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2009-03-21, 04:05 AM
So, say I was hypothetically making an action/RPG that had a potion making system sort of like that of Morrowind. What kind of potions should I make? The games atmosphere can be describe as "freakin' weird" so get as weird as you'd like.

Note: If at all possible keep ideas that require me having to create sprites to a minimum (e.g. potions of shapechange or something). Also, not all potions wil be of equal use. The more powerful, the more difficult to create, though.

Also note: The potion creation process specifically is detailed in the topic of this thread: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=104961
This part is in the gaming forum, as actual mechanics might be discussed.

Current Potion list and descriptions:

Potion of Speed- duh
Potion of Strength- duh
Potion of Intelligence- duh
Potion of Healing- duh
Potion of Water breathing- duh
Potion of See Invisible Entities- duh
Potion of Miracles-Provides a random Very high benefit. Uses "impossible/rare" ingredients which do not respawn.
Potion of Cantrips- Provides a random Very low benefit
Potion of Stone Skin- Provides moderate protection
Potion of Rebirth- The highest playing difficulty is essentially like Rogue: You die, and it's permanent. This counteracts one death. Like Miracles, this is absurdly difficult to make.
Potion of Poison- Like morrowing, poison applied to a sword
Potion of Explosion- May be thrown. Explodes.
Potion of Charm- When used before certain NPCs, changes dialogue/events
Potion of Mana restore- duh
Potion of Ethereal- Basically passwall in a bottle. Might be too abusable.
Potion of Noxious fumes- May be thrown. Temporarily "paralyzes" monsters (makes them barf)

Lastly, people providing several ideas will make it to the credits. Whoo! Leave your desired name if you want it different from your forum name.

2009-03-21, 06:17 AM
Potion of Superman - Rare, boost to all stats and also gives protection
Potion of Frenzy - Large increase to strength, decrease to Intelligence
Potion of Bookishness - Like frenzy but decreases strength and increases intelligence
Potion of Midas - The next enemy you touched turns to gold.
Weapon Oil - Gives a small boost to weapon accuracy and damage for a short time
Potion of Dragonbreath - Lets you breathe fire for a short time.

2009-03-21, 09:29 AM
Holy water: increase in stats only when fighting demons/undead, prevents possession

Potion of fireball: Blows up drinker in several rounds or when you are hit, or if thrown explodes in several rounds or when set off.

Potion of Icarian Flight: Allows flight. No provisions for landing are present. Water and diving skills suggested for use.

Potion of Disease: Infects carrier, drinker or target of thrown potion on a failed save. If infected they take damage/lose stats but infect whoever is around them with the same disease. Appears as a flask or small dish full of a clear solution with spots. Rots. Small dish cannot be thrown effectively.

Potion of Disintegration: When thrown it deals massive damage and burns a hole in the floor. Hole continues downward several floors, So jumping down not advised. Drinking also not advised.

Potion of Restoration: Cures disease, lost limbs. May randomly cause adventurer to become sick if tainted.

Cursed potion of the Thousand tears: Potion draws five hundred monsters to the area it is released in, one by one randomly drawing creatures from the game world to that location. Monsters retain their original hostility if present but are at risk of being crushed by the next wave if they don't move out of the area of effect soon enough.

Potion of Clear Abandon: The adventurer enters a trance upon drinking and explore the level in astral form, but leaves their body behind and cannot rejoin it until the duration wears out. May be dangerous to leave your body around hostile creatures/environment.

Excellent potion of Prismatic spray: Teaches drinker a fairly useless Excellent Prismatic Spray spell that t first just produces light for a few rounds, but from the 20 castings on has a chance to deal instant death and many statuses at the same time.

Potion of Luminous floor: Causes blood on the floor or walls to glow brightly if present, even if the blood is old.

Potion of Angles: Your weapons become either sharper or duller depending on how and how well you make this potion.

2009-03-21, 10:00 AM
Potion of Addiction - you suffer from withdrawl (or whatever) if you drink one of these and don't keep at it.
Potion of Forgetfulness - anything you've identified is unidentified, and perhaps the descriptions of items before identifying them is changed around.
Potion of Enlargement - you gain charisma.
Potion of Apple Juice - mmm, tasty.
Potion of Seawater - causes vomiting and makes you hungry (possible weight loss program).
Potion of Booze - my uncle Steve the archmage had this really bad habit that he just couldn't quit...
Potion of Flying - this potion will fly out of your mouth after you drink it.
Cursed Potion of Remove Curse - this potion will remove its own curse.
Potion of Teleportation - this potion will teleport back into the bottle after you drink it.
Potion of Laxative - this potion will send you running for the nearest bathroom or bush within a few minutes.
Potion of Clogging - this potion will never go down your throat. You choke for a while and then spit it out.
Potion of Milk - it easily becomes spoiled in warmer climates.
Potion of Warmth - helps adjust to cold attacks or places.
Potion of Fear - you're too afraid to drink it!
Potion of Water - if you get it blessed, it may become a Potion of Holy Water, or if cursed...
Potion of Evil Water - extra useful against those angels and paladins (in Angband, those guys attack you because you're not *good* enough).
Potion of Mixing - you can add potions into this one, and when this one is used, all of the effects work. Otherwise it's a Potion of Water.

2009-03-21, 10:47 AM
Potion of heroic intervention:
raises all stats to near godlike powers for a very limited time, but after the effect vanishs all stats get reduced by 90% for a while

- whoever drinks it will die.
"tastes like a healing potion"

Divine potion:
this effect has a short-medium duration and no real effect, except that while the effect is active you simply can not die. If you suffer to much damage while under the effect you will die after the duration expires.

Strange fluid:
The vial contains a strange gelatinous fluid that, if the vial is shattered reforms itself into a random slime monster that attempt to devour its closest target.

2009-03-21, 01:49 PM
Potion of sadness: Whatever drinks/has thrown on them will either just sit there or jump down pits.

Potion of the unholy destroyer: Whatever is hit with/drinks this potion becomes a powerful demon with teleportation, massive stats, powerful spells, and destructive capabilities, but all equipment worn shatters and the user abandons their inventory at the start of the effect so should take care not to be caught naked in the middle of a crapload of diffucult monsters.

Potion of vampirisim: drinker slowly develops vampiric charactistics over a period of time, with bonuses to speed, dexterity and stregnth as well as biting and night sight, but vampiric weakness to garlic, running water and eventually to moving out of the area they were vampirised in without grave dirt.

Potion of the glorious awakening: Subject of potion becomes a demigod, with minor stat boosts and looses the need to eat, drink or breathe. Subject gains the title Glorious before their name and access to special Demigod only powers.

2009-03-21, 08:40 PM
I love these potions so far! However, I should mention for future posters, many aspects of a rogue-like are not going to be present, as it's primarily an action/rpg.

Hunger/thirst, cursed items, identification, and by consequence unknown cursed/ items will not be used. Potions that have potentially harmful effects but also beneficial ones WILL be used, as the character may hang it and use it anyways (and potion of addiction definately makes the list :)).

2009-03-22, 09:08 AM
Worth taking a look at the Witcher game and books for additional potion mechanics, perhaps?

Specifically, the toxicity levels thing in the game - every time the protagonist drinks certain potions his toxicity level goes up. When it reaches a certain level, then bad things happen. He can remove the toxicity effects by drinking a special potion or meditating - but these have the side effect of removing all the bonuses. Works fairly well to convey the effects of things the body shouldn't really have ingested.

Perhaps have potions last a really long time but not have a huge effect - but multiply (double, triple, etc) the effect every time another potion of the same type is used. But not the time - the first potion determines when it will wear off.

For example:

1 strength potion - S+1
2 strength potions - S+2
3 strength potions - S+4
4 strength potions - S+8

Anyway, as far as actual potions go..

Potion of Clarity - mental stats have a huge, MASSIVE bonus for a short time. Very expensive to make/buy. Addictive?

Potion of Warmth - resist cold. Perhaps have a slight downside of it raising your body temperature if you drink too much.

Potion/Poison of Pleasure - the recipient is engulfed in waves of pleasure so intense that they slump down against a wall, totally oblivious to the world around them. Addictive. Could be used for almost anything... from a tiny poisoned spike on a ring to something to slip into a drink to something for use in an interrogation.

Potion/Poison of Sensitivity - the recipient is suddenly far more sensitive to physical touch - pain, pleasure, cold, heat. Maybe the more is ingested the longer it lasts and the more powerful it is.

Can't immediately think of any more, but if I do I'll get back to you.

2009-03-22, 10:19 AM
A few silly ones:
Potion of Hats - You can turn inventory objects into hats with a touch for a short while
Fresh Blood - Either smear over oneself to look more intimidating or drink if a vampire.
Rancid Milk - Throw at enemies and watch them slink away in disgust

And some more serious ones:
Potion of Blinding speed - Very Rare, increase speed to twice maximum, at the expense of sight for the duration
Potion of Clouded mind - Can be used on either self or an enemy, reduces mental stats very low, but makes you immune to bluffs, illusions, anything mind affecting.
Potion of Mystery - Has the effect of one other random potion/poison

2009-03-22, 03:58 PM
Potion of ice: Creates an ice storm, or summons ice elementals, or freezes the drinker in place depending on if it is drunk, thrown or uncapped.

Potion of binding: Attaches equipment to a person permanently, and also makes the duration any active effects last three times as long.
*It increases the duration of buffs, and can be thrown on enemies, for example throw it on an archer and run up to them and they can't switch to melee. Only effects that destroy the weapon, or a rare solvent that does damage to you and has toxic fumes can release you*

Potion of the wrathful castigation: When drunk or thrown a genie appears and strikes the nearest person/drinker for nonlethal damage. Genie does not use spells unless threatened. When the subject is punished enough the genie leaves.

Potion of gold: turns whatever is dipped in it into gold. For about five minutes. Shopkeepers get annoyed by this and gold equipment is heavy and unweildy. Useful for throwing onto metal bearing enemies.

Potion of light: when mixed glows for an hour. Can be placed in a lanturn, shattered for a glowing pool or drunk. If drunk the drinker takes damage.

Potion of undeath: Drinker dies and becomes a random undead. Can continue play if not mindless.

Solvent potion: Releases sticky bonds, does damage if splashed or applied to skin and has noxious fumes that make one dizzy. Kills asthmatics if they inhale to much too quickly.

2009-03-22, 04:33 PM
A really silly one...

Potion of POWERTHIRST! - For people who need gratuitous amounts of energy. Comes in five different flavours - Shockolate, chocolate energy, like adding chocolate to an electrical storm. Or if you want strawberry, how about RAWBERRY! Other flavours include Manana, Fizzbitch, and... GUN! It has the effect of MENERGY - giving men energy! And causing them to make puns - but these are no ordinary puns. TURBOPUNS. It also grants the drinker ENERGY LEGS, with which you can kick Mother Nature in the face when she's like sloooooooooowww dooooowwwwwnnn. Causes the drinker to be just running all the time. Causes them to be power running, power lifting, power sweeping, power dating, power eating, power laughing, power spawning babies. They'll have FOUR HUNDRED BABIES. If these babies are given Shockolate, they'll be good at sports and will run abnormally fast before being mistaken for Kenyans and being deported to Kenya. Other side effects include GLOWING SWEAT, meaning the drinker can use their sweaty body to fuel sweet rave parties! They'll feel like a fighter jet made of biceps! It will also quench thirst - they'll be too energetic for normal sports, and will invent new sports such as bear blasting and hump catting to compensate. It comes with preposterous amounts of testosterone - preposterone! Drinkers may also be flown into the air by bears with rocket thrusters for legs. Drinking POWERTHIRST! means that the drinker will win at everything forever - running, football, arson, weddings and art! Even irony! It'll make them AAAH sports! AAAH!

However, if the drinker's god then gives them lemons, they will be forced to find a new god.
They will also need to pay support money for every one of their four hundred babies.
They may also have seizures, or be reduced to frothing maniacs incapable of coherent thought.
Or maybe even shout at least one clause per sentence.

Powerthirst! It's like crystal meth in a can! It's crystal meth in a can! Powerthirst is crystal meth. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRuNxHqwazs&feature=related)

2009-03-22, 05:04 PM
Alchoholic Potion of Invisible Sight-Do extra damage to and see invisible creatures. Meanwhile, visible creatures become blurry, and you don't do as much damage to them.

Surfing HalfOrc
2009-03-22, 07:23 PM
Potion of Hallucination: Think any random hallucination.

Potion of Programmed Hallucination: Instead of a bizarre hallucination, the imbiber finds himself walking through a cave where he battles a dragon, wins, and falls asleep on top of the treasure. Then the real dragon returns, wanting to know why some random adventurer is sleeping Goldilocks style on his treasure...

Potion of Andros: User becomes sexually aroused, and must find relief. In a Drow city.

Potion of clear vision. Any character who wears glasses of any sort, now has a pair of glasses with gems of true seeing.

2009-03-22, 08:58 PM
Here's the potions that are going in so far, to give you guys an idea for what I'm looking for:

Potion of Superman- Might change the name, though.
Potion of Frenzy-Changed to simply gain strength and totally halt spellcasting
Potion of Midas- Next enemy touched turns into gold equivalent to level ^ 2.5
Potion of DragonBreath-as is
Potion of Disease- as is
Potion of Clear abandon- Heh, will be fun designing secret areas that force you to use it in a hostile environment to find them
Potion of Addiction- Has a high beneficial effect when not under withdrawal
Potion of Mixing- Awesome idea, might drop it, though, if it's too annoying to code
Potion of Warmth-as is (I'm interpreting the downside suggested as "if used in a non-cold envirnoment, it causes damage")
Divine Potion-Basically, if hp is negative after effect ends, you die.
Potion of Vampirism- Because any game that uses vampires ends up awesome ;) I'm a lousy artist, so I'll prolly just add fangs, though, lol.
**Fresh blood- may be used because of this.
Potion of light-increases the lighted area in caves/dungeons.
Potion of Binding-Effectively curses an item, but makes it more powerful? Will need to work on this. Might rename.
Potion of Hallucination- Changing to Potion of normality. Like I said, the game is very weird, this will effectively be an anti-hallucinagen for certain bizarre areas.

And One I've thought of in the meantime- Potion of flexibility- rearrange all stats.

2009-03-23, 11:58 AM
Came up with some, happy if it helped, understands if it didn't.

Potion of Blindness - The drinker can't see, but his hearing increases.
Potion of Illness - The drinker starts throwing up.
Potion of Random Potion - This potion can be any of all the potions in the game, but as long as you don't drink it it's none of them. That don't make much sense, I know, but you get the idea?
Potion of forgetfulness - The drinker forgets something (you decide how powerful it is.)
Potion of Aging - The drinker ages (Once again: You decide how powerful it is.)
Potion of youth - Duh.

2009-03-23, 12:15 PM
A really silly one...

Potion of POWERTHIRST! - For people who need gratuitous amounts of energy. Comes in five different flavours - Shockolate, chocolate energy, like adding chocolate to an electrical storm. Or if you want strawberry, how about RAWBERRY! Other flavours include Manana, Fizzbitch, and... GUN! It has the effect of MENERGY - giving men energy! And causing them to make puns - but these are no ordinary puns. TURBOPUNS. It also grants the drinker ENERGY LEGS, with which you can kick Mother Nature in the face when she's like sloooooooooowww dooooowwwwwnnn. Causes the drinker to be just running all the time. Causes them to be power running, power lifting, power sweeping, power dating, power eating, power laughing, power spawning babies. They'll have FOUR HUNDRED BABIES. If these babies are given Shockolate, they'll be good at sports and will run abnormally fast before being mistaken for Kenyans and being deported to Kenya. Other side effects include GLOWING SWEAT, meaning the drinker can use their sweaty body to fuel sweet rave parties! They'll feel like a fighter jet made of biceps! It will also quench thirst - they'll be too energetic for normal sports, and will invent new sports such as bear blasting and hump catting to compensate. It comes with preposterous amounts of testosterone - preposterone! Drinkers may also be flown into the air by bears with rocket thrusters for legs. Drinking POWERTHIRST! means that the drinker will win at everything forever - running, football, arson, weddings and art! Even irony! It'll make them AAAH sports! AAAH!

However, if the drinker's god then gives them lemons, they will be forced to find a new god.
They will also need to pay support money for every one of their four hundred babies.
They may also have seizures, or be reduced to frothing maniacs incapable of coherent thought.
Or maybe even shout at least one clause per sentence.

Powerthirst! It's like crystal meth in a can! It's crystal meth in a can! Powerthirst is crystal meth. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRuNxHqwazs&feature=related)

Brawndo would be good too.

Its got electrolytes!

Int drain would be a fine primary effect.

2009-03-23, 01:35 PM
OOo. I have a few more;

Potion of fire: Fireball when thrown or lit, or jostled by a spell or hard knock. Hazardous to drink without a dragon's breath potion, but with a dragon's breath potion the effects will increase.

Potion of pulchritude: Increases charismatic, appearance and dexterity/speed by a huge amount as well as granting wings and powerful charismatic wrath, but the user faints after use and there is a chance to die. Having a romantic interest around eliminates the chance, but not the fainting. Shamelessly stolen from MS paint adventures.

Potion of visions: Mentor figure appears and explains the controls of the game as well as answering questions about the gameworld/where to find all these darn reagents. May be fairly annoying. Will continue to pop in for advice whenever you do something as long as the duration is around. Sometimes appears as a paperclip with eyes.:smalltongue: will attempt to give advice during combat and will get in your way whenever you actually attempt to do anything until the potion wears off.

Potion of dedication: Along with a holy ritual this potion is needed to dedicate an altar to your deity. Also used with an arcane ritual to make a magic circle. Hazardous to drink.

Potion of preservation: preserves bodies from rotting, makes living creatures sick and poisons living creatures stupid enough to drink. Heals undead if splashed or drunk.

Holy mosseltoff: potion of fire that deals holy damage. Has been blessed by patron deity. Deals extra damage to nonbelievers in said deity.