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View Full Version : 6 Shooter Base Class

2009-03-30, 05:26 AM
I've always wanted a class for firearms, and I thought I'd give it a shot. This is the first class I've done, So please don't hold back with the Criticism. Also My wording on some of the things is pretty choppy.. So feel free to ask. The only other thing I'm really lacking is a Flavor block, right now i've just got stats and such. So with that in mind, Take a look and give me some feedback. Thanks in advance.

Level BaB Saves Abilities
1 +0 +0 +2 +0 Revolver Proficiency, Point Blank Shot
2 +1 +0 +3 +0 Ricochet (Poor)
3 +2 +1 +3 +1 Pistol Whip
4 +3 +1 +4 +1 Revolver Upgrade
5 +3 +1 +4 +1 Roulette (su)
6 +4 +2 +5 +2 Ricochet (good)
7 +5 +2 +5 +2 Deflect Ranged
8 +6/+1 +2 +6 +2 Revolver Upgrade
9 +6/+1 +3 +6 +3 Hammer & Nail
10 +7/+2 +3 +7 +3 Ricochet (Great)
11 +8/+3 +3 +7 +3 Return Ranged
12 +9/+4 +4 +8 +4 Revolver Upgrade
13 +9/+4 +4 +8 +4 Precise shot
14 +10/+5 +4 +9 +4 Ricochet (Master)
15 +11/+6/+1 +5 +9 +5 Return Fire
16 +12/+7/+2 +5 +10 +5 Revolver Upgrade
17 +12/+7/+2 +5 +10 +5 Improved Precise Shot
18 +13/+8/+3 +6 +11 +6 Headshot
19 +14/+9/+4 +6 +11 +6 Double Jeopardy
20 +15/+10/+5 +6 +12 +6 Revolver Upgrade

Die: d8
Class Skills: Hit Balance (dex), Bluff (cha), Craft (Gunsmithing) (int), Diplomacy (cha), Escape Artist (dex), Forgery (int), Gather Info (cha), Knowledge (Firearms) (int), Knowledge ( Local) (Int), Listen (wis), Sense Motive (wis), Sleight of Hand (dex), Spot (wis), Tumble (dex), Use Rope (dex)

Revolver Proficiency: The 6 Shooter Gains Exotic Weapon Proficiency Revolver as a bonus feat at 1st level.

Point Blank Shot: The 6 Shooter Gains Point Blank shot as a bonus feat at 1st level

Ricochet (Poor): The 6 Shooter Can ricochet a shot off of one surface but takes a -4 penalty on the attack roll

Pistol Whip: You may use the butt of your gun to Deal 1d6 Subdual damage. You also threaten adjacent squares

Revolver Upgrade: After extensive use and study of your weapon you begin to make improvements to it. At 4th level and every 4 after that. You may add one of the following.

--Expand Cylinder: You add a chamber to your gun. You may now fire an additional shot before you have to reload.
--Elongated Barrel: You modify the gun so it has a longer barrel. Add +1 to attack rolls
--Caliber Up: You modify the gun so that it uses larger rounds of ammunition. Add +1 to damage rolls
--Butt Spike: You attach a long Steel Spike to the butt of your gun. Your pistol whip is now a lethal piercing attack that deals 1d8 damage
--Double Action: You make the gun a double action instead of a single. You gain one additional shot as part of a full attack at your highest base attack bonus.
--Power Tracers: You modify your gun to use high heat tracer rounds. People hit by your shots must make a DC 17 Reflex save or catch on fire
--Flechettes: You modify your gun to shoot Fleshettes. Add 1 point of wounding to your damage if your target is unarmored.
--Shotgun Shells: You modify your gun to use Shotgun shells. You can fire in a 15 ft cone instead of your normal range.
--Silencer: Your shots are far quieter. Raise the DC on Listen checks to hear your gun by 15
--Armor Peircing rounds: Your Shots may travel through more than one target. For each target after the first in the line of the shot, make an attack roll at a -3 cumulitive penalty. If you fail to meet the AC the bullet stops.

Roulette: (su) If the 6 Shooter has one round left in his gun he may spin the cylinder and take a shot as a full round action. If the chamber has the bullet in it, that shot gets a +10 on attack roll and deals 3X damage. This ability may be used only once per full reload.

Ricochet (Good): The Penalty on your Ricochet lowers to -2

Deflect Ranged: As long as the 6 Shooter has line of sight to the attacker, He may deflect non magical ranged attacks. He may do this a number of times per day equal to his half his Class level Plus his Dex Modifier

Hammer & Nail: If the 6 Shooter Pistol whips somebody as an attack of opportunity and is successful, then he may take a free shot at his highest base attack bonus.

Ricochet (Great): The Penalty on your Ricochet lowers to 0 and may bounce off of an additional surface at a -2 penalty

Return Ranged: when using the Deflect ranged ability, make a melee attack roll at a -5 penalty. If successful the ranged attack returns and hits the attacker, if not, it is merely deflected.

Precise shot: The 6 Shooter Gains the feat Precise shot at 13th level, even if he doesn’t meet the prerequisites.

Ricochet (Master): You may ricochet off of a 3rd Surface at a -4 penalty

Return Fire: (su) As long as the 6 Shooter has line of sight of the attacker he can use one of His attack of opportunities to Shoot Their ranged attack back into them. Make a Ranged attack roll against their attack roll, if successful, both their ranged, and yours hit the attacker.

Improved Precise Shot: The 6 Shooter Gains the feat Improved Precise shot at 17th level, Even if he doesn’t meet the prerequisites.

Headshot: as a full round action Make an attack roll against the target’s Current HP plus it’s level. If you meet this you decapitate the target with an explosion. Creatures Immune to Critical hits, Sneak Attack, or creatures without a discernable head, are immune to this ability.

Double Jeopardy: when using your Roulette ability, you may try again if you fail. But if you fail the 2nd time the gun will jam and you have to take a full round action to clean it out before you can reload it.

2009-04-01, 11:30 AM
First thing you need, sir, is a class table. It can be found in the Guide to Homebrewing stickie at the top of the Homebrew forum. Copy the table and fill in your information, which'll make it much easier to read.

For what this class is aimed at, it seems counter-productive to make it a 3/4 BAB class. You're not exactly doing rogue damage by any means and you don't have rogue skills to fall back on, so making it full BAB seems logical to me.

Also, what stats are we using for this revolver of yours? We talking the one from the DMG or from somewhere else, as the one in the DMG assumes modern day tech, which if that's what you're talking of putting this class in, all the more power to ya. Otherwise, you may want to otherwise reconsider.

For the abilities, the 6-Shooter feels very underpowered. I mean, Precise Shot at 13th level? He's gonna need that way earlier than that, unless all he does is trick shoot for a living!

Also, the revolver upgrades seem all not that great or useful. +1 to attack OR damage is not really a good use for your hard-earned levels. Also, am I assuming correctly that you can only upgrade to one type of ammo or are we running about with armor piercing shot gun shells with flechetes and tracers built in? And for another thing, what exactly do you mean by wounding with the flechetes? Are you causing bleeding damage of like 1 point of damage per round or is that Con damage, as per the wounding special weapon ability? Finally with upgrades, how many times can I select a given upgrade? Is it once per or can I select one multiple times, such as elongating my pistol to near rifle length if I really wanted to?

Roulette needs clarification. How do you determine whether I have a round in? I'm I rolling a d6 (or a larger die, if I've expanded the cylinder for some reason) or is there some kinda skill check, like Slight of Hand, to gauge when the bullet is there to shoot it off, as currently it seems not all that useful if I only get to shoot an uber shot once for every time I'm down to one shot and only have a less than 17% chance of even getting to make it!

The rest of the abilities aren't any better. I'd rather convert most of the abilities into feats and just play a Fighter and still have feats to spare! I mean, the upgrades system would work better as a build on the masterworking system. If you want to have a look a decent d20 gun system, look at the Iron Kingdoms Campaign setting, which should do you some good, I hope, in making your base class a decent choice.

2009-04-02, 01:43 AM
First, Thank you for the feedback, i was starting to think I wouldn't be getting any, and The table makes things so much easier. I was looking for one, and couldn't find it, so this helps out a lot.

Now as for the mechanics....
Making it a Full Bab makes sense, I didn't think about it not having enhanced damage aka sneak attack. I was using the stats for the Revolver out of the DMG, using Dex for the attack roll. I had planned to run it either As an emerging technology, or An ancient lost one. Either way, It's not going to be a common sight in my setting. Hmm.. What else.. Oh on the Roulette ability, I was going to just roll a d6, and use 1 as a success, and I added that to the description. I removed the expanded ammo ability, as I feel that it would complicate the Roulette way too much, and it detracts from the flavor of the class in my opinion. Ok on the Revolver upgrades, I Planned on the Different types of ammo to stack. So yeah Armor Peircing, Tracer, Flechetes. All but the shotgun shells which would be a choice, that would require a reload of the gun. The wounding I meant as 1 damage per round as the wound bleeds. The Calibur up and Extended Barrel, you can get more than once.

Ok all that said. I plan on redoing the class further, and will post it up soon. But I've got a few ideas I'd like to bounce off you first..

I was thinking of Making the Calibur up, and Extended Barrel happen automaticly as you progress in the class to make up for the lack of enhanced damage. Also the Armor Peircing ability would be given at a low level and Just part of every shot, since we're talking firearms Instead of bows or slings.

So here's what I've got so far, with the new and much improved chart.
6 Shooter
{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special

+0|Revolver Proficiency, Point Blank Shot

+0|Ricochet (Poor)

+1|Pistol Whip

+1|Revolver Upgrade

+1|Roulette (su)

+2|Ricochet (good)

+2|Deflect Ranged

+2|Revolver Upgrade

+3|Hammer & Nail

+3|Ricochet (Great)

+3|Return Ranged

+4|Revolver Upgrade

+4|Precise shot

+4|Ricochet (Master)

+5|Return Fire

+5|Revolver Upgrade

+5|Improved Precise Shot


+6|Double Jeopardy

+6|Revolver Upgrade[/table]

Die: d8
Class Skills: Hit Balance (dex), Bluff (cha), Craft (Gunsmithing) (int), Diplomacy (cha), Escape Artist (dex), Forgery (int), Gather Info (cha), Knowledge (Firearms) (int), Knowledge ( Local) (Int), Listen (wis), Sense Motive (wis), Sleight of Hand (dex), Spot (wis), Tumble (dex), Use Rope (dex)

Revolver Proficiency: The 6 Shooter Gains Exotic Weapon Proficiency Revolver as a bonus feat at 1st level.

Point Blank Shot: The 6 Shooter Gains Point Blank shot as a bonus feat at 1st level

Ricochet (Poor): The 6 Shooter Can ricochet a shot off of one surface but takes a -4 penalty on the attack roll

Pistol Whip: You may use the butt of your gun to Deal 1d6 Subdual damage. You also threaten adjacent squares

Revolver Upgrade: After extensive use and study of your weapon you begin to make improvements to it. At 4th level and every 4 after that. You may add one of the following.

--Elongated Barrel: You modify the gun so it has a longer barrel. Add +1 to attack rolls. This modification may be chosen more than once, it's effects stack
--Caliber Up: You modify the gun so that it uses larger rounds of ammunition. Add +1 to damage rolls. This modification may be chosen more than once, it's effects stack.
--Butt Spike: You attach a long Steel Spike to the butt of your gun. Your pistol whip is now a lethal piercing attack that deals 1d8 damage
--Double Action: You make the gun a double action instead of a single. You gain one additional shot as part of a full attack at your highest base attack bonus.
--Silencer: Your shots are far quieter. Raise the DC on Listen checks to hear your gun by 15
--Power Tracers: You modify your gun to use high heat tracer rounds. People hit by your shots must make a DC 17 Reflex save or catch on fire
--Flechettes: You modify your gun to shoot Fleshettes. Add 1 point of wounding to your damage if your target is unarmored.
--Armor Peircing rounds: Your Shots may travel through more than one target. For each target after the first in the line of the shot, make an attack roll at a -3 cumulitive penalty. If you fail to meet the AC the bullet stops.
--Shotgun Shells: You modify your gun to accept Shotgun shells as well as the standard ammunition. You may load a shotgun shell to fire in a 30 ft cone instead of your normal range.

* Power Tracers, Flechettes, & Armor Peircing rounds all stack.

Roulette: (su) If the 6 Shooter has one round left in his gun he may spin the cylinder and take a shot as a full round action. If the chamber has the bullet in it, "Determined by rolling a D6" that shot gets a +10 on attack roll and deals 3X damage. This ability may be used only once per full reload.

Ricochet (Good): The Penalty on your Ricochet lowers to -2

Deflect Ranged: As long as the 6 Shooter has line of sight to the attacker, He may deflect non magical ranged attacks. He may do this a number of times per day equal to his half his Class level Plus his Dex Modifier

Hammer & Nail: If the 6 Shooter Pistol whips somebody as an attack of opportunity and is successful, then he may take a free shot at his highest base attack bonus.

Ricochet (Great): The Penalty on your Ricochet lowers to 0 and may bounce off of an additional surface at a -2 penalty

Return Ranged: when using the Deflect ranged ability, make a melee attack roll at a -5 penalty. If successful the ranged attack returns and hits the attacker, if not, it is merely deflected.

Precise shot: The 6 Shooter Gains the feat Precise shot at 13th level, even if he doesn’t meet the prerequisites.

Ricochet (Master): You may ricochet off of a 3rd Surface at a -4 penalty

Return Fire: (su) As long as the 6 Shooter has line of sight of the attacker he can use one of His attack of opportunities to Shoot Their ranged attack back into them. Make a Ranged attack roll against their attack roll, if successful, both their ranged, and yours hit the attacker.

Improved Precise Shot: The 6 Shooter Gains the feat Improved Precise shot at 17th level, Even if he doesn’t meet the prerequisites.

Headshot: as a full round action Make an attack roll against the target’s Current HP plus it’s level. If you meet this you decapitate the target with an explosion. Creatures Immune to Critical hits, Sneak Attack, or creatures without a discernable head, are immune to this ability.

Double Jeopardy: when using your Roulette ability, you may try again if you fail. But if you fail the 2nd time the gun will jam and you have to take a full round action to clean it out before you can reload it.

2009-04-04, 02:48 AM