View Full Version : Star Wars: Rise of the Sith

2009-03-26, 06:02 AM

The past several years have
been an era of relative peace
for the Galactic Federation.
Sith Lord Darth Caedus is a
distant memory and both the
Jedi and the Republic are
Jedi Grandmaster Luke Skywalker
along with his son Ben has gone
into a secret mission to discover
the origins of the darkness that
twisted Jacen Solo into a Sith.
The Solo family has also embarked
upon a long journey to discover
the past of the Millenium Falcon.
Along with their new foster daughter
they, too, have vanished in the
far reaches of the Galaxy.
But in the darkness between stars
forces long-asleep have awakened
and a new darkness is breeding.

The Unknown Regions, unnamed star system

The black-robed figure walked through the archway and into the vast chamber beyond. Larger than most naturally-occuring caverns at almost three miles wide and more than a mile tall, the chamber was also an almost perfect half-sphere. Its floor was literred with wide gaps, cracks and ravines whose depths vanished into the planet's depths so the robed man called upon the Force to enhance his speed and strength enough to propel him over the obstacles. In but a minute, he was standing at the center of the room-or as close to it as possible. The cracks met here, forming a fissure hundreds of feet wide and immeasurably deep. Over it, in defiance to nature's laws hung clusters of rocks suspended upon nothing at all, forming a spiral that led almost to the ceiling of the chamber.
The man scowled. The Force could be used to bend reality to one's whim and he did so himself now as he levitated upwards. But the lifting of that much mass was beyond his abilities. The holding of it suspended for long had once been beyond what he thought possible. Why could some bend the world to such extend while others could not? Try as he might, he would never acheive such power while others were born with it, undeserving.
Sighing, he stilled his thoughts as he ascended the final rocky platform, a roughly circular disc a hundred meters wide. At the center, a small figure stood suspended, hovering a meter over the ground. Even so, the robed man barely had to look up to it; the figure was small or he was large. He could never tell. Kneeling before it, he spoke;

"You asked for me, Kala?"
"No." the smaller figure stated. "I would have, Jeriah, had you not foreseen my desire."
The man whose name was but really wasn't Jeriah sighed again. "Is it time for the testing then?"
The other robed figure, its robe a deep crimson, almost black, stared at him. "You know it is. You have known since before you came here and could have woken the children ten minutes ago." The hovering figure paused, stared down at the floating spiral of rocks and the abyss they spanned and groaned. "You didn't have to interrupt my meditations, if you knew what to do. Asking permission is a bad habit you would do well to break."
"If you insist." Jeriah said and turned to leave. His master though was not done.
"There is no why." the floating figure stated.
"You are searching for a why in the universe and the Force. Don't. Chaos has always been part of the Cosmos and will always be. That is why the jedi are doomed to failure. That is why those seeking to bring order to the Galaxy have never succeeded."
"Then master," Jeriah asked though he'd foreseen the answer "what are we doing here?"
"Living. Life is passion, the rule of the strongest. Those with power conform to no law... even the laws of genetics and probability. I, for example, was born with little ability to see the future though with power enough to alter it if I saw how. Thus I found where such ability resided and took it for my own."
"Master?" That Jeriah had not expected.
"You have Farseeing talents, Jeriah. But for whom do you use them? Me. If you do as I do, you'll one day find the ability you lack and through deception, strength of arms or persuasion-which are all types of power-you will come to posess what you desire."

As Jeriah left the vast chamber behind and delved into an underground complex of much smaller cubic chambers where the students and lesser instructors were housed, trained and prepared, he considered his master's words.
The corridor, a simple path carved out of the rock around him, spiraled slowly downwards, openings leading to training chambers, sparring grounds, libraries, dining rooms, rest areas and dormitories always to his right as he descended. The instructors housed therein were students of his or his master's or his old rival Saber's. To Jeriah's knowledge, they had never left this place since the academy was built and they'd all become faceless things, always hiding behind their black cowls and doing the master's bidding. Few were strong of character enough to retain their individuality in the face of a great sith lord. Jeriah had been one of the few. The facelessness served the academy; enemies could not strike at what they could not see, fight what they did not know. The students released to the world every few years would know little of the academy and remember even less. Taken from various planets and secreted unknowingly into the remoteness of the academy, the sith-in-training spent anywhere from a year to a decade preparing within before being sent unto the Galaxy to do as they willed-or so they would believe.
The newer bunch was one of the best; many of them had spent only a year before deemed ready. But they still had to be tested. Thus Jeriah descended to the deeper parts of the academy's spiral complex, almost three miles below the great chamber, to awaken the new students for their testing.

Sending a mental call through the force to all of them, he summoned them from the simple dormitories below to his location; a storage and preparation chamber where they'd spend the last few minutes of their old life before becoming sith... or dying.

Can you please describe your characters as you post? Everyone is supposed to know everyone else but it would be best the descriptions were here as well.

2009-03-26, 10:07 AM
As Bannis hears the telepathic call he leaves his trance and goes to the refresher for a quick shower. He then trims his black goatee and washes his pale face. He straps a concealed holster around his chest with the blaster itself hidden in the small of his back before donning the traditional black jedi robes favoured by so many others at the academy. He secures two grenades inside the robes and then straps a holster onto his right hip holding his modified DL-44 blaster. After a cursory examination of his utility belt he fastens it about him and then puts on supple black boots and gloves before finally throwing a similarly black cloak around his shoulders. He picks up his training lightsaber and clips it onto his left hip and then adjusts his clothes in the mirror until satisfied with his appearance.

Bannis then exits his dormitory and looks to the other doors in his hall to see who else will be attending today's lessons with him.

2009-03-29, 11:14 AM
Vikter Kathelm sat cross-legged on the floor of his chamber, eyes closed in concentration. His only possessions lay before him in a neat pile. The simple, dark robes he had worn for so long were folded in a small square; on top of it, a small side-bag, containing rations for a few days, a medpac, a datapad and comlink, and a hold-out blaster in its' holster, which he didn't always wear. Next to this pile, was his rifle, with the stock retracted. His lightsaber was at his right side.
In meditation, he was trying to strengthen his farseeing ability. It had been 5 years since he had completed his first test, and been brought to this mysterious academy. As he extended his senses and glimpsed far off places, longing for the time he would be sent out into the galaxy to serve, he lost his vision as he heard his master's call.
Standing 1.7 m (about 5'6"), he is easy to miss in a crowd, and he likes it that way. Having gone about his lessons at odd times whenever possible, some of the other apprentices still knew nothing about him, not even a name.
Setting his bag and rifle and his cot, put on his robes, readjusted his belt and lightsaber, pulled his chin length dark hair behind his head, tucking the loose strands behind his ears as he pulled his hood low over his face, setting off at a brisk pace, he soon entered the storage chamber, looking around taking note of the inventory, before kneeling before his lord.

"What is thy bidding, my master?"

I never did anything with the credits, I figured if we've been at the academy all this time, we haven't needed any, so you could dispense them or something. let me know.
Also, sorry it took so long to post. The site was down for a bit there.

2009-03-31, 01:00 PM
Ecthellion woke up from his bed and used the refresher for a quick five minute shower. He went about the rest of his normal routine fairly fast which culminated in him making sure he wasn't growing any damn stubble. Satisfied he put on his robes which had been stained from the "training" battle against prisoners. Waste of time and resources would be a better way to describe his easy slaughtering of his training targets, but the blood never did come out. He checked to make sure his two training sabers were clipped to his belt, and checked his pocket to make sure his real ones were there. Just in case, but in a year he hadn't had to use them yet.

Finally with everything done and ready he left the small room and went into the chamber and found someone already bowing before the master. He had been doing primarily solo training up to his point and wasn't familiar with any of the other trainees. None the less he bowed before his master. He didn't say some cheesy line like it came out of a bad holonet movie though, but also went down on his knees and waited bowed in silence.

2009-03-31, 01:05 PM
It is time. That was the thought that ripped through Zyon's head as the mental call came. The painfully thin Sith lifted his head, crimson eyes sliding slowly open. Wrapped in the black robes that had been given to him upon his 'induction' into the Sith Order, it concealed the gaunt, skeletal figure that lay beneath, making him seem little more than a shadow.

One hand swept back to brush the shock of white hair back from his face, then caught hold of the hood hanging low along his back before drawing it up over his face, concealing his face within the shadows of the hood - leaving naught but the slightly sinister glow of his eyes visible.

The low-powered 'saber was attached to his hip on the belt around his waist, the only thing that gave the body beneath the robe any sort of definition. He cast one final look about his room, then turned and promptly left the small room. Outside the door, he let the Force flow around him - he had never walked the halls where the others could see him, to avoid possible confrontations due to his frail appearance. So he let bent the Force to his will, cloaking him from sight as he made his way to the summons.

Once there, he simply let the Cloak fall away, only half-bowing his body at the waist in Jeriah's direction. Remaining silent, waiting for instruction.

2009-04-01, 12:00 AM
Rowan felt the call through the force and made no response in turn, simply rising and going where expected. His brown traveling robes, distinctly un-Sith-like, flowed silently behind him. He gave the passageway the same studious examination as he walked that he had many times before. When he walked into the room, he stood and waited patiently.

Mushroom Ninja
2009-04-01, 07:42 AM
Hearing the call, Kat'erna bolted awake, looked around, and then laughed aloud at the surprise she had just received. She stretched quickly and ran a hand through her short, brown hair. Feeling around in the dark for some sort of robe, she rose from her cot. Once fully dressed, she left her room and glanced about.

2009-04-01, 07:51 AM
Bannis follows the rest of the students to the storage chamber; upon entering he looks around then walks up to Jeriah and kneels.

2009-04-01, 09:57 AM
Seeing some of the pupils arrive, Master Jeriah focuses for a moment then nods.
The others will be arriving shortly. He says in a sibilant whisper. You've all heard rumors of how his quest for future sight was successful but cost him a great deal in return-his voice included-and now that you see him up close you don't know what to believe.
We should make yourselves comfortable while we all wait.
And with a gesture behind him, a roaring red-black blaze comes to life and shapes itself into a throne floating a meter above the floor. The sith master levitates and sits upon it, seemingly caring not about the flames that half-engulf his robes. And worst of all, you don't know wether you're supposed to somehow follow his example with your own display of control over the Force.

From your descriptions not all of you are in the 'storage' room yet. But wether you are or not, you should react to Jeriah's actions in your next post (seeing the burning throne created or seeing it upon entering the chamber). A sith master's suggestions are, after all, more like commands.

2009-04-01, 11:48 AM
Bannis casually reach out with his hand and rips off a three foot square portion of the wall. It flies toward him spinning like a shuriken, then stops at his feet. After walking onto it the sheet rises a meter as Bannis sits in the Lotus Position.

Standard Action: Move Object
Use the Forced20+16 I'm aiming for a medium object sized chunk (p 151 says that would be a desk, so is 3x3' fine?)
Move Action: Sit on the object.

Clarification: By a 'portion of the wall' I mean 3x3x1, with the 1 being the max, most likely. I'm assuming the walls aren't solid metal or whatever, but built with supports and then covered in a drywall, durasteel plates, or something.

2009-04-01, 11:56 AM

OOC: The DC is 15, my mod is 16, and I need to got to school, so this'll be my last post for a few hours even if it doesn't work.

2009-04-01, 02:32 PM
Zyon slid his arms over his stomach, fingers resting on the opposing elbows. Instead of some cheap display over the Force that his fellows choose, instead, the young man merely tossed his head back, letting the hood fall from his face to reveal his childlike visage.

The flames of Jeriah's 'throne' dance within his sanguine eyes, darkening the color to almost black. He speaks, his voice low and strong, belying the weak frame that it inhabits. "Are we to be impressed with your throne?" A slight touch of sarcasm touched his voice, tinging it into an almost mocking tone. His eyes drifted over to Bannis' display, a sneer crossing his lips before he returned his gaze to Jeriah's display, his face once more devoid of emotion as he stared at the Sith Master.

2009-04-01, 06:25 PM
Always having trouble throwing the shackles of the Jedi training off Ecthellion could not help but feel a mix of amusement that someone that old was so childish about a throne and wanting to sit on a blazing throne himself. He finally stood and looked up and at his master and the others now arriving. He preferred simple hood less robes that were more form fitting than the long traditional Jedi and Sith robes. Similar to that of a Padawans, but black in colour and with a few pockets sown in. It didn't pay to be extravagant and flashy just for the sake of it, but it did pay to be prepared.

2009-04-01, 08:18 PM
Bannis tries to get hold of the wall and rip a piece off it but no matter how hard he tries he cannot; the wall seems to slip through his grasp of the Force again and again. The more effort he puts into it, the easier the wall seems to slip away.

Nothing is impossible with the Force. Jeriah says. That, however does not mean strength alone in it is enough. You also need the correct tools. And tools all too often come in the form of information.
Jumping off his burning throne, the tall but slim sith master nods at Zyon.
No. Understanding it will have to suffice, for now.
Pointing with a wide wave of his hand at all of you Jeriah assumes the same mocking tone Zyon did only moments before.
Does any one of you care to sit on it as I did?
And removing a thin but long metal rod from the folds of his robe he waves it at you so you can examine it for a moment. The dull grey metal, so much like lead in appearance but so very different in substance, is recognisable to anyone familiar with lightsaber technology; the rod is made of cortosis, one of the hardest materials in the Galaxy, a metal all but impervious to heat, radiation and pure energy. Once you have looked at it long enough to recognise, the sith master thrusts one end of the rod into the fire... and with a loud hiss, the metal instantly melts then is vaporized into a foul smoke.

2009-04-01, 09:24 PM
Bannis stares at the chair intently, reaching out slowly with the Force and probing at it carefully.

Use the Force Check:[roll0]
Perception Check: [roll1]

If that doesn't reveal anything useful Bannis uses the Force to Search His Feelings in the following order at six seconds for each one.

Sitting on the chair after casting Force Shield.
Sitting on the chair with Rebuke as a readied action.

2009-04-01, 09:40 PM
Rowan, interested in empirical observation and calculated use of power, even with the Force, opted to watch rather than act in accordance with his fellow students. After seeing the rod melt and the wall resist, he was glad he chose to do so.

To Jeriah, he queried. "You know some protectioin that shields you from the fire? Or perhaps the fire won't harm a force sensitive? It seems cler that we lack the requisite power or information to be able to act, master, in which case our wisest course it observe this obstacle so that through knowledge we may thwart it."

Content with his question, he watched the outcome of Bannis' effort.

2009-04-01, 11:09 PM
Standing, Vikter stepped back as the others arrived. His face remained passive through the display. It's not that he wasn't impressed, just more curious. Curious as to the intent. He leaned against a nearby shelf, appraising Jeriah, trying to notice anything out of place on him, or in the force, that would have allowed him come out of it unscathed.

perception check [roll0]

With whatever he notices, he then turns, to watch Bannis's attempt to tame the fire. Thinking to himself, Well, this should be informative...

2009-04-01, 11:12 PM
hmmm... maybe because I previewed post it didn't show up? I don't know, sorry. here's that perception check... [roll0] now maybe?

2009-04-02, 03:55 AM
Zyon stared at the scene unfolding before him for several long seconds, his face impassive before his eyes fixed firmly to the flaming throne. A sardonic exhalation of air escaped through his nostrils. He studied it in silence for several long moments, turning his gaze onto Jeriah for a moment before looking back to the throne.

[roll0] to notice anything special Jeriah may or may not have done in regards to the throne.

2009-04-02, 06:13 PM
Curious, most curious. The flames were imbued with the force somehow, and now Ecthellion wondered how it would hold up to Mandalorian Iron. Unfortunately that was far to rare to test on something that would potentially waste it. Finally he decided to reach out through the force and see if he could get an answer, he let the force flow through him guiding him. If that didn't work there was always handy perception to fall back on.

Use the Force [roll0] Perception [roll1]

2009-04-02, 06:23 PM
Jeriah's mental presence betrays-or transmits on purpose, more like-amusement. The sith master seems to be waiting for every student to react to his display of the Dark Side before commenting on your actions.

Mushroom Ninja
2009-04-03, 03:40 PM
Kat'erna follows the others into the room and smiles excitedly as the metal is vaporized. She studies the flames intently, and then looks up at Jeriah and asks, "When will you teach us that?"

2009-04-04, 03:57 AM
Jeriah sighs.
Whatever else you may be, you are force-users. And the greatest advantage the Force gives you is not enhanced skill with a lightsaber, the ability to manipulate matter or the power to destroy your enemies with a gesture. Unless you are masters of immense ability, these are paltry tricks compared to the advantage of knowing the battlefield, your opponents and yourselves.
The sith master gestures and the throne vanishes followed by the walls around you. The small storage room is at least three times as large as you thought. Rows upon rows of weapons, gadgets, armor, explosives and other devices of all kinds are spread over the part of the room that was cloaked from you before.
True Illusion, the Force talent I employed here, is a Falanassi tool in this time and day. By combining illusions with the ability to move objects one can create phantoms that do affect the material world, if the minds of any watchers are weak enough. The technique is a great deal older than this brotherhood of illusionists though; it was developed by the ancient Sith Lord Addendu, a powerful sorceror of older times.
Pointing at the great piles of weapons and tools, master Jeriah nods at you.
Here and now begins your training. Parts of it have already begun and I have to say I'm disappointed; less than half of you employed the Force to examine what I was showing you and none of you did so to survey your surroundings. In the years to come you'll meet illusions, holograms, projections, disguises and other means through which opponents may deceive you. Anything you see may be false or distorted. Therefore you must use the Force to reveal things as they really are as often as possible. That is also true of your training;
The weapons, armor and items in this place are yours for the taking-to a point. You will be using them in the testing but the more you take, the lower your score will be. You will feel it when one of you has taken too many to pass if you concentrate. So take your pick, find and open the hidden doorway to the labyrinth in this room and see if you can survive long enough to be true sith.
The sith master steps on towards the chamber's entrance. As he is about to leave, he turns towards you and you have the distinct impression he's mocking you;
The rules of the testing are simple enough; survive to the top of the labyrinth, find one working true lightsaber and bring it to me. If you do, you'll have proven your strength, intelligence and willingness to be true sith.

Your pick of any unmodified, unrestricted (not requiring license) items one could find with two limitations;
1) There's only one copy of each item so if more than one of you wants it things should become... interesting.
2) You can pick up to twice the wealth limit for 6th lvl characters before being disqualified.
3) The more items you pick, the lower your score in the test and your XP awards. The reverse is also true, the highest score and XP given to those who take no items at all except for their practice lightsabers

Now for the testing;
1) You must find and open the entrance to the "labyrinth".
2) As Jeriah said, ALWAYS check stuff out with the Force before proceeding.
3) There's a single real, working lightsaber in the labyrinth. Your goal is to find it and bring it to Jeriah.

2009-04-04, 08:52 AM
After Jeriah leaves Bannis looks pensively at the thermal detonator(s) on the table for a few moments before looking around the room, then concentrating on a spot.

Bannis is looking for two things:
The most "normal" spot: The spot that seems to be trying too hard to remain undetected.
The most obvious spot.

After locating these spots, he'll reach out with the Force and try to feel for an illusion.

Perception: [roll0]
Use the Force [roll1]

Perception: [roll2]
Use the Force [roll3]

Bannis is also looking up and down for any trapdoors/hatches.

If Bannis fails to locate the entrance to the labyrinth in the previous manner then he will attempt to feel out with the Force in all directions as a full round action searching first for something out of place, then a systematic sweep of the area with the Force.

Use the Force [roll4]

2009-04-04, 02:12 PM
Ecthellion had a hunch the immense room was more than it appeared. Now that he knew the rules of the game he could proceed, and he would not be the loser. Ecthellion took a long look around the room. To make sure he wasn't missing any secret doors, and finally he closed his eyes and began to meditate.

Use the force check to search around the room. Specifically concentrating on where his master's throne was. [roll0] Perception check to look around the room [roll1] If both of those fail then he will go into a full trance and use the force taking a twenty.

2009-04-04, 03:19 PM
Zyon pulled his hood up over his head once more, slowly looking about the room and stepping a bit apart from his fellow Sith. His eyes drifted through the room, sharply noting details, letting the Force guide his eyes to locate the entryway.


2009-04-05, 12:27 AM
Rowan copied the actions of each of his fellow Sith apprentices. First, he copied Bannis, paying particular attention to certain spots. Then he copied Etchellion and performed a broader, more thorough search.

Perception: [roll0]
Use the Force: [roll1]

If I find nothing, I take 20 on both.

2009-04-05, 01:58 AM
As Jeriah left, Vikter came forward, speaking to many of the others for the first time.
As important as finding this lightsaber must be, I'm much more worried about surviving. If no single one of us takes too many weapons, we can pool our talents, and have a much better chance of making it through this..

He looks at each of them in turn as he speaks, not exactly sure what to expect from the different people standing before him.

As the other students respond, he listens carefully to each, trying to gauge any hidden intent behind any of their words.
perception check [roll0]

Regardless of the others attitudes, he then looks around the room, taking everything in with his eyes, before closing them, and soaking in the feel of the room through the force, looking closely for any area strong in the dark side, as to a hint of which direction the labyrinth might be.

[spoiler] Looking for any raised tiles, different colored paint over walls, or anything else that may indicate a secret door (perception)
Sense force to look for strong areas of force energy nearby (use the force)

Mushroom Ninja
2009-04-05, 10:39 AM
Kat'erna nods after hearing Vikter's suggestion and speaks: "That's a valid point. I see no reason in not working together. At least till we find the lightsaber," she adds with a smile.

Having spoken, Kat'erna closes her eyes, and reaches out in the force, seeking some form of hidden source in the room.
Use the force check: [roll0]

2009-04-07, 02:38 AM
Kat'erna, Ecthellion and Banis sense that one of the walls between the many stalls, cases and boxes isn't a wall but an empty space blocked by one of those "real" illusions. At almost the same time, Rowan notices the same but not with the Force; standing close to that piece of wall, his shadow falls on it all right. But despite the dark colors of his robes, there's no discoloration on the white of the wall at all. Rowan knows that all objects reflect light to an extent. Were he to wear red and get close to the wall, the white would take on a hint of red from that reflection in addition to the shadow Rowan would cast. Were he to wear blue, the reflected light would be blue. With black, the ambient light dims almost imperceptibly and the white of the wall should have dimmed as well. But it doesn't; the illusion must have been made to replicate shadows but not those almost imperceptible differences.

However the group, now armed and equipped with an assortment of items in addition to their training lightsabers, faces a different problem; the wall isn't just an illusion. It repels matter as if it were a physical obstacle due to being imbued with object-moving aspects of the Force but it doesn't interact with energy and thus it cannot be cut with blasters or lightsabers; they simply pass through. How can you enter the labyrinth then?

Mushroom Ninja
2009-04-07, 06:24 AM
Kat'erna looks at the wall thoughtfully for a moment and then smiles. "Are any of you good with explosives?" she asks.

2009-04-07, 08:30 AM
Bannis looks at the wall for a few moments before answering Kat'erna. "This is not a gauntlet meant to be solved through mundane means. We've already been given the information we need."

With that, Bannis walks up to the wall, then extends his senses out through the illusion to be sure there are no traps on the other side. After that is done he begins trying to unravel the Force Field.

Use the Force (Trapfinding) : [roll0]
Use the Force (Force Field) : [roll1]

If he doesn't get it in the first go, he'll try and Rebuke the Field.
Use the Force (Rebuke) [roll2]

Bannis also doesn't think he stands of chance of shutting down Jeriah's Force Field completely, so he's just digging for the slight imperfections in the wall for a foothold with the overall goal of trying to part it like a lead curtain and slip through.

2009-04-07, 09:28 AM
Ecthellion walked over to the wall amused at the simplicity. He had a small grin on his face, he had a vague feeling he knew what was going on, but he would play this game for now. The wall was clearly moveable through the force. If not he could try dispelling the illusion.

Use the Force, move object. [roll0] If that doesn't work a use the force to "dispel" the illusion from his mind to see what really blocks the path. [roll1]

2009-04-07, 03:25 PM
After seeing the others examining the wall, Vikter looks more closely at the area the others are staring at. Frustrated, he takes one more close look at the wall, with his eyes, before again, letting his senses flow out of his body, surrounding him, with his concentration on the area of the wall, and the space behind the wall.

perception check [roll0]

sense surroundings first off, use the force [roll1]
then sense force if that doesn't reveal anything, searching for a strong dark side presence. [roll2]

2009-04-07, 03:35 PM
Rowan thinks for a moment.

"One thing comes to mind immediately."

Rowan is going to take 10 on a Use the Force check (26) with Rebuke. He is basically going to try to blast it aside in the same way he would a Force power that was targeting him.

I'm also going to hit it with Force Lightning. Then I'm going to try Force Slam and Force Thrust.

After that, I'm using four full round actions (as per Force Focus) to regain use of them.

Ignore the use of a Force power if something works before I arrive to it.

2009-04-08, 06:46 PM
Zyon stands apart, watching the others in silence. It was ridiculous, this test; did they expect them to work together? Zyon cared little for these other Sith, but they would undoubtedly prove useful in foiling the traps that lay ahead. Resigning himself to working with fools with a sigh, the young human took a few steps toward the wall, crimson eyes fixed firmly upon it as he waited for their efforts to succeed or fail.

2009-04-08, 09:34 PM
OOC: Can we get a dedicated OOC thread set up somewhere where we can talk about the game? Preferably here the section labeled out of character section. http://www.giantitp.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=21

2009-04-10, 04:14 AM
Bannis projects his senses on the force field and beyond and immediately recognizes Jeriah's handiwork on the field; the "signature" he gets from that use of the Force is identical to the flaming throne before. But beyond the barrier, his senses are abruptly cut off. It feels as if there's nothing beyond, no trace of the Force at all-which is, of course, impossible. Concentrating further, he feels an immense shadow cloaking everything, a void similar to a sentinel's attempt at masking his use of the Force but far vaster in volume. Whatever manipulations of the Force lie beyond, Bannis cannot see.
Then Bannis attempts to unravel the field. Though he gives it his best attempt, the Force-flows that make up the field are too tightly knit for him to unravel-though the field does weaken for a moment.

Ecthelion attempts to move the field and though his attempt makes it vibrate for a second, trying to move it out of the way feels like trying to lift an entire cruiser. Trying to see through the illusion, he glimpses for a moment what blocks his path; nothing. The field is purely a construct of the Force that repels material things like a force blast or attempt at move object would-only continiously.

Vikter's senses do not tell him much more than Ecthelion discovered; the Force, manipulated by Jeriah, bars the group's way and a massive force-cloak blocks any attempt to sense uses of the Force beyond. However, as he intentionally seeks any dark-side presence, Vikter feels wave after wave of power radiating from somewhere beyond and above... far above.

Rowan eschews any attempts at subtlety and blasts the wall with the dark side. His attempt to unravel it, only an average effort to begin with, merely makes it flicker for an instant. His called force lightning passes through with no effect-the wall doesn't interact with it, probably because it has been created as a physical barrier. His slam and thrust, being physical attempts to move objects as well, do affect it-but no more than Ecthelion's attempt to move it out of the way.

Zyon considers the situation; it was clear that none of the attempts to unravel, destroy or move the barrier were nearly strong enough to have any considerable or lasting effects. Pitiful. Then again, Zyon recalls the old creed of the Sith, the one created by Darth Bane; two they should be, no more no less; one to embody power, the other to crave it. The reason behind it was simple enough; survival of the fittest, the most basic natural law. But then Zyon remembers what should happen if anyone violated the creed and took many apprentices; they would unite against the master... and destroy him. Maybe this test was not ridiculous then-but specifically constructed to display the destruction of an enemy stronger than oneself? Because, master or no, ANY sith with greater power than another would be that one's enemy. But while Zyon now understood the "what" of the test, he still could not grasp the "why"; Why would any test be designed to teach something against the creed of the Sith?

Breaking the barrier requires a higher check than you can possibly roll... individually. You either have to cooperate or think of something else.

2009-04-10, 05:20 AM
Frowning from his recent failure, Bannis watches Rowan's attempts to shred the field. After Rowan centers himself Bannis says to him, "I'll take this side of the entrance, you the other. Let's focus on weakening the field." Turning to Vikter and Ecthellion he says, "Give us a few moments to weaken it, then blast it with all your strength. It may not stay down for long, and there's no telling what's behind there so rush through once it falls." Looking to Ecthellion he says, "You take the left," and to Vikter, "You've got the right. Brom and I will follow behind you and take action as necessary. We can figure out what to do from there." Bannis glances back to Zyon and Kat'erna, "You can either help with battering the field down, or weakening it."

Belial, do you want us to make aid another checks, or should we roll individually?

2009-04-10, 11:59 AM
Roll individually. I'll take the highest roll and add 2 for every additional effort at the same time. Just in case, every one of you should try at least three powers on it.

2009-04-10, 12:22 PM
With a slow exhale Bannis stands on the left side of the field and digs deep within himself to connect with the Force. If the others are going along with his plan then Bannis will nod to Brom, then begin the process by placing his hand lightly over the wall and attempting to weaken it.

Rebuke. Spending a Force Point to increase roll.

Mushroom Ninja
2009-04-10, 12:25 PM
Kat'erna smiles saying, "Nothing like a little teamwork, right?" and then focuses herself intently on battering down the barrier before her.
Use the force check: [roll0]

2009-04-10, 12:31 PM
Rebuke. Spending a Force Point to increase roll.
Force Point [roll0]
Rebuke [roll0]

2009-04-10, 12:34 PM
:( This is getting ridiculous...

Rebuke. Spending a Force Point to increase roll.
Force Point [roll0]
Rebuke [roll1]

2009-04-10, 12:36 PM
Silently he attempts to not only allow the force to flow through him, but he reaches out and tries to aid the others in battering the field down if for but a moment. He has a readied action to run through the door the instant the field goes down.

Use the Force [roll0] Using a force point so add this roll to it [roll1]

2009-04-10, 12:54 PM
Vikter nods to Bannis. Despite the seemingly contradictory nature of this test, he wasn't at all surprised that they were expected to work together.

Vikter concentrates on the field, trying to feel every inch of the barrier, and then begins prying at it with his will.
Rebuke attempt- use the force [roll0]

2009-04-10, 09:32 PM
Zyon stares at the wall for several long moments before finally unfolding his arms from his chest, taking a few steps forward. His hands raise, palms outward as he lets the Force flow through him. An ecstatic expression crosses his face as he unleashes the Force, a low moan bordering on ecstasy escaping his lips.

Zyon will attempt to Rebuke the wall twice, followed by a Force Slam, taking ten on each check for a 26.

2009-04-10, 11:55 PM
To sustain his attempt, after every one else has begun pushing in their own way, he follows with another rebuke, continuing to try to take it apart piece by piece. Before regaining his breath from the efforts of the 2 rebuke attempts, he then attempts to use force grip on an area roughly the size of his own body. Trying to separate that single area from the rest of the barrier.

rebuke - use the force [roll0]
force grip - use the force [roll1]

He will use surge, to rush through as soon as the barrier is open, and will draw his lightsaber while running.

surge - use the force [roll2]

Mushroom Ninja
2009-04-11, 04:13 PM
Hearing Zyon, Kat'erna glances sidelong at him and raises an eyebrow.

2009-04-11, 06:21 PM
With a massive collective effort, you finally manage to break down the barrier. Both the physical force repelling you and the illusion of a wall vanish in a small maelstrom of the Force, revealing a rapidly ascending spiral pathway beyond, just tall enough for a wookie to walk without bumping his head and wide enough for three individuals to walk abreast. Other than that, the tunnel is utterly featureless, a near-perfect tunnel through the grey stone, and as dark as deep space after only a few feet.

The highest roll you got was 32+6 for force point for a total of 38. 4 additional simultaneous efforts bring that up to 46. So assuming the barrier's creator used a trance to get a 20 and didn't use a force point, he has a +26 UTF or lower... which isn't as sure a thing as you may believe.

2009-04-11, 10:39 PM
Zyon slowly draws himself out of the trance of channeling the Force, letting his eyes open slowly. His hands disappear back into the sleeves of his robes and he steps forward, walking steadily into the opening. He pauses at the edge of the darkness as it becomes too deep to see through.

"Let's get this over with, then," he says in his quiet, emotionless voice. "Draw your sabers so we have some light so we're not stumbling over each other."

2009-04-12, 12:57 AM
As he had planned with the others Bannis rushes in behind Ecthellion with saber drawn and looks about cautiously. With no dangers in sight he reaches out with the Force and attempts to again pierce the darkness now that he has passed the threshold.

Perception as he rushes in. [roll0]
Use the Force[roll1]
Perception with Use the Force.[roll2]

2009-04-12, 01:30 AM
Seeing the wall give, not just falter for an instant, Vikter stands back while the others enter. Coming in behind the others, saber still in hand, he keeps his hand on a wall taking just a few steps in, deciding this time to trust his sense through the force before using his eyes, he closes his eyes, and lets his force sense sweep out around him.

use the force [roll0]

Trying to already have some image in his head of what he would be looking, he opens his eyes, taking in what he can through the glow of their lightsabers.

perception [roll1]

He looks to the others, waiting for them to continue down the hall. Forward then? (unless they see through the force, a different option)

2009-04-12, 06:31 AM
Rowan nods in agreement. "Yes. Forward. This seems the wise and obvious course."

He hadn't participated, wanting to see if the others could make do without him. Knowledge of Force Focus replenishment or no, he preferred to be the observer; not tampering with the outcomes was part of that. Not until he had to, at any rate.

He ignited his training lightsaber, going forward into the dark with it.

"I would like to volunteer to be at the fore with Ecthelion."

He turned to Ecthelion. "If you don't mind being volunteered, you look like you're more skilled with a blade than myself, and having someone good at martial combat in the confines of a stairwell sound desirable."

2009-04-12, 09:14 PM
Just a simple reply escapes the mans mouth "Sure".

Ecthellion lets out a small chuckle after he replies, he was mindful of always keeping one eye on the lookout behind him. There were some crafty people here. After his brief pause he steps forward with his training lightsaber ignited. With the glow from all of the lighsabers he tries to make something out through the limited light.

Perception [roll0]

Mushroom Ninja
2009-04-12, 11:06 PM
Kat'erna follows the others in, weapon drawn, scanning the area for strange force auras.

Use the Force [roll0]

2009-04-13, 04:08 AM
As you walk further and further into the gloom you realise something strange is going on in that place; the subtle dark-side aura that suffuses the entire school thanks to the dozens of sith living in one place for years is not present. In fact, you can sense no force presence at all around you, not even that of younger apprentices practicing in the training rooms below, not even that of your own use of the Force. Something strange is going on here... and as you advance further, you can hear steps further into the path; someone else is there up ahead.

2009-04-13, 02:14 PM
Bannis halts at the sound of the footsteps and glances about to check that everyone else in the group has heard them as well. If they don't appear to, he taps his ear, then points down the corridor.

Perception: Trying to determine how far away the steps are, and if they are coming toward him or going away from him. [roll0]

Use the Force: Trying to move a small piece of debris on the floor or something. He's just checking to see if the area has weakened his command on the Force, or if it's only dulled his senses. If no debris, he attempts to open a flap on his utility belt. [roll1]

Belial: Are we still going up the spiral staircase, and if so, which direction is it turning?

Everyone else: What's our marching order?
Heading up the stairs
Down the stairs

I would be D or F, I think, whichever one would allow him to fight best with his right hand while going up.

2009-04-13, 03:03 PM
Ecthellion steps forward to the front of the group. His lightsaber drawn, and he had a small itching feeling in the back of his head they were up against a manifestation of the force. Reaching out with his feelings he was trying to sense if the being was a force user. He would let his teammates inform him of anything. He was ready to attack the first hostile to come in view. His stance showed this as he had his lightsaber held in a quick to strike position.

In a whisper barely audible even to himself Ecthellion speaks up "I'll be up front, but if you see or hear anything let me know."

I have a readied action to attack if we are attacked. Use the Force to sense other force users [roll0]

2009-04-14, 07:56 PM
Bannis and Ecthellion can't sense any manifestations of the Force up ahead but they do hear that the light steps have stopped no more than sixty feet ahead. If they have judged the echoes in the clockwise-spiralling ascent correctly, there must be some sort of chamber before the group more or less where the sound came from.

Here's the link to the OOC thread. I'd opened the thread but forgot to post the link before;

2009-04-15, 08:38 PM
Sitting around would solve nothing, and if the others would all falter now Ecthellion alone would go forward even if it was to be his doom. It was more likely the others were waiting for him though. Lightsaber at the ready Ecthellion climbed the stairs to the top.

2009-04-16, 02:00 PM
Zyon follows along behind the rest, letting them be the buffer between him and whatever lays up ahead. Hood pulled low, his crimson eyes darting to and fro as he watches for anything that may threaten him - or his safe buffer.

2009-04-16, 04:25 PM
Vikter, remaining silent, continues along with the rest. Stealth was pointless in this situation. He could back off of the group some, and try to sneak in after they were in, but he didn't want to risk getting cut off from them, or the path forward. No, there weren't too many options at this point. As he goes on, he does probe the area before him, again feeling for any dark side presence, feeling for his allies around him, just to check his senses, before pushing his sense forward.

use the force check [roll0]

2009-04-18, 09:36 PM
Bannis follows behind Ecthellion with his lightsaber at the ready while feeling out with the Force.

Use the Force: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]

Also, have we been walking long enough that our Force powers have recharged?

2009-04-19, 10:03 AM
As you ascend, you find yourselves in a roughly cylindrical chamber cut out of the same rock as the rest of the labyrinth, about thirty meters wide. Broken boulders litter the ground, scorch-marks and the bodies of dead sith acolytes in their black robes. A tiny figure of a woman sits in the center of the room, a lit purple lightsaber in her hand. Slight of build-tiny, really-and with long brown hair, she is wearing an orange-and-brown flight suit everyone in the galaxy recognises as that of the old Rogue Squadron. In her early forties, her face is marred with lines of worry beffiting a woman twice her age. As she sees you, she frowns and takes an advanced dueling stance.
More of you? How many I must dispose of to get out of this labyrinth? Ah, well. So be it. The Dark Side must be removed before its roots grow strong; I have learned that lesson through fire an pain.

Yes, your powers are recharged.

2009-04-19, 03:40 PM
(initiative i guess? [roll0])

Vikter shuts off his lightsaber, unsure how well she has noticed each of them, and takes a couple of steps back, crouching down just a slight bit. He's sure she noticed him standing there, but he's just waiting for an opportunity, a significant enough distraction for him to slip off to the site. As he does this, he feels the area out around himself in the force, seeking to feel what he can from her aura, does he feel dark side energy in her? Does she feel human, or more ghostly? Also, he is looking for any presence other than that of his group directly around him.

use the force [roll1]

If he doesn't feel any one else in the room, he slips off to the left of the side they came in, seeking to hide behind a boulder, if there is enough cover for him to move from behind his allies, to behind a boulder.

stealth [roll2]

He is also prepared to use clear mind, (roll 2x to avoid detection from other stealth user) if he feels her searching in the force.

If he gets behind the boulder, he will prepare a rebuke attempt, if she tries to use the force on him or his allies, or the boulder.

2009-04-19, 04:22 PM

Zyai takes a single look at the female and raises his hands, palms out. A quiet moan escapes his lips as he channels the Force, letting it flow through his body, fueled by anger and rage locked deep inside of him.

He strikes with the dark emotions, thrusting them outward in the form of arcing blue sparks of lightning aimed toward the female.

[roll1] vs the Jedi's Reflex defense.
[roll2] -1 Condition track; half damage on a miss.

2009-04-19, 05:41 PM
Bannis reaches out with the Force to try and detect any other threats hiding in the shadows. He also prepares to follow the next two people to charge in at the woman.

Initiative: 1d20+8

Swift Action: Use the Force to Sense surroundings
Standard Action: Perception.

Sense surroundings:
Use the Force [roll0]
Perception [roll1]

2009-04-21, 10:05 PM
Initiative [roll0]
Ecthellion sees his opponent and draws his training lightsaber and after a seconds pause ignites the blade. He keeps it ready in front of him in a roughly defense style, odd seeing as he is Sith. He can be seen concentrating for a moment and you begin to see the other training lightsaber on his side move.

Swift Action to draw weapon, and another to ignite it. Standard Action of use the force, Kinetic Combat. [roll1]

2009-04-23, 05:09 PM
Rowan does his best to burst into action.


Remembering what the Sith Master had said earlier about percieving his surroundings, he immediately took a closer look at things. The woman, the room, the boulders.

[roll1]Use the Force

(Provided you'll allow me to have action left after this, as I'm being as thorough as I can on short notice...)

Rowan also uses Force Lightning

[roll3], half damage if succeeds on save, -1 down condition track.

2009-04-25, 03:14 PM
Zyon strikes out at the woman with a small torrent of Sith lightning but she raises her left palm up and the bolts veer towards her fingers and are absorbed. Zyon senses the woman might have been powerful enough to turn his own power against him with her manipulation of the force-but must have chosen not to.

Ecthelion focuses on defence for a moment, despite being fast enough to draw second among his peers. One of his lightsabers begins to dance on its own accord but even so you recognise the patterns-the blade goes through maneuers similar to the one still held in Ecthelion's hands.

Kat'erna copies Zyon before her and blasts the woman with a similar torrent of Force Lightning. This time, she chooses a different defence; with lightning-fast reflexes she dodges the lightning and as the blue-white streaks veer to follow, she interposes her violet blade at the middle of the curve where the bolts are close together. The energy blade blocks every single one of them.

Bannis searches for other threats in the Force and finds nothing of the sort. Much more alarming are the two invisible barriers that have suddenly sprang up at the two exits in the chamber; one down the ascending spire just behind the group's last member, the other at the far exit behind the group's new adversary. It would seem someone-or something-wants this fight to be without retreat options.

Rowan focuses on his surroundings and realises the woman is hiding her presence in the Force-though not visually. From his surroundings he gets the impression of great danger from the boulders, though not exactly why.

Vikter shuts off his lightsaber and as silently as he can, he conceals himself behind the nearest boulder. His senses can tell nothing about the woman herself but when she uses the Force to absorb Zyon's force-lightning, he gets a reading of her power; she is channeling the Light Side and with significantly greater power than Vikter or the others in the group. But within that torrent of Light Side, there lies a tiny kernel of darkness...

The woman frowns at both Zyon and Kat'erna even as she begins to whirl her lightsaber through an advanced defencive stance that greatly enhances her ability to block incoming attacks. Then she begins to glow until a barely visible gleam forms an orb, a shield, around her.

2009-04-25, 03:48 PM
Zyai narrows his eyes as the lightning is absorbed, stretching his hand out toward one of the broken boulders. Letting the Force flow through him, the ecstatic feeling making his entire body shiver, he attempts to grasp the boulder and hurl it toward the Jedi.


2009-04-25, 03:50 PM
Move Object damage
[roll0]; half if her Reflex is higher than 33.

2009-04-26, 03:17 PM
Rowan alerts the group to his findings. "The boulders are dangerous; I can feel it in the Force! And this woman, she hides herself from us in the Force as well."

"Does anyone have an idea of what is around us and what we're up against?!"

Rowan thought frenziedly. Hmm. A woman alone in a place that radiates sickly of the dark side. A Jedi, if what we know is true. Could she have succumbed to corruption, once? Could there be a taint in her soul? If so...

Rowan attempts his most difficult Force power - Sever Force.

Use the Force

Spending a Force point to enhance it [roll1]

Sever Force [Light Side]

You can block another Force-user's access to the Force, preventing him from spending Force Points and making it difficult for him to use Force powers.
Time: Standard Action
Target:One Force-using creature with a Dark Side Score of 1 or higher that is within 12 squares and within line of sight.
Make a Use the Force check If your Use the Force check equals or exceeds the target's Will Defense, the effect (if any) is determined by your check result:
DC 25: The target cannot spend Force Points for a number of hours equal to it's Dark Side Score.
DC 30: As DC 25, plus the target moves -1 step along the condition track (see page 149) each time it uses a Force power in the same timeframe.
DC 35: As DC 30, except the target moves -2 steps along the condition track each time it uses a Force Power in the same timeframe.

Basically, I'm taking any darkness that may be inside this woman and destabilizing it to (Hopefully) get a DC 30 success and make her reluctant to Use the Force (which means no more rebuking Sith Lightning >:D)

2009-04-26, 03:21 PM
Ignore that last post. It turns out that Sever Force is one of the only powers that I DON'T have.

Rowan alerts the group to his findings. "The boulders are dangerous; I can feel it in the Force! And this woman, she hides herself from us in the Force as well."

"Does anyone have an idea of what is around us and what we're up against?!"

Rowan turns both of his mundane and Force senses on this woman full bore, examining her in fascination.

Use the Force [roll0]
Perception [roll1]

He studies her body, her movements, her stance, tries to feel how her mental state flickers when things happen to her and when she does things. He studies her with hopes of learning everything he possibly can.

Spending a Force point to enhance both rolls.


(Enhancing Use the Force and Perception respectively.)

That's all he'll do for this turn. Study.

2009-04-26, 08:58 PM
Another hunch, but for now Ecthellion held his ground. In preparation he continues to focus on holding the saber aloft. He moves the saber closer and hopefully past the woman in the tunnel, but he doesn't attack quite yet. He just sets his light saber up for a flanking attack.

Finally he reaches out through the force to sense anything about the woman. Perhaps there was more to this than just a simple fight.

Swift action to maintain kinetic combat, standard action to move saber into flanking position, and use the force to sense the woman (swift action). [roll0]

2009-04-28, 04:02 AM
Banns looks around the battlefield, noting the boulders, the woman's stance, and his allies, trying to come up with the most effective plan of attack. As he does so, he draws his heavy blaster.

Perception: [roll0]
Knowledge (tactics) [roll1]

Swift Action: glance about (Perception)
Standard Action: Plan
Move Action: Draw Pistol

2009-05-01, 08:15 PM
Is Belial here?

2009-05-07, 12:55 PM
Ignoring Rowan's warning-or perhaps because of it-Zyon swiftly picks up a boulder with the Force and hurls it against the woman. The woman tries to dodge but the boulder still strikes her in the shoulder with sufficient force to crack bone. What follows then is beyond what a mere hurled boulder could accomplish.

There is a huge flash of light and fire and the entire room shakes. The pain of the sudden attack is overwhelming and, when after a few moments you recover enough to see through the haze of pain, you find yourselves blasted to the corners of the room. Your clothes are charred and tongues of fire still flicker in the smoke-filled air. Where the woman once stood only a meter-deep crater remains.

The boulder was not a boulder but a powerful explosive. Thanking the Force that the explosive charge must have been focused inwards rather than outwards, you struggle to your feet, only moments later noticing the other boulders are now cracked, showing metal and blinking red lights under the surface...

Sorry for the delay but the forums wave been acting up and a couple of players both here and elsewhere in my games can no longer post. I have been considering what to do about that.

Combat Stuff:
8d6 damage at everyone. Roll 1d20+15 vs your reflex; if the roll fails you take half damage.

2009-05-08, 11:32 AM
At Rowan's warning Bannis snaps his attention to the boulder. A lance of imminent danger strikes at his very core and in response Bannis crosses his arms in front of him and his mind blanks as he reaches deeper into himself than ever before. A bubble of telekinetic energy appears around Bannis, redirecting any of the rocky fragments away from him while also absorbing the the heat. After the flames wash over him Bannis glances first at those around him, then looks to the two exits to see if the barriers fell with the woman.

Combat Rolls (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6080002&postcount=9)

Damage: 15 (Ref save failed)
Reaction: Force Shield with SR 25

Perception: [roll0] Will also be looking for any cracks in the wall or whatnot, as well as trying to estimate how long before the boulders blow.

Additionally, Bannis will be maintaining the Force Shield.

2009-05-09, 01:50 AM
Ecthellion checks to see if the fields have been let down. He was disappointed the fools had ended her life so rashly. There was always the opportunity to at least attempt to turn her to the dark side. The large blast had generally missed him, it was enough to get him to stagger backwards and get pelted by small debris, but he was otherwise fine. Just a few minor welts started to form on his skin. He finally decided to speak up.

"You fool! Do you have no subtlety? There was an opportunity to have at least attempted to turn her to the darkside. I didn't get time to sense through the force, but I could tell she would have been a troubled soul after all this time."

2009-05-11, 04:11 AM
As you slowly recover from the blast, you realize the force-field blocking the tunnel leading further into the labyrinth is no more. You don't know whether it was the explosion, the woman's death or something else that did it but the barrier is gone... but the Force-wall behind you is still in effect.

There are also cracks in the remaining boulders of the pile and the sense of danger from them is now apparent even if you don't specifically concentrate there.

2009-05-11, 01:45 PM
Upon seeing the Force Barrier fall, Bannis breaks out into a run toward the exit.

How far is Bannis from the exit?

If he's close enough to make it in one round by converting his standard action into a move action, then he'll do so.

If further, he'll just use a move action and maintain the Force Shield with a standard action.

If Bannis drops his Force Shield then he'll use his Telekinetic Savant ability to recharge it.

2009-05-14, 04:48 PM
Ecthellion also breaks out in a run with the other Sith Apprentice. Better safe than sorry.

Perhaps a new recruiting thread is in order? I am enjoying this game and I think fresh player would liven it up.