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View Full Version : Break this Rule! Also Invoker question!

2009-03-21, 12:58 AM
Hello, everyone! I have a couple of questions I think might be right up your respective allies. My friend and I are creating a D&D 4e campaign in a zombie-infested, post-apocalyptic world. Alternate timeline, the various nonhuman races emerge, zombie virus infects the world, etc. Pretty standard stuff. Anyway, he's DMing and I'm playing, but I'm helping him come up with some house rules to get the setting right. We want a survival-based game, full of hordes of zombies too numerous to defeat, so most of the combat will be hit-and-run, fighting retreats, or heavily based on lateral-thinking tactics.

Towards the goal of this post-apocalyptic survival/horror feeling, magic items are being somewhat restricted, as they are supposed to be fairly scarce. It's sort of a Mad Max thing, where rather than a neat progression of magical items as players level, they just have whatever mismatched scraps they can find. The characters are starting at level 8, everyone gets one magic weapon (or implement, or wand, etc) for free. The rest of your magic equipment, you get to choose whatever you want, but the combined levels of all your magical gear cannot be higher than 8 (not counting the free weapon). So, for example, if you took a level 8 armor, you wouldn't be able to have any other magical items, or you could take two level 4 items instead, and so forth.

So with that in mind, I have two questions. The first would be, aside from grabbing eight level 1 items, is there any way you can think of to break or exploit this idea? Our group tends to be very crafty with things like this, so we'd like to figure out the ways this can be broken before any of the players do. Even the eight-level-1 thing seems like it would be pretty ineffective, as I don't think there ARE eight level 1 items that any one character really has use for... but I'm sure you crafty minds can think of something.

The second question is for me personally. As an Invoker, what would you consider the most essential magical item within these constraints? Since the campaign will feature mostly guerrilla tactics, I'm leaning towards Versatile Armor (level 3) for ease of escaping and then probably Bracers of Perfect Shot and Eagle Eye Goggles (both level 2) for better ranged attacks. Items from PHB, PHB2, Adventurer's Vault, and any other books are fair game. Any thoughts?

2009-03-21, 01:26 AM
So with that in mind, I have two questions. The first would be, aside from grabbing eight level 1 items, is there any way you can think of to break or exploit this idea? Our group tends to be very crafty with things like this, so we'd like to figure out the ways this can be broken before any of the players do. Even the eight-level-1 thing seems like it would be pretty ineffective, as I don't think there ARE eight level 1 items that any one character really has use for... but I'm sure you crafty minds can think of something.

Wait, what are the restrictions on the "free weapon?"

Presuming those are solid, you shouldn't have to worry much about Game Breaking - in fact, people should be underpowered. The truth is, there aren't many low level items you'd want to stock up on (the best I can think of is Catstep Boots, and those are LV 3) and since you'll really want to have Magic Armor and a Magic Cloak/Amulet, you'll quickly run out of "levels" to allocate.

Heck, Magic X +2 is LV 6 already - these level 8 characters will be running around with +1 Armor and +1 Neck if they want to be protected. Oh, and the limits on Daily Item Use prevent most shenanigans.

But... wouldn't a better way to simulate this setting be to have the DM roll up an assortment of magic items for the party to pick and choose from? Let them hand-pick 1 weapon and 1 other beforehand, and then see what the luck of the draw gets them?

2009-03-21, 01:46 AM
underpowered is the idea, at least as far as magic items go. Hopefully this will lead to lots of creative thinking and so on. And the weapons thing is pretty solid, not worried there. But yea, Random Magic Armor +2 would be just about everything you get... or do you want to go for cheaper magic armor that's just +1, so you can grab some other goodies? Such is the general idea.

Your thoughts about picking 1 weapon and 1 other and then rolling a couple of items aren't bad at all, though. We'll have to think about trying that... very good for that haphazard setting.

2009-03-21, 01:58 AM
Wildrunners - lvl 4
Armor of Necrotic Resistance +1 - lvl 2
Amulet of Physical Resolve +1 - lvl 2

I think that would be good extra gear.

Rod of First Blood (PHB) would be an excellent Invoker weapon. 1d8 extra damage whenever you hit a creature that has max HP.

2009-03-21, 06:45 AM
Oooh, not a bad Rod. I haven't looked at them too much yet.

Wildrunners looks good, but 4 levels makes them pretty expensive... still, that could come in pretty handy, and would free up my armor because I could deal with a -1 move penalty with that bonus.

2009-03-21, 02:50 PM
If you haven't yet, you might want to check out the 'Legacy of Acerack' article in Dragon 371, it has a decent amount of feats for PHB 1 classes going up against undead.

2009-03-21, 03:57 PM
Is that the magazine? I'm not really familiar with those.

2009-03-21, 05:02 PM
Yes. And sice it gets paid for, you probably shouldn't get them just for that.

2009-03-21, 05:29 PM
Yes. And sice it gets paid for, you probably shouldn't get them just for that.

Well, for those feats, no. But those feats are in the free version of the character builder I believe.

2009-03-21, 07:45 PM
Well, for those feats, no. But those feats are in the free version of the character builder I believe.

I doubt it. It doesn't seem to have much of anything that you have to pay to get otherwise. It has the Bard, Druid, and Invoker classes themselves from the PHP2, but that's it.

2009-03-22, 01:05 AM
Yea, unless there's somewhere I could see them for free on the internet, I'd say I'll have to pass. thanks for the suggestion, though!

2009-03-22, 01:20 AM
The character builder demo just doesn't have options past level 3, it would still have the heroic tier feats from the article.

2009-03-22, 06:21 PM
What is the character builder demo, and where can I find it?