

2010-03-07, 03:50 AM
<Also Reserved For Future Use>

2010-03-07, 07:44 AM
Your fairing better than my adventurer class (my version of the "learn-as-you-go" type of class). I like this and think it is fairly balaned, however, the sorcerer association should probably have the number of 1st and 2nd level (maybe even 3rd and 4th level) spells gained increased to 2.

2010-03-07, 08:00 AM
possible cheese:

wizard + cleric associations = mystic theurge by level 4?

2010-03-07, 08:52 AM
Your fairing better than my adventurer class (my version of the "learn-as-you-go" type of class).

Thank you. :smallsmile:

I like this and think it is fairly balaned, however, the sorcerer association should probably have the number of 1st and 2nd level (maybe even 3rd and 4th level) spells gained increased to 2.

Hmm... that is worth noting. More spell slots is one of the reasons why someone would pick Sorcerer over Wizard. I'll add 1 extra slot for spell levels 0-3.

wizard + cleric associations = mystic theurge by level 4?

It doesn't nearly work as well as one might think. Because as you gain MT levels, you progress as if you have gained levels in the class which granted you the arcane/divine spells, which is Generalist. So you run off the terrible Generalist spell progression, rather than what a true Wizard/Cleric MT would have. In effect you only progress 2 Associations, losing out the 3rd association and Focus class features.

2010-03-07, 04:47 PM
I see there's no paladin association yet. any ideas on upcoming associations.

2010-03-08, 05:22 AM
I've added a Paladin, Turn Undead Associations and split Monk/Swordsage/Ninja broadly into Martial Sage and Unarmed Master Associations.

Edit: I've also grouped the Associations loosely according to their type. Martial Sage and Unarmed Master can be found under Martial Associations. Paladin and Turn Undead can be found under Divine associations.

2010-03-09, 09:08 AM
Added Bard and Favored Soul Association

Can someone take a look at the newer Associations (Paladin, Turn Undead, Martial Sage, Unarmed Master, Bard, Favored Soul) and let me know if they are balanced?

2010-03-09, 12:46 PM
Regarding Mystic Theugre: And, on top of that level 4 is when most fixes to the M.T. try to get you into it anyway... now it MIGHT be broken with those fixes, but probably not, for the reasons given by JeminiZero.

The Tygre
2010-03-09, 02:26 PM
Say now... this is pretty sweet. :smallcool: Any chance we might see an incarnum or binding association?

2010-03-10, 11:35 PM
I have nothing to add balance-wise because I can't do that well on normal classes, much less on one as variable as this. That said, this class is the most beautiful thing to have crossed my path today. I think I'm in love. I'd like your permission to marry this fine piece of worknevermind that's just creepy

Anyway, I love this class and I would be nothing short of gleeful to see more.

2010-03-14, 01:07 AM
Added Undead Association for aspiring Liches and Death Knights

Say now... this is pretty sweet. :smallcool: Any chance we might see an incarnum or binding association?

Once I manage to wrap my head around the rules for either of these, I will try to get their Associations done. Expect Binders to come first though since I am slightly more familiar with that rule set.

Anyway, I love this class and I would be nothing short of gleeful to see more.

Thank you. I am open to suggestions as to what other Base classes to try and include. At the moment, the couple of concepts notably missing are: Rage (as per Barbarian) and Wild Shape (as per Druid).

2010-10-13, 10:24 PM
I like this a lot... I just might have to use this in an upcoming campaign.

Aran Banks
2010-10-13, 11:28 PM
ugh.... spells like a wizard or cleric...

you're just keeping them tier 1 by not nerfing any spells or switching anything around. I mean, keeping them to "1 spell of every level" doesn't balance them so much as it encourages the 15-minute workday.

Which is dumb. Either make the spells weaker and have the character cast them more than once, get rid of the spellcasting mechanic. It's just a thorn in a player's side... especially, since that's really all a caster Generalist gets.

Zeb The Troll
2010-10-14, 01:35 AM
Troll Patrol: Thread locked for necromancy. Please don't post in threads that are more than six weeks with no activity.