View Full Version : Nations Of Power : Chosen Ones IC

2009-03-16, 04:44 PM
(Evolution or magical creation permeates the multi-verse. This is a world that uses both principles to accelerrate growth. Maddrianne, as the world is called by the local yocals in the central nations, is experiencing unrest and uncertainty. It appears that war will break out. Soon, it is said the ancient gods will reawaken and take back what is theirs.)

2009-03-16, 05:54 PM
The Kingdom of Brythos

King Edrick looked out upon the parade grounds, smiling as the new troops saluted him in perfect order. One thousand new riflemen for the elite Green Guard, the Green Sun of Brythos emblazoned across every chest. More and more men were choosing to take up the mantle of Brythos, and with the mass production of firearms slowly getting underway, the Rifle Corps. numbers had exploded. The Green Guard is followed by a few thousand Pike and Sabre Calvary troops, their steps in perfect synchronization. This was but a small part of the might of Brythos.

Back in the palace, Edrick reviewed the newly signed treaty with the Kingdom of NorthKnight. The Knights were fine men, and knew the importance of valor and courage. With these new allies, the hated Empires of the South could be brought to heel. Perhaps this Huliantoc Society could prove willing to help as well...

Turning to scientific matters, Edrick speaks with the head Physicist of the Kingdom. "The Airships are coming along perfectly, Your Grace. I expect all of the bugs to be worked out within these next few months. With any luck, we could have a fully armed battle fleet prepared within the year."

"I am glad to hear it. You may go." Edrick replies, sending the Physicist bowing out of the room. Edrick then orders the production of cannons to be increased, in preparation for armed conflict. The superiority of Brythosian artillery must be upheld for any war to be won.

2009-03-16, 06:24 PM
The Emporer watches with pride as the the vast first airship fleet lands so that soldiers and supplies to be loaded on so that they could be shipped to both the Vampires and the Krahn. He turns to First Fleetlord Atvar and says,What are the chances that our airships can stand up to the Hulantioc cities?The fleetlord remains silent and watches thousands of soldiers armed with muskets push extra cannons onto the ships before replying,Their ships are strong, but they are not as weaponized, if our sources are to be trusted. They also are small in population, a trait they share with many of the heathen kingdoms, but sir, forgive me for asking but are we right in this marriage of convenance with the others? The Khran are similar, but they are still heathens and the Vampires are barely even an empire! The emporer shakes his head and responds,Better the devils we can trust than be washed away by the heathens we can't. They both watch as the ships raise into the air over the vast desert before them.

2009-03-16, 07:38 PM
Villagers watch in terror as heir huts and petty fields are run over and scarred by self-propelling auto charriots (or "war tanks", as the pilots call them). These milk-white and supersticious men of the midtribes know not of the scale of the plans of these mysterious chainmail-clad foreigners.
They can do nothing but surrender and hope the giant charriots the whole village is being loaded on to will eventually go to a happy place.
As gray dust covers the mid-winter sky, a chromed charriot arrives at the center of town. Out of it, a dozen swordsmen emerge and form two straight lines through the middle of which Knight King Ferdinand walks, dark blue flags of trhe kingdom proudly displaying their contempt for the pitiful barbarians.

Welcome, your majesties

A veteran and slightly grey-haired field commander welcomes his king and the heir

As you can see, all opposittion has ben crushed and in a few weeks there'll be nothing but steel bridges around us

"Splendind" says the king "Another quick and onorable victory for the Angels"

Aye sir, the Ghost Knights were certainly with us today

"Who were they?"

Pardon me, prince?

"Who were they? the tribe we just defeated, who did we vanquish?"

I...I am sorry, young sir. I know not of the barbarian name of this land, but...

"Don't" says the king "Vladimir, back to the wagon. And stop it with your impertinent questions"

Vladimir smiles wrily at the commander and re-enters the chariot

"Please excuse the prince. All men are fools before they marry and fight for what's theirs. I'll make sure to give him a unit and throw him at the frontlines. As for the marriage, my agents tell me there is a Huliantoc princess looking for a groom"

Flying men, sir?

"And women, Reginald. Your next queen might just be a Huliantoc, you have to learn to be more diplomatic"

Yes, my lord. But is this right?

"What do you mean?" The king frowns and throws his navy blue cape to his shoulder

Well, sir, if I may, is this really what the Knights would've wanted? We must remember what the oath...

"I know the oath!" The king has lost his temper "My whole life is the oath!" akward breathing "I...I ought to have you hanged! If you weren't such a noble and loyal warrior you'd be shot by now.
No, my older son is to marry a Huliantoc princess and that does not violate the oath. And I'll hoear no more of you treachorous worries!" The king storms back into the charriot and the charriot proceeds to a farther position in the village.

What is the fool thinking? buying magic prisms in exchange for letting those animals take some of our precious artillery. He must be out of his mind.
Looks as if those Castle Guard fools and their plots aren't so misguided after all...

Later that day, four pieces of long-range anti-structural artillery entered the Huliantoc's main city as the magic-using foreigners gave an equal number of prisms to the King's bodyguard. The bodyguard then stayed for a week aboard the ship, learning the customs and talking to the leaders and the princess that would marry the Knight King's prince.

((any complaints?))

Halna LeGavilk
2009-03-16, 08:18 PM
Three of the five Airship cities had gathered together in an annual celebration. The landscape was a desert, needed for obvious reasons. Delan, Dalen, and Dulan were having their annual Battlesorceror Festival, to celebrate past, present, and future warriors.

The 2,000 men and women who practiced Battlesorcery whirled left and right, 'tagging' each other with harmless but flashy paralysis spells to the delight of the onlookers. Whichever mage could keep up their defenses while still maintaining an offense and defeat all other opponents on the field was declared the winner, and won their choice of bunking and a large amount of gold or magical items, whichever they wish.

2009-03-17, 12:52 AM
Kilten looks at the gathering of his vassals. The highest ranking, most powerful Vampires were utterly under his command - personally created in fact, so not even anti-magic devices or spells could negate their utter loyalty. The next rank was controlled by those, and thus indirectly enthralled. Each rank was larger than the one before it, growing to several times the size of the last - only just enough room for Turning promising mortals was left open at any given time.

...Of course, there were exceptions. While they were few in number, four of the 4th Circle Vampires did have independence. Their master had been killed while too far away from a coffin to regenerate - a rare and unfortunate loss. But still, all potential candidates are screened for natural tendencies towards loyalty beforehand during their training and military service, so having a small fraction of the Lords technically free-willed wasn't much of a worry.

Underlings - we will align ourselves in The Brotherhood. The Race is ancient and experienced -they lack the impulsiveness and juvenile idiocy that the smaller kingdoms possess. The God-Emperor of Krahn also understands the need of absolute power in one ruler - such is vital to forming a lasting Empire. Anything less will be nothing but a castle made from the sands of time - doomed to be swept away by the eternal tide.

We are not yet at war, but continue the expansion of the Spawn Corps - they might have bodies much more powerful than ninety-nine out of a hundred humans - even the trained soldiers amongst them - but a thousand vermin can pick the bones of a mighty man clean. Do not rush the increase of the Human Corps, we want to continue developing our economy, especially now that we have a few technologically advanced allies to learn from. Have some of our... special units begin preparing. While we won't immediately launch actions, I want some of our best agents prepared to form an Honour Guard for each of our allies as a symbol of our mutual protection. I'll be sending a message personally to each to plan a meeting with them, in order to directly negotiate technological exchange.

Having given his orders, he moves on to the typical business - minor events here and there, dissent reports, etc. While he might not send his special units against other nations often, he -did- make heavy use of them in keeping his nation organized and himself well informed. His orders for developement are simple - prepare for any excess resources outside of maintaining current magical and breeding programs or expanding the military to be used for upgrading technology - he had hopes of gaining aid from his allies in advancing weaponry and infrastructure.

He sends a brief magical message to each of his allies, requesting permission to meet with each of them soon - he could travel instantaneously through magical means.

Kommisar Engel
2009-03-17, 09:30 AM
The Royal Throne Room of the City-state of Lacrymae

I enter the room and walk on the velvet carpet towards the throne. Facing the queen, I bow as a sign of courtesy before standing up and delivering my report

"Milady, I bring the reports of our agents. Our agents have confirmed what out scryers have detected. It seems that multiple powers are forming treaties."

"What do you think of this, Engel?" She asks to me.

"Though we lack the specifics of the treaties, we can safely assume that they have formed an alliance. At best, we are looking at a deterrent alliance. At worse, we could have a full-scale war, one that would take its toll on us."

"I see..." She replies before trailing off. "Have you reported this to the Council of Representatives?"

"Yes I have, your highness. Their opinion is that you should determine our next course of action" I reply, sensing that that would ask their opinions

"What do you think I should do, Engel?" She asks, catching me off-guard with this question.

"Why do you ask me, a humble servant, for his opinion?"

She gently smiles at me and replies "You have served my mother and father loyally. And now you serve me, a newly risen queen. I believe that should be the one bearing the crown instead of me as you have more experience. But you declined the crown, and became my personal adviser. Naturally, I should ask you."

Lowering my head, I reply "I am honored by your words, your highness. As for the advice you seek from me, this is what I can only give 'Ensure the survival of Lacrymae, by any method, we must survive'."

Pondering over my words, the queen stays silent as she thinks. When she has finished, she stands up "Take a knee, Engel." She commanded to which I promptly followed. She then draws her saber and places it on my right shoulder. "By the power vested in me by the heritage of Lacrymae, and as proven true by the eyes of the witnesses here, I, Queen Evangelina Athanasia of Lacrymae, hereby bestow upon you, Councilor Engel Praetoria, the rank and powers Regent Marshall as per stated in the ancient laws of our forebears. You shall have absolute command of our army and control our economy which you will use for the betterment of Lacrymae. Rise, Regent Marshall Engel."

Shocked at the sudden actions of my queen, I nonetheless stand up and prepare to voice my complaints but before that she places her finger on my lips and says to me "As I said before, you are the most experienced to lead us. I place my trust in you. Ensure our survival."

Hearing this, I step back and reply with all the gratitude in my heart "Yes! Your Highness!" I then call for the messengers and give them the following orders "Tell the Marshalls of what has happened along with the following orders, and to also come to the council room when as soon as possible." I then face one of the messengers.
"Go to the Tech-Wizard Marshall and tell him to raise the anti-teleportation barrier, to prepare the activation of the golems, install of the newly developed Flash Powder weaponry and to assist in any and all sectors where his specialty will be needed."
"You, go to the Blade Marshall and tell him to start the recruitment and training of the citizenry"
"And you, to the Sky Marshall and tell him outfit all Airships that are not needed for our economy to function for warfare"

I then face the queen and bow before leaving. Exiting the throne room, I head towards the council room to await the Marshals while thinking about what to do with with power, responsibility and pressure of having the fate of the nation in my hands.

Halna LeGavilk
2009-03-17, 04:49 PM
Battlesorceror Festival
Three men sat on the edge of Delan, spectating wildly to themselves and all those around them.

"Oh, and he goes DOWN!"

"My gods, I didn' know knees bent that way!"

"Oh! Area spell, very nice, very nice!"

"My god, I've never seen a man thrown so far!"

"Wow. I didn't think giant tentacles of doom were... oh... those aren't of Doom... never mind."

"Oooo, lookie there! I've never seen so much blood!"

"You're right! I didn't know the human body carried so much blood!"

"I don't think it's supposed to!"

Most of the Battlesorcerors were down for the count. All the spells were non-harmful, but some of the more twisted Battlesorcerors gave their spells illusiary imagery. Only fifty some competitors remained. Now it was getting dangerous.

Three battlesorcerors walked into the capital city, unannounced. They were unnamed, unmarked, untraceable. Two set off to taverns and the other walked right up to the door of the city hall and knocked on it.

"I want to marry him, father!" The woman saying this was young, a beautiful girl with dark brown hair and a curvy body. her face was etched with runes, a mark of her craft, protective spells forever bound to her skin. She was Lia Stratard, Leo's niece.

"No! I forbid it." This was an older man, hair starting to grey, body still lean and youthful, but a hard look in his eyes and a band of grey about his head and beard. He was Gregory Stratard, the most powerful wizard alive.

It's for the good of our people!" Leo shouted. He had changed into his normal clothes; a long, flowing cape; magical body armor, and a long, metal staff carved with runes and symbols of power.

Gregory looked at both of them dangerously, turned, and stomped out of the room. Leo shook his head and turned to Lia. "Ready?" She nodded. "Okay. Let's go." In a crack, they both disappeared

right to appear back in the middle of the NorthKnightian capital, near the gates.

2009-03-17, 05:08 PM
(Will post later)

2009-03-18, 07:23 PM
The chainmail-clad people roar in the town square. Francis Raskilnikov, one of the rising stars of the Royal Army, holds his sword furiously at the white-haired scholar. The young general demands the erudite renounce and denounce his treachorous philosophy, to which the elder responds with a quote from one of his Ancient books.
The soldier-citizens laugh and scream in hate, so much is their hatred that Raskolnikov's men have to keep them from ripping the old man appart. Behind the handsome general, a houndred books burn. A houndred ideas are silenced, a houndred authors lost forever.
And that's just the way the knights like it.
In a matter of minutes, the general kicks the book from the 30 year old elder's hands and grabs him by the neck. He gives him one last chance to
un-know the words of Macpropht, to unlearn the Southern Ways, to deny the existance of the mortal soul.
The erudite refuses and he his slammed against a low table, the general then cuts his head off with a quote from the Oath ("we are the living stars and this is our mission" is always a crowd pleaser). Later, Francis would execute the man's apprentices in a similar fashion.
The people love to witness their kingdom's strength firsthand, and soon, Raskolnikov thought, they'll realize that by giving me inner-territory command they have doomed themselves deeper than they could ever imagine.

right to appear back in the middle of the NorthKnightian capital, near the gates.

The city guards are stunned by the sudden appearance of foreigners. Following their natural instinct, they escort them to the city guard's office. Once there, they patiently wait for someone to attend them (besides the deadfaced burocreats behind the multiple desks) until the Second Prince (second son of the Knight King) storms in insulting and screaming at the guards.

"I beg of you, please forgive my insultingly ignorant men. I am in charge of protecting the city, but, naturally, I've got scientific pursuits on my own so I can't be at top of everything"

2009-03-18, 08:41 PM
The emporer looks up from the map of both his territory, and the territory surrounding him, which had been occupying his interest for hours now, to the magician who had barged into the room. The magician bows before the emporer for a few seconds before saying,Emporer, the Vampires have sent us a message requesting a meeting between signers of the Brotherhood pact. The emporer nodded his head, motioning for Fleetlord Atvar, General Rommel, and Interior Secretary Teerts to follow him.
He marches down the halls to the transportation room, motioning his wizard to teleport him there, all the while playing the previous fifthteen minutes back in his head.

----Fifthteen minute beforehand------

Emporer, the kingdom's leader, Northknight has consistently shown aggressive tendencies, not only is a war with them going to happen soon, but through treaties many heathen kingdoms will fight with them. Our own treaty will bring in our allies, and together we are looking at a vast continent spanning war likely to kill thousands of our men, even assuming we only send out airships. The emporer stared at the map, particularly at the territory belong to the northknight heathens, only for his interior secretary to speak up. Sir it's worse than just casualties, the people themselves are not ready for a war. They will not question the war, but the casualties will dishearten the populace which could lead to a lowered production speed which could infact lead to a situation in which they're unfavorable conditions in the peace treaty. The emporer shook his head before saying That will not happen, Treets, we will not suffer major losses against those heathens.

2009-03-19, 05:09 PM
Seeing one of his allies arrive, the Vampiric Emperor bows just short of perfect 90 degree angle - from what is understood about his people, such is a sign that the person being greeted is not only respected as at least an equal, but also trusted far more than is normal for such a paranoid group of individuals - and the magical security used by a group of people who were nearly born to be spies and counter-spies is a clear sign of paranoia.

"Honored ally - I thank you for coming. We are still awaiting our final ally in the Brotherhood. While we await, I wish to introduce you to a special group." Keltin motions towards one group of men - or near-men to be more specific. Four of them appear semi-feral in expression, with the mark of a true predator stamped across their faces - but their perfect stillness is a reflection of discipline as much as biological death. Two, however, appear much more human-like, not so much harmless as... civilized. "These are two squads of my own personal guard - utterly bound to me and undeniably competent. Grath posesses noteworthy Necromantic magics, and Derin is extremely gifted in detecting covert agents and dealing with them. While I am sure that your own guards are competent, it is traditional for a small group to be sent to allies, even those who we have only the briefest alliances with, as a symbol of mutual trust. I give you my personal oath that they shall not harm you on pain of premature burial in a Consecrated grave. And being Undead, magic of Enchantment and Mind Control is mostly useless against them. Grath will, of course, consent to tutoring any mages of your court who happen to be competent at Necromancy - and any other magical discipline he possesses that you find might benefit your nation. Additionally, any agent sent after them will have no choice but to reveal -everything- known - when Turned, they are utterly enslaved but retain all knowledge from former lives.
...Of course, you may reject it if you are repulsed by such as us."

2009-03-19, 07:30 PM
As the last of the mid-tribes's temples burns, General Raskolnikov is cheered by the crowd. The feisty "Rasko! Rasko!" fills the air with a certain sense of royalty. Raskolnikov lets it all in as the rotting corpses of a matriarch, her nuns and ten Bald Philosophers rot in front of him.
As the proud commander cleans the blood and guts off his sword, the king is informed of his rising status and of the unordered raid that is just finishing.

"Worry not, loyal guard" says the king, his eyes set on a map of the soon-to-be steeled barbarian regions "To wage war, we need honor and brave hearts" The Knight King turns to look at the eyes of Alessander Ifnarch "But to keep the peace, ah...that is where insanity and madness come into play".

"Now, escort me to my Charriot, we are leaving this town immediately. A local tribe has surrendered, and I want to be there for the mass execution"

"Damned bastard" thinks the most loyal servant " he does not realize that by letting such madness loose he has doomed the throne and the dynasty"
"Such a fool should not be in power"

As this events unfold, the First Prince is informed of his upcoming matrimony by a servant soon to loose his post for interrumpting the Heir while he was with his mistress. Also, the mid-tribes no longer count, at least not militarly.
As the last War-Merchant tribe surrenders, all that lays ahead are a handful of Lower Tribe forts and an inner sea.
And beyond that, the Empires.

2009-03-19, 07:32 PM
The emporer and his contigent lower their eyes to their feet, a traditional show of respect for the race.

I would be more than willing to accept such a security detail. He breaths in heavily before continueing It has been very long since the empire has made alliences, infact we haven't since the unification times. Because of this we never updated our code of allience, which stated that the emporer would offer a family member as a consort to the other emporer. I somehow doubt that would work in this case. He chuckles, and pulling out a sword says, Instead I'm offering both of my allies each one of the three ancient swords from the unification times. He then gestures to his men and says This is fleetlord Atvar, general Rommel, and interior secretary Teerts

2009-03-19, 08:07 PM
"Hahaha... you're mostly correct about the pointlessness of trying to marry our blood-lines together, although with a massive enough feedings and powerful rituals... but no, you are correct - I would not wish to strip a member of your family of their will by Turning them... I will gladly accept the substitute. Ah - I should mention one restriction to the offer to allow my agent to aid your mages. Advanced Necromancy dealing with Vampires specifically will be unfortunately restricted - just as I'm sure that if any of your Engineers come to aid our nation, it would be rude and pointless to ask for secrets about destroying them." The feral grin has little malice, but makes no secret of the fact that he assumed all members of the Brotherhood would seek to dominate their own special areas.
A bow, somewhat less deep yet still with the head looking away indicated trust for the two imperial advisers, with the acceptable level of superiority any decent Emperor would show towards the underlings of another. "A pleasure to meet you both. Know that, as trusted staff to an ally, you will be free right of passage and favorable treatment in any private financial dealings with my people - should you choose to having any business dealings within my kingdom. Sir Teerts, General Rommel - might I ask if you would be the officials my people would need to contact in order to discuss the exchange of technological and magical advancements? And Fleetlord - I'm guessing that you would be the man to speak with in order to coordinate the training of Vampiric Boarding Parties? Many of our special abilities make us a very useful boarding force - for example, upon defeat we can instantly assume a mist-like form that allows us to retreat up to 9 miles as long as a decent coffin is nearby, and the same form would allow us to creep into enemy vessels without unnecessary exposure to weapon fire."

2009-03-19, 08:40 PM
Turn 2

Need to re-read everything so far.

2009-03-19, 08:40 PM
That would help for more than just boarding! One of the biggest problems in transporting the armies via airship is that portions of the ships would have to stay far enough away from the battlefield that they could land without being ambushed. If your forces could use that to land adhead of the others on the battlefield then we could land close enough to the battlefield that the cannons could continue to be of serious use!
Atvar looks quite happy at this information, whereas Rommel seems to be fighting back giddiness. Teerts looks up and says in a low voiceThis ability and others of your people could be put to a use that's been concerning me for a long time, something my people can't pull off. Tell me could your people pull off an assination of the NorthKnight's king if we could get one of them close enough?

2009-03-19, 08:49 PM
((of course they couldn't, what a silly question))

((Also, how does the turn system work? I ask this here because the OOC seems to have gone offline))

Halna LeGavilk
2009-03-19, 08:55 PM
The city guards are stunned by the sudden appearance of foreigners. Following their natural instinct, they escort them to the city guard's office. Once there, they patiently wait for someone to attend them (besides the deadfaced burocreats behind the multiple desks) until the Second Prince (second son of the Knight King) storms in insulting and screaming at the guards.

"I beg of you, please forgive my insultingly ignorant men. I am in charge of protecting the city, but, naturally, I've got scientific pursuits on my own so I can't be at top of everything"

Leo chuckles as Lia gets up and puts her hand on the Second Prince's shoulder. "That is no problem young Prince. They were but doing they duty. In fact they were probably unnerved by my uncle's teleportation spell and my appearence. I do not blame them."

2009-03-20, 05:56 PM
Head of Council- Tobias Greystone
Archmage- Lucius Haser
Marshal of Armies- Anya Possina
Spymaster- Cassandra Goh
Guildmaster- Kyle Remox of Rumai

The Silver Council

The Grand Council chamber in the Gaarosian Capital of Duashari was grand. Elegant white marble and golds and blue were predominant. The Country's banner, A Shining Gold Sun on a White field, was directly above a large ornate stained glass window.

The Silver circle table was ancient and full of history. The five chairs of silver reflected the occupants. Lord Tobias's chair was more of a throne, with gold overlay, as regal as the man himself. The Lord was dressed in robes of office fit for a king, made of cloth of gold that matched his blond hair.

Lucius's chair was traced with arcane runes of Blue. The silver chair itself didn't seem to have a straight edge and seemed to show the ever changing waves of magic. Lucius himself was a middle-aged man with Dark Brown-greying hair and eyes of the brightest blue. He strokes his goatee with long fingered hands.

Anya Possina's chair was high backed and straight, as was the young woman sitting in it. A Shining red sun dominated the back of her chair, a diagram mirrored on the molded breastplate of her shining plate mail. Her Long red hair was cut short, to about her collarbone. Her youthful face was unmarred by scars despite the battles she had fought and won. Purple eyes were sharp and focused.

Spymaster Goh's chair was low and comfortable, padded with goosefeather and designed so one could easily relax in it. Geometric lines of black crossed the chair. The woman herself was ambiguously aged, anywhere between 20-30 years of age, beautiful and pale of skin. Her black hair fell like a wave over her shoulder and all the way down her back. Shocking green eyes stared at the other members.

Guildmaster Kyle was an older gentlemen, but younger than Lucius. His chair was opulent, affixed with jewels and precious metals. Her wore the richest of silks, but unlike many merchants, not an ounce of fat covered his body, just lean muscle. A long, faint scar leading from his jaw to his collar attested to his stint as a Commander in the army.

Lord Tobias raised his hands "Let the meeting begin"

For the moment, the Silver Council is increasing farm and medicine, along with ordering the scientists to study the new airships. Mage Inquisitors are sent to scour the land for new recruits for the Academy. Cassandra's spies and envoys are sent out across the land to establish relations and keep an eye out for any interesting happenings

2009-03-20, 07:04 PM
Leo chuckles as Lia gets up and puts her hand on the Second Prince's shoulder. "That is no problem young Prince. They were but doing they duty. In fact they were probably unnerved by my uncle's teleportation spell and my appearence. I do not blame them."

"Naturally, you must understand that they are probably descendants from the eastern Goatherders" he says in a pitch such as to insult everyone in the room but the foreigners.
"Now, graceful princess, I shall escort you to the First Prince's castle. Lord Vladimir shall be back in about a week, he was just recently inspecting the frontlines with the Knight King."
>>"Now, please" He says as he akwardly, removes the hand from his shoulders "I know not what my wives and husband would say" As he says this, he swipes sweat from his bald and scarred head with his hand in a straight, almost mechanically unconsious move. Then, as he signals a Rifleman to protect the princess (An order easily understood through signs by the descendants of a nomad people) he shifts his atention towards the man.
"I certainly so hope this is but the magical appearance she has to take to move through space. Not to insult you, but my people are unnerved by her uncovered face and leg outlines. I hope this is but a mistake and that it will no longer happen"
Before giving the foreigner any time to respond, the Second Prince signals the soldier again and they both start moving towards the main door, passing through many desks filled with monotonous people and ever increasing stacks of paper.

2009-03-20, 07:10 PM
(Continue on. Everything improves in your countries so far. I need to roll to decide what.)

2009-03-20, 09:28 PM
"I can't say for certain - the martial focus of the Knights would be handicapped in dealing with our Vampiric powers, compared to more magically oriented groups... but that also means that the King himself would be incredibly hard to defeat - soft men rarely rule warrior kingdoms. We have been developing a few scenarios to guess our chances of success, and I'll be happy to share the results when they become available."

((This is my way of saying that I have no idea how the chances of success for something like this would be figured up...))

Halna LeGavilk
2009-03-20, 09:41 PM
Lia arched an eyebrow. "Wives and husband?" She muttered to Leo, who simply shrugged. "Polygamy is accepted in many cultures." Lia muttered something unintelligible, and Leo laughed. "Okay, Lia. Just cover the Runes and go with him. I have other business."

Lia sighed in exasperation, but the blue runes gently faded from her skin as Leo faded from reality, smiling. Lia turned toward the Second Prince and caught up with him. "Do you have a name?" She called out after him.

2009-03-21, 12:52 AM
Why? Why do you burn our villages? Why do you assault our forts with your guns and your metallic oliphants? What have we done to you? Why must we die?

You are not of the Knight's Kingdom of NorthKnight, so such is your fate. (opens gut and lets innards fall)
-The king and a Lower Tribe lord at the beggining of the Eternal Wars, According To Local Legend

"Do you have a name?" She called out after him.

The Second Prince got suddenly stiff.
"Everyone but the Knight King and my brothers knows me as the Second Prince. I understand you are a Foreigner and not aware of The Customs, but I am confident your new husband and his wives will teach them to you"

They were now leaving the offices and entering a shockingly gray and industrial city-barracks that didn't allow for much horizon from the inside.

"Now, milady" Said the Secondborn as they made their way up a comlicated yet equally gray staircase, always followed closely by men with bayonettes "I mean not to be a nuisance nor to come off as too represive of your...folkloric nature, it is just that foreigners are a diversion rarely taken by our men and...well...our culture is rather appreciative of this". As the Second Prince finished talking Lia could notice that he had said it on a tone that permitted not for the guards to hear.

2009-03-21, 09:34 AM
Kingdom of Brythos

King Edrick beams as he witnesses the new model of His Majesty's Airship fleet fly laps around the private research facility. These new ships would be just what he needed. He turns to his head researcher and simply says,"Build more. Arm them."

Messages go out to all the border fortresses of Brythos. They will all be receiving 20 additional cannons as well as units of 500 Green Guard Riflemen. Brythos was gearing up for conflict, and did not want to be caught unaware.

(Maybe more later...exhausted)

Kommisar Engel
2009-03-22, 04:41 AM
City-state of Lacrymae
Regent Marshall Engel's Private Study

I sit in my private quarters writing the writing my signature on the laws that were passed by the council. Normally, It should be her highness the queen's job, but as her delegate and the newly appointed Regent Marshall, It falls upon me now.

Having spent my time after the meeting doing this, my mind was tired. Browsing through what would be the last one for the, it piques my attention as it was more of a essay rather than a draft of a law. On the front page it says:

'Implementation of a newly developed detection spell for security purposes'

Reading this, I recall the meeting earlier afternoon where the threat of spies was mentioned by the Tech-Wizard Marshall and his subordinate, a Diviner Wizard. They also said that they have a plan to root out spies and that they intend to send a copy of the plan to me. I believe that this was the one. Reading it carefully I glean the most important facts of this plan.

1) Every Lacrymaeian citizen has an infusion given at birth. The infusions give a different kind of aura from regular humans when detected by normal magical means. Also, these infusions can not be simply replicated as it grows along with the host, thereby insuring a distinct aura. Any attempts to replicate these infusions would likely result in failure while attempting to infuse any one who is older that 15 years of age will result in the implosion of the one being infused with.

2)A continuous detection spell will be used to discern the location of all living beings in the city and will project the result in a focus, most likely a screen, while the newly developed spell will be used in tandem with the life detection spell to remove everyone that has the infusions, leaving the un-infused to be the only one remaining on screen

3)With the information in hand, we can direct our citizens, merchants and innkeepers to be precise, to keeps casual tabs on the foreigners while our special agents can do in-depth investigations about their background and thier objectives.

Finishing this, I write my signature on it and call a servant to deliver this to the Tech-Wizard Marshall.

Halna LeGavilk
2009-03-22, 06:11 PM
Lia nodded gravely. "Ah. I see. When do we get to your abode?"

2009-03-22, 09:22 PM
Lia nodded gravely. "Ah. I see. When do we get to your abode?"

"Matter of minutes, future princess. Matter of minutes" They are now taking a ninety dgree turn, but still going up the wide ladder.

"Now, regarding the wedding ceremonies, Is there a religion or" *squirm* "Philosophy you follow? Anything that you would like to be present at the wedding? Anyone that definately must be there?
I ask you this because in that case we would require a silent and discrete ceremony. You know, customs"

Meanwhile, The Knight King readies his troops for the assault on the Lower Tribes' last fort, and a diplomatic mission similar to the one that signed the treaty positions itself with its flags and patiently waits for a Huliantoc city.
Another envoy is also sent to Brythos to form a permanent embassy.

((both of you can start a conversation at any given time, I'll assume the embassies have been built without any significant words shared. Though it would certainly be nice to hear from Brythos))

2009-03-23, 04:40 PM
The Kingdom of Brythos

The Good King Edrick follows the NorthKnightian scribe to the quarters of NorthKnight's ambassador to Brythos. When he sees the man scrambling at the surprise visit, Edrick raises his hand to calm the man.

Relax, my friend. I simply wish to welcome you to your new post. Brythos is glad to welcome such a fine representative from our brother Kingdom. I do, however, wish to send you to send this message back to your King, to be read privately.

Edrick hands the ambassador a sealed envelope address to the Knight King of NorthKnight. With a bow and brief good-bye, Edrick takes his leave.

(Message will be PM'd to Alexduardo)

Halna LeGavilk
2009-03-23, 04:58 PM
Lia shakes her head. "The Hulaintoc have but three laws. 1: Better yourself without harming others. 2: Keep yourself free. 3: Stay dutiful to your people, protect them with your life."

Diplomacy Party
The knights wait, and wait, and just as they are about to leave, battlemages appear all around them, cloaked in black robes and lithe, leather armor. Hoods hide their face, only two points of white light are seen glowing out of the darkness. One of the battlemages steps up. "Who are you and what do you want?"

In front of the city gates, Leo appears. He is clothed in purple robes, etched plate armor visible under them. Weapons of various shapes and sizes, two glaives, three swords, two handaxes, and various daggers, hang off his body at different points. The Arcane Runes of Power, Protection, and Magic that are etched into his skin, robes, and armor glow slightly in different colors. He calls out to the guards, ""Ho, goods friends! I am Leonard Stratard of Draton of the Hulaintoc Society! I come to beg an audience of your queen!"

2009-03-23, 08:39 PM
Lia shakes her head. "The Hulaintoc have but three laws. 1: Better yourself without harming others. 2: Keep yourself free. 3: Stay dutiful to your people, protect them with your life."

"Lovely, you can always judge a...philosophy, if you'll excuse the term, by the number of rules it has. Normallly, the more rules in it the less sense it tries to make"
They arrive at the beggining of a tall tower (which in itself starts in a tall castle) and enter the circular room. Accompained by two mechanicalcrossbowmen, of course.
"Now, as I'm sure you're dying to know, my scientific pursuits, as I describe them, are of a...developmental nature"
The Second prince pulls a lever and the floor begins to move upwards, as evidenced by the slow appearing and dissapearing of the complex mechanical walls
"I guess now you wont have much difficulty seeing why neither the Knight King nor the Heir mention me much on state visits"

Diplomacy Party
The knights wait, and wait, and just as they are about to leave, battlemages appear all around them, cloaked in black robes and lithe, leather armor. Hoods hide their face, only two points of white light are seen glowing out of the darkness. One of the battlemages steps up. "Who are you and what do you want?"

The militia rifle men are surpriesed half a second and then form a porcupine around the embassador, who is already being tightly guarded by a few elite veterans and a couple of actual swordsmen.

"Please, allies" Says the Heir "Let us not be so quick to judge. If I were, there would be a war amongst our people by now"

2009-03-23, 10:45 PM
The Ministry of Labor had finished one of the most difficult tasks it has done in decades. They had begun mass production of their current gun design, having finished the economic reform that had built a nation wide system of infrastructure and factories for the coming war effort. The next project in the works was more ambitious, setting up multiple shipyards and docks along the coast of Krahn, to allow trading with its allies and to allow defense of the seas surrounding the island nation. But the plan had to wait for the Minister of War to get back from the diplomatic meeting with Krahn's allies.

Finally, a small airship lands outside the Brotherhood meeting. Four guards, carrying the newly produced musket from Krahn's factories, step off the ship and stand at the sides of the exit ramp. Off the ship steps a large man, wearing a dark gray uniform covered with numerous badges and medals decorating it. "Truly sorry I'm late. I had to have a speech at one of our new factories." He extends his hand to the diplomats already at the meeting. "Winston Creed, Minister of War of the Krahn Empire. Now, due to my tardiness, I imagine I've missed quite a bit. Any chance you two could bring me up to speed?"

2009-03-23, 11:04 PM
(Everyone Roll a dice for each of their Stats. I"m going to try GMing a certain way.)

2009-03-23, 11:10 PM
((What kind of dice? D20, D6, Percentile dice..?))

2009-03-23, 11:15 PM
OOC: YEah, D20

2009-03-23, 11:17 PM

2009-03-24, 05:31 AM

Kommisar Engel
2009-03-24, 07:28 AM
City-state of Lacrimae

City Gates

Hearing what the stranger said, the guard on duty shouted out to the ones in the guard house "Send a message to the palace! A stranger comes seeking an audience!"

Receiving the message from the guard on duty, the ones in the guard house touched a sending stone and sent a message to the royal palace while the sergeant on duty comes down and escorts the stranger to the guardhouse and tells him to wait until the carriage comes.

A few minutes later
Regent Marshall Engel's Private Study

"Finally, all the paperwork is done" I say to myself as I stretch my arms. This should be done by her highness but since she appointed me as Regent Marshall, she delegated everything to me. Seriously, my time to relax has been cut significantly. This is the reason why I didn't take the throne. I'm just a lazy person. This is what I really think, but though I'm lazy, she's counting on me. "I think I just spoil her too much." I mutter to myself while contemplating about my thoughts and feelings. As I stand up and head to my bedroom beside my study, but I halt as I hear someone running towards my study.

"Sir! A diplomat seeks an audience with the queen!" A servant says as he opens the door to my study.

Damn. And when I was just about to get my well deserved rest. "I see. First, wake up her highness and tell her to prepare for an audience. Second, Have a carriage prepared. And third, Mind your manners and knock on the door before entering someone's room." I say to the servant as I enter my bedroom and change my clothes. I sigh "Another tedious matter."

A few minutes afterward
City Gates

With the carriage arriving, the sergeant escorts the stranger to the carriage where I await

Facing the stranger I speak
"I apologize for the wait. I am Regent Marshall Engel Praetoria, second in command and only answerable to her highness Queen Evangelina Athanasia." I pause for a while before continuing.
"Before you state who you are and what you seek, I must apologize for any rudeness and insult that I may do for saying this. I believe that you are here to seek an alliance and to affirm that alliance, you will ask for her highness' hand in marriage. What I can tell you before your audience with her is this, We can negotiate any alliance through diplomacy but as for the hand of our queen, we can not and will not give our consent if it will be an arranged marriage. We Lacrymaeians value the freedom to choose and we highly value this more so when choosing our spouses. Even if the queen gives her consent, by our customs, anyone who asks for royalty's hand in marriage must succeed on three challenges. So my advice is to give up on asking for her hand in marriage. That is all I have to say"

Prolific: [roll0]
Magic: [roll1]
Tech: [roll2]

2009-03-24, 07:40 AM
(O.k, after I"m done adding everything together I'm going to add another 20 points to everyone's total and start looking after the game more closely.)

2009-03-24, 02:42 PM
((What about Unique traits? Do we roll for gaining/losing points in that category too, or are they just not going to do much changing?))

2009-03-24, 04:39 PM
Prolific [roll0]
Tech [roll1]
Magic [roll2]

Nothing of much importance has been discussed, mostly greetings and speculations. Much like with the Vampires I offer your emporer an ancestral sword of The Race. He introduces Fleetlord Atvar, Interior secretary Teerts, and General Rommel.

2009-03-24, 04:48 PM
((What about Unique traits? Do we roll for gaining/losing points in that category too, or are they just not going to do much changing?))

(Since I have been busy with College, I say just give everyone a free 60 points)

2009-03-24, 06:18 PM
(60 points to spread out to the three main ones, or are unique traits included?)

2009-03-24, 07:23 PM
(Since I have been busy with College, I say just give everyone a free 60 points)

((whoa, all of a sudden? or do we assume some time has passed or what?))


((please be more specific with yer rules and stuffy stuff))
((also, it seems as If I've forgeotten the art of dice rolling, can anyone illustrate me, plz?))

2009-03-24, 09:40 PM
OOC: Let's see if I can figure this out...

That was a sad bunch of rolls...

Halna LeGavilk
2009-03-24, 10:13 PM
With the carriage arriving, the sergeant escorts the stranger to the carriage where I await

Facing the stranger I speak
"I apologize for the wait. I am Regent Marshall Engel Praetoria, second in command and only answerable to her highness Queen Evangelina Athanasia." I pause for a while before continuing.
"Before you state who you are and what you seek, I must apologize for any rudeness and insult that I may do for saying this. I believe that you are here to seek an alliance and to affirm that alliance, you will ask for her highness' hand in marriage. What I can tell you before your audience with her is this, We can negotiate any alliance through diplomacy but as for the hand of our queen, we can not and will not give our consent if it will be an arranged marriage. We Lacrymaeians value the freedom to choose and we highly value this more so when choosing our spouses. Even if the queen gives her consent, by our customs, anyone who asks for royalty's hand in marriage must succeed on three challenges. So my advice is to give up on asking for her hand in marriage. That is all I have to say"

Leo stares at Engel for a minute, then bursts out laughing. "Very good sir. Very good. Hehe... No, I am married already. We of the Hulaintoc do not see polygamy... well. No, no. I was here to arrange a diplomatic alliance. Our current allies, NorthKnightia and Brythos are... unstable. Not politically, but, you know. Mentally. Morally. Socially. All that." Leo pauses and judges Engel's look for a moment before continuing. "I wish to create an alliance based on the strength of friendship and knowldge. Plus, my people are sometimes short on materials, and where we live, that is dangerous. Very dangerous."

Leo glances out the window of the carriage before leaning back, stretching, puts his arms behind his head, and looks at Engels. "Excuse me for saying, but do you have any food? I just spent the day teleporting around, and that can make a man hungry."

Lia looks around. "Not at all, actually. This is VERY interesting... very good workmanship. I like it." Lia turns back to him and smiles.

Diplomatic Party
A voice calls out from somewhere behind the battlesorcerors. "I highly doubt that." The sorcerors dissapear in a flame of fire, their ashes swirling around the group. A single man clothed in yellow robes stands before the group, smiling. He bows deep, and when he stands back straight up, he begins to speak. "Hello. I am Zachary Cagin, Illusionist Extraordinaire and Mayor of Olat, of the Hulaintoc Society. How may I serve you?"

Halna LeGavilk
2009-03-24, 10:18 PM
Oh yeah.

Halna LeGavilk
2009-03-24, 10:21 PM

Damn, I am messing up today.

2009-03-24, 10:32 PM
(ONce you reach 100 points in one area, you'll gain an advance in that subject. Don't necessarily neglect anything though, unless you get poor roles.)

2009-03-24, 11:08 PM
Lia looks around. "Not at all, actually. This is VERY interesting... very good workmanship. I like it." Lia turns back to him and smiles.

"Why, that is very kind of you" The Second Prince is almost blushing. They still have a ways to go, so the prince starts asking the princess about her family
"Tell me, how does the Society rule itself? Is it true that Knighthood (or your philosophical equivalent) is not hereditary?"

Diplomatic Party
A voice calls out from somewhere behind the battlesorcerors. "I highly doubt that." The sorcerors dissapear in a flame of fire, their ashes swirling around the group. A single man clothed in yellow robes stands before the group, smiling. He bows deep, and when he stands back straight up, he begins to speak. "Hello. I am Zachary Cagin, Illusionist Extraordinaire and Mayor of Olat, of the Hulaintoc Society. How may I serve you?"

The Heir makes his way out of the guard and half-bows down at the magician
I am Vladimir of The Iron Tower, the Heir to the Throne of NorthKnight, I came here to discuss the specifics of the wedding and to establish an embassy in your capital city.
He takes a step to the side and looks up to the sky
Tell me, how does one enter this air continent of yours?

((Know what? I'm gonna give myself a two in Population, a (crazy) one in Magic and a Seventeen in tech (war tanks) since I can't figure out the dice. Is that alright to you?))
((Also, just asume all those 60 points go into more Hatred from my troops and a hint of extra training. I did not know there was gonna be numbers, so my thinking cap is not with me tonight))

2009-03-24, 11:10 PM
(Uh, sure.)

2009-03-25, 06:04 PM

2009-03-25, 08:58 PM
(O.k.... I realized that I've been dcoing a poor job doing this... Everyone gets automatically 20 for all their rolls. You all experience minor positive changes in all of your stats. You are 50 percent closer to advancing a point in all areas.)

2009-03-25, 09:11 PM
((OOC If I put the points into sub-techs do they upgrade faster? If so I put 20 points into (Farm technology) 10 into (Artillery(Such as since we currently have cannons, upgrading them into archaic WW1 artillery pieces)) 15 into airship production(to produce new ones faster) and 15 into (early gatling guns(Made in late eighteen hundreds, so not that much of a stretch))

Halna LeGavilk
2009-03-25, 09:33 PM
"Why, that is very kind of you" The Second Prince is almost blushing. They still have a ways to go, so the prince starts asking the princess about her family
"Tell me, how does the Society rule itself? Is it true that Knighthood (or your philosophical equivalent) is not hereditary?"

Lia nods. "Well, in a way. We rule by power, which generally passes from parent to child. The strongest rule. See, in a society like yours, where might does not connotate the ability to lead, in our society, our abilities are based directly on our intelligence, charisma, and wisdom, rather than, say, strength, or fortitude. Our Battlesorcerors are also some of our smartest and wisest men there are, their abilities growing with age, rather than diminishing.
And it's not as if the Battlesorcerors have the ability to treat the rest of the citizens badly. On our air cities, a Magingeer is just as important, if not more, than a Battlesorceror. If the Magingeer dislikes the mayor, he has every right to refuse to work. And we espouse that freedom.
Of course, such men generally leave for a different city, but I digress. Because of our rather limited population, we cannot afford to have internal strife, so we have an advisory council of normal citizens, a council of the best and brightest in the various fields of operation employed on the airship. Remember, our Society is very loose, held together by culture and Magic, rather than geographic boundries. Mayors are our leaders, with the mayor of the strongest city speaking for our whole country. Of course, that does not mean that all of our cities are united. Many do not share the opinions of our leader, but all agree it is best that he lead."

The Heir makes his way out of the guard and half-bows down at the magician
I am Vladimir of The Iron Tower, the Heir to the Throne of NorthKnight, I came here to discuss the specifics of the wedding and to establish an embassy in your capital city.
He takes a step to the side and looks up to the sky
Tell me, how does one enter this air continent of yours?

Zachary mutters to himself. "Marriage... what mar- ah. Yes." He looks up at Vladimir. "Yes, Leo marrying off his daughter. Not my business. I am Mayor of Olat. You are seeking Draton. Which, if I remember correctly, is somewhere over the ocean right now. So, for the moment, you must deal with me. And as for reaching our cities?" At this, Zachary laughs and raises his arms in the air. A dangerous glint enters his eye. "You simply fly." The knights hear a roaring above them, as the magical veil over Olat, City of Illusions, dissappears. A platform is lowered from the Skycity, which Zachary promptly steps onto. He turns and faces the men. "Coming?"

2009-03-25, 09:51 PM
((OOC If I put the points into sub-techs do they upgrade faster? If so I put 20 points into (Farm technology) 10 into (Artillery(Such as since we currently have cannons, upgrading them into archaic WW1 artillery pieces)) 15 into airship production(to produce new ones faster) and 15 into (early gatling guns(Made in late eighteen hundreds, so not that much of a stretch))

(Hm... Right now I'll say no on that. Vote on it in the OOC thread. ;) )

2009-04-05, 07:20 PM
(Ah, I'll just put all the points into tech level then.)

The emporer turns to his allies and, letting out a sigh, says,'I don't believe we can avoid war with the heathens much longer, so military strategy must take the lead on this meeting now that all members have arrived. Teerts use my Magician to order Dresfab to get ready for his diplomatic assignment as an envoy to the North-Knight king, but he is not to leave before I give the order. If we can find a way to avoid this war, I don't want an envoy to anger their unbalanced leader.

2009-04-10, 08:16 PM
*Bump Bump Bump Bump Bump Bump Bump Bump Bump Bump Bump Bump Bump Bump, BUMP BUMP BAMP!*

2009-04-10, 08:18 PM
(If its any incentive to the players, since I have been very aloof in this game I will grant to you all a free tech.)

2009-04-10, 08:27 PM
(If its any incentive to the players, since I have been very aloof in this game I will grant to you all a free tech.)

A free DM cookie if you got the joke.

Halna LeGavilk
2009-04-12, 01:25 AM
Eh. Sorry for being away for a week guys. My bro took the internet from me unexpectedly. Alright, I should have something up tomorrow night.

2009-04-12, 01:39 AM
OOC(Because I can't even find the thread any more) Halna, is it just me or are you confused by the rules to this game to? I mean I'm enjoying the freedom but I would really like a set rule system or atleast a guideline. A map would be nice to, but that hasn't really come up yet.