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The Demented One
2006-07-13, 05:05 PM
Aberrant Automata

Aberrant Automata are creatures who, for whatever reason, have a substantial portion of the organic structure replaced with magical construction. This union of flesh and steel creates what is known as a living construct. Each automata, as well as why and how he became a living construct, is unique, though all seem like somewhat monstrous, mechanical parodies of what they once were.

Aberrant Automata is an applied template that can be added to any living, corporeal creature. Even outsiders can become aberrant automata. This a specific exception to the type stacking rule found in Savage Species.

Size and Type
The creature’s type changes to construct, and it gains the living construct subtype.. Do not recalculate Hit Dice, base attack bonus, or saves. Size is unchanged.

The great weight added to an aberrant automata’s body slows it down, reducing the speed of all of its forms of movement by 10 ft. In addition, if decrease the maneuverability of any fly speed it may have by one step.

Armor Class
An aberrant automata’s body is covered in thick metal plates and devices. Its natural armor bonus increases by four.

An aberrant automata gains two slam attacks, which deal damage based on the automata’s size.

Special Attacks
All aberrant automata have one to three of the following special attacks listed below, depending on their racial HD. Automata with 5 or less HD have one special attack, automata with 6-10 HD have two special attacks, and automata with 11+ HD have three special attacks.

Alchemic Breath Weapon (Ex)
Once every 1d4 rounds as a standard action, the automata may breath out a 10 ft./4 HD cone or 10 ft./2 HD line that deals 1d6 points/2 HD of the creature of either acid, cold, electricity, or fire damage, with a Reflex save for half damage. The save is Con based. Each automata can only breath out one kind of energy, decided when the template is applied.

Armblade (Ex)
As a standard action, the aberrant automata may extend a blade from one of its arms. The blade’s damage dice is one step larger than that of the automata’s slam attack, deals slashing damage, and it has a threat range of 19-20. While the blade is treated as a natural weapon, it can be magically enhanced as if it were a manufactured one.

Armbow (Ex)
As a standard action, the aberrant automata may fire a bolt from a crossbow-like device mounted on one of its wrists. The bolt has a range increment of sixty feet, has a damage die one step larger than that of the automata's, deals piercing damage, and has a threat range of x3. The aberrant automata's armbow may be enchanted as if it were a manufactured weapon, and it bestows any special ability or enhancement bonus it has upon the bolts.

Augmented Critical (Ex)
The threat range of the aberrant automata's slam attack increases to 19-20, and its critical modifier increases to x3.

Augmented Reach (Ex)
The reach of the slam attack of an aberrant automata with this ability is increased by 5 ft.

Improved Grab (Ex)
Aberrant automata with this special attack have tentacle attacks in place of slams, though the damage and reach are unchanged. Whenever the automata makes a successful tentacle attack, it may automatically attempt to begin a grapple without provoking an attack of opportunity.

Special Slam (Ex)
The aberrant automata’s slam attacks are treated as if being made from one special material, determined at the time the template is applied, for overcoming damage reduction.

Spiked Body (Ex)
The body of the aberrant automata is covered with spikes. On a successful grapple, he deals an amount of piercing damage equal to that of his slam attack. In addition, his slam attack deals both piercing and bludgeoning damage.

Tertiary Arm (Ex)
Aberrant automata with this special attack have a third, smaller arm extending from their chest, waist, or a similar location. This arm is to clumsy and weak to hold items or perform delicate manipulation with, but it can be used to make a third slam attack. However, this third slam is a secondary natural weapon, and its damage die is one step smaller than that of the automata’s primary slam attack.

Special Qualities

Living Construct Traits
An aberrant automata gains all traits of a living construct, as follows:
–Has a Constitution score
–Does not, unlike most constructs, gain low-light vision or darkvision.
–Not immune to mind-affecting effects
–Immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, disease, nausea, fatigue, exhaustion, sickening, and energy drain.
–Not immune to critical hits, nonlethal damage, stunning, ability damage, ability drain, death effects, and necromancy effects.
–Subject to spells that target living creatures and constructs.
–Spells of the healing subschool and supernatural abilities that cure HP or ability damage only half as effective
–Takes damage from heat metal and chill metal spells and repelled by repel metal or stone as if wearing heavy arm. Take 2d6 points of damage from rusting grasp or a rust monster’s touch, Ref for half.
–Disabled at 0 hp, but strenuous activity does not risk injury. Inert at -1 to -9 hp, but does not automatically lose hp.
–Can be raised and resurrected.
–Does not need to eat, drink, or sleep, but can still benefit from magical consumables.

Damage Reduction
All aberrant automata gain DR/adamantine. The amount depends on their racial HD. Automata with 5 or less HD have DR 1/adamantine, automata with 6-10 HD have DR 3/adamantine, automata with 11-15 HD have DR 5/adamantine, and automata with 16+ HD have DR 10/adamantine.

Fortification (Ex)
When a critical hit or sneak attack is scored on an aberrant automata, there is a chance that the critical hit or sneak attack is negated and damage is instead rolled normally. The chance depends on the automata’s racial HD. The chance is 25% for automata with 5 or less HD, 50% for automata with 6-10 HD, and 75% for automata with 11-15 HD. Automata with 16+ HD are immune to critical hits.

Increase from the base creature as follows: Str +4, Dex -2, Con +4, Wis -4.

Challenge Rating
HD 5 or less, as base creature +1, HD 6-11, as base creature +2, HD 11 or more, as base creature +3.

Level Adjustment
Same as base creature +3

Creating Aberrant Automata
There are many ways aberrant automata can come into existence, but the way described below is one of the more common methods. To create an aberrant automata, one must first establish a lab, which costs 500 gp. One can then begin the process of creating aberrant automata. Doing so requires the subject be either willing to undergo the process, or be subdued for the whole of the process. Alternatively, the creator may turn himself into an aberrant automata, at no added difficulty. The process of creating an aberrant automata requires the creator to have the Craft Construct feat, takes 100 days, and requires an expenditure of 50,000 gp worth of expensive material components and 4,000 xp on the part of the creator. At the culmination of the process, the creator, or an assistant, must cast the iron body spell on the subject. At this point, an unwilling creature may attempt a Fortitude save. If he succeeds, the creation process fails, and all components used are destroyed. If he fails, or if the subject does not attempt the save, he successfully becomes an aberrant automata. If the automata is a player character, he immediately gains a level adjustment of +3.


Aberrant Automata Centaur
Size/Type: Large Construct (Augmented Monstrous Humanoid, Living Construct)
Hit Dice: 4d8+16 (34 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 50 ft. (10 squares)
Armor Class: 17 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +7 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 16
Base Attack/Grapple: +4/+14
Attack: Longsword +9 melee (2d6+9/19-20) or composite longbow (+4 Str bonus) +5 ranged (2d6+4/×3)
Full Attack: Longsword +9 melee (2d6+9/19-20) and 2 hooves +4 melee (1d6+3); or 2 slams +9 melee (1d8+6) and 2 hooves +4 (1d6+3) melee; or composite longbow (+4 Str bonus) +5 ranged (2d6+4/×3)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Spiked body
Special Qualities: Living construct traits, DR 1/adamantine, fortification
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +3
Abilities: Str 22, Dex 12, Con 19, Int 8, Wis 9, Cha 11
Skills: Listen +1, Move Silently +3, Spot +1, Survival +1
Feats: Dodge, Weapon Focus (hoof)
Environment: Temperate forests
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 4
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Usually neutral good
Advancement: By character class

This aberrant automata centaur was once a centaur warrior obsessed with his own safety, to the point that he had his own spiked armor magically fused to his skin. Even that was not enough for the warrior, as he continually sought out mages who could enhance his defense. Eventually, his entire internal anatomy had been covered with armor–and he had become an aberrant automata. He appears similar to a centaur wearing spiked armor, save that it is fused to his skin. Every inch of his humanoid upper body is covered in armor, saved for a few small slits for his eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. The top of his equine body, as well as the legs, are similarly armored.

Spiked Body (Ex)
On a successful grapple, the aberrant automata centaur deals 1d8 points of piercing damage. In addition, his slam attack deals both piercing and bludgeoning damage.

Fortification (Ex)
When a critical hit or sneak attack is scored on the aberrant automata centaur, there is a 25% chance that the critical hit or sneak attack is negated and damage is instead rolled normally.

Aberrant Automata Elder Black Pudding
Size/Type: Gargantuan Construct (Augmented Ooze, Living Construct)
Hit Dice: 20d10+220 (330 hp)
Initiative: -5
Speed: 10 ft. (2 squares), climb 10 ft.
Armor Class: 5 (-4 size, -5 Dex, +4 natural), touch 1, flat-footed 5
Base Attack/Grapple: +15/+37
Attack: Slam +21 melee (3d6+14 plus 3d6 acid)
Full Attack: 2 Slams +21 melee (3d6+14 plus 3d6 acid)
Space/Reach: 20 ft./20 ft.
Special Attacks: Acid, constrict 2d8+12 plus 2d6 acid, improved grab, alchemic breath weapon, special slam, spiked body
Special Qualities: Living construct traits, blindsight 60 ft., split, DR 10/adamantine, fortification
Saves: Fort +17, Ref +1, Will +1
Abilities: Str 30, Dex 1, Con 32, Int Ø, Wis 1, Cha 1
Skills: Climb +18
Feats: —
Environment: Underground
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 15
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: –

This ooze was transformed into an aberrant automata when it attempted to digest an stone golem. While it successfully killed the golem, it was unable to digest its body–instead, the residual magic in the golem caused the two to fuse, birthing an automata. It appears similar to a normal elder black pudding, except that a thin, but very tough, layer of spiked metal covers some parts of its exterior, and that the body of the golem is still within the ooze, its internal components fused with the primitive anatomy of the elder black pudding.

Acid (Ex)
The aberrant automata elder black pudding secretes a digestive acid that dissolves organic material and metal quickly, but does not affect stone. Any melee hit or constrict attack deals acid damage, and the opponent’s armor and clothing dissolve and become useless immediately unless they succeed on DC 31 Reflex saves. A metal or wooden weapon that strikes the automata also dissolves immediately unless it succeeds on a DC 31 Reflex save. The save DCs are Constitution-based. The automata’s acidic touch deals 21 points of damage per round to wooden or metal objects, but the ooze must remain in contact with the object for 1 full round to deal this damage.

Constrict (Ex)
The aberrant automata elder black pudding deals automatic slam and acid damage with a successful grapple check. The opponent’s clothing and armor take a -4 penalty on Reflex saves against the acid.

Improved Grab (Ex)
To use this ability, the aberrant automata elder black pudding must hit with its slam attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold, deals piercing damage, and can constrict.

Alchemic Breath Weapon (Ex)
Once every 1d4 rounds as a standard action, the aberrant automata elder black pudding may breath out a 50 ft. cone that deals 10d6 points of acid damage, with a DC 31 Reflex save for half damage. The save is Con based.

Special Slam (Ex)
The aberrant automata elder black pudding’s slam attacks are treated as if being made from adamantine for overcoming damage reduction.

Spiked Body (Ex)
The body of the aberrant automata elder black pudding is covered with spikes. On a successful grapple, it deals 3d6 points of piercing damage. In addition, his slam attack deals both piercing and bludgeoning damage.

Split (Ex)
Slashing and piercing weapons deal no damage to the aberrant automata elder black pudding. Instead the creature splits into two identical aberrant automata elder black puddings, each with half of the original’s current hit points (round down). An automata with 10 hit points or less cannot be further split and dies if reduced to 0 hit points.

Fortification (Ex)
The aberrant automata elder black pudding is immune to extra damage from critical hits and sneak attacks.

The aberrant automata elder black pudding has a +8 racial bonus on Climb checks and can always choose to take 10 on a Climb check, even if rushed or threatened.

Aberrant Automata Bebilith
Size/Type: Huge Construct (Augmented Outsider, Chaotic, Extraplanar, Evil, Living Construct)
Hit Dice: 12d8+120 (174 hp)
Initiative: +4
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), climb 10 ft.
Armor Class: 25 (-2 size, +17 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 25
Base Attack/Grapple: +12/+31
Attack: Bite +21 melee (2d6+11 plus poison) or +1 Unholy Armblade +17 melee (3d6+6/19-20) or web +11 ranged
Full Attack: Bite +21 melee (2d6+11 plus poison) and +1 Unholy Armblade +17 melee (3d6+6/19-20) and 2 tentacles +16 melee (2d6+5) and 2 claws +15 melee (2d4+5); or web +11 ranged
Space/Reach: 15 ft./10 ft.
Special Attacks: Poison, rend armor, web, alchemic breath weapon, armblade, improved grap
Special Qualities: Living construct traits, damage reduction 10/good, damage reduction 5/good, plane shift, scent, telepathy 100 ft., fortification
Saves: Fort +18, Ref +8, Will +7
Abilities: Str 32, Dex 10, Con 28, Int 11, Wis 9, Cha 13
Skills: Climb +26, Diplomacy +3, Hide +15, Jump +30, Listen +16, Move Silently +15, Search +15, Sense Motive +14, Spot +14, Survival -1 (+1 following tracks)
Feats: Cleave, Improved Initiative, Improved Grapple, Power Attack, Track
Environment: A chaotic evil-aligned plane
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 13
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always chaotic evil
Advancement: 13-18 HD (Huge); 19-36 HD (Gargantuan)

This bebilith is an elite servant of the Spider Goddess Lolth, who has personally enhanced it with a thick shell of armor integrated into its very soul by divine whim. Its entire carapace has been overlayed with a thick layer of armor, and two metallic tentacles extend from its back, one containing a powerful, retractable blade consecrated to Lolth.

Poison (Ex)
Injury, Fortitude DC 26 , initial damage 1d6 Con, secondary damage 2d6 Con. Aberrant automata bebilith venom is highly perishable, losing its potency and becoming inert, foul-smelling goo almost as soon as it comes into contact with air. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Rend Armor (Ex)
If the aberrant automata bebilith hits with both claw attacks, it pulls apart any armor worn by its foe. This attack deals 4d6+24 points of damage to the opponent’s armor. Creatures not wearing armor are unaffected by this special attack. Armor reduced to 0 hit points is destroyed. Damaged armor may be repaired with a successful Craft (armorsmithing) check.

Web (Ex)
The aberrant automata bebilith can throw a web up to four times per day. This is similar to an attack with a net but has a maximum range of 30 feet, with a range increment of 10 feet. This attack is effective against targets of up to Gargantuan size. The web anchors the target in place, allowing no movement. An entangled creature can escape with a DC 26 Escape Artist check or burst the web with a DC 26 Strength check. The check DCs are Constitution-based. The web has 14 hit points and hardness 0. There is a 75% chance that the webbing will not burn if any sort of fire is applied to it (check each round).

Alchemic Breath Weapon (Ex)
Once every 1d4 rounds as a standard action, the aberrant automata bebilith may breath out a 30 ft. cone that deals 4d6 points of cold damage, with a DC 26 Reflex save for half damage. The save is Con based.

Armblade (Ex)
As a standard action, the aberrant automata bebilith may extend a blade from one of its tentacles. The blade, a secondary natural attack, deals 3d6 damage, and it has a threat range of 19-20. The aberrant automata bebilith’s armblade has been magically enhance with a +1 enhancement bonus and the unholy special ability.

Improved Grab (Ex)
Whenever the aberrant automata bebilith makes a successful tentacle attack, it may automatically attempt to begin a grapple without provoking an attack of opportunity.

Plane Shift (Su)
This ability affects only the aberrant automata bebilith . It is otherwise similar to the spell (caster level 12th).

Fortification (Ex)
When a critical hit or sneak attack is scored on the aberrant automata bebilith, there is a 75% chance that the critical hit or sneak attack is negated and damage is instead rolled normally.

The aberrant automata bebilith has mottled coloration that gives it a +8 racial bonus on Hide checks.

Aberrant Automata Water Naga
Size/Type: Large Construct (Augmented Aberration, Living Construct)
Hit Dice: 7d8+42 (73 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 20 ft. (6 squares), swim 40 ft.
Armor Class: 18 (-1 size, +9 natural), touch 9, flat-footed 18
Base Attack/Grapple: +5/+14
Attack: Bite +9 melee (2d6+6 plus poison)
Full Attack: Bite +9 melee (2d6+6 plus poison) and 2 slams +4 melee (1d8+3)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Poison, spells, alchemical breath weapon, spiked body
Special Qualities: Living construct traits, DR 3/adamantine, fortification
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +6
Abilities: Str 20, Dex 11, Con 22, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 15
Skills: Concentration +14, Listen +5, Spellcraft +8, Spot +5, Swim +13
Feats: Alertness, Combat Casting, Eschew Materials (B), Lightning Reflexes
Environment: Temperate aquatic
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 9
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Usually neutral
Advancement: 8-10 HD (Large); 11-21 HD (Huge)

After nearly being killed by an aboleth who desired her aquatic territory, this water naga sought out a powerful artificer who could transform her into an aberrant automata, allowing her to fend off the aboleth should it return. She looks very similar to a normal water naga, but her scales have been replaced with a layer of scale mail bonded to her skin, and her spines have been coated in steell. More drastically, two metal arms hang down from her side, allowing her to manipulate objects and slam foes.

Poison (Ex)
Injury, Fortitude DC 19, initial and secondary damage 1d8 Con. The save DC is Constitution-based.

The aberrant automata water naga casts spells as 7th-level sorcerer, but never uses fire spells.
Typical Sorcerer Spells Known (6/7/7/4; save DC 12 + spell level)
0—acid splash, daze, detect magic, light, mage hand, open/close, read magic; 1st—expeditious retreat, magic missile, repair light damage, shield, true strike; 2nd—invisibility, acid arrow, mirror image; 3rd—protection from energy, suggestion.

Alchemic Breath Weapon (Ex)
Once every 1d4 rounds as a standard action, the aberrant automata water naga may breath out a 10 ft. cone that deals 3d6 points of electricity damage with a DC 19 Reflex save for half damage. The save is Con based.

Spiked Body (Ex)
The body of the aberrant automata water naga is covered with spikes. On a successful grapple, she deals 1d8 points of piercing damage. In addition, her slam attack deals both piercing and bludgeoning damage.

Fortification (Ex)
When a critical hit or sneak attack is scored on the aberrant automata water naga, there is a 50% chance that the critical hit or sneak attack is negated and damage is instead rolled normally.

The aberrant automata water naga has a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. It can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. It can use the run action while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line.

Aberrant Automata Human, 5th level Artificer
Size/Type: Medium Construct (Augmented Humanoid, Human, Living Construct)
Hit Dice: 5d6+15 (33 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares)
Armor Class: 19 (+5 +1 chain shirt, +4 natural), touch 10, flatfooted 19
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+5
Attack: Slam +5 melee (1d6+2) or Masterwork Heavy Crossbow +4 (1d8/19-20)
Full Attack: 2 slams +5 melee (1d6+2) and 1 secondary slam +0 melee (1d4+1) or Masterwork Heavy Crossbow +4 (1d8/19-20)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Tertiary arm
Special Qualities: Living construct traits, human traits, DR 1/adamantine, fortification, artificer knowledge, artisan bonus, disable trap, item creation, craft homunculus, retain essence
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +0
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 11, Con 16, Int 15, Wis 4, Cha 14
Skills: Concentration +11, Craft (Weaponsmithing) +10, Disable Device +10, Open Lock +10, Search +10, Spellcraft +10, Use Magic Device +13
Feats: Least Dragonmark of Making (ECS), Skill Focus (Use Magic Device) (B), Scribe Scroll (B), Brew Potion (B), Eschew Materials, Craft Wondrous Item (B), Craft Magic Arms and Armor (B)
Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 6
Possessions: Masterwork heavy crossbow, +1 chain shirt, wand of magic missile (50/50 charges), wand of repair light wounds (50/50 charges), scroll of fireball, scroll of fly, scroll of haste, 175 gp
Infusions per day: 3/4/2, DC 12 + infusion level.
Alignment: Usually neutral
Advancement: By class level

The human artificer presented above had the following ability scores before adjustment: Str 10, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 15, Wis 8, Cha 14

This human artificer transformed himself into an aberrant automata with the help of some of his colleagues. Transformed into a living construct, he was able to boldy defend the nation of Breland in the Last War that swept Breland. He has now settled down to try to find a normal life, and has taken to study his fellow living constructs, the warforged, so that he may better understand himself. In appearance, he is very much like a warforged, save that his head is unarmored except for a small, skullcap-like plate, and that a third, stunted metallic arm extends from his waist.

Fortification (Ex)
When a critical hit or sneak attack is scored on the aberrant automata human artificer, there is a 25% chance that the critical hit or sneak attack is negated and damage is instead rolled normally.

Artificer Knowledge
See ECS pg.31

Artisan Bonus
See ECS pg. 31

Item Creation (Ex)
See ECS pg. 32

Craft Homunculus (Ex)
See ECS pg. 32

Retain Essence (Su)
See ECS pg. 32

Aberrant Automata Advanced Pit Fiend (aka Cyberdemon)
Size/Type: Huge Construct (Augmented Outsider, Evil, Extraplanar, Lawful, Living Construct)
Hit Dice: 39d8+472 (666 hp)
Initiative: +14
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 50 ft. (clumsy)
Armor Class: 44 (-2 size, +6 Dex, +30 natural), touch 14, flat-footed 39
Base Attack/Grapple: +39/+67
Attack: Claw +57 melee (3d8+19) or +3 Flaming Blast Armbow +42 ranged (3d6+3 plus 3d6 fire/x3)
Full Attack: 2 claws +57 melee (3d8+19) and 2 wings +57 melee (3d6+9) and bite +57 melee (5d6+9 plus poison plus disease) and 2 slams +57 melee (2d6+9/19-20), and tail slap +57 melee (3d8+9) or +2 Flaming Blast Armbow +42 ranged (3d6+3 plus 3d6 fire/x3)
Space/Reach: 15 ft./15 ft.
Special Attacks: Constrict 3d8+37, fear aura, improved grab, spell-like abilities, summon devil, armbow, special slam, spiked body
Special Qualities: Living construct traits, damage reduction 20/epic, good and silver, DR 10/adamantine, immunity to fire and poison, resistance to acid 10 and cold 10, regeneration 10, see in darkness, spell resistance 45, telepathy 100 ft., fortification
Saves: Fort +32, Ref +26, Will +28
Abilities: Str 49, Dex 23, Con 35, Int 26, Wis 22, Cha 26
Skills: Balance +50, Bluff +50, Climb +59, Concentration +52, Hide +40, Intimidate +50, Jump +59, Knowledge (arcana) +50, Knowledge (the planes) +50, Knowledge (religion) +50, Listen +48, Move Silently +48, Search +50, Spellcraft +50, Spot +50, Tumble +48
Feats: Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Multiattack, Power Attack, Quicken Spell-Like Ability (fireball), Improved Multiattack, Flyby Attack, Hover, Toughness x3 (B)
Epic Feats: Dire Charge, Epic Prowess, Epic Toughness, Epic Initiative
Environment: A lawful evil-aligned plane
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 33
Treasure: Standard coins; double goods; standard items
Alignment: Always lawful evil
Advancement: 38-54HD (Huge)

The aberrant automata advanced pit fiend is one of the most powerful minions of the Lords of the Nine. It is said that it could easily defeat most of its masters, only deferring to them due to some unexplained loyalty...or a hidden scheme not yet ready to be sprung. Dubbed a “cyberdemon” by the only man ever to have survived a fight with one, the paladin Lhearoi Jaenkeenz, how and why this devil became an automata remains unknown. It appears to be a larger-than normal pit fiend with spikes protruding from its skin, a heavily armored lower body, and a massive crossbow fused to its right arm.

Constrict (Ex)
The aberrant automata advanced pit fiend deals 3d8+37 points of damage with a successful grapple check.

Disease (Su)
A creature struck the aberrant automata advanced pit fiend’s bite attack must succeed on a DC 41 Fortitude save or be infected with a vile disease known as devil chills (incubation period 1d4 days, damage 1d4 Str). The save DC is Constitution-based.

Fear Aura (Su)
The aberrant automata advanced pit fiend can radiate a 20-foot-radius fear aura as a free action. A creature in the area must succeed on a DC 37 Will save or be affected as though by a fear spell (caster level 38th). A creature that successfully saves cannot be affected again by the aberrant automata advanced pit fiend’s aura for 24 hours. Other devils are immune to the aura. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Improved Grab (Ex)
To use this ability, the aberrant automata advanced pit fiend must hit with its tail slap attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and can constrict.

Poison (Ex)
Injury, Fortitude DC 41, initial damage 1d6 Con, secondary damage death. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Spell-Like Abilities
At will—blasphemy (DC 25), create undead, fireball (DC 21), greater dispel magic, greater teleport (self plus 50 pounds of objects only), invisibility, magic circle against good, mass hold monster (DC 27), persistent image (DC 23), power word stun, unholy aura (DC 26); 1/day—meteor swarm (DC 27). Caster level 38th. The save DCs are Charisma-based. Once per year a pit fiend can use wish as the spell (caster level 40th).

Summon Devil (Sp)
Twice per day the aberrant automata advanced pit fiend can automatically summon 2 lemures, bone devils, or bearded devils, or 1 erinyes, horned devil, or ice devil. This ability is the equivalent of an 8th-level spell.

Armbow (Ex)
As a standard action, the aberrant automata advanced pit fiend may fire a bolt from a crossbow-like device mounted on one of its wrists. The bolt has a range increment of sixty feet, deals 3d6 piercing, and has a threat range of x3. The automata’s armbow has been magically enhanced, given a +3 enhancement bonus and the flaming blast epic special ability.

Special Slam (Ex)
The aberrant automata advanced pit fiend’s slam attacks are treated as if being made from adamantine for overcoming damage reduction.

Spiked Body (Ex)
The body of the aberrant automata advanced pit fiend is covered with spikes. On a successful grapple, he deals 2d6 points of piercing damage. In addition, his slam attack deals both piercing and bludgeoning damage.

Regeneration (Ex)
The aberrant automata advanced pit fiend takes normal damage from epic, good-aligned silvered weapons, and from spells or effects with the good descriptor.

Fortification (Ex)
The aberrant automata advanced pit fiend is immune to extra damage from critical hits and sneak attacks.

Aberrant Automata Crysmal
Size/Type: Small Construct (Augmented Elemental, Earth, Living Construct, Psionic)
Hit Dice: 6d8+18 (45 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares), burrow 10 ft.
Armor Class: 24 (+1 size, +1 Dex, +12 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 23
Base Attack/Grapple: +4/+4
Attack: Sting +9 melee (1d3+5)
Full Attack: Sting +9 melee (1d3+5) and 2 slams +4 (1d4+2)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Psi-like abilities, alchemic breath weapon
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 5/ bludgeoning, damage reduction 3/adamantine, living construct traits, immunity to fire and cold, resistance to electricity 15, fortification
Saves: Fort +10, Ref +5, Will +0
Abilities: Str 19, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 6, Wis 6, Cha 14
Skills: Appraise +9, Climb +7, Jump +7, Listen +2, Spot +10
Feats: Alertness, Great Fortitude, Lightning Reflexes
Environment: Underground
Organization: Solitary or facet (2-5)
Challenge Rating: 5
Treasure: Double goods (gems only)
Alignment: Any lawful
Advancement: 7-12 HD (Medium); 13-18 HD (Large)

This crysmal sustained heavy damage after a cave in which caused the crysmal equivalent of brain damage. In its confusion, it attempted to consume an iron defender homunculus that had been sent into the mines the crysmal lived in to seek out survivors. It was unable to consume it, but its damaged crystalline structure merged with the arcane anatomy of the homunculus. The resulting automata looks like an iron canine covered with a crystalline growth. Its front two legs are encased in heavy crystalline growths, and it uses them to make slam attacks.

Psi-Like Abilities
At will—control object, control sound, detect psionics, empty mind, mind thrust (2d10, DC 13*); 3/day—psionic dimension door. Manifester level 2nd. The save DCs are Charisma-based.
*Includes augmentation for the aberrant automata crysmal’s manifester level.

Alchemic Breath Weapon (Ex)
Once every 1d4 rounds as a standard action, the aberrant automata crysmal may breath out a 30 ft. line that deals 3d6 points of acid damage, with a DC 16 Reflex save for half damage. The save is Con based.

Fortification (Ex)
When a critical hit or sneak attack is scored on the aberrant automata crysmal, there is a 50% chance that the critical hit or sneak attack is negated and damage is instead rolled normally.

Crysmals have a +8 racial bonus on Appraise checks and Spot checks.

2006-07-13, 05:26 PM
Aberrant Automata + Huge Pit Fiend/Balor + rocket launcher = Cyberdemon! Dungeons and Doom!

2006-07-13, 05:37 PM
Well, I was just making a "Metallic" template myself, and came onto the boards for a little creative inspiration, and what did I find? A better version than the stuff I was coming up with. Now I must use this template to make a minotaur (my personal favorite monster) barbarian. I always liked constructs, but I never liked them being mindless, this is a nice middle ground.

Fax Celestis
2006-07-13, 05:49 PM
Aberrant Automata + Huge Pit Fiend/Balor + rocket launcher = Cyberdemon! Dungeons and Doom!

Or Doom and Dragons.

...or we could just go play Frag.

2006-07-13, 06:12 PM
Some things you could consider:[list]
Specify what sort of damage the Armblade does (Piercing? Slashing? Both? Neither?).
Make the Alchemic Breath Weapon a cone or a line, for pseudo-rocket launcher goodness.
Come up with something more like a rocket launcher (fireball bead shooter?).

2006-07-13, 07:46 PM
i hate to say this because of its innate coolness factor, but doesnt th armblade seem a bit unbalanced compared to the rest of its abilities? i mean, its clearly the most awesome-est ability there is, but compared to its spiked body, or puny tiny third arm, coundt you either make the rest stronger OR tone down the armblade?

The Demented One
2006-07-13, 07:48 PM
Some things you could consider:[list]
Specify what sort of damage the Armblade does (Piercing? Slashing? Both? Neither?).
Slashing, as is now clarified.

Make the Alchemic Breath Weapon a cone or a line, for pseudo-rocket launcher goodness.
Don't see why not.

Come up with something more like a rocket launcher (fireball bead shooter?).
Okay, added in the armbow. Slap a flaming enhancement on that baby and go to town.

i hate to say this because of its innate coolness factor, but doesnt th armblade seem a bit unbalanced compared to the rest of its abilities? i mean, its clearly the most awesome-est ability there is, but compared to its spiked body, or puny tiny third arm, coundt you either make the rest stronger OR tone down the armblade?
Considering it's a standard action to even unsheath the bugger, I'd say its okay. Also, keep in mind that other special attacks, like the alchemic breath weapon, armbow, and improved grab are pretty much on par with it in terms of power level.

2006-07-13, 08:21 PM
I see quite a bit of fun* in being a Dwarf Aberrant Automata Knight / Dwarven Defender…
Who cares if you have a mere 10ft. base speed? You're practically a walking turret.

* More fun if you can somehow get 11+ racial hit die for a dwarf… Wishful thinking?

The Demented One
2006-07-13, 08:30 PM
Aberrant Automata + Huge Pit Fiend/Balor + rocket launcher = Cyberdemon! Dungeons and Doom!
Ask, and ye shall receive.

The Demented One
2006-07-13, 08:38 PM
Ask, and ye shall receive.

More fun if you can somehow get 11+ racial hit die for a dwarf… Wishful thinking?
I think you're going to have to resort to epic spells for extra HD. Probably something with the fortify seed, I think. In fact...

Bolster Toughness
Spellcraft DC: 25
Components: V, S, M, XP, Ritual
Casting Time: 20 days and 10 minutes
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
To Develop: . Seed: Fortify (17 DC). Factors: +11 HD (ad hoc +55 DC), permanent (x5 DC). Mitigating Factors: increase casting time by 9 minutes (-18 DC), increase casting time by 20 days (-40 DC), burn 10,000 xp (-100 DC), expensive material components worth 75,000 gp (ad hoc -150 DC), 3 extra caster contributing 5th level spell slots (-27 DC)

This spell permanently grants the subject 11 racial HD.

Material Component
A specially prepared infusion of prismatic dragon blood, worth 75,000 gp.

XP Cost
10,000 xp

2006-07-13, 09:16 PM
Nice touch on the 666 HP for the cyberdemon.

The Demented One
2006-07-13, 09:39 PM
Nice touch on the 666 HP for the cyberdemon.
I had to cheat a bit to get there--technically, it should have 667 hp, but I figure it won't miss one point.

2006-07-13, 09:45 PM
He should have a Neil Young attack.

2006-07-14, 12:02 AM
How about a penalty to Cha (say -2 or -4) to represent their disfigurement? Then you can add some other feature in. ;D

That's my powergamer at work, undoubtedly. :P

The Demented One
2006-07-14, 12:07 AM
How about a penalty to Cha (say -2 or -4) to represent their disfigurement? Then you can add some other feature in. ;D

That's my powergamer at work, undoubtedly. :P
I've always been of the opinion that ugly=/=Cha penalty. Charisma is personal magnetism and force of will, not how pretty you look.

2006-07-14, 12:11 AM
That... is ridiculously cool.

Who says metal plates fused into your skin and third arms coming out of your chest isn't pretty? ;)

The Demented One
2006-07-14, 12:14 AM
That... is ridiculously cool.

Who says metal plates fused into your skin and third arms coming out of your chest isn't pretty? ;)
4chan doesn't for sure.

Fualkner Asiniti
2006-08-18, 06:02 PM
This thing rocks. I can see so many awesome uses for it, and it is so open to houseruling and alterations.

MiTP vote: Yes.

(I'm allowed to vote for more than one thing, right?)

Fax Celestis
2006-08-18, 06:03 PM
Don't see why not.

MiTP vote: Yes.

2006-08-19, 08:53 AM
I've always been of the opinion that ugly=/=Cha penalty. Charisma is personal magnetism and force of will, not how pretty you look.

Sorcerers use Charisma. Jedi are Sorcerers. Anakin became Darth Vader.

A very interesting template. I can't use it personally, but others seem to have find many uses for it... And I have to say the 667 hp thing is very cool.

Abd al-Azrad
2006-08-19, 06:00 PM
Wow, that's a really neat template. MitP vote: Yes.

2006-08-19, 08:40 PM
Shall I assume that the DC for the breath weapon is 10+1/2 hit die+ con mod?

Lord Iames Osari
2006-08-25, 08:38 PM
I've always been of the opinion that ugly=/=Cha penalty. Charisma is personal magnetism and force of will, not how pretty you look.

In that case, how about a penalty to Diplomacy, since their appearance will tned to freak people out, and a bonus to Intimidate, for the same reason?

Oh, and MitP Vote: Yes.

2006-08-25, 10:08 PM
MtP vote: Yes.

Resistance is futile... (sorry, had to say it)

2006-08-26, 12:40 PM
MtP vote: Yes

2006-08-27, 01:48 AM
MitP vote: Yes

2006-08-27, 02:36 PM
This is all kinds of awesome. Patchwork artifice FTW, and MiTP: Yes, for that cherished eighth vote.

Edit: Aw, you need nine now? Ah well, it's one away. :)

2006-08-28, 08:42 PM
MitP: YES.

Heh. I'm going to have so much bloody fun with this :)

The Demented One
2006-08-28, 09:05 PM
And that would seem to be nine. Hoo-hah!