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2009-05-27, 01:37 PM
Aemoh. Not that this worked out for us in Ripper...

2009-05-27, 01:50 PM
What did I JUST say? >.>

2009-05-27, 01:52 PM
What did I JUST say? >.>
"I say so."

2009-05-27, 01:52 PM
So. *sigh*...

Thanatos 51-50
2009-05-27, 03:55 PM
Very tired, very busy.

No-explanation point at:

2009-05-27, 04:18 PM
Aemoh just cause.

2009-05-27, 04:29 PM
You're ded, bill. *sprays ghost repellent*

2009-05-27, 04:34 PM

2009-05-27, 05:03 PM
Hmmmm, I think I'll go with Aemoh but its not cause I'm blindly following Ol'Murky, wait... it is. Oh well.

2009-05-28, 01:02 AM
*hisses* *scampers away*

2009-05-28, 05:00 AM
Don't you people know how well pointing at me works? :smallwink:

*switches point to Thanatos 51-50*

2009-05-29, 03:41 AM
Day finally over, update pending. Sorry for the delay...I seem to get less and less time to get on here these days...

2009-05-29, 05:29 AM
Aemoh pulled the manhole cover off and peered into the darkness, grimly determined to take Ullman out. They’d found bits of DeathSlayer7, and then been too scared to follow up on the leads Ullman had left. Heck, the police had even refused to believe it WAS Ullman, or at least they had said so. But he’d seen the look in their eyes; they knew what they were dealing with. They just couldn’t come to terms with the facts. So Aemoh was taking things into his own hands, and Thanatos, the private detective, was the only one who had agreed to come with him.

They had followed the blood trail from the body further up the alleyway, and had come to its end at this manhole cover. Ullman had escaped down in the stinking sewers, and they were going to follow him. Aemoh remembered that fateful day far too well, especially in his nightmares; he wasn’t going to let Ullman do it all again.

“You ready?”

Thanatos smiled and patted the pistol grip sticking out the pocket of his trenchcoat.

“I’m with you. Let’s get this guy.”

Down the steel rungs and into the main sewer pipe…it stank. The thoroughfare was quite light at this time of the evening, but the sewage was still knee deep in the centre of the pipe. The two of them were already beginning to wonder why they were down here at all.

“So, what’re we looking for?”

“Blood I guess. Listen too, we might hear something if the roar of this crap flowing through the place ever gives up.”

They made their way down the pipe, slipping and sliding like ducks on ice. They passed smaller pipes going off in all directions, to the lesser streets of the neighbourhood, they were smell enough that they would have to crawl on their elbows and knees to check them. It was out of one of these pipes that the sound came; a shuffling dragging sound of something moving through the pipe.

“Did you hear that?”
“Probably just a rat. That pipes too small for anything else.”

The shuffling was getting louder. Whatever it was it was coming towards them, and it was gaining speed at a frightening rate. Aemoh shined his torch into the pipe, and something big and shadowy blocked the pipe less than twenty meters away. He staggered back as the figure came nearer. No human should be able to crawl that quickly.

“It’s him! Fire!”

Thanatos drew the pistol and levelled it at the black mouth of the pipe, Aemoh had dropped the torch in to the sewage flow, and it was making its way down Main Street quite happily while it’s charges watched the pipe. Thanatos emptied a whole clip into the pipe, the boom of each shot echoing down the pipes and merging into one huge sound. As the echoes faded the pipe was quiet, leaving the duo alone with the flow of sewage.

“Did we get him?”
“Hard to know…I’m going to make sure.”

Thanatos watched in mute horror as Aemoh clambered into the pipe arms first, wriggling the rest of his body into the claustrophobic darkness.

“What’re you doing? You don’t even have a torch!”

Aemoh’s voice came back without a pause, cold as stone.

“You weren’t down there Thanatos, it’s not the same for you. I have to know.”

Aemoh crawled into the opening and disappeared into the darkness. It wasn’t the last time Thanatos ever saw him, but he wished later that it was. He stood knee deep in sewage in the main pipe, holding the empty pistol uselessly in one hand. He was on the edge of fleeing, only his concern for Aemoh kept him there. After a few minutes the silence became too much.

“You okay Aemoh? What can you see?”

The whole time he’s stood there he had heard nothing from the pipe, any noises must have been quiet enough to be drowned out by the roaring flow of sewage. Now again there was nothing. Thanatos hoped Aemoh had just turned a corner in the pipe and couldn’t hear him.


Something small and red shot out of the darkness and bounced off Thanatos’ shoulder, leaving an ugly red smear across his coat. Thanatos looked down; there was a bloody dismembered hand floating in the sewage, no fingers or thumbs, just a ruined palm looking like a bony joint of meat. An eyeball shot past his head and bounced off the pipe behind him, followed by half a pelvis that shattered when it connected. A steaming stream of intestines rolled out of the pipe and pooled at his feet.

Something in the pipe began to laugh.

Thanatos bolted along the pipe and up the rusting rungs towards the light, reaching for it with a hyperventilating gasp like a deep sea diver almost out of air…


Aemoh was lynched. He was a Survivor

Night 9 begins now and will end on Sunday

((Scene inspired by the Graham Masterton novel I'm currently reading...yes I'm lazy and uncreative :smalltongue:))

2009-05-29, 05:34 AM
Awesome narration Banjo.

Thanatos 51-50
2009-05-29, 09:01 AM
Thanatos stood limply in the sewer, and shifted his grip on the postol, sodduenly holding it too-tight and snapping it into a Weaver stance as he backed up, sights trained on the black pipe Aemoh had clambered into.

It wasn't going to be a use, but it made him feel better.

It wasn't too long before he felt the cold bite of steel press into his back through his coat. He stashed the pistol away and shot up the ladder, into the night, like the hounds of Hell were on his heels.

He finally returned - not to the dusty old motel room that he called home sometimes, but to his office, and he sat down.
And he dialed Victoria.

"A gentleman waits two days before calling a lady, yes?"

Very well done narration, Banjo! Props!

2009-05-30, 08:18 PM
Oh, how much I wish nobody targets me with a killing action during this black, scary night... :smallsmile:

Dirk Kris
2009-05-31, 09:46 AM
((Banjo - I am creeped out. And it's sunny and bright here. Thank the gods I didn't read this at night.))

Thanatos may be surprised to find he doesn't need to make that phone call after all. Dozing in the hallway in front of his office door is Victoria. Her head is slumped to the side, her back pressed against the wall, knees pulled up to her chest. She doesn't move, and for a long moment, it appears she isn't breathing. But she is - and sleeping for the first time in days.

Victoria hears Thantos' voice and her blue eyes flutter open. She looks up groggily, half-expecting it to be one of the Seven come to do her in. But it isn't, and she smiles wearily. "I thought they were going to hurt you. And you didn't call - I was worried, so I came here and waited for you." She stands and stretches slowly, like a cat. "Next time, forget the code of conduct. I don't need to spend two days worrying about you with stuff like this going on." She nods her head towards an outside window, where puddles of blood are finally beginning to dry.

2009-05-31, 12:33 PM
All actions are in so the night phase is over. However, I won't be updating until tomorrow morning, as I think I ate my creativity for Sunday lunch. :smalltongue:

2009-05-31, 12:44 PM
Alison wandered the dark streets, looking for one of the Seven. Come out come out wherever you are. She sings softly, then giggles.

2009-06-01, 03:04 PM
The Garage had been a much quieter place since Mosh had been killed. Unbeknownst to The Overlords it was about to get a whole lot worse.

Beezer was working on the chain on his hog when Razor called to him from their upstairs bedsit. He sounded sick. Worse than that, he sounded terrified.

“Beez…I found Mosh’s tyre iron…”

Something in the way he said it made Beezer’s hairs prickle on the back of his neck. He scooped up a crowbar from the workbench and rushed upstairs to where Razor was standing, staring slack-jawed into Dent’s bedroom.

“Crap…oh man…”

Razor barely even realised he was there. Beezer shouldered him out of the way, not unkindly, and peered into the gloom.


Razor had indeed found Mosh’s tyre iron; it was buried in the crown of Dent’s head, pretty damn deep judging by the short piece of metal that was still showing. From the look of it she’d never even woke up. Someone had used Dent’s brain matter as ink and the tyre iron as a pencil to write a message across the far wall.

We’re not playing games anymore…

“Well neither am I…this has gone on long enough.”

Beezer stalked out of the room and down into the workshop, grabbing Razor by the arm and pulling him along with him. The repairs would have to wait, this was personal. He mounted up and motioned for Razor to do the same, his face set in grim determination.

“Them kids messed with the wrong people.”

He held the crowbar high like a general leading a cavalry charge, sabre aloft. Razor pulled the bowie knife from his boot and held it tightly in one hand, knuckles white.

“Overlords…we ride!”


Happyturtle was killed by The Seven. She was Dent, one of the Overlords (Masons)

Cookiemonster and Selrahc are at risk of autolynch today

Day 10 begins now and will end on Wednesday

2009-06-01, 03:09 PM
Darnit. :smallfrown:

Anyway. Zar Peter. Notice the lack of bold text.

2009-06-01, 03:47 PM
I still think Thanatos 51-50 can't be trusted.

2009-06-01, 03:56 PM
Thanatos for the lynch.

2009-06-01, 06:31 PM
Let's get DD. He's about to be auto-lynched.

I know, I know. He's busy with school.

2009-06-01, 06:35 PM
I think I'll try something new and not follow Murksa blindly! I'll vote for Thanatos 51-50, or something

Thanatos 51-50
2009-06-02, 12:38 AM
Thanatos gave Victoria a hug.
"I... I just saw a man taken. He went with me into the sewers, and climbed through some piping.
I'm the only one who came back. There's no evidance, anywhere, these people, the things, thye don't leave evidance.
Nobody is safe now. Nobody is sane. Stay safe, Vicky. Stay safe."
Thanatos glanced over his shoulder. He knew it, they were going to get him tonight. The angry mob that infested the town, killing good men without logic or reason.
It wouldn't be long before the news of the Overlords reached his ears and his fear would mount. Angry men emotionally developed as children waving steel pipes and knives is far from the safest thing.
But most of all, he feared that the man who had been slandering his name, Dark Comet, may find enough support with his angry rants to get him bumped off.
"So," he muttered quietly to himself.
"This is fear."

Dirk Kris
2009-06-02, 07:28 AM
Victoria is surprised by the embrace, but quickly returns it. "I'm sorry, Than. I'm really sorry. I...I'm glad you're alright." She hugs him tighter, not caring that the bloody smear on his shirt leaves one on hers as well. "But if they leave no evidence...aren't people going to think it's you again?" What if it is? She frowns, the expression marring her pretty face - it looks unnatural there. She peeks over his shoulder into his office. It's small and dark - not somewhere she'd want to be alone. "I'll stay with you, if you want. For as long as you want me to." She slips her hand into his, small and white. "We don't even have to go outside. There's a pizza place nearby, over by Lex-kat's house, and I'm pretty sure they deliver." She tries to smile reassuringly. Glad I'm not in his shoes right now.

Zar Peter
2009-06-02, 02:26 PM
Hmmm... try something new...

Point at Lex-Kat

2009-06-03, 12:26 AM

2009-06-03, 06:33 AM
9/16 votes in = 24 extension to this Day phase

2009-06-03, 01:26 PM
Interesting point. Lex-Kat for bad lynch ideas.

Thanatos 51-50
2009-06-03, 02:01 PM
Thanatos leads Victoria inside are all for some of that pizza from near Lex-kat's place after asking Vicky what she'd like.

2009-06-03, 02:04 PM
Hm. Meh, don't lynch Lex if you would.

2009-06-03, 02:57 PM
Awww. Where's the love? :smallfrown:

Mrs Banjo
2009-06-04, 04:53 AM
Hm. Meh, don't lynch Lex if you would.

hmm... why? :smallconfused: I vote Murska

2009-06-04, 05:08 AM
hmm... why? :smallconfused: I vote Murska

Remember, there is literally no way that Murska can be a wolf. Voting for him is not a very good idea.

2009-06-04, 06:12 AM
Day over, update will come sometime later today.

Dirk Kris
2009-06-04, 07:46 AM
((Sexy Lexy, I SO did not mean to start a bandwagon. Unless you're a baddie. And then I totally did. :smallbiggrin:))

Vicky shrugs, just glad to not be alone. She takes a look around Than's office - dark, dirty, cluttered. Out of habit, she starts tidying things up, dusting, straightening tumbled stacks of files and books. "Whatever - I'm not picky." She finds that no matter where she goes in the small office, she can smell Than's cologne. It makes her smile - it's comforting.

2009-06-04, 12:17 PM
Lex-Kat looked furtively down the alleyway, then ducked into its protective shadows. She barely had time to turn around before the two hogs rumbled past, a menacing roar in the strange silence that had befallen Baleford since the coming of The Seven. The Overlords were on the prowl again, and this time they really meant business. They were patrolling the streets of the city on those horrific machines of theirs, swinging bike chains and hollering for people to stay indoors. It was like martial law out on the main streets.

“They just like causing trouble. Any excuse to ride those horrible things.”

A deeper shadow behind Lex began to flow and ripple, revealing a small child amongst the rubbish bins, no older than six, curled up and pale as death. It began to whimper. Lex gave a gasp of surprise and almost bolted, but stopped when she saw the distraught child.

“Oh my…what are you doing here? You should be home with your parents.”

The boy remained curled up, but a weak scared little voice just about reached her ears.

“What’s your name? Do you have a home to go to?”

Lex stood over the boy, undecided what to do, then her instincts took over. She scooped the unresisting boy over her shoulder, completely missing the look in his hidden eyes and the glint of metal up his sleep.

“C’mon, lets get you home Jack. Where do you live?”

A deep piercing pain exploded in between her shoulder blades and she felt a steady stream of warmth roll down to the small of her back and soak her blouse almost immediately. Then another one, a slash across the side of her neck, narrowly missing her major arteries. Too late she realised what was happening, and clawed at the child, trying to pull it off or at least get it to drop the knife, but Jack Rothen was stronger in death than any man in life and held one easily with one hand.

“I wonder, how many wounds can you take before you bleed out?”

Lex staggered against the wall of the alleyway as Jack stabbed her in the small of her back, her side, her leg. Her blood soaked the floor below like a spring shower, making it slippy underfoot. She beat at Jack but he easily evaded her swipes, and drew a deep line of pain right across her forehead. Immediately the blood began to flow into her eyes and down her cheeks, blinding her. She slipped on the wet tarmac and went down hard with the boy on top of her. Jack took the opportunity to plant the blade between her ribs in a flurry of half a dozen attacks, faster than anything humanly possible. Lex found herself thinking that even Jackie Chan or Bruce Lee couldn’t move that quickly. It was strange what you thought about when your life was ebbing away, one litre at a time.

In one last bid for life she tried to call out for the bikers, whose engines she could still hear a million miles away on the main road. But Jack Rothen had his tiny pale hands clamped around her throat.

It didn’t take long after that.

Jack Rothen looked down at the body for a long time afterwards, playing with the edge of his knife thoughtfully.

“Impressive. I wouldn’t have thought you’d have so much blood in you.”

Molly came up beside him and grinned. Jack smiled back.

“You get them?”
“Yep, that cookie eating freak DD just ate his last chocolate chip.”


Lex-Kat was lynched. She was a Survivor.
DD the Cookiemonster was autolynched. He was a Survivor.

Night 10 begins now and ends on Saturday.

2009-06-04, 12:25 PM
Hm. Maybe I should offer people lynchtargets after all. Oh well.

2009-06-04, 03:31 PM

2009-06-06, 03:38 PM
No time for actual narrative I'm afraid, I've been at an expo all day and I'm pooped. But all the same:

Night 10 ends


Dragoon was killed by The Seven. He was Razor, on of the Overlords (Masons)

Day 11 begins now and will end on Monday

The following players must vote today to avoid autolynch:

Hap Hazard

2009-06-06, 03:46 PM
They must have gotten the mason list somehow...

Let's lynch Thanatos 51-50 already.

2009-06-06, 03:50 PM
Today, time to lynch Zar Peter.

2009-06-06, 03:51 PM
I would appreciate knowing why, but, if you insist... Zar Peter

2009-06-06, 03:51 PM
Because I find him suspicious. :smalltongue:

2009-06-06, 04:26 PM
Zar Peter.

2009-06-06, 04:29 PM
Well, good luck team good, sorry I didn't help out too much.

2009-06-06, 04:35 PM
*hands a brewsky to fellow Overlord*

Eh, being dead ain't so bad :smalltongue:

Thanatos 51-50
2009-06-06, 04:54 PM
Well, let's try to jump on the not-me bandwagon relativly early.

Zar Peter.

2009-06-06, 05:03 PM
*Takes brewsky* That's true, especially when I can just assume that I died in my sleep. Well until Banjo has me killed in a horrific way. :smalltongue:

Zar Peter
2009-06-06, 05:29 PM
Today, time to lynch Zar Peter.

Oh my god it's bolded.... I hope there are enough people on the innocent list otherwise it's looking bad for us.

Point at Haruki-kun... he wasn't very active lately... maybe trying to lay low...

Dirk Kris
2009-06-07, 08:48 AM
((I have my own suspicions about Zar Peter - if the baner feels the same way, that's enough for me.))

2009-06-07, 10:53 AM
*points at Zar Peter*

2009-06-07, 03:17 PM
Hugo Ollerman doesn't like misspellers, and because its Czar not Zar he hates "Zar" Peter

2009-06-07, 03:28 PM
Hugo Ollerman doesn't like misspellers, and because its Czar not Zar he hates "Zar" Peter

Zar is from Austria, so it's entirely possible that that is how they spell it over there. In the same way that it is more normally spelled Tsar in English.

2009-06-07, 03:52 PM
Selrahc, you fail spelling

Zar Peter
2009-06-07, 04:02 PM
Zar is from Austria, so it's entirely possible that that is how they spell it over there. In the same way that it is more normally spelled Tsar in English.

Zar (http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zar)

Thanks Selrahc!

2009-06-07, 04:18 PM

2009-06-08, 12:31 AM
Eaglewiz. Yep.

Thanatos 51-50
2009-06-08, 02:38 AM
Zar (http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zar)

Thanks Selrahc!

I can't read a single bloody word on that page.

2009-06-08, 05:31 AM
Zar (http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zar)

Thanks Selrahc!

"Curse you wikipedia" Hugo screams

2009-06-08, 07:28 AM
Day over...update, she be coming.

Zar Peter
2009-06-08, 08:28 AM
I can't read a single bloody word on that page.

When you scroll down on the left hand site you can find the english translation. Problem there is that Zar is spelled wrong in english :smalltongue:

2009-06-08, 09:17 AM
Beezer rode the streets alone still seething from the “accident” that had taken Razor. That spiked chain stretched across the road, almost invisible in the eye-level glare of dawn. Barely stopping in time. The realisation that Razor was going to fast to avoid riding straight into it. The sickening crack on impact. Razor’s helmet lying in the gutter a hundred yards away from his stricken body, his friends head still safely inside it. Every minute detail ran through his mind again and again like some horrible nightmare, unwilling to let him go even while he was awake. Underneath his gloves his knuckles were white, he held onto the handlebars like they were the only things anchoring him to reality.

“Damn demons have taken everything away from me.”

A teenager bolted out into the road in front of him, a familiar look of pure terror etched across his stricken face. Beezer vaguely recognised him as Hyozo. A young girl, no more than six years old, ran into the street after him, and the guttering light of day glinted off the edge of a long blade. Hyozo tripped right in front of Beezer’s path, and the girl was upon him, plunging the knife deep between his shoulder blades. She barely seemed to notice the bike tearing towards her.

Beezer gritted his teeth and accelerated up to eighty.

“This is for you guys…every last one of ya.”

Hyozo was unconscious before the bike hit, but Molly just had time to stand up, her eyes widening in shock as the hog bore down on her. She threw the knife at Beezer in a futile attempt to save herself, and it clipped the bikers arm and clattered past. Beezer didn’t even notice. He hit Molly at ninety-five, running over Hyozo’s slumped form like a speed bump and liquidating the spirit’s material body on impact. Blood and gore splattered into Beezer’s eyes, blinding him, and for a moment he almost lost control, his hog pulled violently to the left and threatened to throw him head first into a wall. He had a few seconds of pure terror and adrenaline, then the bike righted itself, and he could finally take his finger off the accelerator. He came to a stop several hundred yards down the road and turned around to survey the scene. There was nothing left but an ugly splash of gore in the middle of the road, and a bloody shred of dress.

“No one messes with The Overlords.”


Zar Peter was lynched. He was one of The Seven
Hyozo was autolynched. He was a Survivor

Night 11 begins now and will end when all actions are in, or Wednesday, whichever comes first

2009-06-08, 09:22 AM
And then there were Two.

Dirk Kris
2009-06-08, 09:25 AM
Anyone have an updated player list? These numbers have got to be close.

2009-06-08, 09:26 AM
Hell yeah Beezer, you show them! :smallcool:

2009-06-08, 11:23 AM
Victory Screech!


2009-06-10, 08:20 AM
Day over, update upcoming.

2009-06-10, 08:33 AM
Night, I assume?

2009-06-10, 12:33 PM
((^Quiet you :smalltongue:))

Baleford was getting dark, and Beezer was running out of fuel and energy. The adrenalin that had fuelled his headlong charge at one of the hateful spirits had finally worn off, leaving him lethargic and heavy limbed. More than anything else he wanted to go home and sleep for a year. But Beezer was a man of honour, and he had something important to do first. He pulled up outside a well-to-do semi detached on the outskirts of town, Razor’s parents place. He would go and pay his respects and give his condolences, and if they weren’t around then he had a letter anyway.

Beezer walked up the slabbed path to the door and rung the buzzer, then knocked on the door when he got no response. He could hear a television on somewhere further in, but another knock elicited no response.

“Huh. Folks mourn in their own way I suppose.”

He took the letter out from the inside pocket of his biker jacket and began to push it through the letterbox.

Something on the other side grabbed hold of his fingers.

Beezer grunted in surprise and tried to pull away, but the grip was like a vice, and a single painful yank pulled the rest of his hand through the letterbox. He grabbed the doorframe with his other hand and braced, but whatever was on the other side of the door was having none of it, and pulled even harder.

“Oh god that hurts! Let me go you crazy bastard!”

Beezer fell to his knees as the thing yanked again, forcing three inches of his arm into the mail slot. He was a big guy, his arms were powerful and well muscled; the mail box was tiny in comparison. Pain exploded all the way up his arm and the flesh and tendons tore from his bones and began to bunch in a roll around the mail slot.

“No! Oh god help me, please…someone help me for chrissakes!”

No one could get there in time. The thing pulled again, forcing Beezers elbow through the gap and shedding his skin and flesh like it was paper. He was beyond pain now, the exposed nerves on his forearm pounded his brain with constant screams of agony, making reasoned though impossible.

“I do so hate junk mail…don’t you?”

It was Ullman, the thing that was maiming his right arm was Dave Ullman. Ullman pulled once more, even harder, and there was a gristly tear and pop. Beezer’s ruined arm disappeared through the letterbox and he tumbled backwards, a fountain of blood gushing from his shoulder blade. He lay on the floor convulsing as his lifeblood pooled around him. His vision started to blur and fade as he took his last few breaths.

“Overlords…over and out…”


Haruki-kun was killed by the Seven. He was Beezer, the last of the Overlords

Day 12 starts now and ends on Friday

The following players must vote today or face autolynch:

Mrs Banjo

2009-06-10, 12:37 PM
...yeah, this screams mason infiltration.

My suspects are EagleWiz and Thanatos. Thanatos for reasons already known, and EagleWiz because his voting record consists of 'Murska', 'TPAM', and 'bandwagon'.

Yes, I am aware that he's usually suspicious, but he's also often a wolf.

2009-06-10, 12:39 PM
Mustiado time. Again, a random hunch. But then, ZP was also a random hunch.

Dirk Kris
2009-06-10, 12:41 PM
((Oh my god - disgusting and creepy. Good job, Banjo.))

Victoria spends the evening resting on the couch in Thanatos' office, blissfully unaware of the deaths in town in the last 24 hours. She wakes and calls her house to check for messages - there is one, from Mustiado, about an overdue library book. She rolls her eyes and stretches slowly as she looks around and starts poking into the files scattered everywhere.

Thanatos 51-50
2009-06-10, 12:46 PM
The PI slept soundly near the sofa, and awoke well after Victoria.
After initially not seeing her, he checks his phone, which flashed incessantly, numerous text messages in his inbox describing the most recent murder of the last Overlord, Beezer.

Thanatos stood up and streatched, tosslnig his mussed hair before belatedly relising he had slept in his clothes. He had a few spare sets in a desk drawer for long nights, and even a shower for that same purpose.
That was when he first saw Victoria that day.
"Mornin' Vicky." he said happily. "How'd you sleep? And would you like to shower first?"
He ghosted over behind his desk, stopping by to give the pretty woman a swift peck on the cheek as he did, and noted that EagleWiz's file was near the top as he went for a spare set of jeans.

Dirk Kris
2009-06-10, 01:44 PM
((Um, Than? She's still there, snooping in your office. :smallbiggrin:))

2009-06-10, 01:50 PM
Hugo Ollermann doesn't like dogs, dogs don't like cats, cats eat birds, an eagle is a bird, Eaglewiz starts with eagle, Hugo Ollerman doesn't like Eaglewiz (and in only 5 degrees). However, Hugo must not let his emotions get over him, so he votes for Thanatos.

Thanatos 51-50
2009-06-10, 02:23 PM
((Um, Than? She's still there, snooping in your office. :smallbiggrin:))

<Will edit after work for better RP cohesion>

2009-06-10, 03:08 PM
Eaglewiz to save my skin.

2009-06-10, 03:09 PM
Crossed my point. For now.

2009-06-10, 05:02 PM
*raises a toast for Overlords*

We keep on riding... forever!

2009-06-10, 06:03 PM
Except, you know, you're dead. :smalltongue:

2009-06-10, 06:07 PM
That didn't stop you :smalltongue:

2009-06-10, 06:42 PM
Ah, Touche. :smallbiggrin:

Mrs Banjo
2009-06-11, 09:22 AM
hmm..EagleWiz :smallconfused:

2009-06-11, 02:27 PM
((Crap... and I was just about to file an away notice....))

2009-06-11, 09:09 PM
Let's not lynch Eaglewiz. Even Thanatos is preferable. :smalleek:

2009-06-11, 09:11 PM

Obviously I can do nothing but screw up.


2009-06-11, 11:17 PM
Um... what? Murska, contact me pl0x. I an desirious of an explanation?

EDIT: DC, you ever think you're too hard on yourself? ?:P

2009-06-11, 11:20 PM
Obviously DC screwed up and has gotten someone we really don't want to lynch as the lynch target.

DC should stop trying, he obviously can't do anything but screw up.

2009-06-12, 05:19 AM
Currently 3 votes each for Thanatos & Eaglewiz, Eaglewiz is currently up for the chop having reached 3 votes first.

7/10 votes in, if that hasn't improved by the time I log off then I guess I'll let the day phase run until Saturday.

2009-06-12, 07:42 AM
Thanatos I guess.

2009-06-12, 10:51 AM
Thanatos. Not me! Yay!

2009-06-12, 01:53 PM
Thanatos pl0x.

2009-06-13, 04:01 AM
That's a sudden swing. Eaglewiz.

2009-06-13, 10:51 AM
Day over. Update imminent.

2009-06-13, 11:18 AM
Jack Rothen pulled the rusting fire door closed behind him and looked around for something to barricade the entry. His reddened eyes were wild and wide, but for once it wasn't in madness; Jack Rothen was terrified for his very existence. He grabbed a length of timber from the collapsed roof and lodged it across the door, then ran down the stairs to try and find something else.

"You've failed me Jack."

Jack Rothen whimpered, actually whimpered. In that moment he looked like the terrified six year old he must have been on that fateful day all those years ago. And now it was going to happen again.

"Thanatos...you think I wasn't going to work it out?"

Jack shook his head violently and groped around the floor for a hook or chain, anything to protect himself from Ullman's wrath. The former janitor had found out about his mortal alter-ego...and his involvement with Victoria. Now he was going to pay for it with every fibre of his very existence.

"What were you gonna do huh? Spare her from her fate? Don't make me laugh."

The fire door boomed once deafeningly, and Jack flattened himself against the far wall of the ruined basement. This wasn't how it was supposed to go.

"I bought you back damnit! We all did! So what if I messed about a little with the mortals? I liked Victoria, that's all...always did."

Behind the door, Ullman started to laugh. Jack's fear was starting to give away to something much more dangerous; pure rage.

"But I never had a chance! A chance for a love, a life...anything! All because you couldn't keep your own damn life together!"

"What gives you the right?!"


Ullman just kept on laughing, mocking Jack...his fate...what he had become....

Jack snapped.

He rushed to the door and ripped it off it's hinges with his pale childs hands, launching the metal structure forward, to enraged to even think.

Ullman wasn't there.

A figure in a black rainslicker dropped silently from the ceiling and landed behind him, baling hook in one rotting hand, a straight razor in the other.

"I killed you once already kid, bad deal for you."

Ullman swept forward, slashing Jack's neck with the razor and plunging the baling hook deep into his eye socket. The child screamed in a cacophony of voices...all of Ullamn's victims screaming as one. It was fortunate the dilapidated school was so shunned; anyone who heard that horrible sound would have welcomed madness as a mercy.

"As you say kid...let's see how much this one bleeds..."

And so the Seven were again slain, the last of them by the one who took their lives all those years ago. The innocence of childhood, had been taken from them, twisted and given back, allowing them to commit such atrocities that any sane mind would simply not be able to quantify. All at the behest of a monster even greater than they...Ullman...

Ullman is the only one left, the lone ghost in the night that torments a town already on it's knees and begging for mercy. It's a race against time...there can only be one winner, and the stakes...are your souls.


Thanatos51-50 was lynched. He was one of The Seven.

Night 12 begins now and ends on Monday

2009-06-13, 11:23 AM
I... Buh... *twitch*

2009-06-13, 11:24 AM
Oh stop with the drama already! :smallannoyed:

2009-06-13, 11:53 AM
One to go. Wanna confess?

EDIT: Showdown time! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvvj8Ht1hZI)

2009-06-13, 02:08 PM
I... Buh... *twitch*

Huh. You and me have been pointing at him the whole game. I was getting fairly sure he was secretly the real baner or something. :smallamused:

Thanatos 51-50
2009-06-13, 09:09 PM
Good game, all.

I knew I should petitioned Dark Comet killed earlier. Knew it.

Fleeing Coward
2009-06-13, 09:28 PM
One to go. Wanna confess?

EDIT: Showdown time! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvvj8Ht1hZI)

I confess, I am the last of the seven :smallbiggrin:

2009-06-13, 09:30 PM
Good game, all.

I knew I should petitioned Dark Comet killed earlier. Knew it.

*ghost curtseys to my murderer* "May I have this dance?" :smallwink:

Thanatos 51-50
2009-06-13, 09:36 PM
*ghost curtseys to my murderer* "May I have this dance?" :smallwink:

ZP was actually the one controlling the kills until he was knocked off, himself. The only kill order I put in was 'ruki-kun.

2009-06-13, 09:38 PM

What sort of dashing swordsman answers a lady's request to dance with meaningless details like that?

Dirk Kris
2009-06-14, 09:14 AM
((...I snuggled with a dead kid...ewwwwwwwww!

Still, I almost managed to save him. :smallwink: Go, pretty blonde girls!))

Victoria stands in the doorway to Thanatos' office. She touches her cheek where he kissed her and shudders. All along - all this time...he was one of them. She sniffles loudly as she finishes pouring the can of gasoline and tosses the empty container into the office. Her eyes burn from the fumes, and the reek is overwhelming. She steps outside, grateful for the absence of bloody rain, and pulls out the pack of complimentary matches that came with the pizza they ordered. He...he fed me. I... Victoria retches, her entire frame shuddering. Bending the thin cardboard back, she pulls one match from the pack and strikes it against the strip on the back. She uses it to light the other, which flare up so brightly she has to squint to see. Only get one shot... Peering through the spots in her vision, she throws it - and hits her mark. With a quiet whoosh, the building goes up, everything of Thanatos' inside. She stands there hugging herself, watching it burn for a few minutes, then turns and heads home. Alone in the streets, she doesn't care much for her own safety. Then again, it's only Ullman left...

2009-06-15, 04:54 AM
Still waiting on a night action. The night will end tomorrow at the latest, come what may.

2009-06-16, 04:04 AM
All actions in, so Night Over. Updating coming, but may take a while...:smalltongue:

2009-06-16, 09:22 AM
Darkness fell over Baleford, bringing a cloudy starless night and the rumblings of a summer storm. Since The Seven had returned the streets had emptied just before sundown, but today the darkness bought a new wave of activity. Young men and women from across the town came together at Baleford Park, knowing instinctively that it was now time. Time to stand up and be counted. Time to go on the offensive.

It was time for the hunt for Ullman to begin.

Baydon Prince, Alex and Carmen Rothen were at the head of the group that set off towards the decrepit remains of Baleford Elementary, armed with a variety of improvised blades, clubs, and Prince’s rosary, gripped tightly in his left hand. As they came close the school almost seemed to loom up above them, a malevolent gargoyle reminding them of things that they were sure had been put behind them…until The Seven came of course.

“Do not falter! We cannot let this abomination prey on us until there is no-one left!”

Baydon’s words steeled faltering resolves, and the ragged group smashed down the boards covering the schools main entrance. It didn’t take long to find the gaping whole that led down to the basement, everyone their knew that corridor like the back of their hand, they’d had more than enough nightmares about it. Heck, even if they didn’t, they could have just followed the laughter. Ullman knew they were coming, and he was looking forward to it. As the Rothen’s stepped cautiously into the cloying darkness of the basement the awful laughter intensified and reverberated until it became the whole world.

“You really think you have a chance…any of you?”

The group peered into the darkness, trying desperately to spot their foe in the blackness, but it was to no avail. It was too dark to see anything.

“Starting to feel a little…claustrophobic?”

There was a shuffling sound in the deep shadows at the back of the room. Alex Rothen started forward cautiously, following the sound.

“Didn’t your parents ever tell you to watch out for things that go bump in the night?!”

A heavy weight dropped onto Alex’s back, knocking the wind out of him and forcing him to the floor with a gasp. He heard a blade being drawn, but he was too winded to do anything. The group of survivors could hear too much, but could see nothing, and the first shoots of panic started to grow. Alex felt the press of cold steel across his throat…

“In the name of all that is holy, let there be light in this desecrated place!”

Baydon Prince strode forward, his rosary gripped grimly in his hand, his face set with a look of cold determination. Around him the air began to glow with a strong white light, then pulsed outwards into the room. Ullman pulled back from Alex’s throat and stood up, trying to shield his red-rimmed eyes from the pure light that surrounded him. Baydon came towards him, the rosary held in front like a tangible shield of faith, driving the spirit back towards the congealed and dead blood pool that The Seven had started what seemed like a decades ago. Carmen took the chance to run to her brother and help him to his feet.

“Begone fiend. You have preyed upon this town enough.”

The light was hurting for sure, but Ullman stood and focussed his dead gaze on each one of the survivors in turn.

“I’m not going anywhere…I’ve been with you the last ten years, and I’ll be with you always. You can hold me off with that little trinket of yours…but you have to sleep sometime. Then…”

Ullman put the razor he was holding up to his own throat and gestured across his jugular, a lopsided smirk on his face. It was a stalemate, and it was clear whose resolve would fail first.

“Sleepy yet? Don’t worry, I can wait.”

Carmen and Alex Rothen looked at the creature that had ruined their childhood, taken their brother from them, and now meant to take their lives as well. Ullman was standing just a few inches away from the dried blood pool that Jack and the others must have used to come into existence, and bring Ullman back. Slowly, an idea began to form. Alex took his sisters hand and whispered to her, like they had done in the very same basement eleven years ago, supporting each other even as the beast smirking in front of them butchered their brother. It was all that had stopped them going insane, and now it might just save their very existences.

“Jack’s here…hey Jack…wanna play?”

No-one else could hear them, but everyone except Ullman noticed the dead pool of blood begin to shudder and glow. Ullman should have seen it too, but overconfidence can blind even the most careful to danger. And Ullman was by no means cautious.

Carmen smiled slightly and added her words to her brothers.

“Jack…Ullman won’t play fair…show him what we do to cheats huh?”

The blood pool glowed an even deeper crimson and Jack’s head appeared at the edge of the pool, then Molly’s, then Ben’s. Despite being covered in gore, at that moment they looked like the innocent children they had been all those years ago.

Jack smiled at his siblings and clamped both hands firmly around Ullman’s ankle, while Ben and Molly grasped the other.

“Hey Ullman! Come play with us.”

Ullman looked down, too late realising he was in trouble. He tried to pull away, but together The Seven were far stronger than he was. Ullman’s eyes widened, and Jack met his gaze and gave him a smile that would have driven most people mad in an instant. Alex and Carmen found themselves copying their dead sibling involuntarily, and for a moment they looked like ghouls.

“Get off me! I’ve killed you twice! Die already!”

With one tug The Seven dragged him off him feet and towards the pool, as inexorable as the tide.

“We’ll never die Ullman…not while people remember us. And what you did, people will remember us for the rest of our lives. What fun we’ll have together!”

The thing that was Ullman began to scream then, slashing at the children with his razor as he sank up to his waist in gore. Baydon Prince, the Rothens and the other survivors came forward as one, bringing the light with them…..

* * *

Shortly after midnight the survivors filed out of the school in ones and two’s, their pale faces and strained features stark in the darkness. They said their farewells in muted tones and filtered back into Baleford, not taking a look back, for fear of what they might see. Baydon and the Rothen’s were the last to leave. They said nothing, but headed towards the church without looking back…

* * *

By the time dawn broke over the town the next morning the old school building had been transformed. Silently during the night, it had collapsed in on itself and was nothing more than a pile of dusty rubble. Nobody spoke of that horrible night in the months following it, no-one had to. They knew, that was enough. Baleford had been under a curse, uttered all those years ago, and only being broken with the sacrifice of so much blood.

But now they are safe again...or are they?


Alex Rothen (Selrahc) was targeted by Ullman (Mustiado), but was saved by Baydon Prince (Murska)

Alex (Selrahc) and Carmen Rothen (Hap Hazard) focussed their powers to kill Mustiado

Mustiado was Dave Ullman the last threat

That’s it folks, Baleford is finally safe! Well done survivors!


Aemoh - Survivor
Billtodamax - The Seven
Darkcomet - Survivor
DD the Cookiemonster - Survivor
Deathslayer7 - Survivor
Dirk Kris - Survivor
Dragoon - Razor (Mason)
Eaglewiz - Survivor
Night Surgeon - Survivor
Fin - The Seven
Fleeing Coward - Danny Wedrenski (Fool)
Hap Hazard - Carmen Rothen (Disruptor)
Happyturtle - Dent (Mason)
Haruki-kun - Beezer (Mason)
Hyozo - Survivor
JontomXire - The Seven
Lamech - Survivor
Lex-Kat - Survivor
Mechafox - The Seven
Mooncalled - Survivor
Mordokai - Mosh (Mason)
Mrs Banjo - Survivor
Murska - Baydon Prince (Baner)
Mustiado The Seven (Alpha)
Onasuma - Survivor
Pondshadow - Survivor
Recaiden - Survivor
Reinholdt - Longing (Hoarder)
Selrahc - Alex Rothen (Disruptor)
Shadowcaller - Survivor
Thanatos5150 - The Seven
Tichrondrius - Survivor
Trixie - Marie Bennett (Seer)
Zar Peter - The Seven

So, opinion on balance and how the game went, all that stuff? I'm going to put up a few of my thoughts in a bit, but it's more important to me what all ya'll thought about things. Hope everyone had fun?

Dirk Kris
2009-06-16, 09:32 AM
Tons of fun! I shivered and winced a few times - hard to make me do that. The narrations were brilliant, the characters fleshed out. They were so REAL! I could SEE them. *shivers again*

Balance was good, I think. I was worried about the good guys for a while, and was certain we were going to lose. But fortunately, we turned it around. Whether it was good networking by the masons or Team Good or whatever, I dunno.

All in all, one of the games I have most looked forward to each day. Bravo, Banjo!


2009-06-16, 09:43 AM
A few thoughts and observations from me on the game:

Game & Role Balance

- Things looked to be fairly balanced I feel, though in the last few days the good guys had the momentum. If the baner hadn't have been as good as confirmed in the first few days things might have been a good deal closer.

- I don't think the wolves ever got hold of the Mason list (they'll correct me if I'm wrong I'm sure :smalltongue:) but they did go on a run of three days where they scried each mason in turn.

- We had no chance to see how the Neutral role Longing worked. A shame, but I guess that's what I get for giving a playa a new role. :smalltongue:

- Apart from the grouped wolves (Mustiado, Zar Peter and Jontom, then Thanatos later), the amount of kill votes and scries I got was disappointing. A wolf autolynch also didn't help the wolves cause.

- I'm not sure whether the Disruptor role was a success, even though they were played well and won the game for the good guys in the end. While their actions hit their targets quite a lot, I think from a players point of view it may be quite frustrating to put in so many actions and not know whather they were doing any good.

- Had no opportunity to see the higher wolf powers at work, mainly down to the Disruptor's actions on Night 4, as shown below.

- Autolynches weren't to bad, and didn't have a huge impact. Yay for participation!

Defining Moment

- I think that the moment that won the game for the good guys came all the way back on Night 4. Each Disruptor disrupted either a wolf that was scrying a fellow wolf or had placed a kill vote on one. This kept the wolves in two groups rather than a group of five, where some of the more powerful abilities could have come into play for them.

Narration and Story Crap/Updating

- I quite enjoyed writing for this, though as usual I had a few off days where the creativity wouldn't come. I don't think I hit proper 'squirmy' horror very often, and I played the blood element too hard, but hey, this is a game not a novel. Either way, I hope I creeped a few of you out at least a little bit, not just Dirky :smalltongue:

- Too many updates were late, and that's my fault. Sorry guys, I'll try and do better for Werewolf Classic. :smallsmile:

Now for the obligatory survey! (Sorry PF, stealing your idea :smalltongue:)

1 - Did you have fun?
2 - What did you think of your role? Did you enjoy it?
3 - How about game balance?
4 - Any suggestions?
5 -Did the narrator(s) do a good job?
6 - Story too dark for you?
7 - Would you play the same game again?
8 - Werewolf Classic as run by Banjo. You signing up?

Dirk Kris
2009-06-16, 10:00 AM
1 - Did you have fun? Um, in a word, yes.
2 - What did you think of your role? Did you enjoy it? standard villager, but I had fun RPing - MORE PEOPLE SHOULD DO THAT!
3 - How about game balance? spot on
4 - Any suggestions? MOAR NAO
5 -Did the narrator(s) do a good job? *applauds*
6 - Story too dark for you? pffft, no
7 - Would you play the same game again? yeppers
8 - Werewolf Classic as run by Banjo. You signing up? is there a thread yet? :smallwink:

2009-06-16, 10:01 AM
- I quite enjoyed writing for this, though as usual I had a few off days where the creativity wouldn't come. I don't think I hit proper 'squirmy' horror very often, and I played the blood element too hard, but hey, this is a game not a novel.

I don't really get scared by fiction, but I would definitely say the narrations were very good quality. A different feel from the humorous narrations you would normally expect in a werewolf game, but that was only to be expected. Well done for them.

- Things looked to be fairly balanced I feel, though in the last few days the good guys had the momentum. If the baner hadn't have been as good as confirmed in the first few days things might have been a good deal closer.

Yeah I'd agree with that. It certainly got a good network going.
I think at the point just before the masons were culled off we had the majority of the players set up and networked.

Being the twin was okay. I'm glad we were doing something with all those missed attempts to find each other!
I'm also glad that the forum hiccup that led to a kill on Mustiado not being sent didn't cause us to the lose the game. That would have been annoying. :smallamused:

And I'm definitely in for werewolf classic.

2009-06-16, 10:23 AM
Boo-yah, perfect last night. :smallbiggrin:

Yeah, I'd say the game was quite balanced, I was very worried about the wolves getting a void before we had downed them under the amount needed and it appears they almost did.

The last twin not contacting me prolonged the game somewhat, but I had enough confirmed people, even after a little communications hiccup with Trixie, that it was just a matter of time once we got the wolves down to low numbers.

1 - Did you have fun?
2 - What did you think of your role? Did you enjoy it?
3 - How about game balance?
4 - Any suggestions?
5 -Did the narrator(s) do a good job?
6 - Story too dark for you?
7 - Would you play the same game again?
8 - Werewolf Classic as run by Banjo. You signing up?

1. Yes. :smallbiggrin:
2. Very much so. This time I avoided the Wolf Voider Death as the baner.
3. It was pretty good. Networking was the most important thing for both teams, as it should be.
4. Hmm... Can't think of any right now. Sorry.
5. Yeah, it was pretty much on time and the narrations were creepy. :smallwink:
6. Naaah.
7. Hm. Same as in identical? I'd play WoD 2, yeah.
8. Yes.

2009-06-16, 12:49 PM
- We had no chance to see how the Neutral role Longing worked. A shame, but I guess that's what I get for giving a playa a new role. :smalltongue:
*throws a brick at Banjo's head*
Not a playa!
At least I had fun reading it.

2009-06-16, 01:09 PM
I'd just like to apologise for my auto-lynch (circumstance permitting) to Banjo and Mechafox, if I'd been around after finding Mechafox perhaps our team stood more of a chance!

2009-06-16, 01:17 PM
1 - Did you have fun? yup.
2 - What did you think of your role? Did you enjoy it? villager is boring to say the least, and I really couldn't RP.
3 - How about game balance? looks good
4 - Any suggestions? awesome job
5 -Did the narrator(s) do a good job? Why wouldn't they? :smallconfused:
6 - Story too dark for you? nope. liked it.
7 - Would you play the same game again? yup.
8 - Werewolf Classic as run by Banjo. You signing up? maybe. depends on how busy i am.

Also for you Murska.

*eats a left shoe with macademia nuts*
*grumbles about the horrible taste* :smallannoyed:

2009-06-16, 01:24 PM
1 - Did you have fun? Very much so.

2 - What did you think of your role? Did you enjoy it? Love, love, love being a mason. :smallsmile:

3 - How about game balance? I never know about these things. 7 wolves seemed like a big job to kill. We got one by sacrificing a mason, and another by autolynch (though Trixie was sure Fin was a wolf, and we would have gotten him anyway.) But I think without the network being formed so early, we would have been doomed.

4 - Any suggestions? No

5 -Did the narrator(s) do a good job? Indeed

6 - Story too dark for you? The darker the better. Though all the narrations were amazing, Jontom's lynch was the best.

7 - Would you play the same game again? Yup

8 - Werewolf Classic as run by Banjo. You signing up? Yup

2009-06-16, 02:16 PM
I'd just like to apologise for my auto-lynch (circumstance permitting) to Banjo and Mechafox, if I'd been around after finding Mechafox perhaps our team stood more of a chance!

In the circumstances I think we'll let it slide, just good to see the Finster back :smallbiggrin:

2009-06-16, 03:45 PM
1 - Did you have fun? No, it was rubbish
2 - What did you think of your role? Did you enjoy it? What is there to think? I was but a humble villager with a redundant item.
3 - How about game balance? Meh, that never bothers me one way or the other
4 - Any suggestions? Back up use for buttons
5 -Did the narrator(s) do a good job? Banjo did a terrible job, Im never playing in another werewolf with him in it, ever.
6 - Story too dark for you? Far too light and fluffy. It needed far more silent hill 2
7 - Would you play the same game again? Never you hear me, never
8 - Werewolf Classic as run by Banjo. You signing up? Not a hope in hell
Yes, that was all downright lieing

2009-06-16, 03:50 PM
1 - Did you have fun?: NO, People first day lynched me on basis that I had screwed up a Xanatos Gambit in Phantom of the Opera, and to be honest that was a real jerk move by those involved.
2 - What did you think of your role? Did you enjoy it? If I had been able to do anything, MAYBE.
3 - How about game balance? Dont know.
4 - Any suggestions? No
5 -Did the narrator(s) do a good job? Better then me.
6 - Story too dark for you? Pssh.
7 - Would you play the same game again? Provided I dont get first day lynched for a crappy reason again.
8 - Werewolf Classic as run by Banjo. You signing up? Sure.

2009-06-16, 05:57 PM
1 - Did you have fun? Always do.
2 - What did you think of your role? Did you enjoy it? Meh. Basic villager role, what's to say?
3 - How about game balance? Seemed fine to me. I'm not the best judge of balance though.
4 - Any suggestions? None at the moment.
5 -Did the narrator(s) do a good job? Ayup.
6 - Story too dark for you? Not even close.
7 - Would you play the same game again? Ayup.
8 - Werewolf Classic as run by Banjo. You signing up? Ayup :smalltongue:

My only annoyance? I got lynched instead of the horror, for shame! :smalltongue:

2009-06-16, 06:25 PM
its ok. you're always suspicious. :smalltongue:

2009-06-16, 06:26 PM
1 - Did you have fun? Yes. Even when I died.
2 - What did you think of your role? Did you enjoy it? I was just a survivor. And yes, I enjoyed it.

My only regret was that I didn't RP more. :smallfrown:
3 - How about game balance? The balance was perfect, in my opinion.
4 - Any suggestions? Not really.
5 -Did the narrator(s) do a good job? Excellent job. I especially liked the narration where the one Horror went home to his mommy.
6 - Story too dark for you? No. Just right. And I don't even like horror stories. :smallsmile:
7 - Would you play the same game again? No. But I would play the sequel. :smalltongue:
8 - Werewolf Classic as run by Banjo. You signing up? Very likely. I seem to be trapped in a never ending cycle of playing these games.

Sorry Fanboy. :smallfrown:

Fleeing Coward
2009-06-16, 11:27 PM
1 - Did you have fun? Yes.
2 - What did you think of your role? Did you enjoy it? Loved it. Kept my always a fool record intact :smallbiggrin:
3 - How about game balance? Looked fine to me.
4 - Any suggestions? Nope.
5 -Did the narrator(s) do a good job? You always do a great job.
6 - Story too dark for you? Nope.
7 - Would you play the same game again? Definately.
8 - Werewolf Classic as run by Banjo. You signing up? Of course.

2009-06-18, 05:35 AM
2. Yes, it was fun killing all the wolves
3.I think it was balanced
4. no
5.Excellent job in fact
6.Not at all
7.For sure

Thanatos 51-50
2009-06-18, 06:57 AM
Thanatos highly approves of this Werewolf game, and would happily play in a second.
In all serious, I liked the story alot, especially how you tried to make Jack (me) into a sympathetic character at the end. That was pretty cool.

More people should roleplay, it would have been much more fun. Not at all your fault, though.

Shoot me a PM if you start a WW Classic or a WoD II, and consider me ininin.