View Full Version : The Watching Greenhilts. Maybe Spoilers?

2009-03-24, 01:08 AM
So everyone is talking about the alignment implications of Familicide to probably ask this, but where is Roy now?
I mean we haven't seen Roy since Celia was captured, but he's either there or back outside Celestia watching Spliced V do hir thing.

Or at least Eugene is, since he was watching the girls the week they were in Old Blind Pete's basement and seeing Roy's body be turned into bone golem. I do wonder what Eugene's reaction will be, along with Roy's though of seeing how far V has fallen.

Any other thoughts?

2009-03-24, 01:33 AM
Seeing as Haley is finally so close to recapturing Roy's body and resurrecting him, it seems logical to me that Roy would hang around Haley right now. As for Eugene scrying on the others and V... Well, possible I suppose, but there seems to be little dramatic value in Roy learning about Vaarsuvius and not being able to do anything about it. I mean, at most, he'll be able to just shrug and complain about having more trouble to deal with once he's back. It'll be so much more effective if Roy deals with V (if ever) AFTER he comes back to life.

2009-03-24, 01:35 AM
As I said in another thread, Roy is gonna be super pissed off with everyone, as any leader would be to see their comrades screwing everything up so badly. I'm not 100% sure but I think all of them are on different continents at this point, V and Belkar have switched alignments, Elan and Durkon aren't doing anything, Haley and Celia are doing nothing in a way that makes it look like they're doing something. Eugene is probably enjoying watching them all trip over themselves like children the second they don't have any leadership.

If Roy didn't have a blood oath I think he'd reconsider even coming back alive, I know I wouldn't be so quick to jump back into that you-know-what storm.

Regardless I'm looking forward to Roy's reaction, and I'm quickly losing hope in the Order getting back together to fight anytime soon.

Raging Gene Ray
2009-03-24, 01:50 AM
Eugene wouldn't waste his time watching V. He's too busy ogling Haley/Celia/ any attractive lady type while they're in various stages of nudity.

2009-03-24, 05:36 AM
True. My guess is he may be scrying Lenia (sp?) while she's in the shower on the boat. Or Daigo's wife.

I think Roy will find out soon enough that one of his party members just went apecrap insane. But right now he has to worry about getting rezz.

2009-03-24, 06:06 AM
The watching Greenhilts aren't omniscient--they have to scry one place at a time. So, why would they be watching V sitting around on an island reading books for days on end? Because that's all he was doing up until the point he "outed" Qarr! Chances are something more interesting is happening with the rest of the Order.

RMS Oceanic
2009-03-24, 06:25 AM
Point of order: Belkar has pretended to switch alignment.

And as I've said on other occasions, Roy is the glue that holds the Order together. Without his guidance, they've drifted apart. That's what I've seen as a recurring thing since #485, that they're helpless without Roy. He may be pissed with some of their decisions, but I still think he considers them his companions, and hopefully he'll be able to reunite the order and deal with the issues they've been struggling with.

2009-03-24, 07:09 AM
So everyone is talking about the alignment implications of Familicide to probably ask this, but where is Roy now?
I mean we haven't seen Roy since Celia was captured, but he's either there or back outside Celestia watching Spliced V do hir thing.

Or at least Eugene is, since he was watching the girls the week they were in Old Blind Pete's basement and seeing Roy's body be turned into bone golem. I do wonder what Eugene's reaction will be, along with Roy's though of seeing how far V has fallen.

Any other thoughts?

Roy is actually 1/16 black dragon and must have been killed by this spell as awell!